lifar^ · thodral which...

'T-.«~ t *' I 5 )%J^ 1 i> *' v* * V ^^" fyj < \ \ CM *. A 1 1 uV, •$* 3^ v V^M«* vHiMtlkm •y^T Schools Opening Nsw T«rms MHWOQM crnnmmcirig fall term* of schools and cc41e*je*s—bl$hHghU of the Tsachtr's In- ititute-—spread throughout this issue, %{-• ^<-^»ft.j^^.|^^t-yvM^-^^*^»^^^w^^»ii^V>~^ 1 f& T1t*~Influint{afNeimpaper -&si&- 0/ the Rtxhtttr Dioc** i -»„/> &*£++. W "T_KH_i_»__»ifo_jf_a iflbr '•^HHBflHUHU'l^nlM^HHft- 7t J *d^^»fl^im#Wf ' V(F av^lpi^w^^swflejsijWw^We^a f,M •> a and t> KacUrkw.' Dri^ 10. Bishop Condemns Avarice of Man "No matter in what temple in which you bend your knee, you. can join in prayer to the great God of nations, beseeching that He may stem this tide of slaughter and re- store peace to this troubled world;" This-appeal came from His Ex- cellency, the Most Rev. James E. Kearney, Bishop of Rochester, as he concluded celebration of a Sol- emn Pontifical Mass marking, La- bor Day at Sacred Heart Pro-Ca. thodral which took place "in the shadow "of Europe's Impending tragedy,* Jn. the sermon for the 'occasion, the Rev, Thomas D. O'Conndr. CM, Ph. D of Niagara Univer- sity gave a masterful dissertation on the Church's answer to ques- tions raised in the relationships between capital and labor. The excellent 'turn-out for the Mass drew commendation Bishop Kearney who explained that these services were being held to itanettfy days set astri* by this < ountry as national holidays. When this particular ceremony was planned it was little realized, he said, what an unhappy situation would be developed In this country due to "the awful tragedy which onco again disgraces civilization,'* Neutral Stand Urged The Bishop recalled that Presi- dent Roosevelt has ashed that all remain neutral 'This wo should do." the Bishop said, "but thinking men cannot help giving thought to the awful Situation created by the avarice of ono individual." Assistance for the ordinary citi- zens suffering in ihc war torn lands should be given in the form of prayers. "Let us not ccaso to pray to God that He may soon see j fit to return peace to this troubled. the Bishop Implored THE LIST OF APPOINTMENTS OF HIS EXCELLENCY. MSHOP KEARNEY. F6* THEMOMTH OF SEPTEMBER. irASFOXXOWS: (Tims Listed is Daylight Soring Tim*) 7 Thujriday--6ut Ladr oi Meercy High. School—Low Maw— 9'OO.rVM. .'•- . Opening Campaign Dinner—Blackfriaxa' Guild—1:30 P.M. 10 Sunday—St. Barnard's Seminary—Ordinations—1:00 JLM. , Pro-Cathsrdial—Tesnth Anniversary Serrics. Nocturnal Adoration Sod«ty-7;45 P.M. trom l11 Monday-Aquinai bartltut*—Low M a s s - 9 i 0 0 A.M. Fr. Curran Asks For Crusaders lifar^ That E SUPREME PONTIFF BROADCASTS PLEA FOR PEACE world.' The human suffering caused by the modern strike tfns deplored by Father O'Connor strike to wnr. with all that goes with it, economic waste, spies, mu- nitions, tear gaa. misrepresenta- tions, propaganda, bitterness, and In tome instances, wounds that never heal. "When wo neglect our theology we come to ruin in our economics." nald tho speaker "Wo have dust- bowls and destitution, bad-housing nnd bawdl.ness, unemployment and explo>ui i because we havo for 12 Tuesday—Nasottth Academy—Low Mass—S;00 A.M. Holy Family Chuxch-r-Sodallty Reception—7:45 PJM. 13 WvdaMday—Naiarcth Coll •«•—Low Maw—$i00 A.M. 14 Thursday—Academy of the Sacred Heart—Low Ma*»—a.30 "]_jA,M. •» Columbus . Civic Ctntrs—Cat«chi»U' Mitttng—10i30 A»M» 15 Fridar-^St, Pertrick'g <3huich—Low Man to* St. Andrews .j» Seminary Students—1:30 AJM. Atjulno* IniHtuJs—AddrsM, Tsachwi' ln»titut»>—3i00 VM IS Sorturday-Coaaip Stslla Maxi«—Low Mais—St. Maraertt Maxr't LarnMtt'i Rstrtat—1:00 A-M. 17 Sunday—St. Mary'i Church. UntjUotu H. Y^—Sllvtr Jubll*» SKmoBrillsOO AJM, 19 Tuttday—Holy Family Church. Auburn—Low Mast for Auburn Catholic High School Stud«nl»-l:O0 AJM. 20. Wcdnssday—St. Patrick's Church. Ebnlra—Low Mast lor Hmira Catholic Hiah. School Shidtnts—1:00 AJM. 2L Tnursday—St. Slephsn'i Church, G*u«ra—Low Mast lot D t S a l t i Institute Srud«nt»—SjOO AJM. , " (Tims LUled Below is Standard Tims) 24 Sunday—Holy S#puIcEr« C«m«l*ry—Blttting oi lh» Gram who likened the! —3:30 P.M. . « 25 Monday—SS. P«ler & Paul's School Efanlra—Elmira-Cornina Otansry Conftrenc*—4:00 PJM. Si. Charlss Borromto, Ebnira HvSghlt—Church Sstvict . —7i30PJM. 26 Tuatday—St. Francis Sals*' Rtctory, Gsntvtt-*-Gsntva Dtancry Coni««ncs—li30 PJM. Holy Family Rtctory, Auburn—Auburn Dtantry Con- fsx«nci—4i00 PJ1 St. lohn's Church, Port Byion—Confirmation—7:30 PJM. more important than the studj of „ ^ . c f—**'•* *«.«.. materials "In All Thlnps Charity' "In a land of opportunity, wo i know that today there are millions j of unemployed who seek as they I will cannot find steady and secure) work. In a land of plena' there .is. want and hunger. Outside <4**t Catholic Church on many problems | " that confront mankind there Is a j divided opinion. j "Within the Catholic Church j there is the same stand that St. i Augustine held 1,600 years ago. To j a acr'.il that bad problems greater { than we face, the learned Bishop, of the Fifth Century said: 'In the essential things, wo have unity, in I ' 28 Thundery—Annual Dinner, St Thomas Mens Club—7:00 P.M. By ardtr oi the Most Rtr. Bishop. Lawrsnca B Cai«y. Vlc«-Chanc«llor. Britain 9 s Priests, Nuns Lead Children To Safety ]NW TtORK.~ TIntltr *h« aus- pices of th» IhUrnstlenal Catholic Truth 8Sci«ty * nstiowWd* AKTT- WAR CJiUSADB h u l n i n launch- ed by ttia Jtev. Edward Lod»« Currjui, Ph. D. ' Anil-War M»J» Meetings are belni projected in several Urge cititi throughout the United States. A special pamphlet entitled ANTI- WAR CRUSADE hss be»n written by Doctor Curraiu Tht followlnr program has been drawn up. for mccepUnce by «01 ANTI-rWAIt CRUSADKRS, Antt-War CruwWj. ITeiraiit . WHAT* YOU CAN r>6 TO -KSBP THK UNITED STATES OUT OF WAft," i 1. Jolrt TODAY the ANTI-WAR CRUSADERS sponsored- by the International Catholic Truth Society, 407 Bergen Street, Brook- lyn, Neiv York. 2. Preach constantly to cvory- one the folly or our participation in the last* World Vyar and the flecHsttx of keeping out of any other. * i 5. Take tlio yuutli in' . *our homos on * vlilt'to som'Vctcr- tui> Hospital. Let them aeo the wrecks which, the tint World War, and every war, makes out of human bodies. ." * . 4. Write a letter to your Con- greisman and t o both, your United JStatei Senator* request-- ing that thtlr vote be c u t now and always against participation by the United States In any World War; • •;" 6. Pray 'every morning; '*hd night that our government will keep the United States out of war. ' t. Contribute. If you ein.* to the fund of the ANTTAVAR CRU- ^., «jtrn;ftg fi) r thr- frtt 4lTtTl l >tir'"' IPs Won of Anti-War literature and LH for the holding of Anti-War Mass 'Meetings. 7. Buy and distribute copies of ths ANTI-WAR CRUSAD* pam- phlet everywhere. {.Boycott say newspaper whoie. edltorls! policy or whose Columnists advocsae America's entrance Into foreign warfare, Boycott similar motion picture Snd radio propagsuida. 9. Demand of Congress that a national plebiscite to be held be- fore any declaration of war be mad* final. v - #JSe*»«ln touch with the Di- rectVor the ANTT.WAR CRU- SADERS, the Rev. Kdwaird Lodge Curran, Ph. D., for notices -about Mass Meeting* and future activi- ties. According to a statement Issued by Doctor Curran It is hoped that millions of his AWtt-WAR CRU- SADE pamphlets will be dUtrlb- uted within the next several wetXa. Catholic Wo^ By GEORGE BARNARD Doctor Curran also Ropes to re> ceive millions 'of AnUiWar Cru- saders, whose names will be pre- sented to both trte President and Congrss of the United States. "Unless we do aomethlnr con- crete." explained EJoctor Curran, I A „ , , .,- fc ... LONDON-(N. C.)—Thousands of Catholic children in! to u rt ttiS^hTve^S^'lereat Britain.were among the millions evacuated to non- Father o'Codnor recalled the En- danger zones in all parts of the country, n '-*-*- "• "-*• 'Continued on 4.» Page 3* With them went their Catholic teachers, priests and nuns. Monday night His Eminence Arthur Cardinal Hinsley, Archbishop of WestmiH' cyclical issued by Pope Leo XTH almost 50 years ago in which the heaied P °£Z l ^ e T u T by | 8 ^. ahnoonced that all those engaged in the evacuation plan, » return to christian nfc and .children and adults, need not abstain. Christian Institution,' " Children at one London Catholic Progress along these lines sum- school were off to the country at ulated by tho BishopV Committee ,5 30 A. M. Friday morning. Their In the "DSited States were cited by tho speaker. , 'Continued on Page Eight) Ten Million Heir Priest's Poem 'Sung* destinations win not be mldY known' to parents until some days later. « Westminster catnedral is being kept open day snd night. Air raid precautions have been taken snd diocesan archives have been stored away for safety. It is believed that the cathedral may be closed, although it is un- derstood that It would remain open_ j unless a general closing down order., 100. were given by the civil authorities. [ CHICAGO Ten million listen- ers to the "National Farm and Home Hour.'' broadcast over stations, last Friday heard .the JBishops are arratfg£ng for ti*e dl« .,„Jingiag,,.0f ,"Oui^ ^ifttoa^^fA>XX^U tf -4fe Ht 4 a ^ 0 f s -^ 1<>e Mv»lnitii.and ,gss. * written by the Rev^ Francis C''—'- * a-..---' Young, ipbe^priest of Chicago. Office, There Is also a special-badge f a r pn>»t«. Pallsti Churches Crowded London Poles crowded their C&urch of Our Lady ef Cxesto- cirowa and St C&simlr here when their Polish rector spoke, to them at Mass after returning from a visit to the homeland. He is the Rev. LadislsTii Stanlszewski and many of the cBrisrregatibn were In teats as he told- them how their 'Continued on Page 2> Socialists Assail Russian-Ctrman Pact jwartsW'" "JWI^'.JrHW.i* tk«' werMt'i* e# war »«»; :->.-*^p'-iisjjf-* th«ssarA*l Prtdesvsstari v ' •IsaiiHssQiillr, MMMJII the till: 1 sTl IMS I W-Ost -QMenktMMtt'. * Msiisssn' %lMsilf- wstelsTiw'tsT^siicttClsy; Jk inlcreytfcsne wa» areurtt tl» we* «eek ef Hfct—,., hlm.te make ale htaterle teds* assffat U the werM f»rH»e . Saver*If* Pontiff was- «ia*) at Ih* iisno •< tlie trtnieeit A# .. Pins *pt*s^~ae«|ik>ceiie«iei». «f sAe gravHy sf t»>e ii»a>ia* >*e4 , MM ^u«k' sssssnkssMsssssHk 'if wiy'Ml#' (SUndbHc in kM* er«WM»U«eei la l*e WeT^" Wetter «• OaTroil sf rt»»»««i», w*» fc'jigt,^ ***** te Sc Papal Sscretary «f State JTattsar Carrell |« a a*p*>ew H 'T***** M.mMtmOm^M Wilt use;), -wsTr--<|Sje» ii <!s»-*|?*^ , .' , ilr,^'r»*'--^4. -**>*^ " TO GET BUS sam i Home-fce-icliool, an4 .dehtaj els- penskry %us service for Catholic school pupils wilf start next walk It Is" annotinced today at Ihe.C*^ olle Educ*tloh OfffW, , ' The Catholhs Education Office Is working with the Qity Board at Education thli week trying to work,out the traftsjiprUUon needs of Csthollc children living remoU- Extension of the Board of Edu- cation's bus service facllitlu to Catholic Schools in aficordknee with a new state taw. was voted by the Board, last Friday* ' « The extension "to parish school children will be on a plan of "ihar- act than ? i exp«.n*dihg," S«' Ing" rathet , perlntendent of Schools Ji<tri«> M. announced last ftlJa/ NEW YORK.-By the pact re- cently signed by Soviet Russia and Nail Germany, democracy and •so- cialism are-"betrayed in the home of. their self-styled frlihdi." it Is t»Um«nt-4s»u»d *y-U»e-8oa«l^s experience In 1W7-1M, the national executive committee of the Socialist Party. The statement denounced the pacts as "In fact an economic pledga to aid aggreasioh." Attack- ing the Communist Party, it said; "The same Commuxxlst Party that demands in the capitalist United States a government boycott on all trade With Germany supports ac- tive aid by the government of the UJS^Jrt, which ha* absolute con- trol of trade, to Germany." Spinning night The resolution calling" for the continuance of school bus service incurring the legal necessity of sharing it with parish schools.WSJ introduced by Commissioner John E. Keenaa ef.the Boa'rd of Educa- Uori. » , \ *- Superintendent . Spinning «x» plained Friday that the beard would resume the-system used in 19ST-U3S. when, under Iegislstlon; later voided; public" schSole trere required to transport jjlrftb eehools "At that time'the Board extended "bus service to 111 normal children-Judged to live at "haiard- ous" dlstancei from tbeir schooli' and a few handicapped children. ' AccordlKg to eStlmstes based on l-riAww.'if InstituteQnB^fml&r 1$ W'M®, at Amiujls Imitli Pritst Ptays -Mafiini" Shrina '**"TT ¥*itiw M #,-mtt*frwiwwffl&' *iegS&i^- m Mm ^ Hhe of Uiemwo?l|lnM«»».tofritityt! -.•••. — . - . . •-- —this .ratherjunusual spectacle,Was iseSri-lrtttht.iludI«»* ; «t iW •&** mm'CdtapitifMPjfagiii,' '-ivi't.ji , trftprieats wer#I invited-isite the atwelo by a j e o i preJueer »>h». U ft Is now believed that sharing «f the bus s*tvlc« willprobsbly mean that about 125 public school ptfplll normally traaiporled fit Board of' Education b'uaes must now seek some other 'means of getting to: echool. The - saperlntehdent skid the Board's prei^ht fleet of seven buses will not be enlarged. One hus. retired because it was con* aidered beyond repair. Will be re< placed by a rented vehicle. s>rsp»rint; a screen versleri ef a novel glorifying the Image ef per Ead? at Svata Hera (Heir Meila- tal'nl. The picture, sntltled «Q«NM of the Silver MeunUlne," will eri- aeflt a vivid picture at the Csechs' iseloved Jtarikn pugTimage eentir.. The producers needed some cleee'-' «ps it ajrlest welcoming a ero#d at newly arrived pUgrlma This •cene WM shot In the Pregue atudla where a real Redestipterlet from the Holy Mountain, >"«ther Koinsr. a priacher known thou, •anils of Cxech ,pilgrlm# f 'delivered tid^een.'eertnein. *>r3flfe: picture vrilj be ready IhU fall,' ths first showing will Uk* placs Ih the pllgrlmege tenter It- »elf. " * rather •Kosrutr':Wee aeeompktiled fcyc^ other members of the Orate*'" '-!l ! * t r>*j—> +~* ' ' Biihop SK.if Now Viiitinf In Roma VAiaCAN CTTY. - The Most Rev. Bernard J. Shell, Auxiliary Blihbp of Chicago, was received In SMidlence by Hfs Holiness Pope J?lii» XII *t CaeUI Csndolfo, Bkt- tzrday. "Our Nation's Prater" was, masks for priests. Pilgrimages Postponed Weekly Round-up of 5 roiiT3«f^oilew^^ broadcast In an eHort to bcrsuade \ "TlHBWltotit tbe e6 ™i7 ¥ .. ^ I CHtJRCiH BUILDEVG HALTED to the Church's progrress and today the program's listeners to lift their M vt > ««r. ipttial pi»;tfs »»l|. •'-.»- .-* „. services with Benediction a n d Ex- voices heavenward in a mass pray- er for peace throughout the world. Walter Biattfuss, music composer and NBC director Of the "National Farm amd Home Hour."" recently composed the musical score for Father Young's verse and Friday's broadcast marked its first per- formance. LONDON-Wortt has been held Religiouf Film Croup Plans First Production LOS ANGELES. -- "The Great Commandment," first production nf the newly organized Cathedral Films, which h/us for Its announced purpose the making* and distribu- tion of films of a religious and moral character has been complet- ed and is being made ready for public presentation. i The picture, made at the Seixnick ! __ _____ Studios, Is from an original scre«n-i-j_' <! _ ji "'," e "__ t _ ll __jy ^| position of the Blesaed Skcrament.^ Among pilgrimage* to places' 1 ttbebad which have been cancelled or postponed is Hi Young Chrli- tlan Workers' pilgrimage to Rome, where working youth of 40 coun- tries were to have gathered. Amer- ican and Canadian delegations had already reached Europe. Readers of the Universe, London Catholic papfr, subscribed $12,«X) to Augment the English delegation. The Y. C. "W; general president here, Harry TWfte, states that the pilgrims wilif gS't>. Rome When It Is possible. v 'NO Jttew patients arc being ac* cepted at Cathcllc hospital*. Alt patients except those too seriouiljr ill' has* bean. - sytea «ted. hospital there are only now feur patients. Among; those who have left is Abbot Sir David Hunter Blair. O.S-B- aged &$. w h o had H e Is now in .play-by Dana Burnett and was!Scotland orrgfnally titled "*ho Cood" Samar- I ^ ^ (or athoHcs. to "wear in -JlMiA It gas prodncerl under the i ^j, trta p jm^rtlralsr+r for ms KH6' direction, of John T, Coyle. . gSs g,,,),,, bave been sold at the ' " *'* ! ! rate of 5.000 a dsy. They are rub- ber badges and pin brooch badges with the letters R. C^ en them and the words: "in ease of injusy call a Catholic priest'' Tfhey were de- signed during the September crisis of last year by the Rev. rather An- thony. OM.9C, ef KrHh, Ksrft, and are being aekteo a istw-preot «*»U. They are appsvrtd both by Cirol- nal Hlnsky aM th«' air ,iikt pf»- cautieos departmenT M m\ Hmt. iip on the new Church of Oar Ledy o f Lourdea, Lee, London, owftig to the Brltlsn Government's urgent heed of building materials for mi- litia camps and airdromes. In one instance brlclcs for the new church had already been load- ed on trucks. When * last-minute order detailed them to be dis- patched to government building sites. JUDl'IACE SPAtN-S BASILICA SAUAGOSSA, Spain.-The Mayor of this city has announced that In the near future he will send plans and estimates for the'construction of two towers on the Basilica ot Oiar Lady of the Pilar.toiStm iSta}- jtt. one [ edad Alonao T)rlsdel», of Argentina, h a s u'ndertaJcen the collection of S,- OOQOOO pes*tas to pay for the work. The eeW towers' will replace: those destroyed In "Loyaust" air raids on SaragoMa. Archbishop Beritarclihi On Visit To Vatican VATKlAN tXti^OU Excelleh^ cy the lleitt Rev. Klippo Bernar- dlnl, Papal Nuncio t* Switserland and formerly a professor at the Catholic University of America. Washington, 0. C. has arrived fit "TOMte for a sommsr holiday visit CATHOLIC CHIJEF DIKS CAPfcl'ltlWN, South Africa. N'athankcl Grigg1th Lerothodi, Par- amount Chief of BasUtoland. who. h a s died at Maseru, Ms capital, at the age «f «, was a fcrrent Cath- olic He was the most powerful native ruler In Southern'Africa.,bt- ing; lord of SM/WO subjects. The chief' was M eenvert te Ca- thondssa, bavieg been , rtielved into tee . Choreh by the Oblat* rather* Whe have tharge «C the miseisaa ia htt territery. H i s e*- anspls gave a tresnendewi isnptte* more than a third of the total 'J ' n^mbef , of schools in the territory are Catholic GIFT TO SPAIN MADRID.—The fsunous Peruvian writer, Felipe Sasolte, has present- ed to His Eminence Pedro Cardi- nal Segura y Seen*. Archbishop of Senille, a golden momtranee dec- orated With precious stones, the gift to Spain from Che Archbishop of Lima, ' The Central Excavation Commis- sion has announced that a statue of the Emperor Trajan has. been found In a well where it was thrown by a CorirHxhriist-m»V in the village of Capllla of Bstrema- dors. IH-SU1JE TO-GBIMAGE LONDoK^An Jl-year-old girl, Margaret Stoke», daughter of a; Catholic Evidence Gaild official in Leicester, walked on foot from Leicester to the S&rine at Our . Lady of Walslngh»m, famous pil- ;g«m«ge cciitef In Norfolk, a dis- tance of about 100 mile*. The jour- ney took five days; Margaret was accompanied by as older oompinion, M!« Frances: Astill. who belongs to the same Catholic Evidence Guild branch as Margaret's father. The girls re- tutraejl home by train. '' : -{ipso AMASWATIONII ' CAJtfAG*tNA.~A Jargt erewd memorial service here sary of the assassihatioh, by « Communist mfeb, ,of the.officers and officials of Spanish vessels in the harbor at the outbreak of the Spanish'civil War.* ? Many of the officers were .thrown overboard, alive, with their hands tied and weights fastened to their feet General Lombarde, Admiral Agaclno, In command of the Csir- tgena, Naval Department,, the ««a- eral. Command«r»e*f Destroyers, the head of the local branch of the Spanish *EradlJional Priaian* and ail the civil- and military authori- ties of Cartagena attended the service as did the families of the slain officers. TWO CATHOLIC GOVICRNOItS MADRASt^Onprscedented in the annals of Oi'ltUli admliiisiiaUun In Indfs, two English Catholics have been appointed to be at the hc*d oi Provinc4sl Administration in India.' -'.-* -. ••'"•• Capt Arthur jfamee ^Jope* Mife ha* been ipelected Jfor Madras' to, succeed Lord Brakine as Goverhefe- J9Ce is lo ssaume charge of his duT| ties In Novembert Lieut*- Coli. John Merbert hsis.. been nominated succeed Sir John Anderson as Ctay>- ernor of Bengal. -- •. • • - • •-•• HONOR *BMPBBANCE LEADEK LONDON. - England'* Catholie spsetle of temperance, the , R«v. irrancls Hays, pastor" of. -aeiewii, Nottle^asBihlvj, has been hooerea by tbe^ateahewu rrieodiy Thrift Society, the- larrest of Its trlnd in ta sesameanerau the Ulrd aeualver- the British ImeIre.' who are new offering * Father Hays Trnpny to be awaftled annually for temptr- ance knowledge snd work. Father Hays has devoted the past Su year* of his life to temptt- an« and social work in which cause he has twice preached, his way. around the world Hhe was first inspired by the Iste Cardinal Manning, famed Archbishop of • Westminster, when he was a youth of 20 and he Is now one of that CSardlnai's last co-worker* for tem- perance still living. "WAK MEMORIAL* LONDOP?^-De*crtblng It *« hi* "war memorial," Itonald Hughe* UaVard, 2*-ysar-oId Territorial sol- dier! has painted in oils a H feet by 1 feet pfetur* "ef 'he Madonna —" fUlBtr ajid.ChUd apft«»fln* 111 a over a modern battlefield/ IWIed Our Lady of Feece, it now hangs in the new Church at LUn- eny.'Wple*. < nECOVKK LOOT 1 BAftCBiiONA -A -tcrfn of H freight, ^carx, leaded- with SpanUh jtat treasure* sent abrpkd" h y the ;tx»yalists" Government and «eov> s**d by the HafiWkllets, has reached; this dtyirom the *ron|l«r. ••'•• wm*rv**r*xtf„ * . ,WmttiM r Jr\» -Meet JsWrJ,*' 'JM'^_WMM «*««• M ~ asib-AUaata, **••* vjeJt _ gain's foteiga Mis*U», mar, 'HiAMwt'. im L ,<*• teachers H r ^.-4mm.JtMt:m asms!* "*•*•, * * #^4/»«Wr*S'» Uleijit!* ut»^if.t*4_<»ire«ieet. *IJM »«>«rlntsii4»nt efe sWbeeK t** *«! e*n]»ha|U dn the specfsl Th0)Uv. frsncMi ;X. ere ori Rswllng and UUrttarsk Al dlr«l^,.s«:tiie;ys. Jr^Ue. «eeet- CJeii, rather Dowasy> aa aether- ity ok lieera^W »W T eiWf*»,«rtir. ewrtentary a^fcts* ii«^Ti|!vel MW. Msjssiseei " Uen Depetrtrsent *t the streeia Tir> Wreutests and Wealth CeeassikJee. will address the eremefttary saheei teeehers set "BettertfeaHhr* ; :Mrjh femUttff has b*f R s#ttf« jidMei health actintles far K***> leer of years, a|4 was tsj«ijp_u| •eate. ' * * * * ) . fc (ji».JU' •Mm. -r^sj|f PIMPffkr« kit «*p«e that H ts^feMsi:.* UM AfflseaWee weie*esjsB ereeuiag, £ l^ssM KMsela ts Lee* T*e tttt*eal6'taVfetttl ft«rM i* jmm^mm^ the cem»UtU»-lrhIoh"'s?ewJs*lae Hssltk ayllkbue for the tMUwUe •obeeis *t the AreMleeeee set New Tfrk, * w This Jlyllekus le new l a kse. Catholbt a^Mcts* H Xearea CSeenf ty, throng*'the eonrueyet titer T»< berculeeis and Means Aeeeceatiee • f Roeheattr en* Mearee' Qeunty, and used as a wppleieMnrterjr «»|d«._ . , Pr, Wartsn g. flndiey 1 , AsetoUrH Dirictor of the Eivfilon elEJUfflF inatlon* and Testing »f ,th« Jttkte Kducellon Department, will open the High School program with an explanation of the plan oi the State Departinant In Improving wading in ih* secondary school. I'ather Downsy will also -dfeeuu posiibllltiee of Uitsrkture on this level before the group The pre* gram w i n . ajM include seetYonal meitlngs en *, Aigefcre,, **la)l«n, Frsbch, fiu»Ine»* t -»eten«e, Hiete;y and UOn. * •*• < - Mint M a r y l , qley 1 _a teaehee^oX experience in ihTllechesteF^ibTic SchsaUp Witt be guekt speaker at e-SnglieKHMetlriHU-nieet, '• Mr, Harry Borreer.of the Orsgg Publishing Company, wilt talk W die Business teachers Ott "Oaldanee and Personality Training'tn Busi- ness EducatJon." Mr. Bowser i s a* authority oh MlesnUMuhlp and re- tailing, having"- introduced the course In msny eehoefr throuaheut New rotk, Pennsylvania sued Me* Jersey. - - . * - , > The elementary, school, seventh arid eighth f gr*4e _ teachers; '.will hear the K«v, »r« Walter J, KeH at the-Science .Dfsartrrlent «f 8t Andrew's S«min«ryi dtseuss the new general Science Syllabtia, Jfcw trends in arltbi?elie 'wilt "be-ssl. forth by Jfc4 l ftev^**hn M f ,Dsif|i« while the Rev. <i!a,r)es J- Ma-- honey will ttkil Temedlkl wesrk, la reading, Suiter Frames Terlisa. ef MsskfiUi Aeetlirty will i w V a tkllt o n "Crtatiiig an IntsrestHt s**e*ry* t o thl'istfthery^lrroup, ' -jperiesr the day .laeee. wsn *• h roeelsfsMejsJktYoc.the etaseeestary « a"'/,! IB l».y^jj Force* TAtde*( , tHJssst iMMfettstt **eWt «rs tU# r A prtfe jglVf Benedttetien #f ihe ajfeefb*., s«d Secratneittv, ' •• . -'»* Ths priesu ef the dlaswe,,,**' Iigieue anel Uf tacuities,jw* swlsee^ nurses wit bete'attettjen'ee.t'.- > - - ------ > ,.w «r^5(SS»,. dismlsseX iatSees*. that His " MCagtieeja, u * questloiied In* the fssct* L. er Court a-M-'te* dealsdthe ivWet,-*: prams Cettrt hew i ' and the ease MelsM Xt Is irsbereeiliuf j ciple err Wftkfc 9m hmmii its is that tike Mate iifkiet' pesnkl tJM f^t<snl qesMgieaUka %Mr»lms*il divisa ejsjs} 1. , ha the nfttararj wWt it* eevel .Hee'reeewttlasil JsteUn. T M t w i t «*-i>rr-y-- ;yx~. ewiengs t* Mi ._„ cisareittr and is Its tw^th* j*tlgfo«s ««kira " "orifWif te thr- - ' mamue u JtsAHMsl foli$'$?p(fa^$*&-.i#*''' . ^im^M*^f^^ •m rJy '^B SMtssaasier' Ml' '< « %rj:\j

Transcript of lifar^ · thodral which...

Page 1: lifar^ · thodral which took place "in the shadow "of Europe's Impending tragedy,* Jn. the sermon for the

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Schools Opening Nsw T«rms MHWOQM crnnmmcirig fall term* of schools

and cc41e*je*s—bl$hHghU of the Tsachtr's In-ititute-—spread throughout this issue,





0/ the Rtxhtttr Dioc** i -»„/> &*£++.


"T_KH_i_»__»ifo_jf_a iflbr '•^HHBflHUHU'l^nlM^HHft- 7 t J * d ^ ^ » f l ^ i m # W f ' V(F av^lpi^w^^swflejsijWw^We^a f,M •>

a and t> KacUrkw.' Dri^ 10.

Bishop Condemns Avarice of Man

"No matter in what temple in which you bend your knee, you. can join in prayer to the great God of nations, beseeching that He may stem this tide of slaughter and re­store peace to this troubled world;"

This-appeal came from His Ex­cellency, the Most Rev. James E. Kearney, Bishop of Rochester, as he concluded celebration of a Sol­emn Pontifical Mass marking, La­bor Day at Sacred Heart Pro-Ca. thodral which took place "in the shadow "of Europe's Impending tragedy,*

Jn. the sermon for the 'occasion, the Rev, Thomas D. O'Conndr. CM, Ph. D of Niagara Univer­sity gave a masterful dissertation on the Church's answer to ques­tions raised in the relationships between capital and labor.

The excellent 'turn-out for the Mass drew commendation Bishop Kearney who explained that these services were being held to itanettfy days set astri* by this < ountry as national holidays. When this particular ceremony was planned it was little realized, he said, what an unhappy situation would be developed In this country due to "the awful tragedy which onco again disgraces civilization,'*

Neutral Stand Urged The Bishop recalled that Presi­

dent Roosevelt has ashed that all remain neutral

'This wo should do." the Bishop said, "but thinking men cannot help giving thought to the awful Situation created by the avarice of ono individual."

Assistance for the ordinary citi­zens suffering in ihc war torn lands should be given in the form of prayers. "Let us not ccaso to pray to God that He may soon see j fit to return peace to this troubled.

the Bishop Implored


irASFOXXOWS: (Tims Listed is Daylight Soring Tim*)

7 Thujriday--6ut Ladr oi Meercy High. School—Low Maw— 9'OO.rVM. .'•- .

Opening Campaign Dinner—Blackfriaxa' Guild—1:30 P.M.

10 Sunday—St. Barnard's Seminary— Ordinations—1:00 JLM. , Pro-Cathsrdial—Tesnth Anniversary Serrics. Nocturnal

Adoration Sod«ty-7;45 P.M. troml11 Monday-Aquinai bartltut*—Low Mass-9i00 A.M.

Fr. Curran Asks For Crusaders

lifar^ That


world.' The human suffering caused by

the modern strike tfns deplored by Father O'Connor strike to wnr. with all that goes with it, economic waste, spies, mu­nitions, tear gaa. misrepresenta­tions, propaganda, bitterness, and In tome instances, wounds that never heal.

"When wo neglect our theology we come to ruin in our economics." nald tho speaker "Wo have dust-bowls and destitution, bad-housing nnd bawdl.ness, unemployment and explo>ui i because we havo for

12 Tuesday—Nasottth Academy—Low Mass—S;00 A.M. Holy Family Chuxch-r-Sodallty Reception—7:45 PJM.

13 WvdaMday—Naiarcth Coll •«•—Low Maw—$i00 A.M. 14 Thursday—Academy of the Sacred Heart—Low Ma*»—a.30

"]_jA,M. •» Columbus . Civic Ctntrs—Cat«chi»U' Mitttng—10i30

A»M» 15 Fridar-^St, Pertrick'g <3huich—Low M a n to* St. Andrews .j» Seminary Students—1:30 AJM.

Atjulno* IniHtuJs—AddrsM, Tsachwi' ln»titut»>—3i00 VM

IS Sorturday-Coaaip Stslla Maxi«—Low Mais—St. Maraertt Maxr't LarnMtt'i Rstrtat—1:00 A-M. •

17 Sunday—St. Mary'i Church. UntjUotu H. Y^—Sllvtr Jubll*» SKmoBrillsOO AJM,

19 Tuttday—Holy Family Church. Auburn—Low Mast for Auburn Catholic High School Stud«nl»-l:O0 AJM.

20. Wcdnssday—St. Patrick's Church. Ebnlra—Low Mast lor Hmira Catholic Hiah. School Shidtnts—1:00 AJM.

2L Tnursday—St. Slephsn'i Church, G*u«ra—Low Mast lot DtSalti Institute Srud«nt»—SjOO AJM.

, " (Tims LUled Below i s Standard Tims) 24 Sunday—Holy S#puIcEr« C«m«l*ry—Blttting oi lh» G r a m

who likened the! —3:30 P.M. . « 25 Monday—SS. P«ler & Paul's School Efanlra—Elmira-Cornina

Otansry Conftrenc*—4:00 PJM. Si. Charlss Borromto, Ebnira HvSghlt—Church Sstvict . —7i30PJM.

26 Tuatday—St. Francis d« Sals*' Rtctory, Gsntvtt-*-Gsntva Dtancry Coni««ncs—li30 PJM.

Holy Family Rtctory, Auburn—Auburn Dtantry Con-fsx«nci—4i00 P J 1

St. lohn's Church, Port Byion—Confirmation—7:30 PJM.

more important than the studj of „ ^ . c f — * * ' • * * « . « . . materials "In All Thlnps Charity'

"In a land of opportunity, wo i know that today there are millions j of unemployed who seek as they I will cannot find steady and secure) work. In a land of plena' there

.is. want and hunger. Outside <4**t Catholic Church on many problems |

" that confront mankind there Is a j divided opinion. j

"Within the Catholic Church j there is the same stand that St. i Augustine held 1,600 years ago. To j a acr'.il that bad problems greater { than we face, the learned Bishop, of the Fifth Century said: 'In the essential things, wo have unity, in I

' 28 Thundery—Annual Dinner, S t Thomas Mens Club—7:00 P.M.

By ardtr o i the Most Rtr. Bishop. Lawrsnca B Cai«y.


Britain 9s Priests, Nuns Lead Children To Safety

]NW TtORK.~ TIntltr *h« aus­pices of th» IhUrnstlenal Catholic Truth 8Sci«ty * nstiowWd* AKTT-WAR CJiUSADB h u l n i n launch­ed by ttia Jtev. Edward Lod»« Currjui, Ph . D. ' Anil-War M»J» Meetings are belni projected i n several Urge cititi throughout the United States. A special pamphlet entitled ANTI­WAR CRUSADE h s s be»n written by Doctor Curraiu Tht followlnr program has been drawn up. for mccepUnce by «01 ANTI-rWAIt CRUSADKRS, Antt-War CruwWj. ITeiraiit


1. Jolrt TODAY the ANTI-WAR CRUSADERS sponsored- by the International Catholic T r u t h Society, 407 Bergen Street, Brook­lyn, Neiv York.

2. Preach constantly to cvory-one the folly or our participation in the last* World Vyar and the flecHsttx of keeping out of any other. * i

5. Take tlio yuutli in' . *our homos on * vlilt'to som'Vctcr-tui> Hospital. Let them aeo the wrecks which, the tint World War, and every war, makes out of human bodies. ." *

. 4. Write a letter to your Con-greisman and t o both, your United JStatei Senator* request--ing that thtlr vote be c u t now and always against participation by the United States In any World War; • •;"

6. Pray 'every morning; '*hd night that our government will keep the United States out of war. '

t. Contribute. If you ein.* to the fund of the ANTTAVAR CRU- ^ . , «jtrn;ftg fi)r thr- frtt 4lTtTll>tir'"' I P s Won of Anti-War literature and L H for the holding of Anti-War Mass 'Meetings.

7. Buy and distribute copies of ths ANTI-WAR CRUSAD* pam­phlet everywhere.

{ . B o y c o t t s a y newspaper whoie. edltorls! policy or whose

Columnists advocsae America's entrance Into foreign warfare, Boycott similar motion picture Snd radio propagsuida.

9. Demand of Congress that a national plebiscite to be held be­fore any declaration of war be mad* final. v

- #JSe*»«ln touch with the Di-rectVor the ANTT.WAR CRU­SADERS, the Rev. Kdwaird Lodge Curran, Ph. D., for notices -about Mass Meeting* and future activi­ties. According to a statement Issued

by Doctor Curran It is hoped that millions of his AWtt-WAR CRU-SADE pamphlets will be dUtrlb-uted within the next several wetXa.

Catholic W o ^


Doctor Curran also Ropes to re> ceive millions 'of AnUiWar Cru­saders, whose names will be pre­sented to both trte President and Congrss of the United States.

"Unless we do aomethlnr con­crete." explained EJoctor Curran,


A „ , , .,- „ „fc ... LONDON-(N. C.)—Thousands of Catholic children in! tourt ttiS^hTve^S^'lereat Britain.were among the millions evacuated to non-

Father o'Codnor recalled the En- danger zones in all parts of the country, n'-*-*- "• "-*•

'Continued on 4 . »

Page 3*

With them went their Catholic teachers, priests and nuns. Monday night His Eminence Arthur Cardinal Hinsley, Archbishop of WestmiH'

cyclical issued by Pope Leo XTH almost 50 years ago in which the

heaiedP°£Z l ^ e T u T by | 8 ^ . ahnoonced that all those engaged in the evacuation plan, » return to christian nfc and .children and adults, need not abstain. Christian Institution,' " Children at one London Catholic

Progress along these lines sum- school were off to the country at ulated by tho BishopV Committee ,5 30 A. M. Friday morning. Their In the "DSited States were cited by tho speaker. ,

'Continued on Page Eight)

Ten Million H e i r Priest's Poem 'Sung*

destinations win not be mldY known' to parents until some days later. «

Westminster catnedral is being kept open day snd night. Air raid precautions have been taken snd diocesan archives have been stored away for safety.

It is believed that the cathedral may be closed, although it is un­derstood that It would remain open_

j unless a general closing down order., 100. w e r e given by the civil authorities. [

CHICAGO Ten million listen­ers to the "National Farm and Home Hour.'' broadcast over stations, last Friday heard .the JBishops are arratfg£ng for ti*e dl«

.,„Jingiag,,.0f ,"Oui ifttoa^^fA>XX^Utf-4feHt4a^0fs-^1<>eMv»lnitii.and ,gss. * written by the Rev^ Francis C ' ' — ' - * a-..---'

Young, ipbe^priest of Chicago.

Office, There Is also a special-badge far pn>»t«.

Pallsti Churches Crowded London Poles crowded their

C&urch of Our Lady ef Cxesto-cirowa and St C&simlr here when their Polish rector spoke, to them at Mass after returning from a visit to the homeland. He is the Rev. LadislsTii Stanlszewski and many of the cBrisrregatibn were In teats as he told- them how their

'Continued on Page 2>

Socialists Assail Russian-Ctrman Pact

jwartsW'" "JWI '.JrHW.i* tk«' werMt'i* e# war »«»; :->.-*^p'-iisjjf-* th«ssarA*l Prtdesvsstari

v ' •IsaiiHssQiillr, MMMJII the t i l l :

1 sTl IMS I W-Ost -QMenktMMtt'. *

Msiisssn' %lMsilf-


Jk inlcreytfcsne wa» areurtt l» tl» w e * «eek ef Hfct—,., hlm.te make ale htaterle teds* assffat U the werM f»rH»e . Saver*If* Pontiff was- «ia*) at Ih* iisno •< tlie tr tniee i t A# .. Pins *pt*s^~ae«|ik>ceiie«iei». «f sAe gravHy sf t»>e ii»a>ia* >*e4

,MM ^u«k' sssssnkssMsssssHk 'if wiy'Ml#' (SUndbHc in kM* er«WM»U«eei l a l*e WeT " Wetter «• OaTroil sf rt»»»««i», w*» fc'jigt,^ ***** te S c Papal Sscretary «f State JTattsar Carrell |« a a*p*>ew H 'T***** M.mMtmOm^M Wilt use;),

-wsTr--<|Sje» • ii

<!s»-*|?*^,.',ilr,^'r»*'--^4. -**>*^ "

TO GET BUS s a m i Home-fce-icliool, an4 .dehtaj els-

penskry %us service for Catholic school pupils wilf start next walk I t Is" annotinced today at I h e . C * ^ olle Educ*tloh OfffW, , '

The Catholhs Education Office Is working with the Qity Board at Education thli week trying to work,out the traftsjiprUUon needs of Csthollc children living remoU-

Extension of the Board of Edu­cation's bus service facllitlu to Catholic Schools in aficordknee with a new state taw. was voted by the Board, last Friday* ' « The extension "to parish school children will be on a plan of "ihar-

act than ?iexp«.n*dihg," S«' Ing" rathet , perlntendent of Schools Ji<tri«> M.

announced last ftlJa/

NEW YORK.-By the pact re­cently signed by Soviet Russia and Nail Germany, democracy and •so­cialism are-"betrayed in the home of. their self-styled frlihdi." it Is

t»Um«nt-4s»u»d *y-U»e-8oa«l^s experience In 1W7-1M, the national executive committee of the Socialist Party.

The statement denounced the pacts as "In fact an economic pledga to aid aggreasioh." Attack­ing the Communist Party, it said; "The same Commuxxlst Party that demands in the capitalist United States a government boycott on all trade With Germany supports ac­tive aid by the government of the UJS^Jrt, which ha* absolute con­trol of trade, to Germany."

Spinning night

The resolution calling" for the continuance of school bus service incurring the legal necessity of sharing it with parish schools.WSJ introduced by Commissioner John E . Keenaa ef.the Boa'rd of Educa-Uori. » , \ *-

Superintendent . Spinning «x» plained Friday that the beard would resume the-system used in 19ST-U3S. when, under Iegislstlon; later voided; public" schSole trere required to transport jjlrftb eehools "At that time'the Board extended "bus service to 111 normal children-Judged to live at "haiard-ous" dlstancei from tbeir schooli' and a few handicapped children. '

AccordlKg to eStlmstes based on


InstituteQnB^fml&r 1$ W'M®, at Amiujls Imitli

Pritst Ptays

-Mafiini" Shrina '**"TT ¥*itiw M #,-mtt*frwiwwffl&' *iegS&i - m Mm Hhe of Uiemwo?l|lnM«»».tofritityt! - . ••• . — . - . . • - -—this .ratherjunusual spectacle,Was iseSri-lrtttht.iludI«»*; «t iW •&** mm'CdtapitifMPjfagiii,' '-ivi't.ji , trftprieats wer#I invited-isite the atwelo by a j e o i preJueer »>h». U

ft Is now believed that sharing «f the bus s*tvlc« willprobsbly mean that about 125 public school ptfplll normally traaiporled fit Board of' Education b'uaes must now seek some other 'means of getting to: echool.

The - saperlntehdent skid t h e Board's prei^ht fleet • of seven buses will not be enlarged. One hus. retired because it was con* aidered beyond repair. Will be re< placed by a rented vehicle.

s>rsp»rint; a screen versleri ef a novel glorifying the Image ef per Ead? at Svata Hera (Heir Meila-tal'nl. The picture, sntltled «Q«NM of the Silver MeunUlne," will eri-aeflt a vivid picture at the Csechs' iseloved Jtarikn pugTimage eentir..

The producers needed some cleee'-' «ps it a jr lest welcoming a ero#d at newly arrived pUgrlma This •cene W M shot In the Pregue atudla where a real Redestipterlet from the Holy Mountain, >"«ther Koinsr. a priacher known t « thou, •anils of Cxech ,pilgrlm#f 'delivered tid^een.'eertnein. *>r3flfe: picture vrilj be ready IhU fall,' ths first showing will Uk* placs Ih the pllgrlmege tenter It-»elf. " *

rather •Kosrutr':Wee aeeompktiled fcyc^ other members of the Orate*'" ' - ! l !

* t r>*j—> +~* ' '

Biihop SK.if Now Viiitinf In Roma

VAiaCAN CTTY. - The Most Rev. Bernard J. Shell, Auxiliary Blihbp of Chicago, was received In SMidlence by Hfs Holiness Pope J?lii» XII *t CaeUI Csndolf o, Bkt-tzrday.

"Our Nation's Prater" w a s ,

masks for priests. Pilgrimages Postponed

Weekly Round-up of 5roi iT3«f^oilew^^ broadcast In an eHort to bcrsuade \ "TlHBWltotit tbe e 6 ™i7 ¥ . . ^ I CHtJRCiH BUILDEVG HALTED to the Church's progrress and today the program's listeners to lift their Mvt> ««r. ipttial pi»;tfs »»l|. •'-.»- .-*

„. services with Benediction and Ex-voices heavenward in a mass pray­er for peace throughout the world.

Walter Biattfuss, music composer and NBC director Of the "National Farm amd Home Hour."" recently composed the musical score for Father Young's verse and Friday's broadcast marked its first per­formance.

LONDON-Wortt has been held

Religiouf Film Croup Plans First Production

LOS ANGELES. -- "The Great Commandment," first production nf the newly organized Cathedral Films, which h/us for Its announced purpose the making* and distribu­tion of films of a religious and moral character has been complet­ed and is being made ready for public presentation. i

The picture, made at the Seixnick ! __ _____ • Studios, Is from an original scre«n-i-j_'<!_ji"',"e"__t_ll__jy ^ |

position of the Blesaed Skcrament. Among pilgrimage* to p l a c e s ' 1

ttbebad which have been cancelled or postponed is Hi Young Chrli-tlan Workers' pilgrimage to Rome, where working youth of 40 coun­tries were to have gathered. Amer­ican and Canadian delegations had already reached Europe.

Readers o f the Universe, London Catholic papfr, subscribed $12,«X) to Augment the English delegation. The Y. C. "W; general president here, Harry TWfte, states that the pilgrims wilif gS't>. Rome When It Is possible. v

'NO Jttew patients arc being ac* cepted at Cathcllc hospital*. Alt patients except those too seriouiljr ill' has* bean. - sytea «ted. hospital there are only now feur patients. Among; those who have left is Abbot Sir David Hunter Blair. O.S-B- aged &$. who had

H e Is now in .play-by Dana Burnett and was!Scotland orrgfnally titled "*ho Cood" Samar- I ^ ^ (or athoHcs. to "wear in

-JlMiA I t gas prodncerl under the i ^ j , trtap jm^rtlralsr+r for ms KH6' direction, of John T, Coyle. . g S s g,,,),,, bave been sold at the

' " *'* ! ! rate of 5.000 a dsy. They are rub­ber badges and pin brooch badges with the letters R. C^ en them and the words: "in ease of injusy call a Catholic priest'' Tfhey were de­signed during the September crisis of last year by the Rev. rather An­thony. OM.9C, ef KrHh, Ksrft, and are being aekteo a istw-preot «*»U. They are appsvrtd both by Cirol-nal Hlnsky aM th«' air ,iikt pf »-cautieos departmenT M m\ Hmt.

iip on the new Church of Oar Ledy of Lourdea, Lee, London, owftig to the Brltlsn Government's urgent heed of building materials for mi­litia camps and airdromes.

In one instance brlclcs for the new church had already been load­ed on trucks. When * last-minute order detailed them to be dis­patched to government building sites.


of this city has announced that In the near future he will send plans and estimates for the'construction of two towers on the Basilica ot Oiar Lady of the Pilar.toiStm iSta}-

jtt. one [ edad Alonao T)rlsdel», of Argentina, has u'ndertaJcen the collection of S,-OOQOOO pes*tas to pay for the work.

The eeW towers' will replace: those destroyed In "Loyaust" air raids on SaragoMa.

Archbishop Beritarclihi On Visit To Vatican

VATKlAN tXti^OU Excelleh^ cy the lleitt Rev. Klippo Bernar-dlnl, Papal Nuncio t* Switserland and formerly a professor at the Catholic University of America. Washington, 0 . C. has arrived fit

"TOMte for a sommsr holiday visit


N'athankcl Grigg 1th Lerothodi, Par­amount Chief of BasUtoland. who. has died at Maseru, Ms capital, at the age «f « , was a fcrrent Cath­o l i c He was the most powerful native ruler In Southern'Africa.,bt-ing; lord of SM/WO subjects.

The chief' was M eenvert t e Ca-thondssa, bavieg been , rtielved into tee . Choreh by the Oblat* rather* Whe have tharge «C the miseisaa ia htt territery. His e*-anspls gave a tresnendewi isnptte*

more than a third of the total 'J ' n^mbef, of schools in the territory are Catholic

GIFT TO SPAIN MADRID.—The fsunous Peruvian

writer, Felipe Sasolte, has present­ed to His Eminence Pedro Cardi­nal Segura y Seen*. Archbishop of Senille, a golden momtranee dec­orated With precious stones, the gift to Spain from Che Archbishop of Lima, ' The Central Excavation Commis­

sion has announced that a statue of the Emperor Trajan has. been found In a well where it was thrown by a CorirHxhriist-m»V in the village of Capllla of Bstrema-dors.

IH-SU1JE TO-GBIMAGE LONDoK^An Jl-year-old girl,

Margaret Stoke», daughter of a; Catholic Evidence Gaild official in Leicester, walked o n foot from Leicester to the S&rine at Our

. Lady of Walslngh»m, famous pil-;g«m«ge cciitef In Norfolk, a dis­

tance of about 100 mile*. The jour­ney took five days;

Margaret was accompanied by a s older oompinion, M!« Frances: Astill. who belongs to the same Catholic Evidence Guild branch as Margaret's father. The girls re-tutraejl home by train.

'': -{ipso AMASWATIONII ' CAJtfAG*tNA.~A Jargt erewd

memorial service here

sary of the assassihatioh, by « Communist mfeb, ,of the.officers and officials of Spanish vessels in the harbor at the outbreak of the Spanish'civil War.* ?

Many of the officers were .thrown overboard, alive, with their hands tied and weights fastened to their feet General Lombarde, Admiral Agaclno, In command of the Csir-tgena, Naval Department,, the ««a-eral. Command«r»e*f Destroyers, the head of the local branch of the Spanish *EradlJional Priaian* and ail the civil- and military authori­t ies of Cartagena attended the service as did the families of the slain officers.


annals of Oi'ltUli admliiisiiaUun In Indfs, two English Catholics have been appointed to be at the hc*d oi Provinc4sl Administration in India.' -'.-* -. ••'"••

Capt Arthur jfamee ^Jope* Mife ha* been ipelected Jfor Madras' to, succeed Lord Brakine as Goverhefe-J9Ce is lo ssaume charge of his duT| t ies In Novembert Lieut*- Coli. John Merbert hsis.. been nominated t» succeed Sir John Anderson as Ctay>-ernor of Bengal. -- • •. • • - • •-••


spsetle of temperance, the , R«v. irrancls Hays, pastor" of. -aeiewii, Nottle^asBihlvj, has been hooerea by tbe^ateahewu rrieodiy Thrift Society, the- larrest of Its trlnd in

ta sesameanerau the Ulrd aeualver- the British ImeIre.' who are new •

offering * Father Hays Trnpny to be awaftled annually for temptr-ance knowledge snd work.

Father Hays has devoted the past Su year* of his life to temptt-a n « and social work in which cause he has twice preached, his way. around the world Hhe was first inspired by the Iste Cardinal Manning, famed Archbishop of • Westminster, when he was a youth o f 20 and he Is now one of that CSardlnai's last co-worker* for tem­perance still living.

"WAK MEMORIAL* LONDOP?^-De*crtblng It *« hi*

"war memorial," Itonald Hughe* UaVard, 2*-ysar-oId Territorial sol­dier! has painted in oils a H feet by 1 feet pfetur* "ef 'he Madonna — " fUlBtr ajid.ChUd apft«»fln* 111 a over a modern battlefield/

IWIed Our Lady of Feece, it now hangs in the new Church a t LUn-eny.'Wple*. <


BAftCBiiONA -A -tcrfn of H freight, carx, leaded- with SpanUh jtat treasure* sent abrpkd" hy the ;tx»yalists" Government and «eov> s**d by the HafiWkllets, has reached; this dtyirom the *ron|l«r.

••''•• wm*rv**r*xtf„ * . ,WmttiMrJr\» -Meet JsWrJ,*'

'JM'^_WMM «*««• M ~ asib-AUaata, * * • • * vjeJt _

gain's foteiga Mis*U»,

mar, 'HiAMwt'. imL ,<*• teachers Hr^.-4mm.JtMt:m asms!* "*•*•, * * #^4/»«Wr*S'» Uleijit!* ut» if.t*4_<»ire«ieet. *IJM »«>«rlntsii4»nt efe sWbeeK t** *«!

e*n]»ha|U dn the specfsl Th0)Uv. frsncMi ;X.

ere ori Rswllng and UUrttarsk Al dlr«l^,.s«:ti ie;ys. J r ^ U e . «eeet-CJeii, rather Dowasy> aa aether-ity ok lieera^W »WTeiWf*»,«rtir. ewrtentary a ^ f c t s * i i«^Ti | !ve l

MW. Msjssiseei "

Uen Depetrtrsent *t the streeia Tir> Wreutests and Wealth CeeassikJee. will address the eremefttary saheei teeehers set "BettertfeaHhr* ;

:Mrjh femUttff has b*f R s#ttf« '» jidMei health actintles far K***> leer of years, a |4 was t s j « i j p _ u |


' * * * • * ) •


•Mm. - r ^ s j | f PIMPffkr«


«*p«e that H ts^feMsi:.* UM AfflseaWee weie*esjsB ereeuiag, £ l^ssM KMsela ts Lee*

T*e tttt*eal6'taVfetttl ft«rM i* jmm^mm^

the cem»UtU»-lrhIoh"'s?ewJs*lae Hssltk ayllkbue for the tMUwUe •obeeis *t the AreMleeeee set New Tfrk, * w •

This Jlyllekus le new l a kse. Catholbt a^Mcts* H Xearea CSeenf ty, throng*'the eonrueyet titer T»< berculeeis and Means Aeeeceatiee • f Roeheattr en* Mearee' Qeunty, and t» used as a wppleieMnrterjr «»|d«._ . ,

Pr, Wartsn g. flndiey1, AsetoUrH Dirictor of the Eivfilon elEJUfflF inatlon* and Testing »f ,th« Jttkte Kducellon Department, will open the High School program with an explanation of the plan o i the State Departinant In Improving wading in ih* secondary school.

I'ather Downsy will also -dfeeuu posiibllltiee of Uitsrkture on this level before the group The pre* gram win . ajM include seetYonal meitlngs en *, Aigefcre,, **la)l«n, Frsbch, fiu»Ine»*t-»eten«e, Hiete;y and U O n . * •*• < -

Mint M a r y l,qley1_a teaehee^oX experience in ihTllechesteF^ibTic SchsaUp Witt be guekt speaker at

e-SnglieKHMetlriHU-nieet, '• Mr, Harry Borreer.of the Orsgg Publishing Company, wilt talk W die Business teachers Ott "Oaldanee and Personality Training'tn Busi­ness EducatJon." Mr. Bowser is a* authority oh MlesnUMuhlp and re­tailing, having"- introduced the course In msny eehoefr throuaheut New rotk, Pennsylvania sued Me* Jersey. - - . * - , > • The elementary, school, seventh arid eighth fgr*4e _ teachers; '.will hear the K«v, »r« Walter J, KeH at the-Science .Dfsartrrlent « f 8t Andrew's S«min«ryi dtseuss the new general Science Syllabtia, Jfcw trends in arltbi?elie 'wilt "be-ssl. forth by Jfc4lftev^**hn Mf,Dsif|i« while the Rev. <i!a,r)es J - Ma--honey will ttkil Temedlkl wesrk, la reading, Suiter Frames Terlisa. ef MsskfiUi Aeetlirty will i w V a tkllt o n "Crtatiiig an IntsrestHt s**e*ry* t o thl'istfthery^lrroup, '

-jperiesr the day .laeee. wsn * • h roeelsfsMejsJktYoc.the etaseeestary

« a"'/,! IB l».y^jj

Force* TAtde*( ,

tHJssst iMMfettstt **eWt

«rs tU# r A prtfe

jglVf Benedttetien #f ihe ajfeefb*., s«d Secratneittv, ' •• . - ' » *

Ths priesu ef the dlaswe,,,**' Iigieue anel Uf t acuities,jw* swlsee nurses wit be te'attettjen'ee.t'. - >

- - ------ > ,.w «r^5(SS»,.

dismlsseX i a t S e e s * . that His " MCagtieeja, u * questloiied In* the fssct* L. er Court a-M-'te* dea l sd the ivWet,-*: prams Cettrt hew i ' and the ease MelsM

Xt Is irsbereeiliuf j ciple err Wftkfc 9m hmmii its is that tike Mate iifkiet'

pesnkl tJM f^t<snl qesMgieaUka %Mr»lms*il divisa ejsjs} 1. , ha the nfttararj wWt it* eevel .Hee'reeewttlasil JsteUn. T M t w i t

«*-i>rr-y-- ;yx~.

ewiengs t* Mi ._„ cisareittr and is Its tw^th* j*tlgfo«s ««kira " "orifWif te thr- -'

mamue u JtsAHMsl

foli$'$?p(fa^$*&-.i#*''' .


•m rJy

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