Licaps 2015


Transcript of Licaps 2015

kids, families, community Keep customer focused

1.A ) It's fun to take risks. B ) I have fun without taking risks.

2.A ) I look for new ways to do old jobs B ) When one way works well, I don't change it.

3.A ) I begin many jobs that I never finish.B ) I finish a job before starting a new one.

4.A ) I'm not very imaginative in my work.B ) I use my imagination in everything I do.

5.A ) I can analyze what is going to happen next.B ) I can sense what is going to happen next.

6.A ) I try to find the one best way to solve a problem.B ) I try to find different answers to problems.

7.A ) My thinking is like pictures going through my head.B ) My thinking is like words going through my head.

8.A ) I agree with new ideas before other people do.B ) I question new ideas more than other people do.

9.A ) Other people don't understand how I organize things.B ) Other people think I organize well.

10.A ) I have good self-discipline.B ) I usually act on my feelings.

11.A ) I plan time for doing my work.B ) I don't think about the time when I work.

12.A ) With a hard decision, I choose what I know is right.B ) With a hard decision, I choose what I feel is right.

13.A ) I do easy things first and important things later.B ) I do the important things first and the easy things later.

14.A ) Sometimes in a new situation, I have too many ideas.B ) Sometimes in a new situation, I don't have any ideas.

15.A ) I have to have a lot of change and variety in my life.B ) I have to have an orderly and well-planned life.

16.A ) I know I'm right, because I have good reasons.B ) I know I'm right, even without good reasons.

17.A ) I spread my work evenly over the time I have.B ) I prefer to do my work at the last minute.

18.A ) I keep everything in a particular place.B ) Where I keep things depends on what I'm doing.

19.A ) I have to make my own plans.B ) I can follow anyone's plans.

20.A ) I am a very flexible and unpredictable person.B ) I am a consistent and stable person.

21.A ) With a new task, I want to find my own way of doing it.B ) With a new task, I want to be told the best way to it.

Circle of Hands

Blind Counting

Choose your battles wisely!Throw out that paper!Is the battle worth your time, effort and energy? How does it impact kids?

The nine step refuse to lose program

Expect positive not negativity!

June is Friday NightJuly is SaturdayAugust is Sunday afternoon!You know you work in education if you can relate to this

How most of us feelsunday AFTERNOONs

I wont talk to those people!

That being said about anchors

try to Make colleague empathy a priority

Add and dont subtract Avoid beingThe skeptic : Better or bitter?the Knowologist, AKA: GGTTThe reminiscer: one year!The hoarderThe extender (social awareness!) email is great!!

Opening Day & the best year ever mentality

Place for motivational title

Steve Maguire:


Mutual respects of TIME Electronic Respect - please! (we have lost our minds) Please participate Keep in mind thatthe ultimate goal of our time together is to get more awesome at working with staff, kids and each other!Keep in mindADD/ADHD (the packet), sometimes PD = ASITEWBTT, DBPP


Flip 2

What do you love about your job?

Flip 2

Who is one professional in the room right now that you admire and why did you choose that person?

Flip 2

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Flip 2

What was the best part of your summer program last summer and why?

What do you love about your job?

Who is one professional in the room right now that you admire and why did you choose that person?

What was the best part of your summer program last summer and why?

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

get sick less oftenhave a small group of trusted friends and family reduce their risk of heart disease significantlyLive longer than unhappy people

Happy people

Happy camp staff stay Kid focusedKeep Kids # 1 with out our Kids, nothing else would exist!

Jet Blue does it right...Thank you for flying jetblue, without you, wed just be a bunch of tvs flying around the country.

Typical Staff breakdown100%erFoundationerAlong for the RiderAnchor : Are you happy?

To Score...Give yourself one point for each time you answered "A" for questions: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21.Give yourself one point for each time you answered "B" for questions: 4 ,5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18.

The totals imply...0-4: Strong organizational thinker5-8: Moderate organizational thinker9-13: Combination thinker14-16: Moderate creative thinker17-21: Strong creative thinker

Lets have some fun0 - 8 Please Stand upHow many books are you currently reading? If given a book, where do you begin reading it?Do you own or would love to own a label maker. (does this bother you?)Thumbs up/Thumbs Down for GTKYG ?

Lets have some fun9-13 Please Stand upHow many books are you currently reading? If given a book, where do you begin reading itDo you own or would love to own a label maker. (does this bother you?)Thumbs up/Thumbs Down for GTKYG ?

Lets have some fun14-21 Please Stand upHow many books are you currently reading? If given a book, where do you begin reading it?Do you you own or would love to own a label maker. (does this bother you?)Thumbs up/Thumbs Down for GTKYG ?The big clean up

The 2 most important elements of summer camp that not enough professionals are dealing with If you can improve these, you will solve 95% of your staff/camper issues!

LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT (LOE)* Staff and kids* Are all kids/staff participating, a part of or engaged in the activity? If not, why not?* Who is looking for LOE? Admin team, specialists, activity leaders?* Who is holding people accountable and helping other recognize LOE?

Kids hiding in plain sightWhere are the campers that are here, but not here?How many interactions has staff had with each camper?How well does your staff reach their campers?

Every expert was once a beginner New and returning staff help each other! (no social filter)

Kids/we are stressed! Add joy to the day!

Have funno person on their death bed ever said i wish i had spent more time being miserable - focus more on the students if you are having a bad day!April Vacation smile

If you are stressed about all the stuff we have to do remember

Self-care is critical to our success - student teachinglearn together - How can you help a colleague this year? As soon as you meet someone who knows everything, get as far away from that person as possible!

positive communication You say a lot without saying a lot! Tim Face to Face! Everyone reads your affect!

Contagious joy and misery in this video!

positive communicationTone! Say what you mean and mean what you say, but dont say it mean! Looper?!

Patience with parents families

From: Stephen Maguire [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:48 AMTo: [email protected]: Update on Nolan

Hi__________ & ________ ___ SO, after all these years of being a teacher, I am finally on the other end as a parent : ) I was just writing to check in on how Nolan is doing in school. Socially fitting in? Being nice to others? Being respectful to adults? etc. Thanks for your time... I've dealt with 100's of emails like this, so no rush getting back to me, I know how it goes : )

Have a great day...

Steve Maguire

On Oct 18, 2012, at 07:23 AM, _______________ xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Steve - Nolan is adorable and adjusting very well to school. He seems tobe very comfortable with the other children in the class. He loves to playwith the legos and that seems to be popular in their class. It is early inthe year and there is a lot of adjustment for these little guys as coming toschool is a very big step for them. I am always amazed that they can comein to a group of peers and adults that they do not know, and blend so welltogether in such a short period of time! He is right where he should be atthis point in the year! His teachers will be able to give you more feedbackas the months progress but right worries!!!Sincerely,_____________ and ________________

Lets be grateful for all that we have!

Txamwork is ImportantXvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll, xxcxpt for onx of thxkxys. I wishxd many timxs that it workxd pxrfxctly. It is trux that thxrx arx fortyonxkxys that function wxll xnough, but just onx kxy not working makxs the diffxrxncxs.Somxtimxs it sxxms to mx that our organization is somxthing like this typxwritxr notall the pxople are working. You say to yoursxlf wxll I am only one pxrson I wontmakx or brxak a projxct. But It doxs makx a diffxrxncx, becausx my projxct, to bxxffxctivx, nxxds, the activx participation of xvxry mxmbxr. So the nxxt timx you thinkyou arx only onx pxrson, and that your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my typxwritxrand the story it txlls.


Steves Contact

[email protected]