Library of Congress · THE DISPATCH. ^YTHCDISPATCH COMPANY*. raaa-D* ODABLI ist ahvakcb. _ JKirv-...

THE DISPATCH. ^Y THC DISPATCH COMPANY*. raaa-D* OD A BLI ist ahvakcb. _ rv- DAILY niBPATCH Is delivered towb-Wrt* JKi virTBBH riKts -ht week, pay able Sj) Ot* .fSaS weakly. Mailed tlMpM annum: 88 for STaTo^hT: 81.B0 for th*** taonlh*; tOo. for -.4*J?KMI.V.KRR1*Y DI8TATCH Bl IS BSTSB. ..«m «t SI for six month*. mm _ ¥b» W EEK I .Tl MBPATcHataiw-raaBaBB. TABBAinr* RR» TRE* APRIURRT. MtiN(. KSTAHI.1SHED MEDICAL A . . rs is m b awe act or TARRANTS SELTZER APERIENT. A- sn erattlcsnt of dy*i*r*t*. contd Ip* Hon and liver rotaplaln!, aad as a tmesns of eotinteraetlng a ten- deurs logout, gravel, rheiimalism. and a numl^r .her aliment*, lt hs* no equal. f-OIJr* BT ALL DBtT.OI-.T-,. Jv W-SS.V1W*_ »'.ni« -a rm* ai.. tr KN 0 i;k l N i \ v us rr V JV 1IH-.H **H HOOL. AMHERtsT < tifRIHiiCsE. VA. ll A -THODE (M-tth. Medallist. C. Va.l. Piineipa sui insiroetor In Mailieniaile* and Nainra Sell nee*. K * NH.-kN.M S. il'nlvcrilly of Virginia*, ln- Vtrucloj ll '. ?> 1. snd Latin, i i Kl n i r-liiealfsl In llermany and for many vear»rv*ldeni In Part**. lmtr*.t"r In (iermaii, Vreiich. Italian, and BBBSdafc. This S' Hool I* .lrirtl\ preparatory la llieCnl- venllT ol Vin ni*. >i«*el*i at'enHon 1* gtv. a to leaohlugsii **."*?. BWSBSJ laiiais*u**»*of 4-taua* for half aetaioa, lift*. Redm-ilon ma.!. I. ravorof a minister'*ion '¦> "['*"i!Vv ' m*\i ,isl...i.t--*d'!re»* IHE PRINt H'M. IMOftlAl - ER ow MEMBERS Ol' TUE EAi I I TY OE THE ( M\ Mt* I TY OK VlltC.INI' IMVKRSUT OV* Vlll'.'NI A.* ciiAinrtiAN*> ni i uk, Mn] BA, lB7a. i -ir.-!l gi*- "rc to wiy Hut \..ii have Bri lyonng men totbisjastlinitoa. *i eur *i'.ln»oi i* ni.'t i for ns gt od discipline, and Itt Hiorofljrb iflin-iiiional training. Tari irnH yoara, JAME* E. harrIm-n. 1 BIVBBB1TTOI \ ni a. Ms v Rt, ls 7.-. . * * I III mit bealsal* i" n-cotnmend lbs High *.i'tn. i a- in t-ifi v rt .|,»,i iii serving fi,lenee .ind patronage ol the pubfir WILLIAM i Pl i Elis, Latin l' til \. rsliv ol Virgiula. . . .. The K> i'mote Academy ut rtgarded . .ftli. Virginia Behool* nf high i.l 'n.i.E 1 RI DERICK Hm.Ml *-. |-r i, ssot ir*!, rv Literature, ann Rhetoric. I'XrVBBSITl OP ViaaiNIA. Mai SO, 1878. t sin >t:-i rt Of Vint.isl \. Raj il. U-7*i. I -.'.lid lbs Kenniore Behool «* Mandina da* % tu iii int rash ol High r-cbooia, in nie ..:' t:..-r .nilli ii aching. Judicious tiealllifuiiie-*. ant'ai".'i-*«iii!liiv. * * » FRANCIS ll. SMITH. Profl :.¦ i Natani I'.'n >>*i.|iliv, Uatvenitj Vlrgbjla. Carri il*uy f>v Vii: lima. Ma*-ft7, 1B78. \,.i ,ni,\ from mv knowles*** af Mr. mhMi-v high r*pntatlou, uni *'¦.<> t""' |**J**r**aal aripiaintktie-e >»!t!i liim. and. abovealLfrom totcrronne in my own euui**room willi yoong men laugh! by bim, I um 11>.<i Hie min-e "i teacblugat Kenmore i. uumuatl- solid and tflt r Iv*. 1 HOMAB R. PRICE. ProfB .*"r .'t Ort el.. M\ knowli'L-e Cd Mr. ll. A. Mrxli ** :i'.Wilie* and alta lament*, bk* rh ii leacber, aad thc i,uh Maadlaa which hi* pupil* have obtained upon enterlna ihi University, jastlfy mi kn recommend- >1 mo-l earnestly-and cordially. *t Hi Ii- DBA ERR. I'r,ift--*..i "t Mudera Lanaaagea, Ac 1'ni\ i i;si i y OB Vue.ima. PROM Patron*. 09 lill -< HOOL. I bava hana well aoajtaalniad vriih tbe maBBsrmrni. tll-i iplln.. ami Ititi irv .-ul,¦nniai-i-- of Kenn,"ie 1'nlrersUy lilatta Behool .ur ilaca it* establish* meitL . * . li, ui) opinion it na* no seperior. . . . SAMUEL ll. HENRY. .iii'iiie of Amherst timmy. Boat sir..A- n BBltoa af sun aebool I lake in i. ii.-i ¦ ii'iinir li in tbe highett tarma foi Ba insui advaalaam. « » * Re*c**rifn!ly. TAYLOR KERRY. I live in tight 'if " Kt iiuii'. .*' ! hine waiabed lt* hirth, its giowtii. and development. In it- mara i tleman y leaching* amt lufliii-iic,-.*. sad in i rntln> advantage*. H baa aa a high school no tnjterlor. -AMI ll. M. GARLAND. .i I.. i5. ib7e. f l"r«-ii- lbs Lji ebbarg Kew* J Kl RMORt BTOH K HOOL. Wt- havi Ui.'itsn the whoo I iboronabli and Intl- rr,>in lu loiindatl.iu. wore a patron for at ase si»r-. »nii aa tn iii."i .Milersnf arnich eta are om« peteni t" Jndga, rnoai c >rtllally endoraa ti,- and the people among whom it i- localed. Eur (Wier lesliBoalal* -ce catalogm-. ly la-Msw_*_ AUGUSTA FKMALK BEMNABY, BTAURTON.TA. Miss mari j. baldwin, Paixi ipal. lh',« laatitatli n eoallane* lo Increase lo proar* r- Bs from yeal lo year, lt .sBS"** superior *dvantag#a In k-ratloa; In it-, building* aad ground*; in lt* gt nei.ii appointment* aad -ani'.-irv artanfemenu : lt* inti rm p* ,.t superior and experienced lencber* ; li* niiniriia**.<l a'lviiiititires in mille, modern aaa* guag.i. eloculiou. iii.i art*, physical culture, and .nmi lu tne theory and practice of -mokine * tin aaeeessful efl,nt- ina,le tosecuie health,eom- f,it. and bapphM *-: in opiiosltlon io extravaganee; hi itai 'lir,i ni ioltd icholarsblii. Em (nil partiCSdat* apply IO Ute Pi-lnelpsl f«ir CiiUi .Je 1H-2IU MR». ENGLISH'S -(HOOL bob YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE i.IIU.s. 707 ! WI FRANKLIN STREET, WILL Ul REOPENED I EBOAY, BBrrBRBBB ll. 1880. f tb] .. li,mi iiiirln^' the tif-t year h . ]iii>iirit(ii-I tie tiini'ii*^1 io M-eiire In addition lo lin corps ol teachers of mal (awatea oilier valu- able assisiai i- i reulai and farther Information anplr to Mit*. .IE".IK GORDON ENQLIPH. Jv 1-iI-lvt.tiM.WAElin_ MOUKT VEBNON IN8TITUTE, 46 Mount Vue a l":i -. liMtlmon. English, French, autl Gerinai Boardlnr and Dis Behool for Yt nug Ladle*. Mr-. M. J. JoNKBsnd Mr*. MAII- I.ani.. Principal*, assisted bj Professor* I., c. IIRK KEN*rr.lN. Bl ON EY I ANIEII. lt. ISAK TOR, M. IX. aad a burae rania af other (aachen ul tx per lear* bim] ability. Pupertor advaniage.* art- oatrred "ii acron ni t.f deilahtful aliuailon. Tin twriitv-Srit mitaal term win eosnmenec BRP* 1 1 Ml',! II "juill. Clicularsseiil on .ipiiliraiiou. ie h-r'MlKm_ I'PUCOPAl. BIOB SCHOOL, J Ni AR AI.EXANDHIA, \'A. i -t sblisiied laaa. Hi* POI ( ULLEI'E. Ol HC'INES!-. The nt xl st*-l ni opens SEPTEMHER ii. 1680. < ala!,.sue tent 'ii .ipiilleauoii io the 1'ilt.eipal. L. M. 1ILACKKDRD. M. A.. Jy ii gig ts j in_Alexandria. A's. Mil**. BYLVANU8 REED'S BOABDI5Q AND DAY-*! HOOL rOR Yoi N(i LADIES. N"..«. (? aii'i ls esvst Ellty-lhlrsi siieet. Ni w Yolk, re- -Kl'iEMiiER vb. nu- eoarse of atadi lo Um e,,iieti.iie departaaeat* un es ai dt manda f,s tin hiirln i edin aimil of snairu. Jy l8-8law*lBi 1>ATAi'SCO INSTITUT*.- Miss KA¬ UAI! N. BAMBILI**.!, ol Edge Hill, Virgin!*, I'rineinsl. Thia *ell-kiiowii S( Hool, for YOUNG EADIE* andi illl.DREN will open REPTEMtiRR 1*>T*I. lt '.ff- ri. ni.usual ftw-tilltle* for a flnl.-heu eda- canon. Em circulars andree* Hie Prineipai. !*». Insihn'e. Elllcoti City, Md. jr 1.6-281 VI IMJIN I a ll MA LE INSTITUTE, STAINTON. VA. Alli*. (.sm.KalJ. E lt- BtXJART, PBINCirAL aided byafuil eora* oi' **ttii-siit Itacbcra. 'ihe h.s. bts-lii* .-El'TIMKKIt 1-fl'Ilt. sn.l eoiilinui*. ».11.itba. 'i in- rxpeatae t,r imard. 4i-., with a Baaial auaiM. laclBdltag Mmtlt- and Lan/iiaifes, nts** aol iwened $390. Eor fttkrOralnr.* apnl\ o the h «'J>m PBINCIPAL. ruoi-at-RAfj**._ Olll A Off Sl'PBBIB'TA-l-Uin'T Ol Mil.I.Hi I MtM»l-l.,V»«! Slli'll.. ' Bat*_««\ iu:**. I'tjhi-oisitc, Va., Jn!i tb, 1880.) .JP0 -OOM RA! TOKK. t-r.Ll.rjL> SIDS will t»- rtes-lved at Hil- nfflne ii'.Miia-e rv*ignx or AIM'-.1 IStsj tm Hl'ILD- ING A .A'OJ-AMIOI' for tba ->rbt,<li. -i-e.'JK-atioi,.. will he sent ii a|iplitalloii. I'laiu can tte ke-tsu lie-*-. IlloV -val he iveoid for lettUaxe'iii-s-aet lu Cliur- loitetiiiast: .>*.... ti.*, Auirukt I41A>. H'ii'hu. \u Met limn'- Klss-r. ( lu **i|ieake aud nillo i.llwax. CEViVIKK, Jv »1 iii* Suiteitauieiideul, ¦I OBI MN 111 lia. 4/. 17011 -All A No. 1 DKAf* *T>->I IloK-l. .isttist lian''* high: star- >CZV .sttuiil. Aiadd'to H.-IJERA W TLEB. _|l Bl-'-'t_1B06 I's ry street. QEOOD UAkt TOE SALE.-AO-^ JV .Ot-ainifui RLt inOED MABE. atdrltetl.iOCfciV .tt »¦*/] ..; .],ll.ituslll.iii. ami |M-|feCt luijOTi- saeij.,, ,,f f,, ,. miiv ^ l**«-ba.ed for kiri, sh* hal ¦**« aaadaiy drtw-a that ferr fietsn- iiui-uliesj iur I. *1 '**¦.*" *'''> *'**«.(.. This I* the cause far eati.itcjH.'*, lit-autifu! au *i4mst. Apply at«r*4- <*r'** ''MARE" Jv %9 diwi*. Dlspateh offlca J)1 pa* ri KA I. li [EAUTJFUL MEADOW PA8TUBI 'OR THE CRAIGfONROADlhreeniilesfrott Wjehiuoiid. iyrs, Jir. WHlism CbrisUwu'*. Dall as uer uiouHi for Qm- pasture. «..,<| wat. r, sall, and e«reful stUntU.ti. litfvr, by uertui*-u.a. to M»>.r A. Vi Sot IfttoriAfttlou spill) at 807 tv**! £22 i!r*,,'t t*l>'<-/ »V >V. E. BALDWIN,ou Uk Ufy»4^WSiontiod. J/Kft-Jw DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. LVI1I. RICHMOND. VA., SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST I, 1880._NO. 28. $trrtm<mtl Htsptdt. BUNDAY.AUGUST 1, 1880. ai-* THE CIR* (CATION Or THRRIBPATCR Is) LAROER THAN THE COMRINEI) COTJtCU' LATION or ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWS- PAPERS or THE CITY. IEntere.1 at th* Po*.Mirnee al Richmond, Va., aa second-claaa matter.! WEATHER REPORT. iRRfOATIORa yon To-I)ay..For Hip South Atlantic ami Ka*«l Gulf Sintrs, partlv cloudy weather in Hie tir»l <lislriot, occasional rain, easterly possibly veering to southerly winds, stationary or lower tctniiernlure and baro- nieter. For Hie Middle Atlantic Slslea, Increasing cloudiness, possibly occas ion,il rains snulh- easterly wltidsi, stationary or lower lempe. rature and barometer. Tiir. wkatiikr tkstkrdat was clear and warmer. TnanaoMETKR YEptkroat i 0 A. M.. CR; 9 A. M., 77 ; noon. 86; 8 P. M., M; 0 P. M., 8.3; midnight. 70. Mean temperature, 78}. LOCAL MATTERS. Dentil .! AV tlli.uii I'll ll ni tl.; Vt Iel.limn. BITRRIXO Ol' A LINK THAT llnt'Nli I'..» TO TIIK past. skktcii ar na drcrabrd.tiik Fl XKRai.. William fran lng Wickham died at his i:e»ideiicc, ill Hanover county, \e*tinlav morning at I o'clock. Tba deceased had been Indisposed for nearly two months, lint storming symptom* diu not appear imtii l,i*t Fi id iv. Mr. Wickham was thc «on of thc cmi- aeal lawyer Jobn Wickham, whose repu- tation for learninj* aad abilitv wa* second to none al hi* con temporal ic*, and who wai one of the counsel of Aaron Durr iu lu* celebrated trial for treason. Wlliiam Fanning Wickham was born In Ricbmond NoTember St, 17!).'!. At twelve yean al Rta ha weal la school to old Par* aaa Woodville near Btepbeneburg, (ni¬ pt |ii r cornily. Be xraduatcd at Princeton College, N. J., and was tbacontemporary of Bishop John*. When Judge Jaba Ba¬ con Clopton was made judge thc har of tho Clrcnil would lia vc ft comiiiciidt d Mr. Wick liam for thc }udgesbip intuit' vacant liv tbe diith of .linii:c Brocken brough, hut ba declined it. When lie abandoned the prac¬ tice al law in 18J!), lie had ont* of Ihe nio-t valuable practices la thc State, and ranked with Watkins L-etyb, Ii il" it standard, and Judge Chapman. Mr. Wickham wa* violently opposed ta the late wu in it* inception, and predicted with prophetic know ledge its i ninon* conse¬ quences; at the same time, after wai* be¬ came Inevitable, be did ill In his power to promote the Confederate cause, and wa* Bl all linns in favor ol makin;* peace an hon¬ orable tenn*. Mr. Wick ham was tbe grandson cf the distinguished Edward Panning, ol Now Ti irk. Be married Anne, daughter of Roberl Cuter and hi* wile Mary, daughter ol lien.-rai Thomas {telson, .lr., of Revolt*** lionary fame. Robert (.'alter was ihe foin th in ill-cent from Robert King Carter and liftfi from ihe founder of thc family in America, John Carter, born in England, lettled nt Corotoman in Kill), and died Ia 1669. Anne Hill Carter, sister ol Dr. Bob* cit Carter as above, was tbeaeeond wife of Ligbt-Horse Harry L'-e and the mother of Uencral Robert E. Lee, General W. C. Wickham, vicc-pre*idenr of tbe Chesapeake and Ohio railway, ts the univ surviving child ol tbs deceased. William Fanning Wickham wa* un old Virginia gentleman In ill that that term wa* evei Intended lo imply, and did credit to lu* Illustrious lineage. He was lt man of talent, of culture, Unbounded hospitality, and the soul of honor. His death breskf ¦BOtber silver cord that hinds tba pn sent tO a past tbal was full of (.'lory. Il was hi* fortune t'»live to nee many cbaages in the conditional his native State, hut willi nil the changes he remained thc same, and died beloved and respectad by'the grandchil¬ dren and greal grandchildren of those who had known and honored him in thc day Ol routh and young manhood. The funeral will take place to-dav from the realdeaceof General vt*. C. Wickham. The members ol ihe family in this city weat vp aa tba Cheaapeake and ohio illil¬ wa) last night. lit Hilt or Mr Jt.lni A. Itel vi ii. END OV AN IIONOItAIlI.K AND IUWt LIVE.- lt NKItAI. Sr.llYK'r.S. john A. Belvia, one of Richmond**-- old¬ est, mo*! successful, and respected mer. chant*, died Friday Right at 11:45 o'clock, after an Illness Ol some week*. The sad event, allbougfa not unexpected, wai none the less full of sorrow to many who had known and honored hun during a lom;, a useful, and an honorable life, most of which a .is -pent In tin* city. Mr. Kelvin was la bis sixty*elgbth year, and came to ibis city from Gloucester county in ISM, and eiljblgad la thc furni ture business, ile afterwards) engaged in the lumber trade and In general under* taking. By his strict attention to business ami integrity he ¦¦assad a considerable fortune. In the course of his long resi¬ lience la this eitv he had met arith severe reverses, principally by fire, but by his in¬ dustry and enerey he was able to retrieve them. He wa* the builder and owner of the St. .Jame* Hotel, and of Hie block on Governor street which bears hi* name. Mr. Belvia was for some rears before the ivar a member al thc Board ol Director* of thc Penitentiary* and has far a lon** time hren one of the directors of the Planters .lational Hunk and of the Hichmond Bank¬ in i* and In*urance Company. Mr. Belvia was the president of Ihe Me- ebantcs institute before UM war, and also thc president of the Trust Building Fund Association. The Boards of Directors of thc institutions named above have appointed tasamlttees to take auitable action in reference to hi* death. He had been a member of Jefferson Lodge, So. 4, I. O. U. F., for over thirty years, and svas also an honored member of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Kelvin xvas a good citizen, an heaeel tuan, a devoted husband and father, and a true friend. In lib- death Richmond mi- ttaartii* a serious lo*»s. He was of that class of mei chants who have made the name of Richmond honored at home and r.broad; of that >class of citizens who never failed tully to discharge every trust incumbent upon tlnsiAt. His family low* a kind and faithful pi ot oct or anti the mee-Raolcs of the city one arba ewer sttidied their .interest*. lise funeral service*- still take place this eaealaS at 4 o'clock from Ihe Firal Bap'ift cu4irrAx,ot which con«-re-f»ation bc had been tor year*; a consistent meiuhcr. V.xci itw/iN to MOORI I'Ltu^ANT..Re-cue Council, bo. 1, .1.,ni'ii OikJit of United American Veehanics, will para an excur¬ sion to Motiut Pleasant, cut lite Chesapeake aud Ohio railroad, next Monday. DRRRiaf, bathing, boating, a sack-race, and a tub- race in the lake will be aaBORg the u'tiu-e- int-nl*. Train will leave Ihe depot, on Broad street, at fl:ia o'clock. RefrtwhniRlits will he furnished st city price*. Tjmkx FiiiuiiTanreDOrv..Saturday morn¬ ing about 1 o'clock a thief was disco fered in the aeoond story ol Mr. A«he Harris's j dwelHug, on the corner of Fifth and Broad streets. Officers Seal and Bulee went up to arrest him. but itu- thief escaped Hom the rear an tbey catered tbe building, j Rtatlatlee far July. MRTKOROI.nniCAt.. We give below our monthly Inble of the Tradings of the tlicn*non.eter,'ihe collrae of Ihe wind st sunri#e, snd the amount of rain- fail for Hie month of July. Thc reading* of the thermometer were ta Kin in sn ela- vated portion ot the elly, free from any In¬ fluence of refracted heat, and from French Instruments, showing the highest sod low¬ es! points of tbe mercury during each twenty-four hour*, lt I* believed tbat no better situation for observations of this ebal.icter can lie found In our city. They have been carefully noted, and arc believed to bo absolutely correct: Joly 1- Suiirl-t- arerajre for Hie iiioiuli.U0.8S. (1) lli.'h wiiel amt rain ia tilt-afternoon, anti ruin at nielli. (9) Henty shower at noon, ami lian! rabi at mj-hf. |S) Tliiiiitlcr-itorii: at rain. (I Kui n tn iii'* a fit-moon, j.'t) liiliilil rain la Hie aft'monti. (ai Raia,;anti i hu mir i-Morin Bl nlslit. (7J Slitiwt-rv iiiiriii«tlic ilsy, amt aluin rains on tin -^i:n .-. :.i gSlb. i!.vi*.rAi.i. roi rna month. July 1."7.'! 5.0.73 li.0.30 19. 0.89 al.o*:<4 aa.¦..o.aa sa.o.ia 24.0.28 >ib.(1 19 3.63 (TST0M-1KUSK BBTORT, During the month ol July io foreign ves¬ sels eleared from thc custom-house; of these 8 had cargoes ol corn, comprising 74,niiS bushels, valued at 100,079; 4 had car¬ goes of flour, comprising 9,001 barrels, val¬ ued at ?.")7,910; 1 with a cargo af lumber, valued at 111,383; 1 with a cargo ol wheat, comprising 19.810 bushels, valued at |32,* 811, and I arith a cargool tobacco* com¬ prising 'JOH hogshead* and 421 tierces, val¬ ued al 189,, 1*31,080. The com wa* snipped to Ki ance and England, the flour t'» Brazil, tbe lobacco and lumber to England. No foreign reseals entered du¬ ring the month of July. rkvkxitl COLLBCTtOXa. The Internal-revenue collections for the month amounted to 1142,982.74, Thc eal* li ctions lor Ihe week ending yesterday were as follow*: Monday, 86,627.00; Tuesday, >?.'l,T17.a-<: WedncMity, $5,977-95, Thurs¬ day, 85.882.50; Pridar, 18,828 80; Satur¬ day, ?9,:M!i.2."i-total. 888,228.27. rOLM'r'-COrKT STATISTIC*!. During Ibe past month Ibe Police Justice disposed of -HT criminal eases and tried 'jur, charges of ordinance violation*. On crimi¬ nal ensreei li persona were sent on ta tba Hustings Court for indictment; 88 were convicted of misdemeanor, and in were committed to J'il I" *l«ti»uit ot «u»ot> i..- their good behavior. Kiln* Collected: City', |84fl; Mate, £7....ri<>; costs, $.,*.. Total, N78.50. riKK-AI.AHMS. During the month ending ve-tcrday three alarmaal tire were turned iii.two alarms were given from Box 2'i. corner of Barra* leentb and Marshall streel 8. Tho damages by lire WI re comparatively small. CORORRR'a wor.K. Coroner Taylor vievved tea bodies during the p:t*t month and held one post¬ mortem examination and one Inquest, rour weie white uiales. two were colored females. and four were colored matre. Fl.OlIt INSI'KCTIONH. Thc following i" a statement of the flour Inspected in Richmond during thc month (.niling 31st July: 1,785 barrels family, 2,481 barrels extra superfine, 841 barrel* superfine, BO barrels fine, 'J'J."i barrels con¬ demned. RARIRB RATTRR. Harbor-Master Btyll make* thc following report for the mooth of July: Number oT barks entered during the month.'i; number of hilga, G; aumber ol schooners, 7o. Total, 81. DRRM AND RARBUOR-UCRRBRB. There were IS'2 deeds admitted to record in tue Chancerv Court of Richmond during tbe mi nth of July. The clerk of thc llenrico County Court recorded .'il deed* aad baaed 3 marnage- licensci.8 Whiles and 0 colored. ALLROBO EfORBB*TlIlKVKS DBUTHRRB TO tiik HBRRICO ArTUoitlTiKS.. ('barb's Chap* man alias Mick Wolf was turned (.vcr to tin- lleni icu authorities jesU ulay by Police- JusttCC D. C. Richardson lo answer two charges of bone-stealing. Chapmaa waa arrested several dsysagoin this city charged wilta stealing two horses, valued al "?'-'0o, from Garland Hanes, of llenrico, and has since been confined in the city Jail. An¬ other warrant was issued against him abar*** ing him with BteellBg a boise, valued at *?l.r)0, Irom Morton Lockdale, of Uenrico. .launs BaiTOa alias Joe (rai at was also delivered over to Ihe llenrico authorities yesterday to be tried for aidlBf and abet¬ ting Chapman in stealing the two horses fiann Carland Hanes. The prisoners were taken to Ibe county jail to await trial. Brui On to thk Qrard Jort..Ia the Po* lice Court yesterday morning J -tim * s. Kian was up, charged with unlawfully and felo¬ niously st ea li ni; *J5i»0 fruin Roland Mills. Fourteen witnesses were examined, and several hours were consumed In hearing the case. The accused was sent on to the grand jury and committed to jail. John McNeil was also up, charged with unlawfully harboring and concealing James S. Ryan, "who was charged with felony. McNeil was sent on to the grand Jury, and bailed in the sum of *500, wltb Owen C. McNeil as surely. _ Campaign* IHmtmk.nts..The secretary of the Republican State Kxecutive Committee, Mr. Arthur A. Spitzer, received from Wash¬ ington yesterday forty bushels of aaasjwiga pupers, w hich are to be distributed through¬ out tbe State in Ihe interest of the Repub¬ lican parly. The documents came in twenty bili*--, and are speeches of leading Hepubli". cana of the country. Garfield's letter of ac¬ ceptance, and congressional records. Mr. Spiller sari "he Intends to flood tbe State with these papers." ¦¦MOO RKPtBt.icANs..The Republican Kaivcutive Committee irf llenrico county met At the county court-house in this city yesterday afternoon and remained in secret session several hours. Matters concerning the approaching campaign were <li»cu«*. fl, and various question* of interest to the party in the county were considered. Annual Pic-Nic.. The annual pic-nle for tbe benefit of Bf. Patrick'* church Sun¬ day sc bon will be held at Ron Air on Tue»- ley tbe 10th instant. Tin-re will be mu*ie, ilauclnjf. bato-baU, anti other amusements, Thb Opbra List Ktbnixo..A charming entertainment wm given st Mozart Hall last evening by Sie****!'* Opera Companv in tho double bill of the aecond act of «- Martha" snd Victor Waaie*** "Les Noches de Jesn- ette." The audience, though sppreciative, was not commensurate with the musical fea*t furnished. The following wm ihe cast in the act from " Martha " : Lady Henriette, Mad. Caroline Ricbing-*-Bernard ; Nsncy, Mis* Amy Ro- g"rs; Lionel, Mr. Ed. VV. Hoff; Plunkett, Mr. Joseph 8. Oreensfelder. TLis morceau ol the ever-popular and Imperishable Msrlbs was beautifully given. The recilstlre of the opera proper was sub¬ stituted by dialogue, the "Porter" song Introduced, snd the act otherwise arranged »o ns lo produce a beautiful effect. Mn*. Richings-Bernard was seen lust evening as of old in all the freshness of her youth. Her make-up wss wonderful, and she looked as beautiful a* she aang snd acted. Her ex- gahila rendition of "Tbe Last Koae of Slimmer" completely ca ntlvsted her audi¬ ence, while abe wa* ably supported in all the beautiful music with which this act abounds by the other memliers of the cast. Mi«s Roirer* acquitted herself handsome¬ ly, while Mr. Hoff was fully up to tbe re* Qnirements of his part, and Mr. Orecn-rel- der's Plunkett was easy and graceful and sung with telling effect. "Jeanelle'* wedding," which followed, has a remarkably clever libretto set to very beautiful music, ft li a comic operetta ol much merit, but probably from tbe fact that ithe proeraintne was rather long, and the wait In-fore tbe opening of Ibe performance (it did not cu limit nee until nearly 9 o'clock), the audience seemed to lose interest before the second act was begun. This opera alone consumes two hour* in the acting, and it was probably unwi*c to give thi* double bill in one evening. However, not to detract from the merits of Ibe work and the very excellent manner In which it was rendered b* Mr. and Mrs. Hernani and Mr. ('icensfeldcr. we innst record oilr entire approval of the opera, and tender the art¬ ists, who gave it nnquanfled1 praise. To en¬ tertain an audience who had already gotten the worth of their money for two full hours is no easy task for three arti*!*, and yet this east succeeded In tbti Lae! craning. if weare to judge by tbe interest and mirth manift sted. Thc company start na Ihelr summer tour to-day, and wa wish tbem a prosperous and bon voyage. PbbBORAI/.BBIBT Items..Mons. Spiro /'telle, for so many years known as Rich¬ mond's renowned caterer and coek, is now proprietor of "ZeteHe'a Rendezvous," No. 77 German street, Baltimore. He i* gradu¬ ally winning bis way to tba bearts(f) ot the people nf Baltimore, as he did here, and,1 it may be hoiicil, with far gicater pecuniary boc* ll lo himself, in a recent letter be de* sh es to be kindly remembered to ull his friend- in Richmond, and characteristically adds: And tell them I hope they are very Hi ir, //.'* iii accordance with thc city ordinance on tbe subject, Chief-of-Police Poe ha- re¬ quired Main-stieet fruit-vendors to cea-e obstructlag tba sidewalks wltb their stands. 'lhere hare been quita a number of BOBS- plaint* against tbem, and the ordinance will be strictly eaton, d. R-ceived from Ihe composer. Mr. Alex. Scbaap, the .< Nana Polka," respectfully Inscribed to Mis> Bertha Hofmann. IS is a composition of some merit. Our Yorktown correspondent intends to go to the Centennial as chaplain, aol a* cap¬ tain of the(iovernoi'¦, ('unifi, as wa* printed in his latter yesterday, Bishop J. Keane, of Ibis city, will preach in the cunt house at Woodstock, Shenan¬ doah county, to-morrow evening, and in ibe Union church, Mt. Jackson, on Tues¬ day evening. Ol I' BB ** WK KN KY A-.-Al I.TKI1 AV[> WotTROSO HY A Nltilto PROQRRR YVhii.k at- lKMI'lINi: TO l.KKr. Btfl io mr, MI.. 1 itt-,- HOCSB..-Last night between Kl aud ll o' l-l, <k Officer Sweeney, ol tbe Second po¬ lice district, in attempting to arrest a negro man aamed John Henry bright was struck upon the left side of his face with a granite spawl bf him and leriouslv injured. It sn ni* that the negro was very dis¬ orderly near tbe Second Market, and Waa ordered by tbe ofticrr to go away from there. He refused, how¬ ever; whereupon Mr. Sweeney Marted to srresl bim. Bright ran off, and was chased bj tho officer through an alley be¬ tween Fifth and Sixth streets near Broad into a bouaa occupied by aegtoea. He was finally captured, and while on the way to the -tation-house made another effort ta escape. When mar the station-house Bright picked up a stone and struck Officer Bweeney with it witta un at force, knocking him senseless Ile then ran off, but was captured by Officer Tomllnaon and carried to tin station-bouse. Dr. Brock wss lent for to attend Mr. Sweeney. Bright says be work* at the Calb go Mill's. Be Will have a hearing at the Police Court to-morrow morning. A MroRioRi Roma Crairo ard Caf* TLiti.ii.SBTBRAL Shots PirbO at Him.. Friday night between IS and 1 o'clock James McCurvis (colored) wa* arrested, Charged Witta feloniously entering in the night-time and stealing sundry articles from ihe store af Jame* Btewsit, on Franklin street near Fourteenth. Curvis entered tba Start before it was closed at night and COR* eesled himself. About ll o'clock VV. lt. Bond and W. S. Jackson, two young tuen who live in a room over ihe store, went home, and Iud been there bul a short while when they heard a suspicion* noise beneath tbem aa the first floor. They went down le see what was the matter. On getting down stairs they o*iened the front door. Soon as it was opened Curvis, who lind bid hiin*( If In Mic hoti*e, ran out into the Street Willi Several pieces of clothing and a small amount of money which belonged to Bond. The two men immediately gave ebasc and tired several shots at the thief, who was finally captured la Loauat alley aad taken to tba First DOltce station. The stolen pro¬ perty was found in Curvis's possession when he was arrested. The prisoner was examined in tlie Police Court yesterday and aaa! -w to tba araad jury of tha Hustings Court for indictment. Bail was refused. Police Colkt..The following cases were disposed of at the Police Court yesterday morning by Police-Justice I). C. Richard¬ son : Thomas and Joseph Marcella, charged with obstructing tbe sidewalk on Franklin Street Witta fruit-stands. Discharged. Henry Williams and William Bibbs'both colored), charged with fighting in tbe streets and endangering tbe property in tbe neighborhood, were tined fir eacb. diaries II. Carter (colored), charged wltb throwing rocks in the fetrect and endangei- lng tbe property in tbe neighborhood, was fined "fl at tbe station-house. Jack-on Mann (colored), charged with fe¬ loniously breaking and entering in thc night-time tbe store of Joseph Levy snd stealing *10 in United States currency, was discharged. Ora Shorts (colored), charged with steal¬ ing a pig valued al ti, the property of Bella Fund. Not guilty. Mary and Laura Jone*, (both colored), charged with stealing t'2 from Cynthie. Martin, were lound guilty and sent to jail for sixty day*. William wiley (colored), charged wltb Etea Hag a razor, valued at fifty cents, from sim* Booker. Continued until Monday. Mitchell Chapman, James Sweet, and Oliver Thouin* (all colored), charged with stealing a basket ami a lot of dishes from John Sloan, were disci-awed. James Patterson (colored), charged with unlawfully having in his possession a cow supposed to have been atolen. C'ont'nued um il Wednesday snd the act-used committed tv jail, Famii.t Marertino.Retah, rmcas.. The following were the prevailing prices for family marketing yesterday ; Meats..bett, Q to ViJGloc. per pound; mutton, 8c. per pound; spring lamb, JO to 12fc. per [lound; lamb-chops, Hge. per pound; veal, 10 to 124c per jMinnd; pork, 10c. |ier jioiind; sausage, tte, per pound; smoked sausage, 10c. per pound; bacon, 8 to 12if)14c per pound; lieef- tongue, 1'Jic per pound; corn-lieef, g to 10c. per pound; liver, 8c. per pound; chitlins, 8c. per pound ; tripe, 8c. per pound. Eoicts and Butler, etc..Live chickens, \ 20 to 30c. apiece, or 50c r pair, f2 to 82.20 per dozen; spring chickens, lu to 25c apiece, or 20 to 50c per pair, 81.20 I to t2 20 per dozen; live ducks. Rf to 40c. apiece, or 10 to 80c. per pair, ft per dozen ; spring ducks, 40 to 50c. apiece, or 73 to j 80c. per pair, fl per dozen; live geese, 40 to 50c. apiece, or 80c. to fl per pair: guinea fowls, 20c. apiece, or 40c. per pair, f 82 per dozen ; squabs, 15c per pair; egg.*, 124c per dozen. Fowls are plentiful and very cheap, but small demand. Butter, 20 to Ht. per pound; cheese, 10 to Mc per I>ound; sweet milk, 8c per quart, or 23c. per gallon; buttermilk, 5c per quart, or 20c per gallon. Vegelables.-Jlorn (roast ing-ea rs) J Oe per dozen ; tomatoes, 5 to 10c per quart; cu¬ cumbers, 10c per dozen ; eymlms, Q to 8c per dozen; cabbages, 5 to* (Sc. per head; heels, Cc per bunch; sweet potatoes, |*i per quart, or two quarts for 25c.; Irish po¬ tatoes, 4c. per quart, or 124c per half-peck, 25c per peck ; onions, 8c per quart, or 25c per half-pick, 50c per peck; butter-beans, 10c. per quirt; blackeye peas, 10c per quart; carrot*, Bc per bunch; inapt, two quarts for 3c, or 10c. perbalf-peck, 20c. per peck ; BORP-berba, lc per bunch, or IOC pr dozen bunch. | ¦ egg-plants, 5 to 10c apiece. Fish..Spots, 10 lu nc |..r hunch ; intcll crockers, 15 (o 25c per bunch; itnrgeon,5c per pound; crabs, 20 to 50c. per dozen. The market ls well supplied with tbe ettore fi*h. and Miling at reasonable prices. Fruits and Melons..Apples, 2 quarts for Bc, or 10c per half-peck, 20c per peck: peaches, 8c per quart, ar 25c per ball* peck, BOC lier peck; pears (for eating), 10 to 124**. per quart, or 40c* per ball-peck, 73". per pick, (for cooking) Sc per quail; plums. 8c per quart, or 15c. per half.peek, 30c per peck; whortleberries, 5 to 8c per quail; grape*, 10c per pound, or three pounds for 23c; canteloupea, 3 to Bc apiece: watermelons, 5 to io to lac apiece ; lemons, 20c per dozen. Rbabbessrbrt or Pbofbrtt..Iffetsra, H. Coalter Cattail, J. L. Apperaoo, and W. a. Benwell, tba assessors of reateatate, will commence tin ir Held work tomorrow mora* lng. Tiny will begin with the property cnn i of Twenty-fifth and Main stutts. A Cn ni. A meeting of Ibe working force lately CB* gaged in getting out The I'mniiiomceaUh new--paper was held in Ihia city yesterday morning, tbe object being to express their high appreciation of Major William L Royall, both as editor and einplover, and tinder him their respectful regard* and good wi-Ins for abundant luocess in his cbosen professional the law, or in any other pursuit in willed ba may in tba future see lit to eni iga. Mr. Andrew I.. Tenser was called to Hie chair and Wilton Craves Wharton chosen secretary of tba meeting, Thc object being explained ia above, thc following were unanimously adopted : Whereas it is Witta deep regret that we taara cone to know thal the exigencies of business have demanded tbe stoppage ol The Commonwealth newspaper, whereof William L Royall, Esq , was lite owner and editor, a journal which though young la years bed taken, as it deserved, high rank among its contemporaries, both for its signal ability and derated tone, being an honor at lea*t to tue community of journalism if not a source of prolit to ii* >.- inductor * Hurt-fore belt i. iii tailed, Tint nm- alnfit re thank* ai e due, and are hereby tendered, to William L. Royall, Esq., tor tba Intereal aad solici¬ tude always manifested by him for tha wel¬ ter*; ol thc printers in his employment, not lest than his untiling efforts to forward the Interests ol all others concerned In tbe pro¬ duction of hi* paper. He simply wanted to know tbal i demaad was ju*t to comply witta it in amplest meaaure, :!. Hesolvedt Tbat Um ttaanks of ttae peo¬ ple of Virginia, and especially those ol Richmond, ara lignan** due thia gentleman for tbe blgb and derated stand taken by bini for. and In* earnest battle in behalf of. tbe honor of the Commonwealth durittj the whole of hi* journalistic career. 3. li' solf it, That wc want no more proof than We bare had Iii our individual esses that William L. Royall. Esq., i* ready at any and all time*, and ever, to forward by cvt rv effort in bis power thc Inter* t*r* of the working class equslly with those of tba capitalists. Tbal ihe stop page of The CommonvBealtht while calcu¬ lated to elicit from the general public a sentimeul ol respectful sympathy with its late owner and editor, is an actual misfor¬ tune to those lately engaged in getting it out. That the members of this met lin; one and all, wish William I.. Royall, Esq., prosperity in all his future undertakings and success in whatever field of labor bc may be called, and that we hereby offer him th, hearty support and good wishes of our- selves and many friends, here and else¬ where lo til bi> undertaking*. Signed on behalf of thc meeting, AKOBSW L. TrRBRR, Chairman, il', ti. Wharton, Secretary. 'Fer UM Dispatch.) Cubby, Balltrotr, Irrlaro, > July io, 1880. $ Thomas Potts. Esq., Treasurer Irish Hi- liej Society, BimiwAtnd, Va., C. cf. A.. Sir,.I am directed hy the chairman of the Currv Relief Committee, Very Bar, Canon O'Doualiue, to acknowledge with thanks tba receipt ot your generous contri¬ bution of JEI1 Hs., and to beg tint voil will ba good enough to convey to Mr. Higgins and the other members of your Society tbe grateful thinks of this Committee for the timely and generou* aid which they have sent toourstarrtag people. At the last meeting of the committee tbe following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the grateful thanks of tbis committee are due, and arc ht reby ten¬ th nd, to John 31. Higgins, K»q.. and the other members of the Irisn Belief Society af Kichuiund, Va., for the very generous asalstaaea thev have given toward allevia¬ ting tbe distress of the starving people of this paii*b. I am, sir, your obedient servant, James, As-istant Secretaiy Curry itclief Commit¬ tee. This letter comes from thc native parish of Mr. John M. active mem¬ ber of the Relief Committee, and a worthy member of thc Common Council of Mich, mond._ *. A Card. Editors of the Dispatch : Doubtless "it's of no cms.-qin nee," nevertheless f dislike to have it thought that 1 was a candidate for tbe pcctnustersbJp af thia eHr. I was fif¬ teen hundred miles away dunns thc peet* office troubles here, knew nothing of them, could not anticipate a vacancy, gad if any oue used my name it wa* wholly without mv knowledge or consent. I have no rea¬ son to believe, and do not believe, Ihat my name was ever mentioned lo thc appointing powers. *.. M- mitmt* Hich mond, July 31. H A SkII KRTKE ARD VU I MT Y. Sent On.-At the Mayor's Court yeater- day morning Fliun Burras* alias Jotau Colt-man (colored), who was arre.ted In tbis city Friday morning, charged with killing fcfcWtfa by cruelly beating ber. waa «- aminnl and sent on to Ibe grand jury of the Hustings Court for Indictment, and committed to Jail. The remains of bis wife were interred in Hairy Cemetery at the expense of tbe chy. Kicked by a Colt..Joseph Co».ter, a little boy live years of age, wa* kicked br a colt at Mr. Philip Hatheway's faim, in Che*ter- fleld county, a few days ugo. The llltle fel¬ low waa playing with the animal at the tim**. His skull waa badly fractured, and lt was thought noon after ho was kicked that Injury wonld prove fatal. Since tben be bas gradually improved and is likely to re¬ cover. Dr. Inf-ram, of this city, attended the unfortunate little fellow. Death Of Mark Adams..Mr. Muk Ad nus. a well-known locooiotiyc engineer, of thin eily, died Friday night at his real* dence, on Twelfth street, in thin city. He had been sick some time previous to his death. Mr. Adams was an employe'of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, and was held in very high esteem by tata fellow-workmen. He leaves n wife and two children, who in their sad affliction have tbe sympathy of many friends. Statistical..The clerk of the Unslings Court issued seven maniage-lieenses during the month of July --th ree wbite and four colored.and recorded nineteen dei -fis. Thc Coroner was call* it upon only twice during Hie pa«t month, line post-mortem examination was held. There were no lire-alarms during tbe Month.'_ Brief Items..'Vhf HRBtJRfl Court will be in session to-moi row and Will probably adjourn for the term. There are several prisoners confined in the city jail al present. All of them are eolored. The Board of supervisors of Cbaaterfield county met last wc k and adjourned with¬ out transacting any business of special im¬ portance. Kaieaf. Tl'Ml'I. AR Balta. Ff I.L ST0( K. I.OW I'll ll KS. A. SA ts*' A (tl.. 1007 east Main jtrtt.l. Ba \inu i.i.v Win 11. TBBTB KNsenr.ii t!Y Un list-ol MKAitt: g BABBB'S BATOVIKB DB1ITI* kihi b. which aili apecdUy taaaovelaelptaattartar aad Kort. Prise, rn'ty ecol* a iwj, Love rales she coatI, the ram p. tba grt. vc. Hut tin* wa fm'! wiirri-t r ar* ran Thal BoseooMl aloa* inpiiIlM 'I l.e .liz/, lui; teeth ii,| rut'> ,ly . 'I li it Itii'l lui' in:.Men Sall lllf SBBWBM Tiiat win ber ttl ncr laver** .-inn*. Raw ASBaTCr fok I.ituia TfSTBB TJBTlag bSSB ai'i-tiliitfl b| < eliuii 'I'll,mm- k. Gooda oat sf in- Bacala r<-r tin alf,,ritr fk.\ i.o Lithia Wk ran, ac -li.ill BM pa Mii'i'ly of this vry vahaaMs watti mi band, an'I aro ptwpaftd to matt any demand that in...- be marte ii Ba fer lt. H. \V. POWBBS B co., Dross**** RC ' 808 Haas Mri 11, A FBAOBARl IlitKAiii ls always aplSBiaiC,Sod y.tu san Int ve it I,v BtJng IRS tlelli'ii'iis QABBOLIC HOB ll-WAPH pit pan-tit nly liy MiAtti: A Hakim. l'harnnelatr. It tit-tiny- itu- "ift tisive mlnr ciii-nl by dle-aned muss and decayed latta, anal i| reatorae ihess lo .¦» tn-aithy rendition. Pi -. arty santas botue. I.A' i*: k*: i-: i.i.s y BBoranna imvi maiif larft aCdttloBa to theil atm-mif Lai BS, *, i tin n bua* avui (mt ntof TOBcaoa, in.i,i ii ny, l(i"*-t an, Bm SKA, A Minn an*, * t Kosrr, Gi in bb, tn rii>cic, BBJBTOXNB, CASHaMBB, YAK, ead other fashionable Lae**. The** alto ¦howth* larftal Roch of HAtsauaa Kooma** aad in-fm- ini*. iii ol which will beaoldal tbe lawas! price-* i ari hk'hiif.hs bm bow teluna iii»ir Roch of SIM MIK I MIK SS 1,00 DS .lt anil Itt lr, w eOBt. X'». nie um lo tiny. r.MiNi.Ni Hu. II. R.*t, ANN atoms, mu., imiTBS : ("Mni* Linnie's Liri to kathai t or bbib li. mi pei j,.r to l i I ul ot .(.ii ytlii uk 1 lia**' >vr ase.I in w;i«teil or Impair) .! eontiltutloa*. poa Gout, Orari raia, Billon*, Ramitteat, ami Intermittent Kt ur-. Dtaeaaea af Ihs Blood, L Ki,Ii,i y--. uni H..1I1I r, Uk. lin's I'tt.i.- Ita* ,. w,,,.'infully aaeceaafal. The cdlaeaae* ars the ra* suit',r vitiatiii iii,., ii. As a Monii-iiiiriiiiT thai bave noeqaaL _ nen CCS TOM BB fl vmi nu: are lu n '.;. iititiiit-ii that we an in dall] rteolpl ofeatra addi- Uona t" "ur in rv atock of Ladas*' aad bfRiti' Hi ports, .Miine-, Queen*, Carey*, Caatllles, J< .<.- pliint*. CariiiVdl-. iiml "lint l.i;i'llii)i *!..',. Saii'iais anil 9 Ippen; abe, :i Sae lot of Gentk ru :.*-. Low-Qnarti r sn, t«. Uavtag J ist purebaaed a large qaaallty Of th'se good* lunn New york sad B conn laaton-hon - al is" stl| ri dace*! prtet i, oarta** to the lah ne- s of thi asen, ut arc so ibted to od t Ibdnceaaeat* la prier, rai weil a* a fall atoeh lo ssh 1 ruin. uki-mw Boscnaa a Bnorann, 807, ri OH, and 511 Hroa'1 street. I llAVK ANAI.Y/.KI) rilK WlllShlY kll"Wn I!:- ik-r the liraml ol I'-st lei t." contrail**! bj M' irs, WALTBB l>. BLAIB S. CO*, Kn Innontl, Vt., aad flin! it free fr'.'in fusil-oil aad other Inaparitlca, sett Meeauaead Its sta for sredlelnal ami AuaUf parpesss. J. B. Mccaw, m. h.. Lute PieRaearef ( heml-try, Metllcal College of V':r"*ln!a. Jitnnnry 13. I07B. M BS, WIN-I.o W'S sooth ING8YRUP. Mtv. SYI.VANt s (ore Hui- write- In thc Bolt'ti chrittinn Freeman: w> wnuiit itv bo ssssas re- ootnnifiitl any kind of iiu-iliciiic whit-ii aa did r."t kit'iw to ba gui,'I.p-irtn-iilaily fur infant'-. Hut it MAS, W1RBL0W'8 BOOTHIRG 8YRUP WC CM s[tealt fri'in kae>wl*4fB| la "W" own I'.tml'y it Irut proved a Mat-dBf* iinlt I'll, liy giving an Infant trou¬ ble wiiii eons piiins i|int t lissasnd Bi psitntsau* brohea real at alcht. mott parents caa appteelats the** tileaataaa. Hers ls au Bitteic whlah warts io perfection, ami windi ll baraatoMi f"r UM llssp wliii'ti UsSbrdl tt,'' latani ls iit-rfeiily natural, :ui'l fha little ilieruti BWakSS vt* " l-right as a battOB.*1 AaddariBathspiuceBiof teathtaa its value i* in- ralralsbls We Bare fwansntly Beard wstbsss say liny wi,ulil adi tte vf lill',ut it lunn Hit-lilrlh of the t-lil'tl till 1'hat! tint-In .! with tl c teething Mt/« "i: anv ,-,,11-i'l. ration wtiati-vcr. S'lti hy all ilniKiri*'.* Twenty (ive cents* in,tin 'lt il-ei'tllw At < I ION S *l I N HHMIO. ll. s. AKDBRBOR A BOR, lo A. M.,gi-ocerle». Ac J Ntl. y. LAU611T0R. J*m ll A.M.. iru-tt»e'»»«:e ,.f phottwraphaaUar*f, wan its faeaUais* apta- nil.*, Ac. E. HOLSTRGRB, HikIi I'l-a; tattle. 10 A. M., houu- hoid fnnaiture. naduaa-aU. ac. I'BOl' Til KY QOI D*"s 100 TIN Ti ill.KT BRR Jost rtteWetl, to he told at from 10 to 'J5 i*r cent. Ie«* than regular price. tireat har-falm lu SlI.Vfclt-rLATBll 1 C E* PITCURRB. I'OU( KLAIN-LIM.I) I'KKSEKVIN!' KKTTLES **ry cheap. Tbelaritt,! Hock pf (MINA IIINNEK, TEA and TOILET WAKE anti IIOl'SE-Fl KMSlllMi 1,'ittli* (.l-.NKKAI.I.V, to lie fouml *K>tUti ol N*w York, at liotroa ruicRS. If you wi»b tMiritaiul glTe me * cati. Jv Iii E. H. TAY!.OK. 1011 Malu *tri'et. J OTT RK( KIVKD, A IRATE OF HODP-TURBBM8 irom Ktiglnnd ; a large ttoek of UKI (HIA lKH cllAMrlKIt bil.-*, io ute vert** najl onta; a rrcat tarleiy of TIS sr is; 2,000 M!l.K-l"AN.^.»MKillyoa*¦a|(t-^,. l early aud --^-,1. WALLA. K. iel4_»fo, 40e Hroat! tlreet. N kw ciiiNA (iooua. nr.toKATrn tra-sbt8: HECwKATKI) HESSE KT-MTS J UK iiKA'I KHKfc.KKV-*jET«; JiK( olIAl'Kll (*llAMHKK-*-l-TS: I)ECOKATKl> EI.OWKK HOl.lJIcKI*. WILD KOKS, WAlKK-i (H'LIKB (new tie. (lau*). It'E-CKIAM EKEK'/KKS. LtKik befor* BILL-HEADS, fo.W to fajser ream, at HM OltfAXVM raU^TWb^WVilL THE DISPATCH. TERMS OT ?DV£RtifatINO. CASH-IWYABIASLT rt* ADVAnCS (jae towarr, on-truerOoo....... inc at)aare, two Inaarttoi i)a* (titian*, tbrea I n**rtl< Ono etfaarn,ala I at-artlcm*..........- . Ofl tue *|tiarfc, twelve ln*-rtloa«.~... 8 50 nu* J'tQ»r*\oB*mt*Btb.*m. 10 00 rn* *.**.*, two i**-»nth*.~.~.....,_ 18 00 line wiaar*), three nu*tb*.....?.Z4 00 B HW F. ~-*~*-*~-^^-JH5STw^^^___ Vf ABONlC NOTlCE?~The rneni-^a f'1..1"'* ...' >«. Jun vs imikii:. sn. sn Yy 1'nLi *,M* *V M" *,rr r**ll»Mi**l lo ailcnd a /V\ »d iflhute <,f i--!>.--t -ootir <1et-e»»e,i hroihcr, JOH I. HBLVia. All M tsi, r M..,,n. ',, ,M«| clan'll ire frat- ruallv Invite.! to uui>« with nc By order of the w. M. WA LT KB Mt MIRK. Secretary. ATflCSr 1 ¦ A. L. 6S80, A. fl. IMHO_niTl-lt If AROS IC SOTICB.-Tlio .tated iri rommiinicatlntl nf HENRH'O INION .<>(>(.K, Mv ISO. will taite pico- TUIK. w Ronttiv) EVENING, al Mains' 11*11. on Tw-oty If h Mreet, at 7 ./....rk. All Maater Ma<ou* In - untiing arc fta'rrtiailv Invited. By order of the W. M. WILLIAM WILHOR, Secretary. A cot MT 2, A. L.StsSO, A. I). 1880. au l-l-.* OFFICERS AND MEMBERS > ur JcprRRaoR lodok, a-*, . O. (J. P., will aneuihle it their ladft- joiii un .-IN |i\V EVENING, Au- u*t 1*1, at 'm i/eltiok. for the pu rr--te o'" in>l.i< U* hut tad tr. '.ie nf i, -k.i to our dt*t raieo* Uro. ler. Pact i.ran.J John a. Mrmher* of '.ter it'<lrfftt*r.ii>rillallv invf.-.l to an te witto m. ly order nf the NM,. Jilts B. VAUGHAN. »" I'll_Secretary. "IFFICEBS AND MEMBERS Ol' THE J EAST-KM) IU \H*,i Ul. AND KOCTAL "< lETY.No i, are herein| to atti-nd a i-a*ul*r meeting »t their hall MUNDAY NIGHT. ,uvu*t gd, at f* u'ai.H'k. Ho-ine** nf Importance. ie comma! lou of the t'nloti-wiii rome np ftir ac- ion. M«ii!i.i. of slater (.er-lette* n-rtllaily in -:v-1 ¦ alteml. By omer of thc Pretlile-it. J. P.cRPKKY, »" l-lt* Actina* See-flarr. OAixneo vtn.t.a Ma-n-rAi nmiaa On*.) Kit iiM'iNit. Va.. Jul) M. 1880. \ VUE ANN TAI. MEKTfMi OF TIIK 1 STOCKHOLDER* IIP THE (.ALI. EO<» Ul.Ls ll.lMK.H iCKTVi CUMI'ANV will he leif! at their offlee on WEDN!*SDAY. Angi*t 1. 1880. at la o'cit*-. M. 1 HOMA8 II. KFESKE. iv.'!o-Aiigl..1.7.11* Becretarr. OFKltKOF TIIK (lill DoMINInV IttOM AV|,i .N All. IVuKK.i ('tiMI'AM . '. BK itiiosi.. Va Julv -.1. 18M) S rili: ANNUAL MFFI'INO Of 'HIE I sim K Hui.Ul-Ks ol Hu* rom nany will h-i i l-l at tin* utile".- '.ii MuMiW, Auku i Jil. .if lg 'dock. K. K. HLANKENSIIIP. )yB8*Al Cornruinial Agent. I _ Rtii.rrA»T Barwm _ DH llMONli I. I (. li T INFAN I Itv IV BLURB ASSixUTItiN'.-'lli.-rfBuai omar, -riv me.-tii* of the Kit IIM'»Mi Lli.lll IN*. . "AN'TRY BLUES \ IvlltiN will h h-iiH t the llluec'arinori. t.n Seventh street, In rear of*, MONDA) Mi,MT, Vtj*,ii* 2.1880, I 8 "c o'clock. A full 11 tendance ..f ile A.-octa- I'li mt tn!., r- ii urgently rtgu«-tetl. I- \ \t L. ( KUY l'r*-itl nt AisiKlatioii. ii" mas H.RlAWKawimr.Beetaiarr. _ an lit RL. I. BLUES. ATTENTION '.-A*-M . "Hillie al vour iirinnrv MUNDAY Milli A tuan*! vj, 1880. *l S:8(i o'clock, i* luananH ATIGOB Patron,!, lu iittcml the A«*'nu H sd ri-uin-iiiv meetlagi aad inniitn. Evin tom* er ls r*que*tc i to in- present. . By command I.nutt unit E. I). sr\R**r.. t HAIG.KS \. i.llt*i»S au l-lt HM Nei-*eaul. I \< IRSIOMt, Pl*.-NM'**. etc. SECOND ANNUAL E1CUB9ION BY Kt-x I I ( t'l M IL. Mi 1, J. Ot 1 . A. M , TO IfOITXI Pl I IRAK I. MOROAT, I coral Bi IBO, Dancing, Boaliu**, Baibla**, Swinninc. Croq r,'ti/, a ".¦ii-k-K.-ti-e. sn ix Tnb-Rac* ob tba ii** ll- -nilli- of In' BBMUtCBItata oflereii. iii ti. ibment* .! I'i'v in'*'. TlCBBTK : Ai utts OOo.; till Uren. liSr..:c h-i Hain. HPECIAL i iiaiv ha- item eaartared io Uava len t.8t vni'ieiitti aad Broad tliaeu, at *;i.*i A. M. tel urning leave* M'. 1'len.ant at 8:30. au 1-11* i DAL PION1C tx. rm; rm. He.x*rtTOF «¦ I. I* Al KU K*.* -IVI1AV M IIO'U., ct U«tN AIK.ON RU IIMONIJ AM) HAN VILLE R Ml lt'> Ml. on TUESDAV. A tot sr lum. Kv- rv arranaetnanl -sin i»* ni ide tnt ihe cninf .rt. ind ti t.i»uie of all wit" Tiver us willi their i,mi¬ nn. \ l'itl/i. GAME ni BAbE-BALL lil-. rWEEV KKK Kl i SINKS, li'ttiu Vl'*l' 1-''K ?AN! IXIj lu Halli)'- -trtnK Baud. KKKKE.-II- Ul NTS A r CITY PRU BB. TH Kf.T«: Ailults. SOC.; tlill'lreii. 25c; 1" bS tad -.1 tlie Sunday-School ti at-ht rv, am! .. h"inr. in it the iiepot on the norning ..( tut exe**t***aa, Train leafes al B A. M. Coal ra Itia* I E.W. Mi- .u\. 1 J. I'araier. li. -ntltv;.m. _au l-«-u.W.SudTiil' ril'Wti 1'Virnslnv TO CtkTOAOO I'i THE TRIENNIAL 0RAR0 OOM! LAVi: OS MIK GRAND KN' AMI'MK.N I Of 1. ,1'ill* TEMPI IR ur lill l NIH ll BTA1 -. TIA CUBBAPEAli IND OHIO KAILUdAD. !t(.|<l Tfl K"Ii THE ROUKO TIMK ORLTtlB, eblch laclnde* nu tl* and bailBi sa Iha0bla»ri**ai -li aaa r-. II- KKI*t. "nil I" Kl" It'l'N IN'ill. >! I'l 1 MRI ll IB, I*"-". The above excortioa, nndei Iks .-tu-piee* nf the ' "MM Win Itv UFBT. AMDRI WET. . leavlag Blehaioad ea tb* ISik, l.ith, aad ll'li of Auitu*'.'¦il'i-i*. BreSI Inducement t" ¦ .- nant* aad then t" \i-it the we tern el lea at au mu u.i i\ low ptii'i'. :niil ut Ihe aa bm Hun-pi- ni* tba .ipp'irt'iniiy ol wllaettklnc tbs araads t <i .- iiarmli ,,f Kuli'hl* iver »Ce.i lu hi- i-i-uiitry. Ticket* for **]< i>v t.W.Garber, BUS MaluK il ihenSceol the ( tteaaueake and ohio rallrar-l, i" I by the member* of ihe eon*raRt*-*.John I. I. nu B. *i:i I. V. Ht'l«.H,.| A. ar. (tuli-r, i. M. M. -nu,I. Il.-iii>. Bodekar. andJno. E lemnali- i' i , lr. Jv :itMti.iiAul»4"'l .: IRAND EXCURSION HY X GOVERROM OUABO fO i:«'N AIR, MOROAT, AC«l STt ll M. 'Ir.;-i ii ivs Diinvilli -ili-j-.' itt | V. M.: r. lu 7 P. M. ricket*, ."" fi nt-; lit,In* an<l chlllreu io ¦:< nt-. MKS' "'* * I Kl Ni. HA NI I. DARC1RG -I" ''¦'> »"'' r"-""' i|r'"" SHOOT" IRQ MATCH bl twara univ* Trnn BflRa**] t-<.tu;>*- im eiif snd btinssw ciit»en* Ktnsts iptfl :>> iii Jv MUlRAal4ATaa SI*1*1tH !*l -.UKIN. k2TRIBLlKG BPKINO.S, VA.-8UI.- <5 1'IICR. ALUM, i itKATi:, i«ui BREE* ¦ t-.NI WA I EK ail Ul Hi'- lawn. 11 I'M*: S'^.'i tn ?((' pi r raoatb of twenlj lava. BIB |"-r v»t^|, f-j ;h-i da**. An aii,iiii' lil. for [anillie* hr tin- iii',nth. Ur. ro-rud-ltip ticket* lo tba Nprlaff* ar te tuuu* toll, wt em '.lure i* . tine llserv t iiEBLI v BINNEY, Pn»lal*jn au t*aodlSta Ii i.\ AIR. I' vi. *.-li t,»eiij.iy ckJ kcal ail tlurluit Au".-ti»i *etul»tr»pji!y early t'i I. M. HAWKINS. Jy 28-1 w 1'n-iMU'iu 0"l 1KNET f»PRI NUS VA.,N0 wTipKN*. Kuan! |m r ilav ».-. «.r<iii.*r to loeallmi of ti.,I uumiter ot' person- in aauie, fl.At! tn $i.ri1; i-r wt-ec. |S lo SI I; I" r inotitli, S*I0 lo Sit). SMChil c viii rafts -anti fiiinlli-- ami nartlt* ti-jwhr- ba* aver lim i<r»i,n* at lew* mles. Kound-inn ticket* : nun Rlcnmoad to t irkuey over ( .-..... < iud Ohio lailioatl, foodUH Oclobei l.t. ill. JtiNE* A PARKER. jy 17-ltn_i'r"P' fa^EASIDK tlSOVtT. COBB**! ISLA NI). VA. ITJRf.BATBIRO. Kl-IIIN*.. *MKE-!»H(K>TIN(J This HOTEL 1* re.,|ieiie,| for the reception n* vl.itor*. Tem*: BS i-t day. SIS p<-r ..aa.MS per month. H"u:e from Norroik or tnd IVlnt by »'eituifr Bank- io t lurr>»ti.ue every Mnt'liy. Wet iie-<l;tv, ant frl'U). SK.MiY A I OBB. teJI-am* _I'mtiiieiiie*. 'PUK HYOIIl llDTEIi, OLD i'OINT ( OME'lRT, VA. SITl'ATKO 0VB HfCUItlCP TABI»fl fBOM rOBT MONKOK. OPEN ALL THE VEAK. Eqiia! to »tiv hotel In ibe I'uttcd State* »s a Nun . Bier Re*or« or cold-weather -auitartuio. E"i i . advantag*-*, term*, 1'. , sa*ard-acriblBS hvnif-alf advau atldr»-s»i.v m*H ¦jr *Sr»i{1,''i*J,1,<.k. ap:iO lr j*^ lLl'lIoi. Bi's, I'loprietur. Aianui.. .JrMMKMWTi'KS FOR AM. Sl'/.KS OK 1> AMIlltM 111, i l"MH>.KI.\Nl». **»'*:'N'; LOVER KILL. Nt 1 Twilit KO. au.l MIT iliKE; KI'.E autl OAK WikM* rr"'" S8.8i) to 14.50 p»T ct-Ml, ikliveretl. «*» *"*d .*** /'" ¦.J'U'-sf.l; voil eau "I" Utter th.tu e.l.ewhere. ortjei. by tele- ;.i,..;... «r otlierwise |ir.>r-*Miv ailed Irora eltbif ,(r.f«-7l'» Bru*-*. opu-'US ,»bcaH-«-..i>-- I»<I6 i «iy -tree*._\J" ».) i M. I AUB. I>URC11A**ER.-1 WAyTEli KOK BKHT I UKI INT (OAL, 8EBT ANTIIRAiitKt'O/1- HES r roKKsT PIN Y -^l-'vVVA^ HKHERi AN tl l OAL. BtsT *A »<[URI ST IC AM COAL. ±.H:.^wT 1# i«n«ai*anui iii***.at ara*

Transcript of Library of Congress · THE DISPATCH. ^YTHCDISPATCH COMPANY*. raaa-D* ODABLI ist ahvakcb. _ JKirv-...

Page 1: Library of Congress · THE DISPATCH. ^YTHCDISPATCH COMPANY*. raaa-D* ODABLI ist ahvakcb. _ JKirv- DAILY niBPATCH Is delivered towb-Wrt*.fSaS virTBBH riKts -ht week, payable Sj) Ot*


raaa-D* ODABLI ist ahvakcb._

rv- DAILY niBPATCH Is delivered towb-Wrt*JKi virTBBH riKts -ht week, payable Sj) Ot*.fSaS weakly. Mailed tlMpM annum: 88 forSTaTo^hT: 81.B0 for th*** taonlh*; tOo. for

-.4*J?KMI.V.KRR1*Y DI8TATCH Bl IS BSTSB...«m «t SI for six month*. mm_¥b» WEEK I.TlMBPATcHataiw-raaBaBB.



. . rs is mb aweact or


A- sn erattlcsnt of dy*i*r*t*. contd Ip*Hon and liver

rotaplaln!, aad as a tmesns of eotinteraetlng a ten-

deurs logout, gravel, rheiimalism. and a numl^r

.her aliment*, lt hs* no equal.f-OIJr* BT ALL DBtT.OI-.T-,.

Jv W-SS.V1W*_»'.ni« -a rm* ai..

tr KN >» 0 i;k l N i \ v us rr VJV 1IH-.H **H HOOL.

AMHERtsT < tifRIHiiCsE. VA.

ll A -THODE (M-tth. Medallist. C. Va.l. Piineipasui insiroetor In Mailieniaile* and NainraSell nee*.

K * NH.-kN.M S. il'nlvcrilly of Virginia*, ln-Vtrucloj ll '. ?> 1. snd Latin,

i i Kl n i r-liiealfsl In llermany and for manyvear»rv*ldeni In Part**. lmtr*.t"r In (iermaii,Vreiich. Italian, and BBBSdafc.

This S' Hool I* .lrirtl\ preparatory la llieCnl-venllT ol Vin ni*. >i«*el*i at'enHon 1* gtv. a to

leaohlugsii **."*?. BWSBSJ laiiais*u**»*of

4-taua* for half aetaioa, lift*. Redm-ilon ma.!.I. ravorof a minister'*ion '¦> "['*"i!Vv ' m*\i

,isl...i.t--*d'!re»* IHE PRINt H'M.

IMOftlAl -


IMVKRSUT OV* Vlll'.'NI A.*ciiAinrtiAN*> ni i uk, Mn] BA, lB7a. i

-ir.-!l gi*- "rc to wiy Hut \..ii haveBri lyonng men totbisjastlinitoa.

*i eur *i'.ln»oi i* ni.'t i for ns gtod discipline, andItt Hiorofljrb iflin-iiiional training.

Tari irnH yoara, JAME* E. harrIm-n.

1 BIVBBB1TTOI \ ni a. Ms v Rt, ls 7.-.. * * I III mit bealsal* i" n-cotnmend lbs

High *.i'tn. i a- in t-ifi v rt .|,»,i iii servingfi,lenee .ind patronage ol the pubfir

WILLIAM i Pl i Elis,Latin l' til \. rsliv ol Virgiula.

. . . . The K> i'mote Academy ut rtgarded. .ftli. Virginia Behool* nf high

i.l 'n.i.E 1 RI DERICK Hm.Ml *-.

|-r i, ssot ir*!, rv Literature, ann Rhetoric.I'XrVBBSITl OP ViaaiNIA. Mai SO, 1878.

t sin >t:-i rt Of Vint.isl \. Raj il. U-7*i.I -.'.lid lbs Kenniore Behool «* Mandina da*

% tu iii int rash ol High r-cbooia, in nie..:' t:..-r .nilli ii aching. Judicious

tiealllifuiiie-*. ant'ai".'i-*«iii!liiv. * * »

FRANCIS ll. SMITH.Profl :.¦ i Natani I'.'n >>*i.|iliv,

Uatvenitj Vlrgbjla.Carri il*uy f>v Vii: lima. Ma*-ft7, 1B78.

\,.i ,ni,\ from mv knowles*** af Mr. mhMi-v highr*pntatlou, uni *'¦.<> t""' |**J**r**aal aripiaintktie-e>»!t!i liim. and. abovealLfrom totcrronne in myown euui**room willi yoong men laugh! by bim, I

um 11>.<i Hie min-e "i teacblugat Kenmorei. uumuatl- solid and tflt r Iv*.

1 HOMAB R. PRICE.ProfB .*"r .'t Ort el..

M\ knowli'L-e Cd Mr. ll. A. Mrxli ** :i'.Wilie* andaltalament*, bk* rh ii leacber, aad thci,uh Maadlaa which hi* pupil* have obtained uponenterlna ihi University, jastlfy mi kn recommend-

>1 mo-l earnestly-and cordially.*t Hi Ii- DBA ERR.

I'r,ift--*..i "t Mudera Lanaaagea, Ac1'ni\ i i;si i y OB Vue.ima.

PROM Patron*. 09 lill -< HOOL.I bava hana well aoajtaalniad vriih tbe maBBsrmrni.

tll-i iplln.. ami Ititi irv .-ul,¦nniai-i-- of Kenn,"ie1'nlrersUy lilatta Behool .ur ilaca it* establish*meitL . * . li, ui) opinion it na* no seperior.. . . SAMUEL ll. HENRY.

.iii'iiie of Amherst timmy.

Boat sir..A- n BBltoa af sun aebool I lakein i. ii.-i ¦ ii'iinir li in tbe highett tarma foi

Ba insui advaalaam. « » * Re*c**rifn!ly.TAYLOR KERRY.

I live in tight 'if " Kt iiuii'. .*' ! hine waiabed lt*hirth, its giowtii. and development. In it- marai tleman y leaching* amt lufliii-iic,-.*. sad in

i rntln> advantage*. H baa aa a highschool no tnjterlor. -AMI ll. M. GARLAND.

.i I.. i5. ib7e.

f l"r«-ii- lbs Lji ebbarg Kew* JKl RMORt BTOH K HOOL.

Wt- havi Ui.'itsn the whoo I iboronabli and Intl-rr,>in lu loiindatl.iu.wore a patron for at ase

si»r-. »nii aa tn iii."i .Milersnf arnich eta are om«peteni t" Jndga, rnoai c >rtllally endoraa ti,-and the people among whom it i- localed.

Eur (Wier lesliBoalal* -ce la-Msw_*_AUGUSTA FKMALK BEMNABY,


Miss mari j. baldwin, Paixi ipal.

lh',« laatitatli n eoallane* lo Increase lo proar* r-

Bs from yeal lo year, lt .sBS"** superior *dvantag#aIn k-ratloa; In it-, building* aad ground*; in lt*gt nei.ii appointment* aad -ani'.-irv artanfemenu :lt* inti rm p* ,.t superior and experienced lencber* ;li* niiniriia**.<l a'lviiiititires in mille, modern aaa*guag.i. eloculiou. iii.i art*, physical culture, and

.nmi lu tne theory and practice of -mokine *

tin aaeeessful efl,nt- ina,le tosecuie health,eom-f,it. and bapphM *-: in opiiosltlon io extravaganee;hi itai 'lir,i ni ioltd icholarsblii.Em (nil partiCSdat* apply IO Ute Pi-lnelpsl f«ir

CiiUi .Je 1H-2IU




f tb] .. li,mi iiiirln^' the tif-t yearh i« . ]iii>iirit(ii-I tie tiini'ii*^1 io M-eiire In additionlo lin corps ol teachers of mal (awatea oilier valu-able assisiai

i- i reulai and farther Information anplr toMit*. .IE".IK GORDON ENQLIPH.

Jv 1-iI-lvt.tiM.WAElin_

MOUKT VEBNON IN8TITUTE, 46Mount Vue a l":i -. liMtlmon. English,

French, autl Gerinai Boardlnr and Dis Behool forYt nug Ladle*. Mr-. M. J. JoNKBsnd Mr*. MAII-I.ani.. Principal*, assisted bj Professor* I., c.IIRK KEN*rr.lN. BlONEY I ANIEII. lt. ISAKTOR, M. IX. aad a burae raniaaf other (aachen ultx perlear* bim] ability. Pupertor advaniage.* art-

oatrred "ii acronni t.f deilahtful aliuailon. Tintwriitv-Srit mitaal term win eosnmenec BRP*1 1 Ml',! II "juill. Clicularsseiil on h-r'MlKm_


i -t sblisiied laaa.Hi* POI ( ULLEI'E. Ol HC'INES!-.

The nt xl st*-l ni opens SEPTEMHER ii. 1680.< ala!,.sue tent 'ii .ipiilleauoii io the 1'ilt.eipal.

L. M. 1ILACKKDRD. M. A..Jy ii gig ts j in_Alexandria. A's.


rOR Yoi N(i LADIES.N"..«. (? aii'i ls esvst Ellty-lhlrsi siieet. Ni w Yolk, re-

-Kl'iEMiiER vb. nu- eoarse of atadi loUm e,,iieti.iie departaaeat* un es ai dt manda f,stin hiirln i edin aimil of snairu. Jy l8-8law*lBi

1>ATAi'SCO INSTITUT*.- Miss KA¬UAI! N. BAMBILI**.!, ol Edge Hill, Virgin!*,

I'rineinsl. Thia *ell-kiiowii S( Hool, for YOUNGEADIE* andi illl.DREN will open REPTEMtiRR1*>T*I. lt '.ff- ri. ni.usual ftw-tilltle* for a flnl.-heu eda-canon. Em circulars andree* Hie Prineipai. !*».

Insihn'e. Elllcoti City, Md. jr 1.6-281


Alli*. (.sm.KalJ. E lt- BtXJART, PBINCirALaided byafuil eora* oi' **ttii-siit Itacbcra. 'ihe bts-lii* .-El'TIMKKIt 1-fl'Ilt. sn.l eoiilinui*.».11.itba. 'i in- rxpeatae t,r imard. 4i-., with a

Baaial auaiM. laclBdltag Mmtlt- and Lan/iiaifes, nts**aol iwened $390. Eor fttkrOralnr.* apnl\ o theh«'J>m PBINCIPAL.

ruoi-at-RAfj**._Olll A Off Sl'PBBIB'TA-l-Uin'T Ol Mil.I.Hi I

MtM»l-l.,V»«! Slli'll..'

Bat*_««\ iu:**. I'tjhi-oisitc, Va., Jn!i tb, 1880.)

.JP0 -OOM RA! TOKK.t-r.Ll.rjL> SIDS will t»- rtes-lved at Hil- nfflne

ii'.Miia-e rv*ignx or AIM'-.1 IStsj tm Hl'ILD-ING A .A'OJ-AMIOI' for tba ->rbt,<li.

-i-e.'JK-atioi,.. will he sent ii a|iplitalloii. I'laiucan tte ke-tsu lie-*-.

IlloV -val he iveoid for lettUaxe'iii-s-aet lu Cliur-loitetiiiast: .>*.... ti.*, Auirukt I41A>.H'ii'hu. \u Met limn'- Klss-r. ( lu **i|ieake aud

nillo i.llwax. CEViVIKK,Jv »1 iii* Suiteitauieiideul,

¦I OBIMN 111 lia. 4/.

17011 -All A No. 1 DKAf* *T>->IIloK-l. .isttist lian''* high: star- >CZV.sttuiil. Aiadd'to H.-IJERA W TLEB.

_|l Bl-'-'t_1B06 I's ry street.

QEOOD UAkt TOE SALE.-AO-^JV .Ot-ainifui RLt inOED MABE. »¦*/] ..; .],ll.ituslll.iii. ami |M-|feCt luijOTi-saeij.,, ,,f f,, ,. miiv^ l**«-ba.ed for kiri, sh* hal¦**« aaadaiy drtw-a that ferr fietsn- iiui-uliesj iur

I. *1 '**¦.*" *'''> *'**«.(.. This I* the cause fareati.itcjH.'*, lit-autifu! au *i4mst. Apply at«r*4-<*r'** ''MARE"Jv %9 diwi*. Dlspateh offlca

J)1pa* ri KA I. li


Wjehiuoiid. iyrs, Jir. WHlism CbrisUwu'*. Dallas uer uiouHi for Qm- pasture. «..,<| wat. r, sall, ande«reful stUntU.ti. litfvr, by uertui*-u.a. to M»>.rA. Vi Sot IfttoriAfttlou spill) at 807 tv**!£22 i!r*,,'t t*l>'<-/ »V >V. E. BALDWIN,ou UkUfy»4^WSiontiod. J/Kft-Jw


$trrtm<mtl Htsptdt.BUNDAY.AUGUST 1, 1880.


IEntere.1 at th* Po*.Mirnee al Richmond, Va., aa

second-claaa matter.!

WEATHER REPORT.iRRfOATIORa yon To-I)ay..For Hip South

Atlantic ami Ka*«l Gulf Sintrs, partlv cloudyweather in Hie tir»l <lislriot, occasional rain,easterly possibly veering to southerly winds,stationary or lower tctniiernlure and baro-nieter.For Hie Middle Atlantic Slslea, Increasing

cloudiness, possibly occas ion,il rains snulh-easterly wltidsi, stationary or lower lempe.rature and barometer.

Tiir. wkatiikr tkstkrdat was clear andwarmer.TnanaoMETKR YEptkroat i 0 A. M.. CR;

9 A. M., 77 ; noon. 86; 8 P. M., M; 0 P.M., 8.3; midnight. 70.Mean temperature, 78}.

LOCAL MATTERS.Dentil .! AV tlli.uii I'll llni tl.; Vt Iel.limn.

BITRRIXO Ol' A LINK THAT llnt'Nli I'..» TO TIIKpast. skktcii ar na drcrabrd.tiikFl XKRai..William franlng Wickham died at his

i:e»ideiicc, ill Hanover county, \e*tinlavmorning at I o'clock. Tba deceased hadbeen Indisposed for nearly two months, lintstorming symptom* diu not appear imtiil,i*t Fi id iv.Mr. Wickham was thc «on of thc cmi-

aeal lawyer Jobn Wickham, whose repu-tation for learninj* aad abilitv wa* secondto none al hi* con temporal ic*, and whowai one of the counsel of Aaron Durr iulu* celebrated trial for treason.Wlliiam Fanning Wickham was born In

Ricbmond NoTember St, 17!).'!. At twelveyean al Rta ha weal la school to old Par*aaa Woodville near Btepbeneburg, (ni¬pt |ii r cornily. Be xraduatcd at PrincetonCollege, N. J., and was tbacontemporaryof Bishop John*. When Judge Jaba Ba¬con Clopton was made judge thc har of thoClrcnil would lia vc ft comiiiciidt d Mr.Wick liam for thc }udgesbip intuit' vacant livtbe diith of .linii:c Brockenbrough, hut badeclined it. When lie abandoned the prac¬tice al law in 18J!), lie had ont* of Ihe nio-tvaluable practices la thc State, and rankedwith Watkins L-etyb, Ii il" it standard, andJudge Chapman.

Mr. Wickham wa* violently opposed tathe late wu in it* inception, and predictedwith prophetic know ledge its i ninon* conse¬quences; at the same time, after wai* be¬came Inevitable, be did ill In his power topromote the Confederate cause, and wa* Blall linns in favor ol makin;* peace an hon¬orable tenn*.

Mr. Wickham was tbe grandson cf thedistinguished Edward Panning, ol NowTi irk. Be married Anne, daughter ofRoberl Cuter and hi* wile Mary, daughterol lien.-rai Thomas {telson, .lr., of Revolt***lionary fame. Robert (.'alter was ihe foin thin ill-cent from Robert King Carter andliftfi from ihe founder of thc family inAmerica, John Carter, born in England,lettled nt Corotoman in Kill), and died Ia1669. Anne Hill Carter, sister ol Dr. Bob*cit Carter as above, was tbeaeeond wife ofLigbt-Horse Harry L'-e and the mother ofUencral Robert E. Lee,General W. C. Wickham, vicc-pre*idenr

of tbe Chesapeake and Ohio railway, ts theuniv surviving child ol tbs deceased.

William Fanning Wickham wa* un oldVirginia gentleman In ill that that term wa*

evei Intended lo imply, and did credit tolu* Illustrious lineage. He was lt man oftalent, of culture, Unbounded hospitality,and the soul of honor. His death breskf¦BOtber silver cord that hinds tba pn senttO a past tbal was full of (.'lory. Il was hi*fortune t'»live to nee many cbaages in theconditional his native State, hut willi nilthe changes he remained thc same, and diedbeloved and respectad by'the grandchil¬dren and greal grandchildren of those whohad known and honored him in thc day Olrouth and young manhood.The funeral will take place to-dav from

the realdeaceof General vt*. C. Wickham.The members ol ihe family in this cityweat vp aa tba Cheaapeake and ohio illil¬wa) last night.

litHilt or Mr Jt.lni A. Itel vi ii.


john A. Belvia, one of Richmond**-- old¬est, mo*! successful, and respected mer.

chant*, died Friday Right at 11:45 o'clock,after an Illness Ol some week*. The sadevent, allbougfa not unexpected, wai nonethe less full of sorrow to many who hadknown and honored hun during a lom;, a

useful, and an honorable life, most of whicha .is -pent In tin* city.Mr. Kelvin was la bis sixty*elgbth year,

and came to ibis city from Gloucestercounty in ISM, and eiljblgad la thc furniture business, ile afterwards) engaged inthe lumber trade and In general under*taking. By his strict attention to businessami integrity he ¦¦assad a considerablefortune. In the course of his long resi¬lience la this eitv he had met arith severe

reverses, principally by fire, but by his in¬dustry and enerey he was able to retrievethem. He wa* the builder and owner ofthe St. .Jame* Hotel, and of Hie block on

Governor street which bears hi* name.Mr. Belvia was for some rears before the

ivar a member al thc Board ol Director* ofthc Penitentiary* and has far a lon** timehren one of the directors of the Planters.lational Hunk and of the Hichmond Bank¬in i* and In*urance Company.Mr. Belvia was the president of Ihe Me-

ebantcs institute before UM war, and alsothc president of the Trust Building FundAssociation.The Boards of Directors of thc institutions

named above have appointed tasamlttees totake auitable action in reference to hi* death.He had been a member of Jefferson Lodge,So. 4, I. O. U. F., for over thirty years, andsvas also an honored member of the Masonicfraternity.Mr. Kelvin xvas a good citizen, an heaeel

tuan, a devoted husband and father, and a

true friend. In lib- death Richmond mi-

ttaartii* a serious lo*»s. He was of that classof mei chants who have made the name ofRichmond honored at home and r.broad; ofthat >class of citizens who never failed tullyto discharge every trust incumbent upontlnsiAt. His family low* a kind and faithfulpi ot octor anti the mee-Raolcs of the city onearba ewer sttidied their .interest*.

lise funeral service*- still take place thiseaealaS at 4 o'clock from Ihe Firal Bap'iftcu4irrAx,ot which con«-re-f»ation bc had beentor year*; a consistent meiuhcr.

V.xci itw/iN to MOORI I'Ltu^ANT..Re-cueCouncil, bo. 1, .1.,ni'ii OikJit of UnitedAmerican Veehanics, will para an excur¬sion to Motiut Pleasant, cut lite Chesapeakeaud Ohio railroad, next Monday. DRRRiaf,bathing, boating, a sack-race, and a tub-race in the lake will be aaBORg the u'tiu-e-int-nl*. Train will leave Ihe depot, onBroad street, at fl:ia o'clock. RefrtwhniRlitswill he furnished st city price*.

Tjmkx FiiiuiiTanreDOrv..Saturday morn¬

ing about 1 o'clock a thief was disco feredin the aeoond story ol Mr. A«he Harris's jdwelHug, on the corner of Fifth and Broadstreets. Officers Seal and Bulee went up toarrest him. but itu- thief escaped Hom therear an tbey catered tbe building, j

Rtatlatlee far July.MRTKOROI.nniCAt..

We give below our monthly Inble of theTradings of the tlicn*non.eter,'ihe collrae ofIhe wind st sunri#e, snd the amount of rain-fail for Hie month of July. Thc reading*of the thermometer were ta Kin in sn ela-vated portion ot the elly, free from any In¬fluence of refracted heat, and from FrenchInstruments, showing the highest sod low¬es! points of tbe mercury during eachtwenty-four hour*, lt I* believed tbat nobetter situation for observations of thisebal.icter can lie found In our city. Theyhave been carefully noted, and arc believedto bo absolutely correct:

Joly 1-

Suiirl-t- arerajre for Hie iiioiuli.U0.8S.

(1) lli.'h wiiel amt rain ia tilt-afternoon, anti ruinat nielli.(9) Henty shower at noon, ami lian! rabi atmj-hf.

|S) Tliiiiitlcr-itorii: at rain.(I Kui n tn iii'* a fit-moon,j.'t) liiliilil rain la Hie aft'monti.(ai Raia,;anti i hu mir i-Morin Bl nlslit.(7J Slitiwt-rv iiiiriii«tlic ilsy, amt aluin rains on

tin -^i:n .-. :.i gSlb.i!.vi*.rAi.i. roi rna month.

July 1."7.'!5.0.73

li.0.30ii.0.ki19. 0.89


>ib.(1 193.63

(TST0M-1KUSK BBTORT,During the month ol July io foreign ves¬

sels eleared from thc custom-house; ofthese 8 had cargoes ol corn, comprising74,niiS bushels, valued at 100,079; 4 had car¬

goes of flour, comprising 9,001 barrels, val¬ued at ?.")7,910; 1 with a cargo af lumber,valued at 111,383; 1 with a cargo ol wheat,comprising 19.810 bushels, valued at |32,*811, and I arith a cargool tobacco* com¬prising 'JOH hogshead* and 421 tierces, val¬ued al 189,, 1*31,080. The comwa* snipped to Ki ance and England, theflour t'» Brazil, tbe lobacco and lumber to

England. No foreign reseals entered du¬ring the month of July.

rkvkxitl COLLBCTtOXa.The Internal-revenue collections for the

month amounted to 1142,982.74, Thc eal*li ctions lor Ihe week ending yesterday were

as follow*: Monday, 86,627.00; Tuesday,>?.'l,T17.a-<: WedncMity, $5,977-95, Thurs¬day, 85.882.50; Pridar, 18,828 80; Satur¬day, ?9,:M!i.2."i-total. 888,228.27.


During Ibe past month Ibe Police Justicedisposed of -HT criminal eases and tried 'jur,charges of ordinance violation*. On crimi¬nal ensreei li persona were sent on ta tbaHustings Court for indictment; 88 wereconvicted of misdemeanor, and in werecommitted to J'il I" *l«ti»uit ot «u»ot> i..-

their good behavior. Kiln* Collected:City', |84fl; Mate, £7....ri<>; costs, $.,*..Total, N78.50.


During the month ending ve-tcrday threealarmaal tire were turned iii.two alarmswere given from Box 2'i. corner of Barra*leentb and Marshall streel 8. Tho damagesby lire WI re comparatively small.

CORORRR'a wor.K.

Coroner Taylor vievved tea bodiesduring the p:t*t month and held one post¬mortem examination and one Inquest, rourweie white uiales. two were colored females.and four were colored matre.


Thc following i" a statement of the flourInspected in Richmond during thc month(.niling 31st July: 1,785 barrels family,2,481 barrels extra superfine, 841 barrel*superfine, BO barrels fine, 'J'J."i barrels con¬demned.

RARIRB RATTRR.Harbor-Master Btyll make* thc following

report for the mooth of July: Number oTbarks entered during the month.'i; numberof hilga, G; aumber ol schooners, 7o.Total, 81.

DRRM AND RARBUOR-UCRRBRB.There were IS'2 deeds admitted to record

in tue Chancerv Court of Richmond duringtbe mi nth of July.The clerk of thc llenrico County Court

recorded .'il deed* aad baaed 3 marnage-licensci.8 Whiles and 0 colored.

ALLROBO EfORBB*TlIlKVKS DBUTHRRB TOtiik HBRRICO ArTUoitlTiKS.. ('barb's Chap*man alias Mick Wolf was turned (.vcr totin- lleni icu authorities jesU ulay by Police-JusttCC D. C. Richardson lo answer two

charges of bone-stealing. Chapmaa waaarrested several dsysagoin this city chargedwilta stealing two horses, valued al "?'-'0o,from Garland Hanes, of llenrico, and hassince been confined in the city Jail. An¬other warrant was issued against him abar***ing him with BteellBg a boise, valued at *?l.r)0,Irom Morton Lockdale, of Uenrico.

.launs BaiTOa alias Joe (rai at was alsodelivered over to Ihe llenrico authoritiesyesterday to be tried for aidlBf and abet¬ting Chapman in stealing the two horsesfiann Carland Hanes. The prisoners weretaken to Ibe county jail to await trial.

Brui On to thk Qrard Jort..Ia the Po*lice Court yesterday morning J -tim * s. Kianwas up, charged with unlawfully and felo¬niously st ea li ni; *J5i»0 fruin Roland Mills.Fourteen witnesses were examined, andseveral hours were consumed In hearing thecase. The accused was sent on to the grandjury and committed to jail.John McNeil was also up, charged with

unlawfully harboring and concealing JamesS. Ryan, "who was charged with felony.McNeil was sent on to the grand Jury, andbailed in the sum of *500, wltb Owen C.McNeil as surely.


Campaign* IHmtmk.nts..The secretary ofthe Republican State Kxecutive Committee,Mr. Arthur A. Spitzer, received from Wash¬ington yesterday forty bushels of aaasjwigapupers, w hich are to be distributed through¬out tbe State in Ihe interest of the Repub¬lican parly. The documents came in twentybili*--, and are speeches of leading Hepubli".cana of the country. Garfield's letter of ac¬

ceptance, and congressional records. Mr.Spiller sari "he Intends to flood tbe Statewith these papers."¦¦MOO RKPtBt.icANs..The Republican

Kaivcutive Committee irf llenrico countymet At the county court-house in this cityyesterday afternoon and remained in secretsession several hours. Matters concerningthe approaching campaign were <li»cu«*. fl,and various question* of interest to theparty in the county were considered.

Annual Pic-Nic..The annual pic-nlefor tbe benefit of Bf. Patrick'* church Sun¬day sc bon will be held at Ron Air on Tue»-ley tbe 10th instant. Tin-re will be mu*ie,ilauclnjf. bato-baU, anti other amusements,

Thb Opbra List Ktbnixo..A charmingentertainment wm given st Mozart Hall lastevening by Sie****!'* Opera Companv in thodouble bill of the aecond act of «- Martha"snd Victor Waaie*** "Les Noches de Jesn-ette." The audience, though sppreciative,was not commensurate with the musicalfea*t furnished.The following wm ihe cast in the act from

" Martha " : Lady Henriette, Mad. CarolineRicbing-*-Bernard ; Nsncy, Mis* Amy Ro-g"rs; Lionel, Mr. Ed. VV. Hoff; Plunkett,Mr. Joseph 8. Oreensfelder.TLis morceau ol the ever-popular and

Imperishable Msrlbs was beautifully given.The recilstlre of the opera proper was sub¬stituted by dialogue, the "Porter" songIntroduced, snd the act otherwise arranged»o ns lo produce a beautiful effect. Mn*.Richings-Bernard was seen lust evening asof old in all the freshness of her youth. Hermake-up wss wonderful, and she looked asbeautiful a* she aang snd acted. Her ex-

gahila rendition of "Tbe Last Koae ofSlimmer" completely cantlvsted her audi¬ence, while abe wa* ably supported in allthe beautiful music with which this actabounds by the other memliers of the cast.Mi«s Roirer* acquitted herself handsome¬

ly, while Mr. Hoff was fully up to tbe re*

Qnirements of his part, and Mr. Orecn-rel-der's Plunkett was easy and graceful andsung with telling effect."Jeanelle'* wedding," which followed,

has a remarkably clever libretto set to verybeautiful music, ft li a comic operetta olmuch merit, but probably from tbe fact thatithe proeraintne was rather long, and thewait In-fore tbe opening of Ibe performance(it did not cu limit nee until nearly 9 o'clock),the audience seemed to lose interest beforethe second act was begun. This operaalone consumes two hour* in the acting,and it was probably unwi*c to give thi*double bill in one evening. However, notto detract from the merits of Ibe work andthe very excellent manner In which it wasrendered b* Mr. and Mrs. Hernani and Mr.('icensfeldcr. we innst record oilr entireapproval of the opera, and tender the art¬ists, who gave it nnquanfled1 praise. To en¬

tertain an audience who had already gottenthe worth of their money for two fullhours is no easy task for three arti*!*, andyet this east succeeded In tbti Lae! craning.if weare to judge by tbe interest and mirthmanift sted.Thc company start na Ihelr summer tour

to-day, and wa wish tbem a prosperous andbon voyage.

PbbBORAI/.BBIBT Items..Mons. Spiro/'telle, for so many years known as Rich¬mond's renowned caterer and coek, is nowproprietor of "ZeteHe'a Rendezvous," No.77 German street, Baltimore. He i* gradu¬ally winning bis way to tba bearts(f) ot thepeople nf Baltimore, as he did here, and,1 itmay be hoiicil, with far gicater pecuniaryboc* ll lo himself, in a recent letter be de*sh es to be kindly remembered to ull hisfriend- in Richmond, and characteristicallyadds: .« And tell them I hope they are veryHi ir, //.'*

iii accordance with thc city ordinance on

tbe subject, Chief-of-Police Poe ha- re¬

quired Main-stieet fruit-vendors to cea-e

obstructlag tba sidewalks wltb their stands.'lhere hare been quita a number of BOBS-

plaint* against tbem, and the ordinancewill be strictly eaton, d.

R-ceived from Ihe composer. Mr. Alex.K« Scbaap, the .< Nana Polka," respectfullyInscribed to Mis> Bertha Hofmann. IS is a

composition of some merit.Our Yorktown correspondent intends to

go to the Centennial as chaplain, aol a* cap¬tain of the(iovernoi'¦, ('unifi, as wa* printedin his latter yesterday,Bishop J. Keane, of Ibis city, will preach

in the cunt house at Woodstock, Shenan¬doah county, to-morrow evening, and inibe Union church, Mt. Jackson, on Tues¬day evening.

Ol I' BB **WK KN KY A-.-Al I.TKI1 AV[>WotTROSO HY A Nltilto PROQRRR YVhii.k at-lKMI'lINi: TO l.KKr. Btfl io mr, MI.. 1 itt-,-

HOCSB..-Last night between Kl aud llo' l-l, <k Officer Sweeney, ol tbe Second po¬lice district, in attempting to arrest a negroman aamed John Henry bright was struckupon the left side of his face with a granitespawl bf him and leriouslv injured. Itsn ni* that the negro was very dis¬orderly near tbe Second Market, andWaa ordered by tbe ofticrr to goaway from there. He refused, how¬ever; whereupon Mr. Sweeney Martedto srresl bim. Bright ran off, and was

chased bj tho officer through an alley be¬tween Fifth and Sixth streets near Broadinto a bouaa occupied by aegtoea. He was

finally captured, and while on the way tothe -tation-house made another effort taescape. When mar the station-houseBright picked up a stone and struck OfficerBweeney with it witta un at force, knockinghim senseless Ile then ran off, but was

captured by Officer Tomllnaon and carriedto tin station-bouse. Dr. Brock wss lentfor to attend Mr. Sweeney. Bright says bework* at the Calb go Mill's. Be Will have a

hearing at the Police Court to-morrowmorning.A MroRioRi Roma Crairo ard Caf*

TLiti.ii.SBTBRAL Shots PirbO at Him..Friday night between IS and 1 o'clockJames McCurvis (colored) wa* arrested,Charged Witta feloniously entering in the

night-time and stealing sundry articles fromihe store af Jame* Btewsit, on Franklinstreet near Fourteenth. Curvis entered tbaStart before it was closed at night and COR*eesled himself. About ll o'clock VV. lt.Bond and W. S. Jackson, two young tuenwho live in a room over ihe store, went

home, and Iud been there bul a short whilewhen they heard a suspicion* noise beneathtbem aa the first floor. They went downle see what was the matter. On gettingdown stairs they o*iened the front door.Soon as it was opened Curvis, who lind bidhiin*( If In Mic hoti*e, ran out into the StreetWilli Several pieces of clothing and a smallamount of money which belonged to Bond.The two men immediately gave ebasc andtired several shots at the thief, who was

finally captured la Loauat alley aad takento tba First DOltce station. The stolen pro¬perty was found in Curvis's possessionwhen he was arrested. The prisoner was

examined in tlie Police Court yesterday andaaa! -w to tba araad jury of tha HustingsCourt for indictment. Bail was refused.

Police Colkt..The following cases were

disposed of at the Police Court yesterdaymorning by Police-Justice I). C. Richard¬son :

Thomas and Joseph Marcella, chargedwith obstructing tbe sidewalk on FranklinStreet Witta fruit-stands. Discharged.Henry Williams and William Bibbs'both

colored), charged with fighting in tbestreets and endangering tbe property in tbeneighborhood, were tined fir eacb.diaries II. Carter (colored), charged wltb

throwing rocks in the fetrect and endangei-lng tbe property in tbe neighborhood, was

fined "fl at tbe station-house.Jack-on Mann (colored), charged with fe¬

loniously breaking and entering in thc

night-time tbe store of Joseph Levy sndstealing *10 in United States currency, was

discharged.Ora Shorts (colored), charged with steal¬

ing a pig valued al ti, the property ofBella Fund. Not guilty.Mary and Laura Jone*, (both colored),

charged with stealing t'2 from Cynthie.Martin, were lound guilty and sent to jailfor sixty day*.William wiley (colored), charged wltb

EteaHag a razor, valued at fifty cents, fromsim* Booker. Continued until Monday.

Mitchell Chapman, James Sweet, andOliver Thouin* (all colored), charged withstealing a basket ami a lot of dishes fromJohn Sloan, were disci-awed.James Patterson (colored), charged with

unlawfully having in his possession a cow

supposed to have been atolen. C'ont'nuedum il Wednesday snd the act-used committedtv jail,

Famii.t Marertino.Retah, rmcas..The following were the prevailing pricesfor family marketing yesterday ;

Meats..bett, Q to ViJGloc. per pound;mutton, 8c. per pound; spring lamb, JO to12fc. per [lound; lamb-chops, Hge. perpound; veal, 10 to 124c per jMinnd;pork, 10c. |ier jioiind; sausage, tte, perpound; smoked sausage, 10c. per pound;bacon, 8 to 12if)14c per pound; lieef-tongue, 1'Jic per pound; corn-lieef, g to 10c.per pound; liver, 8c. per pound; chitlins,8c. per pound ; tripe, 8c. per pound.

Eoicts and Butler, etc..Live chickens, \20 to 30c. apiece, or 50c p« r pair, f2to 82.20 per dozen; spring chickens, luto 25c apiece, or 20 to 50c per pair, 81.20 Ito t2 20 per dozen; live ducks. Rf to 40c.apiece, or 10 to 80c. per pair, ft per dozen ;spring ducks, 40 to 50c. apiece, or 73 to j80c. per pair, fl per dozen; live geese, 40to 50c. apiece, or 80c. to fl per pair:guinea fowls, 20c. apiece, or 40c. per pair, f82 per dozen ; squabs, 15c per pair; egg.*,124c per dozen. Fowls are plentiful andvery cheap, but small demand. Butter, 20to Ht. per pound; cheese, 10 to Mc perI>ound; sweet milk, 8c per quart, or 23c.per gallon; buttermilk, 5c per quart, or20c per gallon.

Vegelables.-Jlorn (roast ing-ea rs) J Oe perdozen ; tomatoes, 5 to 10c per quart; cu¬cumbers, 10c per dozen ; eymlms, Q to 8cper dozen; cabbages, 5 to* (Sc. per head;heels, Cc per bunch; sweet potatoes, |*iper quart, or two quarts for 25c.; Irish po¬tatoes, 4c. per quart, or 124c per half-peck,25c per peck ; onions, 8c per quart, or 25cper half-pick, 50c per peck; butter-beans,10c. per quirt; blackeye peas, 10c perquart; carrot*, Bc per bunch; inapt, twoquarts for 3c, or 10c. perbalf-peck, 20c. perpeck ; BORP-berba, lc per bunch, or IOC prdozen bunch. | ¦ egg-plants, 5 to 10c apiece.

Fish..Spots, 10 lu nc |..r hunch ; intcllcrockers, 15 (o 25c per bunch; itnrgeon,5cper pound; crabs, 20 to 50c. per dozen.The market ls well supplied with tbe ettorefi*h. and Miling at reasonable prices.Fruits and Melons..Apples, 2 quarts for

Bc, or 10c per half-peck, 20c per peck:peaches, 8c per quart, ar 25c per ball*peck, BOC lier peck; pears (for eating), 10to 124**. per quart, or 40c* per ball-peck,73". per pick, (for cooking) Sc per quail;plums. 8c per quart, or 15c. per half.peek,30c per peck; whortleberries, 5 to 8c perquail; grape*, 10c per pound, or threepounds for 23c; canteloupea, 3 to Bcapiece: watermelons, 5 to io to lacapiece ; lemons, 20c per dozen.

Rbabbessrbrt or Pbofbrtt..Iffetsra,H. Coalter Cattail, J. L. Apperaoo, and W.a. Benwell, tba assessors of reateatate, willcommence tin ir Held work tomorrow mora*lng. Tiny will begin with the propertycnn i of Twenty-fifth and Main stutts.

A Cn ni.A meeting of Ibe working force latelyCB*

gaged in getting out The I'mniiiomceaUhnew--paper was held in Ihia city yesterdaymorning, tbe object being to express theirhigh appreciation of Major William LRoyall, both as editor and einplover, andtinder him their respectful regard* andgood wi-Ins for abundant luocess in hiscbosen professional the law, or in any otherpursuit in willed ba may in tba future seelit to eni iga. Mr. Andrew I.. Tenser wascalled to Hie chair and Wilton CravesWharton chosen secretary of tba meeting,Thc object being explained ia above, thcfollowing were unanimously adopted :

Whereas it is Witta deep regret that we

taara cone to know thal the exigencies ofbusiness have demanded tbe stoppage olThe Commonwealth newspaper, whereofWilliam L Royall, Esq , was lite ownerand editor, a journal which though youngla years bed taken, as it deserved, highrank among its contemporaries, bothfor its signal ability and derated tone,being an honor at lea*t to tue communityof journalism if not a source of prolit toii* >.- inductor * Hurt-fore belt

i. iii tailed, Tint nm- alnfit re thank* ai e

due, and are hereby tendered, to WilliamL. Royall, Esq., tor tba Intereal aad solici¬tude always manifested by him for tha wel¬ter*; ol thc printers in his employment, notlest than his untiling efforts to forward theInterests ol all others concerned In tbe pro¬duction of hi* paper. He simply wantedto know tbal i demaad was ju*t to complywitta it in amplest meaaure,

:!. Hesolvedt Tbat Um ttaanks of ttae peo¬ple of Virginia, and especially those olRichmond, ara lignan** due thia gentlemanfor tbe blgb and derated stand taken bybini for. and In* earnest battle in behalf of.tbe honor of the Commonwealth durittjthe whole of hi* journalistic career.

3. li' solf it, That wc want no more proofthan We bare had Iii our individual essesthat William L. Royall. Esq., i* ready atany and all time*, and ever, to forward bycvt rv effort in bis power thc Inter*t*r* of the working class equslly withthose of tba capitalists. Tbal ihe stoppage of The CommonvBealtht while calcu¬lated to elicit from the general public a

sentimeul ol respectful sympathy with itslate owner and editor, is an actual misfor¬tune to those lately engaged in getting itout. That the members of this met lin;one and all, wish William I.. Royall, Esq.,prosperity in all his future undertakingsand success in whatever field of labor bcmay be called, and that we hereby offer himth, hearty support and good wishes of our-selves and many friends, here and else¬where lo til bi> undertaking*.Signed on behalf of thc meeting,

AKOBSW L. TrRBRR, Chairman,il', ti. Wharton, Secretary.

'Fer UM Dispatch.)Cubby, Balltrotr, Irrlaro, >

July io, 1880. $Thomas Potts. Esq., Treasurer Irish Hi-

liej Society, BimiwAtnd, Va., C. cf. A..Sir,.I am directed hy the chairman of

the Currv Relief Committee, Very Bar,Canon O'Doualiue, to acknowledge withthanks tba receipt ot your generous contri¬bution of JEI1 Hs., and to beg tint voil willba good enough to convey to Mr. Higginsand the other members of your Society tbegrateful thinks of this Committee for thetimely and generou* aid which they havesent toourstarrtag people.At the last meeting of the committee tbe

following resolution was proposed andunanimously adopted :

Resolved, That the grateful thanks oftbis committee are due, and arc ht reby ten¬th nd, to John 31. Higgins, K»q.. and theother members of the Irisn Belief Societyaf Kichuiund, Va., for the very generousasalstaaea thev have given toward allevia¬ting tbe distress of the starving people ofthis paii*b.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,James,

As-istant Secretaiy Curry itclief Commit¬tee.This letter comes from thc native parish

of Mr. John M. active mem¬

ber of the Relief Committee, and a worthymember of thc Common Council of Mich,

mond._ *.

A Card.Editors of the Dispatch : Doubtless "it's

of no cms.-qin nee," nevertheless f disliketo have it thought that 1 was a candidate fortbe pcctnustersbJp af thia eHr. I was fif¬teen hundred miles away dunns thc peet*office troubles here, knew nothing of them,could not anticipate a vacancy, gad if anyoue used my name it wa* wholly withoutmv knowledge or consent. I have no rea¬

son to believe, and do not believe, Ihat myname was ever mentioned lo thc appointingpowers. *.. M- mitmt*

Hich mond, July 31.


Sent On.-At the Mayor's Court yeater-day morning Fliun Burras* alias JotauColt-man (colored), who was arre.ted In tbiscity Friday morning, charged with killingfcfcWtfa by cruelly beating ber. waa «-

aminnl and sent on to Ibe grand jury ofthe Hustings Court for Indictment, andcommitted to Jail. The remains of bis wifewere interred in Hairy Cemetery at theexpense of tbe chy.Kicked by a Colt..Joseph Co».ter, a little

boy live years of age, wa* kicked br a coltat Mr. Philip Hatheway's faim, in Che*ter-fleld county, a few days ugo. The llltle fel¬low waa playing with the animal at the tim**.His skull waa badly fractured, and lt wasthought noon after ho was kicked that I.lsInjury wonld prove fatal. Since tben bebas gradually improved and is likely to re¬cover. Dr. Inf-ram, of this city, attendedthe unfortunate little fellow.

Death Of Mark Adams..Mr. MukAd nus. a well-known locooiotiyc engineer,of thin eily, died Friday night at his real*dence, on Twelfth street, in thin city. Hehad been sick some time previous to hisdeath. Mr. Adams was an employe'of theRichmond and Danville Railroad Company,and was held in very high esteem by tatafellow-workmen. He leaves n wife and twochildren, who in their sad affliction have tbesympathy of many friends.

Statistical..The clerk of the UnslingsCourt issued seven maniage-lieenses duringthe month of July --th ree wbite and fourcolored.and recorded nineteen dei -fis.Thc Coroner was call* it upon only twice

during Hie pa«t month, line post-mortemexamination was held.There were no lire-alarms during tbe

Month.'_Brief Items..'Vhf HRBtJRfl Court will

be in session to-moi row and Will probablyadjourn for the term.There are several prisoners confined in

the city jail al present. All of them areeolored.The Board of supervisors of Cbaaterfield

county met last wc k and adjourned with¬out transacting any business of special im¬portance.

Kaieaf.Tl'Ml'I. AR


Ff I.L ST0( K.I.OW I'll ll KS.

A. SA ts*' A (tl..1007 east Main jtrtt.l.

Ba \inu i.i.v Win 11. TBBTB KNsenr.ii t!YUn list-ol MKAitt: g BABBB'S BATOVIKB DB1ITI*kihi b. which aili apecdUy taaaovelaelptaattartaraad Kort. Prise, rn'ty ecol* a iwj,

Love rales she coatI, the ram p. tba grt. vc.Hut tin* wa fm'! wiirri-t r ar* ranThal BoseooMl aloa* inpiiIlM'I l.e .liz/, lui; teeth ii,| rut'> ,ly .

'I li it Itii'l lui' in:.Men Sall lllf SBBWBMTiiat win ber ttl ncr laver** .-inn*.

Raw ASBaTCr fok I.ituia TfSTBB TJBTlagbSSB ai'i-tiliitfl b| < eliuii 'I'll,mm- k. Gooda oat sfin- Bacala r<-r tin alf,,ritr fk.\ i.o Lithia Wk ran,ac -li.ill BM pa Mii'i'ly of this vry vahaaMs wattimi band, an'I aro ptwpaftd to matt any demandthat in...- be marte ii Ba fer lt. H. \V. POWBBS Bco., Dross**** RC ' 808 Haas Mri 11,

A FBAOBARl IlitKAiii ls always aplSBiaiC,Sody.tu san Int ve it I,v BtJng IRS tlelli'ii'iis QABBOLICHOB ll-WAPH pit pan-tit nly liy MiAtti: A Hakim.l'harnnelatr. It tit-tiny- itu- "ift tisive mlnr ciii-nlby dle-aned muss and decayed latta, anal i|reatorae ihess lo .¦» tn-aithy rendition. Pi -.

arty santas botue.

I.A' i*: k*: i-:

i.i.s y BBorannaimvi maiif larft aCdttloBa to theil atm-mif Lai BS,*, i tin n bua* avui (mt ntof

TOBcaoa, in.i,i ii ny,l(i"*-t an, Bm SKA, A Minn an*,* t Kosrr, Gi in bb, tn rii>cic,BBJBTOXNB, CASHaMBB, YAK,

ead other fashionable Lae**. The** alto ¦howth*larftal Roch of HAtsauaa Kooma** aad in-fm-ini*. iii ol which will beaoldal tbe lawas! price-*i ari hk'hiif.hs bm bow teluna iii»ir Roch ofSIM MIK I MIK SS 1,00 DS .lt anil Itt lr, w eOBt. X'».nie um lo tiny.

r.MiNi.Ni Hu. II. R.*t,ANN atoms, mu., imiTBS :

("Mni* Linnie's Liri to kathai t or bbibli. mi pei j,.r to l i I ul ot .(.ii ytlii uk 1 lia**' >vr

ase.I in w;i«teil or Impair) .! eontiltutloa*.

poa Gout, Orari raia, Billon*, Ramitteat, amiIntermittent Kt ur-. Dtaeaaea af Ihs Blood, LKi,Ii,i y--. uni H..1I1I r, Uk. lin's I'tt.i.- Ita* ,.

w,,,.'infully aaeceaafal. The cdlaeaae* ars the ra*suit',r vitiatiii iii,., ii. As a Monii-iiiiriiiiT thai bavenoeqaaL _

nen CCSTOMBBfl vmi nu: are lu n '.;.iititiiit-ii that we an in dall] rteolpl ofeatra addi-Uona t" "ur in rv atock of Ladas*' aad bfRiti' Hiports, .Miine-, Queen*, Carey*, Caatllles, J< .<.-

pliint*. CariiiVdl-. iiml "lint l.i;i'llii)i *!..',.Saii'iais anil 9 Ippen; abe, :i Sae lot of Gentk ru :.*-.

Low-Qnarti r sn, t«. Uavtag J ist purebaaed a largeqaaallty Of th'se good* lunn New york sad Bconn laaton-hon - al is" stl| ri dace*! prtet i, oarta**to the lah ne- s of thi asen, ut arc so ibted to od tIbdnceaaeat* la prier, rai weil a* a fall atoeh lo ssh 1ruin. uki-mw Boscnaa a Bnorann,

807, riOH, and 511 Hroa'1 street.

I llAVK ANAI.Y/.KI) rilK WlllShlY kll"Wn I!:-ik-r the liraml ol *¦ I'-st lei t." contrail**! bj M' irs,WALTBB l>. BLAIB S. CO*, Kn Innontl, Vt., aadflin! it free fr'.'in fusil-oil aad other Inaparitlca,sett Meeauaead Its sta for sredlelnal ami AuaUfparpesss. J. B. Mccaw, m. h..

Lute PieRaearef ( heml-try,Metllcal College of V':r"*ln!a.

Jitnnnry 13. I07B.

MBS, WIN-I.o W'S sooth ING8YRUP.Mtv. SYI.VANt s (ore Hui- write- In thc Bolt'ti

chrittinn Freeman: w> wnuiit itv bo ssssas re-

ootnnifiitl any kind of iiu-iliciiic whit-ii aa did r."t

kit'iw to ba gui,'I.p-irtn-iilaily fur infant'-. Hut it

MAS, W1RBL0W'8 BOOTHIRG 8YRUP WC CMs[tealt fri'in kae>wl*4fB| la "W" own I'.tml'y it Irutproved a Mat-dBf* iinlt I'll, liy giving an Infant trou¬ble wiiii eons piiins i|int t lissasnd Bi psitntsau*brohea real at alcht. mott parents caa appteelatsthe** tileaataaa. Hers ls au Bitteic whlah warts ioperfection, ami windi ll baraatoMi f"r UM llsspwliii'ti UsSbrdl tt,'' latani ls iit-rfeiily natural, :ui'lfha little ilieruti BWakSS vt* " l-right as a battOB.*1AaddariBathspiuceBiof teathtaa its value i* in-

ralralsbls We Bare fwansntly Beard wstbsss sayliny wi,ulil adi tte vf lill',ut it lunn Hit-lilrlh of thet-lil'tl till 1'hat! tint-In .! with tl c teething Mt/« "i:

anv ,-,,11-i'l. ration wtiati-vcr. S'lti hy all ilniKiri*'.*Twenty (ive cents* in,tin 'lt il-ei'tllw

At < I ION S *l I N HHMIO.

ll. s. AKDBRBOR A BOR, lo A. M.,gi-ocerle». AcJ Ntl. y. LAU611T0R. J*m ll A.M.. iru-tt»e'»»«:e

,.f phottwraphaaUar*f, wan its faeaUais* apta-nil.*, Ac.

E. HOLSTRGRB, HikIi I'l-a; tattle. 10 A. M., houu-hoid fnnaiture. naduaa-aU. ac.


100 TIN Ti ill.KT BRR Jost rtteWetl, to he toldat from 10 to 'J5 i*r cent. Ie«* than regularprice.

tireat har-falm lu SlI.Vfclt-rLATBll 1 C E*PITCURRB.


Tbelaritt,! Hock pf (MINA IIINNEK, TEA andTOILET WAKE anti IIOl'SE-Fl KMSlllMi1,'ittli* (.l-.NKKAI.I.V, to lie fouml *K>tUti olN*w York, at liotroa ruicRS. If you wi»btMiritaiul glTe me * cati.

Jv Iii E. H. TAY!.OK. 1011 Malu *tri'et.

JOTT RK( KIVKD, A IRATE OFHODP-TURBBM8 irom Ktiglnnd ; a large ttoek

of UKI (HIA lKH cllAMrlKIt bil.-*, io ute vert** najl onta; a rrcat tarleiy of TISsr is; 2,000 M!l.K-l"AN.^.»MKillyoa*¦a|(t-^,.

l .¦ early aud--^-,1. WALLA. K.iel4_»fo, 40e Hroat! tlreet.

Nkw ciiiNA ( tra-sbt8:HECwKATKI) HESSEKT-MTS JUK iiKA'I KHKfc.KKV-*jET«;JiK( olIAl'Kll (*llAMHKK-*-l-TS:I)ECOKATKl> EI.OWKK HOl.lJIcKI*.

WILD KOKS, WAlKK-i (H'LIKB (new tie.(lau*). It'E-CKIAM EKEK'/KKS. LtKik befor*

BILL-HEADS, fo.W to fajser ream, atHM OltfAXVM raU^TWb^WVilL


(jae towarr, at)aare, two Inaarttoii)a* (titian*, tbrea I n**rtl<Ono etfaarn,ala Iat-artlcm*..........- . Ofltue *|tiarfc, twelve ln*-rtloa«.~... 8 50nu* J'tQ»r*\oB*mt*Btb.*m. 10 00rn* *.**.*, two i**-»nth*.~.~.....,_ 18 00line wiaar*), three nu*tb*.....?.Z4 00


~-*~*-*~-^^-JH5STw^^^___VfABONlC NOTlCE?~The rneni-^af'1..1"'* ...' >«. Jun vs imikii:. sn. sn Yy1'nLi *,M* *V M" *,rr r**ll»Mi**l lo ailcnd a /V\»d iflhute <,f i--!>.--t -ootir <1et-e»»e,i hroihcr, JOHI. HBLVia. All M tsi, r M..,,n. ',, ,M«| clan'llire frat- ruallv Invite.! to uui>« with ncBy order of the w. M.

WA LTKB Mt MIRK. Secretary.ATflCSr 1 ¦ A. L. 6S80, A. fl. IMHO_niTl-ltIfAROS IC SOTICB.-Tlio .tatediri rommiinicatlntl nf HENRH'O INION.<>(>(.K, Mv ISO. will taite pico- TUIK. w

Ronttiv) EVENING, al Mains' 11*11. on Tw-otyIf h Mreet, at 7 ./....rk. All Maater Ma<ou* In -

untiing arc fta'rrtiailv Invited.By order of the W. M.

WILLIAM WILHOR, Secretary.A cotMT 2, A. L.StsSO, A. I). 1880. au l-l-.*

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS> ur JcprRRaoR lodok, a-*, .

O. (J. P., will aneuihle it their ladft-joiii un .-IN |i\V EVENING, Au-u*t 1*1, at 'm i/eltiok. for the pu rr--te o'" in>l.i<U* hut tad tr. '.ie nf i, -k.i to our dt*t raieo* Uro.ler. Pact i.ran.J John a. Mrmher* of'.ter it'<lrfftt*r.ii>rillallv invf.-.l to an te witto order nf the NM,. Jilts B. VAUGHAN.

»" I'll_Secretary."IFFICEBS AND MEMBERS Ol' THEJ EAST-KM) IU \H*,i Ul. AND KOCTAL"< lETY.No i, are herein| to atti-nd ai-a*ul*r meeting »t their hall MUNDAY NIGHT.,uvu*t gd, at f* u'ai.H'k. Ho-ine** nf comma! lou of the t'nloti-wiii rome np ftir ac-ion. M«ii!i.i. of slater (.er-lette* n-rtllaily in -:v-1¦ alteml.By omer of thc Pretlile-it. J. P.cRPKKY,

»" l-lt* Actina* See-flarr.OAixneo vtn.t.a Ma-n-rAi nmiaa On*.)

Kit iiM'iNit. Va.. Jul) M. 1880. \VUE ANN TAI. MEKTfMi OF TIIK1 STOCKHOLDER* IIP THE (.ALI. EO<»Ul.Ls ll.lMK.H iCKTVi CUMI'ANV will heleif! at their offlee on WEDN!*SDAY. Angi*t1. 1880. at la o'cit*-. M.

1 HOMA8 II. KFESKE.iv.'!o-Aiigl..1.7.11* Becretarr.OFKltKOF TIIK (lill DoMINInV IttOM AV|,i

.N All. IVuKK.i ('tiMI'AM .'.

BK itiiosi.. Va Julv -.1. 18M) Srili: ANNUAL MFFI'INO Of 'HIEI sim K Hui.Ul-Ks ol Hu* rom nany will h-ii l-l at tin* utile".- '.ii MuMiW, Auku i Jil. .if lg'dock. K. K. HLANKENSIIIP.)yB8*Al Cornruinial Agent.


Rtii.rrA»T Barwm_

DH llMONli I. I (. li T INFAN I ItvIV BLURB ASSixUTItiN'.-'lli.-rfBuai omar,-riv me.-tii* of the Kit IIM'»Mi Lli.lll IN*. .

"AN'TRY BLUES \ IvlltiN will h h-iiHt the llluec'arinori. t.n Seventh street, In rear of*, MONDA) Mi,MT, Vtj*,ii* 2.1880,I 8 "c o'clock. A full 11tendance ..f ile A.-octa-I'li mt tn!., r- ii urgently rtgu«-tetl.

I- \ \t L. ( KUYl'r*-itl nt AisiKlatioii.

ii" mas H.RlAWKawimr.Beetaiarr._

an lit

RL. I. BLUES. ATTENTION '.-A*-M. "Hillie al vour iirinnrv MUNDAY Milli A

tuan*! vj, 1880. *l S:8(i o'clock, i* luananHATIGOB Patron,!, lu iittcml the A«*'nu Hsd ri-uin-iiiv meetlagi aad inniitn. Evin tom*er ls r*que*tc i to in- present. .

By command I.nutt unit E. I). sr\R**r..t HAIG.KS \. i.llt*i»S

au l-ltHM Nei-*eaul.

I \< IRSIOMt, Pl*.-NM'**. etc.

SECOND ANNUAL E1CUB9ION BYKt-x I I ( t'l M IL. Mi 1, J. Ot 1 . A. M ,



MOROAT, Icoral Bi IBO,Dancing, Boaliu**, Baibla**, Swinninc. Croqr,'ti/, a ".¦ii-k-K.-ti-e. sn ix Tnb-Rac* ob tba ii**

ll- -nilli- of In' BBMUtCBItata oflereii.iii ti. ibment* .! I'i'v in'*'.TlCBBTK : Ai utts OOo.; till Uren. liSr..:c h-i

Hain.HPECIAL i iiaiv ha- item eaartared io Uava

len t.8t vni'ieiitti aad Broad tliaeu, at *;i.*i A. urning leave* M'. 1'len.ant at 8:30. au 1-11*

i DAL PION1Ctx. rm; rm. He.x*rtTOF


R Ml lt'> Ml.on TUESDAV. A tot sr lum.

Kv- rv arranaetnanl -sin i»* ni ide tnt ihe cninf .rt.ind ti t.i»uie of all wit" Tiver us willi their i,mi¬nn. \ l'itl/i. GAME ni BAbE-BALL lil-.rWEEV KKK Kl i SINKS, li'ttiu Vl'*l' 1-''K?AN! IXIj lu Halli)'- -trtnK Baud. KKKKE.-II-Ul NTS A r CITY PRU BB.TH Kf.T«: Ailults. SOC.; tlill'lreii. 25c; 1" bS

tad -.1 tlie Sunday-School ti at-ht rv, am! .. h"inr. init the iiepot on the norning ..( tut exe**t***aa,Train leafes al B A. M. Coal ra Itia* I E.W. Mi-.u\. 1 J. I'araier. li. -ntltv;.m.

_au l-«-u.W.SudTiil'

ril'Wti 1'Virnslnv TO CtkTOAOOI'i THE


GRAND KN' AMI'MK.N I Of1. ,1'ill* TEMPI IR ur lill l NIH ll

BTA1 -.


!t(.|<l Tfl K"Ii THE ROUKO TIMK ORLTtlB,eblch laclnde* nu tl* and bailBi sa Iha0bla»ri**ai

-li aaa r-.

II- KKI*t. "nil I" Kl" It'l'N IN'ill.>! I'l 1 MRI ll IB, I*"-".

The above excortioa, nndei Iks .-tu-piee* nf the' "MM Win Itv UFBT. AMDRI WET.

. leavlag Blehaioad ea tb* ISik, l.ith, aadll'li of Auitu*'.'¦il'i-i*. BreSI Inducement t" ¦ .-

nant* aad then t" \i-it the we tern el lea at aumu u.i i\ low ptii'i'. :niil ut Ihe aabm Hun-pi-ni* tba .ipp'irt'iniiy ol wllaettklnc tbs araads t <i .-

iiarmli ,,f Kuli'hl* iver »Ce.i luhi- i-i-uiitry.Ticket* for **]< i>v t.W.Garber, BUS MaluK

il ihenSceol the ( tteaaueake and ohio rallrar-l,i" I by the member* of ihe eon*raRt*-*.John I.

I. nu B. *i:i I. V. Ht'l«.H,.| A. ar. (tuli-r,i. M. M. -nu,I. Il.-iii>. Bodekar. andJno. E lemnali-

i' i , lr.Jv :itMti.iiAul»4"'l .:



'Ir.;-i ii ivs Diinvilli -ili-j-.' itt | V. M.: r. lu 7

P. M. ricket*, ."" fi nt-; lit,In* an<l chlllreu io¦:< nt-.

MKS' "'* * I Kl Ni. HA NI I.

DARC1RG -I" ''¦'> »"'' r"-""' i|r'"" SHOOT"IRQ MATCH bl twara univ* Trnn BflRa**] t-<.tu;>*-

im eiif snd btinssw ciit»en* Ktnstsiptfl :>> iii Jv MUlRAal4ATaa

SI*1*1tH !*l -.UKIN.

k2TRIBLlKG BPKINO.S, VA.-8UI.-<5 1'IICR. ALUM, i itKATi:, i«ui BREE*¦ t-.NI WA I EK ail Ul Hi'- lawn.

11 I'M*: S'^.'i tn ?((' pi r raoatb of twenljlava. BIB |"-r v»t^|, f-j ;h-i da**. An aii,iiii' lil. for[anillie* hr tin- iii',nth.Ur. ro-rud-ltip ticket* lo tba Nprlaff* ar te tuuu*

toll, wt em '.lure i* . tine llservt iiEBLI v BINNEY, Pn»lal*jn

au t*aodlSta

Ii i.\ AIR.I' vi. *.-li t,»eiij.iy ckJ kcalail tlurluit Au".-ti»i

*etul»tr»pji!y early t'i

I. M. HAWKINS.Jy 28-1 w 1'n-iMU'iu

0"l1KNET f»PRINUS VA.,N0wTipKN*.Kuan! |m r ilav ».-. «.r<iii.*r to loeallmi of

ti.,I uumiter ot' person- in aauie, fl.At! tn $i.ri1;i-r wt-ec. |S lo SI I; I" r inotitli, S*I0 lo Sit).SMChil c viii rafts -anti fiiinlli-- ami nartlt* ti-jwhr-ba* aver lim i<r»i,n* at lew* mles. Kound-innticket* : nun Rlcnmoad to t irkuey over ( .-..... <

iud Ohio lailioatl, foodUH Oclobei l.t. ill.JtiNE* A PARKER.jy 17-ltn_i'r"P'



This HOTEL 1* re.,|ieiie,| for the reception n*vl.itor*. Tem*: BS i-t day. SIS p<-r ..aa.MSper month. H"u:e from Norroik or tnd IVlnt by»'eituifr Bank- io t lurr>»ti.ue every Mnt'liy.Wet iie-<l;tv, ant frl'U). SK.MiY A I OBB.

teJI-am* _I'mtiiieiiie*.'PUK HYOIIl llDTEIi,



OPEN ALL THE VEAK.Eqiia! to »tiv hotel In ibe I'uttcd State* »s a Nun .

Bier Re*or« or cold-weather -auitartuio. E"i i .

advantag*-*, term*, 1'. ,sa*ard-acriblBS hvnif-alf advauatldr»-s»i.v m*H ¦jr *Sr»i{1,''i*J,1,<.k.ap:iO lr j*^ lLl'lIoi. Bi's, I'loprietur.


.JrMMKMWTi'KS FOR AM. Sl'/.KS OK1> AMIlltM 111, i l"MH>.KI.\Nl». **»'*:'N';LOVER KILL. Nt 1 Twilit KO. au.l MIT

iliKE; KI'.E autl OAK WikM* rr"'" S8.8i) to

14.50 p»T ct-Ml, ikliveretl. «*» *"*d .*** /'" ¦.J'U'-sf.l;voil eau "I" Utter th.tu e.l.ewhere. ortjei. by tele-;.i,..;... «r otlierwise |ir.>r-*Miv ailed Irora eltbif,(r.f«-7l'» Bru*-*. opu-'US ,»bcaH-«-..i>-- I»<I6 i «iy

-tree*._\J" ».) i M. I AUB.

I>URC11A**ER.-1 WAyTEli KOK BKHTI UKI INT (OAL, 8EBT ANTIIRAiitKt'O/1-HES r roKKsT PIN Y -^l-'vVVA^HKHERi AN tl l OAL. BtsT *A »<[URIST IC AM COAL. ±.H:.^wTd« 1# i«n«ai*anui iii***.at ara*