Library of Congress · E 1 H I 1 THE BUff, Simmy, UKCfcMtfKH BJ, is.s. I I Tllr. FATEOFTHE...

E 1 H I 1 THE BUff, Simmy, UKCfcMtfKH BJ, is.s. I I Tllr. FATEOFTHE POMERAXIA nun Biff in ill r ill ii iii: ii is tWOMKti, BBBJ lliiiiil ttfltSlaag! I nt tl her T'1 hul BsH lftii- - l ..lliillna rtfl Out i.r ItavrS BBH NMPIIIII .iiii',.I. niiii n I'l'lll.!,.-- H lit wi.i-ijf.- - I'eti.l Stan nt ItallAis. I'isr r.sA 1, i j. - tha 1 uamttctoi offlpc 'in r f H H wiiii lit fuBioua eilltof uinl proprietor. Mr. J Babtanit. ((H On' of lb llllln Hon In Ilia Ural (terr than In (H n BBtef am, iii which are thd tables o( lira oi pH IbrM dlw. nhil imyuBil i Mr. Ifalstend'a H eiurttr . So annum ol 'imbarrnaatnont i ulil ((H IgSTeill "i" In : ii i. in elating ii nagnlfl nt ((H ! nl in Hi" ' rWal lof i". TmM BfB NnI l,wit!i ii epieuilit Iraml, B iBV Mt . ... . :;l-.-- with thnruibly hao! ((H f health, nnl (Httpfr iy tttlett. iroii-urn- Imir. A ((fl BOaf htatlStaCkfl Ami Impel mill t tbo H Mrength iha month mill law. nuil (bora u a(fl p.'iiu.n ami iani In the OeMh of Uie tarare blue ((fl ayes. li. hirtniy fanlitoaa toilet eoiBplvtcs Hffl lb tout tuttmhli of tho iournnllat. Oiilinl. in otarvrr r iirark with throe pmmllnritli Hffl tbo nir of tooli j Inlteu bt (Mrnrlao, Um mill Hjfl oieo. the wonts falling alowty, with a mudeal HH mdtniM from ilia Una, and iha ittllcao and H beauty of H Mr. Maletead ia na little glvea to handehak HjH lag as royalty, and a King is not hedged about HfH kv a bmm foroildttbbi bnrrior ol resvrve. tub Hffl "ffivt is lanomannar leseened bvaohange ol H hats, Tin: labia la shoted to one aide, aadsths Hjfl tntetnow alts by a Wotea doak, qnlta In Hffl by lha off iluvr. and purtir la tba ilinduw of the IHfJ Hffl In n brief eonversation with Mr. ttanttend HfH renently, I vn atraek anaw with ins oompro HjH lioualte and (OKtbla vy ol flawing II With a asail la baad, ha drapntenod sul poiltlcaand man.i irrenl topics i pmr aa roadllr aa tba acehangaa drifting to his laat At length I aold: "t would Ilka tola HH port Tour imlitl vi.'ws t Tiik Svs." J "Waa aval anvtblni nota sbaurd?" ha ra iPMdad. with lha lanat alevatlon of tha laR ava I Ud. mid an almost Inpcroaptibla tms of tim hon.l. "Mv Vtain nro einriM.'J la tba c j - I RMTtfal avary dnv" ' I illl not "ri--.- s Um pnlnt, bnl a law n'ln'it. Jitatward. whon bis ran on tbo nutated Powiaranla. I dattrmlnad in n t Blind t.. raporl I htbatMaa taltbfullr aa lay in my powar. ii aawttntot bar lust trip wu.-- boi-uu- homo i n bor was Intanaaly Interesting, but mum n j- - I snrilr loso nneb of Itt. Vigor ol Mt:itmont in tbe rti tiiiwn. His amount was lu sulstuuw "Yonnwv wallaar thefataot thaPomanmla I I hid n paraonAl Interest to tna, I waa as familiar I with owry part o! thai ablpaalaia w . mr j own hotn. I bad so reeantlr pi'rtd from tiie j offleors nnJ m'Mi of tho ship,nntf tbay waraao I endearod to mo hv yi sj.tlir.' tlu ir l I loaa h) n aoaraa ol poignant grlaf. ty ! weraJ IE f airevButonoea of dnnsar. too. ounn-- ti I wltk my trip which garo mv a r - ...n-- v..f baviiic i.arrowiy i .p ! ::,kv- -. i and !oih mys-!f- Tin wara tbraa startling la iid , aonnastvd with the trip. Thaattlllngotthaablp so . .i nn r'. oi danBHr that un lor other k ciNuinaunoiMl ahnuld baenbot'ado rr dlroui I tiw Ml ty 'i the ii.. ,.M.. in,.', a in i n u h I napi'aaarr for nm to niaku in trip with ns liitla I it' lay and ulaeomfort us imMlblf, My wlfow - I an bio and In gWit irouMe. Sh- - bad it 1 foiuur l alio, an i i.f rcbildr i nlonu wro 1 naall. s it Of-t- r .'..e t I ... :.. II.l.o 1 !:ro-t- Inab "i : i Iii ro inda nl mid la- - I NMIugrouii from Paris to Liverpool, ! "' ' 1 I e..Bfrn. but wo were nil liui snd I so ipXtonatOBrt hi ue that we start il nr. nil . 0'tou?r. IJnvre from Puns on theeienaii: oi tUaSStnol J " ..'l va tosnil on tbaSfith. Waar rlVH.I Iba iiik! fore.nnd en y predicted was on baud. Then t nwrninutbe mUa were flying, the . ywui rstin, o r HI I ' Mm mm !1 ' ww ' i M i ' M I ' mm f 111 w I'juoeaa wbbih fully l tied Uia framework ,.r Myl . a had takn paaaogo In tha Pontaranln ao Jt'ti'nt-Wa- a arnail nud Tt-- .1 vaptaiB. H hwensen w v n k ..I J I , 1(1 1 and waa flllntt with touoiilngnud valuable - i H "I ire I II II If friaed s..nv l.'r, i, .,. mil nana a photograph ol his daughter, who hnd i XpfM ..v.'.'i. .in Hi II BfPJ j was the view ol a suiiih- - a noun ntiy from Hi rr PJt.ll. " r .tun: ' . KH MBewhere in Tm- - Coiumciors IH I anew we nan recently Intone of our el IH nnd neirneaBeeoiiingly kind to ua. wa bemma HlPga w.-i- i aii)ualiitm with him. H- - i HlgH J'"" ' I'ndof "ur two little glrla. and tbey Iom I Blm. Bo gave each lll n -- ver wh iIuto a in ti ii more i irllnntlo thn fH a MM Jell tba bridge by night r day. or bad anything M. M i t'iv to I B tii- - 1 'Himp ire J b I wjyj knew tbut . .!, f oort wii iii- - fast Fi "i. li Wm7 V reriere In i i 0 HP1 I ptnn atenmer bad never aalled togi-the- r bnl Hhiit Bwat rather a race, it lookml like u raoe. Jn-- w r nmernniH waa half an liour nhaad out i ; t. e i ....i the ii. m V : 1 morning within siulit. We wr- - in PHtll t1"' range twenty-tn- r jr twenty-Jou- r pic Bonn, Whleb wn n ': ble thing. M' m From the flrslthowvnthur was bad. Wehrd H' ui. wtrnT our way. a qi ir to ml - in ns i olnl !. reokoii, tbre up a dense log. dense mm i,' tliui PHfi'.n oem u reunonubl'i rhiug that ono thoiimmil H l H i Hzlrl Cjjra waa taken to ebeidt our apeed. It was not JUL' ! fboeaed iiui 'li. iroiii p, tw a i r Hi. Jntl. 1 "ii !ei iii hour, p.'iii'ipe. 1 wn tl:!ii:;ii' j f'l Bgijeaalvoly Pimtlous on the part ol Co Au' PMbaldy have run ut full r A. -- i i bud denly, aawa moved along, tbu log horn sound. Ing, a wi.iatie ui uuswei to our wl latl - IrU'i benrd. nnd In a moment n voeool crosaed our ll,t' suio. almost touehlng. Few had hem i c. ;j Wbiatllav ol the other itemntr toe Herder, o ti.1, aim lue, ' verned In Hi w rkluu ( th'i si .A- a each mbar with vi ry serious fu .Cut tin pi - if' were pleiiapi1,iind tliouifbi it n nlvHraioii. bt - g l' None but the nlfleeri iinu sailors know how WWt nuicklv.Utbealilpa had rua together, ttv would UI)VH K ,.. lotll Ittol ttflll g just oi poHii.' Jialn.i.t. nun" u.t ut 1 . Sf H IfJr w lut niter. there L'ltme upn t. Inushi K pt' atoriu. It wiia ao thick. tluit nothing whs vlslbli 111 '! aotin.l' l i'..,t .mi Hftl' Of ball. wblvh mini dark vit ioruwna V BBU.I'ell HV I lll'iin I .v ' . i - t ;i,', ii I, ,i,i . ui.,. - aJK l. i apnrklillg II I light Up .nil n e ItiU J f, .1 III ' Jt WHS EM KR' Bat went on d''k. I in Itlm Cnpluln nabe nl' Bolpgtol'id, Vi.n i.- - nl it :.-i. l.d iTgi.t? Dilff r' nld lu inc. the ww, I., I, - ii yl ' fmm. ao br.i.i..:.-.- . A p n...! ! nnotlnr olll- - i fHII ' ,:," d, ' id" ' Ins 4 real PHUT' iHrU Jpneh aa a utiiry aw a I'l-ei-i . :i t luth RE OUlf of l. Lnwreueo i, uy su Ii duv I in if iB.lj uun asupni.tjUon nl i iu kind among the lull ' ill, . At tbla i Mr II i .tsn l.wlin Is always prno- - "UI. to 'T i ... r .., " of all i pe ; 1 le mlid li .i IV I Hi is. '' l it' ? in, uu ! thu ...... Ur ' r ItUBBTB IHBiIiPU I ' WllUaai !'"inr ABmltieg la Hall, ji ' Jusii.u uttbart, In Br'XiUlyu; reatardar attar- - f I ' "" 'siit"i an n,l uu Wllij .. r , "' I'sMoiB svvum Inn in. ui Bl" .! Hnli i t. ' " ' a B i p f a ii 'I Ilia i i, r, ii v i. 1, , iii. . . , , , iii''.h.,.vjsj....,i, .. AtMVUt t3tCttEMnt.B, ii in,!, i a BtaWNHl r h,' Wftt't MltlMtf iti'ii'iini bus bee iattlaleg, Tin. srs oi ikipt, 4 coutaluad thu pnrtloti , Ins f thaertteRyol stewnrdnl tba Key Want Mnrlnn llonpitnl la treating Michael ! iiiini mi" nurse ah wa that tba patient was novnr troublesome, li" paid II n day for Ms board, nnd wni nndor tho mndbml eharge of Httrgeou li. li. Hurray, win in i r ithi r. Iraattu Murrni wna the hi It i it -- ir l. by Mr. Thnrtea T. F. i trUe editor of the Koy w, .- - ;i.'.,. p..,; 4h honpitnl. There i rtof Uicy nw nnd heard Blmost Ohal kng, i belief, Mr. irl rt - . : nfflrmi Ihal tli 1 found ! acorn. Iiu wn t In ' every ntgbt, lying on it dirtv mattri i tld on t: e ban! R 'or. and cov red only by a I ihyplee .; maequit nutting, Ob lifting l li u tlicy saw the pntiontby iitb lug with dlflb ally, but npteti mly . than n month, nnd oiiea 8iewird Uiu'rui li i Mr. . ,. it: s, a io i vien J the I on- - pita) two il - Mr. i .ii ." - ijeputtiti "i Went, it 'rated Mie latter riT'litv,:. li ':'o;:l;,',"'';v;';'.;::'v' l an.i- - ii. n N " ninn's brefl I in sexl '.lown Kurd two . .: with tils ig w t, Tie a. r. .1 - i '. I' - ' ,i ' '.i: man. ulinble to J i .. penve, ex Mini dbrnnntly. Or 0, If I'll give the mint n ehrtj hellget ui nti I wnlk nv r v..,ir grave yet." H. wna n4 gh oi the iiwi Ver biiiiin '.. V ,t. who i ud i I'intjji ; in the boenital for five yenrs, euid 'I :,i g , ii' nuei i ytli .; rnai in bw hn r in tm houee i"r:ii",' ud. unit leil In that p ill w nil nl hi As Was I fh i!m oth r pntioi i , .: tba boapitnl, aha stud, .i w.i ni t ituif enough local to out. Bbi neri if, . i ;. I, had never in her llle biuii f a nrstiirt . ':!, ut 1'iui.t she .: hennt und "f b iwn, wed brcrl from Soonnti.wl being whlpf'edi olio Incl pwenr who wns striking .hiin, but i.e.' bad no doubt it mi Bti wnrd Murray. Some hticiu axplnnntlcn of the peaslble enu of the erueitie to wh h Nooi .. .. i He refnaed to obey, nnd Murnri . o - '.i i down w iii hi clen "'"I ii- -. Tli le in liaa would ng have any tuny ' ljine-j- ra' .. tl . hoepiini. It wna worl. tlint SiHiunn wrniP "'' v- uid bav'i i" n seuMo M'.'Btigb "in aiblTiljin "tp thla.Voon.Mi w!i one day ninghi si in ing I .ttr in tl - .I ii u room, lj ui"!.' I in suying that when heuld tt bewaa iter Mdem n. v.r. William A. Ferpell ol XeyWeai midthat I in ., .i Sluri . rhy .. i :.. iti lln S : :,.a bed or not, f r tlie man to d; my . ." Ti, w il boforoB Joitlea ';. II r tit' Utllam uiateief fmritl i Nooiian. He ha nlaolien Indicted for'em)ci I'ltiil. '.1 r il.: ' .. ! i burg a It, . M i it f : i, ,p re.: x -' i.'-- -. "ut ii. Hu iy boa given tbo ri . bpB la and taat Imv . long ' iore th true niilawera (ouu-i- or. m- - , ueHr. o;or-- ' tnu ' ui t rnof. . Su riieon Mu r r i i longer In ehnrae of tba Murine Hoepi ,;ing t:a up 'rsedvd cy a pbyalelnu froi the S nth, Hi. .Lin.. Olstss Balls li ii It'ile in Bari. ui rWesaeOa le tin. BsmiBa Nrw RATT5, Doc. MeVltb vne hand thrown about tba aeeir of OBaofs i .ro hi c i some whl h Mood httrnifaed to alight opaB buggr Is thbj city. Ur. William F.c u r. tbachampiou r.flv si t.t idol us wander I uta ilnce he broke 5 5uo glusa bollalnKewX rk hiat fall in al ven houra. Altai a x , xbibitl aa In the r.vt. the Doctor I went to 8. Paul, unior engagement to sho i u the Stat r.,... For two weoka great throngs marvelled at tha rill tnoa'a skin, andthedny tblll H.iv- - y.r.i li . t SO.UOO pereone applauded! Do tort shooting. "It waa in St. Prul," Dr. Carver ' ' tl it I got Ibeae elks, A ri a m i .' .j . , for ni- -, and I paid him I2.vk)I ir l " f rom Bt r.:u he weiittoPittahurgli where ha exhiliit'd toe twentv-fou- r dara nnd five ni Its ni tha Exposition. Here it was, nudtlmD tor. thni I first broke alms Nile In the J.e. str. I did it nnd hiindr-- is enn pr v. r i I had she ting out In a r , eleotrlo light. One night they wre throw up l glow t.alls lor me to lt"ik.nnd as tin v we-- e fir-iw- with almut tbe aeme foi . mho ft same spot, I k'otti snue sni n lidiy So - ' t'onc h.pp.n"! o tn- - eei'tite ; iiifmn'-hi- nndthelmhi went down gradually, ! i ' tnu bibb to keen on rowing ni lie in 1 so until it i n ' dark I eoul ot , him where ho at i. In that onrkn-s- s I br le fourteen l a lu auioeeslou, depend ell on tlie whlalua in. i nind" t r the n 'k ol the bull as it w-n- tiiroui;1! th Mr :or imt aim. Th" i I'eopie .! p.. n., iiTi ti,..roke gl lafull tol ground na sanatt !." Tneneo ba wenl l Norfolk, .j th ndown i.i'o Ai.'l ai'.n, v, tw, . t, ,i.ii.. .rw n v under the nuspl aa of lo ml nfl- - elut. ' R wasn't "xart y a business lour." tin. sponlter inid, for yon know 1 waa r- - emiymari i nnd we "a!!" i our trip ii v. idu ut; r I just ua the fi' Ik ni ; 'met - I .. (u i ! imotlmea for money, All thi ujth ki.M a ml " rgia they gave luon i lyfe oval n and my wife him f hndntpl lidtu Jnm a I bod got ready in come north 1 t ill il' e An; lift. i .. i' t WnniSlI to ' i u'"r," V.';' r,,!"K "'Bid - war ,i io t .'a 'kef n-- e. ell, thought 1 would b ibem snlw ut over nnd gave in exhibition tu-r- o. Lordi how he resumed, an ldowBto where I'm sto i in- -i .!!.. i n i yon evoi sow, an I lby 1 ii ' rep ,i r i l ie t . ro:.- -r ' e ! :... nrlrwi wljleli be j ut un foreo titl n in N v ork, There riiiiia n bail eneer louUe niiirkamnn bnndsi ie. i . ., eirn't fm. ngine. i etnl 1. how I wnnl to .: n. inn with that mi i -- I m "i " mn n t ini will ' fair for b Hi oi ..... 1 w :. ,. ... his ah :. n h ill w iy any im t r riHn tba i i ,; --' wtthth rill .. J inn h it 11 a - dus aixty-tliri- jr P.ilin a alxty.two feiita. In Ht, P ui 1 1: ...I. v i, tin. rifle, i ev n 1 JO out 111. Him mlii ' t ' Bive t: ' T"" i 11 r U ., ., ;,. j.,i - t rtitf llHrntcl. Sin MfttkLnnlaoo, wlUof thiixaililirmfin ..:!. u(, J i,. i ,, r u L , in. ui, ,i u nil r Tstrltei aag Ruaala, COKfTaWTtKOPM D 8I.- -It la exsactad thai the aultan will tliurilj lu iu raiiwn j Oaratliriaturi 1'isl i.Mliil i Fmu-- n AITalri ,..,,.. : :;: 7V ,' I I.iik'i'.'-u.'.,.;.:',,;.'!.,',- ' I'i'T,"""' " hnin-ei.- ts I a';.o am ua . V,1:',, ", ' f I uJ'''"vu, ksk swiobij w mnnmu ui I THE PROPAGATION OF KELS. am. UStM rvn t: hi hi: TttBT VAXmt Mt ii U i.i. 1 1. hi mi until Tba lavestlaaitena nr a Rneiil Mrtiaetsiestee' Bii Ilala fi ii,; . f ias i.ii.nnr lli.iai mil IWu '''rom in Mii-ntur- Bawa rieneea mi the Jetejey CeasiA Mnts tt. I ""i "i.Ti fin' the un ;ibi of how win hre d la ti ' lettlod ut na Imlleaied in r r ennl Bumberol Tni st-x- . The following facta and Ineldonta beerlng on thia luhhirt may ba ol aome Intereet. Iwaaralaad nearafreahwatrr p md noted for Its Ig i ele, Very early la life I waa told that oola did hot breed from eMB, like other f b, It wi o uperttltlon of people who hnvnnover learned the A.B.Col natare'i t il id Mlefl d mynelf timt .: im.t tills, lln, and icnh Ilka othef Itah, nnd no i eiit of nrunmant eon:d convince ma that they did not apewnllkaotlier fUh. Ihadoean ". sesnrlng from Ova laehe to nanrly four fi '. i u i had never aeeo one with ecga iu it, i ir I ever aean nni very young aa hf none lessthnnnl ut five IhChca lone. Tbeee young lamnda f oir apponranca rii rt once nt tba ii tttnuing . eli sr.: iiuer. TbBl was. doubt-- ! . v ii u in. y i into from Iba bed! where tbey woreepnwned. t knew that e im 11 pond on a amali itrenm had been itnekod with eoia.bnt Ihi did I'M" ti ', i "r wi Bid they ht In tLo p nd. If on" were ever ennght ont ol It la lhei r tiir of I lived hi rn nnl vliKnt Ihehcmlol DonnlaCroak, which pnta Into Cei ware Say, In Cat May County, Daring lha i ;o i. of inlpe (hooting t fr ijuentiy, early 'n the morning, aaw myriad-- , of vary young am i unr i "la tenttered over the Uaekgranl maadowk. They had n left daring the nig i . the r'M'.iinK ltd .'. " .; ry wriggled Ibemeelvea i: to liiu- - alBleea. (nl a tr.e is. end ott er .I where many of them succumbed to Ihedryl r i . of the ana andtbi greed of ti.. tow. The f'r-- thai I sn-.- ware Bol K it an In ii and a half long, nu.i eery slander ntni wanki About a month Inter tbey became larger nnd tir-n- r1 r. nnd ippswiad to k rble to get iklBtvdeop' r. 0:d (aid that t i baaomi bob w ii ofyi arly ow urrence. Tin uneonntry aupeiwitioB about eeli pot apawa- - ngollelti I b ki iwtng imlle from Ibenotlvvi. Tber inld that " In spawn like otbar flb, and iLet ihey I only in anil Water." I ipr-ti- ' the next spring In trav ill ec nl Muttha Dataware B r from Mlllordto Depoalt. My trip six weeka, I Inquired of raftsmen and ill 'rswhntthof knew about the habits ol e'. TP y ill told a ut the sameetirr. The . ter tart of tho eoht go down stream in the f iii "f ma ye :r md 1 them return mihli ng th loHowlkW apring or nm.i:er. In lha 1. .i of th'i snmmor young e.s. measuring flva or iBchea, n;o maketheii loOQ.irniio,!. These come in schools un.i kaep taatotha sh-.r- steadily worklog Ibelrarav up tri! lnuy WwfMted to have leeo IhBM young vela, and avan thootdar ooea. In Hie act pi seiiiini; n dnnyeworklnsT then lelvea ihroBgk erevieea In the lopa.oreven ellmtilng over the tin la inelt - u r .vav bi Inserting flrsi ' head .a . ' k ai then their tafl n i lu ' e. The following '" were ir",;j ; ii atd and abuadaatly vouched lor la to ig tin :.. wero I . i : i " eels in " B r' ,:' ;,' '"' 'nrnibltant Borne vry I "" ' ' In If, " low r 1 U- i ir i out liy'smVji U i..,ra.' in .;li ol A i ut I tit eboni a week IB the ' un i . in it t : ..i which it fl psneit some a ir. ooi aui'ht noeeK IwnatoW iy the eetuere itloair It tLat there never waa an i i in t: n'( .thai tber irre none in enrol I no r ins ttary lothe vr. . pnetineu. The Leeen exen and all of Ita other ir outiii cs n 00 u n i iu wvis iluinn; ibeeuuimer in nrj'' Ifop ol mv iu .ore-- ns wrs ti'nt lu ". f theji t lak ir their tributariea un ... ifut i j r i a tr'p down the wen " - i r i Hiring J teat aed thai . Ii th 'f 14C8 1 was In Tom'a River, Jf, V" wnara I litf jmu flsherm-- n U nnlng a '" l Of ei s. I . ppr ncbed Hi. in. nun,' snr; I aluu.d . .. t. fludei'li il . In ti bi. B ,t. unfortuBi'i '. it waa the spawning mn. However, In aneW'-rt- my qiieetions, the men lo.d ing Hut ruiii just like other B!i. They were very : ro ti j. on:, and no aui ui t ol croeie qiieationitii! f .!.( raise itihnifowof ifoubtin my ml nlsut their tellhif the I ruth. Tn-ya- ll ml t M o'l '.vnv tide I with egg earlier i :'.... ,n. i thn naked them II there were ie an ong thai r" fontradiiiory anew rs. Tber did uct undertl ndibU Impor tin t ". nel t ii ail ;e t. Oi,. Dl '""'"'"I veai but Oniiliy tiiey ail protaseeil ' liavi i (be a ... a ... l i an asked how t ha lookwl, and auinetnld iik the anawB a f(uialo, uud vthera like tha.mlita iu otbur I la hard ypi lath I a ' breed in land locked ponds. notWithst Hiding tola may ii. betrue, I think it la certain, from my ""ii- - serrations mid tl se of (there related to Dill, t II Ht II I ' l"V IH ... bill ROIO" SpeefOa f piiie if'y oui io mon little mu ' pike, ua we.i ut e t;.. ." ciimuion in 0 imtny.i migrate over' ' idurin a very heavy n in. working th-- lr ravthi i. u the alulcvs, nnd evu .v- -r level " hen thii n ".,vi- ! n hall Im-- oi h w ir, aa u olten the enae d..r iiL' a A i) " ! vnt'or. and nr " ey w .: ,:r m i, m . ,i Uvt itab ' iwn II kg oi ibh. y J'1 ' only in .lit (brnoklab Furthermore, these two fnefs appear ti i i ve hiiig - :. ,..v r i . " .a enure to etv t. io niivuii In i their !". Ill ir hll and It ' I b" el Ulna lad i ii vitliwr ol lu'.-- siioubj prot jui; arroneouBi 0. r. AVUTIN. Aa Aosirlea t'aaul's Balclde, Srw Oruuwi, Dec, 2t. -- An art witneti of lm niviiiv Uu 4eitriaa Cvmul iin mi. Ur.Adetpli ' Baotr. ssrs that Bi'ler rsa bail tha plr at Ui( loet x J' svunuc st ) '.'tl on duwa, sad asvtiHi suoil II. i. . ... - v' -- v ' '" li"'iey .."ni'- li. Itala uviurv ir ti ...I aatlltfVHUSII ' iil iuhIii, Aii Onurr r.oitnl tut it,,. Btrgy n.iaU. Tbe H.WW bond of th Central Iliillroad of X'.-- H'j wliivh st seat leD kcUn Obsilss ft ait lbs In j i J i.c ttsntral rnt,v,i' "i, I i .i.., a . ' ' '"' i.Vii. il lat' i a i .we nun n. S' "AS - ' ihi oral ",.i ui" aid . ije.ait'ii iiiianaaul nnl anij ty mat place gl cr.i 1,1 l s " 'V ' I mi my ah of iiu tv" iuii uw btfi'iaa iii v" '':'i"1 wewpandioi The Rnrnlug ol a Boata f'nciui-j- A fir" broke out In J ji'n A. Caiey' r jln and sii la ui Uaniwerwu and Blrbania until, Preukl) " a .'.iK iri'iii yus M Ilia axilla, f.- - il iu quaialr ".;' a ' i.liiliiiw. na., ,ii, ui,!. l in a (i) ,.,,,. v i wheiiy ovsti u.i.t a i.- .- .. wia 1 1 m ' i,'i nlsea llanlii AnniN-y- . Doe, M. Justioe Osboru y Oliarlvs C, Pane iani Landualiurak rantuistu l lariulne aiialhar ttia gnsali, netei. sial drslta sunt io u." Uvt a in',' e n,i m i,..- Hsuk nf Troy fur eellsa U u slain Ilia lima Uiai IbaUiallun wa ud ailbi lliv Man mi i I.... n p., kul Ban ifurk io,i,i4 uji u.u.l.J H.uiUiil U. tl.tau aaiiku latuiia.J THE BI..UXK CmtMiTTEK. O'liii,. Peasesates ur iVal mk: iBeesaah a Beelstee sf ike A t terns j(ieae eat, W anil titOTVM, Dno. MrTha Teller pom. i lb rii "t thin nltornoon nt the en nl III" ' lalrman. In the nxpectailon Hiat Beommunb snlloB would be raced ,1 from Comptroller i'"r- - rofowlnffand raftralng hi reeeni opinion ns to Mm availability (m- th" pun io nl thi i in mlitee) of th" no,fno appmprlnttoB ol IBM ausaloBi 'i'ii Chairman laid before tbo Com ill! " a b py of a letter oddr seed by him to ti e Comptroller yeatar 'ay. on the aubjeet of the lilfflcultj which baa nrlaen from the nee of the it r.l "'ii ! " in Hi" ..'.'" a I loCtiOB of tlie Od (,f Juno r.i. UTf, which llnlta the ui t tbeap pyoprlntl nio " defraying the expaneea ol gxld invaetigiitioiH nnd jim ui, na imve already bten, or iii ii hereaftor ba, dlrwetad by tha Hen Bin." Mr. Tiller anya la Ihla letter thai the . lanae in QtteMlon wna reported by Mr, Gdmnnda :r an the s'adlelary Commlttoa the 4th of Jnne, when no Inveatisatlon of the deecrlptloB men- tioned hv the first BaotloB of thooet (aamely, h Bone laveatlgntlon of alhwad fr.nuia in the Pre Ideotlal elee Ion) hnd been ordered by the Senate, and that the word brlnted "said " wni in Mr. Edmunda'a manuscript "aueh," 11 iherefore argnea timt lha printed word taken in eonnocdon with lha word "kw." which fob Iowa, it r.iliat ba COOatrU ii lis If it rend " to lb." The two Words, be nya. are frequeutty tokea i mean, subsmntlally, the same thing, and he ivluded hn lettee n. follow l "In view nl ... eireumataneea. mi l In order to give nm .'I tttotlieiu tionaMt idl, itni nr to me that there ..n lie htti" lltncnltyln hohj ngfothla iiairnetioii. vol" t for almost dnntilmotisly i.v ' ith ladltlcnl parties in iheHenatennd one of urent Interest to tin pnbtle, either as rxtliig ni agab, i the whoh i ii' ndlenthig the i ulu of so rural ol th" i li , ruinn r. .i- -i ale . id Imfore Mm Commit ti... Mt,,r r,.,.i, hy hln Ironi "buiator , i :. nnd it waa put ad on Hie without uution, 11 ii a- - loilowai W i anew t. r f' - lata fOM ft M r.'.' f t . ri. , , Pi tu 'ha I hive lliti wiortiliiat e i 1 roar rsvnr . hilloausi rstelutieu seaptailtij iwur i'.hii- ;.'.. That (til Iten, .ie 11 Btsine, the aieesr 01 -- hell 1. r.'ajrt"' la o die 111 v on,, gal ' '"'.". ,"i iu '.ni 1" ra li in. un.. li.. ' ae,l i' 1 1.1 - r ' In 'i .at, and Hit uara Iirann .j . per ' ll rai lee at j i.. 1.. rai.i ni r 1' nisi ' ii ' - 10 mi The anil . u noi aiyebstyvii n- II 1 e' Imctlrtla, la y i t, It I is 'I i...i.. . i, ii iiloli. I,, .unr.. r ai otlur cwuii ' With xrssi restatsi .jrot, ewut sarvsut, .1 U. Hi. r The Cbalrmoa snid. in repli to an Inquiry of fft been r' 'i.t". r Menntor '1 'hum an. t" whom a similar reeolallon I referring to his ntnemlmcntj 0.1.0:1 il. -- ii.- t at 1. e ...n i"'io".f P letter r ti Ing r telved I'M't' k. the Cofiiiniltei ml urued (rojn n. 't hour iiiiin 11 al .n Monday, ' , Comptl rl- - r tro. v tte.l I - n er ptulon that fbe 1.000 cannot tw u d bi 1I10 Blame 1 ininiitien wlthont a ei lal n by Congreoa. ll- - expr win ingn.'Sa. however, to abide the decision "ft"" A't l, to whom the iu ...1.'. "'i reteri 0 Acting Alt met .General Phllliri baa trnna. (nltti I t.. to' Bvcrvtary ol the Tr'.asun ie opinion upon the aut'jeet, 11. 1, ,. me ground lent t! " IJO.000 nnpropna-- I p. ia question waa Intundiei for' any In. vestiaation or iniuiry whatever dlret-ie- l Senate during the period Of the Forty-filt- h Loogrcee. It- - iva t,.e tpr-e-.- a tapproprlal a.- iba money, said mv- :.. 1. a ..1 'I ir.ijuii u'i 1... !,:,, i,;r '.. h ui ii r ... iy ' r Iterbedlr led by the Senate." is evident. , ' soieeiem. and that ibn moat ni.uml w of out of the hluiiiier la by reading "inch," "i aid. ' l i. . i" ..ion .,' ennnie thu Committee 10 use tli 120 two, notwltbsi ind- - uu iho auvertte opinion ol the First C urn-- : trailer, OJMECV Mm TAIS .1 ill). Pregaslag Tan Treliersi Vale eg nt Hi.vmo iu Tea Tears. (kauaar, Dec. M. Tb celobratgd i.tood mar- -. Green Mountain Maid, is the property of Mr. rp a It... :.:,. ,.v l ord. th"lar..-.,-t breeder of trotting atoek in Amerion, ktr.Baek. n .:. 1 mi an average 175 of the beat trotting atoek upon his place tbetlme, Oreen Mountain Msiu. now 10 rearaold, Is a browa mai '. with n star on bor forehead, nnd two white hind ankles, She ia fifteen handahtgh. nndleermmetr! 'ally built. Sbewaathapr party : ! nun. 'i 1: inklln ;' Mid ii itown, this coin ty, and wni foaled in IIOJ, 8I1 haa prodocod aomc ..' ibe 's;s: Colts im,: ever ti n Vmerrn, H rflret' ill waafoaiiHl In ISU7, li wee the leiy 1. Iy aturm, by Middl piwni end when una aol.1 for fl.JOO. In th.- an ding year, IMS, urevn Mountain Maid pr- .lu Due inn finlllon Eieotloneer, by Umiih which horae, when e old. aoid for tl'.uuo, thi buverl iic 0 .v. Bunlora of CullfoinlH. Iu Ibudoh" proiluce.1 one of the it., leal ateppora in tlie Oiiuntrr, the Idu-'i- gelding Pr ip'oo, by it. Bn'ai. 1.1. handsome at dip l' :i . I, Harker -- t S x Vork wn "par "caei-o- i Prosbaro pnVitig fi 1. r ,11111. I !" 1. ' t 1. 47u, 4.... bin I; 1, iy 1' r V..a I. in !. luaor ...! atid purehaeud Mr. II. 11 .. for lln.i KJ. Her next foal, 11 1871, wna tin. oP.'ettuit u .iinu Pan aired by M mu r lluro . and Id for (o.bOx). Tliechoetnutlllly 11 rmduwiu C'.tii lln tii" following nr. mn, i.v in., t in re.un n uulil th" smne price, yS.Oiai, I. l73 i.i. eii Mountain (... ' iirodu .; ah 1. it rufu duu oiler 11 Sil.tKKI, Tli" wonderful trotter Elaine waa fouled m t:i" lueeeediug scar, 1871, Waltii'liu tuobeot three I four. fat d n ordi in the world, huvliig II. il': li e I diet- l.,e I viil ;.. 1. nil:.' IVal si red by .li'ssenger I Mir.. . nnd ia ownihl III ror. a nford. who paid 7.imio fortlp inter. Illl brown Hiiv. in 17. u I mar.. i roilu 'tii til" lln" "i. in roll Manalli Id in lo ta p. (8,000 tor th" younget r. Lust yrm the Bhiiwui alrcjiby M nip r bur. iind Mr. Biiekmiin w uldn l nciept nu 01 the otlu iv. we n it" (71,81X1 for ten Its in its ' anvyours, Thla lag ehowiucotbr ling In nk sun l; lliutls in' ro .Mr. I tu i;. j limn hrfa other exealleut brood mar., at his stud. but nono thut 1.0 vulu 1. iu biHuaaliruun UotUUglB Maid. Tbasa Hoohe Again. The f!nil hearing OB the niolion by a poni. Uiiltrs oi thu Bar Aiavulatltni far a ieuiibir) niiiu laumi o qihrii s Count) Clark Ouuii leion in 111111111 lili ekifor lliali Iniis.'stlnn. 'si t.. u ia iluilis Paris yet tenlayln Bupren Cuurt, ttftaiiiweri Ururvspi P Lied nl the CimniitlM prssrtits.l an aiiMavu ginwliit I rrioai u. uniuiilaiuii ins riiiiiuiiiiaa ki ,ti ilvehiitim i" in i." siiy I'lirllinr 1 .i. n iliair requeai i.. . ilia 1,. in H.'atli uld thai a. the leriiu'r neirt!is liai.nm.i Mcri Hist tlie eoia '".'i'-"- I." ml br tiiiiieci in. a have Mens laud. .ami pri.pvr iiurnnaa m sskuiir it to riitlua lln 1,. .nvi k, tu,- apt 01 ii" ruiirt, tiii.ii'r ilia al.ituia to m u. llSIUtll lit ina.l. altstlelia In llinw UlSl Ilia I nun runu sisl lag tar uivre a snti iUuii ul auri. itti b..i,uii aa it. rvi a. Tha 11 ui Bpiiaga Uailsalea, tTabbixotoVi Doe. ho Sen uta Commla. Hon f ii h tin Uin Itivwatigattug :- .- euiluiuu Uis iu.-- Siniiij i .a... irnin He- Appreerl in III ui in tlua. hai clesra Hit taking vf UlUuiull) ulnl trill ""il" a rrpurt hnmKillshiiv after lbs bol ilsi aai u. r (uiievsi will li rati. .'Iy vaeiitrsti'it 11 intlit'liiiputail 111 nt 'ii 1.". by ' a tuplu)avi .i tu- - Ii ami s. ni't ovr iki rvuiuiiilva 'I hi. rnal ciiun el Ida umUgim lil in bakiy lMHill in hi. r ler cuiuii'turr, a nurti " udouevfl whioli laads lie- Cuiinitm lusiu iiawiuiein ..n 'Uai solui yos slaiuii uiuvanal I'.i, o la in ll Um,., 1011 Wa. en artO ol Inait II ri.., a in lbs Miss) butrjr al eoauwii UWlilaUl la ui uiww ui Uia MagaB TWO BOYS' TERRIBLE DEATH, 111 iim i) iv TUB i vveh HTonv or a HT.titl.E IK 1: ist ORAMM Mr. xv. 1 . Rigger's AMaotiM t Baea the Mem r h,,ai' leha ttnnssjaB aia Pesssseia Tni llnriaa and nn Al.alitlnt Maaieaari' llm ii. a Mr. w. r. KMhter, u ayhnkwln dnurirlat of Sft .tobn itroati this "Ity, lives in n hsti'lsoino t: hi it Oroya and William atraata, Knot Orange, N.J, Ilia expensively Itted ap ttnblea, whleh worn destroyed by lire, with tho loss of two Uvea, v. Mayday, were located in the rear of bis real lenee, fronting in Wltllnn street. Oar rlagea, elehrhai nnd hones wan boaaadlBtha lil .n. nnd the BBOMd st"ry wna divided ini" billiard, aleeplng, and aior" rooms. Two yontiii Inda, Charh a nnd Mlltoa Tbotchar, iept in ih" bnlldlng, in order to protect it ogalnal trnmps, thieves, 1,11.1 tire, and the Mnohman. John l orv 11. wn" reqnlrad hi DnyalBto visit lha ataMaa very nlKht to so thnt the horaea wore enmfilrtabls, Ooryell qn Itted the ii bl . nt ll a'eloek on Friday niht. Tha Thatcher boya wan then (leaping (onndly, Mr. Kid.ier wna in the bBnnaa and Millard room a few minutes before 4 a'eloek yeaterday morning. There wns no lire in any of the rooma when heqnttted tin bnlMlmi a few min- - nte( Inter. At 5 o'clock Ii" wns awiikened by a neighbor, who said thai bla stnbiea wanon 11 r 11a COUld not belleva It until he saw from hla bedroom window the siii"k . and ftnino issuing from the wlndowa over tha hones' atalht, Mr. li ! I r dr seed hastily mi l run to tho 'i he bnlhlingwaa Rltad wfth tbleh amokn, and long tonguoa of tinme were (hooting out of the wlndowa "f "he billiard room and crooning nlonifi a roof, Bbowera of aparka end etndera endiiiiaereil the eottagi " up the opposite aide .: nillliim stroet, nnd tie frightened residents remove Ihidr furnltnra and throw w.ii." the ro'.ie of their houeee, Suddenly Mr, Rldder rememnarsd that the h. ini. lairs ni. t.t iii th. front part "f the stable, 1, oyer the carriage mom. II" In- - ijinreil for the Imya, Nobody had seen ti 1. .Mr. Ki Ider Insheil Int.. the Inirnlng building and endeavored to ascend the stairway lo the sleeping ro Ma wna nearly suffocated by Hie amoke, bill he pushed on until eomnleidy threw open 10 largo street door of the stable. In nn Instnnl dense iiihi-"- of amoke. rfame, iiu.leltiiiers w swepi through the slnirwny, nn I i Kidder was driven into th" street, It. narrowly eseaned with Bla life, II" antleed that the upper front of thaatnojea wna not yet burning, and ha thought that the Thatcher boya nibihtyet beaavml, But be could not hnd nm ' udder, II" and lie- helghbora lh"ii hurled i'ir. ugh th" windows 01 lb- - room ui leu by Mi Thatcher boya, and hall nt ll a ton nl their voices, Thav reeetvml hu reply, In 1, few mi,";. 1 the entire bnlldlng waa envi loped I u fin 1. and ll burned ao fiercely that all hope rescuing the Ulilol'.uillit'.' bun wio. ,,ban- - donial. Iuii" meaa time the reeldenee of Mr. it 0. "i.i 1. a. 11 lining tl. e (table, enuiiht lire The uriilttiro waa renioved. l ut in hull an nout tii house wns In ruins. A number of men then thr .'i wilier on the fronts and roofi 'ft 'houses on 11 ppoeita street and thus Pri vented Hre irom spreading, M a uciie.k s ' oi) otiitii.i'y N". 1 mi I Meuuiers N . I f nn 'i. nn. Truok N". karrivtal fr Newark, stri -- 'win. wns carrying showers of aparka - In r as tlriive street, and 11 r f cav: leneeswei dH'iu 'i, The flretaen eain I'XtiDouiahed Hie lire m the ruiiiaof the eial.i.'S nnd r. n 11.. and nil danger to thu surrounding boiioea waa over, v .i cli ' ie eharMd oodles of t'nnrbs ion loa de r were found under a heap udi-r- in the nortliwesi oomor of the ruins pi tin. Mai. ica. Tin "ia slept m Sepai'iit" t'ta ' "' i ni' - orner ol ilm veeoad aba v. ii" 1. i.i .. laj ni. in nir.." Oft apart Charhsi ... a ,a i yean ... awe, ll- - workel b.r , nther, :., atl upholap'rwi iu t .a t ii - re 1. I -t iirnii'". Mill.. 11 Thatcher wn- - 11 .. leiy onlr ItheHn yearanf age, He wiu In ' ploy of Mr. Kidder, Charles alept with ion. in ii " stable i" k'tp Inn mpany.nnd bothut'i II "ir tnenis iu tbe reeldenee n Ibelr parents, luywere in exeellrnt aplrlta 1.11,11. IPP'U lublri n Jfrlday nveuing, and bleiined - 01 N tears Day, Mr. and Mrs, Ihntel er were proHtrated with arlef veaterdsy ! rterfor Tub si n fonnd Mr. Kidder at in in I.- - .1 hie itobhai yeaterday afternoon, Parti mi n nnd women wert nmu ana b'oing from the aecne every tew minutes. Mr. iv doer said thai l - wosld reach iii-.- ll'V 'si, n which he had sg.inii Insurance The rsee but I Wore insured for It, 000, A fl .itm ktillll n iinu nisi la."ii aciit to li nutltry, irriagesaiidiislebrh.raoenilypiiretaui I. " " bun :. ii . r with nl11.1M . bariieee .1 lllard tables, Mr. Kidder said that be dn ' of waPT on the root of the stab and - 01 1... Hi ai.irnai. Mr. Ward'a ions ou hie UOUSe ja IJ.iKNI. Uv.V W( l.M .W. '.'ha Maa win. hteaeaferewg Uinin in 1 kniin. bsmsxs and viiii a iSa aiurrk , ,i,r tn Unjor-de- Donald Crnig MoCslluro, who died at but homo in Brooklyn on Friday night, ... 11 ailing slnoe Da ration Day, whan ha look a soi r .. : while riding with Oen. Han " and io n. ttnhoneld. iii dlssBsa lerml' listed la olrohoaia of tba liver and abdominal in p-- , nnd bo suffered Iron bemorrhagee, Ui n. Mot sllum was a Bcotcbmaa. hn lather .'I emlgl ited t thla country, and sctii.'U down aa a tailor in Boeheeter, N. V. Aa young Donald did not Into his father's trade be ll r: ut In (he World fOC himself, with bis ..vti" property. eoBBlatlag of elotbing tied up .. bandl r m :. ll" bad, however, a d Unite .I. n natl ui t" learn the carpenter's trade, and i.c rki in. wat to Lumiy'a tame, where tiled and married MaryMcNabb, tin hla iciii to Hocb ester, with hia wife nnd one child, h" began buaineaa an n eorpanter, nnd went to work on the Erie Hallway, in waa gradually advanced in the department ot bridge building until be Invented aa arob truss, the Useof whi h on Miriou.s rmula brought blm s venue "1 175.000 a yi nr. In 1MI be was madi Oeaeral HutetrlBtendant ot tbe Erie Hail- - way, bul he cave up thai noeltjon to a" into the - r th" tu lo and Miseisalppl Railroad. tu the breakini; out of 'he warh" wna r ini- - iiiend iy .ti hn Brough and Chnnneey Vtb. in" "ar pepurtmenti nu.i waa placed III e ,f th lie: illlivent of Cnlted Htntea lltan Ihillionds, bureau thai wna new to to the army and lothe railroad system, .1. th . cepa"lty he bn l eimrgo ot iiuii.i Ini-- 1 ri mt military niovements, Whi Grunt wne cornered near Chattanooga, ''Is''1 mi" snare Pi send him "ue veti ill t. p.. iii haste, I'resldi ut Linen .". rmlned io h' tid ti,,. Eleventh and Twelfth Arniyl .rpa from tin Army of the Potonine but nni id army officers . stimated that It w hi .i l;ik" six weeks t forward Ibe troops, Oen. Me-- 1 nlluni w wni for, nnd 1." nnd he. l irons. mi ti.. troops to Grant s head(tiarters in - .v-- n duys, Ills conil'leiit assertion wast i bed ' om of the nffl . -. bill the Preshen nnd a er InryStaiil Intrustml bun with lln un- - n Ho worked night and day send I na it train after Irian I mile with tr..ops. and in III tlnn io had th" two army - In l halt. in-i- .ia In time p. nie.'t the i'm"rg"licy nnd for this service he received th" thanks oj epjirtlti' ni. In tin. p"rf..rniiii this nnd uk ins, tl n MeCnllum wna obliged 1 nr. res 'I,. inn. I':,: Hchuri for itwerfuribg with hi nrrangenienta, Oen, HeCalliim ,r,. tru bnl over '.'.on itillea of railroad, and "x- - I led over I'j.noii.oii'i m hla department lie v. 11 iniitnrlulii pn . 1.1. ,i". the success ol Hhr-ma- n - in n h to (be 11. and It reninrked that Ion. Shorn ii. b lln " Menioii." hna aai,; ii,,. n il tho Department o( Military Hailrouds to Wl .1 he owed SO 111 llOil, it th clone of the war tlie men employed on Jh I ailed Klitl Mi Itnry litllroad ' nnd c.i Itnexi ted hospital fund oil liini.l HRiountiiig to ah ni 1111,0011, Aeoramitti wus II ppi 'hit I'd to dlip se of It conalstiugo Miliar t, 11. st. v ma, fm .i. Van Dyn, an John nyniiin, v Illllllly oouclllded pi pitrehnse : biinilsnma dlamoiid pin for (7,000, h,i was pr- -. tl". I.. Ion. MeCallum nl a dinner given in mv SubHi'iiuently James hak, ' iimdod 1. "ii. Mei'iiHum toioii ii,. pin to hint. n ii :a ilm bwturi otJim Flak's cole-brut- e 001. lien, .m (vi, mi waa privately known to bo lomethliitf ii n poet. Among bis eomposilious wn thu Wnuir Mill,'' with the rofraini rtis mill nsvsr m.ii.i sasin with watsi thst iiu. paisnd, A small volume of thaae ma wna privately V ' '"'.'i F rlryulnllon among In- - friends in " WHS ll I'll. inearth nenil ni". - uld hu del i...t wish ll I., I... known t,a J;'' "'j J","'"y' bMHW should be ti.U. 11 for a (Jen, Moi 'ilium's funeral U to be from hia In- residence, 107 If alaey street, Hrouklvii "ii lin day al 3 P.M. The Interment la tolen int.Hoi unietery, I: mil Her, Th" Free Miisoiia lodgeof which u member will hike I'lmrgu oi ih.. funeral in, Drooklyn, nnd 'be .. io dor I,odgu ol winch he wan ormorlr 11 iiiumber will revolvu lb" body iii that t'ltv for Interment, Warh Oulleah ISr the British oiiun Tmda. LflKDOa, Dee.J8.-T- he HmU, yeieathla in ru- in,' iiyii "luitsul ..I thrUUnia turnluu ii". ibis ..1 evanu, or rsiivliii in., cot leu ira.ia m (larkburn the inirkuti im, triiliislly dwlodlril, uim UiUwaak than ksibreal mplayaisal Uisa evr. (is mllli ars s s isn lull thrimah baiikrupicy. and ethers sr.- itamuiali l '" fl".' SSI ',. Hi, . , ver".t III (In- , .11.,,, '";'.' ...ii. ..I . .. i, iitar,.ririniin .. n . "i,ii,,o totiau lrsorllw.hewsvr a " "' V "', ""' ""' I'' an Iwri "i (WrsUf t's 0 turiitiut 1.; wor.. ai in, reiiiiuuii i fi ." s mil l .1.1111II, , 1,4, ,. 1 j 1. .'.aiwu uunua- - iha nail tWSWMIe 11 UU rsducsa suors i rnt: vrrimi'of.fn.v. Ai 1 1 .iii.i.i htt eiriina" 11 ,,1.0 .....10... ni Pedes fm. ., (in ChrlstniM Day a vtmns niBn roiilatored himself nt tie Metropolitan Motel im wm. 1,. Palmar rf New v..rk. ii" wns nbonl flvtlBM bm Inches In height, flood looking, with darn eya and mottetnche, nmi chiea-- cr pad dark hnir. He had a flood deal of leiggnge Wllb blm, Including a pair "f Indian lutes. IP Inn (hoWB to room 8M in the third (tory, i i ,. .. i , the ppgfl llr". nnd nskc I lo have Balaam heater pul In. Th" waller Opened hi" (yea, nnd y. idled that they had no steam heaters In any o! the rooma, Minor ipeni Uhrlatmas ihiynnd tii" two following days in tha botol. lie aoamad to have no business. Moat of bla tini" 'via iniased in the ladles' pnrlofi where im gl narally at reading, lie waa laths ladles' parlor yea. tarday moralBfl na usual wbea nil atoneont. tentlon wns Bttrneteil lo hu Hnasaal deport, menti He started Inn his "hnir. walked brink iy acroas the floor w ith ins eya on the door, ua ii frlgl t ;li il. and then mailed nnd (M down SgBlBi Those n"lloiia be repeated "V"ral till 1. a. kVoaontly somebody antered tho room and tinanml BBgr bun. mid Pniner atart '.I np, ibruat his hand In the BOettK of hla sack eont. and half drew a platol, A little inter he look the nia. toi from bin noeketi mid. cooking It, laid it across his knees, turning hi. headi omutly .mil staring on nil sides, At h neth Mr. Adams, tha managi r of lha hotel hearing .. hla amies, wool into the parlor nnd trie, I lo speak wilh him, but Palmer, leyolllng his weapon, warned bin. I., keep fetek. Tin n Mr. Vdnn - ml lothe llnlherrv street potjist station 'or ' 0 I or assist ania, fTI m Burns, llynn. mid 1 nesawenl to tho hotel, bill when tbo) mr'.-- d Paluier bad con., to hla room, and locked himself in, One of 'I :M "era kno k.l on th" door nnd the young mini called on' Ihnt hn wuul ! a Imll a ne, " I hnve done nothing that Is 'n ni' - 11 htw,"he (aldi ''and nobody Paa a rlgbl tooitn Into my ro nn. The prat mnti Who enters I will "ho t. I have ret. .'ver mi l three hnee cartridge on the table :" ami then followed a clicking of the i" not lock, OS if lu (Ubstantlallnn of what be I. i .1" dared, Mr. Adams olijeeted t. the breaking iu ..f ilm dooms too dnnaemua, nnd tne noil Hera eon" .in-'- then ves iu a nelabhorln.g room, and walled until Pnlmer should "t tin inn, come out of hie own aecoYd Phey had only a lew 111110111. to wiiII. Then tli" do r Was cautloiiely unl.ieknd nnd npenedi nnd Palmer steppeil Into the hall, M" held the revolyoi in hia ban. 1. OfTleer Furnieis nnpenroii nnd waa ahont to sneak to blip when Palmer ruls. his plsl 'land dlschnrgiel 11 bullet inhitl n '. body, 'Ilm "Ili.'.'r "prune upon li." yonng man nnd eni'lreliHi him In bis urine, bul Palmer managed to keep hi- - right bund fi and ti" dlaehargi'd the weap 11 again, and the nffleer fell. Then Pulun r in down the b nl. and ii .wn Hie stairs nnd Into thestreartt He run liken doer along Br tdway hi I'riii 'e street, tlirnuch I'ri'i. " sfreel nnd down Mini erry until li" nme t" il,e police tnti.'ti. when be sprang upthe slaps, ami appearing before the sergeant lilting nt the doak. laid down in-- plaint, and said that ha 1. ihot tv, . men in the Metrnptdltan who iind lamn trying to kldimp lilni, II" mu I ilmi he had ali. i tl, ni In f. ii1". a'id 'l they had shut at him, With thai he held up his left band, the moond ilnrer of which hml been haib reii by tin. iu.. on..; discharged from bis .0,11 nisi I. ini.."r rurness r U I...1I1 .f I'ali.o r'a sholelntho i.over I..11 side of his body. The wotinila nr. claee trsgether, 111 prohabli Pit il. IP v - ,rrp 'i the -- t'llioi, II- -. .i:i, Iheuee 1.1 Hi, Vlnecnt's H.eipiini Palmer's linger wna dresseit, nn I be w na sent to illevue Hoaplal, He Is the .,11 1.' Mr. ', ,; , n ,.. I'almerof Htonlngton. Conn., who Un gentle man 01 means, Th- - yonng man says thnt he wna released ir mi an asylum ,r the Inane In Preylden p. 11 tuber loot, and 11. .11 hiu in 111 ew iprk ever since, II" In.a In that ttmo ebanged his dwelling pin1. .. eieire "f tlmea, in thnhi DC. p.. eos. ..f .11 i- i- from bis eue-11- who put..,,,: I 1. iiii ,iia:..i.ti'. TAKiXQ ins OW.V if. 1 ;t. TtM Imimnrri' tu, .1 Trnili-- llnuU' l.nat fashaae Bleiprwsg, Minn. . i ti :m. Mr. Aahtey, one of Die bos delivery i lerks at windows In the Post Offloe, in makiug hla n rat aaa rtmnnt agerday morn'n.- - came a i a large, extra alga white envelope, with balky contents, It was addresaed In bad pendl: " Importera' nn I Traders' Bank, corner Murray street nnd Droadwav.Xew torkelty," in un awkward. trawling band. "Hollo," said the n!..ric p. bla assoelalD, Mr. Parkinson, ' I'll bet a u I eaar thnt tii. a N ibe bank a lost money.'1 When ti e bank r eame for lha in.ui m 7 .. luck banded blm the big letter, remarking, l here, 1 eU... nim IH n, intlselng pnekngo." The letter was "tened by th slatani al the hauk ahdw rd was at ob " lothe bouse of Mr. li. II. Peril ins, Jr.. ti ahier. t tint ih" ii t pr pert) had en ro- tor I. lr. Perkins said t .. Ibe envelope w na found t ntnln (lntl.ikN) Clearing Houau cortlfloates. f Ig.Oikl United Htates u. d r ,1- - ibe , .keti k ladotiBing toll ffmnn Ue oen, ih- - laink no Mens' r, w ii h had i i r iwi lelt'irs ind old nienioraada. Thoflnderof lue pack ike k. j.t b.r limit, il Hi M 7.V.:ie in ii rr .yand ''" in .id which it eoiitalue l, be. -- l l abetraciing 'i in Bold eurtlfleatea. There wus no meesnge with the letter. The iliro iors t o. bank met nl Bo'elook an.! e m trntUhged themselvea on the recovery ol the most of the Iw il. ' property. The story ol Beaeh.ths n ni. poran nieasenger who took tne package out of the bank and did not have it In hla p. sh ii when lo- reached the Clearing House, wm die mssed, and ttiere was some tnls ! n Idinn hi m reap a, i , lua bond for the 17.722.86 which wna rctai I out ... the paoknuo. 'In.. iiii"-ii"- ii of punishing him for hie culpability by dismissal from th" bank wn- - also i used, No .i. Unite action waa taken. Unaeh :. eoiiiiin d to hie hoiiae nil day bv nervous prostration. Mr. lVrkins attributed bisjose "f i no pnckiue t u.. Wtira- - ci.use than Beach's stupidity, Tne pn knee wna luat nt noon on Friday, nnd waa dropped Into th" iteneral PoetOfiii .. ix ijboul " 'i o eo 'k th" same evening, minus '.'."'J' 4'1'. Theenveiope wns 8 t . it., and bad oa it i uree gr ion aiatupe. Xesl Weeh'a Wegglag. In Trinity Church, on the id of next month, j Hiw km., an. uii. (aisihwrfS JislesJ bawrtiete (oiltti, nfasT (ins sveaue, fertaerly el Sinlthvlltt.,' Leoa i.iand. i. ie Im msrrwd te tea her. Mr WtUisrsll, uns 'i lb iwtitsnti slers by tha Rt--i P, guryan 0U tin rrctoi (Od i. I.nii..,. Im Ilr .' Tli- - 1. i Sirwsrl liar i luniriiij nni aaina nisl.b"i naui is Mr, atawait b lis i , . n lb in. alia Mn .laaarl u.iisiiur, I'm in l in. i.i.-r- ;,.. Smith nia Utnr rvuorU'tl io in..i.i.i pi a e of t N t'o-k- en II, r i r wa msrrii'il In Mr I '1 si wsrritlli'tlini iu rr. .....ii Hall I'. if. , ,,i mi,, tin ir and Ml mi .oi aurndiil tin. Mi'iiiiin.', mm Mr and M, Huti. r lisvt'.iaj - ll le i.i..,, ,.i Stewart ittstiaieti. soathwast cornsr ui null sveiuie slat yiiirt PHirtu iirwt. a i (nlriijje (eeepteg. To Tin; CUITOR oi Tin. Si s- -s ,: The un- ci ... ' lei'li t.'.'i ii..' I'hsllvtiys ut hariasa Taylur, '""'' Iteitai (StuRtsyl. le conuaitr for dii lens tiia i'lisiiiiiuuliip, "i - iwsapiiis a rbsrsrter thai n bshonvfl him n. in tnirrics Igarranl : iim ''' Uierrpirt il,,., Mr. Taylor nr im . ,, , ,... i.i i in,,,, h.. i., ,:, ., Wn I. Turui' iin ua. Ilnipl. it . . atal Wi a itra'la betan n in.' l i i il v niiJ ti )l..stit d o .in. oi, nrtwat (UliUoaUoa .i.i. ., p.... o.i.r I KillfM KOTHM, Lsad while Ii s dull bluisli mat tint. Tin rs Ii ii m.i.i of Hi" a ilber franry, 1 in banda are uaai) to irlui i. uuirl luuiet Ai lal Bi'Wi'ra an tin i.i.n lever st the taeowat Ut 1, worn .1 oi. ir. io. mi wry urti. ia ..i ma ten, t. I I'snlsn (rs worm w in eoi Nuiti cluw (ului ever the Hall stioes nnl lUstkiiisI irSBUWlad the color Ot Uu j! while u it. in'.,' lbs i ia oi leery (ad ireaai bsfl "I"'' "' '' "'""i''1 '"'J rUt,ial are a Ue vtoru ou wbue"' ' "'"" 'rnuas sre breUfbl cut for the ml I n7ial a i'". il! ' t ""J t"111'! ii i" ou um a,! :"l:.V'.".?,!',!:!-'",:- ;, "" """" sri iiiif l bilk lsir;eteiir r'""" "" '"" a.;.r."V.."!;':'.';n...r!'h- - " inwwara um f,lc,r'l'i',"" -- "" ', ',"," ....... i OKhthbM lbs iinialioui S '.II' 'il l l ,,'e'..':.:::,;n;;,;VV::,V':.' v : -o " kinJ lan::,v,v:oV:,,:v:;,;::;.';,;:!1v::;;',',!,, " ,hr "T::.r:';r. n:;,.:: M.oo ,.rui luii,, s, y,, , , toilatisis Iruiniiril aim i.i u n leiibsr frOiuei nil rinh". Hill;'' s.b'ta worn hurt imlilinrhwitn j'iii'.i lusarlllrisikl Isiiewnsi , louilil Thj eel Bur.. i rl v rial, .rale mr lull JreM nut t. ...'.,,'.' 5 "" '"'"', ( k) fsaluouaLki wfii'i'iKfii!1"! '"V"" ""W e IsMsu, ..r orinmenuM II", - Illl ., .in,,,, "r ,,,.( , ,,, vu" ,.,. "" ' klei.swi , , .. seeeru .... t. hi, ,u,i..... ,. .i; "'-- ' suit Irl.beeni ibturisti rhaoesr, (nd a,iwsi '.'!" i, "'i,l in u,i ...i, ,,...i ,,r,eu , no i Mind rer Sew , ,,,i. "",".' ,lr''" '" '""r """ IsUtasaoa miruiiii. snsia vslsst Willi a, ,., t",i 3 It J iL IblU! '? " S.- -I leather. u u HHWi'MBsaHBi N1TR0-GLYCERO- TS VICTIMS. TtlHI h. Mf X iitt I M HI AS KXPLOSiOlf nt. lew oth HiitoK PflUrM riti MthMkM in thr i ,,,,, it ICrntlintk I nt lurv F lht HNM lllM.Mit Tho Rulit ill flu- nf M I i.i. ,i., ThnJ. i.. I!nn-- i Rendroofe uirk-o- nin ir (,,. Hi it: IWO ini: from TTim tWIut, u, t M mtrlnlr Hnd Onnwood inkf itniirfimi liml Abonl i(. i)t Hltln from PHItflOt, wore blown up hv mm XplotkH. of n rt rtifiv mornlnc ntni ihm n.un wn LtiitK.. Tha bnlMlnitl OOOSttltd of one-tor- y frntim ihtdfl for th-- jT.,.'".i.'n c.f thn wiirkmcn nni th matfrlAl MN la mnklnir r"ntlrork. Alout t!ir".' vr.nrH nun Uic workd 'r blova up, mul H..v,-r;- wm lojurodi bwt n on wa k .: I. . 21 ..r .!" lnM tlK-- wrro blown Dp lltfnlB, bur. m it WM Jiunor tim. noon wat butt, At b IhltttttH t.. n oVWk yoMn1nr morn- - ng rntenon wn ibnketi bt ifi ?xi.ioion thnt sliirtl".! i.err,n. nnd rnttMhtl! tlio window InthflHty. it .nrrWI down mki in th?Hiiy i t lhf fnllfi.nndenllMil 'i.rnl uonMernatlon, ImpfMPlon betnt timt u boiir .'xpluaioat hnd I'npt In thi Ur, A minute liter a Bwnl puff of sinokf on tlie PrenknoM bilk Ihowed thnt it wn Iht l.nJro-- fivtory that IiikI !"rti Mown up. In nliouf nn hour Word W flVfHl ti:: tUroi mt liihl lout th rii yt ttlMwf ntf PrttniN ntiinfl finvlim fanilllM. ' A n r ii- . (or The Hun vlatud tiio (sc-n- of hp I'Xitlofiinn. ' lit work WArflan Htti. mE .'v nnrnmill TIh u ilti In which hii hi.' 1 wm only 16 by 16 fHr Innr ii, ithit nni iior' iilsh. It whh thn mlxlrur houm'. Jin-- ! It .vtutuint.J Mthtin wm i m u poa nda of nitrn.(fwia. Mil". Ui.l 'li - li.'.. tUf Hlll'lli'Iitf. of ruiij- - i Mk. ii m tlircjtj hn-i- kiiN'il wen nt work Tu III n hitllulfip. Thnlr tiriMicoi wt Jo tin M;inlpr U t l. a QtrmM. Utf.'iJ 47 nil I r llmiiid Mnrnf. AHhoii-ri- i thure ,J nmnrtlif - Hh i ;i rAQ of th. nn " 'riiiini'il. n no on who wnn lu t t ' illtifl - it v 1. i Iir not a i.i of th builiHittf Iffttw ulicMaii iniiu'a linno. whMwl r 'inn ifi' i.r in rh- - cr umi t.n I Tho ndinww ttrouiid, nnd row 'i n a wna. lyolt' ih thouitli it baa jut " "ii plough oJ, Tin i hi. I was) 'uw.'.i with 'Hii :n. ifti ria. UrciU Iron b;trr"JM. ud to trjini t ihi in- tarlnta. Warn torn to fim. Tin-- rutin, w "( in t ii polio I M wtira t rn io pic ', Unu tlnn .r- Kv-.- t wu fuund iniliiiurtsi. Hull n MnnvH liwutT wnn fSfitiL i raa i. n r t - r M-- xfpi his Muo il iiiiiii vhlrl And Pintbtt thnt wat ' t a ..f two hundred vnrd I !i i w i . o w j km ti I'mploynd aiut rhl works, nn l r thi rliniwa or uuorlntendnttl thyttt' h hlir. Ko.,il;i wna iusl soIIMr toth i. ii tb oxpl Hon nnpMntHL TB Hi i ihnn nm wtrv nnioloyfHl abooj th irroiinilfl nnd wvr nniniurad. a mow frmnt t i .'. a t ont ihi rnrtH away, wh- - pnniy u '.. v Tt sintiil franaatorf ' ntod in another 'iir-'t- u n, about lut) fur w:n. ' r Wurti-- of rui. t n took hnriro( tu.- iwo lxx'i id:.' ihtiilnvd what couM be : nn i nl lh mmalnaof th- - dtad man nntl IimIJ ii Inqiti t. in h nothintt nndltloaal wan i. trolouotl, M Ik. li'-- l nl 7 HprjnL Pt-pn- and lnvnawlfo nnJ AvarmliMi HanaH lav n wit.- .m l o'v.n rhiMrtm m lInUi"n tr;H : nn I Mjin.Hy, Itnvlns '"it ntwU :uarrt.'kt. In. w In ml Una t support I is fcffooi Ti. trtiiMi t rauriMiwii I Unc mt 'I Ir- Btia ' ntli undaatl :iLn t TsMh l'r Ariltif I he loulrnt). I To hl rOBOf . hl Si .Vf ' Mntth'.W 'l us fU .:. ii. i 1 Xhut 1!ik-- Wdchert il pMOtH it .'l, r .i trn4t H i art iffMttd no irtU id crlaM w i inasiitui that u i.. blm i Mna mmi n :.i 'iy i uat, ai yuf rt-- inaM ii ir he m tu.- wrlwi dt4i in waefe aatawlwaiaw tv lUnaT dt t ni.- Uiu itainct dm nwaaaulaflaaiiial um 1 ni ; it .( ni tt. ttyliif ml i up U ''' i rcrtai I'.'.-k- ftltbaash I bava aaMaafM i r .r twelti h u t. rngsMPd la pranic i. tl - v - V lit II I' At iiliJ t o'U- - l n i - Matthew Mniit" wtieM wii.-ii- mu m tnrin fie nnica m iii" i .i t .,. 'm t't .. rtfttn lhUirti1 r .., ui HiMt trnvlilHir ! ntH tv trntl t posieg n. ui n tmi'iiu. it , .nu ikl-1- n.gunv.1 lorluvtn t1 fttfher' pajr, llv ff'lv rufi tliKi It UfdlW .. ur, f.. ni.' ir4rhr r. rvffaUUP hwlt ii. ill "ti Ini i. in w nt atMlM PHH 1 ' . n ;i Rut' rJufnMd urrtui I' iii' U' i.eii .in t puiimm I ., nt'i ity- - kiiI li'sjrulrfaf. ' t ,, . tiiurirK ' m i' " ru ntti " ' w, i.v i.IIiiti, niiJ ur III! UBM it .'I !!..(,.' rtllif l. rl .. kurUstftt ',:.. ri.'i-i.- j. Mntl e '.i. iint Iii.ik' ( in- - wmy ul ttiinkliif; Mill Im pi . of bnl 'Mrricr. rhnn n i ri t "r 'I'liiisttiual .- t- fil in iin'mslvts. hkJ futtiiliiiit na - It mm vital oi ih'.ti, rciiinn- livtliliiti bin ( 'I.'. '.i mi, unity w I Utwt by ui n (Uinrr. MuI'Im-- M 4i Uft - nty tti i rT.! u. tmnisj rt t tint' (r n, '!! P iii- - taftl mta ii j t..,-ii- i UM 47' f ry ri i 't it Him, ii tni tni onu inp !i i in h rr .ii i, ' ntmvwwan :. Ihntt . in i 'i which iii intii ups,ti i ri nl pi) .on! pi tl Isttlyutw BMaaM li lit I rftiriita-- Ntni Trtiotcrir iUrr lb . mbl IWaMf ii; in njt'i'i i(MiLj t iiM if i.rtf.hiT. T k ' i i' .. 'lint mii it n unUrv ll iimw i titrvsttin llH i ut usl iiwk lH raniisn " UnW Uww '. ThlllR i Ol cilwri'i.l. ACCi 'yUaJMl Iviv. wpll tb It. ' ' t 'i f'HilUl'IH s In !. l:.4t Ivi ill tii tlfn. tlflllf - "IU1 h m 7.'t tu IOU rhUiton, '. hamn nVH vary 0 i'unn ti i ni un in i stupid a owml vaar in ii i ;. ..c. (., ,...(' irdlHf iy n iiisvrioiinif U'oin wtiieu lUtvtntv, niiii to tench thitsgg ctuKtrt ii n.t mly 0 "'i .a v liniitf. t 'l r. : ii tue, itni n uiiu.i'vr n oihr bi ot m- - ...... high BsdinaiiKi muiwi wine;. hav Nti ir.iti tltll ' .. !li'(iV1'red b) 'i'-- , infM BiMattM v.,1.1 i'it Btsira .i BtlHTiiiltMl. aiM liitrttUuvra iHto Pit i'"'' i lltr 4 .i nu t prwAt of toe MtnrBMl mi l iu. rrvnt m nt ihv t fhtr aaa wa. nn; i . by lb ruWt ut Uw Bti ml t.t brmfl i u h'Ii i i up ti a cvriaiH iHihtri, im niniter wliatMMf i Wirnl mi Mviiv tpity be. piht Iii itintiy wbi-a- I'litDvlldd ii Mi. pri .. i. tu if i niucli bffyuttn syn thli mailt'. v llll ' if.' t ... i.n nftfVt rtir.i crulll; ' - i i y ,,r m pr lor two txnuiinn ii no by th prtncii linmltn unr by tbo tatuUair if uu ii.!.'. mi Btiiiettil Miiiiiiuali) taitowtsoo With ititunMl bor . bou hi mt prooii ttif .nidrii: t..!. Ii.ii-i,- ! r.i: .mi. ... l,v - n nii ii 't innli i'ii i.v i j rinyl ui. . rtaiuni .irenJ u iiiiin dis nnd iill i'r!4 per wt.k, whit thn tithal t?i- - btff W Kit AttOVH or tWOatl oori i icl ('.iii' K.iux ir'" ' tni tl.r iloortitrompttt linn lit uumiM h t ii dwMt t thvv wbowfil ini nt mid i.- - adtutUon t vontanr io uyiiin Mi l :i r nnor li;iw BCiun-dt- i Tbe iiiboni Um to i.i- loai'ltrni wot; coffofy a al ..lil. ii oiNi.itMV WWttno 'tr ii f of- ii .:. t.. Iooo iiu- - his? ni uioukWm drinbiory, aai U - i. .. U ufl r. wt In- (ind Ui IfWf " MotUtow M u mid Um mral m.'Ik1 Ivachcri n t find . ..! ht tbrr in. i the na littvii . : .Nt. w Yvrk t.rv Hit !nN in UM Wot :.t lot tbo biOOlivra .ia r ft is m , Broadwafi ot a Ti'tithi r bnl Intilcnunt. To THE FaDITOR Off TWl Bi s - Sir " Matthew ... !. s BTlttllrOf t itbor a trod.- ur a 4.rjtc'in-i- " That i. icoordlni bwib to Wcbiur ond W'iirootfri thy) nr porwiM it... i. i DUtb ii, oi Ottlplti) ttttfatl Hi utbOt n'urJi. trn. in..; loan i But vorv i lUito, ibat. of Mitu.'W Hatli ' ii' would ha vi tbtm p.iid, and yory nttatliy pm-i- mi fol tin- lioiii a pi wblcti Iht ) .fv ttlKnavd In ! 'ItitW. A Wi ll ' i. i shuil ( ' ii t, ,,j fnf (lis tun n w m l P.. i ; outhrvi lit ftdntlH tOH ' i r c ,;ii no) i,vi- wtttuai 1 aoMiiK m4 i i.iuii.i! oinplitywont, itw no , I ' i - i mi th- - L'ooiitry KhooU In N,r !' it' .Un lokoviii fi exist, ' b) brvouitftil Will'ci .(i,: t kUIUOWl1 I Mil W all.;! t lllfil tttlT t i'ti r Piulil Mbtatiii H4itpuriiu'iil luriiis; tiio ittranuf dtli wn -i i ii, tti iv-- it?! mil, bi w filcb tnty o.l11 i iiiiifoo 'u n lwti,i miMlifM - iiu ir if.'ii. fl ilqttM, w t ti ..i," in uii,, I, i tu up, JJ ybnjh i 'i " i tiiwioUiio wonbj Im imi "uiitt, 'i i m 'in in nnprovod upon, anal f nor ii ti i l jn xhtn world, and tin alm-iti o; bo prlitoipuU mi i Hi. i in un dn colmioi '.ouid w' "Ut I .1 ' !c . tutu. .'. i' t nt lnj ,.. ..j ppnittirlioti t iliu ii .,,'!..t i om i lumlcv Lw rt liwM Wo ii It .i I, n lili ittfb nut i'rUtMtni in ihn quoaUMft, that I " ot'lmol b u tiur, mid ibm m ltbrr injru if, iptrnnf mi .ui s, Uotyvor ilroa a a j" o iroiii iba cHj Ira ' ii C tsjM. 5B..a V inn Tonohora Htavo Ta U To rn CDiTonoi Tu:- Brti siti " Ma:. . :.t.t iery wvll iiitonutd it would wuuii ia ft i I tt'Ot'htft A yonng buly, to bn a wncir In our ptibi ' im m i Ua a groduAtf ul a au taal io1 A lor htr oi bointiiionl abfl'har ii niurt - II llir .1 I.'. ',11' all, la .., I" if ''I i li ii A 4.. aiut ran i U'l ) u rnp'ra oh ; mm ibu iavi'il nhirliooNtUnul n.. in il is n rin ri iki "it Haiti's, te. Tin' 1. i.. 'a i ,t 'i ,t i m im' fourm wi Uriettvr i.i- - ..t. i iittitvn MauKa'ond eonwiiuriuy lunu upomoacb r hjh iivrui, a. to Thi- lit. i suit ti' Nt " ti'uri Proaoali Amonjft.i ti ia avaaaon it in suw'd thoi ovarj to i.'t'i - ild wo.' hia miv iw ol i OBpotUtoB io ii Protoviivo TaHC (ii.M'w Dac, 34, Tha Clunava Chambar ol C ,ti"i .' ifti i airi'ulorato ill tbo oOuf CM' ',,, in Itrol .'! tU4MM ttiMI f( Ui- IK I m1 rustuma tnriir ri . itnu nni ln arvulli tltv O'tot titiu im a nysii im ii mv duUva wilTiiiJuw Ui Uaal awltioi'iHtul ni'i't ilia iji "i it American Baonrltlai ' laaBdaaw I Lowpi v. rt,', 2.Tho iVonia'a-'aAyfi- i Witt I tho fuitcJ ,B I noar napraaab uii, mania aavi tlioanawlaWbtaOairiaaaw In ll" t,u rwfJ I bn b.u iu - tit'cniluiwiit ivnuiur; t.v - t..k.

Transcript of Library of Congress · E 1 H I 1 THE BUff, Simmy, UKCfcMtfKH BJ, is.s. I I Tllr. FATEOFTHE...

Page 1: Library of Congress · E 1 H I 1 THE BUff, Simmy, UKCfcMtfKH BJ, is.s. I I Tllr. FATEOFTHE POMERAXIA nun Biff in ill r ill ii iii: ii is tWOMKti, BBBJ lliiiiil ttfltSlaag! I nt tl

E 1


nunBiff in ill r ill ii iii: ii is tWOMKti,

BBBJ lliiiiil ttfltSlaag! I nt tl her T'1 hulBsH lftii- - l ..lliillna rtfl Out i.r ItavrSBBH NMPIIIII .iiii',.I. niiii n I'l'lll.!,.--

H lit wi.i-ijf.- - I'eti.l Stan nt ItallAis.I'isr r.sA 1, i j. - tha 1 uamttctoi offlpc

'in r fHH wiiii lit fuBioua eilltof uinl proprietor. Mr.

J Babtanit.((H On' of lb llllln Hon In Ilia Ural (terr than In(H n BBtef am, iii which are thd tables o( lira oipH IbrM dlw. nhil imyuBil i Mr. Ifalstend'a

H eiurttr . So annum ol 'imbarrnaatnont i ulil((H IgSTeill "i" In : ii i. in elating ii nagnlfl nt((H ! nl in Hi" ' rWal lof i". TmM

BfB NnI l,wit!i ii epieuilit Iraml,

BiBV Mt . ... . :;l-.-- with thnruibly hao!((H f health, nnl (Httpfr iy tttlett. iroii-urn- Imir. A((fl BOaf htatlStaCkfl Ami Impel mill t tboH Mrength iha month mill law. nuil (bora ua(fl p.'iiu.n ami iani In the OeMh of Uie tarare blue((fl ayes. li. hirtniy fanlitoaa toilet eoiBplvtcs

Hffl lb tout tuttmhli of tho iournnllat. Oiilinl. inotarvrr r iirark with throe pmmllnritli

Hffl tbo nir of tooli j Inlteu bt (Mrnrlao, Um millHjfl oieo. the wonts falling alowty, with a mudealHH mdtniM from ilia Una, and iha ittllcao and

H beauty ofH Mr. Maletead ia na little glvea to handehak

HjH lag as royalty, and a King is not hedged aboutHfH kv a bmm foroildttbbi bnrrior ol resvrve. tubHffl "ffivt is lanomannar leseened bvaohange olH hats, Tin: labia la shoted to one aide, aadsthsHjfl tntetnow alts by a Wotea doak, qnlta InHffl by lha off iluvr. and purtir la tba ilinduw of theIHfJHffl In n brief eonversation with Mr. ttanttendHfH renently, I vn atraek anaw with ins oomproHjH lioualte and (OKtbla vy ol flawing II

With a asail la baad, ha drapntenod sulpoiltlcaand man.i irrenl topics i

pmr aa roadllr aa tba acehangaa drifting tohis laat At length I aold: "t would Ilka tolaHH port Tour imlitl vi.'ws t Tiik Svs."

J "Waa aval anvtblni nota sbaurd?" ha raiPMdad. with lha lanat alevatlon of tha laR ava

I Ud. mid an almost Inpcroaptibla tms of timhon.l. "Mv Vtain nro einriM.'J la tba c j -

I RMTtfal avary dnv"' I illl not "ri--.- s Um pnlnt, bnl a law n'ln'it.Jitatward. whon bis ran on tbo nutatedPowiaranla. I dattrmlnad in n t Blind t.. raporl

I htbatMaa taltbfullr aa lay in my powar. iiaawttntot bar lust trip wu.-- boi-uu- homo i nbor was Intanaaly Interesting, but mum n j- -

I snrilr loso nneb of Itt. Vigor ol Mt:itmont intbe rti tiiiwn. His amount was lu sulstuuw

"Yonnwv wallaar thefataot thaPomanmla I

I hid n paraonAl Interest to tna, I waa as familiarI with owry part o! thai ablpaalaia w . mrj own hotn. I bad so reeantlr pi'rtd from tiiej offleors nnJ m'Mi of tho ship,nntf tbay waraaoI endearod to mo hv yi sj.tlir.' tlu ir

lI loaa h) n aoaraa ol poignant grlaf. ty ! weraJ

IE f airevButonoea of dnnsar. too. ounn-- ti I wltkmy trip which garo mv a r ...n-- v..f

baviiic i.arrowiy i .p ! ::,kv- -. i and !oihmys-!f- Tin wara tbraa startling la iid ,aonnastvd with the trip. so . .i nn r'. oi danBHr that un lor other


ciNuinaunoiMl ahnuld baenbot'ado rr dlroui

I tiw Ml ty 'i the ii.. ,.M.. in,.', a in i n u hI napi'aaarr for nm to niaku in trip with ns liitlaI it' lay and ulaeomfort us imMlblf, My wlfow -I an bio and In gWit irouMe. Sh- - bad it1 foiuur l alio, an i i.f rcbildr i nlonu wro1 naall. s it Of-t- r .'..e t I ... :.. II.l.o1 !:ro-t- Inab "i : i Iii ro inda nl mid la- -I NMIugrouii from Paris to Liverpool,

! "' '1

I e..Bfrn. but wo were nil liui snd I soipXtonatOBrt hi ue that we start il nr. nil .

0'tou?r.IJnvre from Puns on theeienaii: oi tUaSStnol

J " ..'l va tosnil on tbaSfith. WaarrlVH.I Iba iiik! fore.nnd en ypredicted was on baud. Then t nwrninutbemUa were flying, the . ywui rstin, o r

HI I 'Mmmm !1 '

ww ' i Mi ' MI '

mm f111 w I'juoeaa wbbih fully l tied Uia framework ,.r

Myl . a had takn paaaogo In tha Pontaranln ao

Jt'ti'nt-Wa- a arnail nud Tt-- .1vaptaiB. H hwensen w v n k ..I

JI ,1(1 1 and waa flllntt with touoiilngnud valuable -

iH "I ireI IIII If friaed s..nv l.'r, i, .,.

mil nana a photograph ol his daughter, who hndiXpfM ..v.'.'i. .in

Hi IIBfPJ j was the view ol a suiiih-- a noun ntiy fromHi rrPJt.ll. " r .tun: ' .

KH MBewhere in Tm- - CoiumciorsIH I anew we nan recently Intone of our elIH nnd neirneaBeeoiiingly kind to ua. wa bemma

HlPga w.-i- i aii)ualiitm with him. H- - i

HlgH J'"" ' I'ndof "ur two little glrla. and tbey Iom I

Blm. Bo gave eachlll n -- ver wh iIuto a in ti ii more i irllnntlo thn

fH aMM Jell tba bridge by night r day. or bad anythingM. M i t'iv to I

B tii- - 1 'Himp ireJ b I wjyj knew tbut ..!, f oort wii iii- - fast Fi "i. li

Wm7 V reriere In i i 0HP1 I ptnn atenmer bad never aalled togi-the- r bnlHhiit Bwat rather a race, it lookml like u raoe. Jn-- w

r nmernniH waa half an liour nhaad out i ; t.e i ....i the ii. m

V : 1 morning within siulit. We wr- - inPHtll t1"' range twenty-tn- r jr twenty-Jou- rpic Bonn, Whleb wn n ': ble thing.

M' m From the flrslthowvnthur was bad. WehrdH' ui.wtrnT our way. a qi ir to ml - in ns i olnl

!. reokoii, tbre up a dense log. densemm i,' tliuiPHfi'.n oem u reunonubl'i rhiug that ono thoiimmilH l

H iHzlrl Cjjra waa taken to ebeidt our apeed. It was not

JUL' ! fboeaed iiui 'li. iroiii p, tw a i r Hi.Jntl. 1 "ii !ei iii hour, p.'iii'ipe. 1 wn tl:!ii:;ii' jf'l Bgijeaalvoly Pimtlous on the part ol Co

Au' PMbaldy have run ut full r A. -- i i bud

denly, aawa moved along, tbu log horn sound.Ing, a wi.iatie ui uuswei to our wl latl -

IrU'i benrd. nnd In a moment n voeool crosaed ourll,t' suio. almost touehlng. Few had hem i c.;j Wbiatllav ol the other itemntr toe Herder, o

ti.1, aim lue, '

verned In Hi w rkluu ( th'i si.A- a each mbar with vi ry serious fu .Cut tin pi -

if' were pleiiapi1,iind tliouifbi it n - g l' None but the nlfleeri iinu sailors know howWWt nuicklv.Utbealilpa had rua together, ttv would

UI)VH K ,.. lotll Ittolttflll

g just oi poHii.' Jialn.i.t. nun" u.t ut 1 . SfH IfJr w lut niter. there L'ltme upn t. InushiK pt' atoriu. It wiia ao thick. tluit nothing whs vlslbli

111 '! aotin.l' l i'..,t .miHftl' Of ball. wblvh mini dark vit ioruwnaV BBU.I'ell

H V I lll'iin I .v ' . i - t ;i,', ii I, ,i,i . ui.,.-

aJK l. i apnrklillg II I light Up .nil n e ItiUJ

f, .1 III ' Jt WHS

EMKR' Bat went on d''k. I in Itlm Cnpluln nabenl' Bolpgtol'id, Vi.n i.- - nl it :.-i. l.d iTgi.t?Dilff r' nld lu inc. the ww,I., I, - ii yl '

fmm. ao br.i.i..:.-.- . A p n...! ! nnotlnr olll- -


fHII ' ,:," d, ' id" ' Ins4 real

PHUT'iHrU Jpneh aa a utiiry aw a I'l-ei-i . :i t luthRE OUlf of l. Lnwreueo i, uy su Ii duvI in ifiB.lj uun asupni.tjUon nl i iu kind among the lull' ill, . At tbla i Mr II i .tsn l.wlin Is always prno- -

"UI. to'T i ... r ..," of all i pe; 1 le mlid li .i IV

I Hi is. '' l

it' ? in, uu ! thu ......Ur '


I ' WllUaai !'"inr ABmltieg la Hall,ji ' Jusii.u uttbart, In Br'XiUlyu; reatardar attar- -

f I ' " " 'siit"i an n,l uu Wllij .. r ,

"' I'sMoiB svvum Inn in. uiBl" .!

Hnli i t. ' " ' aB i p f a ii 'I Ilia i i, r, ii v i. 1, , iii. . . , , ,

iii''.h.,.vjsj....,i, ..

AtMVUt t3tCttEMnt.B,

ii in,!, i a BtaWNHl r h,' Wftt't MltlMtfiti'ii'iini bus bee iattlaleg,

Tin. srs oi ikipt, 4 coutaluad thu pnrtloti, Ins f thaertteRyol stewnrdnl tba Key

Want Mnrlnn llonpitnl la treating Michael


iiiini mi" nurse ah wa that tba patient wasnovnr troublesome, li" paid II n day for Msboard, nnd wni nndor tho mndbml eharge ofHttrgeou li. li. Hurray, win in i r ithi r. Iraattu

Murrni wna the hi It i it -- ir l.

by Mr. Thnrtea T. F. i trUe editor of the Koyw, .- - ;i.'.,. p..,; 4h honpitnl. Therei rtof Uicy nw nnd heard Blmost Ohalkng, i belief,

Mr. irl rt -. : nfflrmi Ihal tli 1 found


acorn. Iiu wn t In ' every ntgbt, lying on itdirtv mattri i tld on t: e ban! R 'or. and covred only by a I ihyplee .; maequit nutting,

Ob lifting l li u tlicy saw the pntiontby iitblug with dlflb ally, but npteti mly .

than n month, nnd oiiea 8iewird Uiu'rui li i

Mr. . ,. it: s, a io i vien J the I on- -pita) two il - Mr. i .ii ." - ijeputtiti "iWent, it 'rated Mie latter riT'litv,:. li

':'o;:l;,',"'';v;';'.;::'v'l an.i- - ii. n N " ninn's brefl I in sexl '.lownKurd two . .: with tils ig w t,Tie a. r. .1 - i '. I' - '

,i ' '.i:

man. ulinble to J i .. penve, ex Minidbrnnntly. Or 0, If I'll give the mint nehrtj hellget ui nti I wnlk nv r v..,ir graveyet." H. wna n 4 gh oi the iiwi Ver

biiiiin '.. V ,t. who i ud i I'intjji ; in theboenital for five yenrs, euid 'I :,i g ,ii' nuei i ytli .; rnai in bw hn r in tm houeei"r:ii",' ud. unit leil In that p ill w nil nl hiAs Was I fh i!m oth r pntioi i , .:tba boapitnl, aha stud, .i w.i ni t ituifenough local to out. Bbi neri if, . i ;. I,had never in her llle biuii f a nrstiirt


':!, ut 1'iui.t she .: hennt und "fb iwn, wed brcrl from Soonnti.wlbeing whlpf'edi olio Incl pwenr who wnsstriking .hiin, but i.e.' bad no doubt it miBti wnrd Murray.

Some hticiu axplnnntlcn of the peaslble enuof the erueitie to wh h Nooi .. .. i

He refnaed to obey, nnd Murnri . o - '.i i

down w iii hi clen "'"I ii- -. Tli le in liaa

would ng have any tuny ' ljine-j- ra' .. tl .

hoepiini. It wna worl. tlint SiHiunn wrniP

"'' v- uid bav'i i" n seuMo M'.'Btigb

"in aiblTiljin "tp thla.Voon.Mi w!i one dayninghi si in ing I .ttr in tl - .I ii u room, ljui"!.' I in suying that when heuld tt bewaaiter Mdem n.

v.r. William A. Ferpell ol XeyWeai midthatI in ., .i Sluri . rhy .. i :.. iti lln


: :,.a bed or not, f r tlie man tod; my . ."Ti, w il boforoB Joitlea

';. II r tit' Utllam uiateief fmritl i

Nooiian. He ha nlaolien Indicted for'em)ci

I'ltiil. '.1 r il.: ' .. ! i

burg a It, . M i it f : i, ,p re.: x -'

i.'-- -. "ut ii. Hu iy boa given tbo ri. bpB la and taat Imv .

long ' iore th true niilawera (ouu-i- or. m- - ,ueHr. o;or-- ' tnu ' ui t rnof.. Su riieon Mu r r i i longer In ehnrae of tbaMurine Hoepi ,;ing t:a up 'rsedvd cy apbyalelnu froi the S nth,

Hi. .Lin.. Olstss Balls li ii It'ile in Bari.ui rWesaeOa le tin. BsmiBa

Nrw RATT5, Doc. MeVltb vne handthrown about tba aeeir of OBaofs i .ro hi c

i some whl h Mood httrnifaed to alightopaB buggr Is thbj city. Ur. William F.c u r.tbachampiou r.flv si t.t idol us wander I utailnce he broke 5 5uo glusa bollalnKewX rkhiat fall in al ven houra.

Altai a x , xbibitl aa In the r.vt. the DoctorI went to 8. Paul, unior engagement to sho i u

the Stat r.,... For two weoka great throngsmarvelled at tha rill tnoa'a skin, andthednytblll H.iv- - y.r.i li . t SO.UOOpereone applauded! Do tort shooting. "Itwaa in St. Prul," Dr. Carver ' ' tl it Igot Ibeae elks, A ri a m i .' .j . ,for ni- -, and I paid him I2.vk)I ir l "

f rom Bt r.:u he weiittoPittahurgli where haexhiliit'd toe twentv-fou- r dara nnd five ni Itsni tha Exposition. Here it was, nudtlmDtor. thni I first broke alms Nile In theJ.e. str. I did it nnd hiindr-- is enn pr v. ri I had she ting out In a r

, eleotrlo light. One night they wre throw upl glow t.alls lor me to lt"ik.nnd as tin v we-- e

fir-iw- with almut tbe aeme foi . mho ftsame spot, I k'otti snue sni n lidiy So -

' t'onc h.pp.n"! o tn- - eei'tite ; iiifmn'-hi-nndthelmhi went down gradually, ! i


tnu bibb to keen on rowing ni liein 1 so until it i n ' dark I eoul ot ,

him where ho at i. In that onrkn-s- s I br lefourteen l a lu auioeeslou, depend ellon tlie whlalua in. i nind" t r the n 'k ol thebull as it w-n- tiiroui;1! th Mr :or imt aim. Th"i I'eopie .! p.. n., iiTi ti,..roke gl lafulltol ground na sanatt !."

Tneneo ba wenl l Norfolk, .j th ndowni.i'o Ai.'l ai'.n, v, tw, . t, ,i.ii.. .rw n vunder the nuspl aa of lo ml nfl- - elut. ' Rwasn't "xart y a business lour." tin. sponlterinid, for yon know 1 waa r-- emiymari innd we "a!!" i our trip ii v. idu ut; r I

just ua the fi' Ik ni ; 'met - I .. (u i

! imotlmea for money, All thi ujth ki.M aml " rgia they gave luon i lyfe oval n

and my wife him f hndntpl lidtu Jnma I bod got ready in come north 1 t illil' e An; lift. i .. i' t WnniSlI to '

i u'"r," V.';' r,,!"K "'Bid - war ,i io t .'a 'kef n-- e.

ell, thought 1 would b ibem snlw utover nnd gave in exhibition tu-r- o. Lordi howhe resumed, an ldowBto where I'm stoi in- -i .!!.. i n i yon evoi sow, an I lby

1 ii ' rep ,i r i l ie t . ro:.--r 'e ! :...

nrlrwi wljleli be j ut un foreo titl n in N vork, There riiiiia n bail eneer louUe

niiirkamnn bnndsi ie. i . ., eirn't fm.ngine. i etnl 1. how I wnnl to .: n. innwith that mi i -- I m "i " mn n t ini will ' fairfor b Hi oi ..... 1 w :. ,. ... his ah : . n h illw iy any im t r riHn tba

i i ,; --' wtthth rill .. J inn h it 11 a -dus aixty-tliri- jr P.ilin a alxty.twofeiita. In Ht, P ui 1 1: ...I. v i, tin. rifle, i ev n

1 JO out 111. Him mlii ' t ' Bive t:

' T"" i 11 r U ., ., ;,. j.,i


t rtitf llHrntcl.Sin MfttkLnnlaoo, wlUof thiixaililirmfin

..:!. u(, J i,. i ,, r u L , in. ui, ,i u nil r

Tstrltei aag Ruaala,COKfTaWTtKOPM D 8I.- -It la exsactad thai

the aultan will tliurilj lu iu raiiwn jOaratliriaturi 1'isl i.Mliil i Fmu-- n AITalri ,..,,..: :;: 7V ,'

I I.iik'i'.'-u.'.,.;.:',,;.'!.,',- ' I'i'T,"""' " hnin-ei.- ts

I a';.o am ua . V,1:',, ", ' fI uJ'''"vu, ksk swiobij w mnnmu ui


am. UStM rvn t: hi hi: TttBT VAXmtMt ii U i.i. 1 1. hi mi until

Tba lavestlaaitena nr a Rneiil Mrtiaetsiestee'Bii Ilala fi ii,; . f ias i.ii.nnrlli.iai mil IWu '''rom in Mii-ntur- Bawarieneea mi the Jetejey CeasiA Mnts tt.

I ""i "i.Ti fin' the un ;ibi of how winhre d la ti ' lettlod ut na Imlleaied in r rennl Bumberol Tni st-x- . The following factaand Ineldonta beerlng on thia luhhirt may ba olaome Intereet. Iwaaralaad nearafreahwatrrp md noted for Its Ig i ele, Very early la life Iwaa told that oola did hot breed from eMB, likeother f b, It wi o uperttltlon of people whohnvnnover learned the A.B.Col natare'it il id Mlefl d mynelf timt .: im.ttills, lln, and icnh Ilka othef Itah, nnd noi eiit of nrunmant eon:d convince ma thatthey did not apewnllkaotlier fUh. Ihadoean". sesnrlng from Ova laehe to nanrly fourfi '. i u i had never aeeo one with ecga iu it,i ir I ever aean nni very young aa hf nonelessthnnnl ut five IhChca lone. Tbeee young

lamnda f oir apponranca rii rt once nt tbaii tttnuing . eli sr.: iiuer. TbBl was. doubt-- !

. v ii u in. y i into from Iba bed! where tbeyworeepnwned. t knew that e im 11 pond on aamali itrenm had been itnekod with eoia.bntIhi did I'M" ti ', i "r wi Bid they ht In tLop nd. Ifon" were ever ennght ont ol It

la lhei r tiir of I lived hi rn nnl vliKntIhehcmlol DonnlaCroak, which pnta Into Cei

ware Say, In Cat May County, Daring lhai ;o i. of inlpe (hooting t fr ijuentiy, early 'nthe morning, aaw myriad-- , of vary young ami unr i "la tenttered over the Uaekgranlmaadowk. They had n left daring the nigi . the r'M'.iinK ltd .'. " .; ry wriggled Ibemeelveai: to liiu- - alBleea. (nl a tr.e is. end ott er .I

where many of them succumbed toIhedryl r i . of the ana andtbi greed of ti..tow. The f'r-- thai I sn-.- ware Bol K it anIn ii and a half long, nu.i eery slander ntniwanki About a month Inter tbey became largernnd tir-n- r1 r. nnd ippswiad to k rble to get

iklBtvdeop' r. 0:d (aid thatt i baaomi bob w ii ofyi arly ow urrence. Tinuneonntry aupeiwitioB about eeli pot apawa- -

ngollelti I b ki iwtng imlle from Ibenotlvvi.Tber inld that " In spawn like otbar flb, andiLet ihey I only in anil Water."

I ipr-ti- ' the next spring In trav ill ec nl MutthaDataware B r from Mlllordto Depoalt. Mytrip six weeka, I Inquired of raftsmenand ill 'rswhntthof knew about the habits ole'. TP y ill told a ut the sameetirr. The. ter tart of tho eoht go down stream in the

f iii "f ma ye :r md 1 them return mihling th loHowlkW apring or nm.i:er. In

lha 1. .i of th'i snmmor young e.s.measuring flva or iBchea, n;o maketheiiloOQ.irniio,!. These come in schools un.i kaep

taatotha sh-.r- steadily worklog Ibelraravup tri! lnuy WwfMted to have leeo IhBMyoung vela, and avan thootdar ooea. In Hie actpi seiiiini; n dnnyeworklnsT then lelvea ihroBgkerevieea In the lopa.oreven ellmtilng over the

tin la inelt - u r .vav bi Inserting flrsi' head .a . ' k ai then their tafl n

i lu ' e. The following '" were ir",;j; ii atd and abuadaatly vouched lor la

to ig tin :.. wero I . i : i " eels in" B r' ,:' ;,' '"' 'nrnibltant Borne vry I

"" ' ' In If, " low r

1 U- i ir i out liy'smVji U i..,ra.'

in .;li ol A i ut I tit eboni a week IB the' un i . in it t : ..i which it fl

psneit some a ir. ooi aui'ht noeeK IwnatoWiy the eetuere itloair It tLat there never waa ani i in t: n'( .thai tber irre none in enrolI no r ins ttary lothe vr. .pnetineu. The Leeen exen and all of Ita otherir outiii cs n 00 u n i iu wvis iluinn; ibeeuuimer

in nrj'' Ifop ol mv iu .ore-- ns wrs ti'nt

lu ". f theji t lak ir their tributarieaun ... ifut i j r i a tr'p down thewen " - i r i Hiring J teat aed thai. Ii th 'f 14C8 1 was In Tom'a River, Jf,V" wnara I litf jmu flsherm-- n U nnlng a'" l Of ei s. I . ppr ncbed Hi. in.nun,' snr; I aluu.d . .. t. fludei'li

il . In ti bi. B ,t. unfortuBi'i '. it waathe spawning mn. However, In

aneW'-rt- my qiieetions, the men lo.d ing Hutruiii just like other B!i. They were very: ro ti j. on:, and no aui ui t ol croeieqiieationitii! f .!.( raise itihnifowof ifoubtinmy ml nlsut their tellhif the I ruth. Tn-ya- llml t M o'l '.vnv tide I with egg earlier

i :'.... ,n. i thn naked them II there wereie an ong thai r" fontradiiiory

anew rs. Tber did uct undertl ndibU Importin t ". nel t ii ail ;e t. Oi,. Dl'""'"'"I veai but Oniiliy tiiey ail protaseeil

' liavi i (be a ... a ... l i an asked howt ha lookwl, and auinetnld iik the anawBa f(uialo, uud vthera like tha.mlita iu otbur

I la hard ypi lath I a ' breed in landlocked ponds. notWithst Hiding tola may ii.betrue, I think it la certain, from my""ii- - serrations mid tl se of (there related toDill, t II Ht II I ' l"V IH ... bill ROIO" SpeefOa f piiieif'y oui io mon little mu ' pike, ua we.i ute t;.. ." ciimuion in 0 imtny.i migrate over'' idurin a very heavy n in. working th-- lrravthi i. u the alulcvs, nnd evu .v- -r level

" hen thii n ".,vi- ! n hall Im-- oih w ir, aa u olten the enae d..r iiL' a

A i) "! vnt'or. and

n r " ey w .: ,:r m i, m . ,i Uvt itab' iwn II kg oi ibh.

y J'1 ' only in .lit (brnoklabFurthermore, these two fnefs appear ti i ive

hiiig - :. ,..v r i . " .a enure to etv niivuii In i their !". Ill ir hll and It

' I b" el Ulna lad i ii vitliwr ol lu'.--siioubj prot jui; arroneouBi

0. r. AVUTIN.

Aa Aosirlea t'aaul's Balclde,Srw Oruuwi, Dec, 2t. --An art witneti of lm

niviiiv Uu 4eitriaa Cvmul iin mi. Ur.Adetpli '

Baotr. ssrs that Bi'ler rsa bail tha plr at Ui( loet xJ' svunuc st ) '.'tl on duwa, sad asvtiHi suoil


i. . ... - v' -- v ' '" li"'iey .."ni'- li. Italauviurv ir ti ...I aatlltfVHUSII ' iil iuhIii,

Aii Onurr r.oitnl tut it,,. Btrgy n.iaU.Tbe H.WW bond of th Central Iliillroad of

X'.-- H'j wliivh st seat leD kcUn Obsilss ftaitlbs In j i J i.c ttsntral rnt,v,i' "i, I i .i.., a

.' ' '"' i.Vii. il lat' i a i .we nun n.

S' "AS - ' ihi oral ",.i ui" aid. ije.ait'ii iiiianaaul nnl anijty mat place gl cr.i1,1 l s " 'V ' I mi my ah of iiu

tv" iuii uw btfi'iaa iii v" '':'i"1 wewpandioi

The Rnrnlug ol a Boata f'nciui-j-

A fir" broke out In J ji'n A. Caiey' r jln andsii la ui Uaniwerwu and Blrbania until, Preukl) "

a .'.iK iri'iii yus M Ilia axilla, f.- - il iu quaialr".;' a ' i.liiliiiw. na., ,ii, ui,!. l in a (i) ,.,,,. v

i wheiiy ovsti u.i.t a i.- .- .. wia1 1 m ' i,'i nlsea llanlii

AnniN-y- . Doe, M. Justioe Osboru y

Oliarlvs C, Pane iani Landualiurak rantuistul lariulne aiialhar ttia gnsali, netei. sial drslta sunt iou." Uvt a in',' e n,i m i,..- Hsuk nf Troy fur eellsaU u slain Ilia lima Uiai IbaUiallun wa ud ailbilliv Man mi i I.... n p., kul Ban ifurk io,i,i4 ujiu.u.l.J H.uiUiil U. tl.tau aaiiku latuiia.J


O'liii,. Peasesates ur iVal mk: iBeesaah aBeelstee sf ike A t ternsj(ieae eat,

Wanil titOTVM, Dno. MrTha Teller pom.i lb rii "t thin nltornoon nt the en nl III"' lalrman. In the nxpectailon Hiat BeommunbsnlloB would be raced ,1 from Comptroller i'"r- -

rofowlnffand raftralng hi reeeni opinionns to Mm availability (m- th" pun io nl thii in mlitee) of th" no,fno appmprlnttoB ol IBM

ausaloBi 'i'ii Chairman laid before tbo Comill! " a b py of a letter oddr seed by him to

ti e Comptroller yeatar 'ay. on the aubjeet of thelilfflcultj which baa nrlaen from the nee of theit r.l "'ii ! " in Hi" ..'.'" a I loCtiOB of tlie Od (,fJuno r.i. UTf, which llnlta the ui t tbeappyoprlntl nio " defraying the expaneea ol gxldinvaetigiitioiH nnd jim ui, na imve alreadybten, or iii ii hereaftor ba, dlrwetad by tha HenBin."

Mr. Tiller anya la Ihla letter thai the . lanae inQtteMlon wna reported by Mr, Gdmnnda :r anthe s'adlelary Commlttoa the 4th of Jnne,when no Inveatisatlon of the deecrlptloB men-tioned hv the first BaotloB of thooet (aamely,

h Bone laveatlgntlon of alhwad fr.nuia in thePre Ideotlal elee Ion) hnd been ordered by theSenate, and that the word brlnted "said " wniin Mr. Edmunda'a manuscript "aueh," 11

iherefore argnea timt lha printed word takenin eonnocdon with lha word "kw." which fobIowa, it r.iliat ba COOatrU ii lis If it rend " to lb."The two Words, be nya. are frequeutty tokea

i mean, subsmntlally, the same thing, and heivluded hn lettee n. follow l "In view nl... eireumataneea. mi l In order to give nm

.'I tttotlieiu tionaMt idl, itni nr to me thatthere ..n lie htti" lltncnltyln hohj ngfothla

iiairnetioii. vol" t for almost dnntilmotisly i.v' ith ladltlcnl parties in iheHenatennd one ofurent Interest to tin pnbtle, either as rxtliig

ni agab, i the whoh yetople.nri ii' ndlenthig the i ulu of so rural ol th"

i li , ruinn r. .i- -i ale . id Imfore Mm Committi... Mt,,r r,.,.i, hy hln Ironi "buiator

, i :. nnd it waa put ad on Hie without uution,1 1 ii a- - loilowai

W i anew t. r f' - latafOM ft M r.'.' f t . ri. , ,

Pi tu 'ha I hive lliti wiortiliiat e i 1 roar rsvnr .

hilloausi rstelutieu seaptailtij iwur i'.hii-

;.'.. That (til Iten, .ie 11 Btsine, the aieesr 01-- hell 1. r.'ajrt"' la o die 111 v on,, gal

' '"'.". ,"i iu '.ni 1" ra li in. un.. li..' ae,l i' 1 1.1 - r ' In 'i .at, and Hit uara

Iirann .j . per ' ll rai lee at j i.. 1.. rai.i

ni r 1' nisi ' ii ' - 10 mi The anil . u noi aiyebstyvii n-

II 1 e' Imctlrtla, la y i t, It I is

'I i...i.. . i, ii iiloli. I,, .unr.. r ai otlur cwuii


With xrssi restatsi .jrot, ewut sarvsut,.1 U. Hi. r

The Cbalrmoa snid. in repli to an Inquiry of

fft been r' 'i.t". r Menntor '1 'hum an. t"whom a similar reeolallon I referring to hisntnemlmcntj 0.1.0:1 il. -- ii.- t at 1. e ...n

i"'io".f P letter r ti Ing r telvedI'M't' k. the Cofiiiniltei ml urued (rojn

n. 't hour iiiiin 11 al .n Monday,'

,Comptl rl-- r tro. v tte.l I -

n er ptulon that fbe 1.000 cannot tw u dbi 1I10 Blame 1 ininiitien wlthont a ei lal

n by Congreoa. ll- - exprwin ingn.'Sa. however, to abide the decision"ft"" A't l, to whom the iu...1.'. "'i reteri 0

Acting Alt met .General Phllliri baa trnna.(nltti I t.. to' Bvcrvtary ol the Tr'.asun

ie opinion upon the aut'jeet, 11. 1, ,.me ground lent t! " IJO.000 nnpropna-- I

p. ia question waa Intundiei for' any In.vestiaation or iniuiry whatever dlret-ie- l

Senate during the period Of the Forty-filt- h

Loogrcee. It- - iva t,.e tpr-e-.-

a tapproprlal a.- iba money, said mv- :..1. a ..1 'I ir.ijuii u'i 1... !,:,, i,;r '.. h ui ii r ... iy' r Iterbedlr led by the Senate." is evident.

,' soieeiem. and that ibn moat ni.uml w of

out of the hluiiiier la by reading "inch,""i aid. ' l i. . i" ..ion .,' ennnie

thu Committee 10 use tli 120 two, notwltbsi ind- -uu iho auvertte opinion ol the First C urn-- :trailer,

OJMECV Mm TAIS .1 ill).

Pregaslag Tan Treliersi Vale eg nt Hi.vmoiu Tea Tears.

(kauaar, Dec. M. Tb celobratgd i.toodmar- -. Green Mountain Maid, is the property ofMr. rp a It... :.:,. ,.v l ord. th"lar..-.,-t

breeder of trotting atoek in Amerion, ktr.Baek.n .:. 1 mi an average 175 of the beattrotting atoek upon his place tbetlme, OreenMountain Msiu. now 10 rearaold, Is a browamai '. with n star on bor forehead, nnd twowhite hind ankles, She ia fifteen handahtgh.nndleermmetr! 'ally built. Sbewaathapr party

: ! nun. 'i 1: inklln ;' Mid ii itown, this coin ty,and wni foaled in IIOJ, 8I1 haa prodocod aomc..' ibe 's;s: Colts im,: ever ti n Vmerrn,H rflret' ill waafoaiiHl In ISU7, li wee the leiy1. Iy aturm, by Middl piwni end when unaaol.1 for fl.JOO. In th.- an ding year, IMS,urevn Mountain Maid pr- .lu Due innfinlllon Eieotloneer, by Umiih whichhorae, when e old. aoid for tl'.uuo, thibuverl iic 0 .v. Bunlora of CullfoinlH. IuIbudoh" proiluce.1 one of the it., leal atepporain tlie Oiiuntrr, the Idu-'i- gelding Pr ip'oo, byit. Bn'ai. 1.1. handsome at dip

l' :i . I, Harker -- t S x Vork wn"par "caei-o- i Prosbaro pnVitig fi 1. r

,11111. I !" 1. ' t 1. 47u, 4.... bin I; 1, iy1' r V..a I. in !. luaor

...! atid purehaeud Mr. II. 11 .. forlln.i KJ. Her next foal, 11 1871, wna tin. oP.'ettuitu .iinu Pan aired by M mu r lluro . and

Id for (o.bOx). Tliechoetnutlllly 11 rmduwiuC'.tii lln tii" following nr. mn, i.v in.,t in re.un n uulil th" smne price, yS.Oiai,I. l73 i.i. eii Mountain (... ' iirodu .; a h 1.

it rufu duu oiler 11 Sil.tKKI, Tli" wonderfultrotter Elaine waa fouled m t:i" lueeeediugscar, 1871, Waltii'liu tuobeot three I four.fat d n ordi in the world, huvliigII. il': li e I diet- l.,e I viil ;.. 1. nil:.' IValsi red by .li'ssenger I Mir.. . nnd ia ownihl IIIror. a nford. who paid 7.imio fortlp inter.Illl brown Hiiv. in 17. u I mar..i roilu 'tii til" lln" "i. in roll Manalli Id in

lo ta p. (8,000 tor th" younget r. Lust yrm theBhiiwui alrcjiby M nip r bur.

iind Mr. Biiekmiin w uldn l nciept nu 01

the otlu iv. we n it" (71,81X1 for ten Its in its'

anvyours, Thla lag ehowiucotbr ling Innk sun l; lliutls in' ro .Mr. I tu i;. j

limn hrfa other exealleut brood mar., at hisstud. but nono thut 1.0 vulu 1. iu biHuaaliruunUotUUglB Maid.

Tbasa Hoohe Again.The f!nil hearing OB the niolion by a poni.

Uiiltrs oi thu Bar Aiavulatltni far a ieuiibir) niiiulaumi o qihrii s Count) Clark Ouuii leion in 111111111 liliekifor lliali Iniis.'stlnn. 'si t.. u ia iluilis Paris yet

tenlayln Bupren Cuurt, ttftaiiiweri Ururvspi P

Lied nl the CimniitlM prssrtits.l an aiiMavu ginwliitI rrioai u. uniuiilaiuii ins riiiiiuiiiiaa ki,ti ilvehiitim i" in i." siiy I'lirllinr 1 .i. n

iliair requeai i.. . ilia 1,. in H.'atli uld thai a.the leriiu'r neirt!is liai.nm.i Mcri Hist tlie eoia'".'i'-"- I." ml br tiiiiieci in. a have Mens laud.

.ami pri.pvr iiurnnaa m sskuiir it to riitlua lln 1,..nvi k, tu,- apt 01 ii" ruiirt, tiii.ii'r ilia al.ituia to m u.llSIUtll lit ina.l. altstlelia In llinw UlSl Ilia I nun runusisl lag tar uivre a snti iUuii ul auri. itti b..i,uii a ait. rvi a.

Tha 11 ui Bpiiaga Uailsalea,tTabbixotoVi Doe. ho Sen uta Commla.

Hon f ii h tin Uin Itivwatigattug :- .- euiluiuu Uisiu.-- Siniiij i .a... irnin He- Appreerl in III ui intlua. hai clesra Hit taking vf UlUuiull) ulnl trill ""il" arrpurt hnmKillshiiv after lbs bol ilsi aai u. r(uiievsi will li rati. .'Iy vaeiitrsti'it 11 intlit'liiiputail 111nt 'ii 1.". by ' a tuplu)avi .i tu- - Ii ami't ovriki rvuiuiiilva 'I hi. rnal ciiun el Ida umUgim

lil in bakiy lMHill in hi. r ler cuiuii'turr, a nurti" udouevfl whioli laads lie- Cuiinitm lusiuiiawiuiein ..n 'Uai solui yos slaiuii uiuvanalI'.i, o la in ll Um,., 1011 Wa. en artO ol InaitII ri.., a in lbs Miss) butrjr al eoauwii UWlilaUl la uiuiww ui Uia MagaB


111 iim i) iv TUB i vveh HTonv or aHT.titl.E IK 1: ist ORAMM

Mr. xv. 1 . Rigger's AMaotiM t Baea the Memr h,,ai' leha ttnnssjaB aia Pesssseia Tni

llnriaa and nn Al.alitlnt Maaieaari' llm ii. a

Mr. w. r. KMhter, u ayhnkwln dnurirlat ofSft .tobn itroati this "Ity, lives in n hsti'lsoinot: hi it Oroya and William atraata, Knot Orange,N.J, Ilia expensively Itted ap ttnblea, whlehworn destroyed by lire, with tho loss of twoUvea, v. Mayday, were located in the rear of bisreal lenee, fronting in Wltllnn street. Oarrlagea, elehrhai nnd hones wan boaaadlBthalil .n. nnd the BBOMd st"ry wna dividedini" billiard, aleeplng, and aior" rooms. Twoyontiii Inda, Charh a nnd Mlltoa Tbotchar, ieptin ih" bnlldlng, in order to protect it ogalnaltrnmps, thieves, 1,11.1 tire, and the Mnohman.John l orv 11. wn" reqnlrad hi DnyalBto visit

lha ataMaa very nlKht to so thnt thehoraea wore enmfilrtabls, Ooryell qnItted theii bl . nt ll a'eloek on Friday niht. ThaThatcher boya wan then (leaping (onndly,Mr. Kid.ier wna in the bBnnaa and Millardroom a few minutes before 4 a'eloek yeaterdaymorning. There wns no lire in any of therooma when heqnttted tin bnlMlmi a few min- -

nte( Inter. At 5 o'clock Ii" wns awiikened by aneighbor, who said thai bla stnbiea wanon 11 r11a COUld not belleva It until he saw from hlabedroom window the siii"k . and ftnino issuingfrom the wlndowa over tha hones' atalht, ! I r dr seed hastily mi l run to tho'i he bnlhlingwaa Rltad wfth tbleh amokn, andlong tonguoa of tinme were (hooting out of thewlndowa "f "he billiard room and crooningnlonifi a roof, Bbowera of aparka end etnderaendiiiiaereil the eottagi " up the opposite aide .:nillliim stroet, nnd tie frightened residents

remove Ihidr furnltnra and throww.ii." the ro'.ie of their houeee,

Suddenly Mr, Rldder rememnarsd that theh. ini. lairs ni. t.t iii th. front part "f the

stable, 1, oyer the carriage mom. II" In- -ijinreil for the Imya, Nobody had seen ti 1..Mr. Ki Ider Insheil Int.. the Inirnlng buildingand endeavored to ascend the stairway lo thesleeping ro Ma wna nearly suffocated byHie amoke, bill he pushed on until eomnleidythrew open 10 largo street door of the stable.In nn Instnnl dense iiihi-"- of amoke. rfame,iiu.leltiiiers w swepi through the slnirwny,nn I i Kidder was driven into th" street, It.narrowly eseaned with Bla life, II" antleedthat the upper front of thaatnojea wna not yetburning, and ha thought that the Thatcher boyanibihtyet beaavml, But be could not hnd nm

' udder, II" and lie- helghbora lh"ii hurledi'ir. ugh th" windows 01 lb- - room

ui leu by Mi Thatcher boya, and hall nt ll aton nl their voices, Thav reeetvml hu reply, In1, few mi,";. 1 the entire bnlldlng waa envi lopedI u fin 1. and ll burned ao fiercely that all hope

rescuing the Ulilol'.uillit'.' bun wio. ,,ban- -

donial.Iuii" meaa time the reeldenee of Mr. it 0.

"i.i 1. a. 11 lining tl. e (table, enuiiht lire Theuriilttiro waa renioved. l ut in hull an nout tii

house wns In ruins. A number of men thenthr .'i wilier on the fronts and roofi'ft 'houses on 11 ppoeita street and thus

Pri vented Hre irom spreading, M a uciie.ks ' oi) otiitii.i'y N". 1 mi I Meuuiers N . I fnn 'i. nn. Truok N". karrivtal fr Newark,

stri --'win. wns carrying showers of aparka- In r as tlriive street, and 11 r f cav:

leneeswei dH'iu 'i, The flretaen eainI'XtiDouiahed Hie lire m the ruiiiaof the eial.i.'Snnd r. n 11.. and nil danger to thusurrounding boiioea waa over,

v .i cli ' ie eharMd oodles of t'nnrbsion loa de r were found under a heap

udi-r- in the nortliwesi oomor of the ruinspi tin. Mai. ica. Tin "ia slept m Sepai'iit" t'ta' "' i ni' - orner ol ilm veeoad aba v.

ii" 1. i.i .. laj ni. in nir.." Oft apart Charhsi... a ,a i yean ... awe, ll- - workel b.r, nther, :., atl upholap'rwi iu t .a t ii- re 1. I -t iirnii'". Mill.. 11 Thatcher wn- - 11

.. leiy onlr ItheHn yearanf age, He wiu In' ploy of Mr. Kidder, Charles alept withion. in ii " stable i" k'tp Inn mpany.nndbothut'i II "ir tnenis iu tbe reeldenee n Ibelrparents, luywere in exeellrnt aplrlta 1.11,11.

IPP'U lublri n Jfrlday nveuing, and bleiined- 01 N tears Day, Mr. and Mrs,Ihntel er were proHtrated with arlef veaterdsy

! rterfor Tub si n fonnd Mr. Kidder atin in I.- - .1 hie itobhai yeaterday afternoon,

Parti mi n nnd women wert nmu anab'oing from the aecne every tew minutes. Mr.iv doer said thai l - wosld reach iii-.-

ll'V 'si, n which he had sg.inii Insurance Thersee but I Wore insured for It,000, A

fl .itm ktillll n iinu nisi la."ii aciit to li nutltry,irriagesaiidiislebrh.raoenilypiiretaui I.

" " bun :. ii . r with nl11.1M . bariieee.1 lllard tables, Mr. Kidder said that bedn ' of waPT on the root of the stab and- 01 1... Hi ai.irnai. Mr. Ward'a ions ou hie


Uv.V W( l.M .W.

'.'ha Maa win. hteaeaferewg Uinin in 1 kniin.bsmsxs and viiii a iSa aiurrk , ,i,r tn

Unjor-de- Donald Crnig MoCslluro, whodied at but homo in Brooklyn on Friday night,... 11 ailing slnoe Da ration Day, whan halook a soi r .. : while riding with Oen. Han" and io n. ttnhoneld. iii dlssBsa lerml'

listed la olrohoaia of tba liver and abdominalin p-- , nnd bo suffered Iron bemorrhagee,

Ui n. Mot sllum was a Bcotcbmaa. hn lather.'I emlgl ited t thla country, and sctii.'U

down aa a tailor in Boeheeter, N. V. Aa youngDonald did not Into his father's trade bell r: ut In (he World fOC himself, with bis..vti" property. eoBBlatlag of elotbing tied up

.. bandl r m :. ll" bad, however, a d Unite.I. n natl ui t" learn the carpenter's trade,and i.c rki in. wat to Lumiy'a tame, where

tiled and married MaryMcNabb, tin hlaiciii to Hocb ester, with hia wife nnd one

child, h" began buaineaa an n eorpanter, nndwent to work on the Erie Hallway, in waagradually advanced in the department ot bridgebuilding until be Invented aa arob truss, theUseof whi h on Miriou.s rmula brought blm s

venue "1 175.000 a yi nr. In 1MI be wasmadi Oeaeral HutetrlBtendant ot tbe Erie Hail- -way, bul he cave up thai noeltjon to a" into the- r th" tu lo and Miseisalppl Railroad.tu the breakini; out of 'he warh" wna r ini- -iiiend iy .ti hn Brough and Chnnneey Vtb.

in" "ar pepurtmenti nu.i waa placedIII e ,f th lie: illlivent of Cnlted Htntea

lltan Ihillionds, bureau thai wna newto to the army and lothe railroad system,

.1. th . cepa"lty he bn l eimrgo ot iiuii.i Ini-- 1

ri mt military niovements,Whi Grunt wne cornered near Chattanooga,''Is''1 mi" snare Pi send him "ueveti ill t. p.. iii haste, I'resldi ut Linen .".rmlned io h' tid ti,,. Eleventh and TwelfthArniyl .rpa from tin Army of the Potonine butnni id army officers . stimated that It w hi .i

l;ik" six weeks t forward Ibe troops, Oen. Me-- 1

nlluni w wni for, nnd 1." nnd he. l irons.mi ti.. troops to Grant s head(tiarters in - .v-- n

duys, Ills conil'leiit assertion wast i bed' om of the nffl . -. bill the Preshen nnda er InryStaiil Intrustml bun with lln un- -n Ho worked night and day send I na

it train after Irian I mile with tr..ops. and inIII tlnn io had th" two army - In

l halt. in-i- .ia In time p. nie.'t the i'm"rg"licynnd for this service he received th" thanks ojepjirtlti' ni. In tin. p"rf..rniiii this

nnd uk ins, tl n MeCnllum wna obliged 1 nr.res 'I,. inn. I':,: Hchuri for itwerfuribgwith hi nrrangenienta, Oen, HeCalliim ,r,.tru bnl over '.'.on itillea of railroad, and "x- -

I led over I'j.noii.oii'i m hla department liev. 11 iniitnrlulii pn . 1.1. ,i". the success ol Hhr-ma- n

- in n h to (be 11. and It reninrked thatIon. Shorn ii. b lln " Menioii." hna aai,; ii,,.n il tho Department o( Military Hailrouds

to Wl .1 he owed SO 111 llOil,it th clone of the war tlie men employed on

Jh I ailed Klitl Mi Itnry litllroad' nnd c.i Itnexi ted hospital fund oil liini.lHRiountiiig to ah ni 1111,0011, Aeoramitti wusII ppi 'hit I'd to dlip se of It conalstiugo Miliart, 11. st. v ma, fm .i. Van Dyn, an Johnnyniiin, v Illllllly oouclllded pi pitrehnse :

biinilsnma dlamoiid pin for (7,000, h,i waspr- -. tl". I.. Ion. MeCallum nl a dinner givenin mv SubHi'iiuently James hak,' iimdod 1. "ii. Mei'iiHum toioii ii,. pin tohint. n ii :a ilm bwturi otJim Flak's cole-brut- e

001.lien, .m (vi, mi waa privately known to bo

lomethliitf ii n poet. Among bis eomposiliouswn thu Wnuir Mill,'' with the rofrainirtis mill nsvsr m.ii.i sasin with watsi thst iiu. paisnd,

A small volume of thaae ma wna privatelyV ' '"'.'i F rlryulnllon among In- - friends in" WHS ll I'll. inearth nenilni". - uld hu del i...t wish ll I., I... known t,aJ;'' "'j J","'"y' bMHW should be ti.U. 11 for a

(Jen, Moi 'ilium's funeral U to be from hiaIn- residence, 107 If alaey street, Hrouklvii "iilin day al 3 P.M. The Interment la tolenint.Hoi unietery, I: mil Her, Th" FreeMiisoiia lodgeof which u member willhike I'lmrgu oi ih.. funeral in, Drooklyn, nnd'be .. io dor I,odgu ol winch he wan ormorlr

11 iiiumber will revolvu lb" body iii that t'ltv forInterment,Warh Oulleah ISr the British oiiun Tmda.LflKDOa, Dee.J8.-T- he HmU, yeieathla in ru-

in,' iiyii "luitsul ..I thrUUnia turnluu ii". ibis ..1evanu, or rsiivliii in., cot leu ira.ia m (larkburn theinirkuti im, triiliislly dwlodlril, uim UiUwaak thanksibreal mplayaisal Uisa evr. (is mllli ars s sisn lull thrimah baiikrupicy. and ethers sr.- itamuiali

l '" fl".' SSI ',. Hi, . , ver".t III (In- , .11.,,,'";'.' ...ii. ..I . .. i, iitar,.ririniin.. n . "i,ii,,o totiau lrsorllw.hewsvr a" "' V "', ""' ""' I'' anIwri "i (WrsUf t's 0 turiitiut 1.; wor.. ai in, reiiiiuuii ifi ." s mil l .1.1111II, , 1,4, ,.


1. .'.aiwu uunua-- iha nail tWSWMIe 11 UU rsducsa

suors i rnt: vrrimi'of.fn.v.Ai 1 1 .iii.i.i htt eiriina" 11 ,,1.0

.....10... ni Pedes fm. .,(in ChrlstniM Day a vtmns niBn roiilatored

himself nt tie Metropolitan Motel im wm. 1,.Palmar rf New v..rk. ii" wns nbonl flvtlBMbm Inches In height, flood looking, with darneya and mottetnche, nmi chiea-- cr pad darkhnir. He had a flood deal of leiggnge Wllb blm,Including a pair "f Indian lutes. IP Inn (hoWBto room 8M in the third (tory, i i ,. .. i ,

the ppgfl llr". nnd nskc I lo have Balaam heaterpul In. Th" waller Opened hi" (yea, nnd y.idled that they had no steam heaters In any o!the rooma, Minor ipeni Uhrlatmas ihiynndtii" two following days in tha botol. lie aoamadto have no business. Moat of bla tini" 'viainiased in the ladles' pnrlofi where im gl narallyat reading, lie waa laths ladles' parlor yea.

tarday moralBfl na usual wbea nil atoneont.tentlon wns Bttrneteil lo hu Hnasaal deport,menti He started Inn his "hnir. walkedbrink iy acroas the floor w ith ins eya on the door,ua ii frlgl t ;li il. and then mailed nnd (M downSgBlBi Those n"lloiia be repeated "V"raltill 1. a. kVoaontly somebody antered tho room andtinanml BBgr bun. mid Pniner atart '.I np, ibruathis hand In the BOettK of hla sack eont. andhalf drew a platol, A little inter he look the nia.toi from bin noeketi mid. cooking It, laid itacross his knees, turning hi. headi staring on nil sides, At h neth Mr. Adams,tha managi r of lha hotel hearing .. hla amies,wool into the parlor nnd trie, I lo speak wilhhim, but Palmer, leyolllng his weapon, warnedbin. I., keep fetek. Tin n Mr. Vdnn - ml lothellnlherrv street potjist station 'or ' 0 I or assistania, fTI m Burns, llynn. mid 1 nesawenlto tho hotel, bill when tbo) mr'.-- d Paluier badcon., to hla room, and locked himself in, One of'I :M "era kno k.l on th" door nnd the youngmini called on' Ihnt hn wuul ! a Imll a ne, " Ihnve done nothing that Is 'n ni' - 11 htw,"he(aldi ''and nobody Paa a rlgbl tooitn Into myro nn. The prat mnti Who enters I will "ho t.I have ret. .'ver mi l three hnee cartridgeon the table :" ami then followed a clicking ofthe i" not lock, OS if lu (Ubstantlallnn of what beI. i .1" dared,

Mr. Adams olijeeted t. the breaking iu ..f ilmdooms too dnnaemua, nnd tne noil Heraeon" .in-'- then ves iu a nelabhorln.g room,and walled until Pnlmer should "t tin inn,come out of hie own aecoYd Phey had only alew 111110111. to wiiII. Then tli" do r Wascautloiiely unl.ieknd nnd npenedi nnd Palmersteppeil Into the hall, M" held the revolyoi inhia ban. 1. OfTleer Furnieis nnpenroii nnd waaahont to sneak to blip when Palmer ruls. hisplsl 'land dlschnrgiel 11 bullet inhitl n '.body, 'Ilm "Ili.'.'r "prune upon li." yonngman nnd eni'lreliHi him In bis urine,bul Palmer managed to keep hi- - rightbund fi and ti" dlaehargi'd the weap 11

again, and the nffleer fell. Then Pulun r indown the b nl. and ii .wn Hie stairs nnd Intothestreartt He run liken doer along Br tdwayhi I'riii 'e street, tlirnuch I'ri'i. " sfreel

nnd down Mini erry until li" nme t" il,epolice tnti.'ti. when be sprang upthe slaps,ami appearing before the sergeant lilting ntthe doak. laid down in-- plaint, and said that ha

1. ihot tv, . men in the Metrnptdltan who iindlamn trying to kldimp lilni, II" mu I ilmi hehad ali. i tl, ni In f. ii1". a'id 'l theyhad shut at him, With thai he held up his leftband, the moond ilnrer of which hml beenhaib reii by tin. iu.. on..; discharged from bis

.0,11 nisi I.

ini.."r rurness r U I...1I1 .f I'ali.o r'asholelntho i.over I..11 side of his body. Thewotinila nr. claee trsgether, 111 prohabliPit il. IP v - ,rrp 'i the -- t'llioi, II- -. .i:i,Iheuee 1.1 Hi, Vlnecnt's H.eipiini Palmer'slinger wna dresseit, nn I be w na sent to illevueHoaplal, He Is the .,11 1.' Mr. ', ,; , n ,..I'almerof Htonlngton. Conn., who Un gentleman 01 means, Th- - yonng man says thnt hewna released ir mi an asylum ,r the Inane InPreylden p. 11 tuber loot, and 11. .11 hiu in111 ew iprk ever since, II" In.a In that ttmoebanged his dwelling pin1. .. eieire "f tlmea, inthnhi DC. p.. eos. ..f .11 i- i- from bis eue-11-

who put..,,,: I 1. iiii ,iia:..i.ti'.

TAKiXQ ins OW.V if. 1 ;t.TtM Imimnrri' tu, .1 Trnili-- llnuU' l.nat

fashaae Bleiprwsg, Minn. . i ti :m.Mr. Aahtey, one of Die bos delivery i lerks

at windows In the Post Offloe, in makiug hlan rat aaa rtmnnt agerday morn'n.- - camea i a large, extra alga white envelope, withbalky contents, It was addresaed In badpendl: " Importera' nn I Traders' Bank, cornerMurray street nnd Droadwav.Xew torkelty,"in un awkward. trawling band. "Hollo," saidthe n!..ric p. bla assoelalD, Mr. Parkinson,' I'll bet a u I eaar thnt tii. a N ibebank a lost money.'1 When ti e bank r

eame for lha in.ui m 7 .. luckbanded blm the big letter, remarking,

l here, 1 eU... nim IH n, intlselngpnekngo." The letter was "tened by thslatani al the hauk ahdw rd was atob " lothe bouse of Mr. li. II. Peril ins, Jr..ti ahier. t tint ih" ii t pr pert) had en ro-tor I. lr. Perkins said t .. Ibe envelopew na found t ntnln (lntl.ikN) Clearing Houaucortlfloates. f Ig.Oikl United Htates u. d r ,1- -

ibe , .keti k ladotiBing toll ffmnnUe oen, ih- - laink no Mens' r, w ii h had i i riwi lelt'irs ind old nienioraada. Thoflnderoflue pack ike k. j.t b.r limit, il Hi M 7.V.:ie in

ii rr .yand ''" in .id which it eoiitalue l, be.-- l l abetraciing 'i in Bold eurtlfleatea. Therewus no meesnge with the letter. The iliro iors

t o. bank met nl Bo'elook an.! e m trntUhgedthemselvea on the recovery ol the most of theIw il. ' property. The story ol Beaeh.ths n ni.poran nieasenger who took tne packageout of the bank and did not have it In hla ii when lo- reached the Clearing House, wmdie mssed, and ttiere was some tnls ! n Idinnhi m reap a, i , lua bond for the 17.722.86which wna rctai I out ... the paoknuo.'In.. iiii"-ii"- ii of punishing him for hieculpability by dismissal from th" bank wn- - alsoi used, No .i. Unite action waa taken. Unaeh

:. eoiiiiin d to hie hoiiae nil day bv nervousprostration. Mr. lVrkins attributed bisjose "fi no pnckiue t u.. Wtira- - ci.use than Beach'sstupidity,

Tne pn knee wna luat nt noon on Friday, nndwaa dropped Into th" iteneral PoetOfiii.. ix ijboul " 'i o eo 'k th" same evening, minus'.'."'J' 4'1'. Theenveiope wns 8t . it., and bad oa it i uree gr ion aiatupe.

Xesl Weeh'a Wegglag.In Trinity Church, on the id of next month,

j Hiw km., an. uii. (aisihwrfS JislesJ bawrtiete (oiltti,nfasT (ins sveaue, fertaerly el Sinlthvlltt.,' Leoa i.iand.i. ie Im msrrwd te tea her. Mr WtUisrsll, uns 'i lbiwtitsnti slers by tha Rt--i P, guryan 0U tin rrctoi(Od i. I.nii..,. Im Ilr .' Tli- - 1. i

Sirwsrl liar i luniriiij nni aaina nisl.b"i naui isMr, atawait b lis i , . n lb in. alia Mn .laaarlu.iisiiur, I'm in l in. i.i.-r- ;,.. Smithnia Utnr rvuorU'tl io in..i.i.i pi a e of t N t'o-k- enII, r i r wa msrrii'il In Mr I '1 si wsrritlli'tlini iurr. .....ii Hall I'. if. , ,,i mi,, tin ir and Ml mi .oiaurndiil tin. Mi'iiiiin.', mm Mr and M, Huti. r lisvt'.iaj - ll le i.i..,, ,.i Stewart ittstiaieti. soathwastcornsr ui null sveiuie slat yiiirt PHirtu iirwt.

a i (nlriijje (eeepteg.To Tin; CUITOR oi Tin. Si s- -s ,: The un-

ci ... ' lei'li t.'.'i ii..' I'hsllvtiys ut hariasa Taylur,'""'' Iteitai (StuRtsyl. le conuaitr for dii lenstiia i'lisiiiiiuuliip, "i - iwsapiiis a rbsrsrterthai n bshonvfl him n. in tnirrics Igarranl : iim''' Uierrpirt il,,., Mr. Taylor nr im . ,,, ,... i.i i in,,,, h.. i., ,:, ., Wn I. Turui' iinua. Ilnipl. it . . atal Wi a itra'la betan n in.'l i i il v niiJ ti )l..stit d o .in. oi, nrtwat(UliUoaUoa .i.i. ., p.... o.i.r


Lsad while Ii s dull bluisli mat tint.Tin rs Ii ii m.i.i of Hi" a ilber franry,

1 in banda are uaai) to irlui i. uuirl luuietAi lal Bi'Wi'ra an tin i.i.n lever st the taeowatUt 1, worn .1 oi. ir. io. mi wry urti. ia ..i ma ten, t.

II'snlsn (rs worm w in eoi Nuiti cluw (ului ever the

Hall stioes nnl lUstkiiisI irSBUWlad the color Ot Uu

j! while u it. in'.,' lbs i ia oi leery (ad ireaai

bsfl"I"'' "' '' "'""i''1 '"'J rUt,ial are a Ue vtoru ou

wbue"' ' "'"" 'rnuas sre breUfbl cut for the ml I

n7ial a i'". il!'

t ""J t"111'! ii i" ou um

a,! :"l:.V'.".?,!',!:!-'",:-;, "" """" sri iiiif l bilk

lsir;eteiir r'""" "" '""a.;.r."V.."!;':'.';n...r!'h- - " inwwara umf,lc,r'l'i',"" -- "" ', ',"," .......

i OKhthbM lbs iinialiouiS '.II' 'il l l

,,'e'..':.:::,;n;;,;VV::,V':.' v : -o " kinJ

lan::,v,v:oV:,,:v:;,;::;.';,;:!1v::;;',',!,, " ,hr

"T::.r:';r. n:;,.::M.oo ,.rui luii,, s, y,, , , toilatisisIruiniiril aim i.i u n leiibsr frOiuei nil rinh".Hill;'' s.b'ta worn hurt imlilinrhwitnj'iii'.i lusarlllrisikl Isiiewnsi , louilil

Thj eel Bur.. i rl v rial, .rale mr lull JreM nut t.'.,,'.' 5 "" '"'"', ( k) fsaluouaLki

wfii'i'iKfii!1"! '"V"" ""W e IsMsu, ..r orinmenuMII", - Illl ., .in,,,,

"r,,,.( , ,,,vu",.,. ""

' klei.swi, ,

.. seeeru.... t. hi, ,u,i..... ,. .i;"'-- ' suit Irl.beeni ibturisti rhaoesr, (nd a,iwsi

'.'!" i, "'i,l in u,i ...i, ,,...i ,,r,eu ,no i Mind rer Sew , ,,,i."",".' ,lr''" '" '""r """ IsUtasaoamiruiiii. snsia vslsst Willi a, ,., t",i

3 It J iL IblU! '? " S.- -I leather. u u



TtlHI h. Mf X iitt I M HI AS KXPLOSiOlfnt. lew oth HiitoK

PflUrM riti MthMkM in thr i ,,,,,it ICrntlintk I nt lurv F lht HNM lllM.MitTho Rulit ill flu- nf M I i.i. ,i.,

ThnJ. i.. I!nn-- i Rendroofe uirk-o- nin ir(,,. Hi it: IWO ini: from TTim tWIut, u,t M mtrlnlr Hnd Onnwood inkf itniirfimiliml Abonl i(. i)t Hltln from PHItflOt, woreblown up hv mm XplotkH. of nrt rtifiv mornlnc ntni ihm n.un wn LtiitK..Tha bnlMlnitl OOOSttltd of one-tor- y frntimihtdfl for th-- jT.,.'".i.'n c.f thn wiirkmcn nnith matfrlAl MN la mnklnir r"ntlrork. Aloutt!ir".' vr.nrH nun Uic workd 'r blova up, mulH..v,-r;- wm lojurodi bwt n on wak .: I. . 21 ..r .!" lnM tlK-- wrro blownDp lltfnlB, bur. m it WM Jiunor tim. noon watbutt,

At b IhltttttH t.. n oVWk yoMn1nr morn- -ng rntenon wn ibnketi bt ifi ?xi.ioion thnt

sliirtl".! i.err,n. nnd rnttMhtl! tlio windowInthflHty. it .nrrWI down mki in th?Hiiyi t lhf fnllfi.nndenllMil 'i.rnl uonMernatlon,

ImpfMPlon betnt timt u boiir .'xpluaioathnd I'npt In thi Ur, A minute liter aBwnl puff of sinokf on tlie PrenknoM bilkIhowed thnt it wn Iht l.nJro-- fivtory thatIiikI !"rti Mown up. In nliouf nn hour WordW flVfHl ti:: tUroi mt liihl lout th rii ytttlMwf ntf PrttniN ntiinfl finvlim fanilllM.' A n r ii- . (or The Hun vlatud tiio (sc-n- ofhp I'Xitlofiinn. ' lit work WArflan Htti. mE.'v nnrnmill TIh u ilti In which

hii hi.' 1 wm only 16 by 16 fHrInnr ii, ithit nni iior' iilsh. It whh thn mlxlrurhoum'. Jin-- ! It .vtutuint.JMthtin wm i m u poa nda of nitrn.(fwia.Mil". Ui.l 'li - li.'.. tUf Hlll'lli'Iitf. of ruiij- -

i Mk. ii m tlircjtj hn-i- kiiN'il wen nt work TuIII n hitllulfip. Thnlr tiriMicoi wt Jo tin M;inlpr

U t l. a QtrmM. Utf.'iJ 47nil I r llmiiid Mnrnf. AHhoii-ri- i thure ,Jnmnrtlif - Hh i ;i rAQ of th.

n n " 'riiiini'il. n no on who wnn lu t t' illtifl - it v 1. i Iir not a i.i of thbuiliHittf Iffttw ulicMaii iniiu'a linno. whMwl

r 'inn ifi' i.r in rh- - cr umi t.nI Tho ndinww ttrouiid, nndrow 'i n a wna. lyolt' ih thouitli it baa jut" "ii plough oJ, Tin i hi. I was) 'uw.'.i with'Hii :n. ifti ria. UrciU Iron b;trr"JM. ud totrjini t ihi in- tarlnta. Warn torn to fim.Tin-- rutin, w "( in t ii polio I M wtirat rn io pic ', Unu tlnn .r- Kv-.- t wu fuund

iniliiiurtsi. Hull n MnnvH liwutT wnn fSfitiLi raa i. n r t - r M-- xfpihis Muo il iiiiiii vhlrl And Pintbtt thnt wat' t a ..f two hundred vnrd

I !i i w i . o w j km ti I'mploynd aiut rhlworks, nn l r thi rliniwa or uuorlntendnttlthyttt' h hlir. Ko.,il;i wna iusl soIIMr toth

i. ii tb oxpl Hon nnpMntHL TBHi i ihnn nm wtrv nnioloyfHl abooj th

irroiinilfl nnd wvr nniniurad. a mow frmntt i .'. a t ont ihi rnrtH away, wh- - pnniyu '.. v Tt sintiil franaatorf' ntod in another 'iir-'t- u n, about lut)fur w:n.

' r Wurti-- of rui. t n took hnriro(tu.- iwo lxx'i id:.' ihtiilnvd what couM be: nn i nl lh mmalnaof th- - dtad man nntl IimIJii Inqiti t. in h nothintt nndltloaal wan i.trolouotl, M Ik. li'-- l nl 7 HprjnL Pt-pn-

and lnvnawlfo nnJ AvarmliMiHanaH lav n wit.- .m l o'v.n rhiMrtm mlInUi"n tr;H : nn I Mjin.Hy, Itnvlns '"it ntwU:uarrt.'kt. In. w In ml Una t support I

is fcffooi Ti. trtiiMi t rauriMiwii I

Unc mt 'I Ir- Btia ' ntli undaatl :iLn tTsMh l'r Ariltif I he loulrnt). I

To hl rOBOf . hl Si .Vf ' Mntth'.W

'l us fU .:. ii. i 1 Xhut 1!ik-- Wdchertil pMOtH it .'l, r .i trn4t H

i art iffMttd no irtU id crlaM w i inasiituithat u i.. blm i Mna mmi n :.i 'iy

i uat, ai yuf rt-- inaM ii ir hem tu.- wrlwi dt4i in waefe aatawlwaiaw

tv lUnaT dt t ni.- Uiu itainct dm nwaaaulaflaaiiial um

1 ni ; it .( ni tt. ttyliif ml i upU ''' i rcrtai I'.'.-k- ftltbaash I bava aaMaafM

i r .r twelti h u t. rngsMPd la pranic - v - V lit II I' At iiliJ t o'U- -

l n i - Matthew Mniit" wtieM wii.-ii- mu mtnrin fie nnica m iii" i .i t .,. 'mt't .. rtfttn lhUirti1 r .., uiHiMt trnvlilHir ! ntH tv trntl t posieg n. ui

n tmi'iiu. it , .nu ikl-1- n.gunv.1 lorluvtnt1 fttfher' pajr, llv ff'lv rufi tliKi It UfdlW

.. ur, f.. ni.' ir4rhrr. rvffaUUP hwlt ii.ill "ti Ini i. in w nt atMlM PHH 1

' . n ;i Rut' rJufnMd urrtuiI' iii' U' i.eii .in t puiimmI ., nt'i ity- - kiiI li'sjrulrfaf.

' t ,, . tiiurirK' m i' " ru ntti

" ' w, i.v i.IIiiti, niiJ urIII! UBM it .'I !!..(,.' rtllif l.rl .. kurUstftt ',:.. ri.'i-i.- j.

Mntl e '.i. iint Iii.ik' ( in- - wmy ul ttiinkliif;Mill Im pi . of bnl 'Mrricr. rhnn

n i ri t "r 'I'liiisttiual.- t- fil in iin'mslvts. hkJ futtiiliiiit na

- It mm vital oi ih'.ti, rciiinn- livtliliiti bin( 'I.'. '.i mi, unity w I Utwt by ui n (Uinrr.

MuI'Im-- M 4i Uft - nty tti i rT.! u. tmnisjrt t tint' (r n, '!! P iii- - taftl mta

ii j t..,-ii- i UM 47' f ryri i 't it Him, ii tni tni onu inp

!i i in h rr .ii i, ' ntmvwwan:. Ihntt . in i 'i which iii intii ups,tii ri nl pi) .on! pi tl Isttlyutw BMaaM

li lit I rftiriita-- Ntni Trtiotcrir iUrr lb . mbl IWaMfii; in njt'i'i i(MiLj t iiM if i.rtf.hiT.T k ' i i' .. 'lint mii it n unUrv ll iimw i titrvsttin

llH i ut usl iiwk lH raniisn " UnWUww '.

ThlllR i Ol cilwri'i.l. ACCi 'yUaJMl Iviv. wpll tb It.' ' t 'i f'HilUl'IH s In !. l:.4t Ivi ill tii tlfn. tlflllf- "IU1 h m 7.'t tu IOU rhUiton, '. hamn nVH vary

0 i'unn ti i ni un in i stupid a owml vaarin ii i ;. ..c. (., ,...(' irdlHf iy n iiisvrioiinif U'oin wtiieu

lUtvtntv, niiii to tench thitsgg ctuKtrt ii n.t mly0 "'i .a v liniitf. t 'l r. : ii tue, itni n uiiu.i'vr n oihrbi ot m-- ...... high BsdinaiiKi muiwi wine;. hav Ntiir.iti tltll ' .. !li'(iV1'red b) 'i'-- , infM BiMattMv.,1.1 i'it Btsira .i BtlHTiiiltMl. aiM liitrttUuvra iHto Pit

i'"'' i lltr 4 .i nu t prwAt of toe MtnrBMlmi l iu. rrvnt m nt ihv t fhtr aaa wa.nn; i . by lb ruWt ut Uw Bti ml t.t brmfl i uh'Ii i i up ti a cvriaiH iHihtri, im niniter wliatMMfi Wirnl mi Mviiv tpity be. piht Iii itintiy wbi-a- I'litDvllddii Mi. pri .. i. tu if i niucli bffyuttn syn thli mailt'. vllll ' if.' t ... i.n nftfVt rtir.i crulll;

' - i i y ,,r m pr lor two txnuiinnii no by th prtncii linmltn unr by tbo tatuUair ifuu ii.!.'. mi Btiiiettil Miiiiiiuali) taitowtsoo WithititunMl bor . bou hi mt prooii ttif .nidrii:

t..!. Ii.ii-i,- ! r.i: .mi. ... l,v - n niiii 't innli i'ii i.v i j rinyl ui. . rtaiuni .irenJ u

iiiiin dis nnd iill i'r!4 per wt.k, whit thntithal t?i- - btff W Kit AttOVH or tWOatl

oori i icl ('.iii'K.iux ir'" ' tni tl.r iloortitrompttt

linn lit uumiM h t ii dwMt t thvv wbowfilini nt mid i.- - adtutUon t vontanr io

uyiiin Mi l :i r nnor li;iw BCiun-dt- i

Tbe iiiboni Um to i.i- loai'ltrni wot; coffofy a al..lil. ii oiNi.itMV WWttno 'tr ii f of-ii .:. t.. Iooo iiu- - his? ni uioukWm drinbiory, aai U- i. .. U ufl r. wt In- (ind Ui IfWf " MotUtowM u mid Um mral m.'Ik1 Ivachcri n t find. ..! ht tbrr in. i the na littvii . : .Nt. w Yvrk t.rv Hit !nNin UM Wot :.t lot tbo biOOlivra

.ia r ft is m , Broadwafi

ot a Ti'tithi r bnl Intilcnunt.To THE FaDITOR Off TWl Bi s - Sir " Matthew

... !. s BTlttllrOf

t itbor a trod.- ur a 4.rjtc'in-i- " That i. icoordlni bwib to

Wcbiur ond W'iirootfri thy) nr porwiMit... i. i DUtb ii, oi Ottlplti) ttttfatl Hi utbOt n'urJi. trn.

in..; loan i But vorv i lUito, ibat. of Mitu.'W Hatli '

ii' would ha vi tbtm p.iid, and yory nttatliy pm-i- mifol tin- lioiii a pi wblcti Iht ) .fv ttlKnavd In ! 'ItitW. A

Wi ll ' i. i shuil ( ' ii t, ,,j fnf (lis tun nw m l P.. i ; outhrvi lit ftdntlH tOH' i r c ,;ii no) i,vi- wtttuai 1aoMiiK m4 i i.iuii.i! oinplitywont, itw no , I

' i - i mi th- - L'ooiitry KhooU In N,r!' it' .Un lokoviii fi exist, ' b) brvouitftilWill'ci .(i,: t kUIUOWl1 I Mil W all.;! t lllfil tttlTt i'ti r Piulil Mbtatiii H4itpuriiu'iil luriiis; tiio ittranuf

dtli wn -i i ii, tti iv-- it?! mil, bi w filcb tnty o.l11i iiiiifoo 'u n lwti,i miMlifM - iiu ir if.'ii. fl ilqttM,

w t ti ..i," in uii,, I, i tu up,JJ ybnjh i 'i " i tiiwioUiio wonbj Im imi "uiitt,

'i i m 'in in nnprovod upon, anal f nor iiti i l jn xhtn world, and tin alm-iti o; bo

prlitoipuU mi i Hi. i in un dn colmioi '.ouidw' "Ut I .1 ' !c . tutu. .'. i' t nt lnj ,.. ..j l.irppnittirlioti t iliu ii .,,'!..t i om i lumlcv Lw rt liwMWo ii It .i I, n lili ittfb nut i'rUtMtni in ihn quoaUMft, that I

" ot'lmol b u tiur, mid ibm m ltbrr injru if, iptrnnfmi .ui s, Uotyvor ilroa a a j" o iroiii iba cHjIra ' ii C tsjM. 5B..a

V inn Tonohora Htavo Ta U

To rn CDiTonoi Tu:- Brti siti "Ma:. . :.t.t iery wvll iiitonutd it would wuuii ia ft

i I tt'Ot'htft A yonng buly, to bn a wncirIn our ptibi ' im m i Ua a groduAtf ul a au taalio1 A lor htr oi bointiiionl abfl'har ii niurt


II llir .1 I.'. ',11' all, la .., I" if ''Ii li ii A 4.. aiut ran i U'l ) u

rnp'ra oh ; mm ibu iavi'il nhirliooNtUnul

n.. in il is n rin ri iki "it Haiti's, te. Tin'1. i.. 'a i ,t 'i ,t i m im' fourm w i

Uriettvr i.i- - ..t. i iittitvn MauKa'ond eonwiiuriuylunu upomoacb r hjh iivrui, a. to

Thi- lit. i suit ti' Nt " ti'uri ProaoaliAmonjft.i ti ia avaaaon it in suw'd

thoi ovarj to i.'t'i - ild wo.' hia miv iw ol


OBpotUtoB io ii Protoviivo TaHC(ii.M'w Dac, 34, Tha Clunava Chambar ol

C ,ti"i .' ifti i airi'ulorato ill tbo oOuf CM'

',,, in Itrol .'! tU4MM ttiMI f( Ui- IK I m1rustuma tnriir ri . itnu nni ln arvulli tltv O'tottitiu im a nysii im ii mv duUva wilTiiiJuw Ui Uaal

awltioi'iHtul ni'i't ilia iji "i it

American Baonrltlai ' laaBdaaw ILowpi v. rt,', 2.Tho iVonia'a-'aAyfi- i Witt I

tho fuitcJ ,B Inoar napraaab uii,mania aavi tlioanawlaWbtaOairiaaaw In ll" t,u rwfJ I bn b.u iu -tit'cniluiwiit ivnuiur; t.v -
