Library of Congress · 2017-12-18 · ,rMl> BO8«& Ttey»»«iiifg >i

,rMl> BO8«& ii ifg >i<« about 'em. Ttey »»« s " ort . 0 paie tnd Tsded, - a lk« 'ji Vay here, without' em 'l l iS i iKesoroer, aud siiailcd wV^Vi\al blacker sliaUder \r '* ' ' 1." .<• >.- stiiiio would loot saducr ''.',.. ititt- ood o!J-I»»hlou' belies. \u25a0 •«\u25a0. eta ' <ise they kind <>' BSort •>' »> \u25a0a Her llke ' em; Amlltfiv ». whenltnda Jtu; !' r \u25a0\u25a0 wburthe .a kin strike 'em It a* lvi«-^. liietninkiu' <c U»flOa * '•* -^d to prow. A." 1 i 11?» thro' tue chlakln 1 O ! tunaua, Uoa'c you Kuuw. Ar.ii '.".Jn I tiiink o' mother. - A'ifl bow :he used to love 'em. AY64I! tbty ivuzn't auv otticr, . .'tesis'jt !ound 'em up above cm, \;;'.i hsr «y. ?. afore .^he sluit em. -AV.nKnu.- 1 with asmile, ami sain We wSii p;:k a b'.mch and put 'em l£. tar fc* iJ when she vox d( •\u25a0 b.;t. ts 1 v? iz a-saj-itv*. Tbt f 6!B no style ai>ot; em Xext Ti-.'.S) or ;layl'i 1 , Uut 1 ivvi Un't be without 'em; •Csa-i I'msappier m tuese posies «bU the L->ilyhawks and ->c)i Ttar. the iniinln' bird 'a UOSOS I sSfe'Ju tfeero.-es of the rich- <tv vv James \wiitcomb iciley. OLD-SCHOOL DIPLOMAT. Freder 'ks held n letter in her hand. a been reading : without glasses. \u25a0Ka any of the infirmities Itfce f Her puffs and curls of snowy hair n-ri:uental coiffure of lace aud Id-beaded cane by her arm- . c; simply to be the effective ; f n well-mounted play. rt. Lena, 1 have resolved to sp-iiiy :C- t \u25a0 this young man— if he suits -G-f.nira-.Mma " "lUoa'i '- : rrupt, child! I know every- tilog you i- jiQ possibly havo to say. I :ye nut ll\, 1 j n the world 70 years for AhihZ- \ti 1 know. 'V. have never •issen Una j;<»cng ninn: you don't know whether yo j" can love him.' etc. All '.hit L*; ; e . If you don't know him D< « yo3 v, 'i know him to-morrow, ivben rie nn y e s. If you don't love 'ilni Uow^yflE/wili love* him— well, per- h.:Pi :u tto if rrow, but next day. 1 have :'.l;o?fj. ynii'ji . picture. He is Handsome; he >- oi soluble age. I believo in '-ing ; ij' ' \u25a0 !;: ir . djj v. hen they are young, fclfcari Bc we!i ( s 23. You are 19. Very apltabjr^J.tdeed: Tut on your blue gown jpTor&ok youi best. As for young Bov>ea s bacl?, O.otai.i Charter, you need not feel £Dtfn,idaU'd bv.:ause of his coming. He is a \u2666iruve and ssbnt man; he dies not tccupy inait^lf vvith vouug girl! lie rests on his laurels new. lie was a favorite with many \u25a0 ':aej:, but when a man enters n:idJle age ie drops those things. V ; lie will proba- \u25a0iy Qpt DQtlcs you one way or the oilier. "<-uug IJcvxe i aud yourself can come to an sTfcilerstamHflg unmolested by his presence. The captain « id 1 willentertain each other. V»> shall lia>e many things to talk of. I knew his father well. Now go. lam tired ; i :>.:-\u25a0 cnalteied too much." 21 re. Tredr ricks turned her cheek, cool anJ fujfoth ian old ivory, to the tuucli of Lena's Ire h j;ds. ' Good-night, grandmamma." A radiant -unset after a cloudy, sultry day. s fr* : i treeze springing up from eft the sea, {\u25a0 large, old shaded house reached m last ai^r » louf drive and a day of dusty rah rl. But still more grateful, Itfiiiuj i Captain Kol I Charter and his nepaev., the picture that confronted them in tLt- vr.Je, cool drawiDfr-rooii!, witn its win-- clows open to the summer evening, when, •tf:t- ;. .- ci the journey removed, they de- sccnied ihe winding oaken stairs In the ccti^r o! tho house aud were greeted by tho:: rioitess Upright, near her grand- rnoUi«r*d chair, ia her blue dress, with her fall:.air in a halo about her face, stood Lena. "WtJcomt, jjtiitleinen," said Mrs. Fred- tricks, cordially. - rcungßowen had preceded his uncle— a .bnyiah, Tubularly knit young Hercules, fresu a color, confident of mien. "1 knew ycir mother well," said the old iady. "And you, Captain Bob?" Gently her p.i>, -tiii pretty hand rested !n that of the tan, «Jark man. He bent over It, and softly, deferentially brushed it with tiia ica?, black mustache, whose military isveep seemed lo harmonize with the bronzed line of his serious lace. "Well, wci!," murmured the old lady. "Just like your father, Captain Bob. lie, toe, hid tie manners of the Bid school. Wlntdoes the rising generation of to-day know of the correct way in which a gputle- wai should present himself before a lady o Particularly an old man like me. No nJTc-ss*, young man," turning to young howea. "Doubtless if you were to kiss any one's hf i you would prefer to kiss that of ttiy granddaughter here. Don't mind my chatter. What else can an old woman do Ljt talk of t 1 c past and its customs?" The Madonna, her delicate oval face aisappearing under a piok cloud of blushes, received udce her timidly extended lingers the salutation thus authorized by the terri- blo old lady. "Dinner is served," then said the latter. "Give n,e jour arm, captain. Oar young people can follow." •"Graniicif iiima talks as though Captain Ctsaxter were as old as she Is, thought Lee n, en Henri Bowen's arm, "and lam strre be is uot 'eld at all. I don't believe jou ran fnd one gray hair in his head." Henri Bovren's first remark she did not : .; r.r, r.? Et.e ad to ask him to repeat it. "Mrs. Fredericks, your grauddaughter is Ciiartninjr," said the captain, after dinner. - The two younger people had gone out into the grounds. "Captain Charter, 1 formed my grand- daughter myself," retorted Mrs. Fredericks, Tb9 car> laughed. •'You ire right. That, Is reason enough. You have made her a charming girl; you will make her a charming woman. For some man she will make an adorable wife, s"d,ia i-«r later years, she will be what yea are novV "2\c, Dot quite." said the old lady, se- renely; "Lena is a woman made for love. I was a woman made for rule, for command. El am a tyraut Oh, I know it, and I choose to be I I Lava yet to findany one who can r&anajre my affairs (and even those of a few others) as satisfactorily as myself. But Lena is different. - Sue is a very tender blossom, bhe will never care to be a tyrant. S?je will live for her husbaud— for his love. She will only develop into all nature in- fended n«.r. for under those conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to find an excep- tional oak for my exceptional vine. Drop- plug all cietaphor. the husband who is to be worthy of Lena must not' be the first •:bancc tor. If your nephew pleases nW cou iuded the old lady, fastening her bright, ping eyes with masterful and humorous challenge on the captaiu's face, "I may cr.piure him for her." "Uecri is an excellent fellow," said the csptain, v.ith some emotion. He glanced through the window at th« two.young people pacing slowly up and down in the moonlight. '1 wander what he is talking to her about, ' Uiought the captain. "His college race?, bably." * Lcca', grandmother, inher turn, watched her cor panious unconscious face aino- ment. "Well, well," she said, "we shall seel" \u25a0 •••••\u25a0 » "Bur, Captain Caiter, I don't know i'/SE don \ know why I should com- plain? said the captain, gently. It wa-. many evenings since the night of hss arrival, and it w»h he now who was pacing in the dusk by Lena's side. Con- ecioua stricken, he told him?, lf that he bad noiierjtto monopolize that place. Where was Of nri, his nephew? "Ah' well," he resumed, "you cannot say that yoi always treat my nephew kindly— a j kindly as he would wish." lie was trying to smile, but his heart was very J eavy. It seemed always to be so Lent, with downcast eyes, made no an- "Peihaps you will say," slowly continued the tain, still with his forced lightness, that you have not known him long enough to— to learn to think of him as he would wish. But—" "Di. you think one must know a person a loag time to—care in that way?" asked 1 .?. casting rapidly a sly glance upon him. ->> I I— l ttilnk a day an iiour—is often enough— often too much. if it is to wake lie unhappiness of a who]* life—" TUft poor captain Dtasc-d. What— what •iaa »c been saying? Despemtrly ha strove :c --gather himself together. Tho odor of iwskana rf«.-n.owo h»y mi i a the air. act? \u25a0j.ifft rtslle ol Lena's w'.iite dres& upon }SgfF*l&-2l tite , ,ratr t «ad« ttia pulses beat. W* J hluiso-lf back } L »to lac way "li-jt that must ck»t hb whh r>ocr i?ctitl 1hope. Ifyou could learn to care even a little for him the rest mieht come In time. Hopelessly he floundered on. Lena, wro a moment before had flushed like \u25a0 rose, had now turned pale as a ghost under cover of the gloaming. When the next time they reached the end of the walk she left her companion and entered the house. Her grandmother was sitting in the great armchair, under a shaded lamp, readme Herbert .Spencer. \u0084 ••Where have you come from? sh " s * Id 1 ; "But I know. 1 should do better to "sk where Mr. Bowen is. You *?™ been «alk ; iug wiilithe undo instead. J> v *{•£ »"« E tiimKe. Ber uwse nerves gai "Gran .luiamina." she cried, "you have no rlßl!t-u< . no right-to marry me against my ?Ser blue eyes were flashing like diamonds behind the sudden blinding tears of rebel- "Tut tot What's this? Who, pray, is trying to marry you against your will? Are you not very fond of this charming young fellov who is so madly in love with you? If you are not I marvel at your lack of taste. All this is childishness. 1 know better than you. Old people always know better than young people. It is v.-rv sensi- ble to make their marriages for them. If 't wore always done there would be far less matrimonial blundering. Ask Captain Charter if 1 am not right." "You speak of Captain Charter as though he were old!" cried the girl, forßelting all things in her hot Indignation. "He is only thlrtv-six." ' . ' 7 -Well, that is eld for a girl of your years," retorted the old lady with unruflled equanimity. "Come, kiss me and retire for the night You cannot present your be- fore the gentlemen with that tear-stained face." \u0084 _ . When L«ra had left th? room Mrs. Fred- ericks glanced at the closed door with a very curious smile upon her lips. She was about to resume •'Principles of Sociology when the captain came in. He looked worn, haggard and pale. After a few words of preliminary conversation he observed that he might find himself obliged to return to town in a day or two. '"Provided." cried Mrs. Fredericks, "that you are permitted, and I don't at all know that I shall permit you. 1 believe you are all in league to make me pass a bad night. Here have 1just dismissed Lena in a very bad state of agitation, setting herself up against me, the little rebel! and saying she would not do this and would not do that, etc.. and now you talk of leaving me! What does it all mean? That is what I would like to know." The captain, who had been looking at the floor, with his arms upon his knees, in an attitude of corporal recklessness and men- tal dejection very unlike his usual grave, strong soldierly bearing, glanced up at this. "I can explain that which may seem strange in n;y own conduct, Mr-. Freder- icks," lie said, with an effort "Perhaps, though I bad first thought to keep silent, it would be best for mo thus to do. lam afraid you will despise me for what 1 am about to confess. "Oil. 1 \u25a0{ n't Imagine that I shall," cried Mrs. Fredericks, lightly. "Come, to the point: 1think 1shall be able to hear your confession without too great a shock." " I your grauddaughter," ejaculated the captain abruptly, and his eyes still con- tinued to study the pattern of t!.o rug at his feel. 4 Welll J " " Well, I know you have other designs for her. 1 know that Henri loves her— no. uot as well as I do; that would be impossible. Still, he ii bouud up in her, poor boy! Aud at \u25a0so you see that 1 must go away." "1 see" nothinz of the sort," said Mrs. Frederick?, distinctly. Tho captaiu looked at her ia wordless surprise. "Come here, '.ing man," she continued. He approached the great armchair. The old lady's small, Imperious hand went up to his coat sleeve, and as she ordered him to bend lower, he was aware of having re- ceived a kiss like a benediction on the roots of his hair. "You will remain here, and you will be my crandson-in-law," cried the old lady. "xes,'yes. Why do you look at me so? 1 speak the truth. You will certain many Lena. Why, silly warrior that you are, don't you know thai she has not thought of any one but you since she first saw you ? Youup Bowen, indeed I Savins; the DoHte- ness, I would show your nephew ho ha* been nothing iaore to her than a barber* block, and that was just what i had intended. I knew what you were. Was not your father one of my dearest friends? Ob, well! I knew that no one wou'.d make L.?na iis happy you! I wished when ni.v end came to leave her iv your hands. What was it to me that you were 36 and the child 19? 1knew well enough that these ditierouces are nothing when they are on the right side, bat I wanted Leva to bo equally convinced, to judge of you in comparison with tin excuse me for so speakins of jour bepbew whipper- snappers of theday. For that reason I invited you both l:ere together that she might .«ee. But had I intimated to her that 1 wished her to marry you, the chances are such, my d-'ar Captain Hub, 13 the perver- sity of the feminine heart t!>at she would have found some charm la the younger ruau— the. boy who can only talk of his ball matches and his c lie*e races. As it is, all has turned out for the best and according to my most ardent desire. If you .ire not persuaded, wait and see." She rang a bell at her elbow. "TellMiss Fredericks I wish to see her," she said to the servant answer- ing the summons lv v moment Lena, pale still, and with traces of tears recently shed still oD her cheeks, came slowly into the rouiu. bao hesitated upon the threshold. Captain Charter had sprung to his feet. Mr*.Fredeiicks opened her lips to speaks. Then she paused, looking frt m one to the other. Suddenly she said : '• Captain, yoo can explain all this far bPtter than I ran. Clmdren, go into the grounds together!" Itis to be inferred that the captain's ex- pianation was B . for Mi-s Lena Fredericks has been Airs. Charter a year. "In this world," says Mrs. Fredericks, who still reads Herbert Spencer without glasses, "nothing is so necessary as a little diplomacy. Nothing gives such good re- sults." IN THE MARKETS. liow to Cook Pork Cutlets With I'iqnante Sance Chicken a lit Frovencale. It was a Frenchman who once declared that if you want to put a man in good humor you must tickle his appetite, and it remains for a San Francisco butcher to add, "If you want something to tickle a man's appetite you must go through the markets of this city to find it." And ha was right. At no time in the year can a visit to the markets be made without finding a variety of eood things that would put the most crabbed- atre*l man In the best of humor. Yester- day as The Call's market reporter was taking his usual stroll in the markets his attention was drawn to the bountiful and varied displays on the many stalls, from which the housekeeper could make a se- lection for a dinner on any day In the week. Stopping in front ot the stall of one who deals in pork, bacon and hams, lie examined some very fine pork cutlets and asked the dealer if he could tell him of an excellent mode to make them palatable. His reply was that that was not in his line, but he turned to an elderly man who had been in conversation with him, saying that he was a first-claBS cook and could no doubt furnish the desired information. That individual expressed his willingness to do so. and then declared that the proper way to serve ud pork chops is ala sauce piquante. His di- rections were a3 follows: Trim the cutlets neatly, cutting away the greater portion of the fat ; season with salt and pepper to taste. Place the gridiron on the fire and l«t it get hot; it will never do to pui cold cutlets on a cold gridiron. Put the cutlets on the iron and broil them for about a tjnnrter of an hour over a bright, but not 100 i>n re . They should be turned three or four tltk* a and be thoroughly done, but not allowed to Vcome dry. for a cutlet that is allowed to dry ,„ as tasteless as a piece of broiled chip. 'Hmj cutlet* should then be placed on a very hot dish and served up with piquante sauct. Yls, yes yen want to know bow to make th.iv sauce ; well, you take two ounces of butter, a Mnall carrot, six sbalots, a bunch of savory herbs, a bay leaf, two slices of bam minced fine, two or* three whole cloves, half a dozen pepper corns, a little allspice, a blade of mace, four üblespoon- fn'.s cf vinegar, hnlf a p?nt of soup stoct, a snriil lump ot su^ar. a Quarler tM»pooufui of cayenna eodsilt to taste. In a .uewpnn put tho carrot and snalot. which must ba cut into small slices; add herbs, bay leaf, epicc3 and ham. Let tho Ingredients sim- mer over a slow Ore natll tbe bot! >m of tvs pun is covured with a brown ghze; keep stirring with a wooden spoon and ."hen put in tbe remaining Ingredients. Let the whole simmer gently for a quarter of an hour, then skim off every particle of. fat. strain the sauce through a salve, and, when itis done, pour it over the cutlets. A correspondent, who baa evidently been in a French restaurant nnd was served ••chicken a la provencale," writes to the market reporter for information in regard to its preparation. The reporter submitted tho letter to a chef de cuisine, who wrote on the 'back of tit*} paDer the following: Cut two large onions into rings, put them into a sautapaa with one-Bighth of a nint of salad oil and fry them o! a light brown color. Then add a chicken cut «nd trimmed as for a fricassee, season with white pepper and salt, a gnrnished fagot of parsley and a clove of garlic, put on the lid and cover this with live embers of charcoal; sot the whole to simmer briskly over a moderate lira for about half an hour. While the chicken is cooking put into a small stevvpan a dozen whole mushrooms, add some chopped sha- lots, mushrooms and parsley; moisten with a tablespoonful of salad oil and a glass of madeira, stew on the fire for five minutes and then boil the whole down to a glaze. When the chickens are dove pour off all the grease, add the contents of the small stew- pan and some tomato sauce; simmer tne whole for five minutes over t!in tiro and serve, iorming the chicken in conical form, then pour the sauce over it. HE OBJECTED IN VAIN. rreparluc Decree anil Findings In the Hnl« &Nurcrot.t Case- Charles S. Whoeler, one of the defendants Id the suit of M. W. Fox against the Hale & Norcrois Mining Company, against whom Judge Hcbuard recently rendered a juds went for 8210,000, nppeared in court yes- terday and objected to a proposed Onding.BJin which it would be repre- sented that it had been shown that he was a party to the conspiracy by which the stockholders of the Hale & Norcross Company were defrauded. He did not like to have the moral torpitude attached to him that would necessarily result by such a finding. Judge Hebbard told him that the finding would be in strict accordance with the opinion of the court already filed, and that the only mode by which defendants could have redress would be by an appeal to the Supreme Court, Ho overruled the objections, and stated that the findings and decree had been submitted and were under consideration. He granted a stay of pro- ceedings as to defendant W. S. Hobart, on account of his death, and until the repre- sentatives of the estate could be substituted THE STOCK MARKET. Jieyond sn advance lv the south-end etocks there was vt-ry little doing yesterday. Trading was very llfht and the fi^ht la the Savage seemed to havo petered out. No news of nny Import was re- ceived rom the Trout and it Is pretty generally be- lieved that the assays of the Coo. Cai. A \a. will be about toe same as last week. On the 0:30 a. m. call trading was very dull, only 15 stocks being dealt In. withatot»l of 4-tiJ shares- Of thess Opn'.r sold at f'2 45. Mexican 91 40, Carry a] A) Belcher 90c, Cbollar -15c. Con. C'al. A Va. .\u25a0f.; 95, Overman 40c, Ravage $.i 05, l'otosi Csc Bad Jacket Sic. Alter the csll prices advanced under quite lively trading and 1100 shares of Con. «'.i!. A Va. sold up to 1 1 05. T&o south end mines were In demand withan advance at th c close. On the 2:30 p. m. call trading continued, fairly active, but no change wns to be seen In prices. After the call the market continued steady and fairly active, with no change at the cloie. XOTES. Silver was lower yesterday, with certificates sell- ing at 89*4 C aiid bars at tide la New York aud 10; d d inLondon. An assessment or 25 cents per share has been levied by tie surra Nevada Mining Company. 1.. h. Kose has been nominated for membership In the Pactfle hoard on the neat of Theo Lteber- .til. who luteuJs leaving fur Europe. K. '••tie*. the mining superintendent, has gone to the Coinstock. The Idaho BUotag Company of Grass Valleyhas der 'ared Iti 2834 dividend of $~ per share. >"evada Transcript: Agood strike has been made In the South Manner mine, which I* owned by Win. T. Morgan, Mrs. J. E. Urown and Mrs. lluutlagtoiu The mine is situated near the old ltanner. The ledge is about <.•!„•!. t inches aud is iuereislog lv size as tiie woik of development goes on. The roclc brought to town Is very rich. It Is believed these parties have struck a bonanza, Dovvnleville llfssluger: Ihe ag^rejate cleanups of ttie ISald Mountain l.x.Drift Mine for the past month. 'Jt working days, and a like number ot travel pickers, were Htsi ounces and 17 penny- weUhts-$16,068 - I—paid for the g.»M by Scam- man's bank, Downieville. One nugget weighed "'2 ounces, and others fro:n oait to several ounces. About to man are employed, aiid indications are wry favorable fora good paying property for years. Dlvidead 19. of 10 cents a share—^6ooo— was de- clared this week fur the lucky stockholders. ' \u25a0 \u0084 Assritsmetit* Pvndinr* Tip list of assessment* now pending: 1 C.A RD SALES. lclcvirp vere tee tales in the San Francisco lUtl 1 »i< >• -tcrdiiy: BIC.I'IAB SKSBION— O:^O A. v. 100 Alta 40200 C C&.Va.3.95 150 00h1r.... 2.45 100 . 3ft! 20 4.00 ISO V.40 500 BeiCDer...3O 100 D Mont. ...10 350 Ovrrm 40 lOUChall C ... 35 500 I* A U...1.101050 Potosi 65 100 C1i011ar....45' 50 Mexlcn..l.4O 350 8aTa«t.. 2.05 600 tf 0iui..1.00,100 >e» y 851200 If Jacket.. Ss AFTRRNOOV SESSION— 2 :3J. ' 200 Alpha 8611000 Del M....15200 0phir....2.45 400 Alta 40 60 AC. .1.10 60 '.MO 60 100 1.05 1 60 Potosi B5 150 l; * K...2.05J160 U A. 1.40 200 Sarwe ..-'.OU .\u25a0-O 8u11i0n... .60 50 1.45 600ScorDion..lO 100 Chal C 30 150 Mexican 1.45 100 8AM....30 100 UC*V..3.»5;101> Mono 300 9 Net.. ..1.05 250ConN V....45 2UO N Cou)tn..2o 400 YJ»cki -...NO 350 C I'olnt. 1.00 300 Occta ... .4; 100 94 following v, ere the sales in the Pacl9o Stock Bowl jestenuyi VFfirl.AK SESSION"—IO:3O. 1011 Alt*.. ..37 V, 100 Chan C..30:500ph1r ...2.40 V!OJ S9 100 C1'01nt....95 550 2.45 150 40460 l.OOlOOOvrran 4H 600 lSelcar 90|100 99750 60 ,vji;«H....1 95,10.> Kxcnea....i'u 230 BaTage.. 2.oo 100 '.'.OO 50 V... 1.10 7.05 SMMJ 2.06 30« H A N..1.40 100 SB 4M....J8 600 Ca1edua. ..24 too Kentucic..l(t 300 30 100 .'-'\u25a0 \u25a0 100 Lady >v.. IS MM) 5Nev...1.15 500 (,L01i*r....45 300 Mexican.. lV.- 150 Union. ...l> 100 4'» ISOOUCCId A:-" 50 1.10 60 CCA V... 4. 01' '.00 46 100 UtaD 18 150 .4.0 200 4>- ICOY Jac«....8-' 200 Con N5....41 100 471500 84 000 46 .00 44|100 90 untnM SESSION— 2:3O. 301 Air».. . .371-VIOO A 0. . .1.10250 sarasre. .2.05 100 B * b...2.0U HAN...1.40500 V.OO 150 CC* V... 001 00 Mexican 1.45 100 S N0t.... 1.10 4000 lmo «J4 200Occl<! 45 10 Uni0n...1.15 400 C .1.05 100 Ov<:rmri... i* 160 VJ»c»0l M 150 1.00 100 PotfHi.._. 6s^so 87 '/a CLOSINU QUOTATIOXS. Friday, June 10-4 p. if. JSId. Atf.'(L\ MO. At/cud. AlshiCon *5 30 Justice 15 wo A1t*..,,, _ 3d 40 Kentuct 05 10 Andes 45 &0 Ladr Waatingo. 10 16 1 eiccer 90 !»5 LocoinoUTe .... 05 _ Jclielsie 15 Mexican 1.45 1.50 l'cuton Con 1.00 —'Mono -40 45 test A lielcner.2.oo '»'.(; 5 Mouut Diablo.. i.'ju I.fine 25 30 Navajo 05 15 bullion \u0084 66 bO M'tlie 1.5ie.... 15 20 1 u;«er . 40 45 N Commonwlta v:6 Caledonia '2') 'JSJSer CJueen..._ 75 »«5 ( «Lirai 05 occldeuiAi ..... 4u 45 1 baiienga Coo.. 30 :<s'-i,bir 2.40 2.45 (liOilar.. .... 45 .'•<> ( overman ...... 45 60 Commnwealtn.. 'Hitter: 05 10 iwiUi* V1r..3.95 4. 00; Peerless ....... 05 (on New Yore 35 40 Potosi _. 60 65 <on Imperial... 05'haTage 1.95 2.00 linker UsJScotulon 05 10 ( rcwu 1 -Glut... 05 1.00 Mi a Ml. km i;_ 30 35 l:ei Mouio 10 -'» .Nev»o*.. 1.(15 1.10 1 »»'. hierr* Mj» 06 Hiver mil. 05 10 J.uieka. 2.00 MlverKtug. 60 Lxcnequer..._ la 2o! Union U0u..... 1.05 1.10 Uouia A Curry. 1.05 l.lUiuh. 15 VO brand lTi/e 10 "5 tYelilun » 05 Malm * liwm 1.3". I.4s'TJacEat 90 95 Julia _ 15 10 MJSCkLIanEOU3 SKCUKITIK3. Fkioat, June 10—2 p. tc. ZiA. AtkaX. JBUL AtK'L CRBd«.4'«...lisTi - OaklandQa*.. A My.. Cal-»tlX.oMd»io4 I<c uuia ut _ HO CnUCoWBa».IOOV^IO2V« l"aelflcu?ht«. 7«i/i, l>npnt-§t u<u. 135 100 f )iMii c . -joh'm 1i ... ex-coup 91 m Mktonu&u. SO lAUIMiKrU. 100'illO (al-sIKK _ _ 115 ilirKKlias... 75 "105 FtUUuKr - 40 MkS4tKßß<l«m*4 - jeary-«;tt K. 95 _ M'toastKU.lOO Ml*slKi; 6u 75 M* ItX Bda.. lio^ll'ji'4 Omnlbm U tt. 69 MtrolCaJUdfiiz _ Prealdto Un_ 25 27 ÜBinii>usCUa.ll3>4 lalirurma Ins 80 ;«i", l'*onKUds...llti/ ils Comtnertrllaa 92i/x 1 *Clli:riMs. »4 Ptreman's Fa. 175 Icwl-ttHrßd.llo Jlomo Mutual. 187 Vi bt-KKA,rlzHdil<i4 105V3 State lnTMim - 80 kPHKCa4Bai.ii4 115 Atlantic 45. MKKIMIIiI. \)H 101 cat l-bWder...U>a ]t<s M'JsrKCaliSds 108 Giant Fow<wr 6H'/, 66Va ; KV«»t«r6'l-lli - lyMtl'o* 10 Vi I fcTVfater4-f.. '.«> * »i vijrorit Pow.. 3V% 37/ 8 AMloOalßnK. C2'/i "0 \ u *caa i'ow.. - IS bank or CaL..255«y..261 !l}|»i>iaCMO 10 tslfcar«l>^»os *G% Ca'iL-oUottMU 47 ltr»tftat»aa«l7» 190 raiKieo Uira: 15r ; i, i.Pttn<BtnL ~ I'i'J^CM Kiec wca. »V» iiß>li.Mi - .-17 .Haw'B «•«... 114, 3 ! Pac(ieß*n« M .li', Mi, Hatc&'nSmie 3 " 4 Mercfi HB-j« 15 21 Judfna'fsOn 19 CenirVJj* \r. 104 i oceanic S «.. - t}s - llartni^vT. . 18 60 \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 US *3 _ ajs/ -.«. b *•*»;«• . l>7^ »7T4 ;P»clB» - MV4 Mofiiww. 20 - tl>»eV¥ovja«r« £4 C«atrataai... yur 100 i bo.rsifti* .1 •.>•:\u25a0(. r*oarJ-$J 0.003 SV4* Dorni*. OO'/J. fcLrett-60 CaJ Electric l.igl.i, lS^i; 60 do, 16", i. . ArTKB.NOOV SALE*. . Hoard— so Rajety Nltro Powder. 11. filreat—loo JUwr-.iau Commercial. 2. ; Falirt Ii \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ( g, ,|. \u25a0?<\u25ba Jsmei W»rni 8 drucßUt^llTiacat titeen street, wrj arrested y^st'er«lAy* oil}b*« foaplaiot of 11. ICoster, a^jeroc«r.£|it|7(6. Uuair. avr«cL - ThevprQSfccAiag^wllineii charges witiihaTJog swindled^hjti put of St "worth of groceriM'by repres^ntlair himsoif as one Baumgarter,' an*eiflplw* vi SpreckeSs Utos. «—: .=.„.-' Cuptatlu :Bw«i*V« Book. The i> '^i res* I'ublishJng Company of 'OpJ»^* o(i the estata ot George I). . c was a nioueer ! of Airi) but on the 13th of January, with 11. T. Graves, Lad bound himself for SBOO as surety lor toe cost of printing and binding of 2000 copies of Captain W. F. Swasey's biographical sketches of early pioneers of California. The contract price wag £1431 GO. Captain Swasey has received 150 of said books', but has never paid more than Sl3-, and h is refused to accept the remainder of the edition. COAST NOTES. Work on the McCluud River Railroad Is bring pushed. . The new Fresno daily, the Review, has made its appearance. The Y.una militia company is- forming a stock company 'o bftttd uu uriuory. A sealing expedition has been sent out from Ban IMego to the Cedros Islands. Tbe Old Dominion Mine at Globe, Ariz., is turning out 3000 pounds of copper a day. Kern County is excited over silver dif- cnveries in the east and petroleum deposits in the west. no vineyardltta are alarmed at tho shortage of the grape crop caused by late cold weather. Mmiterey naid 13750 t0r squirrel tails last moutb and the Supervisors have repealed the couuty law. There is talk of boycotting Feather River orchardista because they have imported Japs to pick their fruit. Tho United States Government wants r>,o<tO,oo<) more gallons of water annually at the Mare Island Navy-yard. llonry Littig of Sacramento lias suc- ceeded in growing potatoes on a tree. lie will now probably turn his attention to tho creation of a peanut grove. The ne jv ink works at Santa Taula will shortly begin turning out the black Said that illumines the earth, it being specially desired to catch the campaign trade. I'asadena comt lams that the Santa IV trains run through town without ringinn tho bell. Must towns should be rather glad to have tho Santa Fe trains run through them at all. A bogus p r iest has been imposing upon the good people of the rural districts of Ventura County, and Bishop J. Mora if Los Angeles has issued a circular letter de- nouncing the fraud. The false priest goes by the name of Father Lorena. There may be such tin n^s as remedies worse than the disease—as, for instance, tho ca^eof the Trukee railroad brakema:i, William Kirby, who was cured of lockj.iv by doses of pounded cockroach, taken in- ternally. Tbe remedy was presented by a woman WQOSAid -he knew that the cure \\ as oettall and evidently it was. Hopelessly Demented, Ward McAllister Jr. has been appointed guardian of the estate and person of Brid- get (;;t!!a£her, also known as Lanlß, who was committed to tho asylum at Stockton In 1887, about which time she had been under arrest in this city for assault and had d i |400 ca*h bail. The charge hm long since ben disposed of and upon the suggestion of her son In l'ortland, Oi , tins guardianship i/rocoedin<j was lost) tutod that tho money miKht be drawn from tbe treasury to be expended in little com- forts for \wr. An »ndeavor was made t tbe poor woman attend court, but Superintended Rueker wrote that she i-> very emaciated and feeble and so demented that she could not have understood any of the proceedings. lietignt-d Their I'osiilon*. Railway Mail Clerks \u25a0William A. Daggett and Albert Palniateer have resianed Uieli positions. Tho clerks were iujured lv a railroad wreck nenr Los Angeles last June, and were a year's have of absence. Their injuries were so serious that both men are still unwell. They can return to their places any tisae during tue next year. COMMERCIAL RECORD. Friday Evf.nixo. June 10. fHIVAKV OF THtIIAHKKrS. Wheat stea<l>r. Barley still weaker. <iats sternly. Corn ari't Kye dull. Hay unchanged. Potatoes firm. Onions weaker, Uuuer advancing. Cheese weak. Kfirs unchanged. Poultry firm. ClierrtM, Aj>rlcots and Peaches lower. Summer Vegetables generally firm. Dried Fruit uuchangtd. Citrus I ruit «iui«t. Gralu i;ag* weaker. Sterling Exchange Metier. Sliver weaker. Quicksilver marked up. Kuclisli niimi Market. IniMu i,June 10.—The spot market is In at ?s 3 ] /;d. cargoes are steady at 35s Oil for off coast, Ua tiii for ju*i shipped and 35j 6J for nearly duo. rVTVUK.%. Tte Produce Exchange cable elves the following Liverpool qiii't»tion» for No. I Red Wlutcr: June, «s 10%4<i: July. 6s lli^d: August, : ;4d; Sep- tember, 7s '.id; October. "7- I* id. SKCORITJKa. London. ID* lU. -Consuls. 06 15-10(1: Silver. 40*4 d: lU'iifi, <>yf .'•\u25a0>•. million into Hank of fcngiand, 140,000. v,: - New York Market*. New York. June 9.—United Stales Bonds. 4'». 116^i: do. S*i 100: Northern Pacific, 20^' 8 : (Jam- dlau I'aclftc. 88y«: Central racific. 30; Union la- cinc. S9Vii Atciiisoa ana Sanu re. 34: Wells- 1-argo. 145: Western I iiiuii. 94,5; fcHver, fcCe; Sterling. $4 88®4 BfJV>8 f JV>- ' Wheat July. 91viiC 1 lour, steady. Coffee, »12 10. Boor. 2*4#31-16e. Hods— Pacific Coast. li/tt'JM'. Hide*, lite. Copper— Lake. fill 85. Tin— Spot. IS] M. Le«<i— Domestic, »i 25. Iron—#l4 l'ttroieuiu— July, f>4%c. N'kyv York, June 10.—Hops are rather weaker. liUHincfti is of a routine < Values are a bha.le lower. SUOAB AND COFFEE. Sugar— Strong and unchanged. Cos**— Moderate' y actiTe; 6 to 10 point*decline. Pales. 14,750 bags. June, fIUIU; July and August. 11l 99. Chie-c" 9l;irket<«. CnicAOo, June 10.— Wheat was dull and opened R' B @s',jc lower on better weather; declined »icon better crop reports and expected Increased' acre' age; advanced '.ir on reports of hot weather doing damage in Nebraska, to be followed by low tem- perature and rains: ruled !ne.;, an. I closed steady at Vie lower. Receipts, 000 buiDels; shipments, I'-'.OUO busheU. liye, 7S@Boc. liar- ley, «l)«. ( in a««>. June 10.— Wheat— Cash. B3iAc. Cora— 60V«& I'orn-SIU 52 Vt- lA«a-*U.!J, UlUi— $6 45. Wlibky-51 15. Exchange ami liullion. Eterllns Kxcbanjre. 60d»ys 4 SS3/i7 3 /i MrrliiiK KxcliaiiK'O, sight tM>» btcrilne l_:(narige, cable 490 New York Kschan^e, sigh; 3"V4 New York licliaiiKP. telegraphic... l^Vi Fine Surer %t ounce 8!t Slexitau Dollars , 70V% 7iy« The Week* J'ailnres. The Pradstreet Mercantile Agency report* 10 failures In the Pacific Coast States and Territories for the week ending yesterday, as coin oared with 15 for the correspond hi;; week or 1891. Th« failures for the past week are divided among the trades as r ?!!•»\u25a0«: 2 hard warn, l dry good ! tailor, 1 grocer, 1 juiilisiicr, 1 millinery,1 notions, 1drugiaud 1jeweler: \, 8h I i»pi »K^> ote«. Steamer* to sail to-day are the Humboldt for Ilumboldt Bay, the Point Arena for .v<jndoclno, •'' » the Crescent City tor Crescent Cityl The Del Norte falls due from Cooj i;;iy. 'lie KrltVh Iron ship (ioli;;ite, 2'.'!»l ton?. I* char- ter for Wheat to U. X., Havre or Antwerp, *«'ss. I'rnduce Markft. 1 1 nil:— Net cash prices are: Family extra*. $4 65- --@4 75; isakers' extras, $4 OJ'iiH M; superfine, *- 75 <&A V bbl. WHEAT—There was same Improvement yester- day. Higher prices were obtained for milling and futures also advanced. No. 1. $1 383,4@i 40; lower grades, $1 :fs<£U 37^; extra choice, for uilinajf, ltd 45^1 50 V ctl. CAM. BOARD SAI.v;-!. •(MM.Skssion— 10 o'clock— N r o sales. Ukupi.ah Morniko BBMloif Seller '82—900 tons, *l-i<>«,; 100. fl 40»/h; 100, Xl 41; {00, *1 II' : 40t). *1 41. beptember-v!00, $1 42; AKTF.RMMIS Seller ' 92-300 ton* *l11: 100. *1 411.4: 1000. *UP,,; Beptember-W. $1 42%. liuyer December-100, *i 45Vi BAKI-KY— Its gradual decline No 1 Feed. WVMPS%«i choice bright da ;tso s dart Coast. Me; llrewlng. 87>/,c«sl 02v«; Chevalier, nominal. \u25a0•. . <-M.l. HOARD 14A1.K-J 10 T 6\ r o°n' s rß3*Ar iOSf ~ 10 °' cIOCk -Seller '92. new- BSafS, 01 *" \u25a0•"*• Sw»ioN-October-100 tons. akt'krsoon Session -Seller '02 ncw-noo tons 933ic: 100.93%: new. June-100 95il7 000t0nSt fi'Ais- st.a-ly at the Improved M&m White \u26661 nu§i 46 « ctl far good to choice. «?50«i M fancy and $1 27Mi@l 30 for ci.mlSo ; 1 to XwgisS& fl M@l ™* C " ! «'vl \u2666" 30® COKN—Negiectatf -.i '1 unhanged« ' Yf UVE-Qa->iedat#l lit^l 30^?tl »U lor the t>»»t »»<1 MIUDLINUS-Quoted M $->o ftoaai %* tor,. HAV-horurtherchaage ycsterdayl All tbO'en- ll.iythiti far U preen iind fiat. ft«»wiMi »ot I 1 60: New Oaf, *V4B» 50. OM Htr l" qno*?!ft Vll »14 •» ten for Wheat, «io«l3 f or ("inpr^t-S 110 01 a for Ost. «"1(>913 for wo«u Xd Oat aicftia /or ©l'o d for ,-tJc^ 111 '* Or te^H^«*«S4»s, . MUAW-Qooted at 45@G0e9u»]& >t ?;*,ii« 4-3 60. \u25a0 rhe mi is sell unraki MiJai »t »•»% 1 wt<j) 3 75 ctl: Ilf»*o Mo« sura, $34*3 £5 v rtl* riax \u25a0 f.ifa^nujc-. Kape, !^asej lif,,,r?i;*c; Tim- olijy, i>'<) r if" D. : -\u25a0"•' :\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0'•.\u25a0. - : URI El) i-}". «««-.v»-*»." tt \io^il 40 H ct»: Green, J'.Ut3KWHEAT-Quui«d»t «JU3 W.I. - OOKNMKAb. ETC.-Tabla M«ai nuoUM at -iffi-tWi! * ttt-. retdCom,f2Sfio@aji, cracked Cort "r'alu @SO V ton: ilom'.ny. 4%®4»i« >", M r orn< .*" t> . *°. MEANS- Jlayov «^j J^/ij l*ea« "•>v»'» 85 . Urge Wbite,f * 25x32 40: B«nii wMt*" aa'.Vj^. So: cjij at, ;^t. Ctl: New reerless, 50@75c; New K.rly Rose, la sacks, 8&©»5e: inboxes, O«c@»l 25 t* - v. O.MO.NS-Lower again at «i •.?•(\u25a0 ¥> ctl. I'l'KK Prices continue to advance and the market is very firm. Fancy creamery, "2i!@-S2Voc; dairy—squares, •_' lv•."_'<• : fancy roll. *20@'Jle "$ V>; good to choice. lsfejiSie; common to fair, 1531T'/j<*. CHEESE— In i.r e siipplv an I weak. l;iir to choice mild' new is quotabie at 7@!HV<vl» c>{ old, nominal; Young Americas, £@10c: cased Cheese, Vie additional: Kastern. 12V.jf^Hc V !f>. POULTRY— change of any consequence yester- d y. Market rules firm. I.lye Turkey* »re (|iiot- ableat 176*1»v >* ir. for SobM«n and il.'.Dl7c"r< m for Hens; Geese. V pair. *1 25i#l 50: Goslings. 1 1 6..(i}-:-':>tt lor old and *u'@7 for young: Hens. $7(5t8: Uoosters, yonng. $9@l'J 1* doz: no old, i7(rt7 5»; Kryern, $'J 6l'@a; Jiroliers, Jfy!<B<s tor targe and $2 :»"(/>! t* dozen for small. GAME—Hare. $1 -J.Va.l 00; K^l-b ti, if I 50 for Cottont-il!s and- SI 36 % dozen for small. EUUS-Steauy hum uucaansted. Kast«rn, IHVj® lHi v.c V dozeu. CallfortiU are quoted at IC'i-JO for store and iil®23c V dozen for ranch. HO.NEY-Extractert. 60« c for amber ml BVfe«!> 6*4* for bright. Comb is quoted at 10@13c tor while In :-tr> frames and S^lOc In 2-m frames. KKKSWAX-Quoted at 25@28e V 16. iKESU FKUlX— Receipts of Apricot* yesterday were 1233 boxes and of Cherries 7184 boxes. Apri- cots were lower and Cherries weak. Peaches also declined. Kernes were linn. Blackberries, 01 V drawer; Apples, 6O*7s<' I. box; l'eachea, 75c@$l; Cherry Plums, 60@65c V drawer; Apricots. H)(#tSsc V box for rTinirlesanrl for Koyals; CurrauU, ¥M'-t.s> cbe«t: <;<> isclmti i.s. 4(^se '\u25a0\u25a0' 11. for small and «iii3)7c for iMisllsh: Ranrtrrrnrt. >10«l7 » chest: Cherries. 4<J@6sc > box lor White, 40@503 > i>oi for Black ami 76@**5c for Iloyal Anne; Ktrawuer- rlfs. -f r.'^ltf ft chest forLong worths and $7(3 11 for bbarpless. CITHUS FKUlTb—Tbit market Is not especially interesting, the demand for all kinds being mod- erate, baa ]>ernardiiiO Seedlings are quotable at *2 oO@3 ifr box; San Bernardino Navels, $1 60 ©5 t< bnx; Riverside Soedlings. $1 wBCdJ: Klv- erslue Navels. t'£ oU@3; Los Angeles Seedlings. $l@l 6U Hi box; Los Angeles Navels. $1 60!*".' 0 box; Sicily Lemons, $t>@6 60; California Lemons. $1 60@3 V box for common and 93 50©5 for good to choice: Mexican Limes, $l(tss V box: liananas, SI &OI4A \u2666» bunch: Pineapples, $2 oO@s V- dozen. DBIJ£D fltUlT~>ofurther change. lie market continues In very fair shape tor sellers. Sun- dried Peaches are quotable at4@3c $ tt>; Uleached Peaches. BV%a7V4« * IB; sun-dried .Apricots, Zy 3 @sc lt>; Bleached Apricots, 7V«@'Jc D lb; Apples, s*sV«c V 15 for evaporated ia !>oxes, 30 ;<i-c lor slued and VV<!@3c for quartered; Pitted Munis. 4@sc f* To ; unpltted VIIIIIII, 2©3 c: Grapes, Hi@lVie *i ID: Prunes, 4®7%e for 60's to 120*: iiitin an Prunes. 4@3c: Red Nectarines. 'MdUe: White Nectarine*. 4@sc: Klgs, unpressed, (..©7c; I- Irs, pressed, 7@Bc: Evaporated Fears, C@7c; Sliced Pears, 3@sc: Quartered Pears, 2@3c 7* 18. KAlhlNb— Layers, fancy, are quotabie at SI 15 ©l 10 "«i box: good to choice, BUc@sl * box, with the usual advance for fractional boxes; loose Muscatels, t>o@9oc fl box and 2 y a @3c %* \i in sacks. M is -Walnuts are ouotable at 4@tfc 1* tf.; papershel! do, 7@Bc % It.: Almonds, 10V 3 (c,ll\'.jc r* lf>: liardsbell do, ; papersbell, la ©13c;ChJlo Walnuts. S@9c: Peanuts. »ya®3c tor domestic; Hickory Nuts, 7@Bc. pecans, ll>/ 2 !g>133 for small and 15@lt)c for large; Filberts, U@ 12c: Brazil Nuts. ti'/sftSHc: Cocoiiuuts. $1 * 100. - VEGETAULEb— Cucumbers are coming In from sources and axe lower. String Beans urd firmer again. Summer Squash Is higher. Green Corn is quotable at H)ft£'-'oc f) doz: Green Peppers, V!sc '?\u25a0 C-; Keg Plant, 20c V n>: Cucumbers, 6U^9oc Vi dozen: String lleans, 6@7c?t 16; Refugee Beans. 7 (<.'.! c: Wax lleans. S^Bc; Summer Squash, 6U(^ fie f box for Winters and Cl 75 for Bay; As- paragus. S^<£3: Rhubarb. o<>c@<l 25 fl box; Los An- geles Tomatoes, $l7t@2 7d; Vacavllle Tomatoes, *! 7"iQ»-'. Green Peas, 4Oc(*|l ¥ ski Dry Peppers, 10 @llc; Cabbape. 40@500 ,• ctl ; Peed Carrots, 50c; Turnips, 60@75c; Beets, $1; Parsnips. $1 -5. Garlic, 2®ie V* It. PROVISIONS-Eastern Covered Breakfast Bacon. V2*/ t >l3c: California Smoked Bacon, 10@10Vic for heavy and medium, 124813 c'r* lf> for light, and 13V4@13f,<.c for extra light; liaeon Sides. 10®10Vic: Eastern Sugar-cured Hams for city trade, 13V40 1,l ; 4 c; California Hams, salt. Iiy 2 @l2c >> If.; refrig- erator-cured. li@l2y 2 c »' 1&: Lard, tierces. Eastern, all kinds, 83i@i«c; cases, 10' i'o,l ; \u25a0; California, tierces. e@oV4e: half-bbls. 9Vi©ayaC; tins 10c; palls, 10-16, ioy 2 c: do. 5 ir,. IOV4C: kegs, ll' i'd, l»- --%>. tr>: Mess Beef. *7 60@3; extra mess do. $8 &(Ks9; family ilo, 11 s«|-J; clear Pork. #I.» M)*-'O; extra prime, «15f*15 50: extra clear, 920020 60; mess. $17 50i'^18 t* Ib: Pig Pork. \u25a0& keg. t;«g>3 2a: Pigs' jpoi. $12&U 29 V bbi; Smoked Beef, ilVii!d )2c ?*lb. HOPS— New crop. 17@18c B bid. 11IUES AND PELTS-Heavy salted steers, 7@7i,4C >• it,; medium, 6c : light, 4>3»tVic: Cowhides. 4 VaC; tsalted Kip.4c: salted Calf, 7c: dry Hides, selec- tion, »c: dry Kips, 9c: dry Calf. <Jc: prime Goat- skins, 30@50c each: Kids, 10c; Deerskins, (rood turnmer, 37y a c: medium. 80®3^'/^c; winter. 'JO-aJ 25e: Sbeepskins, ahe.-inings, lt>a>'^sc; short wool, 4U@7Uc: medium. 70@90c; long wool, Voc@sl49 earn. Culls of all kinds about 1 3 less. TALLOW—No. 1rendered. 4«*4' c: No. S,B<4sl 3y«c: retmed, 6 4"l(><' F l'» WOOJ Spring \u25a0•Hi is quoted as follows: South- ern andSau Joaquin. year's clips, U®l3yj,c y lJ>:do seveu months'. 12i.j,15c; Foothill. 15(^17y 2 c: choice Northern. 18@21c: Nevada. !s®l7c ? it.; Eastern Oregon, 130170; Valley Oregon, 18'j$20c .'ID. Family lietail Market. Butter Is dearer. Me.its .sell at last week's prices, though fat Mutton and Lamb are getting somewhat scarce again. Currmats, Apricots and Peaches are in larger sup- ply and cheaper. Blackberries are added to the list. The Summer Vegetables continue to cheapen, ex- cept String Beans, which are not abundant. iWi shows no change. *'ollowlug v jut;call's regular weekly roUU price COAT.— PUR TOR. Cedar River. 8 OOa» t) 50! Scotch 9 00© 9 50 Cannel 1100f<4 Greta, '$ ton, 9 O'Jfdl Diamond . .110-.».> -prattle 80065860 New Welling- New Seattle. 800 HSU ton. r ton. 9 50<aiOOO Coot 8ay.... 7 6i>* Wellington.. 9 MI*IU Coke, 'f bbl.. 7a 9 100 i)ai«y -rnontTCK. etc Bnttfr.rhoicf -@55: Cheese. Swiss 30,a35 do. good l^>^l.^o Eggs, »doi 2U&025 Ordinary, d 0 ....... U)a.i2 i £%%», Eastern 'lu(§'i"i Eastern, >< tt> —<$ ; Honey, coma * 1b..20^'J3 Cheese.cai 1 0 I_' do.extracted lUt^lS Cheese, Eastern 2U@2s| ufa n n ••\u25a0 povsty. Picon ... 5 Pork, fresh @15 Beef, choice 12 '/ifi* 15 j Pork, salt 1 5<i> do, good SljilO1 Pork Chops. 1 ."••<* is Corned Beer B®loiKlb Chops -(.Ala Ham, Cal lJ(*l6|Round Steak 10uS12 do. Eastern :aHS|sirloln Steak.... 12W415 Lard (^ls,l'orterhoase, d0....17M20 Mutton 10%151Smoked Beef (»2O Lamb laSJ 10 Veal I'.'^lS rorI.TRT «ND cn'lß. Broilers, eacn, ITSJ Ducts. «>ach.... 65<^ 75 liens, each.... 00*1 00 .Geese, each ... 12V.f2 00 Young Roost- Goslings, each. 2 OWcJi 50 era. each.... BSCJ] 00 1 Pigeons, pair (<& 60 Old Roosters. | Rabbit W pair 39P 60 each CSH 75 Squirrels, fip'r co> 25 Turkeys, flb. 830 -&', 11 lire, each Hi 25 thl I It AND N ITS. Airier |> tt>.. 63 8 Figs, Smyr'a.n> IC@ 20 NiwApples.^lD «<<» l'JjUouseberries, Almmids. V!r>. VG«* aS |l 12 Bananas.* doa li^j 20! Lemons, f»d)t MSJ 35 Itiackbe.nrs, Liuios. V do/.. ]Oi'a} 15 MV> It' 280 Oranges. l^ do*. 2&i4 BO Chestnuts,^ ».. 20<£> 26 i'eaches. 14 lb.. 10 Currants, 1 Pineapples. ea, 25<i* 40 drawer 50a) 60 Kalslns. )i m... 100 15 Cherries, it tr. .. t;<j> 12 berries, Cherry l'iuhii, > basket 10® 20 >* ir. . .. f«d « I berries, Cocoanuts. c*. 10'u 12 I V drawer.... 35@ 80 Figs V a 4(Kg> 60! Walnuts, V> H>. 15 «0 yxmxTAßvxn. Artichokes, V Mushrooms. doz 20(3 25t %* ir... 40® 00 Asparagus. £16. .\u25a0•.4 10 1Peppers, green, Bcets.Vdoz..^ 15© 20 *• ID IS o\u25a0s 10 beans, White, Peppers, dry B>B 4^ Vlb . . . . 25@ 40 Do,c*iored,fta it<s - Parsnips,^ do* 15CcD 20 l)o, Lima, dry. il'otatoes, V ;r>. I'^ a 11 s.'a) - Radishes, 14 da Cabbages, ea... 6;ctt I bchs IS* 20 CauliHowers.eil £>fu) bißbalwrb. V tti. t>& $ Celery, %4 bch. M B|Bace,|ife 30.0 35 Cross,?* dz Ih-Ih 10-f» 20!M»rouw. f| n>.. Cucumbers. V i String Beans, IA tig* l'_' doz 75@1 25 !.v tner t~4i»a»U. I";.- PUnt. Vlt 30g) 881 9 m 63 6 Garlic. .... wa> lOiMar'ft Squash, <,r'i.<-..n.,rd«'Z IM a.'-i %* n> <$ 5 Gr'n Peas, *n> 4(o> 6 1Thyme. # 16... "!>'<* 40 LentlU. «4 !t>... 12-ia 15 Turnips, dot 15<q) 20 Lettuce,^ dox, 15(0) 20, Tomatoes, «* ID 15<3> i.O Uulous, V 1D... 4(* 61 fish— nX non Barracuda IM Betas »a 10 Carp - BHI 10 Skates, each... 25(<d 35 Codftsn Ha 30 Sturgeon H<d> 10 Flounders MO 10iT0mc0d.. ...... 204 15 Halibut V6l Turbot 20(^ 25 Herring -«» 'Claina, *&»"-- —© 75 King*** Hsj IOIDO, hard shell. Mackerel, \u25a0? m. 10S« 15 t* 100 40$ 60 110, Horje, V » >"'«> )0 (rat*. each .... 6^ 14 percn *** 10 |Do, soft shell. Pompano 75*1 001 %4 doz 373 60 Rockhsn am Crawfish Mfljs 10 Salmon, smka. -«» 1& 'Mussels. » art. I(X^ 15 Salmon, rresh.. -«» 15 i Oysters, cm H Shrimps «59 - 100 40® 60 Shad Bt4 lOIDo, torn. V Scaßass lOfa) 12, duz... 25^ 60 Smelts 10-^S —1 General 3l«rcTtandiss. BAUS— Tbe market Is weak and ouUlde dealers are selling at 7(<s7'4C Wool Bags. 3tM*3Sc. ijrii -|\SILVKK-Hl«lier at *1H 60(^44 V flask. RlCE—Chinese mixed, if! 4 :i(<H 30: No. 1, $4 75 (it l HO: extra, $s<gys 10; Hawaiian. 94 ti'i\. a", Jap- anese. $4 75 14 Ctl. ISCUAK— Tho Western Sncar Ronnln? Company quotes, terms net cash; Cube, Crushed. Powdered an.i Flue Crushed, all .'•'\u25a0hi 1 "f 1 . tb: Dry GraunJated. 6Vio V *»\u25a0' Confectioners' A. s>.«c: Standard A, 1 •:" c; Magnolia, 4 "-itC: Extra 0, 4Va'-: Guidon C. 4^«c; D, 4','ic %4 Tb; lulf bbls. Vie niuro than bbls, aii'l boxes VaC more, gan Francisco i\loat Al.-irlnt. Good fat Mutton nnd Lamb are in small supply and prices are firm. Beef shows no particular change Wholesale rates 'ruin slaughterers to dealers axe as follows: > « BEEF— First quality, 6',i-c; second quality. Be; third d«, 4(4>4V^C. \ \ 1 M. -Large, 6@7c: small Calves 7iA(^BVi& Ml TTO.N-Wethers. 7(*Hc; Kwes. 707' a c. " LAMB—Spring. «®3C %4 16. PORK-Live Hogs, 4T' @3c^ IB for heavy bard grain-fed; fxi*s'4C for ligbt nvera^9 do; stock llogs, 4i / ;,fe-l«ic; dre**ed do. 7M,@3e « D. KECEIPT3 OF ruODUCE. o Fkidat. June 10. riDor. or sirs 15,876 Hay. ions 300 do. Oregon, d 0... 2,17 2 Straw. ton* .. ... no Wheat, ct15..... .....13.17» Flaxseed, Wash.skJ 2.393 do. Oregon, d0... 213 Wool, '1.1 141 I'urmy, cm 8,940 do, Oregon, d0... 383 Oats, ctls 1.486; do. Wash, do 80 | USy-iilckjiivor, niss... 92 Potatoes, ski 2,141 712 Onions, sks _ 945 wtne. gals 30,030 ltt»n. sks 410 Brandy, gals 100 lir »creenines,««. SOU 1 uttA.\ wasisiin !>nt*a of I>oi>«rtur« From S%n Franelaoo. i it i >>>»<; iviii,i C«Hjpntf(lbyTKr lW4.,TisyK«jfr.Obron^««»f ml >Oi>(rume>,t >f«ltsr. 4 f»!ltarnnstre*t Sllll'l'lN.i IMKI.I-KJ X.VOX. Arrive 1. Friday. June 10. htnirOregon. Poleman, 57 hour* from Portland vli Astoria, 46 hours, pass and mdse, to Union la- ° Stm'r .North For'/, Dona, 22 hours from Eureka; pas* and indse. to Ctns Nelson. Bktn s.N Castle. Hnubard. 15 days from Hono- . lulu: pass and indse. to J D Spreckels &Bros. - likt i J«bn Worsts, Ma s.-.,, 63 days from L«iet» Eiußna; Sfc'o9 bags nitrate sods, to J W Grace a- Co. SchrlUinb .1 Long .Jiirgensen. 7 days from Co- qullle River: 140 M ft lumber, to Simpson Lumber gchi Christina Steffens, llansen, 11 hours from Bllilers l'olut; posts, to Johnson &Jenseu. S«br Nettie Suuuborg. Johnson, 3Dhours from New Hsveu; ro-tj,etc, Co Hey man & Mayer. Schr Gem, Often. '_" days from tureka; Ma *i ft lumber, tofl iwin.i * Collins. , _ ScurNor* Hart ins. Harklas. 44 days from tar- inen IslauU; 371 tons salt, to X Wilbur. Cleared. ' Friday. June 10. Stmr Uuraboldt. Edwardi, Eureka; M Kallsh & Nor bark Prof .Iplinson, Lorentzsn, Tort Town- send; Balfour, Gutbrle A Co. Sailed. Friday. June 10. Ktmr State of California, Ackley. Astoria. Mmr National City. Hanson. Kurelta. Suur Kureka, Smith, Wilmington. Stmr Homer, Butler, Astoria. Kiirksouthern Chief , sveuseii, (olliMiOD. ThesehrGem, bound In from Humboldt, drifted across the bow of the Br ship Eulomene, anchored off Vallejo street, and had main topllft carried awny. The Jibbooni of the Kuioiaeue was Ueut slightly. Domestic l'ort^. FORT BltAUG—ArrivedJune 10-Stmr Noyo, he Juue PORT l.ini.OW-ArrlTed June 10-liarli Ark- wrlght. hence Ha) M. 3AVAUKO— hailed Jime 10-Sctir Howard, lor San Frao Cisco. TATOOSH— Passed June 9-Bark Fresno, hence May 20 for Jiauaiiuo; bark Oregon, beuce May 'i 7 tor Nsnatno: ship Louis 'Walsh, hence May 25 for Muaimo; 10— bark KosciusHo, from fort Blake- ley for Sydney; bark Matilda, hence Way 27 for Nanalmo. Eastern Ports. NEW YORK—Arrived June 9—Ship James .Drum- iiionil, henco Feu 25, 105 days. ; ;. -./ Foreign I'ort?. PRAAVI.E POINT-Passed June B— Br ship Swan- more, Iroin London for San Diego. ocos— May a7-stmr Laicme, frSan Fran- cisco. Importations. HONOLULU—Per S N Castle— ls,233 bags sugar. l'Jti bills molasses. POKTLAND-Per Oretrnn— l649 s*» oats, 1088 hf sks flour, 7d3 ska wool, 752 bdls hides, 68'J ska flax, 160 sks wheat, 9 M ftlumber, 140 sits glue stocK, 121 roll*paper, IB pcs easplpe, 56 tons pis? Iron. 631 pkgs beads and staves, 41 cs mincemeat, -t5 t>xs catsup, 233 pcs pipe, 121 pkgs wooleus, 177 sku bones. 3cs books, 1 ox hardware, b bxs candy, 30 pkgs junk.1 cs tobacco, 1 sk coffee, 1 a shoes, 7 pkgs ginmills, 5 sks crawfish. 1 bbl scr.iplron, 1 cs \u25a0woodenware, 1 cs bouts, 4 pkgs express, 1 pkg car- pet, 2 cs samples. Astoria-* 10 bdls shook?. 32 M ft lumber, 100 sks oysters, 7 pkgs express, 1sk treasure. J.LUfcKA-I't-r .North Fork—a bdls steel, 1 cs md.-ie. Arc&ta—23 rolls leather, Ibx hardware. 24 bales 14 sks 10 hf sks wool, 2 cs radse. 1 pkgshafts. Fields Landloit—l Dx gloves, 4 cs eggs, 223 M shakes, 230 M ft lumber, 928 Mshingles. Consljrnoe«. PerSN Castle-Welch &Co: J D Spreckeis & Bros Williams Dimond &Co; J N Knowles. Per Oregon— Allen 4 Lewis; rank Lee: L Gaus Jr; Christy & Wise: O Abbot; Hulme * Hart; Vail a- flebbel; Buckingham, Hecht & Co; Dement Bros; Moore, Ferguson £ Co; W li .Sunnier & Co; White Bros; Kissinger* Co; Willamette Pulp & Paper Co; Crown Paper Co: ban Francisco Gaslight Co; Cal Barrel Co; O'Connell * Lewis; Saa Kranclsco Uas Works: Golden Gate Planing Mills: .1 15 Macauley ; Spring Valley Water Works; DTledeman &Co: I 8 Rosenbaum &Co; Holland A- Co: C F Weber 4 Co; Murphy. Grant A Co; Chas Harley A Co; L Saronl dc Co; Ksberg, Bacnraan a Co; a F uabei; Schilling * Co; Kutz &Co; C V O'Callaghan * Bros; D M Os- borne .* Co: li Kurnstetn Bros: Brown Bros & Co; II Tub Sueden; W* .1 Sloane 1 Co; Boston Uubber Shoe Co; B Hordt; Ciatsoi) Mill Co; Wetmore Bros; Wells, Fargo* Co: Morgan Oyster Co; Carlson, Cur- rier & Co: M B Moraßhan. Per North For*—Standard Oil Co: Holt Bros: W A SeUrock; A C Nichols &Co; Christy I Wise; V<i Conktln; M KalHh & Co; Chas N'elaon; Waterhoaie, Lester A Co; F Korbel. fur Lnt? ShlDnini lntrlllmrv* Nkk Eighth pivi. THE MQKNIX^ CALL, SAX feaxcisco, SATURDAY, JUKE 11, ISOa-TEy^AgES/ 10 I |Dellii<iut: Cimfant. >c Ami.! In the SileDiy I . I I -.inr-l. Gray Eagle aS 05.M ay June 1I Justice 50 16 .June '-'j.June 'J7 b .June B|.June 84) \e!lowjackct 61 2.s'..Tnne 9!. July 18 Cfialienge II . 16;. .July VI Mexican 45 i!sj.June lb .July 12 Bficher 44 25' June 17j. July l'J Orerniau t,i Mo June 10 July 11 Summit 12 05, June 20! July 19 jiuUlon 38 VsJ.Junea4l.July 19 oj.iiir «» 6l»i..»uljr .x .inly S*7 CtiolUr ¥9 BO .Ja | 71. July 27 (ioul.i A CHirry .• (JH; -5 .July \;>Z 4 Utah Con j 1«! 'JS.July B.Juiy29 Slern Nevada ' lor 251 ll'.Aog •-' Note— A«s«ssnieiit* of mines nut listed ou Ui» fcc&ril UU iit-liui;u>-!it in «SM *Tr»*KK% n*rri Hah* J w»r Hnmbcldt. iHuratioidt Cay. !Jn« 117 OAiiiClay Corona. JSati L»iuo....,.'Jni» li.lUvt Bdir'r 3 CUT l*w«b:«.}Vtc*P«l»«)Mna Jae 13, ?UMlßtlw I V 1 IUo JflOßlro.jC'tiiuft * JAp&u. Jn«l4, 3i*n|l' .-.I M:j Oresaa...... *;crtJ%n(5...... Joe 14,10.*i*is;>ear- -la>» AlasrrltW Newport;.,..... Jnn 15, Bam!l:u 'v'y 'j City > V0ft!rana.r.»......... *«• l»,la «!p Mi S 1 tmct.-i J f'uMiiwMt ton/., .las 15, B*M'UQw'r 1 Truck««,.;'Jf'ortiiiad.v.'....; 3ne 15, s?»c Mli3"a 1 B»»f*Tto*,v.lH«a Dlea« ..;„. Jno 17.11am BvlKy a \u25a0 e\ .V.. « «»x.».. Joe 17..:..v. .-..„ \u25a0 l (^hU(.'WU...iPort!an<l. ....... Jne lA.lnAMi^oa«r ' VTa'l* WallajVlcAPittaoßna Jne JS, :»A«;ltiwy1 City l'Aaanulraasina,. .....;. Jne xH.Vj Mlpiq.** s EnreKa../,.tlN'9M'port;....;,.jJ««» 19, S.vuindvry -j . AtW IaIUK bl'Ji... .11 m fill IMI\u25a0•..•\u25a0.ill " . .\u25a0- . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 , .: \u25a0\u25a0 . ., - * "" 1:^ ;a^u" -'^W Hfe* X....1 0 04 i-mJ IuSO »HW.(« icjllliyi! A»i_li!47iT»il 3 I.' t* v, KAILROAD JTRAVHL^ BAUSALITC^SAN EAFAEL-SAH ftUERTIN \u25a0in. in VIA "" ' NORTH PACIFIG_COABT RAILROAD* XI IE TABLES. Commencing Thurmlay. May 26, 1892, and until further notlco, boats ana trains will ruu M follows: From KAN FRANCISCO far SATJSALITO. EOS 3 i VALLEYan 1 SANRAFAEL (week days)— 7:3tf, ' P.');). 11:00*. U.i 1:45. 3:-5. 5:00, 6:46, «:20 P.M. (B 'indays) -8:00. 9:00. 10:00, 11:30 a. m. ; 1--.30, 1 :JO. 3:30, 4:20. 6:30, C:4S P. U. from SAN UtANCISCO for. fIIEEVALLEY(wee* flays)-":30, »:UO, 11:00 a. M. : 3:25, 6:00. 5:45. 6:* or. M. - . . (Sundays)-8:00. 9:00,10:00. 11: SO a. m.; 1:30. 2:20, i:"V,6:30 p.m. Juxtxa tiip ou Saturdays 3* 1 :45 p. m. _ From SAN FRANCISCO for FAIRFAX (week days) —9:00 a. m., 6:00 r. m. (Sundayfl)-8:00, 9:00.10:00.11:30 a. it; 12:30, 1:30 p. M. 8:00. ' 9:00.10:00. 11 :90 A, M. : 1:9O, :M>, 4:20, 0:iiO p.m. txUa tiipou Saturday* at 45 P. M. m SANIKAMISCO lor i AIKFAX (week days) H:')0 A. M., 5:00 p. m. f)daye)-8:00, i>:00, 10:00. 11 :30 A. M.; 12:30, ao p. m. . From SAN KAFAKL for HAN FKA>C:SCO (weel days—0:10. 6:15, 7:45, 8:15, 11:05 a. ¥.; 1:45. \u25a0%,.. 3 30, 5:U0 p. m. n-lays)—8:00, 9:50. 11:00 a. M.;12:00 m.: 1:10 .0.3:55, 6:] 5. 6:05, 7 ;0O p. M. Extra trip on Saturdays at 6:25 v. it. Fare 50 cents, round trip. From FAIRFAX for SAN FRANCISCO (west days)— 7:3t> a. m. : 5:14 p. M. (Sundays)— 2:15, 3:50, 6:05, 6:45 T. W. Fare 50 . cents, round trip. From MILL VALLEY Cor HAN FRANCISCO (wee* days)— B:2s. 6:53. 8:00,9:10, 11:10 a, m. ; 3:35, (Sundays)— B:os. 10:10. 11:16. a. v.: 1:20. 2:40, 4:10.5:30. tt -.30 r. k. Fare, 40 con 13, round trip. From AI.ITO for tiXS FRANCIBOO (wee* d»ys)-6:45, 7:15, 8:15, 9:45, 11:40 a. m. ; 2:25. 4:05, S:4JP- m. (Sundays) -8:45. 10:25,11:40 a.m.; 12:30.1:10, 3:16,4:35.6:00. 6:50.7:45 P. M. Extratrlpon haturdays at 7:00 r. v. Fare 25 ceuts, roaaa trip. " I -icto ?j ?> rs M-miifiaj I *\u25a0 r- O -5 -\u2666© "* *«—i * 1 a ( . x t-t ; x CSJici-r:^::! . b it ! -^o -isie^i- •• - " g s Su_> ;«—©«# : , : * /oSan Francisco...... £ | «:^'-= :.'-'° | o-* ;': i !,; _ _ . |_iO<!«sNNllo3ac \u25a0" (EU-'-l tp.) rfL*-!*'":' 05 '^ 1 - 0 - s *.'*.-^* ~ ><|,HK-i:*r.T«si' 2 :':\u25a0::::!::_ " fiillliipi « Vr k. U . ,-, r> 4«a. 3 *|fiSf!l|isJl I 5 : IS* i^. •= i* M if:::::::: :<< H I'- 111 •!-* *\u25a0'* - _"7 - =_• [ "s^o«i;«!OdncJ:* \u25a05 , < w -, -\u25a0-)-< * \u25a05 l ;;;»-.Jt»JSa3 - 3'»J From San Francisco... ? ' _->-J<c«>»aV-»_oi (Head Down) « j si§S^3£©KS^SciS \u0084 :|jS3f3aKl - . - •. Jo + --»<>o- ::: :* 0 .acisssj-i'J ::: : . I « -.--.r^-i .. \u25a0 ..« excursi BATES: r_ .-Day Excurslau— »and trip Tickets, to ai<l from ail stations, at 25 9 eT »5 reduction frjia pi \u25a0 i- tar Mi' rate. / Friday to Monday -irf -Rour.-1-trlp TlcVata bo loo Fridays. B»tur<t*a and Sundays, eooi to return following Hoa&f Tocaiotna aud runt K«/rs. $1 25; Tonia 4- 00; Howards, $'. 60; Csziflero $3 00. Suaday Excursion— Rou»i-tnp rirkets.srooa oa day sold only: Camp Taf^r. -toon ar.d rolnt Keyes 8100: Tomal*. fl 60; HovrarJs, J. 00; Duncan 7 Mill and C*gi*ro. It 50. . STAGE gTnNECTIONS. States leave Caia'le: *Hy on arrival of 9:f)J a. v. , from San Fr«oeU( w»ek days, and 8.-0J a. m. train on Sundays, / r Stewarts Point, uaalals, I'olut Arena. Culls* Coy«, Navarre Memloclna City. Fort gfiaiy' 1 points on the North Oo_rt. WILLIAM ÜBAVeT" F. B. LAT: General Manfr. Gen. Pass. ft Tltt. Ait. General Of*y. '4 Sautom- Sirtct. 6AN FRANCIiCO AND N. P. RAILWAY; "Th« Jiouace JBroad-Gaug* Kouta." ' nOMMKNCIf BUNOAY * PKIf. 1592, \J and until iv -»''f notice, boats and trains will le»T» from and five at tae San Franclica Passea> F«r Depot, Mar'J;street wnarf, as follows: From San Cisco for Point Tlburou, i Beli^ere and San Raf <el. WEEK DAy»/:40. 9:20, 11:20 a. »c : 1:30. 3:88, BUNDa Byl-»0,8 y1-»0, 9:30. 11x00 a. M.i 1:30. 3:30, iUNDAYS-si, 9:30, 11:00 a. K.| 1:30. 3:30. 8:00.8:19 If- From Rafael for S«n Francisco. I WIKK DAY-«:is. 7:55. 9:?. U. 11:30 A. M . : 1:40, 3:40. 6:W-X< SATCBDAY ONLT-An extra triDit 6 1) p. m. BCNDAYS->:10. 8:40, 11:10 A.M.: 1:40, 3:4 ft 6:00, 6»>- H. From >lnt Tlburon to San FranesBC->. WEEK DA»-b:5O, 8:20.9:55. 11:55 A. it:i:O3. 405 {>» P. M SATURDAYS ONLY— An ex- tr_trli*B:3s P.M. BCNUAVrt»:3S, 10:05, 11:35 a. M.; 2:05, 4:03, 6 :30. «>0 P. n. Ui"J~ I " Arrive Ban Fra-laco. | San Fra!.cisc.->. DesUnatloa. \u25a0 WkkiJcm- \u25a0 Sun *- I >YE« I D A vs. »aT». days. | Days. 7-40 AM TOO AMI retaluiaa 10:40 am 8:50 8 : 30 p»*:Soa_[ and 6:05 cm; 10:30 a a 6:05 r;3:00 pm | Santa Rosa. 7:25 pm' 6:10 1-1 ' ' - Fulton, ' Windsor. 7:40a. Healdsburg. 10-t'J«<? / 8:30 r'8:00 am LittonSprliigs 7:25 pm 6:lOpK , i Cloverdale I ) and i | (Way Stations. I 7:40 i;B:ooAV|Hopiand anil 7:25 tx\ tJsIOPiI _ ', 1 1 ITUah. j I « 7:4', MM :00 am I Uu.r&eviUo. I 7;25pm|10:30 a* 3 -I* M : I I I 6:10 7:< .m 8:00 am Sonoma 10 .40 ami 8:50 ax \ 6-f"M s:oopu and 6:05 pm 6:10 PX - I Glen Ellen. I ' 8:00 ami SebastopoL 10:40 ami 10 :3l> am 3\j fm 5:OUfMj | 8:05 pm I 6:10 h_i j ligta connect at »_nta Kosa for Mark West B<t>rs: at UeyserTl le for Skats' Springs. Stew Point, Ciualala aud Point Arena: at CloTerd;ile f J the Geysers; at PleU for Midland Spring*, jiseyville, Soda Hay, La'ccport and Marti-;: yings; at Hopland for Lakeport and Hurl ;i arlnirs; at Ukiah for Vlcny Springs, Bsrai *-» prints. Blue lakes, witter »r>rln*s, CppflrLake, - jikeport, WUllttv Ca_M, Menaocino City. Fort JraKff. Westport. Usal. ilydesvllle and EureVa. EXCI'KMdN TICKETS from Saturdays to Moa. Says— To Petatnma, $1 60; to Santa Rosa, $2 25 ; to Healdsburg, $3 40; to Cloverda'e, $4 50; to Hop* land. $5 70; to I Ulan. $6 75: to Sebastopol, .?-' 7*: to Uuerneville, $3 75; to Sonoma, $1 60; to Ulea Ellen. $1 SO. . EXCURSION TICKETS, eood for Sundays only, to Feialuina, $1; to Santa Rosa. $1 5 >; to Hew:* burg. *2 .5: to CioverU_;e. ($3; to rxiah. $4 50: ta Holland. 93 SO; to Seoastopol, fl B0; to Ouerne> rllle,&'l50: to Sonoma. $1; to Glen Kllen, Ji 2J. H O. \u25a0WHITING. PETER J. McQLYSN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Paas. A Tkt A^C. Ticket offices at ferry, 36 Montgomery st an I 3 Sow Moatgomeir St. 'ATLANTIO AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. * ttfoatgomery FK ROUTE. J\ LANTIG AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. - SANTA FK ROUTE. rfKAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVEAT SAN FRAN***"" JL Cisco (Mar-et-s;reet Ferry): T\~ NOV. 1, 1801. fABBin Daily. / ' \ Daily. 0 :OO f.. Fast Express Tla Mojave 12:15 9 9:00 a. .Atlantic Express ri» I.on Angeles.. 8:45 » "Tio— st Offlc*— 64o Market street, chronicle BnlTs Uc. 8. F, W. A IUS^KLL, JLkr Qsatr>l_Fjus«as«r A_caW_ SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY (PACIFIC SYSTEM). Trains Leave and ore Due to Arrive at SAN FRANCISCO. / . J.KAVK KROM JUNK 1. 1893 ark v\ 7:OOa I^enliia. Kumsey. Sacramento 7:15p 7 (.u Hay wards, Ml«s and Sa.i Jose ... •_. .5f 7 :30a Mart:nes. San lUmon, Callitoga and Santa Hosa C:lsp 8:0Oa Sacramento* Kedilin?, tli Darts 7:15? SK)Oa First and Second ctaas for Ujrden tied Kast, and -class locally 9:15? 8:30 a Mies. San .lose, Stockton. lone. Sacramento, Marysvllie, Oro- i vllleand Red Bluff 4:43? \ 9:00 a Sunset lioute. Atlantic Express, I Sauia liarUara. Los Anj;al«s, \ Bemlr.jr, F.J Pjso. New Urleaai I ant! : 5?45» 1 i*«oii Ilarward', KiSMar.filJTwaTore". 1 7-.15P { , 'laWf Sacr»m*ato Hl*«r St«a;n«a-s *9?Mr | 1:30p V3lljjo.iiealcia tn-1Mitrxinei Vi-.Otf \u25a0\u25a0. I: 8 :»0r Hay wards, Nile* iaa S»« Jcj«. ... 9:15 1 Jl 4-.OU.- Martlae*. T\_in Itaisor, * Stocs;on 9:1} \ At \u25a0SAKJr \'-tii#Jo. ."»Uitt>^.«. !•"! Vft.i;j t,-. 1 Kj . SaiU.iKi-.-a... B:*** I 4:30p lw-i! !'•!», Vac«viiie & SMraasnto lOtiJfc I 4-JOp •\v»i>'il*n<i aeftoroTltle \u25a0 li»»4^i I 1 •4:?Os' Slles and Ll»erm»r». \u0084.»,. ~*S: I; v j 6;00-'. Los Aar/nia» "ixprew. Fre?s^."Ba- <.^V»o>Jl^ # J ) i;2Jiiiaxiar*aaiSLo« •*--:,\u25a0 * r ~Aiice!eJ... 12.13* f <J 'Mr Santa >"•Rent^, Atlnntlo Expre-a ' > t'tt £K.';n-c u>; t Kast I'J-.lSp \u25a0 C:00p Har« >t!e» aad S«r Joa» 7:15 a ' N:.:'ual v.a J^-,,., , tC:ISP e^Wr Ofrtlea Rou:». Atiantlo Express, Oifden _ud Cast...,. .. 9 lit J7:Oop V*liej« tJ:4Sir 7:fl>p toast* Itoura Jixpreas, «-*or*- mtnto, Hary<?:!!o, RxdJltij;. PortUnri, Ft^ct sows^ a-'td Eaa t B:\sk 1 *™ TJ ±l C opz DIVI SION. - 17 :45a Sondar hxriirsloa Train for New- ar«. fe»:i J^«e. t.oj Uatw. t*«lton, ' Big Trtes aod Santa Crux. .... 13:05? " 8:15 a NewarK, Centervil c. s»n Jos«. Feiton. Boulder Creek and Santa Crux C:2op •2:15p Centerrllle. Bail .'\u25a0"••'. Aimaa«n, Felton.ltoulder Creek and.Sant* Cruz... :'. *10:50\ 4:45p Centervllle. San Jose, Los Gatoa. 9:50^ C AST 1)1 VIS'.V-ThTnl and Towu»snil Hi*. ~»7TooA~Satrjose, Almailen and W;iy Sta- ~~ tions.... •2:33* )7:30a Monterey and Santa Cruz holiday Excursion tS:2S p 8:1Sa San Jose, lillmy, Tres Finos, Pi- )aro, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Pa* cine iirovi", Salinas. San Mifrnel, Paso Robles and Santa Mar*urit!» «, -—*"\u25a0.' (San Luis Oblspo) and Principal Way Stations <J:10p :30a Sunday Excursion Train to Menlo Pfirir and W*v Stations T2:tsp 3O:S7a San Jo«a sad War -Stations S:U-P ia:l6r Om?t*rr. Mealo" PmSi Way Stations........ 3:iCr •8:30p S*i Jose, Trea Plnot, Santa Crux. t-'.'luai, ;-i;,ntortry. Paelilc Orcro *ncl Prin*ij>al Way SUtton^. . m *J :,'K>p .Mc.ilo Park. San Join and Princi- pat Va, Sradons... «9:17 a. •4:30r Mcnln ?ark and Way Statloa*.... *B^)6a P:lsp San Jew aad War SUtSacs 8 t«* 6:30p Manlo Pars and Way MAtloas .. «:<?*. > f11:45 V ilo Park aad Prlnclp»l Way HUttoro. ••••••- *—"'?]; Aforir»*mliMt. i rlor Afteraocu. •Soodays eiCtf?t««. f£»tn«!ars eolf. lSand»T»<»n'r. ' Pennwompills y'V^^N. '**re. tlnj* r»U»M«. ,t-»t,.«<», Mk *^ < W^iiTO4i""»<' Ib*^ 1" tie* »«> '.»iti m«uUic\\S9 »^fc *2 *•»»» >-i-'«l "W* M-j»xtb*e». T«to x^ilr I" / ~ \u25a0 flf -rwiut «torf *«tta»»i:«. *'»»oiar I (\u0084 Jir «*«!" fef prt?tkmi*T», texamt.ui.:, a.~t A**** if -A Mali. I»,lHM)T*«a^tf<i»U. y^-r^l .' . -.- ;-Tst;- ' tititl? mWoATfy :.. \u25a0\u0084 . * : j Weekly Call, $1 per Hai AUCTION lALSfc^^^ tVEN'DELI. EASTON-. Oia VT. FRIKK. f-EO. EASTON. f Ho! For!! BADEN Is the Coming Annex to San Francisco. GRAND EXCURSION -g^j BADEN ROUND-TRIP TICKETS FOR jX/ DOF A TOR| /4 . DOLLAR! THIS DAY. I nld L»M I \u25a0 3ATCKDAT JUNE 11. 189.'. LEAVING San Francisco and San Jose Railroad Depot, f Corner Third and Townsend Streets, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. 31., ON A SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN! The San Francisco and San Mateo ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Hare contracted to hare their rails laid ana the road In running order witliin 90 DAYS from June I, 1892, To and beyood the Baden Depot of the S. F. and S. J. K. 1... which means that one-half hourly trains will be running from BADEN* after that period, and that commutation tickets will soon be reduced to»ay $;< per month. The Klectric Railway are to build a I'OW'ER-HOCSE on Mission street, on Block 10 of the property we OFKEK ATAUCTION. Free Collation on Arrival of the Train, AFTEK WHICH At It O'c'.ock Noon, ADCTION SALE OF 150-150-150 CHOICE Business and Residence Lots ! FRONTING Mission, A, B, C, D, First, Second and Third Sts., EXTENDING FROM THE BADEN DEPOT OF THE S. F. ANDS. J. K. K. TO THE POWER- HOUSE OF THE S. F. AND SAN MATEO ELECTRIC K. R. Which road passes In front of the property, pre- senting one of the best chances to purchase for BUSINESS, SPECULATION', or fora HOME, ever 0 Heit'll to a California public. BADEN will goon be annexed to San Francisco, and baa an unprecedented future. We recommend purchasing at this auction offer- ing .There must be a very large profit to the in- vestor. Itenjotnber, both steam and electricity are the agents for conveyance from this property. Sta- tions and ichuol-houses uear the property. TERMS: -ONLY ONE-FOURTH CASH ; balance in 1 , 2 and 3 years ; interest only 6 per cent per annum. FOR 7 4 GTA DOLLAR! Excursion Tickets at our office all day FRIDAY. June 10th, and up to 10:15 -SVTL'UDaY MOKN- iv;. June 1 ltn. and at the S. F. and S. J. H. K. Depot, corner Third and Toivi.«end streets, on SAT- V KI'AVMORNING,June 11th. day of th» xcur- slon, up to 11 a. m., from our representatives. &3-REMEMKER. SATCKDAY. .Tune 1 Its, is ttl, day for the EXCURSION ami AUCTION SALE. JirKKMKMIiKit. 11 o'clock a. m. Is the tour fer . LEAVINGThird and TowaMD4 streets. ; JB2-KEMK3IIiEn. IT you desire to make MONEY you should GO on this Excursion aud l'l'i.ciiA m; lots at this offering. For catalogues, etc., inquire of EASTOX, J.I.I»KIIX,K & CO., Auctioneers, 63)* Market -i.. s/p. je7 9 10 114t > t PERSONAL TAX ASSESSMENT RO.L Of San Francisco, 18p. J OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF TH j BOAR I OF Supervisors ot the city anl court/of San Iran- Cisco. June 8, 1893 L Vubllc notice is hereby given in accor iatr r viih section 2 of an act emit c :••.» act in reliflon to the assessment and collection of t:ixes u;ia per- sonal property la the city M county of Sal Fran- Cisco," approved .March 18, 1874. that "TheAssess- ment Hook of Personal l'r -|;fi :y" was completed and delivered over to me, a- Cleru of the I9ard of Supervisors, on the 6th d;y or June, A. D. 1892. and that tbe MM r.onr.i of bupervlsirs will meet on the 13th day ot Tune, A. I)., 3392, at 7:30 o'clock r. U., and coilinue in seston from time to time until tbe 271 div ot June, 1392, for the purpose of equalizing t.ses3ments Unrein and determining complaints in regard to errors of as- sessment of Personal Prop ny, and correcting the same, as provided In tlio..Tores;UJ and as re- quired ny the Political Coil-. he Assessment Hook ofi'ersonal Property Isnow and will bs open for e valuation from this date from nine (9) o'clock a. ». until four I) o'clock p. m. (Sundays exceptedi.tluriofr the sitttug ot the Board of Supervisors toeqf.ii/ vie as.-ei.iuen:* ou said book. Allapplications for rednctvrts of assess ar* required to be mailed in Trying and verified by oath. [Jeßst] JNO. V BUSSKI.L. Ciw*. OAKLAND OFFICE ...or r;u3.... t ! *CALL* 1 902 BROADWAY, Subscriptions ani advertisemaa^ received for the Sai> Francisco Daily and Weekly CALL. / E. A. COLEI/AN, Manager. / 902 Broad . j . DELIXQUE>f 9AL.K NOTICES. KAYEAGLE M;MNG H'OVPANY-LOCATION \J ol principal \u25a0 »' o or business San Francisco, Oil.: locatloo of irks; acer County, Cal. Notice— There tts delinquent upon the following described rftoet on account of assessment (No 28) ljj)*if -;>,. ' j"_]Miy rf April, IH'. the se^crAl I "amonntT'set oi>pn«U«TßB~feaineS"'oTtuB respective «\u25ba'«»>*•><'!• as Icilows: .... 'w -:' C Kavic C«rt. snares. Amf. ; Borrows, jl.w., TtM»r?e 534 7Oi> 335 OJ I rrows. A. %V«, Tru»t«»- 504 300 25 OiJ ' Harrow*. A. W. k Trn*loe 5T3 -SUO as 00 P*ITOWS, A. Vi.. TrtMt»t - . .610 5tH» 0') UArrows, A. \u25a0» \u25a0-, Trti*ta«. 611 600 Xs«'.> Harrows, A. TV.. Trust ne .-•G'J J 2^ ,| H^ Barrows. A. W., Trnjtee t2S «00 15 03 narrows, A.%v.. Trustee .«45 1040 62 00 Harro\rs. a' W, Trustee «'J» 'joO 1*69 I'arruwi, \. V.. Trustee... bi)3 4453 £22 b5 Jiirrow* A. W.. Trustee.. tW 800 25 00 SafncJTon. J. M, Tru5tee,.. ...503 4476 2a.H 73 H«v-art O. 11.. Trustee ..44 s * lOOil 5000 lir>"att <». iU 'Srustee. 449 1000 6000 X >*au! O. JL, irnstee 4>o 1000 60u0 •»;ocarl! 0.i1., TruMea ....... 431 1003 5!)0« Hogart, O.11.. Tru*»««;. ....... 453 fiOO 25 00 IWMiArt.O. 11, Trustee.. M..... .473 214 1070 Mrotra, 8, X, Tra5ta«..,......* v 3rJ 500 2500 Jtrnwa, S. X., Tru5tee. ......... ,5nti , Sis 25 75 I>ttrl»i«w, U..Trn«e«i,.., .....«, .60S 20» 10 00 Vr/iaeia, H. U, Trastee..«. t v...685 Jioo 53 00 Marfey.iCrs. a1ary. ....... ;,....48U 20« ISO'J Ut.jiMr .in-». 11. M. ............... 89 fcOO - 3000 Searles, Vf. A.; Trustee..-,. ;.;..31d - l»00 50 00 . Auti in arcordanca »rlth lawand ac ordt>r. of va» ; f!<-.jr.i of directors, made on the 14ttt day ol Aprii, Iffj2, bo raaay shares at escv parcel tii such stock ;w r\ :r !•.\u25a0> neoeittary will !iy»v> ! 4 «t publicaucilcu at the oftco ul Uio cu:>;>:iii' . rocia U. '3V ( Cillfor- Pl* »tre<ft. San Francisco, CjS. on TUKSnAY, th» fotirtemitn ; !-'.U:» tia? of Jnao. 135*2, fcltbo b^arot 1 ». M.uf !,»i.i <iay, to- p»y *aUI rteiltnt'ent niwest- tnftat taer^on, -togctaer wttU flast of^advertlaing ana expenses ot sale. <\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* .'\u25a0\u25a0-.-••\u25a0.\u25a0- •\u25a0•^\u25a0\u25a0v.-...-" \u25a0 .- . : \u25a0 A. VT. B abbots. Secretary.:. . ;\ Office— Room 11. 303 ; Callt<*raU »tn \u25a0 Baa Frao-' c.sco, C*U , OJySita OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHiP GO. 3HKOUGH LINE TO NEW YORK. VIAPANAMA Pteamers will sail at sony on the sth. >fc<ai 3ttban<l 25th of each month calling at *^SSSI various ports of Mexico and Central America. Through line »allluK3—June 18. S3. Cityor New York: June 25, &S. ban Bias: July 5, SS. City of Sydney. _ WAY LINE TO MEXICAN AND CENTRAL AMERICAN PORTS AND PANAMA. STEAUER SAILS AT NOON 18TH Ol? EACH MONTH, calllns at Mazatlan, San lU.u. Manzanillo. Aeaimico, Port Ansel, Saiina Crux. Tonaia. 'Saa I'eulto, Ocos, Champerleo, San Jose de Ouatemalj. Acajutla, La Llb«rtad, La Union, Aicapai^. (.Jtu'.i tan Juan del Sur and raata Areua& Way line failing— IS. at 12 o'clock noon, S3. City of Panama. Wiirn the regular gaiin? data fails on SaaiUr, tteaniers willbe dispatched tho following JAI'AN AND CHINA LINE FOR YOKOHAMA AND HONO-KON'* CODOPCtinpt at Yokohama with steamer* for bhanglial, aud at Hong-Kong (ur East lv Un, ', Straits, etc.: City of Rlode Janeiro.. .Tuesday. June 14, at 3 p. v. China Saturday. July 9,at 4 p. *. Peru (new) Thursday, August 4, at .1 p. <*. Bound-trip tickets to Yokohama and return ii.'> Oucert rates. For Freight or Passage apply at the ofaeo. corasr First hii'l Brannan street*, l^raucti Office— '.'o2 Front street. ALEXANDER CENTER. General Agent. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. DIFVATCIt STEAMEItS FROM BAX >s<l_ Urrucisoo lor ports la Aluxa lit fe»cp May VU. .Mine and Juiv 8, 8. 18. 'li. lor British Columbia and Pu£Ot Soanl MTtt, MaT 24. •-'.'. June aud July 3, H. 13. 18. 88, 28. >\u25a0 r Eureka, Humboldt B*y, Wednesday*. 9 a. v. i or Santa Ana. Los Angelej and all ray ports erery lourth Minifirthday, 8 a. m. Tor Hun Diego, stopping only at Los Ansrele*. SanU Farbara and San Luis OWspo. every lourth and fifth <Jay at 11 a. it. For ports iv Mexico, first of each month. Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery^. IiOODALL, I'ERIiINS * CO., General Agents, Itf 10 Market St., ban Francltca \u25a0 FOR PORTLAND AJRBTORIA, OREGON rrinE mnmi pacific system— a^x J orrin I>ivision —and Ai'lFK' nn^T^H STEAMSHIP COMPANY wiU dispatch from Si.o^r- ttreet Wharf, at 10 a. v., for the abort poru ou« i." Rt!r Al iron steamships, ru: STATK us i 11 •\u25a0\u25a0>!: M A—May 29, Jnne 10, 22, July 5. 18. 28, A'ißust 9, 91. COLUMBIA-May 23. June 6, 18, 30, July 12, 24, Ani:!i>it 6. 17. 29. OREGON-June 2, 11, M, July 8. 20, August 1, IS. 'i!>. Cennectlnff rla Portland with the Northern Paslii Railroad, Oregon Short Line and other dlrer<li{ lines for all points in Oregon, Washington. ItrUUS Columbia, Aiasia, Idaho. Jtloutsaa, Dacota, (Jus. Wyoming. Yellowstone Paris and ail Point* hail aai hi-utu ami to Europe. Fare to Portland— Cabin. *13; steoraja, *8; roaal trip, cabin, #40. Ticket Offices—l Montgomery si, and Pataca H> If I. 4 New Montgomery st. IiOOUALL, i*JtiiJi.lNH & CO., Rupt. Ocean Unf. 111 10 Market St.. Sau t-'raaclsca. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. fTH E SPLENDID SOOO-TOM STEAMERS jR-<£l^ lof this Una, carrying United State*, &s&Bt Hawaiian and Colonial uialu, sail truui * uijuui-ji V iarf as under. riii, Hovm.rT.'? <>\i,t. £.8. AY MB ALIA ....TUESDAY. Juno 7. Bi IP. VI FOE UONOLULU, AUCKLAND AND SYDNEY LjuKcr, S.S. MONOWAI FRIDAY. June 21, at 2 r.m. For freight and passage apply at office, 327 Mar- ket street. J. D. SI'RECKELS * BROS. CO.. '.'0 tf General Agents. COMPAGNIE GENERALS I|< A > 8 (TLAMIHtK Frfinh I in<- to Havre. /COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 41 NORTH J&*t\_ vJ raver, foot of Morton st. Travelew by -SXaaf Ilia line avoid both transit by English railway am ike oiscomtort of crossing the cii.muoi iv a'sui<ui boat. I.A JiEETAQNE, Capt. Collier \u0084 Saturday, June, 9:00 am LA 'i kaine. Ciipt. rrmogvai ; Saturday, June •j;"iiu. ;<:ao IAI>a:>COUNE, Capt. Saat«lll M ... Saturday, July _.i, 9:00 am IA BOURGOUNE, Capt. Leboeuf. ...,,. Saturday. July «th, .»:00 Mm ' tor lurther particulars apply to A. KORGET, Agent, No. 3 BowlingGreen, New Vort, J. F. TXJGA7.I a CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery ,ir j. »nFiancisro. Ki;.cfli tifnce. IP Montgomery street. tnr2qtt ANCHOR LINE. Unltoil States Mm{lSt. -niii. hip- Bail from New York every Saturday For Glasgow via Londonderry Kates for Saloon Passage By S. 8. CITYOF KOMI . *«») and upward, aci online to acroimii«>dation and locatlun of room. Second Cabin, ®35. Steerage, 810. Otiikr Stkamkks, Cabin, SSO and upward. road Cabin, 830. Steerage, $10. Dr.sft* nt low-.-st Current Kates. For I'ook of toars and ether Information apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 Bowlin? Ureen. New York; or to GEORGE W. FLETCHER, 618 Market or to T. I). McivAY, MMontgomery strict, SaVyranctsco. my 10 Bui V CUNARO LINE. t r . v.iv to Liverpool. <* O'l^mmtmrn, r.Noni Vier 40, North Kirn. J ASIS h - M MA.i, SvERVIUS. S<>rvla June IS. «:ott aw I nibrla, July 2, 11 :00 AM \u2666liallia lune 1^16:00 am Serria, July 0. 5:00 au Etruria. Jno 18 ll *• AM I Ktmria.-hilv 18, 10 .-00 am •Bothnia. .* na S». »W Ak. VB,"Utla,J»iT 30.1U;JW AM I : 'Extra stoasietv Cabin passage, f (, u »n«J apward; se«ond cabin, $33 i •nd #40. SUeraft* tickets to aad tram all parts of j Kuro^o at very li>w\ratcs. For freight and pMtajte i Kpply at company 'a »iace. 4BowllrtffOrisen.NewYork; ; -.VEBNON 11. M/tov» S ft. CO., Genera! A ceo Is. : : >' c,onl «\u25a0•• iinswoiia^ \u0084..1 ran alirars l»a *»;-iirnJ on appllcatiun to Vi'lU'lAMS, DiMO.ND A CO.. Jy^7 TuThSa \u25a0. | Aaeuta. *sn tranclnco. ' fiOYAL HAIL^TEAM PADXET C3. SEBAIMM LEA VM aIsPINTTAH. \u25a0\u25a0-\mj c^ m . fartßlsntly for tn , West ladles and s^ftg^ ttuiiianpuio, (aitlaa tv roau a.i Chef; •\u25a0"\u25a0*•< «a» jcurg. l-rauoe. via J' rwauf? ;o . ,„. Ibrotift iiiia al *L, *dlag, Jb c«inu««« \u25a0 ! trite Mail fi. S. Ccv, tiiuo 1 lor Iretgot* id *.r <*c i-« U direct jmru\a y.iv, i*<%<\ and Uernuay. >'-. Through tickets Ira i, a»n irrjincisco Viymosti, CLerbourj. Houttaru J,»n. Tlttl clxt: *<jj; tJit* fiajw, w; 6U. I'or li ttax jarileaur.! spvij uivu ni; 1 ,! oi-t^ w^ vAiiaaWj t ''- >t A t ;-'.f.. 4 . t 'V;v 1 R. LIQDLk > i 8 . . . 633 WMWBJiailsJii^;..:\u25a0 #;.- , . JV-B" Guns, Rifles^^istb^M#a.V^Bß| Mfo- seiiU thre«-f6a.; .-v«,ap fo. : ' '• " jttii « B!TUATBD IN NAPA COUNTY, CALIFOE!- . it t !?n Reacted by a Dciigatfal Siajje Bide 0?e? fie Mountains, 16 Miles [roa St. iieicita. Good Aceomoiodaticns. Aaple EatlJlcg Faclli'la ||y I A fi&¥£B:£* A Large S^mminjTaslc cf Ho! Minefal Water. mnK VTATCn? OK TI»->.»A MINERAL BPHISGH HAVE LOVU \u0084,--««*«» «. - T * "««a tel'f""^'"f ts«!rifo..<;n'Bi earw i>. tjueicf A«nic.a4 Chionic P'IIMCDAi- CompiSStt: " """• Bi:; oa •«.«• BU<1 '1« ai "> £i£r and KlJaef * INIHAL " iftetemperatup* or th» water Ufla'.JeifrtMiftdjt rwi,.-, c!.irc*<l witl. «-f Ell Ml 9 fl &*"-<.CarboniP Afid **a», u»ltiag itplo^aiiVtotJe t«»se a«4 g:?toKto lL l Cath ' rr ott Uet.gcJ/ olapuuulou. * nwii n « HIGH Ml NO FOGS ! NO mosquitoes i - * fe^gV'"* '"'*\u25a0 *\u25a0\u25a0 ' WATKIt FltCkM THE si'itJXfiS 'TJOTTLi It r.y Tlllj

Transcript of Library of Congress · 2017-12-18 · ,rMl> BO8«& Ttey»»«iiifg >i

Page 1: Library of Congress · 2017-12-18 · ,rMl> BO8«& Ttey»»«iiifg >i

,rMl> BO8«&

iiifg >i<« about 'em.Ttey »»« s

"ort.0 paie tnd Tsded,- a lk« 'ji Vay here, without'em

'lliSi• iKesoroer, aud siiailcdwV^Vi\al blacker sliaUder

\r '*''1.".<• >.- stiiiio would loot saducr''.',.. ititt- ood o!J-I»»hlou' belies.


•«\u25a0. eta'

<ise they kind <>'BSort •>'»> *° \u25a0a Her llke

'em;Amlltfiv ». whenltnda

Jtu;!' r \u25a0\u25a0 wburthe .a kin strike 'emIta*lvi«-^.liietninkiu'

<c U»flOa* '•* -^d to prow.

A."1i11?» • thro' tue chlakln 1

O!tunaua, Uoa'c youKuuw.

Ar.ii '.".Jn Itiiink o' mother.-A'iflbow :he used to love 'em.

AY64I!tbty ivuzn't auv otticr,

. .'tesis'jt !ound 'em up above cm,\;;'.i hsr «y. ?. afore .^he sluit em.-AV.nKnu.-1 withasmile, ami sainWe wSii p;:k a b'.mch and put 'em

l£. tar fc*iJ when she vox d( •\u25a0

b.;t. ts 1 v? iza-saj-itv*.Tbtf6!B no style ai>ot; em

Xext Ti-.'.S) or ;layl'i1,Uut 1 ivviUn't be without 'em;

•Csa-i I'msappier m tuese posies«bU the L->ilyhawks and ->c)i

Ttar. the iniinln' bird 'a UOSOS

IsSfe'Ju tfeero.-es of the rich-<tvvv

James \wiitcomb iciley.

OLD-SCHOOL DIPLOMAT.Freder 'ks held n letter inher hand.

a been reading : without glasses.

\u25a0Ka any of the infirmities

Itfce f Her puffs and curls of snowy hairn-ri:uental coiffure of lace aud

Id-beaded cane by her arm-. c; simply to be the effective;f n well-mounted play.

rt. Lena, 1 have resolved tosp-iiiy :C- t \u25a0 this young man— ifhe suits


"lUoa'i '- : rrupt, child! Iknow every-tilog you i- jiQ possibly havo to say. I:ye nut ll\,1 jn the world 70 years for

AhihZ- \ti 1 know. 'V. have never•issen Una j;<»cng ninn: you don't know

whether yo j" can love him.' etc. All'.hitL*; ;e. Ifyou don't know himD< « yo3 v, 'i know him to-morrow,ivben rie nn yes. If you don't love'ilni Uow^yflE/wili love* him— well, per-h.:Pi :u tto if rrow, but next day. 1have:'.l;o?fj. ynii'ji . picture. He is Handsome;he >- oi soluble age. Ibelievo in '-ing;ij'

'\u25a0 !;: ir. djj v. hen they are young,

fclfcari Bc we!i (s 23. You are 19. Veryapltabjr^J.tdeed: Tut on your blue gownjpTor&ok youi best. As for young Bov>ea sbacl?, O.otai.i Charter, you need not feel£Dtfn,idaU'd bv.:ause of his coming. He is a\u2666iruve and ssbnt man; he dies not tccupyinait^lf vvith vouug girl! lie rests on hislaurels new. lie was a favorite withmany

\u25a0 ':aej:, but when a man enters n:idJle ageie drops those things. V ; lie willproba-

\u25a0iy Qpt DQtlcs you one way or the oilier."<-uug IJcvxe iaud yourself can come to an

sTfcilerstamHflg unmolested by his presence.The captain « id 1 willentertain each other.V»> shall lia>e many things to talk of. Iknew his father well. Nowgo. lam tired;i:>.:-\u25a0 cnalteied too much."

21re. Tredr ricks turned her cheek, coolanJ fujfoth ian old ivory, to the tuucli ofLena's Ire h j;ds.'

Good-night, grandmamma."A radiant -unset after a cloudy, sultry

day. s fr*:i treeze springing up from eftthe sea, {\u25a0 large, old shaded house reachedm last ai^r » louf drive and a day of dusty

rah rl. But still more grateful,Itfiiiuj i Captain KolI Charter and hisnepaev., the picture that confronted them intLt- vr.Je, cool drawiDfr-rooii!, witn its win--clows open to the summer evening, when,

•tf:t- ;. .- ci the journey removed, they de-sccnied ihe winding oaken stairs In theccti^r o! tho house aud were greeted bytho:: rioitess Upright, near her grand-rnoUi«r*d chair, ia her blue dress, with herfall:.air ina halo about her face, stood Lena.

"WtJcomt, jjtiitleinen," said Mrs. Fred-tricks, cordially.- rcungßowen had preceded his uncle— a.bnyiah, Tubularly knit young Hercules,fresu a color, confident of mien.

"1knew ycir mother well," said the oldiady. "Andyou, Captain Bob?"

Gently her p.i>, -tiii pretty hand rested!n that of the tan, «Jark man. He bent overIt,and softly, deferentially brushed itwithtiia ica?, black mustache, whose militaryisveep seemed lo harmonize with the bronzedline of his serious lace."Well, wci!," murmured the old lady."Just like your father, Captain Bob. lie,toe, hid tie manners of the Bid school.Wlntdoes the rising generation of to-dayknow of the correct way in which a gputle-wai should present himself before a lady o

Particularly an old man like me. NonJTc-ss*, young man," turning to younghowea. "Doubtless ifyou were to kiss anyone's hf iyou would prefer to kiss that ofttiy granddaughter here. Don't mind mychatter. What else can an old woman doLjttalk of t1 c past and its customs?"

The Madonna, her delicate oval faceaisappearing under a piok cloud of blushes,received udce her timidly extended lingersthe salutation thus authorized by the terri-blo old lady.

"Dinner is served," then said the latter."Give n,e jour arm, captain. Oar youngpeople can follow."

•"Graniicif iiima talks as though CaptainCtsaxter were as old as she Is, thoughtLeen, en Henri Bowen's arm, "and lamstrre be is uot 'eld at all. Idon't believejouran fnd one gray hair in his head."

Henri Bovren's first remark she did not:.; r.r, r.? Et.e ad to ask him to repeat it.

"Mrs. Fredericks, your grauddaughter isCiiartninjr," said the captain, after dinner.- The two younger people had gone out intothe grounds.

"Captain Charter, 1 formed my grand-daughter myself," retorted Mrs. Fredericks,

Tb9 car> laughed.•'You ire right. That, Is reason enough.

You have made her a charming girl;youwill make her a charming woman. Forsome man she will make an adorable wife,s"d,ia i-«r later years, she will be whatyea are novV

"2\c, Dot quite." said the old lady, se-renely; "Lena is a woman made for love.Iwas a woman made for rule, for command.

Elam a tyraut Oh, Iknow it, and Ichoose

to beI ILava yet to findany one who canr&anajre my affairs (and even those of a fewothers) as satisfactorily as myself. ButLena is different.

-Sue is a very tender

blossom, bhe willnever care to be a tyrant.S?je willlive for her husbaud— for his love.She willonly develop into all nature in-fended n«.r. for under those conditions.Therefore, it is necessary to find an excep-tional oak for my exceptional vine. Drop-plug all cietaphor. the husband who is tobe worthy of Lena must not' be the first•:bancc tor. If your nephew pleasesnW cou iuded the old lady, fastening herbright, ping eyes with masterful andhumorous challenge on the captaiu's face,"Imay cr.piure him for her."

"Uecri is an excellent fellow,"said thecsptain, v.ith some emotion.

He glanced through the window at th«two.young people pacing slowly up anddown in the moonlight.

'1 wander what he is talking to herabout,'

Uiought the captain. "His collegerace?, bably."

*Lcca', grandmother, inher turn, watchedher cor panious unconscious face aino-ment."Well, well,"she said, "we shall seel"

\u25a0 •••••\u25a0 »"Bur, Captain Caiter, Idon't know

i'/SE don\know why Ishould com-plain? said the captain, gently.Itwa-.many evenings since the night ofhss arrival, and it w»h he now who was

pacing in the dusk by Lena's side. Con-ecioua stricken, he told him?, lf that he badnoiierjtto monopolize that place. Wherewas Ofnri, his nephew?

"Ah' well,"he resumed, "you cannot saythat yoi always treat my nephew kindly—ajkindly as he would wish."

lie was trying to smile, but his heart wasvery J eavy. It seemed always to be so

Lent, with downcast eyes, made no an-"Peihaps you willsay," slowly continuedthe tain, still with his forced lightness,

that you have not known him long enoughto—to learn to think of him as he wouldwish. But—"

" think one must know—

a persona loag time to—care in that way?" asked

1.?. casting rapidly a slyglance upon him.->> I I—lttilnk a day —an iiour—is

often enough— often too much. if it is towake lie unhappiness of a who]*life—"TUft poor captain Dtasc-d. What— what•iaa »c been saying? Despemtrly ha strove:c --gather himself together. Tho odor ofiwskana rf«.-n.owo h»y mi ia the air.act? \u25a0j.ifft rtslle ol Lena's w'.iite dres& upon}SgfF*l&-2ltite,,ratrt «ad« ttia pulses beat.W* J hluiso-lf back }L»to lac way

"li-jtthat must ck»t hb whh r>ocr i?ctitl

1hope. Ifyou could learn to care even alittle for him the rest mieht come In time.

Hopelessly he floundered on. Lena, wroa moment before had flushed like \u25a0 rose,

had now turned pale as a ghost under coverof the gloaming. When the next time they

reached the end of the walk she left hercompanion and entered the house.

Her grandmother was sitting in the great

armchair, under a shaded lamp, readmeHerbert .Spencer. \u0084

••Where have you come from? sh " s*Id1;

"But Iknow. 1 should do better to "skwhere Mr. Bowen is. You *?™been «alk;iug wiilithe undo instead. J> v *{•£»"«•

E tiimKe. Ber uwse nerves gai

"Gran .luiamina." she cried, "you have norlßl!t-u<. no right-to marry me against my

?Ser blue eyes were flashing likediamondsbehind the sudden blinding tears of rebel-

"Tut tot What's this? Who, pray, istrying to marry you against your will? Areyou not very fond of this charming youngfellov who is so madly in love with you?

If you are not Imarvel at your lack oftaste. All this is childishness. 1 knowbetter than you. Old people always knowbetter than young people. Itis v.-rv sensi-ble to make their marriages for them. If'twore always done there would be far lessmatrimonial blundering. Ask Captain

Charter if1 am not right.""You speak of Captain Charter as though

he were old!"cried the girl, forßelting allthings in her hot Indignation. "He is onlythlrtv-six." '. '7

-Well, that is eld for a girl of youryears," retorted the old lady withunruflledequanimity. "Come, kiss me and retire forthe night You cannot present your be-fore the gentlemen with that tear-stainedface." \u0084

_ .When L«ra had left th? room Mrs. Fred-

ericks glanced at the closed door with avery curious smile upon her lips. She wasabout to resume •'Principles of Sociology

when the captain came in. He looked worn,

haggard and pale. After a few words ofpreliminary conversation he observed thathe might find himself obliged to return totown in a day or two.

'"Provided." cried Mrs. Fredericks, "thatyou are permitted, and Idon't at all knowthat Ishall permit you. 1believe you areall in league to make me pass a bad night.Here have 1just dismissed Lena in a very

bad state of agitation, setting herself upagainst me, the little rebel! and saying shewould not do this and would not do that,etc.. and now you talk of leaving me! Whatdoes it all mean? That is what Iwouldlike to know."

The captain, who had been looking at thefloor, with his arms upon his knees, in anattitude of corporal recklessness and men-tal dejection veryunlike his usual grave,strong soldierly bearing, glanced up at this.

"I can explain that which may seemstrange in n;y own conduct, Mr-. Freder-icks," lie said, with an effort "Perhaps,though Ibad first thought to keep silent, itwould be best for mo thus to do. lamafraid you will despise me for what 1amabout to confess.

"Oil. 1 \u25a0{ n't Imagine that Ishall," criedMrs. Fredericks, lightly. "Come, to thepoint: 1think 1shall be able to hear yourconfession without too great a shock."" your grauddaughter," ejaculated

the captain abruptly, and his eyes still con-tinued to study the pattern of t!.o rug at hisfeel.• 4 WelllJ


Well, Iknow you have other designs forher. 1know that Henri loves her— no. uotas well asIdo; that would be impossible.Still, he iibouud up in her, poor boy! Aud—

at \u25a0so you see that 1must go away.""1 see" nothinz of the sort," said Mrs.

Frederick?, distinctly.Tho captaiu looked at her ia wordless

surprise."Come here, '.ing man," she continued.He approached the great armchair. The

old lady's small, Imperious hand went up tohis coat sleeve, and as she ordered him tobend lower, he was aware of having re-ceived a kiss like a benediction on the rootsof his hair.

"Youwillremain here, and you will bemy crandson-in-law," cried the old lady."xes,'yes. Why do you look at me so? 1speak the truth. You will certain manyLena. Why, silly warrior that you are,don't you know thai she has not thought ofany one but you since she first saw you ?Youup Bowen, indeed I Savins; the DoHte-ness, Iwould show your nephew ho ha*been nothing iaore to her than a baod.wmebarber* block, and that was just what ihad intended. Iknew what you were.Was not your father one of my dearestfriends? Ob, well! Iknew that no onewou'.d make L.?na iis happy you! Iwishedwhen ni.v end came to leave her ivyourhands. What was it to me that you were36 and the child 19? 1knew well enoughthat these ditierouces are nothing whenthey are on the rightside, batIwantedLeva to bo equally convinced, to judge ofyou in comparison with tin

—excuse me for

so speakins of jour bepbew —whipper-

snappers of theday. For that reason Iinvitedyou both l:ere together that she might .«ee.But had Iintimated to her that 1 wishedher to marry you, the chances are

—such, my d-'ar Captain Hub, 13 the perver-sity of the feminine heart

—t!>at she would

have found some charm la the youngerruau— the. boy who can only talk of his ballmatches and his c lie*e races. As it is, allhas turned out for the best and accordingto my most ardent desire. Ifyou .irenotpersuaded, wait and see." She rang a bellat her elbow. "TellMiss Fredericks Iwishto see her," she said to the servant answer-ing the summons

lv v moment Lena, pale still, and withtraces of tears recently shed still oD hercheeks, came slowly into the rouiu. baohesitated upon the threshold.

Captain Charter had sprung to his feet.Mr*.Fredeiicks opened her lips to speaks.Then she paused, looking frtm one to theother. Suddenly she said:'•

Captain, yoo can explain all this farbPtter than Iran. Clmdren, go into thegrounds together!"Itis to be inferred that the captain's ex-

pianation was B . for Mi-s LenaFredericks has been Airs. Charter a year."In this world," says Mrs. Fredericks,

who still reads Herbert Spencer withoutglasses, "nothing is so necessary as a littlediplomacy. Nothing gives such good re-sults."

IN THE MARKETS.liow to Cook Pork Cutlets With I'iqnante


Chicken a lit Frovencale.It was a Frenchman who once declared

that ifyou want to put a man ingood humoryou must tickle his appetite, and itremainsfor a San Francisco butcher to add, "Ifyouwant something to tickle a man's appetiteyou must go through the markets of thiscity to find it." And ha was right. Atnotime in the year can a visit to the marketsbe made without finding a variety of eoodthings that would put the most crabbed-

atre*l man In the best of humor. Yester-day as The Call's market reporter wastaking his usual stroll in the markets hisattention was drawn to the bountiful andvaried displays on the many stalls, fromwhich the housekeeper could make a se-lection for a dinner on any day In the week.

Stopping in front ot the stall of one whodeals in pork, bacon and hams, lie examinedsome very fine pork cutlets and asked thedealer if he could tell him of an excellentmode to make them palatable. His replywas that that was not in his line, but heturned to an elderly man who had been inconversation with him, saying that he wasa first-claBS cook and could no doubt furnishthe desired information. That individualexpressed his willingness to do so. and thendeclared that the proper way to serve udpork chops is ala sauce piquante. His di-rections were a3 follows: Trim the cutletsneatly, cutting away the greater portion ofthe fat;season with salt and pepper totaste. Place the gridiron on the fire andl«t it get hot; it will never do topui cold cutlets on a cold gridiron. Putthe cutlets on the iron and broil them forabout a tjnnrter of an hour over a bright,butnot 100 i>n re. They should be turnedthree or four tltk*a and be thoroughly done,but not allowed to Vcome dry. for a cutletthat is allowed to dry ,„

as tasteless as apiece of broiled chip. 'Hmj cutlet* shouldthen be placed on a very hot dish andserved up with piquante sauct. Yls, yesyen want to know bow to make th.iv sauce ;well, you take two ounces of butter, a Mnallcarrot, six sbalots, a bunch of savoryherbs, a bay leaf, two slices of bamminced fine, two or* three whole cloves,half a dozen pepper corns, a littleallspice, a blade of mace, four üblespoon-fn'.s cf vinegar, hnlf a p?nt of soup stoct,a snriil lump ot su^ar. a Quarler tM»pooufuiofcayenna eodsilt to taste. Ina .uewpnnput tho carrot and snalot. which must bacut into small slices; add herbs, bay leaf,epicc3 and ham. Let tho Ingredients sim-mer over a slow Ore natll tbe bot! >m of tvspun is covured with a brown ghze; keepstirring with a wooden spoon and ."hen putin tbe remaining Ingredients. Let the

whole simmer gently for a quarter ofan hour, then skim off every particle of. fat.strain the sauce through a salve, and, whenitis done, pour itover the cutlets.

A correspondent, who baa evidently beenin a French restaurant nnd was served••chicken a la provencale," writes to themarket reporter for information in regardto its preparation. The reporter submittedtho letter to a chef de cuisine, who wroteon the 'back of tit*} paDer the following:Cut two large onions into rings, put theminto a sautapaa with one-Bighth of anint of salad oil and fry them o! alight brown color. Then add a chickencut «nd trimmed as for a fricassee,season with white pepper and salt, agnrnished fagot of parsley and a cloveof garlic, put on the lidand cover this withlive embers of charcoal; sot the whole tosimmer briskly over a moderate lira forabout half an hour. While the chicken iscooking put into a small stevvpan a dozenwhole mushrooms, add some chopped sha-lots, mushrooms and parsley; moisten witha tablespoonful of salad oil and a glass ofmadeira, stew on the fire for fiveminutesand then boil the whole down to a glaze.When the chickens are dove pour off all thegrease, add the contents of the small stew-pan and some tomato sauce; simmer tnewhole for five minutes over t!in tiro andserve, iorming the chicken inconical form,then pour the sauce overit.

HE OBJECTED IN VAIN.rreparluc Decree anil Findings In the

Hnl« &Nurcrot.t Case-Charles S. Whoeler, one of the defendants

Id the suit of M. W. Fox against the Hale&Norcrois Mining Company, against whomJudge Hcbuard recently rendered a judswent for 8210,000, nppeared in court yes-terday and objected to a proposedOnding.BJin which it would be repre-sented that it had been shown thathe was a party to the conspiracy by whichthe stockholders of the Hale & NorcrossCompany were defrauded. He did not liketo have the moral torpitude attached to himthat would necessarily result by such afinding. Judge Hebbard told him that thefinding would be in strict accordance withthe opinion of the court already filed, andthat the only mode by which defendantscould have redress would be by an appealto the Supreme Court, Ho overruled theobjections, and stated that the findings anddecree had been submitted and were underconsideration. He granted a stay of pro-ceedings as to defendant W. S. Hobart, onaccount of his death, and until the repre-sentatives of the estate could be substituted

THE STOCK MARKET.Jieyond sn advance lvthe south-end etocks there

was vt-ry littledoing yesterday. Trading was very

llfht and the fi^ht la the Savage seemed to havopetered out. No news of nny Import was re-ceived rom the Trout and it Is pretty generally be-lieved that the assays of the Coo. Cai. A \a. willbe about toe same as last week.

On the 0:30 a. m. call trading was very dull, only15 stocks being dealt In.withatot»l of 4-tiJ shares-

Of thess Opn'.r sold at f'2 45. Mexican 91 40, Carrya] A) Belcher 90c, Cbollar -15c. Con. C'al. A Va..\u25a0f.; 95, Overman 40c, Ravage $.i 05, l'otosi Csc BadJacket Sic.

Alter the csll prices advanced under quite livelytrading and 1100 shares of Con. «'.i!. A Va. sold upto 1105. T&o south end mines were In demandwithan advance at th c close.On the 2:30 p. m. call trading continued, fairly

active,but no change wns to be seen In prices.After the call the market continued steady andfairly active, with no change at the cloie.

XOTES.Silver was lower yesterday, with certificates sell-

ing at 89*4Caiid bars at tide la New York aud 10; ddinLondon.

An assessment or 25 cents per share has beenlevied by tie surra Nevada MiningCompany.

1.. h. Kose has been nominated for membershipIn the Pactfle hoard on the neat of Theo Lteber-

.til. who luteuJs leaving fur Europe.K. '••tie*. the mining superintendent, has gone

to the Coinstock.The Idaho BUotag Company of Grass Valleyhas

der 'ared Iti2834 dividend of $~ per share.>"evada Transcript: Agood strike has been made

In the South Manner mine, which I*owned by Win.T. Morgan, Mrs. J. E. Urown and Mrs. lluutlagtoiuThe mine is situated near the old ltanner. Theledge is about <.•!„•!.t inches aud is iuereislog lvsize as tiie woik of development goes on. The roclcbrought to town Is veryrich. It Is believed theseparties have struck a bonanza,

Dovvnleville llfssluger: Ihe ag^rejate cleanupsof ttie ISald Mountain l.x.Drift Mine for the pastmonth. 'Jt working days, and a like number ottravel pickers, were Htsi ounces and 17 penny-weUhts-$16,068

-I—paid for the g.»M by Scam-

man's bank, Downieville. One nugget weighed "'2ounces, and others fro:n oait to several ounces.About to man are employed, aiid indications arewry favorable fora good paying property foryears.Dlvidead 19. of 10 cents a share—^6ooo— was de-clared this week fur the lucky stockholders.'


\u0084Assritsmetit* Pvndinr*Tip listof assessment* now pending:


lclcvirp vere tee tales in the San FranciscolUtl1•

»i< >• -tcrdiiy:BIC.I'IAB SKSBION—O:^O A. v.

100 Alta 40200 C C&.Va.3.95 150 00h1r.... 2.45100 . 3ft! 20 4.00 ISO V.40500 BeiCDer...3O 100 D Mont....10 350 Ovrrm 40lOUChall C... 35 500 I* A U...1.101050 Potosi 65100 C1i011ar....45' 50 Mexlcn..l.4O 350 8aTa«t.. 2.05600 tf0iui..1.00,100 >e» y 851200 IfJacket.. Ss


200 Alpha 8611000 Del M....15200 0phir....2.45400 Alta 40 60 AC. .1.10 60 '.MO60 100 1.051 60 Potosi B5

150 l;*K...2.05J160 U A. 1.40 200 Sarwe ..-'.OU.\u25a0-O 8u11i0n... .60 50 1.45 600ScorDion..lO100 Chal C 30 150 Mexican 1.45 100 8AM....30100 UC*V..3.»5;101> Mono 300 9 Net.. ..1.05250ConN V....45 2UO N Cou)tn..2o 400 YJ»cki -...NO350 C I'olnt.1.00 300 Occta ... .4;100 94

followingv,ere the sales inthe Pacl9o Stock Bowljestenuyi

VFfirl.AK SESSION"— IO:3O.1011 Alt*....37 V,100 Chan C..30:500ph1r ...2.40V!OJ S9 100 C1'01nt....95 550 2.45150 40460 l.OOlOOOvrran 4H600 lSelcar 90|100 99750 60,vji;«H....1 95,10.> Kxcnea....i'u 230 BaTage.. 2.oo

100 '.'.OO 50 U« V...1.10 7.05SMMJ 2.06 30« H A N..1.40 100 SB 4M....J8600 Ca1edua. ..24 too Kentucic..l(t 300 30100 .'-'\u25a0 \u25a0 100 Lady >v.. IS MM)5Nev...1.15500 (,L01i*r....45 300 Mexican.. lV.- 150 Union. ...l> „100 4'» ISOOUCCId A:-" 50 1.1060 CCA V...4.01' '.00 46 100 UtaD 18

150 .4.0 200 4>- ICOYJac«....8-'200 Con N5....41 100 471500 84000 46 .00 44|100 90

untnM SESSION— 2:3O.301 Air»....371-VIOO A 0.. .1.10250 sarasre. .2.05100 B * b...2.0U HAN...1.40500 V.OO150 CC* V... 001 00 Mexican 1.45 100 SN0t....1.104000 lmo «J4 200Occl<! 45 10 Uni0n...1.15400 C .1.05 100 Ov<:rmri... i*160 VJ»c»0l M150 1.00 100 PotfHi.._.6s^so 87'/a

CLOSINU QUOTATIOXS.Friday, June 10-4 p. if.

JSId. Atf.'(L\ MO. At/cud.AlshiCon *5 30 Justice 15 woA1t*..,,,

_3d 40 Kentuct „ 05 10

Andes 45 &0 Ladr Waatingo. 10 161eiccer 90 !»5 LocoinoUTe .... 05

_Jclielsie „ —

15 Mexican 1.45 1.50l'cuton Con 1.00 —'Mono -40 45test A lielcner.2.oo '»'.(;5 Mouut Diablo..


I.fine 25 30 Navajo 05 15bullion \u0084 66 bO M'tlie 1.5ie.... 15 201u;«er . 40 45 N Commonwlta


Caledonia '2') 'JSJSer CJueen..._ 75 »«5(«Lirai

—05 occldeuiAi ..... 4u 45

1baiienga Coo.. 30 :<s'-i,bir 2.40 2.45(liOilar...... 45 .'•<>

(overman ...... 45 60Commnwealtn..

—'Hitter: „ 05 10

iwiUi*V1r..3.95 4.00;Peerless ....... —05

(on New Yore 35 40 Potosi _. 60 65<onImperial...

—05'haTage 1.95 2.00


UsJScotulon 05 10(rcwu 1-Glut... 05 1.00 Mia i;_ 30 35l:ei Mouio 10 -'» .Nev»o*.. 1.(15 1.101»»'. hierr* Mj»

—06 Hiver mil. 05 10

J.uieka. 2.00—


60Lxcnequer..._ la 2o!Union U0u..... 1.05 1.10Uouia A Curry.1.05 l.lUiuh. 15 VObrand lTi/e 10 "5 tYelilun »


Malm *liwm 1.3". I.4s'TJacEat 90 95Julia

_15 10

MJSCkLIanEOU3 SKCUKITIK3.Fkioat, June 10—2 p. tc.ZiA. AtkaX. JBUL AtK'L




—I<c uuia ut


CnUCoWBa».IOOV^IO2V« l"aelflcu?ht«.—

7«i/i,l>npnt-§t u<u.135 100 '» f )iMiic . -joh'm

—1i... ex-coup 91 m Mktonu&u.


lAUIMiKrU.100'illO (al-sIKK_ _

115ilirKKlias... 75 "105 FtUUuKr



jeary-«;tt K. 95_


Ml*slKi;6u 75M*ItX Bda.. lio^ll'ji'4Omnlbm U tt.



Prealdto Un_ 25 27ÜBinii>usCUa.ll3>4

—lalirurma Ins 80 ;«i",

l'*onKUds...llti/ ils Comtnertrllaa—

92i/x1*Clli:riMs. »4—

Ptreman's Fa.—


—Jlomo Mutual. 187Vi

—bt-KKA,rlzHdil<i4 105V3 State lnTMim


kPHKCa4Bai.ii4 115 Atlantic 45.—

MKKIMIIiI.\)H 101 cat l-bWder...U>a ]t<sM'JsrKCaliSds

—108 Giant Fow<wr 6H'/, 66Va; KV«»t«r6'l-lli-

lyMtl'o* 10Vi—

I fcTVfater4-f.. '.«> * »i vijroritPow.. 3V% 37/8AMloOalßnK. C2'/i "0 \u*caa i'ow..-

ISbank or CaL..255«y..261 !l}|»i>iaCMO


tslfcar«l>^»os *G%—


47ltr»tftat»aa«l7» 190 raiKieo Uira: 15r;i,


~ —I'i'J^CM Kiec wca. »V»


-.-17 .Haw'B «•«... 114, 3

!Pac(ieß*n«',Mi, Hatc&'nSmie 3"

4Mercfi HB-j« 15 21 Judfna'fsOn 19

—CenirVJj* \r.

—104 ioceanic S «..


llartni^vT.. 18 60 \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 US *3_ ajs/ -.«.

b *•*»;«• . l>7^ »7T4;P»clB»-



£4C«atrataai... yur 100 i

bo.rsifti* .1 •.>•:\u25a0(.

r*oarJ-$J 0.003 SV4* Dorni*. OO'/J.fcLrett-60 CaJ Electric l.igl.i,lS^i; 60 do,16",i.. ArTKB.NOOV SALE*. .

Hoard— so Rajety Nltro Powder. 11.filreat—loo JUwr-.iau Commercial. 2. ;

Falirt Ii\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 (g, ,|.

\u25a0?<\u25ba Jsmei W»rni •8 drucßUt^llTiacat 7®

titeen street, wrjarrested y^st'er«lAy*oil}b*«foaplaiot of 11. ICoster, a^jeroc«r.£|it|7(6.Uuair. avr«cL


charges witiihaTJog swindled^hjtiput of St "worth of groceriM'byrepres^ntlairhimsoif as one Baumgarter,' an*eiflplw*viSpreckeSs Utos. «—: .=.„.-'

Cuptatlu :Bw«i*V« Book.

The i> '^i res* I'ublishJng Company of'OpJ»^* o(i the estata ot George I).

. c was a nioueer! of Airi)

but on the 13th of January, with 11. T.Graves, Lad bound himself for SBOO assurety lor toe cost of printing and bindingof 2000 copies of Captain W. F. Swasey'sbiographical sketches of early pioneers ofCalifornia. The contract price wag £1431 GO.Captain Swasey has received 150 of saidbooks', but has never paid more than Sl3-,and h is refused to accept the remainder ofthe edition.

COAST NOTES.Work on the McCluud River Railroad Is

bring pushed.

. The new Fresno daily, the Review, hasmade its appearance.

The Y.una militiacompany is- forming astock company 'o bftttd uu uriuory.

A sealing expedition has been sent outfrom Ban IMego to the Cedros Islands.

Tbe Old Dominion Mine at Globe, Ariz.,is turning out 3000 pounds of copper a day.

Kern County is excited over silver dif-cnveries in the east and petroleum depositsin the west.

no vineyardltta are alarmed at thoshortage of the grape crop caused by latecold weather.

Mmiterey naid 13750 t0r squirrel tails lastmoutb and the Supervisors have repealedthe couuty law.

There is talk of boycotting Feather Riverorchardista because they have imported Japsto pick their fruit.

Tho United States Government wantsr>,o<tO,oo<) more gallons of water annually atthe Mare Island Navy-yard.

llonry Littig of Sacramento lias suc-ceeded in growing potatoes on a tree. liewillnow probably turn his attention to thocreation of a peanut grove.

The ne jv ink works at Santa Taula willshortly begin turning out the black Said thatillumines the earth, itbeing specially desiredto catch the campaign trade.

I'asadena comt lams that the Santa IVtrains run through town without ringinntho bell. Must towns should be rather gladto have tho Santa Fe trains run throughthem at all.

A bogus priest has been imposing uponthe good people of the rural districts ofVentura County, and Bishop J. Mora ifLos Angeles has issued a circular letter de-nouncing the fraud. The false priest goesby the name of Father Lorena.

There may be such tin n^s as remediesworse than the disease—as, for instance,tho ca^eof the Trukee railroad brakema:i,William Kirby,who was cured of lockj.ivby doses of pounded cockroach, taken in-ternally. Tbe remedy was presented bya woman WQOSAid -he knew that the cure\\ as oettall and evidently it was.

Hopelessly Demented,

Ward McAllister Jr. has been appointedguardian of the estate and person of Brid-get (;;t!!a£her, also known as Lanlß, whowas committed to tho asylum at Stockton In1887, about which time she had been underarrest in this city for assault and had d

i |400 ca*h bail. The charge hmlong since ben disposed of and upon thesuggestion of her son In l'ortland, Oi ,tins guardianship i/rocoedin<j was lost)tutod that tho money miKht be drawn fromtbe treasury to be expended in little com-forts for \wr. An »ndeavor was made t

tbe poor woman attend court, butSuperintended Rueker wrote that she i->very emaciated and feeble and so dementedthat she could not have understood any ofthe proceedings.

lietignt-d Their I'osiilon*.Railway Mail Clerks \u25a0William A. Daggett

and Albert Palniateer have resianed Uielipositions. Tho clerks were iujured lv arailroad wreck nenr Los Angeles last June,and were a year's have of absence.Their injuries were so serious that bothmen are still unwell. They can return totheir places any tisae during tue next year.

COMMERCIAL RECORD.Friday Evf.nixo. June 10.


Wheat stea<l>r.Barley still weaker.<iats sternly.Corn ari't Kyedull.Hay unchanged.Potatoes firm. Onions weaker,

Uuuer advancing. Cheese weak.

Kfirs unchanged.Poultry firm.ClierrtM, Aj>rlcots and Peaches lower.Summer Vegetables generally firm.Dried Fruit uuchangtd.Citrus Iruit «iui«t.Gralu i;ag* weaker.Sterling Exchange Metier.Sliver weaker.Quicksilver marked up.

Kuclisli niimiMarket.IniMui,June 10.— The spot market is In

at ?s 3]/;d. cargoes are steady at 35s Oil for offcoast, Ua tiiifor ju*ishipped and 35j 6J fornearlyduo.


Tte Produce Exchange cable elves the followingLiverpool qiii't»tion» for No.IRed Wlutcr: June,

«s 10%4<i: July. 6s lli^d: August, 7» :;4d; Sep-tember, 7s '.id;October. "7-I*id.


•ID* lU.-Consuls. 06 15-10(1: Silver.

40*4 d: lU'iifi,<>yf .'•\u25a0>•. million into Hank offcngiand, 140,000. v,: -

New York Market*.New York. June 9.— United Stales Bonds. 4'».

116^i: do. S*i 100: Northern Pacific, 20^'8: (Jam-

dlau I'aclftc. 88y«: Central racific. 30; Union la-cinc. S9Vii Atciiisoa ana Sanu re. 34: Wells-1-argo. 145: Western Iiiiuii.94,5; fcHver, fcCe;Sterling. $4 88®4 BfJV>8fJV>-


—July. 91viiC 1 lour, steady. Coffee,

»12 10. Boor. 2*4#31-16e. Hods— Pacific'JM'. Hide*, lite. Copper— Lake. fill 85. Tin—Spot. IS] M. Le«<i—Domestic, »i 25. Iron—#l4l'ttroieuiu— July, f>4%c.

N'kyv York, June 10.—Hops are rather weaker.liUHincfti is of a routine < Values are abha.le lower.


Sugar— Strong and unchanged.Cos**—Moderate' yactiTe; 6 to 10 point*decline.

Pales. 14,750 bags. June, fIUIU;July and August.11l 99.

Chie-c" 9l;irket<«.

CnicAOo, June 10.— Wheat was dull and openedR'B@s',jc lower on better weather; declined »iconbetter crop reports and expected Increased' acre'age; advanced '.ir on reports of hot weather doingdamage inNebraska, to be followed by low tem-perature and rains: ruled !ne.;, an.I closedsteady at Vie lower. Receipts, 000 buiDels;shipments, I'-'.OUO busheU. liye, 7S@Boc. liar-ley, «l)«.

( in a««>. June 10.— Wheat— Cash. B3iAc. Cora—60V«& I'orn-SIU 52 Vt- lA«a-*U.!J, UlUi—$6 45. Wlibky-51 15.

Exchange ami liullion.Eterllns Kxcbanjre. 60d»ys

—4 SS3/i73/i

MrrliiiKKxcliaiiK'O, sight „ —tM>»

btcrilne l_:(narige, cable „ —490

New York Kschan^e, sigh;—

3"V4New York licliaiiKP. telegraphic...—

l^ViFine Surer %t ounce—

8!tSlexitau Dollars , 70V% 7iy«

The Week* J'ailnres.The Pradstreet Mercantile Agency report* 10

failures Inthe Pacific Coast States and Territoriesfor the week ending yesterday, as coin oared with15 for the correspond hi;; week or 1891.

Th« failures for the past week are divided amongthe trades as r ?!!•»\u25a0«: 2 hard warn,ldry good !tailor, 1grocer, 1 juiilisiicr,1 millinery,1 notions,1drugiaud 1jeweler: \,


Steamer* to sail to-day are the Humboldt for

Ilumboldt Bay, the Point Arena for.v<jndoclno, •''»the Crescent City tor Crescent Cityl The DelNorte falls due from Cooj i;;iy.'lieKrltVhIron ship (ioli;;ite,2'.'!»l ton?. I*char-

ter for Wheat to U. X., Havre or Antwerp, *«'ss.

I'rnduce Markft.1 1 nil:—Net cash prices are: Family extra*. $4 65-

--@4 75; isakers' extras, $4 OJ'iiH M;superfine, *- 75<&A V bbl.

WHEAT—There was same Improvement yester-day. Higher prices were obtained for millingandfutures also advanced. No. 1. $1 383,4@i 40; lowergrades, $1 :fs<£U 37^; extra choice, for uilinajf,ltd 45^1 50 Vctl.

CAM. BOARD SAI.v;-!. •(MM.Skssion— 10 o'clock— Nrosales.Ukupi.ah Morniko BBMloif—

Seller '82—900tons, *l-i<>«,; 100. fl 40»/h; 100, Xl 41; {00,*1 II': 40t). *141. beptember-v!00, $1 42;

AKTF.RMMIS Seller'92-300 ton* *l11:100. *1411.4: 1000. *UP,,; Beptember-W.$1 42%. liuyer December-100, *i45ViBAKI-KY— Its gradual decline No 1Feed. WVMPS%«i choice bright da ;tso s dartCoast. Me; llrewlng. 87>/,c«sl 02v«; Chevalier,nominal. \u25a0•. .

<-M.l. HOARD 14A1.K-J

10T6\ro°n'srß3*Ar iOSf~10°'

cIOCk-Seller '92. new-

BSafS,01*"\u25a0•"*• Sw»ioN-October-100 tons.akt'krsoon Session -Seller '02 ncw-noo tons

933ic: 100.93%: new. June-100 95il7000t0nStfi'Ais- st.a-ly at the Improved M&m White\u26661 nu§i46 « ctl fargood to choice. «?50«i Mfancy and $1 27Mi@l 30 for ci.mlSo;1toXwgisS& flM@l ™* C

"!«'vl \u2666" 30®

COKN—Negiectatf -.i '1 unhanged«'Yf

UVE-Qa->iedat#l lit^l30^?tl»U lor the t>»»t »»<1

MIUDLINUS-Quoted M $->o ftoaai %* tor,.

HAV-horurtherchaage ycsterdayl All tbO'en-ll.iythiti far U preen iind fiat. ft«»wiMi »otI160: New Oaf, *V4B» 50. OM Htr l"qno*?!ftVll»14 •» ten for Wheat, «io«l3 for ("inpr^t-S 11001a forOst. «"1(>913 for wo«uXd Oat aicftia /or

©l'odfor,-tJc^ 111'*Or te^H^«*«S4»s, .

MUAW-Qooted at 45@G0e9u»]&

>t ?;*,ii«4-3 60. \u25a0 rhe mi issell unraki MiJai»t»•»%

1 wt<j)

3 75 ctl: Ilf»*oMo«sura, $34*3 £5 v rtl*riax \u25a0

f.ifa^nujc-. Kape, !^asej lif,,,r?i;*c; Tim-olijy,i>'<)r if" D. : -\u25a0"•' • :\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0'•.\u25a0. -:

URIEl) i-}".«««-.v»-*»." tt \io^il 40 Hct»: Green,

J'.Ut3KWHEAT-Quui«d»t «JU3 W.I.-OOKNMKAb.ETC.-Tabla M«ai nuoUM at -iffi-tWi!*ttt-. retdCom,f2Sfio@aji, cracked Cort "r'alu@SO Vton: ilom'.ny.4%®4»i« >",Mrorn< .*"t>.*°.MEANS- Jlayov «^j J^/ij l*ea« "•>v»'» 85.Urge Wbite,f*25x32 40:B«nii wMt*"aa'.Vj^.So:

cjijat, ;^t.

Ctl: New reerless, 50@75c; New K.rly Rose, lasacks, 8&©»5e: inboxes, O«c@»l 25 t*


O.MO.NS-Lower again at «i •.?•(\u25a0 ¥> ctl.I'l'KK

—Prices continue to advance and the

market is very firm. Fancy creamery, "2i!@-S2Voc;dairy—squares, •_'lv•."_'<•: fancy roll. *20@'Jle "$ V>;good to choice. lsfejiSie; common to fair, 1531T'/j<*.

CHEESE— In i.r e siipplv an I weak. l;iir tochoice mild'new is quotabie at 7@!HV<vl» c>{ old,nominal; Young Americas, £@10c: cased Cheese,

Vieadditional: Kastern. 12V.jf^Hc V !f>.POULTRY— change ofany consequence yester-

d y. Market rules firm. I.lye Turkey* »re (|iiot-ableat 176*1»v >* ir. for SobM«n and il.'.Dl7c"r<m for Hens; Geese. Vpair. *1 25i#l 50: Goslings.116..(i}-:-':>tt lor old and *u'@7 foryoung:Hens. $7(5t8: Uoosters, yonng. $9@l'J 1* doz: noold, i7(rt7 5»; Kryern, $'J 6l'@a; Jiroliers, Jfy!<B<stor targe and $2 :»"(/>! t* dozen for small.

GAME—Hare. $1 -J.Va.l 00; K^l-b ti, ifI50 forCottont-il!s and- SI 36 %dozen for small.

EUUS-Steauy hum uucaansted. Kast«rn, IHVj®lHiv.c V dozeu. CallfortiU are quoted at IC'i-JOfor store and iil®23c V dozen for ranch.

HO.NEY-Extractert. 60« cfor amber ml BVfe«!>6*4* for bright. Comb is quoted at 10@13c tor whileIn :-tr> frames and S^lOc In 2-m frames.

KKKSWAX-Quoted at 25@28e V 16.iKESU FKUlX—Receipts of Apricot* yesterday

were 1233 boxes and of Cherries 7184 boxes. Apri-cots were lower and Cherries weak. Peaches alsodeclined. Kernes were linn. Blackberries, 01 Vdrawer; Apples, 6O*7s<'; l'eachea, 75c@$l;Cherry Plums, 60@65c V drawer; Apricots. H)(#tSscVbox for rTinirlesanrl forKoyals; CurrauU,

¥M'-t.s> cbe«t: <;<> isclmti i.s. 4(^se '\u25a0\u25a0' 11. for small and«iii3)7c for iMisllsh: Ranrtrrrnrt. >10«l7 » chest:Cherries. 4<J@6sc > box lor White, 40@503 >i>oifor Black ami 76@**5c for Iloyal Anne; Ktrawuer-rlfs. -fr.'^ltfftchest forLong worths and $7(311 forbbarpless.

CITHUS FKUlTb—Tbit market Is not especiallyinteresting, the demand for all kinds being mod-erate, baa ]>ernardiiiO Seedlings are quotable at*2 oO@3 ifr box; San Bernardino Navels, $1 60©5 t< bnx; Riverside Soedlings. $1 wBCdJ: Klv-erslue Navels. t'£ oU@3; Los Angeles Seedlings.$l@l 6U Hi box; Los Angeles Navels. $1 60!*".' 0box; Sicily Lemons, $t>@6 60; California Lemons.$1 60@3 V box forcommon and 93 50©5 for goodto choice: Mexican Limes, $l(tss V box: liananas,SI &OI4A \u2666» bunch: Pineapples, $2 oO@s V- dozen.

DBIJ£D fltUlT~>ofurther change. liemarketcontinues In very fair shape tor sellers. Sun-dried Peaches are quotable at4@3c $ tt>; UleachedPeaches. BV%a7V4« * IB; sun-dried .Apricots,Zy3@sc 1» lt>; Bleached Apricots, 7V«@'Jc D lb;Apples, s*sV«c V 15 for evaporated ia !>oxes, 30;<i-c lor slued and VV<!@3c for quartered; PittedMunis. 4@sc f* To; unpltted VIIIIIII,2©3c:Grapes,Hi@lVie *i ID:Prunes, 4®7%e for 60's to 120*:iiitinan Prunes. 4@3c: Red Nectarines. 'MdUe:White Nectarine*. 4@sc: Klgs, unpressed, (..©7c;I-Irs, pressed, 7@Bc: Evaporated Fears, C@7c;Sliced Pears, 3@sc: Quartered Pears, 2@3c 7* 18.

KAlhlNb—Layers, fancy, are quotabie at SI 15©l 10 "«i box: good to choice, BUc@sl * box,with the usual advance for fractional boxes; looseMuscatels, t>o@9oc fl box and 2ya@3c %* \iin sacks.M is -Walnuts are ouotable at 4@tfc 1* tf.;

papershel! do, 7@Bc % It.: Almonds, 10V3(c,ll\'.jc r* lf>: liardsbell do, ;papersbell, la©13c;ChJlo Walnuts. S@9c: Peanuts. »ya®3c tordomestic; Hickory Nuts, 7@Bc. pecans, ll>/2!g>133for small and 15@lt)c for large; Filberts, U@12c: Brazil Nuts. ti'/sftSHc: Cocoiiuuts. $1*100.-

VEGETAULEb—Cucumbers are coming In fromaiMitiuii.ilsources and axe lower. String Beans urdfirmer again. Summer Squash Is higher. GreenCorn is quotable at H)ft£'-'oc f)doz: Green Peppers,V!sc '?\u25a0 C-; Keg Plant, 20c V n>: Cucumbers, 6U^9ocVidozen: String lleans, 6@7c?t 16; Refugee Beans. 7(<.'.!c: Wax lleans. S^Bc; Summer Squash, 6U(^fie f box for Winters and Cl 75 for Bay; As-paragus. S^<£3: Rhubarb. o<>c@<l 25 flbox; Los An-geles Tomatoes, $l7t@2 7d; Vacavllle Tomatoes,*!7"iQ»-'. Green Peas, 4Oc(*|l¥ ski Dry Peppers, 10@llc; Cabbape. 40@500 ,• ctl;Peed Carrots, 50c;Turnips, 60@75c; Beets, $1; Parsnips. $1-5. Garlic,2®ie V* It.

PROVISIONS-Eastern Covered Breakfast Bacon.V2*/t >l3c: California Smoked Bacon, 10@10Vic forheavy and medium, 124813 c'r* lf> for light, and13V4@13f,<.c forextra light;liaeon Sides. 10®10Vic:Eastern Sugar-cured Hams for city trade, 13V401,l;4c; California Hams, salt. Iiy2@l2c >> If.;refrig-erator-cured. li@l2y2c »' 1&:Lard, tierces. Eastern,all kinds, 83i@i«c; cases, 10' i'o,l ;\u25a0; California,tierces. e@oV4e: half-bbls. 9Vi©ayaC; tins 10c;palls, 10-16, ioy2c: do. 5 ir,. IOV4C: kegs, ll'i'd, l»---%>. tr>: Mess Beef. *7 60@3; extra mess do. $8 &(Ks9;family ilo, 11 s«|-J; clear Pork. #I.» M)*-'O;extra prime,«15f*15 50: extra clear, 920020 60;mess. $17 50i'^18 t* Ib: Pig Pork. \u25a0& keg. t;«g>3 2a:Pigs' jpoi. $12&U 29 V bbi; Smoked Beef, ilVii!d)2c ?*lb.

HOPS— New crop. 17@18c B bid.11IUES ANDPELTS-Heavy salted steers, 7@7i,4C>• it,; medium, 6c:light,4>3»tVic: Cowhides. 4 VaC;

tsalted Kip.4c: salted Calf,7c:dry Hides, selec-tion, »c: dry Kips, 9c: dry Calf. <Jc: prime Goat-skins, 30@50c each: Kids, 10c; Deerskins, (roodturnmer, 37yac: medium. 80®3^'/^c; winter. 'JO-aJ25e: Sbeepskins, ahe.-inings, lt>a>'^sc; short wool,4U@7Uc: medium. 70@90c; long wool, Voc@sl49earn. Culls of all kinds about 13 less.

TALLOW—No. 1rendered. 4«*4' c: No. S,B<4sl3y«c: retmed, 6 4"l(><' F l'»

WOOJ Spring \u25a0•Hi is quoted as follows: South-ern andSau Joaquin. year's clips,U®l3yj,cy lJ>:doseveu months'. 12i.j,15c; Foothill. 15(^17y2c: choiceNorthern. 18@21c: Nevada. !s®l7c ? it.; EasternOregon, 130170; ValleyOregon, 18'j$20c .'ID.

Family lietail Market.Butter Is dearer.Me.its .sell at last week's prices, though fat Mutton

and Lamb are gettingsomewhat scarce again.Currmats, Apricots and Peaches are in larger sup-

ply and cheaper. Blackberries are added to thelist.

The Summer Vegetables continue to cheapen, ex-cept String Beans, which are not abundant.

iWishows no change.*'ollowlug v jut;call's regular weekly roUU


Cedar River. 8 OOa» t)50!Scotch 9 00© 950Cannel 1100f<4

—Greta, '$ ton, 9 O'Jfdl

—Diamond . .110-.».> -prattle 80065860New Welling- New Seattle. 800 HSU

ton. r ton. 9 50<aiOOO Coot 8ay.... 7 6i>*—

Wellington.. 9 MI*IU Coke, 'fbbl.. 7a 9 100i)ai«y -rnontTCK. etc

Bnttfr.rhoicf -@55: Cheese. Swiss 30,a35do. good l^>^l.^o Eggs, »doi 2U&025

Ordinary, d 0....... U)a.i2i£%%», Eastern 'lu(§'i"iEastern, >< tt> —<$

— ;Honey,coma *1b..20^'J3

Cheese.cai 10 I_' do.extracted lUt^lSCheese, Eastern 2U@2s|

ufa n n ••\u25a0 povsty.

Picon ... —5 Pork, fresh


Beef, choice 12 '/ifi*15 jPork, salt 15<i>—

do,good SljilO1Pork Chops. 1."••<*isCorned Beer B®loiKlbChops -(.AlaHam, Cal lJ(*l6|Round Steak 10uS12

do. Eastern—:aHS|sirloln Steak.... 12W415


(^ls,l'orterhoase, d0....17M20Mutton „ 10%151Smoked Beef


Lamb laSJ 10 Veal I'.'^lSrorI.TRT «ND cn'lß.

Broilers, eacn, ITSJ Ducts. «>ach.... 65<^ 75liens, each.... 00*1 00.Geese, each ... 12V.f2 00Young Roost- Goslings, each. 2OWcJi 50

era. each.... BSCJ] 00 1Pigeons, pair—

(<& 60Old Roosters. |Rabbit W pair 39P 60

each CSH 75 Squirrels, fip'r—

co> 25Turkeys, flb. 830 -&',11lire,each

—Hi 25

thlIItAND NITS.Airier |> tt>.. 63 8 Figs, Smyr'a.n> IC@ 20NiwApples.^lD «<<» l'JjUouseberries,Almmids. V!r>. VG«* aS |l R» 12Bananas.* doa li^j 20!Lemons, f»d)t MSJ 35Itiackbe.nrs, Liuios. V do/.. ]Oi'a} 15MV> It' 280

—Oranges. l^ do*. 2&i4 BO

Chestnuts,^ ».. 20<£> 26 i'eaches. 14 lb.. 6® 10Currants, f« 1Pineapples. ea, 25<i* 40

drawer 50a) 60 Kalslns. )im... 100 15Cherries, it tr... t;<j> 12 berries,Cherry l'iuhii, > %» basket 10® 20>* ir. ... f«d «I berries,Cocoanuts. c*. 10'u 12I V drawer.... 35@ 80Figs V a 4(Kg> 60! Walnuts, V> H>. 15 «0


Artichokes, V Mushrooms.doz 20(3 25t %* ir... 40® 00

Asparagus. £16. .\u25a0•.4 10 1Peppers, green,Bcets.Vdoz..^ 15© 20 *•ID ISo\u25a0s 10beans, White, Peppers, dry

B>B 4^—

Vlb.. . . 25@ 40Do,c*iored,fta it<s

-Parsnips,^ do* 15CcD 20

l)o,Lima, dry. il'otatoes, V ;r>. I'^ a11 s.'a)

-Radishes, 14 da

Cabbages, ea... 6;ctt Ibchs IS* 20CauliHowers.eil £>fu) bißbalwrb. V tti. t>& $Celery, %4 bch. M B|Bace,|ife 30.0 35Cross,?* dz Ih-Ih 10-f» 20!M»rouw. f| n>..

— —Cucumbers. V iString Beans, IA tig* l'_'

doz 75@1 25!.vtner t~4i»a»U.I";.- PUnt. Vlt 30g) 881 9 m 63 6Garlic. *».... wa> lOiMar'ft Squash,<,r'i.<-..n.,rd«'Z IM a.'-i %* n>

—<$ 5

Gr'n Peas, *n> 4(o> 61Thyme. # 16... "!>'<* 40LentlU. «4 !t>... 12-ia 15 Turnips, dot 15<q) 20Lettuce,^ dox, 15(0) 20, Tomatoes, «* ID 15<3> i.OUulous, V 1D... 4(* 61

fish—nX nonBarracuda IM Betas »a 10Carp

-BHI 10 Skates, each... 25(<d 35

Codftsn Ha 30 Sturgeon H<d> 10Flounders MO 10iT0mc0d.. ...... 204 15Halibut V6l Turbot 20(^ 25Herring -«»

—'Claina, *&»"-- —© 75

King*** Hsj IOIDO,hard shell.Mackerel, \u25a0? m. 10S« 15 t* 100 40$ 60110, Horje,V » >"'«> )0 (rat*.each .... 6^ 14percn *** 10 |Do, soft shell.Pompano 75*1 001 %4 doz 373 60Rockhsn am Crawfish Mfljs 10Salmon, smka. -«» 1& 'Mussels. » art. I(X^ 15Salmon, rresh.. -«» 15 iOysters, cm HShrimps «59

-100 40® 60

Shad Bt4 lOIDo, torn. VScaßass lOfa) 12, duz... 25^ 60Smelts 10-^S —1

General 3l«rcTtandiss.

BAUS—Tbe market Is weak and ouUlde dealersare selling at 7(<s7'4C Wool Bags. 3tM*3Sc.ijrii-|\SILVKK-Hl«lier at *1H60(^44 V flask.RlCE—Chinese mixed, if!4 :i(<H 30: No. 1, $4 75

(itlHO: extra, $s<gys 10; Hawaiian. 94 ti'i\.a", Jap-anese. $4 75 14 Ctl.

ISCUAK—Tho Western Sncar Ronnln? Companyquotes, terms net cash; Cube, Crushed. Powderedan.i Flue Crushed, all .'•'\u25a0hi 1 "f1. tb: Dry GraunJated.6Vio V *»\u25a0' Confectioners' A. s>.«c: Standard A,

1 •:" c; Magnolia, 4 "-itC: Extra 0, 4Va'-: Guidon C.4^«c; D, 4','ic %4 Tb; lulf bbls. Vie niuro than bbls,aii'l boxes VaC more,

gan Francisco i\loat Al.-irlnt.

Good fat Mutton nnd Lamb are insmall supplyand prices are firm.Beef shows no particular change

Wholesale rates 'ruin slaughterers to dealers axeas follows: >

«BEEF—First quality, 6',i-c; second quality. Be;

third d«, 4(4>4V^C. \\ 1 M.-Large, 6@7c: small Calves 7iA(^BVi&MlTTO.N-Wethers. 7(*Hc; Kwes. 707' ac.


LAMB—Spring.«®3C %4 16.PORK-Live Hogs, 4T' @3c^ IB for heavy bard

grain-fed; fxi*s'4C for ligbt nvera^9 do; stockllogs, 4i/;,fe-l«ic; dre**ed do. 7M,@3e « D.

KECEIPT3 OF ruODUCE. oFkidat. June 10.

riDor.or sirs 15,876 Hay. ions „ 300do. Oregon, d0... 2,17 2Straw. ton* .. ... no

Wheat, ct15..........13.17» Flaxseed, Wash.skJ 2.393do. Oregon, d0... 213 Wool, '1.1 141

I'urmy, cm 8,940 do, Oregon, d0... 383Oats, ctls 1.486; do. Wash, do 80| USy-iilckjiivor,niss... 92Potatoes, ski 2,141 „ 712Onions, sks

_945 wtne. gals 30,030

ltt»n. sks 410 Brandy, gals 100lir »creenines,««. SOU1

uttA.\ wasisiin

!>nt*a of I>oi>«rtur« From S%n Franelaoo.

i it i>>>»<; iviii,i

C«Hjpntf(lbyTKrlW4.,TisyK«jfr.Obron^««»f ml>Oi>(rume>,t >f«ltsr. 4 f»!ltarnnstre*t

Sllll'l'lN.i IMKI.I-KJX.VOX.

Arrive1.Friday. June 10.

htnirOregon. Poleman, 57 hour* from PortlandvliAstoria, 46 hours, pass and mdse, to Union la-°

Stm'r .North For'/, Dona, 22 hours from Eureka;

pas* and indse. to Ctns Nelson.Bktn s.N Castle. Hnubard. 15 days from Hono- .

lulu:pass and indse. to J DSpreckels &Bros.-

liktiJ«bn Worsts, Ma s.-.,, 63 days from L«iet»Eiußna; Sfc'o9 bags nitrate sods, toJ W Grace a- Co.

SchrlUinb .1 Long .Jiirgensen. 7 days from Co-qullleRiver: 140 Mftlumber, to Simpson Lumber

gchi Christina Steffens, llansen, 11hours fromBllilers l'olut;posts, to Johnson &Jenseu.

S«br Nettie Suuuborg. Johnson, 3Dhours fromNew Hsveu; ro-tj,etc, Co Hey man &Mayer.

Schr Gem, Often. '_" days from tureka; Ma*i

ft lumber, tofliwin.i*Collins. , _

ScurNor* Hartins. Harklas. 44 days from tar-inen IslauU; 371 tons salt, to X Wilbur.

Cleared. • 'Friday. June 10.

Stmr Uuraboldt. Edwardi, Eureka; M Kallsh &

Nor bark Prof .Iplinson, Lorentzsn, Tort Town-send; Balfour, Gutbrle A Co.

Sailed.Friday. June 10.

Ktmr State of California, Ackley. Astoria.Mmr National City. Hanson. Kurelta.Suur Kureka, Smith, Wilmington.Stmr Homer, Butler, Astoria.Kiirksouthern Chief,sveuseii,

(olliMiOD.ThesehrGem, bound Infrom Humboldt, drifted

across the bow of the Brship Eulomene, anchoredoff Vallejo street, and had main topllft carriedawny. The Jibbooni of the Kuioiaeue was Ueutslightly.

Domestic l'ort^.FORT BltAUG—ArrivedJune 10-Stmr Noyo, he

JuuePORT l.ini.OW-ArrlTed June 10-liarli Ark-

wrlght.hence Ha) M.3AVAUKO—hailed Jime 10-Sctir Howard, lor

San Frao Cisco.TATOOSH—Passed June 9-Bark Fresno, hence

May 20 for Jiauaiiuo; bark Oregon, beuce May 'i7tor Nsnatno: ship Louis 'Walsh, hence May 25 forMuaimo; 10— bark KosciusHo, from fort Blake-ley for Sydney; bark Matilda, hence Way 27 forNanalmo.

Eastern Ports.NEW YORK—Arrived June 9—Ship James .Drum-

iiionil,henco Feu 25, 105 days. ;;.-./Foreign I'ort?.

PRAAVI.E POINT-Passed June B—Br ship Swan-more, Iroin London for San Diego.

ocos— May a7-stmr Laicme, frSan Fran-cisco.

Importations.HONOLULU—Per S NCastle— ls,233 bags sugar.

l'Jti bills molasses.POKTLAND-Per Oretrnn— l649 s*» oats, 1088 hf

sks flour, 7d3 ska wool, 752 bdls hides, 68'J ska flax,

160 sks wheat, 9 M ftlumber, 140 sits glue stocK,121roll*paper, IB pcs easplpe, 56 tons pis? Iron.631 pkgs beads and staves, 41 cs mincemeat, -t5 t>xscatsup, 233 pcs pipe, 121 pkgs wooleus, 177 skubones. 3cs books, 1ox hardware, b bxs candy, 30pkgs junk.1cs tobacco, 1 sk coffee, 1a shoes, 7pkgs ginmills, 5sks crawfish. 1bbl scr.iplron, 1 cs\u25a0woodenware, 1 cs bouts, 4 pkgs express, 1pkg car-pet, 2 cs samples.

Astoria-*10 bdls shook?. 32 M ft lumber, 100 sksoysters, 7 pkgs express, 1sk treasure.

J.LUfcKA-I't-r .North Fork—a bdls steel, 1 csmd.-ie.

Arc&ta—23 rolls leather, Ibxhardware. 24 bales14 sks 10 hf sks wool, 2cs radse. 1pkgshafts.

Fields Landloit—lDx gloves, 4 cs eggs, 223 Mshakes, 230 Mft lumber, 928 Mshingles.

Consljrnoe«.PerSN Castle-Welch &Co: JD Spreckeis & Bros

Williams Dimond &Co; J N Knowles.Per Oregon— Allen 4 Lewis; rankLee: L Gaus

Jr; Christy & Wise: O Abbot; Hulme *Hart; Vaila- flebbel; Buckingham, Hecht &Co; Dement Bros;Moore, Ferguson £Co; W li.Sunnier &Co; WhiteBros; Kissinger* Co; Willamette Pulp&Paper Co;Crown Paper Co: ban Francisco Gaslight Co; CalBarrel Co; O'Connell *Lewis; Saa Kranclsco UasWorks: Golden Gate Planing Mills: .1 15 Macauley ;Spring Valley Water Works; DTledeman &Co:I8Rosenbaum &Co; Holland A- Co: C F Weber 4 Co;Murphy. Grant ACo; Chas Harley A Co; L Saronldc Co; Ksberg, Bacnraan a Co; a F uabei; Schilling*Co; Kutz &Co; C V O'Callaghan *Bros; DM Os-borne .*Co: liKurnstetn Bros: Brown Bros &Co;IITub Sueden; W* .1 Sloane 1 Co; Boston UubberShoe Co; BHordt; Ciatsoi) MillCo; Wetmore Bros;Wells, Fargo* Co: Morgan Oyster Co; Carlson, Cur-rier & Co: MB Moraßhan.

Per North For*—Standard OilCo: Holt Bros: WA SeUrock; A C Nichols &Co; Christy IWise; V<iConktln; MKalHh& Co; Chas N'elaon; Waterhoaie,Lester A Co; F Korbel.

fur Lnt? ShlDnini lntrlllmrv*NkkEighth pivi.


I |Dellii<iut:Cimfant. >c Ami.! In the SileDiy

I . II-.inr-l.

Gray Eagle aS 05.May June 1IJustice 50 16 .June '-'j.June ' b .June B|.June 84)\e!lowjackct 61 2.s'..Tnne 9!.July 18Cfialienge II . 16;. .July VIMexican 45 i!sj.June lb .July 12Bficher 44 25' June 17j.July l'JOrerniau t,i Mo June 10 July 11Summit 12 05,June 20! July 19jiuUlon 38 VsJ.Junea4l.July 19oj.iiir «» 6l»i..»uljr .x .inly S*7CtiolUr ¥9 BO .Ja | 71.July 27(ioul.iA CHirry .• (JH; -5 .July \;>Z 4Utah Con j 1«! 'JS.July B.Juiy29Slern Nevada

'lor 251 ll'.Aog •-'

Note— A«s«ssnieiit* of mines nut listed ou Ui»fcc&ril UU iit-liui;u>-!itin «SM

*Tr»*KK% n*rri Hah* J w»rHnmbcldt. iHuratioidt Cay. !Jn« 117 OAiiiClayCorona. JSati L»iuo....,.'Jni» li.lUvtBdir'r 3CUT l*w«b:«.}Vtc*P«l»«)Mna Jae 13, ?UMlßtlwIV 1IUo JflOßlro.jC'tiiuft *JAp&u. Jn«l4, 3i*n|l'.-.I M:j

Oresaa...... *;crtJ%n(5...... Joe 14,10.*i*is;>ear--la>» AlasrrltW Newport;.,..... Jnn 15, Bam!l:u 'v'y 'jCity > V0ft!rana.r.»......... *«• l»,la «!p MiS1tmct.-i J f'uMiiwMtton/., .las 15, B*M'UQw'r1Truck««,.;'Jf'ortiiiad.v.'....; 3ne 15, s?»c Mli3"a 1B»»f*Tto*,v.lH«aDlea« ..;„. Jno 17.11am BvlKya ••

\u25a0 e\ .V.. ««»x.».. Joe 17..:..v. .-..„ \u25a0 l(^hU(.'WU...iPort!an<l........ Jne lA.lnAMi^oa«r •


VTa'l*WallajVlcAPittaoßna Jne JS, :»A«;ltiwy1Cityl'Aaanulraasina,. .....;. Jne xH.Vj Mlpiq.**sEnreKa../,.tlN'9M'port;....;,.jJ««» 19, S.vuindvry -j. AtW IaIUK bl'Ji... .11 mfillIMI\u25a0•..•\u25a0.ill

" . .\u25a0-•. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 , .: \u25a0\u25a0 . ., - *

""1:^ ;a^u" -'^W Hfe*X....1 004 i-mJ IuSO »HW.(« icjllliyi!A»i_li!47iT»il





\u25a0in. in VIA "" '


Commencing Thurmlay.May 26, 1892, anduntil further notlco, boats ana trains willruu Mfollows:From KAN FRANCISCO far SATJSALITO. EOS 3i

VALLEYan 1 SANRAFAEL (week days)— 7:3tf,'

P.');). 11:00*. U.i 1:45. 3:-5.5:00, 6:46, «:20 P.M.(B'indays) -8:00. 9:00. 10:00, 11:30 a. m.; 1--.30,

1:JO. 3:30, 4:20. 6:30, C:4S P. U.

from SAN UtANCISCO for. fIIEEVALLEY(wee*flays)-":30, »:UO, 11:00 a. M.:3:25, 6:00. 5:45.6:* or. M.

- . .(Sundays)-8:00. 9:00,10:00. 11:SO a. m.; 1:30.

2:20, i:"V,6:30 p.m. Juxtxa tiipou Saturdays 3*1:45 p. m. _

From SANFRANCISCO for FAIRFAX (week days)—9:00 a. m., 6:00 r.m.

(Sundayfl)-8:00, 9:00.10:00.11:30 a. it;12:30,1:30 p. M.



9:00.10:00. 11:90 A,M.:1:9O,:M>,4:20, 0:iiO p.m. txUa tiipou Saturday* at45 P. M.m SANIKAMISCOloriAIKFAX (week days)H:')0 A. M.,5:00 p. m.f)daye)-8:00, i>:00, 10:00. 11 :30 A. M.; 12:30,ao p. m. .

From SAN KAFAKLfor HAN FKA>C:SCO (weeldays—0:10. 6:15, 7:45, 8:15, 11:05 a. ¥.; 1:45. \u25a0%,..

3 30, 5:U0 p. m.n-lays)—8:00, 9:50. 11:00 a. M.;12:00 m.:1:10.0.3:55, 6:]5. 6:05, 7 ;0O p. M. Extra tripon

Saturdays at 6:25 v. it. Fare 50 cents, roundtrip.

From FAIRFAX for SAN FRANCISCO (westdays)— 7:3t> a. m.:5:14 p. M.

(Sundays)— 2:15, 3:50, 6:05, 6:45 T. W. Fare 50 .cents, round trip.

From MILLVALLEYCor HANFRANCISCO (wee*days)— B:2s. 6:53. 8:00,9:10, 11:10 a, m. ;3:35,

(Sundays)— B:os. 10:10. 11:16. a. v.: 1:20. 2:40,4:10.5:30. tt -.30 r.k. Fare, 40 con 13, round trip.

From AI.ITO for tiXS FRANCIBOO (wee*d»ys)-6:45, 7:15, 8:15, 9:45, 11:40 a. m.;2:25.4:05, S:4JP- m.

(Sundays) -8:45. 10:25,11:40 a.m.; 12:30.1:10,3:16,4:35.6:00. 6:50.7:45 P. M. Extratrlponhaturdays at 7:00 r. v. Fare 25 ceuts, roaaatrip."

I-icto ?j ?> rs—


—r-O -5 -\u2666©"**«—i*1

a ( . x t-t;x CSJici-r:^::! .

b it•! -^o -isie^i- • • - • "g s Su_> ;«—©«# :,: *

/oSan Francisco...... £ |«:^'-= :.'-'°|o-*;':i!,;_ _ . |_iO<!«sNNllo3ac \u25a0"(EU-'-l tp.) rfL*-!*'":'05'^1-0- s*.'*.-^*


2 :':\u25a0::::!::_"fiillliipi«Vr k. U. ,-, r> 4!« «a.

3 *|fiSf!l|isJlI 5 :IS* i^. •= i*M if:::::::::<<H I'-111 •!-*• • *\u25a0'* •-


=_••[ "s^o«i;«!OdncJ:*

\u25a05 , <—

w -,—


\u25a05 l;;;»-.Jt»JSa3


From San Francisco... ?'_->-J<c«>»aV-»_oi

(Head Down) « j si§S^3£©KS^SciS\u0084

:|jS3f3aKl • - • .•-•. Jo + --»<>o- ::::*0 .acisssj-i'J ::::.I« -.--.r^-i.. \u25a0 ..«

excursi BATES:r_ .-Day Excurslau— »and trip Tickets, to ai<l

from ail stations, at 25 9eT »5 reduction frjiapi\u25a0 i-j© tarMi' rate. /

Friday to Monday -irf -Rour.-1-trlp TlcVatabo loo Fridays. B»tur<t*a and Sundays, eooi to

return following Hoa&f Tocaiotna aud runt

K«/rs. $125; Tonia 4- 00; Howards, $'. 60;Csziflero $3 00.

Suaday Excursion— Rou»i-tnp rirkets.srooa oa daysold only: Camp Taf^r. -toon ar.d rolntKeyes 8100: Tomal*. fl60; HovrarJs, J. 00;

Duncan7 Milland C*gi*ro. It50. .

STAGE gTnNECTIONS.States leave Caia'le: *Hyon arrival of 9:f)J a. v., from San Fr«oeU(

• w»ek days, and 8.-0J a. m.train on Sundays, /r Stewarts Point, uaalals,

I'olut Arena. Culls* Coy«, Navarre MemloclnaCity.Fort gfiaiy'1points on the North Oo_rt.

WILLIAMÜBAVeT" F. B.LAT:General Manfr. Gen. Pass. ft Tltt.Ait.

General Of*y. '4 Sautom- Sirtct.

6AN FRANCIiCO AND N. P. RAILWAY;"Th« Jiouace JBroad-Gaug* Kouta."'


\J and until iv -»''f notice, boats and trains willle»T» fromand five at tae San Franclica Passea>F«r Depot, Mar'J;street wnarf, as follows:From San Cisco for Point Tlburou,

i Beli^ere and San Raf <el.WEEK DAy»/:40.9:20, 11:20 a. »c:1:30. 3:88,

BUNDaByl-»0,8y1-»0, 9:30. 11x00 a. M.i 1:30. 3:30,iUNDAYS-si, 9:30, 11:00 a. K.| 1:30. 3:30.

8:00.8:19 If-From S« Rafael for S«n Francisco.

I WIKK DAY-«:is. 7:55. 9:?.U. 11:30 A. M.:1:40,3:40. 6:W-X< SATCBDAY ONLT-An extratriDit61) p. m.

BCNDAYS->:10. 8:40, 11:10 A.M.: 1:40, 3:4ft6:00, 6»>- H.

From >lnt Tlburon to San FranesBC->.WEEK DA»-b:5O, 8:20.9:55. 11:55 A. it:i:O3.

405 {>» P. M SATURDAYS ONLY—An ex-tr_trli*B:3s P.M.

BCNUAVrt»:3S, 10:05, 11:35 a. M.; 2:05, 4:03,6:30.«>0 P. n.Ui"J~ I


Ban Fra-laco. | San Fra!.cisc.->.DesUnatloa. \u25a0

WkkiJcm- \u25a0Sun*- I >YE«I DAvs. »aT». days. |Days.

7-40 AMTOO AMI retaluiaa 10:40 am 8:508:30 p»*:Soa_[ and 6:05 cm;10:30 aa6:05 r;3:00 pm | Santa Rosa. 7:25 pm' 6:10 1-1' ' - Fulton,


Windsor.7:40a. Healdsburg. 10-t'J«<? /8:30 r'8:00 am LittonSprliigs 7:25 pm 6:lOpK ,

i Cloverdale I) and i| (Way Stations. I

7:40 i;B:ooAV|Hopiand anil 7:25 tx\ tJsIOPiI_ ',1 1 ITUah. j I «7:4', MM:00 amI Uu.r&eviUo. I 7;25pm|10:30 a*3-I*M: I I I6:107:< .m 8:00 am Sonoma 10 .40 ami 8:50 ax \6-f"M s:oopu and 6:05 pm 6:10 PX -

I Glen Ellen. I'

8:00ami SebastopoL 10:40 ami10 :3l> am3\jfm 5:OUfMj | 8:05 pm I6:10 h_i j

ligta connect at »_nta Kosa for Mark West •

B<t>rs: at UeyserTl le for Skats' Springs. StewPoint, Ciualala aud Point Arena: at CloTerd;ile

fJ the Geysers; at PleU for Midland Spring*,jiseyville, Soda Hay, La'ccport and Marti-;:

yings; at Hopland for Lakeport and Hurl ;iarlnirs; at Ukiah for Vlcny Springs, Bsrai *-»prints. Blue lakes, witter »r>rln*s, CppflrLake, -jikeport, WUllttv Ca_M, Menaocino City. Fort

JraKff. Westport. Usal. ilydesvllleand EureVa.EXCI'KMdN TICKETS from Saturdays to Moa.

Says— To Petatnma, $1 60; to Santa Rosa, $2 25;toHealdsburg, $3 40; to Cloverda'e, $4 50; to Hop*

land. $5 70; to IUlan. $6 75: to Sebastopol, .?-' 7*:to Uuerneville, $3 75; to Sonoma, $1 60; to UleaEllen. $1 SO.. EXCURSION TICKETS, eood for Sundays only,to Feialuina, $1; to Santa Rosa. $1 5 >; to Hew:*burg. *2 .5: to CioverU_;e. ($3; to rxiah.$4 50: taHolland. 93 SO; to Seoastopol, flB0; to Ouerne>rllle,&'l50: to Sonoma. $1;to Glen Kllen,Ji 2J.

H O.\u25a0WHITING. PETER J. McQLYSN,Gen. Manager. Gen. Paas. A TktA^C.

Ticket offices at ferry, 36 Montgomery st an I3

Sow Moatgomeir St.



rfKAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVEAT SAN FRAN***""JL Cisco (Mar-et-s;reet Ferry):

T\~ NOV.1, 1801. fABBinDaily./


0:OO f..Fast Express Tla Mojave 12:15 99:00 a..Atlantic Express ri» I.on Angeles.. 8:45 »"Tio—st Offlc*—64oMarket street, chronicle BnlTsUc. 8. F, W. A IUS^KLL,

JLkr Qsatr>l_Fjus«as«r A_caW_


Trains Leave and ore Due to ArriveatSAN FRANCISCO. / .

J.KAVK KROM JUNK 1. 1893 arkv\7:OOa I^enliia. Kumsey. Sacramento 7:15p7 (.u Hay wards, Ml«s and Sa.i Jose ... •_. .5f7 :30a Mart:nes. San lUmon, Callitoga

and Santa Hosa C:lsp8:0Oa Sacramento* Kedilin?, tliDarts 7:15?SK)Oa First and Second ctaas forUjrden

tied Kast, and -class locally 9:15?8:30aMies. San .lose, Stockton. lone.

Sacramento, Marysvllie, Oro- ivllleand Red Bluff 4:43? \

9:00aSunset lioute. Atlantic Express, ISauia liarUara. Los Anj;al«s, \Bemlr.jr, F.J Pjso. New Urleaai Iant! : 5?45» 1

i*«oii Ilarward',KiSMar.filJTwaTore".1 7-.15P {, 'laWf Sacr»m*ato Hl*«r St«a;n«a-s *9?Mr |

1:30p V3lljjo.iiealcia tn-1Mitrxinei Vi-.Otf \u25a0\u25a0.I:8:»0r Haywards, Nile*iaa S»« Jcj«. ... 9:15 1 Jl4-.OU.- Martlae*. T\_in Itaisor, *Stocs;on 9:1}\ At\u25a0SAKJr \'-tii#Jo. ."»Uitt>^.«. !•"! Vft.i;jt,-. 1 Kj

. SaiU.iKi-.-a... B:*** I4:30p lw-i!!'•!», Vac«viiie & SMraasnto lOtiJfc I4-JOp •\v»i>'il*n<iaeftoroTltle „ \u25a0 li»»4^i I

1 •4:?Os' Slles and Ll»erm»r». \u0084.»,. ~*S:I;vj 6;00-'. Los Aar/nia» "ixprew.Fre?s^."Ba-

<.^V»o>Jl^#J )i;2Jiiiaxiar*aaiSLo« •*--:,\u25a0 *

r ~Aiice!eJ... 12.13*f <J 'Mr Santa >"•Rent^, AtlnntloExpre-a

' >t'tt £K.';n-c u>; t Kast I'J-.lSp \u25a0

C:00p Har« >t!e» aad S«r Joa» 7:15 a'N:.:'ual v.a J^-,,., , tC:ISP

e^Wr Ofrtlea Rou:». Atiantlo Express,Oifden _ud Cast...,. .. 9 lit

J7:Oop V*liej« tJ:4Sir7:fl>p toast* Itoura Jixpreas, «-*or*-

mtnto, Hary<?:!!o, RxdJltij;.PortUnri, Ft^ct sows^ a-'td Eaa t B:\sk

1 *™TJ±lCopz DIVISION.-

17 :45a Sondar hxriirsloa Train for New-ar«. fe»:i J^«e. t.oj Uatw. t*«lton,'Big Trtes aod Santa Crux. .... 13:05?


8:15aNewarK, Centervil c. s»n Jos«.Feiton. Boulder Creek and SantaCrux C:2op

•2:15p Centerrllle. Bail .'\u25a0"••'. Aimaa«n,

Felton.ltoulder Creek and.Sant*Cruz... :'. • *10:50\

4:45p Centervllle. San Jose, Los Gatoa. 9:50^C AST 1)1VIS'.V-ThTnl and Towu»snil Hi*.~»7TooA~Satrjose, Almailen and W;iy Sta-

~~tions.... •2:33*

)7:30a Monterey and Santa Cruzholiday Excursion tS:2S p

8:1Sa San Jose, lillmy,Tres Finos, Pi-)aro, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Pa*cine iirovi",Salinas. San Mifrnel,Paso Robles and Santa Mar*urit!»


-—*"\u25a0.' (San Luis Oblspo) and PrincipalWay Stations <J:10p

:30a Sunday Excursion Train to MenloPfirir and W*v Stations T2:tsp

3O:S7a San Jo«a sad War -Stations S:U-Pia:l6r Om?t*rr. Mealo" PmSi Way

Stations........ 3:iCr•8:30p S*iJose, Trea Plnot, Santa Crux.

t-'.'luai, ;-i;,ntortry.Paelilc Orcro*nclPrin*ij>alWay SUtton^. . • m

*J:,'K>p .Mc.ilo Park. San Join and Princi-pat Va, Sradons... «9:17a.

•4:30r Mcnln?ark and Way Statloa*.... *B^)6aP:lsp San Jew aad War SUtSacs 8 t«*6:30p Manlo Pars and Way MAtloas .. «:<?*. >

f11:45 V ilo Park aad Prlnclp»l WayHUttoro. ••••••- *—"'?];

Aforir»*mliMt. i rlorAfteraocu.•Soodays eiCtf?t««. f£»tn«!ars eolf.

•lSand»T»<»n'r. '

Pennwompillsy'V^^N.'**re. tlnj*r»U»M«.,t-»t,.«<», Mk* <̂W^iiTO4i""»<'Ib* 1̂" tie*»«> '.»itim«uUic\\S9»^fc *2*•»»» >-i-'«l "W*M-j»xtb*e». T«to x^ilrI"/

~\u25a0 flf-rwiut«torf *«tta»»i:«. *'»»oiar

I(\u0084 Jir *» «*«!" fef prt?tkmi*T», texamt.ui.:, a.~tA**** if-A Mali. I»,lHM)T*«a^tf<i»U. y^-r^l .'

.-.- ;-Tst;-'

tititl? mWoATfy :.. \u25a0\u0084 .*


jWeekly Call, $1per Hai


f Ho! For!!

BADENIs the Coming Annex to San Francisco.





THIS DAY.Inld L»MI\u25a0


San Francisco and San Jose Railroad Depot,

fCorner Third and Townsend Streets,

AT 11 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

ON A SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN!—The San Francisco and San Mateo

ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.Hare contracted to hare their rails laid ana the

road In running order witliin

90 DAYSfrom June I,1892,To and beyood the Baden Depot of the S. F. andS. J. K.1... which means that one-half hourly trainswillbe running from BADEN* after that period,and that commutation tickets will soon be reducedto»ay $;< per month. The Klectric Railway are tobuild a I'OW'ER-HOCSE on Mission street, on Block10 of the property we OFKEK ATAUCTION.

Free Collation on Arrival of the Train,AFTEK WHICH

At It O'c'.ock Noon,



Business andResidence Lots !


Mission, A, B, C, D, First,Second and Third Sts.,



Which road passes In front of the property, pre-senting one of the best chances to purchase forBUSINESS, SPECULATION', or fora HOME, ever0Heit'llto a California public.

BADEN willgoon be annexed to San Francisco,and baa an unprecedented future.

We recommend purchasing at this auction offer-ing .There must be a very large profit to the in-vestor. Itenjotnber, both steam and electricity arethe agents for conveyance from thisproperty. Sta-tions and ichuol-houses uear the property.

TERMS: -ONLY ONE-FOURTHCASH;balance in 1,2 and 3 years ;interest only 6 per cent per annum.

FOR 74 GTA DOLLAR!Excursion Tickets at our office all day FRIDAY.

June 10th, and up to 10:15 -SVTL'UDaY MOKN-iv;. June 1ltn. and at the S. F. and S. J. H. K.Depot, corner Third and Toivi.«end streets, on SAT-V KI'AVMORNING,June 11th. day of th» • xcur-slon, up to 11a. m., from our representatives.

&3-REMEMKER.SATCKDAY. .Tune 1Its, is ttl,

day for the EXCURSION ami AUCTION SALE.JirKKMKMIiKit.11 o'clock a. m. Is the tour fer .

LEAVINGThird and TowaMD4 streets. ;JB2-KEMK3IIiEn. IT you desire to make MONEY

you should GO on this Excursion aud l'l'i.ciiAm;lots at this offering.

For catalogues, etc., inquire ofEASTOX, J.I.I»KIIX,K & CO.,

Auctioneers, 63)* Market -i.. s/p.je7 9 10 114t > t


OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF TH j BOARIOFSupervisors ot the city anl court/of San Iran-

Cisco. June 8, 1893 LVubllc notice is hereby given in accor iatr r viih

section 2 of an act emit c :••.» act inreliflon tothe assessment and collection of t:ixes u;ia per-sonal property la the city M county of Sal Fran-Cisco," approved .March 18, 1874. that "TheAssess-ment Hook of Personal l'r -|;fi:y"was completedand delivered over to me, a- Cleru of the I9ard ofSupervisors, on the 6th d;y or June, A. D. 1892.and that tbe MM r.onr.i of bupervlsirs willmeet on the 13th day ot Tune, A. I)., 3392, at7:30 o'clock r. U., and coilinue in seston fromtime to time until tbe 271 div ot June, 1392, forthe purpose of equalizing t.ses3ments Unrein anddetermining complaints in regard to errors of as-sessment of Personal Prop ny, and correcting thesame, as provided In tlio ..Tores;UJ and as re-quired ny the Political Coil-.

he Assessment Hook ofi'ersonal Property Isnowand will bs open for evaluation from this datefrom nine (9) o'clock a. ». until four I)o'clockp.m. (Sundays exceptedi.tluriofr the sitttugot theBoard of Supervisors toeqf.ii/ vie as.-ei.iuen:* ousaid book.

Allapplications for rednctvrts of assess ar*required to be mailed in Trying and verified byoath. [Jeßst] JNO. V BUSSKI.L. Ciw*.

OAKLAND OFFICE...or r;u3....

t !


Subscriptions ani advertisemaa^received for the Sai> Francisco Daily

and Weekly CALL./E. A. COLEI/AN, Manager.

/ 902 Broad. j.DELIXQUE>f 9AL.K NOTICES.

KAYEAGLE M;MNGH'OVPANY-LOCATION\J ol principal \u25a0 »' o or business San Francisco,Oil.:locatloo of irks; acer County, Cal.

Notice— There tts delinquent upon the followingdescribed rftoet on account of assessment (No 28)ljj)*if -;>,.

'j"_]Miy rf April,IH'. the se^crAl I

"amonntT'set oi>pn«U«TßB~feaineS"'oTtuB respective«\u25ba'«»>*•><'!• as Icilows: ....

'w-:' C Kavic C«rt. snares. Amf. ;Borrows, jl.w., TtM»r?e 534 7Oi> 335 OJIrrows. A. %V«, Tru»t«»- 504 300 25 OiJ


Harrow*. A. W.k Trn*loe 5T3 -SUO as 00P*ITOWS, A. Vi.. TrtMt»t

-..610 5tH» *»0')UArrows,A. \u25a0» \u25a0-, Trti*ta«. 611 600 Xs«'.>

Harrows, A. TV.. Trust ne .-•G'J J2^ ,|H^Barrows. A.W., Trnjtee t2S «00 15 03narrows, A.%v.. Trustee .«45 1040 62 00

Harro\rs. a' W,Trustee «'J» 'joO 1*69I'arruwi, \. V.. Trustee... bi)3 4453 £22 b5Jiirrow* A.W.. Trustee.. tW 800 25 00SafncJTon. J. M,Tru5tee,.. ...503 4476 2a.H73H«v-art O. 11.. Trustee ..44 s* lOOil 5000lir>"att <». iU'Srustee. 449 1000 6000X >*au! O. JL, irnstee 4>o 1000 60u0•»;ocarl! 0.i1., TruMea....... 431 1003 5!)0«Hogart, O.11.. Tru*»««;........ 453 fiOO 25 00IWMiArt.O.11, Trustee.. M..... .473 214 1070Mrotra, 8, X,Tra5ta«..,......* v 3rJ 500 2500Jtrnwa, S. X., Tru5tee.......... ,5nti ,Sis 25 75I>ttrl»i«w,U..Trn«e«i,.., .....«, .60S 20» 10 00Vr/iaeia, H.U, Trastee..«. tv...685 Jioo 53 00Marfey.iCrs. a1ary........ ;,....48U 20« ISO'». 11. M................ 89 fcOO - 3000Searles, Vf.A.;Trustee..-,. ;.;..31d - l»00 50 00. Auti inarcordanca »rlth lawand ac ordt>r. of va» ;f!<-.jr.iof directors, made on the 14ttt day ol Aprii,Iffj2,bo raaay shares at escv parcel tii such stock;w r\:r !•.\u25a0> neoeittary will !iy»v>!4 «t publicaucilcuat the oftco ul Uio cu:>;>:iii'. rocia U.'3V ( Cillfor-Pl* »tre<ft. San Francisco, CjS. on TUKSnAY, th»fotirtemitn ;!-'.U:» tia? of Jnao. 135*2, fcltbo b^arot1 ». M.uf !,»i.i <iay, to- p»y *aUI rteiltnt'ent niwest-tnftat taer^on, -togctaer wttU flast of^advertlaingana expenses ot sale. <\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* .'\u25a0\u25a0-.-••\u25a0.\u25a0- •\u25a0•^\u25a0\u25a0v.-...-" \u25a0 .- .: \u25a0 A. VT. Babbots. Secretary.:. .;\Office—Room 11. 303 ;Callt<*raU »tn \u25a0 Baa Frao-'

c.sco, C*U • , OJySita



Pteamers willsail at sony on the sth. >fc<ai3ttban<l 25th of each month calling at *^SSSIvarious ports of Mexico and Central America.

Through line »allluK3—June 18. S3. Cityor NewYork: June 25, &S. ban Bias: July 5, SS. City ofSydney. _WAY LINE TO MEXICAN AND CENTRAL


MONTH, calllns at Mazatlan, San lU.u. Manzanillo.Aeaimico, Port Ansel, Saiina Crux. Tonaia. 'Saa• I'eulto, Ocos, Champerleo, San Jose de Ouatemalj.

Acajutla, LaLlb«rtad, La Union, Aicapai^. (.Jtu'.itan Juan del Sur and raata Areua&

Way line failing— 12 o'clock noon, S3.Cityof Panama.

Wiirn the regular gaiin? data fails on SaaiUr,tteaniers willbe dispatched tho following


CODOPCtinpt at Yokohama with steamer* forbhanglial, aud at Hong-Kong (ur East lvUn, ',

Straits, etc.:City of Rlode Janeiro.. .Tuesday. June 14, at 3p. v.China Saturday. July 9,at 4 p. *.Peru (new) Thursday, August 4, at .1 p. <*.

Bound-trip tickets to Yokohama and return ii.'>Oucert rates.

For Freight or Passage apply at the ofaeo. corasrFirst hii'lBrannan street*,

l^raucti Office— '.'o2 Front street.ALEXANDER CENTER. General Agent.


DIFVATCIt STEAMEItS FROM BAX >s<l_Urrucisoo lor ports la Aluxalitfe»cpMay VU. .Mine and Juiv 8, 8. 18. 'li.

lor British Columbia and Pu£Ot Soanl MTtt,MaT 24. •-'.'. June aud July 3, H.13. 18. 88, 28.

>\u25a0 r Eureka, Humboldt B*y, Wednesday*. 9 a. v.ior Santa Ana. Los Angelejand all ray ports erery

lourth Minifirthday, 8a. m.TorHun Diego, stopping only at Los Ansrele*. SanU

Farbara and San Luis OWspo. every lourth and fifth<Jay at 11 a. it.

For ports ivMexico, first of each month.Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery^.IiOODALL, I'ERIiINS*CO., General Agents,Itf 10 Market St., ban Francltca \u25a0

FOR PORTLAND AJRBTORIA, OREGONrrinE mnmi pacific system— a^xJ orrin I>ivision —and Ai'lFK' nn^T^HSTEAMSHIP COMPANY wiU dispatch from Si.o^r-ttreet Wharf, at 10 a. v., for the abort poru ou« i."Rt!r Aliron steamships, ru:

STATK us i11•\u25a0\u25a0>!: MA—May 29, Jnne 10, 22,July 5. 18. 28, A'ißust 9,91.

COLUMBIA-May 23. June 6,18, 30, July 12, 24,Ani:!i>it 6. 17. 29.

OREGON-June 2, 11, M,July8. 20, August 1,IS. 'i!>.

Cennectlnff rla Portland with the Northern PasliiRailroad, Oregon Short Line and other dlrer<li{lines forall points in Oregon, Washington. ItrUUSColumbia, Aiasia, Idaho. Jtloutsaa, Dacota, (Jus.Wyoming. Yellowstone Paris and ail Point* hailaaihi-utuami to Europe.

Fare toPortland— Cabin. *13; steoraja, *8; roaaltrip,cabin, #40.

Ticket Offices—lMontgomery si, and Pataca H>IfI.4New Montgomery st.

IiOOUALL, i*JtiiJi.lNH &CO., Rupt. Ocean Unf.111 10 Market St.. Sau t-'raaclsca.

OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY.fTHE SPLENDID SOOO-TOM STEAMERS jR-<£l^lof this Una, carrying United State*, &s&BtHawaiian and Colonial uialu, sail truui *uijuui-jiViarf as under.

riii,Hovm.rT.'? <>\i,t.

£.8. AYMBALIA....TUESDAY. Juno 7. Bi IP.VI


S.S. MONOWAI FRIDAY. June 21, at 2 r.m.

For freight and passage applyat office, 327 Mar-ket street. J. D. SI'RECKELS *BROS. CO..

'.'0 tf General Agents.


Frfinh Iin<- to Havre./COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 41 NORTH J&*t\_vJ raver, foot of Mortonst. Travelew by -SXaafIlialine avoid both transit by English railway amike oiscomtort of crossing the cii.muoi iva'sui<uiboat.I.AJiEETAQNE, Capt. Collier „

\u0084Saturday, June, 9:00 am

LA'i kaine. Ciipt. rrmogvai ;Saturday, June •j;"iiu. ;<:ao

IAI>a:>COUNE, Capt. Saat«lll M...Saturday, July _.i, 9:00 am

IABOURGOUNE, Capt. Leboeuf....,,. Saturday. July «th, .»:00Mm'tor lurther particulars apply to

A. KORGET, Agent,No. 3 BowlingGreen, New Vort,

J. F. TXJGA7.I a CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery ,irj.»nFiancisro.Ki;.cflitifnce. IP Montgomery street. tnr2qtt

ANCHOR LINE.Unltoil States Mm{lSt. -niii.hip-

Bail from New York every Saturday

For Glasgow via LondonderryKates for Saloon Passage

By S. 8. CITYOF KOMI.*«»)and upward,aci online to acroimii«>dation and locatlun of room.

Second Cabin, ®35. Steerage, 810.Otiikr Stkamkks, Cabin, SSO and upward.

road Cabin, 830. Steerage, $10.

Dr.sft* nt low-.-st Current Kates.For I'ook of toars and ether Information apply to

HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 Bowlin? Ureen. NewYork; or to GEORGE W. FLETCHER, 618 Market

or to T. I). McivAY,MMontgomery strict,SaVyranctsco. my10 Bui

V CUNARO to Liverpool. <* O'l^mmtmrn,

r.Noni Vier 40, North Kirn.J ASISh -M MA.i, SvERVIUS.

S<>rvla June IS. «:ott aw Inibrla, July2,11 :00 AM\u2666liallia lune 1^16:00 am Serria, July 0. 5:00 auEtruria. Jno 18 ll*•AMIKtmria.-hilv 18, 10 .-00 am

•Bothnia. .*na S». »W Ak. VB,"Utla,J»iT 30.1U;JW AM I:'Extra stoasietv

Cabin passage, f(,u»n«J apward; se«ond cabin, $33 i•nd #40. SUeraft* tickets to aad tram all parts of jKuro^o at very li>w\ratcs. For freightand pMtajte iKpplyat company 'a »iace. 4BowllrtffOrisen.NewYork; ;

-.VEBNON 11. M/tov»S ft. CO., Genera! Aceo Is. ::>' c,onl «\u25a0•• iinswoiia^ \u0084..1 ran alirars l»a *»;-iirnJ onappllcatiun to Vi'lU'lAMS,DiMO.ND A CO..

Jy^7 TuThSa \u25a0. | Aaeuta. *sn tranclnco.


SEBAIMM LEA VM aIsPINTTAH. \u25a0\u25a0-\mjc m̂.fartßlsntly for tn,West ladles and s^ftg^

ttuiiianpuio, (aitlaa tv roau a.i Chef; •\u25a0"\u25a0*•< «a»jcurg. l-rauoe. via J' rwauf? ;o . •,„.Ibrotiftiiiia al *L, *dlag, Jb c«inu«««

\u25a0!trite Mail fi.S. Ccv, tiiuo1 lor Iretgot* id *.r<*c i-«U direct jmru\a y.iv, i*<%<\ and Uernuay. >'-.

Through tickets Ira i, a»n irrjincisco v« Viymosti,CLerbourj. Houttaru J,»n. Tlttlclxt: *<jj;tJit*fiajw,w;6U. I'orli ttax jarileaur.! spvijuivu ni;1,!oi-t^ w v̂AiiaaWj t''->tAt;-'.f..4.t'V;v


R. LIQDLk > i8.. . 633 WMWBJiailsJii^;..:\u25a0 #;.- ,.

JV-B"Guns, Rifles^^istb^M#a.V^Bß|

Mfo-seiiU thre«-f6a.; .-v«,ap fo. :''• "

jttii« B!TUATBD IN NAPA COUNTY, CALIFOE!- .itt !?n Reacted by a Dciigatfal Siajje Bide 0?e? fie Mountains, 16 Miles

[roa St. iieicita. Good Aceomoiodaticns. Aaple EatlJlcg Faclli'la

||yI Afi&¥£B:£*A Large S^mminjTaslc cfHo!MinefalWater.mnK VTATCn? OK TI»->.»A MINERAL BPHISGH HAVE LOVU

\u0084,--««*«» «.-


* "««a tel'f""^'"f ts«!rifo..<;n'Bi earw i>.tjueicf A«nic.a4 Chionic

P'IIMCDAi- CompiSStt:" """•Bi:;oa •«.«• BU<1'1« ai">£i£r and KlJaef

* INIHAL "iftetemperatup* or th» water Ufla'.JeifrtMiftdjt rwi,.-, c!.irc*<l witl.«-f EllMl9fl&*"-<.CarboniP Afid**a»,u»ltiag itplo^aiiVtotJe t«»se a«4 g:?toKto lLlCath

'rrott Uet.gcJ/ olapuuulou.*nwiin« HIGH Ml NO FOGS ! NO mosquitoes i-*

fe^gV'"*'"'*\u25a0 *\u25a0\u25a0'

WATKIt FltCkM THE si'itJXfiS 'TJOTTLi Itr.y Tlllj