Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 14. · ^\V.YORKJ2_2lïE-NEWYORK. 8ATL'RDAY. rEH_:_l4-__...

^\V.YORKJ2_2lïE- NEW YORK. 8ATL'RDAY. rEH_:_l4-__ tW Ad«f*awwa«,, T». TVaa-awof Mood.y »Bgto M te» seett. before lOo-eJ^oa»-i«.'«l*Tev*>t"r- « »B Pikt» tAcM^O^oftota|v.-awMa«w ferar« w-vto, TA. r»9«»e»_ to« .. .*"" «1"«l"nF* »*. F'*«** of tawraa, iwrntorlr *«*rMornax, «fj plea«, leavetMx-B* »xraai »l toe rnbllsbl»í AaAV*- or *."*¦ ¦ ooM> Uu,uu«"B ***** lia*xft ajBBBB. aTJ «m»*» . ¦"""*. payabl« lo Um Carrier gfr. < rfiiraden Tbe «Vablaet-4«eB. Taylar. Taler*** \ W ASHiRoTo.v, Friday Krening. Feb «3. Ut. Cbittirdir I now ¡earn «ill accept a eeat in th« Cabinet, Hoc ÜEOF.GE Ea «R» oi Blâme, arrordiutr Bj ail 1x»eVat»OD« nioet likely to he placed it the head of the Trenury Department. Gen Tatlob ha» jott arrived from Cumberland. Jait two year» air" thi» .leiiinir lie wa» fíui^iiinr ap the battle of Buena Viita H. <.. HT Tm KtaoFA had not irrived when we pat TV Tribune U) pre»t. Hhould the tome up «Auring the ni.'lit, we »hall ia»ue lier uew» 11. a Poatacnpt. Uv.sKTirl'T BtBCtlOB.. Hon. JuH«. A lit« K will was unamni'iuily nominated on the tint tormal ballot for reelertion to ( nntrrei» m the Hid Du trie t composed of tb»- '«ninties of New-I. in don and Windhsm. (in the informal ballot Mr. R received «51 VOteetO l- «tattered upon Menri Daniel P. Tyhr i ha«. .1. MtCurdy, Jonathan A. Welcb, Joel W. White, L. f B Koiter. The Nominating Convention waa held at New London on the baaj inat The Cuu»<re»»i,irial tn ket n..w ccmul.-i.-. Charm« CHaPMaM IiRai: .' been Domirntt-rl m the Ut Diatnet Jas. K Barí in a in tin IM and Thomas B. Hi tier in the IVth A. M. Coi.Mr« aatk» of Hartlo-d h«« h.-en nom¬ inated tf> Crimrreta I.» ih- Free Soil < ''invention ef the lit Ilittrirt Col. TBOM a. H Siy-r.',' wax nommai« d bj tue Ltxo I..'.,! tur Ooveraa itbe . aat»b] a vote of til go || f... ii. B. ISTaxOI tor Tho« BRTBOi it. II «R' ii h.r Ja« T I'm.i mm., L t Wii no. Bad M i. Rtt«-r JotifH TtVOMBOLI ot Hn-tlo'd, nl W candidate lad Hon. JoBI M Nui ii tsiii, lor Governor rARTIIEIÏ EUROPEAN NEWS. PtH STEAUEH ki'HUl.4 By Telmapli uud Lxprris Inmi llalifia. FRitvllOE. M K. i.t»' p" lent.-1 the ¦. peri oi iba Oom Bittre »ciluit the urgency nf clnilng the Clut.i whin |h« Ait* mi. y ad pti d !.y a Btoj itity id 1. - la M I the r«»ult Wti received With .ud crie» Irai tine It ol "Vive I.a Mepulili'piH M l.edru Uolilu »»»ended tbe tribun»' »nd laid. " I bave the hennr to prêtent a demand to «utliorl7e a hill til Impeachment M BB bTOegbl In the Minlitry (Laughter M tin' light A«rital.'i>ri ai.l loud applaute mi the extreme lelt, whirl then r«*» with cry ol Vive la ltepul.l|t|ue ]*M Assembly then rt»s<'«t half part «area m ladeecribebl» .(lut.mi On tbe »Bah uit aaarBMdt»arg BraeeaAto. had been adopted for the protection ol tbe Natinnai Ami Inbly The nuHib'r ol tm ipt in It» Imme líate aelghborhotid wm aatlBatod a", a',out .'", 000 men The girrltou ut the I'alace wa« r< intoned .nd the batter) ul artillery pi «tiled in front of the edifica Rt tlin entrance of th« Font de la 0onclergie Mhloplan I ¦¦ trillar nee. Ftvti Jan Tha ¿eo"hla, Haipin, frein Nawni'.l» to ftaw Tork, out M day«, arrivai hat« Alh Iniiant leaki an.! .uM dUcbarpe to repair Uo Tri» »kl-. Jai». M 1 lie Build». Ilulltmaii from N««a i or« to On port, reportad lo have aiilved In HbwI Boadi, l«My BBBfeMSSB* J«b 1" The Warren fr.mi N«w York, feta arrlv«*.! In Hi« I'lyda leaky, and wi'b (til at h»r carpo thrown ovarl.. tr Mtt.r.iaa, J»n. |n Levant. Bann. hemMsa talk with ¦iltal of h»r carato ,f Indian PSM Md alavta ,in board, u, »_, Btlaavpilog li i»n i .»« Irom ii. a |.,,n il.i I i waxliivrn ^L\ on »her» and wr» k»d I r»w. » .ra-j.l ,,«,« min. »« ve-1 V Mm tu la« .»-Th« Nap!»« Databey f'.i'i B««»<" W taBafeila, »,» i orl, drove from k«-r anchor on ihor« n«*i At .-,,.' lia ... ,i . « i. ..«¦ »reek Tl>» win« of hri cargo luat Th» mttler «nd f.air ln»l«. who reniai«!».) M M8SB. ti»v« bren t«»en «>fl by « I.,.»| « ci»w from EfeSBBSBB ri»» Allsoilc, K'.»t BSM Liverpool la New-llrlean*. on »Bur« al Ardruuait, «nd I, I. wl'h n,e mi» Aaaivti. Mea Ni» Y«.«»- L*dy Ar»'. o« al I.e.:, .,, Artta, BlMalla, Forr««ler, «I MStaSBBM »Vau. do; Pro« idanr*. do Kmm» «I I,I»bon Ht Mary*, «i lleno« Si Dsnl* Splendid ai.,! Cérea, ti Havre, James, al Warren Point, Augusta aud Hyndeford, In the Clyde. Pain« Hen y Suony. VV »1erloo, \ i. i.uia, Kageol, Mviniiieliy, and niümati of the VVnti, al Llvarpool. N«w-Yoik. at «to. Si JohB, al Uaiwsy Mattcla. at Coil. Calarllai, al Amtier al»m Souvanir, al VVritporl, wlih Jamag« I'rlrc» _.SB IVsMmloitOT, and Cirolltia at Urav«teod Elbe and Urlor MBreai«e. IB.Mr» al Silgo Edward. In Bcaiiecy «VtllM, in.»Ciyde, Clanu*. a. fan Town Medien«. Mo alj(i*mr re t 'o .. The followintr i* the re*ult in Montgomer» Majorltte» T, an» -...rear» M , I Amiterdam liaorge Warnlrk 11- faoajoharie *oha 1 W'tlti fhtrleiton. (¡trrrtO 1.»iiting I«W HortdR.Ad»m W Kiln.« S illeti . .Peter Vtn F.ter» 119 Minden Barmy Hrtktr',.. «- Mohawk John! Hsvls .... H«> I'alatlae. JiitrfAk RitylattP. . hfH.«. T.J Star**'. . « Ut John*» ilia.t'Asrlf« a ......'.».>, -4* Total.- tail ¡A» b Whig i to S Hunkers and I Barnburner* Last year 7 Whig* to 11 Hunker*. I S.u. ¦ * »»» C'R,»a»f.iA'.' (.'»> tar heard ¡ruin, ha» done «rail for the W higa follow» TOW*« »U(r«l r fkero Oriimui Johnion Whig gatn u.a f»null it.Il N Sherwood Whig gilt. '.« mi flay ..Ief*ei»»»n Freeman \A/nig KibrMge.fyru» W I prum. Whig gain, Ir1 nt«' De Wilt Rob« I'.ml.p ir 1 oro l.a Fayette J.»el Fuller. V4 hi» »alo l.yiander ...MR Church Wing gain in» tieaide»_ lt. ti. BBtoA Hunker. I Maallu«_ Ambrose t lark Wblg gain. 37 w«j M»rret!u» Ir» Hlsh.p Whv Onoadaga Kuiua OaaaM \v | t Salina_ iticbard Adam». Whig g «in Skaneelles Aatou Brink, ».¦ nl 1 »»¦»« Tally_ F. VI' r reach. Wlig Ahl gain Van Buren Helar Wetherby. lluuker. 10 rn»j Fompey and F«btu». latt year V\ hu Otlttco »nd ».pavRord, latt year 1 ore, te be beard from auJ the Citv »ifByracuse to elict i..ui Supr:»i»oi« iu March There to kardly a doubt but tbe WM.« will have a matority ia the Hoard of Supervltort. which ite 'J last year ? Whlgt aoJ M 1 -coi Sckokai .r Ce» aa far aa heard Irutu Tew», »«few« .»or» »»award Tola«. Warrea. Whig Ja» anal Bbaroa. J W Van Robairk. Hunker, 40 mai Oarliale..Hat.ha MrNeal, Whig "' ai. Keretraace... I.ewi. Koch well Whig C»^V«wA*li ...Joba Brown Whig The lut two elected without opposition l»lt»k, I TlLKoHAfHtt QBRPsII lio» VAIIH Nata* bavaswuK «ti VVe,lne»d«y evening the wire* be tweea New Teil «nu St John». New hi w, re connected, and Mr K.aie. tbe tkillful operator »t tb » ead of tbe line held » »muvernation with tbe opcrrtnr M tbe Rt Jobnt »«flee Th» dlitanee It »tx ul 7' Tbil almo»! oc red Me e»cu in lb,»e «Jay «, t wondcrt Un Tharaday eveuing tbe click of tbe pen le»er an Dounced tbat Tkt tVihtut F»prvrM b*al reached St Joba», aad tbe A'«f-c*«t'i aewt wa« »ent forward in time to be publitbed to T*i Tntntst ot Friday mornlng Frobebly the aetra wa« published in f n S i' eerry Prtiay morning. Mr. Fu i M«»BK «NP Mil krbí.Tfte A ¡muy BualV ¦'«"""*' contai u* a ro/np«|>o»«letK«8 bat we« o Mr Kill-obi sad the i'tarks In the ('oatroller'i IV partment at Albany In which th» cJorki exprou their adsMisll a of Mr. r ae a p-blir man aad thank bim mual cordially for the uniform kind.ass and cordiality which hare characterized hia ioter«-oui»e with tuen. <a tas ada-a_srali SB of the BBBM of Coatroltar Br Kit MOBS B.M a happy and appropriât» reply » «w - Nsw-HannHiRK . Isa_c D. Stiwart, a Free Will Baptist ClerfymaB. Is the Yroe Soil candidate f. r Coufreu la the lid. Dlirriet ' len Cm « 11. i-n-iu ii the LocoFoeo, JoSL E.BBS._ the Whigr a,>u¿.« e «__*"* Thus. F. Mawhall is p'«jp«>ie»i as a can¬ didats lor th« Ksntacky Conititutiooal nvention HP* We learn firom tiie Wttt /', «,-,-.«.,.« \\'k%g that a sold and all ver mine hu beea discoverad near Wy att'p Bills ia Beaton County, la that Stale.the ore is aawoaliy rieh, aad ytaida soase 71 or 80 per cent A BBBS.I California a.eBsassat korkeod, aad the «nraer of the SBddsy rr >r«v«iiB ta the net*'h bor land hull «ruardelnl|bt LATÍ AID IMPt'HTANT ROM PAN'AMA Xf Ti i iülltjwint.' letter, three di\» »ter th p-ev.i i.« »d» :«..¦!, »id OOtll «re- much :-.,tereit. wai InrwRrded t«. b] th- M Henrico, from Chairres to ('h«r!e»t"i. Iadlanullon »leellna of the fiiil|riuii. I.r Mtnlth'a I In u Inr ( or. Forbr« unit ll « alHoinlM I'rulrat of tbe KinlgrHnta. Iithmut Correspondence of Tbe Tr:. une I'arama Jan. ., ttM MrtikA. BBITOBSi Vuu are a'.ready anjin» that the gre»t excitement about the (¿old ol Caltfon ha» Iridrjced »n unexpa-cted number of per»on» to Ml »rrrnt tbe Iithmut, m rtnät for the mine» Mary tbeae cannot be accommodât, d on the itearr.'r »nd tl w.ih other ctrcum»t»nre« hat generated . »täte of le tog which will be better undent'* d by what 1 tm a:. to rep. ,rt than by »cy other form of description 'jn Saturday last. noUre wa» given of a meeting Amerie»n» »t the Arrer.ean be tel, »t I P M. Accoi ingly tome three hundred mer. »tiembied. 'the great pirt not knowing, for whit intent they had come t..i tber.; and the mei-tisg wa» orranlred by »pp'.tc'.i bb | B R ft t Hry.nt. ( Met' e t ,r-¿ «J | »tdent, I>r I Haley, Vice President C»pt MrDoOg»! Ind »nd H. K Kobinton, Kiq f Ne« riet (,'tpt Mrliougal.Cipt. Heath tud Judge Woo ruf! were »ppoioted a ('. bBRMm ;.-, wat upon Ci| i- irbe» ot the California, »nd Me»ir» /.»bcri»ton Mellon, Agenti of the time and tnvte tin m to ti Keating Mr. N. alone responded In portón to the t vitaMoa A f' mmitteç ron»1»t1DL' of the V:«e Pre»idei one nf thtca« cretari-» »nd Kev Mr Woodhridge. w then appointed to eonilder »nd report upon the cour puriut i J ' !,',. Ici in !.r.r,ging p««*enyer» fr the Faclflr Coart t the eaoiuiion < ! Atlai.tir ptu>- gen. »nd »l»o upon tbe circular inued by tien. ?mit relative to the treipnn of forelgnr-rt BBBB I landt or mir.ei <f the T.'mted State» in Cal,fun,;»- which Circular reads »t follows " Ha» .Vrie.ri. a CMmM ,i( PaaBBM Hm Tb« l»w» of U.a I'i.iiivI Slaiei \t.f " | r I ¦;. trie »Ed imprLonmeiii on lre»ji»».er» ... elaao» nothm» can '«a morn 'jci»at"ra'. e or '1. nit, thai. :l conduct puttuad t.y pertop« rml rlt i«n» tbe t'ntl» Hlttea, w'io «re r. r»,r,, from », pin« to «a«rrh tort' irry *" go .1 batet .." .' '" tie Bl el ««t«i!»i "¡ta », ». .... eomênt* (a flirret rtoittioe of l«w. Il will ... | y arrival there. M |R toaalawib fat .- «nltbetrtofr» v pnaci1b«d by tow tl IT whom .... i , ¦ well ton ak» ... . . ibitthey a ... , .guten» "I Mee, who »h» ,... . ed "»-.tie» ii CahftRrnia Von r. t «. i.. »i ' Imettea tford« poriiin.'y .1 :i ». .' n, . «'¡own b "»: erierniy, and wi I « FFR.sKFl.iR F BMITH.BlOV .Ma .rli-ner» «A ( on, i Fii le l'ivitinii ill« meet.i, tl.'-n kd.iouiE.dto tiiit evening, »t I clork Th»1 people met usual, the l'rniient in ti chair il.- l'unini ': r.durt et f'spt 1 .r'.e and the l licuar, t. ported the following ». sil of which adopted with tui h unanimity tm .-ritr.a.altaa-11 Ml 1 Iba» lente ot tin t> treated ll lli .,.' T'a' »'¦', e |i»»»er çcri »c ¦ have a . ... »leainRr l.«.l'on.i«, oi « 1 »¿Ol - a o i.-ri wl.u have lik ..«(.- .i ta i »i - ti «i port» ¡¡n iba PreB e. ibai «. i feinu » B i i«il«Bi a aBk iba immi i ,| neai »I .. i .?..,.. ... .. » A.,«i lie [a»»e¡,,r-r. ate i,, 1 » ..¡,,,. ,,¦¦,. ' and It. Hie o, uer nf BM BaBM '' thaRa* rereip » n,»t it.i aereen,, ,. j a..ay- » . I.y tl.e Al.». t.i p»»»eiigeri a ti I. i* lad by tbe nmaatwi 11 r. ." «I lo ).«.»-fger. frotB ; »r-.»,.- . - - . ¦ town, wed . a «c ." Hie pan of BVe owner» ei «geni» ihr agr.-riii.-i lliry ave t.i».|e wnli 1 r,..n,j. tant ¦. i «««i « wad :'i«i Istonrtotor] nt'jM i ef a gieaaa pew «a of toe tottiridaaBwbol ratal ,-.... ¦.. ti ,. n: .n - fat.:. ¦. iilo H»»( «If "|| |"||. M .. e c, , rilan . j »a .¦»' y If Il t . ihey «re fn.'v prepared «*.'. . ' i Ihn pur] oie. » in ama H I v»uh n¡'-»r». ilititiicli t.. a i .ii:» «um: of our law». tl" « .ieirii.'iii /..a of tlie l M ltd Male« ran tore BartflbB »« m i, Ii t «llforala I er,l» "f il e «i-ariirr t.Bii'ori.l« kl t.«. Ito, Meatri A.opiCo hard a», in ei « utiWirrxr.1« nqnlrlni t»r.«-in Porbeetotok« \tf at port, e.(.er »l y al lue) wete II. f ¦arta v»»» eeaarary to d ¦ :n»iru nor,» a Bad rttmrne fr. m Btoewaarei i"»t rm tova aaMr« aaeaaaatai ibMCaaiaB Piarbaawll ii»rii»r«e se re.purntii" .lui.r. raaBagBBM inn j in > and Impartial v ". i.»t .i. ii.«i »i.ii«,¡o-, ..' tiit» m -, ;ic toa liare»!« u . .me of Btoaataga will gre»iiy |Rr«aaelad nyiie »,.¦.- g ¡i iba i'i:-1 a», f..e» »i. n-, al a -tt::'y agi r rve nf the elri »r eto o-. - a » . m I t pit .g! ei» toll ll'ev are | i 111 .tied l.v Ihe l««a« ..1 il e .. i«-.i Hi»i. . f... .,...-.. ».¡i .- o-, ."in an« llial It win ne In« iln'i to ei,f ,|. « tow» «.-«...., a 4 rli'I-r» of lb* 1,1 M».a a I .a Tt*! i«.- « « I It..nil« will ile,i, lui upon II « I »B < to« lawaof oui t.. :i . ci » I |i núgn . m . . i" »i«' 'i ''y tto »'ee 11 I tier»« /... tott Tr.iii.r »*baliMaa of ibt* attaaitog »r I Can iiinieeiif |V perao », In cuulei »l.n Uie aged of id. ». ». l'a. a a hey »ri a e > - . r , c. , n,¡,«i.. . tl.'»Ui"i». . nt.I.e.! !.. ll.eli I.r rll a ,¦. . . at .1 Idai »r»tj 4' Itee r..i/ej » i. r with 11m devine »icti me»L» f », tieyu»-, ,ni for lhe|¡eneral guo.1 S MAI.» Y. / ll F. BOBIMBO*« S v\ 11 IDBBIDOI a TheC. intn tfe. to Btokl 't i|tilriei. Ac torn It the f. « aad it ¦¦ t »m *,..-.: e\ i|iln » the tuuith, being voted t. iij;i*,'a, lory to the 'II. Tl* Coimiititee »pi'omted to i r. . a..«.,- it Bart ih» fo'lowliü ,jue»i|cn« «htch the» n-npounüed t /¦rhiiuon A N«i»on. th» Ag»i;t» of the California la..- «cd the «iitwei» WBMS »»1,1 A»»ni. returr.e i n »iiilntt i i-.i »o th« «gnu» at tha Pass*. Mi c.«nip»ny cou il.ler thai they b»«e I a ths tr»n»*<to;. of Un biiatue** of l',impar v ter. t.«, ihe laWBOfl n te«! Slat- MM 11Tà_ the ,1 it!-» tnd ,'l îtBtlor.B ta pabtle r*i'leri «w. rr .In ih»! »verv cinrer.. wM BBpBM '«" i'»n» pislMfeiB tu su rdaacewtlB IM t«.;' .'".¦i ".¦. ..'» |hi' ta carrier*, »hall be taken, loin« e«ienu"»l iheli mean «ai, a.liiiu of Bmpi / A .\ ( I .«¦/«'» V\ « have We iia.ieritBL. Il al .ibl.c». ...r ii,.l»t I M Mail fl 1MB, a- tapi > a .'< «Jam \ I » « tng otlie ctn-cyai.c.'t »'en ir (tarif pOWPI ».¦.:¦ - a., with i«, n » h »i»! < ». by l'utiin«,. up the ttrlp FhUMS . la.r Kr.i clac.« s«» »rf Hais t ,-le'a for paa*«a..e ni ihe OaBBMflta ''e, | » >1«J in l'anaiiia *< i ¡f .>> by »i«»l ru » ta piloiuy h«vi i.i» A«:»m»i »»n gastad m SBpaetaa ««f »urh SsbaM .liwua»' .Th« lia 1*1* ,ll*|«aj*eai o! lu Panama hSM beet iîIvbo tn accordai« « '... ih» pnorlty in ibe rrglaicring o BBMM daim of payment lkirj _\V hy do Ihe «jtetii* now refute to t»k»fr»lght or Ma Calif-«'» »!.»¦¦ paiasM hane bbm Bdeeedtofertagl her« al riiiaordtiiiiy exieu.e. and M ef r.-i MMMM M M .«-« tier, 'n ssBMaaseea at IS» Mvsrttatauen a «nee* given by Ms own»r* aid agrtit» I in» I I ml Bta M Il »i u wi«.j t«» laleu ai reruin raie*, and If u la bea al.« 1* a'ready fun. «here »u i.ei Caigo laa- Amaam fers .. .bat we have uc '.«.«m in tlieihip ¦.v -l>.« .he accrut ».I U.e Pacifie Mail Compare r-r» rarqga.e sa* prtu y of claim ci t_. t«»n .«f psm « ktlBi.llr Ma'i Company BM» rauenger» by trtntu-t.: »eaaei« Sansa Brafeasaata » tai. » wnhcur merur - hyglvteg préférer, e M e Ai ai.r- pttten.'rr» per a reagk «iciei» Psssaaswae hasnaag. ,- ira pack »«e met i.'.e.t chance m ¦il Ja" f cil-Why srsM a»-- . i iMsa s CeBae asataafy m postiive sssaraacu «Ivm .t. ;«.ei MMd Bmimay taneara en ano «pPMt , . » T By were 111. - . ibère pat .1 ? » . ¦. » agertiai tint p ri n, t- ", * » that t«. large a number »oui«! '«e »»»mía' «l Ptntma Krti arts, »'AC H hIBSUN, S.LSUN L i ¦ « T.. i api V\ b II .¦.»»u a:, H.' I w, il i. Cou Thank* were Ihen vot»'d t«> tne Isn.liord an.l the ineetiii ad', timed \ . u Lave heu« a p.ain unvaniithed liai» niei.t ¦ There la intente lerling ,1 m^/k. use a itronger eapre! .loa an.l bs * S.S sks t ,tt n the part p| many But 1er :.'«ir>g and law abiding p. rti..n are a In the aicrndaiit. that w* feel a confident auurance that all will pat» et wuhcut HftSM CaÁn*e,;uence* 1 have read thi* report to pèlerai ot the reipect- «'«le «nd rriponBible Vmertcan* here and H bat tr r tull lanctlon for a" t SBatsaSh M be 1^ H K l'H t»r t nlllornl« Overland Kaair. .., «i* ¦.« h. Tribune. nu Navas l'a t, i lin tu«.' -«1 «.! tlnl n. I'. 1 SI c :.¦: «. a t «. »i..i ¦> m . asrikad r the ¦. .. on the '.It f Jan IBM »iah | ..«rward Itt.« San ! .-aiirisco. by the in ai» route. Imme .liait' y and oblige yours. rvupea-tlul1« W H CHW.BKK | s Our f .»mpaay coi.aiat» <>! I lir«»en I> lioward Cyrui Ko», J,«hn MuUa'r | | Sch»*V, W 11 tharo, _Mtafes. Kit. M I'll- W .' a- - «Til rwrslt.sttht laats ».«¿¡»ur Northern irjativ h»..- BSeoMM s.' îsaolent and iriMTbeaitag lince tbe ran ge-, bave baren withdrawn. ti»t the tetllert are hour y .a ¡ear that new ouL'age* will kf p< rpetraled, and an. ther Indian war will b«e commenced. Tte loliw.i.* »\ tract from a letter rea.'«! red a lew day« »ince »i » » ala-I..g It»!'' of »fair! IB tb»t teetloii Nava.BBeCe T««a«, jun .- Wear« BaM l»!»«riii«.- a.4w S grBrSBM »" « - aiinol and will n«>t l«eal ifundre,!» ,,' Indian* of all «ire« and agei are «el loo»«' and rmr.tcd come into the utilement! to aun. y th» Inhabitants yet th- y have done nothing worar, »o far a* we Varn than SB iteal a few belli, a tlttl.« crn crowd sk.BBM treme !h. r rtt.-l. and ihre»:en their lives Kep.«rt lay« they ir»d a tew round« at the mail carrier and it it wi'l known that one would have Blabbed a while man a few day* «inc», but for th» nterferenoe of yitavnder» Tr.> people here hire b<« n t. Id that the fjon rnment had .olriler« and agent» to keep the In.Ilsni buk sal M trie »eUlemcaU If BO, tbey bsve not pert« rmed thetr duty to Ihe <L remment or c untry They are al lowed to penetrate more than a hundred miles Into the whito settl»inentt and among s paaaB-HS who will rlM ta muMt sud eipel tbem it tbey ars permitted to remain much longer, or to return her« .Botutos Tsl. :*th. By Tflegraph lo thf Mfw-Tork Triboit. Kepeal of Ohio aad Krte Kallreail I harte! ;!. p Ti.» Haws _, . « P«al«d the Charter of the Lri» and Ohio Railroad froi Ska Borroagh ol Erie t., Ohio -'tat» 'me. which wi rranted latt '.'.'inter. Th- v,jte M Ui» r«p»«l wu Ve«a .V; N»y» u 1 :.e .--naie had previuaaly p»«ae this bill. ».en. Tayler's nevenseata-Markets. Balt:»i ¡.t FtMB) tbli rut.riling. 11» bu a BBS day lor mtk ng bli cit¬ ât th» Capital. Tbe "MSB market » B .ulte in unittLed ttate There have b»»n ia.> t lioee the n»»* ; y t-. | reached our city »f i 900 bushels y^'...w Coax »; Arrival ef lien. Taylor. WAjHrxoTo* Friday Fi Ta> ' BTived at the Re.« HOBBBBl o'clock ttii aftemo' n S»«rent»ec cari wr» Í led wii »auer ».««ndints The Haiti .or»ans w»ri! out ! rr.»- h.m "i mtnitt The General appear»«! . ,-.d B a r.. a ... ... tbey had done htm if» remained MtfeS Rs'.ay Baas for P"ji-e tim». ind then parasse.I ! .'. -. amid rr-at'-nth-ititfrri lie <* », Cashier Farmers- aad Mechanics' Bank ALÏaa-T Iriday, Fa a-. ,,) p. . n appjtnted Caabier ol the Me chanlci and r»rm<r* rank of tr..* «-¡ty V|nrliel»"-P":i-»i.ii I'"»' FM 33. B le'tari aak.n* arista D I ¦ass, Treaiur; gâtai H -. »'- i i Market» B», i M »> r '1 he markets are I MB tt e,l ...» B w ,rd a m u «_Sf thing* un changed r-bicki advanced. Thirtieth Con^rewB. ! | ... V\ a«ii:\an v I 'ld«y ! « insl. mu« \ » r the ab r.«;. D * I be Hi I Of 1 . ata mm lead twtee i :.;ttee ni phi ¦...:. «iSfhan« 'lfee ll-.¦.«¦¦ - the wniowi and siyhMi i»I . . ....... r», la the eel p «i,t of Ihe late war will wa« ai*«« read »»d Mi Pibi » rose ». «.! n Bed a « mark! la eppoettten to -h;« bill In hi* view tt wou'. » atk ¿teat .' .. Bl » .Ml «laliriant» »nan« .«., ..ernm-i't It MM a sort ol leatttneBts ... .«ion matad to lay the Ml oathwmhta which was ai¡r.and t,. '««IIA the « ¦I meat of 8m fianci».- lornla Imm » >«,,T|o\ « K a . . noes pet itions ami n u is Br. Athsb n ' tai.' a.m from 4 tl « 'n fi"" »». lea by v ,* Nsyl ill» « Mr. J fa- or ty 'und l> . «a ho *»rve,i ». « m a .* ... : w. re dlsebi r . «a«. o ,' 'arc t.y Hsaators Down« I JsrrsssoM Oavii sad Ikes m s at of as» former ,. rm « r»\ «ti NT top i«"K«r 'I t Bei sie took ap I ' r certain ho"»« HMl darta| It S ISM «a';«i IBS prirpeity prisoners tal and »lie, BM »ami". TUP i.rsr.BA!. A*rTBOrai.TlOn MIL 'I Benste nesl » r Ihe civil nd ¦peniei easaiag hacal Mr. DaTToI . ai an in. nl |0 Bl VVa"*¦ tl » air whtah h.- pave t «»t. It "leaded BdCaHf Mr. Dai hit . in an able Bad M V\ » mi. i, .«¦ h' I .,..».. ate In a »j» safe la I '" -. naf« and tbe Im wtl «a t' at he bad r hai. I the .tu!.- . .. »I cal e i for II pi .a Thé ., which now ex at- ! ». I tne BSteSBS In «a i. eh tl Restate «a bow ig »I » la . very ib saner ti » theBentheeahot or H.tti ngrapastsfepaid Btstbemiegled with thiag* prêtent lav ¦»a« the » i' I.I re. 1 It w». M t Ml 1: to too much 'i tbe la« 1. r «vu- to att.-mi'! BM SIM h lorthe tuture raa to give a pear n Basatta ... M Of | v . dents, »nd reatram th, .... u. -hoi. d i,"t . ey ad tt, » '«-t Mssaaeat No Mtaeapi u .t m meas i execute the mam law* I not M leas without curt*. » I pfe I i ply be ettabllthed under a regul*r Q overt.m, nt Any i,ov t rnmect tor tl »" T.r« !.:... ... »r preatot »ub- itsatlally military a b h«-i rosas from the Beam renae lawi over t.s Territories.. 1.Il c urae he woud recommend to th» Senat», would !». t«« i it all tho.e am. ndn i.:. to the ' prtattoa hill and » h.m that SBI shnald he .!'.;. i to take u,« ths t of the Teriltartes snd sel n it If ti : pt tl I* -' « BBOBM up he » »it. r the , ii» cltute, »...¦: «» m»i. Matad \ t - BSMSM BBSmed !bat tome it .MM an.«* t«« th« deneral Appftlpf »t.. n accepta.ile He had STSéded ai «a ,1 1 a ,'« Mm as safetoeta whtah Mareaah uiai.-d t.« »x dfe prejuillc. a II- ». , a n irsMSSM »ere ca uiated to r.v.nt t. adoption ot a »erure .vat.'m I r re»",,«,. »'«,! pietervinp peses la ü I * Terrttertas Mr Wsbstar spoks sb«oat .rtasa astaatas Mr. Poor i irks of tie .-,!». H S' » MM] il.I ti'pi.'t ..! dttcurie meta Slater] aiira »oatksra arron»i .'. M et an., UJ with th- . p Uttep Iks lay.*!l of which be tasstsd in hi* cha'a.'t. »tyle Without I the ""enate adjourned. II«'1 .-I OF RRPKKäENTAI \ »< Aft» [ the II «.¦ ur in uniiiip.rtan| BMBbBS as to the firat» t.. printed wun «III AX CLAIM! BILL. M- .1 H toBM a iloa makir.' tne bit .ate war with w »hich was it air\^ Mr DoBBof N. ' mlal oa that an I and after Monday Mr. Vistos I red that tl BB proceeded With.Which ».» ».t ky \ e»< 10 Marys :t « tv», third* »,«te being . m Bi '. ;nt n seat moved I H mm >n the Mate <>t tbe In, n «. ..,. , yr. _,d s,jt wu agreed t I .- S,\. \: .-. tbe MMM rt th- i'. M «-Ve «epartment wai taken up. Mr. arm rat if pre;» '.-a-r, weighing . [ha Chah kcal that I Basal wai aot ta order. Mr ü when the i'haib vi» »uatained ty the ilou*e - 1 M i. of N. Y. ca sarasas BhssrrlagBtal t_ y üai had »nougb «f the Slavery d'»cu**l. r. TL«- I'miR decided ti a: Mm |a_Bbbbbb «..d Mr »\pk a. s .¡...n. .y r-*-im»d hu re- » «* and ii*t«d hit »lewa up .u lb» iui BB Mr. McO » sjpi i an. . .',.. « ¦ COLMBta ths ."«enate, ai.j BBBl S n the BsaM Be aj»umea a con .criatlo r: »liioii. and BSBad up»,n . r\iiieial».r a: '. y ti ,.».. >\ »«aingu«, and ^p t». the it « _,eLl . ike Terril. i.'en and patrio!» , »:t»n '..«. « '. hit r. tnar«i. When at b.u- a»d the Bmms by acclamation urged him to as on. II» bowed tl.ank* »nd nr.^-eed, salptj itodUI tke r»vi IbCi n»ry »«-nipronriSSI ! the ConsdtaOon, and th» r*ce»«.ty f carry ._-. ntry'i deitloy BBS hfathren 11 one mighty Kepu' Hi» concluding observations brought te»-« down rcanv a man y ch»*k M- P ;v vM \: hn mu. n C'.n'ui' ti t.*. CSaU . at "inally. to BStryai ..urmont, »»Et »t I It: m -t««e. *i : t; ¦ :.t ... r. «a t ., J by M.- i'vr va«* aad >ir Hoba. I Mt>s in able «peeeb»! upon the Boriharai am »u,,o '«. » the «o and the Hi. uc ao.juraed M.W.vtiUiv l.hi.lwl.ATlH-. lATL-iJUa-BB, Friday, leb ü OLCOT7 » «. A«a. Mr. B"»vii a-1. ni.Tcii a resalatioa paajaaBBag Judges Hand «nd I'arker i f^rn.ah lb« BaaSM with Ihm minutes of th* e.idence and Itidi lm««tili attain»! Th a «Uicott, late CMhiar ol the ( a__ bank, Aitmay. aad Uke- trie with the mimte» of the cher»-* t tbe .'.ry. Tbe r. . itlon au »J pled BBV1.T*J t*»«'xaJtci :-»rrtj«r M- A- i «4« o'.'-e.i « -. . vut m r a rep, -t | - »ta if M !*..- «B ; «ny r- « I 't by prg»y Ac. The rr«o.'n.'.:.G w»i »dopted. «BxuaaaM .-ha»tt:» i-jurf wa« ««ad « third time »cd «tied OtNllAl PlMIAIi LAW The Comn. - I a b"l t MBeed the Mènerai Backing Law and alter rr.iking .onne progress In !h« rociidrrstl-.n of tb-* »arne roee ret : : fe «Aa BBBBM »r. : had s«ve t .'.« tgun Ta* -eoate thee id.^meJ til KBLT. :«.«. ¿a» f A amend the charter of the Wil.iarr.ii urg Fire Iniurance Company "«:": ATI' r paaCBMB Mr. Vu || » to coatlnue M BMtoto r.ert of Pr» I - «la»:»» I 'TITAL BB r"i«KofV. Y. ret" rted a bill for the removal i. « KB» Mr. Va» » . \ « -i t-» tiitrid: I ¦ rpor»tr the New v ITtT '».«V .»IDIT0R1. Mr. -.¦¦¦ W ' . , . BfrroMiaa with -. «r.- B»nki the Hoot \-- i\ m llÜ.llhHT wmiiA MAIL ¡i ,x._ti... »;.--. . » atea attenpi I r ti lera hon»« »nl ler.- *b t toai hf hM wife in I MMBM lal «x. Very 'ikely. Thing« In Philadelphia. Corretpondence f The Tribune. PlIIt-ADfLI' ¦ \ telect, Si B. M .»oar. arrived in tn.» tttj th » »ttermein it I »nd took odgingi at Harta. I Wai Me. He :e»ve» to morrcw .'. -. ('apt Jtmet P OeBen I N«»y w»t buri-d thli . Ti"' funer»! w«j »tteci. i -er» of . -.tte», aad tome Rare a . stock ¦.. ..... »nd »t tdvaoei -i Bagarai .Pork ii qaoted »t »¦--..¦ .dátil at. pleaty aad dall PpermCandle» are held al loe 90,0(10 r«. W ax ll held at i.t» vtitn i»!.i FietghtaItwetlre. Whitky Inbhl. i.arcc »t .1 cent». SaLK= -T»c i./-"'' I B ... r«rd H«nk. 1 »high«! .. I SBar.k ,.. |. n <;ir«rd Bk. Hi 7.000 City - cite . - BM . . North / ¦¦¦.¦ * it»nk, ....... Xf Htm. Mili.« « t ,.| lb« III II» tlii« city tl I «t » s a a and h»i tak. n ¦'j b g< at Bartwrir* » tollo« a I « 'i »a. fab 1 Mr. Haitwcli , W . :. reailiness lor ibe \ ¦¦ : «...:¦«« BBgM Irato Mr. Flllmore, w.« an<ter»U»d leave« tin« I | || laV feil '-'-' "«» Ap C Jon.s. ; ».¦ I i. n ¦ i ' . rauie Was .¦.. u v by Gee -... v v\ '»m aa r»i ¡. . I 1! "i. r j » «aa »»¦ » r. nutted to the Coart n - tea furl I....N .' v. a.'ll Ma.ntgil, plsintilli. W \ r |c . I WM coin- '.y Mr. I iwi.c radani Adjoaraed till tomoirew II n.i.rk 'ii r « , , .; ...... « fing In th. Senat.«, with »n amendment «trikn g ..ut thir.i .!,..«:.> "I., ueiaiay _im i Hartlai i rt Odd h'rllnn iay» .. A friend ef ouri h»i ;uit n lormeai ut that he h»» iiacor. red » Mlvsf ruin Hill, three mint .< of th i p - - V iiud "f to« aea ft *. ttttt it « n ry baevg »r 1 reiemMe« Hiver v. ry mu'h BM »heth. r tt Ii. B t we aie n t I PaxaioiBT Tati b'i renn r:-«. lady "t the I'i-, ... arrived b re ]«»t evening i, the r tr "11 BaMtlta» re « ! p'ore, d.'d immediate v t Ih.'.r »p.rtment» at ll. Ml B ..-. i,.t. n Wh.g 13d I .. lure en Wnm.n Ml » » s a Ç ¦. ,.i..,| BM ». 1 ture on Woman b. .re a BBMMaM »ndl.ncr in the f'htpe! ol the I nivertuy latt r.ight il.-*liuded to the element! which in the early dayi al p »-try formed im¬ port and the dram.tnt. ¡Be chirnteri wr,.¡ unter their peni w. r>- Bal ideal ot the »ctual c\i,ting Bel 'itral'ed their writing» »1: t tag, and laid wl ;!.¦ lt.. ;r ity'c' nt iic ' lur it» likene»» to nature, our» w»» re; » We bal i. « ridlculou»!y i.t age It seem* 1»- '.hit in the .ge nf Shakipeare there aaald have heen found ¦ woman who laved in »u.-h « way ». to »ct upan th» err» n at 1,1» gemui tndcautehim to torn: in un h native I. ..¦'ueii whole tear* tal like curli tro m altee i torrow et iuch beitiít of thote d«yi ind be fore muit hive exuted to lerve thu end ibe wat not a t i-.i-yhit hand, lo her beauty there wa» fidelity »nd there w»i W.- n 1 »» 1 Mr I> th« women of Sh»ki|>eare g^in,- termi to their aiec . th a freed ¡m that w luld itartle The conclu ».. n we mu»! c m-t .«ti«-. Btotfj aged M the tlmei. tiie p,e*t nly *a.| tbe ¡Jell ol ih», which exitted in BM » la >h«klp»-are word« are atad y MM .«t ;¦«... « r.«r»rtcr« w . - '' n tr« j.-. irnce t i.-male». »nd ii tnsn t.. make uae ol them | c inptny tt the prêtent d«y ha m aid babaeaabad tree»i*aaea«*tabM «nci.ty Another part, «nd the h»rd.-it t. .»p »n lithe . cn«r»ene»« ui eonvertation with thought» m M gar« IfWI -part« . l»»t ca»e a c «tredirt m In e «'» ¦..¦» ant has BM the p.*-! put I getber whatieemit matt ot Baal Tbe feto waa the gem-rai re; . . ... . ¦¦¦ trom bit oar. it n I bat bl n Nature, »nd ira t I to tart by r| 'V ol .»«»lure r.erii '. lie ip. ke in part - the *aa_ n traa» . eier. when the ttrxt.-it external m. deity ii pre»- II wthoroiighly. ll ». ,,. m--p w men »nd n«ttb.r¿ else, and th from e»co other. »Iw«y» women N.,th ¦. laid, was more »ubdiiir.» I Bto h-trt msn than the wnmin whether tt child, laughter r ..» adutnt t" tke teul .t msn than the my dtughtt r 'A u»t .i . :.-he character of he», i i l.e ii i.w.i. ,: .- Ving formed ,y the purity : i.-r BB nit-ire, tor bed aba ¦e»n ¦. Woman m ter origina I 'tiatituti. n there w hRve been it: » i » m^n The true man it ei n.clout of the lenie of the ,. In woro«n which w. mar, a Bl ra-l exn never da Tne spiritual beauty pt i-j itr to woman I* a «»ranger .--c« reeld ll we trace itr.kea t.a BB much b«. r fini bel .. . Ut i BMBMraaj ihr r.i-i .1 r . . r. iar»e|f lutp. ¦..¦ »n»e . e ti»d 11,1111.0^ in ber d-wrvtcg t luipcioa.-a thatn »a» ,,ur »>,ty Bbetvaaatrea wiim»n. BM »»rr'ed ratoB Mai » w.f. i » nu»ba:. «-that wb. e in tin- bight o: rage »Ld t IB wtb p«n. o tei-i ».* » w, msn i tea.-i teil ¦..Mi Daaa mtr .fj:-ei oartog ":s lect M r, fr, »a ...itt.ello' deacriptive f '.he character ot Üafadem. Tbe Parlfle .TJall«. »'iroRxiA ajtB Oaieea Min u n».»»», i'iiAuax» and r-ARaa» .Tne nited Stole» ttearn pack- -. la-c'D w; 1 ., ,t . | -.. ol N York oc Thur»d*y th« »tb of M»rrh next The p. hern y notified thtt rat^.» may be »ent L Newi.-t »toe Mut.-i Carolina, S»»«nn*h. lieorgi» and Batv-OrtaaM ! MMaa I le eeaaaved bv mIímmbi p«cket. whict. a M '- New 1 orkontbe-, . »loc, .- C n t.-ie ..ih trv.TR Sev«iio»h .th .a.-hing at i!«»ani and from New t'-.e»n» a the '."h ot March \T Mai! bag* will be made cp M New v ork. to ward-d to a., the p. mts. »raive named a (W lor Cm- pa Mkaaaa tata »-¦ trt »co ar.d Attorta. The postmaster f «"btrei'.-n. ¦¦»«»»nnih, and Newnrie»,:. wlII ».» max- ¦ m...» for the point» itoted to í.« i»nt n b< »ra ol tne Falcon, upon her arrival at thai- rvt^ctiv. The entire pcatafe for a tingle !. «er -i t 'xcetadtog m'.l in ouoee :n w«is;bt, will Bj ttj " ¡'tt m Hitui »leeat» to Chsgraa. M) cent» t., 1 «nam»-t.> be pad in »e. ' 40 cents to »an DtegO l-»tiU Barbar«, -Mooiarey. .¦_. iranciace and Astoria, to to prepaid or M M ur ",,d at ihr .ption .I toe wr.ter ^^ Rew.paewr. «r - p.knphlet», »e» p.,t«e. cenu e.cb »nd aland pa.tuge to be added. r JoHN.-nN. »_- /_~ r._ H «*M*»»àV Ai«JB«r»i Fa«t Ujtue ¡jtftwTtnmt, Ft» », »tte ÜITY ITEMS. vniian», »Ve. Te-Merrew. naaai » » Vfr lr> x «la> .».»»> «71 ... «1 , . . - . »l»l «>««»g a ... ... . «««mag -.« . . » bBMBBBBg I »acería. «Sie. Ta-**l«hl. f>...«u-», .-I '.« «»«««- ..... " . : * ¦ <9e *rt uf linaw Paiat-r».- t»- Be-»... IS.1.1 F « . «. Baa».* «.. . . « -»a ._».. .». ¦«....- ,. a' . ,.-»*- . » 7 P B. .'..' ».' »'.«-»» -* P S ». ... . .> .. « -re Amhmi lg»..«i- Sr.*j»»»..-. a »»«...-D«ra.i .».»,»« Tki \Vrirnrn. . ft « « M Twenty BBS -nd y»»te day morning dawned clear, soft and blue, with an air mild M May The mow melted rapidly an! our BSSSSfe no «o were riven of . « » Basa »pparently veri tying the prophecy ot a weather *«,..«. down liait, that it would " blow hard a the tut, and then thaw no- - tssassa. » Ma. Frt v. .L'tnti-- ¦ a been decided up»,n by IBs C mmittee of »üb- BSrikSSS fort 'Mr. « Ah:ch BSssstsa » < ssa I a-a »pp. »r t'.,.- the r.-.t lime before an American au p .rtna Kai, iotti take* th» pssl 4 .he :* fsaag *n,l m_masad, »nd Is *».d by th.«*e who hive heard her. t p -»e.i » 're»h su i :;-e!y c«iltiv»t»d I .: r KraBABi, th«> tenor and ,-ignor 1a» »a null!. the barytone, are ip kin of as artnti of greii ment the former i* itill quite young. The bat» « M| I p.etc* the c. ntteilation.another .-»aui.which I* to ri«e upon tbe muucal nitmeot n «V'edneidiy night t)f course, the ruih ... h.iui«' at it* rai»e,i price« without the tp. ntaneout Impn ae MMa| fre«j MBBMI sra t .»r a arorthy Br. Fry ¦ .... ¦- » I th.« ready reipome which Ifea sun .n-eincii thi Mn Bred]la. lark n Mr Fry «kMfcfaaghi g gaaaoeI sseeeeMlal el «.. under dlffl nlrJe* and a- « |»t w.iuld have crmhed leal perl've-i..' nv n an at li'ait éMMsaatsntad tike bmped.fcOBy «>t ... ty wBk BM pret-nt . The new lu'l*e»«on. SBOM 10 Mm e that tr- MMtasI : u .... |k fes sappsft i " I the impts rSSSarSM now In th.» City. (ilKVUN COB« >KI. -I, fediSS « i.-;man Be» y y m kaes as Ceaeert this evening »t the rakeraaels l r, m the t.. nt i.'iat. d for it» c, lein ati «n. an i the pr M - th.« pr. »oarnme, it Will be a m«mt ehoieO and ,!. enteruinment a « itob St » a si r s tssaaaskips from tais Ctty to Ckai «t i B l' M Is i MM » Il t-1« MT.H ,tli ti ,-r « . ¡noon at tltelatttr hour. r%r- || Mil I kBD I'll I BB, > rtyaetardsy mátalas, for vv'a«binrt.«u. VI Hermann, wlilcb hilt'hi* port ««n Tu«'«di.y, w»* i a,«t Bra, t rrra.rly 1 tl '. « ml,iv» .. .. t ..'turn in : »t.'unier, fog tie- SeBfell «, I '>' SS8 ptaam mi If «' u, g ' "t tin« new it arsof Col.M'l n pashsB ..;.-. *¦.« at who»,! name wa» not aie-rtaiii'd, wa» ». v. i. y hart M l'htiiday evening by filling on the »IJewalk _A boy named Jamei Cu ,ini wai levetely Injured on Ttanad ,y aBsraoea, I y hi hs] ras t - > a lion« and «a«gnu lu 'Iran i «t. Letw« n Kates and Norfolk it« »1.1 » til«- inte 1 Vinencaa Vii-.i lation wa» pn»,n,' II . mB ihsai 10 Bfi » B y ssrs Of ,i,d Ho tu- I A 11 » M; r a r St u-ttig. \ lay Bfternooa a very retpectal«'«- n.echinic, BBBBfd rard I'r. ty MfeBs andar I drratige.l ttate ot .tt. Mptad t, drama UsbmH by «umpw,, ferryboat at aha fast si OSaslB N ¡i «t *»em* that lie had but lately »«-rived ¡u till* country, and n ' : smptoymeat, ihoasht to pal sa sad to hi« « I,] drowning huí:.. II If win, !]..»..». f -. , ci. d tr. m hit peril >ui «ituat. M BJ SOBM Bsfsoa who jump, and Mkaa t.i ths Tomb», with the hope '«t hli BSBBf i'«t «red t hi* »enae» « I « .«v. Iir Psrkeroi tl,,« aititt.d by Dm vt»*'jir Másate *n,i stfeari p- a turgica p.-r.i«. n on \|r fettled lagan, win, r. I let in i ront it and wh«« rc'cut.y ft «n .- r sil n M«r ket. which laded nearly half an hour. BBBatag SglSSl . a of Meed sad Mash pate to ths saBhni iiei» now in a lair way to recover. i,i;i »As s batchta « h btm in«, a b»'ing driven down I u'.t.n-tt. at a r*pid rate yesterday r^ard wheel» ot the »«¿on «'ame .¦:..-« «'ti1.',.', »nj throwing to th« urouud t...... men who were m it. PROS ii i n Im in i . ! wa« found in the dock at tb<« toot ot I'atlierine it yea taken tithe BBteBlk Wa-i Ma «te. -¦- i v » « v I ; . hive, been « ..»:.) i ths rtsey .,i a i «us B Orssantah it. Tu« » -" Tl ..«.. IT lit! > 'lariin « -nt. r.d the he.m No »1 Howard »t. atd lióle qoaSS.f «>t wiarng apparel and plated war», Wh'« h he i seeped b_P* 8aa adrartif sBsrilsfa Mining Allocution MOOELTI AH-AIK.-' l'«i.' t>s run l. it. \ tioiii, w|, Mssmscoald n ,t hs a.certained Ml on the ice in MyrtlaavSBBS on ay «ft»rn.ion. and fractured hi« «hull by '. lence ot hi« fall. lie wai Immediately picked blood Streaming from both ear* an i carried into the drug »tore .; ;. .,mer ,,t \|yrt '.¦ it BBM and l'e«rl*t. ..very BSBStHMS «a» rend.-r d him h.arlng ot hi* »ltuation. bad him removed to nar. »id»nc» but oar reporter MS laotfoafB I he lived Thli aa-eident wai occati'.ne.i t.y »une >yi who are lb the habit pi BMI t;,' ». lias pi» oa the pavement whererer a »lignt :nr!ioati.,n in th" »'. .-. a : t.n-1. it IB Ahu . A BBfflS attai «had to \ ran away in Main it ye»«terd*y altern ata, and SB near .erry, »truck the curb it«,M ell itoreatthe rn-r r ,r.t .»n 1 Main it» which t'.rew th.- .inv.-r ut . ... barrel* n the «ide walk The man wa* not much hurt tre wagon wuc«>n»;«l./a-i.y a Heard al .»uuervleere... Fama» r- * tirney. . B> i «ainiei r««* m . 4 a I .ttic» and a Clera. ti,J in vari» » \rt. mania before lh» Muprem« Cou'i am! Common P.»aa »a* , :,-,»: u. paid, Mr M.K having recelv- , - «in'«unié-inf col!«ci»,l la f.irVii-el /*r .. v ».i« », ary ' . \t BeBaaai,CoamySsa« . » a* o.'U«r»^ tu e » * ' If» Bdflssade fear |1M a prep«rtr.g fjrmi'.f ".lltry WM retened wa« a « Acl.oe wa» imen .,ri «loaie pelillo.»« tot »xeciptioti fro. .a*« -A amed M..nd*. t'aari laleadatr ...Ta . D.« «.. ., DliTH OK TH> . B y Farrarr wh »., iha i,.|» a-relvta- grsd Harvard Iniv-riity. died at hi re»ii»nceln « B H M Tu»May ait H- wa* b«,rn «,n th» Jily. 717 and graduate | ia _e y.«r |"J#| He w.» '.». rir'.l y Cb kaaérad and one y.-.r» p> v»n ¦oask% sad las days Id Atlas t*T 1 Bastad ! j.rint th* law« » » ».* ,/ the last session ot th» North «"«r«,.:n« »gftivture «nd alto the Beaasaata i f,jr the n-vt .ature M' Wetley W.'..t_*-r r üb* Ukeo I urioting the laatrta.I of th» las: s»»ii..n t'*v* a pedlar * i a lca«h tateaameaal i % BB r Ii.too. «asslolaafroat_e Uvern tt ¡J F Boydan a Durhamvtlle NY on th» -7U: n»t HT The Bl papaye! D».\Vitt libi i nm- J ai :u p-.-«» at Ku-al,. and the authorship t* liedlo Gao. WCiDiTc.s iiiij _e ii*uugui*ned deceastíd. r*/* «:«« PtUTi hap be« a sw»:t trial for attempting ta mil'- der tu iti-p mother Mr* p*j0e, by adraini.ienng *r «erne 'ihe partie« re»,de in Aurora. Krie Co. rjf rhsSBSS PaekssB wa, arreite«! at Ware m MS Po«!, Mali ou l'ue.»d«y last -n charge of hiving PM In H»rk;mer !',, NV The rogue was cougbt by mean« of the telegraph. ti- Th» CBagM Dtatttaimt saniism si the mar rtage Bf H»nry F Phian»y to i.'arottne Martha. din.nt»r ol j Fen.mvr* OsSfSS the aovellpt ITT Ihe Sitrarmr .i.»,r.,i/ Baannmas the pu«i- den Je«th br ap-iplny, ,,f M»j,.r Jaup. rVtLl.. p. «a «a-MBi Md worthy dtUaa ul that place. Trial ef Jaba «I. Aaeita aa«! Janea Neehlt harae.l wllh Ibe Murder a! Tlmelhy *»hea. .'hi case was refuoied. Mr. W!.»»t. a n. I i aa Heaara. M.-Kaoc Fh ¡lia» and Iweeaay »... . -. decease»'i »w .T! VA as 10 taru at. ¡bear» .. '¦- -:««,«- ..»w»|e ... . a . a«. » . . M run« at | towaaa 'a*. ; txiy. a ,-reet aty. Ac net loo» a' rera«ro tie»-.« a -r«»ri >f | «.. ting ¡'T» «. , « » -«c | u i »a pat aa my » « ¦¦ I II »- I r » a - . .a and came «at»I tew mat man .Austin, at tbe dm. - .:.» . ». 'iv . r«.- I FatrYk M Bw r laues a «r i - k i .. ,. wit» .-'¦'.«:. U .-, » a Pa » I »I tf" ,«;[ P.: . . the deranier in hi« h«t aad . AB* alter, Aa* adlbl - u«: I ,, .-,..,. « ei 1 , .... - » » .. »re » (Toward, - » a lia keep itie«» » - . ch».r. .«rned i . . «a ta to the at , . rabea m . . mi .-. . i »I keard wMtweMaMA «nd Tiai» ., , I.u_b«*r, I » atoti* Mare were tara t . »nd the hr«: to» k » Sect. aaw thai uian Autun i:»»«p »se I « a ,. ...-«-. ,r.e « |a> «it. l'.«ler R . '.» - el ween a u . . « a-- »... a . I . »tl«"! I :.»»-.. . . ".' BBMRM MM haloed .. - '¿ aa.l nw uiy «on , .'e A,a»r »nd hi» head i i . wril to hiru »ni le ine,! .... ed n Ml » «area wl a i I le'i , , i.- . .. I 'lan.s to . , i »Meve, ta I A st». ' .. « AV ,oi «. :. »Cáptala 'F « - T ¦ V » «.» -I . « '»d I' afler teal be aal - Bu H .«a. « ¦: |»|« ll .- [years; I weal tothe BtitkM Ueaaa » X -mix-, »»w «one ire IratatBg IhM MA 4.. cot In.iw wt,u il ta IBB moirienl I law him I I a «> I . ,. lot: 1 :.«. RM A Je'inan to «earch hta ¡' rkett ( , »loi wti . Ibe I « i » pcx tel » ill¦ « II red »Her to prisoner Iba i -»¦- he-i MM me ,tii «o home ; ¦» eoa waai « » » r'.a'ht alpes» to toe Mir ta MeBMdaMihe . . Bee w*» rut ou ihe nght )*w. now a ,...:! iha 'o.-rhe«d t real mark. » ,.': i:¡ a cir. ;. ¡n :*ie ce-ire of t . Ia» i'i.! rm vu bleed ng- wl.rn he »u «u.,"i> .-.»»i peleel a .. . uaa, !»ui there wer . n right I' ;'it» ,n '' f Ibe » MM MBl deer, ind HaBrowa'i baaae, «Mtaedtatary .'¡p»ait«. the e.-.j i, use ie; on fire while ihe A Uerintc wa» in. «id tny leid ( .. A ,,.«.»»» dark. I I «n.t »oo* Pat! . -, irai . [ he tontet of tbe cbaftr which Beabti ». -»:... . ... I taw A .aur . r «- »' Pill ...ill*« Petit' k « telar « a . in » . .he «u » Fati ek .... \ . - :,.«r r.a.iii a .- ran 11 we . »yd kill all. a | hitch» - n no lune, «I- .... , | . lo ih.« wa.l, I oa waa i mied to we kaep the iioor feat, lad I dtd ..';en i»a( AaStla Hoop d.iAVO on ¦. ... -Brfor« Aiutln w«» itruck with Ibe decanter he , » . a .i are lauta . fete »j tba . an r » wttaea« way» «toed by Mi if lie litil laid anyuniig to Mr Aumn or . Meadl thai if » ... tappttarhere Mereadtof,MBel ":»i." Wbaa '.h» niiêiilon wss wuti'rawn an I re- .. ii .. At! .:. y The raaa» »»«« abeal vil i¡ra«w»in got up to maka objection* The . lei «»««ry luil Mr ii a»«ni I'li'tie.l til-it. aike.l h m i,, »ii doWB, »i .1 .»'.! e n in .;..,. '.a »hoivn to lie« I'.Mirl he«i»U alrea.1« .¦a,i '«¦-... a . ihn canee, »n.i Be ii" if «itch peitit'..«l in Mr«. » few Won)», cooiiileriiig thai he ha.I oi Baled . a rlgnla 1 Ir w «a a. o* ral ,.. a .»:, ¦" to the in anawei . »» llie». I...I -a lier« oi».i.j Mr »\,, drtdfe, the ««etica*» ta au a It 1 « , m to Am and My « ke,.|»t tlia V triuril, tie» Co r Went lo fall mir,, .m M a ile-r ii,a.. thai wa« wl lb a .'i . ... .. .. « l .im» n a ... '.. d|« ««:.« AuM c ha ii .. ii a go. .1 r . .. 1 u. linn wl.en ....a-!.««' . » » .... | nu«. Hut n wa« the i rdayi IKI« »y pia-ket a . a I I . », i was BOl p" ¦' ' .1 in III . .e.t VV .... ...t lite to (ii .i «ikeal Bl* ROW Kl'li want ... \ . waa for .. « a 11 T BBdtOaaj how llill.'ll ll» W.Hll.t ^ A . .. ..¡. c , a ,, ,|i g » i.i i. cannot is» antik ag aba it a ,. .. gol gol .1 evening «r .1 . V .. . -A .-e« « Dig! O'rloe» III the ,!»y lYt'Uiiony « Ml in V -, ta he wtt done Mr JoliU .... al e,1 Vlr AA Irl .. t h'l aide . 1- fj Mr M. .». .Im >i u not repeatedly .-».. «I Ml AA In,]»..'. Iu.i.»e I I. la lb» t.. u..- a ?.>.: to o al I .Il nul call «t afraid if iba hooee, and va afraid m ga m tos Big ta r* liu»li«nd I I ... |g« MM for »i «i D;d yeu ¦ 1 h . Un ,,'r. u' g e ,n«'low o| il,.) U.Did) . .a I III IC.. (Mit AV.-I I With n V "Htlir :. .1» .v »«.m ror me: u we*.........( lay we weal -¦nan w»i .here', wli^i Mr «Would not a;,,ia« 1.1 BM, io I w»,kt*d out « abo waa gi tag v\'*»i. hut mt » < ei ran, »i »««'a u a bm ¦i u. ver laid I i»»» :e»ire»i toe» a n .r . ii ,..ii i, for 1'ie porpi f f K all ;: Ii IW Btol h MBM ,. o.n V c,i Bad rerappear «gi « - rb» « sataaaaboai ». n.i'e.»i,;y ttnn-,1, ,»t|ier In g tb tl . «erin» to be aa « re kii « into Oktal Ni r 94'«rner Ui n /«m. far daaaagee «n.i aaawered la iba ir»auv. ¦.» a re thai 11 kl |Des e premi»es The IBM f..t rece»» lu,... «m/.- i, it... I) inlet A'torney , : Ibal lb» Alt ir. «, i.euer»! w««i>rtgiii»ily exjieatail lie .». .¦iite.l wuli hitn. u wa» rccerly aicertalned 'U.d BOX, stet ... deetlted Mr VVhe«ior: It was laatsotwd 'li»t iwe day» won d be o> ii| led eatpaae Bg « .¦. Mr vv baa» iniaaahai i»i»ied ny iii« . - ipaAeh il ll v.ry .le«lra!..e to h«'e lier n, hear M lea« a perl ef Ihe irxicaedtBg« Mr McK «teved n.i t ..un ..t it,rn nil toBterrea Tr¡i» waa aageaed by M.i.ri (iraiiam, but allowed by the Court -Adjourned lo ooo. MAIIIIIJID . .- ¡i ... - o ii , ., Him «ARAH .' ' n».Ai;i '.','¦> .1,1.1 u » 'A ,,.»,., .> I A , ¦ I ii»m is «ii.aaai Hn. MART A. F Hooli DILD. .. KRRK11 »I linl.T ¦;-.-.. A »I M Hi.ii.ii. i »c w.Bon .-..¦» . H . .- » M . . . »»lin.- Ï A JAfn H Mew.Jwi c 144 s. » .:...,, «.- . Il ;, . ¦ . Al I. i A|,. IHIK/.4 . I a --.-.,.. . ¦¦¦ ill the reí« i , ,. »un«,« lo Weekly Tribune In I lud. of Three und Over. U IMDAI Pal ..' 1 - '. - Ohio . Kuatiio, Mich . l.'aiMirfT N 1!. e,,». a», |rd. ,;.«.. ,; |ij . Cana F.,to» Mag F»in«t Pa U.M.. I l'eçre iVri;'.r,Cr..ea N y ' c, -ny. F». i|Norw»y, a«-. ;». go « . lehanna, le I .'--RovNY A../. Urpikak», I.I.I Individual Mihacrfber. from Varloaa Teal llfflcra. Matoa.'i Fa» i.s-,-,t»o,». 7 Mea Hampshire. J Ohio. . Mltttrcutattt. . M'rl.lgsO., »;.»ioecucut. Mil. ssippl. 1 ern.oiit ', ,' of bl« . Rl i- il.tud. t.anaua. New Vor».i«| ¦YaBBa. bat made another »¦.knowlidgiiicnt ol donütiouf In to .f»y . paper and wo tc i-e that 10 many of «ur oiott re«pe» table lient.tritt »nd moneyed Ic.litutl in« rentribute thai raid I.r attain-'I but, like other reform«, it * '*. . »tul th« outlay of much Bl 1.1 y and ..tor I «...». IIUSIHES.« «VOTlOF.b. cy B.«» , -.,,.-. Be ...v . i-Atay T ry itity llier» a-alhf te . »0 beiD| »ir.e c ,,,., ,, mi a; 1 ,, ... . «'«.-¦« BMhaaBved -. . . '. Ü-»»r'T ;»,. «, ine B»ai- iniRh Bro.h.en. and ihe , » Biartainmeni« of Of««l '.'.« S»',ie Bf.jtiieri. Fete Morn«. Mlu Italia »nd 'libera OB* The aiieauoo of the putj.le 11 re.,»«ate.l to ih» »sir» of Real aatato ny Amth »y J BLxickaati 1'., ato I s tog »l the Merchante* Kxehsnie, eo-npntXug the dwelling; » '- a«« . || f Avenu« ¡J ¡.g- . gj, ,,wi,-,Wit, | ra,r aj Kig*!'.'. 11 -a.h a ItVl ..- n ti.eresr. »td two reuie» on fnxii udenf r tag. . « I ng, ihe wb¡.,ti nan, on a plot 01 ground tbe iwo .'« .7 and ll« Mttetwaaatteef ihr «venue.duiaK I -i nor'.h of F.tghlr. it. ga I»., -cruirslll «r.1 .'44 on M norm tide of Sevetlb-ti diiiant |i«i BVAaaMl I ' ¦ .'»!... Befa* aad aaaa iaatoaf«MB4»aal »I etween Firn »nd A «venues, the house ttl Jones-it near B.eee.ertt »nd j lot» of ground on eorth ltd« of Por- ty-«A«eond it aafaaetBi la ¡'Fony unrdst Maato iv'feet Futof E evrnib-avenaa Aid met BB« iioutt» oc ,rtn « ¡ie ifNtutb-tl betwaen tvrr.ur.ll »nd Ü To fi».«n t,r« The practice of »n ratahlitbed dtntlit to e j . .ttyt of. including otTJeo furr.tturr guch »a a deniitt't chair, »ecretary. center taùie, chaira, carpel, wurk table, and » -r necessary Price gsoii. Address üenusl, Tr'.tRioa Uffaie Offi-etoiei t«" M F ixt »Hi lecture « Cltoioo Hall thlt ».*oi*g apon tb« " Wunder* of Nature and Art," and aaawer «otoe .'. . c.,~non« to FiacmcaU F*ycb»«vogy. Or. OutawUli i~_gi'«u»e«r_«ea I BUSIKF1B KtyriO-8. i »» » Bata-Cae 11 Baaai » . ,a t - BMWBBaMtaSBBaS.IfpaaSBtaMMhadsfB tor . »e-.:ar» loth .(»>'«!»'> »no«. ». .,. ». (i !JtFuiloa.<t. Tb»r» IBBM - Ma ptv bwu_» i«a.t BaOfeBBssst Hau PBPJPR\f D MBATS FOB CALIFOr: v Taow.* Bbbibtt k Co *V l)i i«« :i> -Me»ia t.«ap U.i.».<>».ter*. I...,.:^ri. Ht;p. J.. .r« pal .: «». ., r^rm SI 1,1 acal i «i« «ar,i. anal aaay roe »«T»»! to if»«-lmm. C.r: .<«a r-.a':.:r ( ;er'r.- y '¦-..» aale ,-J »... rtrma atelfBMtam ih»»» «ni. ». ax« lavalaab e. «a id»« m»y me tmtrmsi up ax »_y BMBBM an.l la .-.« <-.:rci»t» a, tBTpatBHMI tt ih'riy 5.,,, , mga tt u* M pnvB.aine» .,, arrJrtas aaeeaalM trmry cm »« pr«a«»t» m wi 7f lui" wai l>« I*« »«r, * . Ta..« .... ... it».! an I r»e. rr.rr;»:..'- . . , l«»»*lh» BBW*.t cwure. or .«Ml«-« per»-. .,, , «r s J.»». tale ih»rn ..c* HIM. a » for la.e through»» t the Norths», M , k . . Iafeatal i BS Southern rttie* . i BMI « . ,. , Ife»drug «and c»».ni~¦ »¦ >r»e 1 B t 1) «o , ,, Fulton ti and .**'1 K- . » , s a -i * , , . ._.^g HP* Tur » i. Iei(,j. r».u « --.'."'sisea h I - «. »a. «'» ¦«.-.». a a .«.'» »very ral or a in" I of a Co' . til the p »er .he pre« .e ral» « i. nes» wor It ti »> » _, . ...>.. «..«.. Pit»". » « . rew»p«_«f« of a m . . a . , v»;e« pad I » ..... * aad Mb» > « C«tpi* Urh.-e .ill-. H ., «I '.«i« -lv < .' «¡«¡.»o. .»«!,». M II, that reuu .a tb« ilta-.'ivmg lifiane» of r*!T*nt«m i In aim** ;. nable rompa»* .,..*¦,. .,,. n'»r ir laauaaweM of m . s ... ant ...... »¦ «¦ f.r, e.a. ». ..¦ .! M , a , y»t ample Instruction« Be»».» ,. nrr, worihl«»«« u chart So.» u' « mi i>_HB_D . Braaawa] ff» tlivt; hi« < il. « r"«. ' vv « m n fe Co. Bauers, «j Broadway s « i », «a »tu» T'ie Fssfetea tot iien.. ai»i'* II.i. «ja « It» >d of Marc.i saSOtaS The ityle ,«( :.t» HalHMOMS ISS II bit -itnad itpain the in tl ».«"». pi . . .a»ie. in cocforuiilv » ;h IM beMlifSl «'¦' - ' i ih» ae»a««n I; «a .! . « , tu Btlsati' p. »» .. - » , ... » - ....... .-1 in the approbation of a IMMoaah a fail lo mir v-t a .-..«.».-i precia lo» I (»antas IV. H. Bripp h C». »it it «tMs rsetas ¦....... al make «pi tall s I ' - lulls » K'" ... t .a » . a. « ippaaian» e. »«.: . Mat "hi.-h they a «. a'' ut lai pur.;,. a f-pv lo , P .¦.. .1 ». ¦. . .>, fol ...'t. h . t « .'.*! «V C*l o»-»'»««» BBS , I««'! JilKtro« . your |,«nn»v either by *..» or l««d\ nor sfl«r ttn a- - i California, url»«« .S watat toa «Irlnl a pu« la , H" ..< «»<'..'. « p«, Iff Wltln'l |WO WSSSS »I »..«. heeiHnlop folip and e»lr»m»ly oS»n*tv» ran » puoa IMMim m vri*.-. f « .a a a ,.,| i|,ei». lie, n . a.» no we land ib«anrtogs sre rat» . .er». I pailita* iin(««iriii»a can»..! by ibe ..-. n . I v». ei«n» aad ¦ « . »laara», whk-h », . r II.«»»¦ .a a 'i '4 . ¦¦¦ «a ... pee «"¦«... Batata» 11 . ps ... i . . «. , . ia< ,i lipg .««.!. «i v ai ras buy al ta N.m up ¦tairafoi la Srnati » t ¦¦.< wt tad »til i.or ,-.. liona- IB an i. « » . bl and portants an.l m Up .. ii. tn th« leughaM a nia» ' a; . a, . i ipwpy a ..'' it«.- BM ¦».«¦. dar ru -»1*1 «»,"? .'.t. «r* . . hia«. . ',. »1 !.. .. » » N ,.« tdi nan» t . . »>,.. >,...' i, g . l «al ... ..«' Ir. | « « a»<4 nloiiiii FOB BAltBUNI.V llï I, KlKKt '.m .1 »|).,\- .'l'.e-vy . M N«».« .. CsLiroam* i sas n«. ., i ..«. «. .1 », .. » B Hay IB «« .... .t per,, ni* wa ,¦' »il ¦« .<. « irai» tl cm hwtrsappiirBiPil Ista s Bod «¦ pillow r ,r <*. «ai l'or e oa.ii. .'¦..' t ....... . ,¿ a- .! r. .,'i're« lo '¦» »e.., to ,,« appr-, i»'. Pau: »I foirila ,vi. ,1.1 p, ¦! 11 y a I - Il Dar, «km* »«,. » . .1... ;. «' mrm kls euiloiaari p»« aliar t.n.'.t<>-< ni if .i '««i Mi n-. ITSD Soir.I r. ... Í«-. * ..-. ,. MB, ¦¦.» .«|«*. . ¦ ikm. ...,¦.« | , ", Oot'BAI «. '7 M aller »t nt»i .' » r f. et H a «a w -r. puy - had Ma « » P . ki I. ¡. . »«g cheeka a de » M -i «u. Il »t llye, K .». i II » « . ««. 1er. 'I Pa*te*. it IracW, ri»' rai ill» I». » M » r..-1... .t i: .,i m ^^^_^_. BOMMBMBAtl sVIfB .«1on>.>/ bs-BTT-BB h pif Jhstsl Vijft Km haï, fah M-P M. The i i. .«-ci the n"¡«*, ¦ Hal lf*K by i'x;)re*. for /'/. Tniiar. gnM pTSMfcaafsanB t«, IL«- tn«rk' t, ai d tr, ii,c> d a l.rg.ractl«. ity |. wer.' ni tbe »ii'iniett humor and the hsan «litappeaog Tieatiiry Not. ¦ MsattOl '. a Ist Bf 1 «f " "t «nd lbe N,.w loan to II If, buy.-i lo .lay*, at B » ¦> Mars »old. The <j k BSV i '. la oadoa ho her« 'I ka foil -feet ..t the new» aa Ooreri m si loam cannot be kt, wa until th« letter malli are Bj calved. Tli«.r«j ii aathiag dolag ia -sohsagei I The mark.'t If m minai al 7 a - f con! I««r Htf_B| lu F re .lili there n i,«m«: nioveim lit, an . owner! have advaii. e.l th« tr new», in, 1er t .. BfSlp advice». lafSSBB.MB Bl or BB bale* Cotton at I'd Bomb heary eaadh «t 9s aad - HO bu«ii cota a t|l -ft ads *i i Bac in were ougignia v .ark w»* taken up at IOd lor In lead lu .««1 c rn Tl.,' Ad reHqM mm pold t .r Cal.orata b lenai ¦* lot ''»in llore i* « fair amour »it .- for Callforals, knl Bssseagi .«-.¦ *'-*r«e ft llur- lotion i* taken at |c. SO feo i Oil to M ".. Ths rasatett at Bm Hah-Tressarj b,<liy »er».f. .I» I'ltburiementi. ; I."31 Amount in vault.lJ7ol *B ' »f the, .'.'.J.IXXJ «arere from the W'ett ta SSBSaal ol draft* «, tn * depositary, not outstanding. Is a'<« u«. |B The sapplj of Moaay oonUni *°o it can be bad at sfeSSpSS PSfeta I irat «¡Ml p*|»-'»M p MSsd to day at 1 it » *+ rent In lome in.tan'. » but M>« frei !y Morn y was more plenty on sil at ', f cat «a go« d «torkl. Tl.« a«ivii'.'i hy th« Basaps sre si mitted to l>« the most favorable for the in me rdal isf rinandal world which have been receive.« for « sg time With the eaception of the alight danger ,f Ireta «f «turban». . in I'ari*. there i* «eprrely an iiifavorsbB batan la the newi lin« markets for VmertceaPta d B '. we:.- ii",.. .. hi, ! n, I il, y. itt.n wa« in large dl- mead, and B . In atan h»d to BOMS Inner and «a r.uue*!, and Pf* , . , ; a '.. ». ..j u. re Ireely 1.i üS asM trarid ..«.in« to have recovered iarg«iy ihi al lata f and itabinty which wai loll during the'.rted n »... ontinent Money in Load ¦¦¦ »a para plenty an«! eh'Np bill* Laving 'e « n done at ,|Sl m> «ent Th.- f'oniol market Lad niainiained itself' he Hank o! Krane» contain»«! «« large amouat of tat I.on IBeSBeeeaM In regard u> tmerleaa B«e«*l"ss are blind, but indicate «rti.Hy and .mproved prK* The loan ol l-»>» appear« lo bave sold at Ko*. If so! a lue The tailegiapb report says n tial* -»t«!*! ,|M' are one »Igbth *f cent 'I hi* trnai,* tAin« ta* B* arlgB.I py al ti.« Hspsfeth may kara r»»d M V ¦» In« litter m.l!. wb'« b Will proba'ly come 1" .'«**'1 "*k m.jrr ,w % ip the doubt ol tbi* ipx«*«'' n ''¦ fact th»t a ,n*,.i» r.bie rlM h»d t«x-o pa»-- i| »**¦ .-iiiiii...i .i, .!.» »tr-. t theMarBBedveassai r ssl fci TiMMMJ B tas sad Bt» l»ees "»^so-P ward tendency at the rloae 1 lis effort *' lion .( butlneii m Kogland muti '.» I ig« f !" *' » e up n tn«« ol th.* eountty *'ar prodattalB ...ii Basly» sod «t f«ir pr.cei »i.l ftS deinaod BT sat Iteahf a. pressai say rtos m tas * so than no «iuturbi.Dc.! <l -i ¦¦ ". sry sS-lfSSMaf ,, iidel Iroios r.i ». the > " *»ps«** r tan with the ,*if ImportatioiiS foreign .; -J«J** BIseoaaBy we sppear M prasMtm M MS h rS'^ likely la import than SB c*.p««rt TV IB I"*** been for » » -rb * "f y *r. so lo-alti y a «r.r.dill«'« I* » general of th.« noiotry as at present. :. . of Induttry «re ..itVring much under the IjaSl »nd ImpoMllc sperstloo ol lh.' Tarif. Md to emuarra.smeiit is tul-red by b « king ol trad« ,n tnat lidi'-ul.iui mi>«i»tet. lh« ¦'*ul'Tr bulth» country at large, Imp'.' Ban r»",t'**_J pu tper.,'1». md, with a Wutf M-B-BlfBaS sIaM to Lake the rem. ol power, »e look I««» s sSSBSB »«n-eoient tn wea'ti and power Mr. A M Men liant liai kaSS «¡ vM i'"î»:' ;. m t th.- p.- Mutual Ute lasa ma Co... «..!»*¦ Cea, K.q late l'aihl»r<f the Lacbang» H.r.h ot «.*«? rd has kaaa iBeesa rr««M«ni ta th.t tastímt nil Ihe vacancy SSSBSBSHSl hy th« death «I Ib« I r****'' Presiden!. In the Leifiilsturs to «Isy, Mr A.fams e reavolulb.u r.llioa for a full --port «.f th» NaaU'uS f If'» losuran«»; I o relativ» lo lo»B», voting by pr«-/. .**. which was adoptad.

Transcript of Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 14. · ^\V.YORKJ2_2lïE-NEWYORK. 8ATL'RDAY. rEH_:_l4-__...

  • ^\V.YORKJ2_2lïE-NEW YORK. 8ATL'RDAY. rEH_:_l4-__

    tW Ad«f*awwa«,, T». TVaa-awof Mood.y »BgtoM

    te» seett. before lOo-eJ^oa»-i«.'«l*Tev*>t"r- « »B Pikt»tAcM^O^oftota|v.-awMa«w ferar«w-vto, TA. r»9«»e»_ to« .. .*""

    «1"«l"nF* »*. F'*«** of

    tawraa, iwrntorlr *«*rMornax, «fj plea«, leavetMx-B*»xraai »l toe rnbllsbl»í AaAV*- or *."*¦ ¦ ooM> Uu,uu«"B


    lia*xft ajBBBB. aTJ «m»*» . ¦"""*. payabl« lo Um Carrier

    gfr. < rfiiraden Tbe «Vablaet-4«eB. Taylar.a» Taler*** \ W ASHiRoTo.v, Friday Krening. Feb «3.Ut. Cbittirdir I now ¡earn «ill v» accept a

    eeat in th« Cabinet,Hoc ÜEOF.GE Ea «R» oi Blâme, arrordiutr Bj ail

    1x»eVat»OD« t» nioet likely to he placed it the headof the Trenury Department.Gen Tatlob ha» jott arrived from Cumberland.

    Jait two year» air" thi» .leiiinir lie wa» fíui^iiinr

    ap the battle of Buena Viita H. r«v«iiB ta the net*'h borland hull «ruardelnl|bt

    LATÍ AID IMPt'HTANT ROM PAN'AMAXf Ti i iülltjwint.' letter, three di\» »ter th

    p-ev.i i.« »d» :«..¦!, »id OOtll «re-.¦

    much :-.,tereit. wai InrwRrded t«. u» b] th- MHenrico, from Chairres to ('h«r!e»t"i.

    Iadlanullon »leellna of the fiiil|riuii. I.rMtnlth'a I In u Inr ( i» or. Forbr« unit ll« alHoinlM I'rulrat of tbe KinlgrHnta.

    Iithmut Correspondence of Tbe Tr:. uneI'arama Jan. ., ttM

    MrtikA. BBITOBSi Vuu are a'.ready anjin»that the gre»t excitement about the (¿old ol Caltfonha» Iridrjced »n unexpa-cted number of per»on» to Ml»rrrnt tbe Iithmut, m rtnät for the mine» Marytbeae cannot be accommodât, d on the itearr.'r »nd tlw.ih other ctrcum»t»nre« hat generated . »täte of letog which will be better undent'* d by what 1 tm rep. ,rt than by »cy other form of description

    'jn Saturday last. noUre wa» given of a meetingAmerie»n» »t the Arrer.ean be tel, »t I P M. Accoiingly tome three hundred mer. »tiembied. 'the greatpirt not knowing, for whit intent they had come t..itber.; and the mei-tisg wa» orranlred by »pp'.tc'.ibb | B R ft t Hry.nt. ( Met' e t ,r-¿ «J |»tdent, I>r I Haley, Vice President C»pt MrDoOg»!Ind »nd H. K Kobinton, Kiq f Ne«riet (,'tpt Mrliougal.Cipt. Heath tud Judge Wooruf! were »ppoioted a ('.bBRMm ;.-, wat upon Ci|i- irbe» ot the California, »nd Me»ir» /.»bcri»tonMellon, Agenti of the time and tnvte tin m to tiKeating Mr. N. alone responded In portón to the tvitaMoa A f' mmitteç ron»1»t1DL' of the V:«e Pre»ideione nf thtca« cretari-» »nd Kev Mr Woodhridge. wthen appointed to eonilder »nd report upon the courpuriut i J ' !,',. Ici in !.r.r,ging p««*enyer» frthe Faclflr Coart t the eaoiuiion < ! Atlai.tir ptu>-gen. »nd »l»o upon tbe circular inued by tien. ?mitrelative to the treipnn of forelgnr-rt BBBB Ilandt or mir.ei treated lllli .,.' T'a' »'¦', e |i»»»er çcri »c ¦

    have a . ...»leainRr l.«.l'on.i«, oi « 1 »¿Ol - a o i.-ri wl.u have lik

    ..«(.- .i ta i »i - ti «i port» ¡¡n iba PreB e. ibai «.i feinu » B a» i i«il«Bi a aBk iba immi i

    ,| neai »I .. i .?..,.. ... .. »A.,«i lie [a»»e¡,,r-r. ate i,, 1 » ..¡,,,. ,,¦¦,.


    and It. Hie o, uer nf BM BaBM '' thaRa* rereip » n,»t it.iaereen,, ,. j a..ay- » . I.y tl.e Al.». t.i p»»»eiigeri a tiI. i* lad by tbe nmaatwi 11r. ."

    «I lo ).«.»-fger. frotB ; »r-.»,.-. --

    . "« ¦

    town, wed . a «c ." Hie pan of BVe owner» ei«geni» ihr agr.-riii.-i lliry ave t.i».|e wnli u»

    1 r,..n,j. tant ¦. i «««i « wad :'i«i Istonrtotor]nt'jM i ef a gieaaa pew «a oftoe tottiridaaBwbol ratal

    ,-....¦..ti ,. n: .n- fat.:.¦.iilo

    H»»( «If "|| |"||. M .. e c, ,rilan . j »a .¦»' y If Il t .ihey «re fn.'v prepared «*.'. . ' i Ihnpur] oie. » in ama H I v»uh n¡'-»r». ilititiicli t..

    a i

    .ii:» «um: of our law». tl" «.ieirii.'iii /..a of tlie lM ltd Male« ran tore BartflbB »«m i, Ii t «llforala

    I er,l» "f il e «i-ariirr t.Bii'ori.l« kl t.«.Ito, Meatri A.opiCo hard a», in ei « utiWirrxr.1«

    nqnlrlni t»r.«-in Porbeetotok« \tfat port, e.(.er »l y al lue) wete II. f

    ¦arta v»»» eeaarary to d ¦ :n»iru nor,» a Bad rttmrne fr. mBtoewaarei i"»t rm tova aaMr« aaeaaaatai ibMCaaiaBPiarbaawll ii»rii»r«e se re.purntii" .lui.r. raaBagBBMinn j in > and Impartial v

    ". i.»t .i. ii.«i »i.ii«,¡o-, ..' tiit» m -, ;ic toa liare»!«"¦ u . .me of Btoaataga will i« gre»iiy |Rr«aaelad nyiie»,.¦.- g ¡i iba i'i:-1 a», f..e» »i. n-,

    al a -tt::'y agi r rve nf the elri »r etoo-. - a » . m I t pit

    .g! ei» toll ll'ev are | i 111 .tied l.v Ihe l««a« ..1 il e.. i«-.i Hi»i. . f... .,...-.. ».¡i .- o-, ."in an«

    llial It win ne In« iln'i to ei,f ,|. « tow» «.-«....,a 4 rli'I-r» of lb* 1,1 .¦ M».a a I .aTt*! i«.- « «

    I It..nil« will ile,i, lui upon II«I »B < to« lawaof oui t.. :i . ci »I |i núgn . m . . i" »i«' 'i ''y tto »'ee 11I tier»«

    /... tott Tr.iii.r »*baliMaa of ibt* attaaitog »r ICan iiinieeiif |V perao », In cuulei »l.n Uie aged of id.

    ». ». l'a. a ahey »ri a e > - . r , c. , n,¡,«i.. .tl.'»Ui"i». . nt.I.e.! !.. ll.eli I.r rll a ,¦. . .at .1 Idai »r»tj 4' Itee r..i/ej » i. rwith 11m devine »icti me»L» f », tieyu»-, ,nifor lhe|¡eneral guo.1 S MAI.» Y. /ll F. BOBIMBO*«

    S v\ 11 IDBBIDOI aTheC. intn tfe. to Btokl 't i|tilriei. Ac torn It

    thef. « aad it ¦¦ t »m *,..-.:e\ i|iln » the tuuith, being voted t. iij;i*,'a, lory to the'II.

    Tl* Coimiititee »pi'omted to i r. . a..«.,- itBart ih» fo'lowliü ,jue»i|cn« «htch the» n-npounüed t/¦rhiiuon A N«i»on. th» Ag»i;t» of the Californiala..- «cd the «iitwei» WBMS »»1,1 A»»ni. returr.e i n»iiilntt

    i i-.i »o th« «gnu» at tha Pass*. Mi c.«nip»ny couil.ler thai they b»«e I a ths tr»n»*1«J in l'anaiiia *< i ¡f .>> by »i«»l ru » ta piloiuy h«vii.i» A«:»m»i »»n gastad m SBpaetaa ««f »urh SsbaM

    .liwua»' .Th« lia 1*1* ,ll*|«aj*eai o! lu Panama hSM beetiîIvbo tn accordai« « '... ih» pnorlty in ibe rrglaicring oBBMM daim of payment

    lkirj _\V hy do Ihe «jtetii* now refute to t»k»fr»lght orMa Calif-«'» »!.»¦¦ paiasM hane bbm Bdeeedtofertaglher« al riiiaordtiiiiy exieu.e. and M ef r.-i MMMM M M.«-« tier, 'n ssBMaaseea at IS» Mvsrttatauen a«nee* given by Ms own»r* aid agrtit» I in» I I ml Bta MIl »i u wi«.j t«» laleu ai reruin raie*, and If u la bea ai.aial.« 1* a'ready fun. «here »u i.ei Caigo laa-Amaam fers .. .bat we have uc

    '.«.«m in tlieihip¦.v -l>.« .he accrut ».I U.e Pacifie Mail Compare r-r»

    rarqga.e sa* prtu y of claim ci t_. t«»n .«f psm «ktlBi.llr Ma'i Company BM» rauenger» by trtntu-t.:

    »eaaei«Sansa Brafeasaata » tai. » wnhcur merur- hyglvteg préférer, e M l» e Ai ai.r- pttten.'rr» per

    a reagk «iciei» Psssaaswae hasnaag.,- ,« ira pack »«e met i.'.e.t chance m¦il Ja"

    f cil-Why srsM a»-- . i iMsa s CeBaeasataafy mpostiive sssaraacu «Ivm .t. ;«.ei MMd Bmimay tanearaen ano «pPMt , . »

    T By were 111. - .ibère pat .1 ? » . ¦. »agertiai tint p ri n, t- ", * » that t«. large a number»oui«! '«e »»»mía' «l Ptntma

    Krti arts,»'AC H hIBSUN, S.LSUN L i ¦ «

    T.. i api V\ b II .¦.»»u a:, H.' I w, il i. CouThank* were Ihen vot»'d t«> tne Isn.liord an.l the

    ineetiii ad', timed\ . u Lave heu« a p.ain unvaniithed liai» niei.t ¦

    There la intente lerling ,1 m^/k. use a itronger eapre!.loa an.l bs * S.S sks t ,tt n the part p| many But

    1er :.'«ir>g and law abiding p. rti..n are aIn the aicrndaiit. that w* feel a confident auurancethat all will pat» et wuhcut HftSM CaÁn*e,;uence*

    1 have read thi* report to pèlerai ot the reipect-«'«le «nd rriponBible Vmertcan* here and H bat tr rtull lanctlon for a" t SBatsaSh M be 1^ H K

    l'H t»r t nlllornl« Overland Kaair..., «i* ¦.« h. Tribune.

    nu Navas l'a t, i

    lin tu«.' -«1 «.! tlnl n. I'. 1 .« SI c :.¦: «. a t«. »i..i ¦> m . asrikad t« r the ¦.

    .. on the '.It f Jan IBM »iah |..«rward Itt.« San ! .-aiirisco. by the in ai» route. Imme.liait' y and oblige yours. rvupea-tlul1«

    W H CHW.BKK | sOur f .»mpaay coi.aiat» ! I» I lir«»en I> lioward

    Cyrui Ko», J,«hn MuUa'r | | Sch»*V, W 11 tharo,_Mtafes.

    Kit. M I'll- W .' a- - «Tilrwrslt.sttht laats ».«¿¡»ur Northern irjativ h»..-BSeoMM s.' îsaolent and iriMTbeaitag lince tbe range-,bave baren withdrawn. ti»t the tetllert are hour y .a¡ear that new ouL'age* will kf p< rpetraled, and an. therIndian war will b«e commenced. Tte loliw.i.* »\tract from a letter rea.'«! red a lew day« »ince »i » »ala-I..g It»!'' of »fair! IB tb»t teetloiiNava.BBeCe T««a«, jun .-Wear« BaM l»!»«riii«.- a.4w S grBrSBM »" « -

    aiinol and will n«>t l«eal ifundre,!» ,,' Indian* of all«ire« and agei are «el loo»«' and p» rmr.tcd t« come intothe utilement! to aun. y th» Inhabitants A» yet th- yhave done nothing worar, »o far a* we Varn than SBiteal a few belli, a tlttl.« crn crowd sk.BBM treme !h. rrtt.-l. and ihre»:en their lives Kep.«rt lay« they ir»da tew round« at the mail carrier and it it wi'l knownthat one would have Blabbed a while man a few day*«inc», but for th» nterferenoe of yitavnder» Tr.>people here hire b r

    '1 he markets are I MB tt e,l ...» B w,rd ,« a m u «_Sf thing* unchanged r-bicki advanced.

    Thirtieth Con^rewB..¦ ! | ... V\ a«ii:\an v I 'ld«y !


    \ »

    1« r the ab r.«;. D * Ibe Hi I Of 1.

    atamm lead twtee i :.;ttee ni

    phi ¦...:. «iSfhan«

    'lfee ll-.¦.«¦¦ - the wniowiand siyhMi i»I . . ....... r», la the eel

    p «i,t of Ihe late war willwa« ai*«« read »»d

    Mi Pibi » rose ». «.! n Bed a «mark! la eppoettten to -h;« bill In hi* view tt wou'.» atk ¿teat .' .. Bl » .Ml «laliriant» »nan«.«., ..ernm-i't It MM a sort ol leatttneBts

    ... .«ion h«matad to lay the Ml oathwmhta which was ai¡r.and t,.

    '««IIAthe «

    ¦I meatof 8m fianci».-lornla Imm

    » >«,,T|o\ « K a. . noes pet itions ami n


    Br. Athsb n 'tai.' a.m from 4 tl « 'n fi"" »». leaby v ,* Nsyl

    ill» «

    Mr. Jfa- or ty 'und l>

    . «a ho *»rve,i ».« m a

    .* ...: w. re dlsebi

    r i» . «a«.-« o ,' 'arc t.y Hsaators Down« I

    JsrrsssoM Oavii sad Ikes m s at of as» former,. rm«

    r»\ «ti NT top i«"K«r

    'I t Bei sie took ap I' r certain ho"»« HMl darta| It S ISM «a';«i IBS prirpeity

    prisoners tal and »lie,BM »ami".

    TUP i.rsr.BA!. A*rTBOrai.TlOn MIL'I Benste nesl

    » r Ihe civil nd¦peniei easaiag hacal

    Mr. DaTToI . ai anin. nl |0 Bl VVa"*¦ tl » airwhtah h.- pave t «»t. It


    Mr. Dai hit . in anable BadM V\ » mi. i, .«¦ h' I .,..»..

    ate In a »j» safe la I '" H»-. naf« and tbe Im wtl

    «a t' at he bad r hai. I the .tu!.-. .. »I cal e i for II pi .a Thé

    ., which now ex at- ! ». I tne BSteSBS In«a i. eh tl Restate «a bow ig »I » la . very

    ibsaner ti »

    theBentheeahot or H.tti ngrapastsfepaidBtstbemiegled with thiag* prêtent lav¦»a« the » i' I.I re. 1 It w». M t Ml 1: to too much

    'i tbe la« 1. n« r «vu- to att.-mi'! BM SIM h lorthe tutureraa to give a pear n Basatta

    ... M Of | v .dents, »nd I« reatram th, ....u. -hoi. d i,"t . ey ad tt, » '«-t Mssaaeat NoMtaeapi m« u .t m meas i execute the mam law*

    I not M leas without curt*. » I pfe I i plybe ettabllthed under a regul*r Q overt.m, nt Any i,ovt rnmect tor tl »" T.r« !.:... ... »r preatot »ub-itsatlally military a b h«-i rosas from the Beam

    -¦ renae lawi over t.s Territories..1.Il c urae he woud recommend to th» Senat», would!». t«« r« i it all tho.e am. ndn i.:. to the 'prtattoa hill and » h.m that SBI shnald he .!'.;. ito take u,« ths t of the Teriltartes snd sel

    n it If ti : pt tl I*-' « BBOBM up he

    » »it. r the , ii» cltute,»...¦:

    «» m»i.

    Matad \ t - BSMSM BBSmed !bat tome it .MMan.«* t«« th« deneral Appftlpf »t.. naccepta.ile He had STSéded ai «a ,1 a« 1 a ,'«Mm as safetoeta whtah Mareaah uiai.-d t.« »x dfeprejuillc. a II- ». , a n irsMSSM»ere ca uiated to r.v.nt t. .¦ adoption ot a »erure.vat.'m I r re»",,«,. »'«,! pietervinp peses la ü I *Terrttertas Mr Wsbstar spoks sb«oat .rtasa astaatas

    Mr. Poor i irks oftie .-,!». H S' » MM] il.I ti'pi.'t ..! dttcuriemeta Slater] aiira »oatksra arron»i

    .'. M et an., UJ with th- .p Uttep Iks lay.*!l of which be tasstsd in hi*cha'a.'t. »tyleWithout I

    the ""enate adjourned.II«'1 .-I OF RRPKKäENTAI \ »<

    Aft» [ the II «.¦h« ur in uniiiip.rtan| BMBbBS as to the firat» t..printed wun

    «III AX CLAIM! BILL.M- .1 H toBM

    a iloa makir.' tne bit.ate war withw »hich was


    Mr DoBBof N. ' mlal oa that anI and after Monday

    Mr. Vistos I red that tlBB proceeded With.Which

    ».» ».t ky \ e»< 10 Marys :t « tv», third* »,«te being. m Bi '. ;nt n seat moved I H mm

    >n the Mate t tbeIn, n «. ..,. , yr. _,d s,jt wuagreed t I .- S,\.

    \: .-.tbe MMM rt th- i'. M «-Ve «epartment wai taken up.

    Mr.arm rat

    if pre;» '.-a-r, weighing.

    [ha Chah kcal that I Basal waiaot ta order.

    Mr ü whenthe i'haib vi» »uatained ty the ilou*e


    '¦ 1 M i. of N. Y. casarasas BhssrrlagBtal t_ y üai had »nougb «f

    the Slavery d'»cu**l. r.TL«- I'miR decided ti a: Mm |a_Bbbbbb

    «..d Mr I« »\pk a. s .¡...n. .y r-*-im»d hu re-» «* and ii*t«d hit »lewa up .u lb» iui BB

    Mr. McO » sjpi ian. . .',..

    « ¦ COLMBta ths ."«enate, ai.jBBBl S n the BsaM Be aj»umea a con

    .criatlo r: »liioii. and BSBad up»,n .r\iiieial».r a: '. y ti ,.».. >\ »«aingu«, and

    ^p t». the .» it « _,eLl . ike Terril.i.'en and patrio!» , »:t»n

    '..«. « '. hit r. tnar«i. When at b.u- a»d theBmms by acclamation urged him to as on. II» bowedtl.ank* »nd nr.^-eed, salptj itodUItke r»vi IbCi n»ry »«-nipronriSSI ! the ConsdtaOon,and th» r*ce»«.ty f carry ._-. ntry'i deitloyBBS hfathren 11 one mighty Kepu' Hi» concludingobservations brought te»-« down rcanv a man y ch»*kM- P ;v vM \: hn

    mu. n C'.n'ui' ti t.*. CSaU . at "inally. toBStryai ..urmont, »»Et »t I It:m -t««e. *i : t; ¦ :.t ... r. «a a» t ., J by M.- i'vrva«* aad >ir Hoba. I Mt>s in able «peeeb»! upon theBoriharai am »u,,o

    '«. » the «o and the Hi. ucao.juraed

    M.W.vtiUiv l.hi.lwl.ATlH-.

    lATL-iJUa-BB, Friday, leb üOLCOT7 » «. A«a.

    Mr. B"»vii a-1. ni.Tcii a resalatioa paajaaBBagJudges Hand «nd I'arker i f^rn.ah lb« BaaSM with Ihmminutes of th* e.idence and Itidi lm««tili attain»! Th a«Uicott, late CMhiar ol the ( a__ bank, Aitmay. aad Uke-

    trie with the mimte» of the cher»-* t tbe .'.ry. Tber. . itlon au »J pled

    BBV1.T*J t*»«'xaJtci :-»rrtj«rM- A- i «4« o'.'-e.i « -. . vut m r a

    rep, -t | - »ta if M !*..- «B ; «ny r- «I 't by prg»y Ac. The rr«o.'n.'.:.G

    w»i »dopted.«BxuaaaM .-ha»tt:»

    i-jurf wa« ««ad « third time »cd «tiedOtNllAl PlMIAIi LAW

    The Comn. - I a b"lt MBeed the Mènerai Backing Law and alter rr.iking.onne progress In !h« rociidrrstl-.n of tb-* »arne roee

    ret : : fe «Aa BBBBM »r. : had s«ve t .'.« tgunTa* -eoate thee id.^meJ

    til KBLT.:«.«. ¿a» f


    amend the charter of the Wil.iarr.ii urg Fire IniuranceCompany

    "«:": ATI' r paaCBMBMr. Vu || »

    to coatlnue M BMtoto r.ert of Pr» I -«la»:»» I 'TITAL

    BB r"i«KofV. Y. ret" rted a bill for the removali. «

    KB»Mr. Va» » . \ «

    -i t-» tiitrid: I ¦ rpor»tr the New

    v ITtT '».«V .»IDIT0R1.Mr. -.¦¦¦ W '

    . ,. BfrroMiaa with

    -. «r.- B»nkithe Hoot \--

    i\ m llÜ.llhHT wmiiA MAIL¡i ,x._ti... »;.--. . » atea attenpi I r

    ti lera hon»« »nl ler.- *b t toai hf hM wife inI MMBM lal «x. Very 'ikely.

    Thing« In Philadelphia.Corretpondence f The Tribune.

    PlIIt-ADfLI'¦ \ telect, Si B. M

    .»oar. arrived in tn.» tttj th » »ttermein it I»nd took odgingi at Harta. I Wai Me. He:e»ve» to morrcw .'. -.

    ('apt Jtmet P OeBen I N«»y w»t buri-d thli. Ti"' funer»! w«j »tteci. i -er» of


    -.tte»,aad tome Rare a . stock

    ¦.. .....

    »nd »t tdvaoei -i Bagarai

    .Pork ii qaoted »t »¦--..¦

    .dátil at.pleaty aad dall PpermCandle» are held al loe 90,0(10r«. W ax ll held at

    i.t» vtitn i»!.i FietghtaItwetlre. Whitky Inbhl.i.arcc »t .1 cent».

    SaLK= a» -T»c i./-"''I B


    r«rd H«nk. 1


    I SBar.k,.. |. n

    th« women of Sh»ki|>eare g^in,- termi to their aiec

    . th a freed ¡m that w luld itartle u» The conclu».. n we mu»! c m-t .«ti«-. Btotfj agedMthe tlmei. tiie p,e*t nly *a.| tbe ¡Jell ol ih», whichexitted in BM » la >h«klp»-are word« areatad y MM .«t ;¦«... « r.«r»rtcr« w

    . -'' n tr« j.-. irnce t i.-male».

    »nd ii tnsn t.. make uae ol them | c inptny ttthe prêtent d«y ha m aid babaeaabad tree»i*aaea«*tabM«nci.ty Another part, «nd the h»rd.-it t. .»p »n lithe

    . cn«r»ene»« ui eonvertation withthought» m M gar« IfWI -part«

    . l»»t ca»e a c «tredirt m In e «'» ¦..¦»ant has BM the p.*-! put I getber whatieemit matt ot

    Baal Tbe feto waa the gem-rai re; .. ... .

    ¦¦¦ trom bit oar. it n I bat bln Nature, »nd ira t I to tart by r|

    'V ol .»«»lure r.erii '. lie ip. ke in part- the *aa_ n traa»

    . eier. when the ttrxt.-it externalm. deity ii pre»-

    II wthoroiighly. i» ll ». ,,.m--p w men »nd n«ttb.r¿ else, and th

    from e»co other. »Iw«y» women N.,th ¦. laid, wasmore »ubdiiir.» I Bto h-trt msn than thewnmin whether tt child, laughter r ..»

    adutnt t" tke teul .t msn than the mydtughtt r 'A u»t .i . :.-he character of he»,

    i i l.e ii i.w.i. ,: .- Ving formed ,ythe purity : i.-r BB nit-ire, torbed aba ¦e»n ¦.Woman m ter origina I 'tiatituti. n there whRve been it: » i » m^nThe true man it ei n.clout of the lenie of the ,.In woro«n which w. mar, a Bl ra-l exn never daTne spiritual beauty pt i-j itr to woman I* a «»ranger

    .--c« reeldll we trace

    itr.kea t.a BBmuch a« b«. r fini bel

    .. . Ut iBMBMraaj ihr r.i-i .1 r . . r. iar»e|f lutp. ¦..¦»n»e . e ti»d 11,1111.0^ in ber d-wrvtcg t luipcioa.-a

    thatn »a» ,,ur »>,ty Bbetvaaatrea wiim»n.BM »»rr'ed ratoB Mai » w.f. i »

    nu»ba:. .« «-that wb. e in tin- bight o: rage»Ld t IB wtb p«n. o tei-i ».* » w, msn i tea.-i teil

    ¦..Mi Daaa mtr .fj:-ei oartog":s lect M r, fr, »a ...itt.ello' deacriptive f'.he character ot Üafadem. n»

    Tbe Parlfle .TJall«.»'iroRxiA ajtB Oaieea Min u n».»»»,

    i'iiAuax» and r-ARaa» .Tne nited Stole» ttearn pack--. la-c'D w; 1 ., ,t . | -.. ol N Yorkoc Thur»d*y th« »tb of M»rrh next The p.hern y notified thtt rat^.» may be »ent L Newi.-t

    »toe Mut.-i Carolina, S»»«nn*h. lieorgi» andBatv-OrtaaM ! MMaa I le eeaaaved bv mIímmbip«cket. whict. a M '- New 1 orkontbe-,

    . »loc, .- C n t.-ie ..ih trv.TR Sev«iio» .a.-hing at i!«»ani and from New t'-.e»n»

    a the '."h ot March n« \TMai! bag* will be made cp M New v ork. to

    ward-d to a., the p. mts. »raive named a (W lor Cm-pa Mkaaaa S« tata »-¦ trt

    »co ar.d Attorta. The postmaster f «"btrei'.-n.¦¦»«»»nnih, and Newnrie»,:. wlII ».» max- ¦ m...»for the point» itoted to í.« i»nt n b< »ra ol tne Falcon,upon her arrival at thai- rvt^ctiv.The entire pcatafe for a tingle !. «er -i t 'xcetadtogm'.l in ouoee :n w«is;bt, will Bj ttj " ¡'tt m Hitui

    »leeat» to Chsgraa. M) cent» t., 1 «nam»-t.> be pad in»e. ' 40 cents to »an DtegO l-»tiU Barbar«,-Mooiarey. .¦_. iranciace and Astoria, to to prepaid orM M ur ",,d at ihr .ption .I toe wr.ter ^^Rew.paewr. «r - p.knphlet», »e» p.,t«e. cenu e.cb»nd aland pa.tuge to be added. r JoHN.-nN.»_- /_~ r._ a»

    H «*M*»»àV Ai«JB«r»iFa«t Ujtue ¡jtftwTtnmt, Ft» », »tte

    ÜITY ITEMS.vniian», »Ve. Te-Merrew.

    naaai» »

    Vfr lr> x «la> .».»»> «71... «1

    , .. - .

    »l»l «>««»ga ... ...

    . «««mag


    . .»

    bBMBBBBg I »acería. «Sie. Ta-**l«hl.f>...«u-», .-I '.« «»«««-

    ..... -¦" . : * ¦

    t... ty wBk BM pret-nt

    . The new lu'l*e»«on. SBOM 10 Mme that tr- MMtasI : u

    .... |k fes sappsft i "I the impts rSSSarSM now

    In th.» City.(ilKVUN COB« >KI. -I, fediSS « i.-;man Be»

    y y m kaes asCeaeert this evening »t the rakeraaels l r, m thet.. nt i.'iat. d for it» c, lein ati «n. an i the pr M -

    th.« pr. »oarnme, it Will be a m«mt ehoieO and ,!.enteruinment

    a « itob St » asi r

    s tssaaaskips from tais Ctty to Ckai «t iB l' M Is i

    MM » Il t-1« MT.H ,tli ti ,-r «. ¡noon at tltelatttr hour.

    r%r- || Mil I kBD I'll I BB, >rtyaetardsy mátalas, for vv'a«binrt.«u.


    Hermann, wlilcb hilt'hi* port ««n Tu«'«di.y, w»*i a,«t Bra, t rrra.rly 1 tl '. «

    B» ml,iv».. .. t ..'turn in

    : »t.'unier, fog tie- SeBfell «, I '>' SS8ptaam mi If «' u, g ' "t tin«

    new it arsof Col.M'ln pashsB

    ..;.-.*¦.« at who»,! name wa» not aie-rtaiii'd, wa» ». v. i. yhartM l'htiiday evening by filling on the »IJewalk_A boy named Jamei Cu ,ini wai levetely Injuredon Ttanad ,y aBsraoea, I y hi hs] ras t - > a lion«and «a«gnu lu 'Iran i «t. Letw« n Kates and Norfolk it«»1.1 » til«- inte 1 Vinencaa Vii-.i lation wa» pn»,n,' II. mB ihsai 10 Bfi » B y ssrs Of

    ,i,d Ho tu- I

    A 11 » M; r a r St u-ttig. \

    lay Bfternooa a very retpectal«'«- n.echinic, BBBBfdrard I'r. ty MfeBs andar I drratige.l ttate Mptad t, drama UsbmH by «umpw,,

    ferryboat at aha fast si OSaslB N ¡i «t *»em* thatlie had but lately »«-rived ¡u till* country, and n '

    : smptoymeat, ihoasht to pal sa sad to hi«« I,] drowning huí:.. II If win, !]..»..». f -. ,

    ci. d tr. m hit peril >ui «ituat. M BJ SOBM Bsfsoa whojump, and Mkaa t.i ths Tomb», with the hope

    '«t hli BSBBf i'«t «red t hi* »enae» «

    I « .«v. Iir Psrkeroi tl,,«aititt.d by Dm vt»*'jir Másate *n,i stfeari p-a turgica p.-r.i«. n on \|r fettled lagan, win, r. I letin i ront it and wh«« rc'cut.y !¦ ft «n .- r sil n M«rket. which laded nearly half an hour. BBBatag SglSSl

    . a ofMeed sad Mash pate to ths saBhni iiei»now in a lair way to recover.

    i,i;i »As s batchta « h btm in«, ab»'ing driven down I u'.t.n-tt. at a r*pid rate yesterday

    r^ard wheel» ot the »«¿on «'ame.¦:..-« «'ti1.',.', »nj throwing to th« urouud t......

    men who were m it.

    PROS ii i n Im in i . !wa« found in the dock at tbt wiarng apparel and plated war», w.thWh'« h he i seepedb_P* 8aa adrartif sBsrilsfa Mining


    MOOELTI AH-AIK.-'l'«i.' t>s run l. it. \ tioiii, w|, Mssmscoald

    n ,t hs a.certained Ml on the ice in MyrtlaavSBBS onay «ft»rn.ion. and fractured hi« «hull by '.

    lence ot hi« fall. lie wai Immediately pickedblood Streaming from both ear* an i carried into thedrug »tore .; ;. .,mer ,,t \|yrt '.¦ it BBM and l'e«rl*t.

    ..very BSBStHMS «a» rend.-r d himh.arlng ot hi* »ltuation. bad him removed to

    nar. »id»nc» but oar reporter MS laotfoafB Ihe lived Thli aa-eident wai occati'.ne.i t.y »une >yiwho are lb the habit pi BMI t;,' ». lias pi» y» oa thepavement whererer a »lignt :nr!ioati.,n in th" »'. .-. a: t.n-1.

    it IB Ahu .A BBfflS attai «had to \ran away in Main it ye»«terd*y altern ata, and SB near

    .erry, »truck the curb it«,Mell itoreatthe .¦ rn-r r ,r.t .»n 1 Main it» whicht'.rew th.- .inv.-r ut . ... barrel*n the «ide walk The man wa* not much hurt trewagon wuc«>n»;«l./a-i.y a

    Heard al .»uuervleere... Fama» r-* tirney.

    . B> i «ainiei r««* m. 4 a I .ttic» and a Clera. ti,J in vari» » \rt.

    mania before lh» Muprem« Cou'i am! Common P.»aa »a*, :,-,»: u. n« paid, Mr M.K having recelv- ,

    - «in'«unié-inf col!«ci»,l la f.irVii-el /*r ..v ».i« », ary ' . \t BeBaaai,CoamySsa«

    . » a* o.'U«r»^ tu e »* ' If» Bdflssade fear |1M a prep«rtr.g fjrmi'.f

    ".lltry WM retened t» wa« a«

    Acl.oe wa» imen .,ri «loaie pelillo.»« tot »xeciptioti fro..a*« -A amed M..nd*.

    t'aari laleadatr ...Ta . D.««..

    .¦ .,

    DliTH OK TH> . By Farrarr wh »., iha i,.|» a-relvta- grsdHarvard Iniv-riity. died at hi re»ii»nceln

    « B H M Tu»May ait H- wa* b«,rn «,n th»Jily. 717 and graduate | ia _e y.«r |"J#| He

    w.» '.». rir'.l y Cb kaaérad and one y.-.r» p> v»n¦oask% sad las days Id Atlast*T 1

    Bastad ! j.rint th* law« » » ».* ,/ the lastsession ot th» North «"«r«,.:n« »gftivture «nd alto theBeaasaata i f,jr the n-vt

    .ature M' Wetley W.'..t_*-r r üb* Ukeo Iurioting the laatrta.I of th» las: s»»ii..n

    t'*v* a pedlar * .» i alca«htateaameaal i % BB r Ii.too. «asslolaafroat_eUvern tt ¡J F Boydan a Durhamvtlle N Y on th»-7U: n»t

    HTThe Bl papaye! D».\Vitt libi i nm-J ai :u p-.-«» at Ku-al,. and the authorship t*

    liedlo Gao. WCiDiTc.s iiiij _e ii*uugui*neddeceastíd.

    r*/* iü «:«« PtUTi hap be« a'« '¦ sw»:t trial for attempting ta mil'-

    der tu iti-p mother Mr* p*j0e, by adraini.ienng *r«erne 'ihe partie« re»,de in Aurora. Krie Co.rjf rhsSBSS PaekssB wa, arreite«! at Ware

    m MS Po«!, Mali ou l'ue.»d«y last -n charge of hivingPM In H»rk;mer !',, NV The rogue wascougbt by mean« of the telegraph.ti- Th» CBagM Dtatttaimt saniism si the mar

    rtage Bf H»nry F Phian»y to i.'arottne Martha. din.nt»rol j Fen.mvr* OsSfSS the aovellptITT Ihe Sitrarmr .i.»,r.,i/ Baannmas the pu«i-

    den Je«th br ap-iplny, ,,f M»j,.r Jaup. rVtLl.. p. «a«a-MBi Md worthy dtUaa ul that place.

    Trial ef Jaba «I. Aaeita aa«! Janea Neehltharae.l wllh Ibe Murder a! Tlmelhy *»hea..'hi case was refuoied. Mr. W!.»»t. a n. I

    i aa Heaara. M.-Kaoc Fh ¡lia» and Iweeaay»...

    . -. decease»'i »w .T! VA as 10 taruat. ¡bear» .. '¦- -:««,«- ..»w»|e... . a . a«. » . . M run«

    at | towaaa 'a*. ; txiy. a ,-reet aty. Ac net loo» a'rera«ro tie»-.« a -r«»ri >f | «.. '« ting ¡'T»

    «., « » -«c | u i »a pat aa my» « ¦¦ I II »- I r » a

    - .

    .a and came «at»I tew mat man .Austin, at tbe dm.- .:.» . ». 'iv . r«.- I

    FatrYk M Bw r laues a «r i - k .» i ..,. wit» .-'¦'.«:.

    U .-, » a Pa » .» I »I tf" ,«;[ P.: . .the deranier in hi« h«t aad . AB*

    alter, Aa* adlbl - u«: .¦ I,, .-,..,. « ei

    1 , ....- » » ..

    »re » (Toward, w» i» - » a liakeep itie«» » - . ch».r. .«rned

    i . . «a ta to the at, . -« rabea m . . mi .-. .

    i »I keard wMtweMaMA «nd Tiai»., , I.u_b«*r, I » atoti* Mare were tara t .

    »nd the hr«: to» k » Sect. aaw thai uian Autun i:»»«p »seI « a ,. ...-«-. ,r.e « |a>

    «it. l'.«ler R . '.» - elweena u . . «

    a-- »... a . I . »tl«"! I:.»»-.. . . ".' BBMRM MMhaloed .. - '¿ aa.l nw uiy «on

    , .'e A,a»r »nd hi» headi i . wril to hiru »ni le ine,!

    .... ed n Ml» «area wl a i I le'i

    , , i.- ... I 'lan.s to

    . , i »Meve, ta IA st». ' .. « AV ,oi «. :. »Cáptala 'F « -T ¦ V » «.» -I . « '»d I'afler teal be aal - Bu H .«a. « ¦:|»|« ll .- a»

    [years; I weal tothe BtitkM Ueaaa »X -mix-, »»w «one ire IratatBg IhM MA 4..

    cot In.iw wt,u il ta IBB moirienl I law him II a «> I

    . ,. lot: 1 :.«. RM A Je'inan to «earch hta ¡' rkett( , »loi wti . Ibe I « i

    » pcx tel » ill¦ « IIred »Her to prisoner Iba i -»¦- he-i MM me

    ,tii «o home ; ¦» eoa waai « » »r'.a'ht alpes» to toe Mir ta MeBMdaMihe

    . . Bee w*» rut ou ihe nght )*w. nowa ,...:! iha 'o.-rhe«d t real mark.

    » ,.': i:¡ a cir. ;. ¡n :*ie ce-ire of t . Ia»i'i.! rm vu bleed ng- wl.rn he »u «u.,"i>

    .-.»»i peleel a .. . uaa, !»ui therewer . n right I' ;'it» ,n '' f Ibe » MM MBl deer, ind J«HaBrowa'i baaae, «Mtaedtatary .'¡p»ait«. the e.-.ji, use a» a« ie; on fire while ihe A Uerintc wa» in. «id tny

    leid( .. A ,,.«.»»»

    dark. I I f» «n.t »oo* Pat! .-,

    irai .[ he tontet of tbe cbaftr which Beabti

    ». -»:... . ...

    I taw A .aur . r «- »' Pill ...ill*« Petit' k« telar « a . in » . .he «u

    » Fati ek.... \ .

    - :,.«r r.a.iii a .-ran11 we

    . »yd kill n» all. a| hitch» - n no lune, «I-

    .... , | . lo ih.« wa.l, Ioa waa i mied to we

    kaep the iioor feat, lad I dtd..';en i»a( AaStla Hoop d.iAVO on ¦....

    -Brfor« Aiutln w«» itruck with Ibe decanter he,» . a .i are lauta . fete »j tba

    . an r » wttaea« way» «toed by Miif lie litil laid anyuniig to Mr Aumn or . Meadl thai if

    » ... tappttarhere Mereadtof,MBel":»i." Wbaa '.h» niiêiilon wss wuti'rawn an I re-

    .. ii .. i» At! .:. y The i» raaa» »»«« abealvil i¡ra«w»in got up to maka objection* The

    . lei «»««ry luil Mr ii a»«ni I'li'tie.ltil-it. 1» aike.l h m i,, »ii doWB, »i .1 .»'.! e n in

    .;..,. '.a »hoivn to lie« I'.Mirl he«i»U alrea.1«.¦a,i '«¦-... a . ihn canee, »n.i

    Be ii" if «itch 1« peitit'..«l in Mr«.» few Won)», cooiiileriiig thai he ha.I oi Baled

    . a rlgnla 1 Ir w «a a. o* ral ,..a .»:, ¦" a» to the in anawei

    . »» llie». I...I -alier« oi».i.j Mr »\,, drtdfe, the ««etica*»

    ta au a It 1 «, m to Am and My «

    ke,.|»t tlia V triuril, tie» Co r Went lo fall mir,, .m Ma ile-r ii,a.. thai wa« wl lb

    a .'i . ... .. .. « l .im» n

    a ... '.. d|« ««:.« AuM c ha ii .. ii a go. .1 r . .. 1 u. linn wl.en....a-!.««' . » »

    .... | nu«. Hut n wa« thei rdayi IKI« »y

    pia-ket a .a I I .», i was BOl p" ¦' ' .1 in

    III . .V» e.t VV.... ...t lite to (ii

    .i «ikeal Bl* ROW Kl'li want... \ . waa for

    .. « a 11 T BBdtOaaj how llill.'ll ll» W.Hll.t^ A . .. ..¡.

    c , a ,, ,|i g» i.i i. cannot is» antik ag aba ita ,. .. gol gol .1 evening «r .1. V .. .-A .-e« |» « Dig!

    O'rloe» III the ,!»y lYt'Uiiony« Ml in V -, ta he wtt done Mr JoliU

    .... al e,1 Vlr AA Irl .. t h'l aide

    . 1- fj Mr M. .». .Im >i u not repeatedly .-».. «IMl AA In,]»..'. Iu.i.»e

    I I. la lb» a» t.. u..- a ?.>.: to o al I .Il nul call«t afraid if iba hooee, and va afraidm ga m tos Big ta

    r* liu»li«ndI I...|g« MM

    for »i«i D;d yeu ¦ 1 h .

    Un ,,'r. u' g e ,n«'low o| il,.)

    U.Did) . .aI III IC.. (Mit AV.-I I With n V "Htlir :. .1»

    .v »«.m ror me: u we*.........( lay we weal-¦nan w»i .here', wli^i Mr

    «Would not a;,,ia« 1.1 BM, io I w»,kt*d out

    « abo waa gi tag v\'*»i. hut mt» < ei ran, »i »««'a u a bm

    ¦i u. ver laid I i»»» :e»ire»i toe» a .»n .r . ii ,..ii i, for 1'ie porpi f f K all ;: Ii IW Btol h MBM

    ,. o.n V c,i Badrerappear «gi « - rb» « -« sataaaaboai

    '¦ ». n.i'e.»i,;y ttnn-,1, ,»t|ier In g tb tl. «erin» to be aa « re kii « into

    Oktal Ni r 94'«rner Uin /«m. far daaaagee «n.i aaawered la iba ir»auv.

    ¦.» a ,» re thai 11 kl |Dese premi»es

    The IBM f..t rece»» lu,... «m/.- i, it... I) inlet A'torney, : Ibal lb» Alt ir. «, i.euer»! w««i>rtgiii»ily exjieatail

    lie .». .¦iite.l wuli hitn. u wa» rccerly aicertalned'U.d BOX, stet ... deetlted Mr VVhe«ior: It was

    laatsotwd 'li»t iwe day» won d be o> ii| led eatpaae Bg «.¦. Mr vv m» baa» iniaaahai i»i»ied ny iii«

    . - ipaAeh il ll v.ry .le«lra!..e to h«'e lier n, hearM lea« a perl ef Ihe irxicaedtBg« Mr McK «teved n.i

    t ..un ..t it,rn nil toBterrea Tr¡i» waa aageaed byM.i.ri (iraiiam, but allowed by the Court -Adjourned lo


    MAIIIIIJID. . - ¡i ...

    - o ii , ., Him «ARAH


    '¦ n».Ai;i .¦'.','¦> .1,1.1 u

    » 'A ,,.»,.,


    A ,

    ¦ I ii»m is «ii.aaaiHn. MART A. F Hooli

    DILD... KRRK11 »I linl.T

    ¦;-.-.. A »I M Hi.ii.ii.

    i »c w.Bon .-..¦» .H . .-

    » M .

    . . »»lin.- Ï A JAfnH Mew.Jwi

    c 144 s. » .:...,,«.-

    .Il ;, . ¦.

    Al I. i A|,. IHIK/.4 .I a --.-.,..

    . ¦¦¦ ill the reí« i , ,.

    »un«,« lo Weekly Tribune In I lud. ofThree und Over.U IMDAI Pal ..'

    1 - '. - Ohio.Kuatiio, Mich . l.'aiMirfT N 1!.e,,». a», |rd. ,;.«.. ,; |ij

    . Cana F.,to» MagF»in«t Pa

    U.M.. I l'eçre iVri;'.r,Cr..ea N y' c, -ny. F». i|Norw»y,

    a«-. ;». go « . lehanna, le I.'--RovNY A../. Urpikak», I.I.I

    Individual Mihacrfber. from Varloaa Tealllfflcra.

    Matoa.'i Fa» i.s-,-,t»o,». 7Mea Hampshire. J Ohio. .Mltttrcutattt. . M'rl.lgsO.,»;.»ioecucut. Mil. ssippl.1 ern.oiit ', ,' of bl«.Rl i- il.tud. t.anaua.New Vor».i«|

    ¦YaBBa. bat made another»¦.knowlidgiiicnt ol donütiouf In to .f»y . paper and wo

    tc i-e that 10 many of «ur oiott re«pe» tablelient.tritt »nd moneyed Ic.litutl in« rentribute thai raid

    I.r attain-'I but, like other reform«, it* '*. . '» »tul th« outlay of muchBl 1.1 y and ..torI «...».


    cy B.«» .¦ , -.,,.-. Be ...v. i-Atay T ry itity llier» a-alhf te

    >¦ . »0 beiD| »ir.e c ,,,., ,, mi a; 1 ,, .... «'«.-¦« BMhaaBved

    -. . . '. Ü-»»r'T ;»,. «, ine B»ai-iniRh Bro.h.en. and ihe , » Biartainmeni« of Of««l

    '.'.« S»',ie Bf.jtiieri. Fete Morn«. Mlu Italia »nd'libera

    OB* The aiieauoo of the putj.le 11 re.,»«ate.l to ih» »sir»of Real aatato ny Amth »y J BLxickaati 1'., ato I stog »l the Merchante* Kxehsnie, eo-npntXug the dwelling;

    » '- a«« . || f Avenu«¡J ¡.g- . gj, ,,wi,-,Wit, | ra,r aj Kig*!'.'. 11 -a.h aItVl ..- n ti.eresr. »td two reuie» on fnxii udenf r tag.. « I ng, ihe wb¡.,ti nan, on a plot 01 ground tbe iwo

    .'« .7 and ll« Mttetwaaatteef ihr «venue.duiaKI -i nor'.h of F.tghlr. it. ga I»., -cruirslll «r.1 .'44 on

    M norm tide of Sevetlb-ti diiiant |i«i BVAaaMl I' ¦ .'»!... Befa* aad aaaa iaatoaf«MB4»aal»I etween Firn »nd A «venues, the house ttl Jones-itnear B.eee.ertt »nd j lot» of ground on eorth ltd« of Por-ty-«A«eond it aafaaetBi la ¡'Fony unrdst Maato iv'feetFutofE evrnib-avenaa Aid met BB« iioutt» oc ,rtn« ¡ie ifNtutb-tl betwaen tvrr.ur.ll »nd Ü

    To fi».«n t,r« The practice of »n ratahlitbed dtntlit toe j . .ttyt of. including otTJeo furr.tturr guch »a a deniitt't

    chair, »ecretary. center taùie, chaira, carpel, wurk table, and» -r necessary Price gsoii. Address üenusl,Tr'.tRioa Uffaie Offi-etoiei

    t«" M F ixt »Hi lecture « Cltoioo Hall thlt ».*oi*gapon tb« " Wunder* of Nature and Art," and aaawer «otoe.'. . c.,~non« to FiacmcaU F*ycb»«vogy. Or. OutawUlii~_gi'«u»e«r_«ea I

    BUSIKF1B KtyriO-8.i »» » Bata-Cae11 Baaai » . ,a

    t - BMWBBaMtaSBBaS.IfpaaSBtaMMhadsfBtor . »e-.:ar» loth .(»>'«!»'> »no«. ». .,. ». (i!JtFuiloa. -Me»ia t.«apU.i.».».ter*. I...,.:^ri. Ht;p. J.. .r« pal .: «». ., r^rm

    SI 1,1 acal i «i« «ar,i. anal aaay b» roe »«T»»! to if»«-lmm.C.r: . » _,

    . ...>.. «..«..Pit»". » « .rew»p«_«f« of a m . . a . ,

    v»;e« pad I » .....* aad Mb» > «

    C«tpi* Urh.-e .ill-. H .,

    «I '.«i« -lv < .' «¡«¡.»o. .»«!,». MII, that I« reuu .a

    tb« ilta-.'ivmg lifiane» of r*!T*nt«m iIn aim** ;. nable rompa»* w« .,..*¦,. .,,.n'»r ir laauaaweM of m . s ...ant r« ...... »¦

    «¦ f.r, e.a. ». ..¦ .! M , a ,y»t ample Instruction« Be»».» ,. nrr,worihl«»«« u chart So.» m« u'

    « mi i>_HB_D . Braaawa]ff» tlivt; hi« < il. « r"«. '

    vv « m n fe Co. Bauers, «j Broadway s « i »,«a »tu» T'ie Fssfetea tot iien.. ai»i'* II.i. «ja «It» >d of Marc.i saSOtaSThe ityle ,«( :.t» HalHMOMS ISS .« II bit

    -itnad itpain the in tl ».«"». pi . ..a»ie. in cocforuiilv » ;h IM beMlifSl «'¦'

    - ' i ih» ae»a««n I; «a .! . «,tu Btlsati' p. »» .. -

    » , ... » - .......

    .-1 in the approbation of a IMMoaah afail lo mir v-t a .-..«.».-i a« precia lo» I (»antas

    IV. H. Bripp h C». »itit«tMsrsetas¦.......

    almake «pi tall s I ' - lulls »

    K'" ... t

    .a» .a.

    « ippaaian» e. »«.: .Mat "hi.-h they a «. a'' ut lai pur.;,. a

    f-pv lo , P .¦.. .1 >» ». ¦. . .>,fol ...'t. a» M» h . t « .'.*! «V

    C*l I» o»-»'»««» BBS , I««'! JilKtro« ,« .your |,«nn»v either by *..» or l««d\ nor sfl«r ttn a- - iCalifornia, url»«« .S watat toa «Irlnl a pu« la,H" ..< «»,.. >,...' i, g . l «al ... ..«' Ir. |

    « « a» d a l.rg.ractl«. ity |.wer.' ni tbe »ii'iniett humor and the hsan «litappeaogTieatiiry Not. ¦ MsattOl '. a Ist Bf 1 «f " "t «ndlbe N,.w loan to II If, buy.-i lo .lay*, at B » ¦>Mars »old. The « the most favorable for the in me rdal isfrinandal world which have been receive.« for « sgtime With the eaception of the alight danger ,f Ireta«f «turban». . in I'ari*. there i* «eprrely an iiifavorsbBbatan la the newi lin« markets for VmertceaPtad B '. we:.- ii",.. .. hi, ! n, I il, y. itt.n wa« in large dl-

    mead, and B . In atan h»d toBOMS Inner and «a r.uue*!, and Pf*, . , ; a '.. ». ..j u. re Ireely 1.i üSasM trarid ..«.in« to have recovered iarg«iy ihi allata f and itabinty which wai loll during the'.rted

    n »... ontinent Money in Load ¦¦¦ »apara plenty an«! eh'Np bill* Laving 'e « n done at ,|Slm> «ent Th.- f'oniol market Lad niainiained itself'he Hank o! Krane» contain»«! «« large amouat of tat

    I.on IBeSBeeeaM In regard u> tmerleaa B«e«*l"ssare blind, but indicate «rti.Hy and .mproved prK*The loan ol l-»>» appear« lo bave sold at Ko*. If so! alue The tailegiapb report says n tial* -»t«!*! ,|M'are one »Igbth *f cent 'I hi* trnai,* n« tAin« ta* B*arlgB.I py al ti.« Hspsfeth may kara r»»d M V ¦»In« litter m.l!. wb'« b Will proba'ly come 1" .'«**'1 "*km.jrr ,w % ip the doubt ol tbi* ipx«*«'' n ''¦fact th»t a ,n*,.i» r.bie rlM h»d t«x-o pa»-- i| »**¦

    .-iiiiii... i .i, .!.» »tr-. t a» theMarBBedveassair ssl fci TiMMMJ B tas sad Bt» l»ees "»^so-Pward tendency at the rloae 1 lis effort *'

    lion .( butlneii m Kogland muti '.» I ig« f !" *'» e up n tn«« ol th.* eountty *'ar prodattalB...ii Basly» sod «t f«ir pr.cei »i.l ftS deinaod BTsat Iteahf a. pressai say rtos m tas


    so than no «iuturbi.Dc.!