Transcript of LIBRARIAN 01: CONGRESS







I,IBKAKS OF CONGRESS, CVashin~fon, I?. C'. , Decetrtber I , 1902.

S I R : I have the hoilor to subn~it my report as Librarian

of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902.

The report for 1901 was unnsually full, and included

(as Part 11) an historical retrospect and an analysis of

existing conditions in each tlepartme~~t of the Library. I t

indicated also sonle of the nlore pressing needs arising out

of these and some of the measures being adopted to meet

them. The present report may therefore be lin~ited to a

statement, chiefly statistical, of the operations of the past

fiscal year, with a son~ewhat full description, however, of

the two presei~t ~lndertakings which must be deemed most

vital to the general efficiel~cy of the Library-that is to

say, the reclassification and the catalogue; and of a third,

the distribution of the printed catalogue cards, which is its

most notable present senlice to other institutions.


The following table exhibits the appropriations and

expenditures of the Library proper and of the

Office for the fiscal year, and the appropriations fnr the

Tear now current. Details are given in Appendix Ia . ' Included also are the appropriations for the equipment

7 s. [hc. 6--2

an.1 care of the builtlillg and gromlds! espe~lded by the

Cralld total .................. / r4.os3. '-m 1 58:. 6 7 . 7 7 5;4.sS5.y: 1 hg1,.i59. SR

. - -- 1,il)r:lry : I I I I ~ C o p v r i ~ l i t onice:

..... S;ll;lrirs, xrvicr.. ....... .. S~l:krics, apcri:~l .wrviry 2.07.4. hW

Selnrirr;. S1111dny srnvicc S:~l;iries, Col)vrigl~t Office .... --I_-- Incrmsc I,il,r:try.. ......... ~ o ~ ~ t i l i g c ~ ~ t c.xpe11ses ......... .I ~ . 5 1 x ) . 7. ;tn>.tn :, 2,s. 12 ; :, ,j'x>. xx,

I B r i i ~ t i ~ ~ x : I I I ~ l i i~~c l i~ ig (~illot- ! I rllrst) ...................... ./ 7s. wm. in Cr.,,<. ,m,. ,., 92.,,4.,. i: . '15. cxn,. uo -- -- -- ,I'otnl. Lihrnry : H I ~ Col,~. ' I

right Ofice.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ;$. u,, 42;. ;". ;: . j-'>.yiS. 34 ' 5 ~ . 254.M

nDala~ice of amounts ~ppropriated by acts of Apri l I:, I$W. Mnrch 3, IFI, nllcl April 28, ~goz, respectively.

b Increased from $sg,qSa by act of April ?f, ~yz. (' Excl<~sive of $1,500 to be expended hy the nlarshal of the Snprenle Court for

new Inoh of reference for that body. d Illcreased from $;5,coa hy ~leficielrcy act of April ;, lwr.

B u i l d i r l ~ i t ~ l c l K ~ O ~ I I I ~ P : I Cnrr niid alnilltennnce.. ....... 1 6;,65. (n , :09 qt45. ("7 yo, 79,. 64

1:11rl. l i g h t s , i ~ ~ ~ d ~ni.scelhneotts. 2s. , 25, ' * x , . c ~ > 1 24, RI;. q r

l:iir~iiti~re aiid shelving. ...... .: 45, ocu.oo 1 tr1, ocu. oo j 59,915.5S

The appropriatiol~ of $2,000 for special service was, by

the act of April 28, 1902, made i~l~~lletliately available. Of

72. (05. ,<o, m x l . cnr

~15.m. uo

this sum and the sums previously provideil for slxxial serv-

I Siiliday opening ............. .......... .I. . ........ .:. .......... ./ 2. y n ~ , cx)

ice there remained on Ju t~e go, 1902. a11 ~~~lexpellded I d -

ance of $2,074.88, which 1111der the provision of the act,

" c o ~ ~ t i n u e s available until expended. "

Of the n lnol~nt appropriated for salaries. $2,550.06 were

unexpetlcled and covered into the Treasury. This SLIIII rep- resents not a surplus provisio~~ for service, but salaries for a

time undrawn, those of ell~ployees tel~~porarily absel~t with- out pay, or of new appointees who failed to qualify pron~ptly after appointment.

Included in the total of $2,550.4 ( , I I I I ~ X ~ ~ I I ~ C ~ salaries)

Report of the Librarian of Congress. 9

is the s1111i of $795.50 not available for expenditure by the

Library. I t formed part of the appropriation of $2,410 to

enable the Librarian to ernploy duri~lg the last quarter of

the fiscal year 1902 S I I C ~ of the acltlitional assistants in the

Copyright Office as were provided for by the appropriation

act for the fiscal year 1903, at the rates of compensation

prescribed. The act ditl not becollle effective until April 28,

Cb$yr<qht Ofice.--The report o f the Register of Copy-

rights appears as Appendix I1 to this report

The principal statistics of the businessdone are as follows:

1 Fiscal year. Fee.: receired and 1 1 ~


Domestic (50 ren ts ) en. tries .................

Foreign [ $ I ) entries.. . For certilicates.. ..... F o r assignments re.

corded ............... For searches.. .........

Totnl ............. 55,926.50 @.267. m I 65,M.m 1 63,687.50 1 64,687. a, I Total I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ of de- 1 1

posits received (ma- terial of all classes, i~~cludingduplicaten)

Total number of en- tries .................

Total cornrnur~ications r e c e i v e d I 66,573

roa, 244

(including pnrcels, but not arti- cles enumerated above) ..........

Total romrn~~~~ica t ions sent out

(illcludillg letters written) .......

The fees from copyrights are covered into the Treasury


9 . 7 2 9

and not applied directly to the rnaiI~tenance of the Copy-

right C)ffice. They form a regular revenue of the Govern- ment, however, and more than cover the expenses of the

office, as appears from the following comparison:

Tile :ll)ovc st:ltclllcllt illcllltlc~ ,111 ~ l i . s b c i r . s t ~ / / c t ~ / ~ / . < , I)ut ollly

t-tr..vh /i-rt*;'/.s. 111 : l ( l ( l i~ io~~ to c:~s11 recs t11e col)y~-igl~t 1)11si-

11css I)rirl~:-..; u ~ c l l yc:u- to 1 1 1 ~ ( ; I I V C ~ I I I I I ~ I I ~ , i l l 1l1c :u-tic1c.s

(lcl)ositc(l. 1)rol)el-ty to tile V:I I I IC o f I I I : I I I ~ ~ I I O I I S : L I I ( ~ ~ ot' tlol-

I s 1)11ri11g the past fiscal y c : ~ 1(ic),7zh sllcll :tl-ticlcs \vcrc

received, whose value, of course, I:tr cxccerlccl tllc : L I I I O I I I I ~

oi the 11ct cash e a r ~ ~ i u g s .

T h e :lmomlt for salaries ($56.7 I 4.2;') illclutles the SLIIII of

$q,bYo, the salarizs of cert:iin c l~~ployees ~ v h o have I,ec~l

clxssifyillg nlld cretliti~lg the oltl deposits ireccivctl prior tc-)

1397). T l ~ i s cspentliture i:; ch:~rgeal)le tr) arre:Lrs. T11e

ctrrrellt expenses of the office are tllercfon: 11111c11 1110rc 111:111

111et I,\- the current receipts.

0 1 1 JIII!. I , I()(-)?. tile I,iI~l-:t~-y s~.r\ . i~-c co~~sisi~!cl o f 2%)

c1111)Ioycc.s, 2 3 1 i11 tile 1,iIw~ry 1)rol)v1-, : I I I I ~ ill ~ I I C L'o11>.- -.

right OClicc. Of t11v 231 i l l t11~. 1,iI)r:try I I I - O ~ ) ~ ~ , C J ~ :tre ' i l l -.... . t l ~ c C:~t:tIoglle 1)i~isio11; 30 o f tllc* 23 I [ill tllc 111t1rc slll~o~xli-

11:tte ~)ositiolls o f Illcssc;cllgcrs, : t t tc~lc la~~ts i l l clo;tkrool~~s, vlc..,

: I I I ( ~ I 17 of the I - ~ I I I : L ~ I I ~ I I ~ 1c)s fill l)ositio~ls :kt s:tl:tries r:t~~,q-

ill: fro111 $4So to $OW), i11~\111si\~e. Ne :~r l~ , O I I V - I I ~ L I ~ o f 1 1 1 ~

force is c.o1111mse(l of \VOII ICII , :tt s:tl:tries I - : ~ I I ~ ~ I L ~ fro111 $yio

( 8 ) $I, .+(XI, itlcltlsive. l:,,il,t;,,c , , , , , I

.?, ,,,,,,,ti Tllc force ulltlcr the ~(11111-(11 o f tllc Su lx~- i t~ tc l t t l c~~t of tllc

I,il~r:tr>. 1<11iI(li11g :t11<1 (;r(>lt~tcls c*o~~sists o f I 17 l ) c~ . so~~s .

developlnei~t ot' :i s!-5te111 oE 1,111,lic I, l~ildi~~gs n~ld of p:irfis

for the city of U-:islli~ipt(:~~l ! I : L V ~ 1jee11 o ~ r *:sllil~ition ill the

Liljr:~ry 13uiltli1i: for soulc 11101itl1s 1):1st.

+. 1 11c I<ccistcr o f L ' o ~ ) ~ ~ r i ~ l ~ t s i l l liis, \vl~icl~, :IS II~II:.L!.

is npl~c~~tlccl i l l full (Appc~lclis I1 ) , c:ills sl)cci:il : ~ t t ~ ~ i t i o ~ i t o

tlic 11cct1 of i l l t l c s i ~ ~ ~ tllc c:irlic~- hcrics <)I rccor~l 1)cn)ks :111(1

of c o ~ ~ ~ p l c t i ~ ~ g tlic i ~ ~ ~ l c s ~ : , ior 111~. I ) ~ r i o ~ I I S ~ I I - I S ~ ) T . 1 I C

rellcws tllc rcconiu~cl.~~(l:ltio~~ lor :l co1111l1i5sio11 to rc\.isc :i11(1

c.otlify tllc col)yrixlit l:i\\.s.

Kcs~ectf 11lly subl~littctl:

~ ~ I < R I : I < I < ' I ' 1 ' 1 ~ ' ~ ~ . \ 3 1 .

f- ;/)?-171.;(1 )I #!/. ; ~;l,\~-rt..~.~. The Honor:~l,lr


Appendix 1a.


ApprOpria- ] Expended. I Unexpended. I tion.

SALARIES. I I 1 ........................ Library service.. blg,3zo. oo 1 $1*.945.71 / 31,374. q

........ ............. Copyright office - .! 7 , . m 56,714.23 I I, I 75.77 aveclal sewice ......................... .1 R 1.412.:7 I. 1.37. ~9 74. €3

- -- --- . --

11 I{nlance a1 amollnt appropriated by ncts of April I;. I C ~ . and March 3, rgor. l ~ ~ x c l l l s i ~ ~ e of $1.5m to he expertded hy the rna r sh~ l of the SnprerncCourt for

new books 01 relerence for that imly.

..................... P ~ ~ r c h a s e of hooks I fn,nn.c+

lB~~rchnse of periodicals.. ............... . I 5, mo. a,

............... 1'11rch~se 01 law hooks.. ., 3, m0.m ........ I:'xch:tnge 01 p~chlic rton~rne~lts. .: r, -.a, ----

Total ............................... j h*, ~ . M J

..................... Colltingent cxpenses 7, ga,.m Printing and hillding.. .................. ' 9 S . m . m --

(:rand total ....................... .; 427,722.77

Ohject of expenditure. I Amount.

....................................................... Stationery snpplies Care and repair of automohilc delivery wagon.. ......................

............................................ Horse hire and care of wagon Traveling expenses.. ................................................... Ruhher stamps.. .........................................................

.................................................... Typewriter supplies

Postage stamps (foreign correspondence) ............................... Tools. ...................................................................


3,341. b 2, 607.62

I , b. m


;. 288. ! a

92.943 17


.............. r, 65% 40

392.38 .............

2. 050.78




Telegrams ................................................................ Post-office hox rent ...................................................... Photographs for Lihraria~r's report, lgor .................................

Total ................................................................

46.62 16.m


7. &. 11

Appendix Tb.


General ad~iiiliistratioii : For Li1,rariali of Congress, $G ,000;

chief assistant lil~raria~i, $4,000; cliief clerk, $2,500; T ,I '1 )ra- riarl's secretary, $1,800; I clerk (assistaiit to cliief clerk), $1,000; I niessenger, $840; it1 all, $16,140.

Mail and supply: For assistarit ill charge, $1, zoo; I assist- ant, $900; I nlessenger boy, $360; iu all, $2,460.

Packing aiid stamping: For 2 attendants, at $720 each,

$1,440. Order (:purchasing): For chief of division, $2,500: I as-

sistant, $1,500: I assistant, $1,2oo; 3 assistants, at $goo each; 2 assistaiits, at $720 each; 2 assistants, at $600 eacli; I assistant, 9520; a i d 2 messenger boys, at $360 each; in all: $1 1 ,7s0.

Catalogue and shelf: For chief of divisiot~, $3,000; 5 assistants, at $ r ,Sm eacli; 7 assistailts, at $1,500 eacl~; 6 assistaiits, at $I ,400 each; 12 assistaiits, at $1,200 eacli; 6 assistants, :tt $ 1 . ~ each; 14 assistarits, at $900 each; 4 assistants, at $800 each; I 3 assistants, at $720 each; 3 assist- ants, at $600 each; 10 assistar~ts, at $540 each; 4 assistar~ts, at $480 each; 6 u~esse~~gcrs , :tt $360 c:tch; iri all, $37,740.

Binding: For I assistarit ill charge, $1,200; I assista~it, $000: I illesseiigcr I~oy , $360; i r ~ :dl, $2,460.

Bihliograpl~y : For cliief of tlivisiorl, $2,500: I assistant, $1,200: 2 assistal~ts, at $900 each; I assistar~t, $720; a 1 ~ 1 I

nlesseliger lmy, $360; ill all, $6,580. Reading rooins (iiicludi~lg everiirrg service) and special-

collectiol~s: For superilitelide~lt of reading rooni, $3,000; 2

assistants, at $I ,500 each; 4 assistants, at $1,200 eacli; I

assistaiit (reading rooiii for tlie IAind), $1,200; 5 assistants, at $goo each; 10 assista~its, at $720 each. Everiilig service:


Appropriation Act, 1902-03, 47

5 assistants, $goo each; 15 assistants, at $720 each; I attend ant, Senate reading rooin, $goo; I attendant, Represent- atives' reading room, $goo; I attendant, Representatives' reatling rooin, $1720; 2 atte~idants, cloakrooms, at $720 each; I atte~itlant, Toner Library, $900; I atte~itla~lt, Washing- ton in^^ Library, $goo; 4 nicsse~iger boys, at $360 each; 2

watcllmen, at $720 eacl~; ill all, $47,640. I'eriodical (includiilg eveiiing service) : For chief of divi-

sion, $ 2 , 0 0 0 ; chief assistant, $r,soo; 2 assistants, at $goo cncl~; 3 assistai~ts, at $720 each; 2 ulesseilger boys, at $360 each: for arrears of sorting aiirl collating and to enahle peri- odical reading room to be open in the evening, 2 assistants, at $720 each; in all, $9,620.

Documents: For chief of division, $3,000; I assis ta~~t , $I ,200; I assistant, $720; I messenger, $360; in all, $15,280.

Mai~uscript: For chief of division, $3,000; I assistant, $1,500; I assistant, $goo; I nlessenger boy, $360; in all, $5 3 760.

SIal~saalld charts: For chief of divisioi~, $2,500; I assist- ;nit, $I , 2 0 0 ; 2 assistants, at $909 each; I assistant, $720; I lilesseliger boy, $360; in all, $6,580.

Music: For chief of divisio~i, $2,000; I assistant, $I ,400; I assistant, $r,ooo; 2 assistants, at $720 each; I messenger boy, $360; in all, $6,200.

Prints: For chief of division, $2,000: I assistant, $1,200; 2 assistai~ts, at $,goo cach; I messenger, $360; in all, $5,360.

Sinithsoniat~ deposit: For custodial~, $1,500; I assistant, $1,200; I messenger, $720; I tnessenger boy, $360; in all

$33 780. Congressional reference library: For custodian, $1,500;

r assistant, $1,200; I assistant, $900; I assistant, $720; 2

messenger boys, at $360 each; in all, $5.040. Lnw library: For custodian, $2,500; 2 assistants, at $I ,400

each; I messenger, $900; I assistant for evening service, $1,500; ill all, $7,700.

under the directioir of the Librarian f copyrights, $3,000; chief clerk and

chief of bookkeeping division, $2,000; chief of application division, $2,000; 2 clerks, at $1,800 each; 4 clerks, at $1,600 each; 7 clerks, at $1,400 each; 10 clerks, at $1 ,200 each; 4 clerks, at $r,ooo each; 10 clerks, at $goo each; 2 clerks, at

$800 each; 9 clerks, at $720 e:lcl~; I clerk. $600; I lnessen- ger boy, $360. Arrcars, special service: 3 clerks, at $ I . 2uo each; I porter, $720; I messenger boy, $360; in all, $65,520.

To enable the Libraria~l of Col~gress to cmploy cluri~~g the last clnarter of the fiscal year 1902 sucl~ of the atlclitional assista~~ts ill the copyright office as are 11erci11 provitletl for ill tlle 1,ihr;lr)- of Congress for t l ~ c fiscal )'c:tr 1903, and at the rates of c o l l ~ p ~ ~ s a t i o ~ ~ ]?rr~scril)etl, $2,410, or so I I I I I ~ ~ I

thereof as 111:ly be necessary. For spccial, tc~l~porary, n11t1 ~~~i scc l l i i~~co t~s service, at t l ~ c

cliscrctio~~ of tllc Lil)rari:l~~, to coilti~luc :ivail:ll)lc 1111til expentled, $2,000.

'I'o ell:ll)lc t l ~ c 14il)rary o f Coligress to 1)c kept ope11 for refercncc Iwe from 2 111tti1 1 0 o'clock post ~iieridi;i~~ 011 SIIII- days, i ~ ~ c l u t l i ~ ~ g the extra services of c1111)loyces :11i(l the services of acldi tional ell~ployces 1111clcr the I,il)rari:~~~, b~o,ooo, or so 11luc11 thereof as may 1)e necessary.

INCREASE OF LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: For yurcllase of books for the Library, ant1 for freight, co~nmissions, and tmveling espel~scs il~ciclel~tal to the acquisition of htx~ks by purchase, gift , or escha~ige, $So, ooo;

For purchase of books and for periodicals for the Law Library, under the direction of the Chief Justice, $3,000;

For purchase of new books of reference for thc Sul)rcn~e Court, to be a part of the Library of Co~rgress :l11(1 1)11rc11ased by tlie niarshal of the Sul)re~~lc Court, tultlcr tllc ilirection of the Cllief Justice. $1,500;

For expellses of esdl:l~lgil~g 1)ul)lic c l ( r u ~ ~ ~ c l ~ t s for the publicatio~~s o f foreign govcr11llie1lts. $ r ,Yw;

For ~~iiscelln~~cous periodicals a ~ ~ d Ile\vspnpers, $,?,ooo; 111 all, $91,3w. I'or ~i~iscclln~~eous a11t1 c o ~ ~ t i n g c ~ ~ t expcllses of the Library,

st:ltiol~ery, supl~lies. :llid :~11 stock il11(1 ~ilaterials tlirectly purchasecl, li~iscella~lcous tr:iveli~~g exl)eilscs, pustagc, tl-a~is- por t :~ t io~~, and all incident:ll expenses con~~ectctl wit11 t l ~ e a d ~ ~ ~ i n i s t r a t i o ~ ~ of the Lihrary al~tl the copyright office,

87 t 300. CUSTOI)~, CARE, AN13 MA1 NTICXANCE 01' T d ~ ~ j ~ , l ~ \. IIUII,D-

IN<; AKI) GKOITNDS: I'or s~~l)crititcnde~~t of the T,il)rary b r ~ i l d i ~ ~ g :tntl gro~~llds, $5,000; for clerks, Illcsscngers, watc11- nlell, cl~gineers, firen~en, electricia~~s, elevator co~~tluctors,

mechanics, laborers, charwomen, and others, as follows: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerk, $1,600; clerk, $1,400; clerk, $ I ,000; messenger; assista~it ~~iessenger; telephone operator, $600; captain of watch, $1,400; lieutenant of watch. $1,000; I 8 watchmen ; carpenter, $goo; painter, $goo; foreman of laborers, ,9900; 13 laborers, at $480 each; 2 atteiida~its in ladies' roo~n, at $480 each; 2 check boys at $360 each; mis- tress of cliarwonieti, $425: assistapt tnistress of 'cliarwon~en, $300; 40 charwomen; chief engineer, $I ,500; I assistant engineer, $I ,200; 3 assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; elec- trician, $I .500; assistant electrician, $1,000; 2 machinists, at $goo each; plumber, $900; 2 elevator conductors, at $720 eacli; 9 firemen; 6 skilled laborers, at $720 eacli; in all, $72,605.

For fuel, lights, repairs, and niiscella~ieous supplies, elec- tric and steam apparatus, reference books, stationery, and all iilcidetital expenses in connectioii with the custody, care, and m a i ~ ~ t e ~ ~ a ~ i c e of said l~uilding and grounds, $30,000.

For furniture, including partitions, screens, aiid shelvilig, $45, -.

For extra services of employees and additional employees ui~der the superintendent of Library building and grounds, to provide for the opening of the Library building from 2

until 10 o'clock post meridian 011 Sundays, $2,500.



THE L I ~ K A K Y Olp CONGRESS, Washia,pfo?t, (?c/obcr (5, r9oz.

SIK: I have the 1101ior to subinit herewith estiuiates of the appropriatio~is in lily jutlgri~e~it requisite for the Library of Congress for the fiscnl year ellding June 30, 1904.

General atlniinistration: 2 stenographers ant1 typewriters, a t $ 1 , ~ each. . . . . . . . . . . . $2, cmo

I>ivision of Hihliograplly: r stenographer ant1 typewriter, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W

I>ivisioii of Docu~l~ents: r stenographer and typewriter, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900

Periodical Division: I stenographer and typewriter, a t . . ........................ - goo -- 5 Total increase of force in the Library proper . . . . . . . 4, 700 - - --

Copyright Office: ((I chief of Correspondence Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , Suo I clerk, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , 4x3 4 clerks, at $1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, ou, 3 clerks, at $goo each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 I clerk, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 0 - --

10 10,620 ((1 in place of one clerk, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 6 0 0 - -- 9 Net increase of force in the Copyright Office . . . . . . . . $9,020

I t will be noticed that the only increase of force asked, besides the normal increase for the Copyright Office, is of five stenographers aiirl typewriters. The present roll pro- vides specifically for 110 service of this class. What of it that has been secured lias been secured only at the expense of other work I)y assigliili~ for it salaries providetl for ortli- nary " assistarits." Those salaries can no lotlger be spared.

The corresponde~lce it1 the Librarian's Office and the three divisio~~s n~elitioned lias now growii so great as to render essential a special provision. With the illcrease ill the facili-

Estimates for the Fiscal Year 1904. ' 51

ties of the Library, there has been an even greater increase in the clenland upon it in the way of requests by mail for special information. There were over 16,000 letters handled in the Librarian's Office alone during the year ending June 30, 1902.

To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ during the last quarter of tlie fiscal year 1933 such of the aclditional assist- ants in the Copyright Office as are herein provided for in the Library of Congress for the fiscal year 1904, and at the rates of compensation provided, $2,255, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

This authority was granted in the case of the appointees to the Copyright Office provided for tlie present year; and will add greatly to the efficiency of the force in handling current business of importance to the public during the present year.


Bibliography: Cliief of Division ($j,coo, from $z,goo), increase. . . . . . . . . . $500 Pirst assistant ($1,500, in place of assistant at $r,m),

increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Documents:

First assistant ($1,500, in place of asqistant at $1,200), increa-se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30"

Catalogue Division : One assistant in charge of old classification, $2,m, and one

assistant in charge of reclassifications, $2,m, total &.coo, in place of two assistants at $1,800 each, total $3,600; Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400

Maps and Charts: Chief of division, ($3,ooo, from $2,500)~ increase.. ........ 500 First assistant ($r,goo, in place of assistant at $1,200),

lncrease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Music:

First assistant ($1,500, in place of assistant at $[,dm) increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ o o

Prints: First assistant ($1,500, in place of assistant at $1,200),

increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smithsonian deposit:


First assistant ($1,500, in place of assistant at $r,zoo), increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 300

*Binding Division: Assistant in charge ($I ,goo, from $1 ,zoo), increase. . . . . . . . . 300

*Mail and Supply: Assistant in charge ($1,500, from $I,ZCKI), increase. . . . . . . . . 300

Appendix 11.

WASHIN(;TON, I ) . C., Orfoh~r 18, ryoz.


FISC\I. YE.\K 1901-2.

Tlie copyright l ~ u s i ~ ~ r s s n~ld the work of the Copyright Office for the fiscal year from July I , 1901, to June 30. 1902, inclusive, are summarized as follows:


The gross receipts during the year were $68,405.08. A balance of $1,250.19, representing trust funds and unfi~l- ished business, was on hand July I , 1901, making a total of $69,655.27 to be accounted for. Of this amount $3,752.3 j was refunded, having been sent to the Copyright Office as excess fees, or as fees for articles not registerable, leaving a net balance of 965,902.90. The balance carried over July I ,

-- 1902, was -- $I .z - 17.40 - - (representing trust funds, $915.91, and unfinished business since July i, 1897, $301.49), leaving for fees applied during the fiscal year I 901-2, $64,685.50. In addition, $1.50 was applied during the year for copyright entries out of the fees received and paid into the Treasury prior to July I , 1897, making a total of applied fees of $64,687; and $1 was refunded in the same way, making a total refund of $3,753.37, credit being allowed by the Treasury Department for the sum of $2.50 in settlement of the yearly account.


Of the appropriations made by Congress for salaries for the Copyright Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, the sum used anlounted to $56,714.23, and the expenditure for supplies, stationery, all other articles not designated as "furniture, " postage on foreign matter, etc., was $954.40,


Register of CojyrigAts. . 57

making a total of $57,668.63, leaving a credit balance when this amount is deducted from the amount of fees earned during the year of $7,016 87.

The copyright fees received and paid into the United States Treasury during the last five fiscal years, from July I , 1897, to June 30, 1902, amount to $307,774.00, while the sun1 used of the appropriations for salaries during that period was $2 I 5,956.26, leaving an excess of fees over appropria- tions used for service of $91,817.74 for the five years.

In addition to this excess of fees over appropriations for service it should be remembered that two copies of each article (exclusive of original works of art) are required to be deposited for the use of the Library. This deposit for the fiscal year 1901-2 amounted to 169,726 articles, includ- ing books, maps, engravings, musical compositions, photo- graphs, etc., many of them of considerable money value and such as would otherwise have had to be purchased and paid for by direct appropriation by Congress.


The total number of entries of titles during the fiscal year was 92,978. Of this number 84,345 were titles of produc- tions of persons citizens or residents of the United States, and 8,633 were titles of productions of persons not citizens or residents of the United States. The fees for these entries were: United States, $42,172.50; foreign, $3,633, or a total of $50,805.50.

Of the foreign entries 2,412 were with certificates, and of the United States entries 22,343. or a total of 24,755 cer- tificates, at fees amounting to $12,377.50. In addition, I ,692 copies of record were furnished at fees amounting to $846; 533 assignments were recorded and certified at a charge of $636, and search fees charged to the amount of $22. The details of the Copyright Office business and applied fees are set out in Exhibit C.

The number of entries in each class from July I , 191 , to June 30, 1902, were:

Class A, books, pamphlets, leaflets, and periodical contribu- tions.. .................................................. 2 4 272

Class B, periodicals.. ...................................... 21,071

C h C, musical compositions. ............................. 19,706 Clars D, dramatic compositione.. ........................... I, qq8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class E, maps or cl~arts I* 70.3 C1:lss 1:. cl~jir:~vil~gs, cuts, or prillts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,999 C1:lss G, c11ro111os or litllogr:~plis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, or0 Class 11, ]>l~otogr:tplls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 923 C1:lss I, origi11:~l works of :trt-l)ni~~tii~~s, tlrktu.i~~~s, :urtl s(:tllp-

tilrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z , S ~ I

T l ~ c \larioi~s articles tlcpositetl i l l collil>linlicc \\.it11 tlic col>yri:,.ht In\\., \\rliicli hn\,c I,ccl~ reccil)tctl Tor, s t :~~~~l,ecl , cl-etlitetl, illtlcxctl, : L I I ~ c:it;~I~:,'iicd d i ~ r i ~ i g the fiwic';~l year, :il~ioiu~t to 169,776. This is :\ :-ail1 of 7,443 o\.cr t l ~ c 1)rc- vio~ts fisc:ll yc:ir. , . I l~erc I~as I>ccl~ :i stently gro\vtli i l l the 11111111)~~1. of tllese

del~osits cluring the 1:ist five fiscal years, tlic total tlcl)osits being iu each year, rcsprctively, I I Z . Y O ~ , I ?u, I 43, 14 I ,.+44, rtiz,zSj, ancl 169,726. Tlivse cleposits for tlie f i \ ~ ycxrs art. classified in Exhibit F.

The wllolc collection of :irticles tlcposited to coinplete copyright up to Octoher I , 1902, ancl liow in the posession of tlic Copyriglit Office, has h e l l gone (>vier nnd e:ich article counted. The total number of articles is I .05~,9ut>. This is. of course, exclusive of :ill articles ~vh ic l~ 1i:lve 1)celi iol.-

w:~rdetl to the Re:ltli~ig Roo111 or to :u~y of t l ~ c otl~cr tlivisio115 of tlic 14il)r:rry. T l ~ i s gr;111t1 total i~~cliitlc..; I I 4,264 117irr~uJii~d %I-ticles in :~clditioli to such uncredited inusic ns tilay I)c tlis- covered when the collectiol~ of ~iiilsicnl con~positio~is. 1111111-

1)ering 2 GO, 7 2 I pieces, s1i:tIl have 1)ecil ,yo~~c o\-er. Tlie cretlitetl articles co~~sist of the follo\~il~:,' ~>ro(luctio~is:

Books: Ilooks I > O L I I I ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I j.t, 4SS I!OO~S 11111301111(1, 1~~111~)IlI~t~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Jz, 2$7 TX;tflcts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) J, 174

-- 320, 949

l'criotlictrls ( 11u1111>ers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,620 Mt~sic:~I cor~~l)ositiolis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256,721 11r:t111:is (of wl~icll 2. $72 iirc ~)rilito~l). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 631 Maps nlltl charts ( i~~c l t~ t l i~~g 10,607 illsl~rnrlcc III:L~>S) . . . . . . . . 15, 351

Atlases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666

Engravings, cuts, R I I ~ prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 057 Chromos and litl~ogr:~pils (ir~rlutli~~ji 5.MS lwstcrs) . . . . . . . . . 32,592

Register of Cojyrzghts. 59

Photographs (including 38,781 stereoscopic views and 1,413 kinetoscope filiiis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,980

Miscellaneous (including 3,087 educational and other charts, 883 dress charts, 186 calendars, g,rgg blank books, 2,230 ganies, and 52 tnedallions, busts, etc. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,657

Unclassified articles, not now received for a number of years, such us niechanical devices, rulers, measures, etc . . . . . . . . . 8,938

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 938,642


The titles filed for record are carefully indexed, each entry having a card under the name of the proprietor; and books, periodicals, dramatic compositions, and maps have, in addition, title or author cards. These index cards num- ber I 39,782 for the fiscal year, of which number 6,783 are cards for books proper made in the Catalogue Division of the Library of Congress. After having been first used as the copy for the Catalogue of Title Entries required to be priiltecl \veekly by act of Congress of March 3, 1891 (Fifty- first Congress, second sessio~~, chapter 565), these cards beconie part of the permanent indexes of the Copyright Office. The articles deposited during the fiscal year were catalogued and the catalogue printed in four volumes, as follows:


Volume zS, third quarter, rgor, 13 numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, gqq Volume 29, fourth quarter, rgor, 13 numbers ................. I, 597 Volume for first quarter, rgoz, 13 numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,388 Volume for second quarter, ~goz, 13 numbers.. ............... I, 653

- Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,182

6,182 pages of octavo print in all.

I t is very desirable that all copyright registrations should be thoroughly indexed in order that the frequent inquiries received at the office relative to entries made, or supposed to have beell made, can be fully and authoritatively answered. The current indexing is fairly complete, the index cards for the fiscal year numbering nearly 140,000, and this tliorough indexing dates back to January I , 1898. Entries from 1870 to 1897, however, numbering nearly one million, are not so adequately indexed, and it is a constant occurrence to receive inquiries as to entries made during

this ~wriod, \rliicll call not 1)c nr1tlioritativc1~- a~is\irered, bcc:i~~se these entries :u-c at prcsellt i~icoiiiplctely iiidexetl. Tllc still earlier entries, fro111 I 790 to r S ~ O , i l l the record books of tllc otliccs of tlic clerks of tlic district corlrts, ha\-e 110 gcilcral ii~cles, 1)iit oi~ly i~iq~erfcct ii~tlcxcs for ci~cli vo111111e. It \vor11(1 1~ n decidctl gniu to tlic clieiits oC the Copyi-igl~t Oficc if :dl tlic ci~trics 111:itlc fro111 I 790 to IS!);,

iilclr~sive, coultl 1)c i~~tlexctl i l l t l ~ c snlilc coliil>lctc ii11~1 c':lrc- f111 lilniliicr i l l \vl~icli tlie entries ~iinde sii~cc the Inttei- tl:~te l~ave I ~ e c i ~ iiltlcscil, :u~tl I trust Co~~grcss will I)c \ ~ i l l i ~ i g to graiit a sufficieut Force to c~~nl) lc tlic ui~tlertakii~:: o f this work.

H;ila~~cc OII 11:u11l July I , I ~ ) I . . . . . $1, 2511. 19 Gross receipts, Jul>- I , I ~ I . to

JIIIII. 30, 1 ~ 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S, 4.05. nS

Total tu nccoulltctl for . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,655. 2; KvTu1111ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,732.3;

13alance to Le acco~u~trql for . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 902. go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Applietl :IS fees eilrned $44,655.50

U:tl;ulcc carried oycr to July I , 1902: Trust funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $915.91 L;t~finishe~l business. July I , iSg;, to

June 50, 1 9 2 , i ~ i c l u b i ~ c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .yo r . 49 -- - I, 217.40

65, ').I?. y' - . .

'Ibliil. fees c:tr~lctl :LIII I p:ti11 illto ' L ' I - ( ~ : I S I I ~ ~ 1111ri11g t l ~ ( - I-IYV

1isc:~l years fro111 July I , rSy;, to J I I I IV 3u, y)?. . . . . . . . . 3-7, ; ; . 1 . ~ Tot:~l ~ulfi~lisl~ecl I I I I S ~ I I ~ ? ; ~ 1;1r tllc s:ullc. fi\.c ye:~r% . . . . . . . . .;a I 1 . 49

, , 1 otnl 11ul111)cr of rcrtilic:~tcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 755

Register of Copyr<q-his.

Fees for entry of titles, Unitetl States produc- tions, at 50 cents each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42, 171. m

I'ees for entry of titles of foreign productions, at $1 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,633. u>

Total fees for titles recordetl.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50, ,304. oo Fees for certificates, United States entries, at

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 cents each I 1, 171.50

Fees for certificates, foreign entries, at 50 cents eacli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T , Z O ~ . C X )

Total fees for certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 377.50 Fees for certifird copies of record, at 50 cents each. . . . . . . 346. oo Fees for recording assignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636. oo Eleven searches made, and charged for at the rate of 50

cents for each hour of time consumed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.00

Total fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,685.50

In addition to the applied fees stated above, $1.50 was applied during the year for copyright entries out of the fees received and paid into the Treasury prior to July I , 1897, making a total of applied fees of $64,687; and $ I was re- funded in the same way, making a total refund of $3,753.37, credit being allowed by the Treasury Department for the sum of $2.50 in settlement of yearly account.


The exact condition of the current work of the Copyright Office at this date (October 18, 1902,) is as follows:

I . All remittances have been recorded and acknowledged to October 17, inclusive.

2. The account books of the lookkeeping division are written up and posted to October I 6 , and the accounts ren- dered to the Treasury Department are settled up to and including the month of September, and earned fees to Sep- tember 30, inclusive, paid into the Treasury. On account of copyright business from October I to 18, $2,200, has been paid into the Treasury.

3. Copyright applications received up to and including October 17 have been passed upon and refunds made up to

62 Report of the Librana~z of Contgress.

October 15. The total unfinished and pei~ding busiiiess fro111 July I , 1897, to September 30, 1902, inclusive, five years and tliree rnonths, aillourlts to $357.95.

4. Tlle titles filed for record (all classes) are tl:lted, classi- fied, and numberecl to October 16, inclusive.

j, The titles filecl are indexed as follows: Class A, books, to 110. 43664, of Octol~er 13; Class B, l~riodicals, to no. 37073, of October 16; Clnss C, 111llxical co~npositiol~s, to 110.

34694, of October 13; Class D, dra~natic conrpositiol~s, to 110. 2445. of October 14; Class 12, illaps or cl~arts, to 110.

2935, of October 14; Clnss k', e~~graviligs, cuts, or prints, to no. 10817, of October 14 ; Class G, cllronlos or litho- graphs, to no. 3506, of October 14; Class H, photographs, to 110. 22595, of October 14; Class I , origillal works of art, to no. 4934, of October rq.

6. The articles deposited are sta~llped, cataloguetl, and credited as follows: Class A, books proper, circulars, leaf- lets, and periodical col~tributions, to no. 43568, of Octohcr I I ; Class B, periodicals, to no. 37073, of October 16; Class C, musical con~positions, to no. 34390, of October 8; Class D, dramatic compositions, to no. 2444, of October 14; Class E, maps or charts, to no. 2923, of October I I ; Class F, engravings, cuts, or prints, to no. 10782, of October I I ;

Class G , chromos or lithographs, to 110. 3503, of October I I ; Class H, photograpl~s, to 110. 225 14, of 0ctol)cr I I ; Class I , original works of art, photographs of drawi~~gs, paintings, and sculpture, to 110. 4924, of Octohr r I .

The Catalogue of Title Elltries has k e n l,ro~igl~t forwnrtl to No. 589, to October 16, 1902.

7 . The certificate entries have 1)een recorded (all classes) to October 15, inclusive, and certificates luatle, revised, and mailed.

Tllc nol~certificate entries have I~eell recortled as follows: Class A, to 110. 43075, of October 4; Class R, to no. 366Y9, of October 3; Class C, to 110. 34301, of Octol~er 6; Class I), to 110. 2413, of October 3; Class 13, to no. 2902, of Octo- ber 8; Class F, to no. 10658, of October 6; Class G, to 110. 3457, of October 7 ; Class H, to 110. 22329, of Octol~er 7; Class I , to 110. 4901, of O c t o l ~ r 7.

The total entries rc~naining to l)e nlade to tiate 11uml)er r ,401.

Register of Copyrights.

( d ) Copynghl bzdsiness prior lo j u b r , r897.

Congress, in the appropriation act for the fiscal year, con- tinued the special force of fire persons (three clerks, a por- ter, ant1 a ~iiessellger) for work on the arrears of Copyright Office business prior to July I , 1897. The examiliatioll and arrangement of the great mass of deposits (consisting of more thali I ,000,000 articles) has been continued, and some 40,000 additional uncredited articles have been sifted out, increasing the uncredited articles to a total of I 14,264. Of credited articles received prior to July 8, 1870, 3,236 books have been shelved and 1,454 pamphlets, IOO newspapers, 1,073 photographs, and 36 prints have been put up in pack- ages. Of articles received between July 8, 1870, and July I , 1897, and previously credited, 19,668 pamphlets, 5,025 blank books, 16,873 prints and chromos, I , IOI insurance and other maps, I ,408 musical compositions, and 22,362 pho- tographs (66,437 articles in all) have been arranged by year of entry, while the following (83,521 articles) have been arranged by year and copyright number: 48,790 books, 28,2 19 pamphlets, and 6,s I 2 photographs. Of the credited dramas, 2 ,202 have been placed in envelopes, indorsed wit11 state- ment of titles, dates of entry, and dopyright numbers, and arranged alphabetically by title. Of the periodicals, 27,315 numbers have been alphabetized and tied in bundles and indexed upon 3,283 cards, giving title, size, and place of publication of each separate periodical.

Of uncredited matter the following have been segregated and placed ill packages: 41,016 pamphlets, 825 maps, 613 musical compositions, 6,584 engravings, 7,079 photographs, and I 3,700 newspapers, while I 96 books were shelved and 22 I dramas placed in envelopes, indorsed, and alphabetized- 70,013 articles in all; 1,398 phatographs, 175 maps and charts, and 235 engravings (total, f ,808 articles) have been iderltified by comparison with records, indexed, and credited. Summary: 290,610 articles arranged, I ,808 articles credited, 3,283 index cards made, 2,423 dramas placed in envelopes, indorsed, and alphabetized.


In lily last pear's report I called attention to the need for a revision of the copyright laws. In view of the many and

diverse it~terests affected by sucl~ legislatio~~, I suggested that it woultl see111 Illore probable that tliest: would receive the proportio~~ate attellti011 they reqnire if t l ~ c task of pre- paring a codificcl text of t l ~ c copyright laws \were intrastcd by Cottgress to :I co~tltltissiot~ adequately rcprcset~titt): the different i~tterests conccr~~cd. This recom~t~endatioi~, that n col~yrigl~t co~n~nissio~l I)e appointctl, I l~eg to llrge :lgain upo~t your : ~ l t u t t i o ~ ~ .

Such n con~n~issio~t \\.auld Ile able to reconcile co~~fl ict i~~): i~ltcrcsts nt~tl nlso 11a\:c t l ~ r opl)ortu~~ity to forl l~ul~~tc :L tcst for :L 1:1\\. cq~tivnlc~~t to tltc c s i s t i ~ ~ g proqrcssivc col>!,rigl~t legislatio~t of other cou~ttries. So ntte~nl~t ;it a ae~tcrnl rc\.isio~~ of our copyright laws II:IS 11cc11 ~ l ~ a d e S ~ I I C C 1S73. but 1)et\vcc11 that (late a ~ ~ d the 1)rrsellt titnc 111, less t11:111 twenty-~t i~~c f o r e i ~ ~ t countries have cotlified tl~eir col)\right lau.s, i t~c lud i~~g Austria, rSgg; l;clgiu~n, r s S t i ; lioli\,i:~, rS79; Brazil, 1893; Catlatla, 1886; Ecuador, I SS7; C : c r ~ ~ i a ~ ~ y . IOOI ; Gunte~nala, 1879; Hungary, 1884; Italy, 1532; Jnpnn, rS9g; Mexico, 1383; Netherlands. I S S I ; Norway, 1893; Rllssia, 18S7; Spain, 1879; S\\~eden, rSg7: Switzerla~~tl, 1S83; rind Ve~~ezuela, 1894. 011 the part of mntly of these countries careful investigatio~~ has Ixen made into the Ilutllerolls questions involved. and dtlrittg this period of nearly thirty years few subjects of legislation have recei\.ecl a greater nnlount of active and widespread a t t e t~ t io~~ . 13ut i l l t11e t\\ro great Ellglisl~ spenkil~g cotultrics this il~terest i l l col>yrigl~t 112s 11:ltl t l ~ e lcnst effective rcsl~lts. Tltc 1c~islatio11 i : ~ 1)otll E~~g l :u~ t l ru~d the 1'11itetl States llns been 1)11t lxtrti:~l n~~tl :~t l- tltittetlly i~~:ltlecluate.

Our In\\. ns it stc~~ttl:: is 11ot ouly i~~:~tlcc~u:itc 1)). rensoll of 1)eiltg 1):~sctl ~ I I :~~tticlu:~tctl ~~lotlcls nt~tl I)cc:l~tsc its 111otli1ic:l- tit111 Itas not Iccpt pace nil-11 tltc great 1nateri:tl tle\-elol,~~te~tt o f tllc last quarter o f :I cc~~ttrrj.: but it is tliflicull o f ~ I I ~ C I - -

lxctat io~~, :ilq~licatio~~, ;u~cl :~(l~~ti~i is trat io~i l~ec:~l~se of text11:~1 i~~co~lsis tc~~cies nltd cot~tr:ltlictiot~s. 111 jnsticc to the i ~ ~ t e r - ests of tlle literary and :trtistic. l3rotluce1.s of the IJltitecl States, ant1 nlso of fore ip~ couutries, t l ~ e \r:lrious copyright acts now ill force should l)c \\~eltlctl illto olte co~~sistellt statute, si1111)le ill pltra.seology, 1)roatl n~ld lil)cr:~l i l l its I I I - ~ I I C ~ D ~ C S , a ~ l d franled to secure 11ot oltly t l ~ e fullest protectio~~ \\.ithilt our

Register of Copyrights. 65

own widely extended territdry, but the reciprocal inter- national exchange of copyright privileges.

Respectfully submitted: THOKVALD SOLBERG.

Rqgisfrr qzf' C o ~ ~ w ' g h t s . HERBERT PUTNA~I,

1,ibrarian oj* Congress.

- . - . . . -- - - - . - ..... - - . . . ...........

Mollth. I c r o s s cnsh a rect.ipts. : R ~ ~ I I I I C I ~ . 1 Net "' ap-

cuipts. i plied. _ _ . . .-I--'-- .. . . I 1 9 1 . I

Ju ly ................................ $5, 382.28 $316.37 $5.&5.1)1 ! k , *h . 50 A u g u s t . . ............................ 4,8.%.60 349.36 4 . j . l r .q j.S3:.50

......................... S e p t r n ~ k r 5. zq5.87 1 276.55 1 S.or,.;z ! 4.XzS.m 0ctoht .r ............................ 5.39.03 q.ih. ,+ 4, $2.45 1 5.175.50 November .......................... 5.01~. ro ! 445.05 / 1 , 5 7 4 . 0 ~ 4.36n.n December ........................... 7,201.64 432.81 1 b,768.R3 6. 176. 50

1902. J a n u a r y

I ........................... :.*.as 277.5s ; ;..i26.50 1 ;,;C1j.ix)

February . . .......................... 4 . 8 1 0 . ~ 316.22 . 4,494.37 , 4. ozq. ca March ............................... ,5, w. 56 ! 229. rm ' 5.b:o. 50 5.473 30 Apri l ............................... 5,s.W. 14 2%. 17 1 5.323.97 : 5. 271.50 May ................................ 5,762.92' 2 ~ 6 . 1 1 ; 5.53(i.S1! , Jnne . . .............................. 5.5&.27! 1 b . 5 7 : 5,379.70/ 5 . 4 7 5 . ~ ~ '

T o t a l . ........................ Nl.qog.oR 3.753.37 ! b4.651.;1 , 64.hS7.t~~

.............................. Ralnncr- h n m g h t fo rward f rom Jnne 30. IFI Sr. 250. 19 Gross receipts. Ju ly I, I ~ I , t o J n n e 30, 1 ~ 2 . . ............................... fA.405.oR

64,655.2: Lesq r e f n ~ t d s f r o m receipts o f Jllly I , I ~ I , t o J I I I I ~ 30, lgozr* . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 752.37 --

T o h e neconnted f o r . ................................................. 65. w z . 00 . . , , Balance c ~ r r i e d fo rward J I I I ~ I. rqm:

Trns t I I I I I ~ . .................................................... dgrg.qr Unfinished btrsiness.. ......................................... 3 ~ . 49 - 1.21:.40

F e e s app l ied Jn ly I . 191 , t o J I I I I ~ 30. 1 9 2 . . ........................... 64, Gg.50 Frrs received a n d pa id itrto t h e Treasury p r io r t o Ju ly I . 159;. a n d applict l

fiscal yca r 1901-2.. ........................................................ 1.50

Tota l a r n o ~ l n t of f ees a p p l i e d . ....................................... 64.637.03 - - - - - - .- .

0 I n add i t ion t o re funds f rom t h e a1111na1 receipts, $1 w a s repaid f rom receipts received p r io r to J111y I. ~sg;, a n d paid illto t h e Trensury, r l ~ a l i i n g t h e total r e f ~ l n d s

$3. ;a. 37.

66 Rejort of the Librarian of Congress.

EXHIBIT R.-.Ttntc?tte~t cf fees paid iulo Trenszq~.

July ...... i '5 ......

22 ...... 21). .....

A n g ~ ~ s t 5. ..... h . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . I> I

1y . . . . . . ' xi ...... i

.... Septellllwr 3 . .

6 . . . . . . I

9. ..... 1

I6 ...... i 23 ...... 30 ...... 1

..... October 7 . i g. . . . . . I

14 ...... ! I . . . . . .

28 ...... 1 ... Nove~l~hcr 4.. I

9 . . . . . . I

18 ...... l 1 ....... 15 ..... . I

December 2 . . ... . ; . . . ... 1

I O . . . . . . I

$9'. 00 350. a)

1, 200.00

1. 250. oo 6w. 00 M. 50

I. 2m. m

!pn. m

I, lm, a1

',.750 2s:. (LI

7m. a, :a,. u>

1. 5'". "' 1 , w . m h. 00 628.00

900.00 I , 100.00 I. 2.20.00

goo. 00

273.50 fioo.00

F. 00 1.400.00

r, w. 00 260. a,

1,200. w

Ilatc. Check , lllllllher.

Fchr~lnry 3 . . ... .! X. . .~

10.. .... I; ..... 24 ......

Mnrch .<. ..... , ...... I

10. . . . . . I

I; ...... -'I..... . 31 ...... *

April ;..... s . . . . . .

1 8 . . . .( 21 ...... 1 2s ......

May .5. ..... , - I , ...... 12 . . . . . . I

19 ...... I 26 .......

June 2 . . . . . . I - , / ......

.':::.::I 23 ...... 1

Fres received and paid illto

the Treas~try prior to J111y

I , 1Hg7. apptird for rntries

:rnd r e f ~ ~ ~ t d e r l I C ~ I - Z .....

Total ................

Register of Cojyngh is. 67

EXHIBIT C.-Rrcovd of aflliedfies.



Jrily ........ Allgust '*11 ...... I Septmlher . . octoher ...... Novernher.. ./ 1)ecernher ... I

IV2. '

January.. . . 17d)niary.. ..

.... 3larcli.. April ........ May ......... June.. . . . . . ./

Fees at Fees at 50

cents each.

- .-

50 cents I each.


1901. July ........ August ..... September. October .... November.. December..

1902. January .... February. .. March ...... April ....... May ........ ~ u n e . . ......


68 ' Report o f the Librarian of Co?tgress.

[Comparative 111o1lt11ly statenlent of gross cash receipts, executed f)usiness, number of entries, daily averages, etc.]

- -- ..- --- (:ross rrcripts. / Il~~silless exrcl~trd.

! .. ~ ....... -- - I - . X I U I I ~ I I - 31t)ntll- N ~ I I ~ I I - 1 ) ~ i l y I UniSy

1 Ir n- ly il l - 1" llr- v I - . i 1 cri,)~+. crease. cicnsr.! aye. crcase. 1 c%r. 1 'zl- I ,111y. . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . S I . ~ . 34, %, "6. ...... .:. . . . . $I*. .C

A I I ~ I I ~ ~ . . . . 4, hko. t n . . . . . . f b ~ . I.%, $ 4, S 3 7 . 5 ~ . . $.I#). ( x i 17% 16

Sep te~ l~ l , e r . . . . 5 . ,t)s. KT $!is. 27 ........I 230. 251 4. SZS. m i . . ..... ./ ' I . ,sor 2u).'r1

October . . . . . . . s.:ug. 03 10;. l t . . . . . . . I $ ~ , Y ' I s*rj5.50. $ ........ . ...... . . . I . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I I 5 , : s 9 3 ul.r,l 4 , 3 s . d . .

. . . . . . . ......... r,ecrn~l~r.r. . .I 7, m1. (,.t 2, 1h1.54.. . I dss. f\ 1 j6.p/r, $16. yl

J a n ~ ~ a r ) . ................. 402.44 . . . . ?',a .16( 7,765. m 1, ,588. 50~. . . . . . . . . 2p .65 Frbrllary. .... . ! 4 .Sro .~ , r ........ 2. j r l j . 49( zwj. 15 j . 0 2 ~ ~ . m'. ...... .;3, 1 ~ 6 . m 201. ?6 March.. . . . . . . . 5. Snc. 56 I , a<h.r)j . . . . . . . . I 126. llc,l 5. 473.50' S44.501.. ..... . i 210.52 I . . . 5, 5hO. 1 4 . . . I . 2 1 . 2 5 0 . . .

.......... ....... May .I 5,762. IXZ. :S .; 221.65 5. + I . oo! 5::. June.. ......... ....... .......

... Total . ' 6 ~ , 4 0 ~ . o5 ............... .(. ...... ./ b4,68,.00). ...... .i.. ...... l ....... I - - . . - - . - .. . .-. - -- -- -- . - -p -- - - -- -.

Number of entries.

1q01-2. o i n 1 ~ot.1. 111crea-. j A v e ~ d ~ .

July ........... August ....... .I

. . . Septelnber . ' October ......., Kovelnher ..... Uecenlber ..... Jalnlary ....... February. .... .I March.. ...... . I April .......... I May.. ........ . i June. ........... -

Total. . . . .

EXHIBIT E.- -Statetnent ofg-ross cash receipts, executed busittess, trum- ber of entries, elc.,forfivefiscal years, 1897-98,1898-99,1899-,900, 1900--1901, 190 1-2.

- - - Gross receipts. ~~usinelwexecuted.

Month. 1 1897-'#. 1896-99. 1 I ~ I q . 1 IPIFI .~ :%'I-2. 1 18974. 1 I-. I _ . - _ - -__ I-- JIIIY ......... $& 257.70 '$5. 101.74 Allgust.. ..... 4,525.27 4,675.96 Srptelnber. . . 5,218.R7 4.714.82 I Oclober ...... 5,556.21 . 5,149.07 Nove l ak r ... 4. 292. R9 . 4,7M. 30 Decrtmlxr.. .. 6,512. Q 6,435.56 January .... 6,074.03 6,050.86 Pehruary .... 4,606.92 5,141.40 March ....... 5,138.78 1 6,300.02 April; ........ 5,053.21 5,193.69 May. ......... 5,386.93 5,593.50 June ......... 4,476.16 5.0%. 73

Total . .'61. q9.56 64,185.65 33 /69,525.25 '68.405.08 I I I ...... ....... .. ---- . . . . ... - . ......... -- ....

I Business executed. I Number of entries.


...... July :. .%[email protected] )$5.rr5.m $.+,R86.50

AuWst ...... 4.709.50 / 5,404.50 4.837.50 September ... 5.357.50 4,738.00 4,826.00 October . . ... 5,317. w 5,494.50 5.175.50 November ... 4,810.9 4.5w.50 4,360.00 December. ... 5.183.00 6.339.00 6,176.50 January . ..... 8.~00.50 6,410.50 7,765.00 February .... 5,032.50 4,546.50 4,629.00 March. ....... ~,871..w 5.416.50 5,473.50 April . ....... 5,535.50 5,653.50 5 , r l r . y May .......... 5,229.50 5,045.50 5.809.00 June. ......... 5,&1.50 5,023.50 5,475.00 ---

Total.. .65, a d . m 63.687.50 64.607. 00 I - - --

year Cross re- In- I DI year ly ceipts. crease. I crease. fees. 1 I l l

In- ) Lk?- IE%I In- 1 De- crease. crease. en- crease. crease.

tries. 1

70 Report of the Libmriarz of Congress.

cntrrrd uuder t l ~ r tern1 " lwok" as t~secl in thr copyright law-e. g..

circulars. leaflets, rtc. . (c) News1)aprr and I I I R ~ R -

zine articles.. ......... 2. I~ramaticc0mpositi01is ....... 3. Periodicals(n~~mber) ......... 4. Musical compositiorrs ........' 5. Maps and charts.. ............ 6. Rngmvitigs, cuts, and prints., 7. Chromos and lithographs.. . .'

............... 8. I'hotographs.. .I 9. Miscellaneous (unclassifird j

1 ::9749. I IC*)Y.

- - - - .. -~ . . . . I . .

i I. Books: ( a ) llooks proper (volumes) 5. 9 5 5 .834

(I)) Miscrllaneo~~s articles

articles), ..................... . . . . . . . 3751 14; I .................... -- i- i - i ~79 ,~5 ; _ _ 83 , 389

Two copies of each article ! I ............ werereceived. .' 111,952 ! 118,434 i 159,830

! 9. Photographs with titles of / works of art for identificn- 1 ! ........ ' tion, one copy each.. 853 I, 7- i 1,614 i 2,569 1 2. WR -- I--- Grand total ............... . i - ~ . x s ~ 120. I43 . , It,?, 283 i lnr).726

1Wbgm. .


ryx-tgor. . -

7 7

