Liberia and Civil War By: Sudesh Kalyanswamy and Ross Carstens.

Liberia and Civil War By: Sudesh Kalyanswamy and Ross Carstens

Transcript of Liberia and Civil War By: Sudesh Kalyanswamy and Ross Carstens.

Liberia and Civil War


Sudesh Kalyanswamy and Ross Carstens


Two civil wars

First war from 1989-1995

Second war from 1999-2003

Period of fighting from


Pictures of Civil War

Causes of Civil War

Liberian Civil Wars

Arbitrary Rule Economic Collapse Ethnic Issues

What does it stand for?

ECOWAS – Economic Community of West African States

NPFL – National Patriotic Front of Liberia


Brief History Of Problem: Doe’s control

1980 - Samuel Doe takes control of gov’t.

1984 - Under pressure, Doe allows political parties to return

1985 - Doe wins presidential Election U.S. says election characterized by fraud and rigging. Ethnic conflicts increase

Brief History cont: Charles Taylor’s Uprising

1989 - NPFL, led by Taylor, begins revolt against gov’t.

1990 - ECOWAS sends peacekeeping force Doe is caught and executed by NPFL.

1991 - ECOWAS and NPFL agree to disarm and set up Interim Gov’t of National Unity

1992- NPFL launches assault on peacekeeping troops in Monrovia

Brief History Cont: End 1st Civil War and 2nd Civil War

1994 - Warring factions agree on timetable for disarmament and set up of joint Council of State

1995 – Peace agreement signed

1999 – Rebel forces come down from Guinea and attack town of Voinjama

2000 - Liberian forces launch attack against rebels

2001 - UN imposes arms embargo

Brief History: End 2nd Civil War

2002 – Taylor declares state of Emergency

2002- In Sept., Taylor lifts state of emergency

2003- Fighting intensifies, rebels battle for control of Monrovia, the capital

Aug 2003- Nigerian Peacekeepers arrive. Taylor leaves handing power to his deputy Moses Blah. US troops arrive.

Sept/Oct 2003- UN launches peacekeeping mission

Other Countries’ Reactions

Many countries sent peacekeeping troops along with the UN troops.

Countries Included: Namibia, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Jordan, and various Western Nations.

Peacekeeping Troops Map

Results of Civil War

Over 50,000 people have been displaced from their homes

220,000 people died in conflict

Leaders of Liberia

Blah, Moses

Bryant, Gyude

Doe, Samuel

Charles Taylor

Solution to Problem

A treaty was made last Wednesday renouncing Civil War and initiating disarmament.

Peace Treaty

The peace treaty is meant to be permanent.

Previous peace treaties have failed.

Ethnic groups probably still hold grudges against one another.

A western peace treaty may not stop war.






