LIB100 Fall 2010 Fansler Yun


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Transcript of LIB100 Fall 2010 Fansler Yun

Page 1: LIB100 Fall 2010 Fansler Yun

Using Primary Resources- Lib100 – Fall 2010

Craig Fansler, Preservation Librarian

Audra Eagle Yun, Digital Projects Librarian

August 25th 2010

Welcome and introduction Group assignments Intro powerpoint and video

August 30th 2010

Handout: "What Your Professors Are Saying" ZSR Toolkit Tour of ZSR and exhibit space

September 1st 2010

What are primary resources and archives? Researching primary resources online Image research Assignment #1 due

September 6th 2010

Meet in Special Collections Reading Room, 6th Floor

Intro to the Dolmen Press & its artists and poets Groups work on developing topic for exhibit

September 8th 2010

Narrowing a topic Information timeline Wikipedia? RSS feeds, aggregators and email alerts

September 13th 2010

Page 2: LIB100 Fall 2010 Fansler Yun

Library catalog Exhibit tips, ideas, and techniques Visit Preservation

September 15th 2010

Databases and scholarly journals Groups work on exhibit titles Assignment #2 due

September 20th 2010

Zotero and citing research Alexa Toolbar Doomsday Pizza video

September 22nd 2010

Groups work together on exhibit topic and exhibit headings Work on a rough draft of your exhibit design

September 27th 2010

Work on exhibits Each group meets with Mr. Fansler to draft exhibit design Assignment #3 due

September 29th 2010

Work on exhibits

October 4th 2010

Work on exhibits

October 6th 2010

Work on exhibits Finalize installation

Page 3: LIB100 Fall 2010 Fansler Yun

October 11th 2010

Exhibit presentations

Final Assigment- Dolmen Press Exhibit due Wed. Oct. 11th

Working with your group, design, research and install a library exhibit on Reynolds Level 4 in the display cases.

Your exhibit on the Dolmen Press artists and poets should contain all the elements we discuss in class: the heading, focal point, photos, an accompanying book, text summary, etc.

In designing your exhibit on Dolmen Press artists and poets, you should use at least 10 scholarly sources which you will list in a properly formatted bibliography according to MLA style as part of the exhibit project. These should all be sources that you are confident in their ability to help you answer your research question, not just sources that are vaguely about your topic!

On the day your exhibit is due, the class will assemble by the exhibits, and each group will give a short presentation to the class (5-10 minutes) about their work.