Liang Traffic School 2009

1 st version - Weixun’s from 2009 2 nd version - 3/2/2011 – added for Liang’s Aiming point : 8-12 sec ahead Billboard: large truck blocking view Trawler: driver looking for address Driver: 18 years of age. Legally in US. Provide finger/thumb prints. “points” will remain 36 or more months depending on the violation 1 point for driving unsafely or “at fault” collision, driving on highway with <16 child not restraint proper;y, driving on highway with child (age < 6 and <60 lb) not in child seat 1 point stays on record for 36 months. When passing another car, you should not pull back in front of it until ___ you can see its full front in your rearview mirror______________ If you do not have the proper insurance coverage, your driving privileges will be suspended for ___a year_____ If you are stuck in mud, you should ____D______________. A. spin the wheels and try to move in all directions B. keep your wheels straight and move in a rocking motion back and forth until you are free C. if possible put tree branches under the wheels – it will help you get traction D. B and C 2. If your brakes fail ________D_____________. A. shift into a low gear and slow down, gradually using your parking brake as a last resort B. completely stop and start your engine, then proceed with caution C. sound your horn and flash your hazard lights to warn drivers that you have a problem D. A and C 3. If you run off the pavement, you should ____D___________. A. hold the steering wheel tightly and steer straight ahead B. stay on the shoulder and brake gently C. when safe, turn back on the road at a slow speed


Notes from Traffic School

Transcript of Liang Traffic School 2009

Weixuns from 2009

1st version - Weixuns from 20092nd version - 3/2/2011 added for Liangs

Aiming point : 8-12 sec ahead

Billboard: large truck blocking view

Trawler: driver looking for addressDriver: 18 years of age. Legally in US. Provide finger/thumb prints.

points will remain 36 or more months depending on the violation

1 point for driving unsafely or at fault collision,

driving on highway with