Lexington Cooperative Market



Identity guide

Transcript of Lexington Cooperative Market

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I D E N T I T Y G U I D E // 2 0 1 2

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in their own words

the philosophy


“The Lexington Co-op is part ofthe modern co-operative movement which began in Rochdale, England in 1844. Todayapproximately 765 million individuals are members ofco-ops. In the US alone, the are over 47 thousand co-ops with over 100 million members. Members ofthese co-ops pool resources to achieve a variety ofshared goals.Working together they

have organized childcare co-ops, credit unions, farmers co-operatives, worker owned businesses, and more.

The Lexington Co-op was formed in 1971 by members who wanted access to whole foods at reasonable prices. Since then, it has evolved from an entirely member run organization to a fully funaioning store with paid staff. Members of the Lexington Co-op can take pride in a $20 Billion Natural Foods Industry that they pioneered with their dedication, hard

work, and cooperation!”

Co-op’s have a rich history, and are a great institution for sustainable, healthy eating and shopping. The Lexington Co-op has been wildly successful, and it’s current location is proof of that. A very large, beautiful building houses their co-op, where they sell a plethora of items ranging from organic, vegan, exotic, and handmade. They promote

fair trade, and source produce from the region.

All this is great, except for one glaring aspect: their crunchy granola image does not match their upscale interior and high prices.The co-op contradicts itself in this way. Therefore, in redesigning the image and all aspects of the

business’ identity, Lexington Co-op can even things out for themselves.

A new logo balancing their humble, fun, beginnings with their upscale reincarnation will bring instant cohesiveness. Printing on recycled paper will lower production cost and carbon footprint. Using chalkboards for all interior

signage will reduce excessive paper printing costs and waste.

Finally, refurbishing and expanding Lexington’s web presence with a new website and mobile app will both educate and bring in new faces who may have been previously wary of the idea of a co-op.

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p h o t os t y l ei n s p i r at i o n

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the logoThe existing logo for the Lexington Co-op is playful and fun, but sends mixed signals. The highly illustrative style

suggests a very casual place of business, that doesn’t take itself as seriously as it should.

Keeping the fun approachable aspect to the logo was important, so as not to scare off potential customers who could be either wary of a co-op, or uninformed of what it is. Therefore, a display font was chosen for the major text

aspect, ‘Lexington.’ The font’s texture is reminiscent of burlap, it is imperfect, and it is playful.

However, using a much more simple sans serif for the remaining text ‘Cooperative Market’ was important so as to keep the logo from getting overcomplicated while also looking like a respectable, professional business.

To add another level of interest, as well as to suggest the type of business Lexington Co-op is, a slightly ambiguous wheat bud was created to be used in place of the dot over the ‘i’ in ‘Lexington.’

A warm orange is used for two reasons: to keep a connection to the existing logo, as well as to be a slightly different take on an identity who’s category (organic, natural) are generally rendered in shades of green and brown.

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Pantone Warm Red UC//0 M//75 Y//90 K//0

Greyscale // 100% Black

Greyscale // 40% Black


Pantone Black UC//0 M//0 Y//0 K//100

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Sketchetik Light // Primary usage in “Lexington”mark in logo

Caviar Dreams // “Cooperative Market” mark in logo Headline text in print marketing material / stationary

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The logo requires a 1/4 inch border around all sides, equally. This is the acceptable placement derived by the designer.

The relationship between the elements of the logo is FIXED, and should never, ever, ever be stretched disproportionately as demonstrated on the opposite page.


do this.

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do not do this.

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Bebas Neue // Headline Font

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!@#$%^& *()-_=+

Gill Sans Light // Body Copy Font


Arial Regular 12pt // Web Safe Font



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this is a headlineThis is body copy. This is what text will look like in paragraph form. Isn’t it nice? We will continue in nonsense so that

it can be clearly seen.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed tellus in sem facilisis volutpat at vel felis. Praesent lacinia urna id leo tempus id iaculis ligula imperdiet. Duis elit ligula, iaculis sed ultrices eget, fringilla ac augue. Quisque aliquam suscipit mauris, nec sollicitudin eros vehicula quis. Etiam adipiscing lacus ut diam fringilla cursus. Sed a purus libero. Duis in urna metus. Aenean feugiat varius lacus nec varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus

et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam ut dolor velit, et pharetra dolor.

Nulla risus tellus, commodo id tincidunt nec, interdum id augue. Maecenas fermentum luctus ante, eget sodales elit convallis ut. Morbi ut velit purus, eget rhoncus purus. Curabitur ac orci diam, nec ornare felis. In ante erat, lobortis ultrices dapibus in, tincidunt eu sem. Praesent varius urna nec massa fermentum nec volutpat diam ullamcorper. Nam porta, erat id porta dignissim, orci nibh lobortis massa, vel mattis orci odio in ipsum. Vestibulum felis leo, fringilla eget

dapibus et, pulvinar eu sem. Mauris et tellus est, vitae eleifend quam. Duis sed nunc ante, eget tempus odio.


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Business cards on thick recycled substrate are sturdy and minimally designed so as to put the texture of the card along with its relationship to the absorption of the ink on display.

Business papers in slightly different types of recycled substrates create texture, richness, and aesthetic interest.

business papers


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Employees will wear these embroidered aprons as their uniform over jeans and black tee shirts.

The aprons will also be for sale in the store for customers. The aprons being sold will come in various colors besides grey but will keep the same design and embroidery.



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Wooden kitchen utensils emblazoned with theLexington Cooperative Market logo.

With the implementation of these large, sturdy canvas shopping bags, Lexington will introduce a new check out policy. Plastic shopping bags will have a five cent charge at check-out. This policy will encourage customers to buy the canvas bags and/or bring their own re-usable bags to shop with. This not only helps push the sale of the canvas bag, but makes a dent in reducing waste.



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The re-design of the website features many new things besides a more appealing design.

The home page will feature a single member’s “recipe of the month.” Members of the co-op will be able to submit photos, descriptions, and

recipes of meals they make using ingredients bought from the co-op.

The menu is also expanded, and features a section on the co-op’s large bulk section, explaining in detail each item offered, both common and


The newsletters/specials have also been formatted directly into the site, removing the use of downloadable PDFs.



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The Lexington Co-op Mobile App is designed to echo the website in design so as to keep it’s internet presence cohesive.

The app features: daily in-store cafe menu, comprehensive bulk image and description list, a recipe builder using ingredients offered at the co-op,

and a swapping generator for vegan and vegetarion meals/ingredients.

Pictured is the major focus and draw of the app, the bulk foods feature. Users can view the foods as either images, or a written list. The lists of foods will have continuous smooth scrolling on the screen, and once an option is chosen, the user will be brought to a screen featuring that

particular food or grain.

The user will be able to easily read a thorough description of the food, in this instance Wild Rice. There will also be instructions on how to properly

prepare the food, and its health benefits if applicable.

mobile app


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Lexington Co-op Identity Guide // Conceptualized and Designed by Anne Marie Leahey // 2011


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