Leveraging Fractal Technology to Scale Change Initiatives

1 Pravir Malik Aurosoorya San Francisco USA Leveraging Fractal Technology to Scale Change Initiatives pyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com


Pravir Malik is the founder of Aurosoorya, a pioneering technology and consulting company that isolates organizational-fractals to help organizations make shifts, one pattern at a time. Pravir spoke with the SBODN community about this topic in May 2012. Join SBODN at upcoming events through SBODN.com.

Transcript of Leveraging Fractal Technology to Scale Change Initiatives

  • 1. Leveraging Fractal Technology to Scale Change Initiatives Pravir Malik Aurosoorya San Francisco USACopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com
  • 2. The Most Beautiful Thing We can Experience is the Mysterious. It is the Source of All True Art and Science (Albert Einstein)Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 2
  • 3. Contents Overview of Fractals Fractals in Organizations Scaling Change in Organizations Change at the Global Level through Fractal TechnologyCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 3
  • 4. Overview of FractalsCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 4
  • 5. A Fractal GeneratorCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 5
  • 6. Fractals in Nature (Fractal = a pattern that repeats itself on different scale)Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 6
  • 7. Fractal geometry will make you see everything differentlyNever again will your interpretation of these things be quite the same. Michael F. Barnsley Fractals Everywhere (2000)Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 7
  • 8. Fractals in OrganizationsCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 8
  • 9. Differences, borders, lines, surfaces and boundaries do not really divide things from each other at all, they join them together. All boundaries are held in common. Alan WattsCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 9
  • 10. Organization Landscape: Comprised of Repeating Patterns(Source: Cover of Connecting Inner Power with Global Change: The Fractal Ladder )Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 10
  • 11. Physical, Vital, Mental Architecture of the Organizational Fractal PHYSICAL Impulse to keep things as they are Rule of thumb: defined by what the Mental Physical eye can see MENTAL Change dictated by thought and order Rule of thumb: defined by thought and the idea VITAL Vital Impulse to change things, employing energy Rule of thumb: defined by assertiveness and play of energies A CLAIM: Every single organization dynamic we encounter or can envision can be understood in terms of the physical, vital, and mental components and orientationsCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 11 11
  • 12. The Human Level Perceptions of Life Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Purpose Natural Progression of Time Vital Randomness Physical Deterministic World is what the Many random Conscious eye can see; Genetics forces: strongest design; personal determine prevails purpose possibilities Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 12
  • 13. The Human Level - Successfully Managing States of Being Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Reason Natural Progression of Time Vital Passion, Anger Physical Boredom Fixed world with Bringing in Bringing in not much to do movement intelligence, thou ght Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 13
  • 14. The Human Level Progression Through Life Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Reflection Natural Progression of Time Vital Assertiveness Physical Stability Taking care of Experimentation Contemplation the basics and increased and deeper dynamism reflection Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 14
  • 15. The System Level - Economy Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Digital Natural Progression of Time Vital Industrial Physical Agricultural Physical Creation of flows: Concept- labor, physical transportation, co driven, idea devices, physical mmunication, reso leading to products urces formation company, industry Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 15
  • 16. The System Level Digital Economy Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Value-Web Natural Progression of Time Vital eCommerce Physical Brochureware Digital Mapping of Redesign of representation of selected business business model existing materials flows onto based on Internet Internet characteristics Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 16
  • 17. The Organization Level - Innovation in the Business World Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Conceptual Vital Financial Operational Level Physical Material Traditional Financial Concept- products, performance, sal driven, free of markets, es growth old boundaries approaches Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 17
  • 18. The System Level - Physics Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Unified Theory Natural Progression of Time Vital Quantum View Physical Atomic View Isolated building Process/flow Conceptual view blocks orientation Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 18
  • 19. The System Level Macroeconomics (Currency Exchange) Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Demand-supply Natural Progression of Time Vital Balance of power Physical Gold standard Physical standard Manipulation Global demand based on and supply perceived power Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 19
  • 20. The System Level Global Politics Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Globalization Natural Progression of Time Vital Cold War Physical WW1, WW2 Physical Leverage on Sophisticated confrontation, phys emotions - fear planning ical restructuring Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 20
  • 21. The System Level - Making Sense of Market Crashes Democratization of Markets: Amazon Google eBay Yahoo Fundamental struggle of contradictory Entire financial edifice toxic forces West Japan S.E. Asia - Russia Mortgage-based bonds DJIA plunges 20% in 1 day Pharma WEALTH? No due diligence O&G From multi-dimensional to surface Retail Occupy value F&A Change in Stock mkt Toxic assets as collateral Banking exchange rates; crashes; value loosening of global casino money supply; mentality Inflation; notion of wealth + OPEC oil embargo =>> mkts down by 40% Abandon: gold standard; US$ currency peg 1973-74 1987 Global 1990s 1998 2000 2004 US 2007 09 US Bear Synchronized Japanese Russian Dotcom Housing Bear Market Crash Asset, Asian Financial Crisis Market Market 2010 12 Crises Crisis Greek Debt, EU SovereignCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 21 Debt
  • 22. Millennial Shifts Level - Evolution of Life on Earth Millennial Shifts Environment/System/Market Organization Human Mental Animal & Man Natural Progression of Time Vital Simple Life Physical Inanimate Matter Stones, basic Single-celled life, Rudimentary elements more complex mind, more forms, plants complex mind Degrees of FreedomCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 22
  • 23. All Habits Limiting or Helpful - That Individuals Display AreConstituted By the Same Components Physical MentalVital Persistence = neural networks Persistence = neural networks No point trying to Inertia change anything, it will not succeed I get what I want AngerCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 23
  • 24. Scaling Change in OrganizationsCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 24
  • 25. Scaling Change in Organizations By many estimates as many as 70 90% of change initiatives fail The Team is the lynch-pin in orchestrating change Need to understand and shift fractal dynamics occurring at the level of the team Scaling change in organizations requires the emergence and reinforcement of fractals of harmonyCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 25
  • 26. Stages of Team Development Level of Productivity Performing Mental Norming Vital Storming Physical Forming Safe, Energetic, Rational, Status Quo Irrational Productive Physical Vital Mental Nature of InteractionCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 26
  • 27. Stage 1 Forming (Physical) Desire to be accepted by others Avoid controversy and conflict (a lot may not get done as a result) Serious issues and feelings are avoided Focus is on being busy with routines (roles, organization etc.) Individuals are gathering information and impressions about each other Members tend to be quite independent of each otherCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 27 27
  • 28. Stage 2 Storming (Vital) Different ideas compete for consideration Team begins to focus on what problems they are really trying to solve Team members confront each others ideas Some team members will focus on minutiae to evade real issues This stage can be contentious, unpleasant, even painful to members who are averse to conflict Tolerance of each team member is critical Some teams will never develop past this stageCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 28 28
  • 29. Stage 3 Norming (Mental-I) Team comes up with one goal and a mutual plan Members respect each others opinions and value their differences Team is putting team operating guidelines into practice Trust between team members increases Responsibility shifts from self-achievement to team- achievementCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 29 29
  • 30. Stage 4 Performing (Mental-II) Get to a high-performing level: job is done smoothly without inappropriate conflict Team members are interdependent Team members are competent, autonomous, and make decisions effectively Dissent is allowed and channeled effectively Supervisors are participative as opposed to directiveCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 30 30
  • 31. General Questions To Understand Nature of Interaction How do members respond to pressure? How do members get along with one another? What is the level of tolerance between team members? Are there serious issues and feelings that have been avoided? Are real issues being addressed by the team? What is the level of confrontation? How does this show up in the team? What leadership patterns have emerged? Does the team agree on a single goal and a mutual plan? What is the nature and result of conflict? How is conflict managed? How are decisions made?Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 31
  • 32. Aurosoorya On-Line Team Development EnvironmentCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 32
  • 33. Typical Patterns - Storming www.aurosoorya.comCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 33
  • 34. Typical Patterns - Norming www.aurosoorya.comCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 34
  • 35. Typical Patterns - Forming www.aurosoorya.comCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 35
  • 36. Typical Patterns - Performing www.aurosoorya.comCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 36
  • 37. State-Based Summary Snapshot Assessment: There is a lot of good-will and positive energy in the group. The intention to do the right thing is there. At the same time physical, emotional, and mental capacity of the team is being drained (looking at the Opportunity-based patterns) because of some recurring themes. Overall the team needs to break through to the Norming Stage. This will require more process-based dialog and effort by the team.Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 37
  • 38. High Intensity Themes Intensity State Event Origin 10 Complacency I want more direct communication and feedback from my team members. Physical 9 Fatigue re: their is really a discrepancy in what some people feel they are giving and what others perceive they are giving Physical 9 Fatigue There is more work to do than hours do it in. Physical 9 Flexibility conflict requires flexibility - this team is very flexible - changing priorities constantly Physical 9 Sensitiveness It is difficult for people to give me feedback because I take things too personally. Vital Unclear about ultimate goals. Each member might have a different view of a central and single goal that will have 8 Fragmentary greatest impact. Mental Because the demands placed on the team are great, the members avoid exposing their true feelings for one s sense 8 Sensitiveness of safety and to avoid misunderstandings. Vital 8 Sensitiveness Some decisions are reached by consensus which at times backfires. Vital 8 Fear fear of confrontation Vital 8 Anxiety Is there enough trust in the group to be really honest with each other to change the team dynamics. Mental 8 Haste Sometimes too much haste before there is a real vision of the goal. re: working under pressure Vital High Intensity Significance: Key Themes: High intensity states point to immediate opportunities that need to be Protocols for Feedback/Confrontation managed quickly Clarity around Goals Failure to manage what the state is pointing to will mean that the Trust-Building underlying issue will become persistent As a result safety of an environment will be eroded If this happens the team will then tend to stagnate around suggested patterns of dysfunctionCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 38
  • 39. High Duration States Duration State Event Origin 300 Fatigue re: their is really a discrepancy in what some people feel they are giving and what others perceive they are giving Physical 300 Fragmentary Unclear about ultimate goals. Each member might have a different view of a central and single goal that will have greatest impact. Mental Because the demands placed on the team are great, the members avoid exposing their true feelings for one s sense of safety and to 300 Sensitiveness avoid misunderstandings. Vital 190 Repeatability leadership quality Physical It is a joy to work with each other. However, under extreme duress the teams functionality suffers and we treat each other with less 180 Joy tolerance. Vital 180 Sensitiveness Some decisions are reached by consensus which at times backfires. Vital 145 Fear fear of confrontation Vital 145 Inertia some team members feel inertia when dealing with serious issues. Physical 120 Energy Most team members are very energetic dedicating an enormous amount of effort to produce positive results. Vital 100 Anxiety Is there enough trust in the group to be really honest with each other to change the team dynamics. Mental 100 Determination We all want to be a highly functioning team. Vital working under pressure: sometimes dont have all the pieces . Some people seem to know whats going on and others dont have the 100 Fragmentary information Mental 100 Haste Sometimes too much haste before there is a real vision of the goal. re: working under pressure Vital 100 Perseverance working under pressure: persistance Vital 100 Short-sighted re; dealing with serious issues Mental 75 Complacency I want more direct communication and feedback from my team members. Physical High Duration Significance: Key States: High duration states implies that that state is becoming persistent Fatigue Anxiety The state becomes an underlying state of team dynamics and exceeds the boundaries of a Fragmentary thinking Haste single team meeting. It contributes to the culture of the team Sensitiveness Complacency The event is only a trigger, since now the state occupies more of the processing capacity Lack of Tolerance of team members. However, the event can be used as an occasion to alter the state Fear It is necessary that the team reverse the state if negativeCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 39
  • 40. High Duration + Intensity States Duration Intensity State Event Origin 300 9 Fatigue re: their is really a discrepancy in what some people feel they are giving and what others perceive they are giving Physical 300 8 Fragmentary Unclear about ultimate goals. Each member might have a different view of a central and single goal that will have greatest impact. Mental Because the demands placed on the team are great, the members avoid exposing their true feelings for one s sense of safety and to 300 8 Sensitiveness avoid misunderstandings. Vital 190 5 Repeatability leadership quality Physical 180 8 Sensitiveness Some decisions are reached by consensus which at times backfires. Vital It is a joy to work with each other. However, under extreme duress the teams functionality suffers and we treat each other with less 180 5 Joy tolerance. Vital 145 8 Fear fear of confrontation Vital 145 7 Inertia some team members feel inertia when dealing with serious issues. Physical 120 6 Energy Most team members are very energetic dedicating an enormous amount of effort to produce positive results. Vital 100 8 Anxiety Is there enough trust in the group to be really honest with each other to change the team dynamics. Mental 100 8 Haste Sometimes too much haste before there is a real vision of the goal. re: working under pressure Vital 100 8 Perseverance working under pressure: persistance Vital High Duration + Intensity Significance: High duration + intensity states implies that that state is becoming persistent faster and Key States: needs to be managed more urgently Fatigue Anxiety The state becomes an underlying state of team dynamics and exceeds the boundaries of a Fragmentary thinking Haste single team meeting. It contributes to the culture of the team Sensitiveness The event is only a trigger, since now the state occupies more of the processing capacity Lack of Tolerance of team members. However, the event can be used as an occasion to alter the state Fear It is necessary that the team reverse the state if negativeCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 40
  • 41. State-Based Details State Intensity Duration Event Origin Anxiety 8 100 Is there enough trust in the group to be really honest with each other to change the team dynamics. Mental There seems to be to many goals and if we were to try and cover them all a Patty meeting would be 8-12 hours Anxiety 5 60 long. Mental Calm 3 15 members get along with each other very calmly - outwardly Mental Complacency 10 75 I want more direct communication and feedback from my team members. Physical Members seem to get along. But this is an area I would like to see us grow together. Tolerence is okay but it Complacency 4 60 doesnt allow us to grow at times. Physical Complacency 4 30 Minimal episodes of confrontation which gives us a sense that all is well. Physical Depression 5 60 There are some serious issues with communication. I am part of this problem but not sure how to resolve it. help! Vital Depression 3 60 Conflict is withheld or delt with in the nature of bad news. Vital Determination 7 60 dealing with serious issues Vital Determination 6 100 We all want to be a highly functioning team. Vital Energy 6 120 Most team members are very energetic dedicating an enormous amount of effort to produce positive results. Vital Enthusiasm 5 20 team agrees on goals and gets positive energy once consenus is attained Vital Enthusiasm 4 30 we do get enthusistic after most meetings when we feel things have been discussed and resolved Vital Fatigue 9 300 re: their is really a discrepancy in what some people feel they are giving and what others perceive they are giving Physical Fatigue 9 60 There is more work to do than hours do do it in. Physical Fatigue 6 60 The work load is not evenly divided among team members. Physical Fatigue 5 60 decisions seem to be made from outside the team. as if there is no control Physical Fear 8 145 fear of confronation Vital Flexibility 9 50 conflict requires flexibility - this team is very flexible - changing priorities constantly Physical Flexibility 7 20 real issues of the unit are being adressed and progress slowly Physical Flexibility 7 20 Team members are willing to help each other out when they are aware of their needs. Physical Flexibility 4 60 Everybody is very is flexible in helping out the unit when we have been extremely busy. Physical Unclear about ultimate goals. Each member might have a different view of a central and single goal that will have Fragmentary 8 300 greatest impact. Mental working under pressure: sometimes dont have all the pieces . Some people seem to know whats going on and Fragmentary 6 100 others dont have the information Mental Gratitude 8 30 My team members care about my personal well being. VitalCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 41
  • 42. Recommendations Team appears to be between the Forming Storming Stage. Needs to develop to get to the Norming Stage Conscious effort to reverse underlying and forming team culture as indicated by high duration states of sensitiveness, fear, fatigue, fragmentary thinking, anxiety, haste, complacency, needs to occur quickly Protocols for dialog/confrontation need to be put in place. More safe dialog around serious issues needs to occur Further, Group norms/principles need to be put in place Goals and roles need to be further clarified Trust-building exercises/dialog needs to occur Continue use of Team Dynamics tool and have bi-weekly dialogues as a leadership team to address themes/issues that have surfaced Decide on any guidelines for entering data into the tool (ex: focusing on key projects, referring to these in comments etc.)Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 42
  • 43. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RimL56rgYmQCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 43
  • 44. Change at the Global Level through Fractal TechnologyCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 44
  • 45. Self-Repeating Distortions Leading to Global Problems Physical Physical Physical Physical Mental Physical Mental Mental Vital Mental Physical MentalPhysical Vital Vital Mental Vital Vital Vital Mental Vital Individual Team Department Organization Market System Local GlobalCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 45
  • 46. An Example: Leveraging Fractal Technology to Manage a Global Problem - Climate Change Global Financial Global Business Fractal Crises; Climate Change Global System Fractal Global Economy Fractal Consumerism Fractal Global Society Fractal Does this make OD Human the most important Decision-Making FractalFlower/Body Orientations profession in theCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com world? 46
  • 47. By giving employees more control over changing their job satisfaction Fractal Dynamics we expect to see shifts in a range of global events(Source: JobSatisfactionGuru.com)Copyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 47
  • 48. Pravir Malik Founder, Aurosoorya pravirmalik at aurosoorya.comCopyright Aurosoorya. www.aurosoorya.com 48