Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

VIA UPS No. 1Z64589FP295864526 March 28, 2013 Email [email protected] Gwynne Alice Young President, The Florida Bar Carlton Fields, P.A. 4221 W. Boy Scout Boulevard, Suite 1000 Tampa, FL 33601-3239 RE: Request for Investigation, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of Justice Kimberley Pruett-Barry, and Robert W. Bauer, TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B) Dear Madam Bar President: This is a request for an investigation in TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B) for witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Kimberley Pruett-Barry and Robert W. Bauer. Ms. Pruett-Barry is a.k.a. Kim Pruett-Barry, Kim Pruett or Kim Barry, and perhaps uses other variations or aliases. Also, someone connected Anna Hodges, another unhappy Bauer client, with a false report of my death. Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft, in a letter to me dated March 15, 2013 wrote “If you wish to file a rebuttal to the response, please do so in writing by April 1, 2013.” Respectfully Ms. Young, I request the time be tolled to file a rebuttal until the requested investigation is complete. Ms. Craft is a witness to witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Ms. Pruett-Barry and Mr. Bauer, and should be disqualified from further proceedings in this matter. Ms. Craft, along with Paul Hill and Kenneth Marivn, were provided “cc” my email response January 16, 2013 to Ms. Pruett referring her complaints about Mr. Bauer to The Florida Bar. Now it appears Pruett’s contact with me was intended to discredit and undermine my complaint against Mr. Bauer. In addition and in the alternative, dishonesty by Ms. Craft shown in the matter of Catherine Barbara Chapman, RFA No. 13-12194, shows misstatements of fact and law by Ms. Chapman that would cause a reasonable person to question her fairness and impartiality. See my letter to you March 26, 2013, and addendum thereto March 28, 2013 in RFA No. 13-12194. Therefore Ms. Craft should be disqualified from further proceedings in this matter. Letter of Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft - March 15, 2013 Bar Counsel Ms. Craft stated in her letter of March 15, 2013 that it appeared that Mr. Bauer did not provide me a copy of his response to my complaint: Enclosed you will find Mr. Robert W. Bauer's response to your complaint. The response sent by Mr. Bauer indicated that a copy was being mailed to you. However based on your recent email to The Florida bar it appears that you did not receive you copy of Mr. Bauer's response.


Gwynne Alice Young, President, The Florida Bar. This is a request for an investigation in TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B) for witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Kimberley Pruett-Barry and Robert W. Bauer. Ms. Pruett-Barry is a.k.a. Kim Pruett-Barry, Kim Pruett or Kim Barry, and perhaps uses other variations or aliases. Also, someone connected Anna Hodges, another unhappy Bauer client, with a false report of my death.Ms. Young, the requested investigation into witness tampering and obstruction of justice may vindicate Ms. Pruett-Barry. In that case it would show Robert W. Bauer is engaged in the worst kind of misconduct possible: Betrayal of his clients with malice aforethought.Mr. Bauer may have discovered the perfect crime: He represents himself to clients as a specialist in attorney malpractice, and once retained, bleeds the client of funds in a "fake representation" that is intended to break the client, and intended to protect the subject attorney. This looks like a pattern of racketeering that is aided and abetted by other attorneys, such as Ryan Christopher Rodems, Eugene P. Castagliuolo, and Catherine Barbara Chapman in my cases.Ms. Young, is The Florida Bar part of this racketeering activity?

Transcript of Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Page 1: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

VIA UPS No. 1Z64589FP295864526 March 28, 2013Email [email protected]

Gwynne Alice YoungPresident, The Florida Bar Carlton Fields, P.A.4221 W. Boy Scout Boulevard, Suite 1000Tampa, FL 33601-3239

RE: Request for Investigation, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of JusticeKimberley Pruett-Barry, and Robert W. Bauer, TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B)

Dear Madam Bar President:

This is a request for an investigation in TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B) for witness tampering andobstruction of justice by Kimberley Pruett-Barry and Robert W. Bauer. Ms. Pruett-Barry is a.k.a.Kim Pruett-Barry, Kim Pruett or Kim Barry, and perhaps uses other variations or aliases. Also,someone connected Anna Hodges, another unhappy Bauer client, with a false report of my death.

Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft, in a letter to me dated March 15, 2013 wrote “If you wish to file arebuttal to the response, please do so in writing by April 1, 2013.” Respectfully Ms. Young, Irequest the time be tolled to file a rebuttal until the requested investigation is complete.

Ms. Craft is a witness to witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Ms. Pruett-Barry andMr. Bauer, and should be disqualified from further proceedings in this matter. Ms. Craft, alongwith Paul Hill and Kenneth Marivn, were provided “cc” my email response January 16, 2013 toMs. Pruett referring her complaints about Mr. Bauer to The Florida Bar. Now it appears Pruett’scontact with me was intended to discredit and undermine my complaint against Mr. Bauer.

In addition and in the alternative, dishonesty by Ms. Craft shown in the matter of CatherineBarbara Chapman, RFA No. 13-12194, shows misstatements of fact and law by Ms. Chapmanthat would cause a reasonable person to question her fairness and impartiality. See my letter toyou March 26, 2013, and addendum thereto March 28, 2013 in RFA No. 13-12194. ThereforeMs. Craft should be disqualified from further proceedings in this matter.

Letter of Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft - March 15, 2013

Bar Counsel Ms. Craft stated in her letter of March 15, 2013 that it appeared that Mr. Bauer didnot provide me a copy of his response to my complaint:

Enclosed you will find Mr. Robert W. Bauer's response to your complaint. The responsesent by Mr. Bauer indicated that a copy was being mailed to you. However based on yourrecent email to The Florida bar it appears that you did not receive you copy of Mr.Bauer's response.

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Ms. Craft’s statement is correct, I did not received a response from Mr. Bauer as indicated. Thisis not surprising given Mr. Bauer’s record of dishonesty in my relationship with him, whichallegation is part of my Bar complaint(s) against him. Mr. Bauer also has a record of dishonestyin his responses to those Bar complaints, and related matters. The involvement of Kim Pruettappears to be a continuation of Bauer’s behavior intended to intimidate me and obstruct justice.

Email of Kim Pruett, January 28, 2013 - “Exhibit A” to Mr. Bauer’s Response

The single remarkable item provided by Ms. Craft was “Exhibit A” to Mr. Bauer’s response, acopy of an email from Kim Pruett who unfortunately has been contacting me for several monthscomplaining about Robert W. Bauer, whom she claimed negligently represented her and herhusband in a legal malpractice lawsuit against Florida attorney Peter R. McGrath. However KimPruett’s email states “Please be advised that I am satisfied with Mr. Bauer's representation of ourcase and in no way want to be associated with Mr. Gillespie and this complaint.”

The email of Kim Pruett is “Exhibit A” to Mr. Bauer’s response, and appears here as Exhibit 1.The email is dated “Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:36 AM”, and shows as its subject “Per Complaint ofNeil Gillespie”. The email appears to have two parties, Kim Pruett and Robert W. Bauer:

kim <[email protected]>

"[email protected]" <[email protected]>

The email states in relevant portion:

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Mr. Neil Gillespie is using my name WITHOUT my permission in a complaint againstRobert Bauer, Atty, with the Florida State Bar.

Please be advised that I am satisfied with Mr. Bauer's representation of our case andin no way want to be associated with Mr. Gillespie and this complaint.

I will also be discussing this matter with MaryAnn Crawford.

Thank you,Kim Pruett

On information and belief, Kim Pruett-Barry and husband William Barry are presently, or werein the past, clients of attorney Robert W. Bauer, and the Law Office of Robert W. Bauer, in thefollowing legal malpractice lawsuit(s) against Orlando attorney Peter R. McGrath:

Kimberly Pruett Barry, et al. v. Peter, R. McGrath, et al.Orange County Case No. 2012-CA-009323-OUniform Case Number: 482012CA009323A001OX

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Kimberly Pruett Barry, et al. v. Peter R. McGrath, et al.Marion County Case No. 42-2011-CA-000329-AXXX-XX

It appears Kim Pruett-Barry and William Barry hired attorney Peter R. McGrath for ahomeowner association lawsuit in Marion County, Florida, with Majestic Oaks HomeownersAssociation:

Marion County, Florida, Case Number: 42-2008-SC-005061-AXXX-XXPlaintiff : Majestic Oaks Homeowners AssociationAttorney: Christopher A. Carlisle

Defendant: William BarryAttorney: Robert Peter McGrathDefendant: Kimberely Pruitt (sic) BarryAttorney: Robert Peter McGrath

It appears Kim Pruett-Barry later retained Ocala attorney Mark W. Fox to conclude the lawsuitwith Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association.

Kim Pruett-Barry indicated that she made a complaint to The Florida Bar about Peter R.McGrath which is, or was, being investigated by Francisco Digon-Greer.

Unsolicited telephone call of Kim Pruett October 3, 2012 to Neil Gillespie

A woman self-identified as “Kim Pruett” telephoned me unsolicited October 3, 2012 andcomplained about the legal representation of Robert W. Bauer, whom she said represented her ina legal malpractice case against attorney Peter McGrath. The telephone call was recorded and acopy of the recording is enclosed. A transcript of the telephone call has been ordered. I requestan extension of time to file a rebuttal to Mr. Bauer’s response until I can review the transcript. Irequest an extension of 30 days from my receipt of the transcript. This request is separate frommy request to toll time during an investigation of witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

Upon listening again to Kim Pruett’s 25 minute recorded telephone call of October 3, 20121,several things stand out, even without the aid of a transcript to review. For example:

Kim Pruett said “I’m sick, sick to my stomach, made a huge mistake hiring this guy”, thatMr. Bauer took all their savings, and Bauer was “bleeding” them for every dime.

Kim Pruett said Mr. Bauer does not know a thing about legal malpractice, for which shehired him in the legal malpractice case against Peter R. McGrath.

Kim Pruett said former Bauer client Anna Hodges got money back that she paid Bauer.Ms. Hodges confirmed March 24, 2013 is false, she did get any money back from Bauer.

1 Another call was received from Kim Pruett October 31, 2012 at 11:03 AM

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Kim Pruett said former Bauer client “Ms. Strauss” got all her money back from RobertBauer. The client was Philip Strauss, not “Ms. Strauss”, and he did not get money back.

Kim Pruett called Mr. Bauer a “smart ass”, and said he was disrespectful toward her.

Ongoing Email Contact Kim Pruett and Neil Gillespie

Selected comments and email (not all email). There are 41 emails by my count, including onereceived two days ago, March 26, 2013. All the emails appear in a composite, at Exhibit 2.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012 9:14 PM

Kim Pruitt: I wrote [Mr. Bauer] a real nasty email! I told him he was "milking" us and toget this case moving forward or else!

Friday, October 05, 2012 8:11 PM

Kim Pruitt: BTW, I "got with" Bauer on yesterday, threatened to find another Atty, etc ifhe did not help us with out case, now, all of a sudden he has made more ph calls to us inthe last 24 hrs than he has made in 2 years!

Saturday, October 20, 2012 9:16 AM

Kim Pruitt: Hey Neil and Angela, Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get anew lawyer! We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he sayshe will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a nastyemail and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him!He immediately called my husband and apologized and said he would get right to workon it! We haven't heard from him since!

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a40K bill!!! We have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him anotherdime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on. Kim

Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:56 AM

Kim Pruitt: Bauer. He definately fails to "move a case forward", I think he tries to rackup a bill. Kim

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:58 PM

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Neil Gillespie: Hi Kim, A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a womancalled her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heardabout that? That is really strange. How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire himyet? Neil

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:21 PM

Kim Pruitt: OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it pasthim. Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya andtell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning. Kim

Monday, November 19, 2012 5:02 PM

Kim Pruitt: Hey Neil, Still have no heard a PEEP from the FL State Bar on the complaintthat I filed on Peter McGrath. Hmmmmmm, sure is taking along time, almost a total of 6months now, for them to let me know what is going on. Does it usually take this long?kim

Monday, November 19, 2012 8:31 PM

Neil Gillespie: Hi Kim, Have you heard from the Florida Bar about your complaintagainst Peter McGrath? Also, I noticed the case docket in Orange County still showsRobert Bauer as your counsel, will Bauer represent you at the mediation hearingDecember 17th? Neil

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:05 AM

Kim Pruett: No to all of the above. Yea, Mark Fox was gonna be our new Lawyer, BUT,Peters Lawyers fought it because Mark Fox is also a witness and they said he couldn't beboth. So we had to look for another lawyer and we did get one who came HIGHLYrecommended to us. His name is Paul Linder in Orlando. (sigh) I swear Neil I feel likewe are starting over at square one, even though it has been 2 years. If you note on theOrange County Clerk of Court Bauer got approved for the Telephonic Depos in July, yethe never scheduled them! These were important Depos, they were the Ins Atty's andwould love to testify against Peter. We should have been in Trial by now instead trying togo to Mediation! Kim

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:57 AM

Neil Gillespie: Kim, Why is Mark Fox a witness? Paul Linder is not listed as counsel inOrange County, so officially you are still represented by Robert Bauer in this case. Itappears to me, based on my limited understanding of this matter, that Bauer neverintended to represent you zealously, but to burn through your cash and drop the matter,like Bauer did in my case. This may show that Bauer is actually protecting McGrath,

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while billing you. This may explain the lack of action by the Florida Bar too. But I needto know more about your case to be certain. Perhaps if I read your complaint to the Bar,that might show what is actually going on. You may be in a situation where you cannotfind counsel who will actually represent your interest, but only provide you with "fakerepresentation", designed either to take your money, or for one lawyer to help anotherlawyer, as they are all on the same team. FYI - you and me, and the public, are not on thisteam. This is the essence of my petition to the US Supreme Court. You are welcome toprovide me with your Bar complaint, and any other documents. Neil

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:07 AM

Neil Gillespie: Hi Kim, Have you heard from the Florida Bar about your complaintagainst Peter McGrath? Also, I noticed the case docket in Orange County still showsRobert Bauer as your counsel, will Bauer represent you at the mediation hearingDecember 17th? Neil

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:59 PM

Kim Barry: Mark Fox took over the case from Peter McGrath in 2010 and ended it in 3weeks, Peter couldn't end it in 3 years. Mark is the one that pointed out to me and Billthat Peter had acted unethically and told us we had one "hell of a Legal Malpractice Suitagainst Peter". So natually we were using him as a witnes.

Paul Linder is taking over our case on Dec. 7th. He flew to Italy for the Holidays, so itprobably hasn't hit the Orange County Court yet.

Yes, you are 100% correct, he sat there and did practically NOTHING since Feb and yetwe got a 23k bill from him!!! I KNOW for a fact that Susan Reynolds did all the work,because she told me what she was doing. I was in communication with her until she leftin Mar. We should have been billed a fee from his Paralegal, not from him. Since she leftNOTHING has happened except for the Permission from the Judge to do the telephonicdepos. Yet he never did them! UUGGH!!

I sent him nast email messages telling him to get this stuff done, he made promises andthen we would not hear from him again until I wrote another nasty emails, etc, etc!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 3:47 PM

Kim Pruett: Lots to tell you, too much in an email, call me when you can!Had to keep dumb butt Bauer, his lawyers would not accept my new lawyer, threatenedto take it to the Judge! 352 207-7291 Kim

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 5:21 PM

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Gwynne Alice Young March 28, 2013President, The Florida Bar Page - 7

Neil Gillespie: Dear Kim, Thank you for your email. In a letter dated January 7, 2013 BarCounsel Annemarie Craft informed me that the Bar was moving forward with mycomplaint, which is now designated "Robert W. Bauer, The Florida Bar FileNo. 2013-00,540 (8B)".

Since you are still a client of Mr. Bauer, I think it would be better to direct your questionsabout Mr. Bauer to the Florida Bar directly. Plus I do not have the time, and am notfeeling well.

You have my sincere sympathy for what you are going through, but it is better to bringyour complaints about Mr. Bauer directly to the Florida Bar. Perhaps the Bar’s LawyerReferral Service (LRS) could provide you substitute counsel. But I got Bauer as a LRSreferral, and that did not work out.

I am sending copies of my reply to this email to Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft, since shehas my complaint, and to Kenneth Marvin, Director of Lawyer Regulation, and Paul Hill,General Counsel for the Florida Bar. Hopefully between them they can fashion a solutionto your problem with Robert W. Bauer. I ask each of them, by and through this email, toprotect you as a consumer of legal and court services.

Kim, I wish you well, and hope those persons at the Florida Bar with the authority andresponsibility to protect you will seriously listen to your cry for help about themisconduct of Mr. Bauer. I believe Mr. Marvin in particular has a duty under The RulesRegulating The Florida Bar to act, as well as a case I became aware of last night, Muellerv. The Florida Bar, which holds:

"Allegation by disbarred attorney that certain complaints against him were solicited bystate bar was mere surplusage in complaint alleging malicious prosecution; state bar isnot prohibited from actively seeking complaints against particular members of bar ormembers of bar in general. Mueller v. The Florida Bar, App. 4 Dist., 390 So.2d 449(1980)."

I also believe the Florida Bar can initiate its own complaint against an attorney underRule 3-7.3, see section (c), and the attached letter sent to me Aug-03-09 from Mary EllenBateman of the Florida Bar, paragraph number 2: "The bar does initiate complaints onoccasion and when appropriate".

Sometime after all this gets resolved, you, me, and all the other survivors of Mr. Bauer’smisconduct should get together for dinner and reminisce.

Sincerely,Neil J. Gillespie8092 SW 115th LoopOcala, FL 34481

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Ps. If after this email the Florida Bar does not assist you, let me know andI will forward this matter to the extent possible in any response to mypetition for writ of certiorari, which is docketed as Petition No. 12-7747in the Supreme Court of the United States.

Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:23 AM

Kim Pruett: I understand! I will keep you informed and KICK BUTT with Bauer! Kim

Telephone call to Anna Hodges that Neil Gillespie “passed away”

On November 03, 2012 at 8:16 PM I received email from Anna Hodges stating she received aphone call from a woman telling her that I “passed away”, as shown below, and Exhibit 3.

Saturday, November 03, 2012 8:16 PM

Anna Hodges: Neil, I recieved a phone call from a woman in Ocala, asking me questionsabout Robert, and if I was going to file a complaint. I asked if she heard of you. She saidyes, then told me you had passed away! WOW! I'm confused...Anna

Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 9:19 PM

Neil Gillespie: Hi Anna, Wow, that is strange. Obviously I am alive, although thisprotracted litigation has taken a toll. Within the last month I have been in touch withKimberly Pruett-Barry of Ocala, she is a Bauer client, is that who you spoke with? Lastyear Angela Woodhull of Gainesville called, and we have kept in touch. And PhilipStrauss called too. Who called you?

Monday, November 26, 2012 1:54 PM

Anna Hodges: A lady from Ocala. I don't know how she got my number. I am happy toknow you're alive and well and still on the move! I haven't filled anything yet againstBauer. Lawsuits wear me out and the court system depresses me. I need to recharge mybatteries. I just noticed today that you posted a July 2011 email I had sent to you. I didn'trealize that, have you had any feedback from it?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:21 AM

Neil Gillespie: Yes Anna, lawsuits wear people out, and makes them depressed. That ispart of the problem with the justice system. A couple of people have commented on youremail, former clients of Bauer, Angela Woodhull of Gainesville, and Kim Pruett-Barry ofOcala. They agree with you, Bauer is a mess!

I still don’t understand the call from a lady in Ocala. I believe Kim Pruett-Barry of Ocalais the only person in Ocala who has contacted me. When did you get the call? How do

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you know the call was from a lady in Ocala? Could it have been a call from someone inGainesville, perhaps a friend of Bauer’s? Or his wife? Or Beverly E Lowe, Bauer’sformer bookkeeper with whom he appears to have a close relationship, and whom Bauerrepresented in a divorce?

Anna Hodges - No Refund From Robert W. Bauer

Kim Pruett claimed during her initial telephone call to me October 3, 3012 that former Bauerclient Anna Hodges got all her money back that she paid Robert Bauer. Ms. Hodges had retainedMr. Bauer to defend her in a libel lawsuit:

Susan Hodges Helvenston v. Anna White HodgesCase No. 38-2010-CA-1423, Eight Judicial Circuit, in and for Levy CountyUniform Case Number: 382010CA001423XXXXXX

Ms. Hodges contacted me unsolicited by email July 8, 2011: "help advise! I hired and firedbauer..nightmare". Ms. Hodges complained to me about Mr. Bauer and later fired him. I believedMs. Hodges subsequently retained attorney Pierce Kelley to represent her in the libel case.

Ms. Hodges and I exchanged a number of emails about Mr. Bauer. My communication was of asupportive nature, which is necessary to overcome the devastation caused by Legal AbuseSyndrome. Lawyers like Mr. Bauer are very harmful to the justice system. Anna Hodges broughther legal problem to Mr. Bauer and placed a great deal of trust and confidence in him torepresent her with competence (Rule 4-1.1) and diligence (Rule 4-1.3), but he failed to do so. Asyou know, a lawyer should not accept representation unless it can be competently and promptlycompleted. Unfortunately for Ms. Hodges, Mr. Bauer was a disaster and she fired him. This goesto the myth of the attorney-client relationship:

The Myth of the Attorney-Client Relationship

The old adage is "He who represents himself has a fool for a client."The reality has become "He who is represented is usually taken for a fool."

It is long established that the relationship between an attorney and his client is one of themost important, as well as the most sacred, known to the law. The responsibility of anattorney to place his client’s interest ahead of his own in dealings with matters uponwhich the attorney is employed is at the foundation of our legal system.(Deal v. Migoski, 122 So. 2d 415).

It is a fiduciary relationship involving the highest degree of truth and confidence, and anattorney is under a duty, at all times, to represent his client and handle his client’s affairswith the utmost degree of honesty, forthrightness, loyalty, and fidelity.(Gerlach v. Donnelly, 98 So. 2d 493).

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Ms. Hodges notified me by email March 24, 2013 that she did not get a refund from Mr. Bauer,and that she smells a rat. Exhibit 4

Sunday, March 24, 2013 3:15 AM

Anna Hodges: Thank you Neil, the search engine issue did clear up!I don't understand who this woman is that is saying things that aren't true!I never told anyone that I got my money back from Robert because I didn't!I wonder why I was told you were dead and you were told my money was refunded- Ismell a rat!

Attorney Mark W. FoxOcala, Florida

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 9:16 AM Kim Pruett wrote in an email (relevant portion):

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

In an effort to confirm this, I contacted Mr. Fox by email, and he responded. Exhibit 5

Friday, December 07, 2012 1:39 AM

Dear Mr. Fox,A lady by the name of Kim Pruett-Barry contacted me about attorney Robert W Bauer ofGainesville whom she retained in a malpractice action against Peter McGrath. Mr. Bauerrepresented me at one time.

Kim mentioned you planned to assume the litigation in Orange County, Case No. 2012-CA-009323-O, but you are not listed as counsel. Kim said Mr. McGrath’s lawyerobjected to your representation over a conflict, and she was getting another lawyer.

Some of the above information is contained in a matter I will submit to the SupremeCourt of the United States soon. This is a link to my case on the SCOTUS website.http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12a215.htm

Kim sounds like a nice lady, and people call me from time to time, sometimes they don’talways understand everything in their case. So this is just a double-check for the benefitof the SCOTUS. If you can collaborate any of this I would appreciate that. Thank you.

Neil Gillespie8092 SW 115th LoopOcala, FL 34481352-854-7807

Friday, December 07, 2012 8:01 AM

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Gwynne Alice Young March 28, 2013President, The Florida Bar Page - 11

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

I am not certain why you contacted me. Do you have any specific questions orconcerns?

Mark W. Fox, P.A.1805 S.E. 16th Ave.Suite 902Ocala, FL 34471(ph) 352-390-8889(fax)[email protected]

Friday, December 07, 2012 11:03 AM

Mr. Fox:

I contacted you to confirm whether the information Kim Pruett-Barry told me about thismatter, including your involvement in this matter, is true or false. If the information isfalse, I will note that in my pleading to the Supreme Court. If the information is true,there is no problem.

Neil GillespieAttorney Paul Linder

Orlando, Florida

On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 12:59 PM Kim Pruett wrote in an email (relevant portion):

Paul Linder is taking over our case on Dec. 7th. He flew to Italy for the Holidays, so itprobably hasn't hit the Orange County Court yet.

In an effort to confirm this, I contacted Mr. Linder by email; no response. Exhibit 6

Friday, December 21, 2012 12:59 PM

Dear Mr. Linder

A lady by the name of Kimberly Pruett-Barry contacted me about attorney Robert WBauer of Gainesville whom she retained in a malpractice action against attorney PeterMcGrath. Mr. Bauer formerly represented me in another matter.

Ms. Pruett-Barry mentioned she planned to retain you to assume the litigation against Mr.McGrath in Orange County, Case No. 2012-CA-009323-O, but as of today you are notlisted as counsel on the court's online docket.

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Information about Mr. Bauer and Ms. Pruett-Barry was submitted in a separate volumeappendix to my petition no. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of theUnited States. This is a link to my case on the SCOTUS website.http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12-7747.htm

Ms. Pruett-Barry sounds like a nice lady, and people call me from time to time,sometimes they don’t always understand everything in their case. So this is just todouble-check the facts.

If you can collaborate any of this I would appreciate that. Thank you.

Sincerely,Neil Gillespie8092 SW 115th LoopOcala, FL 34481

Kim Pruett-Barry - Referred to The Florida Bar January 16, 2013 by Neil Gillespie

By January 16, 2013 I was concerned that Kim Pruett may be misrepresenting herself, and toldher as shown by the email copied “cc” to The Florida Bar to direct her questions about Mr.Bauer to The Florida Bar. The email was copied to Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft, GeneralCounsel Paul Hill, and Kenneth Marvin, Director, Lawyer Regulations. Exhibit 7

It now appears Kim Pruett was in fact misrepresenting herself. Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft is awitness to the misrepresentation of Kim Pruett by way of the email. Therefore I ask that Ms.Craft be removed from the investigation of Mr. Bauer.

Email of Kim Pruett-Barry Received March 26, 2013 by Neil Gillespie

On March 26, 2013 I received the following unsolicited email from Kim Pruett. Exhibit 8

Monday, March 25, 2013 6:13 PM


I had to back off from your complaint because we had to keep Bauer as our Atty,BUT NO MORE!! I will call Annemarie Craft first thing in the morning!

I fired Bauer today without even having another Atty to represent us and yesit has been going on this long. He has failed to follow through on EVERYTHING,yet he has racked up a bill that we will never be able to pay.

YOU ARE RIGHT IN EVERYTHING YOU SAY about Bauer following through on

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Gwynne Alice Young March 28, 2013President, The Florida Bar Page - 13

ANYTHING and then when you ask him why something is not done it is ONE EXCUSEAFTER ANOTHER!

I will be filing Arbitration throught the State Bar to get our fees back.

I am YOUR witness, USE ME!

Sincerely,Kimberly Pruett

Public Records Request

Ms. Young, please consider this a request for records that mention MaryAnn Crawford. Thisname appears in the email of Kim Pruett: “I will also be discussing this matter with MaryAnnCrawford.” Is MaryAnn Crawford employed by the Florida Bar? If so, identify her position.

Kindly provide records showing if former Bauer client “Ms. Strauss” or Philip Strauss got anymoney back from Robert Bauer as stated by Kim Pruett during her phone call October 3, 2012.

Kindly provide records showing if former Bauer client Anna Hodges got any money back fromMr. Bauer as stated by Kim Pruett during her phone call October 3, 2012. (Ms. Hodges said no)

Letter January 10, 2013 to Bar Counsel Ms. Craft - What is Going On?

On January 10, 2013 I wrote Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft upon receipt of her letter datedJanuary 7, 2013, but did not get a response. Both letters appear in a composite as Exhibit 9.

Dear Ms. Craft:

I received but am confused as to your letter dated January 7, 2013 relative to the abovecaptioned complaint. Bar Counsel Mr. Wilhelm dismissed/returned my complaint againstMr. Bauer dated October 31, 2012, designated RFA No. 13-7675, by letter to me datedNovember 9, 2012. The complaint was then submitted to the Supreme Court of theUnited States for pendent jurisdiction December 10, 2012 in Petition No. 12-7747 forwrit of certiorari. Kindly explain what is going on, since your letter makes no referenceto this chain of events, or Petition No. 12-7747.

My priority now is Petition No. 12-7747 which is taking all my time. I likely am not ableto file a rebuttal in this matter until either the conclusion of Petition No. 12-7747, or abreak in the workload. While ACAP central may be adequate to intake this complaint,bias at the local level is another matter, and recognized by the Special Commission onLawyer Regulation chaired by Henry Cox (“Cox Report). The Cox Report recommendedACAP style screening of all written inquiries and complaints so that all questionsconcerning the conduct of members of the bar are addressed in a similar fashion. The

Page 14: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Gwynne Alice Young March 28, 2013President, The Florida Bar Page - 14

Commission also recommended a central intake system utilizing ACAP resources inTallahassee.

The reason for central ACAP intake is clear: The Commission knew that somecomplaints, like my earlier complaint against Mr. Bauer, TFB No. 2011-00,073 (8B),would not be “addressed in a similar fashion” locally where the attorney was favored.The Letter Report issued March 18, 2011 by Mr. Watson in 2011-00,073 (8B) did notcopy with Rule 3-7.4(k) because it did not explain why my complaint did not warrantfurther proceedings.

Pursuant to Rule 3–3.4(b), I believe a special grievance committee is needed, locatedoutside the Eight Judicial Circuit which includes Alachua County where Mr. Bauerpractices, and outside the jurisdiction of Mr. Watson, and Carl Schwait, the designatedreviewer, to avoid bias. Sending this matter to another state in the U.S. Eleventh Circuitmay even be required to avoid bias now.

Sincerely,Neil J. Gillespie8092 SW 115th LoopOcala, FL 34481cc: Robert W. Bauer

In addition, Ms. Craft’s letter dated March 14, 2013 and enclosures appear at Exhibit 10.


Ms. Young, the requested investigation into witness tampering and obstruction of justice mayvindicate Ms. Pruett-Barry. In that case it would show Robert W. Bauer is engaged in the worstkind of misconduct possible: Betrayal of his clients with malice aforethought.

Mr. Bauer may have discovered the perfect crime: He represents himself to clients as a specialistin attorney malpractice, and once retained, bleeds the client of funds in a “fake representation”that is intended to break the client, and intended to protect the subject attorney. This looks like apattern of racketeering that is aided and abetted by other attorneys, such as Ryan ChristopherRodems, Eugene P. Castagliuolo, and Catherine Barbara Chapman in my cases.

Ms. Young, is The Florida Bar part of this racketeering activity?


Neil J. Gillespie8092 SW 115th LoopOcala, Florida 34481 cc: email service list enclosures: appendix & call on CDs

Page 15: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Gwynne Alice Young" <[email protected]>Cc: "William W Wilhelm" <[email protected]>; "Theodore P Littlewood" <[email protected]>; "Susan

Varner Bloemendaal" <[email protected]>; "Paul F Hill" <[email protected]>; "Leonard E Clark" <[email protected]>; "Kenneth Lawrence Marvin" <[email protected]>; "John Thomas Berry" <[email protected]>; "John F Harkness" <[email protected]>; "Jeffrey Carter Andersen" <[email protected]>; "James N Watson" <[email protected]>; "Gwynne Alice Young" <[email protected]>; "Eugene Keith Pettis" <[email protected]>; "Annemarie Craft" <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 2:36 AMAttach: Request for Investigation to Pres Young, Mar-28-13.pdf; Appendix of Exhibits, Request for

Investigation.pdf; ADDENDUM, confidentiality and Bar complaints.pdf; ADDENDUM, Chapman, RFA No. 13-12194.pdf

Subject: Fw: email of Kimberly Pruett; SCOTUS petition for rehearing, and related Florida Bar matters

Page 1 of 2


VIA EMAIL ONLY Gwynne Alice Young President, The Florida Bar Carlton Fields, P.A. 4221 W. Boy Scout Boulevard, Suite 1000 Tampa, FL 33601-3239

Dear Madam Bar President:

The Supreme Court of the United States’ docket shows the petition for rehearing an order denying Petition No. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari was distributed for Conference of April 12, 2013. http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12-7747.htm

Below I have forwarded an unsolicited email from Kimberly Pruett, who states in part "I fired Bauer today without even having another Atty to represent us..." and "I will call Annemarie Craft first thing in the morning!" and "I am YOUR witness, USE ME!"

I am at a loss to explain what is going on between Kimberly Pruett and Robert Bauer, and request an investigation, as it affects my complaint against Bauer. My last responsive email to Kimberly Pruett was January 16, 2013, wherein I declined further involvement and referred her to The Florida Bar for assistance with her "Bauer problem" and provided email copies to Paul Hill, Kenneth Marvin, and Annemarie Craft. I also told Ms. Pruett if The Florida Bar would not assist her, I would raise the issue, if possible, in Petition No. 12-7747.

Attached you will find a PDF copy of my letter to you and appendix of March 28, 2013, a Request for Investigation, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of Justice, Kimberley Pruett-Barry, and Robert W. Bauer, TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B). Included is a records request on page 13. The original documents sent UPS include a copy of the telephone call of Kimberly Pruett to me October 3, 2012, which file is too large to email.

Also attached you will find a one-page addendum to my letter to you March 26, 2013 about Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft’s closure of RFA No. 13-12194.

Also attached you will find a one-page addendum to my letter to you March 26, 2013 about confidentiality and Bar complaints.

All the original documents were sent to you yesterday and should arrive in Tampa today VIA

Page 16: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

UPS No. 1Z64589FP295864526.

Thank you for your consideration.


Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop Ocala, Florida 34481 ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 6:13 PM Subject: Whatever you need from me! > Neil! > > I had to back off from your complaint because we had to keep Bauer as our Atty, > BUT NO MORE!! I will call Annemarie Craft first thing in the morning! > > I fired Bauer today without even having another Atty to represent us and yes > it has been going on this long. He has failed to follow through on EVERYTHING, > yet he has racked up a bill that we will never be able to pay. > > YOU ARE RIGHT IN EVERYTHING YOU SAY about Bauer following through on ANYTHING > and then when you ask him why something is not done it is ONE EXCUSE AFTER ANOTHER! > > I will be filing Arbitration throught the State Bar to get our fees back. > > I am YOUR witness, USE ME! > > Sincerely, > Kimberly Pruett

Page 2 of 2


Page 17: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Appendix of Exhibits

Letter of March 28, 2013 to Gwynne Alice Young, President, The Florida Bar

Request for Investigation, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of JusticeKimberley Pruett-Barry, and Robert W. Bauer, TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B)


Exhibit 1 Email of Kim Barry, January 28, 2013 “Exhibit A” to Mr. Bauer’s response

Exhibit 2 Composite of 41 emails, Kim Pruett-Barry and Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 3 Email of Anna Hodges, November 3, 2012 to Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 4 Email of Anna Hodges, March 24, 2013 to Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 5 Email December 7, 2012, attorney Mark W. Fox and Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 6 Email December 21, 2012 to attorney Paul Linder from Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 7 Email January 16, 2013 to Kim Pruett, referral to The Florida Bar by Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 8 Email March 26, 2013, Kim Pruett to Neil Gillespie

Exhibit 9 Composite, letters of Bar Counsel Ms. Craft and Neil Gillespie, January 2013

Exhibit 10 March 14, 2013 letter of Bar Counsel Ms. Craft and enclosures

Page 18: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


112&'13 GnWl • Per C~cirt d Neil Gillespie

----------_....-~-- --­Per Complaint of Neil Gillespie

Idm <[email protected]> Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:36 AM Reply-To: kim <[email protected]> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Mr. Neil Gillespie is using my name WITHOUT my pennission in a complaint against Robert Bauer, AttyI with the Florida State Bar.

Please be seNsed that I am satisfied with Mr. Bauer's representation of our case and in no way want to be associated with Mr~ Gillespie and this complaint.

I will also be discussing this matter with MaryAnn Crawford.

Thank you, Kim Pruett

htIps:llmail.google.cooVrn:iI~=2&i1F2d1ge66e24&~fNF~ it'1bcdth=13c81518b4b9c54a




Page 19: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Kimberly Pruett-Barry" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 6:22 PMSubject: Robert Bauer

Page 1 of 1


Hello Kimberly,

Thanks for your call today about Robert Bauer. As you requested, I forwarded your information to Angela Woodhull. Here is a link to Tampa legal malpractice attorney Bill Vaughan that you mentioned http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/index.php

Shortly I will be making another complaint against Robert Bauer. The designated reviewer of my last complaint said it often takes more than one complaint for the grievance committee to reach a finding of misconduct. Did you see my page with my complaint against Bauer? Here is a link http://www.nosue.org/bar-complaint-of-robert-w-bauer/ And thanks for reminding me about the fee arbitration program.

I’m so sorry to hear about your problems with Bauer. You are not alone. Feel free to contact me anytime, I’ll do whatever I can to assist you and your husband.


Neil Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop (Oak Run) Ocala, Florida 34481 Telephone: (352) 854-7807 website: http://www.nosue.org/bar-complaint-of-robert-w-bauer/ blog: http://nosueorg.blogspot.com/


Page 20: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 9:14 PMSubject: Re: Robert Bauer

Page 1 of 1


Thanks Neil,

I wrote him a real nasty email! I told him he was "milking" us and to get this case moving forward or else!


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 3, 2012 6:22 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Robert Bauer Hello Kimberly,

Thanks for your call today about Robert Bauer. As you requested, I forwarded your information to Angela Woodhull. Here is a link to Tampa legal malpractice attorney Bill Vaughan that you mentioned http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/index.php

Shortly I will be making another complaint against Robert Bauer. The designated reviewer of my last complaint said it often takes more than one complaint for the grievance committee to reach a finding of misconduct. Did you see my page with my complaint against Bauer? Here is a link http://www.nosue.org/bar-complaint-of-robert-w-bauer/ And thanks for reminding me about the fee arbitration program.

I�m so sorry to hear about your problems with Bauer. You are not alone. Feel free to contact me anytime, I�ll do whatever I can to assist you and your husband.


Neil Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop (Oak Run) Ocala, Florida 34481 Telephone: (352) 854-7807 website: http://www.nosue.org/bar-complaint-of-robert-w-bauer/ blog: http://nosueorg.blogspot.com/

Page 21: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Kimberly Pruett-Barry" <[email protected]>; "Angela V. Woodhull"

<[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:34 AMSubject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 1


Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

Page 22: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 2


Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Page 23: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

Page 2 of 2


Page 24: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:45 PMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 2


Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

Page 25: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

Page 2 of 2


Page 26: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 8:11 PMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 3


Hey Neil,

Just found him on the Internet when I was googling for "Illegal Malpractice". How Ironic!

There is too much to put in an email, I will call you over the weekend.

BTW, I "got with" Bauer on yesterday, threatened to find another Atty, etc if he did not help us with out case, now,

all of a sudden he has made more ph calls to us in the last 24 hrs than he has made in 2 years!

-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 27: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Page 2 of 3


Page 28: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

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Page 29: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Cc: <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:36 AMAttach: NJG to Mr. Littlewood, re Mr. Castagliuolo Oct-18-2012.pdf; Rebuttal of Neil Gillespie to Mr. Rodems,

Oct-16-2012.pdfSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 3


Kim and Angela,

Thanks for the update. For some time I have been working on a second Bar complaint against Bauer, and will include this information. Please forward any additional information you would like me to include. I hope to submit my Bauer complaint sometime this coming week. Then I will post the complaint online and provide each of you a copy. Also, each of you could make your own complaint against Bauer. You are free to reference things from my complaint.

Theodore P. Littlewood Jr., Bar Counsel, has opened complaints against two of my former lawyers, Ryan Christopher Rodems, File No. 2013-10,271 (13E), and Eugene P. Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D). This week I submitted rebuttals in each complaint, see attached. I am providing this information so you can see how the complaint process works. In the case of Mr. Castagliuolo I submitted a suggestion of Emergency Suspension under Rule 3-5.2(a).

Castagliuolo is like a character out of the Sopranos, in appearance and mannerisms. We are the same age, 56 years-old, and we are both from Philadelphia, PA. Luckily I was raised in Bucks County, a northern suburb. Castagliuolo was raised in what is colloquially known as "South Philly". He is a gangster-type, always making threats, and using colorful language.

I’ll send you my Bauer complaint as soon as it is done. Thanks.

Neil Gillespie

Ps. Sorry for the typos and other such in my complaints. I could use a small staff, including a proof reader!

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Cc: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 9:16 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hey Neil and Angela,

Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get a new lawyer!

We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he says he will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a

nasty email and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him! He immediately called my husband and apologized and said

he would get right to work on it! We haven't heard from him since!

Page 30: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a 40K bill!!! We

have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him another dime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


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Page 31: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

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Page 32: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]>Cc: <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:56 AMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 3


Hey Angela,

We are so tired at this point, I don't know what to do. I am gonna get this Suit over with first, then sit back and try to decide what to do about

Bauer. He definately fails to "move a case forward", I think he tries to rack up a bill.


-----Original Message----- From: "Angela V. Woodhull" Sent: Oct 20, 2012 9:44 AM To: kim Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Are you putting this information out on the internet and what else may I do to assist the for all of us? Angela W. --- On Sat, 10/20/12, kim <[email protected]> wrote:

From: kim <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 9:16 AM Hey Neil and Angela,

Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get a new lawyer!

We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he says he will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a

nasty email and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him! He immediately called my husband and apologized and said

he would get right to work on it! We haven't heard from him since!

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a 40K bill!!! We

Page 33: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him another dime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.

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Page 34: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

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Page 35: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>; "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:04 PMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

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Also, your judge in Marion County, William "Jack" Singbush, was recently reprimanded by the Judicial Qualifications Commission. The case is profiled on my website here http://www.nosue.org/jqc-judicial-qualifications-commission/

But it sounds like he was okay in your case, or you would have mentioned something.

Judge Singbush is presiding over a lawsuit by 21 residents of Oak Run against the developer, DECCA and Kulbir Ghumman. I attended one of the hearings and thought Judge Singbush was disrespectful to our attorney, Carol Anderson. The case is on appeal by the homeowners.

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Angela V. Woodhull Cc: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:56 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hey Angela,

We are so tired at this point, I don't know what to do. I am gonna get this Suit over with first, then sit back and try to decide what to do about

Bauer. He definately fails to "move a case forward", I think he tries to rack up a bill.


-----Original Message----- From: "Angela V. Woodhull" Sent: Oct 20, 2012 9:44 AM To: kim Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Are you putting this information out on the internet and what else may I do to assist thefor all of us? Angela W. --- On Sat, 10/20/12, kim <[email protected]> wrote:

From: kim <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 9:16 AM Hey Neil and Angela,

Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get a new lawyer!

Page 36: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he says he will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a

nasty email and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him! He immediately called my husband and apologized and said

he would get right to work on it! We haven't heard from him since!

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a 40K bill!!! We

have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him another dime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message-----

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Page 37: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry

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Page 38: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

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Page 39: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:30 PMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 4


Hey Neil,

They won a "change of venue" and it has been transfered to Orange County (Orlando).

The Atty that is investigating our case at the State Bar is: Francisco Digon-Greer.

I just sent him a TON of Documents yesterday.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 20, 2012 12:04 PM To: kim , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client


Also, your judge in Marion County, William "Jack" Singbush, was recently reprimanded by the Judicial Qualifications Commission. The case is profiled on my website here http://www.nosue.org/jqc-judicial-qualifications-commission/

But it sounds like he was okay in your case, or you would have mentioned something.

Judge Singbush is presiding over a lawsuit by 21 residents of Oak Run against the developer, DECCA and Kulbir Ghumman. I attended one of the hearings and thought Judge Singbush was disrespectful to our attorney, Carol Anderson. The case is on appeal by the homeowners.

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Angela V. Woodhull Cc: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:56 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hey Angela,

We are so tired at this point, I don't know what to do. I am gonna get this Suit over with first, then sit back and try to decide what to do about

Bauer. He definately fails to "move a case forward", I think he tries to rack up a bill.


-----Original Message----- From: "Angela V. Woodhull" Sent: Oct 20, 2012 9:44 AM To: kim Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Are you putting this information out on the internet and what else may I do to assist th

Page 40: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

for all of us? Angela W. --- On Sat, 10/20/12, kim <[email protected]> wrote:

From: kim <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 9:16 AM Hey Neil and Angela,

Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get a new lawyer!

We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he says he will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a

nasty email and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him! He immediately called my husband and apologized and said

he would get right to work on it! We haven't heard from him since!

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a 40K bill!!! We

have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him another dime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Page 2 of 4


Page 41: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

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Page 42: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

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Page 43: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Cc: <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 9:16 AMSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 3


Hey Neil and Angela,

Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get a new lawyer!

We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he says he will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a

nasty email and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him! He immediately called my husband and apologized and said

he would get right to work on it! We haven't heard from him since!

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a 40K bill!!! We

have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him another dime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 44: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Page 2 of 3


Page 45: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

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Page 46: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:27 PMAttach: 2011, 05-22-11, NJG reply to Bill Cervone, re RWB.pdf; Bad Boy Robert Bauer, for Kim.pdfSubject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Page 1 of 4


Hi Kim,

Thanks for this update. Do you have a file or case number for your complaint to Francisco Digon-Greer? Sometimes it is called a "RFA" number. Even the date you initiated your complaint would help.

Attached is a draft about some of Bauer’s misconduct in other matters. I may include this in my new complaint.

Also attached is my letter to the State Attorney with public records of Bauer’s various contacts with law enforcement.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:30 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hey Neil,

They won a "change of venue" and it has been transfered to Orange County (Orlando).

The Atty that is investigating our case at the State Bar is: Francisco Digon-Greer.

I just sent him a TON of Documents yesterday.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 20, 2012 12:04 PM To: kim , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client


Also, your judge in Marion County, William "Jack" Singbush, was recently reprimanded by the Judicial Qualifications Commission. The case is profiled on my website here http://www.nosue.org/jqc-judicial-qualifications-commission/

But it sounds like he was okay in your case, or you would have mentioned something.

Judge Singbush is presiding over a lawsuit by 21 residents of Oak Run against the developer, DECCA and Kulbir Ghumman. I attended one of the hearings and thought Judge Singbush was disrespectful to our attorney, Carol Anderson. The case is on appeal by the homeowners.

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Angela V. Woodhull Cc: [email protected]

Page 47: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:56 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hey Angela,

We are so tired at this point, I don't know what to do. I am gonna get this Suit over with first, then sit back and try to decide what to do about

Bauer. He definately fails to "move a case forward", I think he tries to rack up a bill.


-----Original Message----- From: "Angela V. Woodhull" Sent: Oct 20, 2012 9:44 AM To: kim Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Are you putting this information out on the internet and what else may I do to assist the cause for all of us? Angela W. --- On Sat, 10/20/12, kim <[email protected]> wrote:

From: kim <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 9:16 AM Hey Neil and Angela,

Sorry have not been in touch. FINALLY had to get a new lawyer!

We have been begging Bauer since January to get us into Mediation, he says he will and then we never hear from him again. Over 2 weeks ago, I sent him a

nasty email and told him he had 10 days to get to something scheduled. I really laid into him! He immediately called my husband and apologized and said

he would get right to work on it! We haven't heard from him since!

We talked to another Atty last week (Mark Fox) and are switching to him on Monday.

Bauer has not done anything with our case since Jan., yet somehow, we have racked up a 40K bill!!! We

have already paid him about 13K and I REFUSE to give him another dime.

Just thought I would let ya'll know what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 5, 2012 6:45 PM To: kim

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Page 48: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Okay Kim, that sounds fine. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How did you find Robert Bauer? Was he a referral from the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service? If so, he is supposed to meet certain requirements, such as maintaining malpractice insurance.

Also, who did you speak with at the Florida Bar? My notes from our phone call show "Mr. Negon" but that name does not appear in the Bar directory, maybe I have the wrong spelling?

I can send you a copy of my second complaint against Bauer if you like. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Thanks Neil,

I will call her today.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 4, 2012 10:34 AM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry , "Angela V. Woodhull" Subject: Fw: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client

Hello Kim,

Angela Woodhull can speak with you, she is in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on her cell phone (352) 214-4652, see message below.


----- Original Message ----- From: Angela V. Woodhull To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client Let's go for it. I'm now in Albuquerque, New Mexico for one month. Call on my cell phone (352)214-4652. ~A --- On Wed, 10/3/12, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]>

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Page 49: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Subject: Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client To: "Angela V. Woodhull" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 2:32 PM Angela,

Today I received a call from Kimberly Pruett-Barry in Ocala, a former Bauer client. Kim said she and her husband William paid Bauer $40,000 to sue their former attorney for legal malpractice. Attorney Peter McGrath represented Kim and William in a HOA case in Marion County, which was reported in the Ocala Star-Banner. http://www.ocala.com/article/20090723/ARTICLES/907231010?p=1&tc=pg

Kim found your Bauer pleading on my website, and said Bauer was disrespectful to her also. Kim would like to speak with you about your experience with Bauer. I’ll forward this email to Kim if that is okay with you. Let me know.

Kim spoke with a Tampa legal malpractice attorney, Bill Vaughan, and thinks the former Bauer clients should band together and sue Bauer. http://www.florida-malpractice-attorney.com/our.php

Kimberly Pruett-Barry Telephone: 352-207-7291 [email protected]

Hope things are going okay with you. Take care.

Neil Gillespie

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Page 50: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 4:49 PMSubject: Re: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer

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Thanks for this information Kim. I appreciate and that you read my complaint and let me know of my error. Also appreciate your call today.

I submitted another complaint today, and corrected the information about you and Bauer. The complaint today allowed me to fix a number of typos, and add a conclusion section. So this complaint is much better than the one yesterday, thanks to your quick action. Thanks again.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:17 AM Subject: Re: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer


My Bar Complaint is against Peter McGrath. I have not made a complaint against Bauer.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 30, 2012 8:28 PM To: "Angela V. Woodhull" , Kimberly Pruett-Barry , Anna Hodges , Philip Strauss Subject: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer Today I filed a new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer. The 25 page complaint is attached. If anyone wants the exhibits, I will send some, or all of them to you.

Thanks for sharing your Bauer stories. I put some of them in my complaint.

Neil Gillespie

Page 51: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:39 PMSubject: Re: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer

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Got your back!

-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 31, 2012 4:49 PM To: kim Subject: Re: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer

Thanks for this information Kim. I appreciate and that you read my complaint and let me know of my error. Also appreciate your call today.

I submitted another complaint today, and corrected the information about you and Bauer. The complaint today allowed me to fix a number of typos, and add a conclusion section. So this complaint is much better than the one yesterday, thanks to your quick action. Thanks again.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:17 AM Subject: Re: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer


My Bar Complaint is against Peter McGrath. I have not made a complaint against Bauer.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 30, 2012 8:28 PM To: "Angela V. Woodhull" , Kimberly Pruett-Barry , Anna Hodges , Philip Strauss Subject: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer Today I filed a new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer. The 25 page complaint is attached. If anyone wants the exhibits, I will send some, or all of them to you.

Thanks for sharing your Bauer stories. I put some of them in my complaint.

Neil Gillespie

Page 52: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:17 AMSubject: Re: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer

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My Bar Complaint is against Peter McGrath. I have not made a complaint against Bauer.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Oct 30, 2012 8:28 PM To: "Angela V. Woodhull" , Kimberly Pruett-Barry , Anna Hodges , Philip Strauss Subject: new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer Today I filed a new Bar complaint against Robert Bauer. The 25 page complaint is attached. If anyone wants the exhibits, I will send some, or all of them to you.

Thanks for sharing your Bauer stories. I put some of them in my complaint.

Neil Gillespie

Page 53: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Kimberly Pruett-Barry" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:58 PMSubject: Bauer

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Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


Page 54: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:21 PMSubject: Re: Bauer

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OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


Page 55: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:11 PMAttach: 2012, 11-09-12, WW to NJG, RAF 13-7675 RWB.pdfSubject: Re: Bauer

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Congratulations, you must feel some relief getting rid of Bauer. I will be home tomorrow, look forward to hearing from you.

The Bar wants me to re-write my complaint against Bauer, see the attached letter that arrived today.

Best wishes with your new counsel!


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


Page 56: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:32 PMSubject: Re: Bauer

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I have only heard from the Bar (Complaint I mailed in for Peter McGrath) one time and that was to send more material. I started the Complaint

about 4 months ago, sent in the requested material about a month ago and have not heard one peep since.

Not sure what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 8:11 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Bauer

Congratulations, you must feel some relief getting rid of Bauer. I will be home tomorrow, look forward to hearing from you.

The Bar wants me to re-write my complaint against Bauer, see the attached letter that arrived today.

Best wishes with your new counsel!


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?

Page 57: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


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Page 58: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:42 PMSubject: Re: Bauer

Page 1 of 2


If you like I can email you the Bar Counsel manual that shows step by step how complaints are supposed to be processed. It is big, over 400 pages, but the pages specific to intake are far less. I can also send you the Special Commission Report on Lawyer Regulation, that is about 40 pages.

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:32 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

I have only heard from the Bar (Complaint I mailed in for Peter McGrath) one time and that was to send more material. I started the Complaint

about 4 months ago, sent in the requested material about a month ago and have not heard one peep since.

Not sure what is going on.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 8:11 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Bauer

Congratulations, you must feel some relief getting rid of Bauer. I will be home tomorrow, look forward to hearing from you.

The Bar wants me to re-write my complaint against Bauer, see the attached letter that arrived today.

Best wishes with your new counsel!


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.

Page 59: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


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Page 60: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:35 PMSubject: Re: Bauer

Page 1 of 2


Our new Lawyer could not believe Bauer has not done ANYTHING for our case bascally since Jan.

The only thing he has done in 10 months was to get a Judge to approve 2 telephonic depo's. Bauer just dropped

off the face of the earth after that! We have multiple emails to him asking him why isn't he doing Mediation, doing

the depos he got approved for in July, always some excuse.

Anyway, yes please send me the State Bar Manual please.

BTW, our new Atty said we did have one hell of a Malpractice Case and Bauer should have been all over it!



-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 8:11 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Bauer

Congratulations, you must feel some relief getting rid of Bauer. I will be home tomorrow, look forward to hearing from you.

The Bar wants me to re-write my complaint against Bauer, see the attached letter that arrived today.

Best wishes with your new counsel!


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.


-----Original Message-----

Page 61: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


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Page 62: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:13 PMAttach: Bar Counsel Manual - Contents.pdfSubject: Re: Bauer

Page 1 of 2


Thanks for the update Kim, you guys have been through a lot with Bauer. Hopefully your case will get moving again. Attached is the Bar Counsel manual. Let me know if you want the Special Commission Report on Lawyer Regulation.

Hang in there, better days are ahead! Neil

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 2:35 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

Our new Lawyer could not believe Bauer has not done ANYTHING for our case bascally since Jan.

The only thing he has done in 10 months was to get a Judge to approve 2 telephonic depo's. Bauer just dropped

off the face of the earth after that! We have multiple emails to him asking him why isn't he doing Mediation, doing

the depos he got approved for in July, always some excuse.

Anyway, yes please send me the State Bar Manual please.

BTW, our new Atty said we did have one hell of a Malpractice Case and Bauer should have been all over it!



-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 8:11 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Bauer

Congratulations, you must feel some relief getting rid of Bauer. I will be home tomorrow, look forward to hearing from you.

The Bar wants me to re-write my complaint against Bauer, see the attached letter that arrived today.

Best wishes with your new counsel!


Page 63: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


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Page 64: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:42 PMSubject: Re: Bauer

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Thanks so much Neil, will keep you updated!

-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 14, 2012 3:13 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Bauer

Thanks for the update Kim, you guys have been through a lot with Bauer. Hopefully your case will get moving again. Attached is the Bar Counsel manual. Let me know if you want the Special Commission Report on Lawyer Regulation.

Hang in there, better days are ahead! Neil

----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 2:35 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

Our new Lawyer could not believe Bauer has not done ANYTHING for our case bascally since Jan.

The only thing he has done in 10 months was to get a Judge to approve 2 telephonic depo's. Bauer just dropped

off the face of the earth after that! We have multiple emails to him asking him why isn't he doing Mediation, doing

the depos he got approved for in July, always some excuse.

Anyway, yes please send me the State Bar Manual please.

BTW, our new Atty said we did have one hell of a Malpractice Case and Bauer should have been all over it!



-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 8:11 PM To: kim Subject: Re: Bauer

Congratulations, you must feel some relief getting rid of Bauer. I will be home tomorrow, look forward to hearing from you.

Page 65: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Bar wants me to re-write my complaint against Bauer, see the attached letter that arrived today.

Best wishes with your new counsel!


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Bauer

OH MY GOSH!! You think Bauer is telling folks that? Wouldn't put it past him.

Yep, we fired him, if you are gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, I will call ya and

tell ya all about it. Have a 10:00am appt with our new lawyer in the morning.


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 13, 2012 6:58 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: Bauer Hi Kim,

A week or so ago Anna Hodges emailed me and said a woman called her asking about Bauer. The woman also told her I passed away, have you heard about that? That is really strange.

How are things going with Bauer? Did you fire him yet?


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Page 66: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 5:02 PMSubject: Florida State Bar

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Hey Neil, Still have no heard a PEEP from the FL State Bar on the complaint that I filed on Peter McGrath. Hmmmmmm, sure is taking along time, almost a total of 6 months now, for them to let me know what is going on. Does it usually take this long? kim

Page 67: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 5:38 PMSubject: Re: Florida State Bar

Page 1 of 1


Hi Kim. Six months sounds like a long time to reach a decision to open a formal complaint. What does it say in the Bar Counsel Manual? Since you are suing McGrath, sometimes the Bar waits to see what happens in the court case. There are Bar rules about this. Do you have any hearings pending in your case against McGrath? ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 4:02 PM Subject: Florida State Bar > Hey Neil, > Still have no heard a PEEP from the FL State Bar on the complaint that I > filed on Peter > McGrath. Hmmmmmm, sure is taking along time, almost a total of 6 months > now, for them to > let me know what is going on. > > Does it usually take this long? > kim

Page 68: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 7:56 PMSubject: Re: Florida State Bar

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Well, not quiet 6 months, filed the original complaint in July. Sent Docs in about a month ago and have not heard anything since. Yea, we have a Mediation hearing coming up on 12/17. Maybe I will call tomorrow and just ask them what is going on. kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Nov 19, 2012 4:38 PM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: Florida State Bar > >Hi Kim. Six months sounds like a long time to reach a decision to open a >formal complaint. What does it say in the Bar Counsel Manual? > >Since you are suing McGrath, sometimes the Bar waits to see what happens in >the court case. There are Bar rules about this. Do you have any hearings >pending in your case against McGrath? > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: <[email protected]> >Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 4:02 PM >Subject: Florida State Bar > > >> Hey Neil, >> Still have no heard a PEEP from the FL State Bar on the complaint that I >> filed on Peter >> McGrath. Hmmmmmm, sure is taking along time, almost a total of 6 months >> now, for them to >> let me know what is going on. >> >> Does it usually take this long? >> kim > >

Page 69: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 8:31 PMSubject: Re: Florida State Bar

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Who will represent you at the mediation hearing? ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 6:56 PM Subject: Re: Florida State Bar > Well, not quiet 6 months, filed the original complaint in July. Sent Docs > in about > a month ago and have not heard anything since. > Yea, we have a Mediation hearing coming up on 12/17. > > Maybe I will call tomorrow and just ask them what is going on. > kim > > -----Original Message----- >>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>Sent: Nov 19, 2012 4:38 PM >>To: kim <[email protected]> >>Subject: Re: Florida State Bar >> >>Hi Kim. Six months sounds like a long time to reach a decision to open a >>formal complaint. What does it say in the Bar Counsel Manual? >> >>Since you are suing McGrath, sometimes the Bar waits to see what happens >>in >>the court case. There are Bar rules about this. Do you have any hearings >>pending in your case against McGrath? >> >>----- Original Message ----- >>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>To: <[email protected]> >>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 4:02 PM >>Subject: Florida State Bar >> >> >>> Hey Neil, >>> Still have no heard a PEEP from the FL State Bar on the complaint that I >>> filed on Peter >>> McGrath. Hmmmmmm, sure is taking along time, almost a total of 6 months >>> now, for them to >>> let me know what is going on. >>> >>> Does it usually take this long? >>> kim >> >> >

Page 70: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:57 AMSubject: Re: bar complaint, mediation hearing

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Why is Mark Fox a witness? Paul Linder is not listed as counsel in Orange County, so officially you are still represented by Robert Bauer in this case.

It appears to me, based on my limited understanding of this matter, that Bauer never intended to represent you zealously, but to burn through your cash and drop the matter, like Bauer did in my case. This may show that Bauer is actually protecting McGrath, while billing you. This may explain the lack of action by the Florida Bar too. But I need to know more about your case to be certain. Perhaps if I read your complaint to the Bar, that might show what is actually going on.

You may be in a situation where you cannot find counsel who will actually represent your interest, but only provide you with "fake representation", designed either to take your money, or for one lawyer to help another lawyer, as they are all on the same team. FYI - you and me, and the public, are not on this team. This is the essence of my petition to the US Supreme Court.

You are welcome to provide me with your Bar complaint, and any other documents.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:05 AM Subject: Re: bar complaint, mediation hearing

No to all of the above.

Yea, Mark Fox was gonna be our new Lawyer, BUT, Peters Lawyers fought it because Mark Fox is also a witness

and they said he couldn't be both. So we had to look for another lawyer and we did get one who came HIGHLY recommended

to us. His name is Paul Linder in Orlando.

(sigh) I swear Neil I feel like we are starting over at square one, even though it has been 2 years. If you note on the Orange County Clerk of Court

Bauer got approved for the Telephonic Depos in July, yet he never scheduled them! These were important Depos, they were the Ins Atty's and would love

to testify against Peter. We should have been in Trial by now instead trying to go to Mediation!


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 26, 2012 11:07 PM

Page 71: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: bar complaint, mediation hearing Hi Kim,

Have you heard from the Florida Bar about your complaint against Peter McGrath?

Also, I noticed the case docket in Orange County still shows Robert Bauer as your counsel, will Bauer represent you at the mediation hearing December 17th?


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Page 72: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Kimberly Pruett-Barry" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:07 AMSubject: bar complaint, mediation hearing

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Hi Kim,

Have you heard from the Florida Bar about your complaint against Peter McGrath?

Also, I noticed the case docket in Orange County still shows Robert Bauer as your counsel, will Bauer represent you at the mediation hearing December 17th?


Page 73: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:05 AMSubject: Re: bar complaint, mediation hearing

Page 1 of 1


No to all of the above.

Yea, Mark Fox was gonna be our new Lawyer, BUT, Peters Lawyers fought it because Mark Fox is also a witness

and they said he couldn't be both. So we had to look for another lawyer and we did get one who came HIGHLY recommended

to us. His name is Paul Linder in Orlando.

(sigh) I swear Neil I feel like we are starting over at square one, even though it has been 2 years. If you note on the Orange County Clerk of Court

Bauer got approved for the Telephonic Depos in July, yet he never scheduled them! These were important Depos, they were the Ins Atty's and would love

to testify against Peter. We should have been in Trial by now instead trying to go to Mediation!


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 26, 2012 11:07 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: bar complaint, mediation hearing Hi Kim,

Have you heard from the Florida Bar about your complaint against Peter McGrath?

Also, I noticed the case docket in Orange County still shows Robert Bauer as your counsel, will Bauer represent you at the mediation hearing December 17th?


Page 74: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:59 PMSubject: Re: bar complaint, mediation hearing

Page 1 of 2


Mark Fox took over the case from Peter McGrath in 2010 and ended it in 3 weeks, Peter couldn't end it in 3 years. Mark is the one that pointed

out to me and Bill that Peter had acted unethically and told us we had one "hell of a Legal Malpractice Suit against Peter". So natually we were using him as

a witnes.

Paul Linder is taking over our case on Dec. 7th. He flew to Italy for the Holidays, so it probably hasn't hit the Orange County Court yet.

Yes, you are 100% correct, he sat there and did practically NOTHING since Feb and yet we got a 23k bill from him!!! I KNOW for a fact that

Susan Reynolds did all the work, because she told me what she was doing. I was in communication with her until she left in Mar. We should have

been billed a fee from his Paralegal, not from him. Since she left NOTHING has happened except for the Permission from the Judge to do the

telephonic depos. Yet he never did them! UUGGH!!

I sent him nast email messages telling him to get this stuff done, he made promises and then we would not hear from him again until I wrote

another nasty emails, etc, etc!

-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 27, 2012 10:57 AM To: kim Subject: Re: bar complaint, mediation hearing


Why is Mark Fox a witness? Paul Linder is not listed as counsel in Orange County, so officially you are still represented by Robert Bauer in this case.

It appears to me, based on my limited understanding of this matter, that Bauer never intended to represent you zealously, but to burn through your cash and drop the matter, like Bauer did in my case. This may show that Bauer is actually protecting McGrath, while billing you. This may explain the lack of action by the Florida Bar too. But I need to know more about your case to be certain. Perhaps if I read your complaint to the Bar, that might show what is actually going on.

You may be in a situation where you cannot find counsel who will actually represent your interest, but only provide you with "fake representation", designed either to take your money, or for one lawyer to help another lawyer, as they are all on the same team. FYI -

Page 75: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

you and me, and the public, are not on this team. This is the essence of my petition to the US Supreme Court.

You are welcome to provide me with your Bar complaint, and any other documents.


----- Original Message ----- From: kim To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:05 AM Subject: Re: bar complaint, mediation hearing

No to all of the above.

Yea, Mark Fox was gonna be our new Lawyer, BUT, Peters Lawyers fought it because Mark Fox is also a witness

and they said he couldn't be both. So we had to look for another lawyer and we did get one who came HIGHLY recommended

to us. His name is Paul Linder in Orlando.

(sigh) I swear Neil I feel like we are starting over at square one, even though it has been 2 years. If you note on the Orange County Clerk of Court

Bauer got approved for the Telephonic Depos in July, yet he never scheduled them! These were important Depos, they were the Ins Atty's and would love

to testify against Peter. We should have been in Trial by now instead trying to go to Mediation!


-----Original Message----- From: Neil Gillespie Sent: Nov 26, 2012 11:07 PM To: Kimberly Pruett-Barry Subject: bar complaint, mediation hearing Hi Kim,

Have you heard from the Florida Bar about your complaint against Peter McGrath?

Also, I noticed the case docket in Orange County still shows Robert Bauer as your counsel, will Bauer represent you at the mediation hearing December 17th?


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Page 76: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 1:33 PMSubject: FL State Bar

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Hey Neil Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on Peter McGrath. It has been months now. I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an update. Of course, they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can NEVER get through to them the first time. I will let ya know, Kim

Page 77: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 12:16 PMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Kim, It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in ACAP - Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his own friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. Neil ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM Subject: Re: FL State Bar > Hey, > I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under > investigation. > They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his district. > I guess this > is what happened to you, correct? > > This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something > wrong, ot at least > this is my understanding. > > kim > > -----Original Message----- >>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>To: kim <[email protected]> >>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >> >>Hi Kim, >> >>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to get >>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >> >>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple of >>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint filed >>on such and such a date"?

Page 78: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

>> >>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>too. >> >>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will need >>some information, like the RFA number. >> >>Neil >> >>----- Original Message ----- >>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>To: <[email protected]> >>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>Subject: FL State Bar >> >> >>> Hey Neil >>> >>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>> Peter McGrath. >>> >>> It has been months now. >>> >>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>> update. Of course, >>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can >>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>> >>> I will let ya know, >>> Kim >> >> >

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Page 79: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 8:06 PMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Hi Kim, You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to get money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple of sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint filed on such and such a date"? Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer too. Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will need some information, like the RFA number. Neil ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM Subject: FL State Bar > Hey Neil > > Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on > Peter McGrath. > > It has been months now. > > I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an > update. Of course, > they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can > NEVER get through to them the first time. > > I will let ya know, > Kim

Page 80: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 8:13 PMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Hey, I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under investigation. They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his district. I guess this is what happened to you, correct? This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something wrong, ot at least this is my understanding. kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Hi Kim, > >You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to get >money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? > >You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple of >sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint filed >on such and such a date"? > >Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >too. > >Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will need >some information, like the RFA number. > >Neil > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: <[email protected]> >Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >Subject: FL State Bar > > >> Hey Neil >> >> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >> Peter McGrath.

Page 81: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

>> >> It has been months now. >> >> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >> update. Of course, >> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can >> NEVER get through to them the first time. >> >> I will let ya know, >> Kim > >

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Page 82: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 1:04 PMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Yep, you are right, it is still in ACAP. I asked why is was taking so long and they said becausethey thought it was a very serious matter and they were taking it seriously. They did tell me the next step was the Grievance Committee, should be getting a letter on that soon. Like you, I think this is BS!! It should NEVER go back to THEIR District, Atty's, just like Dr.'srarely go against each other! Kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Dec 5, 2012 11:16 AM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Kim, > >It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in ACAP - >Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of >the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel >you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local >grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his own >friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. > >Neil > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > > >> Hey, >> I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under >> investigation. >> They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his district. >> I guess this >> is what happened to you, correct? >> >> This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something >> wrong, ot at least >> this is my understanding.

Page 83: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

>> >> kim >> >> -----Original Message----- >>>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>>To: kim <[email protected]> >>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >>> >>>Hi Kim, >>> >>>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to get >>>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >>> >>>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple of >>>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint filed >>>on such and such a date"? >>> >>>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>>too. >>> >>>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will need >>>some information, like the RFA number. >>> >>>Neil >>> >>>----- Original Message ----- >>>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>>To: <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>>Subject: FL State Bar >>> >>> >>>> Hey Neil >>>> >>>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>>> Peter McGrath. >>>> >>>> It has been months now. >>>> >>>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>>> update. Of course, >>>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can >>>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>>> >>>> I will let ya know, >>>> Kim >>> >>> >>

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> >

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Page 85: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 6:32 PMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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OK, got a letter from the Bar, it is going back to Orlando. They are asking for more info. This is how far you went with Bauer as well, correct? Any pointers? I am going to be off the computer till about Wed, we are moving onto our new farm! YAY! Call me tomorrow if you have a chance. 352 207-7291. Kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Dec 5, 2012 11:16 AM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Kim, > >It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in ACAP - >Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of >the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel >you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local >grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his own >friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. > >Neil > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > > >> Hey, >> I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under >> investigation. >> They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his district. >> I guess this >> is what happened to you, correct? >>

Page 86: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

>> This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something >> wrong, ot at least >> this is my understanding. >> >> kim >> >> -----Original Message----- >>>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>>To: kim <[email protected]> >>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >>> >>>Hi Kim, >>> >>>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to get >>>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >>> >>>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple of >>>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint filed >>>on such and such a date"? >>> >>>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>>too. >>> >>>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will need >>>some information, like the RFA number. >>> >>>Neil >>> >>>----- Original Message ----- >>>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>>To: <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>>Subject: FL State Bar >>> >>> >>>> Hey Neil >>>> >>>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>>> Peter McGrath. >>>> >>>> It has been months now. >>>> >>>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>>> update. Of course, >>>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can >>>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>>> >>>> I will let ya know, >>>> Kim

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>>> >>> >> > >

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Page 88: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 3:47 PMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Lots to tell you, too much in an email, call me when you can! Had to keep dumb butt Bauer, his lawyers would not accept my new lawyer, threatened to take it to the Judge! 352 207-7291 Kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Dec 5, 2012 11:16 AM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Kim, > >It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in ACAP - >Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of >the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel >you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local >grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his own >friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. > >Neil > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > > >> Hey, >> I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under >> investigation. >> They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his district. >> I guess this >> is what happened to you, correct? >> >> This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something >> wrong, ot at least >> this is my understanding. >> >> kim

Page 89: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

>> >> -----Original Message----- >>>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>>To: kim <[email protected]> >>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >>> >>>Hi Kim, >>> >>>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to get >>>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >>> >>>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple of >>>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint filed >>>on such and such a date"? >>> >>>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>>too. >>> >>>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will need >>>some information, like the RFA number. >>> >>>Neil >>> >>>----- Original Message ----- >>>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>>To: <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>>Subject: FL State Bar >>> >>> >>>> Hey Neil >>>> >>>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>>> Peter McGrath. >>>> >>>> It has been months now. >>>> >>>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>>> update. Of course, >>>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, can >>>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>>> >>>> I will let ya know, >>>> Kim >>> >>> >> > >

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Page 90: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Cc: "Paul F Hill" <[email protected]>; "Kenneth Lawrence Marvin" <[email protected]>; "Annemarie C

Craft" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 5:21 PMAttach: Letter of Mary Bateman, Aug-03-2009.pdfSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Kimberly Pruett-Barry Dear Kim, Thank you for your email. In a letter dated January 7, 2013 Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft informed me that the Bar was moving forward with my complaint, which is now designated "Robert W. Bauer, The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)". Since you are still a client of Mr. Bauer, I think it would be better to direct your questions about Mr. Bauer to the Florida Bar directly. Plus I do not have the time, and am not feeling well. You have my sincere sympathy for what you are going through, but it is better to bring your complaints about Mr. Bauer directly to the Florida Bar. Perhaps the Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) could provide you substitute counsel. But I got Bauer as a LRS referral, and that did not work out. I am sending copies of my reply to this email to Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft, since she has my complaint, and to Kenneth Marvin, Director of Lawyer Regulation, and Paul Hill, General Counsel for the Florida Bar. Hopefully between them they can fashion a solution to your problem with Robert W. Bauer. I ask each of them, by and through this email, to protect you as a consumer of legal and court services. Kim, I wish you well, and hope those persons at the Florida Bar with the authority and responsibility to protect you will seriously listen to your cry for help about the misconduct of Mr. Bauer. I believe Mr. Marvin in particular has a duty under The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar to act, as well as a case I became aware of last night, Mueller v. The Florida Bar, which holds: "Allegation by disbarred attorney that certain complaints against him were solicited by state bar was mere surplusage in complaint alleging malicious prosecution; state bar is not prohibited from actively seeking complaints against particular members of bar or members of bar in general. Mueller v. The Florida Bar, App. 4 Dist., 390 So.2d 449 (1980)." I also believe the Florida Bar can initiate its own complaint against an attorney under Rule 3-7.3, see section (c), and the attached letter sent to me Aug-03-09 from Mary Ellen Bateman of the Florida Bar, paragraph number 2: "The bar does initiate complaints on occasion and when appropriate".

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Sometime after all this gets resolved, you, me, and all the other survivors of Mr. Bauer’s misconduct should get together for dinner and reminisce. Sincerely, Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481 Ps. If after this email the Florida Bar does not assist you, let me know and I will forward this matter to the extent possible in any response to my petition for writ of certiorari, which is docketed as Petition No. 12-7747 in the Supreme Court of the United States. http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12-7747.htm You can read more about the petition here http://nosueorg.blogspot.com/2012/12/petition-for-writ-of-certiorari-to.html ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:47 PM Subject: Re: FL State Bar Lots to tell you, too much in an email, call me when you can! Had to keep dumb butt Bauer, his lawyers would not accept my new lawyer, threatened to take it to the Judge! 352 207-7291 Kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Dec 5, 2012 11:16 AM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Kim, > >It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in >ACAP - >Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of >the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel >you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local >grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his

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>own >friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. > >Neil > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > > >> Hey, >> I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under >> investigation. >> They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his >> district. >> I guess this >> is what happened to you, correct? >> >> This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something >> wrong, ot at least >> this is my understanding. >> >> kim >> >> -----Original Message----- >>>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>>To: kim <[email protected]> >>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >>> >>>Hi Kim, >>> >>>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to >>>get >>>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >>> >>>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple >>>of >>>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint >>>filed >>>on such and such a date"? >>> >>>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>>too. >>> >>>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will >>>need >>>some information, like the RFA number.

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Page 93: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

>>> >>>Neil >>> >>>----- Original Message ----- >>>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>>To: <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>>Subject: FL State Bar >>> >>> >>>> Hey Neil >>>> >>>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>>> Peter McGrath. >>>> >>>> It has been months now. >>>> >>>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>>> update. Of course, >>>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, >>>> can >>>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>>> >>>> I will let ya know, >>>> Kim >>> >>> >> > >

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Page 94: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:23 AMSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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I understand! I will keep you informed and KICK BUTT with Bauer! Kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Jan 16, 2013 4:21 PM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Cc: Paul F Hill <[email protected]>, Kenneth Lawrence Marvin <[email protected]>, Annemarie C Craft <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Kimberly Pruett-Barry > >Dear Kim, > >Thank you for your email. In a letter dated January 7, 2013 Bar Counsel >Annemarie Craft informed me that the Bar was moving forward with my >complaint, which is now designated "Robert W. Bauer, The Florida Bar File >No. 2013-00,540 (8B)". > >Since you are still a client of Mr. Bauer, I think it would be better to >direct your questions about Mr. Bauer to the Florida Bar directly. Plus I do >not have the time, and am not feeling well. > >You have my sincere sympathy for what you are going through, but it is >better to bring your complaints about Mr. Bauer directly to the Florida Bar. >Perhaps the Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) could provide you substitute >counsel. But I got Bauer as a LRS referral, and that did not work out. > >I am sending copies of my reply to this email to Bar Counsel Annemarie >Craft, since she has my complaint, and to Kenneth Marvin, Director of Lawyer >Regulation, and Paul Hill, General Counsel for the Florida Bar. Hopefully >between them they can fashion a solution to your problem with Robert W. >Bauer. I ask each of them, by and through this email, to protect you as a >consumer of legal and court services. > >Kim, I wish you well, and hope those persons at the Florida Bar with the >authority and responsibility to protect you will seriously listen to your >cry for help about the misconduct of Mr. Bauer. I believe Mr. Marvin in >particular has a duty under The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar to act, as >well as a case I became aware of last night, Mueller v. The Florida Bar, >which holds: > >"Allegation by disbarred attorney that certain complaints against him were

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>solicited by state bar was mere surplusage in complaint alleging malicious >prosecution; state bar is not prohibited from actively seeking complaints >against particular members of bar or members of bar in general. Mueller v. >The Florida Bar, App. 4 Dist., 390 So.2d 449 (1980)." > >I also believe the Florida Bar can initiate its own complaint against an >attorney under Rule 3-7.3, see section (c), and the attached letter sent to >me Aug-03-09 from Mary Ellen Bateman of the Florida Bar, paragraph number 2: >"The bar does initiate complaints on occasion and when appropriate". > >Sometime after all this gets resolved, you, me, and all the other survivors >of Mr. Bauer’s misconduct should get together for dinner and reminisce. > >Sincerely, > >Neil J. Gillespie > >8092 SW 115th Loop > >Ocala, FL 34481 > >Ps. If after this email the Florida Bar does not assist you, let me know and >I will forward this matter to the extent possible in any response to my >petition for writ of certiorari, which is docketed as Petition No. 12-7747 >in the Supreme Court of the United States. >http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12-7747.htm > >You can read more about the petition here >http://nosueorg.blogspot.com/2012/12/petition-for-writ-of-certiorari-to.html > >----- Original Message ----- > From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:47 PM >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > > >Lots to tell you, too much in an email, call me when you can! > >Had to keep dumb butt Bauer, his lawyers would not accept my new lawyer, >threatened to take >it to the Judge! > >352 207-7291 > >Kim > >-----Original Message----- >>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>Sent: Dec 5, 2012 11:16 AM >>To: kim <[email protected]>

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>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >> >>Kim, >> >>It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in >>ACAP - >>Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of >>the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel >>you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local >>grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his >>own >>friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. >> >>Neil >> >>----- Original Message ----- >>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM >>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >> >> >>> Hey, >>> I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under >>> investigation. >>> They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his >>> district. >>> I guess this >>> is what happened to you, correct? >>> >>> This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something >>> wrong, ot at least >>> this is my understanding. >>> >>> kim >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>>>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>>>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>>>To: kim <[email protected]> >>>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >>>> >>>>Hi Kim, >>>> >>>>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to >>>>get >>>>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >>>> >>>>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple >>>>of >>>>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint

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>>>>filed >>>>on such and such a date"? >>>> >>>>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>>>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>>>too. >>>> >>>>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will >>>>need >>>>some information, like the RFA number. >>>> >>>>Neil >>>> >>>>----- Original Message ----- >>>>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>>>To: <[email protected]> >>>>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>>>Subject: FL State Bar >>>> >>>> >>>>> Hey Neil >>>>> >>>>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>>>> Peter McGrath. >>>>> >>>>> It has been months now. >>>>> >>>>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>>>> update. Of course, >>>>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, >>>>> can >>>>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>>>> >>>>> I will let ya know, >>>>> Kim >>>> >>>> >>> >> >>

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Page 98: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 6:13 PMSubject: Whatever you need from me!

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Neil! I had to back off from your complaint because we had to keep Bauer as our Atty, BUT NO MORE!! I will call Annemarie Craft first thing in the morning! I fired Bauer today without even having another Atty to represent us and yes it has been going on this long. He has failed to follow through on EVERYTHING, yet he has racked up a bill that we will never be able to pay. YOU ARE RIGHT IN EVERYTHING YOU SAY about Bauer following through on ANYTHING and then when you ask him why something is not done it is ONE EXCUSE AFTER ANOTHER! I will be filing Arbitration throught the State Bar to get our fees back. I am YOUR witness, USE ME! Sincerely, Kimberly Pruett

Page 99: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Anna Hodges" <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:21 AMSubject: Re: corrected Bar complaint against Robert Bauer

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Yes Anna, lawsuits wear people out, and makes them depressed. That is part of the problem with the justice system. A couple of people have commented on your email, former clients of Bauer, Angela Woodhull of Gainesville, and Kim Pruett-Barry of Ocala. They agree with you, Bauer is a mess!

I still don’t understand the call from a lady in Ocala. I believe Kim Pruett-Barry of Ocala is the only person in Ocala who has contacted me. When did you get the call? How do you know the call was from a lady in Ocala? Could it have been a call from someone in Gainesville, perhaps a friend of Bauer’s? Or his wife? Or Beverly E Lowe, Bauer’s former bookkeeper with whom he appears to have a close relationship, and whom Bauer represented in a divorce?


----- Original Message ----- From: Anna Hodges To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 1:54 PM Subject: Re: corrected Bar complaint against Robert Bauer A lady from Ocala. I don't know how she got my number. I am happy to know you're alive and well and still on the move! I haven't filled anything yet against Bauer. Lawsuits wear me out and the court system depresses me. I need to recharge my batteries. I just noticed today that you posted a July 2011 email I had sent to you. I didn't realize that, have you had any feedback from it? On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Anna,

Wow, that is strange. Obviously I am alive, although this protracted litigation has taken a toll. Within the last month I have been in touch with Kimberly Pruett-Barry of Ocala, she is a Bauer client, is that who you spoke with? Last year Angela Woodhull of Gainesville called, and we have kept in touch. And Philip Strauss called too. Who called you?

Neil Gillespie

----- Original Message ----- From: Anna Hodges To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 8:16 PM Subject: Re: corrected Bar complaint against Robert Bauer Neil, I recieved a phone call from a woman in Ocala, asking me questions about Robert, and if I was going to file a complaint. I asked if she heard of you. She said yes, then told me you had passed away! WOW! I'm confused...Anna


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On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> wrote:

Yes, Anna. How are you doing?

----- Original Message ----- From: Anna To: Neil Gillespie Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:45 PM Subject: Re: corrected Bar complaint against Robert Bauer Is this Neil Gillespie? Sent from my iPhone 4S On Oct 31, 2012, at 4:56 PM, "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> wrote:

Today I filed a corrected Bar complaint against Robert Bauer. Thankfully Kim let me know about a misstatement I made. Also, I added a conclusion section, and fixed a number of typos. So this is a much better complaint, thanks to Kim’s quick action.

Also attached is my letter to the Bar withdrawing the complaint sent yesterday.

Neil Gillespie

<Withdrawal of Complaint Oct-30-2012 against Robert Bauer.pdf>

<Bar complaint of NJG against Robert Bauer, Oct-31-2012.pdf>

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Page 101: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Anna" <[email protected]>To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 3:15 AMSubject: Re: Did the search engine issue clear up yet?

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Thank you Neil, the search engine issue did clear up! I don't understand who this woman is that is saying things that aren't true! I never told anyone that I got my money back from Robert because I didn't! I wonder why I was told you were dead and you were told my money was refunded- I smell a rat! Sent from my iPhone On Mar 22, 2013, at 4:19 AM, "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Anna,

Did the search engine issue clear up yet? I hope it resolved by now.

I believe Kim Pruett-Barry was the woman from Ocala who told you I passed away. While reviewing her call of October 3 2012, she said you got all your money back from Robert Bauer. Is that true? Did Bauer refund all your money?

If you like, I can send you a wav file of the call on a CD to play on a computer. Let me know where to mail it. Thanks.

Neil Gillespie


Page 102: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Mark W. Fox" <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 11:03 AMSubject: Re: Kim Pruett-Barry

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Mr. Fox:

I contacted you to confirm whether the information Kim Pruett-Barry told me about this matter, including your involvement in this matter, is true or false. If the information is false, I will note that in my pleading to the Supreme Court. If the information is true, there is no problem.

Neil Gillespie

----- Original Message ----- From: Mark W. Fox To: 'Neil Gillespie' Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 8:01 AM Subject: RE: Kim Pruett-Barry Dear Mr. Gillespie:   I am not certain why you contacted me. Do you have any specific questions or concerns?   Mark W. Fox, P.A. 1805 S.E. 16th Ave. Suite 902 Ocala, FL 34471 (ph) 352-390-8889 (fax)352-351-9300 [email protected]       From: Neil Gillespie [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 1:39 AM To: Mark Fox Subject: Kim Pruett-Barry

Dear Mr. Fox,

A lady by the name of Kim Pruett-Barry contacted me about attorney Robert W Bauer of Gainesville whom she retained in a malpractice action against Peter McGrath. Mr. Bauer represented me at one time.

Kim mentioned you planned to assume the litigation in Orange County, Case No. 2012-CA-009323-O, but you are not listed as counsel. Kim said Mr. McGrath’s lawyer objected to your representation over a conflict, and she was getting another lawyer.


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Some of the above information is contained in a matter I will submit to the Supreme Court of the United States soon. This is a link to my case on the SCOTUS website. http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12a215.htm

Kim sounds like a nice lady, and people call me from time to time, sometimes they don’t always understand everything in their case. So this is just a double-check for the benefit of the SCOTUS.

If you can collaborate any of this I would appreciate that. Thank you.

Neil Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481 352-854-7807

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Page 104: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "Paul R Linder" <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:59 PMSubject: litigation against Mr. McGrath in Orange County

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Dear Mr. Linder

A lady by the name of Kimberly Pruett-Barry contacted me about attorney Robert W Bauer of Gainesville whom she retained in a malpractice action against attorney Peter McGrath. Mr. Bauer formerly represented me in another matter.

Ms. Pruett-Barry mentioned she planned to retain you to assume the litigation against Mr. McGrath in Orange County, Case No. 2012-CA-009323-O, but as of today you are not listed as counsel on the court's online docket.

Information about Mr. Bauer and Ms. Pruett-Barry was submitted in a separate volume appendix to my petition no. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States. This is a link to my case on the SCOTUS website. http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12-7747.htm

Ms. Pruett-Barry sounds like a nice lady, and people call me from time to time, sometimes they don’t always understand everything in their case. So this is just to double-check the facts.

If you can collaborate any of this I would appreciate that. Thank you.


Neil Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481


Page 105: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]>To: "kim" <[email protected]>Cc: "Paul F Hill" <[email protected]>; "Kenneth Lawrence Marvin" <[email protected]>; "Annemarie C

Craft" <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 5:21 PMAttach: Letter of Mary Bateman, Aug-03-2009.pdfSubject: Re: FL State Bar

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Kimberly Pruett-Barry Dear Kim, Thank you for your email. In a letter dated January 7, 2013 Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft informed me that the Bar was moving forward with my complaint, which is now designated "Robert W. Bauer, The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)". Since you are still a client of Mr. Bauer, I think it would be better to direct your questions about Mr. Bauer to the Florida Bar directly. Plus I do not have the time, and am not feeling well. You have my sincere sympathy for what you are going through, but it is better to bring your complaints about Mr. Bauer directly to the Florida Bar. Perhaps the Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) could provide you substitute counsel. But I got Bauer as a LRS referral, and that did not work out. I am sending copies of my reply to this email to Bar Counsel Annemarie Craft, since she has my complaint, and to Kenneth Marvin, Director of Lawyer Regulation, and Paul Hill, General Counsel for the Florida Bar. Hopefully between them they can fashion a solution to your problem with Robert W. Bauer. I ask each of them, by and through this email, to protect you as a consumer of legal and court services. Kim, I wish you well, and hope those persons at the Florida Bar with the authority and responsibility to protect you will seriously listen to your cry for help about the misconduct of Mr. Bauer. I believe Mr. Marvin in particular has a duty under The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar to act, as well as a case I became aware of last night, Mueller v. The Florida Bar, which holds: "Allegation by disbarred attorney that certain complaints against him were solicited by state bar was mere surplusage in complaint alleging malicious prosecution; state bar is not prohibited from actively seeking complaints against particular members of bar or members of bar in general. Mueller v. The Florida Bar, App. 4 Dist., 390 So.2d 449 (1980)." I also believe the Florida Bar can initiate its own complaint against an attorney under Rule 3-7.3, see section (c), and the attached letter sent to me Aug-03-09 from Mary Ellen Bateman of the Florida Bar, paragraph number 2: "The bar does initiate complaints on occasion and when appropriate".


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Sometime after all this gets resolved, you, me, and all the other survivors of Mr. Bauer’s misconduct should get together for dinner and reminisce. Sincerely, Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481 Ps. If after this email the Florida Bar does not assist you, let me know and I will forward this matter to the extent possible in any response to my petition for writ of certiorari, which is docketed as Petition No. 12-7747 in the Supreme Court of the United States. http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/12-7747.htm You can read more about the petition here http://nosueorg.blogspot.com/2012/12/petition-for-writ-of-certiorari-to.html ----- Original Message ----- From: "kim" <[email protected]> To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:47 PM Subject: Re: FL State Bar Lots to tell you, too much in an email, call me when you can! Had to keep dumb butt Bauer, his lawyers would not accept my new lawyer, threatened to take it to the Judge! 352 207-7291 Kim -----Original Message----- >From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >Sent: Dec 5, 2012 11:16 AM >To: kim <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > >Kim, > >It appears your complaint is in the "intake" stage in Tallahassee, in >ACAP - >Attorney Consumer Assistance Program. If ACAP finds a likely violation of >the rules, your complaint is sent to a local grievance committee, the panel >you mentioned. That is how my complaint went with Bauer. But the local >grievance committee is comprised of the lawyer’s colleagues, perhaps his

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>own >friends and cronies, who often overlook wrongdoing to help a fellow lawyer. > >Neil > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "kim" <[email protected]> >To: "Neil Gillespie" <[email protected]> >Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 7:13 PM >Subject: Re: FL State Bar > > >> Hey, >> I did go ahead and call today and they said that the matter is under >> investigation. >> They also said the next step is that it will be sent back to his >> district. >> I guess this >> is what happened to you, correct? >> >> This is when it goes before a "panel" and they decide if he did something >> wrong, ot at least >> this is my understanding. >> >> kim >> >> -----Original Message----- >>>From: Neil Gillespie <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Dec 4, 2012 7:06 PM >>>To: kim <[email protected]> >>>Subject: Re: FL State Bar >>> >>>Hi Kim, >>> >>>You should have heard something from the Bar by now. Are you trying to >>>get >>>money back from McGrath? What do you want the Bar to do for you? >>> >>>You may want to write a short letter to your Bar Counsel, just a couple >>>of >>>sentences, like "when can I expect to get a response to my complaint >>>filed >>>on such and such a date"? >>> >>>Sometimes the legal profession takes a letter more seriously than a phone >>>call. If the Bar responds in writing, you will have that letter to refer >>>too. >>> >>>Would you like me to mention your matter in my petition? If so I will >>>need >>>some information, like the RFA number.

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>>> >>>Neil >>> >>>----- Original Message ----- >>>From: "kim" <[email protected]> >>>To: <[email protected]> >>>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:33 PM >>>Subject: FL State Bar >>> >>> >>>> Hey Neil >>>> >>>> Still have not heard a word from the Bar on the complaint I made on >>>> Peter McGrath. >>>> >>>> It has been months now. >>>> >>>> I didn't really want to bother them, but I think I will call for an >>>> update. Of course, >>>> they (the lawyer investigating our case) ALWAYS has to call ya back, >>>> can >>>> NEVER get through to them the first time. >>>> >>>> I will let ya know, >>>> Kim >>> >>> >> > >

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Page 109: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Neil Gillespie

From: "kim" <[email protected]>To: <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 6:13 PMSubject: Whatever you need from me!

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Neil! I had to back off from your complaint because we had to keep Bauer as our Atty, BUT NO MORE!! I will call Annemarie Craft first thing in the morning! I fired Bauer today without even having another Atty to represent us and yes it has been going on this long. He has failed to follow through on EVERYTHING, yet he has racked up a bill that we will never be able to pay. YOU ARE RIGHT IN EVERYTHING YOU SAY about Bauer following through on ANYTHING and then when you ask him why something is not done it is ONE EXCUSE AFTER ANOTHER! I will be filing Arbitration throught the State Bar to get our fees back. I am YOUR witness, USE ME! Sincerely, Kimberly Pruett


Page 110: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

VIA U.P.S. Tracking No. lZ'64589FP296184312 January 10, 2013

Annemarie Craft, Bar Counsel Attorney Consumer Assistance Program The Florida Bar - ACAP 651 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300

RE: Robert W. Bauer, The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)

Dear Ms. Craft:

I received but am confused as to your letter dated January 7, 2013 relative to the above captioned complaint. Bar Counsel Mr. Wilhelm dismissed/returned my complaint against Mr. Bauer dated October 31,2012, designated RFA No. 13-7675, by letter to me dated November 9,2012. The complaint was then submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States for pendent jurisdiction December 10, 2012 in Petition No. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari. Kindly explain what is going on, since your letter makes no reference to this chain of events, or Petition No. 12-7747.

My priority now is Petition No. 12-7747 which is taking all my time. I likely am not able to file a rebuttal in this matter until either the conclusion of Petition No. 12-7747, or a break in the workload. While ACAP central may be adequate to intake this complaint, bias at the local level is another matter, and recognized by the Special Commission on Lawyer Regulation chaired by Henry Cox ("Cox Report). The Cox Report recommended ACAP style screening of all written inquiries and complaints so that all questions concerning the conduct of members of the bar are addressed in a similar fashion. The Commission also recommended a central intake system utilizing ACAP resources in Tallahassee.

The reason for central ACAP intake is clear: The Commission knew that some complaints, like my earlier complaint against Mr. Bauer, TFB No. 2011-00,073 (8B), would not be "addressed in a similar fashion" locally where the attorney was favored. The Letter Report issued March 18, 2011 by Mr. Watson in 2011-00,073 (8B) did not copy with Rule 3-7.4(k) because it did not explain why nlY complaint did not warrant further proceedings.

Pursuant to Rule 3-3.4(b), I believe a special grievance committee is needed, located outside the Eight Judicial Circuit which includes Alachua County where Mr. Bauer practices, and outside the jurisdiction of Mr. Watson, and Carl Schwait, the designated reviewer, to avoid bias. Sending this matter to another state in the U.S. Eleventh Circuit may even be required to avoid bias now.

cc: Robert W. Bauer


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January 7, 2013

Mr. Neil J. G-illespie 8092 S.W. 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481

Re: Robert W. Bauer; The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

Enclosed is a copy of our letter to Mr. Bauer which requires a response to your complaint.

Once you receive Mr. Bauer's response, you have 10 days to file a rebuttal if you so desire. If you decide to file a rebuttal, you must send a copy to Mr. Bauer. Rebuttals should not exceed 25 pages and may refer to any additional documents or exhibits that are available on request. Please address any and all correspondence to me. Please note that any correspondence must be sent through the U.S. mail; we cannot accept faxed material.

Please be advised that as an arm of the Supreme Court of Florida, The Florida Bar can investigate allegations of misconduct against attorneys, and where appropriate, request that the attorney be disciplined. The Florida Bar cannot render legal advice nor can The Florida Bar represent individuals or intervene on their behalf in any civil or criminal matter. Further, please notify this office, in writing, of any pending civil, criminal, or administrative litigation which pertains to this grievance. Please note that this is a continuing obligation should new litigation develop during the pendency of this matter.

Please review the enclosed Notice on mailing instructions for information on submitting your rebuttal.


Annemarie Craft, Bar Counsel Attorney Consumer Assistance Program ACAP Hotline 866-352-0707

Enclosures (Notice of Grievance Procedures, Copy of Letter to Mr. Bauer; Notice - Mailing Instructions)

cc: Mr. Robert W. Bauer

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1. The enclosed letter is an informal inquiry. Your response is required under the provisions of The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 4 8.4(g), Rules of Professional Conduct. Failure to provide a written response to this complaint is in itself a violation of Rule 4 8.4(g). If you do not respond, the matter will be forwarded to the grievance committee for disposition in accordance with Rule 3-7.3 of the Rules of Discipline.

2. Many complaints considered first by staff counsel are not forwarded to a grievance committee, as they do not involve violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct justifying disciplinary action.

3. "Pursuant to Rule 3-7.I(a), Rules of Discipline, any response by you in these proceedings shall become part of the public record of this matter and thereby become accessible to the public upon the closure of the case by Bar counselor upon a finding of no probable cause, probable cause, minor misconduct, or recommendation of diversion. Disclosure during the pendency of an investigation may be made only as to status if a specific inquiry concerning this case is made and if this matter is generally known to be in the public domain."

4. The grievance committee is the Bar's "grand jury." Its function and procedllre are set forth in Rule 3-7.4. Proceedings before the grievance committee, for the most part, are non­adversarial in nature. However, you should carefully review Chapter 3 of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.

5. If the grievance committee finds probable cause, formal adversarial proceedings, which ordinarily lead to disposition by the Supreme Court of Florida, will be commenced under 3-7.6, unless a plea is submitted under Rule 3-7.

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January 7, 2013

Mr. Robert W. Bauer 2815 NW 13th St Ste 200E Gainesville, FL 32609-2861

Re: Complaint by Neil J. Gillespie against Robert W. Bauer The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)

Dear Mr. Bauer:

Enclosed is a copy of an inquiry/complaint and any supporting docunlents submitted by the above referenced complainant(s). Your response to this complaint is required under the provisions of Rule 4-8.4(g), Rules of Professional Conduct of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, and is due in our office by January 22, 2013. Responses should not exceed 25 pages and may refer to any additional documents or exhibits that are available on request. Failure to provide a written response to this complaint is in itself a violation of Rule 4-8.4(g). Please note that any correspondence must be sent through the u.s. mail; we cannot accept faxed material. You are further required to furnish the complainant with a complete copy of your written response, including any documents submitted therewith.

Please note that pursuant to Rule 3-7.1 (b), Rules of Discipline, any reports, correspondence, papers, recordings and/or transcripts of hearings received from either you or the complainant(s) shall become a part of the public record in this matter and thus accessible to the public upon a disposition of this file. It should be noted that The Florida Bar is required to acknowledge the status of proceedings during the pendency of an investigation, if a specific inquiry is made and the matter is deemed to be in the public domain. Pursuant to Rule 3-7.1(f), Rules of Discipline, you are further required to complete and return the enclosed Certificate of Disclosure form. Further, please notify this office, in writing, of any pending civil, criminal, or administrative litigation which pertains to this grievance. Please note that this is a continuing obligation should new litigation develop during the pendency of this matter.

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Mr. Robert W. Bauer January 7, 2013 Page Two

Finally, the filing of this complaint does not preclude communication between the attorney and the complainant(s). Please review the enclosed Notice for information on submitting your response.


Annemarie Craft, Bar Counsel Attorney Consumer Assistance Program ACAP Hotline 866-352-0707

Enclosures (Certificate of Disclosure, Notice of Grievance Procedures, Copy of Complaint, Notice - Mailing Instructions)

cc: Mr. Neil J. Gillespie

Page 115: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

NOTICE Mailing Instructions

The Florida Bar converts its disciplinary files to electronic media. All submissions are being scanned into an electronic record and hard copies are discarded. To help ensure the timely processing of your inquiry/complaint, please review the following guidelines prior to submitting it to our office.

1. Please limit your submission to no more than 25 pages including exhibits. If you have additional documents available, please nlake reference to them in your written submission as available upon request. Should Bar counsel need to obtain copies of any such documents, a subsequent request will be sent to you.

2. Please do not bind, or index your documents. You may underline but do not highlight documents under any circunlstances. We scan docunlents for use in our disciplinary files and when scanned, your dOCUlnent higWighting will either not be picked up or may obscure any underlying text.

3. Please refrain from attaching media such as audio tapes or CDs, oversized documents, or photographs. We cannot process any media that cannot be scanned into the electronic record.

4. Please do not submit your original documents. All documents will be discarded after scanning and we will not be able to return any originals submitted to our office. The only original document that should be provided to our office is tlle inquiry/conlplaint fOffi1.

5. Please do not submit confidential or privileged information. Documents submitted to our office become public record. Confidential/privileged information should be redacted. Such information includes, but is not linlited to, bank account numbers, social security numbers, credit card account numbers, nledical records, dependency nlatters, termination of parental rights, guardian ad liten1 records, child abuse records, adoption records, documents containing names of minor children, original birth and death certificates, Baker Act records, grand jury records, and juvenile delinquency records. If infoffi1ation of this nature is important to your submission, please describe the nature of the information and indicate that it is available upon request. Bar counsel will contact you to make appropriate arrangements for the protection of any such infonnation that is required as part of the investigation of the complaint.

Please be aware that materials received that do not meet these guidelines may be returned. Thank you for your consideration in this respect.

Page 116: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

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~~~"lS.PIJ.ta~~ THE FLORIDA BAR f~~r'\ 651 EAST JEFFERSON STREET 016H16507356

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Mr. Neil J. Gillespie 8092 S.W. 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481

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Page 117: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett



March 14, 2013

Mr. Neil J. Gillespie 8092 S.W. 115Th Loop Ocala, FL 34481

Re: Complaint by Neil J. Gillespie against Robert W. Bauer The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

Enclosed you will find Mr. Robert W. Bauer's response to your complaint. The response sent by Mr. Bauer indicated that a copy was being mailed to you. However based on your recent email to The Florida bar it appears that you did not receive you copy of Mr. Bauer's response.

If you wish to file a rebuttal to the response, please do so in writing by April 1, 2013. Additionally, you must send a copy to Mr. Bauer.


Annemarie Craft, Bar Counsel Attorney Consumer Assistance Program ACAP Hotline 866-352-0707


cc: Mr. Robert W. Bauer


Page 118: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Law OHices of

Robert W. Bauer, P.A. 2815 NW 13th Street, Suite 200E, Gainesville, FL 32609


Robert W Bauer, Esq. Phone: (352)375.5960 Maria Perez YoungbJood7 Esq. Timothy C Youngblood, Esq. Fax: (352)337.2518

February 9, 2013

Annemarie Craft Florida Bar Association fD)re<CIeD~re~ 6I5 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300 lf1l FEB 1B 2013 llJ)

11Ie Ronde B8r - ACAPRe: Complaint by Neil J. Gillespie T.......,FIorida

Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B)

Dear Ms. Craft:

In order to appropriately respond to the complaint alleged by Neil J. Gillespie, I have numbered the paragraphs of the complaint and have included a copy attached hereto for the Bar's convenience.

I. This is not a new complaint; this is a complaint that repeats similar allegations previously addressed by the Florida Bar and deternlined that the Respondent did not engage in any unethical activity.

2. No substantive statements made in paragraph; therefore, no response.

3. No substantive statements made in paragraph; therefore, no response.

4. It is Respondent's understanding that Kimberly Pruett-Barry has contacted the Bar and disallowed any statements made by Neil J. Gillespie and attached as Exhibit "A" is an email refuting that Ms. Kimberly Pruett-Barry is dissatisfied with my services.

5. See answer to number 4.

6. No substantive statements made in paragraph; therefore, no response.

7. Acknowledgment of previous complaint was made and it was determined to be unfounded.

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8. Respondent believes that the Florida Bar complied with all requirements necessary to satisfy Rule 3-7.4(k).

9. Respondent believes that Mr. Schwait responded appropriately.

10. Respondent believes that Mr. Schwait responded appropriately.

11. Response is not warranted.

12. No substantive claims made in paragraph; therefore, no response.

13. There are outstanding fees owed to the finn that the Petitioner has not paid and Respondent has properly executed a charging lien upon files held with the Law Office ofRobert W. Bauer.

14. No substantive issues stated relating to ethic violations.

15. No substantive issues stated relating to ethic violations.

16. Relates to civil actions not within the purview of the Florida Bar.

17. Relates to civil actions not within the purview of the Florida Bar.

18. Relates to civil actions not within the pwview ofthe Florida Bar.

19. The issues of the settlement agreement procured by Mr. Rodems have been litigated in Federal Court and found to binding and appropriate. This is not a matter of ethics to be put before the Florida Bar.

20. The settlement, in no way, resolved the charging lien exercised by this finn. It simply released any claim Mr. Gillespie had against the Respondent and the Respondent's finn. The Settlement Agreement was between Mr. Rodems and Mr. Gillespie. Mr. Rodems did not have the authority to release any claims of this law office.

21. It is not appropriate at this time for the Respondent to advise the Petitioner on legal matters.

Pages 6 through 15 consists of rehashing allegations previously addressed in the Bar complaint. No additional responses at this time.

Remaining portion of Page 16 through frrst half of Page 21 were addressed in first complaint.

22. Respondent denies any allegations of lying, misrepresenting the facts, or misleading the Florida Bar.

23. Respondent denies any allegations ofmisrepresenting or making false statement.

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Page 120: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

24. Respondent denies any allegations ofmisrepresentation.

25. Angela Woodhull is fonner client who terminated our services because she could not continue to afford our services. Ms. Woodhull had numerous cases and we had to manage all of them. We had just won a complicated venue issue before Ms. Woodhull terminated our services. I do not know why she would be displeased with our services.

26. This finn did assert charging liens against Ms. Woodhull's cases, but they were not improper.

27. Respondent admits that this office has used law students and graduate law students to assist in drafting pleadings and research. This is a common practice and is not unethical. It is, in fact, encouraged as a mentoring process.

28. Respondent does not recall making any such statement.

29. See Exhibit "A."

30. No substantive claims made to be able to respond to, and cannot reasonably respond to the allegation without a waiver ofattorney-client privilege.

31. Phillip Strauss is a previous complaint. This case was handled by an associate of the finn and was not handled by myself. This complaint has been reviewed by the Florida Bar and it was determined that there was no violation.

32. This is a complaint that was reviewed by the Florida Bar and it was detennined that there was no ethical violation. The complaint was closed because the statute of limitation expired prior to our finn handling. I did this case at no charge.

In conclusion, Mr. Gillespie's complaint is nothing more than a rehashing of previous complaints wherein it has been detemlined that there was no cause and is a waste of the Florida Bar's time. Mr. Gillespie has filed numerous federal actions, state actions, and now, Supreme Court actions, all of which have been dismissed or will be dismissed shortly.

~R:O'bert W. Bauer, Esq. 1-/

Enclosures as stated.

cc: Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop Ocala, FL 34481

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Page 121: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


112&'13 GnWl • Per C~cirt d Neil Gillespie

----------_....-~-- --­Per Complaint of Neil Gillespie

Idm <[email protected]> Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:36 AM Reply-To: kim <[email protected]> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Mr. Neil Gillespie is using my name WITHOUT my pennission in a complaint against Robert Bauer, AttyI with the Florida State Bar.

Please be seNsed that I am satisfied with Mr. Bauer's representation of our case and in no way want to be associated with Mr~ Gillespie and this complaint.

I will also be discussing this matter with MaryAnn Crawford.

Thank you, Kim Pruett

htIps:llmail.google.cooVrn:iI~=2&i1F2d1ge66e24&~fNF~ it'1bcdth=13c81518b4b9c54a



Page 122: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


Pursuant to Rule 3-7.1(f)) Rules ofDiscipline, you must execute the appropriate disclosure paragraph below and return the form to this office by JaD••." 22, 1013. The role provides that the nature of the charges be stated in the notice to your fnm; however, we suggest that you attach a copy ofthe complaint


I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this (I day of #~ 7. ,201----, a true copy of the foregoing disclosure was furnished to A,t ... (<<1.Il'j I.t"D c.I ,a member of my present law finn of LIt~ eM", vi ~,~ tV. BQ,~ , andt

ifdifferentt to , a member ofthe law finn of t with which I was associated

at the time ofthe act(s) giving rise to the complaint in The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00 t 540 (8B).

CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE (Corporate/Government Employment)

I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day of , 201-, a true copy of the foregoing disclosure was furnished to • my supervisor at (name ofageocy), with which I was associated at the time ofthe act(s) giving rise to the complaint in The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,540 (8B).

Robert W. Bauer


I HEREBY CERTIFY to The Florida Bar on this day of , 201_, that I am not presently affiliated with a law fum and was not affiliated with a law finn at the time of the act(s) giving rise to the complaint in The Florida Bar File No. 2013..00,540 (8B).

Robert W. Bauer

Page 123: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Attorney Consumer Assis~ Propam OCtober 31, 2012 The Florida Bill' 651 East .JoJYenon Street TaI~t FL 32399-2300

Cquplllgt _in" attgmpy Bphert W. Btu... Florida 8Irm No~: 11051 2815 NW 13tb S1reet, Suite 20GB, ~, FL 32609. teIepbone (352) 37'·'960


LNft campl"'t An'.Robert w•.II.aI: This is a new complaint apatMr. BlUet for mJsconductdIriq aod after his repraICII1IItio of mo in gUleapje Ye 8Idq;r. Rodmw & Cook. PA. et al~ _ 110. OS-CA-~, Hilillborouah Co.

This DDW complaint seeks dilCiplme for Mr.Bauar'._1am not .eJdnl retum of $19).12 in fees peid to him!. l1tis complaint is aboutjusdce. SiDce 20111 JeamedMr. Bauer has burt • lot ofaood, honest people: Hil own c~ 80mB ofdle suniYon ofMr. Bauer'1 milCODduct have contacted me~ and their infonniIioft ia provided in thi. compIaiaL


Mr. Bluer's former clieall tell a aimillr story: Mr. B... is not ~ be is not eIll._ he takes the client'. money, ..he fails to CGmpIete the ...uer. A .umber oftile COIIlpllJnina

lJ) cllentl are disahled lIIdIar elderly, show'"•pdIlm ofdisnpnt by Bauer to..m elderly and disabled c:lJcnta. Mr. Bauer UlCS pro Ie pleadinp.hi. own. acl die work of law ItUdentl, which be ~ submitl to the court. his 0WIl pledap, ICCOftIkw to a motioD filed by fonDer Bauer gliOl1t Dr. Anpla Woodhull. This was m)"experitDce with Mr. Bau. too.

On October 3~ 2012 Bauer client Kimberly PrueII-Bar!)' called me cIaimiDa be W8I DOt di1iaent.G> Ms. Pruett-Barry lOcI IaJsbend William lelained Bluer to _1D01ber lawyer. PeIIlr R. McOnth. Kim BID)' told me 1'. 61ck, &Ick 10 • JlDIIIIJCh, ,111M II """~ llirilrg ,,*gtty, aad tbIt Mr. Bauer had nm up • $40.000 bill and lOOk all the gouplct••vilas.

, AacoKlinl 10 Kiln Barryt their cue is limit. to mine iR Ibat they IUId 1beir former laW)'. for

(Z\~acIoinl. Kim Slya Mr. Bauer it miUdna his clieD, chUllliDa-.and not pUina reIUItI. ~ emailedmeItltlna.Baut•• H._jlnlt.lyjtJllllo-MOWtlctI#jDrwanI...lllrblk III l11e8 to

ract", a biU. B...did the same with me too. The ncont in my cue &boWl Mr. Bauer', lack of competeIl~ & Iaok ofdiUpnce IIlpreci Judie Barton. The public needs proteedOIl hill Bauer.

Finally, it IppCIIIB Mr. Bauer may be col1lbontiDa with Mr. bdems and Mr. CIIaaIluolo in • pattern of ncketeerinIlCtivit)' to UDdennine the:'oUowina BIr complaiDti aDd obstNctjusOce:

@ Eupac P Cutqliuolo, File No. 2013..10.162 (60) RyIft Christopber Rodems. File No.. 2013-10~71 (138)

Mr. Castaal1aolo even provided copies orbi. filiDp.....-to the Florida IW ID cbe abovo ~nod complaiatto Mr. Bauor and Mr~ Rodems." IDcIItaed by the ablnYi8tioa "cc:" precediDa ~ir names. suuesdnJ this mckelceri.,lCtivity is euand)' onsoUa.·


I Mr....~me 131.163 In 1"" feel. Mucb oftH..-y or sa pmUadw. iIabIdiaI aaltllO .................1y4ocl....judicata,.. lS.fOG" nwi Alto. Bluet__tied ........ --plaint ho ~ SJ9t212 •• pUt 10S ray SoaiaI BeouriIJ clilabiUt, 0/1 honowlll 011

credit anti or .......Sl2.~ euJiect toea Jmpqw.aame, U..

Page 124: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida 8Ir,. complaint IpinstRobert w. ~er, October 31,2012

Repraentation 1Jmellne 01Robm ~ Bauer

• FebftIIIY 26, 2007. Refmal to Mr. Bauerfor. libel by the Florida BIt 1JtS Refertll Sentice.

• Mardll, 2007. initial $25 LRS consultadon wiIh Mr. Bauer IthiI ofllco. I

• March I, 2007. Paid Mr. Bauer 13,000 on credit CIrd 10 review my pro • lawsuit OSaCA-~.

• April 2, 2001. NOIicc ofAppeermce by Mr. Bauer in 05-CA.nos, HiRIborouIb Co.. PL.

• Apr1124. 2007. Mr. Bauerand 1executed 1ft~urIy fee COIIIIct (S25O perhour).

• March 31, 2001. Mr. Bauer propolld new....tion caatnct with hip.COItB; _lined.

• October 13.2001. Mr. Bluet IDOved to withdrawal ill 05.cA·720S: pmtod 0«-09-2009.

• October 13, 2_. Mr. Baler moved 10 witbdraMlIn 2008-2224; DENIED 0cI-30-2008.

• 0cI0ber 27,2001. Sutmittoct my ADA diu.bllliy recJlIfI'IllO Mr. Bauer: DO IeIpOIWIrefuled.

• Oetober 30, 2008. Order in 2008-2224. 8luer'1 motion to withdraw • COUDIOI DBNIED.

• Mach 9, 2009. Mr. Bauer lUbrnitted but dicllIOt lip a ccninaent fee ~ dec!IMcL

• Mach 9t 2009. Mr. Baber demanded Ilian .etdcmeat apcment for his 1IIIIpractice; dec1iDed.

• May 14t 2009. My proposed. continpnt fee apemont to Mr. Bauer; DO MIpOIIIOInIIIod.

• May 14~ 2009. My pavposed ICttIenaeat qrcanaat to Mr. Bluer; DO respcmelretlJIed.

• OCtober 1.2009. He.inI on Modon to WkhCIrawII. OS-CA-7205•.......- an my coDSellt.

• October 9. 2009. ORIcrOrautina Motion To Witbdrawa1 At CounIeL 05.cA-7205.

• November 23, 2009. Mr. BauerldviJedofSI2,6S0clwaiDllien; S19,212 wupaidto B.....

• October 23, 2012. Karen Kelly advised Mr. 8au« bel DOC paid his 12%US roo; 12305.49.

Previously I made complaint no. 2011-00,073 (IJ) apm_ Mr.. Bauer that ... elaM M.m II, 2011 whm JIIneI N. Watson. Jr•• ChfetBtIICh DiIoipliDc CounIoI, iuued • LeUer RIpolt Pursuant to Rule 3-7.4(k) ofNo ProbIbJe CaUle FiDdiDI- The letter 1tatecI: (ExbiJit 1).


Pui1~ to Rule 3-7.4(k), tbil document setVOIli • Letter Report ofNa I'nJbdtIe CauIa Plndinl~ On 1ho basis of.dilipllt aacI itnpIl1iallD&1ylll of11l1be iofomWlOft avai1IbIe. OIl.Marcb 15,2011, lite Fievanee conunIItee found DO]JIOIUIe aMIIe for fiIrtIler disclpU..ry proceed... in this matter. The naembcnhipofthecommiaee is JUde up of both atlomeys aDd ~mcyL TbiI cue is DOW cloteel.

Because 1be s.roaly Ita the autborit)' to IddrcII questions ofeth1ca. tbe con-ittee could DOt Iddresa Illy leJll __..widell you may feel c:oncemed. Ifyou have further coocems about what10ur Iepl remedies IUY be, Jou must CODaI1t with Iepl counsel ofyour cboa. The Florida8. iI unable to provide IepI advice in tblllI8pegt.

Page 125: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

,.-3The Florida Bit, compl_.instRobett w. Bauer, October 31. 2012

Mr. WatlOft'. Letter lleporI tiDed to eOJq)ly with Rule 3.7••>because it did DOt expJaID wh)' the complaint did not warrant t\artber proceedinP- Also. tho LeattJr Report failed to include Illy documentation expJainiIla why tile complaint did not W8I1Ut flfther pIOCIed.Jnp. Mr. WItson forwIrdocI the malter for ~iew to CIlI SChwaJ(, .DesipUod Rcvicwett wbo defcmcl to the rmdins oftile lfievlnce coltUlliboe by letter June 27. 2011. (Exhibit 2). Mr. Scbw8il replied: "After comprebeDlively readina all docUlDCllll ill my poIIeIIioa Ja refereGce to cbe above styled complaint. J have determined that I wish 10 defer to the findinl oCtile Jricvlltce committee.."

Mr. Schwait did not rapoad to my letter dated Jply 31, 2011 (ExhIbIt 3) mquesdna he comply witb RIlle 3-7.4(k) InCl oxplain why die compJaillt did DOt ....... t\ather )nCIId1up. Mr. Schwait did not Nspond to my llI8IItioa that I JnIde meritorious complaints to tho Florida &. .inst lawyers pilt)' ofmultiple tnacbe8 offlle Bat. RuIOl, which QOIDpllintl d1e Bar It.. failed to honestly adjudicate. Mr. Bauer, • referral from the Florida BItLRS. dctcnniJlecl that my lonner lawyer Mr. CookofBarter, Rodems a Cook, PA. was "allimy attorne)'". Mr. Bauer said ~ july would love to punish Illimy attorncy". (Truacript. Mar-29-2007. p.29,_ 17).


Mr.. Schwait did not rapomJ to my ICcllSllion that Mr. ItocIems impoperIy submittod • thirteen paJC di.tribe to tho Bar in Mr. Bauen dcfeuse that \WI a false and mi.lNdiD" mel • palpable conOiet of interest, since he is a plltncr wicb Mr. Cook at BRer. Rodems & Cook. P..A. Tbe information provided by Mr. Rodema, thea incorponllCd by mf~ iJlto Mr. Bauef. NlponICt rcsulled ~ I1CW brachcl oftile eI1Iicl rules. includin&:

Rule 4-8.4{c), conduct involvtns dlshonesty. hid. deceit, ad misleprelllltldion. :Rule 4-1.4(d). conduct Jftjlldicial to the administration orjUltlcc.

I •

The Florida Supreme Court bas delopted to tho Florida SIr the function ofcUscipliniaS its members. The Supnme Court and the Bar blve a f1dIIciary ~ 10 ptVtect memberl of1l10 pubUc harmed by the uaetbicll practice oflaw lad Iawycn. The Florida Bar unCortuRaIdy is beioa operated, and demonllnlbly 50, in I fIsbion _ to protDQ _If IIId bed lawy.. rather than the public. Por example, the Florida Bar'1 claim tl18t tile PIIICO commiuoc it ita MpmcIjury'~ is profoundly mislaKtinS as set forth ita my April lIt 2011 email 10 Mr. W..... (Exblbit 4).

DNa S. ~waa IIIipod.November IS, 201081 the InveIItipIiaa;Maabar in my~"" (::\\ apiast Mr. Bauer. In Marob 20111 provided Mr. Kamer mare al1eptionl of.ilCODdact .iast ~ Mr. Bauei. Mr. Kramer rapor.dcd by email March 14.2011.8:12 a.m.: (BIhibit S).

I have roccived a lett« from you essenrially -ina to Idd additional around! 10 your complaint .pinat Mr. Baler. Pl_ be adviled that tIIis is not • proper proecdure to alleac additional complaiDtB ap_Mr. Bauer. To clo 10, you must direct,our coiDplain1s to the Florida Bart not to tho Grievance Committee. or 10 the investialdaa member. ~ is • weD defined procell or nwiew that every complaint soea tbrouah prior to beiDa -peeS to • committee. Itl is not unuual that multiple ~will be mado by one individual qainst • p81ticullr lawyer. Howeya-. C8Ch compWnt must be leViewed ad the notice nquiremcMI ofduo procell (olio_in order to tho ()OIIJplaint 10 be properly p**' apiaBt a lawyer. 'loMe direct 1III1dditionIl4:OlllPiaiats about Mr.

2 Carl SdaWfltlla....oftile Blr'sBolrd otOCwnoll, ..............of..DeJJ Or.- Jaw Ina.

Page 126: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Barf ccnnplaint aSliDlt Robert w. B8uer, October 31, 2012 p... 4

B....s eonduet to the Bu. Dircctina thaD to me or to the Committee will not IeIUIt in discipline apinst Mr. Bauer. PIeIIC let me bow if you have au, questions. Thank you.

In view orb forel0ins, aDd the failure ofMr. Watson'. LderRepod to explain iD complt.ee with Rule 3-7.4(k) why the eompl8inl did notwllllllt tbrtherproceedi.J it appall that my complaint wu dlflCicm. 1be Lecter Repod .bowI no _ of, or -Uudiclltion o~ any violation of the Kulu ofProfeaional Conduct. Therefore 1110 proaeecUnp In file DO. 2011­OO.013(IB) did not make • res jucliclta CODIickqdon ofa breIcb 011110 Rules by Mr. BlUer.

New Alleptio•• ApiDlt Robert W. a.•• Limited by the Bar'1 pohibition onlUbmitdnamore thin 2S paps.

.d lawyer lhould 1101 accept repruenlatio" un•• it L'DPI be compelatly andproWlptlyco.,ted.

.IlL Mr. IlgIE IIl1.Belg"dJ2.Betlr, MIc.lUt -l'Iwt " ofJIIe_e b!c 4-1.16(cI) Protection ofOieat. JatereIt

A ItIW)W m'" kiD ai, r«uollllble .'pllO Mid"'" "" _ o!wltlltlnMfIlltJ tJ. cit...

Justice Tbamaa pnted my Rule 13.5 Appl~ to extend time to file until December 10, 2012 • petition for writ ofcertiorari to the U.S. Su~ Cowl; illCA.11 cuea 12-11028 _ 12­11213, (Exhibit 6). Mr. Bauer and his rUID lie ~CendIntsin each QIC. I need the file to prepue my petiticm. Mr. B.....refused to Ntum my file for lM'etal yOlll 011 the bail ofaft improper chqinslien of$12.650. By leuer September Ii, 201210 Mr. B...•• eoII11IeI, I demIncIed reIUm ofqt file &om ~ B. Cbapnllll. (EOibit 7). MI. Cbapman did !lOt respond.

In my letter dated September 19, 2012 to ML Chapnum. I raponded to Mr. BaJen letttI dItecl Aul'* 2", 2012 that stated, "Ifyou wish to oon1lct me at tbe number listed above I would be

@hippy to dilcuu nsolvina the lien iIlllWlllCl. iI ecceptabIe to all ptUtiea.". That offer is

l ~ Rjccted.IfMs. ChIpMn or Mr. Bauerw.t to 6cua • pIOpORCI raolutioa. I RlqUll8Ced they respond witb. wriUeD pmposal. I 1110 reject Mr~ Bauer's o«.1DIdo by email AupI& 27, 2012, that stllal "Mr. OilJespio is free to contad me 011 III UlnGOrded line and I wUl be hippy to speak with him." Aaaiat ifMr. Bauer has something substadive to say,. I a:quest he submit bis otfer or1houabts in • letter. I bellevethil ia. ~le*puadcr Rule 4-1.16(b).

All calls oil my home office bulinea telephone cxtelllion Ire rocordcd for quality IIIQrIDCCo purposes ~ to tho bus.ineIa use cxempticn:ofFlorida Swuces cbaJ*r 934. specificaJlyW aeodon 93~.02(4)(a)(1) IIKI the holdina orRQy.J,HeaItb Carp Seryb Ipc;. y• .Jeffeggg:PUot LIfe

~., 924 F.2d 215 (11th eir. 1991). n.e~ no exeeptionl to this policy for Mr. Bauer.

l!a..Mlll&dust" RIco AcdYib IladtrpliM BlrCowRie". clDWtilatigp Rifle ~e). COIIduct iavo1vinl dI~, &udt cIeccit, IUd "-pIMDIltadon. Rule 4-lA(d). conduct prejudicial to tbo ~ ofjusticc. R1lIe +U(a), JePOdiaa misconduct of~ Jawyca.

• I ~

~ Crimelad miscODduct by the lawyers ItBarbr~ Ilodeml a Cook, P.A. fOllll the buil ofall my ~ B..complaba.lJId involve 20 Jelllt&ld dvillawiuita md lepIpmceediap. A lilt is found at

2Ibibit I. ~Mr. Bauer ancl Mr. RocIeDII enppd ~. petIem orracbteerin. activity to subvert or uadernline my iIIitial complaint apin8t Bauer, 81, no~ 2011-00t013 (88).


Page 127: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Bar, complaint apinstRoberl W. ~, Qaober 31,2012 r.-5

While Ibc: Florida BIr does not have jllrildietion 10 consider eivil or crimhW violatiou ofRICO, the hcketeerlDa.lD8ueDCed IIIld Corrupt Orpnlzattonl Act. II U.s.C. Sec. 1961-68. Itdoes

1[1 have juridcdon and • duty to Invadpte Rlated breIcbeI oflboR" ofProfellioall CoDduct. U RD_ ......c(c), 4-8A(dh end 4·8.3(a), ...,hes oCclaty r:hat fIclJitate the RICO acdvity.


Mr.1lodem1 and Mr. Bauer enNed in. pattern of IUCO lCtivity in violatioa ofllul. 4.I...t(c), 4-8.4(<1), and Rule 4.8.3(a}. 10 improperly fOtCe a settlaDeM in my federal Civil RiJbta IIld ADA disability lawsuit, _ in U.S. Dillrict Com, M.D.FIL, eMf: no. S:IO-CV-OOS03, 10 which Mr. Bauerand hls rum are Defendants. 1be cue wlJlIOOD to be suIImiUecl••peddOll for writ ofcertiorari to the U.S. Supremo Court in C.A.ll OllIS 12-II0211Dd 12-11213~

On June 21 t 2011 Mr.1lodems improperly obtaiJDJ for Mr. Blucr'a beneftt .letdement front me durina. coercive_t It tM Edgecomb Courthoule in T8ftlP8t lleld wi~ cUaabUltyIICCO_.This iI &om '5. FIorid8 Supremo Court petition SCI I-1m Jm1lll'Y 9. 2012:

5. At tho dlIection of Judae Amold I ,olUIItIriJy appcuecI June 21, 2011 lor I dcpoIitIon It the Edpcomb CourthoUII in TIIIIpI to purp tho CODtempt IIICI racind the anal ~ but that tamed out to be a trap to fareD • walk..-ay BettJement apeement ill the lawsuits. Upon my arrival at the courtbo'*t I WIS 1Ikea imo CUIIOdy and invol..-wily codned by two HDlsborouP Couaty Sberitrl ~ Deputy Randy OkUDa _d Deputy L.., BerB- I WII denied ~OdatiOD under dID AmcricIna with Disabilitiea Act (ADA). 42 U.S.C. )2101 ct 1Cq.,1IId Ibe Federal Prc*c:tioD aDd Adv00llJ1 for Mentally 111 Individuals AQI. 42 U.S.C. 10801 et .... After beinl beJel ill custad)' durinI thO deposltioD Ixover four (4) hours without. lunch break, or dao usual mid-day meal provided to a priloner, I became confusecI and dilOrien1mcL The record (A.4.1.12S) sbows that I \VII so impairccl that I could ROt .... I decision to iiI" tho qcocmeot. My COUDIel Eu_ CulaaUuolo (A.7), whom I hired from CraipHIIa couple weeks earlier, mIde the dceision to Idtle bCCIUII "judges IIevc mlld OD their shoes". Illiped the apaneatwt¥Je contbsed IDd in ..dlminishod stIte. Clallalluolo diIobeyed my prior written IIId vabal inItIuctiona riot to ICCept a walk4way sou1cmcat ~Once I W8I relased ftum cua10cly _ had a meal. I realized the IICttIemcIII WIS. mistake and promptly disaff'umed diD agreement by written notice to Mr. RocIau, Mr. CatllliuoIo Ind Major JlI1Ies Livinpton ofthe Hillsbcxuuah County Sblrifrs 0ft1ce. (A.2.1.2-3).

It appeINd tJwt the lCUlcmeDt resolved the $12.6S0 chlrJinl Uc:a uaed by Mr. Bauer to bold my /00 cae file. Mr. 8a.... said DO. 8auctr..me. letter dBd A..-24, 2012 DtIna1b8t RodemJ'

(/ "Seltlement Atpeement IDd General Mutual Releuelt ofJune 21t 2011 docs not biDd hiIn. itebinds me. Mr. Bauer'sletta"appcIrB at Bxhibh 17, This i. die operative quote:

Mr. Rodom's (sic) relcasedlted June 21,2011 does notblvc 111)' lepl effect OIl the amount o(JIloney that ia owed to ahi. finD. Further, it does not biDet thl. 11l1li ill .y way. I (sic) does bind you· but not us.

OI was shocked by Mr. Bauer's.e.." u Mr. Clltaltiuolo m8de tho decilion to ICCept this

d- lIOldement. ] do DOC undentand how aJCIt1cmoat,"only bind me. Cutaafiuolo novel' expJaincd this to me. I believe this is Azrther evidmce _ ~. CastIIUuoIo worbd apinIt III)' iDtaeIt. and mlJIIod in a patteftl ofRICO activity with Mr. o.ucr and Mr. Rodcms to undermine my Sir

Page 128: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

6 The Florida Bar. complaim aaainat Robert W. Bauer, October 31. 2012 p.·complaiAts.1Dd civillidptioa. throulb an oaaoiaa pa1tem ofndIcoDduot in vIolMioD oflluIeI 4-1.4(c), 4-8.4(d)t ancI4-I.3(a). breaches orduly 1bat fictltIate 1be RICO acdvily.

Mr. Bauer and Mr. Rodems also ..ppclln an eirlfer pttem ofmisooacluct ill violadOlt ofRuJp 4-1.4(0), 4-8.4(cl). 8DCI44.3(8). brcIcbea ofduty that flcilitlte RICO 1CtMty. II follows:

1ft a leu« to Florida GoY. Charlie Crist ct.tcd J...-y 4t 2010 (Exhibit 9) Mr. Bauer eodoncd Mr. Rodems for jql' mel praised him u 41ononIblo IIIdpofellionallf• 11ds Is Impeached byBauer·. statement to me that Rodems milleid Judp BII10D durinB • heeriDa Ootobar 30t 2007.


TlIIIICript. my Ielephone call with Mr. B..~ Feblulry '. 200!J,]'aIe 11 11 MR. ImUBR= .•• [I] thiWt it clearly put. 12 before the Court the mistake or perjuryI whichever 13 the Court d.etennin.. that they wi.h to interpret •• 1.. Mr. Rot3ems mi81e.diDg the Court "hen he .aid that 15 oertain tbiag. were present that weren It. If you 16 r ••d tho•• motions I clearly ••i4 Chac in there.

Mr. Bauer i. refenilll toRod_t false It*nKR to the Cowt that J liped • re,.....atiOll apeoIIIeId; I cBd DOL An auomcy who mis1e&d tbe Court is D01 "hoaonIbI.1Dd profellionlr. Fint. Mr. Bluer bad a duty UAcler blo 4-&.3(a) to report Mr. ItocIoms' mi8CODduct to 1beB..

Second, Mr. Baucr'slettcr is evidence ofa pIItem ofRICO activity In breIdI ofthe Rules of ProfessioJlll Conduct, Rules 4-894(Clt 4-8.4(d). and 4-8.3(a), DeDded to uadenniDe Bar complain1l. In • quid proquo, Mr. Bauer pIOviclecl a leu. to (Joy. Crist IVppOItiDaMr. Rodems for judp, • llOIIJinltioD to whieh I objected to bYleUcr 10 GoY. CriIt. In reIIIrD, Mr. Rodems provided 1he Bar. letter In IUppOlt ofMr. Bluer in my complalm apiDIt Bauer. Mr. Roderu' letter was e.entially. 13 pap diatribe offal8e IIId mlsJeadinl1bltements to obItnJctjustb.

On July 1~ 2007. Mr. Bauer tlled OD my bebllr&i,tIfJ'" Motjon PorBcIIwinI ofID Older arantina Mr. Rodcm.s judgment on the pleldi.~ 1ft itMr. Baueraleaed Mr. Rodem8 miIIead the court • described bI yp-t. (Exhibit 20).

2. PlaintiffmovCl for ....m, on the arOw* thIa the Court'ajudpent wu bMecl OR

the DefendaDtl' npN8IIdatioDs1bIt tbem WIIIIiped a1tome)' foe ........~ BIzter, Rodcas ~ Cook aDd the Plaintlft

3. Defendants have not produced asllJIlOd eGJI)' ortbe attIJmey lee ~t between Barbr, Rodema &Coot aDd the Plaintift

4. DefeDdants have only prockad.....copy oftile attome)' fee apement between Alpert. BIlbr~ R.odoms, Ferrentino a. COok IIMI die PIIIintift:&.

I •

P1IjntjtrsMotion For Bthearjg wasliped by IitOmey TillY' M. Bell (nee UId) ID No. '%924. for the Law Ot1iee ofRobort W. Bau., PA. Mr. Baler Im~)'diuvowed this IIIOdon, accotdiag to his response to TFB dated Aupst 11.2010. BuI Ms. Bell conf1mIed to me in. letter dated August " 20I0 (Exhibit 21) that Bauer made acliJect request that • I.the pl_al. Ma. Boll left die Bauer law finn shortly after this motiou wu .bmittccL

Page 129: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Bar. complaint .1IItRobert W. B_1 OCtober 31, 2012 Page • 7 •Durioa' beKiIli ADJUSt 14, 2008 beforo JudI' Marva Crea*wt Mr. Bauer accuNd RocIcms of

not wortiD8 in a profesafonal manner. An auom.y who does DOt work in a profu8ional mmner is. by daflnition. not ·~boDorable IDd profe&sioDII-.

Tnnscript. PlIO 16. bcaianiDa at line 24 24 [MR.. BAUBR.] Mr. Rod••• bas, you knoW, deoided to take II full 25 nuclear bl••t approacb in8tead of U8 trying to work 1 'tbi. out in a profes8ional "DDer. It 18 my 2 mistake for sitting back and giving him the 3 opportWlity to eake thill full blast attack.

Mr. Bauer refiJled to permit me to attend or testify atheariDp in my caebecIuso Mr.1lodema would knowinSIy make C"AMIlmeots to prod me IIfor no better purpose dim to....yourt~ Bauer wmte me this email July 8, 2008 8t 6.0S p.m. -ina in pert:

: I

"No -I do DOt wish for you to attelld beIriap. lam coaamed that )'011 will not be able to properi)' deal with 10)' ofMr.1lodema comnaadI-you wiD edalbC the situation. lam an that he maba them far no better purpoee tbaa to anger you. I believe it Is belt to keep you away ftom him and not allow him to procl7OU.II

Aa attomey wIlo knowinllY prods me with commentl to...ad Int1Ime me. ad cIeay me access to court in my CIIe, is D01 an 1Ioaorab1o ~ pmfelliODl1" IUama)' IUitabIo forJudie-

FiMlIy, Mr.. Bauer determined1UtMr. Cook WII "I slimy attorney" for dehudinlmc ill tt. scttlcme~ofthe Amscot cue. IfMr. Cook was :a slimy a1tol'DBy", tbal Mr. Rodems WIS 8

slimy Mtomey too. Partners oRPlcd in the pnctice oflaw IN 0I0h reapoastie for the had or mesUlenoc ofanother pII1Iler wilen the later actS widUR the ICOpC ofthe ard1DIry busiDe. ofIn IUcmcy. Saa.Yma Qev*"", lng, vc Bcn*jn. )77 So.2d 16 (2clDCA~ 1965). Mr. Rode.l t

aailleadift& IeplllJUlDllltl in defeD80 ofbis pIdIIet aad ftrm CRIItod new ethics broIcbel, leO at)' COIIlplaint apinstMr. Rodcma. File No. 201]-10.271 (138).

Mr. Cutqliuolo ldInitted AU8U1t 30, 2012 in a \vriaen teIpOIlIe 10 'Ibeockn P. Lialewood Jr., Bar Counsel in TFB File No. 2013-10t 162 (6D), dial Mr. Rodems DIldo III UDIOIci1ed offer to CUlqliuolo to usill him in MY tbtIn Bar grievance fmJD me. FIOm PIP 3. 1I:

"My opposiq cxnlDlclat Gillespio'. depoIidoa wu RyIa CbrJJIopbrr ~" RodemL ChriI once renwked to IDe, llftIOlieitod. that he would be hippy 10 ....10 The Florida _ OD my behalfIfOillolplo Jriaved JIIQme way he did Bob a.uor.W


This evidence shows how the lawyer diseJpUne pIOCeII 1ft FJaridlIl subvcrned..1IIldcnnincd, bcrc by Mr. Rodems. who~. milooaduet is a1 the'__oltbilllllUer. duvlJlblll 0JllOinI breada ofb_ 4-8.4(~),4-1.4(cI), and 4-8.3(a), wbere Iaw)'cr·ldvcrJma conapiro to, lad...iD, oonduct involvina diIhooosty. fraud,. deceit, or ~0Il.to obstnJctjllldcoad mIIIead tho BIr or:itslribu.uJ. to avoid discipline well 10 IdvIDOO of.,SIr compIaiDI. 1biI activity raIIea. immedia1e conflict betw... the 1awy~"'.1Dd die lawyer repesentiDa the client. Iflhe misconduct ilnot reported u NqUhecl under llule 4-8.3(&), the ctielal. DOt beIDa aqnscatcd ia • zca1ouI, competent or diUpat JDaIIDCr becauIe the lawyer has • cont1Ict with bis client created b die offer of..isIIace from • ~1 in In futuIe Bar at

Page 130: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

De Florida BaT, complaint apiDIt Robert W. Bauer, October 31, 2012 Pap-I I

V, SM••' 9r*"AMSCQI cw ClosJns Statem.t PIIUd - B.....ch ofBar Rule 4-1.5(1J(5)

My former a1tomcy Will_ J. Cook pnpted mid siped. huduloat ~BaIte••t while ~me In the aettlcmaa ~ BuRP L Q'i'P""a Qt.! App Bke"'eld. tpd Nep Gil"!. AMSCOT Corporatkm. CueNo. Ol.-14761-.u. U.S. 11th CircuIt Court ofAppeals, in violation ofFIa. B.Rule 4-1.5(1)(5). Mr. 0J0k IDd Barka'. Rodema &; Cook, P.A. ("SRC') repreeeDtcd me mdtho 2 c6erplaintifti in Ildption IpiDst AMSCOT CorponIdDD.rArI.rtIxJt'" or ··AMSCOr). a failed clullCJtion lawd 0". ~ Joens··. BRC wu llUCOlllOl firm and IUbstibIte COUI*1 to Mr. Cook'. prevloul firm, ~ •~F.".tifto at Cook. P.A.3 r Alpllt ftrmlf

) which commenced md litipted tho AmICOt IaWlUit for one year. I

The GOntinpnt fee -sr-nent between 1De and Mr. Cook IIld BRC In the AmIcot lawsuit WII

not sipecl by Ill)' ofthe partiea. in violation ofPIL BIr Ibde 4-1.5(t)(2). The om, I~ contiDpm f. ap"GOIIKd is with me, Mr_ Coott ad 1bo Alpert finn, whkl fInD Gloset.

This ease boila down to the vemcity ofa sinal, ..teoee OIl the CIoIina .......(Exhibit to) )npued and aipod by Mr:Cook for BRC • ofOc1obar 31.2001. The iQItmic)C ItateI:

"ID sipiaa dais c101iDa statemeDt.1 Kknowlodp that AMSCOT Corporatba leparately pald my _rnoy. $50,000.00 10 com,.... my aam.ys for their claim apiDst AMSCOT for court-4wardec1 feelancl 001II.It


1blI sentence was later delenninecl faIIc. The clO.ina StlfemIJd: is • ftaud. ~weN DO court· aWMted fees 0($50,000 to Mr. Cook or BRC. TIle CloIinI Stltement _IfiIoriclonce offraud by Mr. CO\Ok and SRC Ipiaat me.d the other two dients in the AMSCOT ClIO.

As a1UUtTr of law it \VIS impouiblc to have the aomt-aWllded C..c.....by Mr. Cook mel BRC 011 the Closiq StatDmeat. bccIu. the IedenI trial court QIdrI: (Doc. 116) e1I1IIId Aupst It 2001 by U.s. District Juclp RichIftI A. LIrDra dllmillled thole clalma with prejudico in Clrmept.BIomefte14 agd QjUggjo It AMSCOT&8IJAmIion, cue DO. 99-2795-CIV-T-26C, U.s. District Court, MD.Fla.. TIRlp8 Division. 1111 Court fouud dial all of1be~. ill this action occwred before the effecdvo _ ofttle appliclblo law, 65 Foci. ReI- 17129. RepI8tJOD Zt pIOIDulpted pursuanllo tho TILAo, the Trudl-t.LcncUns Act. JudIe Lazzara held:

Afmr considering the arpmeats JIlIde and all die auIloritics DOW before it. the Court finds 1hat count I failllO all••cWm for reUcfUDder 1111 11LA$. Moreover, .y I'tt*Dpt at ltatinl • claim UDder 'the 11LA would be ide. HaviDa reacbecI tbil coneluslad, the motion for 01_ certification is now ~ (Duo. 116, pp. 3-4)

PACER. C_ 8:9kv-02795-RAL I>cxDnent 116 FJIed 0&'01101 ,.1 of 11 PlleID 1340.

Page 131: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Floridak, complaint asainst Robert W. Beucr, October 31,2012 pago. 9

The CtOlJng S1atcmcRt prepIred ad liped by Mr. Cook for BRC • otOctobcr 31, ZOOI fBlIed to disclose or itemize 53.580.67 in COltS and eXJ'!'lllll, and failed ~ reflect $2.544.79 paid to attomey Joaa1baD L. Alpert. Mr. Coc*ts failure &0 dilClo8e or bemize a total of'"125.45 in expenses under Rule 4-1.5(f)(5) was done in ftxtbamce ofhi. fraud aplnst his clielltl.

Pia, Bar Rule 4-J,SeN 5). 1ft the CVCDt *" II • .recovery. upon tJ. GOIIOIusiOll orthe RplClCDtation, the lawyer shall prcprc .,clolinB ItIteineDt NfJectinlan itemization of aU eosta IIDd expelllCs, together with the IIDOUDt orfee mcoived by 0IGh pIdJclpatiDa lawyeror law tbm. A copy oftha cIOlin,_.hall be executed by all participatinS lawya-s. ..well u the client. and eICb shill recei~e a copy. EKh paticipatins JaW)'­shAll retain • cop)' ofme written flO contPct and cIosina sIIItemeDt for 6 years Ifter execution oftile closing ltatemeot. Any coatlnpnt fee COIdraGt IIICI clolinl stItamCDI shall be IVail.WO tor inIpecdoa at taIOnabJc times by die eJieat. by lOy other perIOD uponj\Mlicfal order, or by 1be appropriate.dilcipliDuy 1pDC)'.

Mr. Cook Jn8intains he wanot requimd to__or itemize UDder Rule 4-1.5(t)(5) com of 53.580.67, or show $2,544.79 paid to Mr. AJ~ becaUIO tlAMSCOT CorporadoD 1CJ'III8lI'1y paid my auomey. $50.000.00 to compeuate m.y atIOrDl)'I fot their claim apIaIt AMSCOT for court-awarded fees mel COlts.'· But the "claim" to 150.000.00 far "'cxut~ _and coati­WIS Iatar dctmmined false. 'I'IHR wu no "claim" 10 $50.000 for "COIIIt-llwmled fees. costI.'· . Mr. Bauer outlillcd this frIud to JucIpBadon ~tober30, 2007 durinS • heariDs for judpleld 0Il1be p~.: (Tranecripc. October 30t 2007. ".39-40)

22 (MR. BAUZR] Another i8Bwl to poiDt aut the fact thi. 1. for 23' their claim of court-.w~ed attorD8Y'1 fee., there 24 w•• no claim.. The claim bad alr:••cly been detenained. 25. by the court, denied. It ·didn't exist any lROre. 1 [MR. BAtJBR] Yes, there wu an appeal out.tanding, but that 2 doean I t re8urrec:t any claim, The only thing that'. 3 going to resurrect a clailit is an overruling by the .. appellate court. A claim DO longer exist once it I •

5 been denied, even if it'. 'on appeal. So in 6 ••••rt1ng th.re existed • 'claim for atto~.y's fe•• 7 is talae. It - it·. not there.

Mr. Cook'. CID8bI. StatDleIll FrtIIId was • trick"to eYIde the ..... ofID <_peel) coatiD.. fee asreemen~ and payment to me ofS9.143, mylawfbllhaR oflbe S56,OOOtolaJ RCOveay. Imteld. Mr. Coot IDd BIlC paid me $2.000. LfbwiIe Y1idl the oMtwo plahdifti. Mr. C.... and MI. Blomefield. Mr. Cook's had NIUIIed 1,121.431.03 uajUltenrichmeat for __ Bile. Mr. Coot IIDd BIlC toot oyer 9(M oldie AIIIICOt bDI recovery for themlelvea dIrouaII fraud api. their cliemca. Mr. B...Dotod it WII apinat tbe R.u1. to enfOlOe III oral..-t

Tr8ucript, telepbooe call, Mareh 29. 2001. pase 16: 2 MR. BAUBa: The way that I·. looking at this 3 1. thae they either are entitled to nothing becaU8e 4 they a.ce attempting to enforce an oral ccmtingeocy 5 tee agreement, which i. agaiDst the Profe88ional 6 Code of Bthic. f or they ahould be entitled to 7 45 percent of 56,OOO~

Page 132: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Bu, compliint apinst Robert W" Bauer. October 31, 2012 PIle - 10

Mr. 8aueI: WIS rcfarinl to the 45,. coodnpncy•fee provided. by Rule 4-1.S(fJ(4XBXi). Mr.

Bluer allO knew Plaigjfr. Motion for Sununaa'._was filed but DOt yet beaJd. TrllllCript. tDlepboac call, March 29, 2007, piles 16-17:

23 MR. GILLaSPIB: Yes, that'. what I argued in 24 my SUlllllary judgment. And that might be a good 2S place if you want to review 80:t of the chain of 1 documauts and everything. 2 MR. BAUIR~ Your .uaaary judgment: has Dot been 3 beard, correct? . 4 MR. OILLBSPllz That's correct. 5 MR. BAUER ~ Okay. ·

VI. Statemeat olth. Qp. 'gQlt 11••5...... ,••E! I~, 2.Gillespie v. Barker, Rodems &: Cook (BRC). 05-CA·7205

Relladici. IltabJIIW • Pro s•.-ant........,....1113.2_ On A~ II, 2005 I aQOd Mr. Cook and BRC tiy filina a pro II CompJUd to NCOV. · $6.224.7r stolen by them tiom my IIIttlement hi the Am8cot cue. Ojn_y. 1mB.pcIems & Cqok. PA. ItII., call no. O~-CA-720S. R)'ID CJJris&opller Rodems npacIIIIKi his p8rtDCr aDd law firm apinIt me, and ...._IDe for libel

Mt. RodeJU aquod that Ibe "claim" for S50~OOO in-_ fees IDd costs- actually _lied to • fee-shiftin, provision oftile TILA. In ..... the ",,000 "elalm....AMSCOT for court·~WIIIded feci_ eos1I" is I fnud, amisludina1cpI-a-b)' Mr. Rodoma to die Cowl Thete were no 8Uorney& fees awarded under tile 11LA ia thll cue. NoDe. There w. DO

possibility of aD awardod ofattomey& fees under the l1LA in this cue because the trial court QrIIa: entered AUJUlt 1, 2001 by ludge L8rzara ~i_ tho TILA claim. with prejuclice.

PLEADINGS AND LEGAL ARG1JMENTI CONSIDERED BY JUDGE NIELSEN Order On Det'endu1tt' Motion To DismfM Agd Strik&.lanuary 13. 2006 ..Judlea. a.11II • R.odems CIaipnJ and CcmtenIiOdl Not Mdorious

AppeIriD, pro Ie, I pevaJ]cd on Mr. Rodcms' JI¥)tion to dilllli.. 1Dd ~ wbeD J. RicbarcI Nielsen anteNd Order On DeCenclmts' Mqtjog To PI"And Sqjkt, Jan~ 13. 2006. (Exhibit II). Juclp Nielson mjocted Rodema· misladiDa lepI qumad,. &be "cJaJm" of S50.GOO in "court--awarded fea and COltS". Under the IIpI doctrine ofleijudica1ll, Mr. Roclems was precluded from ev. spin ...rtin, a ·'claim" for S50,000 in "COUIt-awanW fees aDd costa­in this matter~ aclaim or contention rojcctcd by the Court u DOt meritorious. (Ilule 4.3.1),

Judae NJe'lCDt• Qrdor On Defcnslealt' Mgd. Tp n••Md S!dkt (Exhibit I J) refereaccd

1I1e followins pI~ which Ire lilted ben sbowiDs the most releYlm JeplIlJUDlelltl:

• Defendpt'l Mgtlgo to DJmdp. Ide- • 2 pliO pIc--.. Aupat 29.2005 (Edumt 12) I

• PI_If,RebuttIJ 19 Der.dan" Motion 10 ~lJIiM ID4 Strike, 16pilei (Bxbibit 13). with Noticeof Seryice of42 .-aa ofcue law (BDibit 14), submitted October 7, 2005 after


'Plarldaateomey ScI... J. 0II1cIen 1I1IrdellnDirIed dw& dIIlDlOUIJIIIDI.a WII 87,143,61. _PlJildfCafjdl AmtpIptI Cmppw.,IW pro.MayS. 2010 will bow1edp ofJudie BMon.

Page 133: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Bar, COIIlplaint apMst Robort W. B_. October 31, 2012 Paso - 11 I

receipt ofMr. Rodemll' oaseJaw. Beftlu. R'" faDed to eoonlinlte.. time and da1e of tho hoIrinl with me. Iudp Nielsen allowed l1li to -.s1he baIriIII-lephonlcally, since I Jakie about 100 mO. from the court. J.lodeIbs URiIaterIIIy set 1ft carl)' 10:30 a.m. time for the be-S Seprember 26, 2(JOj. Judp Niel..cmcluded the harina uaftnllbcd.lDd directed Rodems 10 provide me copiel ofhil cae law by D'IIil. siDoe RodemI failed to provide me the CIIII beforeJJancL Since I IppCINd telephonically, I could DOt lee the CIIOS

Rodeml prclCllteCL Therefore the Court allowed me to rapood In writiaa. I

My rebuttal stIIed that the Dofendantl owed me and breached • ftduoilry duty.1hat thil action was oriliDally filed in 1m by another finn, Alped, Baabr. R.odemI. Femmtino & Cook, PAt which abo represented me in otbCrlawsuilB, that durina the Alpert representation the Defendlnts formed in secret a new firm, Bnr, RodemI " Cook. _ COMpiled 10 tab clients from the Alpert finn. and enppd in a 10lIl 1.. ofmisconduct to hijack 1becae tor their own benelllt inoludina. "Defeoclanta also created • phony CIosiDa Statom.cat Cal8ely reflectiDa 550,000 in coult-awllded attorneYs feellDd COllI. (p. 6). YN_nlthat tile CloIiq StItemeftt is • sham. the ......did not n6ct u itemizldoD «aU COItS_ expenaes, topther with the amount ofthc fee received by _ putlclpldng lawyer or law finn.(p.7). The rebuttalallO notes Mr~ Rodems' testimoIIy It the ho8rJnI September 26, 2005 admittina 1\0Iii-eontiDgellt fee contr8Ct:

3(a)(i) In his argument, Mr.1lodoma Nfemd to Plaintift's EMIblt 1 ofebe CompJUnt. abe .Rcplcsencation COD1IICt, ad IWId tIlat 1110 oontr8Ct was not .{pad, but that he WOtIld ageept the COl1tmCt u if it were .iped. Mr. RodemI contJadlcta the very 1\110 he.. this Court to honor. The Repreaentatlon Omtmct il not lipocl becauac the partie& IlC'VOr exec1ded the coldrKt. Ifthe plaiD IIQpIp ofthis document control.. thea thO docunteat is not executecl. Mr. Rodems appcuI to miltad the Court about this fact.

• DtfiEept'. Reply to Plaindfr. '*.' tq tW....Mqtiqn 1D DjRpjg awl9qib, • aevca CJ) PlIO pleacling submittccl October lOt 200'. (Exhibit 15). In this plcadiDa Rodems ldInitted on pip St for the flfSt time, how the &aud ofMr. Q)ok and BRC __Iy workod:


SO, when Mr. Gillespie liped the Closina Sbament, Gillespie knew the S50.ooo paymeat by AmIcot to BIlC WII for dae Jr1IiIIl qaiDlt.Amlcot for C<M1.warded fees, not for 1ft D'.IBloffoes. t


• PJaintift's Socogd IJc:bgttaI to DeC"'.', Motu to DiImJp gd StrikC•• two (2) pap pleadiaa submitted October 31. 2005 (Exhibit 16), frmIed dlis cue In two pmapapb.I:

1. Defendants' oenbal arpmenllmplodcs on P9 5 ofits Reply dated October 10, 2005, parapph 3 b. ii. Hete Defendants arpc that the 550.000 is for...for court­awarded fees, amd not ..EYII fee award. This'" the queIIioIl- without an IQIUIl court-aWlrdod fee, there i. no sIIim for ~ court....wardod fee. 8coauIO DefimclllllS did DOt prev•• in court. they cannot rely on I "''''017 cllim for cowt-aWlnled _ IpMICtha is gp. 1biI il how Dcfeadantl created tho impteaIion that the Appellate Court awarded fees, when in f.a the it ruled that the )JIItiea bear their own COllI and 8ttorney'. fees. lbiI it Defegd..~ tjIud 011 It' aMI clispb. Fraud is III exemption to the ,... evidence mle, h10ckins Def...relience on Frap Trac10r VI CMe. 566 So. 2d 524.

Page 134: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Ploridak. complalDt apiDst Robert W. Bauer, Octo_ 31, 2012 PIp-12


2. Defendaldl breachod their fiducial)' duty to Plaintiff. It II 10nI ellab1ished tbIt the I'Ilationlhip betweea an attorney &lid his client is one of the most impodalt, IS well .. the mOlt 18Ond, known to the law. The msponsibility ofan attomoy to pllce hi. diem'. inIenst Ihead ofhis 0\w in deelinp witb IDIItten upoa which the "'y is employed is at die foundation ofour lepl .ystem. (Qgl Y MJao*L 122 So. 2d 41'>' It Is • t1dacJaay mlationship involviDl the hipest deane oftru1b IDd CODfidcDcc.1Dd a.aomey iI under • duly. at all times. to represent his clicat IIJd haDcIJe bit cU••·,aftiJn with 1ho UIIftOIt depee ofhonelty, forthri~ (oyall1. aDd ftdeltry. <0wIac;b y. llgswJLy- 98 So. 2cl 4g3). Defendant Cook failed to JeporI Jolm AD1boay'l $5.000 "Dpoper payoffatlenlpt" to the Florida Bu~ even thouah Cook beJleved tbIt -chc Florida Bar would likely probJblt IUCh all~" lDsteId. Defendutl jumpocJ into bed _lth AmIcottllaW)'« to collected $50,000. EftD though Defendants uauc 1hIt tile $SO,OOO Is for aaomeyl. feel, thO)' Rfulc to accoUDt for the fee, or provide a metbod for dct&rmlniDs the tee.

Mr. Rodent. at this point 8110 hid penoaat .respoit.ibility, ....pIltftel'S enppd in tile praotice 01law are eacb re8pOJlSible for 1be tiaud or nea1ipaoe ofIIIOtherpatner when the later IdS within the 800pI oftile ordinary business or.. Iitomcy. Smyma Deyelcpn.Inc, y. Bomstein, 177 So.2d 16 (2dDCA, 1965). Mr. RoclemI himselfJ1DW hid InaaJ coat1ict.

m..Mr, Bod'.'". ,e\OIdaYit· DII",••Trlbyll. St01"MD-g. After ludIC NlelscD rejectccl Mr. Rodoma' misleidiDIlepllqJUllleJlt, his -'cIaiIII" for SSG.OOO in "court..WKded feel and costslt~ thilcue WII esientially decided in my favor.1D respoDIC to cataiD defelt, Mr.. Radem. filed. vexatious libel comtereJaim. Mr. Rodems aIIo diInJptecI the tribunal for stratesio MVantqe. On MItCh 6, 2006 Mr. RodeJns submitted to the Court 111 affidavit fallCly iavokiDa the name ofJudgo Nioisen ill an a1Jeption that..1aIet cIiJprOved, a failed ItUnt that resulted in the Iee_ oftbo lOOp. This WIll tho besbmlns ofRodemal "full nue_ blat" lidptioD later described by Mr. B,Jer. AJ, • -It. FebnJaJy 7. 2007 I took • volUldary dillnissal without prejudiQe. I moved to withdrawal my volun1lry diDillaia week 1atIlr in tho hopes offiadiag eounsel. Jodp Bam.in paatad my pro Ie motion to witbdmYallll)' voluntary diamissal Aupst 15. 2007. which WII UI1rmccl 011 appeal ill 2007-4530.


ReI "-die...E1ta11l11bed • P... Be - Order........., 13,2OM

The Florida Bar LawyerReferral Service (LRS) referred. and I rcCaincd~ Mr. Bauer for the pradice area ofJaw oflibel UKlslander, to defend tho IJbeI cowurolalms ill fills- y. Barter, Bqdpgp" Cook. P,A, It aJ~ cue DO. OS-eA·72OS. HilJllJorouah Co. Bauer flied IID.mcuded answer to the libel ~laim and nothinl elle; Bauer d1d not conduct tiIcovery in the libel co~lainl. Bauerjust ipored the count8rclai"" which WII vcxatlous lldptioll. Bauer WIll DOt compecent (Rule 4-1, I) and not dllIa_t (Rule 4-1.3) iD dofenIe ollbo counterclaim.

Mr. Bauer'sucoeasful1y arlued DIY pro .1DOdoIi to withdrawal my vollllll8r)' diIm-.J, dmfted and filod ~ON I twer knew tar beard ofllobeft Bauer. Otberwise Mr. :s.- \WI mt COIIIpotaJI

(Rule 4-1.1) and not dilipnt ',Rulo 4-1.3) in litiptlna my claims. The tnMcripts Ihow Mt Bauer

A lawyer ,hmlld"",ee.pI reprt""" ._ItCdIJ be 00"""'" ­ ~CfRIIJJIetetl.

Page 135: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The F~ DIr. COIIlplaint 1...Robert W. Bluer, October 31.2012 Pap -13

ID8""'d JlIdia Barton due 10 his incompetence and delay. s.-even ri*ed my_n when he failed to ~ for. CODlempt ~Mr. Bauer was WlVDS to ..... Judge B8rt0n..

• Mr.. B..-wu DOt colllpeteDt IDd DOt <filii- in faiUnB to litipte PIejntjft'. Mgliga fIB: S.PHPY Jydam- tiled April26, 2006 wi_ AtDdayjt in Swgzrt. b.IecI 011 the Com'. OrdprOp PRmdenll' Mgljgp To Disrn. Apd Strjko 0Jdered-...." 13. 2006 that established. cau. oflCtfon for Fraud and Breach ofContrlct. and I8jected Mr. RadomI' mialead1na lop( arpmeat that his finn WII emltled to. ·clalm- of$5O,OOO in "court­awarded fees and ao.".

• Mr. Bauer was not tompdCnt and DOt clill'- when be fliled to object to maHtlpdoa of IDIUerI aIIcIdJ decided rcsjudielta by Jude' N~'I OrdorDi Psfpgde.' Motion To DJRB. AgI kiP entered JIJlU8I)' 13, 2006. speclftcally RodemJ' r.Jsc "claim" to SSO,OOO in "court-ewerded fees ad costs".

• Mr. Bauer was not competent ad Dot dmaedt for DOt -iDa_on S7.IOS 1ttOmrJY'. fees for Defoadla..• motion for Judgment aD the ploedi. and motioa for ~j~ bued on 1lodeJDsf faIIo "olaim- for SSG,GOO in MCC8t..WIIded fees..comtt•• mlsIeIdiDa IopIIqUIDOIIt1batwu rejected by Judp NWseR'. Order l1DU1r113, 1006. and procJuded ftom furdw prooeedinp Udder the lepl cIocIriue ofrei judiCIIL

• Mr. Bauer was DOt competent and not dill~wIleD be... Judp BartolI by &.tUq to amend the complaint. A transeripl ofa ~October 30, 2007 OD De,.....· motioA for Judpw:nt 011 abe pladiDls shows Judge 8Irtbn mcIentood the impomnce ofarneDdina the complaint. sfIlca this was • helrinl for J~t OIl the pIeadiqs_ ne JeconIIhows several exchanaellike this with t,c Judie: (Transcript, ~30, 20f11, I'P. 14 ~ 19 respectively).

8 THB COURT: Se are we on the pro •• version of 9 the complainti' 10 MR. BAUBRt Yes, Your Honor. 11 THE COtJRT: How do you f ..l about that? 12 MR. BAUER: lid like to amend it and make it

.. (MR. u.mm] I don I t 1188 that: - - I have been on thi. cu. 5 for a whole of six month•• I deD't think my failure S to have .Mnded t.he ccrnplaint. in aix 1IlODtba i. 1 ov-rly egregiou8 c::em.iCSeriDg we have had 1ftU.ltlple 8 i.sue. to deal with, the hearings that have 1)8eo. 9 required to come down here, the writ of certiorari 10 that has been f 11.4. I don• t eMnk thezw'. :b.en any11 delay on my part or OD the part of my firm.

• Durlq • hariDa on Mr. Bluer'llDOtioa to witbclmw8l October 1.2009.. Judp s.toa ap:aI with me that it was "outn.pous.' to be LIIi...pro ., ComplBint after 4 YCIII: (PIp 5).

16 MR. GILLBSPIB: The thing'i. we're into our fourt:h 17 year on thi. ca••. 18 THE COURT: I understand. f

19 MR. GILLISfIB: And we still are working on the 20 Plaiutiff'8 pro .e compl,1nt

Page 136: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Tho Florida Bar~ complaint apiast Robert w. Biuer, October 31, 2012 Pap-14 :

21 THB COllR'll Right. ~ 22 MR. GILLBSPIBz which i. really Bort of 23 outrageou. fI

24 THB COURT: Right ••.•

• Mr. Bluer was not competent _ Dot dUIpat when be 8PPJed Judp BartoD apia M8rcb 20. 2008 wheft he ICpeetedIy moved to eoDtinue • hcariaa he wu UIlJftPINd and failed to hoe an expert witaeM appear. w. S).

5 tTHB COURT: So, I llean., we're way down the , liDe beE•• It '8 been ccnt1nued once and if we '7 continue it again, for what, a couple of year.? 8 Would. that be enough time?

• Mr. Bauer wa not competent and am dDiacnt when failed to eall me u • witDeu or otberwile ...Mr. RocIcmI' false teI'tiJnony on behalfofhis firm IIId ,....dIaiDs tie impfopet .litiptioll ofmattca Ibid)' decicIod res judi..by JucIp Mellent

• Order entered January 13, 2006. specifically :RocIeIits' pbony "clainatt

tQ $5(\000 in "ceut......w feCi and coatltt and the exi8toace of I sIpcd eontlnpnt fee......betweeD me and Mr.t

Cook adBukwt R.odems I; Cook. PA In the AMSCOT JawlUit. which...'".... ltY _ PNtt ig yiglatiop orB.Rule +' .'CM).


• Mr. Bauerw. DOt cornpcteat IIDd ROt dUipdt wboD be IlIo'wIcI R.ocIeaIIIIO eacradIlJ)'-" durinl beariap on IU1DIDII)'JudptCRt IIIdJudJn-ton tba pleldl..eYen thou8b ludIC Nie1len nded May ]2, 2006 tbat a 11lOtioo 10 dilqualify Mr. RDdemI WII not deDied with prejudice on dle bllia that RodemI would be. witness. Mr. Rod_Oj 4f1epaDlel1t8tioD- i1l this ClIO is esteDtIaJly witness testimony. ·

. • Mr. Ba1lCf W8I not CDIIlpetlmt and DOt dlUpnt when he failed to seek ADA diubiIitJ acc_to allow me to attaId beIriDp aM tadfy ill my cue. Mr. Bauer ..tuaod to permit me to attend court beariDa bee..be IIicl Mr.1todems would. knowlqly IDIb comm.... to prod me. "for DO better purpose thaD to qer you•• Bauer wrote mo this in ID

oman July 8. 2008 at 6.0S p.m.• statlna in pIit:

"No • I do not wiIb for you to attend IIeIIInp. J am cOllCClfted IbIt you will DOt be abJe to properly deaJ wi02any ofMr. ~COIIIIDOIdIIDd )'011 will ad1IrrIe tho situatioD. I 8m IUI'C that he JUkes them for no beUer puIpOIe tbaD 10..,. you. I believe it is belt to keep you away &om him adnot IlJow him to procl JOU."

Mr. Bauer was informed about my di_lily tom my ADA lQCOIIIIIlodation requeltllUbInitted rc the Court Petxuaa, 20. 2007 _ MaIdl S.2007. M1 ADA ckKunenta show I .. elfl&bJed. dIM Mr. Roct.na bew ofmy disability firom hi.

18nnt prior NJlR'SCfttitiOll olme, .....•

Radom. wu eappd a coune of""conduct (in vioI6D afSectiOll 784.048(2), Florida Statutal). the )ntllltioullDfliction ofBnlotioaal DJsVea.. tart by Mr. Rodans to Dillie me by agraYatlnI my exisdna medical COJJdidoIJI. ~ADA docuaaaat sbowed tIMI aouabt medical treatment and was presaibed Eftexor XR to tho maximum ~.

I believe ifMr. Bauer !lad spent to minutes • jUlt 10 _ig,.·..aplained to Judae Barron the nature ofMr. Rod&ml' criminal conduct reJatfve, to III)' PTSD and other dJIabiHd-. lind

Page 137: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

• Tbc Florida Bar, compIafDtqafDItRobert W. Bauer. October :3 JI 2Ol2 P8ae • l' provided tho Court • oopy ofmy ADA motion, wbktIlboM Mr. RocIcms' _1hJscue would have gone better. But Bauer never infonnecl Judp BartolI. u the CourIIDcII diICUIRd:

Tnnscript, JaDuuy 26. 2010, pile 8. 12 [THB COURT] if you are ••yiDg your eli.ability, which i8 yet 13 unclear to me, ha8n't been dealt with accordingly 14 -- I believe this is the first ti.e we are h••riaglS about this. · 1& MR. GILLBSPIS: Actually it 1. not, your 17 Honor. This inforNltion va8 pr••entecl to you when 18 you lftIre a Judge way hack CD March 5th, 2007, 19 Plaintiff'. Am8nded Accommodation Reque_t UDder the 20 ADA. Ifhat had happened is shortly after that: date, 211 Mr. Bauer took the c.se over and this motion wasn· t 22 beard.

oa Aupst 6, 2012 with leave ofthe UttS. Court ofAppeaII, Jsubmitted Amended Motion for DiJability Accommodllion. showina dilquaJiticatioR ofRocloms wei Ia)UiIed UDcIcr the ADA.

• On JuI)' 1, 2008 Mr. a..was not competentand not elil". wbeD be riIbcI my inC*Ceration and failed to sufficiently ,..... for a COIIteGPt bcaiDl July I, 2001. Mr. Rodems souabt to bave me iDcarcemted after Mr. ~ failed to Worm me about aFact InfOtmltiOil Sheet: T!lDlCript, J1IIy It 2008," S~.

23 MR. RODBNS: That-. the point tbat I ... going 24 to make ia that that remedy of law may not carry 2S the day depending upon what happens with the 1 relllllinder of thi. IlOzu1ng'. hearing time, 80 ehat·. 2 why we .ought incarceration...

Mr.. ~wrote tis to the Bu In his relpoaae Au8UIt 18, 2010: "Because my staff \\'IS mDOVed frcnn his CISC, 1bey did DOt follow our aiandInl operatins poeodare& In reptdl10 Mr. Gillespie's documents. As such, he WIll DOt proYidld with the Fa« JoformatioD Sbeet requRd to be filled aut in eonnection with 1bc Fal JlIdImint ordered IJIiDIt him 0-. MaJdl27, 2001. This wu..O\WIisht for wbiell [ IPOJOIized to Mr. Gillespie. CJPPOIinI colllll8l. ad tho Court i111be letter daled July 24. 2008." A copy ofMr. Bauer'.lcIcrappears at Exhibit 19.

What was Mr. Bauertbinkinl for tho 2 1/2 hoar drive troJR hil oflb in Gainesville, to the Tanpa CourdlouIe? What did Mr. Bauer pllD to,lellludp Barton if.__ for my aaest was issued? W~ did Mr. Bauer WI toall ••_ -.. eel plio• ., OD tbe Ioq drift to T..,., aDd .k .e .boIIt tileF" IafO....tioII 8...7 It seems Ulce Mr. Bauer W8I1ICd me to fire hi...


XL.Mr. Bl,er IMd "DtDttidI.lK:Jlil.BPpOp. A_1.LH1Il a... UA(e), aonduct involvlq~, hud. doceit.lDd~ RaJ. 4-lA(d). conduct 1ftjudicial to the Idmwstratlon 01justice

Mr. Ba... lied. m~ faclJ, or mIde millaBdiD,l• .,..aenu to tho Florida Bar in hlJ reepo8M da1ed Aupst 18. 2010 10 my initial compllint, file 110. 2011-00.073 (88), oomr-y to Rule .a-.8.4(c) ad Rule 4-8.4(d). Mr. Bauer's respoue couistod of24 peaea;. 10 )JBIO letter. and ]4 PlICS ofexbibits. A copy ofMr. Bauer'. rapoose is provided at Blbibit lB.

Page 138: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Bitt complaint apinat Robert w. Bauer. OCtober 31.2012 Pap-16

Due to the Bar'. probIbition on submlttlnl more:thaD 25 p8pI, I cannot in this initial complaint fully lilt amd respond to eY«11ie, fallebood, mi&repNsentalion. or mislaldlns lep1llJUDlCDt made by Mr. Bluer in his response dated A~ 18, 2010. Therefore I IJavo 6ated boIow fifteen (15) inataDces ofMr. B.uer's conduct in\lolvins misrepracntation, dilhollelty. hue!, deceit-_ conduct..judicial to the adminilttltion ofjus1ice. Seven oftM 15 ere Aather diswlleCI below.

J. Mr. BIuIr made false 1tI~ about my \'Olunmry dismiual. SOL. dismissal wlpnjudice. 2. Mr. Bluet mJlIUld the Bar about IlI1IDCliDa my pro 10 Complaint. 3. Mr. Bauer made tal. 8tIteDIentI about the cUquaUtbtion ofMr. Rodems II coUDleI. 4. Mr. Bauer made fat. stltements, and IppeIrI to dlllYowa~ Plajptltr. Mg«1ga for Rcbevlnl. 5. Mr. Bauer lied mhis ltatedle1lt "Mr. Rodeml wa .111 times cordial aad PJOfesliODa1." 6. Mr. BluerIIIIdc falle s:ucmentlabout Ids appeall court milCODCluct. 7. Mr. Bauer mIdc falle Sfalementllbouta Illy offinal judamcJd. a. Mr. Ballor macIe &lie statemeRti about his wltbdrawal a COUDIeI. hearIDa w/Judp Barton. 9. Mr. Bauer IDIde misleadm,statanents about viable claims and • continpncy fee aareemcDt. J0.. Mr~ Bauer JD8de f.ltltements about discdvay 1OU8~t and owed by Mr. RodamI. 11. Mr. Baller m.-e misleldina sta1eIneD.ts Ibout his 2007 etroI1I and a "waIk-awaytt settlement. 12. Mr. Bauer made false and mill_ioS statemCrdB about the neu. oftwo judaes. 13. Mr. Baaer fllsely st.aed that Am8cot involYed the "Fait Debt Collections PtKtice Act". 14. Mr. BallOr lied in his statement tbIt I tlu'callmed bII office staft: 15. Mr. Bauer rude misleidinS statemalts abouC my &Ii_bUity__

1. Mi. Bauer IIIiIW the Bar on pap 2 ofh~re&pODIe Aupst 18t 2010 tblt the dfect ofmy Yolwatary disma.J wu to dlaisa my claims w~ projudicc bccaUie the I1atUII ofllmi~ (SOL)J.. expiled. TbiI is fltl.... My yohmllly dilmi..l W no efJ'eea, daermlfted by 0rcIcr of Judae BaJ:ton. sUltained 011 appIIll in 2D07-4'3~ per curiam. SOL wu not 1Il11lUe.


My volunta1y dismissal Fcbrusy 7, 2007 was dCtenniDed to be orno effect. Judp Bmton panted DI)' pro Ie ..... u set forth in 0nIq9nmiDI Plajntjlf's Motion To wjthdrawalflaiDtUT,tNotice ofVolypllly Dippj.1 eD1eref Auaust 31. 2007. (Exhlbit 22). Mr. Bauer luccess1\dly qued .,plV Ie -ado;I. but: Bauer did not draft the 1IIOti0il or file 1be motion, I did. lu. Barton held IS follOWS in ~ Order p81din, II)' pre.. aIOtio.:

ThiI aadout bavia, come before the Coutt on Plaindffl Pm Se Motion to WitbdIaw PIalntiIYs Notice ofVolUll1lry :Dismissal, IIJd the Ccut. havina reviewed the file and having heard 01&1 qUIDCDt from QOUIIICI for bothIi" finds:

i ~

1. The Pro Sc PlaindftfiJed his Nodco ofVolunt1lY Dismissal on F-.....ry 7,2007 prior to RUinina his current COUIIIOI.

2. Notices ofVolWltary Dismissal cal1DOt be tilod purIUIIIC to Rule 1.420 when • counter-elaim is pendina withoPl tilll reeelvlnfJ len. ofcourt. ~ v. PlabUxs,.MIrketL IDe., S7S So.2d 214 (Fla. 5th DCA, 1990)

3. 11Ierefore. the Notice mVoJun.,. ~ was DO( etfectivo to dUmist the PIaintitrs cause ofaction. ·

4. The Pro Se Plaintiff filed 8 Notion fori... Order ofVolUlltlr)' DiImiaeI prior to _iaing his CUMnt aJun.1 punuant 10 iuIe 1.420 GIl F~7.2001_ such

Page 139: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

The Florida Bar. complebtt .inltRobert W. B...October 31. 2012 P8p • 17 , r

motion requiRxl a court. 0" for it to be effectiYe.

5. Oa Fe".,., 15. 2007 the Pro Sc PlaiDtilffiJed • Hodc:e orWithdrawal of Voluntary Dismi_I.

6. Plllntifti Motion for ID Order ofVoluDtary Dismillll wu iuetrectiv' to dismiss the Plaintifti cue.

1. It is furtba: detam.incd that • a matter of law that Plaintiffis not entitled to tUe a couot8r counter-eomplaint' in _ponse to DefeDdant. Cowwer-ComplaiDt IbMDt • modift~ ore. CUIreIlt JUles ofcivU procecUe.

ORDERED: Plaintiffs Notice otVoluntaty Dilmllaal II hen:by withdraWIL

Mr. RodemI appealed Judge BlItODt Order <lrantjg pJaiptitr. Mqtion To WItbdmwaJ•

P1Ijltjtrf Notice ofYolyggry Dym;_'. R.odcmslost. The 2dDCA held in 2007-4530 dIIt my elliml were not dillDiIIcd. citlDa FIa.R.Civ.P. t.420(aX2lt and Roam Vt PyJIIIx Sagr Mut.) 1nQ., '75 So.2d 214. 215·16 (PIa. Sth DCA 1991) (hoIdi~ dW when ~1IiJn is penctins. plaintiffcannot unllatanally dismi81 complaint without order ofcourt). (Exhibit 23)

Mr. Bluer his repeatedly aDd fallCly represented to the Florida B. tbat Illy cIahu wac cUsmIased with prejudice, and that the SOL Iud e:xPired, in ftIrthennce ofo1ber cIiIhonosty to the Bar, his o1hcr responaea IRIdo AUJUIlllt 2010 iDvolviq minpIeBeD..... diIIboneIty. fraud. dou\it. tad CODduct prejudicial to the adDliaiatration orjudee.1Il the ,..1WIote that Mr. Bauer n:IUI!eCtId my c1aillll; I WII wrona. My voluntary di_1IIal was dctamined to be ofno cffoct.

I 2. Mr.


Bauer mislead tbe Baron PIP 4otitis reaponse A•• 18, 2010 about ameacl1aa my ori,mat pro 10 Complaint. 1he record shows repeated atllmpll by ludp 8arIoD briJII dds to 1he atteation ofNe. Bauer, but Bauer refused 10 motion the Court to amend tho Compllint.

Tanacript, Oetober 30. 2007. Pase 33 2 THE COURT I Let me ask this: ADd .. are .till

I 3 on this original complaint? 4 Mit. BAUER: Yes, Your ,Honor.

Mr. Baaor wrote me a MeISe statui" letter Sepaedlber '. 2007J ., belleve it II MOe"'" at 1hi1 time to reevaluate tho initial complan _ draft III amended complaint10 iacJude a1IeptionI of malprIcticc aad brncb offiduciary duty." ExIlUIlaf. S1iII. Bauer DD¥or 8II1IDded the complaiDt.

3. Mr. Bluer made a number oftille stltements to the Bar OIl peac Sofhil respoDIe AupIt 18. 2010 about the dIsq..liftcation ofMr. Rodems as COUIIId for his firm and r-m-. Mr.. Bauer failed to inform tbe Bar that JudlO Nielsent Order eateted May 12. 2006 allowed for reheerinl•

aDlOtiOft to disq_lily Mr. Rodcms OR ~'tbe buil that counJCl may be • wiIdeu". (Exhibil24)

ladp Baron agreed with fOOae Nililen's Order, and mgated duriDa I baarin& Jaauuy 26. 2010 thIt ~ make • "renewed motion to diIquBIity" Mr. Rodems. whole misconductwu the centralobltaclo ill reIOlylDa tbi. cae. Transeript, J• .my 26. 2010. pap 31:

1 [MR. GILLBSPIBJ •..This i8 .bat the Judg4I wrote: -Thi. 2 ~tion to disqualify ie denied with prejUdice

Page 140: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett


The FIori4a DIrt complaintapinstRobcrt w. Bauer, October 31. 2012 Page -18

3 exc.p~ as to ell. c..i. that C0UD8el ...y be a 4 witne8. and on that basis the thOtion i. denied 5 without prejudice.· Now, for Mr. Rodell. beiDg • 6 vitn••s, the nature of thia ea•• 1. e.sentially he , ia a perpetual vitne••. The tran8er1pte .bow that 8 his repr••entation t. ea88Dtially on go~ 9 e••timony about factual utter8. Mally tiR18. in the 10 tran8cript8 h. is confuaed. He 18 uy1Dg, Judge, 11 we - - Oh, I don't mean we, I mean I aa my att.orney 12 for the firm think this about rr{ client, which is 13 aetually ay••lf. That cODfuaicn 1. evident in t:he 14 tranllCr1pt. over and over again. I reall! believe 1~ be need. to be disqualified because of h • ongoiDg 16 testimony in thi. matter. 11 THB COURT: All right. Well, I •••uaae there 18 will be a renewed MotioD,to di.~ify that w111 be 19 filed and then ..gain aet· for a hearing once we 20 establish our prooedure, but we eel t do that UDtil 21 we get what I direeted yw to produce within ten 22 days from Ma. Huff.r.

Mr. Bauer alIo misled tho Bar widlthis ltatcment ··Mr~ GiIlapie made a modoa for ICbe8rinI in December of2006 which was arlO deDiecl" 'Ibe pxJtion for mbeIrinI WM flbJed by Judp IIOIIl with. roferraI ro law eIlbce..... to iovestipte'Mr. Rodemat tal. aftidavit to die Caurt. So Bauer limply lied to tho Bar when be wrote tho !potion rot robcIrina Dec-2006 WM "cIenJecr.

Mr. B8uer fbrther naisled the Bar In hilstatement about aIIeptionI in my Bar complaint sbowIDa tho dilC)uaUt1cation ofRodems wu required: "Thae Ke tho SlIDe.....bit WIn JMdo iD support oftbe Febmtry 2006 matioa. denied." Mr. Bauer knows 1hia is a tal...mem, • .. fodh in"60-61, E.vMIcuooY Motion to P*i6'Def.IPW Co".' IlyMam".,. Radom'" Bark" Rodgns" Coot, PA. July 9,.2010:

60. A harina 011 P1liDtifr. Motion to DiIqua1if1 CoUDle1 wu hold Ap;I2S, 1006. Mr. ROdcma preaeated the followiaJ cue Jaw in stIppOd ofbil position. Tho caICS ~ larae1y hrelevant to this matter IJId set ofCIctL ~ taiIod to discJole to the court Icp1 ~rity in the controWnljurisdiction known to tile Inycr to be cIirecdy adY.. to die polltion of1be cUont IDd DOt disoJosecl by opposida couatel....

61. Mr. Rodeml violatad FL Bit Rule 4-3.3(c) when he &iIed to dlldole to the tritJunallcpl authority in tho comrollina juriscUctioD known to Ihe lawyer to be directly adverse to the positiO!1 oftile client .d not diJclolcd by OPPOSiaa COUIIIeI, kl tbi, instance GUleipie pro Ie. Rodems failecl to dilc10le Mc]Jpt1spd y, ISllpy. SsryjgL Igc., 890 F.SUpp. 1029, or U.S, y, CuJp, 934 FlSupp. 394, Iep1IU1hority direcdy IC1vene to the position orhit client. MoP..- and Culp IN just two of.1llIDlbcr ofcuea Rodems failed to dilclOla, ICC th1a motion, 81M Table gCe. that lCCQIIIPIDieI tbiJ motion. Couusel hal • reapoasibili1J to ftdJy IafbnD die ccutoa applicable law wbctber favorable or Idvcne to position ofclient .to that die court i. IIeUcr .-. to make • fair IIld accurate determiDldon ofdle matter befON it. NcwberMr Y, NcwhgJcr. 31] So.2d 176. As evidenced by this motion.1epl authority dftctly adverse to thoposidoD of Mr. Roderns and BRe WIt not (fiscloled to the court by RocIcna.,

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The FicriJa Bar, complaint IhiiDIt RDbcIt w. &.., October 31, 2012 Pqe - 19

4.. Mr. Bauer 1IIIdc • number offallC IIBte1IieIlta to tbI BarOil pap 3 ofbla IapOJIIe Aupst Jt 2010 about his failure to preeent evidedce that there was DO slped ccnia&ent fee apaneat.

Mr. OIl1e1pie allO&I. that I -f.lled to pre_ evidence 1bat1Iwn was no siped contingeat fee agreement,• .ablequent to Mr. Rodems' reptaCIltlllonl dI8t there were. ThJI aUeptioa UDdencores much of the basi. for my motiOll for withdrawal

Mr. Bauer is impeached by his motion filed on my behalfJuly 16, :zoos. P1eigtjQ". Motjon For RetpripJof1ft Older arantina Mr. R.odemlJudimaton tile pleldilllL In it Mr. Bauer a11epd Mr. RodeIits mi.lead the court u desc:ribed in ft2-4. (Bxhlbit 20).

2. Plaindtfmoves for -.rina Oft the Ift)Uftda that die Court'sjudp1cDt WII bucd on the Defendants· represem.tionl tbIt there was I siped attome)' fee ~ between Barbr. RocIem. &; Cook and the plaintift

3. Def_dlnts have not produced I siped cop)' oftbo auorney fee .peen•• between Bmbr. R.odems &Cook and the Plalndft:

4. Defondanll have orJ1 praduced a.iaMct copy oftbo attorney fee ~between Alpert, Barker. RodcmIt FemntillO a Cook and the PIaintifL.

PIainRtr. Motion Pot BcIwariDa wu signed by Ittomey TID,. M. BeB (nee Uhl) ID No. 52924, for tho Law Office ofRabett W. Bauer, PA. Mr. :&au..his Ipparaly dilavowed tbiI motion. aeconUna to his rapoIlIO to 011 NC 5 made AUSUII 18, 2010. But Ms. Bell coafimaecl to me in a le1ter cIatccI A.pst St 2010 (Exhibit 21) tltll ~Me a direct reqlllll daat IIhe sip the p1ea<Jins. Ms, Bell left the Bluer law firm ahordf after this modon wu submitted.

s. Mr. Bauer made. boldface lie 10 the a.~on pip 9 ofbts responIO Aupst II, 2010 1bat "Mr. Rodems .... all dmcs cordia! and profeMOAII."

"Mr. Gillespie poi,nts to a letter I wrote to Oovemor Crist eadorsIaa Mr. Radems for consideration II .jUCUcialllominee••••Within me ICCJPO ofhis reprIIentatioa ofBR.e in this 1A11ter. Mr. Rode. conducted himseltalia hoDOrlbIc IIId ethical otracer ofthe coUrt. At no time did I find his behavior to be UDelhical. Although we were enpgcd in litigation. that w. very contaltlous.. 1IlClve*d me with clipity IDd respect. 1fOUllG Mr.. Rc¥IemI to be I compeIem IUd skilled IttoIllC)' with all oftbe iJaaaibJe qualities of cbaracter that we look (or in members ofpw prof_OR IIICl hope to fiDd iIl1hole IOIted on die bench.. n-e!ore. I WIS pleased to write rhe letter III8Ched to Mr. OiUespietJ

Jri~vanoe when .ked.It :

Mr. Bauerrs hiah praise ofMr. Rodoms lIIlDpeached iD this compllint, and in tbcIc COIIIPIIia1s: I ~

R.yan Cbrlltopher RodsDa, File No. 2013-10,171 (13B) Eupne P C-1aIfiuok'. File No. 20J3.10~162 (60)


6. Mi. Bauer made false slatemenls to the a..on JllPI orllls reapcmse Aupit ]8, 2010 in his cxcu.s fin' not seekm, aUomeys fees 011 R~' failed appeal in 2D07...'30. s...wmte:

Mr. Rodema' IPI*1 \\ U bIsed on. poIition suppotfl:d with Iopl prccocIcnt. WIllie I did prevlil, Mr. Radans' olalm. were not without merit IDd certbdy did DOt... to the level orfrivolity IIIfticient t.) jlll1ify section S1.105. lIICtions....ldm.. UnfOltUDltely. Mr.

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The Florida Bar. complaint spiatt Robert w. Bauer. Octobar 31. 2012 PlF .. 20

Oill.pio 1IIIdo a ver:y'!arp Iepl blunder in voIU1l1IIrily dllmialma his claims apinst SRC. Due to this error. I had to tab IipH10111t steps to _DIe the claiml~ The IIatUto oflilnitat1onl hid tolled lad, but for my ICtioas OIl lUI bebIIt Mr. GBlespio would have ~ viable...ofIClion _y.

M)' voau-y dismiaal WII determined. to be orno ctteet JudF 8Inoo paled .,pro .. • otlola IS set forth in OrdcrJJDaIiW PlajnJitr',IMgJj", To WitlM1raweJ PlaiJIdfr'Notic;e of vpluptary DLsmI.I entered Au_ 31, 2007. (Bxbibit12). Mr. Bauer IUCClllfWly uaued., ,ro.. BIOtIoD. but Bauer did not draft or file tho modon, I did. SOL.aDDt .. ilSUe.

Tho 2dDCA held per curiam in 2007-4530 that nay claimt were JlOt cUlIltilled, cltina FILR.Cfv.P. 1.420(8)(2), and ROMJ v, pybU, SyperMarbtL loe-. 575 So. 2cI214. 215-16 (F1a. 5th DCA 1991) (holdinl that when counterclaim is pendiDa, plaladffoannot uai1ateraIly d__ compJaiAt without order of COUll).

Mr. Bluer was DOt CXDDJ*ent _ DOt dilipnt for not seekinlitlomey'. feel for RDdeaII' tdlod eppeat that wa not suppodcd by m-terial filets Or the tppliQdioa ofGiItina law to thole tKtI.

7. Mr. Bauer mIdo false SIatenleJa to the Bar on pep 7ofhls response Aupst 11.2010 about a ~y ofm.ljuclpneat "He tefused, t.owev., to post a baad with the COUIt." ....­Mr. Oillolpie WII unwilliDa to post • bond, dwn WI8 HUle I oould do 10 dofenclilaiut In a;don...:. '8. This__ is &110....Bauer know Ibat1applied for, _ WII denied-not able to Bet • bond. Bauer advIsed apia. a bond


in his email 10 me Aupst J9. 20014:24 p..m.

8-1' More iIlfonnadon Is available about Mr" Oilier'S conduct molviq mia~ dishonesty, fi'IIMl deceit, and conduct prejudicial mthe _ ofjUlliee.

.m..Mr,.p.yer11Ie4 II Btport Mieop4,ct o(ldr. RRcItM JK.I1t HdfIl .11 41-1.3(a) ~_ofOth«LIw)wI. AJ8wyer who bowl_ another Jaw,« has c:ommitteda vlolatioD ofthe Rules ofProfIItiODll Conduct dill raises • aublratial queltion.. to that lawyer's bollClty. truItwordJiDoA, or t1taoII u • lawyer in other respedI shall inform the appropriate pIOfeDlona1 authority.

Mr.1lodmns conuniued multiple "iolations ofthe JluIes ofProfeaional COIlduct in this matter. lee my oomJ*int, Rym Christopher Rodoms, File No. 2013-10,271 (138). Below are breIdlos oriM Rules I believe Mr. Bluer Ibould have reported to the Bar.

Rule 4-3.1 t MeritoriGul Claim, and ee..ationI ble 4-3.3, Candor Towud tile Tribunal Rule 4-8.4(e). conduct involvial cIisbonesty, ftaud, deceit. .........tion Rule 4-I.4(d). conduct IRjudieW to the adminiltratioft ofjUldce

Mr. KodemIIllel1ld • number ofmideldJna IepI qumeou 10 the ~ b1c1udinl his tal. ·claim'· to $50,000 In "court-aWlldod feo8and GOS1I... AppIwiDa pro sc. I pm'IiIodaI RodaDs· motion to elfsmill and strike JIDU8I)' 13. 200'. wbIIl Judp RicbnNIe_ entered Order Og DefIDdlgll' Mq1lpp To Qiaml., Ap4 strib. Jadle Me_rejeded Rodrms' - lopI 1lJIUIIIeftf, • fi1Ie "claim" of$50,OOO In Mcoun-awarded fees and COlIs". Undlrtbe IepJ doctrine

Page 143: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Tho Florida Bar, CXJmpllint apinst Robert W. Bauer, October 31,2012 Pap· 21

ofrei judicata, Mr. Rodems wuprecluded &om ev. IPiDIIICltiDa dIiI misleadiq IepI 1IJUIDCIlt, • falle "claim" for $50.000 in MCOUIkwwdecl tiel and coati' in this matter.


Mr. S..knew Mr. RocIems- 1epl claims and CQlttentions went not meritorioUi (RDIe 4-3.1).. s.. knew1locIems' &I. "claim" for SSO.OOO ill "court·awuded fees and COllI" .... InIcII ofRule 4-3.3(a)(l) II\d (4), makinll false statement offact aadIor law to I tribuIIaI. andotrerina fill., evidoace. Mr. Rodcms~ li~tlltiOD" WIS iD &ct hiJ own false teII:iJDoDy. Likewise with the ·'slimy attomey't Wil1i1m Cook, pilty ofelolq stliemeDt ~ Rule 4-1.5(f)(5), IIIcI DO siped contlnFnt fee IJNCD1ad, Rule 4-1.S(t)(2). Mr. Bluer _ knew dIat die .II foreIoins clllma aDd contcatioD. were conaidcred, anG rejeeteelM nat JDDritoriouI, by Judp N...~s

Qrdor OD Defondang' MotIon To _i,l And S1rb. JmuII)' 13. 2006, decided resjudiClta, precluding furdIer usertIon ofllc*ms' rejected claims IDd COItmtiolll.

Mr.. Rodeml ~ false nidcnce IlKlmislead the COIIIt duriDs haarlnp 011 October 30. 2001 and July 1.2008 for the )JUIpCJIe ofobtainllll_ dIsmista1 ofclUna.-BRe IUd Mr. Cook. Mr. Rodcms milreJnlCJBd to Judp BatoD 1bII...was alisnecl COJItIn&ent fee ...,mcmt between PJaintiffNeil GiDe.pie aDd Defendanu WiDiam J. Cook and BUer. RodemI & Cook, PA when ill fact theIe wu none. Mr. Bauer filW to preJem evidence tb8t there no lipd CODtinpat fee aaroement, such 88 my testimony or 111)' affidavit. IIIIte8dMr submitted Plajotur. Motiop EorB.dKierin1 July 16. 2008..ertinI that there WIt no sIped condqeJIt feeaareem. which motion Mr. Bauer DOW Ipparl to diIa~ ecc0rdiD8 to his 2010 NIpOIIse.

For additional miscondu~ ofMr. RodemI that Mr. Bauer WII obJIpted to report under Rule 4­8.3(a). see dai. complaint, bcS:anlq on pile 4~ ... IY. Ml.fcondllt:6 4 RICO Activity Ulltle,.".m. Bill' CDmploillts, Civil Uti,.,...

Diuatilfied CHeats 01Robert W. Bauer I t

Dr. ~Ia y. WOOIhJP. rb.D, .. Filed Stgctjqn wgtiop ApjoIt Robert Bur Improper ChargiD8 LillIS, Using Pro Se IUd UPL PladInp, MiIoIYDY

Dr. Angela v. Woodhul~ Ph.D. illIIOtberdislitisfied fomaerclieMofMr. Bauer. Dr. W<Kd1ull contlcted me November S. 2011 by email. Dr. WDDdhul1 is a deU_land duamlnslady. who il alllO ..author, a JiClDled private iftvesdptor~ and • col.professor. Dr. WoocbIU offcRd to lCI'Ye procell OR Mr. Bauer and tho other clef..... in my fedenI ~Dr. Woodhull is autborized to serve process under Florida law Is .1__P.I. Dr. Woodhull it_ the author of·Police Communication in Tnftie Stops" available 011 Amuon.com.

, . Dr. Woodbulllt*s Robert ~ filed a Dtmber of i.aqnpcr "Attorney ChIrIiDI LicnI" in CISes involvinS Dr. Woodhulr. mother, includlaa the QuIrd"nl&* 0119"" A. falyo. c.e No. 200B-CP-oG0741. and !be Ftg, orLaN. A. Falvo.c..No: Ol·200s.cP.1083, EiIIdh Judicial Circuit. Alach.. County; and other CUll, including I. the Flftb District Court of Appeal. Dr. Woodhull proYidecl me Janway4, 2012 • certified copy of Iter pro • pleadiq in the estate cae, the doebt entry ofDecember 18, 2(4)9, a.-. TO And Motjpg To Sgike Or In The AJt!matiy. Motion To Djamis, Adpmp Beg" Mptlcg fqr ACItJDIY-' QuiaLieU Asd M9Yon for Sagptign.A_I AttPmIY RQbert Bauer.

Page 144: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Tho PloridaBar, complaint apiDst Roben W. Bauer, OCtober 31 ~ 2012 Paae •22

Dr. WoodhuUt • p1eIdioa camplains Ibout • number ofthe u me. tbat B.-uses

law students ..d unlicensed IlW Bebool paduIteI to draft his plCldinp, • ww:11 u usiDB his client-I pro • plednpllDC! .1UbmiUiDI than to the COUJt u his OWl' work. Dr. Woodhull'. pro Ie p1cl4inJ Ippelll at Exbibil2St and ltates in pI11II'IPh I:


Bauer said that Jaw student David s.m. would be ..-Jdns on p,.ms tho cIe&mes and ~laim in ardor 10 _YO WoodhuU moM)'. even thoup 1bia was tho UMudIorized pmctice ofllw.

Dr. Woodhull described Mr. SIuer'S misoIYDY 08 paae 4. begiaftiDg It J*IIfIPb 12:

12.Afterthe hearing that day. walking down 1111 courthouIe ball with Attorney Bauer» AItomcy Bauer turned to WoodbuU·. fllDCew David A. ~ and IC81ed, "She iI rather obnoxious. How do you put up with hw?"

KimMlx Pgt-Barry djeptlsBtd with Bohprt Jle B,. Failed to ··DIOve acase torwant' _ "be tries to rack up a bill"

Kimberly Pruett-Bmy IDd hu'bInd William blred Mr. Bauer to IUD aaomoy Peecr R. McOrath. K.im told me Je.. ,lei, sicA 10 II)' II01PJDC1t. ".." 'tJ "",. .lsItIIa hIrmg"'" lIlY. aDd that Mr. Bauer had I\ID up • $40,000 bill and took all their savinp. Kim cmIiIcd Oatobctr 20, 2012 statiq, /JqIIer. He _jinll.ly/til,. 10 ,..". CI CAWjOrwtzrd", I,IrIItk Ite trlu to rack If' tI 6111.

Anp Whig HoWr •fhpl RoIwt Beep. • :"i..." 44J plan to raiIe the ROOF ofFthilmelll"


Motller dissatisfied client ofMr. Bluer, Anna Hods.. contIoIed me luI)' 8, 2011 by email "help..i.I I hintd and ftmcl'-uer•.ni.-...t

'. AI1D8 Hodps hired_liter f1red Robert Bluer u counJe1 ill • libel cue. SUMp Hod.HeI,-v, AN. Dill HpdpL c.o No.. 38­20tG-CA-1423. BJahtJudicial Circuit, LeYy County. Ms. Hodpa bIIncwCOUDlOl DOW. and bellev. ~. Bauer should br broapt to jlllticc for misbandlqlaer cue, sratiJIs tel plan to ... the I.OOF ofTtbis messt" (email 8V8iIable IIpOD iequat)

PlllIlla _ .. Ve 'ghm W, Brunt, DB fUe No.; 2012-00,146 (IB) Mr. Strauss, .~ 90, aid ofMr. Bauer "that bum took 1dvIntap"

Former client Philn, StraUlI .:ailed me JIIlUUY 4, 2012. 11.13 a.m. and comp1Iincd" Robert BIIJ.lGr. Mr. Strauss &Iso made I Bar COIIl~laint, TFB File No.: 2012-00,146 (IB), Aupst 24, 2011. Mr. StrauI, ap 90, aid of Mr. Bauer ''that bum took 1dvaDtap" in • tmall claims court cae. with • -loweffort attomc)' that IC~ me up oomp-l7" ancllOll tbe cae, • claim that involved a porch tbat had t'ba8u-, which his insuranee compll\)' deRied ~ to repair. Mr. Strauss also believ.. "die law I)'stan in Florida 11 for the binIa", and "they tab cuw oftheir own. crooks orwba1evcr the)' lie, those are rats~. At 1110 time be caUed me, Mr. Strauss wa livhte in New York with &mily, end had put hi. home in 0aiDcIviJJe up for sale. Mr. Strauss

10pp0Itn. CUllei Mr..... 1110 ecapWaed"'~ ,,...pi.....U ..OWL .....' ..n to Mr....April 26. 2007 It 9:56 &JIl, •..,..,... ., _ ,.would"" OIl 1111 pcrtiDIaI of" pie.....Oillilpie mid." I W. Mprised 1DO, sIDoe1\VII..,,, Bluer $150,.how.....•..Olla'IIIIUle.


Page 145: Letter to Florida Bar Pres Gwynne Young, Re Kim Pruett

Tbo Florida B8r. eompIajnt asainst Robert w. Bf-'. October 31. 2012 PIp - 23

said he is wiUIDI to make • trip to Florida to help out in ..y Idion to bold Mr. Bauer accountable. Mr. Snu. requested • copy ofhis Bar compJlint, IinI;e his copy _ laft. behiJld in OailtelYille. which I provided him by email. Mr. ,Snua eoncIudecI oaar call by tbaking me. A diJital recording ofthe call illYaiJabic. (complaintclosedlfDlumc;Jea1 evidence).

DoCmntv v, RpIwt W, B.L'TFB FillNo 2012.QQ.M4(8b) Pattcm ofComplaints by Elderi)' IIIcI Disabled CIieDIs


Anotber dissatidted client ofMr. Bauer filed • Bar complaint, Jemp and BdY J)eCougcy y. ~ Bobm WI BMr. TFB File No. 2012-OO,OS4(Ib), July a. 2011. The complaint ...... that IbcQV DeCourseY' 118 disabled IIld elderly. end..Mr. Ballei' falled to properly reprud them in a

foreclosure matter. (complaint clolodllnsuftlclent evldDnce).


Appeal pro ~ I prevallod on Mr. RodcIDI' motion to cUlIIliIs and striket wboD Judp RlobanI Ni_1Ien entered 0nIer On DefClldalltl' Motion To DilDUll And Strib, JIl1UIl')' 13. 2006, (Exhibit 1t). Judae Nielsen .ejected Rodem.' millcadina JqallIIJPDIlIIIt. • faIJo "elaim- of SSO,GOO in "court..warded fees _ oosts". Undir the 1.1 doctrine orres judioata. Mr. Ilodcms wu 1RC1uded from everapin IlleltinS. "claimS' for S5O,ooo in "couIt-eWllded fees act COlIS" in dlis mader, • claim or contentioo rejected by the Court as not meritorious.


Atlcr Ju.clF NicllCll Kjceted Mr. Rodems' mlsleWinzlepllqUlDCDt, hil"claim- for 150.000 In "cowt-a~ rea and costs", this ouo WIll eslCldially decided In my favor. III NIpOIIiI to certain der... Mr.1lodemI flied. vexatious libel ~m. Mr. RodmDs aIIo dilrupted the tribuDa1 for Itra1eIiC acl'lIltIIc. AI • result, F~ 7. 20071 took • volUD1ll)' diImiIIaI without prejudice. ( moved to withdrawal m)' vo1wllry diaIIIlsal • week lida' in the hopes of findiDg counsel. Judge BIItoD pnted my pro ~i~tion to withdrawal my voIuntIry dilmilllJ, qued by Mr. Bauer Auaust 1', 2001, 8IId affmfted oollppC'll1ln 2007-4530.

After that, Mr. Bauer'......tlon WIS ...... not competent. end DOt dflismt. wbicb enaerecI JudIe Ba1DD. Mr. Bluer tied, ..Ide misteprolOlllations, and made millelclina lepl 8fIUIDeIl1llto the B8r ill his responle August 18. 2010 to my ftnt compJaiDt. Mr. Baur failed to report Mr. Rodcms' milCOllduct, and then enpPd in rICketeeriDa activity IIdoseribecl heroin.

(JiVeD tIlo serious and onsotna nature ofMr'. B_f mlaeoaduct widt me" his other cliont&, die Bar.hould find problble C8IISe and teeoDUDelld

B..-'. disbarment to protect 1be public. BYer)' document, email and bDSCriptmendoaed,in this compIIiDt ilayaillbJe. AU Mr. Bauer'. hearillll weN 1mnIc:ribed. Pcnons .amed in this'complaint lie witnesses. Under peI1I1t)' of perjury, I 4eclare the fOfllOins facts are true, ccx:rect. and complete. Thank you.


Nell J. GiUelpie 8092 SW II!th Loop Ocala. Florida 34481 Encloans Scm to the Florida BR October31.2012 by U.P.~. Orollld, No. JZMS89FP290944350.