Letter Of Rec From Zakary

January 10, 2017 To whom it may concern: This letter is to describe Anthony Hernandez’s accomplishments and character, a Baker University student athlete. I have created a relationship with Anthony over the past week and even though it being such a short time I can see he possesses the qualities and beyond for this specific position. Anthony has the determination and work ethic to get what he is assigned done and done right. I have had the pleasure of being in his group the past week and he has been an excellent group leader for us. He has made every deadline and has coordinated with our group to find times that work with everyone to finish our project and assignments. He has the determination to become an accomplished Exercise Science graduate. As an athlete, Anthony plays football currently at Baker University. He also played football and basketball at North Platt High School. There he was a captain for football and basketball, and an all-district football player. He also was the homecoming kind and on the honor roll while attending North Pratt High School. I believe his pride in accomplishments and hunger for more will continue during his professional career and influence those around him. Anthony has made a name of himself around campus. His intensity on the football field and intelligence in the class room are some exemplary accomplishments. I offer these comments in support of Anthony Hernandez as he completes his attendance at Baker University and begins his career path. I will supply further information about Anthony if requested. He is a great student

Transcript of Letter Of Rec From Zakary

Page 1: Letter Of Rec From Zakary

January 10, 2017

To whom it may concern:

This letter is to describe Anthony Hernandez’s accomplishments and character, a Baker University student athlete. I have created a relationship with Anthony over the past week and even though it being such a short time I can see he possesses the qualities and beyond for this specific position.

Anthony has the determination and work ethic to get what he is assigned done and done right. I have had the pleasure of being in his group the past week and he has been an excellent group leader for us. He has made every deadline and has coordinated with our group to find times that work with everyone to finish our project and assignments. He has the determination to become an accomplished Exercise Science graduate.

As an athlete, Anthony plays football currently at Baker University. He also played football and basketball at North Platt High School. There he was a captain for football and basketball, and an all-district football player. He also was the homecoming kind and on the honor roll while attending North Pratt High School. I believe his pride in accomplishments and hunger for more will continue during his professional career and influence those around him.

Anthony has made a name of himself around campus. His intensity on the football field and intelligence in the class room are some exemplary accomplishments. I offer these comments in support of Anthony Hernandez as he completes his attendance at Baker University and begins his career path. I will supply further information about Anthony if requested. He is a great student athlete at Baker University and will continue to show that throughout his career and success in life.

Zak Mcalister

Student Athlete

Baker University

Baldwin City, KS. 66006