Letter from the Chairman

Letter from the Chairman

Transcript of Letter from the Chairman

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Letter from the Chairman

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Letter from the Chairman

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Juan Ortigosa García

Chairman & Technical Director

The progress of nations is measured by electricity consumption per capita, that is a

demonstrative fact of the importance of Electricity. The most advanced countries of the world do

not know the dimensions used by myself, which have been essential, to invent the ORE

Electricity: Regenerable, Clean, Abundant and Cheap.

The previous paragraph is an unquestionable truth and so researchers around the world seek a

similar procedure called FREE ENERGY. In some cases expressed with the full name that I

indicate below.

FREE ENERGY, clean, free of charge and inexhaustible.

The term "Free Energy" can have many interpretations. Tesla called free energy to the solar

energy, which can be: photovoltaic, thermal, eolic and hydraulic. The four depend on the sun and

are inexhaustible as the sun exists. They are free if are used directly, but if are transformed into

other energies, Alternating Electricity, for example, there will be always a processing cost, plus

losses by the efficiency in the transformation.

The only free energies are those that exist in the Universe, discovered or undiscovered, but are

not free energies those that do not exist in the Universe, such as the Alternating Electricity

invented by Tesla, neither the new Alternating Electricity that I have invented, and that I called

Ortigosa Renewable Electricity (ORE).

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ORE is a new Alternating Electricity invented by me, which only exists in my invention, whose

main characteristics are: regenerable, clean, inexhaustible, uninterruptible, unlimited, at very low

cost and available in all countries.

ORE allows me to answer my question: Where is the gas station of the Cosmos? This question

gives the name to my writings published in my Facebook and Netlog Blogs.

My promise is to demonstrate the irrefutable truth of the answer to where the Cosmos gas station

is, by systems manufactured on Earth, with measurable and irrefutable results and with

arguments demonstrable on Earth, measurable in the same way.

Tesla remains being the greatest genius born on this planet, and what he did in his time would

not have been done by anyone of us. However, ORE is a breakthrough on the knowledge of his

Alternating Electricity.

Some Tesla’s contemporary, as Andrija Puharich, thought they had found the source of the

energy that Tesla used in Colorado Springs, and that was also planned to be used in his

Wanderclyffe project, as demonstrated in the article by Andrija Puharich entitled "The Physics of

the Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, and the Transmission of Electrical Power Without Wires",

that describes the Tesla transmitter as follows:

Between the earth surface and the top of the atmosphere there is an electric potential of about

two billion Volts. This vast and inexhaustible electric energy reserve shows the magnitude of the

available power. According to Andrija Puharich, Tesla devised a system to exploit this vast

reserve of energy, essentially static, putting it into resonance at a frequency which Puharich

called Tesla frequency.

Under Andrija Puharich hypothesis, supported by the best brains of USA, the Pentagon hired

Golka Associates, Brockton, Massachusetts, to study Tesla technology.

The company was founded by Robert A. Golka, who had extensively studied Tesla’s work, and

under Pentagon contract, built a copy of the transmitter used by Tesla in Colorado Springs. The

copy was installed on a USAF hangar at Wendover airport, in Utah. The best minds where

involved in the project and the results, according to their statements, have been a resounding

failure. Tesla took the basic laws of his technology to the grave.

Today there are legions of researchers who publish writings under the title "Free energy,

inexhaustible and free of charge." Just type the title into Google and you may prove what is said.

Some of them said that the sentence “Free energy” corresponds to Tesla, but I do not share that


Based on my experience during my years working for USAF and NASA, my years of research,

and my multiple patents and knowledge obtained with the invention of ORE, I affirm that the

Alternating Electricity taught in technical universities and schools of our world, unaware the

scientific basis of Tesla Alternating Electricity as well as ORE.

The only interpretation that exists today, outside ORE, is a theoretical model, author unknown,

shown in Figure 1, which does not represent the Tesla Alternating Electricity, which is True

Alternating Electricity. It is an impossible model with errors, contradictions, limitations,

inconsistencies and paradoxes. In short: "An Impossible Model".

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Figure 1

The measuring devices that exist today have been made to measure the "Impossible Model".

Consequently, the results of the measures have limitations and the errors said in the previous

paragraph, as we can see in the example shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

The power triangle of Figure 2 is the result of measurements made on a three-phase motor,

model EEF2, manufactured by WEG, 4-poles, 1,500 RPM and a total power of 1,500 watts.

The motor described in the preceding paragraph has been connected to the three-phase Spanish

electrical grid, running with no load connected in its axis, which is the worst possible condition

for the motor’s efficiency and the results, shown in Figure 2, have been measured with a HT

Italia network analyzer, GSC59 model, and current clamps model HT-96U.

The powers measured are:

• Total apparent power, which means false power, measured in VA = 1,198 VA.

• Effective power, the only one which can produce work, measured in W = 95 Watts.

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• Reactive power, invalid to produce work, measured in VAR = 1,194 VAR.

For the "Impossible Model”, the reactive power is blind and unwatted, that is the definition of

the technical books and what the engineers in the world learn.

For ORE, the effective power of the power triangle of figure 2 is 1,075 watts, which come from

the reactive power of 1,194 VAR, converted into active or useful power with losses in the

conversion of 10%.

For engineers and teachers who have just learned the "Impossible Model", the only effective

power is 95 Watts. 11.316 times lower than the effective power that exists for ORE, or what is

the same, a rate of 1,132% (one thousand one hundred thirty two percent) lower than what really


The “Impossible Model” breach the universal law of energy conservation because only uses 95

effective watts where there really are 1,075 effective watts, making disappear 980 watts, a fact

that contradicts the universal law of the energy conservation, which statement I repeat below:


Energy is anything that can cause or make a work, and all new energies, known or not, belong to

the universal laws and obey the universal law of energy conservation.

The universal laws are immutable principles that give the origin and the perfect order to

everything in the universe. Albert Einstein.

The universal law of the energy conservation was announced by the Dutch scientist Christian

Huygens as follows:

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can be converted from one form to another, but

the total amount of energy will always remain constant.

There is nothing and cannot be anything capable of generate energy.

There is nothing and cannot be anything capable of make the energy disappears.

If it appears that the amount of energy varies, it can be possible to attribute this variation to an

energy exchange with some other body or the surrounding environment.


Juan Ortigosa García

Scientist, Inventor and Entrepreneur.

Chairman & Technical Director of Ortronic Technology, S.L.

Company e-mail: [email protected]

Personal e-mail: [email protected]