Let’s have a fun school year

WELCOME 7 TH Grade Math Ms. Wilburn Room 100

Transcript of Let’s have a fun school year


7TH Grade Math

Ms. Wilburn

Room 100

Education Philosophy

You will learn something

Everyday if you

Pay attention

Who am I?

I am compassionate

I wonder about the future

I love music

I want you to be successful

I am a mother

I Am

I touch lives

I understand children

I am caring

I am a nice person

I am Christina Wilburn, your 7th grade Math teacher

Grading Scale

Classroom Expectation

1.Respect yourself, the teacher & others

Show respect for the teach, yourself and others at all times.

Respect the school and others property

2. Put fourth your best effort at all times

Always do your own work.

Put learning ahead of getting good grades

Put quality ahead of getting it done

3. Come prepare to class

Have all necessary material

4. Follow directions when given

Do you best to follow direction the first time.

If you are confused ask questions.

5. Pay attention, participate, and ask questions

Engage in what is going on.

Raise hand to ask questions.

6. Preserve a positive learning environment

Your actions interfere with teaching or learning

7. Take responsibility for your actions.

Classroom Rules

No electronic devices. (cell phone, tablets, etc.)

No food or drinks (Except Water)

Arrive to class on time

Class is dismiss on my call not the bell

No cheating

Use polite language

Do your best


1. Verbal warning

2. Call home

3. Detention

4. Referral to assistant principal

Daily Routine

Warm-Up: This is always posted on the either the SMARTBoard or the chalkboard. Students are expected to come into class and start the warm-up right away.

Assignment Check: Completed assignments are stamped and receive 2 pts. Answers to the assignment are always posted on the SMARTBoard. Students are responsible for checking there own work and asking questions if they do not understand a problem.

Lesson, Activity, Problem Solving, or Assessment: Students are responsible for taking notes and for participating in class discussions and activities. Material presented in class will be covered on assignments and assessed through quizzes and tests.

Assignment: Every effort is will be made to give students some time to begin homework in class.

Open the floor for any question about the lesson


3” Ring Binder


Scientific Calculator




You can do all things

If you give a child a

You give them the

Let’s Have a Fun School Year