Lessons Learned From Golf

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  • 8/12/2019 Lessons Learned From Golf


    Operational Excellence Lessons Learned from GolfinShare6Its March finally. The Winter darkness has noticeably given way to longer hours of

    daylight. The cold and the snows are abating. The crocuses and early spring flowers are inbloom. Its a pleasure to waken to the birds chirping. And a person can feel that Spring is just

    around the corner.

    That is, except inUpstate New York,where March doesnt come until May (especially this year).

    And while my wife is thinking of Spring Cleaning, I am thinking of Fishing and Golf.

    Germanyis a very peculiar place in many regards. But probably the most striking peculiarity is

    their absolute insistence on ordnung muss sein(roughly translated to there must be

    order). In Germany, there is a process and a procedure for everythingand everything has a

    place and you better be certain to ensure it is in that place at all times.

    For instance; by law, you need alicense to fish in Germany. This would not be so unusual, asrequiring a fishing license to fish is commonplace in many parts of the world. Except, in

    Germany, you need to knowand be able to identifyeach and every species of the fish that

    you might possibly catch in German waters and the season for catching them. You must be

    able to identify whether the fish is healthy and, if not, what disease it might be carrying. You

    must be able to demonstrate the proper way to clean and prepare your catch. There is a written

    and practical test involved and you must pass to earn your license. Click here for a humorous

    first-person account.

    If you are caught fishing without a license, its a crime and they will put you in jail. The crime

    is stealing,and it goes back toMedievaltimes when theBaronwho owned the land also

    owned all the living creatures on the land and in the water. Rest assured, you will find yourselfon theGroup-W Benchwith the litterbugs and other menaces to society if you are caught fishing

    without a license.

    Same with Golfby law, you need a golf license (called a platzreife) to play almost any of the

    courses in Germany (there are a few open courses that do not require a license). Similar to

    the Fishing License, the Golf License

    requires the student to memorize the rules

    of golf and be taught the fundamentals of

    the game. Of course, there will be a

    written test and a practical exam.

    Amazingly, I have asked afew licensedGermans what their

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    handicaps were; thinking they must be pretty good to have earned a License to golf.

    So you can imagine my shockand forgive my snickerwhen they tell me their handicap is

    30, 40, even 50 (52 is the upper limit). I cant imagine how a person can earn a handicap of 50

    I can probably throw the ball around the course and not end with a 50 over par.

    I guess there will always be a difference between book smarts and street smarts.

    I am sure you can imagine the frustration I felt knowing that I have to work to earn a license for

    a sport I have been playing (with varying degrees of capability) for 30-plus years. Then I

    remembered that some years ago I got an offer to become a member of the United States

    Golfing Association (USGA). For $25, I got the Membership Card,a Rule Book, and some golf

    goodies (such as a sleeve of balls, a US Openhat, a clubhead cover, etc). I never really

    paid much attention to it (I occasionally read the rule book while sitting in the library), but it

    certainly came in handy in Germanywhere it passes as a golf license.YAY!

    With that success, I recently bought USGA Memberships for both my sons as well.

    So its March, Spring is in the air, and I am dragging my golf-clubs out of the garage for a good

    looking over. I take a look at the inventory of equipmentdo I need balls, gloves, or

    tees? Geeze, I do hope there is something I discover that I need! After all; golf season doesnt

    really begin until you have bought a new golf thing.As I start cleaning them, I cant help but

    dreamily thinking about the past golf outings I have hadthe friends and family, the

    experiences, and the lessons learned.

    Although I am sure everyone knows what golf is, but might have never played; golf is a slow-

    paced and methodical, yet highly emotional game. It is also a very cerebral and analytical

    game. As golfing greatBobby Jonesonce said,Golf is a game played on a 5-inch course; the

    distance between your ears.

    But there are many lessons to be learned from golf as it comes to business, Operational

    Excellence, and life in general. Here are someplease feel free to share others you might be

    willing to add.

    o Surround yourself with talented players with positive attitudes. Although the game is

    played at an individual level, you are not alonethere are usually three others with you,

    and they do influence your game. For instance, I find that when I am with players of lesser

    capability than me, my game gets sloppy; but when I am with players better than me, my

    game ratchets-up. Some of the very best players with whom I have ever played a round of

    golf were also some of the most helpful, yet humbleoccasionally giving pointers and

    advice as the day went. Of course, you have to be willing to take advice (check your ego),

    and the person giving the advice needs to pick their opportunities (otherwise, they becomeunwelcome). And for the more serious golfer, a great trainer and caddy can make all the

    difference in the world.

    In Operational Excellence, the difference between

    success and failure are the people who are on the team

    the right people on the bus, sitting in the right seats

    knowing when (and how) to lead and knowing when to

    follow (and knowing when to be each). Its critically

    important to have positive people with a variety of

    backgrounds and expertise, a can-do winning attitude,

    and a positive outlook. And its also as important to

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    purge, with extreme prejudice, those who are negative, selfish, megalomaniacs who ooze

    toxicity and poisons.

    o Be prepared for the challenges. When I was back in the States (Upstate New York), I

    used to play in theBinghamton Clubsgolf league. Our normal course was theLinks at

    Hiawatha,but we would also play atEn-Joie(a course on thePGA Tourwhere theBC

    Openused to be played and now where theDicksOpen,a stop on theChampions Tour,is

    played). My normal golf game consists of avoiding the fairways at all cost, preferring to play

    out of trouble. My partner would always marvel at how well I played out of the trouble;

    failing to understand that the only reason I excelled at playing out of trouble was because I

    had a lot of practicebeing so often in it.

    In Operational Excellence, you have to always prepare for the unexpected. You and your

    team being always positive and continually honing your skills, you will look at challenges as

    Opportunities to Excel (OTEs) and naturally rise to the occasion even thrive in the face of

    adversity. Its not about being on a burning platform, but about keeping calm and

    carrying on.

    o Keep it Simple. In golf, nothing good ever happened as a result of overthinking or

    complexity. It is, in fact, a death-sentence. One of the best golf tips I ever received was to

    play each and every hole like it was a par-5; keeping in mind that, if it took you 5 strokes on

    every hole, you would shoot an 90 (a pretty respectable score). Of course, being a guy, I

    too often get to the tee-box and my inner machismo takes over and I think I can do it in

    lessalmost always costing me more.

    When it comes to business systems and their operations, more often than not, less is

    more. I am not sure why we work so hard at eliminating all the variants, then spend even

    more time accommodating the exceptions or the old way. Its amazing how many times I

    have seen a company purchase a newEnterprise Resource Planning(ERP) system and

    then spend an incredible amount of resources and money re-engineering it so it works like

    the old one. AsAlbert Einsteinfamously said, Any intelligent fool can make things bigger,

    more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to

    move in the opposite direction.

    o Hurry up, then take your time. At first read, even at second read, this might be

    confusing. But in golf, slow play is not tolerated. Its important to get to your ball quickly

    walking with purpose, but not getting into stride. Once to your ball, though, its time to

    assess where you are, where you need to be, and how you are going to get there. Its time

    to consider (not overthink) the plan and mentally prepare (but not psyche yourself out) for

    the execution. Even the swing should be flowing and even, not hasty and erratic. I oftenuse the mantra;tube-a(backswing) toothpaste(swing) to set a cadencemaking sure to

    always end in the PGA pose.

    In business, its important to get to the action quickly in Continuous Improvement, we talk

    about doing a GembaWalk. Getting there quickly gives the advantagebut once there,

    make sure to observe with all of your senses in a deliberate and critical manner. In my daily

    routine, I efficiently perform menial tasks like organizing my workspace, scheduling my time,

    and plowing through my eMailsbut I slow it way down when it comes to things that really

    matter like preparing my talks, developing content, and writing articles (which is why they

    are rarely on-time, right Editor?).

    o Keep your head down. If you have ever played golf, you have certainly heard thisphrase. And you will also know that nothing good happens if you dont follow this advice

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    which is heard easier than learned. The reason for this is simple; the head keeps the body

    aligned to the ball even as the rest of you is in full motion. Failure to follow this advice will

    result in shots which are embarrassing.

    Maintaining alignment of your business activities to your business strategies is the

    difference between success, and varying degrees of less success (including complete

    failure). Keeping your head down in Operational Excellence requires that you stay true to

    pursuing your strategy even when all of the activities around you will try to distract you and

    pull you off your pursuit.

    o Loosen your grip. In golf, if you and your swing look graceful, you usually strike the ball

    better (on average) more often than not. Similar to keeping your head down, it is also

    important to not have a strong grip on your club when you swing. When you have too

    strong a grip, you become stiff and rigidand you lose flexibility and flow. Instead of a

    smooth and elegant swing, a strong grip will choke-off the flow and make your swing look

    more violentlike you are chopping wood.

    You also have to loosen your grip during the pursuit of Operational Excellence. If you have

    hired good people, you have properly outfitted them, and they are clear on what the

    strategy is and the tactics to be deployed are, then there is no need to micro-manage them

    let them run. Be there for support, but stay out of their way.

    o When things start falling apart, go back to the fundamentals. If you golf more

    frequently, you have experienced days that are better than others, and you have also

    experienced days which are much worse than others. The natural instinct for someone who

    is in trouble in golf (and most other stressful situations) is to press harder. For instance; if

    you have a poor tee-shot, the instinct is to take a more powerful club and try to power the

    ball to make-up the difference. And although this instinct is natural, it is also very wrong. In

    all likelihood, you are going to end-up in the golf equivalent of a death-spiral. When you

    feel yourself in the death spiral (and you will definitely know when that is), its time to get

    back to basicsslow your game down, use more conservative clubs and tactics, have your

    developed mind take over from your primal instincts.

    In business, if you find that you are digging yourself into a hole, the first thing you need to

    do is to stop digging. The natural reaction will be to act more franticallyperhaps calling

    meetings and instilling a sense of urgency in those around you. What you should really be

    doing is slowing down and stepping backobserve and assess the situation and then re-


    o The plan versus the reality. As I approach the start of the hole, I spend some time

    preparing and planning (as you should). I look at the yardage card, check the winddirection and speed, see what the condition of the fairway might be, make sure my ball is

    clean. As I stand in the tee-box, I am visualizing how the hole will play-out; I will hit my

    driver with a slight fade leaving me 150 yards, I will take my 7-Iron and hit into the green,

    and two-putt for pareasy peasy. But we all know that the reality will be far different than

    the plan.

    When conducting your Operational Excellence program, the act of planning is more

    important than the plan itself. AsMike Tysonfamously said, Everyone has a plan until you

    get punched in the mouth. The chances of you executing to completion Rev-1 of your

    plan is zeroso prepare and condition yourself accordingly. If you are inflexible in the

    execution of your plan, you will fail. You need to continually assess and adjust as you worktowards the achievement of your strategies.

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    o Drive for Show, Putt for Dough. Everyone loves to crush it off the tee, and when it works,

    its spectacular and really makes you feel good. My son, Jonathan, is tall and thinand he

    can really wrap his body around when he swingsits a beautiful sight (not like my old,

    somewhat brittle, self). He can reliably pound-out a 250yard drive (usually straight down

    the middle). Unfortunately, his putts also go about 250yards. So even though he gets on

    the green in regulation, his four-putts kill his game.

    Far too many Operational Excellence programs follow the same pattern. They are

    launched with great fanfare and aspiration, but then lose focus and momentum and the

    results are too often laughable rather than laudable. The path to success is a long and

    winding one filled with obstacles, traps, and other hazards. Perseverance and making sure

    to always keep your eyes on the prize will lead you to achieving your desired outcome.

    o A Winning Attitude and the Pursuit of Excellence. People have an advantage over all

    other forms of life on Earthand that advantage is in our ability to think and to reason. On

    the golf course, this manifests itself in the form of assessing where we need to be, where

    we are now, and how we are going to get to where we need to be. When faced with

    adversity, we evaluate and adjustwe dont just give-up or settle for mediocrity.

    Successful people always give it their best and use this ability aggressively and in a positive

    way to have control over their future and results. Its imperative that we bring this level of

    intensity, balanced with cerebral intentthis winning attitudeto all of our business

    efforts. In fact, we should bring it to all of our lifes efforts, always. The constant state of

    readiness and boundless capacity to improve the quality of what we have to offerthats


    o Never stop learning. In golf, you never know everything there is to knowevery

    technique, every circumstance, every piece of equipment and even ourselves. Whats

    more, it is all ever-changing and if you cease honing your skills, others will consistently

    outplay you. After all, improvement will only happen when we challenge ourselves

    physically and mentally. The most successful golfers never stop training and learning to

    refine their abilitiesthis applies even to hacks like me.

    As in golf, success in business requires constant learning. Trying and refining different

    strategies and techniquesand reaching beyond what we knoware the only ways to

    discover what might work better. Studying past strategies and attempts (whether the

    outcomes were positive or not) help lead to future successful ones. The people who claim

    (or demonstrate by their actions) to know it all are the ones who have stopped learning

    and, thus, stopped improving. To be consistently successful, you need to always continue

    to learn from your experiences and from those around youand relentlessly pursue inyourself, Operational Excellence.

    Golf is a game you can NEVER win, only play. You can never win a game of golfits

    impossible. In every other sport, your winning or losing greatly depends on your opponents

    action-reaction to your direct play. The only thing you can ever do in golf is to play better than

    your opponent (or, conversely, they play worse than you). And to improve the odds of this

    requires training and practice.

    And Operational Excellence is nothing you can achieve, only pursue.

    To be as good as youre going to be to be as good as you can beyou have to continually

    improve your own personal skills by training and practicing. And while this is no guarantee that

    you are going to be able to overcome the challenges and opportunities (opponents) you face, itwill increase your odds.

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    Of course, you will have moments of pure elation

    when it all comes togethermind, body, soul,

    equipment, and environmentonly to have it

    evaporate back into the mist like your ball on the

    opening tee-shot on foggy fall day.

    But at that very moment, you get to feel the

    awesomeness of what can bethe potential.

    And it is that moment that will be just enough to fan

    the flame and keep hot your desire to play.

    Special Tribute: Harold Ramis and


    The sport of golf has been a subject of movies over

    the agessome were serious, but most of them


    The earliest movie I can remember (although I am

    not old enough to have been born when it was made)

    that highlighted the sport of golf was one staring

    theThree Stooges(Larry, Moe, and Curly) called the

    Three Little Bears.

    It was a short, but hysterical film which illuminated all

    that is crazy about the sport of golf.

    In more modern times, there has been the hockey-player turned golfer, side-splitting funny,

    Happy GilmorestarringAdam Sandler.And the romantic comedy Tin Cupstarring;Kevin

    Costner,Rene Russo,Cheech Marin,andDon Johnson.

    There was also The Legend of Bagger Vance(starringWill SmithandMatt Damonand

    directed byRobert Redford)which, in my opinion, is the best movie ever produced showing the

    essence of the game of golf.

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    But the one movie that is the signature film for golf probably of all timeis Caddyshack,

    with a star-studded cast including;Bill Murray,Chevy Chase,Rodney Dangerfield,andTed

    Knight. I dont know any golfers who cant recite entire scenes. It was written and directed by

    the comic-genius,Harold Ramis.

    In addition to Caddyshack, Ramis was involved in most of the great comedic films of the last

    thirty years including; Stripes(where he also starred), National LampoonsVacation,

    Ghostbusters(where he also starred) and Groundhog Day.

    Harold Ramis passed away recentlyand the laughter in the world will be markedly diminished.

    By Joseph F Paris Jr

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    Paris is the Founder and Chairman of theXONITEK Group of

    Companies;an international management consultancy firm specializing in all disciplines related

    to Operational Excellence, the continuous and deliberate improvement of company performance

    AND the circumstances of those who work thereto pursue Operational Excellence by

    Design and not by coincidence.

    He is also the Founder of theOperational Excellence Society,with hundreds of members and

    several Chapters located around the world, as well as the Owner of the Operational Excellence

    Group on Linked-In, with over 38,000 members.

    Connect with him onLinkedIn
