Lessons and Memories from 400 Feet

[1] This is a common scenario at at any patrol, but Proctor is different. Most of these patrollers are high school students. One of five patrols in the New Hampshire region to offer a young adult patrol program, Proctor Ski Area offers a great environment for students to learn the basics of patrolling. Since its founding, Proctor Academy Ski Patrol has taught many students first aid, toboggan, and ski skills. Many returned year after year, others did one year and decided it wasn’t for them. Nearly everyone took away some important life lessons. George Emeny remembers Proctor Academy Ski Patrol’s existence when he came to Proctor around 1955 or 1956. “They just sort of skied,” he said, adding that they didn’t even have a toboggan. That all changed when George began working with the program. He had patrolled through college and was already a member of the National Ski Patrol. George remembers working with the students on medical skills through the Red Cross’s Advanced First Aid, and later the early Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program. Training, he recalled, was “very thorough and fun.” The first sleds the patrol purchased were just regular toboggans, but over the years, the sleds were upgraded until they finally had “good regular patrol sleds.” In these days, sprained ankles and knees were most common. Injured skiers were evacuated from the hill, then transported to the Health Center, and ultimately the hospital if needed. Times have certainly changed, but some similarities remain. Larry Ballin has been the patrol director for Proctor Academy Ski Patrol since 2001, and a member of the National Ski Patrol since 1988. In twelve years, he has seen many changes, both in the patrol and in students. Ballin recalls the patrol when he started. He said, “Ski patrollers were used for everything from the loading lifts to running the snack bar to doing all kinds of labor activities the benefited the ski area...There was a dedicated group of patrollers, but it was really more of a work group than a patrol group.” The program itself has changed a lot, and for the better according to Ballin. “I think we act more as a professional ski patrol as opposed to a community service.” Ski patrol has many benefits, both to the ski area and the individual patroller. “Its always fun to take a patroller...and either get them through the OEC (Outdoor Emergency Care) program or even just get them an introduction to ski patrolling that will lead them to doing it in a different time frame,” thinks Ballin. “Its a real unique program. There are hardly any others like it in the country, so it’s a great marketing thing for the school, especially when we have a successful patroller or two. It kind of fits with the motto of Proctor we’ve all grown up with, Live to Learn, Learn to Live. It’s great experiential learning. It’s very unique.” Larry Ballin understands LESSONS AND MEMORIES FROM 400 FEET The topshack at the summit of Proctor Ski Area is packed. Suddenly, the radio’s distinct crackle interrupts the light atmosphere, sending a hush over the room. Moments after, the light banter about the topshack has been replaced by the sound of ski boots tramping across the floor. Captains communicate their plans while someone pulls a toboggan out of the Within minutes, the topshack is nearly empty and the only sounds are the stereo and the radio crackling out distant glimpses of the accident.


A look back on Proctor Academy Ski Patrol from the 1950's to the present. Part One.

Transcript of Lessons and Memories from 400 Feet

Page 1: Lessons and Memories from 400 Feet


This is a common scenario at at any patrol, but Proctor is different. Most of these patrollers are high school students.

One of five patrols in the New Hampshire region to offer a young adult patrol program, Proctor Ski Area offers a great environment for students to learn the basics of patrolling. Since its founding, Proctor Academy Ski Patrol has taught many students first aid, toboggan, and ski skills. Many returned year after year, others did one year and decided it wasn’t for them. Nearly everyone took away some important life lessons.

George Emeny remembers Proctor Academy Ski Patrol’s existence when he came to Proctor around 1955 or 1956. “They just sort of skied,” he said, adding that they didn’t even have a toboggan. That all changed when George began working with the program. He had patrolled through college and was already a member of the National Ski Patrol. George remembers working with the students on medical skills through the Red Cross’s Advanced First Aid, and later the early Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program. Training, he recalled, was “very thorough and fun.” The first sleds the patrol purchased were just regular toboggans, but over the years, the sleds were upgraded until they finally had “good regular patrol sleds.” In these days, sprained ankles and knees were most common. Injured skiers were evacuated from the hill, then transported to the Health Center, and

ultimately the hospital if needed. Times have certainly changed, but some similarities remain.

Larry Ballin has been the patrol director for Proctor Academy Ski Patrol since 2001, and a member of the National Ski Patrol since 1988. In twelve years, he has seen many changes, both in the patrol and in

students. Ballin recalls the patrol when he started. He said, “Ski patrollers were used for everything from the loading lifts to

running the snack bar to doing all kinds of labor activities the benefited the ski area...There was a dedicated group

of patrollers, but it was really more of a work group than a patrol group.” The program itself has changed a lot, and for the better according to Ballin. “I think we act more as a professional ski patrol as opposed to a

community service.” Ski patrol has many benefits, both to the ski area and the individual patroller. “Its always fun

to take a patroller...and either get them through the OEC (Outdoor Emergency Care) program or even just get them an

introduction to ski patrolling that will lead them to doing it in a different time frame,” thinks Ballin. “Its a real unique program. There are hardly any others like it in the country, so it’s a great marketing thing for the school, especially when we have a successful patroller or two. It kind of fits with the motto of Proctor we’ve all grown up with, Live to Learn, Learn to Live. It’s great experiential learning. It’s very unique.” Larry Ballin understands


The topshack at the summit of Proctor Ski Area is packed. Suddenly, the radio’s distinct crackle interrupts the light atmosphere, sending a hush over the room. Moments after, the light banter about the topshack has been replaced by the sound of ski boots tramping across the floor. Captains communicate their plans while someone pulls a toboggan out of the Within minutes, the topshack is nearly empty and the only sounds are the stereo and the radio crackling out distant glimpses of the accident.

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that for some students, ski patrol isn’t just fun and games. Patrolling presents many challenges. The biggest? “Managing time, and getting respect from other students...and also giving them the confidence to go ahead and use the skills they know that they have.” If there is anything that hasn’t changed about Proctor Academy Ski Area, it is the building of confidence by patrolling.

Even though Proctor is almost constantly changing, some things at Proctor Ski Area haven’t. There are still three trails, although Race (Burden) Trail and Middle (Blackwater) Trail have had some modifications. Says Heide Johnson, former patrol director, “The middle trail was the most fun when it had enough snow; the top was too narrow and often didn't hold snow well, but past that, there was an island of trees in the middle with a little cliff jump.  Lots of fun, but only with lots of natural snow!” Snowmaking was added to Middle Trail in the summer of 1996, and the cliff was blasted out in in the summer of 2010 so the trail could be homogolyzed by FIS (International Ski Federation). Doc’s Run, however, remains unchanged. “Doc's trail was schizophrenic - flat, then steep, then flat, then steep, then flat,”

remembers Johnson. “This trail was not open very often due to no snowmaking and terrain issues (it desperately needs to meet dynamite),” Chris Sanborn ‘97 states. “[It was a f]un slow winding trail when it was open.  This is where we usually would ski the ‘New England Powder’ for one day till Gary packed it down and groomed it to make the snow last longer.” Other students recall creating their own gladed trails through the woods between trails. In addition to changes to the trails themselves, there has been a huge change in the amount of people using it. According to Larry Ballin], “Our number of days on the hill has doubled. The amount of...outside business we do at the ski area has probably grown tenfold.” In addition, in the last decade, a handle tow was added on the last slope on Race Trail, just below Coach’s Knoll. Prior to that, skiers had to skate over the nordic trails to the T-Bar. Although the trails and lifts have changed, their spirit remains unchanged.

Much of the patrol equipment hasn’t changed either. Quick splints, cravats, and SAM splints remain integral to patrol skills. “I remember my favorite splint that we used was a quick splint. It was two pieces of plywood, about three feet long and maybe a foot wide

Outdoor Emergency Care Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) is the first aid course offered by the National Ski Patrol. The course is about 80-100 hours, and nearly equivalent to and EMT-Basic course. OEC requires one refresher a year. In addition, the New Hampshire region offers training days for young adult patrollers at ski areas around the state.


Proctor Ski Patrollers

practice toboggan handling at a

region training day

Page 3: Lessons and Memories from 400 Feet


that had soft foam on the inside and two straps that held the halves together like a sandwich. You would just put the splint on and cinch down the straps and it was good to go,” says Scott Kidder ‘00. He adds that, “...we got the vacuum splints which worked well inside, but if they were cold, they were so stiff that you couldn't make them form around anything.” Many patrollers deviated from the standard list of supplies in their aid belt. Some were simple such as, “A pen,” recalls Sam Brown ’11, “I did a lot of paperwork,” or Ben Chaffee’s “Duct tape...you can do anything with duct tape and a little ingenuity.” Others kept more unique things. Scott Kidder ‘00 remembers, “...a trick that my Mom taught me from when she used to patrol at Ragged Mountain was to have a baby diaper with you because they made good absorbent dressings and you also had a plastic barrier if you didn't have time to get your gloves on yet,” He adds, “because we worked at night, [I carried] a flare just in case the power ever went out.” Most students recall having all the equipment necessary to take care of any possible injury, or at least improvise a splint for it.

Ultimately, the importance of Proctor Academy Ski Patrol isn’t necessarily the

patrolling experience, some say it is the lessons they took away. Larry Ballin, current patrol director believes, “It gives them an opportunity to have a skill set under their belt when they leave Proctor that they can immediately turn into a marketable commodity.” Says Myles Cheston ‘12, “Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) is a useful skill to have out in the world. I can act as a first responder at accidents off the mountain and deal with injuries in my workplace.” “I learned a LOT about improv bandages and just making it work even if you don't have the right tools,” reflects Kidder. “I currently work as an Athletic Trainer and when people see me backboard someone, you can tell I used to do it on mountains.” Sam Brown ’11 made a list of lessons he learned. “[G]ood communication skills with patients, how to operate under stress, exceeding expectations, working in a timely manner, [and] putting out a good image.” Most patrollers would agree that the lessons they learned are extremely pertinent in the working world. skill to have out in the world. I can act as a first responder at accidents off the mountain and deal with injuries in my workplace.” “I learned a LOT about improv bandages and just making it work even if you don't have the right


Ski and Toboggan Ski and toboggan are two integral skills in ski patrolling. Proctor Academy Ski Patrol uses the basic Cascade Toboggan model. This features a fiberglass sled with two metal handles at the front, and long metal skegs on the bottom. A chain under the sled functions as a brake, though another patroller can stabilize the sled with a tail rope as needed

Ski Patrol 2009-2010

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tools,” reflects Kidder. “I currently work as an Athletic Trainer and when people see me backboard someone, you can tell I used to do it on mountains.” Sam Brown ‘10 made a list of lessons he learned. “[G]ood communication skills with patients, how to operate under stress, exceeding expectations, working in a timely manner, [and] putting out a good image.” Most patrollers would agree that the lessons they learned are extremely pertinent in the working world.

Proctor Academy Ski Patrol has been around for over sixty years, and I doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon. In fact, in the past five years, four students have completed the Outdoor Emergency Care course and become members of the National

Ski Patrol. After spending so much time at Proctor Ski Area, they are not walking away empty handed. These students will be well equipped to

handle whatever life throws at them. The skills and memories these students gain will last longer than their patrolling days. “It’s a

lifelong skill.” claims Larry Ballin. As long as Proctor hits the slopes of Proctor Ski Area, Proctor Academy Ski Patrol will be in business changing the live of every one of their members.

ResponsibilityLeft: Proctor Academy Ski Patrollers are in charge of handle tow operation. Below: Ali Mitchell ’11 receives her Outdoor Emergency Care certification (with a big smile!)


Number of OEC Technicians in the past 5 years


Number of toboggans in use


Age of the average member

of NSP


Age of the average PASP patroller


“It’s a lifelong skill.” ~Larry Ballin

By Moriah Keat