Lesson 6 Blackmail Arthur Hailey. Background Information Title of the novel Hotel Arthur Hailey born...

Lesson 6 Blackmail Arthur Hailey

Transcript of Lesson 6 Blackmail Arthur Hailey. Background Information Title of the novel Hotel Arthur Hailey born...

Lesson 6

•Blackmail• • Arthur Hailey

Background Information

•Title of the novel •Hotel•Arthur Hailey•born and educated in Britain. 1939, RAF, emigrated to Canada 1949. Famous novels: Hotel, Airport, The moneychanger.




•The story happened in a hotel named St. Gregory in New Orleans, Louisiana which is in the south of US.

Main character of the novel:

•McDermott: assistant general manager of the hotel

Characters of the novel:

•Ogilvie: chief house detective

•the Duke of Croydon: newly appointed British ambassador to the United States

•the Duchess of Croydon: wife of the Duke

•a prostitute called lady friend by Ogilvie


•Gregory was now at the brink of bankruptcy, but Peter McDermott, the assistant general manager, is trying every means he could to save it. Several events happened during the week with the present text as part of it.


•The Duke of Croydon was an internationally famous statesman and the newly appointed British ambassador to Washington. They occupied the best suite of the hotel--- the Presidential Suite.


•Monday evening, the Duke went to the gambling house. Later, his wife pursued and found him. On their way back, the car Jaguar knocked down a woman and her child. Both killed.


•Then we have the present text.

• ... ...

Type of writing

•This kind of novels are called thrillers.Generally defining, a thriller is a work of fiction or drama designed to hold the interest by the use of a high degree of intrigue, adventure or suspense.

Type of writing

•Others can be called cop-criminal novels, detective novels. The main purpose is for entertainment, amusement.

Type of writing

•Very often this kind of novels contain a lot of action, usu. suspension, not very much deep thought, without moral intention, not considered classic.

Type of writing

•The basic technique is to make the whole story of crime into sth. like a jigsaw puzzle. You can not see the outcome until the final part is put in.

Detailed study

•1. blackmail: the obtaining of money or advancement by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person or group

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•Croydon: The name of a manor supposed to belong the Duke

•Duke / Duchess•marquis(marquess)/ marchioness•count / countess•viscount / viscountess•baron / baroness

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•2. suite: a set or rooms. A suite in a hotel is usually expensive. The suite the Croydons are staying in is St. Gregory Hotel's largest and most elaborate, called the Presidential Suite.

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•3. cryptic: hidden, secret, mysterious

•4. excessively frayed•excessive: derog. too much, too great, too large

•Excessive rainfall washes out valuable minerals from the soil.

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•If you sell the article at that price, the profit will be excessive.

•excessive profit

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•fray: a. to cause rope, cloth etc. to become thin or worn by rubbing, so that loose threads develop

•frayed button holes•His shirt is frayed at the neck / elbows.

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•b. to cause a person's temper, nerves, etc. to become worn out

•His nerves were frayed by the noises in the street.

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•5. eventually: in the end, especially after a lot of delays, problems, or argument.

•All men will eventually die.

Detailed study•6. dispatch: (fml.) to send away / off with promptness for a particular reason or in order to carry out a particular task

•The cruiser despatched boats

to rescue the survivors.

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•7. errand: a short journey made to get sth. or to carry a message

•I have no time to run errands for you!

•I've got a few errands to do in town.

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•8. terrier: any of several types of small active dogs, originally used for hunting (for pictures, see Longman)

•*image – 1* 狗图

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•wolfdog 狼狗 , •hound 猎狗 , •Pekinese 京吧 , •pug-dog 狮子狗 , •bull dog 牛头犬 etc.

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•9. tension: (Here) anxiety, nervousness, worry

•The doctor said that tension made her ill.

•an untrusting or possibly dangerous relationship

•International tension should be reduced when this agreement is signed.

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•10. accompany: to go or come together with

•Lightning usually accompanies thunder.

•I'll be very glad to accompany you to the church.

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•11. pointedly: directly, in a noticeable and often unfriendly way,

•12. offensive: causing unpleasant or hurting feelings

•to have an offensive manner / language

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•offensive: (n) attack•spring offensive, counter offensive

•offend: to hurt the feelings of

•His words offended me.

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•13. piggy eyes: small eyes lost in the mess of flesh.

•piggy: dirty, greedy•You are a pig (dirty, greedy, ill-mannered)

•I've made a pig of myself.

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•14. sardonically: disdainfully, showing a feeling of being too good or important to consider a matter or person seriously, scornfully, cynically

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•15. gross: unpleasantly fat, vulgar, not refined

•gross weight / net weight•16. jowl: the lower part of the side of the face, esp. loose skin and flesh near the lower jaw.

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•17. gaze: steady fixed look•18. appoint: to provide with complete and elegant furnishings or equipment

•well / badly / luxuriously appointed room

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•19. encompass: to surround on all sides, to form a circle about, enclose

•The enemy encompassed the city.

•cf: compass: an instrument for showing direction

•a pair of compasses

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•20. set-up: the arrangement of furniture

•21. flip: to send sth. spinning, often into the air by striking with a light quick blow.

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•22. butt: large thick or bottom end of sth.

•(slang) the part of the body on which a person sits.

•23. décor: the decorative furnishing and arranging of a room, house or stage

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•24. appreciative: showing admiration, pleasant, understanding

•an appreciative audience•appreciate: v.•I’d appreciate it if you would turn the radio down.

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•25. chuckle: laugh inwardly or quietly, quiet laugh with close mouth

•26. incongruous falsetto voice:

•incongruous: not harmonious, absurd, inappropriate

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•Red and green are generally considered in incongruous colours.

•a modern building that looks incongruous in that old fashioned village

•falsetto: unnaturally high voice by a man, esp. in singing

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•27. emission: the act of sending out heat, light, smell, sound, etc.

•the emission of light from the sun,

•of heat from a fire•28. apparently: easily seen or understo() od, obviously

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•29. disgusting: strong feeling of dislike caused by an unpleasant sight, sound or smell, or by bad behaviour, highly distasteful

•What a disgusting smell / behaviour.

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•30. ridiculous: silly, absurd

•31. blandness: gentle or polite in manner or talk

Detailed study•32. adversary: a person or group to whom one is opposed, opponent or enemy.This word implies active hostility

•Do as adversaries do, strike mightily, but eat and drink as friends.

•cf: rival: a person with whom one competes

• a rival in love

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•33. your high-an-mightiness: (here) used for ridicule, mockery

•Your Grace(大人) : to duke, duchess, archbishop

•Your Mightiness (大人 ): to marquis, count,viscount, baron, baroness:

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•Your Highness (殿下) : to prince, princess

•Your honour (阁下) : to judge

•Your Majesty (陛下) : to emperor, empress, king, queen:

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•Your Excellency(阁下) : to governor, ambassador, archbishop, premier

•When directly addressing sb., use His or Her…

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• 34. high-tail: (colloq.) run away in a hurry

• 35. throw the book• If you throw the book at sb., you accuse them of every offence that is possible in a particular situation, or give them the greatest punishment that you are allowed to.

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•36. fancy: higher than the usu. reasonable price, not ordinary, fine

•fancy cake / fruit / skating / birds

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•37. inbred: natural, possessed by a person from birth

•inbred good manners•breed: to breed cows•China artificially breeds 10 pandas in 2002.

Detailed study•38. arrogance: pride and self-importance shown in a way that is rude and disrespectful to others.

•I dislike him for his arrogance.

•The boss's son is arrogant to all the employees.

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•39. spring: to jump, bound, bounce

•40. wrath: (lit.) great anger, indignation, outrageous

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•41. wither: to cause sth. to become dry, faded, or dead

•The hot sun withered all the plants.

•Her scornful look withered her opponent.

•Flowers withered in the cold.•Time can not wither her beauty.

Detailed study•42. unspeakable: that can not be described in words, inexpressibly bad, evil

•blackguard: villain, a wicked un-honourable person

•43. flicker: to move backwards and forwards unsteadily,

•Here: hesitate

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•44. interject: to make a sudden remark between others

•Interject carries extremely strong implication of abrupt or forced introduction.

•Interrupt means to cut or break the flow of sth. continuous such as the speech of others

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•45. It's no go.•What you are trying to do wouldn't work.

•A GO is an attempt at doing sth.

•I always wanted to have a go at football.

•It took us two goes to make the colour right.

Detailed study•accuse: to charge sb. with doing wrong or breaking the law

•accuse sb. of sth.•The police accused him of murder.

•I don't think anyone can accuse me of not being frank.

•Several of the accused were found guilty / not guilty / innocent.

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•Cf: blame: consider sb. responsible for sth. bad

•I don’t blame you for being too cautious.

•He blamed his failure on his teacher.

•Don't blame our defeat on the weather.

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•be to blame: be guilty of•I must say that I am very much to blame for the failure.

•I regard myself as very much to blame.

•I don't blame you. I blame myself.

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•blame, n.: responsibility for

sth. bad.

•Your are clear of all blame.

•The accountant accepted the

blame for the miscalculation.

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•46. wearily: very tired, unable to suffer any more, unwilling to continue, exhausted

47. conceal: hide

•conceal:If you conceal sth., you hide it or cover it carefully.

•Conceal and hide are exchangeable. While hide is a general term, conceal suggests intuition to hide, to refuse to let others know.

Detailed study•The snow hides all the ground.

•The robber concealed the weapon under his coat.

•You can't conceal the truth.

•to conceal one's displeasure

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•50. wrinkle: to cause to from into lines, folds

•51. Lindy’s Place: a casino, a gambling house.

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•52. fussy: nervous about small matters, too much concerned about details

•She is very fussy about her personal appearance.

•“Would you like black tea or green?” “I am not fussy.”

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•fuss: (It's uncountable, but often goes together with 'a') unnecessary nervousness or excitement

•There is no need for fuss.•Whoever the star goes out with, there is sure to be a fuss about their relationship.

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•Don't make so much (a) fuss.

•Don't fuss. •Stop fussing!•He is impatient of bureaucratic fuss.

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•53. smug: showing too much satisfaction with one's qualities, position, etc.

•He looks smug about knowing the answer.

•I don’t like that smug little man.

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•54.swinging: lively & up-to-date, gay and full of life, fashionably free & modern, esp, on sex life

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•55. oblige: to do sth. for sb. as a favour

•Please oblige me by closing the door

•Could you oblige me with a match / stamp / cigarette...

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•56. What gives: (sl) What is going on?

•57. out of the way: improper, wrong, unusual

Detailed study•58. tuck away: put or push into a convenient position, to put into a convenient narrow space for protection, safety, etc.

•tuck your shirt inside the trousers

•have the bottles of wine tucked away under the bed.

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•59. cluck: to make a clicking sound with the tongue, to express interest or concern

•60. reproving: blaming, accusing

•to reprove: to scold or correct usu. gently or with kindly intent, to express disapproval

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•61. mess: the state of disorder or untidiness

•62. lickered up = liquored up,

•to have drunk alcoholic liquor excessively,

•to be drunk

Detailed study•cf:beverage: (fml) liquid for drinking, esp. one that is not water, medicine or alcohol

•liquor: strong alcoholic drink, such as whisky, Maotai,...

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•chaser: mild drink, taken after hard liquor, such as beer

•wine: alcoholic drink made from fruit, esp. Grape

•soft drink: non-alcoholic drink, such as soda pop, coca cola

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•63. I reckon you were lickered up, but good…

•reckon: (infml) guess, suppose, calculate without counting exactly

•I guess that you were not only intoxicated, but you were dead drunk.

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•Here GOOD is used as an intensive

•a good 200 pounds / a good long time

Detailed study•64. caution: to warn against possible danger, to warn sth. bad already done

•The weather-broadcaster cautioned us about the icy roads.

•He was cautioned to speak as a little as possible.

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•65. basement: the part (rooms) of a house which is below the street level

•66. lobby: a passage inside the building which leads from the entrance

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•67. hunch: intuitive guess or feeling, suspect, strong intuitive feeling concerning a future event or result

•68. pillar: general term for tall upright usu. round post made usu. of stone

Detailed study•jockey: people who park their cars there

•people who pass by•Dj: disc jockey•69. concede: reluctantly accept sth. as true, it usu. suggests the strength of the opponent's argument.

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•Cf:•You admit unwillingly that your opponent is right, what he says is true.

•to concede a point in an argument

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•to concede a game, contest, argument means to end it by admitting that you can no longer win

•I conceded that an error had been made.

•"Maybe there is some truth in it," he conceded.

Detailed study• admit: It stresses reluctance to grant or concede and refers rather to facts than to their implicationsto admit a charge only means to admit the fact but not the view-point which the charge impliesto admit his crime / one's fault / one' error

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•confess: say or admit, often formally (that one has done wrong, committed a crime, etc.)

•The prisoner refused to confess (his crime).

•I must confess I did not expect a speech about oyster here.

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•69. scout: to observe, examine, or survey in order to obtain information (such as the movement of the enemy)Boy / Girl Scouts

Detailed study•70. trim: material used for ornament

•to decorate sth. with ribbons, laces, or ornaments

•71. bust: to smash, break as with force

•I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it.

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•72. take on a musing note:•take on: begin to have an appearance

•These insects can take on the colour of their surroundings.

•Her eyes took on a hurting expression.

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•muse: to think deeply, forgetting the world around

•took on a musing note: •His words sounds as if he was in deep thought.

Detailed study•73. poise: good judgement and self-control in one's action, combined with a quiet belief in one's abilities

•The gymnast poised on the balance beam.

•She has perfect poise of mind & body, never seems embarrassed.

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•74. get around to: find the necessary time to

•I haven't been able to get around to reading your essay. I'll read it tonight.

•After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.

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•75. twig: (Br. sl.) (sl of thieves) notice, understand the meaning of, understand

•76. discreet: careful, having good judgement in conduct, prudent, This word stresses the power of control

Detailed study•77. may (might, could) as well: with equivalent or comparable effect, with the same result

•You may just as well wait upstairs.

•You might as well stay with us here.

•You might as well talk to her in person.

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•78. holler: (colloq.) cry, shout, call

•You could hear grandma hollering Ned from the upstairs window.

Detailed study•79. seemingly: according to what appears, usu. opposed to what actually is so

•a seemingly good luck / a seemingly nice person

•He is seemingly very intelligent, but in fact he isn't.

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•80. casual: not serious, careless

•a casual manner / remark / glance / handshake

•An attractive woman always get seemingly casual glances on the street.

Detailed study•81. eventuality: possible esp. unpleasant or surprising event, result or outcome, possibility

•He is ready for any eventuality.

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•82. trace: to find out the origins of sth., to find out how sth. first began

•83. slim: poor, slight, not considerable

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•84. incriminating: showing or proving the involvement of a crime

•85. oafish:•oaf: stupid, ungraceful person, esp. Male

•Why did she marry that great oaf?

Detailed study•86. roadblock: a bar or other objects used for closing a road to stop traffic

•fall victim: victim•He soon fell victim to her charms.

•He fell a victim to his own greed.

•Our people will never fall victims to fascism.

Detailed study•87. hazardous: of an activity which contains risk or danger from sth. beyond control. This word contains strong implication of dependence on chance while RISKY implies voluntarily taking danger.

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•hazard n.,v.: danger; risk •Smoking is a serious health hazard.

•Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.

Detailed study•cf:•risk n., possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm, loss, etc

•Is there any risk of the bomb exploding?

•You shouldn't underestimate the risks of the enterprise.

•Persons swimming beyond this point do so at their own risk.

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•The whole future of the company is at risk.

•risk one's health, fortune, neck (i.e. life)

•risk failure •risky adj (-ier, -iest)

Detailed study•jeopardy: n (idm) in jeopardy: in danger of harm, loss or destruction

•A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.

Detailed study•Danger, jeopardy, hazard, risk mean either the state or fact of being threatened with loss of life or property or with serious injury to one’s health or moral integrity or the cause or source of such a threat.

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•Danger is the general term and implies contingent evil in prospect but not necessarily inescapable.

Detailed study•Jeopardy implies exposure to extreme or dangerous chances. The term is much used in law in reference to persons accused or serious offenses, being tried in court, and therefore exposed to the danger of conviction and punishment.

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•Hazard implies danger from something fortuitous or beyond one’s control, it is not so strong a term as Jeopardy.

•Risk, more frequently than hazard implies a voluntary taking of doubtful or adverse chances.

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•88. complication: complicated situation

•Sth. complicated is so complex that it is exceedingly difficult to understand, explain, solve or to deal with

Detailed study•Sth. complex is made up of so many different interrelated parts or elements that it requires deep study of expert knowledge to deal with it. Not like complicated, it does not imply a fault or failure.

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•89. terrain: a region or a stretch of land, esp. with regard to its natural features or suitability for some special purpose, as used in warfare.

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•90. adept: highly skilled, understanding the mysteries of some art or craft

•be adept in music / playing games

Detailed study•91. betray: to reveal unknowingly or against one's will

•Her red face betrayed her nervousness.

•His accent betrayed that fact that …

•The footprints betrayed the presence of a stranger.

Detailed study•92. conspicuous: noticeable, attracting attention

•A traffic sign should be conspicuous.

•She is conspicuous because of her trendy clothes.

•Lincoln is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.

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•93. abruptness: sudden, unexpected, rough

•94. grotesque: absurd, strange & unnatural so as to cause fear or be laughable, exaggerated in an unpleasant way so that it is frightening or ridiculous

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•95. unequivocal: having a meaning that cannot be misunderstood or doubted, unambiguous, leaving no doubt

•96. bulbous: shaped like a bulb, swelling and disgustingly fat and round

•bulbous dome / nose

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•97. peremptorily: (fml) impolitely and unfriendly, commanding, insisting obedience, showing an expectation of being obeyed at once and without question

Detailed study•98. rivet: metal pin for fasten plates.

•to hold or fasten with or as if with rivets

•99. feature: any of the noticeable parts of the face

•a man with Oriental features•Her mouth is her worst feature / best feature, like a cherry.

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•100. set in a mould:•mould: particular type of a person’s character

•When you take a picture, you set your body, your countenance ...in a certain way. That is to set in a mould.

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•101. imperious: intensely compelling, marked by arrogant assurance, dominating. This word is related to imperial.

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•The whole sentence can be paraphrased as follows:

•Her handsome high-cheek-boned features were set in a way which shows her imperial character.

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•102. respite: a short period of pause or rest, during a time of great effort pain, or trouble, a time of relief (as from labour, suffering or war) or delay (as before sentencing or executing).

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•The patient said he never had any respite from the pain.

•Sentence sb. to death with 2-years' respite.

Detailed study•103. bore: make a hole in•This machine can bore through solid rock.

•104. swallow: to take back, to keep from expressing or showing, to accept without protest or resentment

•to swallow one's words: take back what was said

Detailed study•105. sullen: silently bad-tempered, unforgiving, dark, gloomy

•look sullen, to wear a sullen look

•106. comply: act according to a demand, order, rule

•to comply with the law / regulations

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•107. vacillation: hesitation, uncertainty, waver, continuous changing of one's opinions

•This word implies prolonged hesitation resulting from one's inability to reach a decision

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•He vacillates between accepting & not accepting.The earthquake caused the entire house vacillate.

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•108. dally: to waste time or be slow

•Don't dally or we'll be late.•dally over one's work•110. bulge: to swell out as a result of the pressure from within

Detailed study•111. bead: small ball of glass or other material with a hole through it for a string worn with others on a thread, esp. round the neck for ornament.

•She is wearing a string of green beads.

The end of the story

•At one o'clock Thursday morning, Ogilvie drove the car north. But he was seen leaving the hotel by McDermott. Later in the afternoon, McDermott witnessed the funeral of the two victims of the accident.

The end of the story

•He suddenly realized the relation between these two events and contacted police.

•Ogilvie was caught in Tennessee and sent back to New Orleans.

The end of the story•The Duke decided to go to the police to confess his crime (to surrender himself / to give himself up). But he was hurled out the elevator due to the breakdown of it. He hit the cement ground and died instantly.

The end of the story

•Anyway, the novel had a pleasant ending.

•One of the guests, who looked old and sick, turned out to be a millionaire. Earlier he was seriously ill and was saved by McDermott and his girl friend.

The end of the story

•To show his gratitude and to repay the hotel staffs' kindness, he bought the hotel and appointed McDermott executive vice president of the hotel.

Structural Analysis•Part 1. Prelude•(The chief house officer ...Ogilvie remained standing)

•Section 1. The setting, main characters, and the suspension.

•(The chief house ...that both might return at any moment.)

Structural Analysis

•Section 2. The preliminary encounter between the house detective and the Croydons. (A wave of cigar smoke...Ogilvie remained standing)

Structural Analysis

•Part2: Process of unveiling the crime (Now then...the Duchess turned away)

•Section 1. First round of clash. the Duke confessed his crime( Now then...Now we're getting somewhere).

Structural Analysis•Section 2. Second round of clash.(Wearily, in a gesture...I can prove all I need to )

•Ogilvie spelt out what he had found out about the activity of the Croydons and tried to confirm all the details. The Duchess tried to win back the upper hand.

Structural Analysis

•Section 3. The conviction was undeniable.(The Duke cautioned...the Duchess turned away ).

•The Croydons realized that they were convicted of the crime

Structural Analysis

•Part 3. The Dirty Deal•Section 1. Eliminating the possibility of having the car repaired in New Orleans. ( Her husband asked...You people are hot).

Structural Analysis•Section 2. The interior monologue of the Duchess. Her judgement, analysis and calculation of the situation, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the pros and cons.

•(The Duchess ...Or had they? )

Structural Analysis

•Section 3. The Duchess' decision to gamble on the greed of the house detective.

•(The Duchess faced Ogilvie... the silence hung )

•Section 4. The ending.•The dirty deal reached.

Character Analysis

•A. The description of Ogilvie (notice that the name itself sounds awkward, awful):

•1. Appearance: fat, piggy eyes, gross jowled face, obese body, incongruous falsetto voice, moving with surprising speed

Character Analysis

•2. Character: at first rude, sardonic, self-assured, shameless greedy, but finally subservient

•the way he deals with the cigar


Character Analysis•bite off the end of a fresh cigar

•words spat forth with sudden savagery, blandness gone

•When mentioning the lady friend, he glanced, grinning, at the Duchess

•falsetto voice took on a musing note

Character Analysis

•Whatever names you call things... I got to live toolicked his lips

•This cigar botherin' you?•3. Language: uneducated, full of slang, colloquial, not grammatical.

Character Analysis

•B. The description of the Duchess

•1. Appearance: pale cheek with two high points, gray-green eyes

Character Analysis

•2. Character: imperious, three centuries and a half of inbred arrogance, decisive, vigilant, very quick in response

Character Analysis

•used “please” only once•look pointedly at the cigar•shot a swift warning glance•Would you kindly put that out!

Character Analysis

•3. Language: formal, highly educated

•I imagine you did not come here to discuss décor.

Character Analysis

•C. The description of the Duke

•1. Appearance: attempt to square his shoulders but failed

Character Analysis

•2. Character: uncertain, ready to compromise, passive, despairingly,

•“That’s interesting, I didn’t know that.” The duke spoke as if he was speaking of sb. unrelated to the whole thing.

Character Analysis

•3. Language: upper class slang

•It's no go, old girl.

Character Analysis

•D. The description of the cigar:

•First Part:•1.(p.91) A wave of cigar smoke accompanied him in.

•2.(p.92) Ogilvie removed the offending cigar, knocked off the ash and flipped the butt... where he ignored it.

Character Analysis

•Second Part:•1. (p. 93) Don't play games, lady. ... He took out a fresh cigar and bit off the end…

•2. (p.p.93)...Ogilvie waved the unlighted cigar ...nose.

Character Analysis

•3. (p.94)He lit the fresh cigar.

•4. (p.94)...took his time, ... puffing a cloud…

•(won the first round)

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•5. (p. 96) He paused to puff again…

•(enjoying himself)

Character Analysis

•Third Part:•6. (p. P.103) This cigar bothering you, Duchess?

•(absolute obedience)

Rhetoric•Metaphor:•...the nerves of both ... were excessively frayed…

•his wife shot him a swift, warning glance.

•The words spat forth with sudden savagery.

•I’ll spell it out.


•Euphemism:•...and you took a lady friend.


•Metonymy:•won 100 at the tables•lost it at the bar•they'll throw the book,...

•Thank You!