Lesson 4 Educational Technology 2


Transcript of Lesson 4 Educational Technology 2

• Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies

to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.

•The difference between the classrooms of exemplary users of technology and technology

users is the way their classes are conducted.

• In the exemplary classrooms, student use of computers is woven integrally into the

patterns of teaching; software is a natural extension of student tools.

•There is NO INTEGRATIVE PROCESS in lettingthe students play computer games to givethem a rest period during classes.

•NEITHER is there INTEGRATION, if the teachermerely teaches students computer skills.


•There’s a change in the way classes aretraditionally conducted.•The quality of instruction is improved to a higher

level in such a way that could not have beenachieved without educational technology.•There is planning by the teacher on the process of

determining how wand when technology fits intothe teaching-learning process.

•The teacher sets instructional strategies to addressspecific instructional issues/problems.

•The use of technology provides the opening ofopportunities to respond to these instructionalissues/problems.

• In sum, technology occupies a position

( is a simple or complex way in the instructionalprocess.

•There is no substantial change in the teaching –learning process from the previous method. While technology helps, it does not play a pivotal role.

Example:1st METHOD-Showing still photos or pictures in the class.2nd METHOD-Scanning pictures for a computer projection to make it larger.

•There is purposeful use of technology to support key learning areas.


Allowing students to view multimedia presentations and videos in relation to the lesson to be presented.

•Technology is the central instructional tool.


In campus journalism class, the students are asked to create newsletter using the publisher.

Prepared by:Bajande,Maryjane

Derla,MeccaFajardo, Ana Rose

Gulmatico, Irish John