Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Name_____________________________Per________ Lesson 3 Roots Part A. Define the Example Words (use a dictionary or Google it). Term/Definition Example Definition of Example 21 mega / large megacephalic 22 sphere / circle spheroid 23 litho /stone megalith 24 chrom / color chromatic 25 dia / between; across diameter 26 batho / depth bathysphere 27 bio / life biology 28 geo / earth geometrician 29 ist / one who geologist 30 logy / study of geology Part B. Break down the examples and define (Google or dictionary) Example Breakdown Define 1. biologist 2. lithoid 3. batholith 4. geometric 5. microbiologist 6. bathyscope 7. lithogenic 8. geographic 9. monochromatic 10. biometric Part C. Acrostic Puzzle (use a dictionary, index or Google it – try onelook.com) Definition (root word index#) 1. A conversation between two or more people (25,30) 2. The chemistry of living organisms (27) 3. The study of handwriting (2,30) 4. Art of printing from stone carvings (2,23) 5. Pertaining to ones life history (2,9,27) 6. A device to magnify sound (21) 7. Mathematics of earth sciences (7,28) The acrostic word literally means written across

Transcript of Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Page 1: Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Name_____________________________Per________ Lesson 3 RootsPart A. Define the Example Words (use a dictionary or Google it).

Term/Definition Example Definition of Example21 mega / large megacephalic

22 sphere / circle spheroid

23 litho /stone megalith

24 chrom / color chromatic

25 dia / between; across diameter

26 batho / depth bathysphere

27 bio / life biology

28 geo / earth geometrician

29 ist / one who geologist

30 logy / study of geology

Part B. Break down the examples and define (Google or dictionary)

Example Breakdown Define

1. biologist

2. lithoid

3. batholith

4. geometric

5. microbiologist

6. bathyscope

7. lithogenic

8. geographic

9. monochromatic

10. biometric

Part C. Acrostic Puzzle (use a dictionary, index or Google it – try onelook.com)

Definition (root word index#)

1. A conversation between two or more people (25,30)

2. The chemistry of living organisms (27)

3. The study of handwriting (2,30)

4. Art of printing from stone carvings (2,23)

5. Pertaining to ones life history (2,9,27)

6. A device to magnify sound (21)

7. Mathematics of earth sciences (7,28)

The acrostic word literally means written across

Page 2: Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Part D. Match the example with the definition (use a dictionary or Google it) GRADE __________/12

Term Definition

_____ pathology A. The solid part of the earth

_____ lithophyte B. Removing living tissue for diagnosis

_____ spherometer C. Abnormally large heart

_____ lithosphere D. A human culture that used stone tools

_____ megaton E. The study of the nature of disease

_____ geode F. A hollow stone containing crystals

_____ biopsy G. A very large city

_____ physiology H. Measures curvature of surfaces

_____ megalocardia I. Study of the functioning of living organisms

_____ stratosphere J. A plant that grows on rocks

_____ megalopolis K. The upper part of the atmosphere

_____ neolithic L. A million tons

Part F. (10 points)- Write a compound subject sentence with a vocab word.Compound Subjects are two nouns that are separated by “and.”

Vocab Word subjects complete sentence

telescope Mary and Joe Mary and Joe used a telescope to see the moon.

Page 3: Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Name_____________________________Per________ Lesson 3 RootsPart A. Define the Example Words (use a dictionary or Google it)*

Term/Definition Example Definition of Example21 mega / large megacephalic

22 sphere / circle spheroid

23 litho /stone megalith

24 chrom / color chromatic

25 dia / between; across diameter

26 batho / depth bathysphere

27 bio / life biology

28 geo / earth geometrician

29 ist / one who geologist

30 logy / study of geology

Part B. Break down the examples and define (Google or dictionary)

Example Breakdown Define

1. biologist

2. lithoid

3. batholith

4. lithogenic

5. geographic

6. monochromatic

7. geometric

8. microbiologist

9. bathyscope

10. biometric

Part C. Acrostic Puzzle (use a dictionary, index or Google it – try onelook.com)

Definition (root word index#)

1. A conversation between two or more people (25,30)

2. The chemistry of living organisms (27)

3. The study of handwriting (2,30)

4. Art of printing from stone carvings (2,23)

5. Pertaining to ones life history (2,9,27)

6. A device to magnify sound (21)

7. Mathematics of earth sciences (7,28)

The acrostic word literally means written across

Page 4: Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Part D. Match the example with the definition (use a dictionary or Google it) GRADE __________/12

Term Definition

_____ pathology A. The solid part of the earth

_____ lithophyte B. Removing living tissue for diagnosis

_____ spherometer C. A hollow stone containing crystals

_____ lithosphere D. A very large city

_____ megaton E. Measures curvature of surfaces

_____ geode F. Study of the functioning of living organisms

_____ biopsy G. Abnormally large heart

_____ physiology H. A human culture that used stone tools

_____ megalocardia I. The study of the nature of disease

_____ stratosphere J. A plant that grows on rocks

_____ megalopolis K. The upper part of the atmosphere

_____ neolithic L. A million tons

Part F. (10 points)- Write a compound subject sentence with a vocab word.Compound Subjects are two nouns that are separated by “and.”

Vocab Word subjects complete sentence

telescope Mary and Joe Mary and Joe used a telescope to see the moon.

Page 5: Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Name_____________________________Per________ Lesson 3 RootsPart A. Define the Example Words (use a dictionary or Google it):

Term/Definition Example Definition of Example21 mega / large megacephalic

22 sphere / circle spheroid

23 litho /stone megalith

24 chrom / color chromatic

25 dia / between; across diameter

26 batho / depth bathysphere

27 bio / life biology

28 geo / earth geometrician

29 ist / one who geologist

30 logy / study of geology

Part B. Break down the examples and define (Google or dictionary)

Example Breakdown Define

1. biologist

2. bathyscope

3. batholith

4. lithogenic

5. geographic

6. monochromatic

7. microbiologist

8. geometric

9. lithoid

10. biometric

Part C. Acrostic Puzzle (use a dictionary, index or Google it – try onelook.com)

Definition (root word index#)

1. A conversation between two or more people (25,30)

2. The chemistry of living organisms (27)

3. The study of handwriting (2,30)

4. Art of printing from stone carvings (2,23)

5. Pertaining to ones life history (2,9,27)

6. A device to magnify sound (21)

7. Mathematics of earth sciences (7,28)

The acrostic word literally means written across

Page 6: Lesson 3 Roots - zocchi.weebly.com

Part D. Match the example with the definition (use a dictionary or Google it) GRADE __________/12

Term Definition

_____ pathology A. The solid part of the earth

_____ lithophyte B. A very large city

_____ spherometer C. Abnormally large heart

_____ lithosphere D. A human culture that used stone tools

_____ megaton E. The study of the nature of disease

_____ geode F. A plant that grows on rocks

_____ biopsy G. The upper part of the atmosphere

_____ physiology H. Measures curvature of surfaces

_____ megalocardia I. A hollow stone containing crystals

_____ stratosphere J. Removing living tissue for diagnosis

_____ megalopolis K. Study of the functioning of living organisms

_____ neolithic L. A million tons

Part F. (10 points)- Write a compound subject sentence with a vocab word.Compound Subjects are two nouns that are separated by “and.”

Vocab Word subjects complete sentence

telescope Mary and Joe Mary and Joe used a telescope to see the moon.