Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (handout)

. . . SecƟon 5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus V63.0121.001: Calculus I Professor MaƩhew Leingang New York University May 2, 2011 . Announcements I Today: 5.4 I Wednesday 5/4: 5.5 I Monday 5/9: Review and Movie Day! I Thursday 5/12: Final Exam, 2:00–3:50pm . Objectives I State and explain the Fundemental Theorems of Calculus I Use the first fundamental theorem of calculus to find derivaƟves of funcƟons defined as integrals. I Compute the average value of an integrable funcƟon over a closed interval. . Notes . Notes . Notes . 1 . . SecƟon 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011


The fundamental theorem shows that differentiation and integration are inverse processes.

Transcript of Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (handout)

Page 1: Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (handout)




Sec on 5.4The Fundamental Theorem of


V63.0121.001: Calculus IProfessor Ma hew Leingang

New York University

May 2, 2011



I Today: 5.4I Wednesday 5/4: 5.5I Monday 5/9: Review andMovie Day!

I Thursday 5/12: FinalExam, 2:00–3:50pm


ObjectivesI State and explain theFundemental Theoremsof Calculus

I Use the first fundamentaltheorem of calculus tofind deriva ves offunc ons defined asintegrals.

I Compute the averagevalue of an integrablefunc on over a closedinterval.







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OutlineRecall: The Evalua on Theorem a/k/a 2nd FTC

The First Fundamental Theorem of CalculusArea as a Func onStatement and proof of 1FTCBiographies

Differen a on of func ons defined by integrals“Contrived” examplesErfOther applica ons


The definite integral as a limitDefini onIf f is a func on defined on [a, b], the definite integral of f from a tob is the number ∫ b

af(x) dx = lim




where∆x =b− an

, and for each i, xi = a+ i∆x, and ci is a point in[xi−1, xi].


The definite integral as a limit

TheoremIf f is con nuous on [a, b] or if f has only finitely many jumpdiscon nui es, then f is integrable on [a, b]; that is, the definite

integral∫ b

af(x) dx exists and is the same for any choice of ci.







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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011

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Big time Theorem

Theorem (The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)

Suppose f is integrable on [a, b] and f = F′ for another func on F,then ∫ b

af(x) dx = F(b)− F(a).


The Integral as Net Change


If v(t) represents the velocity of a par cle moving rec linearly, then∫ t1

t0v(t) dt = s(t1)− s(t0).


The Integral as Net Change


If MC(x) represents the marginal cost of making x units of a product,then

C(x) = C(0) +∫ x

0MC(q) dq.







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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011

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The Integral as Net Change


If ρ(x) represents the density of a thin rod at a distance of x from itsend, then the mass of the rod up to x is

m(x) =∫ x

0ρ(s) ds.


My first table of integrals..∫

[f(x) + g(x)] dx =∫

f(x) dx+∫

g(x) dx∫xn dx =


n+ 1+ C (n ̸= −1)∫

ex dx = ex + C∫sin x dx = − cos x+ C∫cos x dx = sin x+ C∫sec2 x dx = tan x+ C∫

sec x tan x dx = sec x+ C∫1

1+ x2dx = arctan x+ C

∫cf(x) dx = c

∫f(x) dx∫

1xdx = ln |x|+ C∫

ax dx =ax

ln a+ C∫

csc2 x dx = − cot x+ C∫csc x cot x dx = − csc x+ C∫

1√1− x2

dx = arcsin x+ C


OutlineRecall: The Evalua on Theorem a/k/a 2nd FTC

The First Fundamental Theorem of CalculusArea as a Func onStatement and proof of 1FTCBiographies

Differen a on of func ons defined by integrals“Contrived” examplesErfOther applica ons







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Area as a FunctionExample

Let f(t) = t3 and define g(x) =∫ x

0f(t) dt. Find g(x) and g′(x).

Solu on



Dividing the interval [0, x] into n pieces gives∆t =xnand

ti = 0+ i∆t =ixn.

Rn =xn· x



xn· (2x)


n3+ · · ·+ x

n· (nx)




n4(13 + 23 + 33 + · · ·+ n3



n4[12n(n+ 1)



Area as a FunctionExample

Let f(t) = t3 and define g(x) =∫ x

0f(t) dt. Find g(x) and g′(x).

Solu on



Dividing the interval [0, x] into n pieces gives∆t =xnand

ti = 0+ i∆t =ixn.

Rn =x4n2(n+ 1)2


So g(x) = limx→∞

Rn =x4

4and g′(x) = x3.


The area function in generalLet f be a func on which is integrable (i.e., con nuous or withfinitely many jump discon nui es) on [a, b]. Define

g(x) =∫ x

af(t) dt.

I The variable is x; t is a “dummy” variable that’s integrated over.I Picture changing x and taking more of less of the region underthe curve.

I Ques on: What does f tell you about g?







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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011

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Envisioning the area function


Suppose f(t) is the func ongraphed to the right. Let

g(x) =∫ x

0f(t) dt. What can

you say about g? ...x










Features of g from f




.... g....f






Interval sign monotonicity monotonicity concavityof f of g of f of g

[0, 2] + ↗ ↗ ⌣

[2, 4.5] + ↗ ↘ ⌢

[4.5, 6] − ↘ ↘ ⌢

[6, 8] − ↘ ↗ ⌣

[8, 10] − ↘ → none

We see that g is behaving a lot like an an deriva ve of f.


Another Big Time TheoremTheorem (The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)

Let f be an integrable func on on [a, b] and define

g(x) =∫ x

af(t) dt.

If f is con nuous at x in (a, b), then g is differen able at x and

g′(x) = f(x).







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Proving the Fundamental TheoremProof.

Let h > 0 be given so that x+ h < b. We have

g(x+ h)− g(x)h


∫ x+h

xf(t) dt.

LetMh be the maximum value of f on [x, x+ h], and letmh theminimum value of f on [x, x+ h]. From §5.2 we have

mh · h ≤∫ x+h

xf(t) dt ≤ Mh · h

=⇒ mh ≤g(x+ h)− g(x)

h≤ Mh.

As h → 0, bothmh andMh tend to f(x).


Proving the Fundamental TheoremProof.

From §5.2 we have

mh · h ≤∫ x+h

xf(t) dt ≤ Mh · h

=⇒ mh ≤g(x+ h)− g(x)

h≤ Mh.

As h → 0, bothmh andMh tend to f(x).


Meet the Mathematician: JamesGregory

I Sco sh, 1638-1675I Astronomer and GeometerI Conceived transcendentalnumbers and found evidencethat π was transcendental

I Proved a geometric version of1FTC as a lemma but didn’t takeit further







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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011

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Meet the Mathematician: IsaacBarrow

I English, 1630-1677I Professor of Greek, theology,and mathema cs at Cambridge

I Had a famous student


Meet the Mathematician: IsaacNewton

I English, 1643–1727I Professor at Cambridge(England)

I Philosophiae Naturalis PrincipiaMathema ca published 1687


Meet the Mathematician: GottfriedLeibniz

I German, 1646–1716I Eminent philosopher as well asmathema cian

I Contemporarily disgraced by thecalculus priority dispute







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Differentiation and Integration asreverse processes

Pu ng together 1FTC and 2FTC, we get a beau ful rela onshipbetween the two fundamental concepts in calculus.Theorem (The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus)

I. If f is a con nuous func on, then


∫ x

af(t) dt = f(x)

So the deriva ve of the integral is the original func on.


Differentiation and Integration asreverse processes

Pu ng together 1FTC and 2FTC, we get a beau ful rela onshipbetween the two fundamental concepts in calculus.Theorem (The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus)

II. If f is a differen able func on, then∫ b

af′(x) dx = f(b)− f(a).

So the integral of the deriva ve of is (an evalua on of) theoriginal func on.


OutlineRecall: The Evalua on Theorem a/k/a 2nd FTC

The First Fundamental Theorem of CalculusArea as a Func onStatement and proof of 1FTCBiographies

Differen a on of func ons defined by integrals“Contrived” examplesErfOther applica ons







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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011

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Differentiation of area functionsExample

Let h(x) =∫ 3x

0t3 dt. What is h′(x)?

Solu on (Using 2FTC)

h(x) =t4



14(3x)4 = 1

4 · 81x4, so h′(x) = 81x3.

Solu on (Using 1FTC)

We can think of h as the composi on g ◦ k, where g(u) =∫ u

0t3 dt

and k(x) = 3x.

Then h′(x) = g′(u) · k′(x), or

h′(x) = g′(k(x)) · k′(x) = (k(x))3 · 3 = (3x)3 · 3 = 81x3.


Differentiation of area functionsExample

Let h(x) =∫ 3x

0t3 dt. What is h′(x)?

Solu on (Using 1FTC)

We can think of h as the composi on g ◦ k, where g(u) =∫ u

0t3 dt

and k(x) = 3x. Then h′(x) = g′(u) · k′(x), or

h′(x) = g′(k(x)) · k′(x) = (k(x))3 · 3 = (3x)3 · 3 = 81x3.


Differentiation of area functions, in generalI by 1FTC


∫ k(x)

af(t) dt = f(k(x))k′(x)

I by reversing the order of integra on:


∫ b

h(x)f(t) dt = − d


∫ h(x)

bf(t) dt = −f(h(x))h′(x)

I by combining the two above:


∫ k(x)

h(x)f(t) dt =


(∫ k(x)

0f(t) dt+

∫ 0

h(x)f(t) dt

)= f(k(x))k′(x)− f(h(x))h′(x)







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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011

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Another ExampleExample

Let h(x) =∫ sin2 x

0(17t2 + 4t− 4) dt. What is h′(x)?

Solu on

We have


∫ sin2 x

0(17t2 + 4t− 4) dt =

(17(sin2 x)2 + 4(sin2 x)− 4

)· ddx

sin2 x

=(17 sin4 x+ 4 sin2 x− 4

)· 2 sin x cos x


A Similar ExampleExample

Let h(x) =∫ sin2 x

3(17t2 + 4t− 4) dt. What is h′(x)?

Solu on

We have


∫ sin2 x

0(17t2 + 4t− 4) dt =

(17(sin2 x)2 + 4(sin2 x)− 4

)· ddx

sin2 x

=(17 sin4 x+ 4 sin2 x− 4

)· 2 sin x cos x


CompareQues on

Why isddx

∫ sin2 x

0(17t2 + 4t− 4) dt =


∫ sin2 x

3(17t2 + 4t− 4) dt?

Or, why doesn’t the lower limit appear in the deriva ve?


∫ sin2 x

0(17t2+4t−4) dt =

∫ 3

0(17t2+4t−4) dt+

∫ sin2 x

3(17t2+4t−4) dt

So the two func ons differ by a constant.







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The Full NastyExample

Find the deriva ve of F(x) =∫ ex

x3sin4 t dt.

Solu on


∫ ex

x3sin4 t dt = sin4(ex) · ex − sin4(x3) · 3x2

No ce here it’s much easier than finding an an deriva ve for sin4.


Why use 1FTC?Ques on

Why would we use 1FTC to find the deriva ve of an integral? Itseems like confusion for its own sake.


I Some func ons are difficult or impossible to integrate inelementary terms.

I Some func ons are naturally defined in terms of otherintegrals.


Erferf(x) =


∫ x

0e−t2 dt

I erf measures area the bell curve.I We can’t find erf(x), explicitly,but we do know its deriva ve:

erf′(x) =2√πe−x2.










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Example of erfExample



Solu on

By the chain rule we have


erf(x2) = erf′(x2)ddx

x2 =2√πe−(x2)22x =



Other functions defined by integralsI The future value of an asset:

FV(t) =∫ ∞

tπ(s)e−rs ds

where π(s) is the profitability at me s and r is the discountrate.

I The consumer surplus of a good:

CS(q∗) =∫ q∗

0(f(q)− p∗) dq

where f(q) is the demand func on and p∗ and q∗ theequilibrium price and quan ty.


Surplus by picture

..quan ty (q)


price (p)


demand f(q).

market revenue









consumer surplus


producer surplus







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SummaryI Func ons defined as integrals can be differen ated using thefirst FTC:


∫ x

af(t) dt = f(x)

I The two FTCs link the two major processes in calculus:differen a on and integra on∫

F′(x) dx = F(x) + C









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. Sec on 5.4: The Fundamental Theorem. V63.0121.001: Calculus I . May 2, 2011