Less admin step by step guide (yacht racing)

Step by Step Guide Background: Robert McCall is owner of a yacht (and some other toys). Lee Bristow is the manager of the yacht. They are competing at Cowes Week.

Transcript of Less admin step by step guide (yacht racing)

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Step by Step Guide Background: Robert McCall is owner of a yacht (and some other toys). Lee Bristow is the manager of the yacht. They are competing at Cowes Week.

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First the principles behind LessAdmin

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Asset page

The home page is a list of Robert McCall’s assets and those where he is a co-owner. Click on an asset card to be taken to the asset details. The calendar icon shows that there are reminders for the asset.

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Add or edit an asset. The mandatory fields are marked with *. The cover image can be uploaded and resized later.

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Resize the image you have uploaded for the cover

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Asset co-owners

Every asset can have co-owners who have access to all asset information. Co-owners are automatically added as trusted friends on projects associated with the asset.

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Asset documents

Add documents. The description can have URLs which will be “active” i.e. you can click on them and launch a web page. You can also attach a file.

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Asset documents

Documents are listed in alphabetical order. You can see the attached documents and live URL links.

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Asset reminders

Reminders can be standalone or associated with asset documents. Choose the type of notification and when to be notified.

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Project page

Add projects and share them with friends. A project is a collaborative space (think: Facebook meets Dropbox) for you and others to share notes, files and photos. Your project is private until you invite friends. Trusted friends can see the financials on a project, but friends cannot.

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Project page

Add project and a description. Set the budget and start and target end dates if required. The budget is used to calculate the financial status.

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Project friends and trusted friends

Friends (i.e. the crew) can be invited to collaborate on a project. If they are not LessAdmin users they will be sent an invite. Friends can collaborate; add notes, photos and comments, and will be notified of any posts. Trusted friends can also add project transactions and see the financial status.

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Project notes

Project collaboration is through notes or photos. You, trusted friends and friends can post a note, with an optional attachment, post a photo, or comment on notes and photos. You, trusted friends and friends are notified whenever a note, photo or comment is posted.

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Project vCard

The vCard contains the unique email address for a project. Download the vCard to your address book so you can email, or fwd / cc, an email into the project. Files or photos attached to the email are automatically posted. e.g. you can take a photo on your phone and email it onto the project.

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Project financials

Every project has the ability to track financial status. Project transactions allow the project owner and trusted friends (not friends) to post either money spent or money collected. Money spent on jobs associated with the project are rolled up to the project.

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Project transactions

The project transaction is money spent by the project or money collected. The page will need to be refreshed to update the financial figures in the left column.

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A project can have jobs. Jobs can be allocated to yourself or 3rd parties. If 3rd party is not a LessAdmin user they will be sent an invite. If they are on LessAdmin they will be displayed as you type their name.

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Job notes

You can collaborate on the job with the 3rd party. You can post notes, photos and comments just like the project. In addition the full financial cycle of quotes, invoices and payments is managed.

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Job financials

The entire financial lifecycle is managed. The 3rd party posts a quote. You accept or reject. They raise an invoice linked to quote. An invoice can be full or partial. You accept or reject the invoice. You raise a payment which can be full or partial. They change status when they have received payment.

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Job vCard

The vCard contains the unique email address for a job. Download the vCard to your address book so you can email, or fwd / cc, an email into the job. Files or photos attached to the email are automatically posted to the job.

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Everyone you have invited to an asset (co-owner), project (friend / trusted friend) or job (3rd party) is shown in the contacts page. You can email them directly. You can also see if they have accepted your invitation, and if not you can resend it.

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Your profile

Click on your name and image top right to edit your profile. You can change your displayed name, password and time zone.

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You can add alternative emails to your profile so you can use those email accounts to email directly into projects and jobs. It also means than people can invite you using those emails. You can change which email is your primary email address which is the one you use to login.

Your profile

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Whenever someone posts to an asset, project or job which you are associated with, or invites you to join an asset, project or job, you are notified. Click on the notification to see the item and the the notification will be cleared. Each notification will also send an email to your primary address.

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You can see a full list of unread notifications and clear them by “Mark all as read”

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Thank you