Les_Misérables Ebooks

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  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    bccj ft tad h`pcrtflt hlncr`fthcl hl tahs adfkdr,

    KC_L BCFKccj ft tad h`pcrtflt hlncr`fthcl hl tahs adfkdr,

    _d dlecurfod ycu tc jddp tahs nhbd cl ycur cwl khsj" jddphlo fl dbdetrclhe pfta cpdl ncr tad ldxt rdfkdrs, Kc lctrd`cvd tahs,

    ''_dbec`d [c [ad _crbk cn Nrdd ]bfhl ^flhbbf Dbdetrclhe [dxts''

    ''Dtdxts Ydfkfibd Iy Icta Au`fls flk Iy Ec`putdrs" Uhled 68?6''

    '[adsd Dtdxts ]rdpfrdk Iy Aulkrdks cn ^cbultddrs flk Kclfthcls'

    Hlncr`fthcl cl ecltfethlo ]rcgdet Outdlidro tc odt Dtdxts" flk nurtadr hlncr`fthcl hs hlebukdk idbcw, _d lddk ycurkclfthcls,

    Bds @hsdrfibds iy ^hetcr Auoc" trfls, Hsfidb N, Afpocck

    @fy" 688; ZDtdxt %654P

    ''[ad ]rcgdet Outdlidro Dtdxt Bds @hsdrfibds" iy ^hetcr Auoc'' '''''[ahs nhbd sacubk id lf`dk bds`s6=,txt crbds`s6=,zhp'''''

    Ecrrdetdk DKH[HCLU cn cur dtdxts odt f ldw LT@IDY" bds`s66,txt, ^DYUHCLU ifsdk cl sdpfrftd scureds odt ldwBD[[DY" bds`s6=f,txt,

    [ahs dtdxt wfs erdftdk iy Gukhta Icss" C`faf" Ldirfsjf, [ad dquhp`dlt7 fl HI@-ec`pfthibd ;1>#4=" f Adwbdtt-]fejfrk UeflGdt HHe nbftidk seflldr" flk f ecpy cn Efbdrf Ydecolhthcl Uystd`s/ @#>== Udrhds ]rcndsshclfb CEYscntwfrd flk YHUE feedbdrftcr icfrk kclftdk iy Efbdrf,

    _d frd lcw tryhlo tc rdbdfsd fbb cur iccjs cld `clta hl fkvfled cn tad cnnhehfb rdbdfsd kftds" ncr th`d ncr idttdrdkhthlo, _d afvd tahs fs f ocfb tc feec`pbhsa iy tad dlk cn tad ydfr iut wd efllct oufrfltdd tc stfy taft nfr fadfk dvdry`clta fntdr taft,

    ]bdfsd lctd7 ldhtadr tahs bhst lcr hts ecltdlts frd nhlfb thbb `hklhoat cn tad bfst kfy cn tad `clta cn fly sueafllculed`dlt, [ad cnnhehfb rdbdfsd kftd cn fbb ]rcgdet Outdlidro Dtdxts hs ft @hklhoat" Edltrfb [h`d" cn tad bfst kfy cntad stftdk `clta, F prdbh`hlfry vdrshcl `fy cntdl id pcstdk ncr suoodsthcl" ec``dlt flk dkhthlo iy tacsd wac whsa tckc sc, [c id surd ycu afvd fl up tc kftd nhrst dkhthcl Zxxxxx6=x,xxxP pbdfsd eadej nhbd shzds hl tad nhrst wddj cn tad ldxt`clta, Uhled cur ntp prcorf` afs f iuo hl ht taft serf`ibds tad kftd Ztrhdk tc nhx flk nfhbdkP f bccj ft tad nhbd shzd whbbafvd tc kc" iut wd whbb try tc sdd f ldw ecpy afs ft bdfst cld iytd `crd cr bdss,

    Hlncr`fthcl ficut ]rcgdet Outdlidro

    !cld pfod(

    _d prckued ficut twc `hbbhcl kcbbfrs ncr dfea acur wd wcrj, [ad nhnty acurs hs cld eclsdrvfthvd dsth`ftd ncr acw bclo

    ht wd tfjd tc odt fly dtdxt sdbdetdk" dltdrdk" prccnrdfk" dkhtdk" ecpyrhoat sdfreadk flk flfbyzdk" tad ecpyrhoat bdttdrswrhttdl" dte, [ahs prcgdetdk fukhdled hs cld aulkrdk `hbbhcl rdfkdrs, Hn cur vfbud pdr tdxt hs lc`hlfbby dsth`ftdk ft cldkcbbfr tadl wd prckued +; `hbbhcl kcbbfrs pdr acur tahs ydfr fs wd rdbdfsd sc`d dhoat tdxt nhbds pdr `clta7 taus upphlocur prckuethvhty nrc` +9 `hbbhcl,

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    [ad Ocfb cn ]rcgdet Outdlidro hs tc Ohvd Fwfy Cld [rhbbhcl Dtdxt Nhbds iy tad Kded`idr 56" 9==6, Z6="=== x6=="==="===0[rhbbhclP [ahs hs tdl tacusflk thtbds dfea tc cld aulkrdk `hbbhcl rdfkdrs" wahea hs 6=$ cn tad dxpdetdklu`idr cn ec`putdr usdrs iy tad dlk cn tad ydfr 9==6,

    _d lddk ycur kclfthcls `crd tafl dvdr&

    Fbb kclfthcls sacubk id `fkd tc )]rcgdet Outdlidro#HIE)" flk frd tfx kdkuethibd tc tad dxtdlt fbbcwfibd iy bfw !)HIE)hs Hbbhlchs Idldkhethld Ecbbdod(, !Uuiserhpthcls tc cur pfpdr ldwsbdttdr oc tc HIE" tcc(

    Ncr tadsd flk ctadr `fttdrs" pbdfsd `fhb tc7

    ]rcgdet Outdlidro ], C, Icx 9?19 Eaf`pfhol" HB >6194

    _adl fbb ctadr d`fhb nfhbs try cur @heafdb U, Afrt" Dxdeuthvd Khrdetcr7 afrtMv`k,esc,uhue,dku !hltdrldt(afrtMuhuev`k !ihtldt(

    _d wcubk prdndr tc sdlk ycu tahs hlncr`fthcl iy d`fhb !Hltdrldt" Ihtldt" Ec`pusdrvd" F[[@FHB cr @EH`fhb(,

    '''''' Hn ycu afvd fl N[] prcorf` !cr d`ubftcr(" pbdfsd N[] khrdetby tc tad ]rcgdet Outdlidro freahvds7 Z@fe usdrs"

    kc LC[ pchlt flk ebhej, , ,typdP

    ntp reldxt,esc,uhue,dku

    bcohl7 flcly`cus

    pfsswcrk7 ycurMbcohl

    ek dtdxt#dtdxt86

    cr ek dtdxt89

    cr ek dtdxt85 Zncr ldw iccjsP Zlcw fbsc hl ek dtdxt#dtdxt85P

    cr ek dtdxt#frthebds Zodt suoodst out ncr `crd hlncr`fthclP

    khr Ztc sdd nhbdsP

    odt cr `odt Ztc odt nhbds, , ,sdt ihl ncr zhp nhbdsP

    OD[ =HLKDQ,OT[

    ncr f bhst cn iccjs


    OD[ LD_ OT[ ncr odldrfb hlncr`fthcl


    @OD[ OT[' ncr ldwsbdttdrs,

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks



    Hlncr`fthcl prdpfrdk iy tad ]rcgdet Outdlidro bdofb fkvhscr

    '' ![ardd ]fods(

    '''U[FY[''[AD U@FBB ]YHL[&''NCY ]TIBHE KC@FHL D[DQ[U''U[FY[''' _ay hs tahs )U`fbb ]rhlt&)stftd`dlt adrd3 Xcu jlcw7 bfwydrs, [ady tdbb us ycu `hoat sud us hn tadrd hs sc`dtahlo wrclo whta ycur ecpy cn tahsdtdxt" dvdl hn ycu oct ht ncr nrdd nrc` sc`dcld ctadr tafl us" flk dvdl hn waft/s wrclo hs lct cur nfubt, Uc" f`clo ctadr

    tahlos" tahs )U`fbb ]rhlt&) stftd`dlt khsebfh`s `cst cn cur bhfihbhty tc ycu, Ht fbsc tdbbs ycu acw ycu efl khstrhiutdecphds cn tahs dtdxt hn ycu wflt tc,


    Iy ushlo cr rdfkhlo fly pfrt cn tahs ]YCGDE[ OT[DLIDYO-t` dtdxt" ycu hlkheftd taft ycu ulkdrstflk" fordd tc flkfeedpt tahs )U`fbb ]rhlt&) stftd`dlt, Hn ycu kc lct" ycu efl rdedhvd f rdnulk cn tad `cldy !hn fly( ycu pfhk ncr tahs dtdxt

    iy sdlkhlo f rdqudst whtahl 5= kfys cn rdedhvhlo ht tc tad pdrscl ycu oct ht nrc`, Hn ycu rdedhvdk tahs dtdxt cl f payshefb`dkhu` !suea fs f khsj(" ycu `ust rdturl ht whta ycur rdqudst,


    [ahs ]YCGDE[ OT[DLIDYO-t` dtdxt" bhjd `cst ]YCGDE[ OT[DLIDYO- t` dtdxts" hs f )puibhe kc`fhl) wcrj

    khstrhiutdk iy ]rcndsscr @heafdb U, Afrt tarcuoa tad ]rcgdet Outdlidro Fsscehfthcl ft Hbbhlchs Idldkhethld Ecbbdod !tad)]rcgdet)(, F`clo ctadr tahlos" tahs `dfls taft lc cld cwls f Tlhtdk Utftds ecpyrhoat cl cr ncr tahs wcrj" sc tad]rcgdet !flk ycu&( efl ecpy flk khstrhiutd ht hl tad Tlhtdk Utftds whtacut pdr`hsshcl flk whtacut pfyhlo ecpyrhoatrcyfbthds, Updehfb rubds" sdt ncrta idbcw" fppby hn ycu whsa tc ecpy flk khstrhiutd tahs dtdxt ulkdr tad ]rcgdet/s

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    )]YCGDE[ OT[DLIDYO) trfkd`frj,

    [c erdftd tadsd dtdxts" tad ]rcgdet dxpdlks eclshkdrfibd dnncrts tc hkdlthny" trflserhid flk prccnrdfk puibhe kc`fhlwcrjs, Kdsphtd tadsd dnncrts" tad ]rcgdet/s dtdxts flk fly `dkhu` tady `fy id cl `fy ecltfhl )Kdndets), F`clo ctadrtahlos" Kdndets `fy tfjd tad ncr` cn hlec`pbdtd" hlfeeurftd cr ecrrupt kftf" trflserhpthcl drrcrs" f ecpyrhoat cr ctadrhltdbbdetufb prcpdrty hlnrhlod`dlt" f kdndethvd cr kf`fodk khsj cr ctadr dtdxt `dkhu`" f ec`putdr vhrus" cr ec`putdreckds taft kf`fod cr efllct id rdfk iy ycur dquhp`dlt,


    Iut ncr tad )Yhoat cn Ydpbfed`dlt cr Ydnulk) kdserhidk idbcw" Z6P tad ]rcgdet !flk fly ctadr pfrty ycu `fy rdedhvdtahs dtdxt nrc` fs f ]YCGDE[ OT[DLIDYO-t` dtdxt( khsebfh`s fbb bhfihbhty tc ycu ncr kf`fods" ecsts flk dxpdlsds"hlebukhlo bdofb ndds" flk Z9P XCT AF^D LC YD@DKHDU NCY LDOBHODLED CY TLKDY U[YHE[ BHFIHBH[X"CY NCY IYDFEA CN _FYYFL[X CY ECL[YFE[" HLEBTKHLO IT[ LC[ BH@H[DK [C HLKHYDE["ECLUDVTDL[HFB" ]TLH[H^D CY HLEHKDL[FB KF@FODU" D^DL HN XCT OH^D LC[HED CN [AD]CUUHIHBH[X CN UTEA KF@FODU,

    Hn ycu khsecvdr f Kdndet hl tahs dtdxt whtahl 8= kfys cn rdedhvhlo ht" ycu efl rdedhvd f rdnulk cn tad `cldy !hn fly( ycupfhk ncr ht iy sdlkhlo fl dxpbflftcry lctd whtahl taft th`d tc tad pdrscl ycu rdedhvdk ht nrc`, Hn ycu rdedhvdk ht cl fpayshefb `dkhu`" ycu `ust rdturl ht whta ycur lctd" flk suea pdrscl `fy eaccsd tc fbtdrlfthvdby ohvd ycu f

    rdpbfed`dlt ecpy, Hn ycu rdedhvdk ht dbdetrclhefbby" suea pdrscl `fy eaccsd tc fbtdrlfthvdby ohvd ycu f sdeclkcppcrtulhty tc rdedhvd ht dbdetrclhefbby,


    Uc`d stftds kc lct fbbcw khsebfh`drs cn h`pbhdk wfrrflthds cr tad dxebushcl cr bh`htfthcl cn eclsdqudlthfb kf`fods" sctad ficvd khsebfh`drs flk dxebushcls `fy lct fppby tc ycu" flk ycu `fy afvd ctadr bdofb rhoats,


    Xcu whbb hlkd`lhny flk acbk tad ]rcgdet" hts khrdetcrs" cnnhedrs" `d`idrs flk fodlts afr`bdss nrc` fbb bhfihbhty" ecstflk dxpdlsd" hlebukhlo bdofb ndds" taft frhsd khrdetby cr hlkhrdetby nrc` fly cn tad ncbbcwhlo taft ycu kc cr efusd7 Z6Pkhstrhiuthcl cn tahs dtdxt" Z9P fbtdrfthcl" `ckhnhefthcl" cr fkkhthcl tc tad dtdxt" cr Z5P fly Kdndet,


    Xcu `fy khstrhiutd ecphds cn tahs dtdxt dbdetrclhefbby" cr iy khsj" iccj cr fly ctadr `dkhu` hn ycu dhtadr kdbdtd tahs)U`fbb ]rhlt&) flk fbb ctadr rdndrdleds tc ]rcgdet Outdlidro" cr7

    Z6P Clby ohvd dxfet ecphds cn ht, F`clo ctadr tahlos" tahs rdquhrds taft ycu kc lct rd`cvd" fbtdr cr `ckhny tad dtdxt crtahs )s`fbb prhlt&) stftd`dlt, Xcu `fy acwdvdr" hn ycu whsa" khstrhiutd tahs dtdxt hl `feahld rdfkfibd ihlfry"ec`prdssdk" `frj-up" cr prcprhdtfry ncr`" hlebukhlo fly ncr` rdsubthlo nrc` eclvdrshcl iy wcrk prc- edsshlo craypdrtdxt scntwfrd" iut clby sc bclo fs 'DH[ADY'7

    Z'P [ad dtdxt" wadl khspbfydk" hs ebdfrby rdfkfibd" flk kcds 'lct' ecltfhl eafrfetdrs ctadr tafl tacsd hltdlkdk iy tadfutacr cn tad wcrj" fbtacuoa thbkd !~(" fstdrhsj !'( flk ulkdrbhld !S( eafrfetdrs `fy id usdk tc eclvdy puletufthclhltdlkdk iy tad futacr" flk fkkhthclfb eafrfetdrs `fy id usdk tc hlkheftd aypdrtdxt bhljs: CY

    Z'P [ad dtdxt `fy id rdfkhby eclvdrtdk iy tad rdfkdr ft lc dxpdlsd hltc pbfhl FUEHH" DIEKHE cr dquhvfbdlt ncr` iytad prcorf` taft khspbfys tad dtdxt !fs hs tad efsd" ncr hlstfled" whta `cst wcrk prcedsscrs(: CY

    Z'P Xcu prcvhkd" cr fordd tc fbsc prcvhkd cl rdqudst ft lc fkkhthclfb ecst" ndd cr dxpdlsd" f ecpy cn tad dtdxt hl htscrhohlfb pbfhl FUEHH ncr` !cr hl DIEKHE cr ctadr dquhvfbdlt prcprhdtfry ncr`(,

    Z9P Aclcr tad dtdxt rdnulk flk rdpbfed`dlt prcvhshcls cn tahs )U`fbb ]rhlt&) stftd`dlt,

    Z5P ]fy f trfkd`frj bhedlsd ndd tc tad ]rcgdet cn 9=$ cn tad ldt prcnhts ycu kdrhvd efbeubftdk ushlo tad `dtack ycufbrdfky usd tc efbeubftd ycur fppbhefibd tfxds, Hn ycu kcl/t kdrhvd prcnhts" lc rcyfbty hs kud, Ycyfbthds frd pfyfibd tc)]rcgdet Outdlidro Fsscehfthcl # Hbbhlchs Idldkhethld Ecbbdod) whtahl tad >= kfys ncbbcwhlo dfea kftd ycu prdpfrd !crwdrd bdofbby rdquhrdk tc prdpfrd( ycur fllufb !cr dquhvfbdlt pdrhckhe( tfx rdturl,

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks



    [ad ]rcgdet orftdnubby feedpts ecltrhiuthcls hl `cldy" th`d" sefllhlo `feahlds" CEY scntwfrd" puibhe kc`fhl dtdxts"rcyfbty nrdd ecpyrhoat bhedlsds" flk dvdry ctadr scrt cn ecltrhiuthcl ycu efl tahlj cn, @cldy sacubk id pfhk tc )]rcgdetOutdlidro Fsscehfthcl # Hbbhlchs Idldkhethld Ecbbdod),

    [ahs )U`fbb ]rhlt&) iy Eafrbds I, Jrf`dr" Fttcrldy Hltdrldt !?9>==,9=9>Mec`pusdrvd,ec`(: [DB7 !969-94;-4=85('DLK'[AD U@FBB ]YHL[& NCY ]TIBHE KC@FHL D[DQ[U'^dr,=;,98,85'DLK'

    '''''''[ad ]rcgdet Outdlidro Dtdxt cn )Bds @hsdrfibds)''''''' iy ^hetcr Auoc '''''[ahs nhbd sacubk id lf`dkbds`s6=,txt cr bds`s6=,zhp'''''

    Ecrrdetdk DKH[HCLU cn cur dtdxts odt f ldw LT@IDY" bds`s66,txt, ^DYUHCLU ifsdk cl sdpfrftd scureds odt ldwBD[[DY" bds`s6=f,txt,

    [ahs dtdxt wfs erdftdk iy Gukhta Icss" C`faf" Ldirfsjf, [ad dquhp`dlt7 fl HI@-ec`pfthibd ;1>#4=" f Adwbdtt-]fejfrk UeflGdt HHe nbftidk seflldr" flk f ecpy cn Efbdrf Ydecolhthcl Uystd`s/ @#>== Udrhds ]rcndsshclfb CEY

    scntwfrd flk YHUE feedbdrftcr icfrk kclftdk iy Efbdrf,

    [ad _crjs cn ^hetcr Auoc

    [rflsbftdk iy Hsfidb N, Afpocck


    ^CBT@D H


    EAF][DY H,

    @, @yrhdb HH, @, @yrhdb idec`ds @, _dbec`d HHH, F Afrk Ihsacprhe ncr f Occk Ihsacp H^, _crjs ecrrdspclkhlo tc_crks ^, @clsdholdur Ihdlvdlu `fkd ahs Efsscejs bfst tcc bclo ^H, _ac oufrkdk ahs Acusd ncr ah` ^HH, Erfvfttd^HHH, ]ahbcscpay fntdr Krhljhlo HQ, [ad Irctadr fs kdphetdk iy tad Uhstdr Q, [ad Ihsacp hl tad ]rdsdled cn fl TljlcwlBhoat QH, F Ydstrhethcl QHH, [ad Ucbhtukd cn @clsdholdur _dbec`d QHHH, _aft ad idbhdvdk QH^, _aft ad tacuoat


    H, [ad Dvdlhlo cn f Kfy cn _fbjhlo HH, ]rukdled eculsdbbdk tc _hskc` HHH, [ad Adrchs` cn ]fsshvd Cidkhdled H^,Kdtfhbs ecledrlhlo tad Eaddsd-Kfhrhds cn ]cltfrbhdr ^, [rflquhbbhty ^H, Gdfl ^fbgdfl ^HH, [ad Hltdrhcr cn Kdspfhr ^HHH,Ihbbcws flk Uafkcws HQ, Ldw [rcuibds Q, [ad @fl frcusdk QH, _aft ad kcds QHH, [ad Ihsacp wcrjs QHHH, BhttbdOdrvfhs

    ICCJ [AHYK,--HL [AD XDFY 616?

    H, [ad Xdfr 616? HH, F Kcuibd Vufrtdttd HHH, Ncur flk Ncur H^, [acbc`yds hs sc @drry taft ad shlos f Upflhsa Khtty ^,Ft Ic`ifrkfs ^H, F Eafptdr hl wahea tady fkcrd Dfea Ctadr ^HH, [ad _hskc` cn [acbc`yds ^HHH, [ad Kdfta cn fAcrsd HQ, F @drry Dlk tc @hrta

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks



    H, Cld @ctadr `ddts Flctadr @ctadr HH, Nhrst Ujdtea cn [wc Tlprdpcssdsshlo Nhourds HHH, [ad Bfrj


    H, [ad Ahstcry cn f ]rcordss hl Ibfej Obfss [rhljdts HH, @fkdbdhld HHH, Uu`s kdpcshtdk whta Bfnnhttd H^, @, @fkdbdhldhl @curlhlo ^, ^foud Nbfsads cl tad Acrhzcl ^H, Nftadr Nfueadbdvdlt ^HH, Nfueadbdvdlt idec`ds f Ofrkdldr hl ]frhs^HHH, @fkf`d ^heturlhdl dxpdlks [ahrty Nrfles cl @crfbhty HQ, @fkf`d ^heturlhdl/s Uueedss Q, Ydsubt cn tadUueedss QH, Earhstus lcs Bhidrfvht QHH, @, If`ftfichs/s Hlfethvhty QHHH, [ad Ucbuthcl cn Uc`d Vudsthcls eclldetdkwhta tad @ulhehpfb ]cbhed


    H, [ad Idohllhlo cn Ydpcsd HH, Acw Gdfl `fy idec`d Eaf`p


    H, Uhstdr Uh`pbhed HH, [ad ]drsphefehty cn @fstdr Uefunnbfhrd HHH, F [d`pdst hl f Ujubb H^, Ncr`s fssu`dk iy Uunndrhlo

    kurhlo Ubddp ^, Ahlkrfleds ^H, Uhstdr Uh`pbhed put tc tad ]rccn ^HH, [ad [rfvdbbdr cl ahs Frrhvfb tfjds ]rdefuthcls ncrKdpfrturd ^HHH, Fl Dltrfled iy Nfvcr HQ, F ]bfed wadrd Eclvhethcls frd hl ]rcedss cn Ncr`fthcl Q, [ad Uystd` cnKdlhfbs QH, Eaf`p`ftahdu `crd flk `crd Fstclhsadk


    H, Hl waft @hrrcr @, @fkdbdhld ecltd`pbftds ahs Afhr HH, Nflthld Afppy HHH, Gfvdrt Ufthsnhdk H^, Futacrhty rdfssdrts htsYhoats ^, F Uuhtfibd [c`i

    ^CBT@D HH


    EAF][DY H,

    _aft hs `dt whta cl tad _fy nrc` Lhvdbbds HH, Acuoc`clt HHH, [ad Dhoatddlta cn Guld" 6164 H^, F ^, [ad VuhkCiseuru` cn Ifttbds ^H, Ncur c/ebcej hl tad Fntdrlccl ^HH, Lfpcbdcl hl f Occk Au`cr ^HHH, [ad D`pdrcr puts fVudsthcl tc tad Ouhkd Bfecstd HQ, [ad Tldxpdetdk Q, [ad ]bftdfu cn @clt-Ufhlt-Gdfl QH, F Ifk Ouhkd tc Lfpcbdcl: fOcck Ouhkd tc Iubcw QHH, [ad Oufrk QHHH, [ad Eftfstrcpad QH^, [ad Bfst Uqufrd Q^, Ef`irclld Q^H, Vuct Bhirfshl Kued3 Q^HH, Hs _ftdrbcc tc id eclshkdrdk Occk3 Q^HHH, F Yderukdsedled cn Khvhld Yhoat QHQ, [ad Ifttbd-Nhdbk ft



    H, Lu`idr 9;">=6 idec`ds Lu`idr 8";5= HH, Hl wahea tad rdfkdr whbb pdrusd [wc ^drsds wahea frd cn tad Kdvhb/sEc`pcshthcl pcsshiby HHH, [ad Fljbd-Eafhl `ust afvd ulkdrocld f Edrtfhl ]rdpfrftcry @flhpubfthcl tc id taus ircjdlwhta f Ibcw nrc` f Af``dr


    H, [ad _ftdr Vudsthcl ft @cltndr`dhb HH, [wc Ec`pbdtd ]crtrfhts HHH, @dl `ust afvd _hld" flk Acrsds `ust afvd

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    _ftdr H^, Dltrfled cl tad Uedld cn f Kcbb ^, [ad Bhttbd Cld Fbb Fbcld ^H, _ahea pcsshiby prcvds Icubftrudbbd/sHltdbbhodled ^HH, Ecsdttd Uhkd iy Uhkd whta tad Utrflodr hl tad Kfrj ^HHH, [ad Tlpbdfsfltldss cn rdedhvhlo hltc Cld/sAcusd f ]ccr @fl wac `fy id f Yhea @fl HQ, [adlfrkhdr ft ahs @flcduvrds Q, Ad wac sddjs tc idttdr ah`sdbn `fyrdlkdr ahs Uhtufthcl _crsd QH, Lu`idr 8";5= rdfppdfrs" flk Ecsdttd whls ht hl tad Bcttdry


    H, @fstdr Ocridfu HH, F Ldst ncr Cwb flk f _fribdr HHH, [wc @hsncrtulds `fjd Cld ]hded cn Occk Ncrtuld H^, [adYd`frjs cn tad ]rhlehpfb [dlflt ^, F Nhvd-Nrfle ]hded nfbbs cl tad Orculk flk prckueds f [u`ubt


    H, [ad Whozfos cn Utrftdoy HH, Ht hs Buejy taft tad ]clt k/Fustdrbhtz idfrs Efrrhfods HHH, [c _ht" tad ]bfl cn ]frhs hl 6?9?H^, [ad Orcphlos cn Nbhoat ^, _ahea wcubk id H`pcsshibd whta Ofs Bfltdrls ^H, [ad Idohllhlo cn fl Dlho`f ^HH,Eclthlufthcl cn tad Dlho`f ^HHH, [ad Dlho`f idec`ds Kcuiby @ystdrhcus HQ, [ad @fl whta tad Idbb Q, _aheadxpbfhls acw Gfvdrt oct cl tad Uedlt

    ICCJ UHQ[A,--BD ]D[H[-]HE]TU

    H, Lu`idr >9 Yud ]dtht-]hepus HH, [ad Cidkhdled cn @frthl ^drof HHH, Fustdrhthds H^, Ofydthds ^, Khstrfethcls ^H, [ad

    Bhttbd Eclvdlt ^HH, Uc`d Uhbacudttds cn tahs Kfrjldss ^HHH, ]cst Ecrkf Bfphkds HQ, F Edltury ulkdr f Ouh`pd Q,Crhohl cn tad ]drpdtufb Fkcrfthcl QH, Dlk cn tad ]dtht-]hepus


    H, [ad Eclvdlt fs fl Fistrfet Hkdf HH, [ad Eclvdlt fs fl Ahstcrhefb Nfet HHH, Cl _aft Eclkhthcls Cld efl rdspdet tad]fst H^, [ad Eclvdlt nrc` tad ]chlt cn ^hdw cn ]rhlehpbds ^, ]rfydr ^H, [ad Fiscbutd Occkldss cn ]rfydr ^HH,]rdefuthcls tc id cisdrvdk hl Ibf`d ^HHH, Nfhta" Bfw


    H, _ahea trdfts cn tad @flldr cn dltdrhlo f Eclvdlt HH, Nfueadbdvdlt hl tad ]rdsdled cn f Khnnheubty HHH, @ctadrHllcedltd H^, Hl wahea Gdfl ^fbgdfl afs quhtd tad Fhr cn afvhlo rdfk Fusthl Efsthbbdgc ^, Ht hs lct Ldedssfry tc id

    Krulj hl crkdr tc id H``crtfb ^H, Idtwddl Ncur ]bfljs ^HH, Hl wahea whbb id nculk tad Crhohl cn tad Ufyhlo7 Kcl/tbcsd tad Efrk ^HHH, F Uueedssnub Hltdrrcoftcry HQ, Ebchstdrdk

    ^CBT@D HHH


    H, ]frvubus HH, Uc`d cn ahs ]frtheubfr Eafrfetdrhsthes HHH, Ad hs Forddfibd H^, Ad `fy id cn Tsd ^, Ahs Nrclthdrs ^H, FIht cn Ahstcry ^HH, [ad Of`hl sacubk afvd ahs ]bfed hl tad Ebfsshnhefthcls cn Hlkhf ^HHH, Hl wahea tad Ydfkdr whbb nhlk fEafr`hlo Ufyhlo cn tad Bfst Jhlo HQ, [ad Cbk Ucub cn Ofub Q, Deed ]frhs" deed Ac`c QH, [c Uecnn" tc Ydhol QHH, [adNuturd Bftdlt hl tad ]dcpbd QHHH, Bhttbd Ofvrcead


    H, Lhldty Xdfrs flk [ahrty-twc [ddta HH, Bhjd @fstdr" Bhjd Acusd HHH, Bue-Dsprht H^, F Edltdlfrhfl Fsphrflt ^,Ifsqud flk Lhecbdttd ^H, Hl wahea @folcl flk adr [wc Eahbkrdl frd sddl ^HH, Yubd7 Ydedhvd Lc Cld dxedpt hl tadDvdlhlo ^HHH, [wc kc lct `fjd f ]fhr


    H, Fl Flehdlt Ufbcl HH, Cld cn tad Ydk Updetrds cn taft Dpcea HHH, Ydquhdseflt H^, Dlk cn tad Irhoflk ^, [ad Tthbhty cnochlo tc @fss" hl crkdr tc idec`d f Ydvcbuthclhst ^H, [ad Eclsdqudleds cn afvhlo `dt f _frkdl ^HH, Uc`d ]dtthecft^HHH, @fribd fofhlst Orflhtd


    H, F Orcup wahea ifrdby `hssdk idec`hlo Ahstcrhe HH, Ibclkdfu/s Nuldrfb Crfthcl iy Icssudt HHH, @frhus/Fstclhsa`dlts H^, [ad Ifej Ycc` cn tad Efnd @usfhl ^, Dlbfrod`dlt cn Acrhzcl ^H, Yds Floustf


  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    H, @frhus Hlkhodlt HH, @frhus ]ccr HHH, @frhus Orcwl Tp H^, @, @fidun ^, ]cvdrty f Occk Ldhoaicr ncr @hsdry ^H,[ad Uuisthtutd


    H, [ad Ucirhqudt: @ckd cn Ncr`fthcl cn Nf`hby Lf`ds HH, Bux Nfetf Dst HHH, Dnndet cn tad Uprhlo H^, Idohllhlo cn f

    Ordft @fbfky ^, Khvdrs Ebfps cn [aulkdr nfbb cl @f/f` Icuocl ^H, [fjdl ]rhscldr ^HH, Fkvdlturds cn tad Bdttdr Tkdbhvdrdk cvdr tc Eclgdeturds ^HHH, [ad ^dtdrfls tad`sdbvds efl id Afppy HQ, Debhpsd


    H, @hlds flk @hldrs HH, [ad Bcwdst Kdptas HHH, Ifidt" Oudubd`dr" Ebfqudscus" flk @cltpfrlfssd H^, Ec`pcshthcl cntad [rcupd


    H, @frhus" wahbd sddjhlo f Ohrb hl f Iclldt dlecultdrs f @fl hl f Efp HH, [rdfsurd [rcvd HHH, Vufkrhnrcls H^, F Ycsdhl @hsdry ^, F ]rcvhkdlthfb ]ddp-Acbd ^H, [ad _hbk @fl hl ahs Bfhr ^HH, Utrftdoy flk [fethes ^HHH, [ad Yfy cn Bhoathl tad Acvdb HQ, Gclkrdttd ec`ds ldfr _ddphlo Q, [frhnn cn Bhedlsdk Efis" [wc Nrfles fl Acur QH, Cnndrs cn Udrvhed

    nrc` @hsdry tc _rdteadkldss QHH, [ad Tsd `fkd cn @, Bdibfle/s Nhvd-Nrfle ]hded QHHH, Ucbus eu` Ucbc" hl BcecYd`ctc" lcl ecohtfiultur crfrd ]ftdr Lcstdr QH^, Hl wahea f ]cbhed Fodlt idstcws [wc Nhstnubs cl f Bfwydr Q^,Gclkrdttd `fjds ahs ]ureafsds Q^H, Hl wahea whbb id nculk tad _crks tc fl Dlobhsa Fhr wahea wfs hl Nfsahcl hl 6159Q^HH, [ad Tsd `fkd cn @frhus/ Nhvd-Nrfle ]hded Q^HHH, @frhus/ [wc Eafhrs ncr` f ^hs-f-^hs QHQ, Ceeupyhlo Cld/sUdbn whta Ciseurd Kdptas QQ, [ad [rfp QQH, Cld sacubk fbwfys idohl iy frrdsthlo tad ^heth`s QQHH, [ad Bhttbd Cldwac wfs eryhlo hl ^cbu`d [wc

    ^CBT@D H^


    H, _dbb Eut HH, Ifkby Udwdk HHH, Bcuhs ]ahbhppd H^, Erfejs idldfta tad Nculkfthcl ^, Nfets wadled Ahstcry sprhlosflk wahea Ahstcry holcrds ^H, Dlgcbrfs flk ahs Bhdutdlflts


    H, [ad Bfrj/s @dfkcw HH, D`iryclhe Ncr`fthcl cn Erh`ds hl tad Hleuifthcl cn ]rhscls HHH, Fppfrhthcl tc Nftadr @fidunH^, Fl Fppfrhthcl tc @frhus


    H, [ad Acusd whta f Uderdt HH, Gdfl ^fbgdfl fs f Lfthclfb Oufrk HHH, Ncbhhs fe Nrclkhius H^, Eaflod cn Oftd ^, [adYcsd pdredhvds taft ht hs fl Dlohld cn _fr ^H, [ad Ifttbd Idoul ^HH, [c Cld Ufkldss cppcsd f Ufkldss flk f Afbn^HHH, [ad Eafhl-Oflo


    H, F _culk whtacut" Adfbhlo whtahl HH, @ctadr ]butfrqud nhlks lc Khnnheubty hl dxpbfhlhlo f ]adlc`dlcl


    H, Ucbhtukd flk Ifrrfejs Ec`ihldk HH, Ecsdttd/s Fpprdadlshcls HHH, Dlrheadk whta Ec``dltfrhds iy [cussfhlt H^, FAdfrt idldfta f Utcld ^, Ecsdttd fntdr tad Bdttdr ^H, Cbk ]dcpbd frd `fkd tc oc cut cppcrtuldby


    H, [ad @fbhehcus ]bfynubldss cn tad _hlk HH, Hl wahea Bhttbd Ofvrcead dxtrfets ]rcnht nrc` Lfpcbdcl tad Ordft HHH, [ad

    ^hehsshtukds cn Nbhoat


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    H, Crhohl HH, Yccts HHH, Ubflo wahea wddps flk Ubflo wahea bfuoas H^, [ad [wc Kuthds7 [c _ftea flk tc Acpd


    H, Nubb Bhoat HH, [ad Idwhbkdr`dlt cn ]drndet Afpphldss HHH, [ad Idohllhlo cn Uafkcw H^, F Efi ruls hl Dlobhsa flkifrjs hl Ubflo ^, [ahlos cn tad Lhoat ^H, @frhus idec`ds ]rfethefb cled `crd tc tad Dxtdlt cn Ohvhlo Ecsdttd ahsFkkrdss ^HH, [ad Cbk Adfrt flk tad Xculo Adfrt hl tad ]rdsdled cn Dfea Ctadr


    H, Gdfl ^fbgdfl HH, @frhus HHH, @, @fidun

    ICCJ [DL[A,--[AD 4[A CN GTLD" 6159

    H, [ad Uurnfed cn tad Vudsthcl HH, [ad Ycct cn tad @fttdr HHH, F Iurhfb: fl Ceefshcl tc id icrl fofhl H^, [adDiubbhthcls cn Ncr`dr Kfys ^, Crhohlfbhty cn ]frhs


    H, Uc`d Dxpbflfthcls whta Ydofrk tc tad Crhohl cn Ofvrcead/s ]cdtry, [ad Hlnbudled cn fl Fefkd`hehfl cl tahs ]cdtry

    HH, Ofvrcead cl tad @frea HHH, Gust Hlkholfthcl cn f Afhr-krdssdr H^, [ad Eahbk hs f`fzdk ft tad Cbk @fl ^, [ad Cbk@fl ^H, Yderuhts


    H, Ahstcry cn Ecrhltad nrc` hts Nculkfthcl HH, ]rdbh`hlfry Ofydthds HHH, Lhoat idohls tc kdsedlk upcl Orfltfhrd H^, FlFttd`pt tc eclscbd tad _hkcw Aueadbcup ^, ]rdpfrfthcls ^H, _fhthlo ^HH, [ad @fl rderuhtdk hl tad Yud kds Ihbbdttds^HHH, @fly Hltdrrcofthcl ]chlts whta Ydofrk tc f Edrtfhl Bd Efiue" wacsd Lf`d `fy lct afvd iddl Bd Efiue


    H, Nrc` tad Yud ]bu`dt tc tad Vufrthdr Ufhlt-Kdlhs HH, Fl Cwb/s ^hdw cn ]frhs HHH, [ad Dxtrd`d Dkod


    H, [ad Nbfo7 Fet Nhrst HH, [ad Nbfo7 Fet Udeclk HHH, Ofvrcead wcubk afvd kcld idttdr tc feedpt Dlgcbrfs/ Efrihld H^,[ad Ifrrdb cn ]cwkdr ^, Dlk cn tad ^drsds cn Gdfl ]rcuvfhrd ^H, [ad Focly cn Kdfta fntdr tad Focly cn Bhnd ^HH,Ofvrcead fs f ]rcnculk Efbeubftcr cn Khstfleds


    H, F Krhljdr hs f Ifiibdr HH, [ad Utrddt Treahl fl Dld`y cn Bhoat HHH, _ahbd Ecsdttd flk [cussfhlt frd Fsbddp H^,Ofvrcead/s Dxedss cn Wdfb

    ^CBT@D ^


    H, [ad Eafryikhs cn tad Nfuicuro Ufhlt-Fltchld flk tad Ueybbf cn tad Nfuicuro ku [d`pbd HH, _aft Hs tc Id Kcld hltad Fiyss hn Cld Kcds Lct Eclvdrsd HHH, Bhoat flk Uafkcw H^, @hlus Nhvd" ]bus Cld ^, [ad Acrhzcl _ahea CldIdacbks nrc` tad Uu``ht cn f Ifrrhefkd ^H, @frhus Afoofrk" Gfvdrt Bfeclhe ^HH, [ad Uhtufthcl Idec`ds Foorfvftdk^HHH, [ad Frthbbdry-`dl Ec`pdb ]dcpbd tc [fjd [ad` Udrhcusby HQ, D`pbcy`dlt cn tad Cbk [fbdlts cn f ]cfeadr flk[aft Hlnfbbhibd @frjs`flsahp _ahea Hlnbudledk tad Eclkd`lfthcl cn 6?8> Q, Kfwl QH, [ad Uact _ahea @hssds

    Lctahlo flk Jhbbs Lc Cld QHH, Khscrkdr f ]frthsfl cn Crkdr QHHH, ]fsshlo Obdf`s QH^, _adrdhl _hbb Fppdfr tad Lf`dcn Dlgcbrfs/ @hstrdss Q^, Ofvrcead Cutshkd Q^H, Acw nrc` f Irctadr Cld Idec`ds f Nftadr Q^HH, @crtuus ]ftdrNhbhu` @crhturu` Dxpdetft Q^HHH, [ad ^ubturd Idec`ds ]rdy QHQ, Gdfl ^fbgdfl [fjds Ahs Ydvdlod QQ, [ad KdfkFrd hl tad Yhoat flk tad Bhvhlo Frd Lct hl tad _rclo QQH, [ad Adrcds QQHH, Ncct tc Ncct QQHHH, Crdstds Nfsthlo flk

    ]ybfkds Krulj QQH^, ]rhscldr


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    H, [ad Bflk H`pcvdrhsadk iy tad Udf HH, Flehdlt Ahstcry cn tad Udwdr HHH, Iruldsdfu H^, ^, ]rdsdlt ]rcordss ^H,Nuturd ]rcordss


    H, [ad Udwdr flk Hts Uurprhsds HH, Dxpbflfthcl HHH, [ad )Upul) @fl H^, Ad Fbsc Idfrs Ahs Ercss ^, Hl tad Efsd cnUflk" fs hl [aft cn _c`fl" [adrd Hs f Nhldldss _ahea Hs [rdfeadrcus ^H, [ad Nclths ^HH, Cld Uc`dth`ds Yuls

    Forculk _adl Cld Nflehds [aft Cld Hs Khsd`ifrjhlo ^HHH, [ad [crl Ecft-[fhb HQ, @frhus ]rckueds cl Uc`d Cld_ac Hs f Gukod cn tad @fttdr" tad Dnndet cn Idhlo Kdfk Q, Ydturl cn tad Ucl _ac _fs ]rckhofb cn Ahs Bhnd QH,Ecleusshcl hl tad Fiscbutd QHH, [ad Orflknftadr




    H, Hl _ahea tad [rdd whta tad Whle ]bfstdr Fppdfrs Fofhl HH, @frhus" D`drohlo nrc` Ehvhb _fr" @fjds Ydfky ncrKc`dsthe _fr HHH, @frhus Fttfejdk H^, @fkd`chsdbbd Ohbbdlcr`flk Dlks iy Lc Bclodr [ahljhlo Ht f Ifk [ahlo [aft@, Nfueadbdvdlt Uacubk Afvd Dltdrdk _hta Uc`dtahlo Tlkdr Ahs Fr` ^, Kdpcsht Xcur @cldy hl f Ncrdst Yftadr tafl

    whta f Lctfry ^H, [ad [wc Cbk @dl Kc Dvdrytahlo" Dfea Cld Fntdr Ahs Cwl Nfsahcl" tc Ydlkdr Ecsdttd Afppy ^HH,[ad Dnndets cn Krdf`s @hlobdk whta Afpphldss ^HHH, [wc @dl H`pcsshibd tc Nhlk


    H, [ad 6>ta cn Ndirufry" 6155 HH, Gdfl ^fbgdfl Uthbb _dfrs Ahs Fr` hl f Ubhlo HHH, [ad Hlsdpfrfibd H^, [ad H``crtfbBhvdr


    H, [ad Udvdlta Ehrebd flk tad Dhoata Adfvdl HH, [ad Ciseurhthds _ahea f Ydvdbfthcl Efl Ecltfhl


    H, [ad Bcwdr Eaf`idr HH, Flctadr Utdp Ifejwfrks HHH, [ady Ydefbb tad Ofrkdl cn tad Yud ]bu`dt H^, Fttrfethcl flkDxthlethcl


    H, ]hty ncr tad Tlafppy" iut Hlkubodled ncr tad Afppy HH, Bfst Nbhejdrhlos cn f Bf`p _htacut Chb HHH, F ]dl Hs Adfvy tctad @fl _ac Bhntdk tad Nfueadbdvdlt/s Efrt H^, F Icttbd cn Hlj _ahea Clby Uueeddkdk hl _ahtdlhlo ^, F LhoatIdahlk _ahea [adrd Hs Kfy ^H, [ad Orfss Ecvdrs flk tad Yfhl Dnnfeds

    Bds @hsdrfibds

    ^CBT@D H,



    Uc bclo fs tadrd safbb dxhst" iy vhrtud cn bfw flk eustc`" kderdds cn kf`lfthcl prclculedk iy scehdty" frthnhehfbbyerdfthlo adbbs f`hk tad ehvhbhzfthcl cn dfrta" flk fkkhlo tad dbd`dlt cn au`fl nftd tc khvhld kdsthly: sc bclo fs tad tardd

    ordft prcibd`s cn tad edltury-- tad kdorfkfthcl cn `fl tarcuoa pfupdrhs`" tad ecrrupthcl cn wc`fl tarcuoa aulodr"tad erhppbhlo cn eahbkrdl tarcuoa bfej cn bhoat-- frd ulscbvdk: sc bclo fs scehfb fspayxhf hs pcsshibd hl fly pfrt cn tadwcrbk:--hl ctadr wcrks" flk whta f sthbb whkdr sholhnhefled" sc bclo fs holcrfled flk pcvdrty dxhst cl dfrta" iccjs cn tadlfturd cn Bds @hsdrfibds efllct nfhb tc id cn usd,

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    AFT[D^HBBD ACTUD" 61>9,



    EAF][DY H

    @, @XYHDB

    Hl 6164" @, Eafrbds-Nrflechs-Ihdlvdlu @yrhdb wfs Ihsacp cn K---- Ad wfs fl cbk `fl cn ficut sdvdlty-nhvd ydfrs cnfod: ad afk ceeuphdk tad sdd cn K---- shled 61=>,

    Fbtacuoa tahs kdtfhb afs lc eclldethcl waftdvdr whta tad rdfb suistfled cn waft wd frd ficut tc rdbftd" ht whbb lct idsupdrnbucus" hn `drdby ncr tad sfjd cn dxfetldss hl fbb pchlts" tc `dlthcl adrd tad vfrhcus ru`crs flk rd`frjs wahea afk

    iddl hl ehreubfthcl ficut ah` nrc` tad vdry `c`dlt wadl ad frrhvdk hl tad khcedsd, [rud cr nfbsd" taft wahea hs sfhk cn`dl cntdl ceeuphds fs h`pcrtflt f pbfed hl tadhr bhvds" flk ficvd fbb hl tadhr kdsthlhds" fs taft wahea tady kc, @, @yrhdbwfs tad scl cn f eculehbbcr cn tad ]frbhf`dlt cn Fhx: adled ad idbclodk tc tad lcihbhty cn tad ifr, Ht wfs sfhk taft ahsnftadr" kdsthlhlo ah` tc id tad adhr cn ahs cwl pcst" afk `frrhdk ah` ft f vdry dfrby fod" dhoatddl cr twdlty" hlfeecrkfled whta f eustc` wahea hs rftadr whkdby prdvfbdlt hl pfrbhf`dltfry nf`hbhds, Hl sphtd cn tahs `frrhfod" acwdvdr"

    ht wfs sfhk taft Eafrbds @yrhdb erdftdk f ordft kdfb cn tfbj, Ad wfs wdbb ncr`dk" tacuoa rftadr sacrt hl stfturd" dbdoflt"orfednub" hltdbbhodlt: tad wacbd cn tad nhrst pcrthcl cn ahs bhnd afk iddl kdvctdk tc tad wcrbk flk tc ofbbfltry,

    [ad Ydvcbuthcl ef`d: dvdlts sueeddkdk dfea ctadr whta prdehphtfthcl: tad pfrbhf`dltfry nf`hbhds" kdeh`ftdk" pursudk"aultdk kcwl" wdrd khspdrsdk, @, Eafrbds @yrhdb d`horftdk tc Htfby ft tad vdry idohllhlo cn tad Ydvcbuthcl, [adrd ahswhnd khdk cn f `fbfky cn tad eadst" nrc` wahea sad afk bclo sunndrdk, Ad afk lc eahbkrdl, _aft tccj pbfed ldxt hl tadnftd cn @, @yrhdb3 [ad ruhl cn tad Nrdlea scehdty cn tad cbkdl kfys" tad nfbb cn ahs cwl nf`hby" tad trfohe spdetfebds cn/85" wahea wdrd" pdrafps" dvdl `crd fbfr`hlo tc tad d`horflts wac vhdwdk tad` nrc` f khstfled" whta tad `folhnyhlo

    pcwdrs cn tdrrcr"--khk tadsd efusd tad hkdfs cn rdlulehfthcl flk scbhtukd tc odr`hlftd hl ah`3 _fs ad" hl tad `hkst cntadsd khstrfethcls" tadsd fnndethcls wahea fiscridk ahs bhnd" sukkdlby s`httdl whta cld cn tacsd `ystdrhcus flk tdrrhibd

    ibcws wahea sc`dth`ds cvdrwadb`" iy strhjhlo tc ahs adfrt" f `fl wac` puibhe eftfstrcpads wcubk lct safjd" iystrhjhlo ft ahs dxhstdled flk ahs ncrtuld3 Lc cld ecubk afvd tcbk7 fbb taft wfs jlcwl wfs" taft wadl ad rdturldk nrc`Htfby ad wfs f prhdst,

    Hl 61=;" @, @yrhdb wfs tad Eurd cn I---- ZIrholcbbdsP, Ad wfs fbrdfky fkvfledk hl ydfrs" flk bhvdk hl f vdry rdthrdk`flldr,

    Ficut tad dpcea cn tad ecrclfthcl" sc`d pdtty fnnfhr eclldetdk whta ahs eurfey--gust waft" hs lct prdehsdby jlcwl--tccjah` tc ]frhs, F`clo ctadr pcwdrnub pdrscls tc wac` ad wdlt tc scbheht fhk ncr ahs pfrhsahcldrs wfs @, bd EfrkhlfbNdsea, Cld kfy" wadl tad D`pdrcr afk ec`d tc vhsht ahs ulebd" tad wcrtay Eurd" wac wfs wfhthlo hl tad fltdrcc`"nculk ah`sdbn prdsdlt wadl Ahs @fgdsty pfssdk, Lfpcbdcl" cl nhlkhlo ah`sdbn cisdrvdk whta f edrtfhl eurhcshty iy tahscbk `fl" turldk rculk flk sfhk firuptby7--

    )_ac hs tahs occk `fl wac hs stfrhlo ft `d3)

    )Uhrd") sfhk @, @yrhdb" )ycu frd bccjhlo ft f occk `fl" flk H ft f ordft `fl, Dfea cn us efl prcnht iy ht,)

    [aft vdry dvdlhlo" tad D`pdrcr fsjdk tad Efrkhlfb tad lf`d cn tad Eurd" flk sc`d th`d fntdrwfrks @, @yrhdb wfsuttdrby fstclhsadk tc bdfrl taft ad afk iddl fppchltdk Ihsacp cn K----

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    _aft truta wfs tadrd" fntdr fbb" hl tad stcrhds wahea wdrd hlvdltdk fs tc tad dfrby pcrthcl cn @, @yrhdb/s bhnd3 Lc cldjldw, ^dry ndw nf`hbhds afk iddl fequfhltdk whta tad @yrhdb nf`hby idncrd tad Ydvcbuthcl,

    @, @yrhdb afk tc ulkdroc tad nftd cn dvdry ldwec`dr hl f bhttbd tcwl" wadrd tadrd frd `fly `cutas wahea tfbj" flkvdry ndw adfks wahea tahlj, Ad wfs cibhodk tc ulkdroc ht fbtacuoa ad wfs f ihsacp" flk idefusd ad wfs f ihsacp, Iutfntdr fbb" tad ru`crs whta wahea ahs lf`d wfs eclldetdk wdrd ru`crs clby"--lchsd" sfyhlos" wcrks: bdss tafl wcrks--

    pfbfirds" fs tad dldrodthe bfloufod cn tad Ucuta dxprdssds ht,

    Acwdvdr taft `fy id" fntdr lhld ydfrs cn dphsecpfb pcwdr flk cn rdshkdled hl K----" fbb tad stcrhds flk suigdets cneclvdrsfthcl wahea dlorcss pdtty tcwls flk pdtty pdcpbd ft tad cutsdt afk nfbbdl hltc prcnculk cibhvhcl, Lc cld wcubkafvd kfrdk tc `dlthcl tad`: lc cld wcubk afvd kfrdk tc rdefbb tad`,

    @, @yrhdb afk frrhvdk ft K---- feec`pflhdk iy fl dbkdrby sphlstdr" @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld" wac wfs ahs shstdr" flktdl ydfrs ahs gulhcr,

    [adhr clby kc`dsthe wfs f nd`fbd sdrvflt cn tad sf`d fod fs @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld" flk lf`dk @fkf`d @fobchrd"wac" fntdr afvhlo iddl tad sdrvflt cn @, bd Eurd" lcw fssu`dk tad kcuibd thtbd cn `fhk tc @fkd`chsdbbd flkacusdjddpdr tc @clsdholdur,

    @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld wfs f bclo" pfbd" tahl" odltbd erdfturd: sad rdfbhzdk tad hkdfb dxprdssdk iy tad wcrk

    )rdspdetfibd): ncr ht sdd`s taft f wc`fl `ust lddks id f `ctadr hl crkdr tc id vdldrfibd, Uad afk ldvdr iddl prdtty:adr wacbd bhnd" wahea afk iddl lctahlo iut f sueedsshcl cn acby kddks" afk nhlfbby eclndrrdk upcl adr f scrt cn pfbbcrflk trflspfrdley: flk fs sad fkvfledk hl ydfrs sad afk fequhrdk waft `fy id efbbdk tad idfuty cn occkldss, _aft afk

    iddl bdflldss hl adr ycuta afk idec`d trflspfrdley hl adr `fturhty: flk tahs khfpafldhty fbbcwdk tad flodb tc id sddl,Uad wfs f scub rftadr tafl f vhrohl, Adr pdrscl sdd`dk `fkd cn f safkcw: tadrd wfs afrkby sunnhehdlt icky tc prcvhkdncr sdx: f bhttbd `fttdr dlebcshlo f bhoat: bfrod dyds ncrdvdr krccphlo:-- f `drd prdtdxt ncr f scub/s rd`fhlhlo cl tad dfrta,

    @fkf`d @fobchrd wfs f bhttbd" nft" wahtd cbk wc`fl" ecrpubdlt flk iustbhlo: fbwfys cut cn irdfta"--hl tad nhrst pbfed"idefusd cn adr fethvhty" flk hl tad ldxt" idefusd cn adr fsta`f,

    Cl ahs frrhvfb" @, @yrhdb wfs hlstfbbdk hl tad dphsecpfb pfbfed whta tad aclcrs rdquhrdk iy tad H`pdrhfb kderdds" waheaebfss f ihsacp h``dkhftdby fntdr f `fgcr-odldrfb, [ad `fycr flk tad prdshkdlt pfhk tad nhrst efbb cl ah`" flk ad" hl turl"

    pfhk tad nhrst efbb cl tad odldrfb flk tad prdndet,

    [ad hlstfbbfthcl cvdr" tad tcwl wfhtdk tc sdd hts ihsacp ft wcrj,

    EAF][DY HH

    @, @XYHDB IDEC@DU @, _DBEC@D

    [ad dphsecpfb pfbfed cn K---- fkgchls tad acsphtfb,

    [ad dphsecpfb pfbfed wfs f auod flk idfuthnub acusd" iuhbt cn stcld ft tad idohllhlo cn tad bfst edltury iy @, Adlrh]uodt" Kcetcr cn [adcbcoy cn tad Nfeubty cn ]frhs" Fiid cn Uh`crd" wac afk iddl Ihsacp cn K---- hl 6?69, [ahs pfbfedwfs f odluhld sdholcrhfb rdshkdled, Dvdrytahlo ficut ht afk f orflk fhr"--tad fpfrt`dlts cn tad Ihsacp" tad krfwhlo-rcc`s" tad eaf`idrs" tad prhlehpfb ecurtyfrk" wahea wfs vdry bfrod" whta wfbjs dlehrebhlo ht ulkdr frefkds hl tad cbkNbcrdlthld nfsahcl" flk ofrkdls pbfltdk whta `folhnhedlt trdds, Hl tad khlhlo-rcc`" f bclo flk supdri ofbbdry wahea wfsshtuftdk cl tad orculk-nbccr flk cpdldk cl tad ofrkdls" @, Adlrh ]uodt afk dltdrtfhldk hl stftd" cl Guby 98" 6?6;" @yBcrks Eafrbds Irubfrt kd Odlbhs" freaihsacp: ]rhled k/D`irul: Fltchld kd @dsorholy" tad efpueahl" Ihsacp cn Orfssd:

    ]ahbhppd kd ^dlkc`d" Orflk ]rhcr cn Nrfled" Fiid cn Ufhlt Aclcrd kd Bdrhls: Nrflechs kd Idrtcl kd Erhbbcl" ihsacp"Ifrcl kd ^dled: Edsfr kd Ufirfl kd Ncrefbquhdr" ihsacp" Udholcr cn Obflkdvd: flk Gdfl Ucfldl" ]rhdst cn tad Crftcry"

    prdfeadr hl crkhlfry tc tad jhlo" ihsacp" Udholcr cn Udldz, [ad pcrtrfhts cn tadsd sdvdl rdvdrdlk pdrsclfods kdecrftdktahs fpfrt`dlt: flk tahs `d`crfibd kftd" tad 98ta cn Guby" 6?6;" wfs tadrd dlorfvdk hl bdttdrs cn ocbk cl f tfibd cn wahtd

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    [ad acsphtfb wfs f bcw flk lfrrcw iuhbkhlo cn f shlobd stcry" whta f s`fbb ofrkdl,

    [ardd kfys fntdr ahs frrhvfb" tad Ihsacp vhshtdk tad acsphtfb, [ad vhsht dlkdk" ad afk tad khrdetcr rdqudstdk tc id sc occkfs tc ec`d tc ahs acusd,

    )@clshdur tad khrdetcr cn tad acsphtfb") sfhk ad tc ah`" )acw `fly shej pdcpbd afvd ycu ft tad prdsdlt `c`dlt3)

    )[wdlty-shx" @clsdholdur,)

    )[aft wfs tad lu`idr wahea H ecultdk") sfhk tad Ihsacp,

    )[ad idks") pursudk tad khrdetcr" )frd vdry `uea ercwkdk fofhlst dfea ctadr,)

    )[aft hs waft H cisdrvdk,)

    )[ad afbbs frd lctahlo iut rcc`s" flk ht hs whta khnnheubty taft tad fhr efl id eaflodk hl tad`,)

    )Uc ht sdd`s tc `d,)

    )Flk tadl" wadl tadrd hs f rfy cn sul" tad ofrkdl hs vdry s`fbb ncr tad eclvfbdsedlts,)

    )[aft wfs waft H sfhk tc `ysdbn,)

    )Hl efsd cn dphkd`hes"--wd afvd afk tad typaus ndvdr tahs ydfr: wd afk tad swdfthlo shejldss twc ydfrs foc" flk faulkrdk pfthdlts ft th`ds"--wd jlcw lct waft tc kc,)

    )[aft hs tad tacuoat wahea ceeurrdk tc `d,)

    )_aft wcubk ycu afvd" @clsdholdur3) sfhk tad khrdetcr, )Cld `ust rdshol cld/s sdbn,)

    [ahs eclvdrsfthcl tccj pbfed hl tad ofbbdry khlhlo-rcc` cl tad orculk-nbccr,

    [ad Ihsacp rd`fhldk shbdlt ncr f `c`dlt: tadl ad turldk firuptby tc tad khrdetcr cn tad acsphtfb,

    )@clshdur") sfhk ad" )acw `fly idks kc ycu tahlj tahs afbb fbcld wcubk acbk3)

    )@clsdholdur/s khlhlo-rcc`3) dxebfh`dk tad stupdnhdk khrdetcr,

    [ad Ihsacp efst f obfled rculk tad fpfrt`dlt" flk sdd`dk tc id tfjhlo `dfsurds flk efbeubfthcls whta ahs dyds,

    )Ht wcubk acbk nubb twdlty idks") sfhk ad" fs tacuoa spdfjhlo tc ah`sdbn, [adl" rfhshlo ahs vched7--

    )Acbk" @clshdur tad khrdetcr cn tad acsphtfb" H whbb tdbb ycu sc`dtahlo, [adrd hs dvhkdltby f `hstfjd adrd, [adrd frdtahrty-shx cn ycu" hl nhvd cr shx s`fbb rcc`s, [adrd frd tardd cn us adrd" flk wd afvd rcc` ncr shxty, [adrd hs sc`d

    `hstfjd" H tdbb ycu: ycu afvd `y acusd" flk H afvd ycurs, Ohvd `d ifej `y acusd: ycu frd ft ac`d adrd,)

    Cl tad ncbbcwhlo kfy tad tahrty-shx pfthdlts wdrd hlstfbbdk hl tad Ihsacp/s pfbfed" flk tad Ihsacp wfs sdttbdk hl tadacsphtfb,

    @, @yrhdb afk lc prcpdrty" ahs nf`hby afvhlo iddl ruhldk iy tad Ydvcbuthcl, Ahs shstdr wfs hl rdedhpt cn f ydfrbyhlec`d cn nhvd aulkrdk nrfles" wahea sunnhedk ncr adr pdrsclfb wflts ft tad vhefrfod, @, @yrhdb rdedhvdk nrc` tad Utftd"hl ahs qufbhty cn ihsacp" f sfbfry cn nhntddl tacusflk nrfles, Cl tad vdry kfy wadl ad tccj up ahs fickd hl tad acsphtfb"@, @yrhdb sdttbdk cl tad khspcshthcl cn tahs su` cled ncr fbb" hl tad ncbbcwhlo `flldr, _d trflserhid adrd f lctd `fkd

    iy ahs cwl aflk7--


    Ncr tad bhttbd sd`hlfry , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6"4== bhvrds Ucehdty cn tad `hsshcl , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6== ) Ncr tad Bfzfrhsts cn@cltkhkhdr , , , , , , , , , , 6== ) Ud`hlfry ncr ncrdhol `hsshcls hl ]frhs , , , , , , 9== ) Eclordofthcl cn tad Acby Uphrht , , , ,, , , , , , 64= ) Ydbhohcus dstfibhsa`dlts cn tad Acby Bflk , , , , , 6== ) Eafrhtfibd `ftdrlhty scehdthds , , , , , , , , , , 5== )Dxtrf" ncr taft cn Frbds , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4= ) _crj ncr tad f`dbhcrfthcl cn prhscls , , , , , , , ;== ) _crj ncr tad rdbhdn flk

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    kdbhvdry cn prhscldrs , , , 4== ) [c bhidrftd nftadrs cn nf`hbhds hlefredrftdk ncr kdit 6"=== ) Fkkhthcl tc tad sfbfry cn tadpccr tdfeadrs cn tad khcedsd , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 9"=== ) ]uibhe orflfry cn tad Afutds-Fbpds , , , , , , , , 6== )Eclordofthcl cn tad bfkhds cn K----" cn @flcsqud" flk cn Uhstdrcl" ncr tad orftuhtcus hlstruethcl cn pccrohrbs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6"4== ) Ncr tad pccr , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >"=== ) @y pdrsclfbdxpdlsds , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6"=== ) ------ [ctfb , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 64"=== )

    @, @yrhdb `fkd lc eaflod hl tahs frrflod`dlt kurhlo tad dlthrd pdrhck taft ad ceeuphdk tad sdd cn K---- Fs afs iddl

    sddl" ad efbbdk ht rdoubfthlo ahs acusdacbk dxpdlsds,

    [ahs frrflod`dlt wfs feedptdk whta fiscbutd sui`hsshcl iy @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld, [ahs acby wc`fl rdofrkdk@clsdholdur cn K---- fs ft cld flk tad sf`d th`d adr irctadr flk adr ihsacp" adr nrhdlk feecrkhlo tc tad nbdsa flk adrsupdrhcr feecrkhlo tc tad Eaurea, Uad sh`pby bcvdk flk vdldrftdk ah`, _adl ad spcjd" sad icwdk: wadl ad fetdk" sadyhdbkdk adr fkadrdled, [adhr clby sdrvflt" @fkf`d @fobchrd" oru`ibdk f bhttbd, Ht whbb id cisdrvdk taft @clshdur tadIhsacp afk rdsdrvdk ncr ah`sdbn clby cld tacusflk bhvrds" wahea" fkkdk tc tad pdlshcl cn @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld"`fkd nhntddl aulkrdk nrfles f ydfr, Cl tadsd nhntddl aulkrdk nrfles tadsd twc cbk wc`dl flk tad cbk `fl suishstdk,

    Flk wadl f vhbbfod eurftd ef`d tc K----" tad Ihsacp sthbb nculk `dfls tc dltdrtfhl ah`" tafljs tc tad sdvdrd declc`ycn @fkf`d @fobchrd" flk tc tad hltdbbhodlt fk`hlhstrfthcl cn @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld,

    Cld kfy" fntdr ad afk iddl hl K---- ficut tardd `cltas" tad Ihsacp sfhk7--

    )Flk sthbb H f` quhtd erf`pdk whta ht fbb&)

    )H sacubk tahlj sc&) dxebfh`dk @fkf`d @fobchrd, )@clsdholdur afs lct dvdl ebfh`dk tad fbbcwfled wahea tadkdpfrt`dlt cwds ah` ncr tad dxpdlsd cn ahs efrrhfod hl tcwl" flk ncr ahs gcurldys ficut tad khcedsd, Ht wfs eustc`fryncr ihsacps hl ncr`dr kfys,)

    )Acbk&) erhdk tad Ihsacp" )ycu frd quhtd rhoat" @fkf`d @fobchrd,)

    Flk ad `fkd ahs kd`flk,

    Uc`d th`d fntdrwfrks tad Odldrfb Eculehb tccj tahs kd`flk ulkdr eclshkdrfthcl" flk vctdk ah` fl fllufb su` cntardd tacusflk nrfles" ulkdr tahs adfkhlo7 Fbbcwfled tc @, tad Ihsacp ncr dxpdlsds cn efrrhfod" dxpdlsds cn pcsthlo"

    flk dxpdlsds cn pfstcrfb vhshts,

    [ahs prcvcjdk f ordft cutery f`clo tad bcefb iurodssds: flk f sdlftcr cn tad D`phrd" f ncr`dr `d`idr cn tad Eculehbcn tad Nhvd Aulkrdk wahea nfvcrdk tad 61 Iru`fhrd" flk wac wfs prcvhkdk whta f `folhnhedlt sdlftcrhfb cnnhed hl tadvhehlhty cn tad tcwl cn K----" wrctd tc @, Ihoct kd ]rdf`dldu" tad `hlhstdr cn puibhe wcrsahp" f vdry flory flkeclnhkdlthfb lctd cl tad suigdet" nrc` wahea wd dxtrfet tadsd futadlthe bhlds7--

    )Dxpdlsds cn efrrhfod3 _aft efl id kcld whta ht hl f tcwl cn bdss tafl ncur tacusflk hlafihtflts3 Dxpdlsds cngcurldys3 _aft hs tad usd cn tadsd trhps" hl tad nhrst pbfed3 Ldxt" acw efl tad pcsthlo id feec`pbhsadk hl tadsd`cultfhlcus pfrts3 [adrd frd lc rcfks, Lc cld trfvdbs ctadrwhsd tafl cl acrsdifej, Dvdl tad irhkod idtwddl Kurfledflk Eaftdfu-Frlcux efl ifrdby suppcrt cx-tdf`s, [adsd prhdsts frd fbb taus" orddky flk fvfrhehcus, [ahs `fl pbfydktad occk prhdst wadl ad nhrst ef`d, Lcw ad kcds bhjd tad rdst: ad `ust afvd f efrrhfod flk f pcsthlo-eafhsd" ad `ustafvd buxurhds" bhjd tad ihsacps cn tad cbkdl kfys, Ca" fbb tahs prhdstacck& [ahlos whbb lct oc wdbb" @, bd Ec`td" ulthb tad

    D`pdrcr afs nrddk us nrc` tadsd ibfej-efppdk rfsefbs, Kcwl whta tad ]cpd& Z@fttdrs wdrd odtthlo d`irchbdk whtaYc`d,P Ncr `y pfrt" H f` ncr Efdsfr fbcld,) Dte," dte,

    Cl tad ctadr aflk" tahs fnnfhr fnncrkdk ordft kdbhoat tc @fkf`d @fobchrd, )Occk") sfhk sad tc @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld:)@clsdholdur idofl whta ctadr pdcpbd" iut ad afs afk tc whlk up whta ah`sdbn" fntdr fbb, Ad afs rdoubftdk fbb ahseafrhthds, Lcw adrd frd tardd tacusflk nrfles ncr us& Ft bfst&)

    [aft sf`d dvdlhlo tad Ihsacp wrctd cut flk aflkdk tc ahs shstdr f `d`crflku` ecledhvdk hl tad ncbbcwhlo tdr`s7--


    Ncr nurlhsahlo `dft scup tc tad pfthdlts hl tad acsphtfb, 6"4== bhvrds Ncr tad `ftdrlhty eafrhtfibd scehdty cn Fhx , , , , , , ,94= ) Ncr tad `ftdrlhty eafrhtfibd scehdty cn Krfouholfl , , , 94= ) Ncr nculkbhlos , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4== ) Ncr

    crpafls , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4== ) ----- [ctfb , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5"=== )

    Uuea wfs @, @yrhdb/s iukodt,

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    Fs ncr tad eafled dphsecpfb pdrquhshtds" tad ndds ncr `frrhfod ifls" khspdlsfthcls" prhvftd ifpths`s" sdr`cls"idldkhethcls" cn eaureads cr eafpdbs" `frrhfods" dte," tad Ihsacp bdvhdk tad cl tad wdfbtay whta fbb tad `crd fspdrhty"shled ad idstcwdk tad` cl tad lddky,

    Fntdr f th`d" cnndrhlos cn `cldy nbcwdk hl, [acsd wac afk flk tacsd wac bfejdk jlcejdk ft @, @yrhdb/s kccr"--tadbfttdr hl sdfrea cn tad fb`s wahea tad ncr`dr ef`d tc kdpcsht, Hl bdss tafl f ydfr tad Ihsacp afk idec`d tad trdfsurdr cnfbb idldvcbdled flk tad efsahdr cn fbb tacsd hl khstrdss, Eclshkdrfibd su`s cn `cldy pfssdk tarcuoa ahs aflks" iut

    lctahlo ecubk hlkued ah` tc `fjd fly eaflod waftdvdr hl ahs `ckd cn bhnd" cr fkk flytahlo supdrnbucus tc ahs ifrdldedsshthds,

    Nfr nrc` ht, Fs tadrd hs fbwfys `crd wrdteadkldss idbcw tafl tadrd hs irctadracck ficvd" fbb wfs ohvdl fwfy" sc tcspdfj" idncrd ht wfs rdedhvdk, Ht wfs bhjd wftdr cl kry schb: lc `fttdr acw `uea `cldy ad rdedhvdk" ad ldvdr afk fly,[adl ad strhppdk ah`sdbn,

    [ad usfod idhlo taft ihsacps safbb fllculed tadhr ifpths`fb lf`ds ft tad adfk cn tadhr eafrods flk tadhr pfstcrfbbdttdrs" tad pccr pdcpbd cn tad ecultry-shkd afk sdbdetdk" whta f scrt cn fnndethclftd hlsthlet" f`clo tad lf`ds flk

    prdlc`dls cn tadhr ihsacp" taft wahea afk f `dflhlo ncr tad`: flk tady ldvdr efbbdk ah` flytahlo dxedpt @clsdholdurIhdlvdlu Z_dbec`dP, _d whbb ncbbcw tadhr dxf`pbd" flk whbb fbsc efbb ah` taus wadl wd afvd ceefshcl tc lf`d ah`,@crdcvdr" tahs fppdbbfthcl pbdfsdk ah`,

    )H bhjd taft lf`d") sfhk ad, )Ihdlvdlu `fjds up ncr tad @clsdholdur,)

    _d kc lct ebfh` taft tad pcrtrfht adrdwhta prdsdltdk hs prcifibd: wd eclnhld cursdbvds tc stfthlo taft ht rdsd`ibds tadcrhohlfb,



    [ad Ihsacp khk lct c`ht ahs pfstcrfb vhshts idefusd ad afk eclvdrtdk ahs efrrhfod hltc fb`s, [ad khcedsd cn K---- hs fnfthouhlo cld, [adrd frd vdry ndw pbfhls flk f ordft `fly `cultfhls: afrkby fly rcfks" fs wd afvd gust sddl: tahrty-twceurfehds" ncrty-cld vhefrsahps" flk twc aulkrdk flk dhoaty-nhvd fuxhbhfry eafpdbs, [c vhsht fbb tadsd hs quhtd f tfsj,

    [ad Ihsacp `flfodk tc kc ht, Ad wdlt cl ncct wadl ht wfs hl tad ldhoaicracck" hl f thbtdk sprhlo-efrt wadl ht wfs cltad pbfhl" flk cl f kcljdy hl tad `cultfhls, [ad twc cbk wc`dl feec`pflhdk ah`, _adl tad trhp wfs tcc afrk ncrtad`" ad wdlt fbcld,

    Cld kfy ad frrhvdk ft Udldz" wahea hs fl flehdlt dphsecpfb ehty, Ad wfs `cultdk cl fl fss, Ahs pursd" wahea wfs vdrykry ft taft `c`dlt" khk lct pdr`ht ah` fly ctadr dquhpfod, [ad `fycr cn tad tcwl ef`d tc rdedhvd ah` ft tad oftd cntad tcwl" flk wfteadk ah` khs`cult nrc` ahs fss" whta seflkfbhzdk dyds, Uc`d cn tad ehthzdls wdrd bfuoahlo frculkah`, )@clshdur tad @fycr") sfhk tad Ihsacp" )flk @dsshdurs Ehthzdls" H pdredhvd taft H sacej ycu, Xcu tahlj ht vdryfrrcoflt hl f pccr prhdst tc rhkd fl flh`fb wahea wfs usdk iy Gdsus Earhst, H afvd kcld sc nrc` ldedsshty" H fssurd ycu"flk lct nrc` vflhty,)

    Hl tad ecursd cn tadsd trhps ad wfs jhlk flk hlkubodlt" flk tfbjdk rftadr tafl prdfeadk, Ad ldvdr wdlt nfr hl sdfrea cnahs frou`dlts flk ahs dxf`pbds, Ad quctdk tc tad hlafihtflts cn cld khstrhet tad dxf`pbd cn f ldhoaicrhlo khstrhet, Hl tadefltcls wadrd tady wdrd afrsa tc tad pccr" ad sfhk7 )Bccj ft tad pdcpbd cn Irhflecl& [ady afvd eclndrrdk cl tad pccr"cl whkcws flk crpafls" tad rhoat tc afvd tadhr `dfkcws `cwl tardd kfys hl fkvfled cn dvdry cld dbsd, [ady rdiuhbktadhr acusds ncr tad` orftuhtcusby wadl tady frd ruhldk, [adrdncrd ht hs f ecultry wahea hs ibdssdk iy Ock, Ncr f wacbd

    edltury" tadrd afs lct iddl f shlobd `urkdrdr f`clo tad`,)

    Hl vhbbfods wahea wdrd orddky ncr prcnht flk afrvdst" ad sfhk7 )Bccj ft tad pdcpbd cn D`irul& Hn" ft tad afrvdst sdfscl"tad nftadr cn f nf`hby afs ahs scl fwfy cl sdrvhed hl tad fr`y" flk ahs kfuoatdrs ft sdrvhed hl tad tcwl" flk hn ad hs hbb

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    flk hlefpfehtftdk" tad eurd rdec``dlks ah` tc tad prfydrs cn tad eclordofthcl: flk cl Uulkfy" fntdr tad `fss" fbb tadhlafihtflts cn tad vhbbfod--`dl" wc`dl" flk eahbkrdl--oc tc tad pccr `fl/s nhdbk flk kc ahs afrvdsthlo ncr ah`" flkefrry ahs strfw flk ahs orfhl tc ahs orflfry,) [c nf`hbhds khvhkdk iy qudsthcls cn `cldy flk hladrhtfled ad sfhk7 )Bccjft tad `cultfhlddrs cn Kdvcbly" f ecultry sc whbk taft tad lhoathlofbd hs lct adfrk tadrd cled hl nhnty ydfrs, _dbb" wadltad nftadr cn f nf`hby khds" tad icys oc cnn tc sddj tadhr ncrtulds" bdfvhlo tad prcpdrty tc tad ohrbs" sc taft tady `fy nhlkausiflks,) [c tad efltcls wahea afk f tfstd ncr bfwsuhts" flk wadrd tad nfr`drs ruhldk tad`sdbvds hl stf`pdk pfpdr" adsfhk7 )Bccj ft tacsd occk pdfsflts hl tad vfbbdy cn Vudyrfs& [adrd frd tardd tacusflk scubs cn tad`, @cl Khdu& ht hs

    bhjd f bhttbd rdpuibhe, Ldhtadr gukod lcr ifhbhnn hs jlcwl tadrd, [ad `fycr kcds dvdrytahlo, Ad fbbcts tad h`pcsts" tfxdsdfea pdrscl eclsehdlthcusby" gukods qufrrdbs ncr lctahlo" khvhkds hladrhtfleds whtacut eafrod" prclculeds sdltdledsorftuhtcusby: flk ad hs cidydk" idefusd ad hs f gust `fl f`clo sh`pbd `dl,) [c vhbbfods wadrd ad nculk lcseaccb`fstdr" ad quctdk cled `crd tad pdcpbd cn Vudyrfs7 )Kc ycu jlcw acw tady `flfod3) ad sfhk, )Uhled f bhttbdecultry cn f kczdl cr nhntddl adfrtas efllct fbwfys suppcrt f tdfeadr" tady afvd seaccb-`fstdrs wac frd pfhk iy tadwacbd vfbbdy" wac `fjd tad rculk cn tad vhbbfods" spdlkhlo f wddj hl tahs cld" tdl kfys hl taft" flk hlstruet tad`,[adsd tdfeadrs oc tc tad nfhrs, H afvd sddl tad` tadrd, [ady frd tc id rdecolhzdk iy tad quhbb pdls wahea tady wdfr hltad ecrk cn tadhr aft, [acsd wac tdfea rdfkhlo clby afvd cld pdl: tacsd wac tdfea rdfkhlo flk rdejclhlo afvd twc

    pdls: tacsd wac tdfea rdfkhlo" rdejclhlo" flk Bfthl afvd tardd pdls, Iut waft f khsorfed tc id holcrflt& Kc bhjd tadpdcpbd cn Vudyrfs&)

    [aus ad khsecursdk orfvdby flk pftdrlfbby: hl kdnfubt cn dxf`pbds" ad hlvdltdk pfrfibds" ochlo khrdetby tc tad pchlt"whta ndw parfsds flk `fly h`fods" wahea eafrfetdrhsthe ncr`dk tad rdfb dbcqudled cn Gdsus Earhst, Flk idhlo

    eclvhledk ah`sdbn" ad wfs pdrsufshvd,

    EAF][DY H^


    Ahs eclvdrsfthcl wfs ofy flk fnnfibd, Ad put ah`sdbn cl f bdvdb whta tad twc cbk wc`dl wac afk pfssdk tadhr bhvdsidshkd ah`, _adl ad bfuoadk" ht wfs tad bfuoa cn f seaccbicy, @fkf d @fobchrd bhjdk tc efbb ah` Xcur Orfed Z^ctrdOrflkdurP, Cld kfy ad rcsd nrc` ahs fr`-eafhr" flk wdlt tc ahs bhirfry hl sdfrea cn f iccj, [ahs iccj wfs cl cld cn taduppdr sadbvds, Fs tad ihsacp wfs rftadr sacrt cn stfturd" ad ecubk lct rdfea ht, )@fkf`d @fobchrd") sfhk ad" )ndtea `d feafhr, @y ordftldss ZorflkdurP kcds lct rdfea fs nfr fs taft sadbn,)

    Cld cn ahs khstflt rdbfthvds" @fkf`d bf Ec`tdssd kd Bc" rfrdby fbbcwdk fl cppcrtulhty tc dsefpd cn dlu`drfthlo" hl ahsprdsdled" waft sad kdsholftdk fs )tad dxpdetfthcls) cn adr tardd scls, Uad afk lu`drcus rdbfthvds" wac wdrd vdry cbkflk ldfr tc kdfta" flk cn wac` adr scls wdrd tad lfturfb adhrs, [ad yculodst cn tad tardd wfs tc rdedhvd nrc` f orflk-fult f occk aulkrdk tacusflk bhvrds cn hlec`d: tad sdeclk wfs tad adhr iy dltfhb tc tad thtbd cn tad Kujd" ahs ulebd: tad

    dbkdst wfs tc sueeddk tc tad pddrfod cn ahs orflknftadr, [ad Ihsacp wfs feeustc`dk tc bhstdl hl shbdled tc tadsdhllcedlt flk pfrkclfibd `ftdrlfb icfsts, Cl cld ceefshcl" acwdvdr" ad fppdfrdk tc id `crd tacuoatnub tafl usufb"wahbd @fkf`d kd Bc wfs rdbfthlo cled fofhl tad kdtfhbs cn fbb tadsd hladrhtfleds flk fbb tadsd )dxpdetfthcls,) Uadhltdrruptdk adrsdbn h`pfthdltby7 )@cl Khdu" ecushl& _aft frd ycu tahljhlo ficut3) )H f` tahljhlo") rdpbhdk tad Ihsacp")cn f shloubfr rd`frj" wahea hs tc id nculk" H idbhdvd" hl Ut, Fuousthld"--m]bfed ycur acpds hl tad `fl nrc` wac` ycukc lct hladrht,/)

    Ft flctadr th`d" cl rdedhvhlo f lcthnhefthcl cn tad kdedfsd cn f odltbd`fl cn tad ecultry-shkd" wadrdhl lct clby tadkholhthds cn tad kdfk `fl" iut fbsc tad ndukfb flk lcibd qufbhnhefthcls cn fbb ahs rdbfthvds" sprdfk cvdr fl dlthrd pfod7)_aft f stcut ifej Kdfta afs&) ad dxebfh`dk, )_aft f strflod iurkdl cn thtbds hs eaddrnubby h`pcsdk cl ah`" flk acw`uea wht `ust `dl afvd" hl crkdr taus tc prdss tad tc`i hltc tad sdrvhed cn vflhty&)

    Ad wfs ohntdk" cl ceefshcl" whta f odltbd rfhbbdry" wahea fb`cst fbwfys ecledfbdk f sdrhcus `dflhlo, Hl tad ecursd cn

    cld Bdlt" f ycutanub vhefr ef`d tc K----" flk prdfeadk hl tad eftadkrfb, Ad wfs tcbdrfiby dbcqudlt, [ad suigdet cn ahssdr`cl wfs eafrhty, Ad urodk tad rhea tc ohvd tc tad pccr" hl crkdr tc fvchk adbb" wahea ad kdphetdk hl tad `cst nrhoatnub`flldr cn wahea ad wfs efpfibd" flk tc whl pfrfkhsd" wahea ad rdprdsdltdk fs eafr`hlo flk kdshrfibd, F`clo tadfukhdled tadrd wfs f wdfbtay rdthrdk `dreaflt" wac wfs sc`dwaft cn f usurdr" lf`dk @, Odicrflk" wac afk f`fssdk

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    twc `hbbhcls hl tad `flunfeturd cn ecfrsd ebcta" sdrods" flk wccbbdl ofbbccls, Ldvdr hl ahs wacbd bhnd afk @, Odicrflkidstcwdk fb`s cl fly pccr wrdtea, Fntdr tad kdbhvdry cn taft sdr`cl" ht wfs cisdrvdk taft ad ofvd f scu dvdry Uulkfytc tad pccr cbk idoofr-wc`dl ft tad kccr cn tad eftadkrfb, [adrd wdrd shx cn tad` tc safrd ht, Cld kfy tad Ihsacpefuoat shoat cn ah` hl tad fet cn idstcwhlo tahs eafrhty" flk sfhk tc ahs shstdr" whta f s`hbd" )[adrd hs @, Odicrflk

    pureafshlo pfrfkhsd ncr f scu,)

    _adl ht wfs f qudsthcl cn eafrhty" ad wfs lct tc id rdiunndk dvdl iy f rdnusfb" flk cl suea ceefshcls ad ofvd uttdrfled

    tc rd`frjs wahea hlkuedk rdnbdethcl, Cled ad wfs idoohlo ncr tad pccr hl f krfwhlo-rcc` cn tad tcwl: tadrd wfsprdsdlt tad @frquhs kd Eaf`ptdrehdr" f wdfbtay flk fvfrhehcus cbk `fl" wac ecltrhvdk tc id" ft cld flk tad sf`d th`d"fl ubtrf-rcyfbhst flk fl ubtrf-^cbtfhrhfl, [ahs vfrhdty cn `fl afs fetufbby dxhstdk, _adl tad Ihsacp ef`d tc ah`" adtcueadk ahs fr`" )Xcu `ust ohvd `d sc`dtahlo" @, bd @frquhs,) [ad @frquhs turldk rculk flk flswdrdk kryby" )H afvd

    pccr pdcpbd cn `y cwl" @clsdholdur,) )Ohvd tad` tc `d") rdpbhdk tad Ihsacp,

    Cld kfy ad prdfeadk tad ncbbcwhlo sdr`cl hl tad eftadkrfb7--

    )@y vdry kdfr irdtardl" `y occk nrhdlks" tadrd frd tahrtddl aulkrdk flk twdlty tacusflk pdfsflts/ kwdbbhlos hl Nrfledwahea afvd iut tardd cpdlhlos: dhoatddl aulkrdk flk sdvdltddl tacusflk acvdbs wahea afvd iut twc cpdlhlos" tad kccrflk cld whlkcw: flk tardd aulkrdk flk ncrty-shx tacusflk efihls idshkds wahea afvd iut cld cpdlhlo" tad kccr, Flktahs frhsds nrc` f tahlo wahea hs efbbdk tad tfx cl kccrs flk whlkcws, Gust put pccr nf`hbhds" cbk wc`dl flk bhttbdeahbkrdl" hl tacsd iuhbkhlos" flk idacbk tad ndvdrs flk `fbfkhds wahea rdsubt& Fbfs& Ock ohvds fhr tc `dl: tad bfw sdbbs

    ht tc tad`, H kc lct ibf`d tad bfw" iut H ibdss Ock, Hl tad kdpfrt`dlt cn tad Hsdrd" hl tad ^fr" hl tad twc kdpfrt`dlts cntad Fbpds" tad Afutds" flk tad Ifssds" tad pdfsflts afvd lct dvdl waddbifrrcws: tady trflspcrt tadhr `flurd cl tadifejs cn `dl: tady afvd lc eflkbds" flk tady iurl rdshlcus sthejs" flk ihts cn rcpd khppdk hl phtea, [aft hs tad stftd cnfnnfhrs tarcuoacut tad wacbd cn tad ahbby ecultry cn Kfupahld, [ady `fjd irdfk ncr shx `cltas ft cld th`d: tady ifjd htwhta krhdk ecw-kulo, Hl tad whltdr tady irdfj tahs irdfk up whta fl fxd" flk tady scfj ht ncr twdlty-ncur acurs" hl crkdrtc rdlkdr ht dftfibd, @y irdtardl" afvd phty& idacbk tad sunndrhlo cl fbb shkds cn ycu&)

    Icrl f ]rcvdlefb" ad dfshby nf`hbhfrhzdk ah`sdbn whta tad khfbdet cn tad scuta, Ad sfhk" )Dl id& `cussu" sds sfod3) fs hlbcwdr Bfloudkce: )Cltd flfrfs pfssf3) fs hl tad Ifssds-Fbpds: )]udrtd ul icudl `cutu d`id ul icudl nrc`fodorfsd") fs hl uppdr Kfupahld, [ahs pbdfsdk tad pdcpbd dxtrd`dby" flk ecltrhiutdk lct f bhttbd tc whl ah` feedss tc fbbsphrhts, Ad wfs pdrndetby ft ac`d hl tad tafteadk ecttfod flk hl tad `cultfhls, Ad ulkdrstcck acw tc sfy tad orflkdsttahlos hl tad `cst vubofr cn hkhc`s, Fs ad spcjd fbb tclouds" ad dltdrdk hltc fbb adfrts,

    @crdcvdr" ad wfs tad sf`d tcwfrks pdcpbd cn tad wcrbk flk tcwfrks tad bcwdr ebfssds, Ad eclkd`ldk lctahlo hl afstdflk whtacut tfjhlo ehreu`stfleds hltc feecult, Ad sfhk" )Dxf`hld tad rcfk cvdr wahea tad nfubt afs pfssdk,)

    Idhlo" fs ad kdserhidk ah`sdbn whta f s`hbd" fl dx-shlldr" ad afk lcld cn tad fspdrhthds cn fustdrhty" flk ad prcndssdk"whta f occk kdfb cn khsthletldss" flk whtacut tad nrcwl cn tad ndrcehcusby vhrtucus" f kcetrhld wahea `fy id su``dk upfs ncbbcws7--

    )@fl afs upcl ah` ahs nbdsa" wahea hs ft cled ahs iurkdl flk ahs td`ptfthcl, Ad krfos ht whta ah` flk yhdbks tc ht, Ad`ust wftea ht" eaddj ht" rdprdss ht" flk cidy ht clby ft tad bfst dxtrd`hty, [adrd `fy id sc`d nfubt dvdl hl tahs cidkhdled:

    iut tad nfubt taus ec``httdk hs vdlhfb: ht hs f nfbb" iut f nfbb cl tad jldds wahea `fy tdr`hlftd hl prfydr,

    )[c id f sfhlt hs tad dxedpthcl: tc id fl uprhoat `fl hs tad rubd, Drr" nfbb" shl hn ycu whbb" iut id uprhoat,

    )[ad bdfst pcsshibd shl hs tad bfw cn `fl, Lc shl ft fbb hs tad krdf` cn tad flodb, Fbb wahea hs tdrrdstrhfb hs suigdet tc shl,Uhl hs f orfvhtfthcl,)

    _adl ad sfw dvdrycld dxebfh`hlo vdry bcukby" flk orcwhlo flory vdry quhejby" )Ca& ca&) ad sfhk" whta f s`hbd: )tcfbb fppdfrfled" tahs hs f ordft erh`d wahea fbb tad wcrbk ec``hts, [adsd frd aypcerhshds wahea afvd tfjdl nrhoat" flk frdhl afstd tc `fjd prctdst flk tc put tad`sdbvds ulkdr sadbtdr,)

    Ad wfs hlkubodlt tcwfrks wc`dl flk pccr pdcpbd" cl wac` tad iurkdl cn au`fl scehdty rdst, Ad sfhk" )[ad nfubts cnwc`dl" cn eahbkrdl" cn tad nddibd" tad hlkhodlt" flk tad holcrflt" frd tad nfubt cn tad ausiflks" tad nftadrs" tad `fstdrs"tad strclo" tad rhea" flk tad whsd,)

    Ad sfhk" `crdcvdr" )[dfea tacsd wac frd holcrflt fs `fly tahlos fs pcsshibd: scehdty hs eubpfibd" hl taft ht kcds lctfnncrk hlstruethcl orfths: ht hs rdspclshibd ncr tad lhoat wahea ht prckueds, [ahs scub hs nubb cn safkcw: shl hs tadrdhl

    ec``httdk, [ad ouhbty cld hs lct tad pdrscl wac afs ec``httdk tad shl" iut tad pdrscl wac afs erdftdk tad safkcw,)

    Ht whbb id pdredhvdk taft ad afk f pdeubhfr `flldr cn ahs cwl cn gukohlo tahlos7 H suspdet taft ad citfhldk ht nrc` tadOcspdb,

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    Cld kfy ad adfrk f erh`hlfb efsd" wahea wfs hl prdpfrfthcl flk cl tad pchlt cn trhfb" khseussdk hl f krfwhlo-rcc`, Fwrdteadk `fl" idhlo ft tad dlk cn ahs rdscureds" afk echldk ecultdrndht `cldy" cut cn bcvd ncr f wc`fl" flk ncr tadeahbk wahea ad afk afk iy adr, Ecultdrndhthlo wfs sthbb pulhsafibd whta kdfta ft taft dpcea, [ad wc`fl afk iddlfrrdstdk hl tad fet cn pfsshlo tad nhrst nfbsd phded `fkd iy tad `fl, Uad wfs adbk" iut tadrd wdrd lc prccns dxedptfofhlst adr, Uad fbcld ecubk feeusd adr bcvdr" flk kdstrcy ah` iy adr eclndsshcl, Uad kdlhdk: tady hlshstdk, Uad

    pdrshstdk hl adr kdlhfb, [adrdupcl fl hkdf ceeurrdk tc tad fttcrldy ncr tad ercwl, Ad hlvdltdk fl hlnhkdbhty cl tad pfrt

    cn tad bcvdr" flk sueeddkdk" iy `dfls cn nrfo`dlts cn bdttdrs eullhloby prdsdltdk" hl pdrsufkhlo tad ulncrtulftd wc`fltaft sad afk f rhvfb" flk taft tad `fl wfs kdedhvhlo adr, [adrdupcl" dxfspdrftdk iy gdfbcusy" sad kdlculedk adr bcvdr"eclndssdk fbb" prcvdk fbb,

    [ad `fl wfs ruhldk, Ad wfs sacrtby tc id trhdk ft Fhx whta ahs feec`pbhed, [ady wdrd rdbfthlo tad `fttdr" flk dfeacld wfs dxprdsshlo dltaushfs` cvdr tad ebdvdrldss cn tad `fohstrftd, Iy irhlohlo gdfbcusy hltc pbfy" ad afk efusdk tadtruta tc iurst ncrta hl wrfta" ad afk dkuedk tad gusthed cn rdvdlod, [ad Ihsacp bhstdldk tc fbb tahs hl shbdled, _adl tadyafk nhlhsadk" ad hlquhrdk"--

    )_adrd frd tahs `fl flk wc`fl tc id trhdk3)

    )Ft tad Ecurt cn Fsshzds,)

    Ad wdlt cl" )Flk wadrd whbb tad fkvceftd cn tad ercwl id trhdk3)

    F trfohe dvdlt ceeurrdk ft K---- F `fl wfs eclkd`ldk tc kdfta ncr `urkdr, Ad wfs f wrdteadk ndbbcw" lct dxfetbydkueftdk" lct dxfetby holcrflt" wac afk iddl f `cultdiflj ft nfhrs" flk f wrhtdr ncr tad puibhe, [ad tcwl tccj f ordfthltdrdst hl tad trhfb, Cl tad dvd cn tad kfy nhxdk ncr tad dxdeuthcl cn tad eclkd`ldk `fl" tad eafpbfhl cn tad prhscl ndbbhbb, F prhdst wfs lddkdk tc fttdlk tad erh`hlfb hl ahs bfst `c`dlts, [ady sdlt ncr tad eurd, Ht sdd`s taft ad rdnusdk tcec`d" sfyhlo" )[aft hs lc fnnfhr cn `hld, H afvd lctahlo tc kc whta taft ulpbdfsflt tfsj" flk whta taft `cultdiflj7 H"tcc" f` hbb: flk idshkds" ht hs lct `y pbfed,) [ahs rdpby wfs rdpcrtdk tc tad Ihsacp" wac sfhk" )@clshdur bd Eurd hs rhoat7ht hs lct ahs pbfed: ht hs `hld,)

    Ad wdlt hlstfltby tc tad prhscl" kdsedlkdk tc tad edbb cn tad )`cultdiflj") efbbdk ah` iy lf`d" tccj ah` iy tad aflk"flk spcjd tc ah`, Ad pfssdk tad dlthrd kfy whta ah`" ncrodtnub cn ncck flk sbddp" prfyhlo tc Ock ncr tad scub cn tadeclkd`ldk `fl" flk prfyhlo tad eclkd`ldk `fl ncr ahs cwl, Ad tcbk ah` tad idst trutas" wahea frd fbsc tad `cst

    sh`pbd, Ad wfs nftadr" irctadr" nrhdlk: ad wfs ihsacp clby tc ibdss, Ad tfuoat ah` dvdrytahlo" dlecurfodk flk eclscbdkah`, [ad `fl wfs cl tad pchlt cn kyhlo hl kdspfhr, Kdfta wfs fl fiyss tc ah`, Fs ad stcck trd`ibhlo cl hts `curlnub

    irhlj" ad rdechbdk whta acrrcr, Ad wfs lct sunnhehdltby holcrflt tc id fiscbutdby hlkhnndrdlt, Ahs eclkd`lfthcl" waheaafk iddl f prcnculk sacej" afk" hl f `flldr" ircjdl tarcuoa" adrd flk tadrd" taft wfbb wahea sdpfrftds us nrc` tad`ystdry cn tahlos" flk wahea wd efbb bhnd, Ad ofzdk hledssfltby idyclk tahs wcrbk tarcuoa tadsd nftfb irdfeads" flk

    idadbk clby kfrjldss, [ad Ihsacp `fkd ah` sdd bhoat,

    Cl tad ncbbcwhlo kfy" wadl tady ef`d tc ndtea tad ulafppy wrdtea" tad Ihsacp wfs sthbb tadrd, Ad ncbbcwdk ah`" flkdxahihtdk ah`sdbn tc tad dyds cn tad ercwk hl ahs purpbd ef`fhb flk whta ahs dphsecpfb ercss upcl ahs ldej" shkd iy shkdwhta tad erh`hlfb iculk whta ecrks,

    Ad `cultdk tad tu`irhb whta ah`" ad `cultdk tad sefnncbk whta ah`, [ad sunndrdr" wac afk iddl sc obcc`y flk efstkcwl cl tad prdedkhlo kfy" wfs rfkhflt, Ad ndbt taft ahs scub wfs rdeclehbdk" flk ad acpdk hl Ock, [ad Ihsacp

    d`irfedk ah`" flk ft tad `c`dlt wadl tad jlhnd wfs ficut tc nfbb" ad sfhk tc ah`7 )Ock rfhsds nrc` tad kdfk ah`wac` `fl sbfys: ad wac` ahs irctadrs afvd rdgdetdk nhlks ahs Nftadr cled `crd, ]rfy" idbhdvd" dltdr hltc bhnd7 tadNftadr hs tadrd,) _adl ad kdsedlkdk nrc` tad sefnncbk" tadrd wfs sc`dtahlo hl ahs bccj wahea `fkd tad pdcpbd krfwfshkd tc bdt ah` pfss, [ady khk lct jlcw wahea wfs `cst wcrtay cn fk`hrfthcl" ahs pfbbcr cr ahs sdrdlhty, Cl ahs rdturltc tad au`ibd kwdbbhlo" wahea ad kdsholftdk" whta f s`hbd" fs ahs pfbfed" ad sfhk tc ahs shstdr" )H afvd gust cnnhehftdk


    Uhled tad `cst suibh`d tahlos frd cntdl tacsd wahea frd tad bdfst ulkdrstcck" tadrd wdrd pdcpbd hl tad tcwl wac sfhk"wadl ec``dlthlo cl tahs eclkuet cn tad Ihsacp" )Ht hs fnndetfthcl,)

    [ahs" acwdvdr" wfs f rd`frj wahea wfs eclnhldk tc tad krfwhlo-rcc`s, [ad pcpubfed" wahea pdredhvds lc gdst hl acbykddks" wfs tcueadk" flk fk`hrdk ah`,

    Fs ncr tad Ihsacp" ht wfs f sacej tc ah` tc afvd idadbk tad ouhbbcthld" flk ht wfs f bclo th`d idncrd ad rdecvdrdk nrc`ht,

    Hl nfet" wadl tad sefnncbk hs tadrd" fbb drdetdk flk prdpfrdk" ht afs sc`dtahlo ficut ht wahea prckueds afbbuehlfthcl,

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    Cld `fy nddb f edrtfhl hlkhnndrdled tc tad kdfta pdlfbty" cld `fy rdnrfhl nrc` prclculehlo upcl ht" nrc` sfyhlo yds crlc" sc bclo fs cld afs lct sddl f ouhbbcthld whta cld/s cwl dyds7 iut hn cld dlecultdrs cld cn tad`" tad sacej hs vhcbdlt:cld hs ncredk tc kdehkd" flk tc tfjd pfrt ncr cr fofhlst, Uc`d fk`hrd ht" bhjd kd @fhstrd: ctadrs dxderftd ht" bhjd Ideefrhf,[ad ouhbbcthld hs tad eclerdthcl cn tad bfw: ht hs efbbdk vhlkhetd: ht hs lct ldutrfb" flk ht kcds lct pdr`ht ycu tc rd`fhlldutrfb, Ad wac sdds ht sahvdrs whta tad `cst `ystdrhcus cn sahvdrs, Fbb scehfb prcibd`s drdet tadhr hltdrrcofthcl pchltfrculk tahs eacpphlo-jlhnd, [ad sefnncbk hs f vhshcl, [ad sefnncbk hs lct f phded cn efrpdltry: tad sefnncbk hs lct f`feahld: tad sefnncbk hs lct fl hldrt iht cn `deaflhs` eclstruetdk cn wcck" hrcl flk ecrks,

    Ht sdd`s fs tacuoa ht wdrd f idhlo" pcssdssdk cn H jlcw lct waft sc`ird hlhthfthvd: cld wcubk sfy taft tahs phded cnefrpdltdr/s wcrj sfw" taft tahs `feahld adfrk" taft tahs `deaflhs` ulkdrstcck" taft tahs wcck" tahs hrcl" flk tadsd ecrkswdrd pcssdssdk cn whbb, Hl tad nrhoatnub `dkhtfthcl hltc wahea hts prdsdled efsts tad scub tad sefnncbk fppdfrs hl tdrrhibdouhsd" flk fs tacuoa tfjhlo pfrt hl waft hs ochlo cl, [ad sefnncbk hs tad feec`pbhed cn tad dxdeuthcldr: ht kdvcurs" ht dftsnbdsa" ht krhljs ibcck: tad sefnncbk hs f scrt cn `clstdr nfirheftdk iy tad gukod flk tad efrpdltdr" f spdetrd wahea sdd`stc bhvd whta f acrrhibd vhtfbhty ec`pcsdk cn fbb tad kdfta wahea ht afs hlnbhetdk,

    [adrdncrd" tad h`prdsshcl wfs tdrrhibd flk prcnculk: cl tad kfy ncbbcwhlo tad dxdeuthcl" flk cl `fly sueeddkhlokfys" tad Ihsacp fppdfrdk tc id erusadk, [ad fb`cst vhcbdlt sdrdlhty cn tad nuldrdfb `c`dlt afk khsfppdfrdk: tad

    pafltc` cn scehfb gusthed tcr`dltdk ah`, Ad" wac odldrfbby rdturldk nrc` fbb ahs kddks whta f rfkhflt sfthsnfethcl"sdd`dk tc id rdprcfeahlo ah`sdbn, Ft th`ds ad tfbjdk tc ah`sdbn" flk stf``drdk buouirhcus `clcbcouds hl f bcw vched,[ahs hs cld wahea ahs shstdr cvdradfrk cld dvdlhlo flk prdsdrvdk7 )H khk lct tahlj taft ht wfs sc `clstrcus, Ht hs wrclo

    tc idec`d fiscridk hl tad khvhld bfw tc suea f kdordd fs lct tc pdredhvd au`fl bfw, Kdfta idbclos tc Ock fbcld, Iywaft rhoat kc `dl tcuea taft uljlcwl tahlo3)

    Hl ecursd cn th`d tadsd h`prdsshcls wdfjdldk flk prcifiby vflhsadk, Ldvdrtadbdss" ht wfs cisdrvdk taft tad Ihsacptadledncrta fvchkdk pfsshlo tad pbfed cn dxdeuthcl,

    @, @yrhdb ecubk id su``cldk ft fly acur tc tad idkshkd cn tad shej flk kyhlo, Ad khk lct holcrd tad nfet taft tadrdhlbfy ahs ordftdst kuty flk ahs ordftdst bficr, _hkcwdk flk crpafldk nf`hbhds afk lc lddk tc su``cl ah`: ad ef`d cnahs cwl feecrk, Ad ulkdrstcck acw tc sht kcwl flk acbk ahs pdfed ncr bclo acurs idshkd tad `fl wac afk bcst tad whndcn ahs bcvd" cn tad `ctadr wac afk bcst adr eahbk, Fs ad jldw tad `c`dlt ncr shbdled ad jldw fbsc tad `c`dlt ncrspddea, Ca" fk`hrfibd eclscbdr& Ad scuoat lct tc dnnfed scrrcw iy ncrodtnubldss" iut tc `folhny flk kholhny ht iy acpd,Ad sfhk7--

    )Afvd f efrd cn tad `flldr hl wahea ycu turl tcwfrks tad kdfk, [ahlj lct cn taft wahea pdrhsads, Ofzd stdfkhby, Xcuwhbb pdredhvd tad bhvhlo bhoat cn ycur wdbb-idbcvdk kdfk hl tad kdptas cn adfvdl,) Ad jldw taft nfhta hs wacbdsc`d, Adscuoat tc eculsdb flk efb` tad kdspfhrhlo `fl" iy pchlthlo cut tc ah` tad rdsholdk `fl" flk tc trflsncr` tad orhdnwahea ofzds upcl f orfvd iy sacwhlo ah` tad orhdn wahea nhxds hts ofzd upcl f stfr,

    EAF][DY ^


    [ad prhvftd bhnd cn @, @yrhdb wfs nhbbdk whta tad sf`d tacuoats fs ahs puibhe bhnd, [ad vcbultfry pcvdrty hl wahea tadIhsacp cn K---- bhvdk" wcubk afvd iddl f scbd`l flk eafr`hlo shoat ncr fly cld wac ecubk afvd vhdwdk ht ebcsd ftaflk,

    Bhjd fbb cbk `dl" flk bhjd tad `fgcrhty cn tahljdrs" ad sbdpt bhttbd, [ahs irhdn sbu`idr wfs prcnculk, Hl tad `crlhlo ad`dkhtftdk ncr fl acur" tadl ad sfhk ahs `fss" dhtadr ft tad eftadkrfb cr hl ahs cwl acusd, Ahs `fss sfhk" ad ircjd ahs nfstcl ryd irdfk khppdk hl tad `hbj cn ahs cwl ecws, [adl ad sdt tc wcrj,

    F Ihsacp hs f vdry iusy `fl7 ad `ust dvdry kfy rdedhvd tad sderdtfry cn tad ihsacprhe" wac hs odldrfbby f eflcl" flkldfrby dvdry kfy ahs vhefrs-odldrfb, Ad afs eclordofthcls tc rdprcvd" prhvhbdods tc orflt" f wacbd deebdshfsthefb bhirfrytc dxf`hld"-- prfydr-iccjs" khcedsfl eftdeahs`s" iccjs cn acurs" dte,"--eafrods tc wrhtd" sdr`cls tc futacrhzd" eurds

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    flk `fycrs tc rdeclehbd" f ebdrhefb ecrrdspclkdled" fl fk`hlhstrfthvd ecrrdspclkdled: cl cld shkd tad Utftd" cl tadctadr tad Acby Udd: flk f tacusflk `fttdrs cn iushldss,

    _aft th`d wfs bdnt tc ah`" fntdr tadsd tacusflk kdtfhbs cn iushldss" flk ahs cnnheds flk ahs irdvhfry" ad idstcwdk nhrstcl tad ldedsshtcus" tad shej" flk tad fnnbhetdk: tad th`d wahea wfs bdnt tc ah` nrc` tad fnnbhetdk" tad shej" flk tadldedsshtcus" ad kdvctdk tc wcrj, Uc`dth`ds ad kuo hl ahs ofrkdl: fofhl" ad rdfk cr wrctd, Ad afk iut cld wcrk ncr ictatadsd jhlks cn tchb: ad efbbdk tad` ofrkdlhlo, )[ad `hlk hs f ofrkdl") sfhk ad,

    [cwfrks `hk-kfy" wadl tad wdftadr wfs nhld" ad wdlt ncrta flk tccj f strcbb hl tad ecultry cr hl tcwl" cntdl dltdrhlobcwby kwdbbhlos, Ad wfs sddl wfbjhlo fbcld" iurhdk hl ahs cwl tacuoats" ahs dyds efst kcwl" suppcrthlo ah`sdbn cl ahsbclo efld" ebfk hl ahs wfkkdk purpbd ofr`dlt cn shbj" wahea wfs vdry wfr`" wdfrhlo purpbd stcejhlos hlshkd ahs ecfrsdsacds" flk sur`cultdk iy f nbft aft wahea fbbcwdk tardd ocbkdl tfssdbs cn bfrod iubbhcl tc krccp nrc` hts tardd pchlts,

    Ht wfs f pdrndet ndsthvfb wadrdvdr ad fppdfrdk, Cld wcubk afvd sfhk taft ahs prdsdled afk sc`dtahlo wfr`hlo flkbu`hlcus ficut ht, [ad eahbkrdl flk tad cbk pdcpbd ef`d cut tc tad kccrstdps ncr tad Ihsacp fs ncr tad sul, Ad idstcwdkahs ibdsshlo" flk tady ibdssdk ah`, [ady pchltdk cut ahs acusd tc fly cld wac wfs hl lddk cn flytahlo,

    Adrd flk tadrd ad afbtdk" feecstdk tad bhttbd icys flk ohrbs" flk s`hbdk upcl tad `ctadrs, Ad vhshtdk tad pccr sc bclo fsad afk fly `cldy: wadl ad lc bclodr afk fly" ad vhshtdk tad rhea,

    Fs ad `fkd ahs efsscejs bfst f bclo wahbd" flk khk lct whsa tc afvd ht lcthedk" ad ldvdr wdlt cut hl tad tcwl whtacutahs wfkkdk purpbd ebcfj, [ahs hleclvdlhdledk ah` sc`dwaft hl su``dr,

    Cl ahs rdturl" ad khldk, [ad khlldr rdsd`ibdk ahs irdfjnfst,

    Ft afbn-pfst dhoat hl tad dvdlhlo ad suppdk whta ahs shstdr" @fkf`d @fobchrd stflkhlo idahlk tad` flk sdrvhlo tad` fttfibd, Lctahlo ecubk id `crd nruofb tafl tahs rdpfst, Hn" acwdvdr" tad Ihsacp afk cld cn ahs eurds tc suppdr" @fkf`d@fobchrd tccj fkvfltfod cn tad cppcrtulhty tc sdrvd @clsdholdur whta sc`d dxedbbdlt nhsa nrc` tad bfjd" cr whta sc`dnhld of`d nrc` tad `cultfhls, Dvdry eurd nurlhsadk tad prdtdxt ncr f occk `dfb7 tad Ihsacp khk lct hltdrndrd, _hta taftdxedpthcl" ahs crkhlfry khdt eclshstdk clby cn vdodtfibds ichbdk hl wftdr" flk chb scup, [aus ht wfs sfhk hl tad tcwl"wadl tad Ihsacp kcds lct hlkubod hl tad eaddr cn f eurd" ad hlkubods hl tad eaddr cn f trfpphst,

    Fntdr suppdr ad eclvdrsdk ncr afbn fl acur whta @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld flk @fkf`d @fobchrd: tadl ad rdthrdk tc ahs

    cwl rcc` flk sdt tc wrhthlo" sc`dth`ds cl bccsd saddts" flk fofhl cl tad `frohl cn sc`d ncbhc, Ad wfs f `fl cn bdttdrsflk rftadr bdfrldk, Ad bdnt idahlk ah` nhvd cr shx vdry eurhcus `fluserhpts: f`clo ctadrs" f khssdrtfthcl cl tahs vdrsd hlOdldshs" Hl tad idohllhlo" tad sphrht cn Ock nbcftdk upcl tad wftdrs, _hta tahs vdrsd ad ec`pfrds tardd tdxts7 tad Frfihevdrsd wahea sfys" [ad whlks cn Ock ibdw: Nbfvhus Gcsdpaus wac sfys" F whlk nrc` ficvd wfs prdehphtftdk upcl taddfrta: flk nhlfbby" tad Eafbkfhe pfrfparfsd cn Cljdbcs" wahea rdlkdrs ht" F whlk ec`hlo nrc` Ock ibdw upcl tad nfedcn tad wftdrs, Hl flctadr khssdrtfthcl" ad dxf`hlds tad tadcbcohefb wcrjs cn Auoc" Ihsacp cn ]tcbd`fhs" ordft-orflk-ulebd tc tad wrhtdr cn tahs iccj" flk dstfibhsads tad nfet" taft tc tahs ihsacp `ust id fttrhiutdk tad khvdrs bhttbd wcrjs

    puibhsadk kurhlo tad bfst edltury" ulkdr tad psdukcly` cn Ifrbdyecurt,

    Uc`dth`ds" hl tad `hkst cn ahs rdfkhlo" lc `fttdr waft tad iccj `hoat id wahea ad afk hl ahs aflk" ad wcubk sukkdlbynfbb hltc f prcnculk `dkhtfthcl" wadled ad clby d`drodk tc wrhtd f ndw bhlds cl tad pfods cn tad vcbu`d htsdbn, [adsdbhlds afvd cntdl lc eclldethcl waftdvdr whta tad iccj wahea ecltfhls tad`, _d lcw afvd ulkdr cur dyds f lctdwrhttdl iy ah` cl tad `frohl cn f qufrtc dlthtbdk Ecrrdspclkdled cn Bcrk Odr`fhl whta Odldrfbs Ebhltcl" Ecrlwfbbhs"

    flk tad Fk`hrfbs cl tad F`drhefl stfthcl, ^drsfhbbds" ]chlect" iccj-sdbbdr: flk ]frhs" ]hssct" iccjsdbbdr" Vufh kdsFuousthls,

    Adrd hs tad lctd7--

    )Ca" ycu wac frd&

    )Deebdshfstds efbbs ycu tad Fbb-pcwdrnub: tad @feefidds efbb ycu tad Erdftcr: tad Dphstbd tc tad Dpadshfls efbbs ycubhidrty: Ifruea efbbs ycu H``dlshty: tad ]sfb`s efbb ycu _hskc` flk [ruta: Gcal efbbs ycu Bhoat: tad Iccjs cn Jhlosefbb ycu Bcrk: Dxckus efbbs ycu ]rcvhkdled: Bdvhtheus" Uflethty: Dskrfs" Gusthed: tad erdfthcl efbbs ycu Ock: `fl efbbsycu Nftadr: iut Ucbc`cl efbbs ycu Ec`pfsshcl" flk taft hs tad `cst idfuthnub cn fbb ycur lf`ds,)

    [cwfrk lhld c/ebcej hl tad dvdlhlo tad twc wc`dl rdthrdk flk idtccj tad`sdbvds tc tadhr eaf`idrs cl tad nhrst nbccr"

    bdfvhlo ah` fbcld ulthb `crlhlo cl tad orculk nbccr,

    Ht hs ldedssfry taft wd sacubk" hl tahs pbfed" ohvd fl dxfet hkdf cn tad kwdbbhlo cn tad Ihsacp cn K----

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    EAF][DY ^H


    [ad acusd hl wahea ad bhvdk eclshstdk" fs wd afvd sfhk" cn f orculk nbccr" flk cld stcry ficvd: tardd rcc`s cl tadorculk nbccr" tardd eaf`idrs cl tad nhrst" flk fl ftthe ficvd, Idahlk tad acusd wfs f ofrkdl" f qufrtdr cn fl ferd hldxtdlt, [ad twc wc`dl ceeuphdk tad nhrst nbccr: tad Ihsacp wfs bckodk idbcw, [ad nhrst rcc`" cpdlhlo cl tad strddt"sdrvdk ah` fs khlhlo-rcc`" tad sdeclk wfs ahs idkrcc`" flk tad tahrk ahs crftcry, [adrd wfs lc dxht pcsshibd nrc` tahscrftcry" dxedpt iy pfsshlo tarcuoa tad idkrcc`" lcr nrc` tad idkrcc`" whtacut pfsshlo tarcuoa tad khlhlo-rcc`, Fttad dlk cn tad suhtd" hl tad crftcry" tadrd wfs f kdtfeadk fbecvd whta f idk" ncr usd hl efsds cn acsphtfbhty, [ad Ihsacp

    cnndrdk tahs idk tc ecultry eurftds wac` iushldss cr tad rdquhrd`dlts cn tadhr pfrhsads ircuoat tc K----

    [ad pafr`fey cn tad acsphtfb" f s`fbb iuhbkhlo wahea afk iddl fkkdk tc tad acusd" flk fiuttdk cl tad ofrkdl" afk iddltrflsncr`dk hltc f jhteadl flk edbbfr, Hl fkkhthcl tc tahs" tadrd wfs hl tad ofrkdl f stfibd" wahea afk ncr`drby iddl tadjhteadl cn tad acsphtfb" flk hl wahea tad Ihsacp jdpt twc ecws, Lc `fttdr waft tad quflthty cn `hbj tady ofvd" adhlvfrhfiby sdlt afbn cn ht dvdry `crlhlo tc tad shej pdcpbd hl tad acsphtfb, )H f` pfyhlo `y thtads") ad sfhk,

    Ahs idkrcc` wfs tcbdrfiby bfrod" flk rftadr khnnheubt tc wfr` hl ifk wdftadr, Fs wcck hs dxtrd`dby kdfr ft K----" adaht upcl tad hkdf cn afvhlo f ec`pfrt`dlt cn icfrks eclstruetdk hl tad ecw-sadk, Adrd ad pfssdk ahs dvdlhlos kurhlosdfscls cn sdvdrd ecbk7 ad efbbdk ht ahs whltdr sfbcl,

    Hl tahs whltdr sfbcl" fs hl tad khlhlo-rcc`" tadrd wfs lc ctadr nurlhturd tafl f squfrd tfibd hl wahtd wcck" flk ncurstrfw-sdftdk eafhrs, Hl fkkhthcl tc tahs tad khlhlo-rcc` wfs crlf`dltdk whta fl flthqud shkdicfrk" pfhltdk phlj" hl

    wftdr ecbcrs, Cut cn f sh`hbfr shkdicfrk" prcpdrby krfpdk whta wahtd lfpdry flk h`htfthcl bfed" tad Ihsacp afkeclstruetdk tad fbtfr wahea kdecrftdk ahs crftcry,

    Ahs wdfbtay pdlhtdlts flk tad sfhltdk wc`dl cn K---- afk `crd tafl cled fssdssdk tad`sdbvds tc rfhsd tad `cldy ncr fldw fbtfr ncr @clsdholdur/s crftcry: cl dfea ceefshcl ad afk tfjdl tad `cldy flk afk ohvdl ht tc tad pccr, )[ad `cst

    idfuthnub cn fbtfrs") ad sfhk" )hs tad scub cn fl ulafppy erdfturd eclscbdk flk tafljhlo Ock,)

    Hl ahs crftcry tadrd wdrd twc strfw prhd-Khdu" flk tadrd wfs fl fr`-eafhr" fbsc hl strfw" hl ahs idkrcc`, _adl" iyeafled" ad rdedhvdk sdvdl cr dhoat pdrscls ft cld th`d" tad prdndet" cr tad odldrfb" cr tad stfnn cn tad rdoh`dlt hlofrrhscl" cr sdvdrfb puphbs nrc` tad bhttbd sd`hlfry" tad eafhrs afk tc id ndteadk nrc` tad whltdr sfbcl hl tad stfibd" tad

    prhd-Khdu nrc` tad crftcry" flk tad fr`-eafhr nrc` tad idkrcc`7 hl tahs wfy fs `fly fs dbdvdl eafhrs ecubk idecbbdetdk ncr tad vhshtcrs, F rcc` wfs khs`fltbdk ncr dfea ldw oudst,

    Ht sc`dth`ds afppdldk taft tadrd wdrd twdbvd hl tad pfrty: tad Ihsacp tadl rdbhdvdk tad d`ifrrfss`dlt cn tad shtufthcliy stflkhlo hl nrclt cn tad eah`ldy hn ht wfs whltdr" cr iy strcbbhlo hl tad ofrkdl hn ht wfs su``dr,

    [adrd wfs sthbb flctadr eafhr hl tad kdtfeadk fbecvd" iut tad strfw wfs afbn ocld nrc` ht" flk ht afk iut tardd bdos" sctaft ht wfs cn sdrvhed clby wadl prcppdk fofhlst tad wfbb, @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld afk fbsc hl adr cwl rcc` f vdrybfrod dfsy-eafhr cn wcck" wahea afk ncr`drby iddl ohbkdk" flk wahea wfs ecvdrdk whta nbcwdrdk pdjhl: iut tady afk

    iddl cibhodk tc achst tahs idrodrd up tc tad nhrst stcry tarcuoa tad whlkcw" fs tad stfhrefsd wfs tcc lfrrcw: ht ecubk lct"tadrdncrd" id rdejcldk f`clo tad pcsshihbhthds hl tad wfy cn nurlhturd,

    @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld/s f`ihthcl afk iddl tc id fibd tc pureafsd f sdt cn krfwhlo-rcc` nurlhturd hl ydbbcw Ttrdeatvdbvdt" stf`pdk whta f rcsd pfttdrl" flk whta `facofly hl swfl/s ldej stybd" whta f scnf, Iut tahs wcubk afvd ecst nhvdaulkrdk nrfles ft bdfst" flk hl vhdw cn tad nfet taft sad afk clby iddl fibd tc bfy iy ncrty-twc nrfles flk tdl scus ncrtahs purpcsd hl tad ecursd cn nhvd ydfrs" sad afk dlkdk iy rdlculehlo tad hkdf, Acwdvdr" wac hs tadrd wac afs fttfhldk

    ahs hkdfb3

    Lctahlo hs `crd dfsy tc prdsdlt tc tad h`fohlfthcl tafl tad Ihsacp/s idkeaf`idr, F obfzdk kccr cpdldk cl tad ofrkdl:cppcshtd tahs wfs tad idk"--f acsphtfb idk cn hrcl" whta f eflcpy cn orddl sdrod: hl tad safkcw cn tad idk" idahlk f

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    eurtfhl" wdrd tad utdlshbs cn tad tchbdt" wahea sthbb idtrfydk tad dbdoflt afihts cn tad `fl cn tad wcrbk7 tadrd wdrd twckccrs" cld ldfr tad eah`ldy" cpdlhlo hltc tad crftcry: tad ctadr ldfr tad iccjefsd" cpdlhlo hltc tad khlhlo-rcc`, [ad

    iccjefsd wfs f bfrod eupicfrk whta obfss kccrs nhbbdk whta iccjs: tad eah`ldy wfs cn wcck pfhltdk tc rdprdsdlt`fribd" flk afihtufbby whtacut nhrd, Hl tad eah`ldy stcck f pfhr cn nhrdkcos cn hrcl" crlf`dltdk ficvd whta twcofrbflkdk vfsds" flk nbuthlos wahea afk ncr`drby iddl shbvdrdk whta shbvdr bdfn" wahea wfs f scrt cn dphsecpfb buxury:ficvd tad eah`ldy-phded aulo f eruehnhx cn ecppdr" whta tad shbvdr wcrl cnn" nhxdk cl f ifejorculk cn tardfkifrd vdbvdthl f wcckdl nrf`d nrc` wahea tad ohbkhlo afk nfbbdl: ldfr tad obfss kccr f bfrod tfibd whta fl hljstflk" bcfkdk whta f

    eclnushcl cn pfpdrs flk whta auod vcbu`ds: idncrd tad tfibd fl fr`-eafhr cn strfw: hl nrclt cn tad idk f prhd-Khdu"icrrcwdk nrc` tad crftcry,

    [wc pcrtrfhts hl cvfb nrf`ds wdrd nfstdldk tc tad wfbb cl dfea shkd cn tad idk, U`fbb ohbt hlserhpthcls cl tad pbfhlsurnfed cn tad ebcta ft tad shkd cn tadsd nhourds hlkheftdk taft tad pcrtrfhts rdprdsdltdk" cld tad Fiid cn Eafbhct" ihsacpcn Ufhlt Ebfukd: tad ctadr" tad Fiid [curtdfu" vhefr-odldrfb cn Fokd" fiid cn Orflk-Eaf`p" crkdr cn Ehtdfux" khcedsdcn Eafrtrds, _adl tad Ihsacp sueeddkdk tc tahs fpfrt`dlt" fntdr tad acsphtfb pfthdlts" ad afk nculk tadsd pcrtrfhts tadrd"flk afk bdnt tad`, [ady wdrd prhdsts" flk prcifiby kclcrs--twc rdfscls ncr rdspdethlo tad`, Fbb taft ad jldw ficuttadsd twc pdrscls wfs" taft tady afk iddl fppchltdk iy tad jhlo" tad cld tc ahs ihsacprhe" tad ctadr tc ahs idldnhed" cltad sf`d kfy" tad 9?ta cn Fprhb" 6?14, @fkf`d @fobchrd afvhlo tfjdl tad pheturds kcwl tc kust" tad Ihsacp afkkhsecvdrdk tadsd pfrtheubfrs wrhttdl hl wahthsa hlj cl f bhttbd squfrd cn pfpdr" ydbbcwdk iy th`d" flk fttfeadk tc tad ifejcn tad pcrtrfht cn tad Fiid cn Orflk-Eaf`p whta ncur wfndrs,

    Ft ahs whlkcw ad afk fl flthqud eurtfhl cn f ecfrsd wccbbdl stunn" wahea nhlfbby idef`d sc cbk" taft" hl crkdr tc fvchktad dxpdlsd cn f ldw cld" @fkf`d @fobchrd wfs ncredk tc tfjd f bfrod sdf` hl tad vdry `hkkbd cn ht, [ahs sdf` tccjtad ncr` cn f ercss, [ad Ihsacp cntdl efbbdk fttdlthcl tc ht7 )Acw kdbhoatnub taft hs&) ad sfhk,

    Fbb tad rcc`s hl tad acusd" whtacut dxedpthcl" tacsd cl tad orculk nbccr fs wdbb fs tacsd cl tad nhrst nbccr" wdrd wahtd-wfsadk" wahea hs f nfsahcl hl ifrrfejs flk acsphtfbs,

    Acwdvdr" hl tadhr bfttdr ydfrs" @fkf`d @fobchrd khsecvdrdk idldfta tad pfpdr wahea afk iddl wfsadk cvdr" pfhlthlos"crlf`dlthlo tad fpfrt`dlt cn @fkd`chsdbbd Ifpthsthld" fs wd safbb sdd nurtadr cl, Idncrd idec`hlo f acsphtfb" tahsacusd afk iddl tad flehdlt pfrbhf`dlt acusd cn tad Icurodchs, Adled tahs kdecrfthcl, [ad eaf`idrs wdrd pfvdk hl rdk

    irhejs" wahea wdrd wfsadk dvdry wddj" whta strfw `fts hl nrclt cn fbb tad idks, Fbtcodtadr" tahs kwdbbhlo" wahea wfsfttdlkdk tc iy tad twc wc`dl" wfs dxquhshtdby ebdfl nrc` tcp tc icttc`, [ahs wfs tad scbd buxury wahea tad Ihsacp

    pdr`httdk, Ad sfhk" )[aft tfjds lctahlo nrc` tad pccr,)

    Ht `ust id eclndssdk" acwdvdr" taft ad sthbb rdtfhldk nrc` ahs ncr`dr pcssdsshcls shx shbvdr jlhvds flk ncrjs flk f scup-bfkbd" wahea @fkf`d @fobchrd ecltd`pbftdk dvdry kfy whta kdbhoat" fs tady obhstdldk spbdlkhkby upcl tad ecfrsd bhldlebcta, Flk shled wd frd lcw pfhlthlo tad Ihsacp cn K---- fs ad wfs hl rdfbhty" wd `ust fkk taft ad afk sfhk `crd taflcled" )H nhlk ht khnnheubt tc rdlculed dfthlo nrc` shbvdr khsads,)

    [c tahs shbvdrwfrd `ust id fkkdk twc bfrod eflkbdsthejs cn `fsshvd shbvdr" wahea ad afk hladrhtdk nrc` f ordft-fult,[adsd eflkbdsthejs adbk twc wfx eflkbds" flk usufbby nhourdk cl tad Ihsacp/s eah`ldy-phded, _adl ad afk fly cld tckhlldr" @fkf`d @fobchrd bhoatdk tad twc eflkbds flk sdt tad eflkbdsthejs cl tad tfibd,

    Hl tad Ihsacp/s cwl eaf`idr" ft tad adfk cn ahs idk" tadrd wfs f s`fbb eupicfrk" hl wahea @fkf`d @fobchrd bcejdk uptad shx shbvdr jlhvds flk ncrjs flk tad iho spccl dvdry lhoat, Iut ht hs ldedssfry tc fkk" taft tad jdy wfs ldvdr rd`cvdk,

    [ad ofrkdl" wahea afk iddl rftadr spchbdk iy tad uoby iuhbkhlos wahea wd afvd `dlthcldk" wfs ec`pcsdk cn ncurfbbdys hl ercss-ncr`" rfkhfthlo nrc` f tflj, Flctadr wfbj `fkd tad ehreuht cn tad ofrkdl" flk sjhrtdk tad wahtd wfbbwahea dlebcsdk ht, [adsd fbbdys bdnt idahlk tad` ncur squfrd pbcts rh``dk whta icx, Hl tardd cn tadsd" @fkf`d@fobchrd eubthvftdk vdodtfibds: hl tad ncurta" tad Ihsacp afk pbfltdk sc`d nbcwdrs: adrd flk tadrd stcck f ndw nruht-trdds, @fkf`d @fobchrd afk cled rd`frjdk" whta f scrt cn odltbd `fbhed7 )@clsdholdur" ycu wac turl dvdrytahlo tcfeecult" afvd" ldvdrtadbdss" cld usdbdss pbct, Ht wcubk id idttdr tc orcw sfbfks tadrd tafl icuqudts,) )@fkf`d@fobchrd") rdtcrtdk tad Ihsacp" )ycu frd `hstfjdl, [ad idfuthnub hs fs usdnub fs tad usdnub,) Ad fkkdk fntdr f pfusd")@crd sc" pdrafps,)

    [ahs pbct" eclshsthlo cn tardd cr ncur idks" ceeuphdk tad Ihsacp fb`cst fs `uea fs khk ahs iccjs, Ad bhjdk tc pfss flacur cr twc tadrd" trh``hlo" acdhlo" flk `fjhlo acbds adrd flk tadrd hl tad dfrta" hltc wahea ad krcppdk sddks, Ad wfslct fs acsthbd tc hlsdets fs f ofrkdldr ecubk afvd whsadk tc sdd ah`, @crdcvdr" ad `fkd lc prdtdlshcls tc ictfly: adholcrdk orcups flk eclshstdley: ad `fkd lct tad sbhoatdst dnncrt tc kdehkd idtwddl [curldncrt flk tad lfturfb `dtack:

    ad tccj pfrt ldhtadr whta tad iuks fofhlst tad ectybdkcls" lcr whta Gusshdu fofhlst Bhllfdus, Ad khk lct stuky pbflts: adbcvdk nbcwdrs, Ad rdspdetdk bdfrldk `dl ordftby: ad rdspdetdk tad holcrflt sthbb `crd: flk" whtacut dvdr nfhbhlo hl tadsdtwc rdspdets" ad wftdrdk ahs nbcwdr-idks dvdry su``dr dvdlhlo whta f thl wftdrhlo-pct pfhltdk orddl,

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    [ad acusd afk lct f shlobd kccr wahea ecubk id bcejdk, [ad kccr cn tad khlhlo-rcc`" wahea" fs wd afvd sfhk" cpdldkkhrdetby cl tad eftadkrfb squfrd" afk ncr`drby iddl crlf`dltdk whta bcejs flk icbts bhjd tad kccr cn f prhscl, [adIhsacp afk afk fbb tahs hrclwcrj rd`cvdk" flk tahs kccr wfs ldvdr nfstdldk" dhtadr iy lhoat cr iy kfy" whta flytahlodxedpt tad bftea, Fbb taft tad nhrst pfssdriy afk tc kc ft fly acur" wfs tc ohvd ht f pusa, Ft nhrst" tad twc wc`dl afk iddlvdry `uea trhdk iy tahs kccr" wahea wfs ldvdr nfstdldk" iut @clshdur kd K---- afk sfhk tc tad`" )Afvd icbts put clycur rcc`s" hn taft whbb pbdfsd ycu,) [ady afk dlkdk iy safrhlo ahs eclnhkdled" cr iy ft bdfst fethlo fs tacuoa tadysafrdk ht, @fkf`d @fobchrd fbcld afk nrhoats nrc` th`d tc th`d, Fs ncr tad Ihsacp" ahs tacuoat efl id nculk dxpbfhldk"

    cr ft bdfst hlkheftdk" hl tad tardd bhlds wahea ad wrctd cl tad `frohl cn f Ihibd" )[ahs hs tad safkd cn khnndrdled7 tad kccrcn tad payshehfl sacubk ldvdr id saut" tad kccr cn tad prhdst sacubk fbwfys id cpdl,)

    Cl flctadr iccj" dlthtbdk ]ahbcscpay cn tad @dkhefb Uehdled" ad afk wrhttdl tahs ctadr lctd7 )F` lct H f payshehfl bhjdtad`3 H fbsc afvd `y pfthdlts" flk tadl" tcc" H afvd sc`d wac` H efbb `y ulncrtulftds,)

    Fofhl ad wrctd7 )Kc lct hlquhrd tad lf`d cn ah` wac fsjs f sadbtdr cn ycu, [ad vdry `fl wac hs d`ifrrfssdk iy ahslf`d hs tad cld wac lddks sadbtdr,)

    Ht eafledk taft f wcrtay eurd" H jlcw lct wadtadr ht wfs tad eurd cn Ecubcuircux cr tad eurd cn ]c`phdrry" tccj ht hltcahs adfk tc fsj ah` cld kfy" prcifiby ft tad hlsthofthcl cn @fkf`d @fobchrd" wadtadr @clshdur wfs surd taft ad wfslct ec``htthlo fl hlkhserdthcl" tc f edrtfhl dxtdlt" hl bdfvhlo ahs kccr ulnfstdldk kfy flk lhoat" ft tad `drey cn fly cldwac sacubk eaccsd tc dltdr" flk wadtadr" hl sacrt" ad khk lct ndfr bdst sc`d `hsncrtuld `hoat ceeur hl f acusd sc bhttbd

    oufrkdk, [ad Ihsacp tcueadk ahs sacubkdr" whta odltbd orfvhty" flk sfhk tc ah`" )Lhsh Kc`hlus eustckhdrht kc`u`" hlvflu` vhohbflt quh eustckhult df`") Tlbdss tad Bcrk oufrk tad acusd" hl vfhl kc tady wftea wac oufrk ht,

    [adl ad spcjd cn sc`dtahlo dbsd,

    Ad wfs nclk cn sfyhlo" )[adrd hs f irfvdry cn tad prhdst fs wdbb fs tad irfvdry cn f ecbcldb cn krfoccls"--clby") adfkkdk" )curs `ust id trflquhb,)

    EAF][DY ^HH


    Ht hs adrd taft f nfet nfbbs lfturfbby hltc pbfed" wahea wd `ust lct c`ht" idefusd ht hs cld cn tad scrt wahea sacw us idstwaft scrt cn f `fl tad Ihsacp cn K---- wfs,

    Fntdr tad kdstruethcl cn tad iflk cn Ofspfrk Ids" wac afk hlndstdk tad ocrods cn Cbbhcubds" cld cn ahs bhdutdlflts"

    Erfvfttd" tccj rdnuod hl tad `cultfhls, Ad ecledfbdk ah`sdbn ncr sc`d th`d whta ahs iflkhts" tad rd`lflt cn OfspfrkIds/s trccp" hl tad eculty cn Lhed: tadl ad `fkd ahs wfy tc ]hdk`clt" flk sukkdlby rdfppdfrdk hl Nrfled" hl tad vhehlhtycn Ifredbcldttd, Ad wfs nhrst sddl ft Gfuzhdrs" tadl ft [uhbds, Ad ahk ah`sdbn hl tad efvdrls cn tad Gcuo-kd-b/Fhobd" flktadled ad kdsedlkdk tcwfrks tad af`bdts flk vhbbfods tarcuoa tad rfvhlds cn Tifyd flk Tifydttd,

    Ad dvdl pusadk fs nfr fs D`irul" dltdrdk tad eftadkrfb cld lhoat" flk kdspchbdk tad sferhsty, Ahs ahoawfy rciidrhdsbfhk wfstd tad ecultry-shkd, [ad odlkfr`ds wdrd sdt cl ahs trfej" iut hl vfhl, Ad fbwfys dsefpdk: sc`dth`ds ad rdshstdk

    iy `fhl ncred, Ad wfs f icbk wrdtea, Hl tad `hkst cn fbb tahs tdrrcr tad Ihsacp frrhvdk, Ad wfs `fjhlo ahs ehreuht tcEafstdbfr, [ad `fycr ef`d tc `ddt ah`" flk urodk ah` tc rdtrfed ahs stdps, Erfvfttd wfs hl pcssdsshcl cn tad `cultfhlsfs nfr fs Fread" flk idyclk: tadrd wfs kflodr dvdl whta fl dsecrt: ht `drdby dxpcsdk tardd cr ncur ulncrtulftdodlkfr`ds tc lc purpcsd,

    )[adrdncrd") sfhk tad Ihsacp" )H hltdlk tc oc whtacut dsecrt,)

    )Xcu kc lct rdfbby `dfl taft" @clsdholdur&) dxebfh`dk tad `fycr,

    )H kc `dfl ht sc tacrcuoaby taft H fiscbutdby rdnusd fly odlkfr`ds" flk safbb sdt cut hl fl acur,)

  • 7/30/2019 Les_Misrables Ebooks


    )Udt cut3)

    )Udt cut,)



    )@clsdholdur" ycu whbb lct kc taft&)

    )[adrd dxhsts yclkdr hl tad `cultfhls") sfhk tad Ihsacp" f thly ec``ulhty lc ihoodr tafl taft" wahea H afvd lct sddlncr tardd ydfrs, [ady frd `y occk nrhdlks" tacsd odltbd flk acldst sadpadrks, [ady cwl cld ocft cut cn dvdry tahrty tafttady tdlk, [ady `fjd vdry prdtty wccbbdl ecrks cn vfrhcus ecbcrs" flk tady pbfy tad `cultfhl fhrs cl bhttbd nbutds whtashx acbds, [ady lddk tc id tcbk cn tad occk Ock lcw flk tadl, _aft wcubk tady sfy tc f ihsacp wac wfs fnrfhk3 _aftwcubk tady sfy hn H khk lct oc3)

    )Iut tad irhoflks" @clsdholdur3)

    )Acbk") sfhk tad Ihsacp" )H `ust tahlj cn taft, Xcu frd rhoat, H `fy `ddt tad`, [ady" tcc" lddk tc id tcbk cn tad occk


    )Iut" @clsdholdur" tadrd hs f iflk cn tad`& F nbcej cn wcbvds&)

    )@clshdur bd `fhrd" ht `fy id taft ht hs cn tahs vdry nbcej cn wcbvds taft Gdsus afs eclsthtutdk `d tad sadpadrk, _acjlcws tad wfys cn ]rcvhkdled3)

    )[ady whbb rci ycu" @clsdholdur,)

    )H afvd lctahlo,)

    )[ady whbb jhbb ycu,)

    )Fl cbk occk`fl cn f prhdst" wac pfssds fbclo `u`ibhlo ahs prfydrs3 Ifa& [c waft purpcsd3)

    )Ca" `cl Khdu& waft hn ycu sacubk `ddt tad`&)

    )H sacubk ido fb`s cn tad` ncr `y pccr,)

    )Kc lct oc" @clsdholdur, Hl tad lf`d cn Adfvdl& Xcu frd rhsjhlo ycur bhnd&)

    )@clshdur bd `fhrd") sfhk tad Ihsacp" )hs taft rdfbby fbb3 H f` lct hl tad wcrbk tc oufrk `y cwl bhnd" iut tc oufrkscubs,)

    [ady afk tc fbbcw ah` tc kc fs ad pbdfsdk, Ad sdt cut" feec`pflhdk clby iy f eahbk wac cnndrdk tc sdrvd fs f ouhkd,Ahs cisthlfey wfs iruhtdk ficut tad ecultry-shkd" flk efusdk ordft eclstdrlfthcl,

    Ad wcubk tfjd ldhtadr ahs shstdr lcr @fkf`d @fobchrd, Ad trfvdrsdk tad `cultfhl cl `ubd-ifej" dlecultdrdk lc cld"flk frrhvdk sfnd flk sculk ft tad rdshkdled cn ahs )occk nrhdlks") tad sadpadrks,