Lenrath's Tour of the Silent Coast

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  • 8/8/2019 Lenrath's Tour of the Silent Coast


    Lenrath's Tour of...

    The Silent CoastThis humble pamphlet represents my guide to the land I love so well, thewondrous and treacherous Silent Coast. I who, in the service of accumulating

    lore and wisdom, have ventured far and wide across this land, do share my

    meagre knowledge with thee...in the hope that not only will you profit by what

    little I know, but that you may visit me in my humble dwelling and share other

    tales and ancient secrets you may discover with me over a flagon of ale and a

    well-stuffed pipe.

    For many years, I have made my home in the fair town of Prydonis, and it is

    there that I will begin my imaginary journey across this realm. Prydonis is

    regarded far and wide as a bastion of law and order in these dark lands, and is

    protected by the Emerald Guardians, a resolute band of gnomish warriors who

    have often been tested in battle. Indeed, the famed Museum of Deeds is a

    popular attraction for travellers who pass this way, depicting scenes and

    showing relics of some of the many battles fought over the long centuries.

    Prydonis was established by Gnomish peoples more than a thousand years ago,

    and was built out of the very stone of the earth; it is said that a small mountain

    was slowly carved to form the town we know today. Certainly the architecture

    is exquisite, though perhaps a little on the (ahem) short side for the bulk of the

    peoples of the coast! This unfortunately renders such amazing sights as the

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    Thousand-Facet Inn available only for the Gnomes and Halflings, as well as

    the occasional short Dwarf. A substantial 'human quarter' exists for the rest of

    us, however, and features such wonders as the Pyromancer's Guild, a major

    institute of learning and wisdom, where I have opted to make my residence for

    many years. The Guild caters for wielders of Elemental Fire, a popular art in

    these parts, and suppliers many battle wizards who fight alongside the Gnomesof the Guard!

    Naturally, there is a substantial Halfling contingent in the town, and they are

    responsible for some wonders of their own. No visit to Prydonis is complete

    without an afternoon spent sampling the delights in the Palace of Pastry, and

    the Halfway Inn provides the best night's sleep one could ever hope to have in

    this lifetime. One should beware in these quarters, however; as many of the

    halflings are known to have, shall we say, light fingers, and a careless traveller

    may find himself relieved of his purse!

    Eventually, the time will come to depart, and the traveller will make his way

    towards the coast; even though the Guardians patrol the lands around Prydonis

    diligently, there remain many threats of bandits, human and non-human. The

    more attractive and safer route is up the coast paths, watching the swell of

    the sea roll in. A few tiny fishing villages cling to the cliffs here, using natural

    caves to house their boats and steps hewn from the rocks to ascend to their

    shacks. Shrines to the ancient sea gods are common, and offerings frequent;

    here their wrath lies closest to the surface. Every fisherman has a tale to tell of

    the strange creatures he saw in the Crimson Sea, or of that 'one that got away'.

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    After three or four days travel by foot, one sights the spires of the Fortress of

    Imrae, the largest settlement in the Silent Coast. The first sight generally seen

    is the uncompleted tower of the Cathedral of St. Eudoxus, begun in the reign

    of the last Warlord but one, sadly neglected and underfunded since the death of

    that wise ruler. The Wing Guard will likely make their presence known to a

    traveller once he gets within a few miles of the city; the unwary are cautionedthat impostors have been known to demand fictitious 'entry payments'. Indeed,

    a fellow traveller of mine some years ago was offered a large stack of 'paper

    currency' for his gold, and had to be talked out of accepting such a 'great offer'.

    A room for the night is usually the first priority on entering the hive of

    humanity that is Imrae; the city is well served by inns and taverns, ranging

    from the flea-pits such as the Rusty Anchorby the docks, to more prestigious

    establishments like the legendary Gryphon's Rest. For those with looser

    morals, there are many establishments that cater towards more base needs aswell; this author would not guide one to the Street of a Hundred Veils, oh no.

    Most of those visiting Imrae do so to deal at the legendary market, buying or

    selling goods, or to visit the Cathedral as part of a pilgrimage. There are many

    other sights to see, however. An entire afternoon can easily be lost browsing

    through the worthless treasures in the Emporium, and a variety of exotic herbs

    can be found in Madame Moraine's. The Grand Arena hosts both

    gladiatorial combats and chariot races, and there are even opportunities for

    common citizens to try their hand in special 'free-style' bouts.

    Imrae is ruled by a Warlord, the current ruler being Eldrin VIII, twentieth in

    the direct line from the barbarian tribesmen who first settled this land hundreds

    of years ago, building this city on the site of the only natural harbour of the

    coast. Of course, it isn't as simple as that, and a confusing melange of guilds,

    cults, merchants and other prominent figures vie for influence and power in the

    city, sometimes street to street; watching it all, however, is the Dark

    Brotherhood, the Warlord's legendary secret police, who keep track of

    everyone and everything in the service of their master.

    Although the bulk of the thriving thousands of Imrae are humans, manydifferent races are represented; it is not unusual to see exiled Elves moving

    about their sad and lonely business, there is naturally a substantial population

    of Halflings, and the tattered remnants of the once-proud Dwarven Clans

    scrabble here to make a living; if one is patient and shows sufficient

    understanding, one may receive admittance to the Hall of Ancestors, a

    tremendous sight, even if it is but a feeble shadow of what once was.

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    Leaving Imrae to the north, following the coast paths once again, after a week's

    march one comes to the wonder that is the Ring of Tolthar, erected hundreds,

    maybe thousands of years ago by the primitives who once ranged these

    steppelands to their pagan gods; it is still a revered place of worship to this

    day, to those who follow the 'Old Ways'. Tread carefully along the coast paths,

    for though they are the safest in the land, there are still many who would tryand trap the unwary. The Inn of the Dragon's Teeth must be seen to be

    believed; it was built by the owner, a stout Dwarf, out of the bones of a Dragon

    he himself slew in his youth. There are generally tolerable traveller's inns

    dotted about the paths to the north, sometimes the heart of small peasant

    settlements struggling to raise a few goats and sheep; few of these settlements

    seem to last more than a few generations, coming and going with the changing

    fertility of the land.

    Ranging west, striking inland, the roads quickly end, and the few peasantsettlements grow further and further apart; this land belongs to the nomadic

    tribesmen, to the Centaurs, to the humanoid scum driven out of less fertile

    areas. There is evidence of ancient habitation everywhere, and many a night is

    spent huddling in the ruins of a long-abandoned structure, watching the

    flicking firelight as the three moons fight their perpetual war in the heavens.

    Be wary, traveller some of them are occupied. Tombs to long-forgotten

    potentates tempt the greedy, but few of them sleep as sound as they should.

    Eight days march less on horseback if such beasts can be procured, but

    beware the Centaurs' wrath if you do - will take you to Myrdan.

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    Myrdan, the 'Home of Shadows', an appropriate name for a town such as this

    resting in the shadows of the mighty Giant's Teeth Mountains. The town is a

    wretched hive, and almost lawless; it is a haven for the criminal and the

    rejected, though a peace of sorts is maintained to prevent a descent into total

    anarchy. In comparison with the peace of Prydonis, Myrdan is a wild and

    chaotic town, but there are still many interesting sites to be seen, though I hate

    to recommend them to the casual visitor. Do not be surprised at what you see;

    barbarian reavers plying their wares to Hobgoblin merchants, Orcs selling

    Kobold slaves in the market, strange creatures shambling through the streets

    about their business.

    One of the first ports of call for many is the famed Rogues' Rest; I found the

    rooms comfortable and privacy relaxing, but caution the traveller to beware its

    famed gaming tables; few indeed have bested this house, and all is far from

    what it seems. The Illusionist's Guild makes its home here, and as an

    attraction for scholars boasts the finest and most extensive library on the Coast,

    with librams and tomes dating back to the time of the Immortals. One of the

    most popular attractions are the feared Death Pits, a network of tunnels and

    caverns underneath the town that form a natural dungeon, kept stocked by the

    inhabitants of the city; it is possible to look down from more than a dozen

    drinking houses, taverns, and seedy dives on the activities on those foolish or

    desperate enough to try their luck.

    A traveller would be unwise to have ventured this far into uncivilised regions,

    but some have ventured further, into the Giant's Teeth Mountains themselves. I

    regret that I did not venture beyond the lower foothills, but I spent many long

    nights listening to the survivors of some of the expeditions into the heights.

    The highest peaks belong to Giants and Dragons, I am told, who fight a

    perpetual war for supremacy that thus far has kept them to only infrequent

    raids on the lower regions. Their treasure piles have accumulated for centuries,

    and these attract many brave adventurers. Some few emerge from themountains with treasures from a forgotten age; far more are simply forgotten


    The foothills are home to a few scattered Dwarven clans, the remnants of a

    once-proud nation, cast out of their City by the 'Four' during the long-ago

    Wizards' War. Now the very location of the Fortress of the Four is lost to

    history, but this does not stop the few remaining Dwarves, huddled over their

    hearth fires, from telling stories of time long ago, and planning the day when

    they will return and take back what is theirs. Even these lower regions aretreacherous, and attacks by Bugbears and Hobgoblins are common.

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    Coming out of the mountains, one finds oneself in the Forest of Wolves, a

    savage place that once was a shining beacon in the darkness, but now has been

    corrupted by evil. A few forts, staffed by fearsome Lupin Warriors, work with

    the Emerald Guard to try and hold back the shapechangers who dwell in these

    lands, but the battle will one day be lost. Some Elven settlements remain in

    isolated glens and dales, but they have long since isolated themselves from theouter world with spells of illusion, though the persistent traveller may

    eventually be fortunate to be accepted into such a settlement. Isolation has

    made the tribes harsh and unyielding, and those who question the wisdom of

    their elders are apt to find themselves exiled into the Outer Lands. Some

    remain in the forest and chance their luck, others go out to see the wider world,

    though a melancholy air for what they have lost is perpetual.

    Finally, skirting around the outer edge of the Forest, the road leads back to

    Prydonia, back to the comfort of your own bed, a flagon of warm ale, and agood, hearty meal...not to mention the opportunity to tell tall tales to your

    friends at the tavern over a game of dice! Remember though you may see

    amazing things and have wondrous adventures in your travels, it matters

    nought if you cannot tell of your adventures at the end. Be well, intrepid
