

Transcript of LeeyaueshenIndividal



Sultan Abdul Samad Mosque is located in a very good location. It is the nearest mosque toward Kuala Lumpur International Airport, both KLIA and KLIA2, it used as an international mosque for tourists who arrived and depart from the airport. It is also a public mosque for Muslims from Salak Tinggi and KLIA Town Centre. Because of it location, it strengthening the bond between muslims at that area within the conformity of God’s will.

ARCHITECTURE OF IHTIRAM: RESPECT   In Islamic sharia (law) everyone can worship God without human intermediary. Therefore, in Islamic architecture all buildings made to meet different human needs appear to be simple, unvarnished and pure climate like a mosque. An architectural work with a worship-oriented content calls for purity to an unquestionable extent. Buildings should be set up in a way as to be remote from any impurity. Toilets are constructed outside of the main structure and beyond unpolluted. Water closets are made at a corner in the yard in a way as to clean the shoes by traversing a distance.

ARCHITECTURE WITH IKHLAS: SINCERITY   Sincerity takes a prominent place in the sight of God. One should keep aloof from any obscenity and evil deed.Water that is a token of purity is applied in every part of a building. Light is circulated throughout the building. Light is indicative of sincerity and purity. Whatever is made points to the sky; everything belongs to Him in optimum candor. All buildings give a hint at the sky. Domes, round of the vaults and pointed edge above the doors and windows are all sharp-pointed and direct at the sky without telling a lie to each other. What exists is reality; false decoration of doors and windows is inhibited. Construction of everything that smacks of hypocrisy or absence of sincerity towards God is avoided. Lie has no place in Islamic architecture; even in building the architectural masses, the materials used in it have relevance.

ARCHITECTURE AS PURSUIT OF ‘ILM: KNOWLEDGE   In light of Islamic government, particularly in the fourth and fifth centuries, science has had noticeable and brilliant progress. Muslims were versed almost in all scientific fields whether in physics, chemistry and mathematics or in Islamic disciplines and learning. Therefore, they have used scientific and Islamic materials, particularly geometry that is the ideology of architecture. Use of mathematics in Islamic architecture is an integral part of their work whether in the surface and cubature of building or in minutest decorative designs such as knots and arabesques. Construction and adornment of building signifies the use of Islamic science and knowledge derived from divinely learning. Every motif has expressed a point and displayed part of divinely knowledge. If one looks carefully, one will observe various types of calligraphy, arabesque and their patterns are demonstrated to have been applied by the use of geometry.

ARCHITECTURE FOR IQTISAD: BALANCE    Essence of Islamic architecture is to delicate balance between functional and spiritual elements . “the best way is the middle way...do good deeds properly,  sincerely and moderately...and always adopt a middle, moderate  regular course whereby you will reach your target (paradise)." 1) moderation and balance - nature of aesthetics & have a profound impact on architecture 2) Notion of “Heart” - anonymous external facades of Islamic buildings: 3) lslamic composition for aesthetics: ta’Iif (composition), i’tidaI (harmony) and nizam (order)

ARCHITECTURE OF HAYA’: MODESTY   An Islamic building should be discreet and preserve the dignity of its owner or users. Efforts were made to avoid buildings overlooking each other; the exterior was designed in a way that it would make it impossible for occupants to be boastful of each other. Preservation of dignity: screen, sanctuary, privacy This mosque contains features like : Privacy screen ,aesthetic features, environmental features

Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance    An Islamic building should be repetitive patterns aid to remembrance of Allah. In Islamic buildings efforts have been made to carve phrases in stones in remembrance of God, frequently using divinely Names and Attributes. These phrases to remind people of God are called Zikhr in Arabic. The Zikhrs were selected knowingly from Qoranic texts as well as supplications representing doctrine of Oneness of God and belief in prophethood. This mosque somehow contains : 1) Architecture of monotony- building pillar upon pillar, arcade upon arcade 2) rhythmic precision mirrored in the contemplative chanting of God’s innumerable attributes 3) manifestation of contemplation maintains a sense of unity