LEDIER CU ISTEVE.€¦ · Small Feet. Peopleare mistaken whenthey supposeasmallfoot an elementof...

Small Feet. People are mistaken when they suppose a small foot an element of beauty. A foot should bear a just proportion to the fgure; if too large, it argues coarseness, and gives a heaviness to the manner, forbidding ease and grace of moverient. A large foot, however, argies a certain honesty of char- acter, and which of course more than atones for the lack of grace. Large feet also imply stability. A idtn who is jealous in his temper ahould marry a woman whose feet are- ,large; such are generally keepers at home, and modest with- al-they are not given to gadding --their feet abide in the house. The sentiment of beauty is less in the size than a certain litheness andelasticity. Dress has a great effect rpon the foot, and very long dresses are not adapted to exhilit it to advantage.-The long robe certainly destroys its elasticity. The French foot is meagre, narrow, and bony ; the Spanish i:4 small and eleganty curved-thanks to its Moorish blood-correspond- ing with the Castillian pride, high in the- instepc the Arab foot is proverbial for its high arch, 'a stream can run under the hollow of his foot,' is a description of its forni ; the foot of the Scotch lady is large and thick ; that of the Irish flat and square ; the English sbot' and fleshy ; the American foot 1s apt to be disproportionately small. A foot should be arched, fairly rounded, and its length proportioned to the height of the individual. It should have a deli- cate spring to it, and the ankle sbould.bo rounded and firm. The Sies canal, connecting the Red sea with the Mediterranean has been comD pletd - Kansas City Missouri, built 2,000 houes last year. W. Boyd, vs. John Satterwbite andLtieh. Satterwhite, Ex'ors, etal. Bill for Injunction, Relief, &e. It appearing to my satisfaction that the follo ' defeadanta reside out of, and be. ioad t limits of this State, viz: James B. Payne and Richard Payne. It is there- fore odered on motion of Suivan, Todd & Todd,Uouip1's Sol'a, that they appear in des Court, on or before the fifth day of Jdly next, and -lead, answer or den,ur to thisbijl, or the same will be taken pro con- fesseagainst them. THOMAS 31. LAKE~, c. c. p. s. C. CeinysOHHee, May 25th, 1869. LIF INSUBANCE COMPANY OF HAgETEMINED TO ESTABLISH A, Branch Offee in South Carolina,wblch weI give us the benefits of an entirely Home Company, by investing in the State, all the .fundsreceived in it. In fact it is better than a new company, because the Piedmont is a success already established, with ample capistAadastts. sThis Company has insured some Four Hundred persons in Edgefield, near Two Hundred in Abberille, a g>od many in other counties, and about Thirty in New- berry. It Is the dety of every person of fai'il to inere ina b'half of that family at exct. 'It takes much less than you think to minr . Don't wait til Fall, but take out as lqarga Policy as you can sow, and in- crease it when you get able. You may die this coming sickly season, and in that event a salai Policy would do your family much go&and it is your duty to make the best provision you can for them, no matter how smualle Col; .take a Policy in this Southern Home Company without a day's delay. THOMAS S. MOORMAN, June 2 21 tf Agent. AnTHE ALBIfiN, Anindependent Journal of Literature. Art, Pete,Finance, Field Sports, and News, Bow, Nw w York. run EIAARN cORIWAL.LIS, - Editar andi Proprietar. A wwwaD TERN 511R MAY 1, 18m. Subscription for one year, with any t*o of the larg%ised Albion steel Engravings, in addition to a small one of the Prince of Wales free and pro paid, by mail. Six Dot. larskuilvanee; for six months, Three Dol- lars, and for three months, One Dollar and fify cents, postpaid in each case to any ofr a the United States. Subscribers will besplied with extra Engravings at $2 each1,es%pa. hut the price to nou,sub' sciewil be $3. Subscription, after May 1,18SO, without Engraving'-, $5 per annum, strictly in advance. 25 Cents perinue, singleinsertlon; 20 Conti tiefrmore than four Insertions, 14 erline for one year, standing urn changed. Two agate line business Cards with acopy of teAbon free, $18 per an num. ANNUAL CLUB RATES, until fbrtbei notico, with a copy of any one of the follow' ing sSteel Engravings with cacd ,Prince Albert, Sir Waitel &~~iIiUgtti,BenjaminFlranklIn.ILort Nelson. St. Paul's, Jondon, General Have lock, Three Members of the Temperance S0- ciety, the Castle of Isebla, Return fron Hawking) Dignity and Impuidence, Deel Pass. Florence NIghtingale, Columbus' Nies World. Dr. Kane, The First Trial by Jury The Falls of Niagara, Guess my Name Houses of Parliament, London; Duke of Wel lingana, Windsor Castle, Buckingham Pal a.Westinlinster Abbey Fotwo copies, $8 in advance. $oifeu copies, $20 In advance. - Foten copies, $35 in advance, with.s extra topy, ore twenty copies, $65 In advance, witJ Clu subscribers must pay their own pos tage, Five Cents per Copy quarterly in ad vane. The Alblon, with any other weekly pope or *I'b any monthly masgazine p,ublished 11 the Unied States-the sub-.crtption price c whtew-s not more than $4 per annum-I in £vesee, withOUt )ugravin)gs. Esasters erywhere are invited to be -eem agents for the Albion, and a commia ..~ al m nltionflrmte by them TIE LED WITH A] IThe most bea'itiful Cooking do all kinds of Cooking with ats stove haa. It is very heavy and LEADER, I keep constantly on operate well. Out of the man' satisfaction. The Tin Business is still car Fob 17 IOUSEKEEPERS! IOUJSEKEEPERS Men-Wome-andi bidren Nen-W.en-and Children READ-R EA D. -con to ~esadBarns" 'Coslat's Ruckiom SaIn~ Is the most extraordinary su.VE ever knowi Its power of Soothing and Healing for . Cts, Burns, Bruiass Sores, Ulcers, Chanp Hands and s"kin, for Sore Nipples, for Pi &,, &c.,-ls without a ,parallel One pei son says of it, 'I would not he without Box in my House, if it cost $5.00, or I ha to travel all the war to New York for it." [N. Y Evenit.g News, Sept. 5 j All Druggists in Newberry sell It. "COSTARf'S" Standard Preparation Bitter-Sweet and I?range ilossear gy One Bottle, 11.00--Three for 62.00. IlIs "Vsa's" BaI, oach, &c., Ltarnintors "estar's" BM Bug Extraniaters. "Ostar's" (only pure) hnsett P.4 "Ouly Tn&l be I.die nwn." "rAll Dies at Newberry C. H., en them "COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., N. Y., Or, JOHN F. HENRY, (Successor tt DEMAS BARNES & Co., 21 Pat Row, N. Y. SldtNEWBERRY C. H. Apsil 28 17 df. NOTICE. Guardians, Trustees, Committees, Recel r, also Administrators and Executor must make their annual return to this offic on or before the first day of June ngext. Rules will be issued against all defaulter JOHN T. PETERSON, Probate Judge, April 14 16 12t Newberry County. Law Notice. The undersigned have formed a partne ship for the practice of Law in 'the Sta Courts and the United States Courts,i the District of South Carolina. Office Newerr, 8 C.JAMES 11. BAXTER, April 7.14 tf. SiLAS JOHNSTONE. W. G. GLENN, WITH GEO. C. ROBINSOT GROCER AND Comii0si Merehlan 26% Broad Street, aAUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Choice Family Groceries Of Every DescriptiO] lCONSTANTLY ON HAND, Sugar, Salt, .Potatoes, Salt Fish,d jAt the Lowest Cash ?rice nee. 5 49 Gmo.. IER CU ~D WITHOUT EXTEI Stoe owin aret Wil ak ittl fue as aytoeins.I durable, and is not_ solabetoe handa lage asortent f oter - Oe f hve ol, nt ne o ieO,nisvrou rnhs n Stoaelnowi emarke. WilCae dule, an snoo ie to cr SSto.e 92 bRaD AYl, noe tork WM. on in i EX Ar ER Prhesident. DR . H. VicAPeidnt (ScEsor tW.H.PiLLESAt&ary W- oeS..ALEXANDRceta 131 ndn eeTmbe stR, 6,i ) Carlia eciveo o Caa.So Loins onsBondanotae, beingi dtyo.92 BRiOADWAor,i teYr - moeta douletheamun o n ..9 - - 'I,86 un nemhre ...................1,725 CWsh Cn.taso AeXnr, Pr..n...782 . B. Y E, ie Premim ncureo o int...4.0 Deere JSemW.-AuLEXandE Quarctry ithher oper ty......... ---...----- ------..2 ot te LABSLETS. >r ns o presn vae ortount,reqeire toieafeoy rinuroe altotstnd-h ian d ob e of tew ok " wci ty".....6700 A moretnt ol the obiatiount of the society......... ...-------. 189,88 8au s........-...... .......--.------------7 1,825I Number o Plice sudi 88........11 . Amosh e in 1868.. ... .......,...218.44 C Whn .d of . gn (rEporte) 'ts Daejesrredeied avyl g and ellerey OtrYO Properrint.. ,... heetiu7,4 Shitig'~a ssts.and..as.for.Laies Gent L-O th lare qut of rd9ar and Cr0.o ..Go ASset arch 81, 1r8c9rs,9to0it: Su Coetpeseas, value , amutc. uie ALSO f1linue alrtmen ofugs,toge wing plesdif tocoiequors,75au Amnt, Gil, Whses o m,igati o in t , te. Stocis complete.ad.I.wantal whmrof c olndiceiedn to8com.for aon Asmysuokfrd in 1868. ertain 5 8ha1 sen M. P. ALBRITTOs I woulda retful a otectzn, I STEVE. ISION TOP. C s quick, boil as fast, broil as nice, and as many advantages which no other ( ek as many stoves are. Besides the atterns. all of whic1 are warranted to y knowledge has failed to give entire I all work will be done at short notice. t - W. T. WRIGHT. TIHE GREAT Case 1-Iluinan M:i se ry. iJust publishted in a Sealed Enwelope. Price six cents: ( -A Lecture on .the Nature. Treatmiet and i 9Radical Cure of Seminal WVeshness, or Sper% t mnaiorrIbma. indmneed( by Seif-Ahase; Invol, ,mntary Emisone, Impotenicy, Nervous De,. bifity. and Imp'iliuients to Marriage gene'. ral;y; Con-umnption,t Epilewsy, and its; IMental aw'il'Physmal loacapacity, ke -By 1 ?KOB. J CUJLVEItWlELL, M~. D) , Author of 'Green Book," &c. ( The world renio'ned author, In thiq ad'. i Imirabie recunre. ele rny proves from his own I excperience thait the awful consequences of elf,A huse may be e&icma'lly remnved with', out medic'ine, andi wi-heur dlangerous iflr- j gical operaut=. hongie:s, inlire enfts, rings. or cordials, potintingr out * a e of cure at l one certain andi effctoal, by which every J suff'rcr, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Fhis lecture will prove a boon to I th,ousands and thousands.A ISent under seal, in a plain envelope, to I ay address, on receipt of six cents, or twoA postage stamps, by addressing the publish' Also. DR. CULVERWELL'S "Marriage Gnide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers,4 A.i il IAS. ,J. C. K LINE & Co., 1'27 Rownry, N. Y., Po*t (Jme Box 4,586. IP.P.TOALE, Charleston, S. C., Manufacturer ot' Doors, Sash, Blinds. he ith- ioTE.-We wonld call the partIcular at-- tention of our friends to the above card. P. P. Toale has a large Factory, and such facilities as enable him to supply the best 00 work of his own make at low prices. A very large and complete assortment always .0on hand at his Factory. HIORLBECK'S- W F, NEAR NORTH EASTERN RAIL- .0 ROA D DEPOT, CH ARLESTON, S. C. .54 N B-Orders from" the country solicited, 70 and strict attention paid to shipping in- 5good order. April 7 '69 ly SOUTH CAROLINA State Agieultural & Mechanical Official Orran of the South Carolina State Ag- ricultural ad Meaninal Society.) .00 At an early date, the subscribers will pub% . Uish the first number of a Mlonthly Magazine; I00 devoted to the development of the mnateril 02 interests of this State,-and the whole-Bouthg - and will distribute five thousand copies gra- tuitously, so that every one may see what it is before subscribing. They intend to make it the best and handsomest Industrial maga, zine ever published at the South, and they ask the cordial co-operation of every good citizen in this enterprise, which must re- dound to the public welfare. Persons wishing coisof the first num'. b er, will please send hi address to WALKER, EVANS &COSWELL, itI May1219tf of NIKERSON HOUSE. 8OUTH fCAhDLINA. er This pleasantly located HOTEL, unsur lye, passed by any House in the South for corn- rs fort and healthy locality, is open to Tray- xvellers and others seeking BOARD for the e' Summer. Families can be accommodated rdwith nice, airy rooms, on reasonable terms,! an"A call is solicited."~ *Muy 19 2n tr WM. A. WRIGHT iouth Carolina R. R. Company, 3ENERALSUPERINTENDENT'S OiFICE, APRIL 9, 1869. N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 11Ta in., <tant, the fol!owing Schedule for PAS% IENGER TRAINS, will be observed: DAY PASSSNGER TRAIN. 4eaving Columbia at..............7 45 a. m. irriving at Columbia at..................6.10 p. m. BIGHT aUPRSU TRAIN. Geaving Columbia at..........................5.20 p m. lrriving at Columbia at......................4.45 a. m. OAXDEN- TRAIN. Will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- days. trriving in Columbia at....................11.00 a. m. aaving Columbia at.........................2.21 p. m. The Train now running between Columbia nd Kiogsville in connection with the Through fail frain, will be taken of on Sunday, April 1. H, T. PEAKE, April 14 General Superintendent LOUIS SCRODAIR, Baker & Confectioner, MAIN STREET, Newberry, S. C. Respectfully informs his many customers tnd the prblic general:y that his New Bake Oven now completed, and by its convenient ar- -angemert he can bake any and everything n his line at the shortest possible notice, uch as Cakes, Pastry, &c., n satisfactory and handsome style. Parties nd Dinners furnished at shortest notice. Fresh bread, pies and cake on hand. leals served at any hour. Fish, oysters and game can be had at all mines. Th-nkful for past favors he solicits a con- inuance of the liberal patronage heretofore estowed. Dec. 2 49 tf. GEN. H. H. KINARD, MAGISTRATE, Will take Dowers, draw Deeds and fortgages. dec 16 51 S. C. RAILROAD. IENERAL SUPE INTENDENT'S OFFICE, CaaaLaroN. February 18.1869. N and after SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, the Passenger Trains of the South Car- dina Railroad, willl run as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. .cave Charleston................830 A M rrive at Augusta... .....5.10 P M .onnecting with Trains for Montgome y, lemphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via fonrgomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. ,cave Charleston.................8 30 A M rrive at Columbia.............5.45 P M ..nne:ing with Wimington and Mane Br Railroad. Charlotte and South Carolmna allroad, and Camden Train. FOR CHARLESTON. ,ave Augusta...............800A M rrive at Charleston..........500 P Mi cae Columbia.............7.45 A hi rrive at Charleston.............5. P hi AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) save Charleston............7.30 P hi rrive at Augusta.............30 A K annecing with Trains for Memphis, Nash' ji and New Orleans, via Grand June, ion. .eave Augusta...............4.10 P K rrive at Uharle"on ............4 A hi COLUEBIA NIGHT EXRE6S. (Sundays excepted ) .ave Charleston............605 P Mi rrvc at Columbia...........4.45 A Mi annecting, Sundays excepted, with Green, jib aind Columbia Railroad. ,avCoumbia ............. 53P R trrive at Charleston.......... 530 A E SUM&IERVILLE TRAIN .aveCharleston-...........300 P Mi trrive at Summervlle. .....4-20 P h ,eae Sunmerville............7.10 A M rrive at Chdirleston..........8 25 A E CAMDEN BRANCH. - On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. eave Kin :svlI. .........,.... 4 20P M rriveat Camden............ 7.00 P M ave Camrien..............6.35 A Mi rrive at Kingsville........ ....9.20 A hi (Signed,) H. T. PEAKE,, Feb. 24 8 General uperin tendent. heenville & Columbia R. R. ON and after SATURDAY, the 6th rauat,Passenger Trains will run daily, undays excepted, connecting with Night ~rans on South'Carolina and Charlotte and auth Carolina Railroads, as follows: ,ave(olmbiaat............7.00 a. mn. "AWson at............85 " Newberyat..........135 " irrive at A bbeville at........3 30 p. m. -',at Anderson at.........5.15 " "at Greenville at........6.00 " eve Greenville at..........600 a. mn. "Anderson at........... 645 " " Abbeville at.............46 " "Newberry at.. ........ 1.25 p. mn. "Alston at.... ..........300 " irrive at Columbia sit.........5.00 " Trains on the Blue Ridge Railroad will aorun daily, Sundays excepted. ,save Anderson at............520 p. m. "Pendleton at...........20" rriveat Waihalla at.........8 00" .ave Walhalla at............400 a. mn. "Pendleton at..........5 40" rrive at Anderson at........640 " The train will return from Belton to Au- erson on Monday and Friday mornings. rAMES. 0. MEREDITH, Supt. Bar and Billiard Room. fainst., Newberry, nearly op. the Court House Smith & Christian, Proprietors. WINDOW SHAOES. For sale by D. MOWVER. WA.HATJ.A HOTEL. WALIALLA,8. C. Is open for the reception of Boarders and ,he transient Public. It has been enlarged Lnd arranged for the accommodation of ersonsdesiring to spenmd the Summer in his healt,by locality. The Table is furnished ith the very best the market can afford. THE BAR [s well stocked with every variety of Wines md Lignors, of the best and purest >rands. The Proprietor gives his personal super- rision to the establishment, and intends to aintain and extend its reputation as a FIRST CLANS H0EL D. BIEMANN. WA.BiL.A, S. C., April 19, 1869. May 5 18 tf COLUMBIA HOTEL COLUMBIA, S. C. -0- RE PROPRIETORS take pleasure in an, nouncing that this elegantly flbrnished stablihment is now open for the aecom- nodaton of guests. The table will always be supplied with every delicacy of the sea'. on-both from New York and Charleston Markoes. anid no efforts will be spared to gve perfect satisfaction, in every respect,10o surtrns. amr. H. H. BADENHO,' May 5 ia & Fisk's Metallic urial Cases. THE SUBSCRIBER has constantly or banda fullassortment of the above approved cases, of different patterns, besides coffins of his own make, all of which he is prepared to furnish at very reasonable rates, with promptness and despatch. Persons desirous of having cases sent by railroad will have them sent free of charge. A Hearse is always on hand and will be furnished at the rate of $10 per day. Thankful for past patronage, the sub- scriber respectfully asks for a continuation of the same, and assures the public that no effort on his part will be spared to render the utmost satisfaction. A. C. CHAPMAN Newberry S. C., July 31. Sash & Blinds. The subscriber takes pleasure in announc- ing to this community that, having made all necessary arrangements, he will, be able to furnish Sash with and without Glass, and Blinds, At Very Moderate Rates!! For Cash ! ANDREW C. CHAPMAN, Oct. 7 41 tf. Newberry C. if., S. 0. The Great SOUTHERN TONIC DO0WIE & MO18E, ropritors & lYheles3ic Druggists, Charleston, S. C. De.23 62 ly. T. P. Forrestonr, Jobber and dealer in GERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMEflCAMNTOYS, itosiery, Trimmings and Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Fire-works, and Yankee Notions, Also Fash,ionabhle Emporium of Designs for Stamping, Braiding & EmbrOider Constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of Braids, French Embroidery, Cot- ton and Linen and,Silk Floss, Ribbons, &c. No. 681 UING ST., CHRRSTON, 8. C. SDec 2 49 tf JAMES ALLAN, Imnporaer anid Dealer in Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Fancy Goods, &c. No. 507 KIng Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELEY EE- PAIBED. deoS1y Change of Schiedufle, ON THE S. & U. RAIL ROAD. On and after2nd November 1868. the pas. senger tramn will leave Spartanburg Court House, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days at 7a m ,adarrive at Alton at .30 p. in., connecting with the Greenville down train, and trains for Charlotte and Charles- ton. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdas, the up passenger train connecting with the Greenville up trains, will leave Alston at 9 a. mn., and arrive at Spartanburg Court House at 3.20 p. in., as per following sched'. le:- DOint TRAIL. UP TaAL. Spartanburg, 00001 700 I320 0000 Pacolet, 7 45 7 48 I232 I235 Jonesville, 8 251 8 30 I150 j1.55 Unonville, 9.151 9490 1249 165b Sanuc, 10 161| 10.21 I1203 I12 08 Shelton, 11.10 | 11.12 I11.08 11i 08 Lyles Ford, 11 36 | 11 38 110 39 I10 42 Strother, 12 02 I12 05 10 12 I10.15 Alston, 1 20 3 00100 00 9 00 THOMAS BJE ER, Pres ien. 'Vei, Vidi, Vici." The forthcoming number of the Illustra- ted Western World, printed in oil color, will be the most beautiful paper ever issued from the press since the art of printing tas discovered. Remember, it is the only pa- per in the world whose illustrations are printed in fretm one to seven distinct colors at a single impression. Aside from the beautiful illustrations: which .accomupany it weekly, every number ls replete with glow- ing Romances, Love and Histrionic -Tales. I is a fit companion of every fireside-the magazine of every.brantih of literature-the champion of all noble industries-the sup- port of the farmer, nmerchant,-artisa, and the education of the masses. Send fre specimen copies. Sold by all news eulers. Subscription $5 per armum. Address THE WESTERN WORLD CO., Cor. Park Place and College Place, P. O.:Boz, 4.929, New York, OF NEW YORK. INCO IA A -. - - 12. C ASH ASSETS OVER'KIRMT Mlo LIONS OF DQ .M. Cash Income, 1W8, ovar . UW.M Dividends to 2NslIcY,Hol,1Wj 89,8" 874.3'7. New Policies Issued in 1867,19.40t. The Company is PURELY MUTUA .. Ie dividends to stockbdees. The.t i g fits are returned to the assaed, thus =Eke Policies to become SEL-SUSTAINNG iI thirteen years, or to double in twn. Interest received fkow invustmen., over $1,300,000. Excess of INTERESTRECEINSAL NE - o*er losses, about $WA.- Real eisate, Bads ae aM'.stp,, J Estate, in the p.rl5s- Te o -=sIW ENTEEN MIL,4.N1 deIse. It is the richest Company in the.nd Its policies are nonfogitable. h F deads are the largest. AppNeations for Coadpsad ,.1 . -" era portion ofrSpalthCWG1!s+ee.ee ,, GaEii, tAuI&4SQ Bnmox Y. Jss,Ae at Jas McIl'roes, lG .~ Feb. 10 6 fy. somt4tg l 9 . I have removed to. the 'Kin aQ<+ lery (over Way"s Martin'steev) has undergooe thmoog1 r ari plenty of room with an 'ece7e light. Come aoe--coe all, and ae things work in .hcousso$lons khiry Also, a good lot of albums at etreme- ly low prices. All kinds of work dspiu-th !0e Y Photography. I have all of ren Wb tives that wo. at ti We charge for not much for a picture. Respectfu y , Dec. 28 52 tf. Z. L. WHIT, UNMSMITEH And Repairt Of all kinds of FR ]A RM,LOCS, . Has on band Pistolsa qs. proved indik'in nntt i*q tridges, Gops, Poirder aUt Shot Pouches, assBm.and every other kind of SprApparatas. Bemse and kinds. AU kinds of REPAIRING .ety o p ditiously ezeouted, ad at los na aIs of the celebrated msafacture of 000E, a" ere Stiles Hurd, formerly of this piae., procured his stock. All orders pemnpiIly ( attended to. Apr'l l14 ate. B@SADAJJ* JAMES PACK, PRACTICAL Glazier sd Paper gasgse* Newbey 0.., 8. C., tthr thea.eissues e thas be Is now fartarte ness and prpreso Eeue anl amnm ueatness a cuutuallty and at rates. T.he ~,ataLo taurant, NebeuuyV. H. CHARLESTON HOABEJ "! CHARLESTON; SOUTH CARGIN1A. THlE UNDERSIGNED P'FU . informs his friends and the ~Ig~t that he has taken charge of this wU and popular FIEST GLASS JQ!5a, hopcs that by strict attetionm -te ~ps i full share of the-public patrou6ga The Celebrated ARTESII W I BATHS, hot, eoid and show., e,a6 at all hours. COACHES, with -attentive Pr~,f always in readiness to CONVEY -iS~ GERS to and from the ditbreut Ret and Steamers. - 3. K. JAOUsW. Jan27' PAVILION HOi Charleston, 8. 0. BOARD PER DAT, p MEs. H. L. BUTTERJFI3LD, ASA BUTTERIFPL, Wolfe's Bchiedam S4cuepE6 Bottled Wines and biee A supply of these us hbugd for medicina-and private sjjirl - Jan 17' ly Varnish, Lamp, an1Pe. troleum Oil-Store. Patent Thief DetehegaEs ey Di'awrs, Parker's "Furnituwe "os Tow,s. . Apn inn a7

Transcript of LEDIER CU ISTEVE.€¦ · Small Feet. Peopleare mistaken whenthey supposeasmallfoot an elementof...

Page 1: LEDIER CU ISTEVE.€¦ · Small Feet. Peopleare mistaken whenthey supposeasmallfoot an elementof beauty. Afoot shouldbearajust proportion to the fgure; if too large, it argues coarseness,

Small Feet.People are mistaken when they

suppose a small foot an element ofbeauty. A foot should bear a justproportion to the fgure; if toolarge, it argues coarseness, andgives a heaviness to the manner,forbidding ease and grace ofmoverient. A large foot, however,argies a certain honesty of char-acter, and which of course morethan atones for the lack of grace.Large feet also imply stability.A idtn who isjealous in his temperahould marry a woman whose feetare- ,large; such are generallykeepers at home, and modest with-al-they are not given to gadding--their feet abide in the house.The sentiment of beauty is less inthe size than a certain lithenessandelasticity. Dress has a greateffect rpon the foot, and very longdresses are not adapted to exhilitit to advantage.-The long robecertainly destroys its elasticity.The French foot is meagre,

narrow, and bony ; the Spanish i:4small and eleganty curved-thanksto its Moorish blood-correspond-ing with the Castillian pride, highin the- instepc the Arab foot isproverbial for its high arch, 'astream can run under the hollowof his foot,' is a description of itsforni ; the foot of the Scotch ladyis large and thick ; that of theIrish flat and square ; the Englishsbot' and fleshy ; the Americanfoot 1s apt to be disproportionatelysmall. A foot should be arched,fairly rounded, and its lengthproportioned to the height of theindividual. It should have a deli-cate spring to it, and the anklesbould.bo rounded and firm.

The Sies canal, connecting the Red seawith the Mediterranean has been comDpletd -

Kansas City Missouri, built 2,000houes last year.

W. Boyd, vs. John SatterwbiteandLtieh. Satterwhite, Ex'ors,

etal. Bill for Injunction,Relief, &e.

It appearing to my satisfaction that thefollo ' defeadanta reside out of, and be.ioad t limits of this State, viz: JamesB. Payne and Richard Payne. It is there-fore odered on motion of Suivan, Todd &Todd,Uouip1's Sol'a, that they appear indes Court, on or before the fifth day ofJdly next, and -lead, answer or den,ur to

thisbijl, or the same will be taken pro con-fesseagainst them.

THOMAS 31. LAKE~, c. c. p. s. C.

CeinysOHHee, May 25th, 1869.


HAgETEMINED TO ESTABLISH A,Branch Offee in South Carolina,wblch

weI give us the benefits of an entirely HomeCompany, by investing in the State, all the.fundsreceived in it. In fact it is betterthan a new company, because the Piedmontis a success already established, with amplecapistAadastts.sThis Company has insured some Four

Hundred persons in Edgefield, near TwoHundred in Abberille, a g>od many inother counties, and about Thirty in New-berry. It Is the dety of every person offai'il to inere ina b'half of that family atexct. 'It takesmuch less than you thinkto minr . Don't wait til Fall, but take outas lqarga Policy as you can sow, and in-crease it when you get able. You may diethis coming sickly season, and in that eventa salai Policy would do your family muchgo&and it is your duty to make the bestprovision you can for them, no matter howsmualleCol; .take a Policy in this SouthernHome Company without a day's delay.

THOMAS S. MOORMAN,June 2 21 tf Agent.

AnTHE ALBIfiN,Anindependent Journal of Literature. Art,Pete,Finance, Field Sports, and News,

Bow,Nw w York. runEIAARN cORIWAL.LIS,

- Editar andi Proprietar.

AwwwaD TERN 511R MAY 1, 18m.Subscription for one year, with any t*o of

the larg%ised Albion steel Engravings, inaddition to a small one of the Prince ofWales free and pro paid, by mail. Six Dot.larskuilvanee; for six months, Three Dol-lars, and for three months, One Dollar andfify cents, postpaid in each case to anyofra the United States. Subscribers willbesplied with extra Engravings at $2each1,es%pa. hut the price to nou,sub'sciewil be $3. Subscription, after May

1,18SO, without Engraving'-, $5 per annum,strictly in advance.

25 Cents perinue, singleinsertlon; 20 Contitiefrmore than four Insertions, 14erline for one year, standing urn

changed. Two agate line business CardswithacopyofteAbon free, $18 per annum.

ANNUAL CLUB RATES, until fbrtbeinotico, with a copy of any one of the follow'

ingsSteel Engravings with cacd

,Prince Albert, Sir Waitel&~~iIiUgtti,BenjaminFlranklIn.ILort

Nelson. St. Paul's, Jondon, General Havelock, Three Members of the Temperance S0-ciety, the Castle of Isebla, Return fronHawking) Dignity and Impuidence, DeelPass. Florence NIghtingale, Columbus' NiesWorld. Dr. Kane, The First Trial by JuryThe Falls of Niagara, Guess my NameHouses of Parliament, London; Duke of Wellingana, Windsor Castle, Buckingham Pala.Westinlinster AbbeyFotwo copies, $8 in advance.$oifeu copies, $20 In advance.

- Foten copies, $35 in advance, with.s

extra topy,ore twenty copies, $65 In advance, witJ

Clu subscribers must pay their own postage, Five Cents per Copy quarterly in advane.

TheAlblon, with any other weekly popeor *I'b any monthly masgazine p,ublished 11the Unied States-the sub-.crtption price cwhtew-s not more than $4 per annum-Iin £vesee, withOUt )ugravin)gs.Esasters erywhere are invited to be

-eem agents for the Albion, and a commia

..~ al m nltionflrmte by them


IThe most bea'itiful Cookingdo all kinds of Cooking with atsstove haa. It is very heavy andLEADER, I keep constantly onoperate well. Out of the man'satisfaction.

The Tin Business is still carFob 17


Men-Wome-andi bidrenNen-W.en-and Children


-con to~esadBarns"

'Coslat's Ruckiom SaIn~Is the most extraordinary su.VE ever knowiIts power of Soothing and Healing for .Cts, Burns, Bruiass Sores, Ulcers, ChanpHands and s"kin, for Sore Nipples, for Pi&,, &c.,-ls without a ,parallel One peison says of it, 'I would not he withoutBox in my House, if it cost $5.00, or I hato travel all the war to New York for it."

[N. Y Evenit.g News, Sept. 5 jAll Druggists in Newberry sell It.

"COSTARf'S"Standard Preparation

Bitter-Sweet and I?range ilosseargy One Bottle, 11.00--Three for 62.00.

IlIs"Vsa's" BaI, oach, &c., Ltarnintors"estar's" BM Bug Extraniaters."Ostar's" (only pure) hnsett P.4"Ouly Tn&l be I.die nwn."

"rAllDiesat Newberry C. H., en them

"COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., N. Y.,Or, JOHN F. HENRY, (Successor ttDEMAS BARNES & Co., 21 PatRow, N. Y.SldtNEWBERRY C. H.Apsil 2817 df.

NOTICE.Guardians, Trustees, Committees, Recelr, also Administrators and Executormust make their annual return to this officon or before the first day of June ngext.Rules will be issued against all defaulter

JOHN T. PETERSON,Probate Judge,

April 14 16 12t Newberry County.

Law Notice.The undersigned have formed a partne

ship for the practice of Law in 'the StaCourts and the United States Courts,ithe District of South Carolina. Office

Newerr, 8 C.JAMES 11. BAXTER,April 7.14 tf. SiLAS JOHNSTONE.




Comii0si Merehlan26% Broad Street,


Choice Family GroceriesOf Every DescriptiO]lCONSTANTLY ON HAND,

Sugar, Salt, .Potatoes, Salt Fish,djAt the Lowest Cash ?ricenee. 5 49 Gmo..


Stoe owin aret Wil ak

ittl fue as aytoeins.Idurable, and is not_solabetoe

handalageasortent f oter

- Oe fhve ol, nt ne o

ieO,nisvrou rnhs n

Stoaelnowi emarke. WilCae

dule, an snoo ie to cr

SSto.e 92 bRaD AYl, noe tork

WM. on in i EX Ar ER Prhesident.

DR.H. VicAPeidnt(ScEsor tW.H.PiLLESAt&aryW- oeS..ALEXANDRceta

131 ndn eeTmbe stR, 6,i

) Carlia eciveo o Caa.So

Loins onsBondanotae, beingidtyo.92 BRiOADWAor,i teYr

- moeta douletheamun o

n ..9 - - 'I,86unnemhre ...................1,725

CWsh Cn.taso AeXnr, Pr..n...782. B. Y E, ie Premim ncureo o int...4.0

Deere JSemW.-AuLEXandE Quarctry

ithher oper ty......... ---...----- ------..2 ot

te LABSLETS.>r ns o presn vae ortount,reqeire

toieafeoy rinuroe altotstnd-hian d ob e oftew ok " wci ty".....6700

A moretnt ol the obiatiount ofthe society......... ...-------. 189,88

8au s........-...... .......--.------------7 1,825I

Number o Plice sudi 88........11.

Amosh e in 1868.. ... .......,...218.44

C Whn.dof .gn (rEporte) 'ts

Daejesrredeied avyl g and ellerey

OtrYOProperrint..,... heetiu7,4Shitig'~a ssts.and..as.for.Laies Gent

L-O th lare qut of rd9ar and Cr0.o

..Go ASset arch 81, 1r8c9rs,9to0it:SuCoetpeseas, value , amutc. uieALSO f1linue alrtmen ofugs,togewing plesdif tocoiequors,75auAmnt, Gil, Whses o m,igati o in t

, te. Stocis complete.ad.I.wantal

whmrof c olndiceiedn to8com.foraon Asmysuokfrd in 1868. ertain 5 8ha1

sen M. P. ALBRITTOsIwouldaretful a otectzn,



s quick, boil as fast, broil as nice, andas many advantages which no other (ek as many stoves are. Besides theatterns. all of whic1 are warranted toy knowledge has failed to give entire I

all work will be done at short notice. t- W. T. WRIGHT.


1-Iluinan M:isery.iJust publishted in a Sealed Enwelope.

Price six cents: (-A Lecture on .the Nature. Treatmiet and i9Radical Cure of Seminal WVeshness, or Sper% tmnaiorrIbma. indmneed( by Seif-Ahase; Invol,,mntary Emisone, Impotenicy, Nervous De,.bifity. and Imp'iliuients to Marriage gene'.ral;y; Con-umnption,t Epilewsy, and its;IMental aw'il'Physmal loacapacity, ke -By 1?KOB. J CUJLVEItWlELL, M~. D) , Author of

'Green Book," &c. (The world renio'ned author, In thiq ad'. i

Imirabie recunre. ele rny proves from his own Iexcperience thait the awful consequences ofelf,Ahuse may be e&icma'lly remnved with',

out medic'ine, andi wi-heur dlangerous iflr- jgical operaut=. hongie:s, inlire enfts, rings.or cordials, potintingr out * a e of cure at lone certain andi effctoal, by which every Jsuff'rcr, no matter what his condition maybe. may cure himself cheaply, privately andradically. Fhis lecture will prove a boon to Ith,ousands and thousands.AISent under seal, in a plain envelope, to Iay address, on receipt of six cents, or twoApostage stamps, by addressing the publish'Also. DR. CULVERWELL'S "Marriage

Gnide," price 25 cents.Address the Publishers,4

A.i ilIAS. ,J. C. KLINE & Co.,

1'27 Rownry, N. Y., Po*t (Jme Box 4,586.

IP.P.TOALE,Charleston, S. C., Manufacturer ot'

Doors, Sash, Blinds.


ith-ioTE.-We wonld call the partIcular at--

tention of our friends to the above card.P. P. Toale has a large Factory, and suchfacilities as enable him to supply the best

00work of his own make at low prices. Avery large and complete assortment always

.0on hand at his Factory. HIORLBECK'S-W F, NEAR NORTH EASTERN RAIL-


.54 N B-Orders from" the country solicited,70and strict attention paid to shipping in-5good order. April 7 '69 ly

SOUTH CAROLINAState Agieultural & Mechanical

Official Orran of the South Carolina State Ag-ricultural ad Meaninal Society.)

.00At an early date, the subscribers will pub%. Uish the first number ofa Mlonthly Magazine;I00devoted to the development of the mnateril02 interests of this State,-and the whole-Bouthg- and will distribute five thousand copies gra-

tuitously, so that every one may see what itis before subscribing. They intend to makeit the best and handsomest Industrial maga,zine ever published at the South, and theyask the cordial co-operation of every goodcitizen in this enterprise, which must re-dound to the public welfare.Persons wishing coisof the first num'.

b er, will please send hi address to



8OUTH fCAhDLINA.er This pleasantly located HOTEL, unsurlye,passed by any House in the South for corn-

rsfort and healthy locality, is open to Tray-xvellers and others seeking BOARD for the

e'Summer. Families can be accommodatedrdwith nice, airy rooms, on reasonable terms,!an"A call is solicited."~*Muy 19 2n tr WM. A. WRIGHT

iouth Carolina R. R. Company,

3ENERALSUPERINTENDENT'S OiFICE,APRIL 9, 1869.N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 11Ta in.,<tant, the fol!owing Schedule for PAS%


4eaving Columbia at..............7 45 a. m.

irriving at Columbia at..................6.10 p. m.BIGHT aUPRSU TRAIN.

Geaving Columbia at..........................5.20 p m.

lrriving at Columbia at......................4.45 a. m.OAXDEN- TRAIN.

Will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur-days.

trriving in Columbia at....................11.00 a. m.aaving Columbia at.........................2.21 p. m.The Train now running between Columbiand Kiogsville in connection with the Throughfail frain, will be taken of on Sunday, April1.

H, T. PEAKE,April 14 General Superintendent


Newberry, S. C.Respectfully informs his many customerstnd the prblic general:y that his

New Bake Ovennow completed, and by its convenient ar--angemert he can bake any and everything

n his line at the shortest possible notice,uch as

Cakes, Pastry, &c.,n satisfactory and handsome style. Partiesnd Dinners furnished at shortest notice.Fresh bread, pies and cake on hand.

leals served at any hour.Fish, oysters and game can be had at allmines.Th-nkful for past favors he solicits a con-

inuance of the liberal patronage heretoforeestowed.Dec. 2 49 tf.


Will take Dowers, draw Deeds andfortgages.dec 16 51


CaaaLaroN. February 18.1869.N and after SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14,the Passenger Trains of the South Car-dina Railroad, willl run as follows:

FOR AUGUSTA..cave Charleston................830 A Mrrive at Augusta... .....5.10 P M.onnecting with Trains for Montgome y,lemphis, Nashville and New Orleans, viafonrgomery and Grand Junction.

FOR COLUMBIA.,cave Charleston.................8 30 A Mrrive at Columbia.............5.45 P M..nne:ing with Wimington and ManeBrRailroad. Charlotte and South Carolmnaallroad, and Camden Train.

FOR CHARLESTON.,ave Augusta...............800AMrrive at Charleston..........500 P Micae Columbia.............7.45 A hirrive at Charleston.............5. P hiAUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS.

(Sundays excepted.)save Charleston............7.30 P hirrive at Augusta.............30 A Kannecing with Trains for Memphis, Nash'ji and New Orleans, via Grand June,ion..eaveAugusta...............4.10 P Krrive at Uharle"on ............4 A hiCOLUEBIA NIGHT EXRE6S.

(Sundays excepted ).ave Charleston............605 P Mirrvc at Columbia...........4.45 A Miannecting, Sundays excepted, with Green,jibaind Columbia Railroad.,avCoumbia ............. 53PRtrriveat Charleston.......... 530 A E

SUM&IERVILLE TRAIN.aveCharleston-...........300 P Mitrriveat Summervlle. .....4-20 P h,eaeSunmerville............7.10 A Mrrive at Chdirleston..........8 25 A E


OnMondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.eave Kin :svlI. .........,.... 420PMrriveat Camden............ 7.00 P Mave Camrien..............6.35 A Mirrive at Kingsville........ ....9.20 A hi(Signed,) H. T. PEAKE,,

Feb. 248 General uperin tendent.

heenville & Columbia R. R.ON and after SATURDAY, the 6thrauat,Passenger Trains will run daily,

undays excepted, connecting with Night~rans on South'Carolina and Charlotte and

auth Carolina Railroads, as follows:,ave(olmbiaat............7.00 a. mn."AWson at............85

" Newberyat..........135 "

irrive at Abbeville at........3 30 p. m.-',at Anderson at.........5.15 "

"at Greenville at........6.00 "

eve Greenville at..........600 a. mn."Anderson at........... 645 "

" Abbeville at.............46 "

"Newberry at.. ........ 1.25 p. mn."Alston at..............300 "

irrive at Columbia sit.........5.00 "

Trains on the Blue Ridge Railroad willaorun daily, Sundays excepted.,saveAnderson at............520 p. m."Pendleton at...........20"rriveat Waihalla at.........800".aveWalhalla at............400 a. mn."Pendleton at..........540"rriveat Anderson at........640 "

The train will return from Belton to Au-ersonon Monday and Friday mornings.rAMES. 0. MEREDITH, Supt.

Bar and Billiard Room.fainst., Newberry, nearly op. the Court House

Smith & Christian, Proprietors.


WA.HATJ.A HOTEL.WALIALLA,8. C.Is open for the reception of Boarders and,hetransient Public. It has been enlargedLndarranged for the accommodation ofersonsdesiring to spenmd the Summer inhishealt,by locality. The Table is furnishediththe very best the market can afford.THE BAR[swellstocked with every variety of WinesmdLignors, of the best and purest>rands.

The Proprietor gives his personal super-risionto the establishment, and intends toaintain and extend its reputation as a


WA.BiL.A, S. C., April 19, 1869.

May 5 18 tf


-0-REPROPRIETORS take pleasure in an,nouncing that this elegantly flbrnishedstablihment is now open for the aecom-nodaton of guests. The table will alwaysbesupplied with every delicacy of the sea'.on-both from New York and CharlestonMarkoes. anid no efforts will be spared togveperfect satisfaction, in every respect,10osurtrns. amr.

H. H. BADENHO,'May 5 ia &

Fisk's Metallic urial Cases.

THE SUBSCRIBER has constantly orbanda fullassortment of the above approvedcases, of different patterns, besides coffinsof his own make, all of which he is preparedto furnish at very reasonable rates, withpromptness and despatch.

Persons desirous of having cases sent byrailroad will have them sent free of charge.A Hearse is always on hand and will befurnished at the rate of $10 per day.

Thankful for past patronage, the sub-scriber respectfully asks for a continuationof the same, and assures the public thatno effort on his part will be spared to renderthe utmost satisfaction.

A. C. CHAPMANNewberry S. C., July 31.

Sash & Blinds.The subscriber takes pleasure in announc-

ing to this community that, having madeall necessary arrangements, he will, be ableto furnish

Sash with and withoutGlass, and Blinds,

At Very Moderate Rates!!For Cash !

ANDREW C. CHAPMAN,Oct. 7 41 tf. Newberry C. if., S. 0.

The Great


ropritors & lYheles3ic Druggists,Charleston, S. C.De.23 62 ly.

T. P. Forrestonr,Jobber and dealer in


itosiery, Trimmings and FancyGoods, Musical Instruments,

Fire-works, andYankee Notions,

Also Fash,ionabhle Emporium of Designs for

Stamping, Braiding & EmbrOiderConstantly on hand a large and well

assorted stock ofBraids, French Embroidery, Cot-ton and Linen and,Silk Floss,

Ribbons, &c.No. 681 UING ST., CHRRSTON, 8. C.SDec2 49 tf


Imnporaer anid Dealer in

Fine Watches, Clocks,Jewelry, Silver and PlatedWare, Spectacles, Eye Glasses,

Fancy Goods, &c.No. 507 KIng Street,


On and after2nd November 1868. the pas.senger tramn will leave Spartanburg CourtHouse, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-days at7a m ,adarrive atAlton at .30p. in., connecting with the Greenville downtrain, and trains for Charlotte and Charles-ton.On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdas,

the up passenger train connecting with theGreenville up trains, will leave Alston at 9a. mn., and arrive at Spartanburg CourtHouse at 3.20 p. in., as per following sched'.le:-

DOint TRAIL. UP TaAL.Spartanburg, 00001 700 I320 0000Pacolet, 745 748 I232 I235Jonesville, 8251 830 I150 j1.55Unonville, 9.151 9490 1249 165bSanuc, 10 161| 10.21 I1203 I1208Shelton, 11.10 | 11.12 I11.08 11i 08Lyles Ford, 11 36 | 11 38 11039 I1042Strother, 1202 I1205 10 12 I10.15Alston, 120 30010000 900

THOMAS BJE ER, Pres ien.

'Vei, Vidi, Vici."The forthcoming number of the Illustra-

ted Western World, printed in oil color,will be the most beautiful paper ever issuedfrom the press since the art of printing tasdiscovered. Remember, it is the only pa-per in the world whose illustrations areprinted in fretm one to seven distinct colorsat a single impression. Aside from thebeautiful illustrations: which .accomupany itweekly, every number ls replete with glow-ing Romances, Love and Histrionic -Tales.I is a fit companion of every fireside-themagazine of every.brantih of literature-thechampion of all noble industries-the sup-port of the farmer, nmerchant,-artisa, andthe education of the masses. Send frespecimen copies. Sold by all news eulers.Subscription $5 per armum. Address THEWESTERN WORLD CO., Cor. Park Placeand College Place, P. O.:Boz, 4.929, New



LIONS OF DQ .M.Cash Income, 1W8, ovar . UW.MDividends to 2NslIcY,Hol,1Wj 89,8"

874.3'7.New Policies Issued in 1867,19.40t.The Company is PURELY MUTUA .. Ie

dividends to stockbdees. The.ti gfits are returned to the assaed, thus =EkePolicies to become SEL-SUSTAINNG iIthirteen years, or to double in twn.

Interest received fkow invustmen.,over $1,300,000.Excess ofINTERESTRECEINSALNE -

o*er losses, about$WA.-Real eisate, BadsaeaM'.stp,,J

Estate, in the p.rl5s- Te o-=sIWENTEEN MIL,4.N1 deIse.

It is the richest Company in the.ndIts policies are nonfogitable. h Fdeads are the largest.AppNeations forCoadpsad,.1 .-"

era portion ofrSpalthCWG1!s+ee.ee ,,

GaEii, tAuI&4SQBnmox Y. Jss,Ae atJas McIl'roes, lG.~Feb. 10 6 fy.

somt4tg l 9.I have removed to. the 'Kin aQ<+

lery (over Way"s Martin'steev)has undergooe thmoog1 r ariplenty of room with an 'ece7elight. Come aoe--coe all, andaethings work in.hcousso$lons khiry

Also, a good lot ofalbums at etreme-ly low prices.

All kinds of work dspiu-th !0e YPhotography.

I have all of ren Wbtives that wo. at tiWe charge for

not much for a picture.Respectfuy,

Dec. 28 52 tf.


And RepairtOf all kinds ofFR ]ARM,LOCS, .Has on band Pistolsa qs.proved indik'in nntt i*q

tridges, Gops, Poirder aUtShot Pouches, assBm.and everyother kind of SprApparatas. Bemse

and kinds.AU kinds of REPAIRING .ety o

p ditiously ezeouted, ad atlosna


of the celebrated msafacture of 000E,a" ere Stiles Hurd, formerly of this piae.,procured his stock. All orders pemnpiIly (attended to.

Apr'l l14 ate.



Glazier sd Paper gasgse*Newbey 0.., 8. C.,

tthr thea.eissues ethas be Is now fartarte

ness and prpreso Eeue anl amnmueatness a cuutuallty and atrates. T.he~,ataLotaurant, NebeuuyV. H.


informs his friends and the ~Ig~tthat he has taken charge of this w Uand popular FIEST GLASS JQ!5a,hopcs that by strict attetionm -te ~psifull share of the-public patrou6gaThe Celebrated ARTESII W I

BATHS, hot, eoid and show.,e,a6at all hours.COACHES, with -attentive Pr~,f

always in readiness to CONVEY -iS~GERS to and from the ditbreut Retand Steamers.

- 3. K. JAOUsW.Jan27'

PAVILION HOiCharleston, 8. 0.



Wolfe's Bchiedam S4cuepE6Bottled Wines and bieeA supply of these us hbugd

for medicina-and private sjjirl -

Jan 17' ly

Varnish, Lamp, an1Pe.troleum Oil-Store.

Patent ThiefDetehegaEsey Di'awrs,

Parker's "Furnituwe"osTow,s. .

Apninn a7