Lecture 2 Capital

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  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists



    Prof George Solt


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    The oldest profession?

    Humans in Africa72,000 years agoemployedpyrotechnology toincrease the qualityand efficiency ofstone toolmanufacturing.

    Science 2010

    A rare photograph of an early Chemical Engineer

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Any form of trade requires

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Philosophical influences on company

    operation include:Culture



    Economic theory

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    What is it?

    Capital is an accumulated sum ofmoney which is invested for long-termbenefit

    It is somebodys savings or it may beborrowed from a bank, in which casethey got it by borrowing other peoplesor companies savings

    Money spent on anything else iscurrent expenditure

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    What is it?

    Buying a house is capital expendituremade for the long-term gain of living

    rent-free money is usually

    borrowed as a mortgage and thelender gets the money from people

    who put their savings into a savingsaccount.

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    What is it?

    Money spent on a holiday is not a

    capital expenditure - the sun-tanfades quickly

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    What is it?

    When it comes to small sums, however,there is something of a grey area

    A computer is a capital outlay to a one-

    man company but petty cash (currentexpenditure) for a large one

    All ventures need capital of two types:Fixed Capital and Working Capital

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    A corner shop is

    a relativelysimple businessmodel

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    Opening a shop needs cash to buy thepremises and fittings

    These things are not readily turned backinto cash again, so theyre called FixedAssets and the money is Fixed Capital

    Then it needs money in the till, forpaying wages, bills and buying stock forsale

    This should be turned into cash soon soits called Working Capital

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    Contracting requireslittle fixed capital

    Offices, machinery,cars, etc can all berented

    The work force ishired for specific


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    As down the glen came McAlpine's men

    With their shovels slung behind them'Twas in the pub they drank the subAnd out in the spike you'll find them

    They sweated blood and washed down mudWith pints and quarts of beer

    And now we're on the road again

    With McAlpine's fusiliers

    Dominic Behan 1962

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    A flexible workforce

    Does everything get

    subcontracted to whitevan man?

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    Contracting needs a lot of workingcapital to pay employees buy

    materials, hire machinery, and so on,while the contract proceeds.

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    Typically contractors need 1 workingcapital for every 5 of annual turnover

    A company which trades at a rate

    greater than its working capital is ableto support will sooner or later becomeinsolvent even if it is running profitably

    Trading when knowingly insolvent is a

    criminal offence

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    Companies normally retain some of theirprofit to increase working capital

    In addition most rely on bank loans tosupplement that so that they can achieve aturnover higher than they could sustain using

    only their own cash

    Many small contractors find that shortage of

    working capital limits the turnover which theymight otherwise achieve

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Where does it come from?

    Raising capital

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Where does it come from?

    A company can raise capital by issuingand selling more shares or by


    Selling shares means selling a part ofthe company and giving some of theprofits to the shareholders

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Shares

    When a company is first formed it musthave some nominal share capital

    Issued share capital face value

    Share premium

    It may also have shares which have notbeen issued

    At a General Meeting a company canauthorise the creation of a new trancheof shares for sale

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Shares

    For a plc share issue is via a financecompany who under-write the new shares that is, they guarantee to take up any unsoldshares at an agreed minimum price but ifthe public takes an optimistic view theoutcome can be very satisfactory for thecompany

    If a private limited company raises newshares, it is usually for some known purpose,which means there is no doubt that they willbe taken up

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    If you dont haveenough money you

    have to hire someand that meanspaying rent for it itscalled INTEREST and

    isnt always popular.

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    A lender is reasonably entitled to getsome return for giving up the use of

    his money, but what is reasonable ?

    Historically its about 1% to 3 % pafor an absolutely cast-iron safe loan

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Whats it for?

    Banks want to see fixed assets as aguarantee that they will recover at least

    some of their loan if the company fails

    Most contractors have few fixed assetsso banks have to feel very confident oftheir future before they will lend them alot of money

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    which isthe only sort

    of loan thatbanks really


  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Inflation 2 %

    Risk 2 %Administration 1 %

    Real return 2%

    Interest rate 7%

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Banks borrow money at one interestrate, and lend it at a higher one

    The Bank of England is the UK

    Governments central bank

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    The Bank ofEngland sets theBase Rate which

    is (more or less)the interest rate atwhich other bankscan borrow money

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists



    London Interbank OfferedRate

    Rate for unsecured loansbetween banks fromovernight to one year

    Average of rates offered byworlds top banks

    Calculated daily by Reuters

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Project engineeringdepends on financebeing availablewhen needed

    Once the necessaryloans for a projectare agreed, thebanks can producemoney the instant

    that it is needed

    St Albans Abbey

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Banks are essential toany engineeringenterprise so its

    important to keep onthe right side of theBank Manager.

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Loans

    The company now takes out a 1mloan at 6% interest, and passes the

    1m on to the shareholders, at 10 pershare so shareholders funds reduce to1m.

    The working capital remainsunchanged at 2m, so the companygoes on making 500,000 profit

    However, it has to pay 6% interest onthe loan, which reduces the net profit to440,000 - 4.40p per share.

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Loans

    Now the shareholders funds are only1m, but the return on that has gone upto 44% and the shareholder hasreceived 10 per share which he canreinvest.

    This shows why companies aregenerally financed by a mix of investedcapital and bank loans.

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Loans

    In this example, the return on shareholdersfunds was 25%

    Now suppose the company hadnt returned

    any money to the shareholders but used theloan as an addition to the working capital.

    If that allowed it to increase its turnover to15m then, with the same profitability of

    25%, the companys profit is 750,000 -60,000 loan interest = 690,000 a returnof 34.5%.

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Loans

    With the increased profit the company

    will probably pay a proportionally biggerdividend, which should make theshareholders even happier.

    This also shows why contractingcompanies often use a high overdraft toboost their working capital

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    Capital from Loans

    The important thing is to get the balancebetween share capital and loan capital right

    If a company borrows so much on loans thatit is crippled by the interest payment, it will gounder, like Marconi plc did

    Capital gearing is the ratio of loan capital tototal capital (loan capital plus share capital)and should be

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    The Contracting Business

    A Contractor typically depends on a fewrelatively large projects

    Work in hand at any given moment varies

    Expenditure on individual projects is irregular(The S curve)

    Payment for work tends to come in relativelylarge sums, at irregular intervals

    This means a contractor needs a relativelylarge amount of working capital

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    The Contracting Business

    A contractors work can be carried outwith a minimum of fixed capital - noneed to own factories or machinery everything can be rented.

    Even some of the staff can be free-lance, taken on for a specific contract.

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists

    The Contracting Business

    As little fixed capital is needed, itsrelatively easy to set up a contractingcompany. That means competition

    remains fierce, and margins low.The typical contractor has no Bread

    and Butter work the future is alwaysuncertain.

    Its an exciting life.

    Too exciting, sometimes.

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 2 Capital


    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    Borrowing money means paying interest

    Interest pays for inflation, risk and admincosts before producing any real return to thelender

    Banks usually refuse to lend any money ifthey see a significant risk. If the risk is slight,they may lend some, but only at high interestrates.

    Companies with few fixed assets to serve assecurity have difficulty raising loans.

    Whitewater LimitedConsulting Engineers & Scientists


    To start a business you first have to raisesome capital.

    Contracting needs little fixed capital, butdepends on having enough working capital.

    Companies must take care that their turnoverdoesnt exceed the level which its workingcapital will support.

    Companies are financed most efficiently by ajudicious mix of share capital, accumulatedprofit, and bank loans.