Lecture 13: Graphs I: Breadth First Searchaleitert/fall15/slides/graphSearchMIT.pdf ·...

Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011 Lecture 13: Graphs I: Breadth First Search Lecture Overview Applications of Graph Search Graph Representations Breadth-First Search Recall: Graph G =(V,E) V = set of vertices (arbitrary labels) E = set of edges i.e. vertex pairs (v,w) ordered pair = directed edge of graph unordered pair = undirected a b c d a b c UNDIRECTED DIRECTED e.g. V = {a,b,c,d} E = {{a,b},{a,c}, {b,c},{b,d}, {c,d}} V = {a,b,c} E = {(a,c),(b,c), (c,b),(b,a)} Figure 1: Example to illustrate graph terminology Graph Search “Explore a graph”, e.g.: find a path from start vertex s to a desired vertex visit all vertices or edges of graph, or only those reachable from s 1

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Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011

Lecture 13: Graphs I: Breadth First Search

Lecture Overview

• Applications of Graph Search

• Graph Representations

• Breadth-First Search


Graph G = (V,E)

• V = set of vertices (arbitrary labels)

• E = set of edges i.e. vertex pairs (v, w)

– ordered pair =⇒ directed edge of graph

– unordered pair =⇒ undirected

a b

c d


b c


e.g. V = {a,b,c,d}E = {{a,b},{a,c}, {b,c},{b,d}, {c,d}}

V = {a,b,c}E = {(a,c),(b,c), (c,b),(b,a)}

Figure 1: Example to illustrate graph terminology

Graph Search

“Explore a graph”, e.g.:

• find a path from start vertex s to a desired vertex

• visit all vertices or edges of graph, or only those reachable from s


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Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011


There are many.

• web crawling (how Google finds pages)

• social networking (Facebook friend finder)

• network broadcast routing

• garbage collection

• model checking (finite state machine)

• checking mathematical conjectures

• solving puzzles and games

Pocket Cube:

Consider a 2 2 2 Rubik’s cube× ×

Configuration Graph:

• vertex for each possible state

• edge for each basic move (e.g., 90 degree turn) from one state to another

• undirected: moves are reversible

Diameter (“God’s Number”)

11 for 2× 2 × 2, 20 for 3 × 3 × 3, Θ(n2/ lg n) for n × n × n [Demaine, Demaine, Eisenstat

Lubiw Winslow 2011]

. . . “breadth-firsttree”

possible first moves

reachable in two steps but not one

“hardest configs”



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Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011

# vertices = 8! · 38 = 264, 539, 520 where 8! comes from having 8 cubelets in arbitrary

positions and 38 comes as each cubelet has 3 possible twists.

This can be divided by 24 if we remove cube symmetries and further divided by 3 to account

for actually reachable configurations (there are 3 connected components).

Graph Representations: (data structures)

Adjacency lists:

Array Adj of |V | linked lists

• for each vertex u ∈ V,Adj[u] stores u’s neighbors, i.e., {v ∈ V | (u, v) ∈ E}. (u, v)

are just outgoing edges if directed. (See Fig. 2 for an example.)


b c









Figure 2: Adjacency List Representation: Space Θ(V + E)

• in Python: Adj = dictionary of list/set values; vertex = any hashable object (e.g.,

int, tuple)

• advantage: multiple graphs on same vertices

Implicit Graphs:

Adj(u) is a function — compute local structure on the fly (e.g., Rubik’s Cube). This requires

“Zero” Space.


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Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011

Object-oriented Variations:

• object for each vertex u

• u.neighbors = list of neighbors i.e. Adj[u]

In other words, this is method for implicit graphs

Incidence Lists:

• can also make edges objects

e.a e.be

• u.edges = list of (outgoing) edges from u.

• advantage: store edge data without hashing

Breadth-First Search

Explore graph level by level from s

• level 0 = {s}

level i = vertices reachable by path of i edges but not fewer•

. . .level0




Figure 3: Illustrating Breadth-First Search


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Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011

• build level i > 0 from level i − 1 by trying all outgoing edges, but ignoring vertices

from previous levels

Breadth-First-Search Algorithm

BFS (V,Adj,s): See CLRS for queue-based implementation

level = { s: 0 }parent = {s : None }i = 1

frontier = [s] # previous level, i− 1

while frontier:

next = [ ] # next level, i

for u in frontier:

for v in Adj [u]:

if v not in level: # not yet seen

level[v] = i ] = level[u] + 1

parent[v] = u


frontier = next

i + =1


a s d f


1 0 2 3

322 1

level 0level 1

level 2 level 3

frontier0 = {s}frontier1 = {a, x}frontier2 = {z, d, c}frontier3 = {f, v}(not x, c, d)

Figure 4: Breadth-First Search Frontier


• vertex V enters next (& then frontier)

only once (because level[v] then set)

base case: v = s


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Lecture 13 Graphs I: BFS 6.006 Fall 2011

• =⇒ Adj[v] looped through only once

time =∑ E for directed graphs|Adj[V ]| = | |v∈V


2|E| for undirected graphs

• =⇒ O(E) time

• O(V +E) (“LINEAR TIME”) to also list vertices unreachable from v (those still not

assigned level)

Shortest Paths:

cf. L15-18

• for every vertex v, fewest edges to get from s to v is

{level[v] if v assigned level

∞ else (no path)

• parent pointers form shortest-path tree = union of such a shortest path for each v

=⇒ to find shortest path, take v, parent[v], parent[parent[v]], etc., until s (or None)


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6.006 Introduction to Algorithms Fall 2011 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.

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Lecture 14 Graphs II: DFS 6.006 Fall 2011

Lecture 14: Graphs II: Depth-First Search

Lecture Overview

• Depth-First Search

• Edge Classification

• Cycle Testing

• Topological Sort


• graph search: explore a graph

e.g., find a path from start vertex s to a desired vertex

• adjacency lists: array Adj of |V | linked lists

– for each vertex u ∈ V , Adj[u] stores u’s neighbors, i.e., {v ∈ V | (u, v) ∈ E}(just outgoing edges if directed)

For example:


b c









Figure 1: Adjacency Lists

Breadth-first Search (BFS):

Explore level-by-level from s — find shortest paths


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Lecture 14 Graphs II: DFS 6.006 Fall 2011

Depth-First Search (DFS)

This is like exploring a maze.


Figure 2: Depth-First Search Frontier

Depth First Search Algorithm

• follow path until you get stuck

• backtrack along breadcrumbs until reach unexplored neighbor

• recursively explore

• careful not to repeat a vertex

parent = {s: None}

DFS-visit (V, Adj, s): for v in Adj [s]: if v not in parent: parent [v] = s DFS-visit (V, Adj, v)

DFS (V, Adj) parent = { } for s in V: if s not in parent: parent [s] = None DFS-visit (V, Adj, s)

}}search from start vertex s(only see stuff reachable from s)

explore entire graph

(could do same to extend BFS)

start v

�nish v

Figure 3: Depth-First Search Algorithm


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Lecture 14 Graphs II: DFS 6.006 Fall 2011




2 6

back edge





back edge

forward edge

cross edge

a b c

d e f

S1 S2

Figure 4: Depth-First Traversal

Edge Classification

back edge: to ancestor

forward edge: to descendantcross edge (to another subtree)

tree edges (formed by parent)nontree edges

Figure 5: Edge Classification

• to compute this classification (back or not), mark nodes for duration they are “on the


• only tree and back edges in undirected graph


• DFS-visit gets called with

=⇒ time in DFS-visit =s

∑a vertex s only once (because then parent[s] set)

|Adj[s]| = O(E)∈V

• DFS outer loop adds just O(V )

=⇒ O(V + E) time (linear time)


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Lecture 14 Graphs II: DFS 6.006 Fall 2011

Cycle Detection

Graph G has a cycle ⇔ DFS has a back edge


tree edgesis a cycle

back edge: to tree ancestor


(=>) consider �rst visit to cycle:





v1 v0

• before visit to vi finishes,

will visit vi+1 (& finish):

will consider edge (vi, vi+1)

=⇒ visit vi+1 now or already did

• =⇒ before visit to v0 finishes,

will visit vk (& didn’t before)

• =⇒ before visit to vk (or v0) finishes,

will see (vk, v0) as back edge

Job scheduling

Given Directed Acylic Graph (DAG), where vertices represent tasks & edges represent

dependencies, order tasks without violating dependencies


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Lecture 14 Graphs II: DFS 6.006 Fall 2011








78 9


Figure 6: Dependence Graph: DFS Finishing Times


Source = vertex with no incoming edges

= schedulable at beginning (A,G,I)


BFS from each source:

• from A finds A, BH, C, F

• from D finds D, BE, CF ← slow . . . and wrong!

• from G finds G, H

• from I finds I

Topological Sort


. . .Reverse of DFS finishing times (time at which DFS-Visit(v) finishes)




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Lecture 14 Graphs II: DFS 6.006 Fall 2011


For any edge (u, v) — u ordered before v, i.e., v finished before u

u v

• if u visited before v:

– before visit to u finishes, will visit v (via (u, v) or otherwise)

– =⇒ v finishes before u

• if v visited before u:

– graph is acyclic

– =⇒ u cannot be reached from v

– =⇒ visit to v finishes before visiting u


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MIT OpenCourseWarehttp://ocw.mit.edu

6.006 Introduction to Algorithms Fall 2011 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.