Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life

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Transcript of Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life




    Lecture prepared by: Waleed Zahoor

    Tea Ro!h"#$tep%up Pa!ta"


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life



    Ide"t#.y the /ar#ou! co po"e"t! o. pla"t a"d a"# al cell! /#!#bleu"der a l#0ht #cro!cope

    Co pare a"d co"tra!t the !tructure o. pla"t a"d a"# al cell! Apprec#ate the # porta"ce o. the cell !ur.ace e bra"e (#..ere"t#ate bet2ee" the ter ! cell3 t#!!ue3 or0a" a"d or0a" !y!te

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life


    A cell #! a ba!#c u"#t o. l#.e It co"!#!t! o. a a!! o. l#/#"0 attercalled protopla!

    PROTOPLA$4: It #! a co ple5 6elly%l#&e !ub!ta"ce #" 2h#ch!e/eral che #cal react#o"! ta&e place Water .or ! 789 to 89 o.the total protopla! 3 2herea! the re!t o. #t co pr#!e! o. #"eral

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life


    !alt! a"d ba!#c or0a"#c co pou"d! ;carbohydrate!3 prote#"! a"d.at!< The co po!#t#o" o. protopla! #! "ot the !a e .or all thecell! a! #t #! a #5ture Co po!#t#o" o. the protopla! o. u!clecell! ay be d#..ere"t .ro the co po!#t#o" o. protopla! o. thecell! #" the lu"0!

    The protopla! o. a cell co"!#!t! o. = a#" part!: )ucleu! Cytopla! Cell !ur.ace e bra"e

    The d#a0ra belo2 !ho2! a typ#cal a"# al cell 2#th the a#"

    part! o. a cell labeled alo"0 2#th other or0a"elle!

    The d#a0ra belo2 !ho2! a typ#cal pla"t cell 2#th the a#" part! o. a cell labeled alo"0 2#th other or0a"elle!

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life


    )ucleu!:The "ucleu! #! a e bra"e bou"d !tructure that co"ta#"! the cell>!hered#tary #".or at#o" a"d co"trol! the cell>! 0ro2th a"d

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life


    reproduct#o" It #! co o"ly the o!t pro #"e"t or0a"elle #" thecellThe "ucleu! #! !urrou"ded by a !tructure called the "ucleare"/elope Th#! e bra"e !eparate! the co"te"t! o. the "ucleu!.ro the cytopla! The cell>! chro o!o e! are al!o hou!ed2#th#" the "ucleu! Chro o!o e! co"ta#" ()A 2h#ch pro/#de!the 0e"et#c #".or at#o" "ece!!ary .or the product#o" o. other cellco po"e"t! a"d .or the reproduct#o" o. l#.e There are al!o !o e!pher#cal !tructure! called "ucleol# Each "ucleolu! play! a part #"the bu#ld#"0 o. the prote#"!

    Cytopla! :

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture 1 - Cells - The Building Blocks of Life


    The part o. the protopla! !urrou"d#"0 the area arou"dthe "ucleu! #! called cytopla! It .or ! the lar0e!t part o. the cella"d #! the place 2here o!t l#.e proce!!e! occur +ollo2#"0 are!o e o. the # porta"t or0a"elle! #" the cell 2h#ch are e bedded #"the cytopla!

    4#tocho"dr#a: 4#tocho"dr#a are ! all !pher#cal or rod%!hapedor0a"elle! The a#" .u"ct#o" o. the #tocho"dr#o" #! the

    product#o" o. e"er0y3 #" the .or o. ade"o!#"e tr#pho!phate ;ATP