Learn to Worship From Leviticus?!

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  • 8/9/2019 Learn to Worship From Leviticus?!


    Learn to Worship from Leviticus?by +Rev. Nathan Long, OAC

    Have you ever begun reading through the Bible from cover to cover only to get bogged down

    in Leviticus? That is, if you made it through the genealogies in Genesis! Well, then this article is for

    youto inspire you with new interest in the book oftorat kohanim, a title that can be translated both

    instructionforthe priests and instruction by the priests.

    You may wonder, what was the over-arching purpose behind these instructions both for and

    by the priests? Leviticus is designed to teach a holy people how to live in fellowship with a holy

    God. But more than that, by gifting Israel with laws that secure their well-being, God enables His

    people to be a blessing to the nations.1

    Im struck by the sacramental nature of this description. Do we understand the role of Gods

    commandments, wherever they might appear in Scripture, as existing to train, teach, and prepare the

    people of God to be His instrument of grace to an observing world? We are to be visible signs of an

    invisible grace, imparted to a called-out people as we walk according to the Holy Spirit and submit

    our minds to the Law of God (Rom. 8:1-7).2

    As the perennial Passover story reminds us, God was intent on securing a people; a people

    who would reflect His character to the world. This would require a series of laws, teachings and

    instructions designed to distinguish Gods people from the teeming masses. His holiness dictates thatany approach to God must acknowledge the yawning gulf between the character of God and the

    flawed nature of humanity. The distinctions of Leviticus help mortals realize that God is un-

    approachably different from His creation.

    It is only after apprehending a proper fear of God that we can begin to comprehend Him as a

    loving and benevolent Father. My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments

    with youthen you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.3 It is

    often recalled that knowing in the Hebraic sense implies intimacy, so we should understand that the

    fear of the Lord is the beginning of an intimate relationship with Him.

    Paradoxically, by emphasizing His radical otherness God prepared His people for their world

    mission; the task of revealing a totally holy but completely loving Father. As our Creator, God

    realized we would be tempted to short-circuit our relationship with Him. We want to re-make Him asa glorified buddy; we want all the ooey-gooey and none of the wonder; all the blessing and none of

    the consequence. Leviticus reminds us that Gods divine transcendence requires He be separate from

    sin, and calls His followers to be likewise holy. Yet every call for distinction is accompanied by a

    way of re-establishing connection, displaying Gods mercy.

    These thoughts prompt us to ask a rather obvious question. Given that there is no Aaronic

    priesthood, no earthly Temple, no Theocratic government, how are we to set about applying the

    instructions of a book like Leviticus? King Messiah Fellowships Statement of Foundational Beliefs

    suggests the following approach:

    We believe the Bible is a revelation of the righteousness of God, and a description of

    the lifestyle of the redeemed community throughout history. While Gods command-

    ments are to be considered prescriptive, we acknowledge that they require adaptationfrom generation to generation.

    1Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. The Book of Leviticus. (The New Interpreters Bible Vol. 1, ed Keck, Leander.

    Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994) 987, 9982 Note that walk and mind together indicate there must be a whole life commitment; one cannot separate mental

    agreement from practical outworking.3 Proverbs 2:1,5 (ESV) cf. Job 28:28

  • 8/9/2019 Learn to Worship From Leviticus?!


    But what does that look like? I suggest you begin by contemplating the idea that the laws of

    Leviticus should somehow apply to you. As you meditate on Gods laws, He will begin to make clear

    to you how they might be made use of in your day-to-day existence. We have a wonderful treasure in

    the traditions of the Jews; the record of a people who have wrestled with how to practically obey

    Gods laws for centuries. We can mine their history and culture for suggestions on what a particular

    obedience might look like.

    True worship is where the external forms of religion meet the day-to-day activities of life.

    And God wants us to understand that day-to-day is the greatest opportunity to sanctify ourselves as

    we partner with Him in the repair of the world. How do we repair the world? By finding and

    celebrating the image of God that is reflected in those around us. As for you, and as for me, lets be

    distinctso the reflection of God is easier to spot!

    Remember, Leviticus is designed to prepare Gods people to accomplish their world

    missionto display Gods character to the watching world. How will more wonder change your



    +Rev. Nathan Long, OAC is a bi-vocational priest in the Apostles Anglican Church and Abbot of

    The Order of the Anam Cara. Nathan and his wife, Elisa, live with their four children in Ft. Wayne,

    Indiana. King Messiah Fellowship is a mission church that meets weekly in their home. You can read

    more of Nates musings at http://blog.natelong.com.

    4 Originally written as a blog post, this was re-written as an article for If My People magazine:
