Learn to Use Bayesian Inference in SPSS With Data From the ...

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Learn to Use Bayesian Inference in

SPSS With Data From the National

Child Measurement Programme


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Learn to Use Bayesian Inference in

SPSS With Data From the National

Child Measurement Programme


Student Guide


This example dataset introduces Bayesian Inference. Bayesian statistics (the

general name for all Bayesian-related topics, including inference) has become

increasingly popular in recent years, due predominantly to the growth of evermore

powerful and sophisticated statistical software. However, Bayesian statistics grew

from the ideas of an English mathematician, Thomas Bayes, who lived and

worked in the first half of the 18th century and have been refined and adapted by

statisticians and mathematicians ever since. Despite its longevity, the Bayesian

approach did not become mainstream: the Frequentist approach was and remains

the dominant means to conduct statistical analysis. However, there is a renewed

interest in Bayesian statistics, part prompted by software development and part

by a growing critique of the limitations of the null hypothesis significance testing

which dominates the Frequentist approach. This renewed interest can be seen in

the incorporation of Bayesian analysis into mainstream statistical software, such

as, IBM® SPSS® and in many major statistics text books.

Bayesian Inference is at the heart of Bayesian statistics and is different from

Frequentist approaches due to how it views probability. In the Frequentist

approach, probability is the product of the frequency of random events occurring


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over a long series of repeated trials/experiments. For example, if we want to

calculate the probability of seeing tails in a coin toss, the Frequentist approach

posits that the more times we toss a coin, the proportion of times we get tails

will tend towards the “true” probability of the coin coming up tails. Crucially, the

researcher does not incorporate prior knowledge (e.g., the coin’s composition

or prior coin toss experiments) into the test. In contrast, Bayesian Inference

incorporates prior knowledge. For example, we may have a hunch that the coin

used in the test is flawed and may favour one side over another or we may find

that in the first series of tosses, the same side always comes up.

This prior belief about the fairness of the coin is taken into account when we

review the final result: Let’s say out of 1,000 flips, we got 800 tails, the coin

is biased. In the Bayesian approach, we would modify our final view of the

coin (the posterior belief) on the basis of our earlier (prior belief) observations.

Thus, Bayesian Inference allows for the incorporation of prior knowledge, whether

from other studies, observations, or even subjective experience. The Frequentist

approach, built on the null hypothesis, assumes no prior knowledge; Bayesian

Inference does not use null hypotheses.

Bayesian Inference can be applied to a range of statistical tests and analyses;

Bayesian statistics can be complex, and this Guide provides only an introductory

review. This Guide will outline Bayesian Inference generally and will then provide

a specific example of how to conduct Bayesian Inference in an Independent

Samples t test. An Independent Samples t test examines whether the mean of

a continuous (e.g., age, height, weight) variable differs across the two levels or

categories of a dichotomous categorical (e.g., male/female or rich/poor) variable.

This example describes an Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference,

discusses the assumptions underlying it, and shows how to compute and interpret

it. We illustrate an Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference using

a subset of data from the 2016–2017 National Child Measurement Programme


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(Year 6). Specifically, we test whether the mean BMI of boys and girls in their final

year of primary school differs. This page provides links to this sample dataset and

a guide to producing an Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference

using statistical software.

What Is Bayesian Inference?

Bayesian Inference is at the core of the Bayesian approach, which is an approach

that allows us to represent uncertainty as a probability. One way to understand

the Bayesian approach is to contrast it with the Frequentist approach which

bases probabilities on repeatable, random events and has null hypothesis testing

at its heart. In contrast, Bayesian Inference does not test null hypotheses but

incorporates prior knowledge and does not rely on repetition or necessarily

randomness. To illustrate, let’s imagine that we are interested in the performance

of school children in a maths test. We take a random sample of 500 children from

20 schools within one city. The Frequentist approach would test a null hypothesis

that stated that there would be no variance in the children’s scores – they should

all achieve a similar result; same test, same age group, and supposed same

maths syllabus. A Bayesian approach would not have a null hypothesis but would

state what is known as a prior distribution. Let’s say the Bayesian researcher

knew that the test scores from the previous cohort had shown a specific variance,

this would be the starting point for her analysis; in other words, prior knowledge

is being incorporated. That prior knowledge might also be based on a reading

of similar studies which showed a possible variance. Once the data are tested,

both researchers find a clear gender divide in the test scores, but we might

argue that because the Bayesian researcher has incorporated prior knowledge,

then we may have more confidence in her results. Similarly, if the Frequentist

researcher had not achieved an appropriate significance level, then he would have

had to fail to reject the null hypothesis and that ends the research in its current

form. Significance testing is easily influenced by sample size and composition.


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In contrast, the Bayesian researcher could continue to collect and analyse data,

incorporating new findings into her probability calculation, for example, as her

research expands, the gender difference may decline and she may start to find

that household income or syllabus becomes more prominent, thus, this approach

is more flexible and in a sense intuitive. In simple terms, a Frequentist researcher

would calculate the betting odds of a horse race as equal across all the horses,

whereas the Bayesian researcher would incorporate prior racing form into the


Calculating Bayesian Inference

Bayes’ Theorem

At the heart of Bayesian Inference is Bayes’ Theorem, Equation 1 below:

P(A \ B) =P (B \ A)P(A)



• P(A\B) = probability of A given B

• P(B\A) = probability of B given A

• P(A) = probability of A

• P(B) = probability of B

P(A\B) and P(B\A) are known as conditional probabilities, which is the

probability of one event (A or B) occurring given another event (A or B) has

already occurred. To illustrate, let’s imagine that you work all day in a windowless

lab, and as the end of your working day nears, you wonder what’s the chance it is

raining? You wonder this because you forgot to wear a raincoat today. You quickly

calculate the probability of rain in the city where you live based on meteorological

data for your home town, which is 0.16. This is a low probability, and so you feel


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less worried about the missing raincoat. As you walk towards the exit, your boss

appears; as it has been sunny recently, your boss has been very grumpy as he

hates the sun, so you quickly calculate that the probability of him being happy is

0.3. However, he is smiling and laughing, which makes you wonder again whether

it is raining, as his mood is affected greatly by the weather; he especially likes

rain. Let’s say that the probability that he’s happy because it is raining is 0.95. You

now wonder whether you should have brought your raincoat, so you use Bayes’

Theorem to calculate the probability that it is raining given that your boss is happy.

P(A \ B) =0.95 × 0.16

0.3= 0.507


• P(A\B) = probability that it is raining because your boss is happy = 0.507

• P(B\A) = probability that your boss is happy given that it is raining = 0.95

• P(A) = probability that it is raining = 0.16

• P(B) = probability that your boss is happy = 0.3

The probability of it raining because your boss is happy is 0.507 or 50.7%;

therefore, it is more likely to be raining outside than not raining, shame that you

don’t have your raincoat.

Conducting Bayesian Analysis: Prior and Posterior Distributions

Bayesian analysis uses different terminology to Frequentist, so it is useful to

review it alongside the key steps in a Bayesian approach.

Prior Distributions

The first step in a Bayesian analysis is to specify what is known as the Prior

Distribution. As noted previously, one of the core differences in Bayesian

Inference is that existing knowledge can be incorporated into the calculation of


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probabilities and the wider statistical model. This prior knowledge is known as

Prior Distributions or Priors. In all Bayesian analysis, you have to specify Prior

Distributions for all parameters in the model (e.g., means, regression coefficients,

etc.). These Prior Distributions are based on our existing knowledge of the

parameters before observing our data; they may be based on previous studies

and/or existing literature. Prior Distributions take the shape of different probability

distributions, for example, a normal distribution. There are two types of Prior


• Non-informative distributions. This type is used when we have no clear

reason to expect one value over another and ranges from 0 to +/− infinity.

This distribution is rectangular in shape (see Figure 1), although it will look

like a straight line in most graphs that don’t go to +/− infinity. We use this

type of Prior when we do not want to specify any prior knowledge.

• Informative distributions. This type is used when we want to take into

account prior knowledge. Often these distributions will take the shape of

a normal distribution and vary by mean and variance (see Figure 2). The

variance will vary by how certain you are that the parameter value will fall

close to the estimate; low variance means high certainty and high variance

means low certainty.

Figure 1: A Non-Informative Distribution.

Figure 2: An Informative Distribution.


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In Bayesian statistics, the variance of our Prior Distribution is usually referred

to as precision; the higher the precision, the more confident we are that the

Prior mean reflects the population mean. Distributions with higher precision will

be more peaked, with a smaller variance and vice versa. Figure 2 shows a flatter

distribution suggesting a larger variance and lower precision.

Observed Data

Once the Prior Distribution is established, you can then conduct your analysis

on your observed data. Here, we would look at the observed evidence for the

parameters (e.g., mean, variance) in the actual data. These parameters are

calculated using a likelihood function, which tells us the most likely values for the

unknown parameters given our data.

Posterior Distributions

The final step in a Bayesian analysis is to obtain what is known as the Posterior

Distribution using Bayes’ Theorem (see Equation 1). Our Prior Distribution

(essentially our prior knowledge) is updated/modified by our observed data

analysis, and from this, we can specify our Posterior Distribution (essentially our

updated knowledge). The Posterior Distribution is usually obtained by Markov

Chain Monte Carlo Methods via statistical software.

Figure 3: Non-Informative Prior Distribution, Distribution of Observed

Data, and Posterior Distribution.


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Figure 3 demonstrates the contrast between the three steps of Bayesian analysis

if the Prior is a non-informative distribution. We can see that the Prior distribution is

rectangular, the observed data distribution (the middle histogram) is approximately

normal, as is the Posterior distribution (bottom histogram). Typically, when the

Prior is non-informative, the Posterior distribution and the observed distribution will

be similar. Contrast this with Figure 4, where an informative Prior has been set.

Figure 4: Informative Prior Distribution, Distribution of Observed

Data, and Posterior Distribution.


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We have used an informative Prior distribution in Figure 4, based on data from a

previous study, with a mean of 17. The distribution of the observed data is slightly

different from the Prior but still approximately normal; the Posterior distribution,

modified by the previous distributions, provides us with a mean of 17.4.

To summarise the relationship between the Prior distribution, observed data, and

Posterior distribution in terms of updating or modifying our knowledge:

• If we had little or no knowledge to begin with (i.e., a non-informative Prior),

whatever we learnt from our observed data would typically update our

knowledge (i.e., our Posterior distribution).

• If we had some knowledge to begin with (i.e., an informative Prior) and

the observed data confirmed this, then we would be more confident about

our initial knowledge. In a sense, the more knowledge we start with that

is then confirmed by the data, then the greater our confidence about this



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• If we started with some knowledge but our observed data went against

it, then our updated knowledge would be somewhere between the other

positions, depending on how confident we were in that initial knowledge.

Credible Intervals (CIs)

In Frequentist approaches, confidence intervals are used as one of a series of

elements to assess our findings. Bayesian statistics does not use confidence

intervals but something called credible intervals. The 95% CI is the central 95%

of the Posterior Distribution, the range in which we think that it is 95% likely that

the true figure lies, based on our Prior and observed data. To illustrate, the data in

Figure 4 had a Posterior Mean of 17.373 and a CI of 17.01–17.73, suggesting we

can be 95% confident in the Posterior Mean.

Illustrative Example: Is There a Difference in Mean BMI Between Boys

and Girls?

This example presents an Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference.

This example uses three variables from the 2016–2017 National Child

Measurement Programme (Year 6). Specifically, we are interested in whether

there is a difference in mean BMI between boys and girls in their final year (Year 6)

at primary school. Thus, this example addresses the following research question:

Is there a statistically significant gender difference in mean BMI amongst

school children?

As noted earlier, Bayesian Inference is becoming increasingly popular and can be

used in a range of statistical analyses/tests. Our example of Bayesian Inference is

in the context of an Independent Samples t test.

The Data


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This example uses a subset of data from the 2016–2017 National Child

Measurement Programme (Year 6). It should be noted that these data have been

cleaned and have fewer variables than the original data source. This extract

includes 65,394 children. The two variables we examine are:

• Child’s BMI (BMI)

• Child’s gender (Gender)

The first variable (BMI) is continuous, and child’s gender (Gender) is coded 1 if a

respondent reports male and 2 if female.

Analysing the Data

Univariate Analysis

Prior to conducting any statistical tests, it is useful to examine each variable in

isolation. Table 1 presents the frequency distribution for Gender.

Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Gender.

Frequency Valid percent Cumulative percent

Male 33,021 50.5 50.5

Female 32,373 49.5 100.0

Total 65,394 100.0 100.0

We can see that there is an almost equal number of males and females

(50.5%/49.5%); we should also note that there are no missing cases. Table 2

shows the frequency distribution for BMI.

Table 2: Frequency Distribution of BMI.



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Valid 65,394

Missing 0

Mean 19.55296374733664

Median 18.63742715415400

Standard deviation 3.983687225063199

Variance 15.870

Range 28.483360670392

Minimum 11.901718772352

Maximum 40.385079442744

The mean BMI is 19.55, which is deemed a healthy BMI for the 11–12 age group.

The standard deviation is small suggesting, if the data is normally distributed, that

the majority of children’s BMI’s fall between 15.57 and 23.53. The range is large

suggesting that the distribution is possibly skewed, which is confirmed by review

of the histogram in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Histogram of BMI.


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Frequentist Approach to an Independent Samples t Test

Earlier, this Guide discussed the difference between Frequentist and Bayesian

approaches. It is useful to contrast the two. We will start by testing our data the

Frequentist way, which starts with the formulation of a null hypothesis:

H0 = There is no difference between males and females and mean BMI

H1 = There is a difference between males and females and mean BMI

Our data, within the Frequentist approach, have to be randomly collected with

independence of observations; it meets this criteria. In addition, to conduct an

Independent Samples t test, our data should also meet the assumptions of the

Linear model: normality and homogeneity, which again it does. We can then run


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our test using statistical software. Table 3 shows the basic descriptive statistics for

our data.

Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Gender and BMI.

Frequency Mean Standard deviation

Male 33,021 19.36893950598726 3.957284256993408

Female 32,373 19.74067154314095 4.001791739872280

Table 3 shows that the male mean BMI (19.36) is slightly less than the female

(19.74), but this difference is not great, which may suggest no significant

difference between the two. Table 4 shows the results of the Independent Samples

t test.

Table 4: Independent Samples t Test.

95% credible interval

t df Sig. Mean difference Lower Upper

Child’s BMI equal variances

assumed −11.944 65,392 0.000 −.371732037153691 −.432735394730461 −.310728679576922

We can see that p = .00, mean difference is −371, and CIs −432 to −310, so in a

Frequentist approach, we would reject the null of no difference in the mean BMIs.

The probability of finding a difference of this or larger magnitude is 0%. The CIs

tell us that 95% of the time the true mean difference will fall in this range.

Bayesian Inference Using an Independent Samples t Test

In the Bayesian approach, we do not need a null hypothesis. Given that we have

probably read other research studies that show a gender difference in mean BMI

and that our own univariate analysis showed a gender difference in mean BMI, we

can pose the following questions:


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• What is the most likely difference between mean BMIs, given our sample?

• How likely is it that the true difference between groups is this value?

The first step is to establish a Prior Distribution. In our example, we will use a non-

informative Prior for the mean and variance. Tables 5, 6, and 7 and Figure 6 show

the results of our analysis.

Table 5: Group Statistics.

Group statistics

Frequency Mean Standard deviation

Male 33,021 19.36893950598747 3.957284256993265

Female 32,373 19.74067154314118 4.001791739872188

Table 6: Bayes Factor Independent Sample Test.

Bayes factor independent sample test (method = Rouder)

Mean difference Pooled standard error difference Bayes factor t df Sig.

BMI .37173203715372 .031124167709225 .000 11.944 65,392 0.000

Table 7: Posterior Distribution.

Posterior distribution characterisation for independent sample mean

Posterior 95% credible interval

Mode Mean Variance Lower bound Upper bound

BMI .37173203715372 .37173203715372 .001 .31072098480391 .43274308950352

As you will note, the outputs for the Bayesian Independent Samples t test looks

very similar in many ways to the Frequentist approach to the test. Table 5 provides

us with the same descriptive statistics as Table 3. In Tables 6 and 7, we can

see that the mean difference is the same as in Table 4. However, we can see

differences in the outputs. In Table 7, we get the 95% CI which tells us that


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we are 95% certain that the mean difference in BMI is between 0.31 and 0.43;

as our mean difference is 0.37, we can be confident that this difference is an

accurate reflection of the population. In Table 6, we have the Bayes Factor (BF

= 0) which is the measure of the relative likelihood between two hypotheses. For

example, a Bayes Factor of 10 means that the observed data is ten times more

likely under the alternate hypothesis than the null. Bayes Factors range from 0 to

infinity; values less than 1 support the null hypothesis as being more likely than

the alternate hypothesis. Values between 1 and 3 are considered still more likely

to support the null hypothesis, while values greater than 10 are stronger evidence

for the alternate hypothesis. Figure 6 shows the histograms of the distributions

generated from the analysis; because we used a non-informative Prior, the Log

Likelihood and Posterior distributions look similar.

Figure 6: Histograms for Bayesian Independent Samples t Test.


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To summarise, we can state that following our Bayesian analysis, the most likely

difference between mean BMIs is 0.37; however, our BF = 0.0, which tells us that

the null is a more probable explanation for the data than the alternate. In other

words, the difference in mean BMI between boys and girls is not significant.

Presenting Results

An Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference can be reported as


“We used a subset of data from the 2016–2017 National Child Measurement

Programme (Year 6) to examine whether there was a statistically significant

difference in mean BMI between boys and girls aged 11. Thus, we tested the

following questions:


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• What is the most likely difference between mean BMIs, given our sample?

• How likely is it that the true difference between groups is this value?

The data included 65,394 children. The mean difference = 0.37; 95% credible

interval = [0.31, 0.43]; and Bayes Factor = 0.0. This leads us to identify that the

difference between mean BMIs is 0.37 but that this difference is not statistically



An Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference is a test to examine the

difference in means of a continuous variable between two levels or groups of a

categorical variable, using Bayesian Inference. You should know:

• What types of variables are suited for an Independent Samples t test using

Bayesian Inference.

• The basic assumptions underlying this statistical test.

• How to compute and interpret an Independent Samples t test using

Bayesian Inference.

• How to report the results of an Independent Samples t test using Bayesian


Your Turn

You can download this sample dataset along with a guide showing how to produce

an Independent Samples t test using Bayesian Inference using statistical

software. The sample dataset also includes another variable called

DeprivationLevel, which relates to the deprivation level of the child’s household.

See whether you can reproduce the results presented here for the BMI variable,

and then try producing your own Independent Samples t test using Bayesian

Inference substituting DeprivationLevel for BMI in the analysis.


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