Leading with Service | Autumn 2015

Leading with Service | 1 Autumn | 2015 Whitsunday Anglican School


Leading with Service is a bi-annual magazine for past, present and future parents, Old Scholars and friends of Whitsunday Anglican School. It highlights our achievements in Service Learning, Leadership, Global Learning and Student Initiative.

Transcript of Leading with Service | Autumn 2015

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Autumn | 2015

Whitsunday Anglican School

Leading with Service |2Leading with Service is a bi-annual magazine for past, present and future parents, Old Scholars and

friends of Whitsunday Anglican School. It highlights our achievements in Service Learning, Leadership, Global Learning and Student Initiative.

Whitsunday Anglican School encourages its students to be global citizens, by putting the needs of others before ourselves and pledging to improve the lives of others. Through social justice, sustainability and wider community events, students gain invaluable skills and a greater awareness about those who are less fortunate than us. This unique culture of service exhibits itself in our participation in events such as Relay for Life and various environmental summits – and this involvement benefits us all.

2015 has been an exciting year so far, especially with the abundance of new service events that have been added to our calendar. Activities to look forward to include the Mackay Sony Camp, Interact Quiz Night, Jump Rope for Heart, Father’s Day Stall and 40 Hour Famine. There are countless ways in which students can participate in events like these, whether it be organising, performing, or baking – we aim to capitalise on the unique talents of each individual.

Our three school service clubs – Amnesty, Interact, and Zonta – are a key part of service learning and are a great way for students to gain knowledge about each club’s respective cause. The 2015 Captains’ Policy – ‘Be part of something bigger’ – draws on the service culture of our School and is a call to action for staff and students to look towards giving up more of their time, so we may work together to improve the lives of others. We appreciate that we all lead busy lives, but we believe that having a positive attitude towards serving others is invaluable as we progress through life.

We hope you enjoy the Autumn edition of the Leading with Service magazine, and leave you with one, final thought:

‘Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others?’ - Martin Luther King Jr.

Mikaela Gill and Hamza AshrafSchool Captains

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We aren’t going to lie; when we put on our whites and hosted the first Senior School Assembly for 2015, words do not justify… how awesome it felt. But rather than manoeuvre the agenda smoothly, we found ourselves hard-pressed for time, missing our beloved Prezi and a little too far away from the microphone to be heard clearly.

“Just smile and wave, Vice Captains. Just smile and wave.” – Mr Grant, 2015 (well, at least that’s how we interpreted it)

Needless to say, we – like the rest of the Leadership Team – needed to sit-down with our mentors and figure out how to stand closer to the microphone, but also how we were going to tackle the year. The Leadership Retreat heard, and answered our prayers.

On the 5th of February, 30 nervous captains made their way to the 2015 Leadership Retreat at Halliday Bay along with their mentors. With a sea breeze pushing us forward, we separated into our positions and sat down with our mentors to discuss everything that we wanted to happen in the year, from having immersion between the sub-schools to Spirit Week. Whilst we could have thrown ideas around all night, we ended on a very musical note: the leadership team learnt how to SHAKE IT OFF!

But it was only on the Friday, when the Leadership Team was joined by the rest of the Year 12 cohort, that we all learnt what this Leadership Retreat was about. We separated into smaller groups and tackled various activities our mentors had organised, namely spider webs, group juggling, and near impossible puzzles. However, it was only when we performed Shake It Off together, as one cohort, did we finally feel prepared to begin laying the foundations of our legacy, one step closer to the microphone every time.

Hopefully the Year 11s of 2015 will listen to Mrs Grant, stand closer to the microphone, and embrace the amazing opportunity that is the Year 12 Leadership Retreat. In the meantime Year 11s, “Just smile and wave”.

Cayley Weekes and Muhammad KhanSchool Vice-Captains

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Year 12 Leadership Retreat

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Global LearningThis year there have been some amazing opportunities offered as part of our Global Learning Program. We have had students, staff and parents travel across the globe participating in either a Global Expedition or a Global Exchange to one of our partner schools.

Stories from their adventures will be shared in the next edition of Leading with Service.

You can stay up-to-date by following our Global Learning Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wasgloballearning

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Mrs Margie HainesSenior School Secretary

“Mrs Grant continually inspires me with her energy and her dedication to all her students. It’s continually a marvel watching her run around this campus doing everything she can. She gives one hundred per cent to every student that goes through senior school and I think that’s inspiring.”

“My best friend, we met in grade 2 and we still see each other regularly. Both of us turned 50 last year, and we both ran a triathlon together before our 51st birthday. On Sunday we both finished under an hour. 45 and 46 minutes I think.”

“My most favourite person in the world is, probably was my grandmother who passed away a couple of years ago at 98. She worked on a property and raised 7 children and she was just the backbone of the family. She was such a strong lady and lost her husband early in life and looked after her whole family. She was just, yeah, a role model.”

“Best day here at Whitsunday I think is being here for the Year 12 Graduation last year, their final day. Because it was just such a buzz having done the formal and valedictory and having organised that with the students and then their final day just to see how excited they were to see what was ahead of them. To see their final day and just the excitement on their faces as they went ahead to face the outside world.”

Georgia Coombes & Kate Rogers (Year 5)

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Kate: “Umm… I would like to be a famous movie star or a famous singer because I could be famous and I could be all over television and lots of other reasons.”

If you could bring one thing to school, what would it be?

Georgia: “I would bring to school my iPad, because then at lunchtimes we could play with friends on games.”

Who is your favourite teacher?

Georgia: “My favourite teacher would’ve been in Year 1, when Mrs Archer was there. Because she was lots of fun. In maths, instead of just figuring out the answers, she would draw a picture up on the board and get us to work it out using the picture.”

Kate: “My favourite teacher was my Year 4 teacher, Mr Shield. Because he was funny and he always made us laugh and he would never be that serious.”

A highlight of this year’s Spirit Week were the profiles shared as part of our Humans of WAS project. Below are some additional profiles from our community:

Humans of WAS

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Mrs Sandy WoodHouse Mother

“If I had one wish what would it be? Umm… To get the Boarding House looking the way I would really like it to look for all the kids. I’d have the dorms remodelled. I’d have the outside areas redone so there were activity areas, as well as sitting/eating areas because those things are really important.”

Cayley & Sarah Weekes(Year 12)


Who is your favourite person at Whitsunday?

Reverend Janet. This is because of her positive and friendly attitude, all that she does for the school and she makes your day every time she talks to you.

What do you like about Whitsunday?

Senior School has a close and supportive environment and being a boarder, I have both support from my home away from home and from everybody at day school.


What is one thing you would bring to the Senior School?

I would love to bring a new service club to the school which focuses on the environment. Ashleigh and I went to the Start The Switch Summit earlier in the year and loved how much passion everybody had, and our goal is to help build that passion at the school.

What do you like about Whitsunday?

Whitsunday was a big change from my previous school and it is such an amazing place with so many opportunities. To be able to go through Year 12 with my sister is pretty special.

James Cobb (Year 9)

What is your favourite thing about Whitsunday?

“Middle school had a lot to do, like, radio station, ping pong… it had the library as well. Umm… the oval was good.”

If you could bring something from the Middle School to the Senior School what would it be?

“Ping pong.”

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Junior SchoolThe Junior School students and families are wonderfully supportive of many charities and worthy causes though the Junior School; however, the outstanding aspect of Junior School ‘Service’ as such has been set up by one of our youngest students from Year Two and a group of our Year Four students. Service is certainly alive and well in the Junior School.Easter Raffle for RSPCA

Year Two student Elsbeth MacDonald organised an Easter raffle with the generous support of her parents to raise funds towards the RSPCA. Elsbeth raised $25.00 through the sale of Easter goodies. Elsbeth and her classmate Charlotte Anderson had discussed the plight of the animals at that time of the year and wanted to support RSPCA’s continued care of Mackay’s needy animals. At a Junior School assembly Elsbeth was able to hand over her donation to Wendy and Polo.

In all the presentation to RSPCA was a worthy effort from Elsbeth and her Year Two classmates.

Relay for Life 2015

2013 gave the younger students at Whitsunday Anglican School an opportunity to participate in Relay for Life. This year a troupe of eager Year Four students, and parents, put up their hands to raise funds for this worthy cause and be part of the Relay for Life walk. Walking laps with their peers and interacting with older students, the students listened to stories of those who had been affected by cancer, reflected along with others in the candle ceremony and generally had a lovely time. Finnegan McDuff, Orlando Corrie, Ella Phillips, Julia Monckton, Emily Smith, Cara Botha, Ava Bailey, Natasha Pavloff, Hayley Caldwell, Jessica Hildebrand, Charlie Jackson, Sam Logan, Jaden Smit and Ashleigh Filtness made up the Year Four Team. These students were able to raise $967 towards a very worthy cause. We also had the support of parents Kim & Mick Corrie, Rachel Smith, Martelle Botha, Michelle Smith, Andrea Logan, Jayme Pavloff, Denise Phillips, Jenny Charnley, Tania Caldwell, Albie & Nelia Smit, Caroline Ritchie and Cathy & Quinton Hildebrand plus Staff – Ms

Jessica Stevens, Mr Adam Shield, Mrs Kerrie Dzadey, Revd. Janet Story and Mr Mick Martin.

These ventures continue to set a platform for more Junior School involvement in future Relay for Life activities (as there were also many younger Junior School students in attendance with their parents representing other areas of the community) and the continuing service that the Junior School community provides. National Schools Clean-Up Australia Day This year students, staff and parents of the Junior School were asked to volunteer time and energy towards the National Clean-Up Australia program; schools across Australia participated in National Schools Clean-Up Day on Friday 27 February. The Junior School’s involvement is an initiative of the Year Four Leaders and Mrs Kerrie Dzadey. Whitsunday Anglican School encourages our students to give back to the community in service, so this was another great opportunity to do so.

World Vision and ChildFund programs

The Kindergarten and Preparatory Year students and staff raise funds through their ‘Market afternoons’ to support Ivony, a World Vision child from Zambia. In the past this support has been given to Joana; however, through support such as given by the Whitsunday Anglican School’s youngest students Joana and her village community have been given the skills and infrastructure to be able to sustain themselves. The Junior School staff continues to support a group of World Fund children: Seydouba from Guinea, Rosa from Honduras, Ramadita from Indonesia, and Tariku from Ethiopia. Mrs Sandy Burnell facilitates this for us.

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At the National Schools Clean-Up Australia Day the whole Junior School took part in the Clean-Up Australia program around the school. First we talked about being safe. After that we got our bags,

gloves and hats. Hayley’s Dad came and he was Hayley’s partner. Everyone else got a partner too. Ailey was my partner. We walked around the forest and the oval areas picking up rubbish. I think Ailey

and I worked well together. I liked the clean up because it helps the environment. Diya Sharma, Year Two

On Friday 27 February we cleaned up the Junior School for Clean-Up Australia Day. First we talked about safety. Next we got our hats, gloves and bags. Then Mr Ball came and joined us. My partner was Jesse. We cleaned up the forest and oval areas. I liked Clean-Up the School Day because it was fun.

Lachlan Harris, Year Two

On National Schools Clean-Up Australia Day the Junior School students went for a clean-up. First we talked about being safe from snakes, cars, tractors and staying together. Then we put on our hats, gloves and collected our bags and headed off with a partner. We cleaned up the oval, forest and

backyard. I think Clean-Up Australia Day is a great day because it is nice to keep our surroundings clean. I had fun also.

Aarush Mahajan, Year Two

On Friday 27 February the whole Junior School cleaned up the school for Clean-Up Australia Day. First we talked about safety when we were outside. Next we put on the gloves and our hats. Then we went

out and cleaned up the forest and the oval. I had fun because we cleaned up. I think it is great because we helped the environment.

Ella Crowe, Year Two

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Year 7 Service Learning ProjectThis year our Year 7 cohort participated in our first Service Learning project that is embedded within the curriculum.The students participated in a field trip to Janes Creek, Mackay, to undertake a range of activities that included investigating the waterway, identification of fauna (plant pressing) and rejuvenation activities (weed removal and tree planting). This project is connected to their Term 2 Science and Geography units and was established in partnership with the Mackay Regional Council and Pioneer Catchments. In future years, it will be wonderful to be able to go back to sit in the shade of the trees that these students planted as part of this project.

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Middle SchoolMiddle School students, families and staff have again excelled in supporting a wide variety of fundraising initiatives to raise a magnificent $9858.65 in Semester One. The monies raised support our four world vision children living in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Laos and a significant portion of this was raised by our Year 5-8 Middle School Relay for Life team. Money remaining is distributed as per our (the students) recommendations to a wide variety of local, interstate and global causes. Most of the service learning that has taken place has been indirect service with our efforts benefitting community groups.

Middle School Service Club

The Middle School Service Club, established this year, has been running a shoe box appeal for the Mission to Seafarers. The Mission to Seafarers in Australia is an Anglican organization that for 150 years has cared for seafarers of all nationalities visiting our seaports. The Service Club has been encouraging each Tutor Group to put together a shoe box or two that can be sent to Townsville and handed to the seafarers. The majority of boxes will be kept to hand to the seafarers that end up in Townsville General Hospital. They are often alone and have minimal money. We thank students and families for their support of our project and Mr Hodge for his guidance.

Jake Lamb and Sara Coburn - Middle School Service Captains

Environmental Recycling Project

This initiative aims to promote recycling plastic. We are collecting plastic bottle tops. The bottle tops will be used to make a Middle School mural under the guidance of Mrs Slack, our Art teacher. Students are bringing their bottle tops to their classes for collection. The class that fills the most shoe boxes will be recognised with complimentary icy cups from the Character Counts Council Leadership Group. A mural design competition is underway for this exciting initiative.

Nicola Grobler, Nicholas Carroll and Murphee Foley - Year 8

Relay for Life

Students in Middle School who participated in Relay for Life raised a minimum of $50 each for the cause. This year we had approximately 80 students sign up from Middle School. We were the largest school participating in Mackay. The Middle School held two additional fundraisers to help people raise even more funds. Ross Armstrong and Thomas Stolberg made purple paracord wristbands which were for sale. “Wear a Beanie Day” highlighted Brain Cancers and was coordinated by Emily Clout. Many people are passionate about the cause. We have had students or members of their family who have been touched by cancer so it's really our fight too! It's so good to see so many students involved! Middle School students, staff and families raised an amazing $7095.00 for the Queensland Cancer Council.

Nicola Grobler, Nicholas Carroll, Kalaryn Fisher and Lucas Boets - Character Counts Executive

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Harmony Day

A fundraising activity was held in Term 1 on Harmony Day. Each year level had a specific focus: Europe, Asia, South America or Africa. Each Tutor Group organised traditional foods from their various cultures. It was great to see the majority of students dressed in cultural costume. We now aim to make this an annual event because it brings out the great diversity of culture within our School. We are happy to announce that we raised an outstanding $720.66 on the day. We would like to thank the parents, teachers and students that helped out with our successful “Tastes of the World ” Harmony Day activity; without your help it would not have been possible.

Bianca Fisher and Connor Muscat - 7H Tutor Leaders

Amazing Efforts

Jake Lamb (Year 8) was involved in promoting a beach clean-up at Town Beach as part of Coast Care and a number of students participated in various venues across the region’s beaches.

Maddison Filtness (Year 5) organised an activity for recent victims of the Nepal earthquakes. Students were required to go without something special to them for a period of time and gain sponsorship.

During Term 1 6T ran a Movie Night fundraiser, “The Three Stooges”. This was a great night held in the Pansy Wood Centre. From this fundraiser we raised $170. During Term 2 we organised a hot chocolate stall in the mornings before school. This raised $178.00. We would like to thank Mr Tyson and all of the students who supported our activities.

William Deeley - 6T Tutor Leader

Well done also to the following students who demonstrated great leadership and initiative to coordinate the following:

• Sophie Boets Year 5V: Easter Raffle $116.00• Year 7F and Mrs Fleming: Vietnam Bricks $464.00• Lois Lamb and Emma Carroll Year 6I: State of Origin

Game 1 Dress-up $84.00• Year 6I and Mrs Iturbe: Sausage Sizzle $137.40• Staff, students and families: Mother’s Day Stall $583.00

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Service Learning Day GalleryRaising money for our Vietnam & Cambodia Service Projects and

Cystic Fibrosis Queensland

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Biggest Morning Tea Gallery

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Relay for LifeIn May, Mackay held its annual Relay for Life. It’s a great community event where students have the chance to remember and celebrate those who have battled cancer and raise funds to fight back against cancer. From the afternoon and into the night, it was fantastic to see so many of our students enthusiastically doing laps, trying to outdo each other. Whitsunday had over 100 students enter from the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. The theme this year was ‘One World, One Hope’, and each team had to represent a different country, so we had Hawaii, Greece, Mexico and America just to name a few. As a school overall, we raised over $20 000. This is a fantastic effort from all involved, as the money goes towards a great cause. A big thank you goes out to all the parents and teachers who came long to supervise; your help was greatly appreciated!

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Rhea Chopra

Jessica de Luca

Busani Ncomanzi

Brittany Nicolas

Josephine Shepherd

Monique Fettell

Saad Ashraf

Jake Magro

Sarah Muguira

John Hatfield

Bethany Dick

Anoushka Praveen

Jessica Heazlett

Jack Johnston

Hannah Hall

Laura Kulmar

Joel Bennington

Meghan Dansie

Maggie Monckton

Bo Scott

Olivia Jones

Sarah Sekandar

Sophie Tait

Muhammad Khan

Claudia de Luca

Peter Ross

Max Chambers

Brielle De Thomasis

Nadia Leibowitz

Georgia Camm

Elyse McCahill

Libby Elliot-Haynes

Jack Turnbull

Bree Bonaventura

Emily Gascoyne

Brooke Howard

Conor Landrigan

Kieran Panday

Chloe Quinn

Kaveet Raniga

Jayden Reid

Zaitoon Salman

Praveena Sivanujan

Ashleigh Shearman

Daimon Bobby

Caitlin Fiegert

Kristen Senini

Aleisha Smith

Sophia Lake

Cara Stolp

Taylah Black

Mikaela Gill

Lauren Maher

Hamza Ashraf

Jessica Bugeja

Clarise Sornachalam

Cynyr Larsen

Alkira Taylor

Britta Fredrickson

Sinikiwe Ncomanzi

Patrick McCahill

Rachel Macdonald

Rachel Bates

William Davis

Thomas Brieffies

Aqsa Farooq

Emily Booth

Brittany MacDonald

Laura Roddy

Elizabeth Burrell

Christian Iturbe

Liam Smith

Sabrin Centofanti

Jennifer Zhou

Tea O’Riely

Kyle Porter

Jessica Fleming

Carmine Asbury

Shannon Alexander

Craig Hoy

Max Jones

Principal’s List for Service - Semester 2 2014

With 1 in 3 people needing a life-saving blood donation and only 1 in 30 people donating, Whitsunday Anglican School’s Year 11 and 12 students have bravely rolled up their sleeves to save lives.

Starting in Term 1, the Blood Drive has seen 17 students, 3 each week, travel to the local Red Cross Blood Donation Centre to donate. With each donation saving 3 lives, Whitsunday students have saved a total of 51 lives.

The Blood Drive will continue throughout the year with the ultimate goal of 30 donations which will save 90 lives.

Year 11 & 12 Blood Drive

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Senior School Social GalleryTheme: ‘Dynamic Duos’

The following are excerpts from this year’s School Captains’ Policy Speech:

Our school, Whitsunday Anglican School, holds a special place in all of our hearts. It’s the place which marks the beginning of our lives of learning, of our commitment to question anything and everything. School is the place where we first truly understand the meaning of friendship, the meaning of sacrifice, and what it means to have a purpose.

And this is perhaps the most important thing Whitsunday has given us: a purpose. We are all part of a family, part of a community, a team, where no one’s afraid to put their hand up and volunteer and everyone thinks of others before themselves. And so we took inspiration from this common spirit, as well as the ideas put forward by the leadership team in their speeches last year. From this, we drew our policy for 2015: Be part of something bigger.

This policy not only puts pen to paper, but also words into actions, and expresses the importance we want to place on furthering the sense of community and school pride felt by each student who attends Whitsunday Anglican School – from the new students starting Kindy for the first time to those in their last year preparing themselves for the next stage of their lives. The puzzle pieces represent the people, each with their own unique, individual talents which mesh together, and often the solution turns out more beautiful than the puzzle. We feel this banner epitomises our motto – it promotes unity, togetherness, teamwork, spirit. The banner will be hung somewhere in the school so we can all see it and remind ourselves that we are part of one community – we are part of something bigger.

We are also very excited today to announce the introduction of a new whole school activity – Spirit Week. Beginning the 9th of March, each day will have its own theme and different activities for the whole school. This includes House Spirit Day, sporting, academic and social events to promote a balanced school life and provide an opportunity for the whole school to come together and foster the Whitsunday Spirit. We encourage you to jump out of your comfort zone, try something new and be part of something bigger.

Now, we’d like to leave each part of the school with a lasting message that we hope you can carry through the year. To the Kindies and Preppies: you are just starting school, so enjoy all the nap times and colouring in and dressing up and playing games and eating dirt and reading stories. This is when you discover lots of new things and go out explore the world, so enjoy the best part of school. To the Junior School students: Now’s the time when you should go out and meet lots of people and makes lots of new friends. Be active, play basketball and soccer and handball, put your hand up and try to learn something about everything. Be nice to your teachers, be nice to Mr Martin, and make sure you smile no matter what you’re doing.

To the Middle School students, the thing I love about all of you is that one moment you could be talking about the deepest, most serious of topics, and the next moment the teachers brought out the colouring in stuff so you’re all scrambling over the crayons! You’re at that unique time when you’ve got the Junior School playfulness but also a hint of Senior School maturity. Don’t try and

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Be Part of Something Bigger

grow up too fast, be a child as long as possible, and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourselves sometimes, be confident. Because when you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.

To all the Senior School students, make the most of your time in high school. You will survive the assignments and exam pressure and you will no doubt worry about OPs and apprenticeships, career SET Plans and QCS practices to come. But in the end, the most important things you will reflect on will be the friendships you have created and the experiences you have shared. Work hard, work together, and don’t wait for your last year before you appreciate the talents and enjoy the friendships of the students in your cohort. This is the year to be daring, to get involved, to make mistakes, to figure out your strengths and weaknesses and find the things that make you happy.

And to our fellow seniors, we are finally here, in our last year of school. By now we’ve all realised that our school years have flown by and we can’t waste any time. If you find yourself lacking motivation to finish that Chem assignment, just try to shake it off. Keep in mind your aspirations, why you started and where you want to go in the future – you will get there. 2015 is our year to work hard and have a good time – let’s leave our legacy together.

This year we challenge you all to:

• Get to know your peers, teachers, and even the younger grades;

• Don’t be shy: be the one who gets involved, goes all out on dress up days, and doesn’t hesitate to look ridiculous for the good of the team;

• Volunteer and be part of our school and community through service;

• Strut your stuff and don’t be ashamed to show your moves at House Choir;

• Do your best everywhere, all the times, and never leave anything in the tank;

• Include everyone, take risks, voice ideas and embrace change;

• But most of all, we challenge you to join us in being ‘part of something bigger’.

Mikaela Gill and Hamza AshrafSchool Captains

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Spirit Week

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Coming Events

Service Learning Days for CQ Rescue and ALNF

Junior School International Day

Mackay Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp

Introducing our Service Captains Jessica Bugeja and Peter RossHow long have you been at Whitsunday Anglican School?

Jessica: !I started at Whitsunday in Year 8, so this is my 5th year here.Peter: ! I came to Whitsunday in Year 9. It was a bit daunting to start with, not knowing many people; however, I was quickly welcomed into ! the community and it has been great ever since. 

What is your favourite subject?/Why?

Jessica: !That's a tough one, I like all my subjects, but at the moment it would have to be Art. Just having the freedom to plan and create your ! own artwork is such a great opportunity.Peter: ! Well that’s difficult. Whilst all my subjects are enjoyable, I would have to say my favourite subject is English. Even though it isn’t my ! best subject, I always look forward to English because I know that it will be fun.   

What is the best thing about being a Service Captain?

Jessica: !Being Service Captain is great because there are so many opportunities for service at Whitsunday, and we get to be a part of that. So ! far this year we have been a part of the Blood Drive, running the SSLF with the Vice-Captains and planning Service Learning Days, ! and that's only Semester One! And of course we couldn't do it without our great mentor like Mr Hodge!Peter: ! Being Service Captain, I know about all of the service activities that are happening in the school and this allows me to be involved in ! a lot of these activities. This is really exciting and probably the best part of being Service Captain.

What charity is important to you?

Jessica: !I would have to say the Cancer Council. The work they do is extraordinary! Through their fundraising events such as the Biggest ! Morning Tea and the Relay for Life, the Cancer Council are raising awareness, but also helping to achieve their goal- to beat cancer. Peter: ! The charity that is most important to me is the Cancer Council. My family has been closely affected by cancer so the Cancer Council ! is a charity that will always remain important to me.

What does leadership mean to you?Jessica: !To me leadership is leading by example. It’s motivating people to ‘be a part of something bigger’ and step out of their comfort zone, ! and achieve great things. Peter: ! Leadership to me is serving others. Many great leaders have served others and I believe that Whitsunday embodies this type of ! servant leadership with many opportunities for leadership with service.

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Whitsunday Anglican SchoolMackay, Australia

Celeber Drive Beaconsfield Qld 4740 PO Box 3390 North Mackay Qld 4740

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