Leading companies 21st century

Leadership Challenges - Be aware of a Leading Company 21 st Century The human spirit will not invest in mediocrity, on any Vision Statement Unknown Learning and Development Centre for Excellence SPCL SJ Sarwan


I am amazed at the various self help and self development books that are currently on the best sellers’ lists. This clearly indicates that many people are looking for a road map to develop and succeed in their life quests. Most seem to be newer edits or versions of age old truths which are just written differently using new jargon and acronyms. Yet, they sell and many become best sellers. I wonder who buys these books and what do they do with them? If the books do work, there should be a gradual decline in demand for them as people would be succeeding in achieving their goals. One reason could be that people read these books, but few bother to practice what is recommended. But I think there is a majority who do implement the suggestions but yet they continue to seek out the next self help book that comes along. Why is that? My theory is that successful people have a formula, but there is nothing that should be considered a universal success formula. Each one of us is unique and we have varying strengths and weaknesses in our abilities and personalities. Some of us are excellent in planning and leading a structured life, while some cannot function without a chaotic environment.

Transcript of Leading companies 21st century

Page 1: Leading companies 21st century

Leadership Challenges - Be aware of

a Leading Company 21st Century The human spirit will not invest in

mediocrity, on any Vision

Statement Unknown

Learning and Development Centre

for Excellence SPCL SJ Sarwan

Page 2: Leading companies 21st century

Have a Living Funeral

An old Indian Fore lore goes like this, an Indian

maharaja who would engage in a bizarre

morning ritual every day, immediately after

waking up, he would celebrate his own funeral,

complete with music and flowers. All the while,

he would chant, "I have lived fully, I have lived

fully, I have lived fully."

At first I could not understand this when I first

read this, I could not understand the purpose of

this man's ritual. So I asked an old Indian sage

to enlighten my thoughts on the story.

His reply was this "Son, what this maharaja

is doing is connecting to his mortality

every day of his life so he will live each

day as if it were his last. His ritual is a very

wise one and reminds him of the fact

that time slips through our hands like

grains of sand and the time to live life

greatly is not tomorrow but today."


Page 3: Leading companies 21st century

In this issue one will be able to see what great companies in this world

have much in common. They continue

to succeed, to grow in revenues and

profits, to adapt to change and

opportunity, and to inordinately

influence society and their industries.

These Great companies have the

highest rates of return on assets and

equity in their industries. These are the

hallmarks, the guiding principles, of

these companies, some Pointers given



Great companies plan with very clear,

measurable specific goals… and not

just short-term, one year goals, but

those of strategic vision.

To reiterate, they have a clear market

vision. They know what business they’re

in. They know what customers want.

They give customers what they want.

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CUSTOMER ORIENTATION Great companies believe, the customer is always right. Top managers are all customer-oriented. All top managers regularly make calls on customers. Consequently, they are constantly segmenting their markets and executing the segment plans meticulously. There is constant contact with customers. They always observe with clarity customer behaviour, changes in behaviour, and emerging customer needs. They do lots of listening. The whole company serves the customer culture… not just the sales and marketing people, but production, financial, and research people as well. They work hard to create customer franchises. They seek lots of opinions, especially from current and lapsed customers, suppliers to their industry, and from their people.

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There is a total company marketing orientation. Everyone in the company understands that marketing is the only renewing activity. Every employee values the customer. Application case histories and successful customer incidents are constantly communicated throughout the sales forces. The sales function is considered part of the marketing mix and is overseen by a marketing manager. These companies understand that selling or advertising is not marketing, rather a marketing function. They do not get surprised by changes in the market. They usually influence the market. They sell benefits, not features. They sell benefits, not technology. They combine market data with intuitive marketing common sense. They provide good, customized and consistent sales training. They do not price products too low, rather they sell on price-to-value, not to cost. They reserve opportunity money to take advantage of unplanned opportunities.

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There is a constant review of competitive activity. They realize that competitors are after their slice of the pie. Therefore, they invest more in marketing than their competitors. MARKET SHARE

Achieving and keeping dominant market share is their priority. These companies fully understand that Leadership, strong market share is the fundamental common denominator of profitability. They know that their No.1 market share

status as a leaders almost always have No.1 profits, No.1 awareness, strongest customer franchise and loyalty, and highest prices. This allows them to invest more in market research, more in R&D, and more in gaining share advantage over their competitors. They focus on market volume share more than market value share which would come naturally.

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Understanding the importance of market share leadership requires a sharp awareness of what business the company is really in -- from a customer perspective -- and what that translates to for positioning and niches. That’s why great marketing companies think about marketing strategy and execute that strategy relentlessly.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Manufacturing and marketing people meet often, once a week ... to discuss costs, forecasts, production, new products, new processes, etc. R&D is rewarded for commercialized successes, not just technical ingenuity it’s the nomenclature of the company. They reduce uncertainty with homework and research.

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They truly understand the importance of brand names, and constantly work to keep the brand names known and untarnished.


They do not make decisions based on the short term shouts and pleas of the distributor or channel. They see trade channels as partners, not customers.

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“Managers muddle - leaders inspire. Leaders are people who

inspire with clear vision of how things can be done better.”

“What we are looking for are leaders at every level who can

energize, excite and inspire rather than enervate, depress,

and control.” Jack Welch

Learning and Development Centre

for Excellence SPCL SJ Sarwan