Leadership and Organisation

1.0 INTRODUCTION In the study of leadership, the influence of leadership is crucial in determining successful of the organization. Leaders can influence and efficiency leads an organization towards excellence. Therefore, an organization such as schools, the influence of principal leadership and efficiency is important in determining a school’s success under his leadership. A leaders who have different personalities and various honor usually lead effectively. (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991). The role of principals in dealing with various problems involving either employees under his leadership, the community in or walk around the school, or business at the top affect school performance. Therefore the school is said to be the institution where the level of implementation policies, education and innovation policies play an important role. Any policy or educational innovation implemented at the school level effects on teachers behavior. Such circumstances and constraints put pressure on the job determinant of teacher effectiveness. Despite all this tension is said to occur in many commercial and industrial areas but other areas such as education could not escape from it. Leadership processes in schools today requires a paradigm shift from principals to teachers even it cannot be implemented in a short time. (Nathan, 2001). Almost the same principals position with middle managers under pressure from many parties. They also act as shock absorbers in the system education requirements as a result of 1

Transcript of Leadership and Organisation

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In the study of leadership, the influence of leadership is crucial in determining successful of

the organization. Leaders can influence and efficiency leads an organization towards

excellence. Therefore, an organization such as schools, the influence of principal leadership

and efficiency is important in determining a school’s success under his leadership. A leaders

who have different personalities and various honor usually lead effectively. (Kirkpatrick and

Locke, 1991). The role of principals in dealing with various problems involving either

employees under his leadership, the community in or walk around the school, or business at

the top affect school performance.

Therefore the school is said to be the institution where the level of implementation

policies, education and innovation policies play an important role. Any policy or educational

innovation implemented at the school level effects on teachers behavior. Such circumstances

and constraints put pressure on the job determinant of teacher effectiveness. Despite all

this tension is said to occur in many commercial and industrial areas but other areas such

as education could not escape from it. Leadership processes in schools today requires a

paradigm shift from principals to teachers even it cannot be implemented in a short time.

(Nathan, 2001).

Almost the same principals position with middle managers under pressure from

many parties. They also act as shock absorbers in the system education requirements as a

result of opposition from all levels (Moser 1974). Principals considered as the heart of a

school where the event leadership patterns can give satisfaction to all its employees

consisting of teachers and non teachers will be creating a work environment fun and

indirectly the performance of teachers and staff will be increased.


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Leadership has some of definition that can be used to describe this words based on someone’s

understanding. According to Kamus Dewan (1989), leaderships can be defined as someone’s

ability in order to being a leader. While, Certo (1997) had described leadership as one process

of directing someone’s behavior to ensure the main objective has fulfill completely. Directing

means individual will take some action according to certain way or something like policy,

organization and work’s description. Kamus Dewan (2004), mention that leadership is the

ability to lead.

As there are so many definitions of leaderships that can be acceptable, so in generally

there is one definition that easy to understand by anyone. Leadership referred to the process

of influence people or some organization to achieve one same goal that had been decided.

Leaderships were connected to the leaders. Leaders can be differentiate by the type their

belongings. Based on Haris and Muijs (2005), there are two concept that build up the

characteristic of teacher leadership which is roles and responsibilities and cooperation. There

are many types of leaders which is democracy, Laissez-faire, and autocratic. These 3 types of

leaders always had been practice by individual to manage their organization (Abdul Ghani

Abdullah, 2009). In addition, there are some leaders that manage organization by following

the orientation of work or orientation of people. These types of leaders usually practice by big


The different types of leader bring to the different results. A leader’s personality is

one of the important factors in leadership. (Stodgill, 1948) People or leaders that choose

autocratic leadership will force their followers to do something that they want without

consider their follower’s needed. This autocratic leader does not concern to the follower’s

feeling, so all the leaders that using this type of leadership will be hated by their workers.

Many of workers will doing their work based on motivation of fear. They were doing their

work just because the feeling of fear to their leaders. They does not want to be punished or

fired by their employer if they doing something wrong. This situation will gives them

pressure to work and there are no friendly environments in this workplace. If the workers are

feeling bad and tension with this situation, it will effect to their performance of works and it

will caused to the unproductive result.

While democratic leaders referred to employer that taking decision or some action

after he or she had been discussed with their workers. That means, all of them are playing the

important function and doing some work together without any different between the


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employer and workers. The workers will be motivated to do their work as they feel that the

company had given appreciation to them. The Laissez-faire leaders will give freedoms or

power to the workers so that they can take any actions or decision as they want. This type of

leaders will cause many problems as the employers did not participate to handle their

workers. This will bring a big trouble in the workplace. In conclusion, the best type of leader

is democratic and it should be practice by all leaders or employer so that the goal can be


Meanwhile, organization had been defined as one group of people ( two or more ),

which formally joined in a partnership to achieve the purpose that already set. Organizations

have a connected to the leadership as both will decide the achievement they want. If the

organizations want to fulfill their objective, they must have a good leadership to conduct this

part of organization. Example of organization is education system in Malaysia. We will

describe the organization of the school to give more understanding.

Organizations of school includes all aspects like the ideals of the school, standard of

education, social usefulness of the school, discipline and control and the system of work in

the office. Almost all of the school had been practiced the types of democracy leadership. In a

democratic system, the school organization serves as a means of achieving the ideals of

democratic thought. In this system, each individual is taught that he has to develop himself

and do his duty to the society.

There are 3 elements that have been regarded as an importance in the organization of

the school. First, organization must have the planning and outlining of each activity in the

school. Second, the organization should implement the plan on the basic of the outline that

had been given. Lastly, an assessment of the results of the implemented plan. These elements

will determine either the organization had achieved their objectives or not. This is also

regarding to the problems that may occurred to the organization.

The problem likes the number of children in schools that has been increased also

gives many works to the school organization. The school needs to arrange the numerous co-

curricular activities and new subjects in the syllabus. At this time, the good organization will

take effort. In an ideal school organization, the child should be provided with an environment

which is in accordance with his abilities. It is necessary to have a good organization and

leadership to encourage the success. In a democracy school in Malaysia, management is not

controlled by one person or a chosen few. It requires the co-operation of teachers and the

public. This co-operation is the basis of school management.


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In conclusion, the organization and leadership has relationship between each other.

Without effective leadership, the organization will not come out with the success.


Leadership style can be the best way in creating an excellent student, both in curriculum and

curriculum.  The methods how a leader is going to lead also known as leadership

style. (Smith, 1989 in Mahawa binti Pilus’s article). The selection of the leadership styles by

principals and teachers need to be match with their personalities and situation

nowadays. Leadership style should be selected base on strengths in certain aspects. It is

important so that the governance and organization of a school can be implemented

smoothly. Way of thinking, attitudes and behaviour of a person is defined as a style of

leadership. (Ainon, 2005 in Tinah Bt Naim’s thesis). A leader must also set a good example

to those who led.

According to Leithwood, Tomlinson and Genge (1997), in Abdul Ghani Abdullah’s

article, transformational leadership style give a positive impact on job satisfaction,

commitment to the organization and performance of teachers. Diversity of leadership styles

on display will be able to produce different school organizations. Leaders wisdom in

choosing the leadership of the relevant rules will established a close relationship with the

community led. This thing will be able to create a good learning environment and organized

in the school.

Through the leadership styles shown, we will be able to recognize the character of

the person. As a leader, he should be practicing wise leadership style chosen. It is important

to maintain a good relationship between subordinates. In one class, the teacher should wisely

choose the appropriate leadership style to adopt. This is so because each student has a

different character, by the leadership style should be shown also different. Generally, there

are various types of leadership styles that can be practiced. However, typically only three

type of leadership that always has been used which is autocratic, democratic and laisser-faire.

These three styles of leadership have different advantages and disadvantages. Any mistaken

in choosing leadership style will give a bad impact on school organization and the student.

3.1 Autocratic leadership

According to the Kamus Dewan (2005), the word autocracy itself bring the meaning of

constitutes the rule by the person or persons with full powers. This means the leader has full


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authority in determining the organizational of a school. All orders made by teachers who

adopt this style should be implemented without the need reason. Not only that, students also

will not have any freedom to decide a matter. This will create a passive interaction between

the school, teachers and students. This leadership style will also lead to a tense school

climate. Community led will start thinking negatively of the individual who led the event of a

decision in the context of school organization that is made is not accurate. This situation can

cause an adverse impact on the reputation and performance of the school.

In addition, if a teachers use this kind of leadership style, it will cause students to

lose interest and enthusiasm for learning. However, from the other aspects, it will be able to

control the situation within a class. For example, when the teachers give punishment to

students who come late to school, then it will influence other students to not repeat the same

thing. This situation would also establish discipline among students. Therefore, it can be

regarded as something positive. Not only that, it is also suitable leadership style practiced in

facing critical situations. In the face of this situation, the decision must be done with a short

time. Therefore, the consent of the other person is not required. For example, in solving

certain cases like criminal case, a quickly action should be taken immediately.  However, this

style is not usually liked by everyone and it is also deemed to be dangerous in an organization

that is led.

3.2 Democratic leadership

This type of leadership style shows the attitude of teachers as leaders who encourage their

students to involve actively in the learning process. Students will be given the opportunity to

voice their ideas or suggestions during the process of teaching and learning. In addition,

teachers who adopt this leadership will be more open and the view conveyed by the students

received positively. This style of practicing teachers will lead students to feel that they are

valued and trusted. Therefore, the governance of the organization of schools will be able to

run smoothly. In addition, teachers also play an active role in giving their views and ideas

when planning an activity.

Leadership also requires that the leaders which is principal to share power with other

teachers. This mean that all teachers have their right to give any opinion before a decision is

reached. Such attitude of teachers was also very conscious of common interest instead of self

interest.  Problem that exists in the school organization be resolved with cooperation of all

teachers. This situation can create a conducive learning environment where students will feel


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comfortable and satisfied with the leadership shown by the leaders. In addition, the close

relationship between teacher and student can also be created through this kind of leadership

style. When a love feeling occur for a job, he or she will feel satisfied when doing that job.

(Razali Mat Zin, 1999). This mean that, when a student love their teacher, they will show a

positive attitude.

 In facing student behavior issues such as involved in gangsters, drugs, etc., action

from all teachers is needed to resolve this matter.  A leader which is principals would have to

speak with other teachers to find effective solutions to overcome this situation. Therefore,

any mistaken in making decision can be avoided. Teachers can also let their students to

actively participate during the learning process is conducted through question and answer

session. This thing not only will make students to understand in a topic but it also will

improve their performance in academics. According to Marzono (2003) in Kirsten Miller’s

article, the actions of a person in the classroom will bring multiple outcomes in student

achievement than school regulations on curriculum, assessment of cooperation between

teachers and the involvement of many communities. Democratic leadership styles can also

produce students who are patient and tolerant. Therefore, students' behaviour can be

controlled and discipline problem can be decreased.

3.3 Laissez-fair

The next style is the style of leadership is Laissez-fair style. In this style, the nature of one's

leadership will not be noticed. In class, the students were given full freedom to make

decisions. This kind of teacher does not take any part in the planning of an activity. A teacher

who practices this kind of leadership is said that they give a little contribution and did not

show any initiative to the activities in class. (Abdul Ghani Abdullah and Abdul. Rahman

Abd. Aziz, 2009). Behaviors exhibited by the student will not be evaluated by teachers who

adopt this style.

This style will give a poor impact toward student’s academic performance. Among

them is that it limits the communication between students and teachers. Sometimes, things

will cause students to be afraid and no interest to ask teacher any problems. As such, they

will choose to remain silent. Therefore, a free communication such as gossiping and talking

nuisance which is out of the learning contexts will happen because of lack of regulation. This

thing would create problems related to discipline problem. This situation will definitely affect

the teaching and learning process. Academic climate in the classroom and effective teaching


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is a discipline in classroom because it can prevent students from involve with discipline

problem. (Burden, 2003). This style will certainly give negatively impact the learning


In some cases, this kind of leadership style that applied in students is said can build

up their creativity especially in academic aspect. However, this type of leadership style is not

appropriate for students in primary and secondary schools. This is so because the thinking

level of student is still low and requires a lot of guidance and support from teachers in the

learning process. At the university level, this leadership style may be trying to use to

encourage student to think creatively in all aspect.

3.4 The differences of three leadership style

The three styles of leadership exhibited by the teacher will produce students who are

different. In autocratic leadership, the students will tend to show two types of response which

is to be aggressive and attitude 'why not'. Students will work hard in front of autocratic

teacher, although this job rate will decline rapidly after the teacher out of class.  These

students are also highly dependent on the teacher and always want attention.

This is contrary to the instruction given by the teacher of democracy. Attitude shown

by the students is that they will continue to work even if the teacher was out of class. Attitude

of cooperation and tolerance practices are observed among these students. For students who

receive a teacher with laissez-faire leadership, they will ask questions and seek more

information from the teacher. After the teacher out of class, students found that the work hard

rate is high, compared with autocratic and democratic leadership.

Overall, the leadership style played by teachers significantly influences the learning

process. As a competent teacher, they must be smart and creative in choose the style to be

adopted. Ubben and Hughes (1992) in Ariffin Bin Che Yahya’s thesis said that effective and

excellent schools have a creative leader .The environment and character of students is an

important element in determining the selection of the ideal leadership style. So that, student

will be able to adopt with the leadership style shown by teacher. After that, their study

performance will become better.



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School is social organizations which have common features as a social organization. As a

social organization, the school has specific goals to be achieved, the structure of the task and

interpersonal interaction between members of the organization. In Malaysia, the school's aims

are to promote, improve, enhance and ensure teaching and learning activities of students in

the smooth running and able to meet the needs of the community. The goal was to ensure

students acquire the knowledge and all the necessary skills to enable them to face the

challenges of life after school. In addition, the school also aims to create unity among

students of various ethnic groups in Malaysian society to ensure the existence of a united,

democratic, liberal and dynamic.

Task structure refers to the various levels of the organization of the upper level,

intermediate level and lower level. Upper level consists of a row of administrators who work

in directing the organization through planned management strategy plan. Intermediate level

refers to those who monitor the implementation of management strategies, while the lower

level is the implementation of the strategy set.

At school level, the administrative structure consists of a principal, three Senior

Assistant Teacher, four senior subject teachers, subject teachers, some support staff, general

staff and pupils. Principals are at the highest level and have full or absolute power to direct all

teachers, support staff and pupils. Position of other members including teachers, support staff

and general workers are based on the responsibilities distributed according to the

qualifications, experience and specialization, respectively. Outline the rights and position of

their power, thus determining the duties and responsibilities that must be implemented. 

In addition, there are other elements that affect interpersonal interaction, behavior

and the role of principals as school managers. Among the elements are like skills, knowledge

and experience. The principals who have the knowledge and experience will be more

confident in managing the school. The experiences that they get will make them to be more

creative in solving any kind of problem. The new principals are feeling less confident and

may make mistakes in dealing with the same crisis. Personality differences influence the

creativity of the principal as a manager. In addition, it can also affect the behavior of the

principal as a manager. High expectations of teachers and students the ability to give

confidence and motivation to the entire school community to achieve something better, while

the low expectations which in turn will produce the output.

The structure of an important task is to ensure that all school staff knows the duties,

responsibilities and authorities respectively. The structure also facilitates the principal task of


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moving the organization to achieve its goals and objectives of the school management. Figure

1 shows the structure of a schools organization management in Malaysia

Figure 1: The Structure of an Organization's Management in Schools

Source: Obtained from http://images.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/orgcharts/school-

organizational-chart.gif at 9 March 2012

There are two existing interpersonal interaction in school organizations. There are

two dimensions that influence the interaction and behavior of individuals in an organization.

Dimension and the dimension are called namotetik idiographic. Namotetik dimensions

determine the roles and expectations that enable organizational goals achieved, while

idiographic is determined by the individual in the organization, such as personality and its

own needs (Chaube, S.P. et al., 1995).

Trust and understanding of the principals of the task also determine the behavior and

their role in discharging their duties. Principals believe that school is an educational

institution and understand her duty is to enhance students' learning process will serve as

instructional managers.  School today is a shrinking organization in a larger organization, but

at the same time educational organizations play a more important role to ensure that he is not


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left out of mainstream or, more precisely at the global level. Thus the school has no choice

but to make itself a learning organization if it does not want to vanish the passage of time.

School as an organization full of confusion should be led by a principal who is

visionary and willing to take risks. Among the features that need to be owned by a principal

of this millennium are intelligent forecasting, power mapping, as well as patient and calm. It

cannot simply assume that it will be able to get things done and achieve what is desired. This

can only be done when they were ready with the knowledge and skills principals hip.

Principal actually lead an organization in which consists of a wide variety of human

appearance, behavior, and will do something that is sometimes beyond expectations.


In the era of liberalization, the school plays an important role in shaping the direction of

educating the young of our country such as Malaysia. Quality educations a benchmark for

national development in order to produce heirs rule the country in the future.

School-level leadership must act in the form of so-called instructional leader who has

a specific role in the level and their position to implement an education program based in

schools. In addition, school leaders also need to have a sense of the transformational leader as

an agent of transformation towards the changes in school administration.

At the school level, school leadership is inclusive of principal, senior assistant

teachers, parents, inspectors of the Ministry of Education and representatives from the local

community have duties and responsibilities of each. Leadership needs to be done with

confidence by working in groups. This is because they belief that a person will start to

increase that a difficult and hard work will become more difficult and hard if implemented

lonely (Muhammad al-Sayyed al-Representative, 1986:27)

5.1 Role of the Principal

Principal is the main pillar of leadership in schools. We need to know the school leadership

differs from one place to another, which may also differ from one state to another state

depends on who is leading the school. This is because; every principal who led the planning

of a school has a different agenda for their respective school carried out. Principals play a

role as head of administration, other managers of school leaders. Tasks that need to be to

oversee the implementation of the school curriculum in line with the National Philosophy of


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Education Policy, member of professional leadership to all staff who are in school, and

strengthen cooperation between the school and community through an organization called the

Association of Parents and teacher of the PTA.

In addition, principals will also serve as instructors at the school leader to set the

direction for the school. This is because; leadership will be the image of the pattern of school

to drive towards achieving the school's vision. They also serve as a reference point, the expert

consultation, and the place to discuss and talk of a problem and where to seek advice as a

leader. It is possible principals as role models for teachers working with full commitment to

the mission of the school vision to work together as a cohesive team. In addition, principals

need to make a SWOT analysis and analysis of the school environment to identify

weaknesses and strengths and opportunities in the school. (Chaube, S.P. et al., 1995). This is

to ensure that any shortcomings could be overcome to ensure the implementation of its

strategic planning of effective schools.

5.2 Senior Assistant of Student Affair

In addition to the principal, the leadership at the school level also led by senior assistant

teachers. Senior assistant teachers are as teachers Student Affairs and Co-curriculum

teachers. Senior assistant teacher's role is to assist the principal in his absence at the school in

terms of business. For example, to check the presence of staff, managing data and

information, control and discipline which represents principals to attend the briefing or

official functions. In terms of teaching, the role of senior assistant teacher is that it needs to

understand and practice the syllabus requirements and demands outlined by the ministry to

teaching in schools. In addition, the conduct of teaching and learning (P & P) effectively in

the class being taught that all knowledge can be understood by students easily and

effectively. This is because, effective teaching and learning can positively impact both to the

students in the near future by using the knowledge given to them properly (Al. Ramaiah,


In curriculum management, senior assistant teacher will be responsible in assisting

principals to distribute academic tasks to staff in schools, to coordinate the conduct of

committee meetings subjects such as Malay Language, Mathematics, Science and English as

well as overseeing and updating the school's annual schedule and timetable class of students.

In addition, senior assistant teacher's role is to assist the principal tasks such as guiding the

teacher trainees, new teachers and teachers back in the conduct of their duties at the school by


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giving some advice and guidance to them about ways of teaching and learning in the

classroom teacher as well as the duties of other duties outside the classroom. Assist principals

in planning the school's annual academic calendar is to be made throughout the year, helping

to prepare the annual school budget, and implementing instructions or task, other tasks as

assigned by the Ministry on Education or other higher authority from time to time.

5.3 Nazir

Nazir is the officer appointed under subsection role to carry out inspections of schools may

be directed to them from time to time in researching all aspect in terms of their curriculum,

instruction and training, conducting examinations, use of textbooks by the education and

teachers in schools and the qualifications and performance of a school whether there is any

increase or decrease in academic performance and curriculum. In addition, inspectors are

assigned to determine whether the requirements of Enactment method as well as guidelines

set by the Council and the Registrar fully complied with by the school (Hussein Mohmood,


Nazir also plays a role in reviewing and checking account money to ensure it is

properly maintained and all receipts of money and the expenditure incurred must be

accounted for properly and attached once all the details of receipts and expenditure waning

was made in accordance with the requirements of this Act on direction of the Registrar. If the

school commits an offense who contravenes Enactment done then the inspector must submit

a report to the Registrar of the schools that have been inspected by him and can make any

comments which it considers it appropriate that the report be written on.

Inspectors play an important role in school leadership as it helps school

administrators, especially principals to plan and administer the school the right way outlined

by the Ministry of Education. It is important that all facilities and the needs of students can be

given a fair and effective without any deviation.


All of us can be “teachers” but not all of us are “school teachers” and even fewer are

“effective teachers”. All teachers share common characteristics. All have certain knowledge

and skills, make a variety of decisions, posse’s personal qualities and transmit that knowledge


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and skills to more than one person. Barth (2001), mentions that teacher is a leader who acts as

an agent of changes in schools and classrooms.

Music teachers, coaches, private tutors, performer, religious teachers, animal trainers,

parents and grandparents are “all teacher”. But school teachers have official assessments and

formal teacher and pedagogical training. Pedagogical training has command of subject

matter, general pedagogical knowledge and curriculum. The effective teachers are teachers

who promote student learning that enhances their cognitive, social, affective and personal

development in accordance with a reported of teaching modes and principle.

Danielson (2006) saw leadership as a teacher at a teacher’s repertoire of skills that

besides teaching also have an influence which extends beyond the classroom, whether within

or outside school. Teacher’s leadership is moving the other teachers to improve school

performance, particularly in teaching and learning. This situation exists not because the

teachers is the head of organization, but because the teachers has expertise and capabilities

and be able to influence other colleagues.

School improvement process often involves the implementation of activities and

programs that different materially from those made in the past. Katzenmeyer and Moller

(2001), states that teacher leadership often face problems and obstacles that are

inevitable such as lack of interaction with other teachers, cannot accept the leadership of

others and so on. Therefore, the role of the teacher is faced with change management.

Teacher leadership needed to manage the change process and motivating colleagues to create

innovative learning and performance of duties by way of better and more effective.

Teachers also formed collaborative relationship with other teachers and see the

problem as an opportunity to make a change in the problem. The teacher’s leaders in school

usually longer (about 20 – 30 years) when compared with the principal (about 3 – 5 years).

When the principal changes, the policies and school programs also will be changed. Then, for

the sake of continuity and stability program of excellence, leadership, teachers need to be

fostered and encouraged. For the time being, the efforts of teachers should be made

collectively and collaboratively to achieve better results. This involves the teacher leaders in

decision making process and the run program initiative.

6.1 Styles Leadership Teacher

6.1.1 Efficient of Use Resources


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Leadership styles of the new millennium must have an efficiency of use of all available

resources to the optimum. Therefore, teachers need to have leadership skills and ability to

access information, perform analysis, skills in planning and organizing programs and

expenditure and financial management to avoid wastage. Stolp (1995), states that leadership

of teacher can influence students toward a good learning concept and will build up a suitable

study culture also a visionary ideas. In fact, the use of ICT, which provides a seamless

concept to enable mobile access to information, should be a catalyst for teaching methods as

such the leadership of teacher should take this opportunity to harness him to be an efficient

use of ICT facilities provided.

Teachers help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources. These might

include Web sites, instructional materials, readings, or other resources to use with students.

They might also share such professional resources as articles, books, lesson or unit plans, and

assessment tools.

Tinisha becomes a resource provider when she offers to help Carissa, a new staff

member in her second career, set up her classroom. Tinisha gives Carissa extra copies of a

number line for her students to use, signs to post on the wall that explain to students how to

get help when the teacher is busy, and the grade-level language arts pacing guide. (Catherine

Gaymor, 1997).

6.1.2 Ability to Communicate Effectively

Effective communication skills are very useful in the conversation and transfer of information

to increase understanding of teacher leadership to improve communication challenges

includes formal and informal communication. In the context of education, communication

can be expressed as the delivery or exchange of information between two person which is

teacher and students. (Lewin and Nolan, 2000). Communication can be divided into two

types which verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication refers to the

delivery of information through oral while non verbal communication is our body languages.

Through communication, teachers will be able to interact with all students. This situation will

not only strengthen the relationship between teachers and students, but can make the learning

process to be smooth.

In connection with this teachers must not only have the communication skills but

skills in using various mediums of communication skills in using tools are new challenges to

teachers changes such as the communications medium is essential especially in an era of

global. When teacher start to communicate with student, they can sharing any idea and


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problem about learning process. Through communication process, it can build up a student

with a good discipline. A good discipline in the classroom requires a proper management to

minimize any disruption and to facilitate the learning process to occur. (Charles, 2002). Goh

Swee Chiew (2002), mentions that classroom discipline is the key to refrain from bad action

and if it happen, immediate action should be taken to prevent it from continue spread.

Teacher leaders can also be catalysts for change, visionaries who are “never content

with the status quo but rather always looking for a better way” (Larner, 2004, p. 32).

Teachers who take on the catalyst role feel secure in their own work and have a strong

commitment to continual improvement. They pose questions to generate analysis of student


There are the example situation whereas in a faculty meeting, Larry expresses a

concern that teachers may be treating some students differently from others. Students who

come to him for extra assistance have shared their perspectives, and Larry wants teachers to

know what students are saying. As his colleagues discuss reasons for low student

achievement, Larry challenges them to explore data about the relationship between race and

discipline referrals in the school. When teachers begin to point fingers at students, he

encourages them to examine how they can change their instructional practices to improve

student engagement and achievement. Although teachers have access to a great deal of data,

they do not often use that data to drive classroom instruction. Teacher leaders can lead

conversations that engage their peers in analyzing and using this information to strengthen

instruction. (Catherine Gaymor, 1997).

Carol, the 10th grade language arts team leader, facilitates a team of her colleagues as

they look at the results of the most recent writing sample, a teacher-designed assessment

given to all incoming 10th grade students. Carol guides teachers as they discuss strengths and

weaknesses of students' writing performance as a group, as individuals, by classrooms, and in

disaggregated clusters by race, gender, and previous school. They then plan instruction on the

basis of this data. (Aziah Ismail, et al., 2006).

This is show that communication have so many way can use. A creative teachers will

use various style to attract and treated their student. For student, the new style and enjoyable

learning will improve their achievement. They also will feel comfortable to learning and

sharing everything with us. So, the relationship a teacher and student will become closer then

it will help each other.


Page 16: Leadership and Organisation

6.1.3 Constantly Monitor and Assess the Progress of Each Program and


Nathan (2001) in Abdul Ghani Abdullah et al. (2007), states that school leadership is

progressively changing from the traditional leadership model to a model bary, which also

gives you more control to the teacher. The emergence of the new millennium is also

demanding that teachers have the skills to monitor and evaluate the progress of each program

and organization. In other words, teachers should have an understanding and appreciation of

the overall mission and values of the organization and ensure that all actions taken by the

students under surveillance. There are need a comprehensive understanding of the

organization he represents.

Teachers also need to have the ability to do strategic action for the survival, expansion

and growth programs and organization. For example, the head of the English committee

should also go into the field to ensure the English Week activities run smoothly. Serving as a

mentor for novice teachers is a common role for teacher leaders. Mentors serve as role

models; acclimate new teachers to a new school; and advise new teachers about instruction,

curriculum, procedure, practices, and politics. Being a mentor takes a great deal of time and

expertise and makes a significant contribution to the development of a new professional.

For the example, Ming is a successful teacher in her own 1st grade classroom, but she

has not assumed a leadership role in the school. The principal asks her to mentor her new

teammate, a brand-new teacher and a recent immigrant from the Philippines. Ming prepares

by participating in the district's three-day training on mentoring. Her role as a mentor will not

only include helping her teammate negotiate the district, school, and classroom, but will also

include acclimating her colleague to the community. Ming feels proud as she watches her

teammate develop into an accomplished teacher. (Aziah Ismail, et al., 2006).


Page 17: Leadership and Organisation


Leadership role in implementing the program in school is important. Principal’s act as

moderating the job such stress teachers. Appropriate leadership pattern can improve the

performance of teachers’ further increase effectiveness. Instead the pattern leadership who

are not will be to develop a relationship that less well with the teachers. This is  a source

of stress to teachers. Although teachers are the most important human resources in education,

if the resource is not managed wisely, many problems will arise. The teacher ability to give

attention on leadership, encouragement and support to solve problems, improve and enhance

teaching and learning process is also known as instructional leadership. (Murphy and

Hallinger, 1987).

Principals can increase the effectiveness of the organization if dimensions of job

stress leadership organizations such as discipline problems control and lack

of school principals on the aspects of concern task can be reduced with this teacher

effectiveness can be enhanced. Organizational effectiveness can also be enhanced if

principal emphases on tasks involving increase the quality of teaching and learning because

most of school output is producing quality students.


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