Lcvp application ppt round 2




Transcript of Lcvp application ppt round 2

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“Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do

something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream…

You gotta protect it. People can’t do somethin’

themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you

want somethin’, go get it. Period.” - Will Smith

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1. Preface ……………………………………..

2. Introduction to LCVP position ……...……...

3. Functional introduction ………….................

LCVP FiC …………………………..

LCVP TM …..…………………….....

ER Manager …………………………......

4. Submission ……………………….......….. ..

5. Application Questionnaire ………….........…

6. TIPs …………………………………..…….

7. Election Quide …………………..............…

8. Application Introduction …………………..

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My Dear Candidates,

First of all, thank you very much for daring to go for this position on the2nd round to be the part of a great strong EB team and to be a leader tothe function you are applying for. Approximately a year ago I made mydecision to be a part of the EB team of AIESEC NUM. At that time we, allthe candidates made promise to build and develop this entity with non-stop sustainable growth. AIESEC gives us this great opportunity todevelop ourselves, great chance to show the potential of the Youth onceevery year. AIESEC gives us the chance to build our own leadershipdevelopment platform. And this 2015-16 term, we, AIESEC NUM want tobuild our own platform for not only for AIESECers, to youth of Mongolia.But this won’t happen without YOU!.

Mongolian youth needs global mindset, global impact and It is the timefor us to demolish the polarization. To see people change, to see peoplestriving for excellence, to see people being committed are the reasonswe will be working together. I want to make this impact bigger andbetter, and I am truly honored and super excited to open my LCVPapplication for the term 2015-2016. This position will take a lot of effortand commitment, will make you feel unconfident, will put you insituation where you have to make sacrifices. But this experience is worththe sacrifice. Putting the organization and the legacy we are trying toleave lasts for years. I am so proud of you applying for LCVP with thePromise to deliver the best experience to the members and ExchangeParticipants.I wish you the best of luck!

Myagmarsuren BoldbaatarLocal Committee President Elect 15|16



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About the term

Term starts at 1st of July 2015 ends at 31st of June 2016.Before term starts LCEBe will take transition from thecurrent LCEB team from March to June. As an officialentity, from AIESEC NUM LCEBe can go to the APC 2015in The State University of New York, Korea.


Transition period will start with EB to EB transition for 2to 3 weeks, followed by individual VP to VP transition.

Application Period

Application period for this election is very short due to APC. Within this week ask whatever you want to know ask the current EB team about their insights of their functions or EB team. It is recommended that you start doing your application right now!.

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Overview for the position

LCVP FiC is in charge of all the cash inflow and outflow within

AIESEC NUM for the financial side, as well as the legal side. Legality

is one of the main criteria to be an official committee. So that means lots

of responsibility is following this position. Also he/she is responsible for

leading, planning, executing, controlling and evaluating based in the

national strategic plan, national compendium, national and international

policies; in order to guarantee the sustainability of all the activities

generating continuity in the national level and capacity to deliver more

high quality AIESEC Experience.

Key Responsibilities

1. To ensure the integrity and transparency of all financial activities and

being accountable to the LCP and national plenary.

2. To safeguard the assets of the organization and its sustainable future

through a long term financial strategy.

3. To oversee the smart investment of our financial resources so as to

optimize the development of our organization and its products (in

current and new markets).

4. To streamline and innovate upon our internal financial processes for

Exchange programmes for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

5. To ensure all our activities are completely compliant to Mongolian


6. To manage our internal governance systems.

Skills and qualifications

Candidate must be able to demonstrate competencies of being proactive,

openness, responsibility, honesty, maturity, critical thinking,

presentation and communication skills. Candidate must be able to

demonstrate qualities of strategic thinking & analysis, networking,

coaching, event planning & facilitation, customer-centricity, market

awareness and organizational understanding.


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Benefits of the Role

• Combination of personal and professional development

• Constant management of Budget and Cash-flow

• Pricing policies control and review

• Financial Policies control and improvement

• Investment and Reserves Management in LC

• Oversee LC projects and events that involve finance

• Legal Management such as Registering the LC, Financial Statements


• Financial Analysis and Forecasting

• Practice Leadership in a diverse and complex environment

• Team Management experience

• Advanced Presentation and networking skills

• Experience with multitasking

• Time management and increased efficiency

• Increased self-awareness

LC Responsibilities

• Participation in Team Meetings and Team Days

• Preparing and Running Transition for Successor

• Participating and Running LC – LC Transition

• Gaining and sharing knowledge on national level

• Filling in national surveys and send reports

• Ensure that Compliance is happening in this term

Required participation in conferences and other


National Conferences:

•WNLDS (January)

• SYLC (June)

National Events:

• APC 2015


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Overview for the position

LCVP TM makes sure that AIESEC NUM is functioning and developing

as an organization. He/she will have the task of planning and executing all

the processes that TM is responsible for including recruitment and

selection of new members and the new Executive Board, but also

educating and developing AIESEC members. LCVP TM needs to oversee

these processes to ensure that they are executed appropriately and at an

adequate time frame. He/she will be expected to set goals and schedule

these processes as well as monitor the progress of tasks to ensure success.

It is your responsibility to delegate tasks and coordinate your team in order

to achieve goals. He/she will have the possibility to set up your own

projects and execute them. These projects can involve member

development, social events, training for members, among others.

Key Responsibilities

1. To ensure the alignment of TMP and TLP to the AIESEC Way and their

relevance within Mongolian society and being accountable to the LCP and

national plenary.

2. To exponentially grow the membership base of AIESEC in Mongolia (in

current and new markets) towards 2015.

3. To streamline, innovate and develop our membership experiences and

internal business processes.

4. To manage national partnerships so as to deliver maximum value to

TMP and TLP.

Skills and qualifications

Candidate must be able to demonstrate competencies of being proactive,

openness, responsibility, honesty, maturity, critical thinking, presentation

and communication skills. Candidate must be able to demonstrate qualities

of strategic thinking & analysis, networking, coaching, event planning &

facilitation, customer-centricity, market awareness and organizational



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Benefits of the Role

• Combination of personal and professional development

• Professional network

• Practice Leadership in a diverse and complex environment

• Team Management experience

• HR management experience

• Training structure and learning environment

• Product Development

• Customer Management

• Advanced Presentation and networking skills

• Experience with multitasking

• Time management and increased efficiency

• Increased self-awareness

LC Responsibilities

• Participation in Team Meetings and Team Days

• Preparing and Running Transition for Successor

• Participating and Running LC – LC Transition

• Gaining and sharing knowledge on national level

• Filling in national surveys and send reports

• Ensure that Compliance is happening in this term

Required participation in conferences and other


National Conferences:

•WNLDS (January)

• SYLC (June)

National Events:

• APC 2015


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Overview for the position

Maintaining and starting partnerships of AIESEC NUM with

corporate and non-corporate sectors. Starting and maintaining the

relationship with the National University to make our exchange

program as an internship for the students. Which will boost the

AIESEC brand positioning within the Youth and Business field. And

by doing the same thing for corporate sectors we will have ICX


Key Responsibilities

• Responsible for the external connections of the LC especially

towards the corporate and non-corporate (Universities,

Associations, Foundations) sectors.

• iGIP’s management and tracking.

• Leading the ER team, participation during planning and tracking

of functional tasks, as well as maintaining the contacts,

partnerships and LC supporters.

Skills and qualifications

Candidate must be able to demonstrate competencies of being

proactive, openness, responsibility, honesty, maturity, critical

thinking, presentation and communication skills. Candidate must be

able to demonstrate qualities of strategic thinking & analysis,

networking, coaching, event planning & facilitation, customer-

centricity, market awareness and organizational understanding.


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Benefits of the Role

• Combination of personal and professional development

• Professional network

• Practice Leadership in a diverse and complex environment

• Team Management experience

• Sales

• Advanced Presentation and networking skills

• Experience with multitasking

• Time management and increased efficiency

• Increased self-awareness,

LC Responsibilities

• Participation in Team Meetings and Team Days

• Preparing and Running Transition for Successor

• Participating and Running LC – LC Transition

• Gaining and sharing knowledge on national level

• Filling in national surveys and send reports

• Ensure that Compliance is happening in this term

Required participation in conferences and other


National Conferences:

•WNLDS (January)

• SYLC (June)

National Events:

• APC 2015


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1. CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Provide all the important and relevant information we need

to know about you, your AIESEC career, or any other

experiences, your contact details etc.

You can use a maximum of two 1 pages to create your CV.

2. Candidate’sVideo (optional)

You may design the video however way you like it to reflect

your personality.

Can Include: Introduction about yourself Vision and

Motivation for applying as LCVP AIESEC NUM 15-16 &

brief introduction of why you should be in the team.

3. Application Questionnaire

Please fill out the application Questionnaire. You may not

leave any question unanswered, can be the cause to reject

your application. All question must be answered in English.

4. 2 endorsement letter

• 1 from a team member of yours ( if you never lead team

before TL of you)

• 1 from a team member ( who was with you in the same


5. MBTI and Belbin Tests


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Personal Motivation

1.Why is becoming LCVP important for you?

2.What do you imagine yourself doing after your term?

What do you imagine your members will be doing after the


3.What is your purpose in you life? Why is becoming LCP

relevant to it?

Team management

1. AIESEC develops leadership in a lot of ways. What is the most

inspiring and meaningful leadership experience in AIESEC that

you ever had?

2.What kind of team leader would you like to be? What is your

current leadership style? How will you drive the change within


3.What kind of team members would you like to be ? How would

you feel at your first EB meeting ?

4.What kind of team culture would you like to have? How will you

create such a team culture? How will you ensure an effective

learning experience and an optimal performance from your team?

Functional Specific questions

1. Analyze the current state of your function you are applying within 1

page. (You may use SWOT analysis, Start-stop-continue, or any other

analysis tool or even your own idea.)

2. What is your vision for your function 2015-2016? How will you

ensure the synergy between other functions

3. How can you and your LC contribute to national goals in order to

achieve the goals ?


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• If you aren’t sure what the question is asking, ask. We’re here to

help you.

• Graphics will definitely help but shouldn’t be the only content.

•No late submission will be accepted. All applicants are highly

advised to start completing the application as early as possible.

Please do not wait until the very last minutes to send your

application. Once you are done SEND IT !!!.

• If you submit the application well before the deadline, in case

certain documents are missing or certain points in your application

are unclear, you’ll be notified and will have the chance to submit

again before the deadline.

•The purpose of this application is not meant to only assess the

ability and suitability of each candidate for the position; it’s also

meant as a tool to prepare each applicant for the role, through their

intense thinking process and research efforts to live up to what is

expected of this application.

•You can be as creative as you can be, in how you would like to

present yourself, your vision, your ideas etc. through your

application form.

•If there is any .ppt for the speeches please submit to

[email protected] no later than 21st of February.


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1. Election education (10 mins)During this time LCPe will introduce the agenda and flow of the election to make sure members will understand the process.2. Video presentations (20 mins)Depends on the submitted videos duration can be shorter or longer. 3. Speeches ( 30 mins ) Depends on the applicants, duration can be longer. Presentation style and format is up to the candidate. 4. General Q&A (more than 1 hour)• Candidates will divide into groups

• Anyone attended the election can ask questions from the

candidate groups.

• Candidates have 1 minute to think and 1 minute 30

seconds to answer the question.

5. Voting (40 minutes)

• Members of AIESEC NUM will give confidence vote for

the candidates.

• After the confidence vote, LCPe will make the decision to

form his team.


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1. Your application should include :

• CV (no more than 1 page)

• 2 endorsement letter ( 1 page each)

• Application questionnaire

• MBTI & Belbin tests

• Video (recommended : 2 min max) uploaded on

youtube send the link NOT video.

2. Please name your file (.zip , .rar) and subject as

[Name]_[Function] (e.g. Miga_FiC )

3. Send the application to :

• Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar

([email protected]) LCPe

• Cc to Nasanburmaa Bayarbaatar

([email protected]) LCP current

4. Application must be sent and approved by 11.59 PM

27th of February.

5. Election day is on 29th of February,2015



27th of February, 2015

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