LBS Files Google Maps API - · GPS • Tänkt som ett militärt system från början,...

LBS Files Google Maps API

Transcript of LBS Files Google Maps API - · GPS • Tänkt som ett militärt system från början,...

Page 1: LBS Files Google Maps API - · GPS • Tänkt som ett militärt system från början, störnings signal borta 2000 • Första satelliten skickades upp 1978 • 1994 hade


Google Maps API

Page 2: LBS Files Google Maps API - · GPS • Tänkt som ett militärt system från början, störnings signal borta 2000 • Första satelliten skickades upp 1978 • 1994 hade

Satellitbaserade positioneringssystem


559 kmovanför jordytan

35790 kmovanför jordytan

Page 3: LBS Files Google Maps API - · GPS • Tänkt som ett militärt system från början, störnings signal borta 2000 • Första satelliten skickades upp 1978 • 1994 hade

GPS• Tänkt som ett militärt system från

början, störnings signal borta 2000• Första satelliten skickades upp 1978• 1994 hade alla 24 satelliter samt tre

reservsatelliter skickats upp• För närvarande 24-32 satelliter• Noggrannheten är ca: 10 m (stand alone)• Inklination, 55 grader


• Övriga satellitbaserade positionssystem– Glonass (Rus), Galileo (EU), Compass (Chn)

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Fix och PDOP• 1D (no fix), 2D or 3D Fix

– At least 4 satellites is necessary to have a 3D position fix• DOP = Mått på geometrisk spridning

– Diluton Of Precision– HDOP, VDOP, PDOP, TDOP, GDOP…–

• Ju lägre DOP-tal-desto bättre geometrisk spridning– PDOP (position 3D) bör inte överstiga 4 - 5

• Elevationsmask bör vara 10-15 grader– 0 – 89 grader är teoretiskt– En lägre elevationsmask ger fler

satelliter och ett bättre lägre DOP värde

– Men ofta också ett högre ”brus”, reflektioner, atmosfär etc.

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GPS devices & phones 1• Built-in

– Qualcomm gpsOne and other proprietary solutions–

• Bluetooth (GPS chipsets)– U-blox, SiRF, RFMD and MTK etc.

• Static navigation filter– Bad for pedestrian mode–

• Almanac– En förutsägelse om alla satelliternas bana och position runt jorden– Giltig uppemot flera månader

• Ephemeris – Innehåller enskilda satellitens exakta positionsdata vid given tid och annan

information nödvändig för positionering, uppdateras var 30 sec.– Max uppemot 2-4h timmar gammal, 30 minuter i praktiken–

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GPS devices & phones 2• User plane vs. Control plane• A-GPS (Assisted)

– Hjälper till med att få igång positioneringen genom att ge bla. aktuell GPS Almanac och Ephemeris via nätet

– Mobilnäts data (almanac)– Många fler parametrar kan ges:

• TTFF (Time To First Fix)• Cold start vs. warm start

• Super cold start• EGPS (Enhanced)




Position Determination Entity

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Mobila Positioneringsmetoder• Mobilbaserad positionering

– Mobilen tar emot signaler från positionssatta basstationer och positionerar sig med hjälp av informationen

– WiFi nätverk etc. kan även användas• Nätverksbaserad positionering

– Mobilnätverket positionerar den för det mesta passiva mobiltelefonen

• Mobilassisterad positionering– Mobilen gör alla mätningarna själv och skickar endast

mätsignaler till nätverket för beräkning

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CellID and WiFi positioning• Basically both position modes works in a similar way • WiFi uses the network cards hardware adress (MAC) instead of

the mobile networks LAC, MCC and MNC codes

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Cell ID• Med Cell ID menas täcknings-

området av basstationens antenn/antenner (sektorer)

– Stort om den är rundstrålande• CGI-TA

– Cell Global Identity-Timing Advance– Del av sektor i basstationen vilka

för det mesta strålar 120 grader– I GSM kan r2 - r1 som lägst

bli 550 m, om inte cellen är mindre än 550 m

• Angel of Arrival (AOA)– Vinkel-radiell metod, kräver antenner

som strålar mycket snävt


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Cell ID with TelephonyManager


The Android telephony API provides a way to monitor basic phone information, such as the network type, connection state, and utilities for manipulating phone number strings

TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); GsmCellLocation location = (GsmCellLocation) tm.getCellLocation();// obtain the device's cell ID and LAC (Location Area Code)cellID = location.getCid();lac = location.getLac();

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Files and SD Cards• All of the usual Java file I/O routines from the package are

available (Output/InputStreamReader, FileReader/Writer etc.)• Every application can read and write from/to the SD card

(/sdcard/<filename>)– Write needs the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in your

AndroidManifest• Some helper methods are provided by the Context class for the

private internal area and external SD Card– Only internal access to /data/data/<packagename>/files subdirectory

with perhaps limited storage

// Delete a private file. Returns true if it worked, false otherwise.Context.deleteFile();//Return a list of all files in the application’s private area in a String array.Context.fileList();//Open a private file for reading. Returns a;//Open a private file for writing. Returns a;

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FileWriter (chars) example• CellIDWriter class that writes the Cell ID, Location Area Code and

Mobile Country Code to a file on the SD cardpublic class CellIDWriter implements Runnable{ private static boolean isWriteRunning = false; private static String uri = "/sdcard/"; private final String fname = "cellid.txt"; private String mCID, mLAC, mMCC; public void run() { try{ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(uri + fname, true); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Date dateTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); sb.append(mCID + "," + mLAC + "," + mMCC + "," + dateTime.toString() + "\r\n"); Log.v("CellID", sb.toString()); // append at end of file fw.append(sb.toString());

// android does flush() in close() fw.close(); } catch(Exception e){ System.err.println(e.toString() +

" : " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ isWriteRunning = false; } }

// CellIDWriter class continues here public void write(String CID, String LAC, String MCC) { mCID = CID; mLAC = LAC; mMCC = MCC; if(!isWriteRunning){ isWriteRunning = true; new Thread(this).start(); } }}

// call the class with something like// and it will do the work in a thread new CellIDWriter().write(String.valueOf(mcellid),

String.valueOf(mlac), "240");

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File IO (byte) streams• FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, InputStream and OutputStream

// Writing to a FileDataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(openFileOutput("file.dat", MODE_PRIVATE));dos.writeUTF("Hello, I'm text in a file!")

// Reading from a Filetry {

DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(openFileInput("file.dat"));dis.readUTF(); //should return "Hello, I'm text in a file!" if the file has been written.

} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {//the file has not yet been written


// Example of how to serialize an object to a File:FileOutputStream fos = context.openFileOutput(SAVENAME,

context.MODE_PRIVATE);ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);oos.writeObject(this);oos.close();

// How to inflate the object back from the file:FileInputStream fis = context.openFileInput(SAVENAME);ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);Flow f = (Flow) ois.readObject();

// The files in the resources directories can also be opened. For example, // to open myrawfile.txt located in the res/raw folder, use the following:InputStream is = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.myrawfile);

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Mockup positions• Via DDMS as either GPX or KML files

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Location Based Services 1• An application requires the following to access LBS from

Android – LocationManager - Class providing access to Android system location

services, i.e. the Activity must be initialized with the Android LOCATION_SERVICE

– LocationListener - Interface for receiving notifications from the LocationManager when the location has changed, a callback the Activity must implement

– Location - Class representing a geographic location determined at a particular time, this is the result from the location service

• Different Criteras (android.location.Criteria) is possible to set as power requirements, position accuracy and provider etc.

• Make sure you remove position updates to save battery!• Permissions in AndroidManifest// GPS

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />// other positioning methods as WiFi (WLAN) and cell towers

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

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Location Based Services 2• Get last location, use the getLastKnownLocation(String provider) method• minTime and minDistance = mininterval (ms and meters) for notifications

private void initLocation() {// use the LocationManager class to obtain GPS locationsLocationManager lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

// providers: GPS_PROVIDER or NETWORK_PROVIDERLocation loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);// params for requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, // float minDistance, LocationListener listener)lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, MyLocationListener);


private final LocationListener MyLocationListener = new LocationListener()@Overridepublic void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {

if (loc != null) {double lat = loc.getLatitude();double lng = loc.getLongitude();// do more ...


};@Overridepublic void onPause() {



// god practice is to set paused to true // before calling the super method// mPaused is used to pause/resume work@Override protected void onPause() { mPaused = true; super.onPause(); }// on resume set paused to false after // calling the super method@Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mPaused = false;}

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Other sensors• The Android SDK supports many different types of sensor devices

– TYPE_ACCELEROMETER: Measures acceleration in the x-, y-, and z-axes– TYPE_LIGHT: Tells you how bright your surrounding area is– TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD: Returns magnetic attraction in the x-, y-, and z-axes– TYPE_ORIENTATION: Measures the yaw, pitch, and roll of the device– TYPE_PRESSURE: Senses the current atmospheric pressure– TYPE_PROXIMITY: Provides the distance between the sensor and some object– TYPE_TEMPERATURE: Measures the temperature of the surrounding area

private SensorManager mgr;private final LinkedList<float[]> mFifo;public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);mgr = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);mgr.registerListener(mySensorListener, mgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER),

SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);// ...

}// can also be a class which implements SensorEventListenerprivate final SensorEventListener mySensorListener = new SensorEventListener() {

@Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {

if (event.sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)return;

float[] val = new float[] { event.values[0], event.values[1], event.values[2] };



Remember that do not spend to much time in callback methods or receivers!

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Using Google Maps API• To use the MapView class which is a wrapper around the Google

Maps API your Activity should extend MapActivity– Your AVD and project must include the Google API library

• Project properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab– Obtain a valid Maps API key to use the Maps web service– Include <uses-library android:name="" />

in the androidmanifest file inside the <application> tags– The file must also have a suitable SDK API versiontarget=Google Inc.:Google APIs:10

– Add at least the network permission (more if GPS etc. is to be used)<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

– Include a MapView in the layout XML file as below

< android:id="@+id/MapView1" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:clickable="true" android:apiKey="Use your obtanied Maps API key here!" />

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Simple MapViewpublic class MyLocation extends MapActivity {

LocationManager mLocationManager;Location mLocation;TextView mTV;@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.main);MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(; mTV = (TextView) findViewById(;mLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); criteria.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW); String locationprovider = mLocationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true);mLocation = mLocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(locationprovider);mTV.setText("Address: \nlatitude:" +

mLocation.getLatitude() + "\nlongitude:" + mLocation.getLongitude());


@Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {

// this method is required return false;


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MapView with overlay• MyLocationOverlay, MapController and getMyLocation

private MapView mapView;private MapController mCtrl;private MyLocationOverlay mOverlay;

// Find and initialize the map viewprivate void initMapView() {

mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;mCtrl = mapView.getController();mapView.setSatellite(true);


// Start tracking the position on the mapprivate void initOverlay() {

mOverlay = new MyLocationOverlay(getApplicationContext(), mapView);

mOverlay.enableCompass(); // does not work in emulator// queued to be executed as soon as we have a location fixmOverlay.runOnFirstFix(new Runnable() {

public void run() {// Zoom in to current locationmCtrl.setZoom(mZoom);mCtrl.animateTo(mOverlay.getMyLocation());

} }); mapView.getOverlays().add(mOverlay); // showSchoolOverlay();}

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MapView with ItemizedOverlay• ItemizedOverlay class enable adding tap-able markers to the map

private List<Overlay> mMapOverlays; private Drawable mDrawable;private HelloItemizedOverlay mItemizedOverlay;public class HelloItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay<OverlayItem> {

private ArrayList<OverlayItem> mOverlays = new ArrayList<OverlayItem>();

public HelloItemizedOverlay(Drawable defaultMarker, Context context) {super(boundCenterBottom(defaultMarker));mContext = context;

}public void addOverlay(OverlayItem overlay) { mOverlays.add(overlay); populate();}@Overrideprotected OverlayItem createItem(int i) {

return mOverlays.get(i);}@Overridepublic int size() {

return mOverlays.size();}


private void showSchoolOverlay(){mMapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();mDrawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.robot48);mItemizedOverlay = new HelloItemizedOverlay(mDrawable, this);GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(60487521, 15409151);OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point, "Title", "Text");mItemizedOverlay.addOverlay(overlayitem);mapOverlays.add(mItemizedOverlay);



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Using an Alert Dialog box

private void showAlertDialog() {

AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();dialog.setMessage("Your final score: " + mScore + "/" + PERFECT_SCORE); dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Try this level again",

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

mScore = 0; start_level();

} });

dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, "Advance to next level", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {mLevel++; start_level();

} });

dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, "Back to the main menu", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {mLevel = 0; finish(); // or dismiss(); to just remove dialog

} });;}

• Up to three buttons with possible actions

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MapView with ItemizedOverlay• ItemizedOverlay onTap method

@Overrideprotected boolean onTap(int index) {

OverlayItem item = mOverlays.get(index);

AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext);


dialog.setPositiveButton("Yes", new OnClickListener() { @Overridepublic void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {


});;return true;


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Geocooding 1• You can translate an Address to a Location (Geocoding) import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale;import android.location.Address; import android.location.Geocoder;

// A class representing an Address, i.e, a set of Strings describing a location List<Address> addresses;String area = "Stockholm, Sweden";Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this);try{

// Returns an array of Addresses that are known to describe the named locationaddresses = gc.getFromLocationName(area, 1);if(addresses != null){

Address x = addresses.get(0);StringBuilder mSB = new StringBuilder("Address:\n");mSB.append("latitude: ").append(x.getLatitude()).append("\n")

.append("longitude: ").append(x.getLongitude());Log.v(Consts.TAG, mSB.toString());mTV.setText(mSB.toString());


Log.v(Consts.TAG, "addresses is null");}catch(IOException e){


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Geocooding 2• You can translate a Location to an Address (Reverse

Geocoding)• The emualtor may not work with Geo*** (a bug since 2.2)!

private void reverseGeoCode(){

List<Address> addresses; try {

Geocoder mGC = new Geocoder(this, Locale.ENGLISH);// public List<Address> getFromLocation (double latitude, double longitude, int maxResults)

addresses = mGC.getFromLocation(mLocation.getLatitude(),mLocation.getLongitude(), 1);

if(addresses != null) {Address currentAddr = addresses.get(0);StringBuilder mSB = new StringBuilder("Address:\n");for(int i=0; i<currentAddr.getMaxAddressLineIndex(); i++)


mTV.setText(mSB.toString());Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), mSB.toString(),


Log.v(Consts.TAG, "addresses is null");} catch(IOException e) {



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Sampling GPS, NMEA 0183• The National Marine ElectronicsAssociation (NMEA)

– • GGA - Essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data• GSA - GPS *DOP (dilution of precision) values and active satellites• GSV - Satellites in view - 1 sentence data = max 4 satellites• RMC - NMEA has its own version of essential GPS PVT (position,

velocity, time) data–

• Draw a track on Google Map from a NMEA GPS log file – (GPS Visualizer)

• Example, 1 sec$GPGGA,133851.996,6046.3885,N,01501.1250,E,1,04,04.1,00172.3,M,30.0,M,,*63$GPGSA,A,3,06,30,,02,,05,,,,,,,07.3,04.1,06.0*07$GPGSV,3,1,11,06,71,206,39,30,52,136,43,25,46,270,20,02,29,051,35*7B$GPGSV,3,2,11,23,15,340,30,05,22,127,35,21,12,181,35,10,11,093,*7B$GPGSV,3,3,11,16,11,291,,01,08,259,,33,01,251,*44$GPRMC,133851.996,A,6046.3885,N,01501.1250,E,064.7,194.4,131105,003.1,E*6ª

Max 12 sat.

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Sampling GPS• Principle for sampling of GPS with at least the double

speed to ensure that a valid sample is obtained in the software (sampling theorem)

– If read/Calc is done in one thread and GPS is a callback• GPS problems?

– A number of!• Solutions

– Prediction– Dead reckoning (accelerometer/gyro, step counter, rotation

sensor)– Magnetic electronic compass (not dependent of GPS)




Read/Calc Read/Calc Read/Calc

1s 2s

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Projections, reference systems• WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984)

– Decimal Degrees• Lat/Long: 60.483494,15.411272

– Degrees/Minutes/Seconds• Lat/Long: N 60° 29' 0.58", E 15° 24' 40.58"

– Degrees/Decimalminutes• Lat/Long: 6029.3240,N,01523.3028,E

– UTM (meters)• Cylindric map projection in 60 zones, SE=32-35••

• RT90 - Swedish grid– X= 6707377 , Y= 1478345

• SWEREF 99 TM (använder UTM zon 33)– SWEdish REference Frame 1999– N: 6705329.393, E: 522604.151


To convert coordinates from degrees, decimal minutes format to decimal format, use this formula:degrees + (decimal minutes/60)

To convert coordinates from degrees, minutes, seconds format to decimal format, use this formula:degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600)

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Vector vs. Raster

• ShapeUp–.shp

Run-length encoded raster

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Google Maps API

• Sign up for API key etc.– – Maps JavaScript API currently in version 3– Static Maps API

• Further reading– –

• Test Google API functions– –

5 decimals degrees (0.00001) give the precisionLong/X: 0,88 metersLat/Y: 1,11 meters

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View on a map

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View KML in Google Maps and Mobile

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KML (Keyhole Markup Language)• Shape fil in XML format

– – Shp2kml, kml2shp, online KML Toolbox

• • • KMZ = Zipped KML• XML based file

– Placemark – point– Path – line– Polygon– Images (3D)– M.m.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns=""><Placemark> <name>New York City</name> <description>New York City</description> <Point> <coordinates>-74.006393,40.714172,0</coordinates> </Point></Placemark></kml>