Transcript of LAYOUT DESIGN


I want my magazine to be called ‘INDIE WORKS’. I would like my masthead to be in either black, red or purple. I have looked on a font website called ‘da bomb’. I have decided on a few fonts that

fit the genre to the magazine. These fonts are called ‘Punks’, Punk Inside’, ‘Dharma Punk’, ‘Indie Hype’, ‘Indie Summer’,

‘Rock's Death’. I have chosen these conventions for my masthead due to my research. All of the magazines that I have looked at

have similar styles. You can see the colours and fonts that are on magazines in my audience profiles research task.

My ideas for the main image at the moment is to have a white background , so that the lighting is quite

bright. I would like to take a long shot of a person (preferably a female), dressed in the outfits that I have designed in my initial ideas task, holding an

electric guitar in one hand and a tea cup in the other. These ideas will represent the story which will be

featured on the main cover line. The reason for this idea, is because I really liked the front cover design on an issue of NME, which I have wrote about in my music magazine analysis. It features Mark Ronson

holding a trumpet, against a white background. This is where I got my inspiration from. I really liked the

idea of using props, costume and lighting as this links with mise-en-scene.

Some of the cover lines that I would like to feature will be featured in my contents page. The two secondary cover lines will be ‘new and upcoming bands’ (which will be my story for the double page spread) and ‘bands on tour’. The main cover line will be ‘too posh to mosh’, which will link to my main front cover image. The reason for these

cover lines are that I believe that they are stereo typical to my target audience. The main story (new and upcoming

bands) is written in a interview format, which was the most popular choice that people voted for in my questionnaire.

I would like the footer of my magazine to say a list of bands that are going to be mentioned in my magazine. I got this inspiration from a

magazine called ‘The Fly’ which I have analyzed as part of my research. I would like each band to be written in the colour’s that

are linked to my colour scheme (black or red or purple).

I would like the puff to be in the shape of a circle and have a give away such as free concert tickets or free merchandise. I think this will be a good giveaway and would attract a lot of people to buy the magazine if it had a good giveaway. I would like to use a transparent

effect on this, like I used on the puff in my student magazine design. Again, the colour’s should be within

the colour scheme.

I would like the skyline on my front cover to say something about this issue of my magazine being a

‘limited edition’ or ‘big issue’. I would like to use this, as I found these are what the skylines say on most magazines that I have looked at as part of

my research.

The price of my magazine will be displayed just above my barcode. The price of the magazine will be around £1.70 - £2.00. This is the price that most people voted for in my

questionnaire when asked what they would be willing to pay for.


I do not want the editors letter to be a huge feature of my contents page. I found that in my student magazine, I wanted to put too much in

my editors letter which I then found very difficult to fit in around all of the other features. I would like to keep it short, explaining a few things that will be featured in the magazine. I would like the writing to be in a script font (looks handwritten)

so it appears more personal from the editor.

These sections will say the stories that I will like to include in my magazine. I am aiming to feature

around 20-25 stories. I would like to have around 4 sections in which 5 or 6 stories will be included

underneath. My sections will be at the bottom of the contents page, so the images, headlines and editors letter all comes above and are seen separate to the stories. This is what I found on the contents page

from looking at other magazines. I would like the font of my stories to be written in capitals and it quite a

bold, tall font.

I would like the headline of my contents page to say the main headline of what my magazine is called in a smaller font to what it is on the front cover, then to have

‘CONTENTS’ to be written in a bigger font, so that it is the main focus. I would preferably like contents to be written in a sans serif fonts. I want it to look quite bold, and preferably in the same font as what my sections will be written in. I would like contents to be white or black. These are quite mono colours, so they will not clash with the main and secondary

images that will also be displayed on the contents page.

I would like the main image to be a close up head shot of a girl, making direct eye contact with the

camera (what will be the audience). I want there to be a focus on her eye makeup, which should look very

exaggerated and quite edgy, linking back to the genre of the magazine. I would like the girls hair to have a

messy hairstyle, and pulling a face. Preferably winking or biting her lip. The girl will need to be quite young , so she fits in with my target audience. The look of her

will also need to fit in with my look and feel of the magazine and reflect both my research of other

magazines, and the choices I have made based on my questionnaire results.

For my secondary image, I would like to have a mid shot of a girl or boy holding up a vinyl

record (preferably of an indie band). I would like the main focus to be of the vinyl and then I would like the person holding it to be in the

background – maybe out of focus. The reason for this is because this way, I think the image will look quite minimal which was a popular choice in

my questionnaire when asked what type of layout would be preferred. If I don’t not use this

idea, then I will take a photo of somebody performing (maybe playing an instrument),

which will probably have a low angle shot. I have not decided what I want the image to look like

yet, I just know I want the idea of a vinyl. I would like this image to link to a story that I hope to

feature on my contents page.


As I have already planned out my double page spread, I have a good idea for what I am going to include. My headline will state ‘CAR CRASH CITY’, as this is the band that is going to be featured on my double page spread. I would like the font to be quite bold and take up around a ¼ of the page. The fonts that I wish to use will be similar to the font I have mentioned that I will feature on

my front cover for my Masthead (‘Punks’, Punk Inside’, ‘Dharma Punk’, ‘Indie Hype’, ‘Indie Summer’, ‘Rock's Death’). All the fonts look informal and are really suited to the genre of my

magazine. I want to make quite a big deal of the band I am writing about for my double page, so I want to make a statement with my headline.

I plan to have the main image of the band I am writing about. I plan to take the photos from a low angle, looking up at the band as

they perform. I feel as thought this is a really good image for my double page spread as the article is going to be all about the band and where they are performing. The image

should include all members playing an instrument and I want the image to reflect

the story that will be written on the opposing page.

The sections will contain the story about ‘CAR CRASH CITY’. As I have already written the story that will be featured on the double page spread, I will just copy and paste this when it comes to designing the double page. The story is in an interview format, mentioning each person in

the band, having there say about their band. I would like the font to be serif and quite standard, it needs to be a step down from what the font will be like for the headline.

The strap line for the double page spread will simply say ‘Interview – new and upcoming bands’. This is already

written on my draft of the double page spread. I would like it to sit in the corner, just above the main image (so that it is

still informative and doesn’t take any attention away from the main image). I would like it to be in a bright colour so that it can still be seen and possibly be written in a sans serif font,

to make a link with the headline.

I have already written this as part of my double page spread. The stand is

basically an introduction to my interview and gives a brief of what is

featured. I plan for the font to be quite small, and to be positioned just under the headline. I would like the font to preferably in black or white,

depending on the colour background that I choose, which again will either

be black or white.

I have already planned out what block quotes I am going to be including on this page. I have just referenced them from my interview that I have already written. I would like the block quotes to be displayed in small boxes that are seen to have a clear contrast between the sections. The box should be in a different colour (sticking with the colour scheme) and made transparent. I would like the quotes to be in italics and too look

quite formal, so I would like the font to be serif.