Laws and Rules

MINT – MIND THE GAP: Migration NEEDS Integration Escola Secundária C/ 3º CEB de Oliveira do Bairro Integration Strategies for Migrants MINT Team 2008/2010


Comenius Project "Mind the Gap - Migration Needs Integration"

Transcript of Laws and Rules

MINT – MIND THE GAP:Migration NEEDS Integration

Escola Secundária C/ 3º CEB de Oliveira do Bairro

Integration Strategies for MigrantsMINT Team 2008/2010

To Belong or not to Belong

Working towards the integration of immigrants’ in Portugal.

� “Integration of immigrants can be understood as � “Integration of immigrants can be understood as processes of placement, acculturation, interaction and identification.”

Heckman 2005

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

To Belong or not to Belong

� Dimensions of integration:

� Structural integration (access to rights (& duties) and institutional membership);institutional membership);

� Acculturation (interactive, mutual process);

� Social integration (primary relations and networks);

� Identificational integration (feelings of belonging and identification).

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

Idea of "Integration"

What was made to integrate the migrants?

� Inclusion in Portugal’s political structures:� access to rights

� Identification (young people’s towards Portuguese society):� Stimulate feelings of identification.

Empowerment:� Empowerment:� promote self-esteem to find a place where young people’s competences are recognized and appreciated;

� Acceptance by local community - promote empathy/appreciation in the local community;

� Compliance with local codes of conduct - social and interpersonal skills competencies;

� Promote a sense of belonging and wider, empowered, participation in local and national structures.

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

Integration Strategies at school.

� First step: what should a teacher do?� Diagnostic Test to identify the main problems of the student.

� According to the results of the diagnostic test, what can be done?be done?� The student has the right to have an adapted curriculum

(Portuguese, Sciences, Geography, etc )

� The student has the right to have simplified worksheets in the above subjects carried out in tutoring class and at the same time...

� …the student has the right to have individual tutoring in Portuguese language learning.

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

Integration Strategies at school.

� The student has also the right to have a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meeting. They will explain how the Portuguese school system works.

� Projects that can/should be promoted:Projects that can/should be promoted:

� Multicultural and/or

� anti-racial

� Night courses for working students:

� Interaction with CAII - Immigrant support centres.

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

Integration Strategies

� Portuguese language courses are offered for the foreign communities.

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

Integration Strategies: Difficulties

� Challenges

� Relationship building within social groups: more difficult to build bridges across social classes;

� Group instability –high drop out rates;� Group instability –high drop out rates;

� Lack of long term commitment to the activities.

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules

MINT – Mind the GapMigration NEEDS Integration

�MINT Team 2008 / 2010

MINT Team: Module 2: Laws and Rules