Lawrence 0227

12 FEB. 27-MARCH 5, 2013 FREE Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 On Camp us . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Drop in crime Police department reports crime decrease. PAGE 3 HEATHER FIORE/The Lawrence Sun Around 100 third graders at Ben Franklin Elementary School par- ticipated in ‘Jump Rope for Heart,’ a fundraising effort insti- tuted by the American Heart As- sociation, on Wednesday, Feb. 13. Gym teacher David Angebranndt had the students participate in a variety of jump roping activities. At the end of the event, Ange- branndt had each class run under the long jump rope as a whole, which they all successful- ly completed. LEFT: Principal Chris Turnbull stopped in to par- ticipate and jump rope with the students. Ben Franklin students jump into fundraiser ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ raises funds, awareness By HEATHER FIORE The Lawrence Sun Close to 100 third graders at Ben Franklin Elementary School  joine d toge ther to jump rop e fo r a cause On Feb . 13 as part of the American Heart Association's fundraising effort, “Jump Rope for Heart.” “Jump Rope for Heart” invites schools all over the country to create a webpage and raise funds as an entire grade or individually as students for patients with heart disease. Students obtain donations that go directly to the AHA and the people who need it most and then celebrate with a designated day – in this case, Feb. 13 – where they participate in a varie ty of jump roping activities for more than one hour as a type of reward for all of their fundraisi ng efforts. BF Elementary third graders have participated in “Jump Rope for Heart” in February every year  please see JUMPING, page 6

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