LAW SUPPLEMENT \ umber One. m'pre ewes-d any mtrmwvtnm or other enty which ait;torMM !y rs-esniitte*: to Mm try the bnorrl and which shall reenter ht* s-tw-t-oaaee at any place away fnwa ww»» h< aball I»1<I asari Are mile* m mar* distant from the Naur »!«• th* bawd shall bold Its o a w n and all nr- rls|. ns of law tM«MWM( villi this wUm «re hers he TV reward t J Thte act aha*) iak> **Teet ImwarsBmaMy. •TMt gr- ant h meg hewn rednrned by the Onvrmoe ' ' " 1 bTT P»i, wltr-tvt icvi day* ar»*r H WM p*ewent-d to htm. Ihw I r-v orrtifv tn*t t»» «anar for em, a law April 1«, it* e.-i« i tire* thai >>• a~» nod ta*» ••erne* at a osa 1 inad bt * title *, chew. ;. fart "Tift na Raw Trout, ' uf u»e Secretary of Ktate _ j m I hn-» «v«ua*»o in* arwaniaa - -lb the origin*' law o-, oi» ia : Kn .dlk*, and d.. k>n!i; certifr rhaf the •an* u » (virr«-» trwiamrt thwwrrmii nan nf the whole off Muaomnaa. law. KWttl'H a CARK. Meoratao of stata. • Bad etradyht^ataMBVaaaaCTaaa ( of tr-wwr-etn* ta <a- taflaCtwt ill) p of. tl laaaT by* • w l intes ratty rsost (Tin nt K'Bt T k n : » p r c r I «T'f"-f- r; S't W ^" , nr--' ' .ring irw ,' .... > - SJII 1r#-3 an ', s.«# f.' Vew TV-*, <i t:V .w Aiiion-* r 1 » ,rel—d at- 1 ftftt fhM, ' i ;;r ;'S'f1 "!!1 rtf r .lar- -s •v. --ni, not ot'ierw a* *; -• -fi*o i* tier-l f »r t* • p . ' h * Tr. To -w *;.!! .. ali'1 1-lir - - - s- • * v .e* am--*i; t -lali . -, - t-'i t>i^ warrarT tl ' iha LAW*** HKWT4 IK-By AaUa*rny. TM-< «pn •f t»i* »n ITII * - r: s' ..tin *l*t>ti>Hi I.T M- ' TTift'.'.^l. r ,«•«-1, «».' TMOf nf t»» t. .», ,>f (a* aa?^) 1 T'«^ imin*aia*alr 11 » ~!»l» »»*-li!ilr with th» ^Hirnal law i r^r*' , .-.>rtifv that th* mm* ••rpfr n( «n«1 »f the « h - > of J »itru p. » KKK H « a O r !<«•» TORK-By A«tk*rtty. t Mr* «•« ' **--«•»• Umr «Sa)IKfa>i ailbaC in* ' »• I taaa atfHI lt» ajal Hit tb> —' •• h« twaot!*ta ittf mfttr th» .-«v »« orrti<W<l r-T tta GiarHmrj at - . .h«r : aan 1. tmtaxl Saat- ! ,,-rflvi ... I !rr>( »nd l»flv« .f »"*-.-n huawaw^t arvl s t w i i r m i c *n- airMwtar »a« l.jh; (MtnrvaiM « ; •' *'• art >* fcf.T The llafettarf "f »•• • ,:i i f " « *"1 prmi'abalM- *<**!*• T >mTi« %*!Talatiit.<inM«. >-. :*-i't i r^-s itfmit pr«a*'nt. M «ai» ^,' .\>w For*, ft *Y» hundrr 1 ai4 m.lrart a«.l * a aCM t- m •' ~ -r**r Ci-W ••} !•!•«, f . «»f •? ll»» ;,j ;U »-* ..:> ' I'L - • »r.1 pn*at- I.UJI.I ;^r^« »r*«i r- «).« wtthm tm* 4tai«." IMMNI »» a« t > r -A<\ r>li.>wn : -;« m i » n .'.uu rgaala»Hl antler trs aot v • »• 5-»h.wii« the ti>rta»triTn.f patf-4 y-bru^rr xiataaarh. aisri- » » ' for-y *-ia"-t. an i ta« ***»ral aoc« n-r^ f a-,0 *L) ivrivrailon ' t u t or H- *w*.f [ht« v»lf. for raa-nnfiif or- • ,-rnrHT. f>>r pr-daciaf lmBi, f a t or ^.- -i*-riHiiT a» the maaes >>f Ifenhtiait ^- IUSI parfe*ao<l plar^a. I R 1 val>lic »'I|'D(>-Irili»j, Til! - m-' tr gn» HMtn i' *mpi- if •rth».ijM.a<i.f anj town' .•-.«. tak« 'Ifrvt ima>»liat«ly. - -1 -» 'Nr»V ^u. > _ . t - - -s. ..^T -fStat*. {""•• .--.• -he *r<Mi*di»jr w i t h *h« orffiaai u* i* .-. ^ r j 4 . . a*m***y o»rtifv thaa taa -, i^- -til tiierefmm and nf tbtwaolt , . » iw Ji«S«P0 B. CAKR. Srcrf tarr ot Staaa. •••* H«» OF MiW fOHK-Bt Aatkorltj vw -« * .i:*T-r>»nt rira« c^all b* pra- :.. : .-•irr.'n.'a and tal« rltwt . <• 1 r t >-.f-,r»th» twentieth - "..» j»i>*»*e a>*cartir]e«t by tae -• i. i..f 4. chap. T, parti. 1U- -.. . -;,. ,.f rivli Prir»rl,i*a. t -- ?b-^* r»ft3s l-efnit prt^ionf. ». ' S* ' ' <>/ »•<• r-vr». r.Traatatai <a ,: <*>••: aiui ,.f th-i•-,-•,-r.fctTl! .. H rv-fi ir- l *< .»« li. r*»<i f.>il-**-(: ,. -:i • -fa parry «h -bas i*£en . . --. th^ jndr* 1 . pnTe-sMtn: at a n.-v ii> h - iti»i-rpiliin. at aay timf - -". l . rf t .•in -.r-lrr «•» he rarered, i - 'iKei t*hi-aril, m ih<» 5r*t in ^ ' 1 TCIT, . n n l that ju 1*e-aeat W i it.'i-i.»• AT any timebeforn tkc ii i nis. ! he jnlar may be r*woke1 i- -;j 1-. -• -urt or imi of ri^uat. by . » i !<•-!• '- i! iriiT tie v t miief'.r 1 v t H nr;. it t>u\ t. n « rb^rr-^f. Uo- -- -• * M i r **t *t-iit«-, tbr i Xi^pin-iiK moat n f r t LI a l i u l . wtii< k m>wt •--...» -x r r » r;.« moii™ i^ de«mei .»I.>!I 'in' iri-r w«j p wiii : a n t n* T . -•it fur b.'*nrma: at the general »- efftM -'.i-w -r Nv * "» nt. / . : i h - •>• i • >'• f Mate. \ ""•• •T;; ••• i ••••; "".H-ifi? w-.rk fh* onrinal law 'r - :* . «i. i.i .nerer.ycerawy tbjil 'be aaiaa -. ;t fh-refr.-i.-i and .f the wb.lecf -> .» '. J' I--KPH B, CAKH. bevretary of Stata. *•- IKSOC 1 K B 1 UHK-Bf IglherllJ. - .- —. , 1 Te—rt H-rje «hiUUK!%.r»erlbe<; - --"- - •-• T- -T-.*-!--*- *-i '-Ale- *-f?*<T tnr.MMfT»->tJt •'. »•!!.: :+f -r- '••• tw.-ntieth rtayafrff -^ - -a. jit»'-j« . »- --tTtifted b> rbe 9**.-re - »:• -*• .;. "i" •- *, . r . i p 7. vart I. Revised 11'- n*,-! i rhU ii r •• ; - HA.' l*-x~ -i • *- " w + -, h T ' : .J. \ if \ tl: ^ ' ' 1 t * «-h»;. t-r f" ir n;m- • ULrr-t-n Mini r**\ &ud * » - r T- arn»-ni *crt<m?i i'iti !r»-i ai.l f rty-fljjrnt tr> U .tn<I ^ventv-elarfct. tne fitcr.un ui t.flV.r*r* ^* ^^iu^ r'»"^sent. tr V -k, represented in • •t .1* follttir* .:>ur f.-ur hundred and " . —• l a*u-1 s->\--nt.v . - o i -,- ivr.. »n-l t»n *n * i. r ; r f fijie lu-w- of ! > -»i .- . ». : -vai r if i : a- f"I -h i.i le*. j;. it ..» tf>»- WV ir.**«-lav . hit-— IJV »i 'J.-:. U*r ia HUC'I y...»r. i I iwtl.* r-i t 'T-r. »n>! ' ^ l r »..>! :K TI#-;»I ift..t m rn* s-vtra! >•).•.! -•; . iDnji-uc ^t-r*» iliatrict. in to»/ * r. .-."* - " » i- ;. 'i *L*l't !->• n#»M f.c: v^»?*-rt ' ' -•<!•' -1 •• x )'i rhe- i*fr- ru ...n, -it - •' • . -* <:.'.,• 3Urr- :.--r ai -Jvh »(. i, —a- ;;.#* ir is'et-JI may <le«J-riij-re-, , -,:.•* ;-.. «•!•• I(.D is'-rfier rtait'i . .-• til. tru-tf*-. »-hA)l -ri\t- ' • • *; i i ' . * f i -ii ". F s^i^h n >eiee, at w •, ' -<> -IHQ" '.f h-Mmrf »apr« tie**- •• ;• .-. -•••. iii rr,.- <U-rri''t, nr » • _ - . e, . ,. j,,.,. .. ; Jw pj. lc . s j n r h e - . • - r...*. * r'-t'hii'.-i »-\;-'Ti 1 : ! p * * .;,:.. • • • ' . -_f ^ui f.-.r .. ..r_ril - ' * -V' ' ^•ipff' r .rriii.-_-I:i;*?'y ~ * T|? ' e* JlKW "!t llRK. * „ . a . ' - ; '.*f ; r»- ••"Uo-: w l i h tttt»->r.$riiia' l»i» v - ,i. 1 J > h*-r**i y oemfyrhai the -*an*« . - • ^.T *^£r>n. »m5 uf th- wh^ieof SseretATTof St-we. H u s or >EW VOBli-Bf Antt»«»rltj. r , 1 tf'-r-i.r *iine*il*t»l.^ pr«**-rll>e-j •• a-ii :«-Wf efTt!-*t «hrf»u«rl* ul xtt*- rr !*-•• *»fmri«rh dav aft»*r tb** --, * - - rtli*-^ hj ' h* *>*^ci^rjary of up. "., part I, lte*rtr*''l -?t*»*utea. HAH '•,. ..:•-,' ." -h.ii.-rr tbre--bu.i- .'.. u » » i.i e .ait~-nliunlr>-'l -t f - r l - e J-• rl^ira-l HJ i-f i 1-ui -J i-f r^,- Pr *u-*:i-j* -- i- -r. -..-•-..• i •(_«,.•» Y'-rs ' .- . t r-• nfi:.- h*-lag iiT*'-*-n\ ' •',* v f..fe • f "•>"• T'jr*. rrx-eantted -i 1'wn.f.,^ (J/»ern«< /l»/oflo>«a.- .ali-r -• i :-. iip'*r ft rei? ii.i'i- x f in- t.-- !eiil.'--'U Imn ir-.l \~ \ ' ' - • t-.e i .*.-.rj-iratiuu t - . - - - *, .- . i i i f f rT-.t-i* ,:.* r .-^-.-^- of N-wY'|*rK.' I* - ' • ••••- 1 ».- f-'lli.w-. -- f ru'ta i ii.ira. r,z*"1 t-ire- i . .-- «tll Laiiirtur ; .: [' "• - • ' -•!'• i- A' *UH» rT !iI1 'l , - ..i i^i-'.'-i wniiiti t!e-4aii -. i - a a l i , ._ tt'- 5.UC ;u \ .-\-r. .] r-p, .1 t • ti. - C'l.n. f r itii < n< ti-.- .-1 ; --•--. ^ • '.;.^ w:rh tl»-- • • J n..Li. .ivi v . • r*|f v r t: *: • V- ^:n- i' •--..•._<'!. ir t f f^ w.'l-,.- -f . . '.'••;• i .: i \'.k •** Te'iiy -f S'_vte. » \ ' i « . «>I M . V * 1DHK-B; Anlhor.jr. -.- •-• . ' 1 ; - • | . r . ~-r.»..-1 K f.-r t..^ WIM- n re*T*--'l'. t uti.ate wiipm (he l>-unilirr » V -i.« '• 1 ,- .re-... .!.' : t'f r», rrj/rejie/trcd in >v foUtnet: :r» ' fifty . l.i-r- •..- auieud. t?; a-* >-.'• I r it- .is m . najj -, ; -•[,_• in.- sr_j-, r i - . ' u^i-^.u *Ti»i re-i> «' .-r- f I:.- -uj-r.-me i--./Urt ." i n - * « ^ t - r i i - - - urt 1 r i l u i i - i r . . •,'. l h - m . .iii -ft i- r ii.. -.x.h .aiiictai -ii rrtMy m rl>-ir4iMre r- rujve. ta.» adaitioi.- rr :. i-. urt tut tfleir re- -r_; •> r w> apt>.!nte'iis htvi t ti i ^ paid a* pre- *:. i i- usi atti-ud witt.ta • irie t. rn.- '.f :lie turrulf fuuru .- t t^-rmin-r n:;-t ir*--^f.ial t»--mi« ..' wn. rrtf-ui" of lai-i are triable |. .•>-«, or a nu. <rliTbf ike Jui- - -'• f ' wr ii-l- I - ti ...i-^ luted, . it.0... t*j»- . -Te^l iliiut- J.At^iy. •4 i-y the -w -T-raor within t-it dayn af- •.. . -ivrj i,> Uiu.. -U'l tetaiujea . i. ••• .r<- JIAJ . ; m . i t s ; . •L-eiaryof Wat*. ("*" n»«a ii.' ! li.<- urea-edinar wirb the nciainal law , ,-IMJ 'J-, tiereby certify thaitka»aj.a »>:r.rt tberefroaa azal ot tha wiK>U eff JwSJLPK B. CASK. JLA \. ur >EW lOBk-ll Aa(h«rl«ir tfc«r».r. u law titileat * different tima ahail be praaertbed •.ball <v<tBBUiue« and lakeafaet taroackoBt fhe u aud bot before tae tweattata oar attar the u H.I..L. i-t«--r-. a. laaTMUd by ta* s-»Tretary X T^iiSmi chap. 7. parti. Aaeiaad StatatamJ CHAT. St. \'T -rifi'. iij-uil i uacter 1 - . rn,. .».. f r*»t«cB kaadred and aereaty >>«. .l.i.e; Aaar-itai-jarfaroa t-oardec. eaperrieora -r.!.»r p<»-»er» »f »««. laajalMiaB «•• aflailnntta- a/. I tv rrsulal* the ccatpeaaatloa ut aa*ar- amea.1 ekkatcr »l»-t> »«»•« of Ibf l»w» -.. naadrew aad e«jt*troar, eatttlad^••A* ,u<l < uacter fowr baadtwa and eaa-atr two I AprB V>. VmX; ^lWrkaati a/ -W «NW • / j l Kturruo 1. atrttna attcat o( atd riaaty two, of taa lawaof an a-. ff««,ratu-ad '' - * •*> «• ;Ft»r. law anleanai Iferent time ahail be praaw-fbed tV,. rr:-. shall rN.mtneei~. %nd take etfnet thr»>a9r»i.>ut t** -'--. a»»4 ex-f bef.e». the twentieth'tar aftew the ri.T •' if ft—i i-aiuaa-e, aaperttpeg '-tt'if "v--re>ary of State >-v. 1*. title «. chap. ; part 1. ReTtnedMtattttea.; CHAP, 1*4. A \ I ' T m relea-e the -irbt. title and interaat nf the |*i*teof >»w Tora cwrtala p-.ruott> . f -he -.etir^ee Pulley ra&al !'»•»<) » K ; 1'. ".'"C I >• » two tklrd«rote, j*ie JPenyde of the -Sfrttv nf .Vew Y&rh. i i f raaaiM-f at geetnt* »<Mt .ieefmV.. d* <--ae< a* /Manai; ^r-^rl'>'. AM i h e e«a'e. r.^ht. title an t Interest r>f ti> -i»te af Sew ^ ':«<>f. •« » - i-l !.• t^" r u i «-tati'. -- II- ,t/,ii s*i.-t »al. r p-i* .'.etiefcf aicen »i..i appro- j.iii.;< -^ f.-r -1.* auiv*— -.f . ..PHiruetin*; • a ..p.-rA- ..i^ 't.f i.n-i-vr \»n»J renal ti» her-l-T granted, rel-i-eft ; n-.T»^i. i i' "he i<ei-i>«« ntrr<-it .n Mi*tw.>»ihd. t l.iat f.ihi««e is « a» tom to said panl<'« b t m e nt:v-ei!iii*-n<ieni *4 putiui w.jrks tinker and b>•* :rtue ,f ,i. j i. r f-iir > m-lr'i^ar.t fn,.r laws ofeitfhieen I.--T '-fd an i w.rriiT •eTet» and the e-Terai »H« m m iiitatrtTT rh»rei>r. »urn a*Wa b'lnit appnited (IT *>f < -oat tn >r.l .lu'.v . irh'h. ei^ht leeti hun-traa an.i t-i^-n . m. «pd th-y.KT.i rarh <*f ih*-m, ttf |fr*r.y ».,!» i f d and ••! lowered I" li"I-1, «TOTt. wfrl-i-aiiil r-.-ti• » the k»w.e renl .'-late ap»-I -pr u e l i.y vlie *ta'.j of " i the transit liue nf M.wea Tl K>'T'* 'a- ;. i i : i l-.trof A!'ii-^%"T, in"l -d.Tia I!-. r. -rri-'ir. ri«n . -i-.1 water prfnli'^e Tested ia >l-w« T-i.-ii.rt i.f b :»' i». Nt a Y-wa. ». All the Te-al ' » l a t e appriiprlated fi*r the I**hui n-~ir\o T. t r I ihr fe.'deri 1"»iHfiic frii-n *-aH reservotr t«j the aiiner; act* *•"•*. -">i: ere k. t > raUed. b> Ins all the ta T ii« npj'-t'-i *'e<t b-y t h e -tit-"f Vpw Yark ft»r aai-t re-# r»- ir and fp^-let - lu-ii.' in the r tnntv *f Ott- farruitiis, Incrndioit lb. re»rrTtf ir dam, w»ter prtvt- lege «nd l•t^-^ apj utu'eaace.- c-^inecied therewiio, reete.tioO vr. I'b-iMTlln. rtf I.-.-hna. Sew T-M-k. i : li. ip'aa i-r tide 1 by «eetion on*, all Ore *a- tate. r jtnt. tl'le. mil rrstand priiperry which the p*o- j,t. .frhi<- ''ate l"iv • heiefif-re aefiaieei*. and aow hnve In aa.i W. all th- Ian 1* und water prWH*a*9 taken mil i.pproprtal.-1 tor ihe pyrp<i»e ol ii>n»tractin,r »ad upera.Luit that pf«r.i-:ii'f the iJenesee Valley cam'., coimavrilT _m«>-rn a« t h - I'l-risi-ille br^a.-h. extendiair f i-i point in th-- T;ll««e of D»n»v lie, in the eottntr of t-^tnirat'-D. t-fthe main Uoe of nail c.taal, and taat p rtiunofsaid ranal kn:-wn a* the Winxiy feeder In rhi ronntv vt Allerany. extendlnjc from tna koatii- ary line nf Mom Taattar.'s ImJ to tke •lain line <*f eald canal. »hall r. Tert to and ia hereby rrant - ed. reieaaed to and Tested ia the pcn>a or persons i-wniua the lands to the eeniarof ibeprtta i.f said canal aed feeler. In roiitrdemttoo of, and upou iiindltioB prei edanl that tjca owners •hall flu' -run tb* superintendent -.f public -forks aa tuetm- meni. In wrttlas;. ander th-lr hmid- and ar-al, <Ja:y acknowleilffet!, relea«init and dtacharains; the state from ab obUaartoa to maintain the brldxea and other sinii'iuri'i cennevted with -ail canal ana f««xl«r. and frr-tn all Itablllr--f.-r «1aTna«e« arieioa feoeo the aban- donment thereof. Wnereapoo they and each of them are hereby ant hurtled and empowered to hold, errant, devise and convey the *»mf. S ithink fa tail ad! ahail la any w»v affect the Isn.U nf the Dan-rrflhrsfce cut and basin «itnate ta the Tillage of Pain—, as sotd »ml ciajTfteit ui JoUn Mrfurov. I '>. It shall be the dutv nf the «aid ssjperlstendeal of public work*. op>-n the recelp' cf nnr wnr'a aeveptance i.nd releaae as is pn>Tl led for la the fores; .in* section, if the same shall be deemed *'ifllclent for the par- pcs.-* c-f tt is act f<> indorse bis approtai thereon aad file the «ame In hlaofftV-. I All coptei of releases executed to the peopla of the state "f. New York, uniler seotinn tw.i of this art, certified bv the superintendent of public works, un- Ms hand and the seal of his s»l.l nfHc*, fokjtrn" copies of tlia original, as approrad and tiled in hi-, of- fice, pro^*idina the aaul original reit-ase !-> pe^.e^d or acknowlf d#ed In the tnainec in whi'jh c-mTeyanc^s of real estate are required Iff be, for the purpose of rec- ord, may be recorded br the clerk of the county, tn woH-b the lands referred to in th» release are situate. In tl"- h". ks In wk-ch det*d< are rcc >r^e-t and Index MI in tre num.- of the state of .' e-.v York as orantor, and .ii 'he nam? < t the rel &S.T as i;r»rnr>a, for whlcn ser- vice clerks of counties «hall be en'i^ed to the aia- Iien-atiun now allowed b j U * for recording coQTey- sn-ea of real estate. * i X The reeord of aey roch cerrlaed re-ease, or a certif-ed copy of the record thereof, shall at all times ami in all place's be evidence, and of the sime force ana .fleet as thtnwn the original was produced and pr-. ved, I ,i t.. This let ihaK take effect immediately. •So inoiiglnal. tasfcaa, awd ratwa fwty aaacnaajg fa a w*jatl fftwA m, giatasaaa wtte tr. am PwaW fcaaiay. aata-1 sss- •bar third. eWrhtewa fcaadresl and strty fo«-. aad re»v.rded ta Krte cotmtt t srrk"»itfaei I,. Mter twa hua weed aasl Pwrty aw nf >Wf da at aaaa <sss> haadred a«d nfiy. Hepiawiber tenth, eiahteea hssaaraa ana sixty foar,cot talalai aboaaMxil ftear aad «aty-f|te one horfOeedtht srrra. are hereby rstaasaa], kraat«a anl r-osreeyed to rxsrothy Poeearh. fiwa.tiis Barotay Boa- ter, of the «o»d towasaf Cheektosessra, wtaaw of said rVterKoater aim—an. hnrken*, uecuum aad ha- ws roees-e- ; Nothir,« ta this set shall he hoM or nwasnj UP d to Feet the right. Oil< latereau ordVasaad.of any heir at law. capable of Inherit lag devWew. arraatee. or Tendtf/ or of gay rradHor by morto»«T or other I < This act stall take effect immediately. •Sot rrt-nrnefl by the O-iTernorwftJila t'n d«T»after It was presented u him and neearne 11>« without his ataaatnre. April i. 1*2. -So in original •TATX or Haw Toaav l Ofofe of the rV-crctary of Mate. ,•*•• I have f rr-pared the pTeeedlrtf with the rsrlalnal law oa Me la this ofBca, and do beiotfi eoiuri that the "esse la a correct traiienkat there from and of the wh da of •aid orlgtoai-aw. JOSEFd B. UARK. •eeretaryot scat*. LAWS OF ITBW TOBK-waty Aa«fe*rttr. STATB or Hsrw Yoak, > __ . Secretary of State, f •»• Office of the I have compared the preceding* wdth the original bs*» on tU- in this office, aaa do hereby certify that the sasna ts a Ci irreet transcript therefrom and of the wkota of said original law. JOSEPH B. CARR, Secretary of atata. LAWS arim fwKK-Bfkaikaritf, Tiu, siiaii i oiunieuce auu M M envci (.nrtsiiajiious it-, on and not before the twentasth day after r of ita anal naasagT. as certified by tha In irtaja >te. Bee. tt, tUfc 4, chap. 7. part 1. aVsriaaJj [Fvery law, anless a differeat time shall be prescrib- ed therein, abaU commence aad take effect ttiroughout the Stat . . . - . . . . . . the day of Ptate. Statutes.] CHAP. a. AS At T to amend seeti.-n one of chatter rifiy-flVe i.f the laws of eirht**en hundre t and .-ighty.^entitled '' An ait to amend irctloii inn e of Ciiapier oae nu.i- d r . d iiC-1 tin o* the kw-; of --itfhteen nnndred and seventy s*ix, enruleii * An act bupplemental to cbap- t»r sJTtt.v i.f tiielawi lit ni«ht*»r. hundred anilthir- tr-en.' entitled ' An act to Drovide for the larorpore- Uon of leliKious socitttr.-, * und of the several acti ameniatory thereof." r a s s e l March 21, 1982 ; three nxtbs being pi T\t fmnpk of tW StaU of Nmt Tort, Senatm and Assess b%, aTo eaockos rbtlosss *p. TIOV l SVi'tloii three of chapter ons hundred ud ten of the latv:> of eighteen hundred aad seventy-six, entitlf (1 '' An act supplemental to chapter sixty of the laws of eighteen hundred and thirteen, entitled ' An act t- • provide for the Incorporation of reHalou so- cieties, and or the s-veral act-i ameadatory toereof,'' is I. .-. b\ amended su as to read aa follows : ? 3. Whenever any church, parish or relkrloua sw- cietv, in eonnection with any sueh ttovaralns; body. shall become extinct ib> reason of tke death or re- m.juluf it> inemoersi. or for any other cause, it shall t.e lawful f• r the tni^teet elected by such governing iMMtv. to take possession of the tempor- heli i.«:ng to i-ucii ettinet church or society.anl rrnnage, st•. i. r UUpose of the sasae and apply the pro- cti 'Is tii..r-_- f to any of the obj-cts or purposes mem- rione.1 in the s< cond section of this act. It shall not bt-liiwinlfor said truatees to dieert said property to .in% other object. Tie governing body to which sue j i LMCI. or -«lety belong shall determine wnen any church or society has become extinct, or has ceased to maintain reliKious Services for two onseruttv* rears OMLH customary in said governiiig bodyi provided that no cfcuri-b or society having more than thirteen real- >!>-nt attending mala members each of whom has annualiv paid pew rent, or aunual contributions t-i»„rd the support of the church or society the last two years, shall be declared iXtlnrt, except it has failed to maintain religious services for two consecu- tive vears, sccoidinr to the customs and UJlies of the governing l>ody to which such church or society be- long- 1 «. This act shall take effect immediately. BTSTB o r » « » T o n , l _ . Ofllco of the aaereurr of Maca, | **•• 1 Ldvc- c'.njperrl the precluding with the orhrlaal law ..n Hie in Hi is jiflce, and do hereby certify that tbesaaat Is a correct tr.uscrlpl lUeretrcm and of the whoia of »id onpn*' i»w JOSKr-H B. CABB. " of "" LAWS OF *«»SW 1 Z^Sra7t»Xa»a*r^^i«-«- aa«*»-»T —»f ABtborlir [Kv.-ry law. unless a different time shall be pre-*.l therein, .-.hall eotujience aad take effect throughout tiie .state, on and not before the twentieth -1:... ..iter the day of it* flnal pansage, a* certified by ih. Secretary of State, sec. li, title i, chap, 7, pan 1, H* . i!-t-d statutes. J CHAP, ia. \\ Af'Tfn incorporate the romnlftee on church ei- of the t--lnii^> of New York. 1 ,ijM-d Ma> i3, l*Hi The fen-pis of the atoas of New Yort. rsjirsnafssl ta arnate and Amtmbly, do moot as toUovn: .-jLCTi ^ 1 James Anderson. Julius W. Geyer. John H. Hanltlns'.n, William Ma-il e.nd Henry Camerden. Jr., coiulio-.In«tni: committee on chur.'hexteusion of (be elassis i ( Xe» York, ard their iiicresiors in said coiunoltee, are her-t.y con>t!tute.l a bofly corporate liy i.i'r.ame'ITh» tumnutier oa Church Extension ••f tl.- Classic of Sew York. 1.'. The said eomiijittee s.iall coaslst of fltemem- t^rs. to be appointed by said classes, to bold office for the Term of nve jfani, to be arranged in classes, so that one mcuiWr .-hull retire every year and a su-- ces-or te -le'--te-l in his t.l»ce. i; Inca-i ••! thi del h. realnnaU'ra or remova'of snv ineml.-er. his suece->or shall be eleered at the next regular meeunjc of clossln. to flil taeuuexpired ri-rfialr.dcr o' the term J 1. IDeobjtct of said corporation shall be the ex- it-! s i r . of ihe Informed ilmti'h' Church of ATierica. I li.- ^aii cjrj-oralion nba.ll be c*p.ible uf sutm; rm t i^-mg suett, of taking for relixlous, charitable mid ••lucat-ona! i.nrpow* hy «ift, d?vi»e, be<j-.i;st, .- i.iul ur purc-uase. anil of holding and disposing of ^i y .-.ii • -'.»:e or nr«ual e-tate, and of the revenue trier-, f. fora»-> of the aforesaid objects. • *. I r shall nr>t t»3 lawful for saia corponriirri to di in; any 'f l i e above or funds toauy othef j:.rj -(lliitli-ij-ra 1 jve name-!. i: TT.i- jui'i i -orjinr.itloTi -taM have power to rak> In Id, li. trust, any real estate, deeds and liens --C c u - i ^ t . cnsiilatil.->.r educational property con- i. •'i-iHith. >-r »fiK'ii|shali hereafter be connectei Willi »i,4i:as-:., i -. Tie -all corporation shall have power t) mike I-\ laws for ihe management of its affairs, not lncon- -i '-; t \wtti the ciinsiitutioii of this state or ot the Ci !*•'• -la'ei •- .• This a. t shall take eff. ct immediately. Sun w Kr» Ti.iut, >„ ufii.-e .f the Secretary of btate, i m " 1 r^iive o .moored the pre. edlmt with the original law -1; f.1- iri l)j.s office, and do hereby certify that the same l- ac. -r>f t transcriFt rherefrom and of the whole of s-ud oris-inal law. JOSEPH B. CARB. Socretarr of atata.B •— *»» LAWS or mtw TOHit-ai ADXHOKIVI. [-tvery law, nnle«> a different time shall be prescribed tli-re'n. shad commence and take effect throturhoat tae t:.ii. vn siid not bafo.-e the twentieth day after tha day ui it.- r.L»l passage, as certified by the BocretarJ of ctat-. b e e 12, title i, eoap. T, part 1, faeertaed itatctv^. i CHAP. I.f!. A > ACT to amend ehat-ter one hundred and seventy tlve .f the laws <f ei/i.tsen hundred and seventy ei.'iiled •• An act regulating the sale of IntoxicaUai" aiuenoed bv chapters one hundred an-i slxir '.or ami fo. r nundred and sixty-six of tke la'>i cf eighteen hundred and eighty-one. faased Bay 4, 1*?; thres- Ifths being The FtopU of the State of Hem Tot*. JeaiiV aad ^sseasMy, do enamt amfoUmm: SLI in -i 1 Section three of -aapier one hundred aap eeventy Ores! the law-ot elikte-n buadred aad a«v- -nt>, entitled "An act rr^ula3m2 the sale of intoxl- cal IriK r.iiu.ora. *' as amended by chapters one ntoodr»d oast i-ixtr four and four nuudreskesM] slxty-aix of She law-or -ightoec hunure! ana eWbty one, islereby further ameadad so aa to lead as toltowi: 13. Ti e coscmtOKW-ners of excise abaJl meet la-their respn-nve cltlen, -»liu«^r» and towns, on the ant kton- oay of X»y in each ya-r. fo. the purposa of rranuur linriMi as provided ») law and at BO other time for tbar purtxinr. rxcfw upon application tot iKeata made in xooa faith la any town or rUtastr, and iBsaah ca»e not oitoner than . nee la each asowh; la clttos tcity ahail meet on OK first Honda* of each month, and as of ten as they shall deem rsiesxtsw. All li- censes hereafter granted shall expire oa tha arst steal nay. f Jtay succeeding the date of soak ttrantlaa;. ex- cept » the cities of Sew York. Brooklra. aa« Boraea ter. and alt applicants Where suek tseassia la a n a led for a period cf leas tnan one year, shait nay a peo iaarn amount of tke Ureas.lee eetabiksaed lot tkeir psaoaef business, by Ike omiui^lonera of tkate rsapacttro cities, tirwrntasdrrllsgea: and la said iMItaof Mtr York, Brooklra and r.oct.est*r, all suuh all las at shall expue at the and of one year frota, tke liana tkef skall tat graated. esafaeoftksSsswatary^fkhaaa.,' I antra suatassaa aas asas eag|w tats sears, aad (Every law unlees a tlffereet ttroe «hall be prescribed ksrela".snail commenoe and tske effort throughout th* •tat* on a»^i not l«for* the twentieth day after tha day of ir« flnal passage, as certified by the MeeretarT of BUte.—Sec. U. tlilet. chap. 7. part T. Bsrrlard Stat- ates.l CRar. l«t, AHACTt-i re'.ease the Interest of tha people of rh* -tsie..i New York, in and to the real estate of which .'in... souihwlck died pre.s.ssrd, to alary u. Slml-, formrriT *arT O. HouthwK*. litssed 1*..> '. . 1»W: by a two tkiros rote l-aerVarpsro/CA* State *f New Tor*, lasrsssufld as iMsBtsaadalssrajobji, slo eaoot a» ftilkiwm: Sm ri< -K . All the estate and tnterett ot the peopW of thi-s'atc. ID and to the real estate in the cly •- flew Y'nrk whereof Janaes a^othwlek died seised of poffteserd, ki-quired by (be eaekaat of iame, de*Tnb«ii and 1---U- -1. .i as follows . All thai -:tnalnlot. piece or parrel of ground with fhertw.:l"g "."rise therron, situate and lung on the nnrthe. iv side of Klv.ugtou s-.eet in the city of New York i- linden and ilesuiiaed astoilows : Beginning ut a point on tf>« nnrrberty side of Riringron street di-tant sev-nry-flve feet westerly from the westerly c-«wr of kivlngt» and Forsyth streets running lh»noe westerly la line along tke northerly side of Rtf ington street twenty 4>-* feet, theneenort h- eriv and parallel with Porsvth street one bsxadred feet to centre line of the hl-iek thane* easterly aad along sin! centre line of the block parallel to Rivingtoa strM twenty tire feet and tbener southerly In a straight line to the rortharly skle ot Rivmsrcoa street oil- huiulre.f feet t-f the point or place ot boglnnlnsT. A:-., all that certain lot, piece or parcel fir land sit- uat- I.i inir an-.1 b. We m the city of New York bounded and dtsfrlt- d at follows: Benlnal«f at a point on the northerly Hue of Ksst Broadway dlatant two handred and *ii.vfT futir feet two ana fm^e-fesirths lnoaea west« rly from the northwesterly earner of East Broad- way and Market street running thence a«rt hefty and parallel witb sf:irket street or nearly 30 sixty-eeght feet ten ami a ho'.r ln-nes; thenee weatetiy and near- ly parallel ta hast Broadway twenty-aye tert. thence southerly and parallel with the first meailonet line slxtt etghi feet ten and a halt inane* to »*»aortherly side of £aat Broadway and th?nee easterly aksag the northi rly side of Kast Broa'-.w y twenty foar feet eleven ard a half Inch, s to the point or alaeeof be f inning, arc hereby granted and releases! to alary O. unix, lorniprly Mary 0. oouthwici, widow of laid James Southrw*ch\ li. nothing saisia contasnt-d shall bs keld or con- strued to affect tke rUht, title and Intersex or demand or any ht ir at law, denser, grantee or of any cred- itor of taid James Sonihwkrk, ky juAajaent. mort gage or otherwise. 13. This act shall take effect immediately. * Not returned by tae governor withla tea days af- ter having been received by biro, aad because a law without his slttaaturo ntay A, DM-. STATE or Sim Yonm, { „ Office of the Secretarv of State. »"• I have compared the preceding with the on die in this office, aad do hereby same is a correct transcript therefrom of said orignal law, JOSEPH B. CARB, •secretary of Btate, i the orhrlaal law oertifv tkattas i and of the whole LAfA S OaT *1« IME->*r]i AajtaV»ffMf. fEvery law. unless a different thn* shell be preecriDOd theretn, shall commence and taste effect throogaoot the tke Btate, on and not before Che twentieth day after tke day of ats final passage, as certified by tke Secretary of **ete. Sec. 12. title 4, chap. 7, part 1, ssssdeoa Statutea.] CHAP. «. AN ACT to release and grant the Interest of the peo- ple of the State of New York In oertatn real estate in the city and county of New Tork to Robert U»w. son. Pawed Aptil 6,1W2; by a two-thirds vote.* xW-Ihsols of the Slate of Hem Yorh, si fcnaig and AmmMif, AotnaotatfoUow Sxcrio^ 1. All the estate, right, title. Interest aad property, of the people of this State, acquired by escheat on the death of Joseph Brown, formerly of the city of Mew York, in and to tke following described lands and premise*. Is hereby releaaed and granted to Robert 1-awson of said elty of New York, his heirs and assigns forevar; all those certain lots, pieces or parcel* of land wltk tk? buildings and Improvements thereon, erected. situate, Ivlns and beins in the first ward of Che city of New York, on the noftkerly side of South WUUan* street, and EoW. and for vatmf years neiwto- for* known and alsttaguished by tke street numbers lour and six Sooth tVlfliam street, and as BOW In pos- se-skin bounded and described as follows: beainatng at a point on the northerly hne or side of said Soot n winiam street distant one hanarad and taarteen feet one kick westerly from the point where tke sontberly line of kVaver street and the northerly line of South William street would intersect if said baes wera con- tinued a* straight lines and running themes nor-herly and partly aloft; land of Delmonlco aad partly along load of aahrtahjg. aUrs-Avw feet also tacaea Bo otaer lard or Zibriskit; thence westerly aid aloof land af Zabriskie thirty-one feet six inches to land late ot Thomas Barroa; thoaee sootherly aloaa- aald land late of Tbossas Barron sixty three feet re* Inches to the said northerly side of Booth William afreet: and thence easterly- aeramaraarid aortherty s*de at Soath wmiamgtrf^ttatny-stx feet bat iicawto Iht point or place of besrlnelng. Said premises being a part or the same wnich were eonvojod to the aatn Joseph Brown by Charles B. Moore, master ta chancre, by deed oaied 8epember thirtieth, eighteen hwadred aad thi ty-seven, and recorrJed in the reaiater'* ofltoe of the city and coanty of Xew York In liber three han- dred and srveety-slne of cooveyaaco* pace foar hun- dred and eighty-Ore, October tourtk. stnktfrti kna- dred and thirty seven; and alas belae; Ike same prem- ises menttoaed and described la n evnata mortgage made by said Joseph Brown to the Manhattan 9\n In- surance Company, dated June fourteenth, eighteen bunored and nfty-two aad recorded ia aald register's office in liber fonr hundred and ten of aaortgages place two hundred and seventy-four, Jnne fourteenth, einDteen hundred and flfty-two. 12. Nothing herein contained shall aflect theright. title, claim or Hterest of any person tn and to »iid 5 remises as heir at law, divisee. or graitee of aald oseph Brown or of any c: editi r by judgnarnt mortgage or othi rwlte. IX Thlaact skall take effect Immediately. «Ko* returned by the Governor within ten days after it was presented to him and became a law without his signature, April 0,18"?. STATiorNgWlosrg, > Office of the Secretary of State, i**" I hare compared tke preceding with tke original law on ule in this otncerand do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom aad of the whole of said original law. JOSEPH B. CARR, Secretary of Plat*. L A W S On* RIW YOAtsV AtJ(la*rl*T. Cavrery liw .unless a different time shall be prescribed taTorajkOBt tbtuein; shah commence and[take effect" tke State on and not before tke tweattetb day after tke day of its fJnai passage, aa certifled by tke Secretary off State. Sec. 12, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, BcrtsedStat. ntea.1 CHAP. 82. AN ACT to amend an act entitled '• An act to amend chapter two bunored and eighty two of thel.iwsof clKhtern tiunurtd and nrty-roor, entitled 'Ana.t to amend the actentitled * An act to authorize tae formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same,''' passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty. Psased April 19. 1981. flu Propk of the State mf Ke» Tori, rnnresaitja ta fcnateowd iliainMs, ao enact aefvUow* : SECTIO'I. The fourth section of chapter two hun- dred and eighty-two of the laws of eighteen handred and flfty-four, entitled " An act to amend the act en- titled - An act to authorize tke formation ot railroad co.pcratlons, an-1 to regulate the same, **' passed April second, eighteen hundred and arty, as amended by chapter Bre hundred and forty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, en- titled "Anact to amend chapter two hnndred and eighty -two of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty four, entitled 'An act to amend tae act entitled 'An act to authorise tke formation of railroad corpora- tions, and to regulate the same.' " passed April sec- ond, eighteen hundred and fifty, Is hereby ameadad so as to read as follows: f 4. In case any ralrroad company, the Hae or root* of whose road has been surveyed and designated, and the c-rtiflcare thereof duly Bled as required by law. i* unable to agree for the purchase of any real estate re- quired for Its roadway or other purposes, the said corporation shall have the right to acquire title to the same by the special proceedings prescribed In the not hereby amended; and all real estate acquired by any railroad corporation under and pursuant to the pro- visions ot this act. for the objects and purposes herein expressed, shall be deemed to be acquired Tor public use. But this section (ball not be so construed as to apply to any real estate in the city of Buffalo, situated berween Main and Klcblgan streets, except that lying between Kxckange street and Buffalo river. i i. This act shall taste effect immediately. STJTI NIW YOEk, J „ . Office of the Secretary of State, I - I h ve compared tho preceding with tke original law on file In this ofltce, aaa do hereby certify tknt the same is a correct transcript therefrom aaa ot the whole of said original law. JOSEPH B. CARS, Secretary of State. oea L A W S OK* !V<S1V T O B a V - a B y A j n t A p » r U w . H*££5 (Kvary law, unless a different time skall be swaswxiowa therein, shall eotnmeaeeand take effeet tkren*rhoat tke State, on and not before the twentieth day after ""t tar of it* flnal passage, as certified by tke Sehretairai State. See. U, title*, ehap. 7. parti. fterssaAStatutes. CHAP. 1X4. AS ACT to amend section twenty two knndrcd and forty -seven of the Code of civil Procedure. Passed Hay 1, 1S92; threeflftb* being present. Ik* r«asd* of Ih* mam mf Mem York, rwrmmUem as sarnaMBM A*s«wt*4r, at rndCIM/Miami ; SKCTIOV i. Section twenty-two handred and forty- seven of the Code of Civil Procedure la hereby amead- ed so as to read as follows; I M"i. The issans Joined by tke petition and answer must be tried by the judge or justice, unless either party to sack proceedings shall at toe trone deshraated In such precept for showing cause, demean a Jury, and at the time of aoch deatand pay to such iadge or justice the tke necenenry costs sad expense* ot obtain- ing such jury. If a jury be demanded and sack coats and expenses be pent, the lodge or Jsjetiee with whom inch petition smvu ks filed, anail nominate twst*s re putable persons onannee to serve as juror* la court* of lecord, and aaall have has precept directed to-tks sheriff or one of tke eonst shies of tke conaty, or constable or marshal of tke city or town, lag- him to sunt nana the pesseaa ao antnlnata- before sock jnAtgeotjaitlee at sarat lima or ptsea-as he ahali tkeretn anaolat. not naore thaa thran dew* from the date tbeseot, for the nanrnose of trytag tke aald matter* In dlOerence. BU of tke persona an aa*n> •noaed skall be drsrwa la lls«Btaa*k*ra* JanirsiBlaa- lices' court* asm snail be swota by •iwhHdgeorjas- UcaweUajld traly to hear, try and dafstasaM tke matters an dlgrreiaoebetween she utli Ih. •• afierhear- tagtbeailrgattcdisanjd proofs of ttat ant^tM, tke seJA jwo (ball be kept together oaaH taryagras oa taear verdict, by the sberttY or one of Ms aepafieu. or a coa- stakle. or by aorae proper i«r**a aapointad ky tae Saata* or lastsee for tkat ptrrpoaevarfoakaU neswora ioltmsBMajsunrsaWasaal ta ilfca aaaas off conrta of reeord. If anch Jary cannot agree after betas; kapt togrtkar tor sack time as •ae-i jtntge or jaatianskaU o«*m r< aioaabla. kiimnr 1lnhsi|a ikimaai aoeata aaa^awwhsry aad |*aae a new prtcepi tn •amis* *^sth. M man. CSLAP. lw). AS ACT to re M e M M tne orlgtaal t r m of the rial* of sew York aa* to arotvas for the nee thereof an th- awnlte seals. ISawei Mayai. UR; tare* fll The rwaats ay- she^ aaaas ay* flhw rora. McTsogl. The d> flea or arms of tbs* state as adopt ed March rtitcerdb. *eve ,t*en hundred and seveety- elftir. aereny darsiared to be rvwsretly oowrtljed a* fnllow« nuint Amre. In* landwape. the son In feas.rMng In »j> e dor, or, be bird a nuarror thire mountains. the middle one the highest, tn base, a skip and sloop oadcr tan. passing and about to wise* o a a river, bor- dered tiekiw »} a grassy shore fringed with shrubs, ail per pet. Cmasr. On a wreath, axnre and or. aa American eeele, ptoper. rising to the dexter, from a two thirds of a nlobe terrestrials' < wing ihe SOrth Atlantic ocean with otttlfnesof its fttVirr* 7 St ironTana. On a quasi eompartanrnt formed by the txtengUn f the si roll. DalTKn. The Ogure of Lrberty proper her hair disheveled and df< orated with pearls. »noted aaa re, sandaled rales, about the waist a csnrrore or, rnaged gut**, a mantle of i ne last depeadiaa from tke skoal ders behind to the feet, in the hand a staff en- signed with a r brygtsn espor, the '1nl«ter arm em- bowed, tke hand *nnr>.rtlng the shield at th* dexter chief point, a royal crown by her sinister toot de j' ctefl. fWWTEn. The fljure nf Justice pmpe-. her hair disheveled and decorated with pearls. re«:ed or. »an- dasrd, elm tared aad mantled as Liberty, bound about the rice wuha flU-Jt proper, in the dexter band a rtraiatit sword hilled o", erect, r-sttnr on the smUfer chief point of the shield, the splitter arm embowed, holding before her her scaii-s proper. MOTTO. On a scroll below th«*hleld argent. In "able, ExnELKtrin, I •". The secretary nf stale shall canes to be engraved upon metal two aad one-half inches In diameter, the device of arms of this state accurarely conformed to the description ot the mw given in section first, aad tie arms so ctarraevd shall be aarronnded with the le read. The (Brit waist tke Mtteof New Turk, and It alone shall he used as the great seal cf the state. He al*0 Shall cause to be engraved on metal, the prrry M »1 for the olftee of the governor, and seal* for the court of appeals, ih - secretary of state, the comp troUer, treausrer. the state (nglneeraad surtejor and the adjutant gei era I. which shall oe two Incbea and aqnarter ,a diameter and Shalt contain tae a&aae de v ice of arms; and each of aald seal* shall aave an in scrlption on Its lace surrounding th* arm-', containing severally the name and title of each otBoe. He shall also provide In the same manner tor ast other odtces at tae capital which are required to haveki use offi- cial seals. 13. Tl e getm of all state offlcen other thaa thite named tn the peered BK section, and which are re- qtttred or author sed by statute to use a seal, shall eongorm to the same device described in the first sec- tion, shall b e one Inch and three qna-ters in diameter, «nti abe'l be anrrnanded with tke appropriate same of the omce. 14. From and after tneftrstdayof Janonry. eighteen hundred ami eighty-three, MeseaU provided as afore- said ST ihe McrettrT of state skalt ie atsd far all tke reqniasmparpoaes of these oAsces. The aaabtof the trversl offices which can no longer be aned ahail be delivered to tte secretary of state, shall be ky ' defaeel with a suitable mark aad deposited with ancient teak) ta the state isbrary 15. The device of arms of trie Statecot to tae biaeoB hereiabefore given shall bo psswted colors opea wood a* eanvas, an-, knag upon tha walls of the executive chamber, tae court of appeals, the oflce of the s«Tet»rjr of f'ats aad of the •taste arid asswsably chambers. It. Bo pictorial devices ctler than the arms of the state saaU be used in the public oOlces at the eaatiat for letterbwdlags and envelopes used forofflrtaibaal- nees. ?>enone arsntiag and circulating papist floca " r tho awthoricy of the state, whinrthzj • 5. Oejstw af ttw SkTretasry nary ofa*n*y». wttk tlwertginal l —— ewra?/th«7- aawf/thef • B, C AJUl. flai i .ana ti at*. h»*a| tke knlaoi-e reasa fi'e« smev rswdew wf the ram r>f Tvssr »fn»fty»-f| tb.vaaan«} 4cH«-» I .rfeassgrbyayasfwye^sweeins <»>»»«• —— wsrW I"a"esn|* *sr"smBsssVt la r a i stgesrrl V W " a f e M | T HwW*r*'» , JI aaa taadreal aan seeeaty-aim. aasl i f f e ^ t r r-srev-wt the lawaof etr*t etyateew nanai i A ewa u«iet!inrti [*Jvr*fy ktWj aaless adkanaaatt Sa* of It* Baal fasama* a* csTtlnedbrtkeanei See. 13. tftle*, ebaa. 7. aart 1. Mussid CHAP S». Alt AT twarav«dai^rnnerevsfn<»y rdtapter one hen dred and sev.etyoweof the saws of earbreen kaa- dred aad esjrMy-ewe, astlUel .aa Act to amend chap ter three handred and «txcy two of the laws of etrfateen hnndred and etehty. tatUli d Aa Art to prr>- ' a of on itb the a, wnfnrthzy aa> a vignette, shall place upon the title page* of the doensnents the standard device of the state arms with* IIi saterationstor ntditlons- I i. ahviag tae hours when tke legislatora In in ses- sion, tke state flag bearl-ig the aims of the state ah ill be displayed from the capltol togetner with the fl g of tke Called States IS. All acts or part* of acts inconsistent with the provision* cf this act are beret)/ repealed. •TATS OF Sgw Yonx ) . OSsee ot tke Secretary ot Btate. i I hare oompar >d the p-ec eiin; with the arigiaal law aa BJe In t a b ofB -e, and do hereby certify that the aasnels a correct transcript therefrom and of tke whole ot said original law. _ JOSEPH B. CARS, Secretary of Stats LAWS O V N B W YOAIK—B>* AaajMrHw, vlde for ihe 'ra-markm aaee ejowipeetfs. and to Passed March »k vm~ T%e Jwjps. •/ tV Jtaawe/ i»*» rer*, rperative ins tletnereo*. the tit! agrnoe I. aection eleven of chapter one hundred sad seventy one of the laws of eighteen hwadred and etehty one. entitled Aa Act to amend chapter three botuired and sixty-two of the laws of eighteen hue dred and eighty, entitled An Act tn provid* for the formation ot eoanty ci operative haswraace eompaa ie*. and to amend the title I hereof, U hereby amended so ss to read as fortosrs-. I 11. Srctlmt nineteen of said act Is hereby amended to read as follows : ) Ir. >0tMug herein contained shall antAMlxc any coir-pany fottned under the provisions of this act to transact business in not to exieed threo i»ur,ties which shall be designated In the certMcate reiiuliesl by seriloa one. except a* Iteretnbefore specially an ih.-rifsi. Any company now orguisedand il-iiK r-nsines* under the provision* of this ac?. or which o u t hereafter he organised aad do buslnes) und r the proVlttctis of this set. m one county or two adjoining coaaUes, me j extend Its business into any number of tf untie*, not exee« ding three In all. by tiling in the office of the clerk of such adjoining coquty 0 - co-a- ties a duly certified copy of the certificate aBo state meat filed in tke office of toe Secretary of State, under the provisions of section* one and three of this act, and also bv f!ltn,r in fheoflleeot the Secretary of aitte. and of the County Clerk of each coanty comprise 1 within the territorial limits of slid ootap.ay, a c-rel- ocate signed by at !»a«t two-thirds of the directors of said company stating the counties within which said company propose* to do business, and upon Sling such certificate* aad certified copies as herein provided, any such company shall prmsess all the business end corporate powers, rights and privileges ia the comi- ties named la sach cextincat* inot exceeding three), nod be subject to the tame liabilities at thtraa-b origin - ally orgaalsed USHV r a certiaeato specirylos: the same eoaaUr* aa the territarlal UmP* ofsosh company. ta. This act shall takeetteet insmediatey. STAfB oy Knw YOBBT, i _ . Office ot the Secretary of State, {*"" I have compared the pn-certiug with the original haw on Ble in this office, and do hereby certify that tkeaaane hi a correc t transcript therefrom and of tke ilislseff aald ordinal law. JoWPHlLCABav resaei'Syriated by j ^rrrvof t K s i s w . >r : -«eaM. aad reanprer t w o , . of the lews ot esgfitaesi I hwadred aad eighty, or *- mora thereof a* ••>*••- -- . anta aP'"»P' ndid on tke as* magi wf taH art. •> heretiy j r-*»priiinaa*l I a* par the awnm wntrtl map Baalty he '• aijaas*! hf- the eaaal board or by ear eourt of rr— .et to be da* to coptrartnt-s on m-mtbty ewtimstes nr on < «*nl aeroawt »or enrrefwwHiery repair wnrt on tae eamats, asnt whhih ha»> ao« a*ieaa*us* bo* a e-vwtpr • mhwd aad •rturd. and aleo to pay the awtaraasttag ' eertfAeate* »nd drafts dnlv iasn<-d ia pavm-nt for werh pel fia mul sM eswrrtabtr *ln« rre.wi t»w • a* . the iatranat watrti tke sts'abss all *- : if-eailv s»» leatlais a* neoMliltlaa m pe»v<wt!->r •»•' naiier rr sa sa". s nf any »•** •» taHotew *»4 -vf"-»« I free*- sfjawe «w sas pa s i -^ fcMf-f 4* ppi*wws ef tehing ec fifwf'if the pisfft«-d if art s»* a S-d « r •i.-'tf^er *r. te*« **•* •*»•«. f*- — s nim-' %• - - srri*- ;o the wa**t*t-f the towa of iipfwev Ray. i» f>w -•••*tv ef i^tre*r« rr fhw sraf*-* *v i»e-«, »cnra Wiv i . This *•-" saan ta-»» »er—t ie»^—-tiaf-iT | L Tats art shall take effeet immediately. "warn or Bow Team. i_ t*Ba*taf th* BeCTv«arrofttt';. { **• Ilarrecomparrd the sreeedl-ig with Th* -jrtg--iel htw a a S e t n t k h i oaVre, sad do hereby r.rtffr that »« ansae Is a f-uirei t fraaarript U.s i *fi —i and ..f the who* atatideilsjlaallaw. ^ ^ jo.**:™ p cAftR. accretaryof istasa. LAWSOffratait Aa-BT AwtJIaritr (stvery law unless a different tlsne shall be prescribed therein, shall commence and take effe, ; mr >a«n,>ut tke *tah» on and not before ihe twentieth dav after • ;•» day of its Anal paasaae. as certiSed by the rtecrjtary of Stat*.-Sen. li, title i, chap. :. part i Kettse-i Star tttea.) CHAP. 151. AS ACT to amend chapter tfire? hnndrel sn.l . \ t r .me of tke law* of eUhveen bund red an.l etghry on-. entitled "An act to amoa.1 cbapier tlve nindre-t an i forty two of the Inert of tiihtern Imnlrei am rfcthry. entltlod -An act to provide for n»"«1n« taxes for the are af the state trnva certain cirporstrocai. joiat-*tock oompaaies aad associations - PagardAay a,l*H. three fifths being present. am* Aapie of nV Shasta/ Sett r.M-*, rej^rseV'd in aennfeatkl l«srnifr>, do enoct oe oiOow* : nacTto* u Chapter three hundred an.1 slxiy one of the law* of eighteen handred and eighty on?,entitled •An act to amend chapter five hundred and forty two of the taws of ebhteea hundred ami eixty. entitled 'An act to provide for r»i*»ng taxes for the n«e of IS* state, upon certain earpomthias. joint stock com- panies and ansoeiatioaa. • • t* hereby amended by »•! ding thereto, three additional sections to be called seetatms eleven, twelve and tWrteen. to retdaslol- 111. Wnenevar the eompfroller ht dimttleasd with tke report of any association, corporation or j>b*t stoeAcompany, liable vhtlfars of to** ' AaPasawrlty. LrnWSOl •set*, on and not Ijoiaea the «•*-«* sttflaali abate, toe, U, tatle iTesmp. 7. parti, CHAP. ei. AST ACT to ansand ckaarer four ban dred aad etgksy two of the laws of eighteen hnnsred aSMl asrroaty- tTvv. eatJtird '-Anact toeoafer oa baaafaof sArstr viaora farther powora of local liasstarsiwi eaSTaft- miEUtrstloa and to regulate the oompanaastiaB ot (Every law, nnleae a atfferent time aball be i pre- effect throughout the state oa and aot before tae twentieth day after the day of its final passage, aa certified by taa secretary of State. -See, li, title 4, chap- 7, part 1, BswUudSWtniet. CHAP. I«. AH ACT establishing the fees to be charged by the rsseretary of State for oatciai services. »nmi.B May IS, 1«2. sawAnparof fae atoie of Me* fort, reytnyasntai in eswaiVasag Immaofa. doeaaof a* tettowe: Satrrio* 1. The Secretary of state anali hereafier charge aad collect the following fees for ofAcial ser- rtces: ^a^>raople«of all papers and records aot reqkired to beceraaed or otherwise aatkeaticated by mm, tea cents for each folio of one hundred words. For eertfied or exemplified copies of all laws, rec- ord*, aad pepers (except as keretnarter stated), fifteen cents for each folio of one honored word*, and oae dollar for every eeitiflca to under seal aft* xod Suit to. For every certmcate ucder the great seat of the Stste, owe dollar. Pea-lsawrntag every certificate, notice or atber pai (except a* tMieinaf ter stated) required oy law coided, fifteen cents for rack folio of one kondrid wird*. for *frasy ewrtlaeate ander tae seal ot hi* ofltce lex- ceptotniiicatesas ------ Sacnonl. SatMllvisUa tlx of »eetloa oae of aaapter fonr ataadved and ei*rhry-two. of the taws of esjftteea hnndred aad »eveaty-Sve, eatttled "Aa net tooonfar on beards of snpervlsnrs farther powers of lqenl leg- islation and admlntstratton. and to naeksl* taeeooa- pensntioa of tupervlsofs," as aniended by chanter two bmsdred aad nftp-seven of the laws of esgareea bundred nnd seventy-six, is hereby further amen Jed so a* to read as follows: i <•* To authorise any town or towns liable for the erection, care, repair, nnd maintenance, in whote or in i—I. of any bridge (except on the Tfniissa rivet-be- low Weterford, aaa on tke East river, or oven tae waters tae boundaiiet of tke ante) te erect, repair aad ma ntaia the same, and to borrow soak soar* ot mon'y. In the manner provided in *alaar**A- toa tw*aty-ntne of tkis section, aa may htg^iamu far the pa* poet* of *acb"«rectioa. repair Bad maiate- ... _ totbeoAtslalcbaraetnrof aiosers of deeds residing in other states or foreign eounferiea). one oolbt-r ; jusd for cerancasea ae Co She oateislcahnctrr of totk eo«miintoiien, iweatj-flrt ceat*. For every patent for land* aader water, Sve dollars, and for every other patent the sum of one dollar for each separate lot eaans^aeed in *nesi patent For eaeh license g mated to a peddler, the *am of two dollara. For recording the depos'tioas of leslilaut aliens, awtjr cent*, aad for a certified copy off saxb darpasliloa, fifty cents. For niing every cefttficate of Incorporation under eAwattr Sttj of the law* of etghteea knndred aad Imp sxgM, eatttled •Anact to aathorlset^foxma- tioa off emptnatton* for msanfsctarias;. mtalag, sae- eaasdeal ti ekemlcal nurpotes." and the acta amend- tt}*7tkereof, thesamof tsaohauat*. For Sarag every certificate of Incoraoratloa of aai- Ugkt eo spaaiea, turnpike companies, wate*-works companies, ferry companies, navigation co-npariles. teltgiaph eompaates, telepbone luinpaalu, hotel cniniisnsee. and co-operative aasfJciatioBs, and ot every business corporation or company (except a* hereinafter stated), the nam of tea dollara. For aiing, ler^asgatg aad issuing all tke necessary paper* in and about the organisation of business cor- potations formed under chapter six hundred aa eleven of tke laws of eiadtteea hundred aad seventy- five, the sum of tea dollars, gad for a certifled copy of tke cer- tificate of Incorporation of such last named business cfjrporatiowa, the *nm of three aouar . For filing article* ot association of a railroad to be constructed la a foreign country and Issuing certificate of Incorporation and recording the same, the stun of lift; dollars. Fur nling articles off aesoejatlon of every otaer rall- roadardfor flling every agreement of consoildnticui between two or more railroads, the sum of twenty- five dollars. F rcertified copies of the evidence and proceedings of the board of audit, on appeal to the Hiprem* court, to be paid by the appellant on serving notice ot np penl, the sum of fifteen cents for each folio of one hnndred words. 12. Nofe*al»*llbecbair»wdcH'Collex'tedtorcrjplesof papers or records furnished to public officers - for use In their official capsdty. i a. All fees charged and collected by the •ecretary of atate belong to the people -of this state aan shall be paid Into tke treasury of the state to tke eredht of tke general fand. I 4. Ail aeta and parts of acta raeoasietent with tke provisions of this act are hereby repealed, I S. This net skall take effeet ImmedUtery. - STAT* or Saw YOBS, l _ . OsVeof tkefsecretaryorStat*. ,••• t b e i * compn**dt*wprceeitli 1 t»v« com psaed t»w pcssserrlng with tho ortgsnat taw on Ate ia thin office, and do h*»eby oartiry thattke sfsUBA Is at CCITVCtttansntSftpwtiM>Tt*flBMt_ittsfMtt u| WtnUHat of said oriental law. JOnaar* % CABB. ttAWSwrm Amtibmr. [Rvary law.nnl«m a differeat time shall ka thereia, stall commence Bad take effect t tho State, on and aot before tb* lauattstk taryof State. Btatntes.1 LliC'tltw' *, chap, 7, parti, B^rsnd CHAP. 97. AN ACT to reap^roprlat* certain money* ia tke nry for tke Immuvenieat of theC of tke Olen's FTUS feeder. PaasedApriia, 1882; tkiee^atth* besng r^raent The Aonie of the aktU of Sam Toe*, rca Smate and AssanMi', do enact a* fotkxm Srernog 1. Tke stun of one haadred aad thousand eight haadred and serrenty-seTen aad eighty cents being tae aaexrjeaded lialaaili off tke sam of five buadred taaaaaad dollars appropriated by act chapter ihree hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen handred and seventy-four, for the im- provement of the Champlain canal, the u no speeded balance of which was reapnrorjriated by acts chapter one hnndred and eighty-nve of the law* of eighteen hundred and »»venty six, chapter two hnndred aad two of the laws of eighteen haadred aad seventy- eight and chapter two nundred and nny-edgnt of the lawt of eighteen handred and eighty, or as nvoch thereof aa ahail remain unexpended on the p the pnasagn thia act Is hereby rwppronrtntrd, to be expmstebTBa- der the direction of the canal board, upon the^reeom- mendation of the superintendent of public works ta bottoming oat the prism cf f i d canal and] of tke tiltn's Palls feeder, aad raising and sin isglki aiaii lln banks thereof so aa to produce n unitarm depth off six feet of water thereia throughout Its entire length, and for no other purpose whatever; peoeided, how- ever, that the canal board shall hare power from time to time, to set aside a portion of the sum herein reap- proprlated, for widening the prism aad ttitmgtliealng the banks at particular point*, where, la the opinion of the superintendent ot public work* aad tke state engineer, it shall be deemed necessary to seonsc the proper passage of loaded boats at sack place* or points, and tuck work may be dene bar taa saperin- tendent of public works In connection with the ordi- nary repairs and tanough the same aguacles ; aad the canal board nay alto set aside a riortioa ef t i e asm herein reapproprieted for the rebuilding of loeka, and briuge abntmeou and tkeir MpenuoetBrea aeeaasnry to be lebnllt. In order to f ecare the benefits of tke In- creased depth of water and width of prism, fo* waseh provision is made la this act. Tae range, plana, atates and sperifleatloni reqaired by seetloni < and nine of chapter three hundred aad seventy-seven of the lawn oteigbteea hundred aad Afty, to be made ra«arytota* letting ot ea«ai eeauuaet* for tke , evti- work eontemplaud by tats net. aaay tke auireys for the eiilaiasantnt of eaaal, which were made ta tae yearek kasej a i ta yearalarateea ond seventy-four. The a*id stun neremrearmtoarlaled, or *o rnnea raereof a* saay aot at the time be required foriBtrewdhweiipunllture. may. tapas ttsWsAVme, be mvested ky tke eotnatlaalonera of tke- eaaal faad an the revenne bonds of the comptroller ; baAwBaaanab bnsrflssbnHatataretjBeBMeeeA Bad ftterest taenoB. whaarepahl knto taa tsnsanrr. ahail'»met to tke orlgiaal Inaa, to be k«jrrlnbrfore protidrd. \k smm'*, cnssB, 7. psatlCT.iSsffl and to lay any debt incurred la goon tsith by or m behalf of such town or tocn* for am k aur- pese befcre or after tha paasaae ef this act. najt no authority shall be exercised under tkta saboxvisioa, except upon tae applioa ioa of a town liable to be taxed for sagas purpose, to be nude by vote off a ma- jority of the eletrtere thereof voting at a re*f*jtar towa ateetlwg, or at a saenlal tftwa rsveetiaff eailed for the purpose, or ttpo* the appMentlsa ef the' — perrkwr. hi and with tha eoaseas of th* eatni slower of h%hways. town clerk aad yi panot of twen towa. H swy tnwa, at a ^. meetlag held bMcMea the first day ofT»el m ^ e t e n ^ J S S S 1 ^ ^ ^ sach bpade, aot tweeeaiaa the aasoaat tnttltosiasarat sack town meeting, are hereby aaxssottnsd ana* «e- enrred valid; bat said bonds shall not ha sold or who disposed of fortres than par. Asm tae ot saperviaor* ahail levy a tax oa seen towa for the psyment of sack sadtbtednett at aoeh time J and in anch arnoanta as may be nwiaiy to asset thaeka gattOES iaenrred try cnhl rneaatfsB*osnrJntsaarsani~ of Inttractloaa gtvaa; kg aanm towa at the ttsne electing said comnniaranaters- !*. This act " _ y, liable to tax trndc**Anyof the peo- i set, wkose capital is only partially «•- ibis state, ne is authorised and aaipiw Ht determine the amount of capital acook . ioslament snail be tke basis tor tax under i the provisions of"this set. and to settle an account f jr { thetaxet. penalties and Intei est due the Staietbere- ' on. east ear sasociaUon. eorporauon or joint stock crjorA*ay iawjallsncd with the aoroant so set tied may within ten days after notice there- of appeal therefrom to n board ejnsistina; of tha **retai7 of state, attaraey-feneral aad state trswaoKr. whicn board on. each .ap- peal shall affirm or correct the account en settled by rbeooanptrotrer. and the decarloaof said heard saatl be flnal. bat eaeh appeal shall not stay proeeedtaas unless the fait amount or tr- - taxes, penalties and sn- tereetaawT***wea*d*«na« as settledtapthe eomp. Bv«v« sTarw V eent, ' _ i•*»>» of thessrietary of tt*a>. . "" lhavei.sjnp»ne»i the asw'*lan w-th the ertai-si 'aw oa Ale m this nftVa. aad do hereby eci'y !*•• tho is * cortwr- fratrarrtr* ehfi ifi ^w strd ' -He of m*n eeigfww >aw pwrm a. »- »in _ *ecfwiart • ' •"»'« LA W * t*r *(hTW wmKW—AtT Awthwrlty. ifvery r«w.rm>^s1.ff.-rv^t tltne •Aaall he !e«"SM thi i la. ihail "cniini ao »Twtwakeew>etthrv^- --f -s- Ptafe on and not lwf.we the twsntseah da- %f--T in* dav -if its Sosi pesnasre. ss -«rtHled ay t h e *w. -=i,rt -f «tafe ssv it, title ». chap '. par* :. n.»r - . i ' » « eofes. ' i HAP. !-« AX A* T •.' (si ••rrs rsre ill* Trn«te*« of 'h-' I -ha v ->la er v'und rsased April At. I-«-'. thrv firth.. Seine rf—i'. VSher.*... !,.«• rlrti.-f . r l II Hayes *•' hi V ni.nK w 1 : - - ' ' h - !'•«•->.-' -f HISIM, W I Hetn l> l»..,™, ..( \ »v V .rl Philip* hr-^ - .f W«s ! sacnnsetle. I*sni*I -" 'iinr-a,. or aaryisr-i J vein A R'ewai' .-f >ew York Ait.-r-1 H t'.nq-iltt .'wnjU, HOrr.«K Je»»».i. -ef >ew \ ..k- J»n»- ,' B.T.—. -i I ¥>» tti. Ir. isil tt'illlam A. s'-at.-r, *.f *. -nn-e»ie-i». have. their men or si. reprM*euted t.i 'he *«n»o sr.i *S»'T i ly-f teis «r...-e iaai a lefi^r ha* ne*-n '• rein-.'. h> them fr-ss I Hn *•* --'ater. -^ s ,r-f . i. n thewtgtCOf I" rTK-efT.-:-. ,ri" wh'CO t h - I ' t w n : •-- ,.rpT fe Mfssri. Rllltl.-rford PI. H»Ve«. of l>hSo M.«-ris n R. W I I - , ,-f rh- ;.u»r c t ,>r Columbia, tfi.liam P Urdsre, of Sew V. rk. Phillips Brooks, of Ma«e«esu I ».«» I/snle, i_ i.timsn. ,>« Maryland, John A - f - « I .ut of "C.-w T-;k Alfred H rotd'-rht of irf-r; t.. Morris K Jeesan.*of Hew T.wh: Aaaa-s P BVye ••( j ky. an.l Wlillam a. sMatar. of C.wweeta *t ( Grvtirjigs—ti has paeased ii,id to area* ev» pt * nsritt in my bnsinra*. an-i to pu- Ic into my p.iw - > [ ai?-y to chatitAble use* a e m of ucinty •ocoaaller* be sa to require the counsel of wise n-»n for th- » mlnanxntsna ct It. Itb it.y desire at this titn* to an^roarta'-» b t e o c i n*e* t--e sum of onernilHunof -U^flar* .#...•-'.•* . a«d X heretiv invite von to procure a ertarter of rnc »rp rs tlon under waieh a cdant*b)«- fund may he hell -i emp< from taxation, aad under wha-a yea shall orgaa lie ; and I inland that the corporation as sum a* formel, *tnslTT , H'elTe thts mm tntroM to apply tiie sart.meof itacoordhng to the ta tracttoas eoutalned •*tpf f-O'- -.,-»• .i ,w--ien*f#s-, sssn . ..,sr a.i^st. - .*.- !n»-r— *- - **fT^f"rf .-n'-w* -f *«•-*• ' - * - -^ s ••-^ ' » * - - • **• ka -*,«* w*w %.ff— -ser« .- ear -s..,- -*vr~r - v -» ntiasw -f » a*t» •-. perffe-srf 4 ln.,"» M«'«i-s ar» Sea"" » *V -- - rr-j, «-», « « 4 . , ,1* »f* „ * • - ^ 's^*^ 1 # - f,.- — s , o : --.".•**.*>*-.' J,-ivi , s , .., ,a «| 4- r- r'-,. -** n a m e * tn a s m -* --- '-*.•-.,-, , -. » i iiu„, T » . , | . . i . , . v ' - i a » t - ^ . - , - v • i - - • KifSvose s»w ••« r~»^s,.»» sefM-rsir •• «s a.parta>we,« k-eeat «• •*»•{ **> m - a - •>••< •• - • . f -tees^-nar - « i - - a . t .*.-.•, K«r , a- ,*-« r •he l a f ^ W l «ei-l i- s* s.- *^*^r.r^.^*m .(,, » _ . !--• -, »rf -e-sl ». s ' >f %.^ -etMar*w«n« 'i--' t * . * - -*;--«,,. ,.i »rf '* - -ie .- t-~ - . * w i. » The graemi object which I desire to have exclusive ly pursued. Is the uplifting of the lately smsSLluetsI po**sla*toa of the southern steam, asnt their poetertty. by coaferrtag oa them tae bees* lngs of chria.'Ian education The dlaabUrOee termer ly twffrred by tkewp aeual*. aatl tswtr slnunlar patience an.l DJeilty in tae great cnatt of tae nation, establish a jaat claim oa the sy napathr .. -. ,- Bnr .... . . singular patience ana dtaeaar ---«-- good wti 1 of humane and patriotic m but feel the compassion thsri Ss esse tn view of sad i I wli 1 of humane and patriotic men. I eaaant ^— be aeposswd witn tn* state uaasarer. IB. Wbaneveraey sasoclatloa. corporation or jetat- rtable twatake iv^ort* t» MM Mosptnoi • - - 1 neglect tassi- - reaoeBt i taT.snia suca report or repocte i hxthst act, tke -im»Ii»a>« aadieMrds of say stash aatoelUleo, cinTiOratlon^or of taa aaovtsionsof tkis act. and incase offthe eon payment of the of tax so sacertaiaed to be due. together with the ex- aanaen off sack etaiBTaailw for a period of taartr •ay* after notlee to any aasocwtlon corporntion er Jont-etocAcompaBTto ta defaatr. tbessasemaf be *a*d form tke usne off the aeofAe of taestnee.and arcovsied la taw name rasassir pia • astid an section tdae off tarn act. 113. TV.ctmiptroiler _m antmwfasd to t*ane anbpee s betore htm ofany esAeer. it, catrh or employee of amy aeeoemtstm. cdrnora ' nt stock company ttabte to b; taxed oo its fiaackise or ueelaen. capttnl or dlnden^, ante to bs taxed oa its _ a. capttal OTdlwdenl, aay«st taessuissnansof thai act. asrd tt} asnaia •Pier aatas M aad enaBttae them or ^ on* or sure of thtmonoa^lnrentioe) u& mAttar wkiok may fat •nr/f*faryjne saspfrlaj 1st den*rm!ninv the aaosu of tMsWabMimnloy any such assorla-loa. corpTra- •fcaor Jomt-stoek i imp any; -t saaU betkednay ef taapersoa er persons thus snhpastiaed to attend as thereby required aad give testimony in tkesnbjete aforesaid, and tn ease of tnitar* toeo attend or ara- ttfy, tJmpertOB so failms; ssaOl be gauty of a eon ' ll term Of tha sanrotastwart ilae tke pansshuieat rhorefor _ jotke same exteatae proridod an aba Code of Civd rroratdare for the pwnishment of SBIsmat ot eoart other than criminal contempt. •sTlaa* net nhan aakn street leuneoiafoty. •SATE Off HsTWTOXS. tnse esWof tan Bswawij afwatn. f *** laEliliamMilttmpreCTdlMwttttn-' ....... tt.-. a file lathm easea, aad do her-V, ^&&£ia£ Ifigijgt Bid gajr anrnial ssayasrjndae and eveterml PAtnl same manntr and b arfwarltaf ignorance, wkleh exitta by ao faaat of tkeir Slnata wnich tl Bat it I* not only for their own take, bat also for tha safety of our common eonnrry. ha wateh thay have been ta*>nt*a wtth equal neirltnl rtahtt. that I am omtrnaa to aid m arovhtlag tba. with of each oflucattoa as shall tend to -ww, tAwm good. XJ*J*k tathes i of teutUt l isaaUbe asscciated wttk traOnbag tn Jnat apt has, wf daty to ward trodaadasaa, mnaob»rsrtof tnohili icitpiasis. Thei i nmaeMsdmtamswas»»natssaexa»a«a*iral ootrct •> ins deassnanas. i loaee ta tae IUI ulasa of.nae corrakmooaiohly asdKaflag, aa itaa at isjajaiBi • diphittotli pi una* «n*atlrlonof ehnaaa. tsaelsata mtTof laaiA*m-tswmease»atarpiBpmitgmiliBiwbe BtanM. sf,rn tbeopiaiua ot tae. anrporm ana. kw sack Uaxftad sesection the purposes eff tent trust caa beeasS ~ Bad tae eaeratr I 'I-.' -e - - *h-u 1 - -, "• i * r». - . . s a i ' .- , r ! . .,-, 4 r - . .... *..*. , J,»t»» W....... .- , - .«,« f e»., ».-M,,,„ , - , - 1 —* -;-.-»»-- - w a.- . * » . . « s r - -v *w-l •na-f f »•- f.-.-,- r ,--. f--. ,. w , r . tB i „,. 1B . W T T ,.., «--eal-.l' - f * • w -A - -* .-r^i,!!, ,. *-n.--^s -hi l i a w ^ i ii.-iis. «-,! ,e - . img ts-*».e e - • -be .-»« r» .-«:.« .*•• i - i- -* *i t i e -*• r.. j ' Sf.-e*t« -.-«-».-•-..-«•, r.-l;- -. '.-,-.,.* |«ia**iM. |fc-. r-^w.r, -. iM«r T is. s«r«« T 1 -a .llfff-etli ISII t ' - iw. . o - r i is* « .aw t rt,. « , sard I '•-« -e - - Ih.s-f U T C "-- S.-.^*«S'T Is :.-o., n r - i - » - j f.-r th.. r..i-r- **— t* •'- ' -|*» •' •'" se. ,1 -r. « . « - ..f if- - . -- ••ltfl tlim-n-OI-S -. - h * • - - - » , .e, «^.| Ssf - - - w :m apt mi»',* - . ,s.i .a - n. «i ,--... . - . .. - .f-'-'fl e -. • , * S-- «,--«-• ipn - - r—-,- '* f a— »;..v«-e ., ,, s ,., - , .»»-., ,, ,. k,-*it* >*J* Tiefi i s n - * r- - .- e s t '- n-^-esas.-T -.- m-e« e^p-^- . f IMP . . r- — .. I". T*-i- «,-sbsi T ak* *fTss-f imme,t-*f-.f W-*-» w >aw \ r i • '«»•-• .-f -he Set r-tnrv ..f ^.»'«, , ** Ih*f« lt-:a-«'-( t~ i.e. . \ 14 w i»i ike -.*- , ee die te lb * m»e. an 1 -' be—»,- .--rt". ft at ' S - - , T a la a rs>re»c< -rsn——p' t ^- ->r- -n i - - | .{ w, m f sidorlglrs.' w •!•«•-.t u . »-•-. se..-»esorv ^t •sa**. LAWSehg? MKW lOatAV—ana Aar*As*>r«ty. JTvery !»•» in'.-a* < llfferen' tirneshaji be pees.-- *g ssieSn. ahe'l ^^vrtrw^t.--- aid Wf -W--^thr-.awh *II ,- abaaeon and ss i i-f ~ ere* i v f a t a s a dap atte- a* nay *4 it* final pa.****: ** -"etig.-i h\ the awe-ret*.-, t •ante —Section U '«!»• .-has- T — "- rmr * AW AOT n-aliir.g ipp» .,•' .':.u tal of ihe cntnm»in a, h -.* fa*.. :y ia the rvvrnue I aehtf . " Aptil 1*. ;Asf. tbr-s. nfth. anata/aW ssn*. of .«nt roe*. ,tppi« led. Sgr-nos 1 The «um i f five hundred thosuasad dollars as aeve*y a*>|Hr,>pe*ate4 rreaa thn aarasn* is nan. •* the geaernl Srae ta tke liiasail oa t%* tkWtaMh kef- tamhar. a^aateen huaored aad eight) anew roe the parposs of IncTwung tke capital of the coann afwootruad aad tae t-csagi roll«c hi lieeabf ftbon lonvnt ihe sum hereby appropriated fas nr-art lb. wised -nrttles now sancttoawd by saw. IA To nipaly dvArwory ia tae rr^eaa* of tke <swt snaa *eh*wTfnad Ssptimker taarttata, e*gasr-a It* dred aaat esgbty one. aad to pa-oviaw far the e r m i s n s paid aad tnoe paid, bath* tmehnet **esennuoa. m iainiai th* eapttal ef asM rawa. the nam -f , w , haadred aad etgAtaJra **! ll *{ , *l*'S^ * *?*»***; ifa'm Ih* naipins iwsTani*jeaW«rZaaiam«anvl. . IL Tat* act shall tnan atket lamBadksswW. tW^twM^^ •am, w.eAwreet t»— ipt th.IJ»B1 awtV-'Tla'g '^'•-rl'kasa* , 7 L trsawAsSIOCI lam wall aware that the work hernta| aiilhiaaaiiii n wnlried. Aaat at Is nn an myaatssTSAttasBtBtaBTas this • d e s a l t . I byasnoclate myself with ^„„ ofthe not ptlsesof cbari^ ^ biitaaBsta, aadmag^^aeuk M - ~™**~ i aad tufa, af fnittful ntea aad red aaat ate atttl Islnasng aa m watcb yoa ere aasttaA ne cosmtdtnee. Meenalet u notmsoof tnaar tkaa twsJw "~"" r . in- prayers aad tofat er rnittroi -otnen who kava labored aaat aaa attu lal tab eases. I wssh tan esifssnr^asgnt wBtrb rof hnmtkaai ttsne taaaa may be maali thaa r tg^lt%>g street, ia the aasaataealk watdof tke < Yorkto Angnstn Londre rJokaa%,o( the lAprUlt, ISSt: byatwo-tamiatt. f V Aopasoy'rA* State af Hew Tert. rrrrmmtat at Sraafsqnd I MOWlit*, de eaeaat a* AWs—•• " amenom i. All the estate, right. Utieand iatereat of the people of tke atata of Sew York off, maadtoaU that aartata lot of madejeaace, Ijr&igaadbets*} m tke ranrgabreaiA ward nf the etty af Bsrwle*«,la>dkoaad- cd aad coatalatiag aatoilows: mgjanlng oa taaeena formed by tke mtejrsectloa of the wcaiiitjllne . Ai BBBI A wssk tke arankerly liae of Tenth an ranmag tkeace westerly along; Tenth street, feet tea Inch**; tkeace amtaerly Avrnae A seventy-one feet; tkeace lei wttk Tenth street, eighteen feet tea noe A; t hence *aatk*#ry akavg IhA ansae feet to fhe placs of begutamg, b e n e said more or less. Being the said premises wl cosrreyedtoMajgatal A ltnr**w, wttk of Tbqfcoas J. Muipby. of aaM^,tj.Hea»fyP. A^HohahsiistoTtbe eight* en kundred and nbtty-tsro, aad leeocd si MmT -"-* hundred aad uxty- we. in avaBsoewaaLasmaf tha mum lal laawiaafsoai Utaca wektktork pier; aad to reaetl sectioa three •« rbanter three Intndred aad famrteta ef tbe-law* let ekdwsswbaadtaA and elsjn^-oaw. entitled "An act snaking aa atvproainatioa toarnidtae stutlsa off a awanmeat toAesarral Herk la tba battle of Ortakaay .• r rami* AnrilTth, mt. by a iffMrat, f pnblsn to cell atpabkesme- tioasaeh of tke material In .tae kvr^, brtigeai aam>- ef the barmasMbata heTetofora ashmgasi at, reualicd by the State ia ni*l*lnaalni said eadat tar vhen^n^wy^f W t ^ ^ ^ t t T S Z pnbMiBtrt anils la Iht Satin iiapm aa thai each other swwst*|srrt pahlkied i s Ife where sach property h) altuate, aot cxa«edmg three ht each i uenty. i 12. TarastdBBparaTteng}e«BYhepab^ give to the Ocefcta Hlslui It nl rVjeaity atPtica tke rtotst takes from the Odes weigh-loek pfctr mutee^taeuud, or so ntaeb tnereof as may be required be said society, "" "• """—'' "" ~ tm own coat and ez- ptoviAea the aald society wlU, at pease, take ptiesessica of aad tea e^aslta»w*t*m. b ^at^^ M l W l esYnaTtssmnMaULBL. IB ajHaSani ax^ajaaj *>aj nrsjlirtirs amrnthrtsmr said tkereof. wttk the other material taken t*snaaaldps*r, •' the State, ehatl beeoM ky'satu taken from said nter . In ease sasff iselety shea tefaseor . , wttk the otaer mateiialtaauatiAnaasJdiMaw, aadBOtreanirrd by swsarraartsa* al at *w» pawctSna^tkaBreeadlBg taeAef^keTawa^ehiStee^ eatstsrd - A a A c t ******* aa apnana»riatl»a tamasd ike engtlaa nf s ainaniasat to Oesaittd stetaisaar ana hm saadrtBtet ta the battle of OriaAaar." U h*wetyr I A. Tki* act shall take effect irnnradiatab/. •*•*• or slaw Tona, l Oameot the Bentwhary of State, t OSEPBB. CABJt, -•- off— AHAtrr to release ta* taterest ef; the peopleof th* ^taateef Mew TorJteaeocmra real estate to Charte* ys. tacH saratwo-lhaiai »s|e. B/tAeJawSa/larW Fetr^ rajajnaastsw At nummhsy, atoonawlsw/bawas*.- mnnxsnwi. ss.aatws.ate. esflPA, Ttrkt, tltm and ta- tamt of the peegae of this *tate taaadto a plot ot aplaeas_ef tsherla. Weiar^ jiiiBtat. ami -^ ^---of the latialer of tkaejby and. nnibtwnmse aaadrsd. of --' i * "—"" •—*__».«. m •> fl -nj^*a||ft4*HajaaAj slxtp-atxlast sad syveaty-two t*e* tarn annla •^9* r^&m&$m«&m#<*<**. CilZ ensYaftex^edaa: of Its finafipsaamee, a* eerttsBsiby Skea»ebkrv^Hata.-Sec. H,ttaet, eaap. 7,parti. CAVkP. ISt. raahlrg tar •ay SB. tSK; tnree-flths being present. sakeyaVs Skawa/Ahmrerasrsp L artini o M ast —n«ilas*ailiaisrtae at k a n a w t aw£» im tke baathnii irn i lallnn Below tan aarowaa, sWrtaffW Wl exMBBnta px ait***ns Of A*J ^anntJayaeiBduU ahafl^afcs a siqafalXism on anaaJTmaanlttmika'amlaofa**^^ aa- "~~~— to gjre.angles).of anch II aaadHua en - " rot a**a*nw*es**nwa, sa S *TI*ii*m I -TA aaplal af a »tolistaimdlaytltnOsimaaiwtthlataaaay^ henrBr keea reesrrred^ktm.eMbecanataUwWItb- ^?^^^ISH?SS CABB. Secretary of I Asa at taa bus* oft eatitted"Aa Betatntaajffaaarop ae-^n-^^rct^rw.Ve^ f ^ Sl^rt^eTp-a^•of-rc• isnnsit. and ilipntrlag dgfcaMtxaM a'torster nrVroptlatagaa," wUikss ta the ttdlowatg weceasto arw: ' ' F a r t k e ffeaTAamfe State.AijIass fortbcBnnst. nt Batavks. for tae eoa> chaseotbinudawaad*naee ssaawjaaan*tar Bssjatani Iklrry taonsnadanlssrs. orsostsa^taswasfaasaaybe ,t enarashrd JR vnsjckrn s*n^rared by Sosta-rT enpeaafrAaBt trolasr.'- IS, TAWactahaUt axayffapHam-Tosa:_ _ l ^ Ikatrec =^^tt^tsrls^f-S OaUP.m. AS ACT toWfllsi led ia 11. The essakml acta of every person a* no- tssry nwDsmwatatatke atate ot Sew York aeretofwre CAanmBswaraaat aa tack, wkleh acts hare been pea^acni- ed atase the taatasth day ot March, rtrhteea aaa draai and eighty-oae.*otoraaauckosTaaUi act* might ts>aff«ctea\eaa>etJoBrde«ta hav- ing- been pessovmeel after she evpiratlow of tae team of ceaee or ky rewasa ot nikmrimir or mlsepelung other error ntade In the anpsoiatment or - '" -..- or ^ reason of or failure to take the prescribed oath of tba tame required by law. are hereby le- ^^____ xmSrated aaa —n**1^ a* enTectual aad valid ssKtaetermaf ctBea of said notary pontic aad not cxaticd. oraaif no misnomer or misapeUmc or snh*r etror bad oecutsad or been made in the spaelaimaal or commtssioa of said notary public, or at if tke oath of office had keea taken within toe tl.ue prescribed by law. IX Hothinc la tkis act contained anali affect any or pseetodlug now pending, ct*aall take eft. ct OfAce of tke fstcretaryofState. j I an i _ w a correct •and anginal law. "fS and of taa want* of JOSEPH B. CARB. Secretary ofAtaa*. uwiarn fEvery saw, BSISIS a dlffnmni I law ihull be nrtsrrlbed Ikmiilii: shall isimsssai lull sfTi nrTTiriaj* 'sttat Stnt*. in aad aot baforo th* twentieth dap alter tha day of itanaaslasmei, naoertined by the S*niiitirxof Stc. tea. a OtSi. chap. 7. part 1, Berlaad its- *"*~' 1 CHAP. «. AK ACT to amend section oae handred and ninety of Mmi (o snvrtlne for the the Code ot CrrU Procedure, ___ _ appllcstlna of sunk amendment* thereof. Passed April 14, MB: taree-fifib*being pis««nl. 'the Swats a/Jsaw Term, i anciios t swstioa one haadred and ninety of be Code of Clvat Pi i si tasi as hereby aitadid by *rldsa*r IBM all nt tke **rdtkereof. the feilowtng artottttinal ssnadlsiahan. trkt. : (Lwaea as mUrleeatarv jedgmeat Inw beea eESM> lA^jJki SSniTZ daHntrrerVpioetded taattae ^t^ftstaptm^oynn^Xat,V A«°»T «ffi v B t S J Skat, as n.Ung m**y eaosetiapaaalsiat . . '* '" V " T * . J ^--^.. --^-. .--^ - - - - —-* A« A- --• a , - \ . ... . , .-^ ,.A l —- - - '*•••' \": 1' of vacnnetet, which fdeur* take aned by atsrsr. aad, wbea fueaat prscwoable, at la* ssn asset- aan astbrr tae vanaaay may ocean*. I aeslansre *e the Barst preaident of the eornestattoa Ihe Honorable Bnlheriucal B. ttayea. ef Onto. I da- sire that tt any saree power to provide from tha Bs- eonseof owfasd. atAiiaff at»Mtatr^a. far et^aaaH incurred by members la the raiSdnwas* of ttu* trast. asd for tke tapes tei of aaek oeacees aad agesHAnH ^adgiarsTtaly rodaastaarwaomatamy .toe isaijsBg watt the asssawaa* o t t t u s | ssrasnn, tf ft BsBr* ha tU e%a-^ ' * •• • w atay nave facfterty to knvant I rkaaB arwli«j*» trj an^ieas-*-*dja^**T*n AAACTtoaasatadwaaa* act to cnane cernaht < |aaBp*wswrt*anaarer*aok tty, otit tinat.aBoprdlna tatssstr ewa asanas* sawatrrstaaadBaa *Bwbt«tjwA*-nKBt. I»angticntar.aa>a.lwam tdta- Weve taem af say p umsdiff slssm aa tae part off nay atameesBwaass-v as tioan from taw faad, that may bo pat for groaad wbaiever; a*I a s k every czaei nasumastdsusflp by Iht isailiislsanieg _ tkat iraatf as M t a a a n m t twatwl waapaBmnm eX Its csuSBsmtrntaitiriatwaht ihjmil lln lll"*J sWHfeaaie. Itsg. to.taaaq^ifailas rAe^rneet • Ss 1ST III it In* em B IBWBSSJBBI Ihn aasinnaaiir n*>- aff tha atsoaw af mm IBsm ahMstAatflwal S&VES tint adaptsdaa i i na-flaeev; Mat 1 ttofamla lot Hi i to be, ta its tarn, aa <*y*e-*aw**wrise o a t h e p Xft,Jp£ffltTggfgfi^^ taod *• **" ¥*"** i have the honor** bo. t-afntieanan. your friead aa " tntloweltjara. aV>IU r. hs-Atmm. *«4*Twseh. C o a a . . Bwreh a. last Aadwl»maa*.*ssdssss»*nwaB*msB»iaefBtlhtsisn«* seated that they sat ready tei aatept anal trans atat teeelne aad admlanwi i asnt raaa. prnoldrt a easaaar af rsnlipiiinl lim wgisaeasai maaisaia. asiatlfaesd B* Feasor of *he aswan ef Mew Torn, i rprmndtss. an, Ssnastr sua* dssrwScj. do wsnsf amfatktme: :cnosj._toiter^rdJ. ^ ^ ^ S R ^ i e ^ t. AHresTH. Caiinitt, agiijia K. ' saidpTtsJaalcorporator* iliuilan thi li aorni ttti laae). from tt^e ta tanas, en thaa the wwnn, ctaTfatsaAaef sasp he want at aot less thaa thaa twelve. Aanf eornornttoa may ge. taveet aad lelaveet ail aroperty amp tat g>e^ or limiaawi si te» for tka eA*srl- table aaraoses icdacaled ht aald lette*. aad shad, ia Aasl tn aptaoatlmhsK the Income ac-cxitiag .... ISJWJ. tuatuim to *uwlta9governamnwthedarec- lsn*mWs»asti*«Amiimishstil; amdang-Aat-operty sad aUlattttmanlaaadtatnrtitmeata taaeeaf. exeiptlng real enate. shall, while owned by said cxirperataoa ad add lor the paipoats oTanM trnst. be exempt smm taxatnTB nf nnr aad a i si* aatar* IS. ssattsw3xordBraWs.ofOaio,A he tke arst nr*«ldrat cf tke corasaratioa. aad it mar elect aucn other nsAuirs and bald sack mesfhtgi. whetkerwith lorwsTswamtAmatate, tromtkme totiaae. aaita by- cir* nsar sathnri** or prescribe, IS. meet corporatloa shall aanaatly file wtth the bbratiaaef this etatea priated report ttt ltsdoinaa "itT^ast act shall lakTeffect iaansedUiely. IthV BTAII or I n Yi of tae Win I nyof I U r e cosaT-ared Uepraoedlag wtth the orii an Si* in tats oasee, and do tsarwby eaasdfywaat tsaeocraattraaaas-W tbwifiam and ot the taJdatsfdastlaw. wtth the oricmal law whole of JOSEPH B. CAItAs, LAW* Or RIW VtHBan-at-r IBveryUw. sasstmaaJAm-eadtfanatshall be^. .... et-.. aball commence aaa take effect tnroagnout mat e. on aad not before th* twentieth day after She oftmtmalsn-aaas-e. sa crrttned by tk* Sserataryof See. U. title I. chap. 7, la^tl. BeviatdStarutes.] CHAP. 2SS. AV ACT making ao appropriatlcn to coauaoe the wockou theuew oatitol buildjna' nnd to sstiiarita t%e aiui'i , ii** > *e' ir . oy i l u Uovcrttoc t*t a coanmiaaloa who ahail cause to be surveyed and exaniinedrhe different part* of the arwcuyitol a* to the safety and durability of the wocku Paaard June 5,11162; three fifths being present. Th* J b t a f s f thai.oTn*sar Mm Tort, rsprmmtaa sa Ma ink awat daminatg. 40 sweat ea jbAwaw; r*aBCTK>* 1. The sum ot one million .rollers at hereby ampanpriated out ot any uiaexpeadea hastnee* la the treasury of the state to continue the work oa tho aen- capitol bullunig. which amount snill be paid by the treasurer upon the warrant ot t ke mpcroltrr. to the order, of the aear caplrel aonuniasioners, aa they ahaal tt quire the s <me Th* sum hereby apyrooriat «1 Is to be e-sctaaive of. aad In add.tion to. tne sunu appru priated by chaptc r .-s-vea uf the Us^ut eighteen bua- dred and alskty two. i'2 The sum upproprlataii by section one of this ac i shall be exrjcssdVu tor completiageuuie the unfiukihrd walla ot the west venter, and the pavilion adjoiaiag nonh and south, and the compl.-Uoti entire of the roof* ot the west center and adjouiuu pavuioo*aorta and south and for the cumpletiun e» tire of chamber* for cue i-oort ot appeals ano tb^ atate library aa here iaai ter provided; nut no portion of aaai an*w>or-rtatioa skall be expended upon material or work fee a main toiaar. the east front approaches or grounds, the p »r Ih-ves ran*. w< sr, north or south, th* east or w*st stalled*** or other ttAtreaae*: ana th* plans sad IIMU incat1"-rt- ror parta to bo completed by saml approprta- tlon Shall be turaiahed eeaa(ilete to the new capitol eonaxnusioner* by tb* architects uu or before July drat. eightenu hnadred an-i eighty-two. accented or rejected by them, or th- jadge* of the court of appeal*, or th* trustees ot the •ante library, en or before Aunust nrst, eighteen hnn. arrd ana eight}-taoai hereiaarier provided; Provid- ed, howcrer, that one hundred thouaand do Ian of the above sum may be expended as naty be required by the eoasmistloens of tne aew capitol tor saca ta- rncrworh and furnishing aut herebi mentioned as bey may derm proper. I A Tnoeasd ooarimkaloaert shall provide aeham bar aad other Mttaable and adequate aiaiamamdarloas for the c<-art of appeals in such portlooof the u ashed lateraor uf the new Capitol bBildtng twill, ead tb* plans aad a-wlta Tloiu far tke ouaa- plataoa off »«ck ckamnrraad raw* for »*id ootart shall UantamtttedhytaeeaidciinwltBlsntrsto taeji of tbecoacees appeal*tartsaslr.aeaiph laages iwjae- a<w b**aa» *r*-taat fca-at. otghieea haaiind aad r-twq. aad wnea »ach plans sbaU Be aoneated anaaaSaaasamawaswaBs, t k e y s t n a P . I t m i l i s i ty atwArktkawatrkaf enaaswataimef aaBBtokaBibor approved plan* aad lane to bo ensapastea cnaairaeird. m sueh of tkf aew eapiiol baiiding a* tats aet at eatd BTSBI ^^3s Mifi *3tt\eeZTiiVrmm\ZmZ VrtaTth't nna ctStaA- AaawAt Aa' SBaaama^aBy' sjBBaaiBBBBBraBBBvns*| *w*w VSavaaj eBjaaBBv, aaaaaajaaaaaf ajam ajaa^ Wr^m 9 ** ^ ^ S a a m - H ' w ^ X ' . t , AH ACT la rel«tloa to trastesa ot pet*nasi sat nt a. paaayr, Hay », TAtt. aaarnoa 1. Cpon tar death of a semilog truster of aa expti stnnnt. the truat estate ahail no, des enj id hi* next ot kla or pawsuaai rtan innilve. bat she trust, tf maexeented, senul was* ta tke supreme ceare) wttk all tha powers and dntlet of ttacaragtaal tnu tee. ead aaall be execnted by *onw person s-*aointad for tkat parpoai aader the directna of the ram. aaanoprnanahalltaaansitatedtoeaaBniteiwidttsist antlithe beaeacaary sneresrf aaall have t a t s iia-^nght into court mjtm AStace aad ta tat-h BwanArr at tha toait may dtractc. it. Thisa<«shalltaa^enfeKiaunediately. pracediaff wtth the original at* 1 do hereby enrtify Uaat the asana tlratefiom aad of tk* whuaeoi • KnwYi Otaatot th* Secretary of I ha«* ooanparsd the macerreettrarisra-ipt I •aidottgmal law, JvmKPHH. T^fi-a. LAWSOsTMBW VI AauUtwrttr* rE vary law, unlea* a different time shall be i*m Hindi therein,shall commence and take eff* -t throtathon tka State oa and aot before tke tmtu *n day after an* day of lta final passage, as cerbded by the v«retary off Sfcatg. Secciow Uf. title 4. chap. 7. p»n I. Kc-vlaed. asaat- UUB-I CHAP. lib. AS ACT to extend the time for the ciuiecuua. of t*xr* in the moorporaled village- of this state Paaae.l Has 27, lss-'. Taat /VfJfas of tta State of Xeaf Yort, reprttmUt MB Bjantyofiat i*s*i*Mg. stoewoe* a* Aaueap*- atiTTrOK 1. It shall be lawful for any luro: p..ra;ci village ia this state Ly IU trusts est., issue n»a, « u- rants, or reaew thoaawbash nia> be i»aUed by them orthenr prsdeceassirs for the collection of any silis^e tax, frucn tlaseto time, aa often as sus-h warrant* saall be rcturBed uncollected. In is bote or in part, during tne Perm pteacrtbssi b> lis charter, but ti>« reuewingof any sut-h warrant shal. in no w*> affss-t the liability of the collector or the sureties upon tn,- Uoua of tuck coUectiat. 1 1. Thh) act shall take effect Immediately. STATS or Xxw Yonx. i . . . fJsBce of the Secretary of Stat*. ( * ' 1 have cuanpare.i the preceding wttk tk* original law oo fiie in tbja onaoe.atid-i- bereb} cas-tify that the same is a correct transcript thcraftotu and uf thatuwhol* of the original law. Juet-I'rl H CAAR. LAW! Or SiAlWr A'ttAEBa-i Awemorttr. (.Every law. unla is a dilT.aeaf tian* anail be ermieribad therein, shall is-mmt uoe and take cfTc-l tbruBSbout the atate on and not before the twentieth day after the day of has nnal turns ge, a* caarrattod by the •Ws.-r.tar> uf atate Sec. I.', Utl* 4, chap. 7, part 1, hWvised Stat- ute*. J CHAP. :>i.. AX ACT In relation to tke tale and ut* of opium. rnaseAHay I\ 1-ei; three BTtA* beliig rartraetit. The twos-it ofthe state of -Vew xWet. eayriai aad in 1. Every prrsnn who i-*i«a« or makHitas. to he retorted to by other |irr*iia*. any Siaee whera opinan, or any of Its preparations, ia asaTd or atvea away, to be satuked at such plaaw, aad any pereou who at aut-k place sells or *i*e* awa> nay os/itim. or Ussaidpreinnitina*. t«he tuw«saaoked or otnimini uaed. aadaay person who vtauaur rewortsteany sue* T*BSM tor the paraoat of Bmokteg o p u m er its *n*d Bveparatloaa, shall be deemed guilty of a masaeaaeaui or, and aptin coavistioa lavrasar shall he man IT!-- I by nsaaaut excoeding use huuund dollara, ut b> uti * sauBBSnt ia the pewttentiary not exavattaat taustd ilka, er ky both eaeh gnat aaa _ sBTATBoef Marw Tt-aa. j„ Ott^oftkeVsaorvtarrofiitata t**- itaveeeaBsaasadtawprtaanwang wrah the oetgtaal law ail tatjB* eaasn, ead dMrnawky eastkry tkat tba afBhMwrlxaaiasw. jtm^nt a. ,—..I-w 4 ^ . 1 ^ ^ oaur. « AM ACT tot aa*w«t.l«s;i .ta*fbaasis<e' taaStn** a/JU I aanann list eaavat aat I

Transcript of LAW SUPPLEMENT -...


m'pre ewes-d

any mtrmwvtnm or other enty which a i t ; tor M M • !y rs-esniitte*: to Mm try the bnorrl and which shall reenter ht* s-tw-t-oaaee at any place away fnwa ww»» h< aball I » 1 < I asari Are mile* m mar* distant from the Naur » ! « • th* bawd shall bold Its o a w n and all nr- rls|. ns of law tM«MWM( villi this w U m «re hers he TV reward

t J Thte act aha*) iak> **Teet ImwarsBmaMy.

•TMt gr­ ant h m e g hewn rednrned b y the O n v r m o e ' ' " 1 bTT

P»i, wltr-tvt icvi day* ar»*r H W M p*ewent-d to htm. I h w

I r-v orrtifv tn*t t»» «anar for em, a law April 1«,

it* e.-i«

i tire* thai >>• a~» nod ta*»

••erne* at a osa 1 inad bt *

title *, chew. ;. fart

"Tift na Raw Trout, ' uf u»e Secretary of Ktate _ j m

I hn-» «v«ua*»o in* arwaniaa - -lb the origin*' law o-, oi» ia : Kn .dlk*, and d.. k>n!i; certifr rhaf the •an* u » (virr«-» trwiamrt thwwrrmii nan nf the whole off Muaomnaa. law. KWttl'H a CARK.

Meoratao of stata.

• Bad e t r a d y h t ^ a t a M B V a a a a C T a a a ( of tr-wwr-etn* ta <a- t a f l a C t w t


p of. tl laaaT by* • w l intes ratty

rsost (Tin n t K ' B t T k n :

» p r c r I

« T ' f " - f - r ; S ' t W ^ " ,

nr--' ' .ring irw , ' . . . . > - SJII 1r#-3 an ',

s .«# f.' Vew TV-*, <i t : V .w Aiiion-*

r 1 » ,rel—d at- 1 ftftt fhM, ' i ; ; r ; ' S ' f 1 "!!1 rtf r . lar- -s

•v. - -n i , not ot' ierw a* *; - • - f i*o i * tier-l f »r t* • p . '

h * Tr. To -w *;.!! .. ali'1 1-lir - - - s- • * v .e* am--*i; t - l a l i

. -, - t-'i t>i^ warrarT t l ' iha

L A W * * * HKWT4 I K - B y AaUa*rny.

TM-< «pn

•f t » i * »n ITII * - r: • s ' . . t in *l*t>ti>Hi I.T M - ' T T i f t ' . ' . ^ l . • • r , « • « - 1 ,

«».' TMOf nf t»» • t. .», ,>f ( a * aa?^)1

• T'«^ imin*aia*alr


» ~!»l» »»*-li!ilr with th» ^Hirnal law i r^r*' , .-.>rtifv that th* mm* ••rpfr n( «n«1 »f the « h - > of

J » i t r u p . » KKK

H « a O r !<«•» T O R K - B y A«tk*rtty.



« • « ' **--«•»• Umr «Sa)IKfa>i ailbaC i n * ' »• I taaa atf HI lt» ajal Hit tb>

—' •• h« twaot!*ta ittf mfttr th» . - « v »« orrti<W<l r-T tta GiarHmrj at • - . .h«r : aan 1. t m t a x l Saat-! , , - r f l v i . . . I !rr>( »nd l»f lv« .f

»"*-.-n huawaw t arvl s t w i i r m i c *n-airMwtar »a« l.jh; (MtnrvaiM « ;

•' *'• art >* fc*« f.T The llafettarf "f »•• • ,:i i f " « *"1 prmi'abalM-*<**!*• • T >mTi« %*!Talatiit.<inM«. >-. :*-i't i r^-s itfmit pr«a*'nt.

M «ai» ,' .\>w For*,

ft *Y» hundrr 1 a i 4 m.lrart a«.l

* a aCM t- m •' ~ -r**r Ci-W ••} ! • ! • « , f . «» f •? ll»» ; , j

; U »-* ..:> ' I'L - • »r.1 p n * a t - I.UJI.I ;^r^« »r*«i r- « ) . « w t t h m t m * 4 t a i « . "

IMMNI »» a« t > r-A<\ a» r>li.>wn : -;« m i » n .'.uu rgaala»Hl antler trs • aot

v • »• 5 -»h .wi i« the ti>rta»triTn.f i « p a t f - 4 y - b r u ^ r r x ia taaarh . aisri-

» » ' for-y *-ia"-t. an i t a « ***»ral aoc« n-r^ f a-,0 *L) i v r i v r a i l o n ' t u t or • H- * w * . f [ht« v » l f . for raa-nnfiif or-

• ,-rnrHT. f>>r pr-daciaf lmBi, f a t or .- -i*-riHiiT a» the maaes >>f Ifenhtiait

• - I U S I parfe*ao<l plar^a. I R 1 val>lic » ' I | ' D ( > - I r i l i » j , Til! -

m - ' tr gn» HMtn i' *mpi-i f • r t h » . i j M . a < i . f

a n j town'

.•-.«. tak« 'Ifrvt ima>»liat«ly. - -1 -» ' N r » V ^ u . > _ .

t ,» - - -s. ..^T - fStat* . {""•• • . - - . • -he *r<Mi*di»jr w i t h *h« orf f iaai u *

i* .-. ^ r j 4 . . a*m***y o»rtifv thaa taa - , i ^ - - t i l t i i erefmm and nf t b t w a o l t

, . » iw J i « S « P 0 B. CAKR. Srcrf tarr ot Staaa.

•••* H « » OF M i W f O H K - B t A a t k o r l t j

• vw -« * .i:*T-r>»nt rira« c^all b * pra-:.. : .-•irr.'n.'a and tal« rltwt

. • <• 1 r t >-.f-,r»th» twentieth - "..» j»i>*»*e a>*cartir]e«t by tae

- • i. i . . f 4. chap. T, parti. 1U-• -.. . -;,. ,.f rivli Prir»rl,i*a.

t -- ?b-^* r»ft3s l-efnit prt^ionf. » . ' S* ' ' <>/ »•<• r-vr». r.Traatatai <a

• ,: <*>••: aiui ,.f th-i•-,-•,-r.fctTl! .. H rv-fi ir- l *< .»« li . r*»<i f.>il-**-(: • ,. -:i • -fa parry « h -bas i*£en . . --. th^ jndr*1. pnTe-sMtn: at a

n.-v ii> h - iti»i-rpiliin. at aay timf - -". l. rf t .•in -.r-lrr «•» he rarered,

i - ' iKei t * h i - a r i l , m ih<» 5r*t in ^ ' 1 TCIT, . n n l that ju 1*e-aeat W

i • it.'i-i.»• AT any t i m e b e f o r n tkc • i i • i • nis. ! he jn lar may b e r*woke1

i- -;j — 1-. -• -urt or imi of ri^uat. b y . » i ! < • - ! • '- i! iriiT tie v t m i i e f ' . r

1 v t H nr;. it t>u\ t. n « rb^rr-^f. U o -- - -• * M i r **t *t-iit«-, tbr i Xi^pin-iiK m o a t

n f r t LI a l i u l . wtii< k m>wt • - - . . . » -x r r » r;.« m o i i ™ i^ d e « m e i

.»I.>!I ' in' i r i - r w « j p w i i i : a n t n* T . -•it fur b.'*nrma: at the genera l

»- efftM - ' . i -w -r Nv * "» n t . / .

• : i h - •>• i • >'• f M a t e . \ " " • •

•T;; ••• i • • • • ; "".H-ifi? w-.rk fh* o n r i n a l l a w 'r - :* . «i. i . i .nerer .ycerawy tbjil ' b e aaiaa

• - . ; t fh-refr.-i.-i and .f the w b . l e c f • -> .» ' . J' I--KPH B, CAKH.

bevretary of Stata .

*•- — I K S O C 1 K B 1 U H K - B f I g l h e r l l J .

- .- —. , 1 Te—rt H-rje «hiUUK!%.r»erlbe<; • - --"- - •-• T- -T-.*-!--*- * - i '-Ale- *-f?*<T tnr.MMfT»->tJt

• • ' . » • ! ! . : :+f -r- '••• tw. -nt ie th rtayafrff -^ - • -a. jit»'-j« . »- --tTtifted b> rbe 9**.-re

- »:• -*• .;. "i" •- *, . r . ip 7. vart I. Revised 11'-n*,-!


rhU ii r

• • ; -

H A . '

l*-x~ - i •

• *- " w + -, h

T '

: . J .

\ i f

\ tl:

^ '

' 1


* «-h»;. t-r f" ir n;m-• ULrr-t-n Minir**\ &ud

* »-r T- arn»-ni *crt<m?i i'iti !r»-i a i . l f rty-fljjrnt tr> U .tn<I ^ventv-elarfct .

tne f i t c r . u n ui t.flV.r*r*

* ^ iu^ r'»" sent. tr V -k, represented in

• •t . 1* follttir* • .:>ur f.-ur hundred and " . —• l a*u-1 s->\--nt.v

. - o i -,- ivr.. »n-l t»n *n * i. r;r f fijie lu-w- of

! > -»i .- . ». : - v a i r • i f i : a- f"I

-h i.i le*. j ; . i t . .» tf>»- WV ir.**«-lav . hit-— IJV »i 'J.-:. U*r ia HUC'I y...»r.

i I i w t l . * r-i t 'T-r. »n>! ' ^ l r »..>! :K TI#-;»I ift..t m rn* s - v t r a ! > • ) . • . !

-•; . iDnji-uc ^t-r*» il iatrict. in to»/ * r. .-."* - " » i- ;. 'i *L*l't !->• n#»M f.c: v »?*-rt

' ' - • < ! • ' -1 •• x )'i rhe- i*fr- ru .. .n, -it - •' • . -* <:.'.,• 3Urr- :.--r ai -Jvh

»(. i , — a - ;;.#* ir is'et-JI m a y <le«J-riij-re-, • , - , : . • * ; - . . «•!•• I ( . D is'-rfier rtait'i

. .-• til. tru-tf*-. »-hA)l -ri\t-• ' • • *; i i ' . * fi -ii ".F s^i^h n >eiee, at

• w • •, ' -<> -IHQ" '.f h-Mmrf »apr« tie**-•• ;• .-. - • • • . iii rr,.- <U-rri''t, nr

• » • _ - . e, . , . j , , . , . . . ; J w p j . l c . s j n r h e

- . • - r...*. * r ' - t ' h i i ' . - i »-\;-'Ti 1 : ! p * * . ; , : . . • • • • ' . -_f ^ui f . - .r .. ..r_ril

- ' * -V' ' ^•ipff' r .rriii.-_-I:i;*?'y ~ * T|? ' e* JlKW "!t llRK. * „ .

a . ' - ; '.*f ; r»- ••"Uo-: w l i h tttt»->r.$riiia' l»i» v - ,i. 1 J > h*-r**i y o e m f y r h a i the -*an*«

. - • .T *^£r>n. »m5 uf t h - w h ^ i e o f

SseretATTof St-we.

H u s o r > E W V O B l i - B f A n t t » « » r l t j .


, 1 tf'-r-i.r *iine*il*t»l.^ pr«**-rll>e-j •• a-i i :«-Wf efTt!-*t «hrf»u«rl* ul xtt*-rr !*-•• *»fmri«rh dav aft»*r tb**

--, * - - rtli*-^ hj ' h* *>*^ci rjary of • up. "., part I, lte*rtr*''l -?t*»*utea. • HAH '•,.

. . : • - , ' ." -h.ii.-rr tbre- -bu . i -• .'.. u » » i.i e .ait~-nliunlr>-'l

-t f - r l - e J-• rl^ira-l HJ i-f i 1-ui -J i-f r^,- Pr *u-*:i-j*

-- i- -r. - . . - • - . . • i •(_«,.•» Y'-rs ' .- . t r-• n f i : . - h*-lag iiT*'-*-n\

' •',* vf..fe • f "•>"• T'jr*. rrx-eantted .» -i 1'wn.f.,^ (J/»ern«< /l»/oflo>«a.-

.ali-r -• i :-. iip'*r ft rei? ii.i'i-• x f in- t.-- !eiil.'--'U Imn ir-.l

\~ \ ' ' - • t-.e i .*.-.rj-iratiuu t - • . - - - *, .- . i i i f f • r T - . t - i * , : . *

r • . - j . i r ^ - . - ^ - o f N - w Y ' | * r K . ' I* - ' • ••••- 1 ».- f - ' l l i . w - . - - f ru ' ta i ii.ira. r,z*"1 t - ire-

i . .-- «tll L a i i i r t u r ; .: [' "• - • ' -•!'• i- A' *UH» rT !iI1'l

, - . . i i^i-'.'-i wni i i t i t ! e - 4 a i i -. i - a a l i , ._ t t ' - 5.UC ;u \ . - \ - r .

.] r-p,

.1 t • t i .

- C ' l . n . f r i t i i <

n< ti-.- . - 1

; - - • - - . ^ • '.;.^ w:rh tl»-- ••Jn..Li . . iv i v . • r*|f v r t: *: • V- ^:n-

i ' • - - . . • ._< ' ! . ir t f f^ w.'l-,.- - f . . '.'••;• i .: i \'.k

•** T e ' i i y -f S'_vte.

» \ ' i « . «>I M . V * 1 D H K - B ; A n l h o r . j r .

-.- •-• . '1 ; - • | . r . ~ - r . » . . - 1

K f.-r t..^ WIM- n re*T*--'l'. t u t i . a t e w i i p m (he l>-unil irr

» V -i.« '• 1 ,- . r e - . . . .!.' : t'f r», rrj/rejie/trcd i n

>v foUtnet: :r» ' fifty . l.i-r- •..- au ieud . t?; a-*

> - . ' •


r it- . is m . najj -, ; -•[,_• • i n . - s r _ j - , r i -

. ' u^i-^.u *Ti»i re-i> «' . - r - f I:.- -uj-r.-me i--./Urt

." i n - * « ^ t - r i i - - - urt 1 r i l u i i - i r . . •,'. l h - m . . i i i -ft i- r ii . . - . x . h .a i i i c ta i

-ii rrtMy m r l > - i r 4 i M r e r- rujve. ta .» adai t io i . -

rr :. • i-. urt tut tfleir re-- r _ ; •> r w> apt> . !nte ' i i s htvi t ti i ^ paid a* pre-

*:. i i- usi atti-ud wi t t . ta • irie t. rn . - '.f : l ie turrulf f u u r u

.- t t^-rmin-r n:;-t i r * - - ^ f . i a l t»--mi« ..' w n . r r t f - u i " of lai-i are tr iable

| . . • > - « , or a n u . <rliTbf ike Jui-- -'• f ' wr ii-l- I - ti . . . i - ^ l u t e d ,

. it.0... t*j»- . -Te^l i l i iut- J.At^iy. •4 i-y the -w -T-raor w i th in t - i t dayn af-

• . . . - i v r j i,> Uiu.. -U'l t e t a i u j e a U » . i. ••• .r<- JIAJ . ; m . i t s ; .

• L - e i a r y o f Wat*. ("*"

n » « a ii.'

! li.<- urea-edinar wirb the nciainal law , ,-IMJ 'J-, tiereby certify thaitka»aj.a

»>:r.rt tberefroaa azal ot tha wiK>U eff


JLA \ . <» u r > E W l O B k - l l A a ( h « r l « i r



law titileat * different tima ahail be praaertbed •.ball <v<tBBUiue« and lakeafaet taroackoBt fhe u aud bot before tae tweattata oar attar the u H.I..L. i-t«--r-. a. laaTMUd by ta* s-»Tretary o« X T^iiSmi chap. 7. parti. Aaeiaad StatatamJ

CHAT. St. \ ' T • -rifi'.

iij-uil i uacter 1 - . r n , . . » . . f r*»t«cB kaadred and aereaty >>«. . l . i . e ; Aaar-itai-jarfaroa t-oardec. eaperrieora -r.!.»r p<»-»er» »f » « « . laajalMiaB « • • aflailnntta-

a/. I tv rrsulal* the ccatpeaaatloa ut aa*ar-

amea.1 ekkatcr »l»-t> »«»•« of Ibf l»w» -.. naadrew aad e«jt*troar, eatttlad^••A* ,u<l < uacter fowr baadtwa and eaa-atr two

I AprB V>. VmX; ^lWrkaat i a / -W «NW • / j l

Kturruo 1. atrttna attcat o( atd riaaty two, of taa lawaof an a-. ff««,ratu-ad '' - * •*> «•

;Ft»r. law anleanai Iferent time ahail be praaw-fbed tV,. rr:-. shall rN.mtneei~. %nd take etfnet thr»>a9r»i.>ut t** - ' - - . -« a»»4 ex-f bef.e». t h e t w e n t i e t h ' t a r aftew the ri.T •' i f ft—i i-aiuaa-e, aaperttpeg ' - t t ' i f "v--re>ary of State >-v. 1*. t i t l e «. chap. ; part 1. ReTtnedMtattttea.;

CHAP, 1*4. A \ I ' T m relea-e the - i r b t . t i t le a n d interaat nf t h e

| . - . . . i e . . r i b e . * i * t e o f > » w Tora 1» cwrtala p-.ruott> . f -he -.etir^ee Pul ley ra&al !'»•»<) » K ; 1'. ".'"C I >• » t w o t k l r d « r o t e , j*ie JPenyde of the -Sfrttv nf .Vew Y&rh. i i f raaaiM-f a t

geetnt* »<Mt . i e e f m V . . d* <--ae< a* / M a n a i ; ^r-^r l '> ' . AM ihe e « a ' e . r .^ht. t i t l e an t Interest r>f

ti> - i » t e af S e w ^ ':«<>f. •« »-i-l !.• t^" r u i «-tati' . -- I I - ,t/,ii s*i.-t » a l . r p-i* .'.etiefcf aicen »i..i appro-

j.iii.;< - f.-r -1.* a u i v * — -.f . ..PHiruetin*; • a ..p.-rA- . . i^ 't.f i . n - i - v r \ » n » J renal ti» her-l-T granted, re l - i -e f t

; n - . T » ^ i . i i' "he i<ei-i>«« ntrr<-it .n M i * t w . > » i h d . t l.iat f . i h i « « e is « a» t o m to said panl<'« b t m e nt:v-ei!iii*-n<ieni *4 putiui w.jrks tinker and b>•* :rtue , f , i . j i . r f-i ir > m-lr' i^ar.t fn,.r l a w s o fe i t fh ieen I.--T ' - f d an i w . r r i i T •eTet» and the e-Terai »H« mm iiitatrtTT rh»rei>r. »urn a*Wa b' lnit a p p n i t e d (IT *>f < - o a t tn >r.l .lu'.v . i r h ' h . ei^ht leeti hun-traa an.i t - i^-n . m . «pd t h - y . K T . i rarh <*f ih*-m, t t f | f r*r .y ».,!» i f d and ••! l o w e r e d I" li"I-1, «TOTt. wfrl- i -ai i i l r-.-ti• • » the k»w.e

renl . ' - late ap»-I -pr u e l i.y vlie *ta'.j o f " i the transit

l iue nf M.wea T l K > ' T ' * 'a- ;. i i : • i l - . t r o f A!'ii-^%"T, in"l -d.Tia I!-. r. -rri- ' ir. ri«n . -i-.1 water prfnl i '^e Tested ia >l -w« T-i.-ii.rt i.f b : » ' i» . Nt a Y-wa.

». All the Te-al ' » l a t e appri iprlated fi*r the I**hui n-~ir\o T. t r I ihr fe.'deri 1"»iHfiic frii-n *-aH reservotr t«j the aiiner; act* * • " • * . -">i: ere k. t > raUed. b> I n s all the taTii« n p j ' - t ' - i *'e<t b-y the - t i t - " f Vpw Yark ft»r aai-t re-# r»- ir and fp^-let - lu-ii.' in the r tnntv *f Ott-farruiti is , Incrndioit l b . re»rrT t fir d a m , w » t e r prtvt-lege «nd l•t^-^ apj utu'eaace . - c-^inecied t h e r e w i i o , r e e t e . t i o O vr. I ' b - i M T l l n . rtf I.-.-hna. S e w T-M-k.

i : l i . i p ' a a i-r t i d e 1 by «eetion o n * , all Ore *a-ta te . r jtnt. t l ' l e . m i l r r s t a n d priiperry w h i c h the p*o-j,t. .frhi<- ' ' a t e l"iv • h e i e f i f - r e aefiaieei*. and a o w hnve In aa. i W. all t h - Ian 1* und water prWH*a*9 taken m i l i.pproprtal.-1 tor ihe pyrp<i»e ol ii>n»tractin,r » a d upera.Luit tha t pf«r.i-:ii'f the iJenesee Valley cam' . , coimavrilT _m«>-rn a« t h - I'l-risi-ille br^a.-h. ex tendia ir f i - i point in th-- T;ll««e of D»n»v lie, in the eottntr of t-^tnirat'-D. t-fthe main Uoe of nail c.taal, and taat p rtiunofsaid ranal kn:-wn a* the Winxiy feeder In rhi ronntv vt Allerany. extendlnjc from tna koatii-ary line nf M o m Taattar.'s ImJ to tke •lain line <*f eald canal. »hall r. Tert to and ia hereby rrant -ed. reieaaed to and Tested ia the pcn>a or persons i-wniua the lands to the eeniarof ibeprt ta i.f said canal aed feeler. In roiitrdemttoo of, and upou iiindltioB prei edanl that tjca owners •hall flu' - r u n t b * super intendent -.f publ i c - forks a a t u e t m -meni. In wrttlas;. ander th-lr hmid- and ar-al, <Ja:y acknowleilffet!, relea«init and dtacharains; the state from ab obUaartoa to maintain the brldxea and other sinii'iuri'i cennevted with -ai l canal ana f««xl«r. and frr-tn all Itablllr--f.-r «1aTna«e« arieioa feoeo the aban­donment thereof. Wnereapoo they and each of them are hereby ant hurtled and empowered to hold, errant, devise and convey the *»mf. S ithink fa tail ad! ahail la any w»v affect the Isn.U nf the Dan-rrflhrsfce cut and basin «itnate ta the Tillage of P a i n — , as sotd »ml ciajTfteit ui JoUn Mrfurov.

I '>. It shall be the dutv nf the «aid ssjperlstendeal of public work*. op>-n the recelp' cf nnr wnr'a aeveptance i.nd releaae as is pn>Tl led for la the fores; .in* section, if the same shall be deemed *'ifllclent for the par-pcs.-* c-f tt is act f<> indorse bis approtai thereon aad file the «ame In hlaofftV-.

• I All coptei of releases executed to the peopla of the state "f. New York, uniler seotinn tw.i of this art, certified bv the superintendent of public works, Ms hand and the seal of his s»l.l nfHc*, fokjtrn" copies of tlia original, as approrad and tiled in hi-, of­fice, pro^*idina the aaul original reit-ase !-> pe^.e^d or acknowlf d#ed In the tnainec in whi'jh c-mTeyanc^s of real estate are required Iff be, for the purpose of rec­ord, may be recorded br the clerk of the county, tn woH-b the lands referred to in th» release are situate. In tl"- h". ks In wk-ch det*d< are rcc >r^e-t and Index MI in tre num.- of the state of .' e-.v York as orantor, and .ii 'he nam? < t the rel &S.T as i;r»rnr>a, for whlcn ser­vice clerks of counties «hall be en'i^ed to the a i a -Iien-atiun now allowed b j U * for recording coQTey-sn-ea of real estate. *

i X The reeord of aey roch cerrlaed re-ease, or a certif-ed copy of the record thereof, shall at all times ami in all place's be evidence, and of the sime force ana .fleet as thtnwn the original was produced and pr-. ved,

I ,i t.. This le t ihaK take effect immediately.

•So inoiiglnal.

tasfcaa, awd ratwa fwty aaacnaajg fa a w*jatl fftwA m, giatasaaa wtte tr. a m PwaW fcaaiay. aata-1 s s s -•bar third. eWrhtewa fcaadresl and strty fo«-. aad

re»v.rded ta Krte cotmtt t srrk"»itfaei I,. Mter twa hua weed aasl Pwrty aw nf >Wf da at aaaa <sss> haadred a«d nfiy. Hepiawiber tenth, eiahteea hssaaraa ana sixty foar,cot talalai aboaaMxil ftear aad «aty-f | te one horfOeedtht srrra. are hereby rstaasaa], kraat«a anl r-osreeyed to rxsrothy Poeearh. fiwa.tiis Barotay Boa­ter, of the «o»d towasaf Cheektosessra, wtaaw of said rVterKoater aim—an. hnrken*, u e c u u m aad ha­

ws roees-e-; Nothir,« ta this set shall he hoM or nwasnj UP d to

Feet the right. Oil< latereau ordVasaad.of any heir at law. capable of Inherit lag devWew. arraatee. or Tendtf/ or of gay rradHor by morto»«T or other

I < This act stall take effect immediately.

•Sot rrt-nrnefl by the O-iTernorwftJila t 'n d«T»after It was presented u him and neearne 11>« without his ataaatnre. April i. 1*2.

-So in original •TATX or Haw Toaav l

Ofofe of the rV-crctary of Mate. ,•*•• I have f rr-pared the pTeeedlrtf with the rsrlalnal law

oa Me la this ofBca, and do beiotfi eoiuri that the "esse la a correct traiienkat there from and of the wh da of •aid orlgtoai-aw. JOSEFd B. UARK.

•eeretaryot scat*.

L A W S O F I T B W T O B K - w a t y A a « f e * r t t r .

S T A T B o r Hsrw Y o a k , > __ . Secretary of State , f •»• • Office of the

I h a v e compared the preceding* wdth t h e original bs*» on tU- in t h i s office, a a a do hereby cert i fy t h a t the sasna ts a Ci irreet transcript therefrom and of the wkota of said original l a w . JOSEPH B. CARR,

Secretary of a tata .

L A W S a r i m fwKK-Bfkaikaritf ,

Tiu, siiaii i oiunieuce auu M M e n v c i (.nrtsiiajiious it- , on and not before the twentas th day a f t e r r of ita anal naasagT. as certified by tha In irtaja >te. Bee. tt, tUfc 4, chap. 7. part 1. aVsriaaJj

[Fvery law, anless a differeat time shall be prescrib­ed therein, abaU commence aad take effect ttiroughout the Stat . . . - . . . . . . the day of Ptate . S ta tutes . ]

CHAP. a. AS At T to amend seeti.-n one of chatter rifiy-flVe

i.f the laws of eirht**en hundre t and .-ighty.^entitled '' An ait to amend irctloii inn e of Ciiapier oae nu.i-d r . d iiC-1 t i n o* the k w - ; of --itfhteen nnndred and s e v e n t y s*ix, enrule i i * An act bupplemental t o cbap-t»r sJTtt.v i.f tiielawi lit ni«ht*»r. hundred anilthir-tr-en.' entitled ' An act to Drovide for the larorpore-Uon of leliKious socitttr.-, * und of the several acti ameniatory thereof." rassel March 21, 1982 ; three nxtbs being pi T\t fmnpk of tW StaU of Nmt Tort,

Senatm and Assess b%, aTo eaockos rbtlosss *p. TIOV l SVi'tloii three of chapter ons hundred u d

ten of the latv:> of eighteen hundred aad seventy-six, entitlf (1 '' An act supplemental to chapter sixty of the laws of eighteen hundred and thirteen, entitled ' An act t- • provide for the Incorporation of reHalou so­cieties, and or the s-veral act-i ameadatory toereof,'' is I. .-. b\ amended su as to read aa follows :

? 3. Whenever any church, parish or relkrloua sw-cietv, in eonnection with any sueh ttovaralns; body. shall become extinct ib> reason of tke death or re-m.juluf it> inemoersi. or for any other cause, it shall t.e lawful f• r the tni^teet elected by such governing iMMtv. to take possession of the heli i.«:ng to i-ucii ettinet church or society.anl rrnnage, st•. i. r UUpose of the sasae and apply the pro-cti 'Is tii..r-_- f to any of the obj-cts or purposes mem-rione.1 in the s< cond section of this act. It shall not bt-liiwinlfor said truatees to dieert said property to .in% other object. Tie governing body to which sue j i LMCI. or -« l e ty belong shall determine wnen any church or society has become extinct, or has ceased to maintain reliKious Services for two onseruttv* rears OMLH customary in said governiiig bodyi provided that

no cfcuri-b or society having more than thirteen real->!>-nt attending mala members each of whom has annualiv paid pew rent, or aunual contributions t-i»„rd the support of the church or society the last two years, shall be declared iXtlnrt, except it has failed to maintain religious services for two consecu­tive vears, sccoidinr to the customs and UJl ies of the governing l>ody to which such church or society be-long-

1 «. This act shall take effect immediately. BTSTB or » « » T o n , l _ .

Ofllco of the aaereurr of Maca, | **•• 1 Ldvc- c'.njperrl the precluding with the orhrlaal law

..n Hie in Hi is jiflce, and do hereby certify that tbesaaat Is a correct tr.uscrlpl lUeretrcm and of the whoia of » id onpn*' i»w JOSKr-H B. CABB.

" of "" L A W S O F *«»SW 1

Z ^ S r a 7 t » X a » a * r ^ ^ i « - « - a a « . a . a a a * » - » T

— » f A B t b o r l i r

[Kv.-ry law. unless a different time shall be*.l therein, .-.hall eotujience aad take effect throughout tiie .state, on and not before the twentieth -1:... ..iter the day of it* flnal pansage, a* certified by ih. Secretary of State, sec. li , title i, chap, 7, pan 1, H* . i!-t-d statutes. J

C H A P , ia. \ \ Af'Tfn incorporate the romnlftee on church e i -

teu- l t . i l of the t--lnii^> of New York. 1 ,ijM-d Ma> i3, l*Hi The fen-pis of the atoas of New Yort. r s j irsnafss l t a

arnate and Amtmbly, do moot as toUovn: .-jLCTi ^ 1 James Anderson. Julius W. Geyer. John

H. Hanltlns'.n, William Ma-il e.nd Henry Camerden. Jr. , coiulio-.In«tni: committee on chur.'hexteusion of (be elassis i ( Xe» York, ard their iiicresiors in said coiunoltee, are her-t.y con>t!tute.l a bofly corporate liy i . i 'r .ame'ITh» tumnutier oa Church Extension ••f tl.- Classic of Sew York.

1.'. The said eomiijittee s.iall coaslst of fltemem-t^rs. to be appointed by said classes, to bold office for t h e Term of n v e j f a n i , t o be arranged i n c l a s s e s , s o that o n e m c u i W r .-hull retire e v e r y y e a r and a s u - -ces -or t e -le'--te-l in h i s t . l»ce.

i ; Inca-i ••! thi del h. realnnaU'ra or remova'of snv ineml.-er. his suece->or shall be eleered at the next regular meeunjc of clossln. to flil taeuuexpired ri-rfialr.dcr o' the term

J 1. IDeobjtct of said corporation shall be the ex­it-! s ir . of ihe Informed ilmti'h' Church of ATierica.

I l i . - ^a i i c jr j -ora l ion nba.ll be c*p.ible uf sutm; rm t i^-mg suett, of tak ing for re l ix lous , char i tab le mid •• lucat-ona! i .nrpow* hy «i f t , d?vi»e, be<j-.i;st, .- i.iul ur purc-uase. ani l of h o l d i n g and d i spos ing of

i y .-.ii • -'.»:e or n r « u a l e-tate, and of the revenue trier-, f. fora»-> of the aforesaid objects.

• *. Ir shall nr>t t»3 lawful for saia corponriirri to di in; any 'f l i e above or funds toauy othef j : . r j - ( l l i i t l i - i j - r a 1 jve name-! .

i : TT.i- jui'i i -orjinr.itloTi - taM h a v e p o w e r to rak> In Id, li. trust , any real e s ta te , d e e d s and l iens --C c u - i ^ t . cnsi i lat i l . ->.r educat iona l property con-i . • ' i - i H i t h . >-r »fiK'ii|shali hereaf ter be c o n n e c t e i W i l l i » i , 4 i : a s - : . ,

i -. Tie -all corporation shall have power t ) mike I-\ laws for ihe management of its affairs, not lncon--i '-; t \wtti the ciinsiitutioii of this state or ot the Ci !*•'• - l a ' e i

•- .• This a. t shall take eff. ct immediately. S u n w Kr» Ti.iut, > „

ufii.-e . f the Secretary of btate, im" 1 r iive o .moored the pre. edlmt with the original law

-1; f.1- iri l)j.s office, and do hereby certify that the same l- ac. -r>f t transcriFt rherefrom and of the whole of s-ud oris-inal law. JOSEPH B. CARB.

Socretarr of atata.B • — * » » —

L A W S or m t w T O H i t - a i A D X H O K I V I . [-tvery law, nnle«> a different time shall be prescribed

tli-re'n. shad commence and take effect throturhoat tae t:.ii. vn siid not bafo.-e the twentieth day after tha day ui it.- r.L»l passage, as certified by the BocretarJ of ctat-. b e e 12, title i, eoap. T, part 1, faeertaed itatctv^. i

CHAP. I.f!. A > ACT to amend ehat-ter one hundred and seventy

tlve . f the laws <f ei/i.tsen hundred and seventy ei.'iiled •• An act regulating the sale of IntoxicaUai" aiuenoed bv chapters one hundred an-i slxir ' . or ami fo. r nundred and sixty-six of tke la'>i cf eighteen hundred and eighty-one. faased B a y 4, 1*?; thres- I f t h s be ing The FtopU of the State of Hem Tot*.

JeaiiV aad ^sseasMy, do enamt amfoUmm: SLI in -i 1 Section three of -aapier one hundred aap

eeventy Ores! the law-ot el ikte-n buadred aad a«v--nt>, entitled "An act rr^ula3m2 the sale of intoxl-cal IriK r.iiu.ora. *' as amended by chapters one ntoodr»d oast i-ixtr four a n d four nuudreskesM] s l x t y - a i x o f She law-or -ightoec hunure! ana eWbty one, is lereby further ameadad so aa to lead as toltowi:

13. Ti e coscmtOKW-ners of excise abaJl meet la-their respn-nve cltlen, -»liu«^r» and towns, on the a n t kton-oay of X»y in each ya-r. fo. the purposa of rranuur linriMi as provided ») law and at BO other time for tbar purtxinr. rxcfw upon application tot iKeata made in xooa faith la any town or rUtastr, and iBsaah ca»e not oitoner than . nee la each asowh; la clttos tcity ahail meet on O K first Honda* of each month, and as of ten as they shall deem rsiesxtsw. All li­censes hereafter granted shall expire oa tha arst steal nay. f Jtay succeeding the date of soak ttrantlaa;. ex ­cept » the cities of Sew York. Brooklra. aa« Boraea ter. and alt applicants Where suek tseassia la a n a led for a period cf leas tnan one year, shait nay a peo iaarn amount of tke Ureas.lee eetabiksaed lo t tkeir psaoaef business, by Ike omiui^lonera of tkate rsapacttro cities, tirwrntasdrrllsgea: and la said iMItaof M t r York, Brooklra and r.oct.est*r, all suuh all las at shall expue at the and of one year f rota, tke liana tkef skall tat graated.

esafaeoftksSsswatary^fkhaaa.,' I antra suatassaa aas asas

eag|w a» tats sears, aad

(Every law unlees a tlffereet ttroe «hall be prescribed ksrela".snail commenoe and tske effort throughout th*

•tat* on a» i not l«for* the twentieth day after tha day of ir« flnal passage, as certified by the MeeretarT of BUte.—Sec. U. t l i let. chap. 7. part T. Bsrrlard Stat-ates.l

CRar. l«t, AHACTt-i re'.ease the Interest of tha people of rh*

-tsie. . i New York, in and to the real estate of which . ' i n . . . souihwlck died pre.s.ssrd, to alary u. Slml-, formrriT *arT O. HouthwK*. litssed 1*..> '. . 1»W: by a two tkiros rote • l-aerVarpsro/CA* State *f New Tor*, lasrsssufld as

iMsBtsaadalssrajobji, slo eaoot a» ftilkiwm: Sm ri< -K . All the estate and tnterett ot the peopW

of thi-s'atc. ID and to the real estate in the c l y •-flew Y'nrk whereof Janaes a^othwlek died seised of poffteserd, ki-quired by (be eaekaat of iame, de*Tnb«ii and 1---U- -1. .i as follows .

All thai -:tnalnlot. piece or parrel of ground with fhertw.:l"g "."rise therron, situate and lung on the nnrthe. iv side of Klv.ugtou s-.eet in the city of New York i- linden and ilesuiiaed astoilows : Beginning ut a point on tf>« nnrrberty side of Riringron street di - tant sev-nry-f lve f e e t w e s t e r l y from the wes ter ly c-«wr of k iv lngt» and Forsyth streets running lh»noe westerly la line along tke northerly side of Rtf ington street twenty 4>-* feet, theneenort h-eriv and parallel with Porsvth street one bsxadred feet to centre line of the hl-iek thane* easterly aad along sin! centre line of the block parallel to Rivingtoa s trM twenty tire feet and tbener southerly In a straight line to the rortharly skle ot Rivmsrcoa street oil- huiulre.f feet t-f the point or place ot boglnnlnsT.

A:-. , all that certain lot, piece or parcel fir land sit-uat- I.i inir an-.1 b. W e m the c i ty o f N e w York bounded and dtsfrlt- d at follows: Benlnal«f at a point on the northerly Hue of Ksst Broadway dlatant two handred and *ii.vfT futir feet two ana fm^e-fesirths lnoaea west« rly from the northwesterly earner of East Broad­way and Market street running thence a«rt hefty and parallel witb sf:irket street or nearly 30 sixty-eeght feet ten ami a ho'.r ln-nes; thenee weatetiy and near­ly parallel ta hast Broadway twenty-aye tert. thence southerly and parallel with the first meailonet line slxtt etghi feet ten and a halt inane* to »*»aortherly s ide of £ a a t Broadway and th?nee eas ter ly aksag t h e northi rly side of Kast Broa'-.w y twenty foar feet eleven ard a half Inch, s to the point or alaeeof be

f inning, arc hereby granted and releases! to alary O. unix, lorniprly Mary 0. oouthwici, widow of laid

J a m e s Southrw*ch\ l i . nothing saisia contasnt-d shall bs keld or con­

strued to affect tke rUht, title and Intersex or demand or any ht ir at law, denser, grantee or of any cred­itor of taid James Sonihwkrk, ky juAajaent. mort gage or otherwise.

13. This act shall take effect immediately. * Not returned by tae governor withla tea days af­

ter having been received by biro, aad because a law without his slttaaturo ntay A, DM-.

STATE or S i m Yonm, { „ Office of the Secretarv of State. »"•

I have compared the preceding with the on die in this office, aad do hereby same is a correct transcript therefrom of said orignal law, JOSEPH B. CARB,

•secretary of Btate,

i the orhrlaal law oertifv tkattas

i and of the whole

L A f A S OaT * 1 « I M E - > * r ] i AajtaV»ffMf.

fEvery law. unless a different thn* shell be preecriDOd theretn, shall commence and taste effect throogaoot the tke Btate, on and not before Che twentieth day after tke day of ats final passage, as certified by tke Secretary of **ete. Sec. 12. title 4, chap. 7, part 1, ssssdeoa Statu tea.]

CHAP. « . AN ACT to release and grant the Interest of the peo­

ple of the State of New York In oertatn real estate in the city and county of New Tork to Robert U»w. son. Pawed Aptil 6,1W2; by a two-thirds vote.* xW-Ihso l s of the Slate of Hem Yorh, si

fcnaig and AmmMif, AotnaotatfoUow Sxcrio^ 1. All the estate, right, title. Interest aad

property, of the people of this State, acquired by escheat on the death of Joseph Brown, formerly of the city of Mew York, in and to tke following described lands and premise*. Is hereby releaaed and granted to Robert 1-awson of said elty of New York, his heirs and assigns forevar; all those certain lots, pieces or parcel* of land wltk tk? buildings and Improvements thereon, erected. situate, Ivlns and beins in the first ward of Che city of New York, on the noftkerly side of South WUUan* street, and EoW. and for vatmf years neiwto-f or* known and alsttaguished by tke street numbers lour and six Sooth tVlfliam street, and as BOW In pos­se-skin bounded and described as follows: beainatng at a point on the northerly hne or side of said Soot n winiam street distant one hanarad and taarteen feet one kick westerly from the point where tke sontberly line of kVaver street and the northerly line of South William street would intersect if said baes wera con­tinued a* straight lines and running themes nor-herly and partly aloft; land of Delmonlco aad partly along l oad of aahrtahjg. aUrs-Avw f e e t a l s o tacaea Bo o taer

lard or Zibriskit; thence westerly aid aloof land af Zabriskie thirty-one feet six inches to land late ot Thomas Barroa; thoaee sootherly aloaa- aald land late of Tbossas Barron sixty three feet re* Inches to the said northerly side of Booth William afreet: and thence easterly- aeramaraarid aortherty s*de at Soath wmiamgtrf^ttatny-stx feet bat iicawto Iht point or place of besrlnelng. Said premises being a part or the same wnich were eonvojod to the aatn Joseph Brown by Charles B. Moore, master ta chancre , by deed oaied 8epember thirtieth, eighteen hwadred aad thi ty-seven, and recorrJed in the reaiater'* ofltoe of the city and coanty of Xew York In liber three han­dred and srveety-slne of cooveyaaco* pace foar hun­dred and eighty-Ore, October tourtk. stnktfrti kna-dred and thirty seven; and alas belae; Ike same prem­ises menttoaed and described la n evnata mortgage made by said Joseph Brown to the Manhattan 9\n In­surance Company, dated June fourteenth, eighteen bunored and nfty-two aad recorded ia aald register's office in liber fonr hundred and ten of aaortgages place two hundred and seventy-four, Jnne fourteenth, einDteen hundred and flfty-two.

12. Nothing herein contained shall aflect theright. title, claim or Hterest of any person tn and to »iid 5remises as heir at law, divisee. or graitee of aald

oseph Brown or of any c: editi r by judgnarnt mortgage or othi rwlte.

IX Thlaact skall take effect Immediately. «Ko* returned by the Governor within ten days after

it was presented to him and became a law without his signature, April 0,18"?.

STATiorNgWlosrg, > Office of the Secretary of State, i**"

I hare compared tke preceding with tke original law on ule in this otncerand do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom aad of the whole of said original law. JOSEPH B. CARR,

Secretary of Plat*.

L A W S On* R I W YOAtsV A t J ( l a * r l * T .

Cavrery l iw .unless a different time shall be prescribed taTorajkOBt tbtuein; shah commence and[take effect"

tke State on and not before tke tweattetb day after tke day of its fJnai passage, aa certifled by tke Secretary off State. Sec. 12, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, BcrtsedStat. ntea.1

C H A P . 82.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled '• An act to amend chapter two bunored and eighty two of thel.iwsof clKhtern tiunurtd and nrty-roor, entitled ' A n a . t to amend the actentitled * An act to authorize tae formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the s a m e , ' ' ' passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty. Psased April 19. 1981. flu Propk of the State mf Ke» Tori, rnnresaitja ta

fcnateowd i l i a i n M s , ao enact aefvUow* : SECTIO'I. The fourth section of chapter two hun­

dred and eighty-two of the laws of eighteen handred and flfty-four, entitled " An act to amend the act en­titled - An act to authorize tke formation ot railroad co.pcratlons, an-1 to regulate the same, **' passed April second, eighteen hundred and arty, as amended by chapter Bre hundred and forty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, en­titled "Anact to amend chapter two hnndred and eighty -two of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty four, entitled 'An act to amend tae act entitled 'An act to authorise tke formation of railroad corpora­tions, and to regulate the same.' " passed April sec­ond, eighteen hundred and fifty, Is hereby ameadad so as to read as follows:

f 4. In case any ralrroad company, the Hae or root* of whose road has been surveyed and designated, and the c-rtiflcare thereof duly Bled as required by law. i* unable to agree for the purchase of any real estate re­quired for Its roadway or other purposes, the said corporation shall have the right to acquire title to the same by the special proceedings prescribed In the not hereby amended; and all real estate acquired by any railroad corporation under and pursuant to the pro­visions ot this act. for the objects and purposes herein expressed, shall be deemed to be acquired Tor public use. But this section (ball not be so construed as to apply to a n y real e s ta te in the c i ty o f Buffalo , s i tuated berween Main and Klcblgan streets, except that lying between Kxckange street and Buffalo river.

i i. This act shall taste effect immediately. STJTI 0» NIW YOEk, J „ .

Office of the Secretary of State, I • -I h ve compared tho preceding with tke original law

on file In this ofltce, aaa do hereby certify tknt the same is a correct transcript therefrom aaa ot the whole of said original law. JOSEPH B. CARS,

Secretary of State. o e a

L A W S OK* !V<S1V T O B a V - a B y AjntAp»rUw.


(Kvary law, unless a different time skall be swaswxiowa therein, shall eotnmeaeeand take effeet tkren*rhoat tke State, on and not before the twentieth day after ""t tar of it* flnal passage, as certified by tke Sehretairai State. See. U, title*, ehap. 7. parti. fterssaAStatutes.

CHAP. 1X4. AS ACT to amend section twenty two knndrcd and

forty -seven of the Code of civil Procedure. Passed Hay 1, 1S92; three flf tb* being present.

I k * r«asd* of Ih* mam mf Mem York, rwrmmUem a s sarnaMBM A*s«wt*4r, a t rndCIM/Miami ; SKCTIOV i . Section twenty-two handred and forty-

seven of the Code of Civil Procedure la hereby amead-ed so as to read as follows;

I M"i. The issans Joined by tke petition and answer must be tried by the judge or justice, unless either party to sack proceedings shall at toe trone deshraated In such precept for showing cause, demean a Jury, and at the time of aoch deatand pay to such iadge or justice the tke necenenry costs sad expense* ot obtain­ing such jury. If a jury be demanded and sack coats and expenses be pent, the lodge or Jsjetiee with whom inch petition smvu ks filed, anail nominate twst*s re putable persons onannee to serve as juror* la court* of lecord, and aaall have has precept directed to-tks sheriff or one of tke eonst shies of tke conaty, or constable or marshal of tke city or town, lag- him to sunt nana the pesseaa ao antnlnata- „ before sock jnAtgeotjaitlee at sarat lima or ptsea-as he ahali tkeretn anaolat. not naore thaa thran dew* from the date tbeseot, for the nanrnose of trytag tke aald matter* In dlOerence. BU of tke persona an aa*n> •noaed skall be drsrwa la lls«Btaa*k*ra* JanirsiBlaa-lices' court* asm snail be swota by • iwhHdgeorjas -UcaweUajld traly to hear, try and dafstasaM tke matters an dlgrreiaoebetween she utli Ih. •• afierhear-tagtbeailrgattcdisanjd proofs of ttat ant^tM, tke seJA j w o (ball be kept together oaaH taryagras oa taear verdict, by the sberttY or one of Ms aepafieu. or a coa-stakle. or by aorae proper i«r**a aapointad ky t a e Saata* or lastsee for tkat ptrrpoaevarfoakaU neswora ioltmsBMajsunrsaWasaal ta ilfca aaaas off conrta of reeord. If anch Jary cannot agree after betas; kapt togrtkar tor sack time as •ae-i jtntge or jaatianskaU o«*m r< aioaabla. kiimnr 1 l n h s i | a i k i m a a i aoeata aaa^awwhsry aad |*aae a new prtcepi tn • a m i s * * ^ s t h . M m a n .

CSLAP. lw). AS ACT to re M e M M tne orlgtaal t r m of the rial*

of s e w York aa* to arotvas for the nee thereof an th- awnlte seals. ISawei Mayai. UR; tare* fll The rwaats ay- she aaaas ay* flhw rora.

McTsogl. The d> flea or arms of tbs* state as adopt ed March rtitcerdb. *eve ,t*en hundred and seveety-elftir. ,« aereny darsiared to be rvwsretly oowrtljed a* fnllow«

n u i n t Amre. In* landwape. the son In feas.rMng In »j> e dor, or, be bird a nuarror thire mountains. the middle one the highest, tn base, a skip and sloop oadcr tan. passing and about to wise* oa a river, bor­dered tiekiw »} a grassy shore fringed with shrubs, ail per pet.

Cmasr. On a wreath, axnre and or. aa American eeele, ptoper. rising to the dexter, from a two thirds of a nlobe terrestrials' < wing ihe SOrth Atlantic ocean with otttlfnesof its fttVirr* 7

St ironTana. On a quasi eompartanrnt formed by the txtengUn f the si roll.

DalTKn. The Ogure of Lrberty proper her hair disheveled and df< orated with pearls. »noted aaa re, sandaled rales, about the waist a csnrrore or, rnaged gut**, a mantle of i ne last depeadiaa from tke skoal ders behind to the feet, in the hand a staff en-signed with a r brygtsn espor, the '1nl«ter arm em-bowed, tke hand *nnr>.rtlng the shield at th* dexter chief point, a royal crown by her sinister toot de j ' ctefl.

fWWTEn. The fljure nf Justice pmpe-. her hair disheveled and decorated with pearls. re«:ed or. »an-dasrd, elm tared aad mantled as Liberty, bound about the rice w u h a flU-Jt proper, in the dexter band a rtraiatit sword hilled o", erect, r-sttnr on the smUfer chief point of the shield, the splitter arm embowed, holding before her her scaii-s proper.

MOTTO. On a scroll below th«*hleld argent. In "able, ExnELKtrin,

I •". The secretary nf stale shall canes to be engraved upon metal two aad one-half inches In diameter, the device of arms of this state accurarely conformed to the description ot the m w given in section first, aad

t i e arms so ctarraevd shall be aarronnded with the le read. The (Brit w a i s t tke Mtteof New Turk, and It alone shall he used as the great seal cf the state. He al*0 Shall cause to be engraved on metal, the prrry M »1 for the olftee of the governor, and seal* for the court of appeals, ih - secretary of state, the comp troUer, treausrer. the state (nglneeraad surtejor and the adjutant gei era I. which shall oe two Incbea and aqnarter ,a diameter and Shalt contain tae a&aae de v ice of arms; and each of aald seal* shall aave an in scrlption on Its lace surrounding th* arm-', containing severally the name and title of each otBoe. He shall also provide In the same manner tor ast other odtces at tae capital which are required to haveki use offi­cial seals.

13. Tl e getm of all state offlcen other thaa thite named tn the peered BK section, and which are re-qtttred or author sed by statute to use a seal, shall eongorm to the same device described in the first sec­tion, shall b e one Inch and three qna-ters in diameter, «nti abe'l be anrrnanded with tke appropriate same of t h e o m c e .

14. From and after tneftrstdayof Janonry. eighteen hundred ami eighty-three, MeseaU provided as afore­said ST ihe McrettrT of state skalt i e atsd far all tke reqniasmparpoaes of these oAsces. The aaabtof the trversl offices which can no longer be aned ahail be delivered to t t e secretary of state, shall be ky ' defaeel with a suitable mark aad deposited with ancient teak) ta the state isbrary

1 5 . The d e v i c e of arms of trie S t a t e c o t to tae biaeoB hereiabefore given shall bo psswted colors opea wood a* eanvas, an-, knag upon tha walls of the executive chamber, tae court of appeals, the oflce of the s«Tet»rjr of f'ats aad of the •taste arid asswsably chambers.

I t . Bo pictorial devices c t ler than the arms of the state saaU be used in the public oOlces at the eaatiat for letterbwdlags and envelopes used forofflrtaibaal-nees. ?>enone arsntiag and circulating papist floca

" r tho awthoricy of the state, whinrthzj

• 5.

Oejstw af ttw SkTretasry nary ofa*n*y». wttk tlwertginal l — — ewra?/th«7-

aawf/ thef • B, C AJUl.

flai i» i .ana ti at*. h»*a| tke knlaoi-e reasa fi'e« smev rswdew wf the ram r>f Tvssr »fn»fty»-f| tb.vaaan«} 4cH«-» I .rfeassgrbyayasfwye^sweeins <»>»»«• • —— • wsrW I"a"esn|* *sr"smBsssVt l ara i stgesrrl V W " a f e M | T HwW*r*'» ,JI

aaa taadreal aan seeeaty-aim. aasl

i f f e ^ t r r-srev-wt the lawaof e t r * t

etyateew nanai i A ewa

u « i e t ! i n r t i [*Jvr*fy ktWj aaless adkanaaatt

Sa* of It* Baal fasama* a* csTtlnedbrtkeanei See. 13. tftle*, ebaa. 7. aart 1. Mussid

CHAP S». Alt A T twarav«dai^rnnerevsfn<»y rdtapter one hen

dred and sev.etyoweof the saws of earbreen kaa-dred aad esjrMy-ewe, astlUel .aa Act to amend chap ter three handred and «txcy two of the laws of etrfateen hnndred and etehty. tatUli d Aa Art to prr>-

' a of on

i tb the

a, wnfnrthzy aa> a vignette, shall place upon the title page* of the doensnents the standard device of the state arms with* IIi saterationstor ntditlons-

I i. ahviag tae hours when tke legislator a In in ses­sion, tke state flag bearl-ig the aims of the state ah ill be displayed from the capltol togetner with the fl g of tke Called States

IS. All acts or part* of acts inconsistent with the provision* cf this act are beret)/ repealed.

•TATS OF Sgw Yonx ) . OSsee ot tke Secretary ot Btate. i

I hare oompar >d the p-ec e i i n ; with the arigiaal law aa BJe In tab ofB -e, and do hereby certify that the aasnels a correct transcript therefrom and of tke whole ot said original law. _

JOSEPH B. CARS, Secretary of Stats

L A W S O V N B W YOAIK—B>* A a a j M r H w ,

vlde for ihe 'ra-markm aaee ejowipeetfs. and to Passed March »k vm~ T%e Jwjps. • / t V Jtaawe/ i»*» rer*,

rperative ins tletnereo*. the tit!

agrnoe I. aection eleven of chapter one hundred sad seventy one of the laws of eighteen hwadred and etehty one. entitled Aa Act to amend chapter three botuired and sixty-two of the laws of eighteen hue dred and eighty, entitled An Act tn provid* for the formation ot eoanty c i operative haswraace eompaa ie*. and to amend the title I hereof, U hereby amended so ss to read as fortosrs-.

I 11. Srctlmt nineteen of said act Is hereby amended to read as follows :

) Ir. >0tMug herein contained shall antAMlxc any coir-pany fottned under the provisions of this act to transact business in not to exieed threo i»ur,ties which shall be designated In the certMcate reiiuliesl by seriloa one. except a* Iteretnbefore specially an ih.-rifsi. Any company now orgu i sedand il-iiK r-nsines* under the provision* of this ac?. or which o u t hereafter he organised aad do buslnes) und r the proVlttctis of this set. m one county or two adjoining coaaUes, me j extend Its business into any number of tf untie*, not exee« ding three In all. by tiling in the office of the clerk of such adjoining coquty 0 - co-a-ties a duly certified copy of the certificate aBo state meat filed in tke office of toe Secretary of State, under the provisions of section* one and three of this act, and also bv f!ltn,r in fheoflleeot the Secretary of aitte. and of the County Clerk of each coanty comprise 1 within the territorial limits of s l id ootap.ay, a c-rel­ocate signed by at !»a«t two-thirds of the directors of said company stating the counties within which said company propose* to do business, and upon Sling such certificate* aad certified copies as herein provided, any such company shall prmsess all the business end corporate powers, rights and privileges ia the comi­ties named la sach cextincat* inot exceeding three), nod be subject to the tame liabilities at thtraa-b origin -ally orgaalsed USHV r a certiaeato specirylos: the same eoaaUr* aa the territarlal UmP* ofsosh company.

ta. This act shall takeetteet insmediatey. STAfB oy Knw YOBBT, i _ .

Office ot the Secretary of State, {*"" I have compared the pn-certiug with the original haw

on Ble in this office, and do hereby certify that tkeaaane hi a correc t transcript therefrom and of tke ilislseff aald ordinal law. JoWPHlLCABav

resaei 'Syriated by j ^rrrvof t K s i s w . >r :

-«eaM. aad reanprer t wo , . of the lews ot esgfitaesi I

hwadred aad eighty, or *- mora thereof a* ••>*••- -- . anta aP'"»P' ndid on tke as* magi wf taH art. •> heretiy j r-*»priiinaa*l I a* par the awnm wntrtl map Baalty he '• a i j a a s * ! hf- the eaaal board or by ear eourt of rr— .et to be da* to coptrartnt-s on m-mtbty ewtimstes nr on < «*nl aeroawt »or enrrefwwHiery repair wnrt on tae eamats, asnt whhih ha»> ao« a*ieaa*us* bo* a e-vwtpr • mhwd aad •rturd. and aleo to pay the awtaraasttag ' eertfAeate* »nd drafts dnlv iasn<-d ia pavm-nt for werh pel fia mul s M eswrrtabtr *ln« rre.wi t»w • a* .

the iatranat watrti tke sts'abss all • * - :


s»» t» leat la is a* neoMliltlaa m pe»v<wt!->r •»•' naiier rr sa sa". s nf any »•** •» taHotew *»4 >» -vf"-»« I free*- sfjawe «w sas pa • s i -^ fcMf-f 4* ppi*wws ef tehing ec f i f w f ' i f the pisfft«-d i f art s»* a S-d

« r •i.-'tf^er *r. te*« **•* •*»•«. f*- — s n i m - ' %• - - srri*-;o the wa**t*t-f the towa of iipfwev Ray. i» f>w -•••*tv ef i tre*r« rr fhw sraf*-* *v i»e-«, »cnra Wiv

i . This *•-" saan ta-»» »er—t ie»^—-tiaf-iT

| L Tats art shall take effeet immediately. "warn or Bow Team. i _

t*Ba*taf th* BeCTv«arrofttt';. { **• Ilarrecomparrd the sreeedl-ig with Th* -jrtg--iel htw

aaSetntkhi oaVre, sad do hereby r.rtffr that » « ansae Is a f-uirei t fraaarript U.s i *fi —i and ..f the w h o * atatideilsjlaallaw.

^ ^ jo.**:™ p cAftR. accretaryof istasa.

L A W S O f f r a t a i t A a - B T A w t J I a r i t r

(stvery law unless a different tlsne shall be prescribed therein, shall commence and take effe, ; mr >a«n,>ut tke *tah» on and not before ihe twentieth dav after • ;•» day of its Anal paasaae. as certiSed by the rtecrjtary of Stat*.-Sen. l i , title i, chap. :. part i Kettse-i Star tttea.)

CHAP. 151. AS ACT to amend chapter tfire? hnndrel sn.l . \ t r

.me of tke law* of eUhveen bund red an.l etghry on-. entitled "An act to amoa.1 cbapier tlve nindre-t an i forty two of the Inert of tiihtern Imnlrei a m rfcthry. entltlod -An act to provide for n»"«1n« taxes for the are af the state trnva certain cirporstrocai. joiat-*tock oompaaies aad associations -PagardAay a , l*H. three fifths being present. am* Aapie of nV Shasta/ Sett r.M-*, rej^rseV'd in

aennfeatkl l«srnifr>, do enoct oe oiOow* :

nacTto* u Chapter three hundred an.1 slxiy one of the law* of eighteen handred and eighty on?,entitled •An act to amend chapter five hundred and forty two

of the taws of ebhteea hundred ami eixty. entitled 'An act to provide for r»i*»ng taxes for the n«e of IS* state, upon certain earpomthias. joint stock com­panies and ansoeiatioaa. • • • t* hereby amended by »•! ding thereto, three additional sections to be called seetatms eleven, twelve and tWrteen. to retdaslol-

111. Wnenevar the eompfroller ht dimttleasd with tke report of any association, corporation or j>b*t stoeAcompany, liable vhtlfars of to**

' AaPasawrlty. L r n W S O l

•set*, on and not Ijoiaea the «•*-«* sttflaali abate, toe, U, tatle iTesmp. 7. parti,

C H A P . ei. AST ACT to ansand ckaarer four ban dred aad etgksy

two of the laws of eighteen hnnsred aSMl asrroaty-tTvv. eatJtird '-Anact toeoafer oa baaafaof sArstr viaora far ther powora of local liasstarsiwi eaSTaft-miEUtrstloa and to regulate the oompanaastiaB ot

(Every law, nnleae a atfferent time aball b e i pre -effect

throughout the state oa and aot before tae twentieth day after the day of its final passage, aa certified by taa secretary of State. -See, li , title 4, chap- 7, part 1, BswUudSWtniet.

C H A P . I « .

AH ACT establishing the fees to be charged by the rsseretary of State for oatciai services. »nmi.B May IS, 1«2.

sawAnparof fae atoie of Me* fort , reytnyasntai in eswaiVasag Immaofa. doeaaof a* tettowe: Satrrio* 1. The Secretary of state anali hereafier

charge aad collect the following fees for ofAcial ser-rtces: ^a^>raople«of all papers and records aot reqkired to beceraaed or otherwise aatkeaticated by mm, tea cents for each folio of one hundred words.

For eertfied or exemplified copies of all laws, rec­ord*, aad pepers (except as keretnarter stated), fifteen cents for each folio of one honored word*, and oae dollar for every eeitiflca to under seal aft* xod S u i t to.

For every certmcate ucder the great seat of the Stste, owe dollar.

Pea-lsawrntag every certificate, notice or atber pai (except a* tMieinaf ter stated) required oy law coided, fifteen cents for rack folio of one kondrid wird*.

f o r *frasy ewrtlaeate ander tae seal ot hi* ofltce lex-ceptotniiicatesas - - - - - -

Sacnonl . SatMllvisUa tlx of »eetloa oae of aaapter fonr ataadved and ei*rhry-two. of the taws of esjftteea hnndred aad »eveaty-Sve, eatttled "Aa net tooonfar on beards of snpervlsnrs farther powers of lqenl leg­islation and admlntstratton. and to naeksl* taeeooa-pensntioa of tupervlsofs," as aniended by chanter two bmsdred aad nftp-seven of the laws of esgareea bundred nnd seventy-six, is hereby further amen Jed so a* to read as follows:

i <•* To authorise any town or towns liable for the erection, care, repair, nnd maintenance, in whote or in i—I. of any bridge (except on the Tfniissa rivet-be­low Weterford, aaa on tke East river, or oven tae waters tae boundaiiet of tke ante) te erect, repair aad ma ntaia the same, and to borrow soak soar* ot mon'y. In the manner provided in *alaar**A-toa tw*aty-ntne of tkis section, aa may h t g ^ i a m u far the pa* poet* of *acb"«rectioa. repair Bad maiate-

. . . _ totbeoAtslalcbaraetnrof aiosers of deeds residing in other states or foreign eounferiea). o n e oolbt-r ; jusd for c e r a n c a s e a ae Co She

oateislcahnctrr of totk eo«miintoiien, iweatj-flrt ceat*.

For every patent for land* aader water, Sve dollars, and for every other patent the sum of one dollar for each separate lot eaans^aeed in *nesi patent

For eaeh license g mated to a peddler, the *am of two dollara.

For recording the depos'tioas of leslilaut aliens, awtjr cent*, aad for a certified copy off saxb darpasliloa, fifty cents.

For niing every cefttficate of Incorporation under eAwattr Sttj o f the law* of etghteea knndred aad I m p sxgM, eatttled • A n a c t to aathorlset^foxma-tioa off emptnatton* for msanfsctarias;. mtalag, sae-eaasdeal t i ekemlcal nurpotes." and the acta amend-tt}*7tkereof, thesamof tsaohauat*.

For Sarag every certificate of Incoraoratloa of aai-Ugkt eo spaaiea, turnpike companies, wate*-works companies, ferry companies, navigation co-npariles. teltgiaph eompaates, telepbone luinpaalu, hotel cniniisnsee. and co-operative aasfJciatioBs, and ot every business corporation or company (except a* hereinafter stated), the nam of tea dollara.

For aiing, ler^asgatg aad issuing all tke necessary paper* in and about the organisation of business cor-potations formed under chapter six hundred aa eleven of tke laws of eiadtteea hundred aad seventy- five, the sum of tea dollars, gad for a certifled copy of tke cer­tificate of Incorporation of such last named business cfjrporatiowa, the *nm of three aouar .

For filing article* ot association of a railroad to be constructed la a foreign country and Issuing certificate of Incorporation and recording the same, the stun of lift; dollars.

Fur nling articles off aesoejatlon of every otaer rall-roadardfor flling every agreement of consoildnticui between two or more railroads, the sum of twenty-five dollars.

F rcertified copies of the evidence and proceedings of the board of audit, on appeal to the Hiprem* court, to be paid by the appellant on serving notice ot np penl, the sum of fifteen cents for each folio of one hnndred words.

12. Nofe*al»*llbecbair»wdcH'Collex'tedtorcrjplesof papers or records furnished to public officers - for use In their official capsdty.

i a. All fees charged and collected by the •ecretary of atate belong to the people -of this state aan shall be paid Into tke treasury of the state to tke eredht of tke general fand.

I 4. Ail aeta and parts of acta raeoasietent with tke provisions of this act are hereby repealed,

I S. This net skall take effeet ImmedUtery. -STAT* or Saw YOBS, l _ .

OsVeof tkefsecretaryorStat*. , • • • t b e i * compn**dt*wprceeitli

1 t»v« com psaed t»w pcssserrlng with tho ortgsnat taw on Ate ia thin office, and do h*»eby oartiry that tke sfsUBA Is at CCITVCt ttansntSftpw tiM>Tt*flBMt_ittsfM tt u | WtnUHat of said oriental l a w . JOnaar* % C A B B .

t tAWSwrm Amtibmr. [Rvary law.nnl«m a differeat time shall ka

thereia, stall commence Bad take effect t tho State, on and aot before tb* lauattstk taryof State. Btatntes.1

LliC'tltw' *, chap, 7, parti , B^rsnd

CHAP. 97. AN ACT to reap^roprlat* certain money* ia tke

nry for tke Immuvenieat of theC of tke Olen's FTUS feeder. PaasedApriia, 1882; tkiee^atth* besng r^raent

The Aonie of the aktU of Sam Toe*, rca Smate and AssanMi', do enact a* fotkxm Srernog 1. Tke stun of one haadred aad

thousand eight haadred and serrenty-seTen aad eighty cents being tae aaexrjeaded lialaaili off tke sam of five buadred taaaaaad dollars appropriated by act chapter ihree hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen handred and seventy-four, for the im­provement of the Champlain canal, the u no speeded balance of which was reapnrorjriated by acts chapter one hnndred and eighty-nve of the law* of eighteen hundred and »»venty six, chapter two hnndred aad two of the laws of eighteen haadred aad seventy-eight and chapter two nundred and nny-edgnt of the lawt of eighteen handred and eighty, or as nvoch thereof aa ahail remain unexpended on the p

the pnasagn thia act Is hereby rwppronrtntrd, to be expmstebTBa-der the direction of the canal board, upon the^reeom-mendation of the superintendent of public works ta bottoming oat the prism cf f i d canal and] of tke tiltn's Palls feeder, aad raising and sin isglki aiaii lln banks thereof so aa to produce n unit arm depth off six feet of water thereia throughout Its entire length, and for no other purpose whatever; peoeided, how­ever, that the canal board shall hare power from time to time, to set aside a portion of the sum herein reap-proprlated, for widening the prism aad ttitmgtliealng the banks at particular point*, where, la the opinion of the superintendent ot public work* aad tke state engineer, it shall be deemed necessary to seonsc the proper passage of loaded boats at sack place* or points, and tuck work may be dene bar taa saperin-tendent of public works In connection with the ordi-nary repairs and tanough the same aguacles ; aad the canal board nay alto set aside a riortioa ef t ie asm herein reapproprieted for the rebuilding of loeka, and briuge abntmeou and tkeir MpenuoetBrea aeeaasnry to be lebnllt. In order to f ecare the benefits of tke In­creased depth of water and width of prism, fo* waseh provision is made la this act. Tae range, plana, — atates and sperifleatloni reqaired by seetloni < and nine of chapter three hundred aad seventy-seven of the lawn oteigbteea hundred aad Afty, to be made

ra«arytota* letting ot ea«ai eeauuaet* for tke

, evti-

work eontemplaud by tats net. aaay tke auireys for the eiilaiasantnt of eaaal, which were made ta tae yearek

kasej a i t a •

yearalarateea ond seventy-four. The a*id stun neremrearmtoarlaled, or *o rnnea raereof a* saay aot at the time be required foriBtrewdhweiipunllture. may. tapas ttsWsAVme, be mvested ky tke eotnatlaalonera of tke- eaaal faad an the revenne bonds of the comptroller ; baAwBaaanab bnsrflssbnHatataretjBeBMeeeA Bad ftterest taenoB. whaarepahl knto taa tsnsanrr. ahai l '»met to tke orlgiaal Inaa, to be k«jrrlnbrfore protidrd.

\k smm'*, cnssB, 7. psatlCT.iSsff l

and to lay any debt incurred la goon tsith by or m behalf of such town or tocn* for am k aur-pese befcre or after tha paasaae ef this act. najt no authority shall be exercised under tkta saboxvisioa, except upon tae applioa ioa of a town liable to be taxed for sagas purpose, to be nude by vote off a ma­jority of the eletrtere thereof voting at a re*f*jtar towa ateetlwg, or at a saenlal tftwa rsveetiaff eailed for the purpose, or ttpo* the appMentlsa ef the' — perrkwr. hi and with tha eoaseas of th* eatni slower of h%hways. town clerk aad yi panot of twen towa. H swy tnwa, at a ^. meetlag held bMcMea the first day of T»el m ^ e t e n ^ J S S S 1 ^ ^ ^

sach bpade, aot tweeeaiaa the aasoaat tnttltosiasarat sack town meeting, are hereby aaxssottnsd ana* «e-enrred valid; bat said bonds shall not ha sold or w h o disposed of fortres than par. Asm tae ot saperviaor* ahail levy a tax oa seen towa for the psyment of sack sadtbtednett at aoeh time J and in anch arnoanta as may be n w i a i y to asset thaeka gattOES iaenrred try cnhl rneaatfsB*osnrJntsaarsani~ of Inttractloaa gtvaa; kg aanm towa at the ttsne electing said comnniaranaters-

!* . This act " _

y, liable to tax trndc**Anyof the peo- i set, wkose capital is only partially « • -ibis state, ne is authorised and aaipiw •

Ht determine the amount of capital acook . ioslament snail be tke basis tor tax under i

the provisions of"this set. and to settle an account f jr { thetaxet. penalties and Intei est due the Staietbere- ' on. east ear sasociaUon. eorporauon or joint stock crjorA*ay iawjallsncd with the aoroant so set tied may within ten days after notice there­of appeal therefrom to n board ejnsistina; of tha **retai7 of state, attaraey-feneral aad state trswaoKr. whicn board on. each .ap­peal shall affirm or correct the account en settled by rbeooanptrotrer. and the decarloaof said heard saatl be flnal. bat eaeh appeal shall not stay proeeedtaas unless the fait amount or tr- - taxes, penalties and sn-tereetaawT***wea*d*«na« as settled tap the eomp.

Bv«v« o« sTarw V eent, ' _ i•*»>» of thessrietary of tt*a>. . ""

lhavei.sjnp»ne»i the asw'*lan w-th the ertai-si 'aw oa Ale m this nftVa. aad do hereby e c i ' y !*•• tho

is * cortwr- fratrarrtr* ehfi ifi • w strd ' -He of m*n eeigfww >aw p w r m a. »- » i n

_ *ecfwiart • ' • "» '«

L A W * t * r *(hTW wmKW—AtT A w t h w r l t y .

i f v e r y r«w.rm>^s1 . f f . - rv^t tltne •Aaall he ! e « " S M thi i l a . ihail "cniini a o »Twtwakeew>etthrv^- --f - s -Ptafe on and not lwf.we the twsntseah da- %f--T in* dav -if its Sos i pesnasre. s s -«rtHled ay the *w. - = i , r t -f «tafe s s v i t , t i t l e ». chap '. par* :. n.»r - . i ' » « eofes. '

i HAP. !-« AX A* T •.' (si ••rrs rsre i l l* Trn«te*« of 'h-' I -ha v

->la er v'und r sased April At. I-«-'. t h r v firth.. Se ine r f — i ' . VSher.*... ! , . « • r l r t i . - f . r l II Hayes *•' hi

V n i . n K w 1 : - - ' ' h - !'•«•->.-' -f • H I S I M , W I Hetn l> l» . . ,™, ..( \ » v V . r l P h i l i p * h r - ^ - .f W«s ! sacnnse t l e . I*sni*I -" ' i inr -a , . or a a r y i s r - i J vein A R'ewa i ' .-f > e w York Ait.-r-1 H t'.nq-iltt . ' w n j U , HOrr.«K Je»»».i. - e f > e w \ . .k- J » n » - ,' B.T.—. -i I ¥>» tti. I r . i s i l t t ' i l l lam A. s'-at.-r, *.f *. -nn-e»ie-i». h a v e . b» their m e n or s i . reprM*euted t.i 'he *«n»o s r . i *S»'T i l y - f t e i s «r...-e iaa i a lefi^r ha* ne*-n '• rein-.'. h> them fr - s s I Hn *•* --'ater. -^ s ,r-f . i . n thewtgtCOf I" rTK-efT.-:-. ,ri" wh'CO t h - I ' t w n : •--,.rpT

f e Mfssri . Rllltl.-rford PI. H»Ve«. o f l>hSo M.«-ris n R. W I I - , ,-f rh- ; .u»r ct ,>r Columbia , t f i . l i a m P Urdsre, of S e w V. rk . Phi l l ips Brooks, of Ma«e«esu I » . « » I / sn le , i_ i . t imsn . ,>« Maryland, John A - f - « I .u t of "C.-w T- ;k Alfred H rotd'-rht of i r f - r ; t . . Morris K J e e s a n . * o f Hew T.wh: Aaaa-s P B V y e ••( j Kri . in k y . an.l Wl i l lam a . sMatar. of C.wweeta *t (

Grvtirjigs—ti has paeased ii,id to area* ev» pt * nsritt in my bnsinra*. an-i to pu- Ic into my p.iw - • > [ ai?-y to chatitAble use* a e m of ucinty •ocoaaller* b e sa to require the counsel of wise n-»n for th- » mlnanxntsna ct It.

I t b it.y desire at this titn* to an^roarta'-» bteoci n*e* t--e sum of one rnilHun of -U flar* .#...•-'.•* . a«d X heretiv invite von to procure a ertarter of rnc »rp rs tlon under waieh a cdant*b)«- fund may he hell - i emp< from taxation, aad under wha-a yea shall orgaa lie ; and I inland that the corporation as sum a* formel, *tnslTT,H'elTe thts mm tntroM to apply tiie sart.meof itacoordhng to the ta tracttoas eoutalned

•*tpf f-O'- - . , - » • .i ,w--ien*f#s-, sssn . ..,sr a . i ^ s t . -.*.- !n»-r— *- - **fT^f"rf .-n'-w* -f *«•-*• ' - * - -^ s • • - ^ ' » * - - • **• ka -*,«* w*w %.ff— -ser« . -ear - s . . , - - * v r ~ r - v -» ntiasw - f » a*t» • - . perffe-srf 4 l n . , " » M « ' « i - s ar» Sea"" » *V --- rr-j, « - » , « « 4 . , ,1* »f* „ * • - ^ ' s ^ * ^ 1 # - f,.- — s , o : - - . " . • * * . * > * - . ' J , - i v i , s , . . , ,a « | 4 -r- r ' - , . -** name * tn a s m -* --- ' - * . • - . , - , , - . » i iiu„, T » . , | . . i . , . v ' - i a » t - ^ . - , - v • i - - • K i f S v o s e s»w • • « r~»^s , .»» — s e fM-rs i r • • «s a.parta>we,« k-eeat «• •*»•{ **> m - a - •>••<

•• - • . f - tee s^-nar - « i - - a . t .*.-.•, K«r , a - ,*-« r •he l a f ^ W l «ei-l i- s* s . - *^*^r.r^.^*m .(,, » _ . !--• -, »rf - e - s l ». s ' >f %. -etMar*w«n«

' i - - ' t * . * - - * ; - - « , , . ,.i »rf

' * - - i e .- t - ~ -

. • * w - « i . »

The graemi object which I desire to have exclusive ly pursued. Is the uplifting of the lately smsSLluetsI po**sla*toa of the southern steam, asnt their poetertty. by coaferrtag oa them tae bees* lngs of chria.'Ian education The dlaabUrOee termer ly twffrred by tkewp aeual*. aatl tswtr slnunlar patience an.l DJeilty in tae great cnatt of tae nation, establish a jaat claim oa the sy napathr

.. -. ,-Bnr . . . . . .

singular patience ana d t a e a a r - - - « - -

good wti 1 of humane and patriotic m but feel the compassion thsri Ss esse tn view of sad i I wli 1 of humane and patriotic men. I eaaant

^—.. . to be aeposswd witn tn* state uaasarer. I B . Wbaneveraey sasoclatloa. corporation or jetat-

rtable twatake iv^ort* t» MM Mosptnoi • - - 1 neg lec t

t a s s i - -

reaoeBt i taT.snia

suca report or repocte i hxthst act, tke -im»Ii»a>« aadieMrds of say stash aatoelUleo, cinTiOratlon^or

of taa aaovtsionsof tkis act. and incase offthe eon payment of the of tax so sacertaiaed to be due. together with the ex-aanaen off sack etaiBTaailw for a period of taartr •ay* after notlee to any aasocwtlon corporntion er Jont-etocAcompaBTto ta defaatr. tbessasemaf be *a*d form tke u s n e off the aeofAe of taestnee.and arcovsied la taw name rasassir pia • astid an section tdae off tarn act.

113. TV.ctmiptroiler _m antmwfasd to t*ane anbpee s betore htm of any esAeer.

it, catrh or employee of amy aeeoemtstm. cdrnora ' nt stock company ttabte to b ; taxed oo its

fiaackise or ueelaen. capttnl or dlnden^,

ante to bs taxed oa its _ a. capttal OTdlwdenl, aay«st taessuissnansof thai act. asrd tt} asnaia

•Pier aatas M aad enaBttae them or on* or sure of thtmonoa^lnrent ioe) „ u& mAttar wkiok may fat •nr/f*faryjne saspfrlaj 1st den*rm!ninv the a a o s u of t M s W a b M i m n l o y any such assorla-loa. corpTra-•fcaor Jomt-stoek i imp any; -t saaU betkednay ef taapersoa er persons thus snhpastiaed to attend as thereby required aad give testimony in tkesnbjete aforesaid, and tn ease of tnitar* toeo attend or ara-ttfy, tJmpertOB so failms; ssaOl be gauty of a eon

' ll term Of tha sanrotastwart ilae tke pansshuieat rhorefor

_ jotke same exteatae proridod an aba Code of Civd rroratdare for the pwnishment of

SBIsmat ot eoart other than criminal contempt. •sTlaa* net nhan aakn street leuneoiafoty.

•SATE Off HsTWTOXS. t n s e esWof tan Bswawij afwatn. f *** laEli l iamMilttmpreCTdlMwttttn- ' . . . . . . . t t . - . a file l a thm easea, aad do her-V, ^&&£ia£

Ifigijgt Bid gajr anrnial ssayasrjndae a n d eveterml PAtnl same m a n n t r and b

arfwarltaf ignorance, wkleh exitta by ao faaat of tkeir

Slnata wnich tl

Bat it I* not only for their own take, bat also for tha safety of our common eonnrry. ha wateh thay have been ta*>nt*a wtth equal neirltnl rtahtt. that I am omtrnaa to aid m arovhtlag t b a . with

of each oflucattoa as shall tend to -ww, tAwm g o o d . - « — XJ*J*k

tathes i of t e u t U t l i saaUbe asscciated wttk traOnbag tn Jnat apt has, wf daty to ward trodaadasaa, mnaob»rsrtof tnohi l i icitpiasis. Thei i nmaeMsdmtamswas»»natssaexa»a«a*iral

ootrct •> ins deassnanas. i loaee ta tae IUI ulasa of.nae corrakmooaiohly asdKaflag, aa itaa at isjajaiBi • d i p h i t t o t l i pi una* «n*atlrlonof ehnaaa. tsaelsata mtTof laaiA*m-tswmease»atarpiBpmitgmiliBiwbe BtanM. sf,rn tbeopiaiua ot tae. anrporm ana. kw sack Uaxftad sesection the purposes eff tent trust caa beeasS

~ Bad tae eaeratr

I 'I - . ' • -e - - — * h - u 1 - - , "• i

• * r». - . . s a i ' . - , r ! . . , - , 4 r - . . . . . * . . * . ,

J,»t»» W.... . . . .- , - . « , « f e»., » . - M , , , „ , - , -1—* - ; - . - » » - - - w a.- . * » . . «sr- - v *w-l • n a - f f »•-• f . - . - , - r , - - . f--. , . w , r . t B i „ , . 1 B . W T T , . . , «--eal-.l' - f * • w -A - -* . - r ^ i , ! ! , , . * - n . - - ^ s - h i l i a w ^ i i i . - i i s . « - , ! ,e - . img t s - * » . e e - • -be .-»« r» . -«: .« .*•• i - i- -* * i t i e -*• r.. j • ' S f . - e * t « - . - « - » . - • - . . - « • , r . - l ; - - . ' . - , - . , . * | « i a * * i M . | f c - . r - ^ w . r , - . i M « r T i s . s « r « « T 1 - a . l l f f f - e t l i I S I I t ' - iw. . o - r

i i s * « .aw t rt,. « , sard I ' • -« -e • - -I h . s - f U T C "-- S . - . ^ * « S ' T Is : . - o . , n r - i - » - j f.-r th.. r..i-r- **— t* •'- ' -|*» •' •'" se. ,1 -r. « . « - ..f if- - . --• • l t f l t l i m - n - O I - S -. - h * • - - - » , . e , « ^ . | S s f - - -w :m apt mi»',* - . , s . i .a - n. «i , - - . . . . - . .. - . f - ' - ' f l e -. • , * S - - « , - - « - • i p n - - r—-,- '* f

a— »;..v«-e ., , , s , . , - , .»»-., , , , . k,-*it* >*J* Tiefi i s n - * r- - .- e s t ' - n-^-esas.-T -.- m-e«

e^p-^- . f IMP . . r- — .. I" . T*-i- « , - s b s i Tak* *fTss-f imme,t-*f- . f

W-*-» w > a w \ r i • '«»•-• .-f -he Set r-tnrv ..f ^ .» '« , , **

I h * f « lt-:a-«'-( t~ i.e. . \ 14 w i»i ike -.*- , , « e e die te lb * m » e . an 1 -' be—»,- . - - r t" . f t at ' S - - , T a la a rs>re»c< -rsn——p' t - ->r- -n i - - | .{ w , m f s idor lg l r s . ' w •!•«•-.t u . »-•-.

se..-»esorv ^t • sa** .

L A W S e h g ? M K W lOatAV—ana Aar*As*>r«ty.

JTvery !»•» in'.-a* < llfferen' t irneshaji be pees.-- *g ssieSn. ahe'l ^^vrtrw^t.--- a i d W f -W--^thr-.awh *II , -

abaaeon and ss i i -f ~ ere* iv fa tasa dap atte- a* nay *4 it* final pa.****: ** -"etig.-i h\ the awe-ret*.-, t •ante —Section U ' « !» • .-has- T — "-

r m r * AW AOT n-aliir.g ipp» .,•' . ': .u

tal of ihe cntnm»in a, h -.* fa*.. :y ia the rvvrnue I aehtf .

" Aptil 1*. ;Asf. tbr-s. nfth.

anata/aW ssn*. of .«nt roe*.

, tpp i« l e d .

Sgr-nos 1 The «um i f five hundred thosuasad do l lars as a e v e * y a*>|Hr,>pe*ate4 rreaa thn aarasn* i s n a n . •* the geaernl Srae ta tke l i i a sa i l oa t%* tkWtaMh kef-tamhar. a^aateen huaored aad eight) anew roe the parposs o f IncTwung tke capital of the coann afwootruad aad tae t-csagi roll«c hi lieeabf f t b o n l o n v n t ihe sum hereby appropriated fas nr-art

lb. wised -nrttles

now sancttoawd by saw. IA To nipaly dvArwory ia tae rr^eaa* of tke <swt

snaa *eh*wTfnad Ssptimker taarttata, e*gasr-a I t * dred aaat esgbty one. aad to pa-oviaw far the e r m i s n s paid aad tnoe paid, bath* tmehnet **esennuoa. m i a i n i a i th* eapttal ef asM rawa. the nam -f , w , haadred aad etgAtaJra * * ! l l * { , * l * ' S ^ * *?*»***; ifa'm Ih* naipins iwsTani*jeaW«rZaaiam«anvl.

. I L Tat* act shall tnan atket lamBadksswW.

t W ^ t w M ^ ^ •am, w.eAwreet t » — ipt t h . I J » B 1 a w t V - ' T l a ' g

' ^ ' • - r l ' k a s a * , 7 L

trsawAsSIOCI l a m wall aware that the work hernta|

aiilhiaaaiiii n wnlried. Aaat at Is nn an myaatssTSAttasBtBtaBTas this • d e s a l t . I byasnoclate myself with ^ „ „ o f t h e not ptlsesof cbari^ ^ biitaaBsta, aadmag^^aeuk M -~™**~ i aad tufa, af fnittful ntea aad

red aaat ate atttl Islnasng aa m watcb yoa ere aasttaA ne

cosmtdtnee. Meenalet u notmsoof tnaar tkaa twsJw

" ~ " " r . in - prayers aad tofat er rnittroi -otnen who kava labored aaat aaa attu lal tab eases.

I wssh tan esifssnr^asgnt wBtrb

rof hnmtkaai ttsne taaaa may be maali



street, ia the aasaataealk watdof tke < Yorkto Angnstn Londre rJokaa%,o( the

lAprUlt, ISSt: b y a t w o - t a m i a t t . f V Aopasoy'rA* State af Hew Tert. rrrrmmtat at

Sraafsqnd I MOW lit*, de eaeaat a* AWs—•• " amenom i. All the estate, right. Utieand iatereat of

the people of tke atata of Sew York off, m a a d t o a U that aartata lot of madejeaace, Ijr&igaadbets*} m tke ranrgabreaiA ward nf the etty af Bsrwle*«,la>dkoaad-cd aad coatalatiag aatoilows: mgjanlng oa taaeena formed by tke mtejrsectloa of the wca i i i t j l lne . Ai BBBI A wssk tke arankerly liae of Tenth an ranmag tkeace westerly along; Tenth street, feet tea Inch**; tkeace amtaerly Avrnae A seventy-one feet; tkeace lei wttk Tenth street, eighteen feet tea noe A; t hence *aatk*#ry akavg IhA ansae feet to f he placs of begutamg, b e n e said more or less. Being the said premises wl cosrreyedtoMajgatal A ltnr**w, wttk of Tbqfcoas J. Muipby. of a a M ^ , t j . H e a » f y P . A^HohahsiistoTtbe eight* en kundred and nbtty-tsro, aad leeocd si MmT

-"-* hundred aad uxty- we . in

avaBsoewaaLasmaf tha m u m lal laawiaafsoai Utaca wektktork pier; aad to reaetl sectioa three

•« rbanter three Intndred aad famrteta ef tbe-law* let ekdwsswbaadtaA and elsjn^-oaw. entitled "An act snaking a a atvproainatioa toarnidtae s t u t l s a off a awanmeat toAesarral Herk la tba battle of Ortakaay .• r

rami* AnrilTth, mt. by a i f f M r a t ,

f pnblsn to cell atpabkesme-

tioasaeh of tke material In .tae kvr^, brtigeai aam>-e f t h e

barmasMbata heTetofora ashmgasi at, reualicd by the State i a ni*l*lnaalni said eadat tar v h e n ^ n ^ w y ^ f W t ^ ^ ^ t t T S Z pnbMiBtrt anils la Iht Satin iiapm aa thai each other swwst*|srrt pahlkied i s Ife where sach property h) altuate, aot cxa«edmg three ht each i uenty. i

12 . TarastdBBparaTteng}e«BYhepab^ give to the Ocefcta Hlslui It nl rVjeaity atPtica tke rtotst takes from the Odes weigh-loek pfctr mutee^taeuud, or so ntaeb tnereof as may be required be said society,

"" "• """—'' "" ~ tm own coat and e z -ptoviAea the aald society wlU, at pease, take ptiesessica of aad tea e ^ a s l t a » w * t * m . b ^ a t ^ ^ M l W l esYnaTtssmnMaULBL. I B ajHaSani ax ajaaj *>aj

nrsjl irt irs amrnthrtsmr said tkereof. wttk the other material taken t*snaaaldps*r,

• ' the State, ehatl beeoM ky'satu

taken from said nter . In ease sasff iselety shea tefaseor

. , wttk the otaer mateiialtaauatiAnaasJdiMaw, aadBOtreanirrd by swsarraartsa* al at *w» —

pawctSna^tkaBreeadlBg •

taeAef^keTawa^ehiStee^ eatstsrd - A a A c t ******* aa apnana»riatl»a tamasd ike engtlaa nf s ainaniasat to Oesaittd stetaisaar ana hm saadrtBtet ta the battle of OriaAaar." U h*wetyr

I A. Tki* act shall take effect irnnradiatab/. • * • * • or slaw Tona, l

Oameot the Bentwhary of State, t

OSEPBB. CABJt, - • - o f f —

AHAtrr to release ta* taterest ef; the peopleof th* ^taateef Mew TorJteaeocmra real estate to Charte*

y s . tacH saratwo- lhaia i »s|e. B / tAeJawSa/ la rW Fetr^ rajajnaastsw At nummhsy, atoonawlsw/bawas*.-

mnnxsnwi. ss .aatws.ate. esflPA, Ttrkt, tltm and ta-t a m t of the peegae o f this *tate t a a a d t o a plot ot

aplaeas_ef tsherla. Weiar^ j i i i B t a t . ami • - ^ - - - o f the latialer of tkaejby and.

— nnibtwnmse aaadrsd. of

--' i*—"—"" •—*__».« . m •>fl-nj *a||ft4*HajaaAj s lx tp -a tx las t

sad syveaty-two t*e* tarn annla

•^9* r^&m&$m«&m#<*<**.


ensYaftex^edaa: of Its finafipsaamee, a* eerttsBsiby S k e a » e b k r v ^ H a t a . - S e c . H , t t a e t , eaap. 7,parti .



tar • a y SB. tSK; tnree-flths being present. sakeyaVs Skawa/Ahmrerasrsp

L artini o M ast —n«ilas*ailiaisrtae at k a n a w t aw£» im tke

b a a t h n i i irn i lallnn Below tan aarowaa, sWrtaffW Wl exMBBnta px ait***ns Of A*J ^ a n n t J a y a e i B d u U ahafl^afcs a siqafalXism on anaaJTmaanlttmika'amlaofa**^^ aa-—"~~~— t o g jre .ang les ) .o f a n c h II aaadHua en - "

r o t a**a*nw*es**nwa, s a S * T I * i i * m I • -TA

aaplal af a

»to l i s ta imdlayt l tnOsimaaiwtthlataaaay^ henrBr keea reesrrred^ktm.eMbecanataUwWItb-

^ ? ^ ^ ^ I S H ? S S CABB. Secretary of I

Asa at taa bus* of t „ eat i t ted"Aa Betatntaajffaaarop

a e - ^ n - ^ ^ r c t ^ r w . V e ^ f ^

S l ^ r t ^ e T p - a ^ • o f - r c • isnnsit. and ilipntrlag dgfcaMtxaM a'torster nrVroptlatagaa," w U i k s s ta the ttdlowatg weceasto arw: ' ' F a r t k e ffeaTAamfe State.AijIass fortbcBnnst. nt Batavks. for tae eoa>

chaseotbinudawaad*naee ssaawjaaan*tar Bssjatani Iklrry taonsnadanlssrs. orsostsa^taswasfaasaaybe

,t enarashrd J R vnsjckrn s*n^rared by

S o s t a - r T enpeaafrAaBt trolasr.'-

IS, TAWactahaUt axayffapHam-Tosa:_ _ l ^


=^^tt^tsrls^f-S OaUP.m.

A S ACT t o W f l l s i

led ia

11. The essakml acta of every person a* no-tssry nwDsmwatatatke atate ot Sew York aeretofwre CAanmBswaraaat aa tack, wkleh acts hare been pea^acni-ed atase the taatasth day ot March, rtrhteea aaa draai and eighty-oae.*o tor aaauckosTaaUi act* might ts>aff«ctea\eaa>etJoBrde«ta hav­ing- been pessovmeel after she evpiratlow of tae team of ceaee or ky rewasa ot nikmrimir or mlsepelung

other error ntade In the anpsoiatment or - ' " -..- o r ^ reason of or failure to take the prescribed oath of

tba tame required by law. are hereby le-^^____ xmSrated aaa —n**1 a* enTectual aad valid s s K t a e t e r m a f ctBea of said notary pontic aad not cxaticd. oraaif no misnomer or misapeUmc or snh*r etror bad oecutsad or been made in the spaelaimaal or commtssioa of said notary public, or at if tke oath of office had keea taken within toe tl.ue prescribed by law.

I X Hothinc la tkis act contained anali affect any or pseetodlug now pending, ct*aall take eft. ct

OfAce of tke fstcretaryofState. j I

an i _ w a correct •and anginal law.


and of taa want* of JOSEPH B. CARB.

Secretary ofAtaa* .

u w i a r n fEvery saw, B S I S I S a dlffnmni I law ihull b e nrtsrrlbed

Ikmiili i: shall isimsssai l u l l sfTi nrTTiriaj* ' s t t a t Stnt*. i n aad aot baforo th* twentieth dap alter tha day of itanaaslasmei, naoertined by the S*niiitirxof S t c . tea. a OtSi. chap. 7. part 1, Berlaad its-*"*~'1 CHAP. « . AK ACT to amend section oae handred and ninety of

Mmi (o snvrtlne for the the Code ot CrrU Procedure, ___ _ appllcstlna of sunk amendment* thereof. Passed April 14, MB: taree-fifib*being pis««nl.

'the Swats a/Jsaw Term, i

anciios t swstioa one haadred and ninety of be Code of Clvat Pi i si tasi as hereby a i t a d i d by *rldsa*r IBM all nt tke **rd tkereof. the feilowtng artottttinal ssnadlsiahan. trkt. :

( L w a e a a s mUrleeatarv jedgmeat Inw beea eESM> lA^jJki SSniTZ daHntrrerVpioetded taat tae

^ t ^ f t s t a p t m ^ o y n n ^ X a t , V A«°»T « f f i

v B t S J Skat, as n.Ung m**y eaosetiapaaalsiat •

. . • ' * ' " V " T *

. J ^-- .. --^-. .--^ - - - - —-* A« A- --• a , -\ . . . . . , . - ^ , . A — l — - - • - ' * • • • '

\": 1'

of vacnnetet, which fdeur* take aned by atsrsr. aad, wbea fueaat prscwoable, a t la* s s n asset-aan astbrr tae vanaaay may ocean*.

I aeslansre *e the Barst preaident of the eornestattoa Ihe Honorable Bnlheriucal B. ttayea. ef Onto. I da-sire that tt any saree power to provide from tha Bs-eonseof owfasd. atAiiaff at»Mtatr^a. far et^aaaH incurred by members la the raiSdnwas* of ttu* trast. a sd for tke tapes tei of aaek oeacees aad agesHAnH

^adgiarsTtaly rodaastaarwaomatamy . toe isaijsBg watt the asssawaa* o t t t u s

| ssrasnn, tf ft BsBr* ha t Ue%a-^ ' * •• • w atay nave f a c f t e r t y to knvant

I rkaaB arwli«j*» trj an ieas-*-*dja^**T*n


act to cnane cernaht < |aaBp*wswrt*anaarer*aok

tty, otit

tinat.aBoprdlna tatssstr ewa asanas* sawatrrstaaadBaa *Bwbt«tjwA*-nKBt. I»angticntar.aa>a.lwam tdta-Weve taem af say p umsdiff slssm aa tae part off nay

atameesBwaass-v as tioan from taw faad, that may bo pat for groaad wbaiever; a*I a s k every czaei nasumastdsusflp by Iht isailiislsanieg _ tkat iraatf a s M t a a a n m t twatwl waapaBmnm eX Its

csuSBsmtrntaitiriatwaht ihjmil l l n lll"*J sWHfeaaie. Itsg. to.taaaq^ifailas rAe^rneet • Ss 1ST III it In* em B IBWBSSJBBI Ihn aasinnaai ir n*>-

aff tha atsoaw af mm IBsm • ahMstAatflwal S&VES

tint adaptsdaa i i na-flaeev; Mat 1


l o t H i i to be, ta its tarn, aa <*y*e-*aw**wrise oathe p

Xft,Jp£ffltTggfgfi^^ •taod *• **" ¥*"** i have the honor** bo. t-afntieanan. your friead aa "

tntloweltjara. aV>IU r . hs-Atmm. *«4*Twseh. Coaa.. Bwreh a. last „ Aadwl»maa*.*ssdssss»*nwaB*msB»iaefBtlhtsisn«*

seated that they sat ready tei aatept anal trans atat teeelne aad admlanwi i asnt raaa. prnoldrt a easaaar af rsnlipiiinl lim wgi saeasa i maaisaia. asiat lfaesd

B* Feasor of *he aswan ef Mew Torn, i rprmndtss. an, Ssnastr sua* dssrwScj. do wsnsf amfatktme:

: c n o s j . _ t o i t e r ^ r d J . ^ ^ ^ S R ^ i e ^ t. AHresTH. Caiinitt, agiijia K . '

saidpTtsJaalcorporator* iliuilan thi li aorni ttti laae). from t t^e ta tanas, en thaa the wwnn,

ctaTfatsaAaef sasp he want at aot less thaa — thaa twelve. Aanf eornornttoa may

ge. taveet aad lelaveet ail aroperty amp tat g > e ^ or limiaawi s i t e » for tka eA*srl-

table aaraoses icdacaled ht aald lette*. aad shad, ia Aasl tn aptaoatlmhsK the Income ac-cxitiag

. . . . ISJWJ. tuatuim to *uwlta9governamnwthedarec-lsn*mWs»asti*«Amiimishstil; amdang-Aat-operty sad aUlattttmanlaaadtatnrtitmeata taaeeaf. exeiptlng real enate. shall, while owned by said cxirperataoa

ad a d d lor the paipoats oTanM trnst. be exempt smm taxatnTB nf nnr aad a i s i * aatar * IS. ssattsw3xordBraWs.ofOaio,A he tke arst

nr*«ldrat cf tke corasaratioa. aad it mar elect aucn other nsAuirs and bald sack mesfhtgi. whetkerwith

lorwsTswamtAmatate, tromtkme totiaae. aaita by-cir* nsar sathnri** or prescribe, IS. meet corporatloa shall aanaatly file wtth the

bbratiaaef this etatea priated report ttt ltsdoinaa

" i t T ^ a s t act shall lakTeffect iaansedUiely.


BTAII or I n Yi of tae Win I n y o f

I U r e cosaT-ared Uepraoedlag wtth the orii an Si* in tats oasee, and do tsarwby eaasdfywaat tsaeocraattraaaas-W tbwifiam and ot the taJdatsfdastlaw.

wtth the oricmal law

whole of


L A W * O r R I W V t H B a n - a t - r

IBveryUw. sasstmaaJAm-eadtfanatshall be^. . . . . et-.. aball commence aaa take effect tnroagnout mat e. on aad not before th* twentieth day after She oftmtmalsn-aaas-e. sa crrttned by tk* Sserataryof

See. U. title I. chap. 7, la^tl . BeviatdStarutes.] CHAP. 2SS.

AV ACT making ao appropriatlcn to coauaoe the wockou theuew oatitol buildjna' nnd to sstiiarita t%e aiui'i,ii**>*e'ir. oy i l u Uovcrttoc t*t a coanmiaaloa who ahail cause to be surveyed and exaniinedrhe different part* of the arwcuyitol a* to the safety and durability of the wocku Paaard June 5,11162; three fifths being present. Th* J b t a f s f thai.oTn*sar Mm Tort, rsprmmtaa sa

Ma ink awat daminatg. 40 sweat ea jbAwaw; r*aBCTK>* 1. The sum ot one million .rollers at hereby

ampanpriated out ot any uiaexpeadea hastnee* la the treasury of the state to continue the work oa tho aen-capitol bullunig. which amount snil l be paid by the treasurer upon the warrant ot t k e mpcroltrr. to the order, of the aear caplrel aonuniasioners, aa they ahaal tt quire the s <me Th* sum hereby apyrooriat «1 Is to be e-sctaaive of . a a d In add . t ion t o . tne s u n u appru pr iated by chaptc r .-s-vea uf the U s ^ u t e igh teen b u a ­dred and a l s k t y t w o .

i'2 The sum upproprlataii by section one of this ac i shall be exrjcssdVu tor completiageuuie the unfiukihrd walla ot the west venter, and the pavilion adjoiaiag nonh and south, and the compl.-Uoti entire of the roof* ot the west center and adjouiuu pavuioo*aorta and south and for the cumpletiun e» tire of chamber* for cue i-oort ot appeals ano tb^ atate library aa here iaai ter provided; nut no portion of aaai an*w>or-rtatioa skall be expended upon material or work fee a main toiaar. the east front approaches or grounds, the p »r Ih-ves ran*. w< sr, north or south, th* east or w*st stalled*** or other ttAtreaae*: ana th* plans sad IIMU incat1"-rt- ror parta t o bo comple ted by saml approprta-tlon Shall be turaiahed eeaa(ilete to the new capitol eonaxnusioner* by tb* architects uu or before July drat. eightenu hnadred an-i eighty-two. accented or rejected by them, or th-jadge* of the court of appeal*, or th* trustees ot the •ante library, en or before Aunust nrst, eighteen hnn. arrd ana e ight}- taoai hereiaarier provided; Provid­ed, howcrer, that one hundred thouaand do Ian of the above sum may be expended as naty be required by the eoasmistloens of tne aew capitol tor saca ta-rncrworh and furnishing aut herebi mentioned as bey may derm proper. I A Tnoeasd ooarimkaloaert shall provide aeham

bar aad other Mttaable and adequate aiaiamamdarloas for the c<-art of appeals in such portlooof the u ashed lateraor uf the new Capitol bBildtng t w i l l , ead tb* plans aad a-wlta Tloiu far tke ouaa-plataoa off »«ck ckamnrraad raw* for »*id ootart shall UantamtttedhytaeeaidciinwltBlsntrsto taeji of tbecoacees appeal*tartsaslr.aeaiph

laages iwjae-

a<w b**aa» *r*-taat fca-at. otghieea haaiind aad r-twq. aad wnea »ach plans sbaU Be aoneated

anaaaSaaasamawaswaBs, tkeystnaP.Itmil is i ty atwArktkawatrkaf enaaswataimef aaBBtokaBibor approved plan* aad

lane to bo ensapastea

cnaairaeird. m sueh of tkf aew eapiiol baiiding

a* tats aet at eatd BTSBI


• M i f i


VrtaTth't nna ctStaA- AaawAt Aa'

SBaaama^aBy' sjBBaaiBBBBBraBBBvns*| *w*w VSavaaj eBjaaBBv, aaaaaajaaaaaf ajam a j a a ^ Wr^m9**

^ ^ S a a m - H ' w ^ X ' . t ,

AH ACT la rel«tloa to trastesa ot pet*nasi sat n t a. paaayr, Hay » , TAtt.

aaarnoa 1. Cpon tar death of a s e m i l o g truster of aa expti stnnnt. the truat estate ahail no, des e n j id hi* next ot kla or pawsuaai r tan inn i lve . bat she trust, tf maexeented, senul was* ta tke supreme ceare) wttk all tha powers and dntlet of ttacaragtaal t n u tee. ead aaall be execnted by *onw person s-*aointad for tkat parpoai aader the directna of the r a m . aaanoprnanahalltaaansitatedtoeaaBniteiwidttsist antlithe beaeacaary sneresrf aaall have t a t s iia-^nght into court b« mjtm AStace aad ta tat-h BwanArr at tha t o a i t may dtractc.

i t . Thisa<«shalltaa^enfeKiaunediately.

pracediaff wtth the original a t * 1 d o hereby enrtify Uaat t h e asana tlratefiom aad of tk* whuaeoi

• KnwYi Otaatot th* Secretary of

I ha «* ooanparsd the

macerreettrarisra-ipt I •aidottgmal law, JvmKPHH. T^fi-a.

L A W S O s T M B W V I AauUtwrttr*

rE vary law, unlea* a different time shall be i*m Hindi therein,shall commence and take eff* -t throtathon tka State oa and aot before tke t m t u *n day after an* day of lta final passage, as cerbded by the v«retary off Sfcatg. Secciow Uf. t i t l e 4. chap. 7. p » n I. Kc-vlaed. asaat-UUB-I

CHAP. l i b . A S ACT to e x t e n d the t ime for t h e ciuiecuua. of t * x r *

i n the moorporaled v i l l age - of th i s s ta t e Paaae.l Has 27, lss-'. Taat /VfJfas of tta State of Xeaf Yort, reprttmUt MB

Bjantyofiat i*s*i*Mg. stoewoe* a * Aaueap*-atiTTrOK 1. It shall be lawful for any luro: p..ra;ci

village ia this state Ly I U trusts est . , issue n»a, « u -rants, or reaew thoaawbash nia> be i»aUed by them orthenr prsdeceassirs for the collection of any silis^e tax, frucn tlaseto time, aa often as sus-h warrant* saall be rcturBed uncollected. In is bote or in part, during tne Perm pteacrtbssi b> l i s char ter , but ti>« r e u e w i n g o f any sut-h warrant shal . in no w*> affss-t the l iabi l i ty of the col lector o r t h e sure t i e s u p o n tn,- Uoua of tuck coUectiat.

11. Thh) act shall take effect Immediately. STATS or Xxw Yonx. i . . .

fJsBce of the Secretary of Stat*. ( * ' 1 have cuanpare.i the preceding wttk tk* original law

oo fiie in tbja onaoe.atid-i- bereb} cas-tify that the same is a correct transcript thcraftotu and uf thatuwhol* of the original law. Juet-I'rl H CAAR.

L A W ! O r SiAlWr A'ttAEBa-i A w e m o r t t r .

(.Every l a w . unla is a dilT.aeaf tian* anail be ermieribad therein, shall is-mmt uoe and take cfTc-l tbruBSbout the atate on and not before the twentieth day after the day of has nnal turns ge, a* caarrattod by the •Ws.-r.tar> uf atate Sec. I.', Utl* 4, chap. 7, part 1, hWvised Stat­ute*. J

CHAP. :>i.. AX ACT In relation to tke tale and ut* of opium.

rnaseAHay I \ 1-ei; three BTtA* beliig rartraetit. The twos-it ofthe state of -Vew xWet. eayriai aad in

1. Every prrsnn who i-*i«a« or makHitas. to he retorted to by other |irr*iia*. any Siaee whera opinan, or any of Its preparations, ia asaTd or atvea away, to be satuked at such plaaw, aad any pereou who at aut-k place sells or *i*e* awa> nay os/itim. or Ussaidpreinnitina*. t«he tuw«saaoked or otnimini uaed. aadaay person who vtauaur rewortsteany sue* T*BSM tor the paraoat of Bmokteg opum er its *n*d Bveparatloaa, shall be deemed guilty of a masaeaaeaui or, and aptin coavistioa lavrasar shall he man IT!-- I by n s a a a u t excoeding use huuund dollara, ut b> uti

* sauBBSnt i a the pewttentiary not exavattaat taustd ilka, er ky both eaeh gnat aaa

_ sBTATBoef Marw Tt-aa. j „ Ott^oftkeVsaorvtarrofiitata t**-

itaveeeaBsaasadtawprtaanwang wrah the oetgtaal law a i l tatjB* eaasn, ead dMrnawky eastkry tkat tba

afBhMwrlxaaiasw. j t m ^ n t a.

,—..I-w 4 ^ . 1 ^ ^

oaur. « AM ACT t o t

a a * w « t . l « s ; i . ta* fbaasis<e ' taaStn** a / J U I aanann • list eaavat aat I