Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Latin...

Latin American and Caribbean Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Workshop Regional Expert Workshop on on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Buenos Aires, 13 May – 16 June 2005 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Instituto Nacional de Technología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Transcript of Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Latin...

Page 1: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable.

Latin American and Caribbean Latin American and Caribbean

Regional Expert Workshop Regional Expert Workshop

on on

Sustainable Use of BiodiversitySustainable Use of Biodiversity Buenos Aires, 13 May – 16 June 2005

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological DiversityInstituto Nacional de Technología Agropecuaria (INTA)

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Item 1 – Opening Welcome and introductions:

• CBD – Secretariat

• Government of Argentina: • Secretary of Environment• Secretary of Agriculture • Cancilleria Argentina

• Instituto Nacional de Technología Agropecuaria (INTA)

• Participants

• Training team

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Item 1 – Objectives

• Understand application of the Addis Ababa Principles of Sustainable Use

• Understanding ecosystem services, including tools and methods to assess them

• Understanding financial costs and benefits and tools to assess them

• Assess applicability of Addis Ababa Principles of Sustainable Use to Agricultural Biodiversity

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Item 2 – Agenda

1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda and mandate

3. Objectives of the workshop

4. Key terms and concepts

5. Overview of Addis Ababa Principles

6. Application of Addis Ababa Principles

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Item 2 – Agenda

6. Ecosystem services assessment

7. Financial costs and benefits

8. Assessment of the workshop

9. Other matters

10. Adoption of workshop report

11. Closing remarks

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Item 2 – Mandate

Decision VII/12 -

Calls for regional technical expert workshops to cover:• Sustainable use• Ecosystem services assessment• Financial cost and benefits

Invites Parties to:• Implement the Addis Ababa Guidelines• Integrate/Mainstream them in domestic measures• Disseminate experiences and lessons learned

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Item 2 – Mandate

Decision VII/12 Invites research on:

• Livelihoods and ecosystem services

• Transboundary species

• Indigenous and local communities and women

• Relationships between components of biodiversity

• Resilience • Socio-economic factors • Use of terms • Monitoring• Management planning • Equitable distribution of


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Item 2 – Mandate

Decision VII/12 • Invites assessment of the applicability of the

Addis Ababa Principles to Agricultural

Biodiversity• Calls for guidance about the principles and

guideline in relation to the CBD working

programme on Agricultural Biodiversity

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Item 3 – Key terms/concepts

Conceptual framework:

Ecosystem services sustain life, biodiversity, and livelihoods

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Biodiversity …

The variety and variability of living organisms at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels and [the] ecological complexes, of which they are part

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Biological resources …

Include genetic resources, organisms or parts thereof, populations, or any other biotic component of ecosystems with actual or potential use or value for humanity

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Agricultural biodiversity …

Includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture – the variety and variability of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem level which are necessary to sustain key funcions in the agroecosystem, its structures and processes.

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Sustainable use …

The use of components of biological diversity that does not lead to long-term decline of biological diversity while maintaining the potential to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Use …

May be either consumptive or non-consumptive

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Sustainability …

Is the probability that a use will be sustainable and is dependent on:

• Maintenance of biological diversity and key ecological functions, and

• Population(s) of target species remaining above thresholds needed for long-term viability, and

• The component of biological diversity remaining a significant resource for people.

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Ecosystem …

Is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Ecosystem services …

• Provisioning - food, water, fiber and fuel

• Regulating - climate, water quality, disease

• Cultural - spiritual, aesthetic, recreation

• Supporting - primary production, soil formation

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Adaptive management …

Is a cyclic, learning-oriented approach to the management of complex environmental systems that are characterized by high levels of uncertainty about system processes*

* Based on a definition provided in Jacobson, C. (August 2003) Introduction to adaptive management. (Online) URL:

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Use regime …

The sum of the activities applied to the management and use of a geographically discrete biological resource

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Resource managers …

Those individuals directly responsible and accountable for managing a component of biological diversity for use

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Assumptions:• Ecosystems and their components change

• The supply of biological resources is limited

• Biological resources can be used while maintaining ecological processes, species and their variability above thresholds for long-term viability

• Secure delivery of ecosystem services requires management at the landscape scale

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts


• People depend on wild harvests

• Women are often primary users

• “Precaution” is the rule

• Sustainable use policies can protect natural land/seascapes

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Factors affecting sustainability:

• Internal factors

• External factors

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Sustainable use and the Millennium Development Goals

• Poverty reduction

• Livelihood security

• Health

• Incentives for conservation of biodiversity

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Ecosystem Approach

• Biodiversity is considered with economic and social factors

• Management is integrated

• Social process

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Item 3 – Key terms & concepts

Other relevant CBD initiatives

• 2010 target

• Incentive measures

• Indigenous peoples

• Tourism

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Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

Regional Case Studies• Uso sostenible de quanacos en esquemas

mixtos de producción en la estepa patagónica - Julieta von Thungen, Argentina

• El uso sostenible de loro hablador en la ecoregion de Argentina – Ricardo Banchs, Flabio Moscchione, Isabel Barrios; Argentina

• Conservación in situ de amaranto en una zona representativa los andes meridionales occidentales – Maria Gloria Quispe Quispe, Peru

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Item 5 – Applying the Principles

• Discussion points• Relevance of the Addis Ababa principles to

agricultural biodiversity: • Do individual principles have more relevance than others?• Does the relevance vary with the scale/focus of agricultural

biodiversity use?• If there is relevance how should the principles be applied?

• Relevance of the Ecosystem Approach in the context of management of agricultural biodiversity

• Relevance of agricultural biodiversity to meeting the Millennium Development Goals

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Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

Principle 1: Get the legal framework right

Congruent policies, laws and Institutions at all levels of government - with links between them

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Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

Principle 2. Responsibility with accountability

• Empowerment

• Access rights

• Government oversight• Monitoring• Authority

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Principle 3. Avoid perverse incentives

• Market distortions

• Habitat degradation

• Inequity

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

Principle 4. Use adaptive management

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Principle 5. Minimize adverse impacts on the ecosystem

• Management goals and practices

• Understand role of managed resource

• Monitor impact of use

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Principle 6. Invest in appropriate research

• Applied - to answer management questions

• Interdisciplinary

• Government vs private

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

Principle 7. Get the scale of use right

• Jurisdictional

• Ecological

• Socio-Economic

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Principle 8. Seek international cooperation where necessary

• Shared resources

• Management needs

• Optional approaches to cooperation

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Principle 9: Use an interdisciplinary and participatory approach wherever possible

• Government

• Resource managers

• Local stakeholders

• Others

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Item 5 – Applying the Principles

Regional Case Studies• Necesidead de nuevo paradigm para la

sustentabilidad del uso de los agroecosistemas: el caso del Chaco - Jorge Adámoli, Argentina

• Ostión del Norte: Northern scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) at La Rinconada, Antofagasta II Región de Chile – Leonardo Núñez Montaner, Chile

• Uso sostenible de recursos fitogenéticos: papa, maiz, poroto en el NOA – Andrea Clausen, Argentina

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Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

Principle 10: Know the value of the resource

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Principle 11: Minimize waste and adverse environmental impacts

• Incidental take

• Multiple products

• Optimize benefits

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Principle 12: Ensure equitable distribution of benefits meet local needs

• Who shares?

• Balancing risks with benefits

• Incentives

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Principle 13: Management costs should be covered by income

• Direct costs and opportunity costs

• Benefit flows

• Economic incentives

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Principle 14: Educate people about sustainable use

• Capacity enhancement

• Communications

• Public awareness

Item 4 – Addis Ababa Principles

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Item 5 – Applying the Principles

Policy RelatedNo Principle

1 Provide a legal/policy framework

2 Delegate responsibility and accountability

3 Remove perverse incentives

7 Link jurisdictional authority to scale of use

8 Where needed, promote international cooperation

13 Internalize management costs

Support/Service RelatedNo Principle

6 Promote/support interdisciplinary research

10 Economic valuation

14 Provide education on sustainable use

Management RelatedNo Principle

4 Use adaptive management

5 Minimize impact on the ecosystem

9 Take an interdisciplinary approach

11 Minimize waste

12 Distribute benefits equitably

Aligning the principles for action

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Item 5 – Applying the Principles

Regional Case Studies

• The case of mezcales and corn – Jorge Larson Guerra, Mexico

• Agricultural biodiversity irradiation centers – Rubens Onofre Nodari, Brazil

• Conservation of two Bahamian hot pepper varieties – Kenneth Richardson, Bahamas

• Sustainable use case policy on Cassava: Manihot eculenta – Rufus Leandre, St Lucia

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Item 5 – Applying the Principles

Sequence of management planning steps

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Que incluye la Biodiversidad Agrícola:

*Extraido de: The Scope of Agricultural Biodiversity, Appendix, CBD-Decision V/5 Agricultural Biological Diversity (

A. Recursos Genéticos para alimentos y agricultura: Estos constituyen las unidades principales de producción en agricultura, incluyendo

especies cultivadas, especies domesticadas y plantas y animales silvestres manejados, así como los parientes silvestres de las especies cultivadas y domesticadas,

- Recursos genéticos vegetales cultivados y :• Pasturas y especies de pastizales naturales• Recursos genéticos de árboles que son una parte integral

de los sistemas agrícolas• Recursos genéticos animales domésticos y silvestres en

general:• y recursos genéticos de peces, en casos en que la

producción de peces es parte del sistema productivo• Recursos genéticos de insectos {invertebrados}

• Recursos genéticos de microbios y hongos

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B. Componentes de la diversidad agrícola que brinda servicios ecológicos tales como:

• Ciclado de nutrientes, descomposición de la materia orgánica, y mantenimiento de la fertilidad del suelo

• Regulación de Plagas y Enfermedades {mantenimiento de relaciones entre presas y predadores, reguladores de poblaciones, sp. saneadoras del ambiente, etc.}

• Polinización (tanto de especies cultivadas como silvestres) {invertebrados, aves, mamiferos}

• Mantenimiento y mejoramiento de la fauna silvestre local y los hábitat en sus paisajes

• Mantenimiento de los ciclos hidrológicos {coberturas vegetales y forestales}

• Control de la Erosión {cobertura y manejo correcto del suelo y la agricultura},

• Regulación del clima y del secuestro de carbono {forestacion, uso y manejo del suelo con siembra directa, conservación de bordes, etc}

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C. Factores Abióticos, que tienen un efecto determinante sobre los aspectos de la biodiversidad agrícola {conservación de la calidad del agua, el aire}

• Conocimiento tradicional y local de la biodiversidad agrícola, factores culturales y procesos participativos.

• Turismo asociado con los paisajes agrícolas

• Otros factores socio-económicos

D. Dimesiones socio-económicas y culturales, dado que la biodiversidad agrícola está moldeada en gran parte por las actividades humanas y las prácticas de manejo. Estas incluyen:

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Principales amenazas para el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad agrícola

• Simplificación de ecosistemas y paisajes por deforestación, intensificación y reemplazo de ambientes debida a la extensificación agrícola, particularmente basada en monocultivos.

• Erosión genética de especies vegetales, animales, y microorganismos por sobre-uso o alteración de la funcionalidad de los ecosistemas bajo usos productivos.

• Pérdida de interacciones entre organismos lo que afecta procesos biológicos vitales para el funcionamiento del ecosistema, la dinámica de las poblaciones (tanto de planta-planta, plantas-microorganismos, plantas-animales, animales-animales, animales-ecosistema, ecosistema-microorganismos, etc.), así como los potenciales bienes y servicios para la producción agropecuaria y el bienestar humano.

• Contaminación de suelos, agua, y aire por agroquímicos o residuos ganaderos• Intoxicación y mortandad de especies (plantas y animales) por usos y malos

usos de agroquímicos.• Pérdida de hábitat para la diversidad de organismos que habitan los

agroecosistemas• Erosión de suelos y cambios en condiciones físico-quimico y biológicas que

pueden alterar su resistencia y resiliencia.• Cambio climático• Erosion cultural por perdida de conocimiento ancestral• ….otras?

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Objetivos del Programa de Trabajo para la Biodiversidad Agrícola del CDB

• Promover los efectos positivos y mitigar los impactos negativos de las practicas agrícolas sobre la diversidad biológica en los agroecosistemas y su interfase con otros ecosistemas.

• Promover la conservación y el uso sustentable de los recursos genéticos de valor actual y potencial para la alimentación y la agricultura, y

• Promover la distribución justa y equitativa de los beneficios derivados del uso de los recursos genéticos.

Implementación se hará siguiendo el abordaje ecosistémico.

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Programa de trabajo para la biodiversidad agrícola del CDB

• Evaluación: evaluaciones a nivel de los países, sobre el estado y tendencias de la biodiversidad agrícola, sus causas y el conocimiento para su manejo.

• Manejo Adaptativo: Identificación y promoción de prácticas de manejo adaptativo, tecnologías y políticas relacionadas y medidas de incentivos, para promover impactos positivos y mitigar los negativos de la agricultura sobre la biodiversidad, y mejorar productividad y capacidad para sostener actividades, expandiendo el conocimiento, entendiendo y alertando sobre los múltiples bienes y servicios brindados por los diferentes niveles y funciones de la biodiversidad agrícola.

• Creación de Capacidades: Promoción de la participación y fortalecimiento de capacidades de los productores y otros actores en el manejo sostenible de la biodiversidad agrícola, incrementar sus beneficios y promover acciones responsables.

• Mainstreaming (Promoción/Priorización): Apoyo al desarrollo de planes nacionales o estrategias para la conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad agrícola y promover su promoción e integración en programas y planes de acción sectoriales coordinados e integrados.

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Otros temas transversales abordados por el Programa de trabajo para la biodiversidad agrícola del CDB

• Tecnologías de restricciones de uso genético (GURTs)• Iniciativa Internacional para la conservación y uso sostenible de

los polinizadores.

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Item 5 – Applying the Principles

Principles of the Ecosystem ApproachEcological/Biological

Principles Social Principles Policy Principles

[Ecosystem managers should] Consider the effects (actual or potential) of management activities on adjacent and other ecosystems (3).

Management must recognise that change is inevitable (9).

[Government policies should ensure that] Objectives of management of land, water and living resources [can] be established as a matter of choice (1).

Conservation of ecosystem structure and functions should be a priority to maintain ecosystem services (5).

Management should be decentralised to the lowest appropriate level (2).

Policies, related to management of ecosystems should be structured to:(a)Reduce market distortions that adversely affect biological diversity;(b)Align incentives to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; and(c)Internalise costs and benefits in the given ecosystem to the extent feasible (4).

Ecosystems must be managed within their functioning limits of (6).

The ecosystem approach should involve all relevant sectors of society and scientific disciplines (12).

Management should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales (7).

Management objectives should be set for the long-term to account for lag-effects that characterise ecosystem processes (8).

Management should take into account all forms of relevant information, including scientific, indigenous and local knowledge, and technological innovations and practices (11).

Policies promoting the principles of the ecosystem approach should seek the appropriate balance between, and integration of, conservation and use of biological diversity (10).

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Effects of Management

Ecosystem lag effect

Structure and function

Functional limits

Objectives are set by choice

Policies reduce market distortions,

align incentives and internalise costs and benefits

Management at appropriate spatial and

temporal scales

balance conservation

and use


Manage for change

Decentralise management

Involve all relevant sectors

Rely on all relevant information



Focus on functionalRelationships & processes

Manage at the appropriate scale

Management promotesInter-sectoralcooperationEnhanced

benefit SharingUse adaptive management

Item 5 – Applying the Principles

• Applying the principles of the Ecosystem Approach

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Interrelationships between ecosystem services and human well being

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Ecosystem values and valuation

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Item 6 – Ecosystem Services Assessment

Valuation tools• Revealed preference tools

• Change in productivity• Cost-based approaches• Hedonic pricing• Travel-cost method

• Stated preference tools• Contingent valuation• Contingent ranking

• Benefits transfer

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Example: Benefits flows from selected countries

Source: MA

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment Global status of ecosystem services

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Regional Case Studies• Proyecto Nacional de Gestión Ambiental MARN/BM/GEF –

Ernesto Lopez Zepeda, El Salvador

• La biodiversidad, sus bienes y servicios ambientales en ecosistemas sometidos a producciones mixtas de la Pampa Deprimida - Nestor Maceira, Argentina

• Uso, valoracíon y promocíon de plantas medicinales, una estrategia nacional – José Antonio Gómez, Colombia

• Resultados de la Valoración Económica de los Recursos Naturales de Parque Nacional Coiba; Método de Transferencia de Beneficios – Eustorgio Jaen Nunez, Panama

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Resources on ecosystem services valuation:• Universities of Maryland and Rhode Island:

• Training guide on valuation for NBSAPs (UNEP/IUCN)

• IUCN guidelines for protected area managers on the economic values of protected areas:

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Resources continued:• Ramsar guide for policy makers and planners on

the economic valuation wetlands:

• World Bank/Nature Conservancy/IUCN report on


• OECD Handbook of biodiversity valuation

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Item 6 – Ecosystem services assessment

Discussion points• Impact of sustainable use and non-

sustainable use on livelihoods and ecosystem goods and services

• Socio-economic factors that influence patterns and intensity of use

• Economic and social values of ecosystem goods and services

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Financial Analysis

Individual or firm

Profit or income

Financial revenue

Financial revenue

Financial cost

Financial cost

Net change in mon. revenue

Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits








Economic Analysis

Society as a whole


Any welfare increases

Willingness to pay

Any welfare decreases

Opportunity cost

Net change in welfare

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Example: cost of conservation

• Direct cost: park management, tourism

infrastructure and management

• Indirect costs: damages outside protected areas

by wildlife

• Opportunity cost: land development

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Item 7 – Financial costs and benefits

Costs of conservation through parks

Sources: Frazee (2001), Krug (2001)

(Cape Floristic Region, South Africa)

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Who bears the costs?

Costs Local National GlobalDirect () Indirect• crop `damage• livestock loss

Opportunity Land Acquisition ()

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Who receives the benefits?Ecosystem Values Local Level National Level Global Level

Direct use values

Indirect use values:• watershed protection • erosion & flood control ()

• cleansing of air & water ()

• carbon fixing () • biological diversity

Option values

Existence values

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Disparity between private and social costs and benefits of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use is an important reason for biodiversity decline.

Perspective Basis for Calculation

Private Benefits of C/SU less Costs of C/SU < Benefits of Dev less Costs of Dev

Society Benefits of C/SU less Costs of C/SU > Benefits of Dev less Costs of Dev

Individual land users often fail to capture the social benefits of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Responses:• Demonstrate value in accordance with TEV:

identify all benefits, undertake valuation• Use capture mechanisms (incentive measures),

for instance:• Park entry fees• Payments for environmental services• Markets for biodiversity goods and services

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Discussion:• Types of costs and benefits of conservation and

sustainable use of biodiversity

• Role of financial costs and benefits

• Distributional effects and their implications

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Regional Case Studies• Impacto de los agentes de biocontrol sobre las

comunidades microbianas – Laura Gassoni, Argentina

• Programa del Lagarto y conservación – Mario Baudoin, Bolivia

• Los efectos sociales de los cambios en la agricultura - Carlos Reboratti, Argentina

• Uso sostenible de recursos zoogenèticos: el caso de las cabras y vicuñas – Carlos Mezzadra, Argentina

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Item 7 – Financial costs & benefits

Regional Case Studies• Los subsidios agricolas y su impacto sobre la

sustentabilidad de la producción agropecuaria de Argentina – Alejandra Sarquis, Argentina

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• Working groups - Questions

• Feedback

Item 8 – Assessment of the Workshop

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Item 8 – Assessment of the Workshop

Development of key recommendations to SBSTTA concerning :

• Applicability of AA principles to agricultural biodiversity

• Assessment of Ecosystem Services

• Financial costs and benefits associated with conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

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Item 9 – Other matters

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Item 10 – Adoption of workshop report

• Key conclusions and recommendations

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Item 11 – Closure of the workshop

• Closing remarks

• Instituto Nacional de Technología Agropecuaria (INTA)

• Government of Argentina

• Technical support team

• CBD Secretariat

• Farewells

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Thank you!