(Laodicea) – Revelation 3:14-22. So far, we’ve considered the churches of… Ephesus (Rev....

What Does Jesus Think Of The Church (Laodicea) – Revelation 3:14-22

Transcript of (Laodicea) – Revelation 3:14-22. So far, we’ve considered the churches of… Ephesus (Rev....

What Does Jesus Think Of The Church

(Laodicea) – Revelation 3:14-22

What Jesus thinks of the church…

So far, we’ve considered the churches of…• Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7)• Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11)• Pergamum (Rev. 2:12-17)• Thyatira (Rev. 2:18-29)• Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6)• Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-13)

Today, we will conclude our study by looking at the message sent to the Laodiceans.

What Does Jesus Think of the Church? (Revelation 3:14-22)

Salutation (3:14a) Self-Designation (3:14b) Condemnation (3:15-17)

• (No Commendations for this church)

What Does Jesus Think of the Church? (Revelation 3:14-22)

Salutation (3:14a) Self-Designation (3:14b) Condemnation (3:15-17)

• (No Commendations for this church)

What Does Jesus Think of the Church? (Revelation 3:14-22)

Salutation (3:14a) Self-Designation (3:14b) Condemnation (3:15-17)

• (No Commendations for this church) Warnings and Promises (3:18-21)

What Does Jesus Think of the Church? (Revelation 3:14-22)

Salutation (3:14a) Self-Designation (3:14b) Condemnation (3:15-17)

• (No Commendations for this church) Warnings and Promises (3:19-21) Exhortation (3:22)

“What Jesus thinks of the church”

Jesus, the One who persuades and is the Source of all creation… knows our works – whether good or bad

He wills NOT for us to be lukewarm (halfhearted, indifferent, unexcited, apathetic, or uninterested)• Some folks are way to nonchalant…

• To be so disgusts Him!***

What have we learned? We must not grow too comfortable with our

physical circumstances!• (What does the Lord see spiritually?)

The Lord chastens and rebukes… because He loves us!

Letting Jesus in is a choice we must make! • (Will we open the door for Him?)

The one who overcomes will share in His rule!

We need to listen to and apply these lessons!

What Does Jesus Think Of The Church

(Laodicea) – Revelation 3:14-22