Language Leader Pre-Intermediate/ 120 órás tanmenet Leader... · Web viewTitle Language Leader...

Language Leader Intermediate/ 120 órás tanmenet Beveze szakas z Célok 1-2 - Ismerkedés a csoporttal - Ismerkedés a tankönyvvel és komponenseivel (Coursebook, CD-ROM, Workbook, Audio CD, Companion Website) - Tanulási stratégiák megbeszélése - Célkitűzések Unit 1. (Personality p 6-15) Óra Tan- egysé g Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése Hallott szöveg értése Beszédkészs ég és kiejtés Beszédhely zet, beszédszán dék Study skills Writing skills 3-4 1.1 Question forms, subject and object question s Personalit y adjectives Encyclopedia entry about Carl Jung Conversatio n about appearance and personality Discussing personaliti es 5-6 1.2 Internet Radio Information

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Language Leader Intermediate/ 120 órás tanmenet

Bevezető szakasz


1-2 - Ismerkedés a csoporttal- Ismerkedés a tankönyvvel és komponenseivel (Coursebook, CD-ROM, Workbook, Audio CD, Companion Website)- Tanulási stratégiák megbeszélése- Célkitűzések

Unit 1. (Personality p 6-15)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills

3-4 1.1 Question forms, subject and object questions

Personality adjectives

Encyclopedia entry about Carl Jung

Conversation about appearance and personality

Discussing personalities

5-6 1.2 Internet article about Hideo Nakata

Radio interview with a psychologist

Information gap

7-8 1.3 Present simple and present continuous

Prefixes Magazine article about charisma

Discussing charisma and personality

Pronunciation: word stress

9 1.4 Personality clash

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Key language: giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing

Task: choosing a new team member

10 1.5 Taking notes while reading

Symbols and abbreviations

A comparitive essay

Linkers11 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 1 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

Unit 2. (Travel p 16-25)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


2.1 Past simple, regular and irregular verbs

Travel expressions

Magazine article about travel and tourism

Talk about traveling abroad

Discussing travel


2.2 Phrasal verbs (1)

Articles about famous explorers

Discussing past life events


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-ed endings

Pronunciation: weak forms


2.3 Present perfect simple and past simple; yet, already,before, never

Magazine article about Wilfred Thesiger

Excerpt from Arabian Sands

Interview Discussing jobs

18 2.4 A study trip

Key language: discussing advantages and disadvantages, making suggestions

Task: organising a study trip

19 2.5 Lecture Taking notes while listening

A biographical profile

Time linkers20 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 2 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

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Unit 3. (Work p 26-35)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


3.1 Work adjectives

Job advertisements

Monologues describing jobs

Discussing jobs

Discussing what is important in a job


3.2 Present perfect continuous

Expression connected with time and work

Magazine article about homeworking

Monologues about homeworking

Discussing homeworking

Pronunciation: correcting politely

Pronunciation: contractions and weak forms


3.3 Present perfect simple and continuous

Advice leaflet about job interviews

Asking killer questions

27 3.4 Conversation with a careers advisor

Situation vacant

Key language:asking questions, giving answers

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Task: taking part in a job interview

28 3.5 Monologues about writing CVs

Organising ideas


Organising a paragraph

Covering letter amd curriculum vitae (CV)

29 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 3 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

30 Progress test

REVIEW UNITS 1-3Progress test 1-3

Unit 4. (Language p 38-47)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


4.1 Language learning, phrasal verbs (2)

allow, permit, let

Advert for language course

Discussing language


4.2 Future forms: will, going to, present continuous

News website about texting

Conversation between two students

Discussing texting and language in the future

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4.3 First conditional, time clauses

Excerpt about dying languages

Radio interview about Gaelic

Debate – minority languages

37 4.4 Language training

Key language: accepting and rejecting ideas, considering consequences

Task: selecting an English language programme

38 4.5 Describing tables and charts

A report

39 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 4 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

Unit 5. (Advertising p 48-57)

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Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


5.1 Adjectives, advertising

Options about advertising

Monologues about advertisements

Talking about adverts

Describing and discussing photos


5.2 Second conditional

Advertising methods

Magazine article about advertising

Conversation about advertising techniques

Discussing using different media to advertise products


5.3 Comparison: as … as, emphasising difference and similarity

Word combinations

Newspaper article about advertising to children


46 5.4 TV debate about advertising

B-Kool soft drinks

Key language: the language of presentations

Task: giving a formal presentation

47 5.5 Using your dictionary

A formal letter

Dependent prepositions

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48 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 5 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

Unit 6. (Business p 58-67)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


6.1 Business terms and roles

Leaflet about business plans

Radio interview about setting up a business

Pairwork – planning a business idea


6.2 Past continuous

Business dilemmas

Discussing business dilemmas

Pronunciation: weak forms


6.3 Past perfect Business word combinations

Obituaries of business icons

Talking about famuos people’s achievements

55 6.4 Conversation about a business idea

Sunglasses after dark

Key language: making offers, stating a position, bargaining

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Task: negotiating a deal

56 6.5 Recognising formal and informal language

Beginning and ending letters and emails

Writing emails

57 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 6 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

58 Progress Test

REVIEW UNITS 4-6Progress Test 4-6

59 Féléves értékelés

Unit 7. (Design p 70-79)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


7.1 Word building, adjectives

Discussing objects in the home

Pronunciation: word stress


7.2 Modals Abstract nouns

Extracts from a design book

Discussion about a product

Discussing design

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7.3 Modals: present deduction

Encyclopedia entry about Raymond Loewy

Conversation at a design museum

Designing a new product

66 7.4 Martelli design competition

Key language: describing qualities

Task: evaluating designs

67 7.5 Conversation with a teacher about written work

Editing and proofreading

A report


68 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 7 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

Unit 8. (Education p 80-89)

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Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


8.1 Education and studying

News debate website about single-sex schools

Discussing education


8.2 Defining relative clauses

Encyclopedia entry about Maria Montessori

Monologue about a teacher

’Call my bluff’

Describing a teacher


8.3 Non-defining relative clauses

Newspaper editorial about university fees

Monologues about worth of university

Talking about educational systems

75 8.4 Trouble at Lakeside

Key language: discussing possibilities and options


76 8.5 Conversation about a course

Reading strategies



A formal letter

Letter conventions

77 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 8 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

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Unit 9. (Engineering p 90-99)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


9.1 Word combinations

Publicity leaflet about females in engineering

Radio interview with a woman engineer

Discussing engineering achivements


9.2 The passive Article about asteroids hitting the Earth

Passives quiz


9.3 Articles Articles about three superstructures

Discussing structures

Designing a superstucture

84 9.4 The Sky-High project

Key language: discussing options, making decisions

Task:assessing a project

85 9.5 A talk Preparing for a talk


Describing a process

Using the passive

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86 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 9 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

87 Progress test

REVIEW UNITS 7-9Progress test 7-9

Unit 10. (Trends p 102-111)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


10.1 Phrasal verbs (3)

Book review: Tipping Point

Talking about trends

Pronunciation: stress

Pronunciation: numbers


10.2 Expressions of quantity

Adjective order

Magazine article about films and fashion

Conversation between manager and shop assistant

Discussing fashion and clothes


10.3 Infinitives and –ing forms

Magazine article about life expectancy

Discussing work, health and society

94 10.4 Belleview

Key language: the language of meetings

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Task: participating in a meeting

95 10.5 Advice on learning vocabulary

Recording and learning vocabulary

Describing a trend

Avoiding repetition

96 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 10 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

Unit 11. (Arts and media p 112-121)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


11.1 Reviews Reviews Debate – how to spend an arts grant


11.2 Reported speech: statements and commands

Words connected with the arts

Magazine articel about media recluses

Discussing celebrities and arts


11.3 Reported speech: questions

Interview with Rageh Omar

Conversation about a job interview

Describing a news event

103 11.4 The silver screen

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Key language: comparing and contrasing

Task: choosing a film to produce

104 11.5 Beginning of talks

Delivering a talk

A report

Making generalisations

105 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 11 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

Unit 12. (Crime p 122-131)

Óra Tan-egység

Nyelvtan Szókincs Olvasott szöveg értése

Hallott szöveg értése

Beszédkészség és kiejtés

Beszédhelyzet, beszédszándék

Study skills

Writing skills


12.1 Crime, technology, money

Newspaper report about cyber crime

Discussing crimes


12.2 Third conditional

Word combinations

Article about the psychology of crime

Monologues by criminals

Discussing crimes and criminals


12.3 Past deduction; should have, shouldn’t

People in crime

Newspaper reports about bank robberies

Monologues about a robbery

Speculating about a crime

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have112 12.4 You, the jury

Key language: presenting a case and discussing a verdict

Task: discussing court cases

113 12.5 Lecture on home security

Lecture on car security

Summarising A narrative using cause and effect

Linkers114 Review Language reference + Extra practice at the back of the book / Unit Test 12 on Test Master CD-ROM / Workbook exercises

115 Progress test

Progress test 10-12



Final test on Test Master CD-ROM


ZáródolgozatTanfolyam értékelése

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