Lampstand Catholic Magazine Winter 2009

7/28/2019 Lampstand Catholic Magazine Winter 2009 1/12 For Friends and Supporters of Salt and Light Catholic Media Found Salt + light’S inluence around the world By Brndan Collins, Sminarian and Formr Intrn, Salt + Light Tlvision I am a studnt at th Irish Collg in Rom, in my scond yar o thological studis at th Pontical Univrsity o St. Thomas. This is my ourth yar o sminary ormation, th rst two yars wr spnt at th Diocsan Sminary – St. Malachy’s Collg, Blast. So, why th pristhood? I am rom a town calld Omagh in Northrn Irland whr I was brought up by my parnts in a Catholic hom, with my two brothrs and two sistrs. My grandmothr livd clos to us and was a grat witnss to th aith. I was involvd in my parnts’ businss or svral yars and dcidd that this was an ara I might pursu. So, at th ag o 20, I wnt to univrsity to study Businss Managmnt. Th nxt thr yars wr spnt studying w also managing a busy grocry stor in Bla City. Th rol brought a varity o valuabl xprincs, most o which wr born out o mting and intracting with popl on prossional and prsonal lvl. Atr th dath o a clos rind and a am mmbr I ralid th importanc o th p and whil I had considrd a pristly vocati I did not l rady to pursu this path. I bcam rinds with a young prist who hlpd m to s th wondrul git o th pristhood and to undrstand that it com a git rom God. I rcall a quot rom Blss Mothr Trsa that summd up how I was undrstand pristhood: “w ar th pncil God’s hand,” sh said. winter 2009/2010 newSletter Brendan collin s sm d d, n i sp sx ks S + l ts. B k p m s sm pss  Zoom pm. B s s s , s ps sm s k S + l ts. ... continud on pag Year for Priests - Gt acquaintd with nin prists through a summary o thir prsonal vocation an evening at the dead sea Viw Highlights rom Salt + Light’s Fundraising Gala Blessed JourneYs - Austria & Grmany Join Fathr Thomas Rosica on a journy in th ootstps o Pop Bndict XVI as 15 - 24, 2010 INSIDe THIS eDITION

Transcript of Lampstand Catholic Magazine Winter 2009

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For Friends and Supporters of Salt and Light Catholic Media Found

Salt + light’S inluencearound the world

By Brndan Collins, Sminarian and Formr

Intrn, Salt + Light Tlvision

I am a studnt at th Irish Collg in Rom,

in my scond yar o thological studis at

th Pontical Univrsity o St. Thomas. This

is my ourth yar o sminary ormation, th

rst two yars wr spnt at th DiocsanSminary – St. Malachy’s Collg, Blast.

So, why th pristhood? I am rom a town

calld Omagh in Northrn Irland whr I

was brought up by my parnts in a Catholic

hom, with my two brothrs and two sistrs.

My grandmothr livd clos to us and was a

grat witnss to th aith. I was involvd in my

parnts’ businss or svral yars and dcidd

that this was an ara I might pursu.

So, at th ag o 20, I wnt to univrsity to

study Businss Managmnt.

Th nxt thr yars wr spnt studying w

also managing a busy grocry stor in Bla

City. Th rol brought a varity o valuabl

xprincs, most o which wr born out

o mting and intracting with popl on

prossional and prsonal lvl.

Atr th dath o a clos rind and a ammmbr I ralid th importanc o th p

and whil I had considrd a pristly vocati

I did not l rady to pursu this path. I

bcam rinds with a young prist who

hlpd m to s th wondrul git o th

pristhood and to undrstand that it com

a git rom God. I rcall a quot rom Blss

Mothr Trsa that summd up how I was

undrstand pristhood: “w ar th pncil

God’s hand,” sh said.

winter 2009/2010 newSletter

Brendan collins sm d d, n i sp sx ks S + l ts.B k p m ssm pss  Zoompm. B s s s , s ps sm s k S + lts.

... continud on pag

Year for Priests - Gt acquaintdwith nin prists through a summary o thirprsonal vocation

an evening at the dead sea

Viw Highlights rom Salt + Light’sFundraising Gala

Blessed JourneYs - Austria & GrmanyJoin Fathr Thomas Rosica on a journy inth ootstps o Pop Bndict XVI

as 15 - 24, 2010


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Dar Frinds,

Last Jun, Pop Bndict inauguratd a “Yar or Prists” inclbration o th 150th annivrsary o th dath o St. John

Mary Vianny. Th Pop also chos a rlatd thm or World

Communications Day, 2010: “Th prist and pastoral ministry in a

digital world: nw mdia at th srvic o th Word.”

This thm is particularly rlvant to our work at Salt + Light

Tlvision, and to all who work in communicating th Good Nws

and th story o th Church through multimdia. W ar calld ach

day to ngag all popl in our orts to tll th story o Jsus and

th Church to th world.

Th past wks and months, I hav rfctd on th mdia challngs

acd by Salt + Light Tlvision and th Church. I har and raddback rom our many viwrs – both on air and through our

intractiv Salt + Light wbsit – who xprss a dsir or us to giv

nw orms o triumphalism, juridicism, and clricalism to th Church

through our ntwork.

A triumphalist approach would rquir us to xrcis authority

through aggrssiv condmnation and xcommunication, and

blivs that th Church and its rprsntativs hold th truth but

also th answrs to vry modrn dilmma.

Th juridicism approach sarchs out laws – nw or old – to justiy

prsonal positions or idologis in th Church. Juridicists dlight in

ocusing on liturgical practics, which otn rsult in hoops through

which popl must jump.

Th clricalist approach xaggrats th authority o th prist or

bishop, crating a nw authoritarianism. Th clricalist oprats as i

ordaind ministrs ar ntitld to spcial status and privilg in th

Church and in socity. Clricalists giv littl mrit to collaboration

with th laity and thir involvmnt in ndavours lik Salt + Light

Tlvision. This position contnts itsl with a sris o “talking had”

prists, sistrs and Church ladrs who simply “talk at popl” rathr

than ngaging thm in a living crating dialogu.

Th ordaind prist, conscratd rligious and ladrs o th Church,spcially whn acting as part o a public ministry, rprsnt Christ

th Had and Good Shphrd o th Church. Whn rligious

broadcasting and mdia ar manipulatd by or bcom instrumnts

o groups that mov th Church toward such orms o triumphalism,

 juridicism, and clricalism, w ail in our mission o hlping popl to

grow into a dynamic, brathing, hopul Church.

At Salt + Light Tlvision, w rmly bliv that Jsus Christ is indd

th Truth, and that its ullnss is ound in th Catholic Church. But

w also mbrac our rol in sking out – with humility and in lighto th Gospl – how to rspond to th many and varid dmands

o today’s world. W do not impos th Gospl on th world, but

propos it as an altrnativ vision o complling bauty. W sk to

prsuad by grac, truth, bauty, aith and rason through our many

tlvision programs and tachings.

During th homily o his Installation Mass narly v yars ago at th

Vatican, Pop Bndict XVI said: “Th Church as a whol and all hr

Pastors, lik Christ, must st out to lad popl out o th dsrt,

towards th plac o li, towards rindship with th Son o God,

towards th On who givs us li, and li in abundanc.”

That is our mission at Salt + Light Tlvision. Thank you or your

gnrosity, prayrul support and nancial assistanc. Thank you

or supporting prists in this spcial yar o thanksgiving or pristly

ministry in th church.

Th world nds Salt + Light Tlvision now mor than vr. W

nd th favour o th Gospl to prmat th tastlss lmnts o

th cultur that surrounds us and th light o Christ to pntrat th

darknss that ncircls us.

May th Lord blss you and your lovd ons abundantly during ths

days o patinc longing and joyul waiting o th emmanul, God

truly with us.

Sincrly yours in Christ,

Fathr Thomas Rosica, CSB

CeO, Salt + Light Tlvision

“t c s

Pss, k

cs, ms s

pp s,

s p ,

s sp

S g, s

o s s ,


Pop Bndict XVI

ceo’S MeSSage

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Salt + light’S inluence around the world  rom pag 1

God maks th dcision, and it is our duty

to grow to accpt it. Th will o God will not

always b asy, howvr, whn w ncountr

wondrul popl to shar in our xprincs

thy mak th journy worthwhil.

I hav bn ortunat to spnd th past two

summrs in dirnt continnts as part o

my pastoral placmnts. I attndd World

Youth Day in Sydny, Australia in 2008 as a

dlgat o th Intrnational Liturgy Group,

whr I also had th opportunity to srv

Pop Bndict XVI.

During my tim in Australia I mt Fathr

Thomas Rosica, CSB, and h spok to m

about Salt + Light Tlvision. I kpt in contact

with Fathr Rosica and th opportunity to

spnd a summr intrning or Salt + Light

bcam possibl. I had no background in

mdia, but I lt th xprinc would b

invaluabl. Thankully, th Bishop o my

diocs agrd to th placmnt and I spnt

six wks working at Salt + Light. As I look

back I cannot rcall a “sttling-in priod.” I

lt part o th tam rom th bginning. I

had a job and a purpos.

I lovd how th Salt + Light sta wr at

th cntr o th ntwork. Th ntir tam

workd togthr whthr it was writing

matrial, hosting programs or ating lunch.

Th prsnc o th Blssd Sacramnt,

rsrvd in th chapl, nsurd a spiritual

prsnc and a ocus or our work.

During my tim at Salt + Light, I larnd

much about mdia and th Church.

Thankully, popl such as Fathr Rosica

and th tam at Salt + Light mak it thir

vocation ach day to build up th Church and

to b popl o God showing othrs th gits

o God in th light o th Holy Spirit.

Salt + Light Tlvision has contributd to my

larning xprincs and has givn m hop

or th utur. May w all continu to bring

Jsus into th livs o thos whom w mt



. ns tmbk, ass Ps

S. a Ps, abbs, Bc

Ordaind Jun 2006

From th tim I was svn yars old, Iimagind bing a prist on day. Whn I grwup I ralid that this vocation coms withgrat rsponsibility and so, I bcam a littldiscouragd. But thn, I attndd a mtingcalld Vocation in Progress conductd by thVocation Oc o Vancouvr, and I gaind abttr undrstanding o th li and rol oprists. With th grac o th Lord Jsus andth prayrs o th popl, I ollowd His calland it is a grat blssing to b a prist today.

. tm hs, Ps

S. J Bs Ps, Bk, on

Ordaind August 1990

It dosn’t mattr i on has a succssulbusinss carr, grat social and prayr li,unlimitd utur plans or all kinds o matrialpossssions. I God has a plan or you, youlistn. Thr is no “I’ll gt back to you latr”or “lt’s strik a bargain” or “You’v got mmixd up with som othr guy.” Our waysarn’t God’s ways and God’s ways arn’t ourways, so I answrd th call. Prhaps now it’syour turn.

Portrait of A PrieST

Calld by Pop Bndict XVI or Jun 2009 - 2010, this Yar or Prists provids us with th occasion to rdiscovr th importanc o prists inour midst. Thy ar calld to b xmplars o Christ’s lov and shphrds lading us closr to Christ. Salt + Light askd a w prists about thirprsonal calling. Sprinkld through this dition ar thir vocation storis. W hop you will b inspird by thir mssags.

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nothing More BeautiulTh Bauty th Human Psn, Catdby Gd and Savd n Jsus Chst

Nothing More Beautiful, an initiativ o thArchdiocs o edmonton, is a sris ocatchsis and witnss talks that aims to rnwth aithul’s rlationship with Christ.

Th rst yar o ncountrs which xplors thBeauty of the Human Person, Created by God,

and Saved in Jesus Christ has com to a closand is now availabl on DVD.

1 dayA hom built in on day. An ovr-ambitiousgoal? Not or nginr Tom Pirlli who rstachivd th dram in 2004 as a rspons to thralitis o homlssnss.

1 Day ollows a group o ight high schoolstudnts rom Montral who travl to ensnada,Mxico to mbark on a hom-building missionthat would orvr chang thir livs.

lectio divina Sason 1Smn n th Munt (v-dsc st)

“Lctio Divina is a prsonal ncountr with Godin Sacrd Scriptur,” Archbishop Thomas Collinsxplaind to th congrgation gathrd at St.Michal’s or th rst vning o th diocsansris.

As Archbishop Collins’ Lctio Divina continusor its third yar, Salt + Light Tlvisioncontinus to broadcast th vning to itsviwrs, and now is oring th rst sason in aspcial v-disc DVD st.

This nin-part sris capturs th monthlyncountr btwn Toronto’s chi shphrdand his fock as h xplors th Gospl oMatthw’s Srmon on th Mount. From thBatituds to th Lord’s Prayr, ArchbishopThomas Collins provids th aithul withth opportunity to nourish thir aith li bycontmplating Christ’s tachings.

changing courSeA Cathlc Pjct Cty Schls

In rspons to th incras o violnc, gangsand bullying in innr-city schools, Salt + Lightlooks at how on Catholic school board’s visionis supporting at-risk youth. Changing Course

ollows studnts who ar bntting rom thvarious mntor and social programs rvalingthir challngs, victoris, and th limitlsspotntial o Catholic ducation.

Mary MacKilloPAustala’s fst Sant

Sh co-oundd th Sistrs o St. Jospho th Sacrd Hart. Sh was wrongullyxcommunicatd rom th Church. Hr aith andtrust in God did not wavr. Hr nam is BlssdMary MacKillop - a woman dstind to b thrst Australian Saint. Mary Ros Bacani andKris Dmytrnko rtrac hr ootstps in Mary 

MacKillop: Australia’s First Saint.

Pk J. o’n, PsS Ms Ps, lsb, nS

Ordaind May 2002

Th pristhood is indd a grat git. I havbn blssd gratly in my ministry ovr thpast svn yars. As th yars pass I ralimor and mor that th Ordaind Pristhoodis a git to th ntir Church. I bcam a pristbcaus Christ calld m. I accptd that callbcaus I want to srv Him and th poplwho I com in contact with throughout my

ministry, vry day o my li.

. rk Kk Pscs K Ps, S, SK

Ordaind May 1977

I grw up in rural Saskatchwan, on o ourchildrn born in a vry aith-lld amily andpart o a Catholic community that was vrysupportiv. I hard God’s call to th pristhoodin a vry gntl and prsistnt nudging duringmy high school yars as I sought to dcidwhat I wantd to do with my li. God hasbn good to m. I hav bn richly blssd.


Visit s./spp or all your avourit

Salt + Light documntaris and lms.

Portrait of A PrieST

now availaBle

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auStria & gerMany - AUGUST 15 - 24, 2010IN THe FOOTSTePS OF POPe BeNeDICT XVI

. tm Mc, Ps

o l Ms, rss, on

Ordaind 2002

My athr was an Anglican ministr, but myupbringing did not “dstin” m to b aprist. Atr my convrsion to Catholicism in1995, Christ, th grat High Prist, calld mto b with Him, thn snt m out to prach.My vocation continus to b a mystry, anxcding joy, a via crucis, and th gratst oadvnturs!

. X d P, Ps

S. nb’s c, t, on

Ordaind May 1995

I rmmbr whn I was an altar srvr I wantdto b lik my pastor, Fr. Thomas McCann. Hwas a prayrul ladr and rprsntd Jsus toour parish. I guss whn I think o this Year for Priests, I hop I can b countd as a ollowro Christ and rprsnt him in th sam way tomy community as wll.


Salt + Light introducs its nwst projct.Tru to our mission o evangliation, w

will b oring you a sris o larning andspiritual growth travl opportunitis, that war calling Blessed Journeys. I you ar lookingor a aith-lld advntur, accompanid byChurch ladrs, this pilgrimag is or you.Connaissanc Travl and Tours and Salt +Light Tlvision hav com togthr to cratthis nw program that is dsignd to inspir.

Th rst in our sris taks us to th homtown o Pop Bndict XVI in Bavaria. Sth plac o his birth and baptism and thsurroundings that inspird him in his youth.

W includ th onc-in-tn-yars opportunity

to s th Passion Play put on by thinhabitants o Obrammrgau, Grmany.Th Obrammrgau Passion Play was rstprormd in 1634 and is th rsult o a vowmad by th inhabitants o th villag thati God spard thm rom th cts o thBubonic plagu swping th rgion, thywould prorm a passion play vry tn yars.Th play involvs mor than 2,000 actors,singrs, instrumntalists and tchnicians - allrsidnts o th villag.

As a spcial atur, w will bgin th trip inSalburg, Austria, th hom o th von Trapp

amily o Sound of Music am. Th city is alsohom to Moart’s rsidnc and birthplacand boasts ortrsss, abbys and castlsor lovrs o magnicnt architctur. PopBndict XVI said that Moart “thoroughlypntratd” his soul in his arly yars.

This trip will b a blssd journy that willallow you to continu your larning andspiritual growth.

Join Salt + Light Tlvisionon this onc-in-a-litim

opportunity as w immrsourslvs in th aith, cultur,sights, sounds and ood o thiswondrul part o th world.

Spac is limitd. Rsrv your spot today.Visit bssjs.s.  or call us at 416.971.5353

copyright o th municipality o Obrammrgau

Portrait of A PrieST

BleSSed JourneyS

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“ts s ss

pm k

i k s k p,

s s spps

S + l ps

s.” Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB,CeO o Salt and Light Catholic MdiaFoundation

Salt + Light Tlvision is givingviwrs hop and accss toCatholic programming amidst

a barrag o scular mssags.With continud support romour viwrs and rinds, w lookorward to utur dvlopmntsand nw and xciting projcts.

On Octobr 14, against th backdrop o th Dad Sa Scrolls and Tn Commandmnts, businss andcommunity ladrs rom across th country gathrd at th Royal Ontario Musum to clbrat andshow support or Salt + Light Tlvision. Th vnt rsultd in an outstanding $1.9 million in undsraisd and a rnwd assrtion that th world nds Salt + Light mor than vr.

Th vnt An Evening At The

Dead Sea was th largstundraisr to dat or Salt + Light,a grat succss, and ssntial tocontinu this work o th nwvangliation. Archbishop Luigi Vntura and Fathr Thomas Rosica, CSB Mr. Tony Gagliano

Th Honourabl Hilary WstonArchbishop Jams Wisgrbr Salt + Light sta attnds with CeO and Board Chair

Fathr Thomas Rosica, CSB

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“i s ps m s

m s bs ss ,

s s s spp

S + l ts.

i m mpss s b

mps ps sx s s

s S + l ts,

s w y d 2002 t,

f xmp s s

s g’s f m.”

excrpt rom lttr datd Octobr, 2009 romArchbishop Claudio Clli, Prsidnt o th PonticalCouncil or Social Communications

“t ps k S + l s

bss c c

b, s

s sp s ks


M o l b bss

s S + l, spp

s k .”

excrpt rom lttr datd Octobr, 2009 romArchbishop Thomas Collins, Toronto ON


Mr. Dnnis SavoiDputy Suprm Knight, KoC Mr. Nadir Mohamd, Prsidnt & CeO, Rogrs Communications Inc.

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congratulationS TO MARY ROSe AND RICHARD

It was no surpris or us to larn that RichardValnti and Mary Ros Bacani chos thBatituds or th Gospl at thir wddingMass. Th wdding o on o Salt + Light’s mostrcognid on-air prsonalitis and on o ourvry talntd ditors took plac on Octobr 3,2009 at St Bonavntur’s Church in Toronto.

Th two wr part o th crw that travlld toth Holy Land in 2005 or th production oSalt + Light Tlvision’s Journey of Light  documntary. Mary Ros rcalld praying atrMass on th Mount o th Batituds: “I opnd

my ys to notic, or th rst tim sinc I gotthr, a ston that had on o th Batitudscarvd into it: ‘Blssd ar th pur o hart, orthy shall s God.’ I pray vryday or th purityo hart that will lad Richard and m closr toGod.” Richard addd “I rmmbr laning nxt tohr as w mditatd on this. At that momnt I ltclosr to Mary Ros and to God than at any othrtim on our trip.”

Congratulations Mary Ros and Richard, and mayyou grow closr to God and to ach othr ovrmany happy and blssd yars o marriag.

In Jun 2004, David had just compltd hispost graduat studis in Intrnational Rlationscoupld with a thrilling xprinc intrning atth Holy S Mission to th Unitd Nations. Itwas during his tim in Nw York that h was rstintroducd to Fr. Thomas Rosica. Upon mtinghim and haring about Salt + Light Tlvision,David lt inspird to visit th Toronto-basdstation and quickly accptd an or to jointh tam or what h thought would b a onsummr trm. Nvr would h hav imagind thata our-month stint would turn into v yars. Hsays, “Btwn th atmosphr o aith and thprivilg o working on a nw projct inspird byth spirit o World Youth Day, I lt calld to stasid all othr plans in ordr to contribut to thisgrat initiativ.”

Working his way to bcoming an anchor, ldproducr, writr and dirctor o svral award-winning documntaris in partnrship with th

Knights o Columbus, David bgan dvlopinga strong apprciation or th charitabl worksand pro-li initiativs o th Knights. Whn thopportunity prsntd itsl or both him and hiswi to work or th Mdia and CommunicationsDpartmnt o th Knights o Columbus atth Intrnational Hadquartrs in Nw HavnConncticut, David knw th Holy Spirit was atwork onc again.

“With th Knights having rcntly stablishd astratgic, long trm partnrship with Salt + Light

Tlvision, I don’t viw this mov as our lavingth ntwork. I am xcitd about collaboratingon many utur joint productions btwn thKnights o Columbus and Salt + Light Tlvision.”

Whn askd to rfct on hr own xprincas a producr at Salt + Light, Michl’s journy

to th studio lt qually unplannd, “In mylast yar o post scondary studis, with Aricaon th mind and hart, nvr would I havimagind that I would nd up sprading thGospl mssag rom Toronto at a plac thatwould bcom hom, togthr with co-workrswho would bcom amily (on o thm, quitlitrally). Ths past thr yars hav truly bn agit, a tim o prossional, prsonal and spiritualgrowth… and to think that ths things couldoccur simultanously at on’s workplac! It waslik nding an oasis o hop.“ Michl is lookingorward to continuing to writ and produc insrvic to th Church and undr th auspics o

th Knights whos ddication to humanitariansrvic and community outrach is unsurpassd.Commnting on hr nw long distanc statuswith S+L sh says, “I am comortd by th actthat this is not goodby. Instad, it is a chanc tobring Salt + Light’s mssag o hop south o thbordr, and a chanc to continu partaking in thbuilding o th Kingdom in partnrship with thntwork. W l trmndously gratul or thisopportunity and ar vry xcitd about th nwprojcts and challngs that li ahad.”


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Th lov story btwn Justyna and JasminLmiux-Lbvr is amiliar to many Salt + Lightviwrs. Atr thir initial mting in th 2002World Youth Day oc in Toronto, thy partdways: Justyna to hr homland, Poland, andJasmin to Québc. But, a nw and promisingCatholic Tlvision ntwork brought thm backtogthr again. Salt + Light Tlvision has bnpart o thir livs or th past six yars. During thispriod, thy got marrid, had thir rst child andwr touchd by many popl throughSalt + Light TV.

This past summr, Justyna and Jasmin rcivda call rom th archdiocs o Québc that

would chang thir livs or th nxt 15 months.

Covring a matrnity lav, Jasmin has accptdth position o Intrim Dirctor o Communicationor th archdiocs, and Justyna will work orth production dpartmnt o, tharchdiocs’s tlvision ntwork, until hr ownmatrnity lav: th Lmiux-Lbvr’s arxpcting thir scond child in March.

Bor laving Toronto, thy convyd thirgratitud or Salt + Light in thir livs. “W hopthat many mor young Catholics will b abl toxprinc th joy o working in th downtownToronto Salt + Light broadcast studio, and thatviwrs around th world will continu to discovrthis on-o-a-kind, li-changing tlvision



YOUR SALT + LIGHT TeLeVISIONThrough our many inspiring programs, award winning documntoris and intractiv wbsit, Salt + Light Tlvision aims to nourishYour Life, Your Faith and Your Church. W ar Your Catholic Channel of Hope.


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Portrait of A PrieST

a ond arewellIn this, th last dition o lampstand or which I srv as ditor, I rfct on my past yar at Salt + Light. It has bnan intrsting and rwarding journy or m. I hav had th plasur o gtting to know som vry passionat andddicatd individuals – thos who srv on th Board o Dirctors, vry mmbr o th sta group, and manyviwrs, customrs and donors. In ach cas, th Salt + Light xprinc sms to b th sam. Thr is a commonrcognition o mission and community. This is a rsult o a small and committd sta group, strong ladrship with amarvllous prsonal touch, gnuinly human atmosphr and xcllnc in th industry. But th consistnt link thatmaks Salt + Light a succss has bn to rmain tru to its Catholic cor. It was th ky actor in my accpting thtrm position.

I hav dvotd mysl to Salt + Light’s mission or th past 13 months, but I darsay th prsonal rwards or m arxcdd th workload. I will miss much, primarily th popl. With my nw paradigm bginning in Novmbr, I hopto dvot mysl to a nw rgim… amily, physical activity and continud studis. Fathr Rosica’s lov o scriptur,and translation o th radings into practical day-to-day applications, has promptd m to spnd mor tim ach daywith th Word o God and to savour this prsonal tim. I hop a part-tim job in London, Ontario will also b part owhat awaits m on this nw journy.

I will continu to invst mysl in th work o Salt + Light rom aar, and I invit you to join m in invsting inthis Canadian gm that is Your Catholic Channel of Hope through prayr, voluntr work, nancial support andinvolvmnt in ongoing activitis and vnts.

My nal mssag is on o wlcom to Danil Torchia, who will tak ovr th rins o th markting, sals andpromotion arms o th opration. I know you will njoy his warmth, skill and ladrship abilitis. Arrivdrci.

a warM welcoMeWriting ths w lins has bn vry dicult – it’s not asy to mbark on a writing assignmnt knowing I will all soshort in xprssing my motions.

I l an immns joy to b abl to join th Salt + Light tam in srving you, and all prsons who hav a rlationshipwith Salt + Light Tlvision. Salt + Light has a magical way o giving viwrs a nwound apprciation or th tlvisionmdium, a rnwd hop in th utur and aordabl accss, 24/7, to continuous Catholic ormation. Having rcntlystartd to work with th Salt + Light tam, I am inspird by th charity, dvotion and skills o its mmbrs, and urgrinds o th organiation to gt to know thm bttr, whthr through blogs,, podcasts or ourvarious products.

Th Holy Spirit, that grat orc which yarns to driv all o our intr-prsonal communication, is palpabl at andthrough Salt + Light. Togthr, through our various rlationships and contributions, w ar ach invitd to hav a handin th growth o this inspird and much-ndd ministry.

Danil Torchia

Dirctor o Markting &


. J cmsk, v-rS. P’s Sm, l, on

Ordaind August 1990

I bcam attractd to th pristhood as an altarsrvr whn I was a young boy. I got to knowth prists o my parish and ralid how happythy wr. evryon dmonstratd ral joy inthir work. As I got oldr, my rinds and amily,and th parish prists o cours, ncouragdm to pursu th vocation at th sminary, andhr I am today. My li has bn lld with th

 joy I saw in thos prists so long ago, and thblssings hav bn innumrabl. God is good!

. Jqs r, ass Psh rm Ps, c, Pei

Ordaind Jun 2009

Th rason why I dcidd to bcom a prist:I had a dsir to giv mysl to God totally inordr to bring God to th popl through mywords, my works, my aith and prhaps, mostimportantly, through th tstimony o my li.For m, to liv as Christ is my motto, and inChrist w hav vrything. It is what I l calldto proclaim.


roM the editor

Gabrilla Catolino, MDiv

Dirctor o Markting &


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Time - ET S M ts ws ts S Time - P

6:00 AMTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy Land3:00 AM

6:30 AMChaplt n Trr

SaintChaplt n Trr

SaintChaplt n Trr

SaintChaplt n Trr

SaintChaplt n Trr

SaintChaplt n Trr

SaintChaplt n Trr

Saint3:30 AM

7:00 AMTémoin or Ls

complémnts du


Focus catholiquzoom / 

La amill n


zoom / Lumir du mond

zoom / Mill qustion à la

oi or Témoin

zoom / Audinc général

zoom / Focus catholiqu

4:00 AM

7:30 AM Catholic Focus Catholic Focuszoom / 

Focus catholiquzoom / 

Catholic Focuszoom / 

Catholic Focuszoom / 

Catholic Focuszoom / 

Catholic Focus4:30 AM

8:00 AMTh Choics W

FacFood or Li

Th Choics WFac

Food or LiTh Choics W

FacFood or Li

Th Choics WFac

5:00 AM

8:30 AMTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandTh Rosary in th

Holy LandBiblical Rosary Biblical Rosary Biblical Rosary 5:30 AM

9:00 AMChildrn’s

ProgrammingWhr God Wps

Fountain o Lovand Li or Chins

ProgrammingWhr God Wps

In Convrsaion(english Subtitls) Spcial


Chrub Wings 6:00 AM

9:30 AML Chaplt n

Trr saintWoman to Woman Gnral Audinc Woman to Woman Italian Programming

L Chaplt nTrr saint

6:30 AM

10:00 AM Octava Dis Facing Li Had On TBA This is Th Day Octava Dis Chrub Wings Chrub Wings 7:00 AM

10:30 AM

Papal evnt

or Movi

L chaplt àLourds

L chaplt àLourds

L chaplt àLourds

L chaplt àLourds

L chaplt àLourds

WOW 7:30 AM

11:00 AM Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass 8:00 AM

11:30 AM In Your FaithTh Choics w

acPrptual Hlp


ClosupPrptual Hlp

DvotionsGnral Audinc 8:30 AM

12:00 PM Papal AnglusAnglus / Catholic

FocusAnglus / Focus

catholiquAnglus / Catholic

FocusAnglus / Focus

catholiquAnglus / Catholic

FocusAnglus / Catholic

Focus9:00 AM

12:30 PM Sunday Mass WitnssLa amill n

qustionsIn Your Faith Lctio Divina,

Movi orDocumntary



9:30 AM

1:00 PM Catholic Focus Lctio Divina,Movi or


Aid à l’Églisn détrss

Documntary orNothing Mor


Facing LiHad-On

10:00 AM

1:30 PMDocumntary orNothing Mor


Lumir du mond Listn Up TBA TBA 10:30 AM

2:00 PM TBA

La oi pris au mot

This is Th DayFountain o Lov

and Li or ChinsProgramming


This is Th Day 11:00 AM

2:30 PM Whr God Wps Listn Up Ral Faith TV TBAFountain o Lov

and Li or ChinsProgramming

In Your Faith 11:30 AM

3:00 PM Sunday Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass 12:00 PM

3:30 PM(1.5 h)

Papal evntor Movi

ConcrtVatican evnts

or Movi

Udina Gnral Gnral Audinc

ConcrtPapal evntor Movi

12:30 PM(1.5 h)

5:00 PM Lumir du mondIn Convrsaion

(english Subtitls) orItalian Programing

2:00 PM

5:30 PMVêprs d Notr-

Dam d ParisVêprs d Notr-

Dam d ParisVêprs d Notr-

Dam d ParisVêprs d Notr-

Dam d ParisVêprs d Notr-

Dam d ParisVêprs d Notr-

Dam d ParisRal Faith TV 2:30 PM

6:00 PM Papal AnglusFountain o Lov

and Li or ChinsProgramming

Listn Up Whr God Wps TBA Woman to Woman Gnral Audinc 3:00 PM

6:30 PM Listn UpIn Convrsaion(english Subtitls)

In Convrsaion(english Subtitls)

In Convrsaion(english Subtitls)

In Convrsaion(english Subtitls)

In Convrsaion(english Subtitls)

Fountain o Lovand Li or Chins

Programming3:30 PM

7:00 PM Catholic Focuszoom / 

Focus catholiquzoom / 

Catholic Focuszoom / 

Catholic Focuszoom / 

Catholic Focuszoom / 

Catholic FocusCatholic Focus 4:00 PM

7:30 PM Focus catholiquzoom / 

La amill nqustions

zoom / Églis dumond

zoom / Mill qustion à la

oi or Témoin

zoom / Audincgénéral

zoom / Focus catholiqu

Mill qustion à laoi or Témoin

4:30 PM

8:00 PM WitnssAid à l’Églisn détrss

In Your Faith Lctio Divina,Documntary

or Movi


ProgrammingLa oi pris au mot

5:00 PM

8:30 PM Lctio Divina,Movi or


Lumir du mond Documntary orNothing Mor


Facing LiHad-On

TBD 5:30 PM

9:00 PM

La oi pris au mot

Listn Up Rosary Stars Rosary StarsDocumntary orNothing Mor


6:00 PM

9:30 PM TBA This is th DayFountain o Lov

and Li or ChinsProgramming

Gnral Audinc This i s th Day 6:30 PM

10:00 PM Th RosaryChaplt n Trr

santTh Rosary Th Rosary Th Rosary Th Rosary Th Rosary 7:00 PM

10:30 PM Sunday Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass 7:30 PM

11:00 PM RePeAT OF PRIMe TIMe 8:00 PM

LeGeND: english Frnch Italian Chins

  P  R  I  M  e  T  I  M  e

Salt + Light broadcast schedule is subject to change. Visit schedule.saltandlighttv.oor check your on-screen guide for updated weekly schedule

Salt + light tv SCHeDULe 2009

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ContaCt us

Salt and Light Catholic

Media Foundation

114 rchmnd Stt, east

Tnt, onta M5C 1P1


Tl: 416.971.5353

fax: 416.971.6733

Tll f: 1.888.302.7181

e-mal: n@saltandlghttv.


Chatabl gstatn n.

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winter 2009/2010 newSletter

ch 654 ch 240 ch 185 ch 356 ch 387 ch 242 ch 160

For th scond straight yar th Catholic Acadmy or Communications andArts Prossionals has awardd Salt + Light Tlvision its prstigious Gabriel 

 Award or Television Station of the Year . establishd in 1965, Th GabrilAwards “rcogni outstanding artistic achivmnt in a tlvision or radioprogram or sris which ntrtains and nrichs with a tru vision o humanityand a tru vision o li.”

2008 2009

h b sss ? Sp ?

hp s mp s?

On o th most powrul answrs is social communications: tlvision, wb, radio and socialmdia. Cluttr, nois and commrcial intrsts otn saturat our livs, laving prcious littl timor spiritual growth. Backd by an incrasing numbr o supportrs, Salt + Light is gaining groundand giving an important prsnc to th Way, th Truth and th Li through modrn mdia.

r spp mss:

• Shar th mssag o Salt + Light with popl around you• Snd a link, -mail or wbpag to rinds• Buy Salt + Light DVDs as gits• Subscrib to Salt + Light Tlvision• Call us or visit us in prson at our studio• Visit our wbsit• Snd us your idas

• Join us in prayr• Donat according to your mans

c . w p.

Pss a g S + l ts S y r

S + l Ps Ss:

o cp Spss:

S Ps

La ltt d’nmatn d TélévsnSl + Lumè st auss dspnbl n anças