Laft THE DAILY NEWS - Memorial University...

. 'I j .', I (i: ... o-d •• o mlAND of Bell 1;land. 'Ir.'. E. Courlenl, '::'l!rcd Adorns T',lo brother;. n:; 01 Oxford. . , B .\dams o[ 51. 1.lcntren :;reat ." :;rral seTl"icn Cniled ( h ·\Prll. nc\', I of[lclatina. v :d Qualil\' ' that count lIilh Ul. ) n: puh r an excellent coIl'r compt'titi\'e fit \our need!, nup ;art' thr t biil •. the not b. in your or many IDELINE. oliday. Laft month - APRIL - W. sold 9 3 fin. used cars and 1 ,ruck.. Th.r. must h. real on . .. ' . ",' " " , , .... , \ , , .' , THE DAILY NEWS \ " : " ' Terra Nova Motors Ltd. Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 66. No. 103 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, MAY 11. 1959 (Price: .7 ", ' Four Ministers Meeting Opens In Geneva Wants Ger man Representatives \ ,d' - fhl,sia ne' l bt: "represented" at the confer· I States. told Bcndryshev that the and lnC('lillJ:.s 0,' the eVe of thc :'nd3 1 ' IIIHI lierman rep·, ence. powers will not recognize conference. S" b; brc',I,h: into the 1 The Wcst had stated In notes to the East Germans as full partie' REUNIFY FIRST , of lilc Big Four 1 Moscow March 26 that It re- ipants. . The Western powers .. who do to-I garded the Germans only 8S ad- NO SOVIET COMMENT not recognize the legahty of the par!icll'snts. fhe I'isel·s.. A Soviet spokesman rehlsed to East German regime" held that pC\\lfl 'ejected the de· The sources said Lloyd prob· I comment on the reported clash,lthc four-power occupation of Ber- ably would sound out the Amerl- He .said only that Gromyko lib and the of peace . lTt'.ilrct some lin· can. French a:ld Soviet delega· Lloyd had met and that Valerln treaties must follow the reunifica the at'llial open· tlons this morning In a last-min- Zorln. first deputy foreign min- tion of Germany. , ,,"'.'l'nce HI for 2:30 ute effort to reach agreement on Ister. and Jakob Malik. Soviet I Gromyko lost no time on ar- t"t .. ,Ul;, 3 m, .1[1TI today. the status of East and West Ger- , ambassador In London, also were I ril'al here in saying the aim of , S.'crelary .Sel- many. ' i present on the side. the conference Is to conclude a Ll)"j l1',r: wilh SOl' let Lloyd's meeting with Gromyko I The wrangle over German rep· peace treaty with uerma:ly-or .\IHirci A, .Gro- had been expected to be brief but resr:ltation at the conference dim· with the Eastern aJd Western m an It lasted almost two hours. The met! already faint hopes that any I regimes-and to the '0 tr,e disagree- British foreign secretary then real solution will be reached on I occupation regime" In Berlin, b;: the effort . hurried back to his residence to the ce:ltral problem of post.war i His tough line was backed by reliable 'Ollrces said receive UN Secretary - General Ellrope-the future of Germany,; Khrushchev. who said In Moscow lo:d t:o"d Ihat Rllssla Hammarskjold. Dinlomats prcdlcted a period all Russia could obliterate the , liermRny The Soviet demand was pre· tough talking and doubted the fol" ern powers with nuclear weapons. " oulicipa;lt.< ill the for- sellted te Western representatires minlstel's would make much While the West Is adamant on . s at a meeting of off!· They saw the mnst p\ltti:lg reunification lil'st and re- "Wc;.-:he l'!litrd States 1 workmg on lIkeiy result 01 the. conference as ,[using to give up occupation lrc Iile I for Ihe conference opening. I on holding a full con·: rights In West Berlin. Russia is , We,1 I;Cmlans to sit ll\ This lI'as th: first tlmc. a U.S.' ference of heads of : unlikely to accept the Western spokesman said. that the Sodet later In the summer, plan for a three.stnge tll'!d G"onl)'ko in hIs gOl'ernment had said It wanted Lloyd. who arril'ed here Sun·: settlement. ------_._-- --_._-- -""-"------ . : . I',:: .. "./ : !: .' .. .f ,: .".; ::' ' ., . ." ....... .:.. •• <". .... I Jl cha,rl11an of tOi13y'S the East Gmnans seated the day. the task of the H;;ion :0 d;;cIIS, ar- conference at the outset as full ence as threefold-to try to nar· I The Is reported t.o."C311 for ,I" ;0r Ihe meeting, participanL,. roll' Wide differences between: an expansIOn of con- , 'OTE Andrew H. Berdln::. assistant East and West and to prepare' tacts between East and West Ger· S:-\OW AND SLIPPERY ROADS gave motorists plenty of trouble on Sunday and the "Daily :'\CIIS" cameraman . saw this ear off the rOlld just east of Park-Le.- Terra NOl'a Photo '!a:d Gromyko lIas able p,S, secretary of state sald'the constructive proposals for a sum· 1 many. leading to free I , :0 I Scriel notr to the RUssian position was stated by mit I Germany coupled A h 'C bb' i Kh hh S llareh j{) which cailed I Vladimir :ol'. Bendryshev. William The forelg:l ministers and their I a llmltahon of armed forces In not er a Ie i rus c ev ays: \lp': GPrman)' to Gib.lon. speaking for the U:llted aids held hectic round of agreed area of I D' . ___________ _ S Pu blishes Second •. Graham's Crusade i Western Powers Have Future Little War rid War Documents ·Cut Short By Rain Chance In Any O . Australia I AP1- i a .. b.ullet in. his back. Heal'Y rain eut short the final 1 dill ers have been a i ."" evening meetin;: of Billy Gra-! robbed here. They ha\e LO:-lDO:-l IAPI-:The \\e,tern o.f, the. of the askcn, TO, .. \P '-The pos· simo Franco apparently resistro' pap"rs did not speci()' how Ihc ham's month _ cru-: manded more pohce powprs "would be hterally I United Stales IS past. . "Ann hall' arc to in.: Sa Ii had "terrific pressure" from Hitler :\azi.-; got the informatIOn, s3cte Salurdav est-! and some went on ! bmf stnke off the face of [he earth," in any· Soviet forces "have at their diS· Pllt West European countries out 101WC: l'.S, !tate de· designed t? force' They one allcgation- 'imated 17.000 'silting the open: to enforce the demand. : fut\lre lI'ar. SOl' i e t Premier, posal [or the defeat, of .actiun'? Obviousiy not : 'iPW in ]94] appcars 1 him mto the war on their side, 1 not I'enfted-that the at Sydnev sl1owground ran for r Khrushchev told a party of of any In any part of, 1 he Intcmcw 1ues- , ' of diplomatic papm : WEYGAND. I kcpt, ,a! covcr a.s the rain came snddenly I ClyprI"ots Hal"} " West German editors last the. world." said in an, day but was not publicized ir, hy the state dc· I The hint a In U,S. I relIable sOllrce In blinding I. I , He told the article In Sonet Army neil'S' \lntll Salu\?3 Y; I rets is contained In cover-[ the state 1 ' lie was not threatelllng a:I1" paper ned Star. \ Oil may say, Kllrushchcl' pan of R rontinn· ing dealings with Vichy France's scnt word 10 a rrl'orlcl'; Graham ended his address 10' Makari' OS ' one-in an interricw published in: Khrushchcv to:rt the West Ger- tolrt the Germans. "'would th .. 01 r.s. loreign rela· :"Iorth African commander. Gen. I Sunday that while he hRS not had. 11linutrs eRrl.l'. put on orei": , Soviet ncwspapers and carried by i man editors that right : So\'iet IInion suffer no iosses In relations with Eu- Maxime The papers' a chance to study the coat and inl'ited the people to, :-;JCOSIA. C),I'I'W IAP,-Thou·· MoscolV Radio. 1 bombs would he enough to pUI! the CI'ent of Yes. it would :3!1 year before the dis c lose that Weygand got I he Is convi:lced the :"Iazis did not come forward to make "decisions: sands of Greek C)'priot l'iIlagers I Meanwhile highest· I Wcst Germany oul of action. ha\'c los,es. and great ones. luitJ' enlry into the WlIr, bounced from his job In 1941 3fter II get the U.S, secrets solv- for Christ." "aVe Archbishop Makarios I! ranking soldier. Iran "And do you think lie hal'en'l "Bu, while we should suffer dilclolure in the 1.011· the Naz[s read secret messages Ing the American code. He \\'a5 " . . welcome Sunday, as he 1 Konlev,_ declared that the "day light h y d r 0 e n he the We.stern powers would of hitherto·secret Joc- ' sent to by U.S, diplo-I unable to say how the Germans r helieve the. Lord. !'Cnt thiS visited his native village of Pan- ------" he literally Wiped off the face of that Spain's Genenlis.1 mat Robert D, Murphy. 'rhe did get them. I'aln to make things difficult for ayla, At the mountain monastery A Iberfa EI t · the_ earth,". , \\'ho w.ant .:0 make deci- of Chryssoroglatissa, he offic· ec Ion Khrushchev said some. Amen· I Uk a -ne lVlacml"llan slons, he said. I ask you to iated at a service for the Instai· ,can and adrmrals &.! G r I eome. forward In .your thousar.ds Ilation of a new abbot. 1 well as West militar, ermany I In thiS heavy ram to show you Called For June leaders were trymg to prove thai Honored mean business." BOGOTA. Colombia (AP) _ N,\TO possessed military super· T LONDON (Reuters) - . Writes To A total of m persons reo Crisando Cardbal Luque was . . OUTDATED WO sponded to Graham'S appeal and buried Saturdav in front of the EDMONTON (CPl-An Alberta versy-and Its h·c·ycar develop., "The N.'TO realil Premier Nlkita Khrushchev Sun- k d d h' d' alter in St. Peter's chapel in I ld t " ., day "!sited a collective farm nea Khru h h pac e aroun IS alS, h general election wi! be he men program, . possess a large bombt:r air forcI 5 C ev Bogota's metropolitan cat edral. Thursday. 18. Premier E. FOR :\lORE SE. ATS, ' but 'It :0 outdated as it. Kiev, the Sllviet :le1l'5 agency The total at Saturday nigh!'. The cardinai, Colombia's first . d S d Th t I I t II h "' .., T t d H i d i KI . I C.' Mann,lOg. ann, ounce , at,ur ay _ e egis a ure WI a\'e I teehnl'cal "tate." sal'd the SoVI··', ass repor e, e arr ve n ev I meetmg was 43,000, bringing the prbce of the Roman Catholic h N t d 11 b n t F th th It' Saturday to award the insignia of LONDON (API _ Prime Min. attendance for the Sydney cru. Church, died Thursday. He was nlg t. ,omma IOn ay WI e ': sea s. our more an RS 'I premier. "They ca:l be broughl the order of Lenin to the Ukraine ister Macmillan has sent another sade sO far to 833.000. 170 June 4. I Io;dmonton representatlOn II III be 1 down e\'en by ordinary fighters.' . : The long -. expected an:lOllnce-' increased to nine from seven. Cal- I Republic for successes In th! de· letter to Soviet Premier -------------------------, BC d'·· f' d th ' 'RPUitl'" _ Ger-I I'elopment of agricultUre, I Khrushchel' on the subject of ' ment was made in a C . ra 10' gary s to seven rom SIX an e I Old soldier Khrushchev spent Situ:-day, returned 10 Ihe I dear tests, a spokesman said New J orda n P I repeated later. m pro· new eOJstlluency .of DIIn\'egan % minutes in the Kremlin Satur· II cI\,illan pm· I N P F 'I Sunday. remler radiO and teleVISion pro, formed In the Peace; day with a group. .American of,I."! .5 .'rmy a' en' osf or The spokesman declined to say Drams.. . d . Rller olstnet. .lI"al· \'eterans remlnlSClng aboul lO.dlcr. I whether Macmilian's letter con· S ' Alberta IS the thlr. to It will be the fi!'.,1 ,'lec·' wartime experiences . R b tained the same proposals Pres- p B h d d P t : call ,a general electIOn tills year. i tion. in Alberta witho.ut the pro· Joseph Polovsh. leader of the ha,1 b[,(:11 held in thr (1 eson Ident Eisenhower put forward in urns ag a ac : Ma.:llloba I'otes May 14 and On· I pnrtlOnal system' sel'en _ 'man 1.01l:DO:\ _ Ameri-I letter to the Soviet premier in' ,tarlO June 11, of employed m delc"ation, told a press eonfer- at the East.lI'est can Paul Robeson was I' the last few days.. .' . STA:\'DL',G AT DISSOI.UTIO:\ lann all(: tile encc" latel' that the Soviet leader' of elected a vice -president of the ."But it does up I'ery milch i B,V SPIRO ELlSS.\ I ,... , The legislature was rlissoll"ed )a o. rllra conS,1 uenelCS, i II'cm to stay longer. British.Soviet Friendship Society With the Washmgton announce·: A.\IMAN, Jordan IAPI :- TIE ,Satllrday by Lie\ltcnant·Governor hy He told Soriet and foreign r.- ned Cross lin. the of Emorl' A . 32 who accidental!; East German his plane March Is to hal'e on I train in Ber- In the tastern zone Sunday at its lOth con- ment." the spokesman said. Inew p:emler of Jordan said SUll-. Jordan .has and does not J .. J, Bowlcn. The So· - : porters that Khrllshchev was sl1h· forence here, The conference was In Geneva. where East and' day .h!s country clear to he Itscif to any foreign, cial Credit, 37. Liberal 1", Pro· It will he thr lirst nlajor :rsl clued while he talked about the attended by lIB delegates and I West been on of pacts With either East pO.I.ltl,c;al or 1 ;::essil'C Conservatives 3, 2. I of two part,' le;lders chosen last horrors of war. but became buoy- I'lsitors rephesenting orgnniza- 5uspendll\l: nuclear tests. it lIIas or \'oest. " i \\Ith the of Its Arab Llhcral·Conscrl'atll·C I, coalitIOn .. J. C. Kirby of :hc Pro· ant ncar the end of the chat lions with a total membership of reported Saturday night that Hazza Malah bt:en u:lder commitments ll\ accor?an.ce With 1. indepe:ldent 1: indeJlendent So· gressive and he looked to the future with 331.000. Eisenhower made modifications by the Untted A:ab Re- the Arab League and dal Credit 1. Total 61. MacEwan o( tile Libera1.,. optimism. Columbia Bandits BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) Seventeen persons were killed and seven wounded In a bandit atlick Saturday near Rovira, Tollma department, In the American posillon and that pubhc s press and radiO ever the Arab League collective sec- ------------- Macmillan had sent a sImilar since King Hussein asked him urity pact, Jorda:l will remain 8 Three hyelections since the last letter. last Tuesday to form a new go v- pact·free country with no strings election in 1955 left party stand· L t' The letters were designed to ernment replacing that of Samlr to restrict its activities. ings unchanged. Social Credit re- a ,n break the deadlock in the Geneva RifaL There has been speCUlation that tained St.ettler and Olds and the __________ _ ne g ot i a t Ion s that began six The U. A. R. press Is charging Hussein chose Majali to form a Progressive held a C M k t M months ago and create a favor- that Majall's appointment is the new government in an attempt to' Calgary seat. mmon· or e oy able atmosphere for the Big Four first step In a plan by the 1;ing improve relations with Preside:!t: The 1959 election will he the . fo reI g n ministers' confere:lce to take Jordan Into t.he Gamal Abdel Nasser and the sixth for the Social Credit party ope n In g today. the Geneva backed Baghdad antl-Communtst U. A. R. .. in Alberta since it first was S BAR 'It sources said, pact. Jordan broke off dlplomallc elected to power in ·,,35 The oon e eo I Y E!senhower and Maem III a n MalaH in an i:ltervicw relati?ns with the U. A. R. last chief issues are to be American troversy Flares wrote Khrushchel' last month to comment directly on .the July the dangerous da)'s when the government's oil and gas roy- Bv JACK R(;TLEDGE : carl"ies weight. the same subject. At that time U, A. R. press campaign against Hussein feared a pro - Nasser ally dividends program - SIIS' CITY. Panama iAPl The major talks are certain to Macmillan supported Eisenhow- him, But he obviously. had the coup. the pended after two years of conlro- A Latin American common mar- centre around the common mar. proposal for a ban on nu· propaganda attack In mmd when o[ mterferlng In l:1ternal affairs, clear tests below an altitude of ket. designed to ease the choking ket. O 30 i1 I Nfldr. Gets economic pressures OJ backward M.\DE REPORT Yer E uthanas, 'a replied. he co Illdo' I Ghana s Drive To Modernize count tdries by is welcome the s\lgllestlon but was FYI pee c 10 move a ep c oser 0 I our ears n reality during a UN conference City working group 0:1 5T enthusiastic abollt other ideas I P B kUSh T . here today. how a common market could be ooh r · ort rea s panty own ',Dorcllester The United "at ions Economic I dC"cloped alonl: the principle.1 DIn CUI han 11 h ." .... cow Commissio:1 [or Latin I sloll'ly into practice in in B ·t' H51a II.l her express desire and witl! every . By HORACE CASTELL 1 theil' lin·roofed mud huts, Bilt the known as CEPAL [or the letter;, Western EEurope. am, possible security, might be helped C·1 ACl:R,\ Ghana ll\euteT\l- i l'iIlagers were reluctant to leave.' EDMUNDSTON. 1\, B (CPI- of its name in Spanish, opens a It calh for a reduction or°l'rr. ··p.u t .! to away peacefuliy." rjpn .. e(1 Pl .. 'lne Ghana's dril'e to catch liP with! Their spoke,rne:l explamed they I Hector Joseph White. 30, of Ship. two·week lcssinn wilh a Ihree- in amnnl! the proposed ext/allints I A5 soon as his remRl'ks hit the U modern civilization has brought had deep.rooted feelings about regan Island. N.B" and Lambert de)' of its trade grollp, ,rommOJ market nations, II drll.l- ren emde j pamful front pages of Brlt!!h paper L . d i heartbreak to the 12.00c inhab- their homes. and that their fam· Thomas Moulton, 37, of an un· The conference propel' starts' tic easing of export - Import red Idst week the argument developed. Press . an S I itBnts of a mud - walled shsJty ilies would become upset if they Newfoundland c e n tr e, Thursday wit h T1N i tape and agreements on I r, 8 phy- comment tended to oppose his po· town near here. were forced to leave. were each sentenced to four G e n era I Dag Hammarskjold exchange. / o the British slUon. while the 72,OOO-member RENFREW, Scotland (APl - Ten huge trucks roared into the In addition, they claimed that years in the Maritime penilen- scheduled to preside. The United States :lOW en- founded British Medical Association al- The starboard motor of a I dlsty coastal village of Terns Sat- the new town, on a rocky section tiarv at Dorchester. N,B" Sat- About 2,;0 delegates a:ln ?hserv- norses the plan although It was ready was O!l record against Airways twln·englne" urday to transport its people knd of the coast, presented dangers when they pleaded guilty ers from about 30 countries are lukewarm at first. Most Latin eUlhanula, Plonalr craft caught fire 6.000 their belongings to a new town for main trade. to a charge of break, enter and attending,. th,; conference. and American powers approve the "What II hopeless tooay may feet above the Scottish coast Sun- built especially for them :Iearby, ALL LEAVE theft at nearby St. Leonard. some predict lt could be an econ- idea but some still are on the be curable tomorrow," declared day. The plane. en route from Prime Minister Kwama Nkru. There were still rumbles of dls- The pair was charged by omic turning point for Lali:! Am- fence the London Dally Express. "Wbat Renfrew to Bellast. Northern Ire- mah's government ordered the content When lhe truck rolled In RCMP in connection with a safe- erica. The 20 Latin American -;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. If a merciful doctor had killed hll land, with 29 passengers and a move to make way for wure- during the weekend. But even cracki:lg at thlt St. Leonard Post lands are represented. plus Brit- t" dIabetic patient the day before erew of three, returned to Ren- houses and office! In the new those who said they never would Office April 30. More than $IlOO ain. the United States. France lnJulln wu dtlcovered?" Crew and la:lded successfully on port of Terns, now being built at quit their homes finally climbed was taken, about $220 of which and the all CEPAL Dr. Charlel McDonald. lutha· OIle engine, a COlit of nearly $30.000.000. In, was recovered. members. nasla BOdely chairman, laid be AFRICA'S BIGGEST The goverfinent has promised Tbey were arrested in Saint RUSSIA REPRESENETED Cully endorsed Millard's actlo:l, M sf ·Ch The man - made harbor, In- to do all It can to make the in- John, N,B. early Friday by police The Soviet Union is reported Iddlnr: "I haVe taken the Slme , U , ' ange lended to become the biggest in habitants happy in their new sur- during a routine check. Acting sending a large delegation and is coune my.self." S. AfrIca. Is located 10 mlles from roundlqgs. It has even given the Thomas Breen reeog- expected to continue its. ca!ll- Dr. Leslie Weatherhead. former IUn Accra. which has no port of Its new the same slreet nized White from a piclilrc in stronger ties prelldent Df' the BrlllAh h . own. It will replace the feutial J;..;rs as the old onps. and kept th police 5 t 8 t i on WllPl he I \\'Ith Latll1 ., conference, "applauded" r.TLLF.. France rAPl - "Three system of manned oy thp same street namps, .t e . ! Most of CI'.PAL·s work IS gll'- Mill d I . , sopped a cm, I ' I' I d' t I I I t'n' ar I act on. were IlljUl'ed here" said, musculal', loin - clothed natives Present nlDns. call for the :IPW I mg trc lIuea a I'lee 0 lr II .3 I "I cannot underslind a law a road sig!, near here to warn who unloaded the ships an- hal'bor to operatio!'" npxt Moulton was arrested later in countries illljll'OVe thei!' agricul- that . which pu:ilshes a man for keep- against careless dl'ivlng. Now the chored off the coast. year, Tem I will Ilave a1 iq"ial a south cnri hoarding hOIl;C, The i ture anrt industn·· It ':: nnly .. w'l1Itrey iliUn eutha- lnr a dOl In that condition nnd sign· has to be eha:\J:ed, A car The new Ghana governlllr:lt I oonulrlinn or "ll01lt 40,000. ex· men werc tumed over In ROIP make rccomn1c""!l!ion., bu' the IIleflIIt iI-lIItr ... a man lor puttlnl a crashed Into it Saturday night, PI'cpared neat. neIY for nrct p 1 In on':h1r '''i!h tile in- who returned them to Edmund.j [act that it is r,rin'ar'i:; blin 'YO- lMtltnt out iii It." , . 111 five pasaenlerl were injured, the' Terna inhabitants in place of crease of port employment. sian, ,: group acting on Latin problems " I I " Weather Cloudy windy and colli. lllGH: 33 .. TEMPERATURES' .Johll's .. ' ,. 33 " .. ,," 31 "" .... 37 ... ,.. 6.1 Ottawa 55 Quebec 49 1 P..\ 79 83 : " . ' , L " " , r; , .- ,', J ;" , " ", . f i ·L ' ,,: j f .. 'I , , . .' II ,1. " , " : I r, >j. I , , j . ') " ., "'1 ' ! , I I: , "

Transcript of Laft THE DAILY NEWS - Memorial University...


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of Bell 1;land. 'Ir.'. E. Courlenl,

'::'l!rcd Adorns T',lo brother;.

n:; 01 Oxford. ~.s, . , B .\dams o[ 51. 1.lcntren ~lr',('('n :;reat

." :;rral seTl"icn t-:r~1 Cniled ( ~~: h ·\Prll. nc\',

I of[lclatina.


a::d Qualil\' mer~han­.. ' that count lIilh Ul. 'r,) n: ~sceptional puh or an excellent coIl'r compt'titi\'e polici~

~xach fit \our need!, rnup Pla~ ;art' thr

t biil •.


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for many SIDELINE.


Laft month - APRIL - W. sold

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• realon.

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" :

" '

• Terra Nova Motors Ltd. Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 66. No. 103 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, MAY 11. 1959 (Price: . 7 Cent~l

", '

Four Ministers Meeting Opens In Geneva Wants Ger man Representatives

\ ,d' - fhl,sia ne' l bt: "represented" at the confer· I States. told Bcndryshev that the and lnC('lillJ:.s 0,' the eVe of thc :'nd31' IIIHI lierman rep·, ence. West~rn powers will not recognize conference.

S" b; brc',I,h: into the 1 The Wcst had stated In notes to the East Germans as full partie' REUNIFY FIRST , ',~;;iO) of lilc Big Four 1 Moscow March 26 that It re- ipants. . The Western powers .. who do

;1Jr.:;I~r, ,o~ferenec, to-I garded the Germans only 8S ad- NO SOVIET COMMENT not recognize the legahty of the !~;I par!icll'snts. fhe I'isel·s.. A Soviet spokesman rehlsed to East German regime" held that

pC\\lfl 'ejected the de· The sources said Lloyd prob· I comment on the reported clash,lthc four-power occupation of Ber­ably would sound out the Amerl- He .said only that Gromyko a~d lib and the conclu~on of peace

. d:;?~:e lTt'.ilrct some lin· can. French a:ld Soviet delega· Lloyd had met and that Valerln treaties must follow the reunifica .:,o~: the at'llial open· tlons this morning In a last-min- Zorln. first deputy foreign min- tion of Germany.

, ,,"'.'l'nce HI for 2:30 ute effort to reach agreement on Ister. and Jakob Malik. Soviet I Gromyko lost no time on ar-t"t .. ~ ,Ul;,

li:~1 3 m, .1[1TI today. the status of East and West Ger- , ambassador In London, also were I ril'al here in saying the aim of , F0rr:,,~ S.'crelary .Sel- many. ' i present on the Russla~ side. the conference Is to conclude a Ll)"j l1',r: wilh SOl' let Lloyd's meeting with Gromyko I The wrangle over German rep· peace treaty with uerma:ly-or

irn:;:~r .\IHirci A, .Gro- had been expected to be brief but resr:ltation at the conference dim· with the Eastern aJd Western 5;ni~Y afl~rnoon m an It lasted almost two hours. The met! already faint hopes that any I regimes-and to "lIquld~te the

'0 re~ol\e tr,e disagree- British foreign secretary then real solution will be reached on I occupation regime" In Berlin, b;: the effort f~iled. . hurried back to his residence to the ce:ltral problem of post.war i His tough line was backed by

reliable 'Ollrces said receive UN Secretary - General Ellrope-the future of Germany,; Khrushchev. who said In Moscow lo:d t:o"d Ihat Rllssla Da~ Hammarskjold. Dinlomats prcdlcted a period all Russia could obliterate the W~st-

, ~.d We~t liermRny The Soviet demand was pre· tough talking and doubted the fol" ern powers with nuclear weapons. " oulicipa;lt.< ill the for- sellted te Western representatires el~;] minlstel's would make much While the West Is adamant on . s l11ee'in~. at a four·~wer meeting of off!· ~I'o::re.,s. They saw the mnst p\ltti:lg reunification lil'st and re-

"Wc;.-:he l'!litrd States 1 cl~l~ workmg on arran~eme:lts lIkeiy result 01 the. conference as ,[using to give up occupation lrc rc"~CC-\\ ~nt~ Iile I for Ihe conference opening. I a~reement on holding a full con·: rights In West Berlin. Russia is

, We,1 I;Cmlans to sit ll\ This lI'as th: first tlmc. a U.S.' ference of heads of gorer~ments : unlikely to accept the Western I:\:'r:~, spokesman said. that the Sodet later In the summer, "pael~age" plan for a three.stnge tll'!d o~ G"onl)'ko in hIs gOl'ernment had said It wanted Lloyd. who arril'ed here Sun·: settlement.

------_._-- --_._-- -""-"------

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!: .'

.. .f ,: ~ .".; ::' ' ., .

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Jl cha,rl11an of tOi13y'S the East Gmnans seated I~ the day. ~a\\' the task of the co~~er·: H;;ion :0 d;;cIIS, th~ ar- conference at the outset as full ence as threefold-to try to nar· I The pla~ Is reported t.o."C311 for ,I" ;0r Ihe meeting, participanL,. roll' Wide differences between: an expansIOn of ~on·poltl1cai con-

, 'OTE Andrew H. Berdln::. assistant East and West and to prepare' tacts between East and West Ger·

S:-\OW AND SLIPPERY ROADS gave motorists plenty of trouble on Sunday and the "Daily :'\CIIS" cameraman

. saw this ear off the rOlld just east of Park-Le.-Terra NOl'a Photo S~n'ice,

'!a:d Gromyko lIas able p,S, secretary of state sald'the constructive proposals for a sum· 1 many. leading to free electi~ns I , :0 I Scriel notr to the RUssian position was stated by mit meetln~, I througho~t Germany coupled wI~h A h 'C bb' i Kh h h S

llareh j{) which cailed I Vladimir :ol'. Bendryshev. William The forelg:l ministers and their I a llmltahon of armed forces In not er a Ie i rus c ev ays: ,~d \lp': GPrman)' to Gib.lon. speaking for the U:llted aids held ~ hectic round of tal~s_~ agreed area of ce~tral E~~!:e I D' . ___________ _

S Pu blishes Second •. Graham's Crusade i ,,::"!:~~, ;~~~~p;;;;:,:~~ Western Powers Have Future

Little War rid War Documents ·Cut Short By Rain :~~~tSr~~:~~~Cf~~~udr::ft:~~~ Chance In Any

O . SYD~E\,. Australia I AP1- i a .. b.ullet in. his back. M~ny tanx~, Heal'Y rain eut short the final 1 dill ers have been attaek~d a i ."" evening meetin;: of Billy Gra-! robbed here. They ha\e ~e·: LO:-lDO:-l IAPI-:The \\e,tern o.f, the. Inl"lIlner~hllll~: of the askcn,

TO, .. \P '-The pos· simo Franco apparently resistro' pap"rs did not speci()' how Ihc ham's month _ lon~ S)'d~ey cru-: manded more pohce ~rotectlOn powprs "would be hterally wlp~d I United Stales IS past. . "Ann hall' ll1a~y arc n~eded to in.: Sa Ii Germl~Y had "terrific pressure" from Hitler :\azi.-; got the informatIOn, s3cte Salurdav ni~ht ~n est-! and some went on ! bmf stnke off the face of [he earth," in any· Soviet forces "have at their diS· Pllt West European countries out 101WC: l'.S, !tate de· a~d ~!wsolinl designed t? force' They ~ontained one allcgation- 'imated 17.000 'silting i~ the open: to enforce the demand. : fut\lre lI'ar. SOl' i e t Premier, posal el'erythin~ [or the defeat, of .actiun'? Obviousiy not m~re:' : 'iPW in ]94] appcars 1 him mto the war on their side, 1 not I'enfted-that the Germa~s. at Sydnev sl1owground ran for r Khrushchev told a party of of any a~gl'essor In any part of, 1 he Intcmcw II~S ~Iven 1ues-, ' of diplomatic papm : FRASC~'S WEYGAND. I ~'er~ kcpt, In[~rmect throug~ ,a! covcr a.s the rain came snddenly I ClyprI"ots Hal"} " West German editors last ~\'e~k. the. world." K~~irr said in an, day but was not publicized ir, S:Jll~ay hy the state dc· I The hint o~ a l~ak In U,S. ~ec- I relIable \\asllln~ton sOllrce In I~ blinding sheet~, I. I , He told the 5tatemen~-msI5t. article In Ih~ Sonet Army neil'S' ~i?:'~ul\' \lntll Salu\?3Y;

I rets is contained In paper.~ cover-[ the state dcpartm~nl. 1 ' ln~ lie was not threatelllng a:I1" paper ned Star. \ Oil may say, Kllrushchcl' pan of R rontinn· ing dealings with Vichy France's Murph~' scnt word 10 a rrl'orlcl'; Graham ended his address 10' Makari' OS ' one-in an interricw published in: Khrushchcv to:rt the West Ger- tolrt the Germans. "'would th ..

01 r.s. loreign rela· :"Iorth African commander. Gen. I Sunday that while he hRS not had. 11linutrs eRrl.l'. put on ~n orei": , Soviet ncwspapers and carried by i man editors that right hl'dl'o~[i1 : So\'iet IInion suffer no iosses In relations with Eu- Maxime Wevsa~d, The papers' a chance to study the documellt~. coat and inl'ited the people to, :-;JCOSIA. C),I'I'W IAP,-Thou·· MoscolV Radio. 1 bombs would he enough to pUI! the CI'ent of \\'ar~' Yes. it would

~ :3!1 year before the dis c lose that Weygand got I he Is convi:lced the :"Iazis did not come forward to make "decisions: sands of Greek C)'priot l'iIlagers I Meanwhile Hussia'~ highest· I Wcst Germany oul of action. ha\'c los,es. and great ones. luitJ' enlry into the WlIr, bounced from his job In 1941 3fter II get the U.S, secrets throu~h solv- for Christ." "aVe Archbishop Makarios I! ranking soldier. lI!ar~hal Iran "And do you think lie hal'en'l "Bu, while we should suffer

dilclolure in the 1.011· the Naz[s read secret messages Ing the American code. He \\'a5 " . . ~ousing welcome Sunday, as he 1 Konlev,_ declared that the "day light h y d r 0 ~ e n hombs~" he loss~s. the We.stern powers would of hitherto·secret Joc- ' sent to Washln~ton by U.S, diplo-I unable to say how the Germans r helieve the. Lord. !'Cnt thiS visited his native village of Pan- ------" he literally Wiped off the face of that Spain's Genenlis.1 mat Robert D, Murphy. 'rhe did get them. I'aln to make things difficult for ayla, At the mountain monastery A Iberfa EI t · the_ earth,". ,

peopl~, \\'ho w.ant .:0 make deci- of Chryssoroglatissa, he offic· ec Ion Khrushchev said some. Amen·

I Uk a-ne lVlacml"llan slons, he said. I ask you to iated at a service for the Instai· ,can g~erals and adrmrals &.!

G r I eome. forward In .your thousar.ds Ilation of a new abbot. 1 well as West ~erman militar, ermany I In thiS heavy ram to show you Called For June leaders were trymg to prove thai Honored mean business." BOGOTA. Colombia (AP) _ N,\TO possessed military super·

T LONDON (Reuters) - So~iet . Writes To A total of m persons reo Crisando Cardbal Luque was . . ;~i~~SICALLY OUTDATED

WO sponded to Graham'S appeal and buried Saturdav in front of the EDMONTON (CPl-An Alberta versy-and Its h·c·ycar develop., "The N.'TO "ountrl'~ realil Premier Nlkita Khrushchev Sun- k d d h' d' alter in St. Peter's chapel in I ld t " • ., day "!sited a collective farm nea Khru h h pac e aroun IS alS, h general election wi! be he men program, . possess a large bombt:r air forcI

5 C ev Bogota's metropolitan cat edral. Thursday. Ju~e 18. Premier E. FOR :\lORE SE. ATS, ' but 'It :0 outdated as ~gard5 it. Kiev, the Sllviet :le1l'5 agency The total at Saturday nigh!'. The cardinai, Colombia's first . d S d Th t I I t II h "' .., T t d H i d i KI . I C.' Mann,lOg. ann, ounce , at,ur ay _ e ~ex egis a ure WI a\'e I teehnl'cal " tate." sal'd the SoVI··', ass repor e, e arr ve n ev I meetmg was 43,000, bringing the prbce of the Roman Catholic h N t d 11 b n t F th th It' • Saturday to award the insignia of LONDON (API _ Prime Min. attendance for the Sydney cru. Church, died Thursday. He was nlg t. ,omma IOn ay WI e ': sea s. our more an ~. RS 'I premier. "They ca:l be broughl the order of Lenin to the Ukraine ister Macmillan has sent another sade sO far to 833.000. 170 June 4. I Io;dmonton representatlOn II III be 1 down e\'en by ordinary fighters.'

. : The long -. expected an:lOllnce-' increased to nine from seven. Cal- I Republic for successes In th! de· letter to Soviet Premier ~ikita -------------------------, BC d'·· f' d th '

'RPUitl'" _ ~;ast Ger-I I'elopment of agricultUre, I Khrushchel' on the subject of ~u. ' ment was made in a C . ra 10' gary s to seven rom SIX an e I Old soldier Khrushchev spent Situ:-day, returned 10 Ihe I dear tests, a spokesman said New J orda n P I t~oadcasl. repeated later. m pro· new eOJstlluency .of DIIn\'egan % minutes in the Kremlin Satur· II ,~merlc.n cI\,illan pm· I N P F 'I Sunday. remler ~mclal radiO and teleVISion pro, ha~ be~n formed In the Peace; day with a group. ~f .American of,I."! .5 .'rmy a~d a' en' osf or The spokesman declined to say Drams.. . d . Rller olstnet. .lI"al· \'eterans remlnlSClng aboul lO.dlcr. I whether Macmilian's letter con· S ' Alberta IS the thlr. pro~'mce to It will be the fi!'.,1 ~eneral ,'lec·' wartime experiences .

R b tained the same proposals Pres- p B h d d P t : call ,a general electIOn tills year. i tion. in Alberta witho.ut the pro· Joseph Polovsh. leader of the ~,~n ha,1 b[,(:11 held in thr (1 eson Ident Eisenhower put forward in urns ag a ac : Ma.:llloba I'otes May 14 and On· I pnrtlOnal ~epresent~llon, system' \'i.,iti~~ sel'en _ 'man .~merican ~o: !~~ifr~ra(lli~,:,~~~~ ~~~ 1.01l:DO:\ IRelltcr~1 _ Ameri-I ~ letter to the Soviet premier in' ,tarlO June 11, of \'ol1n~ employed m Edmonto~: delc"ation, told a press eonfer-r~!!;ro at the East.lI'est can ~inger Paul Robeson was I' the last few days.. . ' . STA:\'DL',G AT DISSOI.UTIO:\ lann ~al~a:,l" all(: tile tr~.~S(er~hle, encc" latel' that the Soviet leader' )o"~t of H~lmstedt. elected a vice -president of the ."But it does li.~k up I'ery milch i B,V SPIRO ELlSS.\ I h~ S~j(I: ,... , The legislature was rlissoll"ed )a o. I~ rllra conS,1 uenelCS, i be~:;crt II'cm to stay longer.

British.Soviet Friendship Society With the Washmgton announce·: A.\IMAN, Jordan IAPI :- Thc.\\~NT TIE IrSE['~, ,Satllrday by Lie\ltcnant·Governor ~1~~lel\~1 s~;tcI~,~placcd hy th~' He told Soriet and foreign r.-·~I!lfri~ao ned Cross lin.

the relra~c of Emorl' A . 32 who accidental!; I~e East German

his sporl~ plane March

Is ~lie\'ed to hal'e ul~p on I train in Ber­

In the tastern zone

Sunday at its lOth ge~eral con- ment." the spokesman said. Inew p:emler of Jordan said SUll-. Jordan .has ~nt and does not J .. J, Bowlcn. The standin~: So· - : porters that Khrllshchev was sl1h· forence here, The conference was In Geneva. where East and' day .h!s country w~11 s~eer clear Int~n.d to he Itscif to any foreign, cial Credit, 37. Liberal 1", Pro· It will he thr lirst nlajor :rsl clued while he talked about the attended by lIB delegates and I West h~ve been nc~oliati:lg on of m~htary pacts With either East pO.I.ltl,c;al or mlhtar~ pa~L 1 ;::essil'C Conservatives 3, CC~. 2. I of two part,' le;lders chosen last horrors of war. but became buoy­I'lsitors rephesenting orgnniza- 5uspendll\l: nuclear tests. it lIIas or \'oest. " i \\Ith the e~ceptlOn of Its Arab Llhcral·Conscrl'atll·C I, coalitIOn ~'ear-W .. J. C. Kirby of :hc Pro· ant ncar the end of the chat an~ lions with a total membership of reported Saturday night that Hazza Malah h~,s bt:en u:lder commitments ll\ accor?an.ce With 1. indepe:ldent 1: indeJlendent So· gressive Cons~I"I"~lil'cs and Gra~t ~aid he looked to the future with 331.000. Eisenhower made modifications atta~k, by the Untted A:ab Re- the Arab League conSl1tu~lOn and dal Credit 1. Total 61. MacEwan o( tile Libera1.,. optimism.

Columbia Bandits

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) Seventeen persons were killed and seven wounded In a bandit atlick Saturday near Rovira, Tollma department,

In the American posillon and that pubhc s press and radiO ever the Arab League collective sec- -------------Macmillan had sent a sImilar since King Hussein asked him urity pact, Jorda:l will remain 8 Three hyelections since the last letter. last Tuesday to form a new go v- pact·free country with no strings election in 1955 left party stand· L t'

The letters were designed to ernment replacing that of Samlr to restrict its activities. ings unchanged. Social Credit re- a ,n break the deadlock in the Geneva RifaL There has been speCUlation that tained St.ettler and Olds and the __________ _ ne g ot i a t Ion s that began six The U. A. R. press Is charging Hussein chose Majali to form a Progressive Co~serl'atl\'es held a C M k t M months ago and create a favor- that Majall's appointment is the new government in an attempt to' Calgary seat. o· mmon· or e oy able atmosphere for the Big Four first step In a plan by the 1;ing improve relations with Preside:!t: The 1959 election will he the . fo reI g n ministers' confere:lce to take Jordan Into t.he Weste~n- Gamal Abdel Nasser and the sixth for the Social Credit party ope n In g today. the Geneva backed Baghdad antl-Communtst U. A. R. .. in Alberta since it first was S BAR 'It sources said, pact. Jordan broke off dlplomallc elected to power in ·,,35 The oon e eo I Y

E!senhower and Maem III a n MalaH decllne~ in an i:ltervicw relati?ns with the U. A. R. last chief issues are expect~d to be


troversy Flares wrote Khrushchel' last month o~ to comment directly on .the July I~ the dangerous da)'s when the government's oil and gas roy- Bv JACK R(;TLEDGE : carl"ies weight. the same subject. At that time U, A. R. press campaign against Hussein feared a pro - Nasser ally dividends program - SIIS' PA:\A~!A CITY. Panama iAPl The major talks are certain to Macmillan supported Eisenhow- him, But he obviously. had the coup. ~cc~ed the U,~,R. pended after two years of conlro- A Latin American common mar- centre around the common mar. er'~ proposal for a ban on nu· propaganda attack In mmd when o[ mterferlng In l:1ternal affairs, clear tests below an altitude of ket. designed to ease the choking ket.

O 30 i1 I Nfldr. Gets economic pressures OJ backward M.\DE REPORT

Yer E uthanas,'a K~ru~~'chel' replied. he co Illdo' I Ghana s Drive To Modernize count tdries by frceingttrad~, is e~. thcThcrcpP~;t f~;' ~hi~e~~S~t~~i~~i~~ welcome the s\lgllestlon but was FYI pee c 10 move a ~ ep c oser 0

I our ears n reality during a UN conference City C~PAL working group 0:1 5T enthusiastic abollt other ideas I P B kUSh T . openin~ here today. how a common market could be

t~~~~;er~~~f;R(nn. II~lsotU:I~trdc~lnit~ apaSt~l:fnetri;JaS:tahn~ oohr· ~ ~!~~~il~:~on~~:~~~~ t~I~~·ii~~~I~~:, ort rea s panty own ',Dorcllester The United "at ions Economic I dC"cloped alonl: the principle.1 DIn CUI han 11 h .".... ~ cow Commissio:1 [or Latin .~mcrica. I sloll'ly ~oin;: into practice in

ij~ in B ·t' H51a II.l her express desire and witl! every . By HORACE CASTELL 1 theil' lin·roofed mud huts, Bilt the known as CEPAL [or the letter;, Western EEurope. l1.uln'~~ am, possible security, might be helped C·1 ACl:R,\ Ghana ll\euteT\l- i l'iIlagers were reluctant to leave.' EDMUNDSTON. 1\, B (CPI- of its name in Spanish, opens a It calh for a ~harp reduction Il~p" or°l'rr. th~ ··p.u t.! to p8S~ away peacefuliy." rjpn .. e(1 Pl .. 'lne Ghana's dril'e to catch liP with! Their spoke,rne:l explamed they I Hector Joseph White. 30, of Ship. two·week lcssinn wilh a Ihree- in t~rif[s amnnl! the proposed

ext/allints d~'I~i I A5 soon as his remRl'ks hit the U modern civilization has brought had deep.rooted feelings about regan Island. N.B" and Lambert de)' meetin~ of its trade grollp, ,rommOJ market nations, II drll.l-~ls ren emde j pamful front pages of Brlt!!h paper L . d i heartbreak to the 12.00c inhab- their homes. and that their fam· Thomas Moulton, 37, of an un· The conference propel' starts' tic easing of export - Import red Mauritte~I~Ua Idst week the argument developed. Press . an S I itBnts of a mud - walled shsJty ilies would become upset if they ~amed Newfoundland c e n tr e, Thursday wit h T1N Secret~ry- i tape and agreements on cll1Te~ey

I r, 8 phy- comment tended to oppose his po· town near here. were forced to leave. were each sentenced to four G e n era I Dag Hammarskjold exchange. / o the British slUon. while the 72,OOO-member RENFREW, Scotland (APl - Ten huge trucks roared into the In addition, they claimed that years in the Maritime penilen- scheduled to preside. The United States :lOW en-

founded British Medical Association al- The starboard motor of a Br~lIsh I dlsty coastal village of Terns Sat- the new town, on a rocky section tiarv at Dorchester. N,B" Sat- About 2,;0 delegates a:ln ?hserv- norses the plan although It was ready was O!l record against EllI'opea~ Airways twln·englne" urday to transport its people knd of the coast, presented dangers urd~y when they pleaded guilty ers from about 30 countries are lukewarm at first. Most Latin eUlhanula, Plonalr craft caught fire 6.000 their belongings to a new town for flshi~g-their main trade. to a charge of break, enter and attending,. th,; conference. and American powers approve the

"What II hopeless tooay may feet above the Scottish coast Sun- built especially for them :Iearby, ALL LEAVE theft at nearby St. Leonard. some predict lt could be an econ- idea but some still are on the be curable tomorrow," declared day. The plane. en route from Prime Minister Kwama Nkru. There were still rumbles of dls- The pair was charged by omic turning point for Lali:! Am- fence the London Dally Express. "Wbat Renfrew to Bellast. Northern Ire- mah's government ordered the content When lhe truck rolled In RCMP in connection with a safe- erica. The 20 Latin American -;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. If a merciful doctor had killed hll land, with 29 passengers and a move to make way for wure- during the weekend. But even cracki:lg at thlt St. Leonard Post lands are represented. plus Brit- t"

dIabetic patient the day before erew of three, returned to Ren- houses and office! In the new those who said they never would Office April 30. More than $IlOO ain. the United States. France lnJulln wu dtlcovered?" Crew and la:lded successfully on port of Terns, now being built at quit their homes finally climbed was taken, about $220 of which and the Netherla~ds, all CEPAL

Dr. Charlel McDonald. lutha· OIle engine, a COlit of nearly $30.000.000. In, was recovered. members. nasla BOdely chairman, laid be AFRICA'S BIGGEST The goverfinent has promised Tbey were arrested in Saint RUSSIA REPRESENETED Cully endorsed Millard's actlo:l, M sf ·Ch The man - made harbor, In- to do all It can to make the in- John, N,B. early Friday by police The Soviet Union is reported Iddlnr: "I haVe taken the Slme , U , ' ange lended to become the biggest in habitants happy in their new sur- during a routine check. Acting sending a large delegation and is coune my.self." S. AfrIca. Is located 10 mlles from roundlqgs. It has even given the Detectiv~ Thomas Breen reeog- expected to continue its. ca!ll-

Dr. Leslie Weatherhead. former IUn Accra. which has no port of Its new hOll,e~ the same slreet ~um· nized White from a piclilrc in p~l~n lo~ stronger eeo~omlc ties prelldent Df' the BrlllAh M~th- h . own. It will replace the feutial J;..;rs as the old onps. and kept th police 5 t 8 t i on WllPl he I \\'Ith Latll1 A~Il'n('a. ., odl~t conference, "applauded" r.TLLF.. France rAPl - "Three system of snrfboal.~ manned oy thp same street namps, .t e . ! Most of CI'.PAL·s work IS gll'-Mill d• I . , sopped a cm, I ' I' I d' t I I I t'n' ar I act on. saYln~: perHon~ were IlljUl'ed here" said, musculal', loin - clothed natives Present nlDns. call for the :IPW I mg trc lIuea a I'lee 0 lr II .3 I

"I cannot underslind a law a road sig!, near here to warn who unloaded the bi~ ships an- hal'bor to he~in operatio!'" npxt Moulton was arrested later in countries illljll'OVe thei!' agricul-~n~nil.~ that . which pu:ilshes a man for keep- against careless dl'ivlng. Now the chored off the coast. year, Tem I will Ilave a1 iq"ial a south cnri hoarding hOIl;C, The i ture anrt industn·· It c· ':: nnly

.. w'l1Itrey iliUn eutha- lnr a dOl In that condition nnd sign· has to be eha:\J:ed, A car The new Ghana governlllr:lt I oonulrlinn or "ll01lt 40,000. ex· men werc tumed over In ROIP ~ make rccomn1c""!l!ion., bu' the IIleflIIt iI-lIItr ... ~_ pr05eellte~ a man lor puttlnl a crashed Into it Saturday night, PI'cpared neat. neIY cntt3~cs for nrct p 1 In on':h1r '''i!h tile in- who returned them to Edmund.j [act that it is r,rin'ar'i:; ~ blin

~. 'YO- lMtltnt out iii It." , . 111 five pasaenlerl were injured, the' Terna inhabitants in place of crease of port employment. sian, ,: group acting on Latin problems

" I



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erci ciaUy

9 o'c1DCk N.D. morning, Ne'

Balmon in a1

e. AlthOI may delay fishing op

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fishery. Federal De~

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steamer ~OO tons of making the

by ex. n ~ewfound'

this year . the vessel

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ereial Salmon' Fishery I Gander Terminal Opens May 15th Opens T odav

'clock l' .111'. next Fri· Legal mesh' sizes also remaIn ~ o. srw[llll\1dland'~ unchanged. The minimum legal mrrilllil:~III\'OIl /ishery of· mesh size for salmon neta Is

I, " In ~Il 5eclion 01 five Inch~s, except In the louth .1 orrn- \llhough ice con· coast area [rom Cape Pine to

pr0I1r (r'd'rI31' the start o[ Tcrrencev\llc and Bay St. George ~:~~Ir,~ 'operations In where the minimum meah size

. hoPC! are blih for Is lour and one half Inches, The Department 01 Fisheriea

~:~~;~i Dcparlmcn.t of explains that these' regulations dr".'~ Ihe parllcular and others effecting the sal· of (i.hermen to the man fishery will continlle on

I ~I; no attempt should be a level that Is' beneficial to " f'h for salmon belore commercial Iishermen only if· to I, orens whether or an adequate escapement of

s,,~or. r' k i g t k· h th n' dra\\'in~s hare ~a en spawn n s ()C reae es e 1'1' 'llmon berths. Fisher· rivers. It 15, therefore, . ~ mat·

or ;I!, ,rll'iscd that prior ter of personal Interelt to all II! I~ no combination o[ fishermen that these regula·

or buo),s will hold a tions be observed.

f 3 ;almnn net. Last year tile solmon fishery cr I produced landings totalling 2.2

JH no ,11angr'.in the million pounds, an increase of .'. rCI'.1 Salmon ,f ISher)'IIO':', Ol'er the 19~7 landings. In , ',Jr.' :hl' ) rar. rhe sec· 19~8, Newloundland salmon W1 1n: II 1111 Ihe He·up of Ililihermen earned $~56,OOO. I

GANDER, (CP) - The new International uirport here w!ll be o!liclally op­ened today amid specula· tion that some airline. may stop using It.

Gander hIlS been a major refuelling point for tran. Atlantic aircraft. But Pan American Airlines has In· dlcated that Its new jet air­liners may not be able to land on runways here.

The Corner Brook Wes· tern Star says It hIlS been told by the nlrllne that fully loaded Boeing 707 jets need

more room than the new 8,600 foot runways afford. Pan American plans about 100 trans-Atlantic !Ughts a month beginning June 1.

Airport manager Rex Til· Icy said thc runways hRndl· ed seven of the big jets lost week nut none was fully loaded.· IIli! hr 111 effect I Landings were up In Bona./

· ~.j! ~crl\ 0' rl' the pa,t tll'O I'ista Bay. Trinity Ba~', the Tnll rr:lIlwon slate; I Southern Shore and III tile

(rom o'lrinighl c~rh Sat· i west coast, While landlng~ In La· Second 10 i1'lu'll~hl Ihc 10110\\,', brador, the northeast and south· One-Act

festival i';rd3.'. ,II ,aim 011 nets .in, II'cst coasts were down. About bl'. InlCI or ~ou nd, m· 8{)~~ of the catch was market. PI .i , pOlnl . where .~ttch ed In the fresh or frozen .tate ay

r~c I~ !IX mllf! In "ldth, and the balance was either l>! pUI OUI "f fi~~ing order. pickled or canned.

----The seeone one· act play fel·

tlval to be sponsored by the

Ships E Speech Studio In St. John's ssay Contest On opens on Wednesday, lIIay 13th. at BIshop Feild Audi·

• Labrador, Fire I

torium, with three full nlghtl

Preventl'on or entertainment and ten one· act plays to be presented to St. John's theatre·F(aers.

S · School teachers are remind· ervlCe ed that entries lor the annual Fire Pl'evention Essay Con·

rOnlll1unitic, on the 1 test, sponsored by the :-lew·

Adjudicators MIss Sylvla W Igh, Prolessor E. R: Neary and Professor G. M. Storey will judge the play best In the festival and make public adjudications after eaeh pres· entation.

foa;t. l()Cked for I foundland Forest Protection rro~th! 10 the isolation I Association, are due before

:n:r: .nh food Mocks reo ~Iay 31s\. The contest, open , r~r.n:ng loll'. awaited I to students In grades'9, 10 and 1r.:II: II': IIrck of a Can.' 11, . offers an expcnse paid On Wednesda)' the 101lQwln~

'''ona' Railll'al's uoast· I trip to either Gl'and Falli' pla)'s will' be prescnterl: .. ",' • I or Corner Brook to twcnty stu. "Sorry, Wrong ~umbcr" by

. " dcnts with the be~t essays. In the D1'8ma Workshop 01 the , ~!flmrr Spl'ln~dale. 1 Labrador a eash prize 15 01. Adult Education Centre:

· !I)) Ion! of cargo aboard. ( fered. En'trie! ~i1ould be m~l!. "Fumed Oak", Sl. ,10hn's :l1Ikln;: the first ot 70 I ed to ~!r. C. King, !'IFP.\, 74 Players and "The Red Velvet

", '. ' .

Daily 1.~ews MONDAY, MAY 11, 1959

, ---" . .:.--"-' '._-- --:--~

,. , , :: i i , . · , ; I · , ~ . · , ,

, , - , · , ,


J1ROBLE~rs of the Atlantic eonst fishcric.1 en~a!:e the nttrntion of top fi.lhcrics offi~ials attrlldin~ the first annual meetinJ( nf the Federal·Provin­dal Atlantic Fisheries Committee in Ottawa this week. Left to right:- John Bigelow, Deputy ~Iinistcr of Trade and Industry, :"iO\,B Scotia; Dr. . -\l'thlll' Labrie. Dcput~, ~!inist<'r of Fisheries, Quebrc: John FatcrlOn, Del'u·t~· ~!inister of Industry and Development, !Sew Brunswick: E. M. Gor­man, Deputy ~Iillistcr of Fisheries, Prince Edward Island; Jean Duguay. Sllperintcndent, Dcpartment of Fish nnd Game, Qucbec; Federal Deputy

~linistcr of Fisheries GCllrge R. Clark, Eric Gosse, Deputy ~Iinister of Fish {'rics, ~ewfoundlanrl; A. T. Pelletier, Chief, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Department of Lands nntl 'Iincs, :\'ew Bnmwi~k.

I! ',y [.\.R. !hIP! he· Elswick Rd., Corner Brook, Coat", the Wayfarers. :l1"rnu~rtlnnd and Lab· On Thursday "The Perlect, C Ihl! ym. At the same Holiday" will be presented ancer Society II Four-Day Conference On Collisions . t~1 I'e!sel resumed a • by Winterton School; "The Extension

Camping Of

10 lonely cummunltles: SIX Prizes For Bishop's Candlesticks," the The SI. John's unit of the In CI'ly bten Ir. operation for' Wayfarers: "The BDor", Me· Canadian Cancer Society takes FI'sh Matters In 0 . Sites 6iJ yem. i h morlal University Dramatic plcasure in a further ack- tta wa I T ( t H Society, and "Seven NUn! At Sel'eral colli,ion~, including'

I. Hlal!)' of SI. John's, una aug ere Lu Vega-", the Drama 'Vork. ledgement of donations In sup- I k I ' • t f tl 1959 1 OTTAW,\ - Prohlems In-', ~al1ons. ,~llother hlt·and-run. 100 pace 1 olin. n.! !I.IPerlnlendent 'ho'" or th- Adult Education por 0 le crusac e: ~ . S d Th Opcnin~ of most of the (~R! :'\ewloundland Ce~re, C • $188.5O-Personnel 01 RCAF I'olven in fisheries management; Tile l'ommittrr. lormrrl I~st' ill tlle cIty on ,atllr a)'. W t e ~ IIn'lces, said that In Bluefln tuna from New. Station Torbay. arc complicated Rnd require: ~'rar at A meeting At Qllchee 'i fll'st on~ took place 011 a er camping slte~ b~ing con~trtlct· to prol'lrllng Labra· fOllndland's Conception Bay On}l' Ida evening 8 "aiR $~O.OO each-Canadl~n Gen. time to f1nd solutions, Deputy 'I Clt~·, Is compo,pil of thn,e ~t: .st. silorlly after 2 p.m. Two cd ~Iong th~ Newfoundland

Irom :'Ila~' through gained six plac~s amonl the CaIYPSOrBali. open to the gen- ~ral Elecll'it'; Blue Peter lIT1nlstcr of Fisheries ,GeQr.ce Ithe rlrplltv milli~ter lenl re- r.r" nile p~rkp.d, were Inrolv. section of the Trans·Canada [rom st. John's, tap ten listed In the 19~8 fish· era! pUblic, ",Ill be held at the I Steamship~ Ltd. R. Cl~rk tolrl t.he oJlenln~ ses- <ponsihle 'fnr fisherics in tile erl anrl both recPII'ert ~hght 1 fIlilh\\'~y has been dela~'ed du.

BroOK ~nl Lewlsporte, ing contest results published Newfoundland Hotel. 1 $25.00 eavh-Clty Radio and slon of the four·day polic,\": fil'e Atlantic coastal prol'jnce, riamagr." , to plans to Increa5e their size. 11Il/ll call Rt 76 other In the Aprll Issue al Field Ind Saturday night the festival I !llusic CD. Ltd., D. R. Tllistie, levcl meetin~ of the Federal-' and at the fcderpl IeI'd. :tIl'. AI A p.m. a dri\'er wa~ turn-' A! originally blueprinted,

points enroute Strum malazine, \I\'!lI end with three plays, "The I Hon. Leslie R. Curtis, Q.C. 'Prol'lndal Atlantic Fisheries Clark i, ['omnlltlee dl!all·m;m. III~ IllS cal' inlo his driveway: Ihe sites were to consist of 2! , from Labrador. The I 1 Day After Forever" presented $20.00 each-Irl'ine Parsons, I Committee In Ottall'<I. There The purpllse of thr committee .. on \'C\\ LOle Hoad when it was: units each and would hal'.

· . ship.1 al~o !crve ~3 Lab. '. In addition to the world r~'1 bv Wabana Little Theatre: i Import ~Iotors Ltd., Canadian' was an urgcnt nreelfor greater i, to rel'ic\\, anel consult on. hit h\' another car. There were· becn reacty for use in the 1959 PO;I! on 984 occa510n~ , ord for the !easo~, Jack Bell s "The Terrible Meek", Argentlal Tlre Corp., J. A. Wmtcr, Q.C., '1

1 attention til manahcmcnt p.oli-I

· fi' herics matters of common ,licht d"m"~es ln Ihls CaEC also. i scason. RCI'ised plans call for Ih~ re~ulAr schedule. I 797 poundcr, ~e\\'foundland Stage Club, and "Sunday Costs \\'ilansky and Som, Ltd. dcs in all Its phases, he sald. interest, and to clI.anllnate.. i 50 Indil'ldual camp grounds

loo!lional pre'lcason sail· I tuna also took 3rd, ~th, 7th, rh'e Pesos", the Wayfarers .. 1 $1500 each-Sisters of Sl. i Consldcrabl~ progress has! !lIe erforts 0: the rc,peclIIT: 01: S,:lllrda~' _ nI~ht, shortly I at eaeh site and the a.dditional m being made thi~ ~·ear.1 Bth. and 9th. places. Augustine's Hall, R. A. Par· I hecn made JOlall~' hy Ihe ferl ,,,o\'crnments fol' proI;r~ml~lc nftel le.1 a ciock, ~ car parked I II'ork Involved WIll prel'ent tr&n!~ort \'tll'foundland' An additional Honourable Co · 15ons, Ltd. 1 era! ann prol'incial fisheries of as<stallce to tllc fis!llng iIl- all Du~kllorlh St 'Ii,S lilt by.a Ilheir being al'ailabie to th.

to LabrAdor I1Shing ~Tention In the top ten would rreellOn S10.00 each-Cornell :llac-: authorities throu;:h con~\lI- i dustr;- of the Atlantic coast. 1952 blaek POl1lia~ ~\'hlch .lad.! public this year. ,. glilil'ray Ltd., Gcor~e c.1 tallon, sa:d :III'. Clark. wh,ch . .. ,ed 10 stop The parked cal IC-,

hal'e been gained except for a ~aturd.y I edltlon .01 thc, Chalker, Alberto Warcham I has resullerl in a co-ordinatcd, Attel.I(I,In~ the m;.etln~ .~r\ cW'cd sh~ht damage. I Facilities will be available contest rule which permits Da\ly News in de!cr1blng the b 'd tt 'k pl'ohlem of com. Ene (,o_<c. Depu\. :\11111 te I at two locations C()Chrane

F 9 9 rt~lInltion of only one entry modernized Canadian LCi:ion Ltd., P. E .. outer n ge, J\lrs. a ac. on c~nccrn of Fishcric', :"/ell'foulldiand: At 11 pm., Saturday, two cars Pond near st John's and or 1 5 (rom any Individual anller. Building on Henry Street, men· Ell: crosb~e, ~fl~. t~rOke~agC m~n 1~::~f~~ an~~lutionr, . the Dr. Arthul' Labric, Deputy collided on Le jlarchant R?ad. Belle~ue Beach Trlnit~ Bay. Third plaee winner O. L. tloned the names of people aI' Lt :' Dr. . . 0 e, ,ors nu' 'Iini,t'cr sairl' that :\Iinistcr of Fish"rics. Quehcc:, Ol,e car was turmng mto, '

.Season Vardy had also entered two soclated with tile project. COH Trading Co. Ltd., 1'\ fld. ~l~e t~ha·r ed with the re. ,Jcan Dilguay, Supt., Depart- Patrick Street when the col· i Although the roadside rest oth~r tuna, both wellhlng In error the name of Mr. Mfg. Co., the Sweets Shop, . 'b'n 11 f r f'shcrie man ment of Fish and Game. Que- 11,lOn occurred. Both cars suf- i parks are also to be expanded considerably more than the 433 WnUam E Brown M.R.I.C., ar· Mrs. Ruth Bell, :lIrs. Caroli;le sponsl It I Yt ~he I'f der~l and bee (represcntln1! the Deputy fered damages. as part of the new pro~am, pound fish which appears aA chltect 01 ihe architectural firm Hutchinson, 1I1~S. Phyllis Pm· a~~~~~jala le\'cls ~ust base :tlini<tcr. L. A. Hirhard): John; --- - .--- mast o[ these parks will be

tuna boat! ~'lll be 8vall- number ten In the contnt re· of WilHam J. Ryan of St. John's, sent, J\lrs. G. E .. Cooke, T. B. I ihelr derisions on the rpsull' Patcr,nn, Deput~' :llmlster of I P Ii BI tt r ready for Use In their smaller /lir rharter [lsh'lng In sulls. Mr. Vardy's extra tuna, was not properly credited. M~. Cltf,t, Ltd., the BIJ:: S1)(, A;I~iln of sQlInn - srlentlltr Invrsti 1 Indusl'" ~nrl Del'elopmcnl., 0 ce 0 e form during the C1Jming sum·

I hi M4 d ~29 d Tim ragan paid particular trl' Adlertlsln/t Uri., F. G. \\ ~ Ie, t' I II fl Iris of hiolop.' '\-011' f1ll1nsI\'Jd,: t\. T. rrl . mer. R •. I· during the we g ng, ~n hi ~oun ~' bute to M~. Brown In hi~ re. E. ,r. Cooke, A. C. ,Terrrtl. John ~a 1I1~S(. II~oir~ ". Cat holh 11;~' lellrr. Cllief. Fisll anr! \\'ild- CII~' llolil'r had a rather busy I .

t'lnl II!hin. ~~a~on. I ~.~~ ~~~t~~~~ i,:~ h:l!ns~~~!rl mark! when introoucing Sir L. P. Pike, i'\la,ieslic Sales Uri., I and e I >:., rl t.' life Bl'alllh. Department of \\'eck~IIi1, WIth 27 arrcsts hemg I no~d~ldc rrst parks. pres-C. Outer~rl·d~., patron of the She.ffman Bros., :lTrs .. Helen I fun. namental an prac .cal Lanci, anrl ~Iines. \'c\\' Brun'-' A brc~kdolVn shows t.wo' el.lll)' co.nsisting 01 25 piCniC

"I Ih. 111'0 expel'l-: thll'll In the Bluefln tunl cate· IJ ~c A IClcls fi\hlll o "r'ft [Ilrmerlu ',. dOT.". Canadian Legion Whlteway, :lIrs. :\Ianoll n-' " .. I I' I! tl f'd' I II irk (rcpl'c'cntin~ the Dcpll~)' men gll'cn III 'chargc lor hCln~ 1 ,sItes. Will be enlarged to con·

• ' • , 0"=.::.' _________________ · _____ I drews, L. G. White, William: Tn t lese ,e ~,~ I le. [ cla., '1111'I't"1' 1\' \1' "lIr('llrmackl" drllnk and nl'orileril' III Ihe lain 50 units. Each unit will hI Ihe \' wI u d - 1 D 1 tm t f ,-IS lCl'lCS BnCl" .". . ... . .. . . eon· , Roberts, Olll'e and R. G. Hub·, e! ar cn. 0 . I I C' 'I r,Ol'lllall Dl'llutl' :llill III) ()Il' , Ihree II'om,'n BI'I'e,ted he e~1I1ppert With table and

I ff' h b ' f A I ' .' tl F'I . ~ H'SCal'l'l B03l'1 ... . •. " . . , , 0 Ice as een, G b' Sit ; Ie", ROl'le Excal'allng Co. Ltd.' Ie IS IClle t .• ~ • i<\('I' uf FislH'l'i('.s l'l'iol('p Fd· for ili,ol'<lI'I'\I' ('0111111('1. Olll' mill!' fil·,'place ani! sepftrRted from ·1'nlldr~ .. I·!.hl~h· .pornil'alltaendlntleOrr· 00 les .1 e 0 nnua Ilion. Ii. ,J. :\blJiltt, Howse of. n.f (':lnada lIal't' 1,11:'13(1e (·o~-, ';"11'11 hlill;<I 31lli .1011:, lJi,!,,- ('li"r~l·d "ilil oll.'ln,,·lillj.! til"· il~ neighbour .b.l· I narrolY " , "1 I I"Ihle Ill'lI"I'PS' ll",· pr,.I·' . . ..' . . FlowNs :'Iliss nlll'lltll~' Chalk-,' ,,," : ... :1 I,J\\' Ill'I"'II' \Iilli-It'r IIf 'l'I',l(h' pol,,"'. "lid ,1\1"1'11 IIl'1tlllllr,' 1 "'I'r"11 "f tl'~"S. 'I'odet hOllStJ . b) Inlerested Ingler~. ' . . I 'I" ill('r' rll"'l~l'd In '11111:11' 3(" • . . I I' . . t II , er. FI'PcI \\. HIS 111~. Lilli .... ,.... . I 1 '111" IlIdll'II'I' '\lIl'iI S,,"li:!. .dl'lIllh.' .. '.11.1 :11111,'" lu I II' lsi' .1'. 1'1'''1'1<1,,(1 alII a "waner ,,",I Ii,,, ilrell rt'namrrl, F F' C f i • "1 . 111I11I's nl'" 1I'lIe 1\1:11 t' I'~ 1I. • . • . I .. t 'k' "K.\ \... 1 t e' on erence ' Illlnll~. !.ttl., r. \. l It'~lI\,lll, . . .,. I i '1'111' (',,111('11'11('1' ell,,,"11 1111 ",.,... ,1\ lil"n dl:'I'~/,1 11'1111 11I,d. rul' ~,<qll~lt "~I 'ne ores Ir ' I.t<l, ,1,,1111 1>. O·})ri"·IJI!. i :llJle 1'(~IIIII'dllll~"II' ~Ill'. 31~~ i \-'rill,,,·. ; 1I1'1I!lk"1I dl'''1I1~. i .'I'a,·" rill' l·~I'';. II 1 10(1 C' "I 1 (II" I' ,1I1'~ 11'11 ClJlillnlll' III 1111 ~II., - ... -.--.,---.--~.---•. --- •. -----

,i I ,11'1' 1't'~_~d:11iIjll 1'.'1\0 St "- IIHulln·· d., I . I : "~-'-"'-'-~- ---- •. -~ --.-"-----"-,~, .' he ,,:lid. \11'. t'l:lI'\-;I' n ," Uillil ..

l'r,11. III. "\llJos~ I'ie'" Th. ~.COllti ~lll1u~1 ~'OJ't'il wllli "ul~hle aH.llel.~ ~ucll as, S" Uo ~eh.-"II·s. K:d'herine' I'd til I ill' lIPe.l. fill' rarryill~:' IlIa he 1'1.' I' I ' .1 b IUd t' 'I'~I 'pholl. "0111-' .1. e I ""l1g par IPS 0 i .'ire Conferellce spun,oreu Y 11~ .. t ",rOIl~, • r ... I Hoberls, :'.TIss.1. A. Herder, I· out si()1ullaIle"lIs rl'lIilullll .. ,'

In ~111 un Conception \ the New[ountlland Foreat Pro· panlel and the Deportment of, Geo. A. Ash, Dora .J. Rowe" studies o[ the lisherics along; , ~hlch has now ~'ielded tective Association wu held Education. I J B. Dobson, Harry Peckham, with the scienllllc Il1I'esli· ~orld'! record tuna for May 4th. and ~th. at Kumbl Mr. R. Johnson, Chief For· H G Dustall. Rcv. Samucl

conmuti\'e ~·ears. Inn, Goobles. Delegates from the ester, of BowaLer Paper Co. Ltd" B~gj!~ ,T. H. Roherts Ltd., Lt. !Mdar~ charter rates will Provincial Department o[ ~ne8 Nova Scotia addr~md ,the and ~ir~. 11. C. no~s. ;lTr~, D. Tree Downed 1 • ~ollars pe d I' TI Is I and Resources, Federal ~ore~· aroup conc.erning fIre pr~,en· 1 ]lT~reilal1l, n. E. Good, Gn~

Include! ho~; a:d' cre~, try Dll'lslon, Terra Nova Na· tion educatl~n In h~ : 11 ~ Dorolhl' ,r. Peter~. B S """"",", tAckle b It t tlonal Park, Board of Trans· Several moVies on fIre fightIng ~'Tnll ~·.'.l r. ('a·rnell. R. t. Y torm I

a e r I . N I . d d I th. meet· " arj!a l P •. - , chartering ih ;, t port Commissions, Canadian a· y;cre v e~e ur ng e 'lIra\, W. Y. Gill~"~', I. llourne aile of the reslIlL~ of ,efter- i

bnMR onll' the ~ d o~ s I tional Ratlway, Bowaters, Anglo m~nnual coslA 01 lire prc\'en. Ltd:, C'harlp~ HIl:ton ~nrl doY's ~torm '1las the uprooting: IflOl1. .\~ "'era;o d ~~ I Newloundland Develop men t tlon education and fire fighting !'nn~. ,iRnet C. DaIlP, r. u:! 0,[ a IRrge tree Inslde.a fCllce at, commence~ ~~ ;~OO 1 Companies and Royal Canadian .. d' . II Hen~rr~on, Dr. n. /I. nQII n ,F razer'~ Lone. F~IIin.e aeros,<;

1M ceasp~ ArOIi d :130 ,'!ounted Police met to coordln· equlpment't,lnCIU [I~~ u~t;:~ tOI1. L. A. Wilson, ~Tar~Arrtll Ihe street, the Iree blocked all .unlm a fI'h h n . ate all lire prevention Ind lire commUnlca ,onl ° e ..... C. 1I1cKa~', :llrs.Annie Ca~ey. tra[fic for a time until it was

s as been en· lighting activities for the com· totals over 138,000 on the Island k B Stanley Rcirl, Fran L. \1r. removed. ing fire season on the Island 10[ Newfoundland. A large por· rln~c, S. ,]. Clark. Alec H.' __ _ of Newfoundland. tion of the I1re prevention edll- ~ . r-!

R •• catl'on campai"n expense is paid nitccy Suhurhan SerVH'C, j' r~. CI ild HOt Be' or t I ~ Enid :\'1. ]llurphy. E. S. Holden, 1 I Y ar e Iring I The lir~t day's proceed nis, directly from funds collected as W H Thistle, E. !\T. Rusted, .. introduced by Mr. Frank Hay· gate fees by the paper compan· . . Horwood IITargRret A. A 4-year·old girl,. reSident of AND C ward, Chairman of tbe N.F.P.A. lea. The paper companies, rail· C. f't M' F Murphy Prospect St., ·was hlt and knock·

Pi 0 was Initiated by a welcoming roa'd and Dept. of Mlnea & Re· HChr hS ~a~, 6' G. Sm~ll, Mrs' ed down bY': a pickup shortly • • Iddreu by Mr. P. J. Murray sources send additional thous· ug 0 e.. I A h after noon on ~aturday. The

E who pointed out the great Ind andl for IlmlUar activities of D. Ri~m~n. iT~p M~~ o~ 11- child ran Into the rear fender mployee unique value o[ the meeting their land boldlngs. Special ·hott. . . r G ' Sl~ ]iugh of thc car. The drircr of the which co.ordinated the varied stand.bycrews, summer fire tow· :tiolloY, A]llnlo~ Ll~~'d Hudson pickUp conl'eycd the iillie girl organlzatlons who have plans er observers and many other TIlrlor. . '. .: tn her home where it was found

FALLS_On Friday I ' the employees oi o . ~ewfoundland De.

LOmpan" Ltd 0

for the scattered ownership of specialists are added to the Mrs. D. L. Clapham, Tlcnl.\ that she had sustained no injur-lands. Topici under discussion normal staff 01 each organila· ,Tones. :\11'5. Bcrnard Parsons, ies.,

I I Sh' " ., r·

Ipping Department s,lo~Nher in Ihe office . . Iprnnlendent of the

the [Irst day were fire plans tlon. A part o[ the future lire ]\lr.l. Doroth~' Goodrld~e. r-Irs. of eaeh organlza.llon ....... thelr re· prevention picture wlll be th'e F. F. Winter, :\llss Thelma sponslbilitiel and coordination formation of an organized' pro. Gertsman. lIliss Rose Dawson. witn others, Omclals 01 the gram of training for leaders of A l1antlc Lodge ~o. 1, lO.O.F .

Reuhen'Siloah I

o~t to honor the DC.

0{ th the retirement of I e retirement of one oni Ifrvlce-roworKPri i Mr. Jerome l'owe;

. R~ld~e 8r~l\p present. iI1lnlle I With a 21a8s SU~ri C or. Mr. G. H.

b ntendent, was un· a leat due to IUnw.

Western, Central and Eastern fire crews, districts met separately to dis· The cooper~tlon of everyone cuu probleml Ipecilie to their il sought thla year to prevent are .. , A demollltration of fire widespread damage of New­flghtlnll equipment WI! viewed foundland forests by accidental by the group In the morning. or careleas activities.' Thefu·

Tuesd~i' broui/lIl discussion 01 ture and present economy of communications, lire fighting Newfoundland plus recreation· techniqups, accidcnt prcven· al pursuits, sueh as hunlin~ and tion, Iir3t aid, fire dan§cr lort· fishing depend on I permanent cutin., cooperation Ind liuon COl'er,


woma:J's nose has been valued Shiloah, 49, former Israeli mi:J­at $16,000 Ill' a local rour!. Mrs. ister in Washington and recenlly Simone Bodler suffered a dam- special adviser to Israel'~ ior· aged nose in an auto accident. eign ministry, died of a heart! As a re~ull, she cI~i~ed, she. attack. it was ~nnOlfllccd ~ullrla.\'. I lost her Joh ;1s ao ill·1151.< nlndcl. : Shllo~h Wil.s onp of Israel .< Icarl· , A womall magi5trate prc"idcd in i i:l~ cil'il sNI:1l1ts anrl lie:, lIell i the ca.;e. J known in mallj' world capitals.'

I ~.



SHIRTS CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS Light weight for Summer, shade, Sizes 14 - 17.


• White broadcloth • Navy or Green

Cotton and acetate.


1.25, 1.45 Now


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THE DAIL Y Nb'WS Newfoundland's Only Morning Pa~r

Tbe DAIU Nl<.:WS a • murnln. In The Nrws pa\Hlr eat. bUshed In 1894. aud publl~lIeo

.t the N ~WI Bulldlnll ~~~ 3J9 uuck wurtb Street, St. John I, Newfoundland by Robinson " Company. Limited

Bv WA yFt'.RER


Canada ." 512.00 per annum Olliled Klr.gdom ar,d

.11 rorel~1l Cl.untrles 514.00 per annum Authorized 81 ,ecund clas. mail.

. Post o !!ice. Department. Ottawa.


The ,Canadian Pr~11 II exc1.Ullvely entitled to the ule lor republication of aU newa dNlpatcbel In thh paper credit· ed to It or lu the "8.luclated Prell 'or P~uterl and .IBD the lo~al news publlBb ed Iberbln.

All f'reBl' aervirr .dd feature artlclel In this paper are copyrlghted and their reprodUction II prohlhlted

•I~ I I

Ml'mber Audit Bureau

of L'Irculatlonl.


MONDAY, MAY 11, 1959.


The unfortunate !llarie Antoinette has long been lalscly accused In his· tory for saying. when she had been told that the people lacked bread. "let them eat cake." Something of the ~ame kind Is being said by those in· ternational unionists whdt advocate specialization In' our great primary industries. They argue tlpt logging and fishing should be prosccuted en· tireiy by persans Who work on a full· time basis In their chosen occupations. If. thereafter. unemploymcnt rc.\ulls. It is suggested Ihat "the government should be forced to face Its responsi· billtles and provide work." This Is the prodaimed view of the Can~dlan Brotherhood of Railwny Tranoport nnrl General Workers. It is, we fcar. equivalent to the "let them eat cake" stat~ment attribute(1 to :llarle An· toinette.

Loaded Questions A C.C.F. member from British

Columbia, Erhart Regier, has put 9. number of lunded questions on the order paper of the House of

C0nU110ns. They ask the tot"l amount of

pi\~-ments to Newfoul1dlnnd in fIscal 1938, payments mnde else­whcre in behalf of I\ewfoundlnnd, the revenue derived in the same period frol11 this province. the amount of social security payments made to Newfoundlanders, and the number of people receiving uncm­plo~'ment insurance or sodal

il;;Slslancc. The questions relating to pa~'·

mcnts are landed for a \'er~' simple r03::on. When gil'en onl~' for Ncw­iOllncl!ancl Ihe~' ,'roduce an in­Yldious lliclurc. They arc valid only whcn the pa~'men1s to New­fO'.lndlRnd are Pill't of a comparn­th'e table showing the disburse­ments for the same purposes to all

other provinces. ThE' prime minister was not

RI'erse 10 mal,ing use of the pa~'­menls to Kewfol1ndlancl on a basis lh<1t held neressClril.1' to create a wrong impression in the country. He mentioned S~OO million in pay­ment, from the federell treasur~' to Xc\\'founr1bnd O\'er a ten year ~eriod. The immediate inference

for the average citizen was that this sum represented special pay­ments to a favoured province.

That, of course, is quite untrue. Only one pro~ince has received less than Newfoundland during the ten-yenl' period That was Prince Edward Island. All other provinces

received more. Comparative figures for all

provinces are the only fair basis

[01' study. In the case of revenue paid b~'

Newfoundland to Ottawa other incorrect inferences are possible. These arise from the methods of payment. For example, Newfound­lnnd does not receive credit in Ottawa's books for most of the sales and exci!;e taxes paid b~' consumers in this provincc. These are usually credited to the prov­inces from which the goods con­sumed in Newfoundland are ship­ped. This and other factors operate to show in Ottawa's records a much lower amount than is actu­ally paid in federal taxation by Newfoundlanders.

It is an odd fact that nobod~' who asks these questions about Newfoundland is interested in a true picture, It seems that truth and party politics do not go hand in hand in the parliament of Canada.

+ + + It is very easy to talk glibly of

tne government's res?onslbllity to find work for tne unemployed. However, that obligation rests on olherl beside. government. Indus· Iry and labour nave tneir own Ipetlal on"s In tnll respect. Bul assuming t:,at loqglng ftnd fishlnR betame reslrltled Industries, just how would tnose who propose thl. extrsordinary notion expetl work to be found for tne ~ls~laced thou­sands? Work does nol emerge .5

I result of tne waving of a magit wand and tne mumbling of a megic pnrase.

+ + + One statisl:(' lI'e no not posse,s is

the number of unemplcYNi on a year­round h,' .. ' Is. Wc cio kno\\, Ihat the workin~ force OU[:11t to h~ ahout 130.000 hul national ('111 pi [)I' 111 l'n t fi~urcs fur :\l'lI'f(J\:nciland incii[,3tl' a much sm:iller fipu1'e of peall l'nlploy­men!. In fe['l. it would appeal' tilal thcre nrc Ht ('('I'\a;n scasons uf the year as many ,IS 20.000 pC]'~r.II~ \\'!10

hal'c no II'llrk. If the In'::~ing and fi,ll· in~ indllstI'il's II'C1'e 10 hl' conLneci to wllOlclime wurkers in Ihese occupa­tions. at Ica"_ anoll1('r 15.000 persuns woulei be displal'l'el. That lI'ould I11C3n thai 35.0[0 pc]plto wOllle! hc out of 1I'0rk. Pcrhaps Ihuse II'ho lI'ant the /!()\'ernmenl to fa(,e up to the duty of finding emplu)'nl('nl wil! s~y hoI\' el'en a fradion of this nllmil~r can be offered gainfui wor).: in :\ewfoUlle\lilnd in its prescnt stage of economic de· vebpmcllt.

What About A Free Port? STUDE~TS SEEK JOBS

The ?lrinistel' of Transport has soid that he sees no possibility of winter navigation in the St. Law-· renee. This makes it all the more important to consider the estab­lishment of a transshipping and free port on the south coast of Kewfoundland. Mortier Bay and Bay Despair are rival claimants for this service

The idea makes a great deal of sense. During the period of open navigation lake shipping could bring the products of the Middle West for storage in this New· foundland port. In winter, ocean shipping could come to bring the products of the world for storage until the opening of navigation and take away the grain and other commodities that had been ware­housed during the summer.

But the details of the plan are well known. What matters is whether anything can be done to bring it to successful development. A question about the federal gov­ernment's interest was asked 111

the House of Commons by C. W. Carter, member for Burin-Burgeo, but no answer appears yet to have been returned. •

This is a project that appeals strongly to the imagination. Its possibilities are enormous. The establishment of a successful transshipping port could lead to extension in many fields, among thelTI assembly plants and even Jight manufacturing industries. It is to be hoped, therefore. that it

will be fully examined by the

federal government.

Fori Erie Lelter·Review Collcge students sceking employment

upun graduation in 1959 are le3l'11i,,~

thc h.lrd \\'a)' that jobs just don'l grow on trees. Allhough cnmpus re~ruiting by busincss and industry is brisk, the recession nppe;]rs to hal'e convinced not a fell' coJ!ege ,sl'Jdents that they'l'e got to show prospectil'e employers what thcy hal'e 10 offer. In campus inler· views studenl, themsell'cs are doing the scllil1g. Therc's far less emphasis on job security, on pensions and other benl'fils. and much more interest in thl' job itself.

SlI.\KEPEARE'S L . .\BORS Pelerborough EX,lmincr

The Rail Ferry

When peopie point out thai felV reo cords of Shakespeare's life exist, adl'anc· ing this as a rCa.lon for ~hinking that he canilOt hal'e anybody of c·· quence, we are amused. A man who wrote 36 plays, worked as an actur and mDnaged a theatre has not much time over ill which to do other things. Shakespeare was a writer and the most productive time in a wrill'r's life is when he sits at hiB desk-unless it is the time when he is inert, waiting for an Idea. Genius is a compound uf many things, Including prolonged application of the seat of the panLs to the seat of the chair. JIst try copying one of Shakespeare's plays by hand if you doubt It,

For some years a rail ferry has operated, first from Clarenville to Gander and recently from Claren­ville to Gambo, to bridge the gap in the transinsular highway.

This ferry has been subsidized by the government and has given a very useful service It is now to be discontinued.

The reason is the expectation that the highway across the island will be completed by the middle of the summer

Towards the end of last year it was possible to avoid using the rail fe!i.Y by driving to Bunyan's Cove ~ taking the boat ferry across ClQ<ie Sound. But this ferry can

:~:~ ,


.­.. Well-Chosen '" the guests invited by the Gov-

ernor General il} behalf of the Queen to a dinner party on July 1 make up an excellent cross-section of Canadian life, It is a well-chosen

list. P01itical representation is limit­

ed to the prime minister and the leader of the opposition, The arts and . humanities, industry and labbur, science and the press, are all repreaented on what might be

carry only four cars at a time and may not be able to take care of all the traffic that may be offered,

It may be wondered, therefore, whether it might not be desirable to continue the rail ferry for the first few weeks of the summer if the- volume of traffic should ap· pear to justify it.

It may be assumed that this question was closely and carefully considered before the decision was made that the rail ferry is dis­pensable, But we would like to think that this Is open for review in the event that a need for con· tinuing this service can be ade­quately established.

Guest List

MISS CO:lIFORT STATION :-'lanchester Guardian

A Los Angeles elevator girl, resenting the gibe in the "Nation Review of Amer· Ica" that certain Republican politicians "looked and spoke like the typical eie· vator girl", has entered an impressive plea in their defence, it is reported "Do you know,' she told an astonished Amer­Ica. "that an elevtor girl in one of our finest office buildings lectures on medi· evl Latln lyrics? Tnat an elevator girl caught the largest marlin during the 19~6·57 season? That an elevator girl was named "lIIiss· Comfort Statlon" during the recent drive, beaded by Gov. Knight and opposed by Sen. Nowland, to increase by 37 percent the number of comfort elevator stations in South·

considered an ideal basis, ern California? That elevator girls use fewer nylon stocklngs than· any other

Newfoundland will have special group of American women, and that a satisfaction with the inclusion as a 19M Gallup poll !howed that 97 percent representative of industry of Mrs. ' of elevator girls believe in God? T8he George Penny of Ramea. The preS"'. Euroean figures, L may say, are quite

" duferent." ent executive head of a fishery ___________ _

business that has rounded out its first century, Mrs Penny is a not­able example of 9. successful business woman in a particularly' difficult branch of commercial enterprise.

One could wish that throughout the royal tour the same wise discrimination may be shown with respect to the persons who may be presented to the Queen and Prince PhlliIt ,.

Those wno advotate claud Indu .. trle. claim Inat Ihelr Interest is in proturlng a nigner standard of living for those who would be privileged 10 monopolhe thne Ot- -tupation'. That is all very wlli. But mutn II If Is desirable tnat tne individual living standard snould be ralud, surely It must not be al tne expense of destroy­ing allog.ther the living of the many thousands wno would navI no work It all. Tn, simple feel Is thai Ihe nalure of this province, the kind of economy it has, the way 'In whicn Its paople are dis­per~ad, end other factors refusa to lend Ihemselves to tne kind of Industrial organization Inat may be established in a highly cen­trnllzed region of well·developed secondary produttion.

+ + + Logging and fishing arc primary

Industries. There arc skills involved to which our people arc highly adarlible. Young men from a fishing Dutrort went reecntly to a logging camp for the first time in their liycs and were quickly earning from S14 to ::;18 a day on piecework. Is it right to maintain that these men 11'('1'1' not entitled to seek employment of any kind to which they were adaptcn?

+ + + Tne nature of our fishery will

nol allow many men to make e year's Income out of a few month I of work. That applies most par· titularly to tne northeast toast wnere navigation may nol open unlii June end fishing must end in November if not earlier. Ara these men to be denied the rig"1 of access to work in th. uplolla­lion of the basic natural ruourtes of tne island whith belong to all Ihe people? Is a pari-time fisher· man in White Bay to be denied the rignt to wt pulpWood near Rod­ditklon and to stand by while a man from some other district comes to la!(e Ihe work opportunity away from him? The fact is thai part·time logging is the cnolce of tha people and the 17,000 who share in the proteeds of logging operations cannot be· iustiy de· nied Ihe right to marginal earning. in this industry in order that a few may earn relatlveiy large in· tomes. Tninklng on this whole subiecl must be geared to the nature of the Newfoundland economy. That, we think, Is an unassailabie positi.on.



Calgary Alberlan Calgary hn.s one of the finest zoos

in Can"cta. With its dinosaur features it is perh::ps the most interesling in the whole country. It must be kept 'Ihat way. It must expand as the cily ex­pands. lndeecl. something like this ou~ht to grow faster than the popuia· tion it serves. The zoo is under excei· lenl management, the Calgary Zouiogical Society being organized much the same as the Exhibition and Stampede. A large number of community-minded citizens give it a good deai of their time and ability. and it is appreciated.

comlUNICATIONS ~EED QuelJec Chronicle·Telegrah

Rel'enue Minister Nowlan sees a "des· perate need" for more effective commu· nication between the peoples of the world. Speaking to the Canadian Pub· lie Relations Society in Toronto recent· ly he remarked that there Is "substantial elidence that we are not reaching the lives of those we must influence in our wol'id". What ~lr. NOWlan says is only too tme. If we look on the Internation· ai scene, we find that those whom we wat to influence are being aIieniated. And right here in our own country, any effort.s to influence the people for good are largely ignored.


Small boats overpowered by ou t· board motors became a topie of dis· cuslon at the recent annual conven­tion of the Industrial Accident Pre· vent,Ion Associatlon In Toronto. Warm· Ings by manufacturers and safety agencies are too often unheeded by the small boat operator. Overpower­ing, overloading an Inexpert handl!ng are factors that contribute each sum· mer to 'the toll of drowning fatal!ties.

Manufactured boats are built to de~igns with safety specifications that have been tried and tested. Their passenger·carrying cap'aelty Is rated as well 88 the maximum power that should be permitted.' If the small boat owner IVould operate within these Umlt.!! the risk of accidents would be almost eliminated.

Among the do·it·yourself hobbyists can be found the amateur boat build· er. When he works from prepared plans and with prefabricated parts he can put together a stable craft. When he works with raw materials and home de~ign there Is almost certain to be lack of knowledge as -10 its perform· ance under varylng conditions. The joke about a home-made boat sinking at its launching did not originate In the mind of a comedian. It actually has happened. How tragic are the circumstances When the launching Is made successfu!ly but sometimes duro Ing the season the hoat Is subjected to

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY'I MAY n, 1 ---_ ... _------- - ... ---.

IISteady, Chaps---He's Back'l

-'- - .

Double Jeopardy By BHCCE BIOSSAT

As the cities, the states and the feder~l govel'l1ment seratch for money in a time of growing demand for pub· lic serl'ices. they sometimes lall into sharp displlte oyer ways and means of raising the needl'[1 revenues.

The citil's holler that they are in fact the chicf support of the states, but that the latter don't- give them back enou~h of the collected monies to meN city problems.

Cries of "secession" hare el'en been uttered rccently in :\ew York City. :\ 0 one takes them very seriousl)-. but they do point up a continuing ronflict th~1 actu~lIy spreads wen beyond rC','cnul' matters.

,\ more tantalizing issue is that be­twccn burdering states. where one ,("te t"xes the residents of another v:llo llo1ppen to work within its bounds. .\s l'x<lmples, illassachusetts slaps an income levy on residents In "eIV Hampshire and Rhode Island who work in Boston. and :\ew York hits citizens of XCII' Jersey, Pennsyll'ania and Connecticut who commute to Nell' York City.

The argument put forward by the taxing slates is that thcse people owe something to the area which affords them a chance to earn their lil'ing. Furthermore. they benefit from some, if not all, of the scrl'ices the cilY or state prol'ides.

This sounds sensible enough. But there's another side. :\ man who pays a state income tax to a state where he works hut doesn't !il'e has nothing at all to say ahout how the money is used. lIe can't \'otc for anybody there.

On the other hand. he winds up paying double for some sen·ires. :\!uch of a slate's revenue goes for schools, ho.,pit~15 and similar sen' ices. Even If his home state doesn't have an in­come tax, he's paying for those same things through real estate levies. sales tax and other taxes,

The man In New York Dr Massa· chusetts pays for this burden once. The nonresident can hardly be blamed for complaininc over the double blow he suffers.

The issue has now stlrred sufficient ~motion so that lawmakers have tossed a constitutional amendment into the Washington hopper which would bar one state from taxing the residents of another state.

There is as yet no great expectation the proposal will get very far. But that It was offered at all Is the meas· ure of a dilemma that has obvious elements of unfairness for the be· dra,~gled U.S. taxpayer In some re­gior.s.

END OF THE DIESEL ISSUE (ottawa Citizen) ,

Althought the dispute between Can· adian National Ra!lways and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen continued to wtthin a few days of the .trike deadline, it lacked the elements of a cliff·hanger. The public, by and large, simply reo fused to believe that the union could succeed In tying up the country's largest rallway system on an issue that no longer had reality. In the end, the strike was callen off.

As a result, the CNH \'.' ill hire no more firemen for diesel L~amotives In freight and yard service. The men presently employed In these positions wlll be retained on the payroll and the superflous Jobs w!ll gradually disappear through promotions and reo tlrements; the process will take years.

Like the CPR before It the CNR offered this generous treatment be· fore being threatened by II strike, ~o intimidation was not responsible. Thr company, has, however made a conces· sions in order to help avert a walk· out by the !!remen. It w!ll accelerate the four·stage program of wage In· creases In the new contract. For the rest, It stands firm on the proposition that there will only be payment for

water. the test of SUdden storm or rough



Edittlr Daily News, Thc rceent reopenin~ of the

fi,h plant under good m should be a good shol in lhe tile Burin Peninsula. Tlle has suffered heavily berau!e bankruptsy of this plant. Itj

aiong with the refusal of the Government to PRy 8 smali on fluorspar thereby c~u5;ng . Lawrence fluorspar induslry to' C'urtail its operations, th bring economic chaos to the

The South Coast, as a wllOle. i of the main remaining unn ed areas of Xewfoundiand. Here is a possibility of 8 year round as the harbours are usually it! although this year the)' are bound as the Federal Go\' not yet seim fit to send an ice to help the lobster fishermen. and good harbour facilities Il

most hydro-electric potent ill Bay d'Espolr but no road has built to open up the area. A Bay d'Espoir from central land could be used as an series of roads llnklng the part of the whole Isolated arel South Coast from abol'e Bay' to Port aux Basques. economic posslbil!ties of such I system people would be ~il'en

portunity to gain greater the outside world. The trans·shipment ports at '!ort~ and Boy d'Espolr should al!o bl The Pro\'incial GOI'ernmen: the funds for vigorous but if uor Federal Govrrnme~t only open Its eyes and del'!ir, South Coast area it would undying gratitude of "ewfou el'erywhere.

Yours truly. CHARLES

P.S.-I wish radio anno!1nce:l pronounce Grand Bruit proper!)' pronounces brito

. Strength For

There are some people who go life trying to drive everybodr· of them have the good grace, good mnners, to begin by tr)'ln! themselves. These are not's and' disgusting as those who in driving others. But the drilr. of person under any circumslanCl pleasant to endure. Ger.erall.1 ~ nuisance. Frequentlly he is I

(and she equally so). But there are other types of

who apparenlly withoul Irying seem to draw people to the:1l· problem rises, everyone turns ~. for advice. In sorrow Ihe to them for comfort. Socially pie are a continual big hit. 'I'bI:' friends galore. Their object ~ somes to be not to make anything. but just to live aion! everybody. In them is the oft·repeated statement tbat draWl more flie& than vinegar.

You know tbe driver typ!'o ~ not? You have seen him or h(. home. The driver type In person to steer clear of. foremen who drive and po!itiI~ who try to do the same,

Wherever you go you find and the persuading type of Ing out in stark contrast, tb' the other. We aU know whic~ like best. Vi. have the ing that Gcd prefers that trP'

work done---apart from thl of unnecesllry firemen on and yard dleselJ for • while lonler.

ALL WEI"l hili

IIl1nl prll Iwlndl.t

claimed 10 I b. fl!led curl.all "t

of Three HELE~A

Writer. Arne Societ

I:\GTO~ right up, en, and ~

snake oil right out [ of ancient

one hottie w bunio ns, fev alln gas ..

get your e spiel of 1

circa 188e tDda~'. listen to


man ir targe

medic the Isolatel


JUst flip t tillll 14"

bar 10· fore I

BOanc converter

Jnaneu, Pricera

turntra;:; ill both d

leI UI,

, .




:~".lla. The l('a\'ll~' beeau5e OJ thl' plant. Ind rrflhal of the

pAy • smaU nerrby causing tht ~par indu!;try to 'ralions. threateDH : chao; to the

. to scnd an Ice ~':cr fishermen, )cur facilltlel U

en ric potential :ut M road hu,.11 up th~ area, A

I :rnm central u~ed a5 an lrlel')'

.15 linking the ~o,e isolated :.-om abol'e Bay

Ba~Q ues, Aside .. ,ibili::es of such. ~ would be gl\'en c",n ~rcater conlact mr! d. The pO!I!IDIIIlJ lt ports at )Ior:ler pair ,hould also be al GO\'emment hI! lr \'igorous 'deral Government s e\'es lind develop ar~a It would earl

itude of

Yours truly, CH.-\RLES

h rad:o announce!'1 rand Bruit proper!)', brit.


.' ',', . ,- • I"" ,


ST. JOHN MONDAY MAY 11 19.59 5

Quacks Capitalize On Your Fears lenll, It closed.

~-------r--.... ,. '-' LAMAUNE NOTES In May, 1957, the State of

Texas enjoined Honey from practicing mldlclne and uslnl the licenses of other physl, lans. The Itlte alia IUlpended several osteopathic physicians and one doctor of medicine on his payroll. Hoxsey. replied by leasing the Dams clinic to an osteopath from a small Texas town,

But latest developments re­port a split between the two men and the Hoxley treat· ment Is no lonler administer· ed at the Dallas clinic,

Summln. up, Commlslloner Larrick IIld "The Govern· ment's warnlnl was certainly effective. It wal widely pub­lished by the press-and so were Mr. Hoxsey'. protestal But In the flut 3Q weeks after our warnlnll was 'Posted at least 3,000 people were dis· suaded from belnll taken In by the false promise of a quick and painless cure for cancer."

C all ~I "'fA 14,,'u. I, ..

T ..... _ .. U.l. Pat. OfL


Friends and relations here were greatly saddened last week to learn of the sudden death of Parker CoUp itt, Mon· treal, husband of the former Rita Hodge of Allan's Island, Sincere and deepest sympathy Is extended to Mrs. Collpltt in her bereavemenL

Congratulations are extend· ed to Mr, and Mrs. Ches Mad· dlgan, lighthOUse keeper, AI· lan's Island on the occasion of their 21st wedding annlver· sary. April 28. They were mar· rled In SI. Joseph's Ch urch, Allan's Island, with Rev, Fr. Mullowney, P.P. officiating:

Friends of Mr, Max Collins. Allan's Island, are pleased to hear he Is Improving after his recent operation at St. Law· renee Memorial Hospital. We hope to see you home soon, :'flax.

Those who are fighting. ' quackery with inadequate le­gal weapons are gratlfled-and

"Charlie has a lot of ambition, He wa.llt. to be a mllliona.ire!"

Gordon, Strickland, Point May, returned home on April 25th, from SI. Lawrence :ITem· orlal Hospital, where he had been receiVing treatment.

The many friends of :llrs John Brett, Anan's Island. will be· pleased to hear that she Is much improved a!ler her recent llIness. We hopc to see you out around soon,

walt. , For Hoxey has attempted to

establish himself In three dlf· ferent places In California, Pennsylvania and Nevada.

Meanwhile the Governments II keeping him under survll·

~LL WENT QUACK: All thr •• of th ••• "cur. thlt dl~icli hive blln proyed worlhl .... Lift, • curl •• 11

light projector which the FDA nil. on. af thl mo.t Iwindl .. of ~ur tim ... Top. right, • pintle dumb

cI.lm.d to hlv. Itomlc bellini paw.r.," which proy. bt filltd with comm an tip WI'er, Battom rlllht, • cur.·11I "Iplk." prlc.d If $3Oti Wirth I ... thin

• lance

of Ti1rre nI~p~tche!): "It takes two to make I

B.' IIUX\." FROST ; ~wlndle-the SWindler and the Wri:rr. .. lmcricAn Cancer: victim,"

Soclrt)' I With an enllRhtened public. \SIII\GTU\ '\EA) - potential victims would dwln' p r:~llI IIr, ladles And I die, and so would the svr'lndle,

::rmrn. anrl get ~'our bot· The moti\'e of the blg·tlme of ~n~kc oil . smug· quacks II simple-greed, rj~ht Ollt or a sacred of anr:enl EgYPt . , .

rr,! hnttlr 11'111 cure bans b~~:0I15, fCINS and fits, ann '0; . step right

But what Is ourl? Why are we ready to buy "cures" which often have the rlnl of absur· dlty?

In September, 1957, the FDA brought an Injunction against a second Hoxsey Clinic In Portage, Pa. In November, ment will cure or alleviate their condition ' , . 'j


STEAMSHIPS LTD. ,1: your elixir of life!" 'p:cl of tile medicine

r:rca 18RO. makes us

M,V, Dundee loadlni at I Because we art! afraid, And Toronto May 11th, and Montreal

because we don't know, or reo May 14tb, for SI. Jobn's, Nfld. fuse t,o believe, M,V, Zebrula, loading at

Ii,ten to thiS, circa I Because we're afraid of the Hamilton, Toronto May 15th lor , of rnllghtment: very word cancer, mankind's St. John'a,

can sholl' you how to fear of the ancient enemy, We NFLD. CANADA STEAMSHIPS ISO ) lor', free from don't believe one out of every M,S,Bedford II, due SI. John'a

. 'I mo~t dread dis· two patients can be cured If May 9th, cancer cases that the cancer Is properly treated I M,S, Bedford n, sailing Hall·

mrd:ral profession ha\'e In time, Yet It's a fact, 'f81 May l~th" due SI. Jobn'. up have come to me , , , I May 17th,

In 30 days th~y begin to Harry M, Hoxsey know. M,S. Fauvette, enroute from ,. in 90 ds)'s they are those fears-and haa capita, Montreal, due St. John'. May a~lin:" IIzed on them, He has been 12th,

spirt of one Adolphus called America's No, 1 cancer ?4,S, Belle hie, lIil1nR from who CAme out of quack, You can take hll word Montreal May 14th" dUI St.

:m Junt'. for It, because It frankly print· John'. Mar 18th, the ~piel o! the medl· ed on the jacket of hi. own; ITEAMSBIP Co.

min is heard of the land, book, "You Don't Hav. To ·Gulfport, leavlnK Montreal medical Quacks of our Die," May 13th" due SI. Joho'. May : crntury are legion, Hoxsey Is a frank man. 18th" nlllnK May 20th" (for

1:I10r,g them are the can. Bay Roberti). qUlr~S who sell ':cures" About his Dallas clinic he once .Novaport, leaving Montreal fin kll! the patient with said for publication: "Hell, May 20tn" due St, John'. May rancer: for taklnR the this is my hobby. 011 I. mY 25th" sailing Mar 27tb,

buslnesa." II posphoncs surgery or London, leaving Hal ax Mar . , the only method of Here Is the man In thumb- 22nd" due St. John'. May 2eth" life from rancer today, nail: aallinK May 26th, !Windlers are wearlnll Hltlhllner, leaving Montreal

di!guim, But their psy. Finished .chool with elaht May 27tb" due SI. John's June is the same as that of grade: Veterinarian father lit" laUlnK June 3rd" (for Bay

pllch'man in the top hat. "cured" cancer II a aldellne Roberts), their lorgct Is different. and bequeathed "recipes" to London, leaving Halifax May I."s medicine men aren't Harry who used them to 29th" due St, John's June l&t" the i!Qlalcd pioneer: nor launch treatment In 1924, Can· lalllnil June 2nd,

IUPfrStitlou! poor, nor the vlcted three times In lllnois 'Gulfport, leaving Montreal for practlclnl without IIcenc., Junl 3rd" due St. John'. June

sigh\! are on you: and once In Ohio, permantly Bth" .alllng Jun. 10th, , middle.dass Amerl. enjoined from practiclnl In London, leaving Halifax June

Iowa, arrested while pracllc· 11th" due St, JOhn'l June 8th" few "honest" do· good·

and the small·lime charla. ~'ho ~eddle In the back

of Ii!e are dangerous, most dangerous are the

Ing In Detroit-to mention a lalllnil June 9th. / few tanlle. with the courtJ ·NOVlport, luvlng Moritreal over a period of 30 years, June 10th" due St, Jobn's June

l~th" IIlIlnll June 17tb, London, leaving Halifax June

12th" due St. John's JUlIe 13til" .alllni Junl 16th,

operators. They are Ind shreWd. Thel' have so. and polit ical I·nfluence. Ire lot311)' ruthless, And II! OUI after you and mil. like yOU,

HIKbllner, leavnlg Montreal ye~~rned put tenae. At tHe June 17th" due SI. John's June

22nd" ulllnil June 24th" (for moment, Harry Hoxsey'. name Bay Roberta,

In 1936 Hoxsey opened his tlrst cUnle In DaI181. Hls "hob­by" prospered and earned him an estimated million dol1lu a

'5 wh;' Commissioner p, Larrick of the Drug

no lonRer appears on the .1llD 'Gulfport, leaving Montreal outside the Dalla. ellnlc. Jun. 24th. due SI. John'. June

Administration has h Ihe American

In April, 1956, th. Food alld 29th" aalllnil July lst, Dru. Administration \.Baued I oNovBport. leavlnl Montreal warning which bellan: Pub- July lit:, dUI St. Jobn'. July He Beware . , . Tiloae a!filet. 6th" Ialllni July 8th,

A!50rlallon and the Canrer Society In

of public eduea. ed with cancer 11. warned ·Fergu., lelvlnl Cbarlotte' not to be misled by the fal •• town May 8tb" due St, John', promise that the Hoxley treat. Mly 11tb" .1I11ng May 11th,

·F,rgu.. leaving Charlotte-

Rlvolutionary cal'-TerraTrac' Tilt-Crown Dozer

town May l~th" due at. John'. May 18th" IIllIng May 18th,

·Fergul, leavlnll Cbarlotte­town May 22nd" dUI St. JoiIn'. Mar lath" .ailInK MI1 25th. .

°F.rgul, lllvln, Cbarlotte­

llad, tips and tilts hydratll/call,1 J~t fli t h' . tilts t. we .ydrauhc levers, Ind dozer·blade

lIppin ~ to eIther lide for dAchin., crowninl, or 10' ~ hard ground, Same levers alao tip blade

NfYj aoo~ BlId. alt for beat cutting or rollinl .ctioa. converter I':JO H~ Caae-TerraTrae dozer with ~

IIId lIIan dove live you lar more POWII', apeed prj euverabiU ty than other crawlers In IhtIr ;: ranre. EIIc1l11iv. cOUll~r-rotalin, hydraulle ~ ~on doubl. produc:tiDl'l ~1IIe machine ill he th eli In I II own tracb" - thua keep doz1nI

rectlone, lnatwl 01 backin. up em '1. LII 111 d ,rno?I',.". 41ft ,.ur lo~ .••

rou It II. "mell4ll

- '.



'PHONE 40524 'PHONE NE4 - 4098

toWD :Mlr 29th" due St. John'. Jun. l.t" .alUnll June lit.

·Fergul, leavln, Charlotte­town Jun. 11th" du. al. Jobn'. June 8tb" .a Ulol June 8th,

·Fergus, leavlnl Charlotte­town Jun. 12th" due St, John'a Jane 111th" 'lllinK June 15tb.

·Fergus, ,leavln. Charlott .. town June 19ti1" due St, John'. Jun. 22nd" I1l1Inll June 22nd,

·Ferlu., leavlnl Charlotte­town June 26th" due SI. John'. June 29tb" IIlllnl Junl 29th,

• Rlfrl,eraUon, FUlNES8 &ED CI081

Manche.t.r Pioneer leaving New York May 1st" Saint Jobn N,B .. May 4th" Halifax, May 7th" mlvlni Bt. John'. May 9th" l8lliul May 12th" for HallfU and New York.

Manchester Pioneer leavlnl New York May ll1th" Balnt John, N,B" May 22nd" Halifax Ma, 2I1th,. arrlvlnl St. John'.,

, May 29th.. I.l\ln, June lBt., ror Corner Brook, Halifax and New York, n.~SIl "ADEN LIHE No .. Seotll, leavinll Liverpool

April 29, due SI. John'. May II, 1earinll for Ballfax, and BOitoo MI1 e, due Halifu Mar 8 Ind Bolton May 11, learilll Boatoo Ill)' 12 and Ballfu )lar Ie, du. St. .Tohn'. Mar 18, 1II11nl alaiD lima dlr fo: U,erpool. .

NlWfoundlalld, !urinl Liver­pllDI Wlr 18, due st. John'. lIIlr 11, luvln. for Hallfu and

l\lrs. Brett.

Boston May ZO, due Halifax May Paris Is turning to the Indian 22 and Boston ~tay 25, leaving I sari this year for summer styles Boston May 26 and Halifax and [or fabrics, prints and co;ors May 30, due st. John's June 1.

1' broidered organdies mousselinC.l

samng again same day for and chiffons BTe trimmed with lllr. Patrtck Haley, Empire Liverpool. I wide bandings o! satin ribbon, Avenue West, St. John's, re·

One dcsigner Is workbg wilh turned to his home by the Nova Scotia. leaving Liver slotted and open thread fantasies j 5,5. Kania. Mr. Haley had

pool May 30, due st. John's! concentrated in border designs.' been visiting his mother, lI1rs. June 5, leaving for Halifax and I i James Haley. on the occasion Boston June 6, due Halifax June II One bath powder now comes I of her 891h birthday. S and Boston June 11, leaving in a perma:lent container dec· I !\Jr. Henry Strickland, Point Boston June 12 and Halifax orated with 18 carat gold. It·s I ~!ay. left for Halifax on :'>lay June le, due St. John's June I moisture proof and a lovely 17th, where he will be employ· 1B, sailing again same day for bathroom accessory. ed during the summer months,

• ,



, whatever the bottle O~... TI W r1] iU1J it' ~ the same wonderful·fu[ \gJ1Ol refreshment


l\lrs. Bridget Hennebury, Pcint Birthday greetings are ex· May, also left for Halifax to tended to Geraldine Jackman, visit her two sons, Joseph and Allan's Island, who celebrated Phlilp and their families, her 8th birthday on May ·10,

Levi Strickland, Allan's Is· II Her mother held a party for land, left for Halifax on April and Invited about twelve of 30th. to seek employment and her little friends to Join In to visit his brother, Joseph the fUn and to make the day and his family. a happy one for Jerry, . Her '

Bernard Stacey, Lord's Cove, little sister, Donnie. celebrat· spend a few weeks with his ed her 3rd birthday two week! parents. Mr, and IIlrs. Walder· ago, Many happy retur~, mar Stacey. klddles! ..

Mr. and Mrs, Pathrick Ren· Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ren· nle and their two children. nle moved Into their new home :l-Iary and Julian, moved Into on May 9th, Their. many their new home on 1\Jay 9th. friends wish them abundance Their many friends wish them of good luck and happiness. abundance of good luck and Mr. Pierre Coillns, Allan's happiness. Island, returned home from

The !\T,V. Arichat Is pres· the 51. Lawrence Memorial ently at the government wharf Hospital. where he had been discharging coal for lIlr. Rob· I receiving treatment during bert Lambe, Lord's Cove. The the past three months, HIs little black nuggets were many friends are glad to see warmly welcomed by every· him home again. body since the se\'ere fros! Miss Mary Fleming and Miss during the past winter months Imelda Fitzpatrick have com· consumed our winter's supply pleted their studIes at the of fuel earlier' than usual. Memorial College and return·

The marriage of :lliss l\lar· ed home by taxi on May 9th. Ina Purchase, daughter of Mr. Glad to see you back home and Mrs. Albert Purchase. to girls, Mr. Gabriel Fleming, son of Special birthday greetings :'Ilr, and lIlrs. Wm. J, Flem· are extended to Miss Carmel lng, Allan's Island, took place Collins who celebrated her In 51. Joseph's Church on lIIay birthday at Argentia on May 9th at 4 p.m. with Rev. Father 10. We wish you many happy Hogan officiating. Tile brides· retur'ls, Carmel. maid was :lliss Xora Fleming, :'tlr. Charles Purcha~e 15 sister of the groom and the presentiy \'isiting his parents.

, :llr. and :llrs. Alhert Pur· grl)()msman was lITr. Emile chase. Elliott, causing of the groom. :Ill'. and :llrs. Chris Pittman Reception was held at the returncd from Swift Current home of the groom's parents. I on :lTay 9th, after spending Congratulations and best I the winter months with their wishes are extended for many son and daughter in law, 1\1r; years of health and happiness, and ;llrs, William Pittman.

IT'S slim, it's trim ,-. , fashioned

in keeping with the modern trend, • , Pepsi.Cola in the smart

swirl bottle, Same wonderful light refreshment imide-all dressed up ~ on the outsidel I

Most stores have Pepsi-Cola in: the smart swirl bottle. But

whatever the bottle, if it &aYl ' "Pepsi" on it, you've got it ••• ~ your favorite light refreshment.



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The .' . . Mature Parent PROMPTS CHlLD'S BlnER successful adaptalion or an Id~a

REBELLION ot mine (or the prel'ention of -, juvenile delinquency-l referred

b, MRS, MURIEL LAWRENCE you for materIal on Ita, orlanlza-"My.Ister and her husband tlo:! and functlonlnl to the Chll­

don't let alOnE," wrItes Mrs, F. dren's Bureau, U,S, Deparlment "Yesterday I found her cryln!:, of Health, Education Ind WeI·, FI:lally the told me she'd dls- fare In WaahlnKton, covered that my 7-year-old nep- This was my mLlltake, Ac-' hew haa been taklnl money Irom cording to the Chlldren's Bureau her baK s)'stematically. I can't It possesses neither the kind of help feeUne that his parents' detailed l:!formatlon on "Opera· constant quarN!linK has some- tion Help" I thought It had-nor thinK to do with It. Could I be the stalf to handle the members nlht?" of Inquiries It has receIved, I

Maybe, A child will some- am sorry to have misled you and times tum to steall~i to show ask your forgiveness ,lor the his resentment at parental con-, trouble and confusion you've flIct. ' been put to. .

1I's an understandable resent- But I can def\~ltely assure you ment. At 7, (or example, this that more adequate Information little boy can't make all his own on "Operation Help" has now declslo~s, He can't be sure he been made available by the needs 11 hours sleep: that he National Probation and Parole should uk his teacher to explain Ass 0 c I 8 t lon, 1790 Broad-I things he doesn't understand: way, New York 19, N.Y. thlt he's not Ihe undesir3hle b Its ~lareh issue of the !\IPP­character tile big boy down the A NEWS, it Is featurln~ a report block says he Is, on "Operation Help" by Gerald

if FOR.TH"ELADIES ........ ~ •••• _.~ •• ________ • _____________ ._________ ••••• r ___ • _._ _ __

. -~. " '

;,."''-, , ""

- , . , ... :-.::" . : . ,',1., .

, , .. '

: .",

* .. .

,J He needs parents he trllsts to B. Burtnett, community serl'i­help become sure, If they quar- ces director at the Honolulu Ad· reI consta~tl)', he can't trll.<t vcrtiser and member of the Ter· them, By their mutual criti- rilorial CommlS.lion on Children Exccuti\'emell1bct·~ of tilC 1'ri-Hi-Y Ch:b. P8t Tcrl' ['I\. Cllc;pl<lin: ,Julie p~li':ions, secrctary: Judy Hu~sell, Ici~m. each destro)'s the other's and Youth, prcsident; lI'!Clrtha 'Weidman, \'icc'presidcnt; l\1ary Lloyd, treasurcr: and Virginia Smith, advisor, rellabilit)' [or him, He might in· Burt~ett, after reading ml': . • I \ decd resent their depril'ing him, original columns proposing ~ '. '. ' (OfflcialUSAl<' PlOlo, i

of ,reliable gu~dance, and ~tart family, emergency service, took PEPPERREL AFR, :'illd,-' fchool nil'ls Into the world I "l1d Patricia: TeiTel. Chaplain, , interest to young people. Th-e I trYing 10 depl'Il'e them by steal- the idea to his local police chief, "To create maintain and ex 'wi:lc .onrnalll·Z"ti()ll of tl1ft" The hl"l\ <chool branch of: kev to the successful fune·: In- mone\' trom them . 'II t j d d d' t ' , I 0 - - 0 ,- , ' . , ' Could 'Irs, F,'. sister look at JlI\en ~ cour u Ze an Irec 0: tene! throughout the hom~. YOllng ~Ien's Chri5.ia;" ~s::' ~he Y:liCA is known, as tllC tioning of ,the, TrI·HI·Y .. ~lub th possibllit\' th~t his stea;ing o[ publiC W~lfare, ":lthd t~elrco school and COI11:mlnll)', hl:;h I rlation (Y:lIC), teol: llla~e al HI·\' and, tlle ·hranch lor ~Irls. will be. b;sed, on pels.nal reflects his a'nger at her quarrpi- ~~erllt ~r t Ho~g~nlz.:. ~t I~t~ stand8l'us of chl'lstian chJI':lr· 1 :he ,home cf ~Ii',i ,Patl'l,ia ~r,c Tri·Hi·Y,:, " g~·olVth,l. iello\\'ship and SCI"

some marriage" It ml~ht be: 1 pen o~a II ethl ono u ter,",\s, the motlo of the I:cwl)' I TCl'relL Invested, ill' olfkc Tile,purpc,'e of the new ,dub nce" "

rIASTRO.GUIDE" ;:or Mo~dl'j, Mly 11

rIHe~t-For You Ind ours •• ,'Oon't become in·

volved in ~ financial tran~.ction in which more :nan two parties are cJncerncd. It will take too long to make terms satisfactory (or all, Re[rain from Offering advice to those wilh whom you "'orl:, Perseverance will serve

: you belt in your job efforts 1Cja)'.

, Past ... John Chapman, better , known ~s "Johnny Applesccd,"

was born On May II, t774, T~is planter o[ apple trees was regarded as a homespun char· acter, but 11'35 actually 3 gradu­ate of Harvard!

Future, •. Latin All\e~et selling po~~lation gro"1h ords, At the pre\~nt !II: grol'lh, by the end of the tury latin America uill 593 mjllion people; th! Stales ~nd Canada, 31~

The Day Under YOllr Sign A~IES IBo'" MIlCh II 10 ApI;1 I~I LlBr.A (Sept. 1) t. 0,1,221 \\'he'!1 bu)';~: In the \~~tJ,llr1tT'lI phn, ., rr,](:o1;'. m:1Mt,r wi!I, h~:" I'll rc:t1~I:'lLtr I •• t rC.u 'h:l.\"f' f() !':lnt P::i" rcmr \o\':l.y In rle':lhnz \\':~n I ' ~~7'1". • ptrK.n. .

IAp,il 20 to M,y 201 SCORPIO (Od, 2310 N", I'l..t:il:C:lC~ :t~t1 ~·Ct\lr c.y,n r:ffl..'l'tl :ue :t':.kc t-:'1 C'trl d:; .... a:: .. )·(.ur l·:mi!llicr.~, 10 ;:rl ,oin;;!'" II ,00 {ed tht!" villl bilo:.;

GEMINt (tAIY 21 to Ju", 211 S.AGITTARIUS. (Nov, 221, .\.ci'~~nH :.rl: dcnc..tcd. 'Rr ... !trt 3f'.d ~·C.\I ~:If .. (~n!r(l '" III kerr T'~:~:' ,'., l1r. :l\'~,id t:·,fr:'L. • %" .... 1':'\11'1. :l.lun'lrrc It: ~c.!a:,(:.

g~~~~,~~"t7.~:' ~~~2\.1 ~ ~:~~ ! Ill' t~lN.. ~~.I~I~~l~t~:f.~: f ?r.'!~:}:.'; J! •. , ~~~ Dr";1't to,' C' Jr.)t!IIr.,l kr ~~:ti,:e1\ .... , J •••••• '~I"J :':'.\ I", ..i~~:.

L'~ (:":Y 2f 10 Aug, 211 , A,?c~~~~~,~"!~:';.:},1 ,~o/,', I DC7\ 1 .r~ I':,', ILl I:; "n::, mvr,,:-}' {U;,:1!. Thin:': ¥,jlh. )'L:r 1. r:(/F~lt!' ":. (".!.lrd YC'Jr lIHI~. h .. ~"

lAUD, n fo :,,1, 211 '.! I ~1r.:I;; I J t.,:-r~~,i, ~ ~u.r \ "In, \r:1:I eo.' " 'n.I.He I(')'.\t~J~\ J:'1'."::S~,~", .


PISC,S IF.b.IO fo M"" .\~r~f11 In! he! ('.:it I::,' n l . .. ".d :an~ ~.:bp! } J!;i!(:!.

By MATT STUART l~ 19st t, Mitt Stvcrt.

quit profitable 'to look at it I [us S ~t\ I o~r sl1 ng %01r~, formed High School Td·Hi-\,' '.'.'~re Jucl)' Rusf.pll. p.'~,j<lcnt: in :Hlrlilion to its exccllent Speci~1 speaker fo!' the eren· T~ough unhappily mBr~ied f~~e c~~ ~~plode:ml:lio c~~ci~ de: Club hcr~ at PepPclTcli Air) ::Ial:thn . Wddm::n, \'ioc:rr2si· motto, is'to organize dis:us. ing was ~lI'S, J,', ;\'a1\acc ",ho; XXXII ul'ed Burke Ben,pdi~t !.!

people ask little for themselves, fiance and crime, Force Base, . : (,::1.: J~Jic P:r'[n:, s~~:·c' .. ~;:r; d~11 ~I'OI\ps,:,SOCI<\1 c\'ent' and presentcd ,t~e "~\comc and i Klint Hyatt nodded, as though 'that tough. Hes ai~,.'. they ca:l sometimes ask more Burtnett' lirsthand account of The induction of I~ 11I~il i ~Iar)l Ellc~ Lio:;d, treasurer speelsl' prOJrrts that are o[ Chp.llen~c Speech, : something he 113d wanted to be such a quiet, minrl·, ' for their children. For some Its develo;ment and mechanics .---.--~-----.. ~ -. .....~--. ; absolutely sure of, was now con- ness sorl. About O:lie-~Q' rca50~ they, feel obliged to put I ca~ be had by writing the Nlltio· PERSONAL " A . M' ( '. lB' . ,firmed. He probed on swiftly, to leave a message to! , up \I'lth thCIT chronic hurt,s" an· I nal Probation and Parole As· I,' • mer' l' c· . a" n',' , . ' , 'e' n' u' , 'I' etween: "Lucas was killed b), your ordcr,' case he should show cp~ tcr and 10~lInl'5s' as afflictIOns) soclatlon and enclosing the !um.. Brick:" ",",0," said Hyatt t!1~)~ dcserl'c, BlIt a chil,d's re- of 35 cents-the price of its bi- ' ' '." . ":'i'o, not mine, I was lakin' ing hi; head a~ he , hdllnn Rgalnsl hl~ home ~ un·, monthly publication, 'CHIT CHAT ":" ".:' U ,urders. m),sclL From the Bas· ,leave. "No than.-s, IIhil I hiP pin e s 5 ca~ 0~ca5\Onalll' I I hope )'ou'll wrile for II-and, :, > " S : ti.ns, ~Icadc and Duke," for Ollie, rli drlilcr I:'nu~r thcm from thclr apathy, ~ot allow my first misdirection I "Ah:" H )' a t I mUl'll\urc<1. Thcy came In at the

. , Hc II. take s,ome protes~ln~, ~c.11 to discollra~e )'Oll, I BIRTHD.\ r Gnn:T1:-iG.s "Then it isn't-Duke Royale, It's headquarters as the t:un like stealing that .. Ia~s. 1m, The !'lational Proballon and, Birthday grcctill~s to Bill" W . Dukc Bastian'!" o[ last night's storm \let! .'\CK and ,l1r~ 0[. bemg 'orphan'l Parole Association i~ our lead-, bara Luthcr, Cairo St., who is omen Rand nodded. "Twins, them ing and Hecint; betm

.rd b~' ,i1~s fighting an~ want in~ a;:ency In the field of the Ili\'c ~'cars old toda)'. Grcctin~" two Onl" tileir e\'cs are diller· ot a wind that harl ",omethm. done about!t. The:! prevention, control and treat· from ~Iomml' and Daddv al:ci' cn\.' Lik~ sports in a liller," a brisk breeze and hid one or ,the ,~ther of hIS pare/Is me:!t oC dellnq~ency and crime. sisters Elizahcth ond Donna, DOES YOUR WIFE ~CrFER "J'rc wondered about that," around so that r.ow It

. may thm,x, "I must get help or One oC It~ top assignmenl'i is __ , ~ CABIN FEVER admitted Hyatt. "The)' own part' thc west across the ,tb~ Child, The conscience the counseling of American Com A'ITENDI;IIG CONFERENl:E ' . FRO.l , d d' tl b'?" Hills, Along the emt wlilch won't let them seek relief f " " I " MALADY'! o[ the Ian an cat e com Inc., " f h 1 I I munlt~ on the Improvement 0 :.1r Bernard CollIn, Pr~SI' "Thoc' own all of it The)' are Seml1lOles, throuoh gap! o· t emse ves ,rac ous y per- .... I I I tI vices' , "' ' f ... ·' I d m;t~ them to leek It for the 'lie r Dca preven on ser ' dent of the ~larltime Branch of There lIould be more happy the combinc," Rand mumbled.: ast ,,,mmng e ou 5,

Ch'ld Thus It Is especially quaUlled the Dominion Chartered Custom ! marriages- "They knew there'd been bad' sun shot long, golden , ~h~ agency that can direct to I!ltroduce Honolulu'S wor!(lng House Brokers Association, Is If more wives took pridc in the blood between Lucas and Yea-' light, and where these this mother Is her local Family experlhent In pr~\'ention tit you attending meetings In Hall!a~ job of homemaking instead of ger and they figured to get two, the prairie it, glisten~~ Service Associatlon, throug L Burtn~tt sNP;~ew If~sS and Saint John, N,B" before! considering their daily routine birds with one shot. Lucas own· 1 washed and sl1rrtn~ 'Io1'l1

1 hope she aop\les to It, Quite story, "~';I e HI" wt n~ proceeding to Ottawa for meet·l as pure drudgery, ed the Burnt Corral range, and i Vitality. o!t~n, after iettl~g help lor a tlerprtt era ~nt n! p 0 U Ings of the Directors of the', II more husbands noticed q~d with him dead, that would be i In th.e lead, Alee 6!ld, we discover we rtally n even Irea er e a , Association, commented on their wives' at- eas)' taking. And witl< Yeager rode, hIS l~ft,leg ~'!~ted'lt for ourselves a1\ alonl, temp,ts to make the,ir h~mes, ~t· put over the road for tile killing: tile boot solId 10 thc

Th!s Is aways I very COllstruC- F hO TO HOSPITAL PATIENTS " ~ tractive, their cooking lmagma·, -well-there vou haVe it." ,hiS wounded right live discover)'. as IOn IPS' GENERAL HOSPITAL: Har· , '," '\:'," ;._;~: I tive, their entertaining easy and I) "Yeah," Hyatt murmured sar-: padded in a blanket

old Crew, Glovertown, Thomas I ,~,~ .. J:.::_"l~~ I pleasant. . ,donicall)'. "Don't we, though," ,wrapped ar?und ar.i S,Y. ASSOCIATION PROVIDES

. DUE ON 'OPERATION HELP' In a recent column reportini

on "Operatio~ Help"-Hawail's

,_ Kelly, Glenwood, feeling fine;. . ,I If wives understood that a; a break?" i was a thick, A clever urse accessory [or David. Holloway, Port Bland· BY GA\ NOR ~IADDOX ,. I thl,c~ened, Place ~galn, o\'er I rna;, can be Just as tied to an, Across a shoulder, Hyatt con-I b~ndle. At hiS left

showe da ~ II • tiny plastic ford, had operation, condition: AI! m~thers : dan t prefcr a b,olh~g watcr and stir until [ros' l offtce as a lIoman can be to a sidered him. "I don't know, hIS daughter, Anita, . 1 ry y blgge than I pm. Balis/actory, I cake With white [rostlng 3,1d II tmg IS softcned and of right can· I house and children, Just be- Brick You'll just have to take offer a supporting arm

~~~ o~iC:° cont81~s a plastic SANATORIUM: Georgia Ncw· : rosebuds on ~{other's Day, may sistency ,to sprcad, Remove I cause, a man le,aves home c\'ert' \'our 'chances, I'~ not promis' 'her father snow SIgns ~ . 'I t hi ld head Ind hat. It I porte, Garnish, Annie Elizabeth )tOlh, Some-In fact, ma~y we; from bOIling watcr aJd sprcad, mornmg. docsp t mr~n he .s I inn 'ou a thing," I entng 111 the saddle, Bu,

".1 •

':selatt~c~ede to a key ring, McDonald, Noni, Arm, ~!rs, I knmr-hape it \\'ill be frosted In I on cake, l! ncccssary, place: necessanly gOing out ,mto a fas-: H~att left, then, returning to his face was fine dra\loU _ ~!arie ~Ial'sh, Gamish, :'Irs, , 51\:1'15 of lUSCIOUs chocolatc, ovcr hot water to, keep soft I elJahng lIorid of adlcnture,. ! the 'hotel bar where Bill Spelle cragglness, With hi! l,eI

Print overblouses with • ht.1 ~l!l'\am Anstey, Gral10 Bea~h, Th~y say, the man of thc ha~ls~. ~1'!1!le spreading, and I[ the frost· 1 If hu:ba~ds rea,l~zed that :~'I\'C~ ~ was tirlying u~ the bottle shcll. ,ed down, hiS lip, a ted waist band are smlrt ol'cr I fedlng fine; ~!rs, Frank Hardi. ' 1\ III enJa~, It WIth ,~hem, t~rnln"; 109 be~lI1s to lose Its glo>:;, , add, who al e . tid d~ I n all, da, ~c: "Wcll," demanded the hotel: line, and hl.S shouldm

'I d lummer skIrts, 'man, Point Rosec, condition Ihc occa';lon Inlo ~Iother 5 a:ld' 1 or 2 teaspoons of hot lIatcr I caslonatll do eet cabin [cler , "'h t d \' u think?" I he sat stead)' In Ihe I sprln an the ,,~mc, 'Fathcr's D~y,'" I and blend. This make~ cno,ugh, nnd ,npcd to have, an occaSIonal :ol:~e,r,. ,:\ a . 0, °vatt sl~wl" Ten yards bock elm! , i Hcre arc 111'0 ~aocl "dark and frosllJg to co\'er tops ;lIld sldcs, e\'enm~ Ollt that I., RS carefree, \\ hi)' shaldk Hth· t b ld" Yeagcr and brhind hi)!.

I', - I I "f' " 'f t, R 'In' I I ' t rl I "malll \' I t 111 Ryan, ' ._J J I \1'1,. pw !lI~~e~tlons E G" : wnl somc ro,;II~'. reCIIlCS. I Q ·1\0 X ·InCl a~crs or ops a~ iI a e, " I t shroud or tarpaulin )J'l

, f ~I\'~J~ ~ \~mpl bells ftnd asy- Ol))!,! ! ~~Ilthrr'~ On)' Futt~r Fra,lin~ll)f laytr" 'l~cneroIlSIl'I, or lops If IIl1shanll, lrier! tn IInclcr·:I.r~r, man has." ong \\~y 0 'down ac\'Os~ the s,d~:e o u a" nowp~~ this sum. (I i Olle ann nllc·h~H cups sll~ar,! and ,ines of two ~.incll layers. sta~d tl1Cil' \Iil'os, illslcan nf nl'; i ~o ?cfore hC.COl1l1llg as no e"as horso, Jed 'Minis rod! raN! ~o~lca~hollldtr In shoulder Casual I '. Cllt

' \1'atcl" I tablespoon light or lops of la~crs I.cnerollsly, \ I\1IS'IIl~ Ihe ,femlllillc \'ICllpmn, I he ',IKe, .tel (01151der hmtse,I,[' ,terest task Gil Y~l;~

~~r. ~I' 5 fIl~gr work lI~d corn '~'rllp dash OfIBII, '4 qua· J~ouble Ih~ _recipe for tops alld with. "There s no, II O!! ami Ill?, , BI.II Spell .. , hllnk~? NOI\ know II in all his life hi r t nee ~et, e@ ~ed to 'I res IInS\I'pptrll~rI chocolate, 2,tab· Sides of three lO·lnch laycrs, thr way ~ \\'0111an s mmclwnrks thot ~ ~ qUPl'r ansl\er,,, '. d dl' Rettln\ , eOIOrt~ !i?~h! I are 1~~!'raj8h's PRINTED P A'fTERN ',: I~,poons buttel' or other shorErn·, \'anIJIA-Mod!a Frosttn~ f\,lflrl: H \l'oJ11eu ~~t dowlI aJd fl~lIr· "[SII til" lhough? agr~e,d ~l~glelha~ ~ ; I' " Ihit ~Uue! A h ~ !mS , i\1~, 1 teaspou~ vanilla, : Enough lor tor~ Rnd sld~~ 01 Nl ?~t. th~ real neeru of thm Hy~tt, "But In a .Iot of ways, It 5: T~ y er~: ~ orit\till treasurt c es, 4897 : Combine SU~Rr, water,. corn, two g·lnch CR~e laver,,) famllirs mst~ad ,of \\aatm;: a queer worl,?' Good night, Bill, : h' cl wa. drH~

To mash clove! 01 petltd ~ar­lie, try putting them between: two pl~! of waxed pAper A~d mashing them with the handle 01 I kilfe, This wlli keep your hindI free from larllc odor,

~ syrup nn~ sail in small salle'p-' ,Heal ,~ CliP r nutter 0, el'Nythmg Ihelr neighbors 11a~'e. anr! thanks: He stepped out, an , IS ~ee pall, Brill~ ~ui~kly to a boil. I lI1argal'ine until ;:olden ilroll'\1 in i If mcn treated their wil'cs like inlo the nIght. ,stOIC, stirring nn'l)' until sugar is ,cl!"-I a" ~altcepan, I~rgc cnough for, husin,r~s partners insl:",c\ of I He went along to tbe t;older' As the~ ~pl~"hr'\ soil'cd, Then hOiI WlthO\11 stll" mixing frostm;: Grauually add, Ircatl'lg them lIke finanCIal lame, Hom aud turned In there, seck, brown, fasl rUnril', rb~, Itntil mixtllrr. forms a ~oft ~'ellps ~irtcrl ronfcctioners' : br~in5, '. , . i ing, Excepl [or a lone bartender ditch at the hr,rl 01 hall in cold wstcr for to a ~em-I StlJ!Rr with 1 to .; table5poo~s I rr \\'ire~ paid attcllllOn t~ thClr I killing time over a hand of 5011 'anrl moved on ~rrOlS per~tur~ of 234 degrees F,l, I light cream ,or top milk and I, husbands Ide~s on brln~l\l~ _.lIP I tnire, the pl.ace was deserte~. ,terval. Cam RecI'" 3DI

Cool slightly t~ 15n ~egrees F, I tablesp?on ,l1ght cO,rn sjlrup, I the chlidre~. JI1~tead of thlOk~~~ Of this indiVidual, Hyatt asked: Benedict showed

STURDY CANVAS BOOTS Melt chocol~te In medium sauce- Blend m 1 teaspoon JI1stant ~of-I thcy know It a\l bec~I!;,e they I ~ "Ollie Ladd been around thiS Burke hurrying from pan over bOiling water, Add ,IJut fee, Ih teaspoons pure valll\la I reld a few books b~ experts. e\'ening?" . : house, Cam coming ter ,and vanilla, Rem?Ve [rom extract, a~d 1 square melted un: I If more hl1sba~ds accepted re' "Probabiy out at , combll~: i bunkhouse, As thr~. III




* Duroblo, 'Jack duck upp," * eroll arch .onliloll ... * ~ol"'arcod oyolol tloy, , ... .Id. "'UI III * Sp.clol ,hock,ab,o,bIR, 'po",O 1"'01. o"a orc~ "pporl * ~omou, ,.ellon grip-double 10 .. 1 101 .. for e.l,o "Ippln, powe, * Wid. 'oddod To",u. * Alumlnu" ...... '1 eyolo"


• LlnLEGENTS' 5iz .. 6 - 8 ..... ;,,$1.28

• YOUT~'S Sizil 9 - 13 .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$1.38

• BOYS' Sizi. 1 - 5 .. ~, .. , ..... " .. ".,,$1.58

• GENTS' 51zlI, 6 - 12 ........ : ..... ,,$1.68


boiling w~t~r, Add s)rup gra- sweetened chocolate" Spread be I sponsibilit~' for making decisions headquarters, n u r 5 I n g h.,: up, Yen~er explallll,,1 dually. ~tl~rJl1g constantly .. Con- t~een laye:s. a~d o\er. lop o~d regarding iheir children instead \l'olln(ls," Houe stirring until smooth and Sides of two B'lnch cake layels,! of taking the eas)" "go ask 'fot. "Wollnd.,t What do )"l,1 "Tlw l'olllbinr lIil II,

ber" roulinp, menn','" • I mornillg. \\'1" IIlanJ~t'j,

Dr. Jordan Answers BY EDWIN p, JORDAN, M. D. supervision,

It Is disturbing when a corres- Q:-I have had an operation lor pOndent mentions a symptom as a ganglion on my wrist several does today's first writer, a~d years ago, but It has come back, jumps to a conclusion about Its Now I have to have a~other cause, operation and am wondering if

Q-What kind o[ heart trouble this Is more dangerous, Would Is taking place when there' is you comment?-Mrs, D. A. pain and discomfort in the upper A-This ganglion is a cystlikc left side of the body? This is in tumor occurring on or near a my left shoulder, left side of the tendo~, There Is no medical neck, and throat, with' occasia- treatment for it. Therefore i f nal pai:! over -the heart.-~1r&, treatment Is needed it must be W,P. by surgery. . '

A-Pain and rliscomfort are The enlire tumor' has to bt merely symptoms !l,nd should' succcssfullv taken out, or it is simply be' considered as' warning likely to come back. Ttiere is signs and aids to the' physician no reason to believe that a in making a dlag~o!s of what-is second operation is any mor~

L., A /J I . responsible., " . dangerous tha~ the first. , ' "'(-f1lt".. .,.",..."., In this :Instance, for example, Q'-Is'there any particular rea-~ ---, - - - . - It 15. certainly not. ',con- ~on .why people 'want to have

Count on this shapely 'casual/ clude from thll hifllrniatitin' p're-, therriseives'.tatooed?--:cS, A, , to take YOll everywhere frbm' sented that the' dfscomforUS;the ' A-This" was' the, subject of a spring right through summer. rc~ult of heart, disease;. thOlign recent report. . As a result of a Cardigan nccklbe is smart style this Is o~e possibility .. Such pain survey of.l~R;tat90e.dmen ,it,was nelte above rippling a·gore skirt, cOl\ldhe the -re6ult 'oflnjury' or' concluded that a man's decision Tomorrow's pattern: MIsses'.' art~ritl.~ in th~ shoulder, o[ pleu- to be tallooed' has nothing to do . Printed Pattern· 4897: Half risy,: of ,neuritis, . or of. m~ny ·with, I'Ih'eleror ;oot 'he: is ae sailor,

Sizes 1411, l6'.~,' Wh, 20 1h, 22 lh, other possible ,origins, ' " . his edllcatio~a\. -level, ,or his Wh, ·Slze 161" requires 4!" The proper procedure Is to try being d'rllnk at .[he. time. I

yards :J5·lnch fabric. to find out what· realiy is res- . However, it was .tholl~ht that Printed dlreclions on each ~at- ponsihl~,' that'" the tAttooed man, rloes

tern part. Essier, accurate, Q-WhAt hnrm' rould result differ frpm;·"Qine w~ys,

(' Se~d FIFTY CENTS' (in, coins) [rom takln~ pxce',slve doses of He is more likely. to have been stamps cannot be accepted) lor vitamin D?-M, W, divorced a,d the son o[ divorced

thIs pattern, ' Please pMnt plain- A-This may result In an In- parents, He is, rnorp of a rebel, ~~IZE . NAME" ADDRESS srease b, the calcium, in t~e has more. trollble with authority.

S E NUMBER" bloort ann excessivp.' deposits of and is more likely to have been

end ordcr to ANNb ADI')MS. eqlcium in some of Ihe ti~'IICs, ill i,i\., , c.a~c of ST, JOlIN'S Ui\lI.Y I No nne ~hnilid lakr lar:c rln5~s 'Thr,'e I\'~r" amon~ thr rlir.

The b:ll'tenlier straiglltrneti, I them olf, 11111 11111 1I111U

whippetl the canis touelher and Ill'll thl'ir mark. They racterislics who do not have b

themsell'es tattooed, bp.gan another ,huflle. i lIIims and Pllt a ,','lg Q-Please tell me if syphilis is "Had you been in here ngh\ Alec's leg, I couldn't I

a form of leprosy?-M. B. around noon today, you'd kno .... ! and Anita there a1o~1 A-These are two entirely what I mean, Burke Benedict! brought them here. I t~,·

separate diseases with diflerent comes in to knock Oilie west and 1 they'd be welcomr, causes, different symptoms, and I crooked, He, sure m~d" ,I good I they?" " u,,jl requiring different treatment. dog out of him, Me, I neva fig, I (To Be (ontln

~ . Need a loan ~. ~ for car repairs?


Terms up to 31, monlba Parlnllll 8ulldlnl, .

Duckworth St" Phone 706'l 8ranrhrl In GraBd Falls , and Corner Brook"

I Nf.WS" I'atlern Drpt, &0 FRONT I 0,1. "it~n:in D fOI' ~"V l~n~th, or I fere:1cr,' thou,h\ '. to exd Rut I-_____________________ ~ 51'" ~EST, T~RONTO, ONT. " lime Without care.rul medical I thel'e are many with such :ha-

;. . I,

',' .,

.. r, 'I " " ;.' ,

--_ (NEA) -ArnerlCU wo

01 motol belo\\' ber P

but didn't gl ,On that day

thcre still wer g the haiC·libE ,he heard th

. "sylvia, ! looked down

was bro~ ;-~"k.bcarded, E:


4 r. (

5C c

H 71 8J 91

10 I III

pass 171


19 : 23, 241 2S ~ 26:

MAY 11 ,

. blin Amtriet ~I.tion Bro"1h ~c prC1Cnt Tate thc end of the .\meri:a win "coplc; the


I r' _ ~:CI ",' ,

" "':11 \:lTIr., "".,._"-

>. ,IN ••. 22 I. 0 ... " ,.~~;> 1.f:I,· r.IlI'~1 - • &; If" !"Oftl~~:.

I '0",12 t. Jon, 211 .' r' \ . ''':~,.I.,:on t:. :"Ir~ '~~', ~!.\!\ 1"'1 Jt~~


1~h:·,. storm wen : Iceln': be!ore the ~d that had brcrze and had

10 I hat now it II acr05S the ,:ong the crcSI 0, through ilPS r,ning clouds, l long, Kolden ~d "'hrre thue ,rie it glistened, lnd stimnl with

, l'IIlIIhinr hit !1~ ,~ \1",. man~;:~~ 1111. 1,,11 not ('Ir marie They ami put • slue leg. I couldn't ,nita Illere .IODe,

nt them here. 1 Nld be welcome, BUT~t


Twenties And O~I'TTE H.\RGROVF. I The explalnatlon for Hem·

ft SI;II corre~l"'ndenl i Ingway's del'ollon to the BtUe .- '!iT~y·hnlred woman-be aided

I :\E.~) - The gray- : her before he liberated tbe ~Ir[lc~n woniUn heard I wine cellar at the Rltz-(an be . o[ 111010)"> 10 Ihe I found In a clIrrent exh,lbitlon


r"";(IOII" hl'r !'~I'is Hparl in Paris. , lion'\ "0 near the V< r·,II.,1 "Thr 'T'wo"Pc':;

hW! ( ,.. . f I rI I I d On \11:11 11:11 111 ,\ugus Amerlcnn W ten n Par I an .. ,Iill liNt' (;l'rman~ Their friends," And tbe 600

'hl'ft . I 'I I I d' " Ihl' IIJlllilll'ralrl CI)' llostn glc souven fa - scribble , 11',,::rti lill' rl'~!lllnd, note~, manuscripts, first edl· I

" "S) \11:1. ~I'IIIII." Hons, pictures-arc for the lo~~rd 0,\111" '1I,t! ,II')"O"S most part property of SylYia

IIJ' 1'l'o:lI(.,hnulclcr, Beach, now whlte·halred and in' , E\"IlI"~1 I1cm her seventies.

a JIl ,,<II III' gUll slung YOll must never have heard ;llIlll ldrr. ,her name, but you have heard , ti:"II.'t! lIPSIHII"S, Ihe names of those who flocked,' i 1;1,'I'ti 11:1' I':oman to her little left·bank bookBhop "\\'1>,11 '",,11 I do (or "Shakcspeare and Company" In

thc two decade~ between Ihe . ' . wars.

Here came the "lost genera, tion" o! authenllc and would· b~ writers and jOl1rnallst~ and rl"cn thc Idle rich with a yen lor an intellectual backi/round ..

~ pc:'r.m5ion :n~ ~rUlnent

4 :,!"ir dter I I'Ll


f I;. '. r. as a sona: ~ Horn r. .'\j':;rc~C'hes

• • • It \\a~ the meeting place, lit·

Nary club. and lending library for Hemingway, Sherwood An·

'. Allswer to Previous Pu;zle

B I\r::~io~! boo~ iu H,r.o" ~7 or a ,Haled 42 Ancien! SyrIa : I ,>ell\',,1 btln, ~A Coln 4~ Anlitoldns

PH! i ~,:,'.~C'\,lj~H." ~9 wo.~ __ nils 44 Brld,e "r')"i1"I(on 31 Re"d 46 Noun ~u!l\x

In :'":11,, :n E.klmo hOlM .7 MUllcal :1 Me.nris 3C Father or Instrument :1 Ch\lI \.:, r'c,s~ mother 48 Winter :3 Sh.nk 40 Kind of hat pmlpll.aUoft :e Prr!um.. 41 Group of fish! 50 Distress qnll

I 1 , .~ j ~ 1 8 , I" I

11 I j N


Ht;MINGWAY AT WAil: He had • call to make hefore \lbnatlnl the wiDe cellar It tbe RItz.

denon, Scott Fitzgerald, Tborn· ton Wilder, George Antbell, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Archibald MacLelsh, e, e, cummlngll, John Dos Passos, Man Ray. The dis·

I taff side counted Gertrude Stcin I Marianne Moore, Kay Boyle, : Katherine ~tansfleld, I They and others had flockcd 'lo Parll to find • way of life : devoid a! the puritanism that ,flourished in the U.S. aller I World War I. Here was an at· i mosphere devoid of prejudices, ,in which one could breathe the 'heady air of intellectual liberty, I There were, of coune, addod at· 'tracllons. Prohibition Wll& un· ,known, and it was posible to i Ji\'e on the proverbial sboe· : 5trins. For $75 • month one ; could be luured of • comfort· : able II'B)' of life, Man)' n;uted : on leoll. ' : ~!uch more 50 Ihan American resid~nt5 today, lhey mixed with


In Paris trude Stein was the priestess. When Bhe stepped out 'Of her enormous Packard, her white Pomeranian tucked under her

I arm, and stepped over the thercshold of ~ylvla Zeach', baokshap, she came to visit her faithful followers at the temple of the cult.

Then in the late twentiu 'America started shedding her prejudices. One by one the

. exiles returned to their native land, . there to reap the fruits of their victory by sponsoring

,tbe giles! rena~sance of Ameri· can literature whicb took place between 1930 and 1941l.

It happened in the nick of lime. With the great economic crisis, of 1930 many of tbe ex· patriates 8aw their funds d1.

I minish or disappear altogetber. I At home "Ulysses" was no lionger taboo and prohibition bad been repeaied. Tourists stopped smuggling whisky and Joyce through the customs.

Mis, Beach'l bookshop 'sur· 'vived the lost generation, but I not by mucb.

l One day shortiy after the Nazis occupied Paris, a German

, officer waiked into the .hop and asked to buy an early edition of Joyce's "FinnC€an'. Wake." ~!lss Beach refused to Bell it, He threatened at confiscate all hcr books.

That afternoon, with the help of friends, ~liss Beacn moved all

I her stock, the let len, manu· scripts and picture. to an attic bedroum, and put up hcr shut· ters. She was held in a delen· lion camp !or six months by the Germ.ns, but relurned to her

I apartment in time for that reo union with Hemingway.

But Shake.speare and Com· pany was closed forever. Noth· ing quite like it had ever ex· isted before-and basn't lince, except for the current exhibi· lion. 11.5 cozy untidiness, it. comradel'ie and all the brave, exciting talk that once bounced

! olf lis walls are oniy memories ,o! those who gathered there.

OUT OUR WAY 8t J. R. WllllAM~


I ..



Wr=LL, CClMEOl'J··LET'.::So ~DTC.e,Ll_ HIM! 1 CAtJ'i "TAI~E A CH"!!::E CII LOOKING >'iT "THOS'" rt.IP'<:-! I'D 6;; BOF:I<OWIN' I';lor.' I0I0'1 FOLI~S"TO £:Ill'( ONE A'J' 'TH!':N I'D BE OClT EA;':NI~I' "THE MONE'/ TO PAY 'Er,., BAC1<! 1












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,the }'rench, hobnobbed with tbe ,ave his uncle'~ gunsmith hus i.' Hotel. rlln h)' the b"x~m Knle 's~m .. tribe \\hllsr chid TI'lbs i arlut!, Sure lhey drank Iud ness from bankruptcy, Tibbs, (Ja)'ne \1;""liolrl t. She l:tkr" llad 'l'~rrd "nd he ill made a

II I~ 7'{ ZO ,~ ,/

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: caroused, but not mucb more, ~n in\'ctcrale roman lie. deCide, an imlllcdiille di,like \0 h:m hlood brallirr. . on the whole, than the Amerl· I Paramount to introduce the wrstern fran' since shr fairs 10 undl·rst~.r,,1 ne'turning to Fradllred J'a"ol', i can businesl man In Paris and tier of America to Tibb's guns his ~trJIl~C, Engiish I\"ay~, whieh is alrcady mourning bl, i his wife. And pretty loon the GERTRUDE STEIN: She WBI ! ___________ which are, he claims, more t~,al' In the midst of a local "nl'h' de:tlh, Tibbs rc\'e3ls Ihat he has ·iost generation of European Ille hlab priestess, a weapon, rather 8 way of life war. Tibbs unwittingly becom,·s· sold all his fowling piecc~ to I writers, poets, artists, political Today Travelling by stage,' he per, sheriff whcn ~[ayor Masler.;', Ihe Indians without realizing i exlies came along and made' lion the Sh~kespcare bookshop's suades a band of hostilc Indilns' (Ilenry Hull) gcts him dr'lr,k i that no white man ever li~lls I MontparnlUse their forum, 100. I owner achIeved internationai 'to cease attacking the c~ach' and swears him in. The riyal I arms to the Indians. , While Syivla Beacn sold boaks ' fame when she published James ,'Tne Sheri!! o[ i-'!':lctured Jaw" aller first disarming their chic: ranch gan::s earh think ne is or i ' I she also acted 81 molher COli' Jo)'ce's "Ulysses." To the Ameri·,' Wltl! Kenneth More and When they arrive in Fractnrt'd i Ihr side of \lIe other. but he (\2,; At tile same t1~e, the ~ fessor to a number of the youn~· can write!'s of the twenlies,! Jane Mansfield Jaw, Tibbs is a bero. : arms Ihe top gunmen a! eae:' ran~e gangs decide. to lom

I er writers, They brought her "Ulysses" wns a symbol 01' ev· : . "roup litrough a !Iuke : t"r('es and destroy him. He is their troubles to loive along erylhing that was, forbidden in I The lime Is the mid·lmh Tibbs, after frightening off: 0 ' • ';aved by the Indians who heip

I with. their m~nu"crlpts to read.! Ihe United States. i century and the place si Lon· some town tOII-;:hs quite bv ae I Kate and Tibbs fall in love i bring peace. The tribal ch{r[ II • • • I ',If Joyce was the high priest I don, Mr, Junathan Tibbs (Ken· ciden!, Is declared a holy terror' and Tillbs is captured by [II, I acts as !alher of the bride al

Ia III lecond ,.ear of opera- 01 the American colony, Ger· I neth ~!ore) u called upon to by the town. He lodges in Kate's I dians. They turn out to be l!le' his and Kate's wedding.

, ,-

'. -,. ' .. ;

." '.-"


. .

picture yourself in this bright moqern





Glistening brightly from every aide. : . from coun~r tops, Aom'the range, the built-in oven, the sink, even the pots and pans ... stainless steel containing Inco Nickel. This is a kitchen to cheer the heart of modem homemakers; so convenient, so easy to clean-and keep ,clean-and so good-looking. Stainless steel won't chip or stain; it's practically immune to rust and corro· sion' and it has a rich si1very lustre that stays bright and beautiful for years.

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Nickel helps give stainless steel this lustrous beauty and excepwonal resist-ance to rust and corrosion, .. helps make its fabrication easier. That's why Canadian manufacturers use quality Inca Nickel to produce quality Canadian awnless .tee1 products.

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& TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD., MorHREAL Foou r,nid" \lipc olf "'il) rrom poI) _114 pan!. m~~c Qr nidcl-..:ont3tnlns f.,

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• -_.:.........;----------------------------------------:-------- .-

,Family' Birthday In One Month . ,


'~ON~ , . '.~'. ~

(By THE OLD GSo.UCH), ' GLE.VWOOD, April ~Birtb··

days are a topia' of, interest cllle!ly to the owners, and the~ l!'e tile I'fry' ycur.~. But ,;ome· times In. unu.lualcomblnation of circumstancu makes then In, ter!,\t!ng 10 others, I

A few days ago the Grouch happened to hear of sucb, In the family of Mr, Lawrence Jobn, of this place, leven birth· cLt:IS, Includlna that of the father, all come in April. Th~y are . wortb lIsting-tbe whole seven:-' j

Sheila and MDI'aaret-twlns- I April 7; Florence, April l~; Billy, April 18; Jennie, April 2Z; Janet, April 26; The Father, April 23. 'St. John's seems tD nave II

lecured "the wet end of the, stick" durlni the past wlnler I and preJent spring, Today Is practically the first for some week or more that we have nol had several hours of slll1fhinp, particularly after midday, A very lltUe snow remains art!: that only In the woods, Spring I driving of pulpwood will begin I

tp e3rnest next week. : One heard of an enterprising!


~. v '

. . ',:

" .. ' ,.

... :.

Trade Karnival I . '. ,

· Will. Clothes Spoil ,

Brigitte Bardot?




thl),''; Ja)cl'e, lCl'l'

Dridng nude", and ;l\I':1rc!rt! R tht'quI

" ~ .• f, .j I S \'i.OO h)' the .1a\Crlih

" (Terra :\'O\'a l'holo.

,..! . '. 1,1 ...

II BRIGITTE A~n JACQUES flli\JtRIER: ;\ new co·star on

screen and of!,


--------Beauty B '

;ardener who has sown some. , . turnip seed, but mosUy, every.: ·]'iF.A Staff Correspondent "[ am sick of sex. alld of II'hal

Pu.,hing and ""'"'' r .-oms o~ Il1r I,cr "0','

thcm ,::!o 3\\ ay I: .~.' make Ihem ~fo\\,. anj" 'pl'cad the infcc:,nn where In the shade the ground I .' . PARIS (:>IEAl-Nel'cr mind I h:Jre brrn made out to ~t'.

l~ stUl frozen, as nl~ht tempera, ' ) all that [IISS about Herlin, The Perhaps .other people He gelt'tn~ Of' , I k [ t t .", Trm'rllin~ "ilh tu~es usually drop below freez. 'burning international question, S l" 0 I, ou. , , bl~' . < ': ~ ! of the da" is: On the an.'\Vrr 10 Ih;]t queshOIl mrlie holllc' Cd.l I)/' ,

-' , , , ttl h To st'al thcm -h"'. : The Utile Grouches are pres. i I, .... , ' •. ',\ ,. ':. 'I' "Will clothes spoil Brigitte. rcs s no on y t e future ot f l"d I', . • !llly 'much prenccupied with ',' ;,'. ' " Bardot"" Brigitte's own salary for a moric 0 Iqhlll fcallH ,cl "':' , ! • [50 '11' f' m011l 0 tIe '(':' .. c'~ (heir new coov·ho~se, the now I ! '.'< ... -:;'. : .. ': .' : In her latest movie, the soon· a In! IOn lanes, hut a large, -t I It ),' , . discarded en;!ne lfouse of the ;, ._ ',' , '.' 1'10 be released "Barbette Goes to share of France's doilar earn. 'lhU. can IP ,leC.[" "

former Grouch lighting plant. " , " . i War," Brigitte is covered up to Ings. ,liS ·year·old gIrl tJrln~s illst a, ea,il,·.' . D I . " . . 1'" 24 " \I' en nece" aI'\' ano

Tliougb It served a usefUl pur .. : .' . " ':,:':" "',, ',' ~ '/ I the chin. She wears a stcel In more hard . currency than, pose for some seven years, one i ' ::. • ,', I helmet, army boots, battle dress Rena.ult automobiles.. i A small kil [oe ' Is not sorrY to be able to aban·) t· ',., i -or. an unsophisticatell lillie . BrigItte may be changrng her: rCilpplying makc',~ il don the cold nights spent coax.j :,' '. \". I black frock with a virginal white \\a)s \Ilth c1olhes, or laek of' ,ible when 1'01, arr ' I b lk ", ' <ame hut ;he's app' re 1tl ' ' .. ng I. a y motor to ·start, in: (, .... " ' . I, collar. ~ ~tic'-i'11P I"th' th' t d't~ I ~;: any distanC'r. S:(j led ., fal'or of a wall switch, I . ,.. , .'. ' To uudcrstand what a sharp" ." ". ' I r ra I roll 0" tic hag. it canllr :d'

Little Miss Grouch attended I . break with precedel1t this is, )·ou Ifall ll1g In iOl'e 1IIIh hcr leatlill~ 'nently in YOIIi' ,a,' :oc . I birthday party yesterday but. " , '.' ,need a lillIe haek~roulHl. For' men. : Cil'S .

) ~ , ~ ,. ..

l11ust ha\'e rather over·eaten : example, Paris movie hOIN,' Th ' Iweet.stuff, as she was III dur'l i currently are p\~yin~ two of, .. at, Ilhat haplleupn II'h,'n King Henr' Ing the middle of the night, 'I' 'Hrige!tc's mosl recrnt films, S!ll made 11i[' sel1.-atcol1:11 "An<l wil'Ps, tll'O of ":'0'" though with no afler effects: '''En C~~ de ~1,,111t'1ll''' (call"ti' (,or! {·l't':::,·d lI'"man." Slie fpll headed··Anne R(oIc'~ ,:: this morning ·1 "Love Is ~1" Prok,!-ion" in th" lor ("..,1:11' .It':ln·l.ouis TrilVig. erine Howard . .. Likewise, the Grouch was t'.S.) al1<1 ";fhe \l'oman ~l1d the 1111 lit. "ild 111\'(O<'(,t'd her hll;\):lnd.' clumsy enough 10 accidentally Puppel." dll't'Ctor Hog!'r \':llllm, i ----- --.--slop bollinl water from the lea In the fil'.,I, lilt, inlrnwlionJI .of ['our,p, the Trillli~nallt "['1 The flower IlI":< c;.: kettle over one fool. The result sex symbol walk, across a bed· 'f'm [lIdll't last. and Bri~itle ha.' of man\' co:or,. ,. (i

a blistered foot and then. be·: . room, completply naked, brfore had several other heart in·' rleep fit SO thol I: h:,~/, liause he thought he could r.ot: 'an amused ,leap Gabin and his' ten'sts. Before making "Ba·' Ihe hair. s'tay put rubbed the blister Into) T b II h ' . Bud CarleJl' horrified, middle·aged secretar)·.: hetle," her bol' lI'a" Sadw: ----'---- --

sor 'd h • h d t d lik' op u·w ip cracker of I use the whip whcn hr was I which IS bern!! featured at the ments is whcn II h d h d d Distel a "'t '1 t ' I e an a. ROO e'l th US' ! B d C I 11 ' . d" Ii controls tile lI'h'IP to cut "ar., n t e .seeoo . s e oe., a nu c. . , ~1I1 ar payer 0 WilDen the love Scelles ",rt "Diddle dlddl d II' g , C ,,,",, 5 U ar e ,) hcrdinl! catllc as ~ \)n,I', buys: KInsmen Tra e harnrcal t 1 S ' hi" , e ump n m~,! '1 r Okl k I I' I" I' I' . . I tlancr In front of a mirror. .' e al:,lOllnCe[ ,Icr engagement. Iiol'r, hut 3I'COrf!II',,:1 : 80n John I orm!!1 y 0 R oma, 11'.10 .. hi! 1I'111l III Austri1 1;1, tIe, wcek, Bud Carlell and Hose ious objects which are held: • • • But "B I tt " th I . k h hi I h a Je e rew ler mtn, Who wcre on 111 <p"

One ~hoe off and tile other; c,.a~ 41ci ~ w p w I a velocIty: ollly coul1try he ~")", which, put on a demonstration with in the lips of r.liss Rose. This' When ~hr lea\es the bpd·. the arms of handsome ,rac~lIes i Ihe clo,!! of Ih: ' '. : shoe on," I! ~~UI;d ba~~~e~eriS!e~~~~, i~~~ I makes ~ good whip,. I the Australian slock. whips. chore has won her the suh·: rooms in both films. hpr opcul·. Charrier, whu plays a Frcnch: couple diun't nerd ",uti

Am 0"'" that me dl e v of d C I II 'A I' tl' l 0 [ II ,t thrlillng mo l'I'qUCt of "Hulnan 'fargrt," ,,' Irli1~e and hrief skirt., leaH officer. At the slart of filmin~., lioll. ,"" • pel' seeon, ar e learned to, 5 ~ r. Il11all. tn lell' aI" nc [) 1C 111110'" " I\h'odous . ~ound~ . which come, __ . __ .. ___ . ___________ ..:...:.______________________ ! practically noilling to the imagi· .----.-----_ CII'f', the radio, and which the I ~1Vl IS' ' natio1l, &n~oun\m elect 01 call "music", ". ea {er ex I (OC cour.'e, Amcrican ~u.i· there l~ f"rlunatrl), an or· I Cllces will hare 10' II.'" their cB510nai ol&ls ~uch a~ the simpie Now Totes . -. imagillatiolls when walching the Bongs of Kindergarten of the . , ' beol'ooll1 scrnc,. ~!orr conceal· Air which delight the young L h P .1 Ing versions were shot for the Grouchrs. The smallest Grouch une' al S V.S. mukl'l.) I! partkularly fond of "Goodbye But with "Barhetle {;oe, 10 until tomorrow" which he tra·os· War," Ill'igilte has her first lates into "goodbye until to- BY ALICIA HART chance to show what she ha.,to Monday." Washington· - (NEAl - Bo)'~, offer as a comedienne. It is the i

Hockey Is now one presumes I ~'ou're in for a surprise if YOU story uf a >imple French peasant' ended for this ~eason 'bul th~ thi~k marriage is going to keep I girl who is taken to England: recent Kamel were cl~5elY fol. a gal at home, Chances are l'ia Dunkirk, join! the F~ec I lowed by local fans many of that withln a few year~ after french woman's army curps, I

w!lo:n journeyed to 'the Paper, your ho~eymcon, the lltlle w()o and is parachuted back into I Town for th! finals, As the i man will be Job hunting. France as a Sp)'· I CeeBee's sped home by train a' This prediction comes .from Perhaps Brigitte, who in'l b Md f ,Bryna Ball, assocIate director of t

a:. 0 supporters here iave! the National Manpower Councll. cidentnlly LI no bird·br"in, has I them I round of cheers at the) remembered the adrice of 110 l 'j I '~:~IC IS.a :Jonprofit organiZation oc~ statlon, lof businessmen, labor leaders, less a writer and crilic tnan

Little Groueh could only be i e1ucators and public service of· Andre ~Iaurois who wrote of persuaded to ao to bed while I !leials, It tries to find ways to her: . the lames were in progress by: boost the' emdency of the na. "This Eve should get herself T. R, ~JOORE E. leavlna the radiO on loud) !lon's labor force, photQgraphed with a dress to enoUKh to near in hla bedroom" ~iss Ball explains that more her ankles, long sleeves and a At a meeting ol the board of directors of G:"I\('~iJ Fortunately sleep usually loon! married women are workin.~ to. collar up to hpr ears, otherwis(' l'ompan)' Ltd. held aft['r the annual genc)',) overcame him, i day than ever before, T"tal Adams soon will no lunger look shareholders, T. R, ~Ioore \\'a.' electeu chairm:ill o( Ibr

Ladles of the United Church number of female employes i,< ~t her." I all~ E. I .. :'Iieal was elel'l('d pr~sictent. ~Ir. ~Ioore i; :.1'0 recently put off a play wbich, estimated at 22 mlllio~. I\nd • • • lof Anglo·:\ewtollntllnnu Ul'VeJopnlflit I 'olllllan)' 1.1.1 .. llr .. while he did not attend, the three Ollt of every five of these Her own explanation goes like bl'llPl'al lIl:In!lger of t;asprsi. Sulphite Cumpany 1.:11. Gr~ucb hears was quite a sue· gals are marrie<l. c~, In another week or so a Hal'ing children 1I'0n't be &rpUll of R,C, ladie! are also I much Influence in keeping yom producin/l a play, Madame wife home, either, Miss Ball ex· Grouch is takinl part in tills plains that many young mothers lafler. ' go job ~unting a9 soo~ as their

Our local restauranteur, Mr, youngsters start school. In fact, Lewis Little, and his wife reo one·fifth of the [emale labor tlltped recently from I motoring force is made up of moms with trftl down through the East~rn children between the agc! of 6 St~f'5 to Florida, UnfortUnately and. 17. . on: returnlnK to thi! province MISS Rail explRlIls that there !b~ highroad in JllacM, was not are ~pl'crRI reasons for the In· n~iilble and they had to come r.r~~,~.I11~ :Jllm))er or. rmplo)'ecl b~k from Port aux Bisques by marrl"r, :'oml'1l, FI~~.t, therp. tr~n, Howel'er, t n e ilr trjp I arl'! mm :ood joh.~ al ~llable ~u.h U,S, was une1'entful but I gals tnda) than I' ere sel e· mo.t enjoyable. '. ral )'ears a~o. Also m~ny COli·

.'-In-amU!lnl but oftl ple~ have found th~t the) can af· .I! ·I~ n ford more commoditle~ or In~ure .~~me y IrrltaUnll-are the an education for their chlldren Wl/f' of oUlelaldom. Reidel'! If both 30 to work. ~radlo listeners have heard Anolher re •• on Involl'es the °i' no\ll' famoll,l "Chinen relativelv earlv age at which S pOI . dlplomlUc COil,t~~. most women roam these days, v as well as the equally un· Studl!! made of Bln~le working f l.tI incidents connected iir!! reveal that half of those wit., the Norwell!an fire·swept who marry do so before they Bre

;'mer It Vancouver. Since 21. Thus. these gals are ~till 11ncld'ellu particularly, af· young when their children are

f ~_,Can.dI·they have an·hf· ready to go away 10 college or t~t for this province, ' marry .and .;tart raising a family

Jotor . vehicle drivers In this of their own. lot1fUty are, as • rule,. most Since ms:'lY 01. these mothers eodrteoUi in the matter of) tile of havlni so· much spare 10Mr their Up" on meet· time on their hands, they decide inl.,olher vehicles, but one to ~o to work, Mis; Ball says,

/ hijIi. fioequent complaint of I Blg,est problem .Involved I n

~m, H. w, SHF.A, Sales :\!annger of Imperi;ll Oil Limited, pl't'sent.1 a Cfl1ncra lind 'plane til'l<rt tu :\lonctoJl tu \\'instoJl DiulllolHl, the winner of Saturdny's JH~'{I!eS Teenage Safe.Driving Rolleo. At Moncton Winston will compete in the Regional Rodc<;l,-Terra Nova' PllOto Service.

1 .. cODlld.rate attitude on the the womanpower boom is that paJt ,of 'soml drivers In the St. %alB often find they do not quali· J 'I aru·. TrIIe It, may be fy for the type of, work ~hey .

.' tr&We, in the latter nco would Uke to do, When .hey . . . .' ..

U II .'err.mum heavier than Wptal~ Int~eCyhOOp\an~~ ~:yll. ::; MASTER DENNIS YABSLEY presents the W, J. Yabsley Trophy to Joseph h aboutl, and that the pedel' ., . hI'" 'd' , f ., . '.Ii .. ,need to expeet leu marrIage and didn't lake thp SlaDey, l e second p Rce winner m Slitur ays Jaycees Teenage Sa e·Dmmg f' :·tI!e drinr for In the glare j~~,es5acy cOllrm to and, a, i~d Rodeo, Joseph IIlso received a $15,00 cheque from the Ho)'al Garagtl Lil1li~ed, I o '. ~i1Uiht!~ it. -II often dlt· . Thal~5 wby' aile mommehd! . . \ Tm-a NOVIl Photo SerVIce, .

,fa,l!!.lf nM .lmpo~JJ.lleto. dis" _. . ___ ~ __ .. _-' ---...,.-' ___ . ____ , tll~i'h I fW'm in bet lVl!.e n, '1 Rprin~ inchlent·of an .Iee bl~c.~'llhat today's l~eJl·pge gids stull),' type of job that will. suit them I Bllt Miss Ball' declares: "I i

" o!lf .. of this,l.s', newN,but the ,ade. This brirn:s to the Grouch s i subjects. that will boost their in their 40's and' 50's, they will ~ thiJk it's nece.~sary fOl' ),ollng, be vy toll of vlolen\ deaths: mind one spring, somewhere In i c m p I 0 yment opportunities in find theil' problems minimized.": men to understand what nas I since t.he yca~ bellan' must alve , thoecond decade oflhe ecntul'Y ,Ialer life, . So far the Manpower Council I been :lOpncning to women's' em· . • \1 tedlona of the, .prol'lnce when Ihe first steamer to reachl ).1155 Ball "uys: "Half of 10' has lint made a study pf now, p\nl'n":ll and I\'ila.t Ilie future I c~u~t·IM.'I.~lel)', ',' . ,', :the L~wisporte, Itql1lna!.'·ol!lay'~ tccn·a~e ~irls are !ike)' t(1 )':olln,~ hllshanrls.lce.1 aboll! the;I,,"': Ii".," Thl'l. 'on, wi:! h~\e;

Best Looking

See Us For



For Bargains





• '55 RAMBLER $1390. Super 4-d.

• '56 PLYMOUTH $1495. Plaza 4-d.

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• '55 DODGE $1350. Regent 4·d.

• '56 ZEPHYR • $1450. 4·d.

• '56 VOlKSWAGON ,wilh radio $1150,

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• '55 lANDROVER Pickup

• '57 MERCURY P/z Ton

• '56 CHEV. ~ ton Pickup

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$1090, $2200, $1650, $1500.


WANTED IMMEDIATELY 30 USED TRU . • ,on t~,"eoaaLlre':flJnlrl' Oamr Bl?)',nrdved durina I lIork fnr ~ year.'. If the;' ,"CR· I )Ikchhood of thw \l'11'es gOing to 10 lI\'e' III ,.a WDI'ld wtlcrr more; .' 1.,Jr,01ll th,IItIMOyin •. tlIe last weeil oI June, '.' in this··now a~d plan for the \l'ork... . I \l'omen ar~' gOi:1&to work _...;. __________________________ -~

._., .• ,~"'(~,., _, ,.~.,'. ~ ~: I ,: ~ of. " . '",' " ~t' I 't:~";~ .", :~'~""~' .. ' (' "

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C~ Dc Be WE

NUF Flush are 9 ments doors windc

look \'


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lIil;l Smith, 01

"'H·d. plal'cd ,h(' ,;:ir1\ in

.L\ u<(', TC(,Il~~r

~ Ho{ll'o. and ,d 1\ dll'(llI~

11, till' .laYl'~tl"' • '''''a I'holo

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""1 on of Gaspp~ia 1:] JJ I ~pneral I, .. j rhllrman o( Iht \Ir \I(torr is also I unlp,ny 1.111. ~Ir. lulllp~ny LId.

S~TfRMS' ~r .......


I A.s


io 51150. 1 S'man 5850. ms. ROVER 51090. URY 52200 •. , , . $1&50 •. 'ickup RN'l $1500.


NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD .. "'- MAY '9.59



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(1) Thls Is a Match the Pairs Contest. (2) Th. Doily News wlll publish for 60 days, Monday to Friday, 2

pictur.s a day. Pic:tures number 1 to 60 will be Newfound· lander. 01 they -are today, and picture. numbered 61 to 120 will be those .ame people In their youth or as children. The aduh pic·

ture and the youth picture will not necessarlly appear on the some day. (3) The contestant must cut out the two pictures which appear each day. (4) At the clos. of the contest the young and old picture must be

correctly paired. (.5) It will NOT be necpssary to nome the persons In the plcturN. (6) At the clos. of the contest on entry form wlll be published and

must be filled out by each contestant and .ent to ~. Dolly News Contest P.O. Box 972, St. John' ••




$19.40 TO $28.95 12 VOLT

$25.15 TO $43.15 TRADE IN YOUR OLD

I .



SERVICE DIAL 7665 • 7431






Here for the first time I. a Fully Automatic Oil Range. Here also for the first time I! an on Range 85 smart and modern In appearance as the very be!t In Electrle and GBJI Ranges. Built into It l5 the experience gained by over sixty years In the manufacture of high qualily cooking and heating equipment .

No llghting, no guesswork in cooking 11m Illy set the therosmatic oven control to the temperature required and the range does the re!t Bnd maintalllll the

exact temperature required. Wen cook· Ing Is flnlshed, turn the dial to the "off" position, which cuts the flame to pilot and

keeps It there ready for use at an in· Itant's nottce.

SUent. compact oil pump may be In· stalled behind range to automatically

pumy oil from basement tank directly to range (when ordering specify oHl!!ter mod~l 346) .




en Th. Judges wi" award flrsl prize ta the contestant having the highest number of matched pairl correcl and so on for second and third prizes.

(8) The prizes a rei , 5t.-$250.00. 2nd.-$15Q.OO. 3rd.-$100.00.

(9) The Match the Pairs contest Is open to all persons living in New· foundland exr.~pting employe!!! ond their families of the Daily Newt.

('0) In the event of a tie, the contestants cancerned will be asked to identify the 60 Newfoundlanders. Then the conte~tont wilh the highest number correct will bl! first and the other second.

(11) By entering the contest the contestant agrees 10 the decision of ,h. ludges.

(12) Only en. prIze will b. awarded to on. family.


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"Lewisporte News 1

,1s .,n annual event, and the I ' wives of the Masunic breth~rn look forward very much to

I same, Present from out 01 town I were Mr, and Mrs, Kinsmen, Mr. II and Mrs, Max Rideout from Campbellton. Mr, aDd Mrs. R.

, Sheppard and Mr. and Mr!, WEATHER I (the maid), played by MnI. C.' W.A, the play "Here Comell Locke and Mrs. Wallace Moyles. Lewis Hill from Glenwood, Mr,


Ttle weather cu",iuuel very i WlIllamj Mrl. George Crunch, Charlie" WBI Itage~ In West There was a repeat' performance and Mrs. Bishop from Notre IIlcertaln, and II sUIl cool and played by Mrs. C, Peckford; Sunday School Hall on Wednes· on Friday evening when a fair Dame Junction, Mr, and Mrs, lull but the Ice In the Harbour)' Gloria Crunch, played by Mrs, day, April 29th" before a pack· crowd attended, same for the Sceviour from Brown's ATm, II PruUcally all broken, and Len Brett; Marlon Van,Rasdale, ed bulldlng. Long before curtain second time> The' splendid sum Best t,hanks are extended the IriUla load III Ie of wind will be played by Mrs, C. Miller; Nan, call the building was filled to of $300.00 was received for Masomc Brethern for this en·

\.llearcd. 11 unes seem a 10 .' eUe. played by Mrs. Chas, capacity. The chairman for the which the thanks of the West joyable evening, and best Imt;alnce open water was last Simms; Theresa, played by Mrs, eVening was Rev. J. B, Reynolds U,C, W.A, is extended, wis~es for future success in

.jeu;; However, regardless of Alf Waterman; Sally Rowan (a who outlined the cast of charact. th~lr lodge, "tOld ,w dlaallfl!eable weather, rel'lorterl. pla)'ed by Mrs, A, I ers, which WBI as follows: MASONIC LADIES' NIGHT utuia loeb after thin lis, and Potterj Greta, played by Mrs. I Nora Malone, played by Mrs. I W.~I.S. AUXILIARY

.. Ice breaks up, alJo there Is I W. Godwin; Play Director, Mrs, Ros! Noble; Officer Tim Mc. On Thursday evening In the I notletable lIeen In the trees, I Robert Rose. I Grlll, played by Mr. Evan Peck. Masonic Hall, iadles night was III IJIdlutive that tbe seaBons! Mr, Calvin Coate& Introduced. fordj Mrs. Fanny Farnham, held by the Masonic Lodge lOOk' after their own. : the characters, and gave a short I played by Mrs. J. Marlin; Larry members, which was largely at,

i synopsis of the play prior to El11otl, pla)'ed by Mr, Gilbert tended. The W.M, Mr, W, A, )lOADS I curtain call. after wljlch the Locke; Ted HartJey, pla)'ed by Taylor, 01' behalf of the mem'

• fun started with Minnie (the Mr. James WoolfreYj, Vivian bers, welcomed the ladies in a , Tile rOldB from Lewlsporte to maid) brinGing roan of laughl·, Smythe Kersey, played by ~Il's, very efficient way, and expr~ss Notre Dime JuncUon and Norris er from the audience, The en·. Claude Northcott; Uncle Alcc cd tac hope that the e,vening lnI. and Ginder are Iil' poor tire cast act~d exceptionally Triggs, played by Mr, Wins tun wOUld, be a ~ery enjoyable ~Uon, bul not such 81 to well a's soml' parts were rather Locke; Charlie Hopps, played' evcnt. r~e evemng started With .... '~I traffic, however. should difficult, but these were done in by Mrs, Howard Coishj Mrs. The Nallonal Anthem B,nd The .. flw daYI of sunshine, and a very efficient manner, and Caroline Smythe Kersey, played Ode to Newfoundland, With ,:.Irs, !hut wUI be marked Improve, 'ht la due those takinK by Mrs, Chas Wel18j Mortimer Walter Woolfrey at the plano: . ."tnt. The plvement makes the part, The evening was a very Smythe Kersey, played by Mr. Two short flhm were then KaIJlltreet of Lewlsporte very ~\lioyable Qne for the audience, Eric Hackett. shown and enjoyed, after which 'Ir>'. Ind, free from the old mud and altho' those nctn.s ~ .. " the men started their evening's Iif former Iprinll', and conUnues have put a lot of time and Mrs. Howard Colsh as Charlie work of serving the ladles with 10 be a lIeat louree of pleasure practice In preparing thiS ~.ay, wal undoubtedly the star of the a deliclOus turkey supper which J.o those who have to walk or It was well received Ami I;" play and her general appear· was a treat for the guests and drive, Ind Ihould it ever be· proceeds which amounted to ance as an IKnorant country as Mrs. W. A, Taylor referred Nmli lufficlently fine for dUlt $183,7~ made It well worth the girl combined with her superb to In her address, with no 10 fly, It will be even more effort, After the play had COli acting Wi! really a wonder. thought of all the dirty dishes lI'eaUy appreciated. I eluded Mr. Coates (lh~ 0 1,.' Then when she became educat· to be washed after the meaL ',_ man) thanked ali who bad made ed to Larry Elliott's home, the While sitting at.the table, after

Ct.WA. PLAY "LOVELY " It • success, and espeCially lhe transformation was exceptional· Mr. Taylor had again expressed ~ LADIES" United Church for the W1e of Iy real In appearance and act· pleasure at the large gathering,

oli: Monday, April 27th., the their school hall: It II under. Inj. Mrs, Winston Locke as her he asked for addresses from CEWA slaied I play, "The stood the cast will be goilli to Uncle Alec, was a scream, The varloWi guest..., Mrs. Taylor cx· Lci\'eiy Ladles", before a capac, Comfort Cove to repeat same on whole play was well done, and "~'.cd [iFmks un behalf of the tty ludlence In West Sunday \Ionday, May 4th., and best special menUon is made of Jim ladies Bnd did so in a very Ichool Hall. Following Is the wishes are extended for furthcr Woolfrey who took the part of cBpable manner, Other speakers ellt' of characters: Mary Lamb IUCCe51 at their repeat perform, Ted Hartley just 8 week prevo ",J'C .. I) ur •• '.:, ~,al',: played by Mrs. Rei Lushj ance. ,IOWI filling In for Alvin Gale, "," A, Poltr' ~-.' ""W" Welma, played by :.Irs, E, Col, PLAY- "HERE COMES I but he did the part as if he had After each had finished sup, Uns: ("arollne Jonesey, played' CHARLIE" I practiced from lhe beQinnln~, per. games were played and a '0)' Mrl. Cecil Snooks; Minnie Under the auspice, of West, Dlrecton were Mn. Wlnaton v-ery enjoyable time spent. This

e .. .'. 8,

" .. tJ

The regular meeting of Lewis· porte \VMS Auxiliary was held at the bJrne 01 Mrs. Arch Northcott on Thursday alter· noon, April 30th,. with a fair at· tendance, Various items of busi· ness were discussed. Amon(;st thesc was the annual mecting of Prcsbyterial to be held al Gander on Friday and Saturday, ~iay Bth and 9th, The following are memhers of executive and plan to attend: Mrs, J, B, Rey· nolds, ~Irs, Winston Locke and ~Irs, E, H. :\larch, with others at· tending: "Irs, Fred Small. ·Mrs, Malcolm Freake, Mrs, Allen Stevens. Mrs, Hut~rt Budden and 'Mrs, Wallace Moyles, A very interesting meeting was held after which Mrs, Northcott very kindly scrved ice cream. It was also decided 3t this meet· ing to have ~Irs, E, Randcll take a projectionist course from ~Ir. Don ~Ianuel, Film Board projectionist, and the required members fee wns paid by the Auxiliary,

1'.\ST YEAR'S Jaycees Teenage Safe'Driving Rodeo winner, Jim Rendell, left, p"l'sents the Arthur Johmoll Trophy to this year's winner, Winston Diamon~ whu ~t()l'ed 388 out of a possible 50U poinll, Winston also received a 'pliUlt ticket to Moncton nnd a cncnera from the Imperial Oil Limited, also a $2-j.~

cheque from the Evening Telegram Limitcd.-Terra Nova Photo Sen'ice. FIRST MOTOR BOAT ,,_,, __ .. _. . ___ '"._, . ____ _

The first motor boat to arrivc lor the season was the "~Iar· garet Josephine" which arrived from Twiliingalc on Friday with passenger,? ~!r, Joe Pierccy and son who left by Hobbs'

• !.Ill .. « • • §

heen a patient at West Coast It is regrettcd ~Irs, Sanaturium for several weeks,' shows little sign of is improving and hopes her· ment. stay there, will not be too long. I ~Ir, Fred Chafley, ~hc ,\lJ)' is qUIte contented, and re· ates a passenger servia ports ihc nurses and doctors and to Lewispol'le and Just wonderfully kind, She is the J5lands. arril'ed in h~ daughter of ~lr. and Mrs, George' boat on Monday, RusseiL :'Ilr, Reuben Efford

Congratulatiolls are extended' town last week frOQ )!r, and ~!rs, Scott Woolfrey on Blandford to visit his the hirth of a baby girl on i ~lrs, Jus, Pardy, He WIS

April 23rd. A little sister for pained by Leo and Sandra, rie Adams, Thev

e • &

• """"'.~~ -W d u MAU RI E R • .' '" •

JIisscs Pamela Little and Gander, returning on Greta Spencer, U,S, teachers at i i\!rs, Jos, Pardy Botwood, spent last week end· lIe\\'S last week of the' herc. guests of )lr, and Mrs, of her brother. ~Ir, Chas Fudge, ford, while working

Jlr, and )!rs, S, F, Forward the I'icinity of Port spcnl last Tuesday at Grand Bc, with :'llr, Edi,o~

• 0 ~

It " I!o




er .. f,. .. THE MOST· EFFECTIVE



" • • • • & , • " • • It .. 6

I,'alls; thcy were accompanied II'ho was also working by ~!rs, E, ll, ~Iarch, lIas flown to SI. John's

.\tr, and .\!rs, J, Reynolds, who they arc Improl'ing at spe,nt the winter months with cral Hospital. ~!rs, Ihelr ,on, Rev. J. B. Reynoids, recently. rheol'ered at U,C, ~tanse, returned 'to, heart attack and the their home at st. John's on Fri·: her brothcr's' accident Wli

SOI41C friends surpriseci ~Irs, day las!. They were accompani.! cd wouid upset hcr E, H, ~!areh on hCl' bil·thday, cd by ~Irs, (Rev,) Reyno!ds,: out fortunately she is

'April 24th" at her home an \lilO IS at present attendlllg, ffne now, and her : :'iain Street. While )Irs, lIrarrh t~e N~wfoundla~ld, Conference: friend shopc she will ! was entertaining friend, in her II o,man s AssoClalions of the I able to get out again '<hll


I" " " '''' ';" Ul\lt~d Church of Canada at st. sUllny days come, I door with bask'cts, and realll' Johns, 1 C,:\,R, carpenters arc I surprised her, Thc dcliciou's . ~!r, L, White was in town on: at present making : lunch was enjoyed by all in, S:!turday from Brown's Arm. : repairs and renol'atiol1l i cluding some guests fro m ~Ir, ,and ~Irs, A, Lidstone house owned by the

~, '" FILTER TIP YET DEVELO;PED! Laurenceton, The usual birth, wcre 10 town on Friday from' Council Road and dafwishes were expressed and Laureneeton" : eupied by Se~tlon


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Jq . ~. llLI H ••• •

tiu MAlJRIER's fine Virginia tobaccos and the exclusive ___ ,'llwC Filter Tip assure you of

today'll finest smoking pleasure.

nat's why, every day, from coast io coast,' you see more and

more people smoking the

cigarette in the familiar and. distincQve red and silver package.



• ,. • * ~

Aooilab!e m packages of

fO's and !5's

A 'Begny Milder High' Grade Virginia Cigarette , '" l- . ~, • .":, , . '.. ,~ I I

, '

?' '" " ' ".


, " , ' I

beautiful gfits rcceived for An epodemlc of measles pre·' is understood it \\'il! whieh sincere thanks was ex, l'a~ls at present amongst the dwelEng place 01 OR

, , 1, chIldren, none of whom are Lewisporte \\,hol~aler. was a very happy afternoon, : seriOUS, rompleted toadin~ \11'0 ,

BIRTIIDA Y PARTY Rosalyn. daughter of )11', and

,~trs, Walter Woolfrcl' rcrentl\' i cclebrated hcr lOth." hirlhdal:, : Thc usual parly for her lililc I friends was held at Iter home : Oil ~!ain Street "lId cl'cl'\'onr who attended h;HI a \WI' \\:onll,

'l'I'tul lin'p, ' I

PI~K TEA I A pink tea \\';!5.1IP!rl ill Ihr b~:;elllcot tlf SL P;;ul's /\n.~lic"n (hurch on S:tturd"", ~Ia~' ~nd, hy the Junior AYPA, The base, ment was vcry prettily drcoral, cd and the tables looked \'cry attractive Il~corated with pink flowers and all cookies, cakcs arod sandwiches were iced and filled with pink filling, thus tbe name Pink Tea, The little girls ranging in ages from 8 to 10 years looked very attrac· tive in their green berets and rna tching ties with w hit e blouses, Tea was poured by Mrs, Chas Simms, but the tittle giris waited very efficiently on the tables and did a good job on the pantry table, where de· licious cakes, pies, cookies and home made candy were for sale, The affnir was well patronized nd the sum of $55,00 was raised by this group of junior work· ers, Hope you decide to have

'anohler pink tea soon girls, It I was really delicious,

hoats and are ' was cailed to her homc in Shoal others preparatory to Harbour oWing to her mother's with supplies for :\otrl i1lllcss, has now rcturned, Dur, and Grcen Bav as soon

ronditions improrc ~ei\chcr at Centrai Sehool was for same, 1I11rrl by ~!rs. :\'altcr WooIL'cy, , Ro~er Brown, little,

The many friends of Rev, Roy ~\t', and :\11'" Johll B, "nri ~lrs, Rud~ers Will be picas· I','as quite ill with cd to snoll' ,thc)' plan makll1~ a wcek, is no\\' mllch \ l.Slt to Newfoundland from after being attended by Vancouver next month, Rev, and, Pollock, ~Irs. I\uc!gers spent two years lI!iss Loretta ~'rca~c ' here and left R ycars ago where, father. ;\!r, Sidney Hcl', , ~Ir, R,od,gers spent four. who spent few d,n, r \c~:", on, JI11ssion work on the John's recenlly, returnCli J JC,lflc Coast. !!I~)' wdl spend: lIlrs, Eric Hacl<ctt. a \~eek, here Vlsltlllg ~Irs. Rod· i been on the staff of ger s slstcr, ~Irs, Walter Wool·' Wholesaters for fr,cy, and other friends, They years recently \\'Ill be acco,mpanied by their Mr~, M, Burt, who two son;;, Kelth ~nd Garry" been feeling we! for

The many fnends, of MISS weeks, is now much Margaret Northcott Will regret b t '11 t t h h' U WI ,go 0 o ,ear s e IS at prescnt a Ital on We patIent a,t the ~eneral Hospital,: ~ays. Her many , st. John s, h~vtn~ been .f1own i the condition is not thcre after betng In hospItal at Mrs. Gerald Botwo,od, for two weeks, How·' present at Botwood ever, It IS understood she is 1m·:· d " t hospital, proving now, but may have to ~ mlSSlOn a ' undergo slight surge,ry later,! Chlorophyll i! the Her mother, Mrs, LeWIS North, . t' p'lgmcnt ' cott t d h 'd lS lC green , re urne orne on .. Ion, ~y which converts inert from ~vhere she had been VISit, , to the plant's lil'ing Ing WIth l1cr daughter. In _

Mr. Ken Ross from Stellarton . :-I ,S" arrived herc last week' and L~ now on the staff of Lcwisporte ~fotors, ~Ir, Ross is well known here, hal'in" hor'l

First book of poen'J b! liam Cullen Bryant a net profit of 514,92, , to Encyclopedia Bri(3nrJ~

PERSONAL with an Arm\' Unit ,"""-' ;'11', nrg Rideout, IYlto was World War I!. Hc is married to . '

\isitill<l his parcnts, ~!r. end Viola. daughter of Mr, and Mn To dClllunstr~t~ Ill',,' ~Irs, E. flilleout. returned to his A, J. Anstey, Pleasant St:ect: Iradil1ione pBritioh ltli~::::r

'home in British Columhia last '·.1 P," r"'!'iI" mans lip. rtll1c., . '" ",', I'i'l ('".,1'1' I:"" i, I".,,, ,\ill arriVe laler, '.' .': ~!illan ,t~k j4) ,'UII I in" t' II' II 'd· h: ~Ir, Winston Locke, ~I"na"er.! [inc Bl'lU~h woUIlClb"I·I' I ,excep lOna y we ,an IS n, I d t n a " . many friends were very happy Lcwisporte ~Iotors, is at present k e 51 I a '~'~:I ~thlr to see him home again, at st. John's on business for his I rud, IC I~Vt lIJ noodl' ill '

Mr, Meh'in Colbourne, who funt, ea ers ,,0 R"

wellt to West Coast Sanatorium lIlrs, Lubert Budden, Who ;e, British cloth, last month, is rapidly improving companied her little daugilter George Washington at that institution and hopes to Ruth for a tonsil operation, re·· when he commanded thl be some again In the not too turned home last week. Ru th is nental Army. dL~tant future, feeling O,K. now.

Mr. Herbert Freake, who has Mr. George Evans and several been a patient at West Coast other salesmen were in Town Sanitorium since June of last last week in the interest of their year, Is mueh improved and respectiVe firms. ' hopes to be hOme In few weeks, Mr. Wilfred ,Dawe, Supervisor,

Mr. Hector Freake recently CNR Apprenhce Studens was bought Rev. Sheppard's car and in town last week on r~i1way hopes to soon, get his licence busine~, and enjoy tnking the family for I Mr. Hector HOllie, assi5tant frequent au lings, sClperintendell1 of lone, was in

Mes5rs. Scott and C, ,J. Wool, town recently in the interest of

The Duke of csis of Napoleon, \\'aJ. early 4{)s when he call',! military prime, ----------

Homo-genized milk is which the butter fat mechanically broken persed evenly ... ,,'.'J~ milk.

frey of the firm of A, T, Wool· C,N, Railway. . Irey went to st. .fohn's yester, I ,\tl', 11.11 'lId :::;~'evi~lIr was at: TIle lines below and day on business for the firm.: lo:xploits an Sunday last to visll music staff are ' 'they were accompanied by ~frs,! wth his mother, Mrs. Cyril lines. The term date!

,(!. .1, Woo]frey, I Sccl'iour, who suffered a about 1700, but Its I Miss May Russell, who has: severe stroke some weekll ago, I uncertain. '

, Another Dewling, Miss De' flamingc a Sheal'E

i beautifu Michael'


Jim Rendell. left. ,in, ton Diamond. '

reeci\ed • 'plant ' :ed, also a $25.01 "to Sen'iee.

: l'~rel!ed :\lrs, :':::r ~ign of

fred Chaffey, who , pas;;cn~cr sen'lce ' J Ll'lI'isporte and L-, armed in his .·n ~Ionday,

Hl'U ben Efford la>! week from

': .. ,d 10 viSit bls ',,- Pardy, He WIS ; ~,\ Leo Ind lllJ1 ,'J;'!1<, They motored ,'r, relurning on , .los, Pardy !~,: week of the br()lher. :'Ilr.

·.~:Ic working ,;n;:\' of Port

,::h .'1r. [dieon , '" a I~o \\'orkln, ',H n :0 SoL Johnls

.. I'e :mpro\'lnt: It tilt 'io<pilal. :'Ilrs, ' : 1\ r!-col'ered "llark. and th~

: 0:~'~,'S a~cident nl ,uld up~el her 'r',una:cly she is cc'w. and her

.: <hoP<' "he will " ~el OUI again when

\ day, come, ',fl, cdrpcntcrs arc 'c'enl making

, and renovations , owned by the ',I Road. and (nr"",rIT

·,1 by Section .... M'.mU.

:lcr>tood it wl\l : ,n~ place of C:\R ,:,-portc Whele.!alm

eled loading two o! and are

.;, ;,1r.

~cr B:o\l'n. lillie son 1:1.1 'I." John Brown, Q1Ue ill ~ith measlel : " no\l' murh :x-ml: attended by Dr,

x-k « Lorrlla Freake and 'r ~'r. Sidney -;>en: fcw days al

, rrcrnl!l', returned, -, Eric ilackclt. 'll'hc

nn the slarr of '~'alrrs for pJsl ", n"'cntly resilned. I'. \1. Burt, 'A'he hU I feeling weI for pJJI .. , 1< now much ·.!l1 go to Mnn .......

, on WednesdlY , Her many londitien Is not I'. Gerald I'nl II Botwood ,: ,sian to ho!pIUI•

I h' priOr I r).'cnlon;lrate IS"

,nne British lCl'Ule f h~. Prime ~Iinisle~\d '" 'n(l~ jQ swl 1~ B 1I11;h II oollem Itl!

,~ to nu,,~il "I ;"rhp\' 1:Jd 49 ~he~ r r' :ot R ;oodll'lli P


Jt cloth.

"r;:c Washin,t;';-1{JI , hr commanded \ltf ,

11 .\rmy.

~ Duke of We1llllatoGoi' 01 Sapoleon, ...

f 40s w?enbe aJDI fary prtme. _

~ml}~eniud milk II b tbe bulter fat anitallY broken liP r ~\'en\Y

~ .

pr lillfi belOW'.-4 ~ .laff aI'I!'

,ne.. '

I liOCl, ......... ; " rUill.o· }':':;."

, ~

I .: . ~ ,'", . . , , ", t·, "

Y .. 1EWS ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 11, 1959 OAIL ro '


Miss New ound land •


\nothel' entranL Lo the Miss Newfoundland Contest is Miss .Tean . , ,

Dell'ling, 17 years old of 164 St. Clare Avenue here in St. John's, ~liss Dell'ling is shown here at the Model Shop wearing a beautiful flamingo silk organza gown cut on princess lines, The gown features a sheared bodice with • &cooped neckline, Capped sleeves give 8.

beautiful effect to this gown. Miss Dewling was educated at Sl. Michael's ~hool and at present is working at W. R. Foote and Co,


an or a fabulous Gown by



~he qn"ael Sh"p £~~ 1('1. ....... • 1._ ...". .....

W inner will go to Jl(}Jl~J'eal to

compete in .Uis~ lUaple.waf

Cmwda em,liest in .lug1ust

• Classes of Entry:





• Entries must belong to above Classes.

• Entries mUlt be accompanied' by Picture of Entrants.

,. Entrants will be judged by beauty of fac~ and figure and by performance of a three-minute rou'ine - Singing, Dancing: Speaking, etc.





For dancing, dating, PortraIt

Gowns are real heart throb·

bers - all designed to make

you thl center of masculinl

aHention. See them today .

Included in IIMiu Nlwfound­

land's" troulleau will bl a

blautiful Gown by Portrait.

, , ,

Wtl4"$l Shllr Ixcitlmlnt in ,newlhade. Weldrlst hal a mlalu'rld length for IV.rY Ilg.

"Mi.1 Nlwfoundland" riclivil 12 palrl of Wlldrl.t hosl - Buy your hosl today. Buy Wlldrelt.

. ,




Please send Miss Newfoundland I"try

Form to.

Nam. II •••• ' ....... ".,' ........ 1 .......... 11.'"1.11 •••• '"

AddreSI .... u •••••••••• ,tI'" ••••... Phan ........... ..


Class ................... 11 .................. 111 ........... .

Age '''''"'''',.

• Miss Newfoundland will be

'chosen by June 26th.


• Expense paid trip to Montreal by

the Daily News.

• Complete Trous$IICJu ~y the

Model Shop.

! 1

- '


. , ,

. I • , , l

',,' ,i';

r, ,1 :i '. I

, , , "

",' J; 'I . -: I , • I; , .

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.~~:". ,

~ew United Church At Const~ction Little League 4

:'St~phenvilleDedicated ~:PS=g S T E P HEll· N V·-I L L E ~;~If.~~~~;::I'~:~ moo fM """'_

STIPHENVILLE-Acltnowl- A.l, Base who rllht from the ,STEPHENVILLE _ The held a meeting of boy! from slowly getting und~ ~ta of Jifta read by flrlt bel1nnlnll of thla churcll Western Construction Co. that eight to fourteen In the Par· Harmon. During Ku, HOWIe, Mlnllter of the allllted· UI,' Our Il'atitude paved the fine Hansen High- Beta Slegm' a Phi IIh Hall on May 2nd to form week of April, dllII'elI, It the dedlcatioll of lIoel to Chlplalll Cooper and way from Stepbenvllle to a Little League Bueball, 286 on 20 caropntD._

---1IIt rlrrt United Church, April Chaplain Barller for thl co- Stephenvllle CrOSSing last STEPHENVILLE - Thou- bo)'s gave In their names. according to operatioll they have liven UI year Is begInning to be active sands of Beta SllIma Phis In They were divided Into two celved from

I mould first of III read a at all times, at the equipment camp and many countries celebrated the groups, 8 to 11 and 12 to a. Union Office telearam from Rev, T, R, batch plant near Cormiervllle, anniversary of the founding In the first group Ire 213 Ivany. These men MI11I, my predeceSior who was The /1Io'st encouraglll' fea· It seems likely that Bome of their sorority on Thursday, boYB who will be formed into put to worle at the the mlIIlster during the InlUal ture of the work of our churcb paving of the highway will be April 30, Twenty-elght years HI teams of two leagues, The structlon of the 2!lJ mlH of the work and who wu the labour which our men continued this year. Also It ago, Walter W, ROBS, a man older group with 73 boys will units that are in played luch a larlle part In the IIlve 10 freely and 10 eagerly, Is a foregone conclusion that who envisioned an organlza. son an AII·Star team wl11 be being erected at the bfJllding of thll church, It Is largely due to their SUI- with their machinery already tlon which would foster In art be formed into five teams. other buUdings beiDI

• Now on behalf of OUr peo- talned efforts that today we here and with a batch plant of liVing, founded the first he Association will supply are th~ new Termin~ pIe I wish to aci.nowledge the have completed our church and crusher Bet up ready to Chapter in Abilene, Kansas a half dozen .ets of sweaters, Commlsary , followlnll lifts: and owe leBa tban $4,000.00, go that Western can under- Delta Chapter Stephenvll\e 40 gloves, bats and balls. other small

-:or_'l'he pulpit, donated by Mr. bid any other firm for the celebrated Fou~der's Day by I These will be issued beIore Some of the

3[011 huUer; the carpets Our IIratltude lIoes also this $2~0,OOO pavinll job on Ste· holding a dinner .at the N,C.O.' each game and turned in at have already been " drapel, donated by The day 10 the ladles of the con· phenvUle Streetll presently up Club at Ernest Harmon Air. the end. At the end of the sea I tll Base., pers~nnel.

- men'. Association; the' gregatlon, who worked 10 un· on bids, force Base. The program an All· Star team wl\i be I been occupIed by , .bardwood floor, donated by tlrlngly In the ralslnll of funds This job with ~V4 miles to commenced with the playing .chosen to play against other formerly renting in ; 'TIl. Plnsent Construction' Co.; and who are It III worklllli to be prepared and surfaced be· \If the American and Canadl. town teams. Tbey will be com· : nile. The buil<];ngs J "tli~ 1I1btlnll fixtures, donated this weekend. sides a supplementary job of an National Anthems follow pletely outfitted with un I· • built ~or Oriicers Inj

~Mr, A, D, Shave; the pulpit laying storm sewers that will ed by the reciting of the Beta forms. : Commls.sloner ofiil'ell Bible, donated by Mrs, Mrs To all men and women who brll\i the cost up to $300,()(){) Sigma Phi Opening Ritual. A meeting of the ?ider boys· WIth [amilies OllCar Yates, over I perIod of years hav~ II likely to take up some SIRCk Program Chairman for the formed 18 team~ WIth three being turned over on I

Church pews were donated gIven sacrifically of time an ,In work for the road bunding M' . t 'h ' . 'n ' " ; evening was Patricia Abbott boys in each to canvas~ thc basis, by the following people: Mr. labour, w~ are deeply IIrateful) firm. Should the Govern. 1~IS ers \\ 0 took part In the decl, abon of the Fllst , whose graciousness and charm town Or! Monday, 1\lay 4th for Large group, of Ernnt Breenton, Mr, Fred today, It Is a day of thanksglv· ) ment continue Its paving pro· Umted Chur~h on ;\ pril :!~Jlh l'e"d,. 1S follows; left to : made the evening warm and support for the LIttle Leogue. bee? coming into Pelley, Mr. Gerald Shive, Mr, Ing to God for all His benelils gram It Is likely that Western I right: Rev, Howes, Re\'. Holmes, Rev. Dawe, and; friendly, IS she proposed the Ail town peopl~ are asked to dUring the last few JOJlPh DavIs, Mr. RegInald toward UI. will have a busy season, 8 e IvI L I \'arious toast! and Introduced help tn this fIne movement of course the full Ford, Mr, Willi. Spencer, The Hansen Highway pay \ 'I' I C ean, the speakers, for the boys of Stephenville I work has not begUD It.:lllacl, Ins ·has held up well. The The tables were tastefully The pDssibllities of using i present work i! on .

We are deeply grateful to Mountains of IUds wUl h81p surface Is perfect. Only In decorated with sorority col. the Llom Playground is being I ~racts" It is likeiy to th,se Individuals for the keen ciear an oily complexion, Wash one spot Is there a sllsht set· ours candles and flowers looked Into. Mr. Ron Vigeurs, mto June before full !nfuelt they have 8hown In the face at least threi! times a tIlng at the turn and last hill whl;h had been arranged by president of the Association I of work begins her!. th!. new church and we hope day, with warm water and, a just before' one enters the the social chairman Virginia said the Lions had been very ~Uh, my predecP5sor, who was medicated or noating loap. Use straight running Into Stephen' Clifton. The first d~ty of ,the cooperative from the first SL Stephen s nen deeper spiritual lives. lots of lather and then rinse with ~\lIe. There one hits a small President Margaret Oak w forming of the athletic group

J would like to be able. to I cool water until the skl:1 "squea- dip known In Lumberwood to introd~ce the winnee~ :~ If the playground is not avail· mention p.\'erybody today whokes'" to the touch, Be very parlance 8S a "Yes Ma'am." It the "Girl of the Year" award able the game will be played School Notes contrIbuted toward this church' gentle;, nel'er rub or scrub the Is' said that the material and who was Barbara Barr tt '0.11 the St. Stephen's playing but It would take far too long.' skin, A deep pore cleanser to I paving was a snmple lot not After grace was ~aid~ . the fIelds. . ,STEPHE\,VILLE_l I would like to sa~' a word of I remove old cosmetics· and a before uspd here, It certain· membel's were served with a for the coming year was ~on' I light of Education IPpredatlon for the Ileip ~i\" i ~rain)' cleanser once a week ai, I~' has made R fine dri\'in~ delicious steak dinner. ) ducted by Margaret Oak!'. The the posters made b, tn; us by our friends of E,H. I so heip. ,urfaee that is a pleasure to W'th U h d .. dents of SI. ' , ___ ____ __ I we c osen wor s, followmg were lDstalled: Presi· ".

I run on. The unsurfaced parI., Dorothy George extended a dent Shirley Bowman' Vice. and exhlbllcd In of Ihe 10c"1 rOods seem all sIncere welcome to two new President Barbara Barrett. establishments

OX FO R OS . the more difficult because of members, Joan Pribble and Recordin~ Secretary Jean' Sftreet. kThe po them • ~ , Ine war - perl . Loretta lIlyers. Due to illness, Pribble' Corresponding Secre·: I ,lop' ____ L tt ~l ' t lem was one in ' are I yen was unable to lary, Loretta M~'ers and Tren : 0\ r " ,

N T A Br I be present, all the members urer, Virginia Clifton. ' . p~ Ian Ices that . .. an (' 1 expressed th h th t h Th' imam acets of MEN'S made t/N« ~ by ,




• SIZES 6 - 11 .. """".$7,25 to $10,95

e ope a see evenmg came to a close h h h I M would soon be well again. She with the singing of "Song of ! c urc, orne and eets' also expressed the pleasure of ' our Torch," by Barbara Bar. I ~he musIc P'Jpll!

, " the member~ On havlnll mem· I rett. This long being the ~on n aie !'x~mll1aUOn STEPHE\,VILLE-The reg· I Elected officers for the Home and School Stephen- : ber Della Archer present at winner of the song contest this f l\:ml t~~ ~tI

ular monthly meeting of the ville C1o·'· g L ft t l':"h" '1' UI L h ' the dinner, as Mrs, Archer has year. 0 USIC, n" an , Port au Port District Branch S ,., ,. ~sm, e , .; c .• \ lS, ... . S ears, I been on, leave of Ibsence for This lovely evening ended ten pupils taking tr,! oflne Newfoundland Teachers eCle,alj; illrs. Rayr, . i\Id(ay, Presid-.ont· Mrs, some time. a all th b t d 1 St, Stephen's Sr:t() Association was held on Mon. John R T ., s e mem en ~ 00 n be extended 1 " day, April 20th, at St. Ste. ee\ es 1 "asurt;l'; <vlrs. B. Tuff, Vice President, A review of the past year warm friendship and repeated ately An up~:/~:lr'i phen's School, Stephenville. was than given by Barbara the closing Ritual and the room's I t b .. .

At the meeting Mr. Joseph. Barrett, also gave humorous words of the Mizpah, "May Carm:1 ~OYlee of Laffin, secretary of the branch, highlights of the year's Ictlvl- the Lord watch between thee Is attending St and Miss Dorothea Smith, tiel. Th. Ipeell! founder'S Ind me while we are absent a bursarv . vlce.presldent, were elected day messa!!e from Mr, Walter on from the other." The gy~naslum is as representatives from the W. Ross, was read by Mar· operations again . brallch to the Newfoundland garet Oake and Its sincerity S S h' volleyball and Teachers' Association Con- gave each member the urge t. fep en S be played. A . vention to be held at St, to renew the pledges lIiven by . gram is being John's from June 30th to ~~~~I~lgma Phis at their first' Parish nar to that run last

July ~d, Mr, G, L, Parsons, I member of the branch execu, Stephenvll e Chapter was STEPHEJI,'VILLE-Work on i tlve, was elected as an alter. honoured and proud, when at four extra rooms at St Ste· St St 1 ! native representative should this point of the meeting the phen's school was brgu~ on: • ep len s either of the representatives president announced that Vice· I April 27. When completed i p . h N iater- find It Impossible to President., . Frances ~hodes. this will e~se the burden on i arlS ews attend the rom'cntion. had recelHd the ven. fir~1 'the growIng Catholic school i

1\11'. L, Kirby, mcmber of the piedge.s~ar to come ofr thp i population which promises to! ST~PHE:\\,[L branch e,xecutil'e, ;\[I'S, Laffin, .jeweller ~ pres~ 3~ a result of, increase rather than decline plwn s Chur{'b I.' rIO'

:\tiss Gladys M, Burton, presi. her sug~estion that this siar I in the years ahpad. Alread~" hours ~ day \~ :tli nent of the branch 8nd 1\lr be presented t~ all nPw mem· I this ~'rar there hal'e been 82, ,-\rloratlOn a[ t.1C

Parsons werc eleclcd by the ber~. Joan Pnbble was the, births in SI. Stephen's Parish. ' rament." branch as nominees to the very first Beta Sigma Phi in I The figures for the past 5· A pia)' is hl'll1~ nc N.T.A. executive for 1959.60 the world, out of .some lSO,OOO ~'ears are 1954, 1~~ births: pamll holl Ihat I! p';'

The :-I,T .. ~, executive Is eiect. members to receIve the star. 1955, 226 births; 1856, n'i Lourdes,. Paml1 .1,

N! at the convention in SI. This w~~ presented to her by births: 1957, 261 births: 1~5B. I name.d ~Ilas,. Smld,! John's. Ih originator, Fra.nce! Rhodes. 246 births. In addition the 1 TurnIp Rl.dg~. .

The president thanked the After makIng thIS presenta· Parish must cater to the nu·, The bU1ldln~ , member~ for their toorera. Hon, Mrs. Rhodes wen,t on to merou~ Catholic families i priests of thr p~ri.~~ ~ tion. during Education Week . dell\'er the Founder S Day which are continuously mOl'ing I ren:ol'cd nnd .n0tn!r and urged all to c'ontinue to 'F' ..' " I Ple~ge. 1 into Stephenl'ille. ' In Its place. bring education and Its im.! lrst Stephem llle Umtee! church dedicatee! Apnl 28., r.;ext on the program was a There are upwards of 1400: --_._--

pBrtance inlo the publir. eye the Llsual nisclm";n l~l'OUPS _:.:I1~·' \\'ere'th'~~I;glli -;-. --j -. I short address on th,; "~alue ~hildren In SI. Stephen's ~ar- i for the remainder of the meeting, ~Ir. Parsoll" look . ri bl' those present- Th en Oy_ I o~ an, OTlglnal Id~a. "hlch Ish School at present, making 1

school year. I over the meeting and tllrecJrrs' all oi 't e. m~m ! was gwen by ShIrley Bow· the figure of some 70% of the i Resolutions from the branch livery interesting films: "The \"hile th~ I~:td f:f he Sl~:~ng, man, who .spoke of. th~ growth school age populati.on of the cal roads are

to the convention were dIs. Road to Gaspe" "Jam and·'h b h Id m was mg I of Beta SIgma PhI since its area which Is gro-~·m!Z. It Is shape but tne cussed, Ind then, Instead of Jelly Session," 'and "Let's All i ~o~t\Ja e ISeth, at Port au Inception !wenty.elght years expected that i~ another year Highroad has

. . , Y ago, born In the mind of a or tWll the Pansh will again still almost 1m great man, Walter W. RoS!!. ha\'e to build to provide addl' ler's Gulch Is one of

. " A new idea in smoking e e.

Salem refreshes your taste

, Jo Thornburn then spoke on tlonal accommodations for the The pari of the rOIl 'The priceless privllege of younger elt!zens of this ever Whites Is narrO'o" ttl

being ourselves," Miss Thor· growing town. having been lI'sshtd burn WII In deep earnest 8S An Easter party was held spring, she mentioned our privilege on April 8th by the Knlghllr ------­of free speech in a free coun- of Columbus Ladles Auxiliary try, a freedom which we for members, husbands and baby shower on Apr'.! should all appreciate, Invited guesllr. Prize dances Mrs. Edward Hogln

A telegram was read by the were Wlln by Doctor and Mrs, Horatio Hyne'. program chairman, which had O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs, Sam I The winners in th! been received from the City White, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ty In the Parish . Council of Betl Sigma Phi In Boone, Mr. Horatio Hynes, sllred bY' the Ho~ St. John's which contained a ~Ir. and :llrs. John H'. Martin, Society: 'Tied fur message of best wishes from Mr. and Mrs. A. Gillis. D. Legge, D, Lura! the st. John's Chapter, The Ladies Aid of the Gabriel' second pIle!

The Installation of officers Kni~hts of Columbu! had a Mrs. F.' March, boo~,!



TIl. corf J. 1IIIIIy Ius -1ft.R .1.Jfllltl.lI, , ... - fIr'l! .".W"',., '" tJalllpll:


,120 6 monthl , $20.00 $ 2.07 12 monthl $10,00 $ 3.78

6 monthl $40.00 $ 4.13

,240 12 month. $20.00 $ 7.56 16 month. $15.00 $ 9.79 2,( monthl $10.00 $14.13

12 .monthl $50,00 $18.89 15 month. $.40,00 $23.0S

, ,600 20 monthl $30.00 $29.93 24 months $25.00 $35.30 . 36 months $16.67 $50.80

.• ' menthol fresh ,Sm~king wa~ never like this before!' Salem refreshe~ your taste just as a glorioll5 Spnn~ mormng, refreshes you, To rich tobacco taste, Salem adds a surprise softness that gIves smoking new ease and comfort. Yes, through Salem's pure,white, modern filter flows the freshest taste in 'cigarettes, Smoke refreshed , , , smoke Salem!

Ask For Tht8 Bookfet - "LOANS FOR PERSON.U PVBPO~I:S"

lit ~n)' branch tar BMwers to p_H your quesUolUl.

• rich 'tobacco taste THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA • modern filter, too,

--.~ ., ----------. -

'. Take a Puff . .. It's Springtime St. John's 8ranclr t%:!1 Walrr I . KEI11I A. CLARKE. Manlcer F~r~hwatrr and Lt:YIarchant Branch A. MOORE, ManlIer I\t~t End Branch M. F. CHANNING, :Uaaaler [\Jubetb A\fnUe Brancb '" D, G, Jobnston. MllllaU



In die !I variety School E

_11.." .... McBrid I'/ews •

• AnllOu~lcers ct Broadcal

Day Seren BuUeUn

and H


"." ••• m PI e\ Guest.

Lkl'anl~V Marti

-Breakfast W

Wea f.Bl'!~akf'lsl wi

;,pi"'-onnrl. • cupird by r~DlinK in

he buildinu r O[fi~er~ ln~ ~. onf'r offietl'S th l~mi1it§

rn~d O\'er on I

:roup~ Of r.1. n~ iDlo :~p liS! fe ..... !ot' the fUll I' no! begUn .. or1. is on It is likel~' to

,e befofe full : De!:ins here.

,tephen s )O} Notes

Stephen's rsh

"},, i' being run I' ~all that is put . jr< Parish a

I d "SillS Smidlf liP Ridge." It buildln~ housi", n. nf the pari!h \I 0' rd ~nd InothH < 1'1~N'

r~d, Ir,. i>t' but the hfoad has spotl : almost Impu!ablt. • Gulch is one of tllf I part of the road ,tes is nlrrow tilt nn~ been washed h,.

Ibow.r on AprD Edward HOIIII

llyn". 1rinuers in the th. par!Jb Hall. b\: the Hol1 : 'Til'd for fint

D. Lucll second platt

T. March, boO~

,ANS ,

~ lOYAL lANK ....... ,. .. ..".,


$ 2.07 $ 3JI

$ ".13 $ 7.56 $ 9:Jf $14.13

$18.89 $23.01 $29.93 $3S.3O • $50.80


--------~---;O~IJ~R~R:O~.A~R:~~·:~:,~~I .. :~~.~.-~-~·----·-~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~(.I-PROGRAMS ' with MAJOR HOOPLE I For quick and easy sandwich

makbg in the future. bake mut-

, ___ ----- loaf mixture in 6mall 1*'8.1 .. _ I U.I»-Newi. IANi 'lOLl LOOK, ~\'{ DEAf<! I Cool and freeZe them, the(lUce

-n.Ol-Rev. Matthew.. AH, floYAL K"ENt'IELS,LlNLIMITcD Ilhe loaves and wrap sice& '!ep-I1.3O-Honour Your Plrtnu. WAt-\i5 Mf: 10 FIND A FELLOW GPO~T5: i araley, keeping tbem froze&. lor 1l.4~Swift Moneymln. MAfIl '\0 PU~CHAS!; CHAMPIOt-I COf<N- I snadwiches. ;1 12.00-News in a Mlnut. I'IALLlS ..... AT A HANDSOME COMMI~SION J

I 120l-Yown Ind CountrJ OF COURS!:! 1 ASSUR", You IHERE'S' er l.()O...!NewL A READY MARKET FOR IHoRDIJGi-\-

tOl-Weather. Forecast. 8REO ENGLI,i-\ SLl~L5 Wm\ I1-N 1i-\ESl:; HANOSOME LINES.' • .,- eWI. l.3~Editorlal CommeDL l.40-Sporll. 1.4~Art Baker'l Nolcbnok. 2.D1-Made for each other. 2.15-The Bennett A{falr. 2.SO-Gcrry WIIISIDI Sho ....

PO"tr. 3.0l-WeJlern· Jambore •. e"nlUmcT1.. 4.00-General Provincial Nl"vt

ir. lhe ~Iormnl I 4.0~ Western Jamborte. I'ariel)' I 5.01-Bub Lewis' Dance PU17 &hool Broadcast. B.Do-News and Wnthu. ~!cBridc. 8.02- What" Cookln?

Choice. Broadcast.

Day Serenade. BuUc\ln. . and Honour.

6.05-Bultetln Board. 6.1O-Natlonal New •. 6.l~porta . 6.30-P.M. Theatre. 7.01-Club 93. 8.Ul-Best Irllm the Weal 9.0l-What'. Coollln'. O.02-Nfid. Soiree.

I 9.30-Blackwood Brothm.

:;e~5 and Welther I ion )\oon Sale 1·


s on A Th~me. Gang.

"'""'''d1lcn of Ihe Air ! and Tran, Candua

9 ~[)-IJ",c" ;-';C". 10 :1lJ.-- NU'WI1HI NelVs 10.D1-Crime Files of Flamond. lU.·lt}-::ipurh. . 1I.Ol-Houaeparty. 12.30-New" Roundup. 12.35-Houseparly . 1.0l-Sign Off."

VOUS MOND,\Y. 1I1ay 11th. -ij.O!J.-SuLldlal.

6.30-News and Weather. 7.00-News and Weather. 7.aO-Newl and Weather.

1 B.DO-Break!ast Club. I 8.30-Bert Parks Bandstand.

9.00-1t Happened Last NISht 9.~5-Newl and Weather.

:lew; ~nd Weather. \O.OO-Colfee Time. Program. 1l.OO-Turn Back Ihe Clock.

Tnda). ! 1.25--Polnl o! LIIw. Rllllcnn. 1l.30-Program 12 .

. 12.30-March of Events. 12.45-Sports Pdge. 1.0O-Jaek Paar Show. l.30-Man'in ~!iUer.

I 1.4~Couple Next Door. ,-w,m" Fal:ow. 2.00-Steve Lawrence Show.

to ~lan. 2.30-News. LH"TI,'on Lanrer! 2.45-Dick Clark Bandstand.

,,",tional ~PWS. 3.30-News or Baseball. and Talk. 3.35-Trojan DIGest .

. 0 Canada. The ·toO-Face the Nation. 4,30-News. 4.45-World 01 Sports. ~.DO-HalValt Cal1~.

I S.30-Checkln' In. __ -:-"!I'I"~--' 6.30-News.

6.45-America's Business. 6.~O-Checkln' In. B.DO-Sports Torlay.

~" ....... With Bill.

Weather. 1-8.'ll!a5t with BlII.

with Bill.

I 8.15-Masters o! ~tclody. 8.30-What'. My Line? 8.55-News and Weather. 9.00-lndlctment. 9.~DuffY'1 Tavern. 9.30-Frontler Gentleman. 9.M-Evony and Ivol')'.

10.00-Flnal Edltlun. 10.1l1·-;-New, Yorkeri. lO.30-Romance In MUJlc. 10.~~Th\8 1 Belteve. 11.00-Muslc Till YldnlabL 12.00-Slin Off.

·tJON·CJOX TV ~IONDAY, May 11th.

§.OO::Open Douse. 2.36-Delr PhoeH •

~ 3.08-Nunery School Tille,

I· 3.IS-Matlnee. 4.30-Howdy Doody.

I 5.OD-Follow Me. ~.l5-Chlldren'l Ne'l'Ireel.

i • \\1 til Records. II 5.36-Dlnting SiorybOl1k. I-R,,"";. n', Forecut. 8.00-Ranchilme.

wilh Records. 6.30-:.Newl t:nalctlde. h\Lnnp!On,~rm PrOlram.; 7.IIO-RlIIeman.

I 7.3a-The 71th. Jlenlll

l1"ith RecordJ. Lancerl. ! 8.UU-nle MlIllonalre,


en Pande.

Serenade. .~n!ltmarl·1 Forecllt.

'-ijtlllfti. Board. and Travel·



;-.~llItll'ih Showtlmt ilipla~h ShowtJm~.

of Ihl Crop.

Ne", and SpON. Weather.

i R.3O-Croll Callid. Hit Parade. 9.01l-1>anny Thom.. Show. 9.3B-CannoD Jlall •

18.0II-Dnllu PlayboDJt. 1l.IIO-National Ntft. l1.1a-Local NeWJ. lUS-TIIe Late Show.

Stephenville: CFSN


MOND.\Y, MAY 11. 3.45-Nursery School

Time UO-Dear Phoebe 4.30-0pen House . 5.00-P. M. Party !'i.30-Howdy Doody 5.55-Billboard 6.00-Follow Me 6'l5-Children'lI

~D:IIl~l"tb.. World N ..... Weather For. •

Newsreel 1.300Roy Roren T.OI-NewlI Weather

And Sport. COOkiL

Newt. New,.

r .. ",,, .. _n_1 Report. Calender

'B~eblV'lnd Weather. Lewb Show

"I M t rr, Go

a Minute. l'rovindal KIWI

IIUlIona. Lewla 81an If U,\ blI nil. .

T.30-I've Got A Seeret

8.00-Steve Canyon 8.3D-Dennls Day . 9.00-The Millionaire 9.30-CrOllIl Canada

. Hit Parade lO.OO-Danny Thomal IO.36-Cannonball l1.00-Delllu


. If the baby haa been sick on clotheR . or !urnlture. sprln~le I little beklnl sodi or a cloth and 10 O\'er them. The soda wl1l nue))!y odOr!.

:', ','

' ..



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("~ j J ~II\ •

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'ii'HE PAllO FOj:? yOU,

COR,"lWALLl5 =

Be Modern ~'.

Live Eledrica lIy .:y

. , , .

L,~i i c, ~ • & ... ! L.J II I 1·1 I : Ie )CP Relich~e Electri"i:fty I I In anu Around St. John's

:2 " .-," ···".··~·.:"'''Y'''' .,.", .... ~ •.• .",.,...·""~· ... w··_"'~-~·...."..·~""~."'T_'''''':' ..... '''' ... '~· . .,.·· ".' ",,., .... ,, ... -., .", .. ~ .......... ".~ ..•

Almost anything goes into thig one ... '.


',.; .

". ,"

especially fine quality I, ")

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'. '4

Major Leagues

Milwaukee' Back In Defeat Cincinnati

First Twice

· Mllwu\~kee Braves regained I his ~th pitching victory. A lingle by Wally Moon -fisrt place In· the :\allonal In the American League sC(lred Junior Gilliam with the Lengue Sunday by two Chicago jVhite Sox beat decilive run. flam Cincinnstl while Chicago Cleveland 9·11 while Baltimore St. Loul9 and Pittsburgh mOI'cd within HJ lames of was taking 8 4·3 decision from USed home runs In clusters to the American League lead by Boston Red Sox. win their games. St. Louis

:&w£cplng a double·ileader Also in the American Lea· dumped Chicago Cubs 11·1 'fmm Ciel'eland, gue Saturday New York w~s with catcher Hal Smith can·

Hnnk Aaron's nlnth·lnning shut out 7·0 by Washington I trlbutlng two homers and Ken single gave the Braves the sec· Hal Griggs on a two·hltter. lloyer adding another with and game ovel' Cincinnati 2·1 The rejuvenated Detroit Till· the baaes full. Pittsburgh beal

. after the Bral'!'s bombed Red ers topped Kansas City 7-4, Philadelphia 9-1 with Bob Skin· pitching In the opener 12-4, Los Angeles won an I1-1n· ner hitting two home rUns and scoring sCI'en runs in the nlng 6·5 victory over San Fran· two singles for a perfect day eighth. ~a::.:t_b_a_t_. ______ _ " Clem Labine saved the day . for Los Angeles with a neat relief Joh for the Dodgers In a 3·2 victory over San Fran·

This' Week Filled' With cisco. It was the second day M . In succession that Labine had I eetlngs clicked. I

And Presentations. Philaclelpllia handed Bob This week Is filled with lea.

Frienel his sixth straight set· gue meetings and preaentlUonl. back 0.3 and pittsburgh had to Every night from Monday to lettle for a 6·4 lea<l In the Friday has some thinll planned. last of the eighth Inning of Tonlosht the st. John'l Inter. the second game when the cur· Club Bowling League will hold few Inten·ened. It will be com· its annual dance and prelenta.

meetinll of the executive and delegateJ of tbe football league being held. This will review the BeaBon and alBa make plans for the circuit', annual meetlntl set for Monday, ~ay lB. Also on Wednesday night the annual dinner, dance and presentation of trophies for the Avalon Bowl· Inll League will be held at the Old Colony Club. This will start

pleted July 21. lion of awards at the Cry,tal CARDS WIN A PAIR Palace with the trophlu being · St. Louis claimed' II! first presented at 11 p.m. s~rles of the season, splitting Also slated for tonight II a a doubleheader with Chicago, meeting of the city hockey lea. the Cubs took the opener In gue. This will take place at the ,g:; Innings 10·9 on Earl Stadium' and will start It 7.30 :J\yerill's homer. Gino Clmol\ p,m. All team delegate. and and Curt Flood teamed up to memben of the circuit exeeu. pull the second out of the !ire live a're requested to attend 81 iIl:.the ninth for an 8·7 St. seversl mallers from the put Unll. victory. The Cards hael seWlon are to be dlscuned. The a 3-2 edge In the flve·game report of Hugh Fardy from the terles. annual meetinll of the NAHA

Billy Pierce s t a !! g ere d wlll be tabled and planl made through, wlnnin!! a l3·hitter, for the annual dance and prelen. H in 11 Innings and Early tatlon of the league. Wyn~ pitched a four·hit ft·o Tuesday night a meetlne of :lhutout as Chicago swept two the bueball league will be ,from Cleveland In the Amerl· held. The big question to be .tan. Bubba Phillips, whose disscuased II the acceptance of ~omer tied th e score In the Pepperrell's appllC-'tion Into :e!llhth, won the first game the Senior league. The bullpen .. w1~ an 11th Inning ~Ingle. will also come In for dl!cussloD. Wynn was In charge all the The committee of Ank Murphy, wav. Joe Wadden Ind Charlie Doyle

Detroit made It seven vic· will giVe their report on their torles In eight starts under meeting with Pepperrell bWle.

· Jimm~' Dykes, beating Kansas ball heads. City 7-8. The Th:ers useel hom·

· ers by Lou Bcrberet, Charlie Wednesday night will see I

at 7 p.m. . The big Guards Athletic As·

loclation dinner, dance and pre· 8entation La set for ThurBday night at the Prince of Wales Arena. Over 600 persons are expected to attend this affair with 200 of them being memo bera or" the Guards teams that won ten championships thili past year. This will get underway at 7 p,m.

Thursday night will also see the finllh of the annual J. V.R. bowlinll tournament at St, Pat'l Alleys. The 'presentation of tbe varloUJ trophies won In this leries will be presented at the Alley •.

The Oid Colony Club on Fri· day night will be the scene of the city Hockey Leagues' annual dance and presentation of awardl, TrophieJ for the past lIuon will be presented and the winners of leveral other awards will be announced.

:llaxwell and Rocky BI'I<lges -~,------------------­to beat the A'~ despite a pair by Roger !I!aris. Paul Foytack won hi~ first with relief help. The defeat was char~ed to Ralph Terry. YANKS SNAP OUT OF IT

New York Yankees snapped out of It for a day. beating Washington twice 8·3 and 8·2 In 10 Innln!!s. Ryne Duren had to ball out Whitey Ford In the ninth Inning of the first game. Norm Siebern's 10th. Innln!! rlouble gave reo Hef man Duke Maa~ the edge over Camllo Pascual In the second.

Sparrow-Bryant Not Play

Boston tightened things up once more by whipping llalli· more twice 3·2 In 10 Innings Ind 11-1. Don Buddin's flr9t homer of the year won the first and pitcher Frank Bau· mann himself with a three­run triple In the second.

d ·, · In games played Satur ay

S1. Bon's A.A. Handball Series

The Annual SI. Bon's A As· 10clation'l handball seriel op· ened on Saturday morning with 111 sames belll8 played, After Stan Murphy, handball com· mlttee had Instructed the varloUi players, Rev, Brother Darcy, principal of SI. Bona· venture'a College officially op· ened the tournament.

Due to the bad weather the lerles now hal been hai ted r or leveral days, but will .wing back Into 111 schedule later this week. There are ten teame en· tered In the aeries with two rounds to be played.

Results of Saturday's Ilames: D, Ryan, Jack Walsh 11; Jim

Wa15h, D. Abrey 0, ill the National League. Cin· NOEL SPARROW . einnati whipped MilwaUKee's

. Warren Spahn 3·0.

Wadden, Maher 21; O'Grady, Woodford 18t




DETIEK HALL. physical ~ducation Instructor at Prince of Wales Collcg~, left, ra:~cs tlie hand of Errol White in une of the 16 bouts stnged lit the Pnnce of Wnle.1 Arena Satmrloy afternoon. Hall wos referee for 011 the matches. Pupi15 from the Hollowfll' Schools and Prince of Wales took part in the card,

. Capitol Photo Service

The St. Bon's Athletic Association elected Its executive at Its Annual meeting ycsll'rdilY muming. 1 [ending the .1SSocintion this year will he, left tu right, seotcu:-l'eter Linc~ ... , Secretary: Stan Murph~, Vice·l'residcnt; Francis Bren. non. President; Fran!, O'Gflldy, Tll'nSUrer. Standing is the executive committee eonsi.sting of Charlie Doyle, Jnck Walsh, lind Len Coughlan.

Terra Nova Photo ~rvice •

Bob Purkey, who beat Spahn twice prevlou9ly this sea~on, lIaln was the culprit. He Icat· lered seven hits for the shut· 'out which robbed Spahn of

Paul Byrant and Noel Spar· row may not play for the st. Bon's senior baseball .quad this season. lloth have In· JurIes making their appear­ances on the diamond doubt. ful.

Barrett, Cantwell 11; Tom I

ang. D~~r~h~,pb~ °HIgglnS 21; I Church Service Redmond, Brennan 15. I Bruins - Rangers

Split Gam'es

blne tallied for Boston in the second stanza and the Bruins led the rest of the way.

We've your


C. Abrey, Don Murph), 21; Bowlin 0' League D. Ryan, Jack Walah 12. b

O'Grady, Woodford 21; Red· mond, Brennan 18.

'Barrett, Cantwell 21; Jim Wallh, D, Abrey 6.

Tom and Dee MUrphy 21; Wadden, Maher 7.

Alleys 1 and 2: '1.lIl-Cochrane B. vs. Wesley

B. Alleys 3 and 4:


GE:-IEVA, AP Boston

ZURICH, Switzerland, AP- i Bobby Hull scored four goals I as New York Rangers came i

from behind to defeat Boston Bruins 7'6 in the 10th match of their European hockey \'Our here Saturday night.


Holy Cross

Special Dinner School Athie

A special dinner for the Holy rey MacoDnald, eBC Cross school athletes given by caster. Aubrey gave the Holy Cross Athletic As· oua rendition of C~ sociation at Frosts Restaurant lIIat. and followed it all Saturday nleht was attended several other stories. by 130 coaches, guests and memo off his address bers of the Crusader school the gathering "The teams for the past season. Casey." Frank "Toe" Byrne was chair· I The nine team c man for the evening, i championship Holy

The main speaker for the oc· I for the past year ca.sion was Rev. Fr. John Ryan their trophies to Re •. who for 14 year! was spirlual Principai of Holy director of the Holy. Cross Ath· record of the past letic Association. Father Ryan, given by Rev. Br. is presently chaplain at the St. special presentation Patrick's Mercy Home. In this i til Rev. Br. Jackson, brief address Father Ryan I coach, by the members made mention of the wORderful1 his teams. Pat Ciean­record of Holy Cross and wish· presentation to B;. ed all further success in both Following the scholaristie and athlete en· dresses and pres deav~urs. present saw a mO\'i,

The other spc"ker was Aub· gaged in a

Boxing Ayre P.W.c.

House Tournam

Boxers from Ayre House :\Iacpherson all drel won eight of the 16 bouts Judges for the fightl staged by Prince of Wales Dave Andrews, \"er~~: College and Holloway Schools grove and Jack :llocr", at the Prince of Wales Arena !vany was timer. on Saturday afternoon. The I The carel \\'a~ representatives from Harring·, under amaleur ton, Pitts and Macpherson I boys being broken houses all won three fights weight and age each. most cases the i . The boxing card drew over class mates. "This

500 fans ttl the Arena and boys to fight fcllolll was abig success. Derek Hall, know", Hall comment!/. physical education Instructor age grouping was ta.k!l at Prince of Wales College month periods whl,! organized the show and told pounds was the weight the DAILY NEWS that It is I cation. hoped to make the bouts an i The winners in annual event on the p.W.C. card were Stoke!. sports calendar. Hall refereed White, ~!artin. Gunn, all 16 fights and came In for Whelan, Blandford. much praise for the success Drew. Powell. Ch of th~ affair. ' ley. Wiggins, Forhe~ a:(

Each winner got two points more. Four of the . for his house In the annual tured students Ir0m competition. Ayre collected Wales College while the 16 points or half of the total 112 fights matched b)!1 32 while Harrington, Pitts and Holloway Schools.

BERN FOLEY passes a trophy Principal of Holy Cross Schools, at a specinl Saturday night. Toe Byrne, chairman of the

. is on the left.-Terra Nova Photo Servicr.


Byrant, the top city c,tcher for the Pllt few leasonl, hid hla shoulder Injured lut year and then broke his arm In two placed playing Commercial hockey thl, winter. He hopes to Jet back Into action before the baseball lellon II earn· pleted but even thll II in doubt.

C. Abrey, Don Murphy 11; Hanlon, Dunne O.

AlleYI 15 and 6: Gower B vS. St. Thomas ll.

Bruins defeated New York Rangers 4-2 before 2,000 spec· tntors here Sunday night, In an exhibition game between two National Hockey League teams.

Some ~,OOO spectator~ saw, .. 1---... ---.......... _----... on hand

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·lftttrnltlon.1 Truck.

Sparrow broke hi. ill1kle playing hocll:ey in Ille senior leagUe and he mined jUlt about the C'Omplete hockey schedule. The cast 11'11 re­moved from his ankle a few weeks allo and whUe he II ex· pected to play this. summer It Is not known when he will be ready. He hn been a top sec· ond baseman for the Blue­golds for the put few years.

Since the senior St. Bon's team, which took the crown last year, Is without • Mach at the pre lent time, there Is a possibility that both Sparrow and Byran t will take over the club. John Doyle who took Care 01 the team last yesr has announced that he 'Will not be !lOnnected with b8Se~lI thll year. Sparrow and Byrlnt have worked together with the st. John'l Junior baseball team.

Invitations In Mail

The Invitation. to trophy·don· ors and special lIuesli' for the city hockey leaflue'l annual dance and preJentaUon Blatl!~ for the Old Colony Club. on Friday night are In the mall. PlaYIrI, inlnor offlelall Ind ref.reu wll! UBe their Stadium PUBei u Invitations. Admitance to' tte event will be by In vita· tlbb and PUIU on If.

D. Ryan, Jack Walsh 11; Hanlon, Dunne O.

G. Murphy, J, Hlflilna 21i O'Grady, Woodford 15.

C. Abrey,. Don Murphy 21; Barrett, Cantwell 19.

Tom and Dee Murphy 21i Redmond, Brennan 11,

Jim Wallh, D. Abrey 11; Wadden, Maher o.

Jim Walah, D. Abrey 21; Han· lon, Dunn. 11.

Alle)'l 1 and I: 8.30-0PEN.

Alleys Sind 4:

It was the 11th match of therl European tour, and left the Rangers with a !HI lead.

St. Mary', B. V5. Kirk B. Eddie Shack sent the Rang· ers ahead In the ftrst period, but Jim Morrison and Leo La·

George SI. 1----------­Alleys 3 and 4:

Alleys 15 and 8: St. Thomas A VI.

A. Cochrane A vS. Gower A.

Alleys 1 and I: Alleys 5 and 6: . 9.45-Cathedral IB vs, Cathe· I Salvation Army B vs St.

dral 2B, I David's B.

the game at Zurich's Indoor sports stadium. The Rangers now have a 6·4 lead In the series.

New York's other goals were scored by Eric Nester· enko, Red Sulllvan and Bill: Sweeney. Boston's marksmen i

were Bronco Horvath, Vic ~ Stasiuk, Leo Labine, Larry: Lecah, Gerry Toppalzlnl snrl: Dunc Brodie.

THE COACHES of the varloUJ Holy Cron school teams and their team captains holding their ehampioruhip trophic at the dInner liven the Crwader school athletes by the H.C.A.A. on Saturday night. Standing, left to right: . Brothers Jackson, Higgins, and Ange~ Principal at Holy Cross; Coderre and Moore. Scated arel-Cec Pierson, P, O'Keefe, Charlle Fowler, Brig NDftall, Bem Foley, Stan O'Brien, Ron B~ird, Bob Perchard, Pat Heam.


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~"'dlary of Dominlan Bridgl Compcr1l'Y, tid· p, rJ. Bo. 201 AMHPsT,H's'

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for two gam the other, a Don Doolcy

Locke in t: average

and I think year that a 1 300.

Jack O'KeeE of 368, ar

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Lillian Vate! L! 5he posted : Lillian Is roUi: is still in all 51

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Bernice Co Kay BarrOI her win

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By J. V.R.


Jed.Ga~~g· lea~es City

V.R. Tournament·'S9 DOS DOOLEy ........... 30S 326 317-948 JACK O'KEEFE ................ 233 368 304-905 LILLIAS "ArCHER ........ 221 i99 259-'179

In spite of \'rry inclement weather on Saturday . ~\lit~ A lar!!e number of fans turned up at St. ~llel' to see the night', play In the Individual . . . TOllrnament now In progress, and they

not disolppointed either, for they saw the pinl top­for two ~anlrs OI'rr 900, one by Don Dooley, a 948, thr other. R 005 by Jaok O·Keefe. D0\1 Doolr~' also had an 827 In a fine win over Lorkl' in thl' Singles nnd is currently bowling I

lic mr~~e of 2iO.85 for 9 matches played thus . and I tbink it is the first time In thlJ Tournament

. 1m th,lt a bowler had hit three successive framel

3W. Jack O'Keele ~~lso had B fine 905 with a heavy

of 36S. and is currently hitting the pins for an 01 251.6i for II games played.

J(l€ ~llIrJlhy was tops in the highest single frame . whl'n bt knocked the pins for a fine 372.

lillian \'atchrr was in her usual good form also II !he pOlted R fine 779 for the tops in the Lldlu, Lillbn il ro1lil1~ at I 230.71 clip for 7 gamel and illti!! in all mtions and Is mlking a bold bid for htr thirrl Sinl!les Championship Bnd ownership of thr ). r. R. Trophy which has lIten in competl. tion 5incr 1945 and on which ,he now has two winJ.

Bernke Conk was right behind her with a 7f'il !lay Buron had R fine 737. Bernice, lust fresh her win in the Aggregate, Is presently In the

Is 01 the Ladies' Doubles and Is rollng an 01 ~H33 for 5 gaines played. Joan Phillips

in there with iiI and Mary Coombs with 708, George \larshall had 897 and Frank Crocker

I Slj alld .Ioe O'Brien 820. FOllr fine single frames were rolled:-Jack O'Keefe Georg~ \Iarshall 382, Joe Murphy 372, Ind Ed.

with 366. . Bob \!CKinlay had. a close one to win out over O\rill by 751-i31 and he had to put on three in linal alley for the win whlch keeps .him in the

T\lllnin!! as he advanced to the quarter·finals. Ruth GUI.ZII'ell had II close one over Marie Hayes

whil~t the defending Doubles Champions, W. and \\'. O:Reilly, had a close win over Harry . and Bob Redmond by 1411-1388, really a close \

lor two sHch powerful Doubles teams. ~Ii\;e and Joan Healey also had a close one over

. Barron and Tom Efford In a 1398-1346 win. Mlr­and O'Brien over Meaney and Whittle by 1-678-

led Gambel'a leaves 51. Jobn'. today to lake up relldence In New Jeney. The lOuth·paw plll:ber for St. Bon'. wl11 atRy

• in the U.S.A. until the draft baird eatcbe. up with him and therefor. will litelt return to tht city nexl November.

ThIJ brlnp to three the num· ber of tte Blueaold senior bUI­baU Iquad that won the city crown lilt lellon that wUl not see Iction thll year. Already coach 'John Doyle hu Itated, tbat he will not be wltb the bmball club, wilUe Paul Bryant II expected to mbl eatchlni, due to two InjurlH to hi • • hClulder and arm,

The Duke of Welllniton, nem. e.11 of Napoleon, wu In bill early 40.1 when bl elme Into biB millw, prim ••

D. Dool.,

S. Doyl, C. Doyle

J. Healey M. Healey

K. Barron T. Mord

lOS aas 817 841 &28 D~S ~98 1~t5 i88 188 179 ~28 14,2 2~ 289 ~1 325 408 448 1176

188 263 243 669 243 282 234 729 406 D1D 477 1398 243 212 282 '37 213 1D2 244 609 t68 8&6 D26 1346

(Th. followinl lame wu omitted In Thursday nlgbt's leor... SOIT)".)

Mlltd Daublu F. Hulthen' 193 163 2~3 1109 D. MeadUi 300 100 302 792

~93 3~3 ~5D 1~1 M. BaNtock 196 239 194 629 11. Bab.!tock 167 178 lBa ~33

383 m S82 1162 . • I - .

Men'l Dollbles r O. Marshall 2M 165 283 7021 J. O'Brien 205 283 2BB 776 I . ,

459 448 571 1478 I

L. Meaney 248 2C3 2a4 7C5' D. WhltUe 192 210 249 m

440 463 503 14116

F. Ctl)Cker D. M •• due

1. Murpby I. Byrn.

W. WoodJ W.O'ReUly

H. Murphy R. Redmond

211ft 22:1 328 115 20D 188 291 l1li3 414 60D 619 1498 164 251 179 594 ~ 217 338 745 ~ ~B m 1339

159 171 aDS e8e 204 288 1113 7~ 463 439 DOD 1411 206 228 25D 889 211 257 281 899' 417 46& .86 1888

A mGHT JAB-~oel lands a hard right to the law of Gunn In one of the 16 bouts ~taged by pupils of Holloway Schools Hna Prince of Wales College at

. Ihe Prince of Wales Arena Saturday afternoon. Both boys are from Holloway

and de'pite this hard punch Gunn came back to win his bout over Noel. Capitol Photo Service

5t. Bon's AA " "

Francis Brennan Elected President

-Francis Brennan was elect· Darcy, principal of St. Bona· ed president of the St. Bon's 'venture's College conducted Athletic Association at its the election of officers. . .... annual meeting on Sunday The three man executive morning. Brennan went into committee had Charlie Doyle, the posItion unopposed a8 Jim Len Coughlan and Jlck Walah Vinlcombe, lut year's presl· elected. The trust fund com· dent declined mlminatlon. SUln mlttee will be comprised' of Murphy was elected vice- Jim Vlnlcombe, Dave Barrett president with Frank O'Grady and Gerry Murphy. The elect.. remaining as treasurer and Ion of officers was' followed Peter Linegar again returned by a busilless session and the as secretary. meeting was adjourned until

The reports of treasurer next Sunday. O'Grady showed the associ· The election of a new execu· ation to be In a good financial tive leaves the way for the all' condition while the report of pointment of the coaches for the secretary Linegar showed that various St. Bon's 'teams in the the association had a busy and summer sporl.!. It is likely that successful season thIs past the complete slate of coaches, year. Following the tabling managers and delegates will be of the reports Rev. Brother announced next Sunday.


Wes Trainor Sport Summer

Gander . . . l[ In spring B I . young man's Caney turns to the. romantic side of life it Is not necessary so for hOCkey coaches and a(pletlc directors. Take Wes Trai:uj'f for example., Gander's hockey coach of the season just ended and now the Athletic DI· rector of the town. has now turn.) ed his thoughts to organising an ambitious summer program of I

sport and recreation which wiU I embrace age groups ra~ging',

· from Little League Ball Players i to the senior players of the pro· posed four team local baseball league. He will also take an active Intere!t tn the Gander

Lays Plans

,Football Association and will be I i available to give them an as· I I sistance that they might require! ! during the corning season. The I WES TRAINOR i ~ew children's playground will· .

corne under Trainor's jurisdiction i Our Nation's Youth." Trainor is and in this phase of his work. it I noted Cor this ability to ha:Jdle is likely that he will have two i teenagers and it may be safely summe~ assistants. one male I predicted that the Gander Pony

I and the other female. League will be a big success both , At the moment. Trainor keeps; from Ihe players point of view o in close touch with the con· I and as a spectator sport. o structiCY.l of the new combined Wes Trainor who is well kno\v:l

playground and athletic field in the province as a successful while he works out plans for the hockey coach and player, es· coming summer's actil·ities. The pecially in Central ~e\\"foundland new field which include playing has had also an extensil'e back· ground for baseball. football. ground b many other sports in· softball, little league ball. tennis I eluding baseball. softball. football Bnd track sports. will take In a~ volley ball. tennis and golf. Dur· area of approximately fifteen Ing hl~six years of sen"ice in acres. In a recent statement the Canadian Army lIa3H945l. Trainor gave the opinion that it more than three years of which would take about five years to were spent In E~gland. France. complete the proposed plans for Belgium and Holland. 'he found the new athletic area and that time to participate in sport. par· it would probably cost fifty thous· ticularly baseball. softball ami a~d dollars. Tentative plans are volley ball. After his return from for the completion of the baseball overseas. he was associated lor football and little league ball a couple of years with Brigad· area by the end 01 .Tune. Progre~s ier W.W. Reid who was then thr on the work will depend largely Physlcial Fitness Director of the

. . .

, .

, ''1

.i .fJ ;J, _

r '. . 1

j '" ~

Duey Fitzgerald and Jim Carey continue their lor a place in the finals al they had a fairly easy ttl advance to the quarter· finals, and thll Men',

is sure going to be a most Interesting one be· it is finally decided.

G. Manhall J. O'Brien

1M lll& 288 702 205 283 288 776 459 448 571 1478 248 2~3 2M 7115 192 210 249 1151 440 483 1103 1406

I, on the weather. province of Prince Edward Is·

It appears that the ~mphasislla~d. During his six years in 1 will be on basebalI which has I G.rand Falls; Trainor organiZed • always been the most popular Little Lea~~e Baseball. Bantam ; sport In Gander with softball and Midget Baseball and Junior I run~ing a close second .. While Track and Field SP.orts .. He also · acting as Schedule Co·Ordlllator supen'ised the SWImmIng Pool ~ for the Senior Baseball League. activities and managed to or·

Trainor is plannin" Little Lea~ue ganize Coaster Derbies for th! '" · Baseball a Ponv League and pas you:lger children. SPECIAL

\I'll glaa to learn that Jim Daly, who had been forced 10 rttire from the Tournament, due to ill. Drll, i! about again after I rather long bout of It. It il the first time In the history of then Touma. IIIfnb, I think thlt Jim hili mused.

AD fOIIrtrned In l1li.4 PU:ASt nole !he ,Imel IIr to·dlY I. lome will

II ~ pllyed III til. III let them Id. I Dinner IIId I

:"'fllUllon prevellY more \t.UY.


Men'. Dtullltt II~. NOllWOrtI!J .rul n.

Dooley YI A. JOJ and I. Klme,. D. rltz,era1d IIICl I. earl' YI 1. O'Keefe and T. Murphy. .

L. Muney D. Wblttle

G. Chapter M. tladney

Z. O'NIUl I).,ller

J.O'lttfe T. IlUrphy


O. HartlJt G. Judd.1I

218 139 2Il7 6ftD 300 28ft 218 764 828 a78 ~le 1411 207 led 211 604 193 21S 143 649 fOIl agg 8M l1DS

US 888 104 Mil 110 142 lIS eas • alO NO tUS 228 1~ 1811 181 20t 11B 1'4 &9& 411! lel 163 11t1

HAriDBALL ACTION-The SI. Bon's A.A, Handball Series opened Saturday morninK. Thh shot Ibowl Jim Wallih and Brian Cantwell trying for a point,

while Dive Barrett and DenniJ Abrey wait for the return, Banett and Cant·

Willi took a 21·6 vlctory,-TerrB Nova Photo" Service,

No Money For Minor Football By JIM PEACOCK mlnor fOOlball development In I NOT DIRECT AID

.. Cllladlan FrilM Stal! Writer.. B.C. Capozzi, general manager 01 -,530-IlInd DoublH

MlddlRln and J, Kennedy VI Vlr&lnla Fahey Ind 1I1ke GIld. Jlf1.

PLEA!I read tM, IIJt emtllllJ u4 .. 111m .. TIME.

(Saturday'. Scorel)

La4les' SlnKI" Miselt »ObuJ .. :~ Elliott v. Nelli.

D. nttaenld J, em,

R. lobuton It. SilIIptlll!

VANCOUVER (CPl-"Just to The klds mentioned are 19 play·· Lions, wanted to make clear that 1M 21.1 114 781 put 1118 record .tralght," Herb ers-13 linemen and six back· th, B.C. football club was not 222 :lTD 233 '7!0 Capou.1 said "we're not spending flrldm-now Btendl~g colleges paying theIr way througb school. 467 487 1117 1491 any money on these klds." and unIversltlel in l11e Umted "There ha~ been a ~Istaken 188 213 208 587 He might have added the word I States, where they get. help Idea thal we ve bee.n givlD~, these 184 147 1'14 4&5, "directly" for the kIds to whom through lootball scholarahlps In boys fi:lanclal aSSIstance, Ca· 800 360 382 1042 be refer~d doubtless have bene· obtalnlng an education. And they p~zzl sald. "That's not the

f1ted Irom the more than $100.000 are potential material for the pro· 'We help them out by advlolOg l11e BrlU!h Columbia Lions have lesslonal Lions of the Western footbaU coaches In the U.S. of --no J. PhUlipl JOO 201 101 111 Laditl'Doub!H

LIlli"' Doubles J. Cuuhaw UO 20S ns eat JI. NU"Jll 141 WI rra 1!45

440 a 8U 11aO JI. ceo" 2811 S!Z i80 1rr Vlt~her and

~tt!\1 Carter VI Barbarl • Ultnl and Bernice CO()i.

F. Hutchenl 164 l.a 1tl ... H8 410 &8 1412 D. Meadul 2311 100 Ifl& ..., r. Ma441,III 199 W m 8M

~eB'a 811111es M. Coombi ~n DoOley VI JOI Mur. r. crecle.r r ,.

D. Thom ... E. Thom .. --7.00-

Men'l Doublu Lotie and G. Flynn

\'Is J. Enllah Ind M L. Vatfher Ptarns. . G. Taylor

!>I!tlhtd Daubl" L. Kearney Vir. ~nd Mra. S. Ep'teln E. Smltb

nner of alternoon ~1~~.1f poulble. Glld~:,' Fahey and M. G. Lllter 1ft win In the T. Carroll 1IU.~~l)()n. this nllbt Tu will be played on J, 11IIott

tldly lnatud. It McLeUln

Ilea', Doailita ~v'nalh Ind R. Me- B; NUlint IIId r' va G. MUlhall I: O'Brien

. power. ~, B\qI I, Loeke "~-O'lttf H C. IAolI:i ~ t VI JDlII

~ Coo.. "IuUl •. ChIIIwtll

3M 141 101 1111 S, Grouchr 247 1118 2a3 Mil 448 8tO ~5 1801

288 1311 201 '141 2U W:m m Utl.I' 1111111" 81a 411 4811 1&11 J. IUIDtt '117 148 211 m 1811 lH 220 580 G. lutk 174 1!1' 108 41lI 1811 I.. 119 eae 818 &110 389 12111 R. Guuwell

HI I9D 2M 7" III. HI,.I.

191 148 179 809 23B 1M 188 ~92

1M 1811 190 114& r, M.ddlplI .1. I{)I it9 !1811 487 488 449 1424 M. lflchaell 188 20~ 184 e2& 242 1'1~ 2811 8M J. PhIlllpti aa 879 872 117. r. Hitchen

18'1 276 218 879 1I1D 205 117 617

2M 187 :112 1118 lien'. 1Im,Jet :1M • 1'f9 '71. It, ReGmond 1M 2DO 280 ~M m 413 1111 laQ D, Ginalller 124 1S'1 m I!IIII 112110 171 887 . . m 1111 181 111 n, DoGI" 81'1 229 281 Irr 489 S8(J Ie., 11. C. Lock. I 11' 282 2711 '. 7112

183 188 201 irt G. MUlhall 18 188 327 11'7 no 248 w lit ii, Hlall,. 1'18 1&6 110 M~ 481 411 ... 11ft '.. .

.172 181 til III ., McKlalq SU sa JIo 781 102 212 211 • I, O'NeW iN m 160 711 i'l4 393 • 1*

J.Murph, m 18'/. 171 • G. Buddell

) \

a-lit In the last five ),ears for Interprovincial Fottball union. pr.ospects and our .co,?rdlnator of ,.- minor football actIvities helps to -


REV. DR. ANGEL, Principal of Holy Cron Schooll, IllCliIPti I trophy from StaD O'Brien at the special din' ner GD Saturday night.-Terra Nova photo Service, .

arrange to" get the boys Into Ihe U.S. schools on athletic scholar· ships."

Lions this year plan to spend betwee~ $25,000 am!' $30.000 for development of bantam. midget. school, junior and Intermediate football In B.C. The'money helps buy proper equipment and to pro­vide better Instructlon. BIG POTENTIAL

Before Lions e:ltered the WIFU flve years ago, between 500 and 1.000 youngsters played minor lootball In B.C. Today the total Is near 3.000. Bnd from these ranks Lions recommend promls' ing ca:1dldates to .5. schools.

The Idea. begun four years ago and now beginning to produce tangible dividends, was promoted primarily because Lions couldn't hold the playing rights to pros·

• peets attending the University of British Columbia In Vancouver. . Under the college draft or· rangement that existed until this year. players attendtng UBC and flve Eastern Canada unlversitlel were subject to draft by the 'lIne pro teams In Canada.

Sending players south left them the property of Lions on their re­turn, gave them valuable cosch. Ing and playilUl experience, wltile

• sibly a Babe Ruth League. The As Trainor turns hl~ spring I respective age groups f~r the thoughts into actio~. the youth o! 'leagues will be decided 10 the Gender Will come In for a lar~! ! near future. The P01Y League i share of the program and Wlt~, which has proven very popular !ummer vacations from school in the U.S.A. and generally In· just around the corner. this air eludes the teena"e group derives port town should 500:1 become , Its title from th; first letters in virtual summer playground para the words of the motto "Protect dise for youth.

mainlai'ling their Canadian sta· tus for football classification.

With the draft throw:1 oul this vear Lions have territorial prO' 'tecti~n on players atlcndin~ UBC and Capozzi said this will mean more encouragement to YOU:lg prospects to attend unlverstty here. The southern promotion will continue. however.

Assistance to VEC will be In· creased, primarily in the form of more end Improved coachbg staff and facilities.

Meantlme. the club 15 colleel· Ing dividend! In various forms from its $100,000 minor-deve.l,op· ment Investment.

Hoop League Held Meeting

The St. John's BasketbRIl Lu

gue held 8 meeting at VOC:IJ

Ye.lterday afternoon. A dinne!

and danee for the leB~e Waf

dls~us!ed and the circuit execu

tive is expected to makt ar

announcement very Ihortly.

CEC PllmSON passe, 'a trophy to Holy Cross Sch~ Principal, Rev. Hr. Angel, at a dinner given for the Holy Cross Ithlete. on SlturdAy Illght. '

Terra Nova Photo Service.


-' .. , . '.j, ,'.'

• :': I (

'/1' , f·~·' '

I " I

,'r !

", I

':" I

," I

, , ' ,


, 1 • ( I

, ;,


" ,


Another BQrgain . Clearance: ~.

" -z ' ..

Trade-In 'Models ~oi .. '

;. .' ~


" · · • -: ~


.' • ~ .' .' ~ ~: "

Completely checked, repainted We Sill a lot of new washlrs and we havi only 10 much stor· age spaci for trade inl. So ..• our expert servici dlpartmlnt checks them over, puts each on. in first class condition and WI' pass thl savings along to you, You had better come larly whil. , there is a good selection,


ONLY $4.00


You will receive full credit for the amount paid on any of these machines if you wish to tradl it on a new washer at any timl within 3 monthl of purchase dati.






World Famous Eureka Quality at a Special Low Price.

Herl il a compact, modern vacuum cleaner that brings you all thl quality feature. that hllp make cleaning simpll and pleasant. Clip. on tools, four ball-bearing swivil wheels, swivel hOle, n.w Dual Rug.Floor tool, easy.ope" top, adjustabl. luction, triple filter. Has special, ealily emptied cI~th dUlt bag. Throw-away paper bagl can also b. used, Has powerful Va H.P. motor. Th. Eureka develops super suc­tion and outperforms other cl.~n.rl costing much more.


Thl Iparkling nlw EUREKA Poli.hlr .It. a nlw Itandard in pI,rformancl, ta .. of op.ration~ and quality flaturl •. It's a joy to use and if's new beauty and styling make it a Itandard among polilhlrs. 549·95 Has pow.rful Y4 H.P. univlrsal motor,­pGsitivl handll lock, - revlrslbll upper cord hook, - wafer rlilitant hard rub. ber brulh backl and smoot/', ItHI hou' ..


\ Ing. Suppnld completl with polilhing brulhes andlnap-on lamb'l wool buH. Ins padl, a Sanding-Rlfinllhlng Kit, and a Rug Cleaning Attachm.nt to .... store'. original· colours . to rugl and carp't •.



, - '. .. ' . , '

. " ~ . . ~ .' . ." '.'

. ' '

, ,

. . . .... I :', '., ~ \. ~~.

~acoby ',011 " I ~ , _ • ':Bridg.'~ ,.

( '.' r, . " SI~AMc' t>ANGER ·ll~S.:· " :'..'1

, l,~ TRUMP , ,'.

By' OSWALD JACOBY, I Written for NEA Servlce: ' !. If you don't think thillexperts

, . have their troubles at the bridge table study this hand fr"om'the' " flnals of the mixed pairs at the, Spring ~ationals" i

A look at the' North·South hands only will Indicate. the de· slrability, . of gettlng to six spades, As long as West does not hold alL three trumps tbe" .

,slam Is a lay down:

I Strangely enough not one pair found their way to the spade slam and it was \~ell that they didn't, West holds all I"hree trumps and the slam must go down., '

In fact, five spades can be i beaten, West opens the king of I I hearts and if he shfits to a club , South must iose three tricks but

NOP.TH ID) t ... 9 8 55 .2 • AJ 9 3 ofoAI064

EAST • None

, • QJ74

WEST .,Q74 ¥AKI09SJ .4 • 8765~




.86 • K Q 10

"" 9 2 No one vulnerabl ~

North EaAI South W .. I Pa~s Pass 1 "" 2 • 4 "" ~. 5. Pass Pa" Pass

Opening lead-¥ K

I • I , at the hands where South played I

i spades not one West found thaI I I defense,

A fell' South players chose to I doubie East and West at five I hearts. Needless to say those: : South players wound up with ',very bad scores, All East need­,ed to do was 10 play carefully ,and make his doubled contract.

Card Sense Q-The bidding has been:

Wcst North East Soutb :1. Pass Pass IN,T. 'Double Pass Pass '·1

You, South, hold: . .1\32 fA9S tK94 "'Q8H I

What do you do? A-Pass. You 801 Into this

IPilI and shouidflaht It out. TODAY'S QUESTION

Allain West's. spade· bid hal' been passed around to .you. This time you hold: ... fAKQJ876 tA6B "' ..

What do you do? (An."er Tomorrow)


An ounce of will is worth • i

pound of wish, ' • • •

: A good mi~er usually has a 'lot of friends if he mixes what i they like,

• • •

A dub golfer is B fellow Who works aWfully hard just to get into a hole,

• • • , To the auto repairman every knock i" I boost in the total of the bill, .

• • • It's hard to wind up being

! well·to·do when you're too easy to do.

. . '.' With some youngsters who

I grow wild the reason is a par­ent.

• • • ; People wilt soon be tramping !througil the lVoods. It's no lVon.

I der t Ii e IV iI d lIow ~l'5 are w illl" • • •

, • t, I, , ,

, . " .~,' .... " ;. " .'

THE STORY OF,MARTHAWAYNE' . ~,.. . " .. ','.'


OOOOHOOJ!/-.G • MOl V'i).1 'rW1lG. OleIn I 5go'lOU AT T\1 OAT ER I'i ITlj a.A',I(E?

I ,




, It spems that the folks who i arc early risel's are more sue­: cessful. At least they have ! get·up,


1-' I


I Will Knock at Your Doo~ 11' ith Gifu and Greetings

from Frlend:y Business' Nellfl1bours and Your

, Civic and Social On the occasion of, New Comer' to the City, ne 'Birth of a Baby,

• 1" , .," PHONE; .... -----:--------------------..!' 2503,' 93498, 0; ~90943


. ;,,'

, . " ;

"" . \ ' '. '.'. . . " ", :. .'

• _."" r . , "~'I~""" .# : ... ~-,~


Mi [;QII!, 'IOU 5l'.O\ILD s;IO ,I4i;; , AlJMlQJ! MY l()JE~ $i1A1(Ii UK. CA5TANETG!I$,\y,IS4.AIfi!~ ,

I!>Uf t !>E~ ~O'!J 7~~'I' G~E";lI!~'1 ~E~D TO ITS MI5!!5E! :r 1$ ~:7':;Z TO B~R~ /,IV !>lOT~$ TAA4 I :


(W,.<M) 1 WOULDfJ', , HIS PAREt-T5 IF My DIDN't"CAlL FOR lC~D5




.' . " .~ ... ' T,



soiling fro Arrivin

ro~ Frr.i~ Reservatiuns I

R, SELLA 'JH'cial Reprfs

Tel: 5483 CI







)' .v,ERR~Ll

~ WOUl.-'.o..!'T : ·.,5 I"" My : ~~ .'':;;::' leADS (ERCISE/



~DA:ILY~N:E:W:S,:S:T.:J:O:HN:':5':N:F:LD:.':M:O:N:O:A:Y':M:A:Y:l:1:':19:5:9~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==~~~ ______ ~ __ ~ ________________ --117'



St, John's . fllW:lt

. Montreal Cnmplete I"surlncr ('overage.

Throu~h Rate. vl~

(,PR, rNR. &: C,I,

iLte Doctor Treat i'Facial'Moles

BY ALICIA H .... RT Facial moies were once reo

garded as beauty marks, But not many women .feel that way about them today. Most women reel thaI they are beauty blem· Ishes,

Fortunately, moles CB:l be reo moved easily, But thl~ Is a iob

I for ~'OUr doctor. He w\1i tcll ,au [which molea can be remo;'ed I

: safely ..

I The· whole process, as H's done

8,nilll (~orona .' TYPEWRITERS & CASHIERS



191 tlATER SU~EET,


.. _ ... _------_ ... _--

DiAL 5105

11052 . 4053

- - -­Professional - -Sales -­Career , A rapidly expanding, ethical pharmaceuticai mana,

facturing company offers:

B ' A challenging and stimulating career e ' Excellent opportunlly for advancement

Modern · A position that rewards Individual achievement

L.'ve • A well estabUshed company 'In a stable industry

Electrica Ify ! I ' Excellent rctlrement and fringe benefits • Salary-Expenses-Aulomoblle furnished

. ~ If ,·ou are between 24 and li2 years of age, with at : tI- least two years university education and the above 'LIG " .. OWl. description of a career in pharmaceutical sales ap·

I peals to you, write in confidenre to co.. • 4 .... \.... I j • f

Rcfrl~rraled targn l'pace Lo St. JOIIII',

I noll', Invol\'es only two or three' I"isits; to Ihe doctor, Gradually: lhe mlle& change color and dis·· appear and the skin is restored "

'to its usual [link smoothness, For . women who feel thai

moles arc 8 real handicap, tllis is a blessing and worth :he in· ,

. ":;'~~.' '" .,: .. :: :.' .... ..,'

I . BOX 307-THE NEWS, II (bop Reliab;e Electricity ~'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I In anu Around St, John's 1-- --.------ __ _


Soiling from Montreal every Wednesday Arrlv!~9 51. John's every Monday.

rll Iredo! Rr,rni: 1itlll ' ('lIlItJ\.'t

n. ~1I.1.\!:~ .. prd~1 1l1'IH'\~"l1l'III\,(!

Ttl: :,l~~ 'r: ::.1 . H.\I:n.\" 'd"1" \)1

~II \I'~ 1.111 \~,·11'~.

ve.,tment in both time and moneY, It makes the whole mat· ' ter Ilr make·up simple but e\'cn more important. It g!l"es a worn· an I new feell:lg auout her o'I'n appearance,

A worn of raut[on, however: . I his Is a jilb for YOlU doclor 81d ! you must be iuided uy his ad· , dee,

: This Is the time to get yonr , spring wardrobe really ready to , wear. ; If YOll hale skirl~ or dresses

.- -.-- .... - .... _.' .- i that should be shol'leued. toke 'them to a tailor now. Check ! over your shoes and see which

--------------- ------


need heel lilts and which simply · wo~'t do for one more sea,on, ; ~Iake a nole to buy nne white· · ;'"t to pick up your spring I clothes, .

, Look ol'er yOUr glol·es and see i 11 ~'ou don'l need Some new ones I

in vivid colors. Consider the, · possibility of pastel hosiery.:

Check over vOltr lingerie and· ; make certab' that I"otl'\'e Ihe;

right sllp~, brB.~ and' girdles for' , ca ~h dress or suit in ~'our ward· • , robe.

Whal about blmi,es And ~hil'ls? ' · Tlle~' can do wonder~ In refr,~,:h· I ing a tired suit. '

False eyelashe.~ are run M~ , the~ can change a Klrl'~ whole

attitude toward an el'e:ting ollt, · They ran make her reel self· 'a~suren. like a real. genuine

IEPAIIS. 'ILeAlllIl. '.rtston.

I ••••

Nfld. Armature Works Ltd, BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 ' 7192

Nfld. -Canada Steamships Ltd. , FREIGHT SAILINGS

HALIFAX-ST, JOHS'S Leaving Halifax

)IS. "BEDFORD II" .. , ..... " ....... ~ay 15 )I.S, "FAUVETTE" :'>Iay 19


Due SI. J ohn'l

)fay 17 ~[")' 21

Leal'in~ Due ~Iontreal SI. ,John'!

'I.s. "FAUVETTE" )I.S, "BELLE ISLE II" .... .... .... . May 14

Fur Immediate clearance per dircct sailings. For rates space and OthCl' information apply:

~[ay 12 )[a), 18


R. N. COlE, Special Representative, St. John'. DIAL 2267 OR TO



, .

Weekly Sailings from

Gloucester, Mass, to

St. John'. and

~ewfound!and Outport.


from Gloucester:

M,V. Blue prince May 12 - 13

M,V. Blue Trader May 19 - 20

For bookings contact:

Blue Peter Steamships

Limited 'Phonel 3661, 4123


'!he fUNNlfST SHAGGY DOG STORY EVER TOlD, .. sllaboutWiI~Deni!I.. ..A .. steetl·ageboy ,.'1_ .• who tutned 1111:0 . -....

n a 8r.rtisfallien Sheepdog~ I~I 10 the Hilarious , Horror of hll

friends ancl fami!t!

J\ t' • 1 ,

.TlILIlI(. .....



i remme rat ale, And they're ~as· I ; ily applied, ; I But don't decidt that .lust be· I ' cause you look gre at! n t hr m • :;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;~;;:;:;:;;:;;;:;:;::;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~~ i during the e\'enlng, you shouid Ii , wear lhem In the daytime, too,








· This I~ just too much. 'Mle girl 1

• who rarrie.' on like a siren all 1

, d31' 1, likel\' to he tiresome. Wesr false eyelAshes. ~ye I

'hadow and gold nall rolish in i

the el'ening. But next day, i ! ~witch to nalurai make·up and ~ , pale. polish, I. , :

· For quick and easy sandwich : maki~g In the future, bake meat· ; loaf mixture In .!mall loa\'es. i Cool and frl'1'ze them, then .lice 1 tht loans and wrap siees ~cp· i aratey. keeping them frozen for, \ snadwiches, . I

. . i If the baby has been ~Ick on;

clothes Or rurnlture. sprinkle a I'

!lIttle beklng soda or a cloth ~nd fo over them, The soda will:

I nuenr~ odm,· .



MANCHESTER PIONEER Sailings from: New York, Saint John, N.B" Halifax, N.S., 8. St. John'. Voyage 4 " .. "" May 1st May 4th May 7th May 12th Voyage 5 """ May 19th May 22nd May 26th June 1st

Voyage 5 will call at Corner Brook-Freight accepted at all ports. Ves.sels call at r-iewlounrtland Outports as Inducement Olfel's,

For Frei~ht Rates and other information contact


Admission Prices for This Engagement:


.. -------_._- ... -.- .. _-----NEXT ATTRACTION


Advertise In The News I­I I I I I I I I I I

------------- ------------------------- --I.


-and loads of it! Mercury trucks pay for their keep-especially on stop-and-go jobs that demand economy of operation and top loadspace, Proof of this-Canada's most ealnomical Six ~linder engine averaged 25.2% better gas mileage than every other make in U.S, tests, In aU models, Metcury pares away useless dead weight-builds extn strength into frames, axles and springs to give versatile Mercury Trucks the stamina to shrug off punishment day-in imd day-out. In Six or V-8, Mercury trucks invite comparison, See your nearby Mercury truck dealer and get all the facts.


I: [ Ii I; I: , I: , II


I' I I I I I

I·· Cmai" /fa/um iIIUJrrarrd or m(f1zirmed art HG"dard on Jome mnd'[l, optimttJJ III extr/lcontmt1t~m . .... ------.. --~ .'------------------------. .:1 , .. SEE YOUR .NEARBY MERCURY TRUCK DEALER



ST. JOHN'S - SPANIARD'S BAY Sub,dealers/A. DUFFETI, C!arenville-STROUD'S SALES & SERVICE, Alexander Bay,

For SAFE-B . ,. .

~ed cars and t~ucks, see your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer ". "I • I


• . . , .,_",1

:~ , '. , \ ,

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,. I i

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: J

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'fa '.' ., .. ~' ..

. NOTICE . Out of ResPlct to 'hi Mlmory of


Joseph. P.· Williams the Store of

., R. J.' Williams 200 PLEASANT STREET

will b, CloSld TO·DAY, MONDAY, May 11 th, until 1 p.m.

NOTICE Out of Respect t9 the Memory of

the lat.

JC!sep/l P. Williams the Store of

Jos. P. Williams 85 PATRICK STREET

will b. Closed TO·DAY, MONDAY, May 11 th, until 1 p.m.


TO·DAY, MONDAY, AT 1 P.M. out of Resped to the Memory of

Mr. lo.seph White

Masonic Hall Joint Stock Co. Ltd.

The Annual ~eetlng of the obove Company will be held on

Tuesday, May.19, at 8 p.m. Place of meeting I Meuonic Temple

Buslnessl Presentationn of Reports. Election of Directors. M. B. DAVIS, Secretary-Treasurer.

•. There will be· a S'"ecial Meeting of Terra .' Nova Council, Knights of Columbus, 1452, In the

Club Rooms TUESDAY, MAY 12, at 9 p.m. . By order of the G.K.


., . '.'

l .

Signed A. CARTER, Recorder.


. Just A,·,·ived "Gold Medal" Trimmed 200s

"Gold Medal" Trimmed Navels 100.

Th, World's Best 85 % Lean ,


" ,Pineappl, Cub ...... , .. , .............. , ..... 20 oz. oz. oz.

. Pineapple Silted ..... , ............. , .. , ...... 20 '~I CIC, a •• f ........ ,.:.:., ...... ,1' ••••••••••••• 24/12



.>,," ~Co.,· Llm~ted _ GEOIGEST. PHO~'U 5071





You need

DEPENDABLE Fire Insurance

RELIABLE Companies,



Annual. Spring . Sale TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 12th, at 3 p.m.

in Canon Wood Hall

There will' be Plain, Fancy and Wool Work.

. Also Novelty Stalls,




In :'o13.\' , W:;H, a Pliblic ",utice


PROMPT LOSS S-e~lements


Iras isslied by the Department of I'rol'illcial Affairs r'eqllrstill~ COlTlml'nls frum illtere>ted ilJr· tie~ re::~IJ'dillg lhe propos('d (',.,tab. li,hment of " IIt'lI' Shop Clo'Jn~ ,\rea til he knuwn u., the '''r''init\' Bay I f"ntre I ShopTlusing Arc3.;' M tilal time the comment., luh· mitled b respunse to the notice


53 William Slreel Dial 7450 and 6062 ._---.----

H. R. CLARKE • "Topsail RolIII


• 211 WATER STREET . PHONE 6921.

i were insllfficient to enable tlie

L HF.AI Y" . Ass.' c.tant : Deparlment to determine whrlher I .IJ ~ ..: or nnt Ihe proposal was acc"pt,

Crou Roads Ind Wlter 81 k' · ahle to the maJority of the peo· Dial 3026 . House .eeper i p:e in the an'a concerned and.

. ___ ,- !. . for that reason. it hal now ileen , App1ic~tions are' lIl\'iled for. decided to re·is.llIe the no~ice.

Nlld. Armalure

Works 38

BHnliJrick Slreet

Dial 7191·2' 1 1---=------ !


IiHMV ST. and TOI'S,\IL RD. For all your Building

Requiremenls call 80161-S1171



can be obtained at : CONNORS DRUG STORE

334 WATER ST. DIAL 2206



Agency DellUrlmf'lIt i

%43 Water ~t. Dial 2102 I YOUR FRIGIDAIRE I



Wiring ~Iateri~I" Wire and Cables, ~Iolors, Starters,

Lamp;, Switchc3, Lighting i FixtllrC.'l, ctc.


, FLORISTS 1 --------- i

! HOWSE OF FlOWERS 6erl'ing St, Johll'~ from 111'0 l{Jc"tioll~

317 ~AMIL'l'ON A VENUE IDIAL 80059

302 WATER ST. DIAL 7410

~:-----...;..----fiRE INSURANCE

CROSBIE & CO" LTD. Agents for



JOR BROTHERS &. co LTD. Water Street

ilia I 2658, 41!3

MEEHAN & CO. 1.A Illclg. Duckworth lit

Dial 70lG·7047

REG. 'r. MOR(lAN Tempi, Bldg, Durkwortb !II

Dial 80370·7' 58

DRUG STORES ---------M. lO1\'NURS LTD,

IS4 WATER ST. Dlol 2206


Cor. Monchy &< Empire Aft Dial 900711

------. ----KENNEDY'~

DRllG STOR!, !04 lllJe~wortll !It.

nlli 2381 DC!I\I''': '

I'HAR!IIACt Cor. Mayor and

.Ierl")'meetlng Rd, DIAL 7388


F.lllabeth AYe, DIal 81121l

~ruHrln:"s DRUG !!TURE,

119 MllittarJ nOld 0111 6'"


45 Quldl Vldl ROid


28~ Pennywell Road Dial 92931

JOHN J. FEEHAN Around St. John'.

Dial 3m '911 Waler 81.




Electrical Appliullce.! Sports Goods and Sports

wear for aIL occasions. DIAL 5016 ,

--------------·--.1 ERNEST' CLOUSTON, LTD. i


210 WATER ST. 'DIAL 41~3



CONTRA(lORS Rep. Genero1l Electric :

18 King's Road Dial 2916 I


Service. Quality, Variel,



246 "II B ~r Streel I)lal 308Y


Temple Bldg., Duckworth iiI Dial. 1I0870'''~'

CROSBIE & CO,. LTD Woohrol1t Bidi. w.tu it

Dial 11031


one hoW' dell\'cry. I Elliabetb Avo!. Dial 911l9B Call 4795:

~.OO per bag. No Gimmicks.

Ron", Weigh!.



When selecting a Diamond Ring, see our privata

Diamond Booth. DIAL 4502




'APPLIANCES DIAL 3001 10 3005



Dial 6929 Res. fIU" lIT. JOHN'S CENTRAL


J. V. DAWE lTD, Eledrteal Contractor

No fire when '11" wire , Dl al 009111



Dial 572'1

the post of Assistant House·, ~ . · 'h H '1 I for ~!en·· -. The proposed nell' Snop " Kl'cper al, t e OSpl a . , Cln.ling Area will be a.1 foLlows:­

t.1 and Nerl'ous Diseases, Sal· I "Bc"ilnin" al a point abolll t ·198000 per '. n·' h ai', commences a ~. , one mile north of Hantem Stalion

annum on th~ sc~le SI98~·lOO. I at the intersection of the centre 2200. from which $396.01 IS de· Ilirie of the Canadian :\"ationai rluctlble for full maintenance, 1 Hailwavs ri"hl·of'lI'av and Ihe board, etc, Iil'ing·in, Uniforms I centre 'line ~f ,he l;i"ll1l'aV ex.! are prol'ided; lB working days' Itendin;: from Ralte~l to La!

'annual leave with full pay. 44- : :'olanche: thence rlllming along i hour week. I Ihe said centre line of the ral:·

Duties will incluue direct I wal' ri"ht,0[,w3v in a "e~eral supervision of Housekeeping sOl;therl; directi~n to 3 point; ,'."0

I Staff under the generai super· miles southeast of I.on~ Har~ollr · vision of the Housekeeper, Station: the~ce rllnnin~ on a bear, I I Applications with full details ing of SOllth Forty-five degrees' I as lo age. experience, etc.. ca,1 to the we,itern boundary 01 · should be forwarded immedi· tile area known as "Trinity Bay 1 atelv to the Secrelary, Hospital iSolllh) Shop Clo.sing Area"; , for . ~lenlal and Nerl'oUs Dis· theoce aiung the sair! weslern: · eases, Waterford Bridge Road, , houndar~' in a southerl.I' direcLiol ' I St. John's. 'fo~ a d"tance of fOllr m:lcs:.

I LEONARD "ILLER, M.D,. ,thence tnrJllig and rllonlng. north Deputy Minister of Health. tl'n degrees lI'e.,t lo a POlilt on'

I m'8 eod • the ea,tenl sl10re of ChI pel Arm 1 a). : :11 highwater marl;: Ihl'I:C<' ainng

Newfoundland Services

the :;3iil shure in a ~olllher:y direction nnd Hlolig the western shore of the said t'llapel Arm In

,a nurtherlv direcl ion and ~O:l' I (jutling ill' a gl'J1I'I'U! llurthl.riy;'

, dirt'clioll biung the ,11[Jr"~ of:


1 PASSrNGER SERVICE l,',lIg ('01''' l'oilier 1\:\\' and. . Til·kle lb.r to a poillt ~!JOlit Dill'

I CO\'\'FlFLO:"O B \ Y Ht'S \:\,D mile nor:1i of the point 0:1 Ii", i WI~S'T 'Rt'\' ·PL~n:\,Tl·.'\ 'RAY . II'l'sterll .,id. of Ihe tlltr'lIlrr. 10

I Rp~ular 8.10 a.m. tra:n le3\" ,H,3l1tem l'OI~'; .ttlt'l1t'e ;"n~lI:g

in2 St. .John·s ~fonday, ~lay lllh" lIe.,l 10 a POlilt In the ~,orr.'3,rl will make conncction at ftrgen. I c;ntre line. of the .anad,an t· 'th 'I t ,r I f th . :\al'o~al Rallwal·.' rlghl·or·wa\";

13 WI .• 0 or e.". s or e· I I I'· I ' ,.' B"v Run and West Run rlacen. : lence a ong t lC ~al( ,cen,r. ,me I· . B . m a sOlltllerl\' dlrecllon to tile

,10 ay. . point of begin·ning. Bearings are ~labnetic."

CO!'l'Tf.CTIOS SOliTR COAST cl I . h' 3. It i, reqllPste llat, II'lt In

SERVJ(·F. 111. abnl'cmelllioned Area, the Train "The l'al'ihou" Iravin~ ro!iowing Schedille of Holicta\'~

'SI. .lohll'~ Thl!r~dav, ~Iav 141h, . a:ld of Opellin~ and Clo,in, HIlI;r~ I,' will makP connection a't Pori , . for Shop, he nbcellrri:. i aux Ra'~lIc.~ WIth S. S. Racra· flXED WHOLE HOL]J)AYS i \~ell for regular ports South, II i Sllnrla,-, \'0 OPE\, EO{ 'RS 1 Coast Sen'lce, ; 'Ill (al :>."ew Year's Da\" (.Jan.

i 0T 10R"'S C'OR~' L'R BR OOK ~ L.lI . I '" ., ,', '. ",', . (hi Rurn~ lJiH' I,Jon. 2;thl I

SERVICE St. Patrick's Day (~I)rch: S.S Northern Ranger for: lithl I

regular ports st. John's·Corncr (dI Good Frid~y , Brook Service will ~ail {rom Ihe (pi Ea~ter ~fonday I Dock Co~stal Wharf Noon to· ((I st. George'~ Day IAPrill day, Saturday, 23ro.l

111:1 Empire Day IMay 24 th, )


FREIGHT SOUTH COAST IsO til Memorial Day (July

SERV]CE (JI July 12th Freight Is accepted dally at (kl V.J. Day I AugUst 15th)

the Railway. Freight Shed for (J) Labour Day (First regular ports South Coast Ser· ~{onday in September I vice but in order to guarantee. (ml Thanksgivin~ Day movement bv this trip of 1he: (Second Mondal" in Oclober l S.S, Ilal Haven freight must be ! Inl Mmistice Day I No\", : at 1he Railway Freight Shed not I em~r lIthl ' laler than 1.00 p.m. Tuesrl3)', . tol. ('hrlstm8s Dnr IDe·' ~Iay 12th. . cem~r ~S!h I

, I I r 1 Boxi~g Da~' I Decem. I I ber 25th I :\0 OPE\, !lDrHS

For East Taxi Service HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410 I)pmt f!'IIIII I.. II I a.m,


When allv of the abol'e holi· days fall~ on Sunday, the folloll" in~ day, :lion day, is to he ohler, \'pd a.l the whole holiday. ;'\0 OPF::\" HOlTHS REGULAR HAI,F JTOLmAY~

Wednc.lclal' in each ~'eek .X'

c~t rll1rin~ ·lhp. Christm:1s Prriolll ~nrl pXcepl lI'hen thrl'e i, a v.'~nle I

holids)' In thp same I\:eek. 8.30' A~'!.-12::lI1 P.M, SATl'RDA"S:

EI'ery Siltllrday not being 8 Whole holiday 8.~O AX-9.~O, P.~l. I FRIDAYS

When Saturnai' Is a ",hole holi· day onlv R.~O A.M.-9,30 PM. OTHER'WEEK DAYS

All other W\'ek days not bel:1g I whole orh aU holiday.! 8.~O A.M. I~P.M,

D""28,lyr i CHRJSTMM PERIOD: ;~~;:;:::;;:;:::;;;;:;:;:::;;;;;;:;:::;~. I ',8,30 A.M.-S.3() p, M.



will re-open for Kinsmen

Trade Karnival.


4. Persons wishing toe omment I ; ~n this proposal are now asked , to communicate with the Depart· I : ment of Provincial Affairs with.

out delay. Such comments should be submitted to the Department on or before 16th May. 1959.

J. G. CHANNING. Deputy Mlnls~r of Provillclal

Affatr, ap,2B,msy4,11 -------,--------

~tj': ':iJJ ! USED CARS ------.... --- 'GII~:\, UAIR vanishf~ when

. AS be relle\'ed, promptly, I' ,

ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD. i MOBilE GROCETERIA YOli lIlr Angeliqlle Grey Hair Reslorer. Regain ap­pearance of. nalural b~allt)', colour; $1.95 at all drug· ~ist~.

eifectivply, . with . "Davis A,thlll3 Remeily Nil.. 78»~". Pro\'en by hundrerts of sat·



Door", "A Complete Stor~ AI \'our

DIAL 9349\ apr17

. 1 ,

\ ,

isfied cllstomers. See your druggi<t today, andgct thrr~ weeks' :;up}ll)". $.4 al ~cMurd!J- and all druggist.!,

(Under the Distinguished Patronage of Hi\

the Archbishop)

The Combined Concert

Mount Cashel' and

Belv~dere Orphanages will be held on

FRIDAY, MAY 15th , at 8 p.m.

In ~,;. Patrick's Hall School Auditorium,

Tickets on sale at Charles Hutton & RESERVED SEATS $1.00



Gigantic Sprin6' ~)leall Out Sale

Place: Cathedral Parish Hall, Queen's

Date: SATURDAY, may 16th.

Time: 2.30 p.m. Admission:


-------~ ---- -


The Liquidator of The Nightingale M~i'., " is prepared to receive tenders up to and ing the 30th day of May, 1959 for the p Inventory of Motor Car and Motor Bike POI!,

Accessories. Reconditioned Ford V 8 Motor 1953 0:


Reconditioned Pontiac 6 cylinder MOIOI 1 1954 Model.

1 1954 Dodge 12 ton Pick-up. 1 1949 Four Wheel Drive Ohevrolet Garage Machinery and Equipment. Office Furniture and Equipment.

Further particulars may be obtCJin~d undersigned.

Tenders to be addressed to: JOHN R. PARSONS, liquidator,

9 Church Hill, St. John's.

The Liquidator does not bind himself 10 the highest or any tender,


Guards Athletic Association To the thousands of loyal supporlerl

backed our Football, Hockey and other during the past years, we would like to you of our Victory Celebration-Dinner, tion .and Dance to be held at th! THURSDA Y. May 14th, at 7.30 p,m, your party come and make this a real

night for your Association. c Tickets-54,CO $6.00 Double, from R. Atwill, C. Warr, J. R. Colyer, S, Quick, E. Hillyard, Phone 01

at the Arena for your ticket, Please boci teams who gave you Ten ChampionshiP! the past twelve months.

Just Arrived Now discharging from tht ' 5,5, Do

a cargo of

North Sydney (.'.ic~eened and Washed)

For immediate delivery

PHO,NE 80151 :..... 80152 - 80153



WATER STREET EAST Sl -----.---_._-----

Advertise In The N' i {'


1 2 5 I


, •

11 15 9

13 6

14 8

.. '



Ff at124Wa


" W • •• EL " N • •• EA ". " EXC " G • •• OC ,







-~-- -

lEN'S. .UB

• ~rlllE,'

Sale " Queen's


tER 'j' !vi :::!1'),., '

'p to and i - the pu :lr Bike Ports

:>r 1953 or 1

Icer Motor

vrolet Truck, ."enl.



ssociatlOn al iupporters

and other uld like to I-Dinner, at the "rllll!:

30 p.m. Mak •. li~ a su lkels-$04.00 C. Warr, J.

)rd. Phon. 01'

PieD!' bock I'1mpio"ships

I' 5.5. Oalhw


iey ~a'hed) I deliyery

152 - 80153

rRTERS ST. ' .


KINSM1EN-Boys' Club -



B I N G 0 I 28 35 46 61

2 21 36 49 67 5 18 39 .50 72

11 19 40 .53 73

15 24 32 .54 74 9 20 34 58 62

13 30 37 S5 66 6 22 44 52 65

14 26 45 59 70

8 17 43 51 71 38

68 3

lIelp Kiddies

CARD PARTY will be a Card Party at St Patrick's

A~dilorium TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, May 11th at

8,30 p,m, Please bring your own cards. Canteen

I will be avoilable.

• WANTED Sheet Metal Workers



FOR RENT at 124 Woter St. East, two offices on first floor,

Also one office on third floor.

" ... WELL HEATED ••• " ", • , NEAR POST OFFICE •.• "


• • •

TELEPHONE 3413 OR 6209 For further particulars,


Annual Meeting ,

of -.

The John Howard Society ~'ill b! held on MONDAY, May' 1 lth at 8 p,m. In lhe Soard Room of Terra Nova Motora Ltd. T~e General Public is cordially invited to attend,

Guards Athletic Association

ALL Guards Football, Hockey, Darts, Baseball,

B01Kelball, and Bowling Players of the past ,

year will receive thelr.fre. pass ticket for the

Ylctory celebration' at the Arena, K . , -

you are taking your wlf. or ;irl friend alon;.

YOU '11 . . 't(j only be required to purchase Q sln;le

Heket Which will ,cost $4,00.


"We lure lived money on our new house by buying all the materIals from HOR WOODS!"

You'll be the Money Saver If you Bee us before you start to bulld or remodel. We can shall y~u many ways to cut corners and give you Ideu that wll! Save you money.


Velvet Horn Club'



9 a.m. to 11 p.m.


Want To Buy I

Houes or Bungalow in the vicinity 'of Pennywell Road or Parade Street, or there abouh.

• Apply to Daily News,'



to work in Candy Factory. I'

Apply . I


WANTED- For I family of two adulls • general maid with knowledge of '11laln cooking, or would consider a working' housekeeper, Apply to, L, C. Mews, ~o Lelli. St" 'Phone ~807, m,w,frl 1

379 HAMILTON AVE. AUCTION ["Gifts By Mail"


, Free catalogue on request.

: Terra Nova Sales

TUESDAY May 12th

,WANTED-A reliable girl for bOUJework, In modem hom~; go04 wages Bnd workinl eondltlolU, MUlt lupply references. Dial 7227. '

i I I Ireland Rd" Marshfield, I 1.30 p. m.


Massachusetts, U.S.A. i 30 HEAD


SHOP. We are noVi opera!. One' upstairs partment Ing eight cbalra, You car, be containing five rooms and wured of Ute best possIble bathroom. Furnace heat. service phil the leu! Pili' ed and semi-furnished, also sible waltins, 24 New Gower st" opp, Adelaide Motora garage. please phone mar?B,lyr , 80149 for oppointment.



CATTLE : rfht/1r ),;;,;; ':' ; , ~.

.'~' T1(1llrr;", FOB 8ALE-,.Strurtnral Bteel, 1 ----

I Bplm; B Beams; Angles; H' For Sale 1 ' Channels; Pla~; Shafting omes i _____________ , ~tc., various Ilzes.. Nnd. Ready for occupancy I . TI RED ' I Salvage " Sales Co., Ltd. Popular areas: . r ~~o:.atriCk St~t; 'Phonf CURTIS PLACE and I of lighting fires for home II mar 111, Iym UNIVERSITY AVENUE, comfort?

For further particulars contact i "Invest in the Best" I PAINTIN3 AND DECORA· W. Burton & Son i LEN N 0 X II

TlNG-For your exterior , Wa~m Air He3ting I: snd Interi~r decorating I' lid. V W t ' Paperhanging and wa I ,efor estcot I:

il Contractors ond Builders I washing call Mr. L, Howe Sales Representative For 'I at 73P7·H. DIAL 6929 • 91667F JOHN fLOUSTON LTD. I,ll

I _a_p_r1_1,_lm______ my7,lmth 'PHOSE 80341 or 93875.H

i 1'1'" MITHOD BUG CLEAN· ERS, Ru,. ane! Carpet 1ll4dr to look Hk. new. Von khrlClel proe.- addJ ",m to Uf. of ru_ Cleaned III hom. or at our planL 'Phon, 91o.'i3. New Methocl Ru. Cleanen, Fre6h".ter

i ____________ ,




PRICE $25.00

.--------, GREAT EASTERN


I Wall Washing :;;;:;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;~;; WALL WASKING - Wall.

cleaned by new machine. (Decorated)

DIAL 7907·A

Radio, Teievision Washen. R~frigeratorB Deep Freezers,

Electric Ranger.

DIAL 2177











1 .953 .000 G E


Baird Motors Ltd.' MERRYMEETING ROAD i

DIAL 80378·9

W~ere To Stay , Balsam Hotel

BABHES ROAD SltuatP.d III tIIti H~ 01 Ibt

City. Qalet. Ctmforia/IIe . AtaIeIo ,... rar Reserv atJODI IJId IzI.


Dial 6336 , MIUI, JOHN FACI1 ReMelt Btl.....,..


Resulta perfect; laves paint, -New Method Rill and Wall Cleaner!, Freshwater Road, 'Phon. 9103S,

FREE CATALOG - ContailU hundreds of businesses, farms and Income pro· pertiel throughout Can· ada. Specify type and location ' desired, Deal direct. Buslne.!! & Pro· perty Monthly, 1717 13th Ave" Dept, 1832·C, Regina, Silk. may9,11,12,13

BEAUTYLAND: 129 Queen', Road (Thlatr. HUll, Ipeela!. lzinl \Jl all method! of per­manent wavln, tinting, cut­tinl, Special permanent, S5.00 Opell Evenlngl. Dial &534.

PREMIER CHIMNEY CLEAN­ERS '-- RaIIgel, Furnace •. F1uel, P'UIIftelllng, etc. Clean· ed by vaClllll'll. Special atten·

,Uon Jiven to Suburban"areu. ror fut reUable aerv\ce, dial IIWT. apS"m

CORNS-CALLOU8ES. Prompt nlie! from palIlfuI corns and u\lOUlel with L1oyd'l Corn Ind Callous SalVI and Padl. Salve 711c-Pada !IOc It .11 druUlJtI.

BARDING'S" TAXI will be I.avlnt Grand Bank Sunday and Thursday; retumlng Monday Ind SaturdlY. For reservaUolII call ,"a1·F, It Grand Bank nU 2142, marU·tf



Gerry Ha lIey Surveys Ltd.


0..-- _________ ._

Floor Poli~hel'l. Gramophones

Public Address Systellls, Tape Recorders,


DlAL 3001 to 3005

WATER STREET ;an26,1v,


"n1SU1ilB 'Jt)D1AV . lmJ1nH IR.([lJA"W





Ayre's Supermarket Ltd. GRAND OPENING



FINAL PRIZE LIST N it Winning No. Item Wlllnlni No. Item Winning o. em

31 24741 1.- 41468 16,- 72437 32': 5AR12 2,- ~7223 17.- 72334 33 2579

,3,- 83193 18,- 55959 ,- ~3:iHlJ 4,- 26580 19,- 5631,3 ~~'- 9923

~,- 717~7 20,- :l~~~~ • 36'.: mso 1,- 43466 21.- 7142B 7.- 26682 22,- 20144 ~~'- 3A1RO B.- 30759 23,- 9253 ,- 3;; 9.- 48277 24,- 54533 39.- ~;i)l2

10,- 63227 25,- 44BB 40,- 20350 . 11.- 39()49 26,- 70707 41.- 1709;\

1:&""';' '. 9293 27.- 41261 :~'- ~nnl:1 .An n •• - .. 55164'- 7868 ' 13.- ...... - 44,-

HI.-21544 29,- 744118 45.- 4918'i 111,- '1837 80,- tl3116 46,- 24559

, . . --. ·",t.nn ... will b. required to a~.w.or a To.t ~ Skill to. qUaHIy,'

for prizi. All prize~ must b. claimed by 'Frlday, '.May 15th. .,~ " ,



I.t ;.~. :'-

.. ..a .".'" .10. .. .\,!, ,.". •••. .' •• ,'. -. rfIJ'"

• I" I:~ ,.' II • '.. .' "t •• I .',' ". , •• ' ,-,. .~.r 't ••• ',' I I,.' " I •• I • '. • f:.' I' J. ~ I.. . I I .; .... • .,~. It •• _

"You don't have to plead with me I take you! Of course we're a" going to t.., Kinsmen Trade Karnival this weekl-ls1 everybodyl .


WE offer For Sale, the following Ii of Commercial Properties: :i( DICK'S SQ.-Snack Bar and Apar1ments~:

~~ (Vacant). ?~

HOUSING AREA-Snack Bar, Rlstaura"' - ~~

and Two Apartments. Good ~usin~ stand •. Freehold land. Bargain. ~

36 LeMARCHANT ROAD-House in co*-mercia.! area - Only $9,800.00. %

EAGAN BUILDING--;-Large building •. F~~ nace heated •• elevator •• Showroo!\

and Offices.~;: SERVICE STATION-Excellent central loccf.

~ion. Plenty of working space. Not e~ pensive to operate, and selling' at :cI very reasonable price. Drop in at our office and check it further.

QUICK SERVICE LAUNDERETTE-Queen's Road Business may be p'urchased for $2500',00,

37 CAMPBELL AVE.-Apartment ond Two Shops. Freehold. '

COMMERCIAL LAND - Blackmarsh Road, ~O ft. x 500 ft .

FRESHWATER RD.-Three Storey Bldg. Good commerciol area. .

NEW GOWER ST.-Vacant ... Shop and Apart· ment '

MAYOR AVE.-House and Garage .. good busi· ness stand.

DUCKWORTH ST.-luncheonette • . low down­payment.

75 NEW GOWER ST,-$1500 down considered. Corner Shop, with Apartment. ..


off Duckworth St. Three suites of Of· fices and Warehouse. Full basement.

TWO BIG COMMERCIAL BLDGS.-Private listing. FRESHWATER RD.-Near Parade St. • • Large

Building. Valuable piece of property. 165 WATER ST. - Vacant •. Large Shop and

Offices, DRUG STORE-Going strong for years •

Apartment included. See it today. FOR LEAS€-Lorge ultra modern Stora on Waler

St ... No phone calls, BLACKMARSH ROAD-Large Building. HR. GRACE-Woter SI ..• Furnished House and

Shop, $6,000.00. WEST END-Building suitable for Restauront or

Showroom. COMMERCIAL LAND-2 blocks, 600 to 700

feet frontage on the railway, just we" of Syme's Bridge.

$15,000 takes a Lorge Building near the New Post Office. •

FOR RENT -Dry GooM Department 01 the TW'I­Way Stores on Golf and St. Claro Aves.

73 PLEASANT ST.-House andS-hop. LARGE BLOCK OF LAND on Freshwater Road,'

near Stamp's Lane. Also COMMERCIAL LAND on Waterford Bridge

Road and Water St. VVe still have several Blocks of Lcmd in and

around the city. Check them today. . 'Another good in~e5tment-Large' Building, with

Three Stores. Good business site. GOWER ST.-Shop and fwo Apartments.

Advertise In The News /' '

" ,

~. " , . l

.. , I' :1 .

~-~; - I' i

, '. \ ;.~ .


, '. -, ( , "

".' , , "

" . ," . ,

Ii 1

,I I


, .


Britons See Point Of Joke Quicker OJ'


-• ... NEW YORK (AP)-As i[ our

world weren't lIre a d y topsy turvy 'enough, now along comes a FrenchmllD who says Britons can see the pomt of a Joke

OK~ , >'.

.1';, '

.~ PEA BEANS,.,.,., ............ , ... 'at '.'

.. Bags 100's

~~ '. ~EA BEANS . 1 . ..1;

" •••• , ••• I ••

iI •.

~ ltOUND PEAS ............... ..

Packages 24·1's

,Bags' l00's . ~ '~. I, ,.' (:) 1.'

~ .SPLIT PEAS ............... , .. 1 II

. , . Bags '100'5

('GREEN' PEAS .,', .... , . , . , ~, .

f .:~REEN PEAS ........... ..

, .. Bags 100'5

.Packages 24·1'5 It ."

it: f ~ Ir -I ',.

~ ,.. .. ----------------iT & M WINTER LIMITED


\ .

quicker than Amerkans. I THE ST LAWRENCE "The E:lglish have a very good i •

sense of humor, s aid Robert SEA WAY Dhery also has round a di[· Lionel Chevrier ... $3.50

I o[ the hit Broadway revue, La ORDE WINGATE Plume de rna Tante.

"They love gags. Tts [unny, be· nause they seem sO straitlaced and serious.

I "They can see a gag coming . They laugh Quicker, iouder- And shorter - than here. They gil'e a sharp laugh, then quit, a~d vou have to have another gag ready.

"The Amerlcans laugh slower and longer. .

Dhery a Iso has fou nd a dif· fere~ce between French and American audiences. "1 like I there b.ecause Ihe

. audience comcs to the theatre.' '1' ready to laugh and enjoy itself,"

Dhery, slender and mobilr. -

Christopfre; Sykes $6.50 BRITAIN AND

THE ARABS Glubb Pasha ... : ... $5.50


Henry Cecil .......... $2.75 IT TAKES HEART (Sports Stories)

Mel Allen ...... ...... $4.50 THE STATUS SEEKERS

Vance Packard' ... $4.50 THE PARADISE TREE

Gerald Vann, O.P. $4.00

he said. "In France they go to I see whether )'ou can make them I IS'lgh. There is B difference." II HIS HIT STILL SELLOUT. .

I raced hR.~ been in some 20 films I FANDANGO ROCK r He is also one o[ the busicst rc· i 'M $450 ! I'ue directors in Paris. Jonn asters ........ ' . . "One day," he recalled, '''1 nad

to direct 12 different shows. 1 peda!led [rom one to the other THE STORY OF NfLD, ... • on R bicycle:' By A. B. Perlin

Illustrated .+_ .. ' -----.---.--.-- -, .. - .......... - --------------__ His present revue. a subtler,

I '1


GEORGE NEAL LIMITED ST. JOHN'S 'PHON~S: 2264 - 4440 - 3420

I U C. S e quieter, Gallic kind o[ Hellzapop-I e eroce pin, revIves the almost forgotten Polit7:al, industrial I . art of pantomime. an art In which I : Club T S Dhery emulates his ow~ early I and commercial history I New Form Of derby will feature fishing in four TV

" ~ , : 0 ponsor idnl. Charlip Chaplin. It is still a K:olT''!kote Cover $2.00 ~lasses: Speckled trout, lake : sel out on Broadway aller seven . trout pickerel anti pike. I. Concert P arty mont~s w.hieh has persB~tly Cloth Bound .... $.5.00 Oil Painting Last year a six pound two·

~'&tw~n Us Women I surpmed Its author. I lostage ........... - .15 I Dunce speckled trout won its class : Mount AlIlson University's I "Few reyues in Par!~ last as: I CALGARY (~P) -: ~!rs. Kay I and drew the grand aggregate REASONABLE' r Concert Party will be span. long as SIX months, he re- !-----------'! Ratledge IS plo~eer1ng a nell' all'ard. The lake trout lI'inner last I

, . sored In theIr annual recitals marked: "And people there bonk 0' k & C L d ; fo:m of oil. painting in Calgary, year weighed 26 pound., and the· GUARANTEED t POINTED TOES AND ICE I she doesn't break her neck In st. John's again this year their tlekels only a fell' days IC sot . USing alumlDum sheets Instead of top pickerel balanced the scales I

riCK REELS BANE OF .\LL· So hC>\I' about gil'lng lIS back a by Cochrane Street United I ah,~~d at most. .. " ' I canvas.. at ei~ht pou:lds. Pikes bite m~re I P H 0 N E 7 31 ,. WOMEN i shore wilh a slightly rounded Church ~Ien's Service Club. I Her~ a .man and hiS Wife may ·,·he Boo.ksellers It started when her husband. I frequently laler in the season. ~ . : toe, something a little like the Dr. David Peters, President buy thm I1ckets as much as [.our Harry, read that pure aluminum I but 20-pounders are common al· Nol\'·. that dresses look like I shape of the human root, and of the Club stat th t thl mO!1ths ahead .. Then on the night sheet hardened by cold-rolli:1g is! derby time. .; EI .

dresaes Isaln and women !ook \ heels that gives Us a little more • • es a s o[ the show thm seats are emptv S . 442' 2008 3191 suitabie for oil painting. It can I Th 1 k ,. ~h d· . ectronlC like women I have Just O:le bone, solid roundation? year s party will consist of a When I see this it make3 me sad. pin oJ or or be cleaned and used aoain. . e a e can uecome rou~ an . to pick wIth the rashion deslsn- i You've given us back [amlnlne violinist, a pianist and a mez· I can only sU~pOse they have died I Mrs. Ratledge, who e;rolled at i flshe:men are always ad\'1sed to. Ce t Ltd er's. i nallery In hats and dresses lo·soprano. He forecasts an in the meanwhile." , the provincial institute of techno- 1 f!sh Inshore-where most of the I n re ,

Won't you please take pity on I HoI\' about a little natlerv and exceptlonally fine concert. One American theatrical Cll~- ' logy a~d art for her first formal i fl~h are anyway. iI!ost. anglers the !emlnln~ '!oot and get us O\lt c0t;1fo,rt [or OUr achIng dogs? The party wlll consist of tom which both Dherv and Col· . art education last year, was anx- i c oose a:t ~Iternate flshmg ~pot After hours 'PHONE al these pOinted shoes with the \ou I'e already got teen.agers JIlalda Rogerson, vocalist. II lette, his blonde wife and co- iou, to try it. I III a ~earb~ lake to .compen'~te Ice pick heels? kicking ofr their high heels e\'en Charlottetown, P.E.I.; !I!ar· star. find an uller abombation ' The aluminum sheet is firsl; for Poss!u.le stormy lIeather oler 90 CAMPBEll

Tltey look awful and they leel ~t formal dances, women slipping garet Hennessey, pianist, Am· is the matinee. ' ~one over lI'ith emery paper and L_a_ke_N_IP_,_go_n_. _____ ~~ ________ _ worse. Thcre are I cry lew their feet out o[ their shes In herst, N.S.; Paul Campbell. "You cannot ~il'e your best at 'then cleaned with pumice. Ai 1\'o!Jlen with s~al1 feet an~·1l10:e. mOl'ies. a~d older women wearing I'lollnlst, Halifax, N.S.; with eitl1cr the matinee or e\'e:lin~ : metal primer then is applied to EI'ery \\'om8~ s feeL look Dig. thelr Did shoes rather than try. .1\1Ilson G. Patterson of the performance on such da)'s." he I I ~il'e a b"sp for the paint. And the poor women with big in~ to waik on ice picks niount Allison Conscrl'atory said "It Is too much. Charles, : FAST WORKER leet look downright rid.iculous. So don't you think it', 5 time of Music faculty as aceom.! Boy~r [eels the same wa,·. He i Two weeks after the first sh~el

So much lor the POinted toe. for a change? panlst. told me he tries to sa"e himself; was prepared Mrs. Ratled~e nad Now [or those heels thal make a MaIda Rogerson began voke for the evening show. bul is U:1'; Ihree paintings completed. She woman look as though she were traIning at an early age and ahle to do so. I nut two of them up [Dr sale, her ,,'alklni on L\:e plcks- Manners . Make by the tlme Ihe completed "C 0 II e t t e has 17 costume first \'P!lture in~o the commercial

EI'ch on a smooth noor it is High School had taken major changes. On matinee days she fjpld. Noll' she is a confirmed tmJlOsslble for a woman to ~iide roles In three Gilbert and has to change her clothes 34 user o[ aiuminum. alonl irace[uly on those skbny Fneends Sullivan operettas. She is times. II she di.d nO,t,hing but this, "It makes your colors fresher. heels. She either minces or she now a third year Arts student she would be tired. MacCORMAC'S more luminous." she said. "On wobbles. at Mount Allison majoring In The Dherys have round \Ian· canl'as after a while the color~

And If she gets all a rOIl~h ~idc When you are a newcomer In voice. She ha; also takcn ~Bttan a cultural wo~derla~d ann GEAR ST. seem to get jaded. On aluminum. ~'Ilk she has to strain like a town you'lI usually need to go a leading roles in musical pro. In some ways II cuhnary des~rl. I since it·s not porous. I think they tllhroPe walker to keep her bal· lillie more than half way in "I cannot understand your ou[- Dial 5181 _ 2 - :I I will stay fmher B~d bri~hter ance, If she happens to walk making lrlends. ductions on the. campus and fet parties," said Dhery. "The~' longer." ICI'Oo!S a grating .'ihe·s likely to El'en through they like you It Is ~a\rei w~\~uCfeSsCi~ !lIIUtlIC are sO crowded there is no place DEATHS·---' - I Calgary art experts howel'er iose I heel or a shoe. II she not as. important lor other resl- es va son ar 0 e· to sit down. I' are not yet making any final de-tries to' walk across a lawn, the dents to make new friends L5 it town and Halifax. At the reo "In France whe:t people want cis ion on the new practice. heels sInk In a~d she's lucky II Is for you a newcomer, cent festival held In Halifax 10 eat the first thing they do is WILLIA~IS - Passed peace· "Time will be the best lest,"

~~~ c. she won .aII five Cladsses lIn io to a table and sit down. They fully away at 8.30 a.m. on Satur· ,aid George Pain. manager of the which she was entere . Ma da do not eat standing up. How can day. May 9th, 1959, Joseph P. Gainsborou~h Galleries. "I'd be 18 the daughter of W. F. Rog· one eat standing up? It Is u~· Williams (grocer). Leaving to a little dubious of hoI\' lo:\~ it erson, Dairy Inspector, De· civilized. mourn two sons, Richard and would last. No matter how we


f. I. L at ~ fntrIII w., If your quae be c!iJCo"ery - ,....·n w mio _. kI wick coIJ«tiM • -n.hIe ~t!c-Jog ... lut is •• U 0'I'tt$11_ ..,.j - IIDC • Ji_&', "!lirilU! S~,. ho!Iorio& -.r -.I .... IUIIIII1W plllS !be _ wr ...... _ locals ti LIWf .. _ 11\ iad~ This 8DC CDlloctiOG bas been awarded 'AI(!I'T'S IIUAIIIl tlllIIUUTI .. na and h" ddighttd rhouulI<Is of CDlltcto ... Ir j, offered to inuodllC. our appronJ 5eI"

."<-.,,i,. todar-you'll 6nd,h<- mriA

.f disco.ery is surely woedl ,Sl.()') De.!. ~:L'

nMalrr STAMI' C •• 11 W. 3!'ST. in partment of Agriculture, for Alphonsus; one daughter. Rita; i "ou prepare the auminum sur-

. the Province of Prince Ed- tablespoo~ cornstarch with 1 tab- two sisters. Mrs. R. Buckle", St. i faCe the pain( will not he lhle! _____ . ________ _ d I I d lespDon water and combine with '.. . ,


Horwood Lumber Co., Ltd 4


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war 5 an . the liquid left in the casserole. John's, and ~frs. J. Hearn. Long I ~o gnp mto It lIS well as il ~an . Margaret Hennessey. daugh- Island, N, Y. Funeral thl·s:. mlo canl'as. "

I h Cook until thickened. Pour ol'er ter of G, P. Hennessey, H g cooked dnck. Garnish with morning from his late residence, : School PrIncIpal, Amherst. [ h I' t' 20 Conv"nt Square, to St. Pat· .1 p . I~ I 1 res orange S Ices or sec Ions c reparlDO' 1 or N.S .• II an Assoc ate In Mus C and fresh parsley. Serl'e hot. rick's Church for Requiem High I ~, Planaforte (performer and M t 10 'I kIt teacher) of Mount Alllaon. Thl! recipe for veal paprika . a.~s a 0 c oc. n erment : l'J Be 0

with chicken stock and sour at Belvedere Cemetery. . Ie l~ Des Partlclpatlng in various MusIc cream is a:lother delightful ~ Feltlvals. she has won scholar- change for Sunday. WHITE - Passed peacefully PORT ARTHUR, Ont (CPI Ihlpa at Saint John. Moncton Veal Paprlkl (YIeld: 4 servings) away on S~lurday, May 9th.. Fishermen with an eye for the and Halifax, Cut 1'h pounds veal steak into Joseph WhIte, ag~d 77 years big o~es are preparing their gear

Plul Campbell began play- serving size pieces and dredge ~formerly of Ca.tahn~). Leav· for 8 trip to Lake Nipigon this ing vIolin at the age of seven in 'h cup flour combined with 2 mg to mourn hlS WIfe, tbree summer for the third annual fish with a boys' orchestra In Sus. teaspoons salt, ,:" teaspoon daughters, Dorothy (Mrs. Ches·, derby.

FURNESS, WITHY & CO., LI\'erpool St. Jok~ BostOD HtlLlil 5t

to to Hfx. & to 10 st. Jhno's Bo~ton Ralifilx St JOM'J

'N cwfoundland" Mar. 20 ~!ar. 2~ 'Nova Scotia" Mar. 26 Apr 4 Apr. 10 Apr 15 'Newfoundland" Apr 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 21 Apr 2.1 'Nova Scotia" Apr. 29 ~ay 6 May 12 May 16 'Newfoundland' May I~ May 20 May 26 May 30 'Nova Scotia" May 30 Jne 6 Jne 12 In. 16 -Persons contemplating passage to Europt

Ihould make bookings well in advance. \JR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B.O.A.Coo K.Lli., AMERICAN AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN. T.W}" ~o nnecting Alrllnes.

Consult us regarding your travel problelDl

sex, N.B. At the age of eleven ground black pepper a:ld 1 tab· ley Reid), Louise (Mrs. Roy I An estimated 5.000 anglers will he started more serious Itudy lespoon paprika. Reserve ll~ Ash), and Hilda. all of St.: compete June 14 for more than with Ifan W!lllams of the tablespoons or mixture for later John's three Ions, Frank. at $6,000 in prizes at the lake area Maritime Conservatory of Mu· use. Heat y, cup shortening in Boston, Mass., Raymond and 100 miles northwest of here. ! sle In Halifax, graduating a heavy skillet. Add veal and Max. at St. John's. Funeral will Located in a provincial forest' from there In 19~7. DurIng the brown well on both sides. Add take place at 2.30 p.m. tp·day, area, Lake Nipigo:l is famed lor winter seasons 19~6-7-8 he 1 cup hot chicken or beef stock Monday, from his late residence, its vacation opportunities and the FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE played professionally with the or boulllon. Cover and simmer 18 Campbell Avenue, to the size and variety of Its fish. Halifax Symphony Orchestra. 20 mi~utes or until tender. Re- Anglican Cemetery, Forest Rd.,'='P:;B.::;ONt;,jjj Mr, Camppell Is now studying move veal. Mix the reserv- [or interment. towards the degree \If Bace- ed 11-2 tablespoons flour mixture lor of Arts It Mount Allison. with'~ cup cold water and ~tir He Is the son of Rev. H. E. Into the pan drippings. Cook, Campbell, minister of Bruns· stirrinJ( constantly until thicken­wick Street United Church. ed. Blend In '.' cup sour cr~am

a~d 1~ teaspoon salt. Add meat

PUDDESTER-Passed peace· fully aw:iy on Sunday, May 10th. .James Puddester. aged 71 years. Leaving to mourn wife, five 1

daughters, Madeline (Mrs. Char· i les Wehber), of the city, Mar·; Halifax, N.S. ann heat but do not boil.

This year's concert will be held on May lath at 8.15 p.m. In Pitt's Memorlal Hall. Tlelo;· els Irf. now available at Hut· ton's Music store, Reld's Can· . fectlonery, Rowan Street and from club members.




BY GAYNOR MADDOX A youn'l duckling cooked in

fresh oranle juIce makes I· §ur· prIse Su~day treat. ThIs recipe II very easy to 'prepare ,nd guaranteed· to delight the family Baked DIIdllnll In Olule' Juice

(Yield: • emalll) . Cut a 4'h·pound ready·to·cook and skl,nned. duckllng Into aerv· itlg size pieces IlDd dredge In J,1 cup flour, Brown on all sides I!I 3 tabl!!8POOn~ hot. shortening. Place In a casserole. . Add 2 tablespoons rlnely rhopped onion m tetl.~pOOnR .~a\t. m CIlPS [rfRh ly sqllefleil ora1ge Jilke. and 1 teaspoon grated or~nJte rim!. rover and bake m hours or Iln· 1I1 tender .In a preheated mode· rate oven (350 degrees ,.). Re· move ducks l/I serving dIsh and keep hI a Warm place. Blend 1

IIffiTHS garet (Mrs. Frerl Stevens), of _____ ._. _ _ Toronto, .Joan D!rs. Hank Pol· i

BREEN-Born at SI. Clare'l skip), of U.S.A.). Teresa (Mrs. I Mercy HOIlpltal on May 10th. David Brookes). of Ohio, Bride to Gordon and Margaret Breen. I (Mrs. Wilfred Hickey), of Van· a baby girl.. couver; two sons, Alex and

I Andrew, residing in Toronto; DRISCOLL-Born at Grace one slepson, William Hutchings,

HOIpihl on Thursday, ~ay 7th, of the city. Funeral will take I

to Wallace and MarjOrIe Dr~- place on Tuesday morning, Mal'l coll (nee Luscombe), a son, 12th. at 9.15 from his late reSi-/ 7 lbe, 71,1 oz. dence, 9 Cairo Street, to the .sl~MS-lIorn at SI. Clare's Basillela for Requiem Mass, I

Mercy Hospital on May 8th., to Interment at Belvedere Ceme- ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simms, tery. (nee Jo Mullaly). I Ion. 9 lbs. ! __________ _

12 0Ii.

MURDOCH-Cecil and Shir­ley Murdock (Tremllls, R.N.), announce tbe birth of a son at Grace Hospital on May lOth. 1959,

I •



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DlefeJ DIIe." . droPJied