Lactic Acid Bacteria Antimicrobial Activity Against MRSA

Lactic Acid Bacteria as an Antibacteria l Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Ashley Morisako— Department of Biology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California MATERIALS & METHODS MATERIALS & METHODS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED - Methicillin resistant  Staphylococcus aureus ( ) MRSA - , is a multi drug resistant opport unisti c bacter ia . known worldwide MRSA cultures are prominent in  hospitals where a nt ib ioti cs a re giv en to . patie nts for treat ment The antibiotics di srupt . - the nat ural microbial flora in the body Non ( ) pathog enic lactic acid bacteria LAB provide . some promising solutions LAB strains produ ce ( bacter iocins and fermenting products organic , ) acids hydrog en peroxide to help control MRSA  growth  in vitro . Bacte riocin s are small peptides . synth esized by the ribosomes that act as toxins , For synthesis an induction factor needs to ( ) bind to the histidi ne kinase receptor for . signa l transd uction as shown in the figur e below  Lacto bacill us acidop hilus  and  Lactobacillus casei  were used to test their a nt im ic robial . activi ty again st MRSA clin ical isolat es All  tests were done by agar diffusion method on / . - solid liquid mediu m Pre cultur e preparatio n was  done to subculture the LAB for antimicrobial  activi ty and grown in PeptonizedMilk Nutrient ( ). PMN LAB colo nies were grow n as spots on MRS . agar MRSA colo nies were in oculat ed in BHI broth . and spread on the same MRS agar Plates were ° incubated for 24 to 48 hours at 37 C  Differ ent commer cial food produc ts fermen ted  by LAB were t es ted fo r antimicrobial . activi ty agains t MRSA  Single and mixed L AB s tr ai ns produce  powerful antimicrobial products that . inhibit the growth of MRSA In a n at ur al , s et t ing mixed cult ure studies can  accur ately depict the microb ial popula tion . that lives within us Giving patients  ant ibiotics increases the risk for the  ada ptation of antiba cterial res istant . spe cies The bact erioci ns and fermented  produ cts of lactic acid bacteria provide a  way to inhibi t the growth of antib acteri al  resistant . Staphy lococ cus aureus  Further  r esea rc h mu st be done to te st t he  eff ectiveness of food additives that can  s ti mu la te the growth of lactic a ci d  bacte ria to inhibit MRSA naturally  in vivo . - , . Karsk a Wyso cki B et al Antib acter ial activit y of  Lactobacillus acidophilus  and  Lactobacillus casei  - against methicillin resistant  Staphylococcus aureus  ( ). ; ( ), MRSA Microbiol Res 2006 2010 : . / . . .. doi 110 1016 j micres 2009 11 008 , , . . Nes I et al 199 6 Bio syn the sis of bac ter ioc ins in . lacti c acid bacte ria  Anto nie van Leeu wenho ek ( ): 70 - . 113 128 , , . . Shnay erso n Mich ael and Mark J Plot kin The Killers : - Withi n the Deadly Rise of Drug resis tant Bacteri a . : , , . . Bosto n Litt le Brown a nd 2002 Print ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . , , T Rus cet ti Dep art men t of Bio log y San ta Clara , University California . - Figure 2 MRSA strains aga inst LAB from food mil k  based food products had the greatest inhibiti on . . diameter Error bars represen t standard deviatio n . ( ) Figu re 3 Who w ill w in? MRSA left or . L  acidophilius ( ). right :// . - . ./ / / / - - - . http www musee afrappier qc ca images site large lactobacillus acidophilus02 milos kalab jpg

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Lactic Acid Bacteria as an Antibacterial Against Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus aureus

Ashley Morisako— Department of Biology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California










-Methicillin resistant  Staphylococcus aureus ( )MRSA- ,is a multi drug resistant opportunistic bacteria

.known worldwide MRSA cultures are prominent in

 hospitals where antibiotics are given to.patients for treatment The antibiotics disrupt. -the natural microbial flora in the body Non

( )pathogenic lactic acid bacteria LAB provide.some promising solutions LAB strains produce

(bacteriocins and fermenting products organic, )acids hydrogen peroxide to help control MRSA growth  in vitro . Bacteriocins are small peptides

.synthesized by the ribosomesthat act as toxins,For synthesis an induction factor needs to

( )bind to the histidine kinase receptor for.signal transduction as shown in the figure below

 Lactobacillus acidophilus   and  Lactobacillus casei  were used to test their antimicrobial

.activity against MRSA clinical isolates All tests were done by agar diffusion method on/ . -solid liquid medium Pre culture preparation was

 done to subculture the LAB for antimicrobial activity and grown in PeptonizedMilk Nutrient( ).PMN LAB colonies were grown as spots on MRS

.agar MRSA colonies were inoculated in BHI broth.and spread on the same MRS agar Plates were°incubated for 24 to 48 hours at 37 C

 Different commercial food products fermented b y L AB w er e t es te d f or a nt im ic ro bi al

.activity against MRSA

 Single and mixed LAB strains produce powerful antimicrobial products that

.inhibit the growth of MRSA In a natural,s et ti ng m ix ed c ul tu re s tu di es c an

 accurately depict the microbial population

.that lives within us Giving patients antibiotics increases the risk for the adaptation of antibacterial resistant

.species The bacteriocins and fermented products of lactic acid bacteria provide a

 way to inhibit the growth of antibacterial resistant .Staphylococcus aureus   Further r ese ar ch m us t b e d on e t o t es t t he

 effectiveness of food additives that can s ti mu la te t he g ro wt h o f l ac ti c a ci d bacteria to inhibit MRSA naturally  in vivo .

- , .Karska Wysocki B et al Antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus   and  Lactobacillus casei 

-against methicillin resistant  Staphylococcus aureus  ( ). ; ( ),MRSA Microbiol Res 2006 2010

: . / . . . .doi 110 1016 j micres 2009 11 008

, , . .Nes I et al 1996 Biosynthesis of bacteriocins in.lactic acid bacteria  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek  ( ):70

- .113 128

, , . .Shnayerson Michael and Mark J Plotkin The Killers : - Within the Deadly Rise of Drug resistant Bacteria .: , , . .Boston Little Brown and 2002 Print



. , ,T Ruscetti Department of Biology Santa Clara,University California. -Figure 2 MRSA strains against LAB from food milk

 based food products had the greatest inhibition. .diameter Error bars represent standard deviation . ( )Figure 3 Who will win? MRSA left or .L 

 acidophilius  ( ).right:// . - . . / / / / - - - .http www musee afrappier qc ca images site large lactobacillus acidophilus02 milos kalab jpg