Laboratory investigation of geotextile position on CBR of...


Transcript of Laboratory investigation of geotextile position on CBR of...

  • Scientia Iranica A (2020) 27(6), 2808{2816

    Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

    Transactions A: Civil Engineering

    Research Note

    Laboratory investigation of geotextile position on CBRof clayey sand soil under freeze-thaw cycle

    B. Shamsa, A. Ardakania;�, and M. Roustaeib

    a. Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.b. Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran.

    Received 25 November 2017; received in revised form 29 May 2018; accepted 10 December 2018

    KEYWORDSGeotextile;California bearingratio;Freeze-thaw cycling;Clayey sand soil;Soil stabilization.

    Abstract. Soil in cold regions experiences repetitive freeze-thaw cycles that are consideredas one of the most signi�cant phenomena in cold region engineering. Approximately 30%of soil all around the world and a large portion of fertile lands are exposed to daily orseasonal freeze-thaw cycles. These cycles cause considerable changes in water content,solute movement, permeability, strength parameters, erosion rate, and other physical orchemical characteristics of soil. Nowadays, one of the approaches to improving the physicaland mechanical characteristics of the soil is to incorporate geosynthetic material as alayer between the embankment and the ground surface. This paper presents the resultsof California bearing ratio that tests clayey sandy soil. Moreover, the e�ect of freeze-thaw cycles on the compressive strength of geotextile-reinforced soil was investigated. Thegeotextile layer was placed in �ve positions at di�erent depths of 1.3, 2.6, 3.9, 5.85, and7.8 cm beneath the surface of the mold and then, the sample was exposed to freeze-thawcycles. It was found that the optimum depth of the geotextile layer was 3.9 cm. In addition,it could be observed that reinforcing the soil could decrease the weakening e�ects of freeze-thaw cycles by up to 41.7%.© 2020 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Freeze-thaw cycles are a common phenomenon incold climates that can cause considerable changes inphysical or chemical characteristics of soil such aswater content, solute movement, permeability, strengthparameters, and erosion rate. Approximately 30% ofsoil around the world and a large portion of fertilelands are subjected to daily or seasonal freeze-thawcycles. These cycles usually happen in early spring or

    *. Corresponding author. Tel./Fax: +98 28 33901164E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Shams);[email protected] (A. Ardakani);mahya [email protected] (M. Roustaei)

    doi: 10.24200/sci.2019.5461.1284

    late autumn and are more frequent in the upper partsof the gerund due to the frequent severe temperaturechanges. These cycles could be repeated more than 100times in some cases. An embankment constructed ina cold region in Canada was damaged by freeze-thawcycles over a year due to a resulting decrease in load-bearing capacity [1]. Highways which were left withoutpavement might be damaged by freeze-thaw cycles infew years, as well [2].

    Laeur et al. [3] performed uncon�ned compres-sion tests on clayey soil in order to evaluate andcompare the e�ects of woven and nonwoven geotextilelayers. It was observed that the woven geotextile hadless contact productivity than the non-woven geotextile[3]. Yarbasi et al. [4] examined the stabilization e�ectsof silica fume-lime, y ash-lime, and red mud-cementadditive mixtures on two di�erent types of granular

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    soil. The results suggested that the samples stabilizedwith these additive mixtures exhibited higher levels offreezing-thawing durability than unstabilized samples.Moreover, these additive mixtures have been shown toimprove the dynamic characteristics of the specimens.

    Hazirbaba and Gullu [5] utilized California Bear-ing Ratio (CBR) tests to evaluate the improving e�ectsof geo-�ber and synthetic uid additives on the perfor-mance of �ne-grained soils under freeze-thaw cycles insoaked and unsoaked ones. For soaked samples, it couldbe observed that adding geo-�bers alone improvesthe CBR performance, while synthetic uid treatmentresults in poor CBR performance. On the contrary,for the unsoaked samples, simultaneous applicationof synthetic uid and geo-�bers generally increasesthe resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. Observationsindicated that adding synthetic uid alone could not bevery e�ective against the detrimental impact of freeze-thaw cycles for unsoaked samples [5].

    A kaolinite clay sample reinforced by polypropy-lene �bers and steel was exposed to 10 closed-systemfreeze-thaw cycles by Ghazavi and Roustaie [6]. It wasobserved that as the number of cycles increased, theuncon�ned compressive strength of clay samples wasreduced by 20{25%. In addition, inclusion of �bersincreased the uncon�ned compressive strength of claysoil samples while decreasing the frost heave. Forinstance, the addition of 3% polypropylene �ber couldincrease the uncon�ned compressive strength of the soilspecimens by 60% to 160% before and after the cyclesbeing applied, while the frost heave was reduced by70%.

    The e�ect of freeze-thaw cycles on strength char-acteristics of soil specimens reinforced by the geotextilelayer was studied by Ghazavi and Roustaie usingUnconsolidated Undrained (UU) triaxial compressivetests [7]. A geotextile layer was used to reinforce clayeysoil samples at their mid-height. Then, the sampleswere exposed to up to 9 closed-system cycles. Imagesof the samples were also taken using ComputerizedTomography (CT). It was observed that the undrainedtriaxial compressive strength of unreinforced specimenswas reduced as a result of increasing the number ofcycles. Reinforced samples, however, exhibited higherstrength values and it was observed that the amount ofstrength reduction could be reduced from 43% to 14%by reinforcing the soil specimens. Using CT images,it was revealed that the free water gradually moveddown to the lower parts of the specimens through thevoids. Moreover, sample reinforcement was shown tobe e�ective in reducing the changes in the values ofcohesion and resilient modulus of the soil a�ected byfreeze-thaw cycles [7].

    Utilization of geosynthetic layers reduced the out-ward horizontal stresses transmitted to the underlyingfoundation soil from the overlying soil layer on the

    top. This is known as shear stress reduction e�ectof geosynthetics. This e�ect causes an increase in theload-bearing capacity of the foundation soil by inducinggeneral shear rather than a local-shear failure [8{11].

    Tom et al. [12] overviewed the inuence of geo-textile reinforcement on enhancing the strength ofpavements. The e�ects of reinforcement layer positionand application of multilayer geotextiles were studied.Soils were collected from three di�erent sites with CBRvalues of 7.6, 12, and 12.9. Then, CBR tests wereperformed on subgrade soils with a geotextile layerplaced above the surface and at a depth of 4 cmfrom the top surface of single and multiple layers.The signi�cant role of geosynthetics in the design andmaintenance of modern pavements was emphasizedby this study. Moreover, the experimental resultsindicated that the strength of the subgrade could beincreased as a result of geotextile reinforcement, whichwas shown to be more e�ective in the soil with the leastCBR value. The improvement of the subgrade strengthwas more signi�cant when the geotextile layer wasplaced at the top of the subgrade soil, where the CBRvalue increased from 7.6 to 13.6 for the unreinforcedand reinforced soil samples, respectively. The use ofmultilayer reinforcement was shown to be uneconom-ical since the increase in the CBR values was notconsiderable compared to single-layer reinforcement.

    Michael and Vinod [13] attempted to investigatethe application of di�erent types of coir geotextilematerials to reinforcing the subgrade. Reinforced andunreinforced soil samples were subjected to soakedCBR tests. Five di�erent types of geotextiles wereused in the study and the e�ects of placement positionand sti�ness of the material were examined. Geotextilelayers were cut to the size of the mold and were placedin 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 ratios of the total depth of it(12 cm). The results indicated that inclusion of coirgeotextiles could have an inuencing role in the resultsof CBR tests. The CBR value of the unreinforcedsaturated sample was 18.2%, which increased by 18.6%to 36% at di�erent placement depths. For di�erenttypes of geotextile material, the maximum CBR ratioimprovement was observed to be in the range of 1.37 to1.97, while the smallest values of CBR were obtainedwhen the geotextile layer was placed at 0.2 ratio of themold's total depth.

    2. Materials

    2.1. SoilIn this paper, laboratory tests were applied to clayeysand soil classi�ed as SC in uni�ed soil classi�cationsystem [14]. Clayey sand soil is an inseparable part ofpavements and highly vulnerable to freeze-thaw cycles.Grain size distribution curves are shown in Figure 1.Standard proctor compaction tests were conducted on

  • 2810 B. Shams et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 27 (2020) 2808{2816

    Figure 1. Grain size distribution of the clayey sand soil.

    Figure 2. Dry density versus moisture content of clayeysand by modi�ed proctor compaction.

    the soil and a maximum dry mass density and optimummoisture of approximately 20.11 kN/m3 and 10% wereobtained, as shown in Figure 2.

    2.2. Geotextile materialHYTEX-62-nonweven geotextile material was used toreinforce the specimens whose physical and mechanicalproperties are summarized in Table 1.

    3. Details of the experiments

    The main objective of this research is to investigate thee�ect of geotextile reinforcement on the CBR values of

    Table 1. Physical and mechanical properties of thegeotextile material (HYTEX-62-nonweven).

    Geotextile properties Value (unit)

    Thickness 3.3 (mm)CBR puncture resistance 6200 (N)

    Tensile strength 39 (kN/m)Water permeability 55� 10�3 (m/s)

    Opening size 70 (�m)

    highly compressible clayey soil exposed to freeze-thawcycles. The soil was compacted at the maximum drydensity with optimum water content based on standardtest method for CBR of laboratory compacted soil [15].Two freeze-thaw cycles were applied to the specimensaccording to standard test methods for frost heave andthaw weakening susceptibility of soils [16]. An attemptwas made to determine the optimum placement depthof geotextile material.

    3.1. Specimen preparationThe optimum moisture content, previously determinedusing the specimen preparation procedure (subsection2.1), was added to the soil. Then, the combinationwas sealed in two-layer plastic bags for 24 h in orderto keep the moisture content inside the soil specimenuniform. Water content was examined before and afterpreparation of the specimens [17]. One of the soilsamples was compacted without any geotextile layerusing the automatic compaction apparatus, while �veother samples were prepared by placing one layer ofgeotextile layers at di�erent depths of 1.3, 2.6, 3.9,5.85, and 7.8 cm beneath the standard CBR mold, asschematically shown in Figure 3. The abovementionedprocedure was repeated for the freeze-thaw tests whilethe samples were completely sealed using para�n andplastic layers. During the compaction, the soil con-tainer was immediately protected from extra moisturecontent using a plastic layer. The same action wastaken to protect the soil samples after the completionof compaction.

    3.2. CBR testCBR is an easy and economical test used for measuringthe bearing capacity of sub-bases and subgrades ofroad pavements and air�elds. The CBR of a soilis de�ned as the ratio of stress required to cause astandard piston to penetrate 2.54 mm and 5.08 mm

    Figure 3. Placement of geotextile at di�erent depths inCalifornia Bearing Ratio (CBR) mold.

  • B. Shams et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 27 (2020) 2808{2816 2811

    into the soil with maximum dry density to a standardpenetration stress at each depth of penetration [15]. Inthis study, the CBR tests were carried out according toASTM D, 1883{2007, where the diameter and heightof the utilized standard unsoaked molds were 15.2 cmand 11.7 cm, respectively, and the diameter of theCBR apparatus piston was 5 cm. Modi�ed Proctorcompaction energy was used for the CBR samplesin accordance with ASTM D 1557{2007. CBR testswere performed under unsoaked conditions. The CBRvalues reported in this paper present the average of twosamples based on Yoder and Witczak research [18].

    3.3. Freeze-thaw cyclesFreeze-thaw cycles are among the most e�ective phe-nomena and can weaken the soil. The present studyaims to present useful information about the frost heavepotential, thaw weakening, and e�ect of freezing andthawing cycles on CBR performance. In this study, itis assumed that no external source of water is availableduring the freezing process; therefore, any change inin-situ water content during summer and winter isnegligible. Since freezing of in-situ soils usually occursfrom the top and lateral freezing can be neglected[19], one-directional freezing was simulated by applyinginsulation at the bottom and around the CBR mold.The details of the freeze-thaw setup are schematicallypresented in Figure 4. Given the existence of externalwater sources, the freeze-thaw cycles can occur in twosystems, i.e., closed and open. Since �ne grained soilshave low permeability and the tra�c loading periodis short, a closed system could be a proper choice formodeling the freeze-thaw cycles in these types of soils.

    A wide variety of freezing temperatures and du-rations could be selected based on the type of soil andits location. According to Cook (1963), a majority ofdeteriorative e�ects on the strength of compacted soilsoccur within the �rst three cycles [20]. In order toinvestigate the changes in natural freezing conditions,Chamberlain [19] proposed employing at least twofreeze-thaw cycles. Lee et al. [21] observed that forsimulating the soil e�ects of freeze-thaw on the resilientcharacteristics of cohesive soils, one or two freeze-thawcycles were enough. It should be noted that ASTM D5918-06 also recommends two freeze-thaw cycles. Asan initial cycle, the sample is frozen by holding thetemperature constant at �3�C for 8 h. Then, thefreezing procedure is applied to the top of the sampleby lowering the temperature and holding it constantat �12�C for 16 h. After raising the temperature andholding it at +12�C for 16 h, it is held constant at 3�Cfor another 8 h. The second cycle is the same as the �rstone. Hence, in this study, two freeze-thaw cycles basedon ASTM D 5918-06 were imposed on the compactedsoil samples. The soil sample was frozen and thawedby gradually applying speci�ed constant temperatures

    Figure 4. Schematic of the California Bearing Ratio(CBR) test setup: (a) Plan view of insulated CBR sampleand (b) close-up cross-section of an insulated CBR sample.

    to the sample, while a surcharge of 3.5 kPa appliedto the top. At the end of the second thawing cycle,the bearing ratio was determined. The entire testingprocedure was completed within a �ve-day period.Table 2 presents the temperature setting and timing.

    The water content should remain constant duringthe �ve-day period of freeze-thaw cycles since smallchanges in water content may introduce noticeableerrors to CBR values. Therefore, the top and bottomparts of the samples were sealed by para�n and plastic.The water content was examined before compactionand after the CBR tests and compared to the optimummoisture content that has been reported.

    4. Results

    4.1. Improving e�ects of geotextileThe CBR values are commonly reported for stan-dard piston penetrations of 2.54 mm and 5.08 mm.Generally, geotextile-reinforced soil samples exhibitmore strength than unreinforced ones, regardless ofthe position of the reinforcing layer. Soil has a highcompressive strength and a low tensile strength forwhich the geotextile layer compensates. In the failure

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    Table 2. Boundary temperature conditions.

    Day Elapsed time (h) Toptemperature (�C)


    1 0 3 24 h conditioning

    2 24 {3 First 8 h freeze32 {12 Freeze to bottom

    3 48 12 First thaw64 3

    4 72 {3 Second 8 h freeze80 {12 Freeze to bottom

    5 96 12 Second thaw112 to 120 3

    area of the soil, the geotextile layer starts to deformand absorb tensile stresses. The e�ect of geotextile isreduced as the distance between the failure area and thegeotextile layer beneath it increases. The positions of�ve geotextile layers are at the depths of 1.3, 2.6, 3.9,5.85, and 7.8 cm, respectively, beneath the standardCBR mold. Figure 5 shows the pressure values versuspenetration of the unreinforced and reinforced samples.

    Table 3 presents the CBR values for standardpenetration depths of 2.5 mm and 5 mm for di�erentgeotextile positions. The results indicated that theoptimum position of the geotextile layer, for which thehighest value of CBR was obtained as 3.9 cm beneaththe standard CBR mold. By moving away from theoptimum layer (layer 3), the impact of the geotextilelayer became less signi�cant. Putting one layer ofreinforcement at the 100% depth of CBR mold wasperformed without reinforcing the sample [22]. Thus,for the geotextile layer placed at a depth of 7.8 cm(layer 5), the CBR value was approximately equal tothat of the unreinforced sample.

    Figure 5. Pressure versus penetration for samples withdi�erent geotextile positions.

    According to ASTM D 1883-07, when the valueof CBR for 5 mm penetration is higher than that for2.5 mm, the criterion used for measuring the strengthof the soil is the CBR value for 5 mm penetration [15].Table 4 shows a comparison in the strength improve-ment percentages of reinforced and unreinforced soilsamples.

    Based on the data presented in Table 3, placingthe geotextile player at a depth of 3.9 cm beneath theCBR mold can improve the strength of the sample to aconsiderable ratio of 42.2%. By comparing the resultsobtained for Layer 5 with those of other layers, it canbe observed that placing the geotextile layer at a depthof 7.8 cm or more in the standard CBR mold does notresult in noticeable improvements. The result of thiscase is almost the same as that of the unreinforcedsample.

    4.2. Freezing and thawing performanceFreeze-thaw cycles generally have negative e�ects onthe soil strength and deduct the CBR values. Geosyn-thetics have successfully been used in cold zones toimprove the e�ciency of roadways [23]. Utilizinggeotextile layers can reduce the adverse e�ects of freeze-thaw cycles. To examine this �nding, samples weresubjected to two freeze-thaw cycles according to stan-dard test methods for frost heave and thaw weakeningsusceptibility of soils [16]. Figure 6 presents the pres-sure values versus penetration of the unreinforced andreinforced samples under freeze-thaw cycles. The CBRvalues for the standard penetrations of 2.5 mm and5 mm under freeze-thaw cycles for di�erent geotextilepositions are summarized in Table 5. The resultsshowed that the optimum position of the geotextilelayer corresponding to the highest value of CBR was3.9 cm beneath the standard CBR mold.

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    Table 3. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values for standard penetrations of 2.5 mm and 5 mm.


    Depth of geotextilelayer (cm)

    CBR value for2.5 mm penetration

    CBR value for5 mm penetration

    Unreinforced | 10.54 20.54


    1.3 (layer 1) 12.02 22.22.6 (layer 2) 14 25.53.9 (layer 3) 15.7 29.255.85 (layer 4) 13 25.47.8 (layer 5) 11.3 21.03

    Table 4. Improvements of the soil strength.

    Sample condition Depth of geotextilelayer (cm)

    CBR value for 5 mmpenetration

    Unreinforced | |


    1.3 (layer 1) 8.08%2.6 (layer 2) 24.14%3.9 (layer 3) 42.4%5.85 (layer 4) 23.6%7.8 (layer 5) 2.3%

    Table 5. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values for standard penetration of 2.5 mm and 5 mm under freeze-thaw cycles.


    Depth of geotextilelayer (cm)

    CBR value for2.5 mm penetration

    CBR value for5 mm penetration

    Unreinforced | 4.17 7.88


    1.3 (layer 1) 4.29 8.462.6 (layer 2) 4.9 9.863.9 (layer 3) 5.64 11.175.85 (layer 4) 4.41 8.717.8 (layer 5) 4.17 7.88

    Figure 6. Pressure versus penetration for samples withdi�erent geotextile positions under two freeze-thaw cyclesaccording to ASTM D 5918-06.

    Table 6 shows the comparison in the improvementpercentages of the strengths of reinforced soil samplesand unreinforced sample under the freeze-thaw cycles.

    It can be concluded from Table 6 that under the freeze-thaw cycles, positioning the geotextile layer at a depthof 3.9 cm beneath the CBR mold can improve thestrength of the sample by a signi�cant ratio of 41.7%,compared to the unreinforced sample.

    To justify the reasons why the CBR samples arelarge among the other soil samples, two temperaturesensors were set inside the soil samples in order toensure the temperature adaptation between the freezerand inside the sample. Figure 7 shows the temperatureof freezer and inside the CBR sample during the �rstfreeze-thaw cycle. With respect to this �gure, it canbe suggested that although the temperature variationof the soil sample is lower than the changes in freezertemperature, after about four hours from the cyclebeginning, the temperature of the central part of thesample reaches a freezer temperature.

    Figure 8 shows the CBR values with and without

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    Table 6. Improvements of the soil strength under the freeze-thaw cycles.


    Depth of geotextilelayer (cm)

    CBR value for5 mm penetration

    Unreinforced | |


    1.3 (layer 1) 7.3%2.6 (layer 2) 25%3.9 (layer 3) 41.7%5.85 (layer 4) 10.5%7.8 (layer 5) 0%

    Figure 7. Temperatures of freezer and reinforcedCalifornia Bearing Ratio (CBR) samples in a cycle.

    Figure 8. Comparison of the California Bearing Ratio(CBR) values for the unreinforced and reinforced soilsamples with and without freeze-thaw cycles.

    freeze-thaw cycles. It can be observed that in bothconditions, using geotextile layer has an improvinge�ect on the CBR values of the soil samples. CBRvalue for the unreinforced sample was reduced to about61.6% under the e�ect of freeze-thaw cycles and placinga geotextile layer at the optimum depth (layer 3) couldreduce the e�ect of freeze-thaw up to 16%. For thenon-optimal depths of geotextile layer, increasing theplacement depth layer reduced the CBR values.

    The alterations in mechanical characteristics ofthe specimens result from the alterations in theirphysical conditions during the freeze-thaw cycles. Asseen in Table 1, given the permeability of the geotextilelayer, water is allowed to pass through freely. Ice

    crystals formed during the freezing phase start to meltduring the thawing phase; therefore, free water couldbe seen in the specimen. Gravity force makes thisfree water move down in the specimen and the processis facilitated by the permeability of the geotextilelayer. By measuring water contents in di�erent partsof the reinforced samples after exposure to freeze-thawcycles, the above phenomenon can be con�rmed. Asanticipated, the lower parts of the specimen exhibitedhigher water content values than the upper parts.Nonetheless, the di�erence is more signi�cant for thereinforced samples since the geotextile layer drains wa-ter from the upper parts of the specimen. Therefore, asthe number of cycles and the number of enlarged poresleft after the thawing phase increased, the strength ofthe soil decreased. This can explain the improvinge�ect of reinforcement on the strength reduction ofthe soil samples since lower water content results inconsiderable resistance of the upper part of the soilsample.

    5. Conclusions

    In this paper, an experimental study was carried out inorder to investigate the improving e�ects of geotextilelayers in di�erent positions on the California BearingRatio (CBR) strength and freeze-thaw performance ofa clayey sand soil. The main conclusions of this studycan be summarized as follows:

    Existence of a single layer of geotextile in the soilgenerally results in an increase in the load-bearingcapacity and CBR value of the soil;

    Upon increasing the penetration depth of the stan-dard CBR piston in the soil, the CBR valuesincreasd due to more geotextile deformation andhigher tensile stress absorption through the soil;

    For the clayey sand soil tested in this study, theoptimum geotextile position was approximately at adepth of 3.9 cm beneath the standard CBR mold.By placing a single layer of geotextile at a depth of3.9, the CBR value can be increased by up to 42.2%in comparison to the unreinforced specimen;

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    By taking distance from the optimum placementdepth of the geotextile layer, the improvement de-creased. According to �ndings, at a depth of 7.8 cm,the CBR values for the reinforced and unreinforcedsamples were practically the same. This can beresult of low radius e�ect;

    Freeze-thaw cycles decrease the CBR values in bothreinforced and unreinforced samples by about 61{66%. This phenomenon can be due to drainagefunction of the geotextile layer which drains waterfrom the upper parts of the specimen. Therefore, asthe number of cycles and the number of enlargedpores left after the thawing phase increased, thestrength of the soil sample was reduced;

    Existence of a non-woven geotextile layer couldreduce the e�ects of freeze-thaw cycles. The mostsigni�cant improving e�ect of geotextile reinforce-ment was to decrease the reducing e�ect of freeze-thaw cycles from 61.6% to 45.6% by placing thegeotextile layer at the optimum depth. Comparisonof the results of the unreinforced and reinforcedsamples indicated that placing the geotextile layerat the optimum depth could increase the CBR valueby about 41.7%.

    Based on the observations of this study, uti-lization of geotextile layers in cold regions, whereshallower soil layers can be subject to freeze-thawcycles, is generally recommended. Using geotextilelayers increases the peak strength of the soil whiledecreasing the negative e�ects of freeze-thaw cycles.This can generally result in the signi�cant reduction ofmaintenance costs of the buildings and pavements.


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    Behnam Shams received his MSc degree in Geotech-nical Engineering in 2016 from International ImamKhomeini University of Qazvin. His research interestsinclude soil improvement and soil reinforcement.

    Alireza Ardakani was born in Iran, 1984. Hereceived the PhD degree (with honors) in GeotechnicalEngineering from Tarbiat Modares University in 2012.He is currently an Assistant Professor at Faculty of

    Technical and Engineering of Imam Khomeini Inter-national University. His research interests include soilimprovement, soil reinforcement, numerical modeling,and application of arti�cial intelligence in geotechnicalengineering.

    Mahya Roustaei received her BSc degree in CivilEngineering from University of Science and Culture,Tehran in 2006 and MSc and PhD degrees in Geotech-nical Engineering in 2008 and 2013 from Khaje NasirToosi University of Technology (K.N.T.U), respec-tively. In 2010, she joined the Department of Civilat Qazvin Branch of Islamic Azad University, QIAU,where she is currently an Assistant Professor. She hasalso been selected as the Director of Construction andConcrete Research Center (CCRC) of QIAU in 2014.