Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism - EPFL · Quantum Magnetism – an arena for quantum phenomena 1)...

Henrik M. Ronnow EPFL 2011 Slide 1 Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism Quantum spins and correlated electrons Neutron Scattering and low-temperature physics Henrik Moodysson Rønnow Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM) EPFL, Switzerland

Transcript of Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism - EPFL · Quantum Magnetism – an arena for quantum phenomena 1)...

Page 1: Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism - EPFL · Quantum Magnetism – an arena for quantum phenomena 1) Model and Materials Spin, interactions dimension frustration 2) Theoretical methods

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Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism Quantum spins and correlated electrons

Neutron Scattering and low-temperature physics

Henrik Moodysson Rønnow

Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM)

EPFL, Switzerland

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Complexity of many-body systems

• Structure of a protein

• Pop2p-subunit Jonstrup et al (2007)

• Mega-Dalton:

~1’000’000 atoms (5 colors?)

~3’000’000 numbers needed

to describe the structure

Ground state of a magnet H = J Si Sj

1 spin: trivial

2 spins: singlet state |↑↓ - |↓↑

4 spins: back-of-the-envelope calc.

16 spins:10 seconds on computer (4GB)

40 spins: World record:1’099’511’627’776 coefficients needed to describe a state

Classical: 3N Quantum: 2N

1023 spins:

1D: analytic solution (Bethe 1931)

2D: antiferromagnet (Néel 1932) or

fluctuating singlets? (Anderson 1973,1987)

1023 ±some electrons:High-Tc superconductivity

– THE enigma of modern solid state physics

CuO S= 1/22

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Spin – the drosophila of quantum physics

Spin: an atomic scale magnetic moment

• Quantization: S=0, 1/2, 1, 3/2,…..∞

• Superposition: |ψ = |↑ + |↓

likelihood of up: ρ(↑) = |↑|ψ|2 = 2

• Quantum fluctuations

average moment Sz = 0

imagine that spins fluctuate in ‘imaginary time’

• Quantum correlations e.g. two spins ‘entangled’ |ψ = ( |↑↓ - |↓↑ ) /√2 this is why 2N, not N


- 1/2 S = 1/2

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Quantum Magnetism – an arena for quantum phenomena

1) Model and Materials

Spin, interactions



2) Theoretical methods analytic approximations

numerical simulations


of many body physics

3) Experimental tools:

Bulk probes

Neutron scattering

Phenomena: Order, phase transitions,

quantum fluctuations, collective excitations, entanglement …

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Hsat CuGeO3





Magnetic measurements M









R e

tc. S



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Neutron scattering – an intense future European Spallation Source (ESS)

1.5b€, almost certain to happen

(now: design update phase)

Switzerland will contribute 3-4%

Increased Swiss neutron scattering

CH-DK design 5 instruments and will

bid for constructing and operating 2

CAMEA: 102 -104 over swiss best now


• 1st generation facilities:

– General purpose research reactors

• 2nd generation facilities:

– Dedicated to neutron scattering:

– ILL, France, FRM2 Munich, SINQ CH, ISIS, UK etc.

• 3rd generation facilities:

– SNS, US 1.4b$, commission 2006

– J-Parc, Japan 150b¥, commission 2008

– ESS, Sweden 1.5b€, start 2013, commission 2019

– China Spallation, start 2011, commission 2018

• 2nd to 3rd generation gains of 10-1000 times !

– Faster experiments, smaller samples, better data

– Time resolved physics, new fields of science

– New opportunities for EPFL life, mat-sci, chem

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A unique tool: Neutron scattering

Conservation rules:

Sample Neutron

Momentum ħQ = ħki – ħkf

Energy ħω = Ei – Ef = ħ(ki2 – kf


Spin S = σi – σf

We can control and measure these quantities !

scattering and conservation rules

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Magnetic neutron scattering

Dipole interaction – electron spin and orbit moment

dipole factor


correlation function


form factor

Fourier transform

pre factor


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Dynamic structure factor

Spin-spin correlation function

Dynamic structure factor

Fluctuation dissipation theorem gen. susceptibility

intrinsic dynamics response to perturbation

Theory !

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Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism

• Brief overview of our activities:

Neutron scattering

Materials Discovery & Crystal Growth

In-house experiments


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LQM: Low temperature physics


• Low-T0.03K to 18T

• Macroscopic dynamics:

spin-glass & domain-walls

• Superconductivity and

vortex dynamics

• 0.03K squid setup

Specific heat – under high


• Phase transitions

• Density of states

• Normally adiabatic

• We set up AC-Cp to

30kbar and 0.3K


• Basic characterization

• In-situ E-field

1keV/200 = 5meV/nm

• low-T 0.3K

• high-P 1-5GPa

J. White J. Piatek

I1 ()

I2 ()

Tac1 (2)

Tac2 (2) S. Zabihzadeh J. Larrea

S. Gerber

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Mais les Neutrons, ils sont où ?

The future of neutron scattering

Reactor or spallation sources:

6-10 in Europe

1.4b$ SNS 2007

150bJPY J-parc 2009

1.48b€ ESS 2011-2019

European Spallation Source

This decade: x10 in flux x10 in detection

LQM instruments at PSI

Eiger, TASP

CAMEA ILL, Grenoble




Start: Villigen

Via: Lausanne

Ziel: Grenoble

400.2 km 3:04 h

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Science examples Quantum magnets

• 2D square lattice the

(,0) anomaly


• SrCu2(BO3)2:

new high-pressure

quantum phase


• Cuprates

• Iron-based

• Universal properties

• A hypothesis for new

high-Tc families

Dipolar magnets

• LiReF4

• Spin-bath in Lihof4

• AFM 2D criticality in


• Spin-glass, thermal



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Shastry-Sutherland model SrCu2(BO3)2

Shastry-Sutherland model SrCu2(BO3)2 Pressure reduces the gap

Frustration ‘decouples’ dimers

Singlet ground state for J’/J<0.7

exact solvable at 0.5

Possible intermediate

phase above 0.7

SrCu2(BO3)2 realizes this model

is close to critical ratio

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• Specific heat: - Cp under pressure

in absolute units !

- Bump at 0 kbar

sharp at QPT

- New low-T

phase transition

valence bond solid

New quantum phase: plaquette singlet state

• 2 new excitations

– Correspond to excitations of a

‘plaquette singlet state’


P 0 kbar

20 kbar

2-triplon is catching up with 1-triplon

At 22 kbar gap seems unchanged, but there is a new low-

energy excitation.

Intensity is consistent

with a ‘plaquette-

singlet’ phase

But, there are two

ways of filling lattice

with plaquette singlets

M. Zayed PhD thesis 2010 J. Larrea et al. in preparation

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S=1/2 square lattice – spinons in 2D ! Physical realizations

Variational Neel + Valence-Bond states

(collaboration D. Ivanov)

Hubbard heritage

B. Dalla Piazza et al arxiv 1104.4224, collaboration w. Prof. Grioni

Project onto Mott insulator

unified fit to neutron & RIXS spin wave data, achieve

most accurate Hubbard parameters for cuprates

Consolidates: Neutron, RIXS, ARPES and Raman results

spin wave excitations

Next: spinons in 2D

Get wave-function from mean-field

Hamiltonian, minimize and excite with

real Hamiltonain


J [K] 1500 73.3 8.5 1.2

J’/J 5 x 10-5 4 x 10-5 ~ 0.1 ~ 0.1

TN [K] 325 16.4 5.1 0.64

HS [T] 4500 220 24 3.4

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hourglass in FeTe0.7Se

• Iron based superconductors show

same hourglass dispersion as


• Follow the same phenomenology:

commensuration, gap, resonance

• Hourglass is necessary condition

for high-Tc superconductivity

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dipolar antiferromagnet


• Simple exact model:

• Surprising 2D criticality LiHoF4

Appeared Friday 15th June:

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LQM: Modeling LiREF4:

• quantum dipoles

• Ising (Ho) and

• XY (Er)

• Nuclear spin order

• Quantum and classical phase transitions

• Re-entrant spin-glass in LiHo1-xYxF4 and LiHo1-xErxF4

• Inhomogeneous meanfield: GPU simulation to 2x106 sites (needed because dipole coupling is 3D and long ranged)

• Dynamics: neutron spectroscopy and random phase approx

Variational Neel + Valence-Bond states

(collaboration D. Ivanov)

Hubbard heritage

B. Dalla Piazza et al arxiv 1104.4224, collaboration w. Prof. Grioni

Project onto Mott insulator

unified fit to neutron & RIXS spin wave data, achieve

most accurate Hubbard parameters for cuprates

Consolidates: Neutron, RIXS, ARPES and Raman results

spin wave excitations

Next: spinons in 2D

Get wave-function from mean-field

Hamiltonian, minimize and excite with

real Hamiltonain Theory Exp 2008 Exp 2012

25eV gap

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LQM: Materials discovery and crystal growth

Metal-organic material design (MOF) Exchange engineering:

New material: ‘C3PO’

ERC sub-project: E-field control of polar ligands

Rapid Hamiltonian change

quantum quench

collective out-of-equilibrium physics

x1000 in energy scale but realize same model:

2D S=1/2 square lattice antiferromagnet

• La2CuO4: Hubbard heritage

• CFTD: ZB quantum effect

• CAPCuCl: field-induced magnon decay




J=70K Hs=220T


J=1K Hs=4T

GJ Nilsen




Aromatic overlap


Different J’s 1.75:1:0.7:0.7

May be tunable to valence-bond solid

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LQM: Materials discovery and crystal growth

Metal-oxide crystal growth:

• SrCu2(BO3)2

– Pressure tuned quantum phases

• BiCu2PO6

– Spin ladder, frustration


• Sr14-xCaxCu24O41

– Hole-doped spin ladder

superconductor for

x>12 & P>4GPa

• La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7

– Intrinsic spin valves

– Micro-fab devices,

Shuang Wang, Image furnace growth

Collab.: Conder, Pomjakushina, Deng, PSI

Arash Omrani, collab. Prof. A. Kis, STI

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000









4.5x 10









Ronnow et al. Nature 2006

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Past TP4 and project students

• Julian Piatek: sub-K susceptometry Master PhD on Li(Ho/Er)F4

• Bastien Dalla Piazza: adiabatic cooling, spin-theory Master PhD

• Saba Zabihzadeh: high-P (T) and Cp Master LQM

• Laurent Cevey: high-P susceptometry Master in Beijing Swiss consulat

• P-F Duc: commercial M(H) solution Master in Beijing

• Sarah Debler: Hall-probe susceptometer Master (Munich Centre for Advanced Photonics)

• Visit→publications for examples of past reports

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TP4 and student projects in LQM

• General philosophy:

– Foreseeable outcome in one semester

– Related to real research (linked to ongoing projects)

– Can be extended to Diploma/Master’s project

– Defined together with student: screwdriver / keyboard / paper preferences

• More info: – Check

– Under publications you can see old tp4 reports

• If interested,

schedule a discussion

[email protected]

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LQM: Caroline Pletscher Secretary Nikolay Tsyrulin Pdoc Jonathan White Pdoc Julian Piatek PhDMaster Bastien D-Piazza PhDMaster Neda Nikseresht PhD Arash Omrani PhD Shuang Wang PhD Saba Zabihzadeh Master Pierre-F. Duc Master Mark de Vries PdocLeccturer Uni Edinburgh Ivica Zivkovic PdocZagreb Institute of Physics Julio Larrea PdocUni Vienna Conradin Kramer PhD Banking Mohamed Zayed PhD Lecturer Uni Quatar Goran Nilsen PhD Fellow ISSP Tokyo Martin Mourigal PhD Fellow IQM John Hopkins Laurent Cevey MasterBeijing Collaborators: EPFL: Grioni, Forro, Kis, Ivanov, Ansermet, Mila PSI: many incl Ruegg, Conder, Schmitt, Mesot3

Geneva: Giannini, Renner


Enderle, Harrison ILL France McMorrow, Aeppli LCN & UCL

Neutron and synchrotron access:
