La Hougue Bie - · La...


Transcript of La Hougue Bie - · La...

Page 1: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 2: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old -

built before Stone Henge and the Pyramids of Egypt.

A mound has been created over the Dolmen and on the top of the

mound is a Twelfth century Chapel.

This is the highest point in Jersey and is reputed to be the meeting

point of many Ley lines which traverse the world and the centre of

the massive Granite circle and joining of Dolmens which span

Europe Scotland Ireland and England.

This is a powerful place which has been a focal point of worship for


Jersey has some the highest and lowest tides in the world which

may be accounted for by the power of the crossing Ley lines.

The Heart centre point of the world

Page 3: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 4: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Refraction indigo

Reflection Brown

Page 5: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 6: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Coriolus Versicolour The Rainbow Fungus covered in

Green Algae

Page 7: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Double rainbow refraction and

Double rainbow refraction and reflection



As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.

So take lots of pictures, laugh often, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Page 8: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

The Cycle Moon The symbol of Faith

Page 9: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 10: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

La Hougue Bie. Coriolus Algae Our Purpose This life - Promise to fulfil the pledges we make

Our Mission To stand alone and be strong

The key to the second gate- forgiving the tragedies of the past

Love – Joy - Beauty and Grace

Infinity - Breathing - Fertility

Forgiveness Formula: Masters

Malaysian fertility lake: white lichen

Special care: Oak Heart Centre Point

Sacred Lichens –Green Leafed Lichen Black berry privet

Universal Harmony: Mangrove Violet primula Pipthanthis nepalensis

Egypt: Spina de Christo and Black and White Mushroom Salt algae.

Flower essences: Fat Hen cerium Wild succory Scarlet Pimpernel Yellow Foxglove

Constitutions: Pulmonary constitution Blue pimpernel

Blood Bas Eosinophils nuet Blood Plamsa Lymphocytes Monocytes

Macrophage: Histiocytes Kuppfer

Brain Hormones: L dopa serotonin Encepahlin Fibrinogin Brain Substance P

Endocrine: TRH TSH Thyroxin GH

DNA: Melatonin Thymus Factor Thymulin

RNA: Pre Meninges factor PRE Uterus Factor

Phases: Fire

Page 11: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 12: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

The Portal

1. Vernal equinox - a springtime celebration

of the time when night and day become

of equal length.

21st March The chamber of La Houghe Bie is representative of the womb our

mother, mother- earth

The shaft of light from the vernal equinox, when the rising sunlight hits

the back of the chamber represents the spiritual life giving force of

Father - God. Creation birth and man.

Even in the darkest recesses of our hearts and souls there is light.

Page 13: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 14: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 15: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Spores of the Hougue Bie Versicolour fungus

Spiritual Achievement

Cellular respiration

Like common fumitory Balance Rosemary emotion




Cedar Hope

All anaemia formulas

Iron cadmium

Anaemia and recuperation

Red and white chrysanthemum

Page 16: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 17: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Indigo Iris Phytobiophysics

Fulfilling the dream

Love Joy Beauty and Grace

The beautiful gifted creative person who has a dream and a mission to fulfil.

Passion Love and warmth


Leaving one’s mark on the planet in the form of a work of art

Frustration and pain, an inability to fulfil one’s life purpose and therefore

become frustrated and traumatised. Loss of confidence and self worth

tortured soul, loss of trust and faith and belief.

Blocked by obstacles in one’s path.

Find a different route

Page 18: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Indigo Iris

Basophils Maltase Histamine Ana

Pancreas peptidase

l phenylalanine



DNA: Thymopoetin

RNA: PRE Meninges

Curves- High tide and storm waves

We are constantly buffered by the incredible forces of nature both externally

as wind, tide and storms and internally as emotional upheaval and stress.

Take control of the storms of life and use the energy to avert disaster by

refusing to be drawn into negative events. Have faith in yourself. trust your

intuition. Take command of the situation and regain your balance.

Page 19: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 20: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Yellow cap mushroom meadow Direction

Macrophage: Alveolar Hystiocystes Kuppfer Mycroglia

Osteoclasts bones/bone marrow

Liver : Liver Fluke

Endocrine:Tri- Iodithyronine Thyroxin

Paraventricular: Thirst water conservation Oxytocin

Glycolisis: transfer of fats into sugar

Not in Formula

Gill bracket fungus anger, rejection, Grief bereavement and fear

Spiritual lock 4

[Olive love Spina de christo

kidney stones

Most closely resembles: bittersweet and butchers broom ragwort not in formula]

Damaged by: Parasite Dip meningitis Staph Men C

Linked with

SF6 digest

FF14 skin

Page 21: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Daffodil Mandala


Page 22: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 23: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built
Page 24: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Daffodil Courage. Courageous and brave

Courage to fulfil your ambitions and missions regardless of what other people think

The Formula

NFDM White narcissus Daffodil

Blood platelets


Serotonin endorphin fibrinogin


Linden Balance

Black Berry

Motilin Enterokinase maltase

Left Pyers Patches

Miasm coxsackie

Page 25: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

Wherever you walk Flowers will grow

Page 26: La Hougue Bie - · La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the site of an ancient Dolmen 6000 years old - built

We are the ones who receive the most benefit from forgiveness,

not the other person. A spirit of unforgiveness complicates and

compromises our daily walk with life and God. Forgiving others

releases us from anger and resentment and allows us

to receive the healing we need.

Forgiveness liberates you.

Violet Formula

Gate 2 Forgiveness. Locked gates blocked paths

Gallbladder and resentment

Taurine Zinc balance

Sweet Violet and Yellow Foxglove

UV Rhod Piptanthus nepalensis

Forgiveness The gateway to recovery